#I mostly just want a better way to encourage PvP so it's more fun than chasing someone for your entire time and then running out
kaztheghost · 6 months
just discussing PvP and the issues people r having with Blue hiding !! tagged discourse and crit to be safe but it isn't intentioned with either it's just me rambling
Okay I mained bads perspective yesterday but I keep seeing people say that Etoiles and Roier couldn't find anyone to kill for nine hours--and listen . Is it that they couldn't find ANYONE or that they didn't find who they WANTED to kill, because they did see Foolish and Cellbit didn't they? Two people in nine hours is SUPER ROUGH yes but they did run into red more than once and just didn't kill them so idk I'd be more into it if they really didn't see a single player for any time whatsoever but like. Just because they didn't see bad more than once ISNT the same; I think I just mainly take issue with the fact everyone is trying to give bad a hard time for not fighting while refusing to acknowledge the entire server wanted his head on a platter, why should he 1v12?? Like that's ridiculous how is that even content when he'd get curbstomped against that many people, every time people want to fight him it's only AFTER they gather at least four to six people to take him out like be realistic if you want to 1v1 id be like fuck yea but he knows that where there's one there's the rest of y'all not too far away I just do not get it he's not a coward he's using basic common sense (plus even when people offer a 1v1 they're ALWAYS in a vc telling their team where to go to jump him) that is there's One of him and An Entire Server who wants him Dead good as he is (and tbf i also disagree with etoiles calling their fight from the other day a 1v2 because it wasn't--it started as a 2v2 and fit ran because he almost died (I'm aware of the miscommunication btw I don't blame either of them!!! It really really sucks bc I'm sure etoiles could've escaped) but regardless it WAS a 2v2 that bad didn't even Want to take on initially, it would've stayed that way if fit had stuck around because he was going to die anyways ykwim but to say it was unfair when it didn't start off that way is eh 2 me mostly bc it sounds like they jumped Etoiles off guard as if Etoiles and Fit didn't engage them first) HOWEVER saying all that I think they really should try to encourage PVP in different ways than just "everyone go hunt down this one specific player" because then it's kind of just . Like that encourages that player to just hide because why would they fight that many people? Boosting the kill percentage helps but manhunts don't imo they'll just stay underground the whole time and I don't blame anyone who does outside of even Blue--like when Blue and Green were hunting Red, of course red is going to stay hundreds of blocks away to avoid PvP it's just numbers ykwim idk it's purgatory but when you being killed will set your entire team back because there's significantly less of you then everyone else I don't blame them really and I hope the admins can come up with a different way to try and get fights going
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kevincow · 1 year
My top 10 games of 2022
1) Splatoon 3
I usually don't do well with online shooters. I tried the first two Splatoons and had to put them down because I just got too frustrated. After trying the Testfire and giving up after two matches, I thought this game would be the same, and didn't think I'd even get it.
But I did, for some reason. And somehow, it clicked with me this time. It quickly became my most played game of the year. I still have to put it down occasionally if I go on a particularly bad losing streak, but having Salmon Run always available helps keep me coming back even when I'm not feeling like PvP.
2) Pokemon Legends Arceus/Scarlet & Violet
I can't really justify giving Pokemon two spots here - especially games with such glaring flaws - but I also can't choose just one of them because they both have ways they're better than the other. The action RPG stuff in Legends was great, but so was the open world of S/V. Legends wasn't nearly as much of a technical disaster, but I thought S/V had a more interesting story and characters. Legends had cool boss fights, but S/V actually had a whole selection of new Pokemon and not just a handful of regional variants. The Pokedex in Legends was really interesting, but I also loved how S/V just gave you a bunch of objectives and let you loose to tackle them in whatever order you want.
Between the two, this is the freshest Pokemon's felt since I was a kid. The finally delivered the game that I imagined I was playing on my Game Boy in 1998.
3) Mario + Rabbids: Sparks of Hope
If this was a less ambitious sequel, it probably still would've made my list. Just the first game again, with a different set of Rabbid-ized Mario characters and villains? Going by the first game's DK DLC, that would've been an easy recipe for success.
But they didn't do that. They went the extra mile. Completely reworked the battle system, ditching the grid and letting you run freely around the battlefield. Fleshed out the Mario + Rabbids world to really be its own thing - not just Rabbid versions of Mario characters in Rabbid versions of Mario worlds, but original characters and locations that capture the general vibe of both Mario and Rabbids.
This easily could've gone wrong, but they pulled it off. One of the 3 new characters, for example, is one of these original characters, and that easily could've left a bad taste in my mouth, made me say, "Man, I really wish we'd gotten Daisy or even Rabbid Daisy instead of this dumb original character." But I didn't, because Edge is great.
And on top of that, they addressed just about every complaint I had about the first game. There's more substantial side content. Worlds are more interesting to explore. Characters are more customizable. Your party isn't stuck with Mario in the lead and always forced to include a Rabbid. There's more incentive to experiment with your full party instead of sticking to the characters you feel comfortable with.
And I've already written enough, so I won't get into how great the music is. But it's great.
4) PowerWash Simulator
This would've probably made my list even if it'd just played the whole thing straight. Give me a bunch of dirty stuff, powerwasher go brrrrrr, 10/10.
That's all I thought this was for like half the game. Then I started actually paying attention to the text notifications that pop up. And wait, what, this game has a story? And it gets really weird?? And it actually has a really satisfying finale???
So yeah, this was my most played PC game of the year by far.
5) Sonic Frontiers
It's weird. As I was playing this, I felt like I constantly had complaints and frustrations. A lack of polish here, a questionable decision there.
But thinking about the game after the fact, I mostly remember how much fun I had. How great it felt to run around the open world. How the cyberspace level encouraged me to actually go for good times and collectibles in a way other Sonic games never have. How the combat is actually kinda okay. How epic the Super Sonic fights were.
I think this is the 3D Sonic I can praise with the fewest caveats. It's not just good for a Sonic game. It's not just good for its time. It's not good but way too short. It's just straight up good.
Please, Sonic Team, don't try to reinvent the series again next time. You have something good. Really good! Now for the next game, polish up this style and make it something GREAT.
6) Patrick's Parabox
I haven't had my brain destroyed by a puzzle game like this since Baba is You.
7) Kirby and the Forgotten Land
Kirby finally makes the jump to 3D, and it's… basically exactly what I imagined Kirby would be like in 3D. Basically a kid-friendly character action game. Baby's first Bayonetta. But more than that, this game just has passion and creativity that's been missing from the series for years. It's not just Return to Dream Land with a new gimmick. The levels don't feel like they were made in a level editor. Combat practically feels like baby's first Bayonetta. And they somehow took Needle, a power that I've always avoided, and made it my favorite one in the game.
8) Neon White
I don't know how to really explain why, but this looked like a game that would really frustrate me, so I avoided it for a while despite the praise. Something about having to discard weapons to use movement abilities while precisely aiming at enemies just sounded like it would get overwhelming. But the recent GMTK video on it made me give it a shot, and I was happy to find that the it isn't nearly as unforgiving as I worried.
It's a first-person platformer with an emphasis on speedrunning, encouraging you to replay every level at least a few times to get a Gold or Ace medal. It's fun and addictive, and it feels great to find a good shortcut that the game doesn't even tell you about. Though it starts to get less fun later in the game, as levels get longer. Doing a 30 second level a few times isn't bad, but doing a 2 minute level a few times? Eh…
The story, though… well, it's told almost entirely through really cringey visual novel sequences that go on for way too long. Thankfully the game lets you fast-forward them (but not outright skip, for some reason) - but then the game just feels like a level pack with no story. So you either let the dialogue waste your time so you actually know what's happening, or you play the game with no motivation or connection to the world. Just seems like a weird place to drop the ball in an otherwise masterfully designed game.
9) Marvel Snap
A collectible card game with bite-sized matches. An addictive game loop that encourages experimentation with new cards and new types of decks. Marvel characters, both popular and obscure. I don't really play mobile games and I've never really been into card games so this wasn't even on my radar, but I gave it a shot when I saw people talking about it, and it took over my life for a month.
10) The Last Clockwinder
I tried this game on a whim when looking at recent VR games and being a bit depressed that the space isn't as ambitious and experimental as it was when VR was new and exciting.
This is a VR game that feels ambitious and experimental, and actually has somewhat decent production values.
At its core, the game is like a Zachtronics assembly line puzzle game, but in a way that could only work in VR. You record yourself doing a short action - like picking a fruit and tossing it - and then a robot clone appears and repeats that action infinitely. Then you record yourself catching the fruit that was tossed and depositing it in a bucket to harvest it. Repeat until you have a room full of robots harvesting fruits. And if you want to challenge yourself, every room has efficiency goals, so you can try to produce more than X amount of fruit with fewer than Y amount of robots.
And a game that was just a series of levels like that would already be pretty cool. But Clockwinder goes beyond that. For one thing, your robots keep collecting fruit when you're in other levels, and harvested fruits are used to open new levels, where you can get more seeds, which you can use to speed up harvesting in another level - so it's got a bit of an idle game element. But it's also got kind of an adventure game thing going on. Rooms aren't entirely independent. You'll find a room that's askind for blue fruits but has no plants, and you have to find the room to grow blue plants before you can progress. You'll have multi-room puzzles where fruits collected in one room aren't immediately harvested, but instead sent to another level, where you have to complete another puzzle to actually harvest them.
This might all sound like a lot, but it's introduced gradually enough that it's not overwhelming. Tying it together is an actually okay story, told mostly through audio logs with voice acting and writing that surprisingly don't make me cringe and mash the Skip button, a rarity for VR games.
Honorable mentions:
Panic Porcupine: I feel weird mentioning this since I know the devs and playtested it, so I'm obviously really biased. But it's a game I've played a bit of here and there over the past few years, and I was happy that it finally came out, and I had a lot of fun with it.
Grapple Dog: Just a thoroughly solid platformer with fun grappling hook physics and a cute dog.
God of War Ragnarok: There was a time in my life when this would've probably topped my list. It's well-made, very polished, looks amazing, every character's performance is great, and overall I enjoyed it… but I dunno, it just didn't excite me. It made me say, "Yep, that was a pretty good game."
Stray: There are a lot of things I think this game could've done to better capture the premise of playing as a cat. But at the end of the day, Cyberpunk Cat Game was still plenty cute and charming.
Lunistice: A 3D platformer that's short and to the point with a price to match.
Tinykin: What if Pikmin, but a 3D platformer? A great premise, and an overall cute and charming game, but I just wish it had more substance. The strategy elements of Pikmin are almost entirely absent, the platforming is basic, there are no enemies or really any threats at all, the puzzles practically solve themselves… it's decently fun to explore the worlds, but it definitely feels like a game that could've been something more.
Melatonin: Rhythm Heaven, but it takes place in the dreams of a burnt-out Millennial. Fun, but it does make me realize how much of the appeal of Rhythm Heaven comes from that uniquely Nintendo charm.
Hell Pie: A 3D platformer with really cool and fun movement mechanics that might have placed in the top 10 if its aesthetics and sense of humor didn't disgust me. And I don't mean "disgust" as just an exaggeration for dislike, but it's a game full of gross-out humor, and it just doesn't land.
Games that seemed pretty cool but I didn't play enough to place them:
Sports Story: I liked Golf Story but never beat it. This game is also fun, but it came out so late in the year and I've been playing so many other games that I'm not very far yet.
Ragnarock: A VR rhythm game about vikings racing longboats. The music selection really makes you FEEL like a viking drummer.
What the Bat?: What the Golf?, but in VR, and everything is baseball because your hands are bats. I've only played a bit, but I loved What the Golf, and this game has also made me laugh a bunch.
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unclerippuascension · 2 years
Fixing Pokemon Legends: Arceus' Combat
So far I have been enjoying PL:A, its a solid 6/10; but the combat is very lumpy dumpy for no disernable reason and as somebody whose been playing the series since I was 10 back when DPP came out I wanted to come up with some fixes to make battling more fun. I brought up the combat in a previous post, but it bears repeating on what needs to be fixed.
Bring back abilities: I will never understand why PL:A got rid of a cornerstone of Pokemon's gameplay. Ever since Gen3 abilities have been a neat way of making your pokemon feel more like individuals. You could catch two Shinx and they'd be more unique compared to the other because of their differing abilities. Gen5 also introduced hidden abilities which were harder to get but were often way better than the standard abilities. Why not keep those? It would naturally encourage players to catch multiple Pokemon, and the game could even keep hidden abilities by having Space-Time Disortion Pokemon or Alphas have a small chance of having their hidden ability. The only reason I can fathom Game Freak nixing abilities was due to their being no PvP but that is a flimsy excuse at best if that is the case.
Keep old move/status effects: A lot of the moves and status effects have been changed, and again I don't know why. Moves that previously hit multiple enemies don't anymore, moves that lowered or buffed a certain stat are much more vague, and the status effects of sleep and frozen are now just palette swaps of paralysis and poison. This makes combat a matter of elemental rock-paper-scissors where you occassionally make your attacks hit harder and slower or softer and faster; and if multiple enemies gang up on you, you just have to take a beating until your turn comes and that can be really unfair. If they kept the way attacks used to work in older games there'd be no issue, have Bulk Up raise attack and defene instead of 'offensive and defensive' stats, have Bulldoze hit multiple enemies, and have Hyponsis actually put the opponent to sleep.
Let Pokemon hold berries: Your Pokemon also can't hold berries, there aren't normal held items in this game but there are berries and it makes no sense that your Pokemon can't hold them. It'd give you a leg up if your Pokemon had the chance to heal themselves with a berry, especially when wild Pokemon can just use a strong style move and wipe out half of you HP. Yeah berries are mostly used as lures in this game, but that's no excuse. If I have a bajillion Sitrus berries its because I want to give them to my Pokemon so they can heal themselves during a battle. If I wanna lure a Pokemon over to me I'l use a cake lure.
Actually have friendliness do something: Aside from making certain Pokemon evolve, friendship does fuck all in this game. Friendship has gone from "oh some Pokemon evolve and two moves do more damage" to "Your pokemon will survive 1 Hit Kills, dodge moves, and shake off status effects because they love you and want to return all the TLC you've given them." and for PL:A to get rid of that feels very wrong for a game about building the very first bonds with Pokemon historically. Yes this one is minor, but I remember a time where Game Freak played along with the idea that these hunks of polygons and code were real living breathing creatures; and if they didn't bring back Pokemon Camp they could at least keep the updated friendship mechanics. Maybe even have it so you can take a Pokemon out of its pokeball to walk with you through the vast open enviroments and have that increase friendship faster. The game lets you have them out of their pokeballs but they just sort of sit there, you can't even pet them! Why have an NPC who checks friendship when friendship doesn't even bloody do anything that it didn't already do in Gen2 like 20 years ago? Return and Frustration aren't even in this game! PL:A is doing less than Gen2 and I don't know why!!. They should have kept the current friendship mechanics, lile everything else they should have kept but didn't for reasons unknown.
But yeah those are my thoughts, PL:A isn't terrible but it also isn't great and 90% of that is due to the crippled combat system. If Game Freak has more Legends games I hope they fix the combat to make it fun, because in the probably paraphrased words of Reggie Fils-amie: If its not fun, why play it?
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emile-hides · 4 years
This is a conversation topic that came up playing Overwatch last night; What if the Overwatch cast all has YouTube channels?
And while we voiced our opinions and debated to eachother, I feel the need to share all of my own takes as well.
Now, there’s 32 of these assholes so I’ll put it under the cut. Cause it’s long
Her channel is called “Grandma reacts”
Her viewers send her videos or shows to react to
She likes to have Jack, Gabe, Rein, and Torb on sometimes for some of the funnier videos
Hates daredevil compilations of people on high places with no safety gear
She swears at jump scares
Daily vlogs
She calls her viewers part of the gang
BOB is the camera man and the crowd favorite
She mostly just likes to chat about nothing while wandering around the hide out
BOB makes really cool time lapses of them riding her bike down Route 66
Runs an advice channel
Mostly does Q&A live streams 
All of his ad revenue goes to local charities and hospitals
People sometimes donate to him and that also goes to charity
There’s a very slim chance he got overnight famous because he’s so pretty
One 12 minute video of him playing with Ganymede in Torbjorn’s backyard
Torbjorn recorded it for him
Tried to do a make-up channel
Eventually devolved into a “How to” builder’s channel
Can put together an Ikea bookshelf in 15 minutes without even glancing at the instructions
Ikea furniture speed runs are her most popular videos
Canonically already has a gaming channel
Also has a daily vlog channel where she hangs out with Lucio and Junkrat a lot
Takes requests on what games she plays
Despite mainly being an online PvP gamer, she adores playing story games and voice acting
She cried on live stream when she finished Undertale
Runs Talon’s official YouTube channel
All the videos are join Talon adds
Her channel is a mash
Will play or do any kind of video that’s popular at the moment
There’s three episodes of a Minecraft LP left to die
Seven vlogs all recorded almost 3 months apart
Two animations she made herself
A couple of reaction videos
And a Pachimari unboxing
She has a lot of sponsors
Also, canonically, has a gaming channel
Sometimes does videos of sick ninja tricks in his backyard
Has the same channel from before his fight with Hanzo, so there’s a 4-5 year gap between two videos
“So my brother tried to kill me” is the first video he makes when he finally comes back
Occasionally makes “Master reacts to (anime)” videos with Zenyatta
The show off channel
It’s mostly just target practice with his bow and arrow Genji recorded for him
90% of his comments are telling him to put a shirt on and cover the nipple
His channel also went dead after he killed Genji
Might start recording and uploaded unscheduled vlogs during his hobo days
Also does movie reviews
If I may defer your attention to this post
Yeah he just runs a demolition channel
Roadhog makes sure the camera doesn’t get damaged
Junkrat really loves the slow motion effect 
Like Hana, he has two channels
One is his official music channel with music videos and concert clips
The other is also a vlog channel where he hangs out with Hana and Jamie
He’ll also talk about serious issues and his opinions on them on his second channel
Much like Hanzo, runs a show off channel
His is more popular because he’s straight up a cowboy though
People think it’s a gimmick for the channel. They have no idea he looks and sounds like that all the time
Has a scientific fact of the day Podcast with Winston
Talks about big issues
Her channel is very kid friendly and she explains things like global warming in a way they can understand
A lot of her videos will be watched by kids in science class
“What to do encase of an emergency” tutorial videos
Gives basic medical training, like how to do CPR
Her videos are short and to the point so they can be played in an actual emergency
Genji is usually the person she uses as an example
Her channel is like Junkrat’s but more contained(?)
She does dangerous shit with chemicals but somehow it always ends wholesomly
The last minute of the video she speaks in a soothing Bob Ross voice as the lab is on fire behind her
The videos typically end with Angella coming back from her break
It’s technically Efi’s channel
It’s a vlog to record Orisa’s progress tword becoming Numbani’s protector
Very popular, everyone loves how wholesome Orisa is
The money from the ads goes to fixing whatever Orisa breaks while trying to be helpful
All rude comments are deleted
Show off channel
“99 dunks in a row” and such types of videos
They’re typically sped up with relaxing music
Lucio has appeared to play soccer with her a few times
As Gabriel Reyes he ran a prank channel around the Overwatch base
He didn’t do any pranks that hurt or scared people though
Just recorded himself eating vanilla pudding out of a mayo jar to get people’s reactions
His favorite people to prank were Jesse and Genji because they had the most over the top reactions
Reinhardt is unprankable
The channel died with the fall of Overwatch
Advice channel but louder than Baptiste
He’s full of energy in every one of his videos
Calls himself his viewer’s Grandpa
If anyone comes to him for advice on how to handle abuse of any kind he will adopt them on the spot
Also does meme reactions, sometimes has to have Brigitte explain what makes it funny
Has one video where he speaks quietly called “Grandpa reads a bedtime story” and it’s literally just him reading a bedtime story with soft music in the background
Toy unboxings
All of his videos are silent aside from the cute music he puts of them
The only part of him that’s ever on camera are his hands
All his videos devolve into rambles about the universe
Other than that his channel doesn’t have a real theme
He tries to explain scientific principals but quickly turns into a shouting mess about the universe and gravity
Moira is the one to stop recording in the middle of his breakdowns
Soldier 76
Use to run a tutorial channel
Gabe called it “Dad Teaches you” and Jack hates that he’s not your father
He teaches you to cook basic meals and do simple repairs on a car
He talks in a very fatherly voice
Begrudgingly, he became his veiwers father
His channel died with Overwatch as well
Gaming channel, but hacked
Does glitched speedruns on live stream
Clickbait thumbnails and titles
“How to get 1,000,000,000 free V-Bucks in Fortnite”
Steals kid’s Fortnite accounts
Stim channel
All of her videos focus on satisfying visuals
Someone asked her to do ASMR once and she hated it. The video existed for less than 24 hours
Like Brigitte, runs a builder channel
It also doubles as a story time channel as he tends to ramble about the good old days
All his videos are 30+ minutes long
Somehow adds “and that’s how I lost my eye” to every story so no one knows how it actually happened
Bastion guest appears in a lot or Torb’s videos but only because he’s bored and wants attention
Animated story telling
Makes animations of their missions and her day-to-day life
Thanks to her chronal accelerator animations take half as long
Still only uploads like two videos a month
Food review videos
Hates everything, nothing gets high marks
Gets view ship cause she’s hot and very snarky
His channel is exactly like Mei’s
It’s more popular though because he’s a monkey and thus draws kid’s attention better
All of his viewers are elementary school science teachers and their class
Wrecking Ball
Tried to do a builder channel but all the comments were on how cute he is
Hates being called cute so he made his mech say swear words
He’s very popular with little boys
Also loves destruction and may destroy things for fun
“5000lbs wrecking ball VS Junkrat’s house”
Vlogs but like... Work out vlogs.
It’s just time lapses of her at the gym
Insanely popular with lesbians for very obvious reasons
Encourages her viewers to take care of themselves and start slow
Blew a kiss at the camera once, became the most used image of her on the internet
Most of his videos are relaxing music over beautiful visuals he recorded
The other half of his videos are meditation leadings and yoga
He’s also done videos on the omnic crisis and talked in length on his belief for the future
Has one video of him pranking Genji
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beneaththetangles · 4 years
BtT Light Novel Club Chapter 21: Infinite Dendrogram, Vol. 4
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Welcome back to the Light Novel Club!
Before we begin, I would like to mention the official Beneath the Tangles Discord. We have a Light Novel Club channel there, where you can discuss light novels to your heart’s content! And for future Light Novel Club discussions, we might even ask some of our questions in that channel, where your answers may get featured in our discussion posts! So if you enjoy light novels, I definitely encourage you to join our Discord and participate in the Light Novel Club channel!
With that said, let’s jump into our discussion of vol. 4 of the VRMMO light novel Infinite Dendrogram! We’ve already covered three volumes of this series, but things are heating up with the beginning of Franklin’s Game, so Jeskai Angel, Gaheret, and I are here to get a piece of the action.
1. What are your overall impressions of this volume?
Gaheret: Overall, I still feel the author should be able to tell what he wants us to know in a way that feels more organic to the story, and I think that he tells too much. What I find to be the best parts (worldlers vs. ludos, the perspective of tians, religions and cults, the psychology of the players, consequences of the interactions of the two worlds, BNHA-like fights of different powers with different logics, mysteries) took a step back in this volume for the most part while videogame fights which, this being a super-realistic videogame, were kind of disturbing images (I´m thinking of Marie shooting an old man point blank, of the leader of the traitors unadvertely slicing his captive priestess friend, or of Rook cutting Marie´s arm off, or the casual comment that Yuri/Hugo should’ve crushed Rook’s head at the first chance). As a fight among experienced gamers who were clearly playing, I found Marie v. Veldorbell to be the most entertaining.
stardf29: So this volume was definitely an action-packed one, more focused on the fights than on other sorts of development. It’s fun for what it is, and it’s interesting to see how these various characters outside of Ray, whom we’ve gotten to know all this time, actually fight in battle. At the same time, it definitely feels like this is just the middle chapter of the story arc that started in the last volume, so while I might have felt that some sort of extra development might be nice, I think there’s room for that in the next volume.
Jeskai Angel: I enjoyed this volume, though it wasn’t quite as good as I remembered. A big part of that is difference between reading one vol. more or less on its own, versus reading a bunch of vols. together. I fell in love after reading Dendro vol. 1 and proceeded to devour all the other volumes released up to that point (six or seven, IIRC) in the space of a few weeks. That made the story a far more cohesive experience, and allowed me to go through the entire Franklin’s Game arc in a short time, rather than leaving the finale until whenever the LNC might come back and read vol. 5.
I appreciate the author’s / translator’s efforts to give different voices to each narrator. Ray doesn’t sound the same as Marie, who doesn’t sound the same as Hugo, who doesn’t sound the same as Rook, who doesn’t sound the same as Franklin…
This vol. was also more violent than I remembered, which raises one of the interesting aspects of the story. What one thinks of this book depends heavily on one’s response to the question at the heart of Infinite Dendrogram: just how “real” is it? Or, to use Franklin’s word, how “earnest” about it are we? Characters within the story already face this question, but I think vol. 4 challenges readers to a greater degree than the earlier books. Thus far, Ray’s enemies have mostly been monsters or tians, but now he faces other Masters. This casts the violence in a different light. It might be one thing to dismember one’s enemies in PvE…but does it mean something different to do so during PvP? Moreso than previous vols., this one confronts readers with how horrific such a realistic “game” might actually be. Is this a game in which people do things we may find distasteful but which aren’t all that meaningful? Or is it something more? And if it is, what does that mean about the characters’ actions? Or even our consumption of the story as readers?
Even without full-dive VR, we still have books, video games, & anime. Dendro invites us to ponder how we experience such things. Does it really matter how we feel about a novel’s story, or whether we steal from that shopkeeper in a game? (For the record, it does matter because everyone will call you THIEF the rest of the game and the shopkeeper is a Sith lord who will kill you with blasts of lightning.) When using our imaginations, how much is just acting or role-playing, and how much are we ourselves truly involved? Based on the Bible, there are clearly sins of the imagination (e.g., lust). I wonder if there could be, for lack of a better term, virtues or good works of the imagination.
stardf29: The “how realistic is the violence” question is interesting because at the start of the game, you’re able to choose whether to view the world as “realistic”, “CG”, or “anime-style” (with the ability to change it later with an item). Ray chooses to go with “realistic”, but it does make me wonder if those who chose CG or anime might feel less bothered by the violence.
Also, the whole idea of fighting Masters makes things interesting because of the knowledge that “killing” Masters only logs them out for a time, and that by default there are no pain settings, which might make some people less reserved about violence. I think this leads to the following moral question: is our moral revulsion to violence based on the actual act of violence itself, or on the consequences thereof? (And this can be applied to other similar moral dilemmas when experiencing fiction.)
2. What do you think of Professor Franklin?
Gaheret: Professor Franklin, apart from the Benjamin Franklin reference, seems like an “Island of Doctor Death” archetype, with an special ability called “Playing God”, “my boy” gentlemanly talk and evil laugh included. He is the main villain of this volume, and while I like to have a more intelectual villain, focused on strategy and manipulation of the rules (and I like Dr. Death-esque types), it seemed to me that in this case the interpretation was too over-the-top. The writer wandered between the awe and horror of unexplained creations and the “this is how he does it” kind of explanation, and wasn´t satisfying in those fields. Dr. Franklin seemed to me more like someone hacking the game than a player.
As a player, things were more interesting. I liked the “gamer with a grudge” archetype, as it is a very recognizable problem. I would have supported a full hacker twist (the rules of Infinite Deondogram basically allowing themselves to be cheated, not so much). As he does not think of the tians as people, it surprised me a lot that he was willing to talk with Elizabeth like he did (on the other hand, you simply cannot be a mad genius without explaining your plan beforehand to a captive, it is one of the conventions of fiction). I did like that he was aiding Hugo, and that his plan was in fact a clever alternative to a more costly and bloody invasion by the General of his Empire.
The reason behind the grudge against Ray wasn´t very convincing, but maybe Franklin was childish enough for that sort of thing. I like how this was introduced in an unrelated context, as part of the background, then happens to be important. I think it would have been better if we didn´t know the special instructions he gave concerning Ray, so that he being the only who can pass may have seemed like a coincidence at first, and then Franklin would have revealed that he had chosen him to embody the kingdom´s defeat.
So: I like this sort of villain, both in the gamer and in the mad scientific archetypes, yet I’m not full on board with how he was played out. Too much explanation of the hows, and the dialogue could have been much more vivid and funny.
stardf29: A few things about Franklin. First of all, his personality is absolutely the worst. He’s the type of person who absolutely cannot handle losing, and must go out of his way to one-up anyone that gets the better of him, even if it is a “newbie” like Ray. He’s very immature in that way, which just makes it even scarier that he actually has the capabilities to act on his whims, torturing those who go up against him with personalized monsters. And on top of that, he wants to send an entire country into despair so they don’t dare oppose Dryfe… yeah, he’s nasty. Which makes him work as a villain, if you ask me.
However, there are a few things curious about him. First of all, at one point which is from his perspective, he says that Ray is one of only a few people who are extremely earnest about Infinite Dendrogram… a group that also includes himself. So in some way, he considers Ray as similar to him. This seems to go against his seemingly villainous ways and how he doesn’t care about tian lives… so that’s a curious point.
Also, Hugo at one point mentions that he has some personal attachment to Franklin. Also, he refers to Franklin as “he”, in quotation marks… I think at this point, the gears in my head were beginning to turn with thoughts on who “Franklin” actually is in the real world…
Jeskai Angel: Franklin is a troll. He exemplifies the worst kind of trolling behaviors associated with the internet. His genuine cunning empowers his spite in obnoxious ways. However, if Dendro is just a game, then in the end Franklin is a munchkin roleplaying as a villain. But if Dendro is more than a game, then it’s arguable that the professor is, in a moral if not legal sense, a mass-murdering terrorist. This brings us back to that question of what we think of Dendro. How “earnest” we are changes whether Franklin is evil or just a jerk. I would also note that his Embryo being Pandemonium brings to mind hell as depicted in Milton’s Paradise Lost. It’s no coincidence that Franklin and Hugo have embryos that literally reference hell (Hugo of course deriving from Dante’s version of hell). Finally, I’m really curious to learn more about why Franklin groups himself with Hugo, Ray, and this King of Tartarus person, as people who truly take Dendro seriously. If that’s true, and in-game Franklin is still a murderous maniac…he has the potential to be really disturbing.
3. What do you think of the fight against King of Orchestras, Veldorbell?
Gaheret: Veldorbell was my favorite character of this volume. I think his reason to be a villain of the Empire was understandable, the music aspect was interesting and his real life was both intriguing and credible. I only miss there were even more musical references, it could have been a feast. That he was clearly an old man also added an interesting twist (I imagine most players to be teens or twenty-somethings, though this may be just ignorance on my part). His four musical powers were explained beforehand and were a good fit for him, and his project about making the rising of a hero into an opera reminded me of Christopher Lee´s Charlemagne. Marie Adler was also very interesting to watch, on the other hand, both because of her powers had been explained just before and her personal connection with Elizabeth S. Altar established in the previous volume. Also, while the tians being rational beings means that they should be treated as humans, I find characters with more of a gamer mentality to be more interesting than those with a real world mentality, even if the author sides with the second more than the first. The power to create characters painted on the bullets seems a bit of a strecht, but the power to disappear from the game, on the other hand, is both credible and very useful. This fight was the high point of the novel for me.
The aesthetics of the Musics of Bremen analogues were frightening enough, too. And “a melody worth to die for” is a very suggestive name.
stardf29: So this battle was mainly to show Marie off in battle. There’s not that much in the way of character development, and the opponent is one we only first see here, with a pretty basic motivation very similar to Marie’s. So all things considered, it’s a battle that is pretty much here just for our entertainment. Not that there is anything wrong with that; it’s a fun fight that shows just what kind of fighter Marie is.
Jeskai Angel: The battles are generally highlights of Dendro, and Marie vs. Veldorbell is no exception. The story pits Incredibly powerful fighters with thematically linked abilities that have logical limitations against each other. All the characters feel legitimately powerful and use their abilities cleverly, and yet none of them feel invincible. However strong they are, others just need to figure out the right trick, the right matchup, the right combo, the right opportunity, to defeat them. I really think Dendro has some of the most well-written, tactically deep fight scenes I’ve encountered.
So, I agree that Veldorbell came across like an underdeveloped composer version of Marie, I still thoroughly enjoyed their battle. Marie was cool in the the previous vol., but here she shines even brighter by going up against such strong enemies as Franklin and Veldorbell.
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Music make you lose control.
4. What do you think of the fight between Rook and Hugo?
Gaheret: Rook and Hugo, on the other hand, had backgrounds which felt unrealistic to the extreme. Rook was English, called Holmes, and the orphan son of a wealthy Sherlock Holmes bloodline of detectives and a Irene Adler/Carmen Santiago bloodline of thieves (who didn´t keep what they had stolen). He is a wealthy teen who has literally an explosive trap in his mother´s office, who he had to deactivate to find her dying gift. I find the whole thing crazy: that sort of background can fit in a comedy, or in a superhero story, but I´d say the whole point of an ID kind of story is that the outside world is realistic, and a gamer cannot turn into a real-world Batman (and thus, he does it in the game). In a way, Rook´s story undermines the essential function of the two worlds.
We find in this game that “Hugo” is in fact the idealized portrait of a shining knight, used as an avatar by a French girl of a bourgeois family with a convoluted family life, and whose sister and mother both left the family house (Oscar François de Jarjeyes, anyone?). This was more interesting, but as it happened with Rook, the story of the lady in question was a little bit just too French for me. Her father was even an amateur painter. Rook seems frustrated with her because he can see she is a “wordler” with a similar personality to our protagonist, yet she participated in Franklin´s plan due to a misdirected sense of loyalty and to consequentialist reasoning.
As for the fight itself, the Divine Comedy power -as much as I like a reference to the Divine Comedy- made things unnecesarily complicated, with numbers and percentages everywhere, and the deductive ability that Rook displayed in two seconds was a bit hard to believe. I disliked the fight. That said, I did like the scenery: the frozen warriors, the giant robot, the fact that some could pass and some could not gave a very unique feeling to the setting.
So, not so much a fan of this one. I liked that the two characters interacted, though, and that two friends of Ray were in direct opposition as rivals. Rook´s tactics seem a little hideous to me, but then, this is a game. Both seem the kind of people that have unresolved issues in the real world they should address, though I like her better.
stardf29: So the big thing here is that we get to see what kind of backstories Rook and Hugo have. I do agree that Rook’s backstory is a bit ridiculous, but then again, we got some hints in vol. 2 that Shu (Ray’s brother) in real life is also quite ridiculous. So I didn’t feel it was quite that out-of-place. At any rate, his crazy skills aside, his backstory is pretty simplistic: enough to make you sympathize for him and understand what he’s trying to do in this world, but nothing too huge.
Hugo, or rather Yuri… It’s definitely interesting to learn her backstory, and that she is a girl in real life, so she’s doing some crossplaying here, but for her it’s more than just role-playing and she’s basically assumed Hugo as part of her identity. In that sense, her involvement in Franklin’s plan poses an interesting moral dilemma, especially with Ray involved. And on the flip side, we see how Rook sees her dilemma and rather dislikes her for it.
At any rate, this all was very interesting to learn about the two of them, and was probably the highlight of the volume for me. The battle was pretty fun, too, as we see their powers in action. (Though I can’t help but feel like Hugo’s power can be a bit too OP since it gives him an edge against practically any Master, but maybe there’s additional limitations on it?)
Jeskai Angel: Rook and Hugo’s fight was much more character-focused than the action-centric Marie-Veldorbell fight. The IRL identities of Rook and Hugo had a major effect on their duel. I found both of them interesting characters, so the duel worked for me. Now, regarding the family backgrounds of these two…
Infinite Dendrogram is steeped in historical, mythological, literary, and pop culture references. So we’ve got Hugo referencing Dante and Franklin referencing Milton. Marie is literally the protagonist of a shounen manga. Figaro is a nod to opera. Nemesis’s “Vengeance Is Mine” ability is a Christian reference (as are, I presume, the paladins’ Grand Cross ability and the presence of a seductive female character named Babylon). Meanwhile, Rook’s creatures all bear names of famous actresses (Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn, Elizabeth Taylor). The mithril in “Mithril Arms Slime” of course comes from Tolkien. The control AIs derive their names from Lewis Carroll. Ray’s mount shares its name with a famous TV horse. Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.
In this context, I can’t help but wonder if the presence of a “marshmallow-like balloon giant,” isn’t meant to call to mind a certain comedy film from the ‘80s. Similarly, it seems perfectly appropriate that at least some of the characters’ IRL identities would take inspiration from history or fiction. Considering how loaded with references this story is, it doesn’t bother me at all if Rook and Hugo have backgrounds straight out of novels. That’s just the kind of story the author is telling.
On a related note, is the “certain someone” Rook references a few times himself? Or some other person we don’t know about yet?
5. What do you think of Ray’s battle against the RSK?
Gaheret: Concerning the RSK, what I liked the most was the tians perspective of the story at the end, full of epic and memorable descriptions, listing all the meaningful moments. The fight itself felt too technical for me, though I appreciated the effort to keep things interesting and offer an opponent that was able to negate all the abilities which had been used so far. Having Professor Franklin there but not doing much was somewhat puzzling, too. That the princess was at stake and the Knights of the Guard were fighting gave everything an epic feeling, on the other hand. “I will have to punch you” or “I´m just mad” feels inadequate when the stakes are so high, and it seemed to me that Ray wasn´t as pressed as he would be given that actual lives (or so he believes) are at stake, including lives of innocent children and loved ones.
Jeskai Angel: Power creep is common in stories without a definite final boss. So, for example, in the old-school isekai The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, the White Witch is the final boss, so there can be a progression to enemy encounters and character development that build toward her ultimate defeat. There’s no need for another stronger enemy to come along, the story finishes. But in stories without an ultimate villain, you find enemies of increasingly absurd and arbitrary strength, of whom you’ve never heard before, endlessly coming out of the woodwork to pester Goku or Superman or whoever.
In light of all that, I love how the Ray vs. RSK fight dodged a lot of these power creep issues. The story has repeatedly emphasized that winning often hinges on understanding the abilities of one’s opponent. As Ray himself observes, the RSK isn’t just arbitrarily strong — it’s custom-designed to counteract abilities Franklin knows Ray has. Ray’s struggle to defeat the RSK is a battle of wits as much as a physical confrontation. The RSK is a challenge to Ray for logical reasons, and he defeats it for logical reasons (as opposed to randomly getting stronger because the plot demands it *cough*why would you think I’m talking about the Dragonball franchise? *cough*)
stardf29: Your comment on “power creep” makes me think of how many of my favorite RPG bosses are ones that aren’t just “like the last boss but stronger”, but who actually change up the gameplay in ways that force you to think carefully about how to beat them. For example, in Pokemon, normally your gym leader battles are one-on-one matches, but there have been a few times the battles are two-vs.-two matches instead, forcing you to consider a completely different set of strategies. Bosses that make you fight smarter, not harder, are great in RPGs, and in that sense the RSK makes for a great “boss fight”. I guess I have to give Franklin some credit; he might be terrible as a human being, but at least he provides for a great battle.
On that note, the way the RSK gets beaten is also amusingly very “video-game-esque”: the RSK is like a video game boss that is designed to be immune to all of your earlier abilities, making you have to make use of your most recently-learned abilities to beat it. In video games, this is a part of helping players learn how to use new abilities; you start with some simple applications of those abilities in a safe environment, then start increasing the challenge as they get to use the abilities for real, then throw in some twists that make them think of more creative ways to use those abilities, and finally present a final challenge as a last test of sorts, like a boss battle. Ray’s own process of learning new abilities is a bit different, but overall this RSK battle is a great showcase of both his new abilities and how in general Ray overcomes challenges with some ingenuity.
6. How did the anime adaptation of this arc compare with the book?
stardf29: Overall, because this volume was so focused on battles, the anime did an okay job of adapting it. (This is in complete contrast to vol. 3, which the anime cut a lot out of, particularly with Marie and Elizabeth.) The overall low production values do still hold it back, but at least the backstories are all there and the battles are reasonably adapted.
7. Final comments
Jeskai Angel: I think this volume showcases some of this series’s strengths while largely neglecting others. We get an abundance of exciting combat won through information and cleverness. We get more humor, more fun literary allusions, and more thought-provoking questions about reality, morality, and how we experience fiction / imagination. The story also continues to blend a hyper-realistic setting with video game elements in a surprisingly elegant way, like the video game-y manner in which Ray defeats the RSK that you mentioned. (Some series, Reincarnated as a Sword for example, are so heavy handed about having a world based on RPG mechanics that they inflict blunt-force trauma on the reader, and Dendro avoids that.) On the other hand, character / relationship development takes somewhat of a back seat in Dendro vol. 4. Likewise, this volume doesn’t provide much new worldbuilding, either.
Gaheret: For my part, I definitively liked some parts more than others. This was for the most part a long, video-game like fight with character development via flashbacks. There were evocative, powerful images, some interesting characters, fantasy politics, video game mechanics and the interesting moral and vital issues related to the ludos and wordlers were also there, though not at the spot for most of the time. I think that, given that in the last volume we came to know, throught Elizabeth S. Altar, that in this novel the tians are basically real people able to think and love, a fight exclusively among Masters seems like a relief. They are, after all, players protected from pain and death. The backgrounds of many of the most important characters have come to the light, so it seems that an exploration of their respective issues will make for interesting future volumes.
stardf29: I suppose I’ll just say here that over the course of these four volumes, there’s been lots of foreshadowing for some reveals that are likely to happen in the next volume. Some of those reveals are already known to the readers, namely how Marie is the Superior Killer, but Ray doesn’t know of it, and it’s very likely he’ll find out soon enough. At any rate, it’ll be interesting to see how those reveals play out as next volume reaches the climax of this arc.
And that’s it for our discussion of Infinite Dendrogram, Vol. 4! If you read along with us, let us know of your thoughts in the comments!
We will be announcing our next Light Novel Club titles on June 30th! Here are some hints on what those titles are:
“Dragon Rage had no effect!”
Anime adaptation incoming!
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blackuigryphonvr · 5 years
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#PokemonGoSuggestions #PokemonGo #Suggestions #PVP
So, when I 1st found out Pokémon Go got PVP I was so excited that I wanted to play with my daughter! I waited for her to come home from school so we could play!
But, I found that it was disappointing...
After 3 times playing it was actually not very fun and kind of boring... it bothered me because I wanted to love it, but I didn’t, and it was something I wanted the game to have!
When I was a kid, I liked playing Double Dragon, Street Fighter II, n Mortal Kombat w my little brothers for hours a day for many years which was very exciting, n many of my friends played similar games that were Pokémon when I was in college...
So, what exactly about the game didn’t live up to a good experience???
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Well, I still kept trying to play PVP when I realized I could battle the Team Leaders. But, for the most part, no one really wants to play PVP.
The reason is because it’s not really like playing. You basically only get 1 move, to tap the screen. So, it’s not really like you’re playing anything... u just sit or stand there, clutching a smartphone, tapping 1 finger... it’s very boring, tedious, monotonous, and like a chore. When PVP had an option to “win” some other prizes like a Sinoh stone then I would play it... but it was like a chore... I just looked away, bored out of my mind, doing other things, whilst my finger tapped away, mindlessly at the screen...
There’s no fun in that whatsoever... just 1 thing to do: tap the screen....
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But, when it came to PokéGym battles or Raids you could at least swipe to dodge, and I felt that the 3rd move actually worked far better, and you could multi player play.
But PVP is mostly limited to just 1 move until n 1 thing to do. Even with the 3rd move it doesn’t really work out to be that much better.
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So, since I’ve thought about it a lot, and would like to see it improved, I came up with a few ideas that could make PVP a better experience.
* 1.) PVP could be better if we could turn it sideways, and play it horizontally with more buttons and moves. We probably don’t need more than 4. But more options would make it more complex n more chance and excitement.
* 2.) Have a way to let us play with the smaller lower CP Pokémon n baby 🍼 👶Pokémon that’s like a kind of training for weaker Pokémon, and some other kinds of competitions n n prizes. Bigger n biggest isn’t always better, and many little kids get discouraged n disappointed when trying to play adults whom play hardcore but also have cars and an unfair advantage.
I play a lot w my local community now, and it’s mostly men, dads with kids, and some old ladies here n there. It’s especially popular with Dads.
Maybe PVP could have a different environment than just playing in the scenery it’s currently in, and inside of a nursery or rookery or something.
I had my 3 Smeargles but when I was desperate to get a Legendary in a Raid last month that after i caught some shiny Pokémon I needed to make room for when the Raid started and transferred all of my Smeargle, which made me sad. I would rather view those novelty Pokémon as still having a purpose even if their CP is very low.
How about a PVP category for CP lower than: 100, 50, 20, and 10? I think it could be pretty cute and adorable. Especially a Baby Pokémon League, or a Handicap inclusions League.
* 3.) Have special settings/worlds for holidays. I think the world PVP plays in looks OK, and it’s nice to see them play outside in different weather conditions like snow or rain... but, could we have other options to play in a setting similar to the PokéGym so u can move around and dodge?
What if we could unlock different settings/places/worlds?
It could also be nice to play during special holidays: Halloween, Graveyard, Christmas, New Year, Chinese New Year, Spring Sakura Cherry blossoms 🌸, Fireworks 💥 🎇, the 🌊 ocean, summer 🌅 🌇 Sunset, dawn sunrise, outer space, or something creative like maybe something wacky like a Bowling Alley Discotech, or Salvador Dali’s Surrealist paintings, or MC Echer’s surreal pictures. Surely, there must also be interesting things from the Pokémon universe as well.
* 4.) Have an option to play PVP at the PokéGyms, But also the PokéStops. Bring back the old 2016 feature where u could even battle ur own Pokémon together outside in AR. Or have more AR options as well.
* 5.) Have a system that allows long distance playing like Jurassic World does. I know u want people to get out into the world.... but, I have currently over 60 Pokémon friends but more than half are a long distance away or in other countries, including my IRL friends.
So, if u want to still encourage people to go out and play, they would probably still enjoy playing PVP w their own in game friends across the globe if it was a limited time event like a week long option. But also a board to see who is currently live in the friends list. Or, even a random person who just happens to be online.
It’s terrible winter weather, so who can go outside to play when it snows?
Or if the weather is bad like a blizzard or a hurricane, maybe a player could get an option triggered to invite a PVP gameplay in their friends list?
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Honestly, #Niantic, I could come up with ideas all the time. I could sketch up some concepts.
I’m not trying to tell u how to do ur job, or build ur games, or platforms, but I’m creative and I think , 🤔 💭 contemplate, and ponder it a lot. I’ve especially put months of thought into these suggestions.
I don’t want anyone at Niantic to feel insulted. You guys have the best AR game out there, and we love u fine folks.
But, maybe, you could find the time to consider my suggestions. I’ve put a lot of thought into this since last year, so I hope it at least counts for something.
Pokémon Go is 1 of the nicest fandoms out there, with the least amount of toxicity of any fandom out there. So, thank you very much.
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And now, a better version of http://dramarising.com/post/171472034768/and-with-this-announcement-my-annoyance-with-frs now that I’m not so livid and can jot my thoughts down properly.
  So! Let’s get started here, this is just my opinion, and if you like how FR is currently,  good for you! But for me, I’m done with how mediocre the site is (to me and others I know), and this is how I personally think the site could improve greatly. Expect comparisons to both Lioden and Tattered Weave, as they’re both I think shining examples of how to do good in the pet site world.
  Drama Admin, if you could add a read more here, that’d be great!
  First off, the Coli: It’s…. a game, technically? I honestly think as a basic feature, the coli is fine. It’s a bit boring but some people have fun. The issue however is how the coli is deeply rooted as being THE ONLY good, consistent source of treasure. This is honestly a bad thing I feel for multiple reasons, the major one being accessibility. If you have issues with your hands like carpal tunnel, it’s already very very hard to go through the motions for hours (Yes I know, it doesn’t always take hours). But hey, we have keyboard controls now, right? Right. It’s a step in the right direction, but the issue here is you… you can’t go to the next battle with keyboard controls. Or do the Captchas, I assume. This pretty much makes the keyboard controls a waste. And speaking of captchas, that is where the main problem with coli accessibility now lies. There’s already many people saying the captchas are extremely hard if you are visually impaired. This wouldn’t be too bad of an issue if they happened less often, but it’s what, every 5 battles? For those who REALLY coli, that’s nothing! It’s both a nuisance and a hindrance, to those with or without disabilities.
  How would I improve the coli? First off: make it FUN. Make it an actual game! Add more variance to how enemies fight, and what we can do with our dragons! One suggestion I liked was making it more like Pokemon. The second thing would be making it easily accessible to anyone. Proper keyboard controls, the option for audio captchas, etc. Please FR, at the very least make there be different options for the captcha. Along with that, currently the most viable option for any coli team, the only thing that makes it worthwhile to earn treasure and level dragons, is eliminate- which has its own problems (Please fix the goddamn drop rate for it already- newsflash, when you add more rares to a venue, the chance of getting a specific rare goes down. I know, shocking.) Adding other viable options besides eliminate, even something as simple as a magic based eliminate or maybe elemental stones that are as strong, would be something that could be added to freshen the coli up just a bit without changing it drastically. Not only this, but it could make PVP something people actually want to do! Encouraging PVP could be a lot of fun, especially if rewards come from it. Let people be creative with their sets so we can see more than eliminate for every coli-trained dragon!
  Fairgrounds: Alright, this is the big thing I’ll be complaining about. Fairgrounds, where to start…..
  Okay, the main thing: we need more games, FR! It’s been YEARS since we’ve had any additions other than more jigsaw puzzles! Games are really important, especially since FR’s games can give treasure. If the fairgrounds was actually fun, we wouldn’t need to be so reliant on the coli, as we’d have two major ways to earn treasure.
  This will get flak, I know, but I honestly think it’d be for the best if the 75k limit was removed. “But then you could get millions!” Exactly! A few dedicated people can too. There’s no limit on training dragons in the coli, or exalting, why should there be a limit to playing a minigame? The limit makes the fairgrounds even more useless, since there’s no point in playing once that limit is reached.
  So, fairgrounds: It needs to update its games and fix any bugs in them. Add the option for choosing jigsaw puzzle perhaps. Make it a valid option of income.
  If there were to be more games, i’d also like to suggest: Solitaire (TW added this, it’s one of the best games there) as it is actually a lot of fun to play and earn treasure with, maybe chess or checkers, even a flappy bird clone could be nice. Even taking a look at some of the popular neopets games from back in the day could give some inspiration- a snake game, something akin to meerca chase, would be a nice addition- A friend of mine used to love Hassee Bounce and Ice Cream Machine as well, which both seem like fun games! Even something like breakout? Lots of fun potential with tha, you could do anything from powerups to levels of difficulty with more balls to keep track of.Ultimately though, having a variety of games would make the fairgrounds so much better- not everyone will like every game, but having a variety of options you are more likely to hit something nearly everyone enjoys.
  Lioden’s system of giving item rewards for its minigames could also be a fun thing to consider with FR too. No genescrolls or the like, but chests could be a great incentive to play. Hey, even festival currency!
  Festivals: I didn’t really mention them in my mega rant, but I think it’s important to say something about them. Let’s be honest. The festivals are a boring event now where it feels like nothing exciting happens. They need to be spruced up! The current system of gathering hoping for currency and then, once again, going to coli or wait for ages in baldwin is just plain boring. Shouldn’t festivals be fun? A celebration of the flight?
  In-game events tied in with festivals could be great. Some kind of quest, maybe? They would give festival currency and also provide lore! Looking at Lioden mostly for this, but if you aren’t familiar, Lioden has monthly events. These last the entire month. Midway through, an event NPC appears, and everyday you do quests with them in order to gain lores and get story. It’s a lot of fun and a great incentive to keep playing! FR having a feature similar to this would be AMAZING. It provides lore, makes festivals fun, and gives potential options to get event currency if Baldwin or the coli isn’t an option for you. Players already do stuff like this every month to try and make festivals fun. They’ve come up with some great headcanoned lore. Why not give them the opportunity to see these things become a canonical event? In general actually, the Lore could be improved greatly. FR’s base lore is great, I love it! But having more lore events every few months would be a blessing, rather than this once in a blue moon wave of new information. (Also, maybe it shouldn’t happen right during a flight’s festival, hm?) I was not around for when the Beastclans were introduced, but more events like that would create new content for old and new players alike to enjoy, and keep people playing. Taking from Tattered Weave here, along with Lioden’s monthly events. This wouldn’t need to happen every month, but perhaps bi-monthly lore events could be fun? From information about the NPCs at the trading post (Tell us about Tomo! About Swipp and Baldwin, and Pinkerton and Crim! We know nothing about them!) to lore about flights and dragons, this could be a lot of fun and keep players returning.  So much of the playerbase of FR is in it for the lore, and it’s probably one of the biggest selling points. Adding more of it would be great! Even the return of Q&As could be great, that at least gives SOME kind of content and answers player’s questions. The suggestions forum. Alright, this is the big thing for me. I’m sure everyone here is familiar with the suggestions forum and its reputation. I’m not here to talk about that, but instead: FR’s admins need to listen to suggestions. They need to at least acknowledge they are being read. Lioden and Tattered Weave both very consistently listen to user suggestions. People wanted lesbian lionesses in Lioden’s february event as an encounter? A week later, lesbian lionesses were added! People wanted some recolors of apparel in Tattered Weave? It took a few months, but they got added! Listening to popular suggestions from users shows admins care, that they listen to their player base, and it gives satisfaction to the players. Seeing a suggestion you recognize become a real thing is amazing.   So, the big suggestions that FR should REALLY be at least considering at this point: Pose change scrolls, the ability to rearrange battle stones (although this might be happening in the coli rewrite), layering skins and accents, uses for perma babies from skins and accents to the coli, locking awakened familiars in the bestiary, and lair tabs. All of these things range from creating fun content, to quality of life improvements, which would surely improve the site somehow. These final thoughts aren’t completely related to any one topic, but I think I’ve gotten my major gripes across with the above paragraphs.
FR, think of accessibility. Before doing a site-wide unannounced forum revamp, don’t use blinding colors. Don’t do captchas many people can’t properly see. Think of lore, how players want more and more often, and it’s one of the appealing things through the game. Think of actual new content! We don’t need more cluttered apparel sets and premium boons, we need new games and features! Just…. Flight Rising, you can do so so much better. You’re more than 5 years old. It’s time for some major changes I think, or your playerbase is simply going to become smaller and smaller on a site stale from lack of worthwhile updates and nothing to do without waiting a month. Be transparent. Host forums asking for feedback on certain topics. Tattered Weave does it with great success, Lioden does polls at the very least! Ask the players “Hey, do you want a forum revamp?”. Acknowledge bugs happen instead of deleting threads when people suggest you to fix rampant bugs. Looking at you, blocked users could still send friend requests issue! Maybe act less like robots. Respond to ‘Contact Us’ messages so players aren’t left in the dark! The admins are so important for the site. Lioden and Tattered Weave’s are both successful with being friendly with players and joking around with them, and listening to what they want. Why can’t Flight Rising at least try to be like this?
And for the love of god add a new breed, September of 2016 is too long a wait.
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xmimiteh · 6 years
How to RP with Mimi
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As I am putting myself as a roleplayer more and more out there and I even started to make some connections (yay, me!), I wanted to reblog a text I wrote a while ago about what to expect from me in roleplaying and what to do and not do. I altered it a little, so it is basically not the same text, but ... more or less. My “Dos and Don’ts” do not change that much anymore. I am probably to old for that by now.
Whenever you see me with the RP tag before my name, I am free to approach in RP. Maybe I am questing, maybe I am running, but I am always in for RP as long as this is marked before my name.
Also:  If you want to look into Mimi’s Wiki, you are going to find it >here<. But it is still a work in progress.  More detailed information is under the cut, because it is a rather lengthy text.
European Timezone: During the week usually from 8 pm to 11 pm (CEST) - on the weekend and holidays more flexible and erratic. Of course, if you are from another timezone, feel free to approach me if my time schedule fits in any way. This is just a heads up, when I am usually active - not a “I only want to play with Europeans”. I play with everyone.
I might reblog or repost the following text from time to time, because this is really important to me when going into RP.
It is important to find people who click with you and who accept your do’s and don’ts. But first you have to voice those. As I have been burned the past years, because people did not respect my limits, from now on I want to be really transparent in this. So in the end nobody can say: “I did not know that.” Now you know!
I have been avoiding RP for more or less over a year (with little exceptions), because people violated those things and with “violated” I mean even though I told them all this they acted as if they did not know it or as if it was not important. As I am a very harmony-driven person and I do not want to cause stress I tend to compromise - even though I do not want to compromise. But I this is about change, because it is not healthy.
So … you do not have to read all of these. I marked the important passages with “bold” and the rest there is mostly for explanation if you are interested in it. Maybe it is helpful for some who want to RP with me. It is an easy way to know what to expect and what not to expect. It saves a lot of trouble for both sides.
Dos and Don’ts
Just jump into RP with me if you want to RP with me! Please do not send me an OOC tell beforehand asking whether I want to RP or not. If there is the RP tag in my name, I am ready to RP. I get nervous when you send me an OOC tell about that. Just approach me in character and everything is fine. Please no “Do you want to RP?”. If there is a tag, I want to. If you ask me beforehand, I might and probably will say “no”. If you give me the opportunity I might shy away. Just jumping into RP with me even works when there is no RP tag. Do not worry whether I want to RP or not, just do it.
I am a casual roleplayer. This means for me I enjoy roleplaying a lot. I usually do not roleplay on a daily basis. It might happen from time to time, but do not expect me to. There may be longer times when I do not feel like roleplaying or rather go into a dungeon or make my hunts or just do silly stuff or screenshots etc. This has nothing to do with you. This is me. My daily roleplaying times are over more or less. Also I like to play PvE and PvP a lot. As my time is limited (I have got a full time job, I am married and I also play other games) I have to balance all of this. Please keep this in mind. RP is not my main priority and this is nothing personal. Do not make it into something personal. It is not. Plain and simple.
OOC communication is important, but I do like to keep it as little as possible. If there is an OOC problem, then … sure, send me a tell. Good RP needs good OOC communication, but not constantly. I do not like to talk about our RP (if there is no need to), I want to RP. Usually talking and planning what our character might do takes a lot of fun out of the RP for me. Just play it. Do not talk about it. I love the uncertainty and vagueness of not knowing where the RP is heading and people tend telling too many things they plan on doing.Please do not take surprises away from me. But /tell me if there is any ooc problem we need to discuss.
I am a non-native roleplayer. Please always keep in mind: English is not my native language. This might lead to misunderstandings or me taking a bit longer to answer. Also I am very self-conscious about my English and usually this leads to me being not happy with my writing style as I am a professional writer in my mother language. Thus I am very aware of these things and might be little bit touchy about it. I know my flaws and that I might construct absurd sentences or use the same words too often. I try to do it otherwise, but… it happens.
There is one thing I really do not like: RP appointments or RP by schedule. Sometimes there is no way around it and if I need to coordinate with a group or so, then it is totally okay. Do not get me wrong: I make appointments and I attend to them. But I had many a RP burn-out, because of RP appointments. They exhaust me way quicker than they used to thanks to absurd expectations of my guild members when I was guild leader of an RP guild and also because of emotional abusive rp relationships. So I try to stay away from them in the future even more. For me the ideal situation is: 75% open RP, 15% events, 10% appointments. These are no fixed numbers - just an approximation. I prefer open world RP and I like my RP being spontaneous und surprising.
I am an introvert (OOC). This means I usually do not do small talk. It drains me. There are only a few people who do not drain me and it is no problem if you are not one of those people. It has nothing to do with you. If I play with you I like you. This also does not mean I do not like to talk and it does not mean I do not like people. Quite the contrary. There are times when I am rambling on and on, sure. But this is not the default. Please never ever ask me “how are you doing”. I really hate that question. If there is something you want to discuss, sure thing, shoot. You can be very frank and direct with me and do not need to make any small talk before that. I even appreciate it if you get straight to the point. I do not enjoy OOC small talk. IC small talk is a completely different thing on the other hand - yes, I am weird like that.
I like to play in /say per default. Please no RP per default in /party or /tell.  Because of past bad experience I try to keep as little RP in /party and /tell as possible, because it can be abused too easily. I want the possibility of people spontaneously joining our RP. Sometimes there is no way around /party and /tell. So I do not mind the occassional RP in /party or /tell or you whispering me IC in /tell if your characters whispers to mine. But if your RP needs to be per default in /party or /tell then there is a big chance you are looking for something completely different than me and please look somewhere else for it. Save us both the time.
Because of said bad experiences I am very cautious if people get too clingy. I am no one’s possession and no one has exclusive rights to RP with me - even if our characters are in a relationship! This is so important and I cannot stress this enough! If I ever feel like I get isolated OOC or someone gets too clingy or possessive, we have a problem and I plan on solving this by radically dropping said RP. This is nothing I ever want to go through again. Been there, endured that. Never again! This is a real trigger to me and freaks me out completely. So, no exclusive RP!
I am no plot player. I am a character focused player with a main interest in IC conflict and spontaneous RP and I like deep immersion. I enjoy slice of life and well paced character drama without any planned plot. There have been plenty of people who said: “No, but my plots are different! You have to try!” No. Sadly, 99% they were not different. Not at all.If character play leads to a plot, it is okay. But do not expect me to play accordingly to any script or follow any plot. I am still going to play my character no matter the plot. Best RP for me develops in a dynamic between two or more characters. My ideal plot arises out of the character interactions - completely unplanned and spontaneous. This is not how most people in rp communities seem to define plot, so I distance myself from that term very much. For me plot is a stage for character interactions. Not vice versa.
My characters are not always likeable and they are far from perfect. They are going to do stupid things. They are going to be a douchebag. And they are more often wrong than not. I like the conflict and the interactions arising out of this and the dynamic this creates. Please do not make this into something personal OOC. I like to play a flawed character and I love IC conflict and this is why most of my characters are quarrelsome or prejudiced. I am not my character so if they insult or provoke your character this is character play - not me being mean to you as a player.
I prefer roleplaying in the game. I used to play a lot of forum RP, but my main focus has always been in game. RP outside of the game can be a nice addition, but it should not be the focus to me. Especially as I do not like playing in multiple timelines. I prefer roleplaying in “real-time” - meaning: a day in RL is a day in the game. I do not see this too strictly and usually try to leave exact time measurements out of roleplaying and keep it as vague as possible. Better leave concrete times out of RP. Also I love RP letters, but since Mimi is illiterate and the game does not encourage sending letters to non-friends this might tend to become difficult. But if you want, send me an IC letter on tumblr and tag me. This might also be interesting when engaging with other characters of mine. Or whisper me in game, so we can put each other on the friend list and you can send me IC letters.
Do not force me to praise your RP. I am no cheerleader. I have been in several RP relationships in which I had to say after each RP session every single time how great it was. And no, it was not always great. And you know what? That is okay! Nobody plays perfect everyday. Yes, sometimes I might be bored, but that is okay, too. Praising someone’s RP everytime devalues that praise. I want to preserve the value of a compliment by not overusing it. Not every RP has to be awesome and extraordinary everyday and that is fine! People who feel like RP always has to be extraordinary, probably do not click with me, because that is not how I work. I cannot keep up to that standard, because I suck sometimes. It puts such a big pressure into roleplaying and this takes the fun out of it for me.
I like to describe my preferred RP with tv shows. As I love those and regularly watch them this is also something I like to go for and I think it is a good orientation for other people what to expect and what not. So here are the series I like to go for with my RP: Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Firefly, Dawson’s Creek, Babylon 5, Fringe. I also adore the character drama of Game of Thrones and though some nudity is okay this is a series I like to mention because of the character drama and the intense interaction, not because of the smut! This is why GoT will not get a bold name so people will not get the wrong idea. Though R rating is okay I am not here for the smut. Usually I like to fade to black unless it is important for character development. Yet most of the time it is going to be PG-13. As I am German and feel more comfortable with our rating system, if you know what FSK16 means you probably got it right.
I am not going to discuss any of my RP preferences. I do not force people in playing with me and if you like any of the things I just said I do not like - more power to you. I do not want to stop you from playing these things. But please without me. I have been a roleplayer now for about more than 25 years and I am very conscious about what I like and what I do not like and with what I got problems. All the times I deviated from my preferences and agreed to a compromise have been a disaster for me. I am rather tolerant and I do not interfere with other people’s RP as long as they do not force anything onto me I do not like. In this I try to be honest, polite, but firm and outspoken. I will never RP police you on the things above as long as you do not force them onto me. Live and let live. If you like those things above, but want to play with me nevertheless and do not impose them on me, be my guest and approach me. But please do not try to convince me of the things I do not like. It never worked. Really. Never. I tried. Honestly. More than once. So no discussion. Sorry.
Advice cut in short: Give me freedom and I am a truly loyal and dependable player. Lock me in a cage and I will fly away as soon as I get the chance to - even if I have to blast open the cage door.
Disclaimer: This has nothing to do with anyone in the FF14 community. Actually these are things I have encountered before entering FF14 and because of these bad experiences I try to be super cautious and have been staying out of RP for a long, long time. By making these caveats public I am trying to protect myself and just trying to be honest and fair about it all. There is nothing worse for fun in RP than wrong expectations of your RP partner.
I hope this does not sound too intimidating. I also do not want to sound too complicated, but I just want to be very transparent on how I like to play. So if you ever see me and the RP in front of my name, just open the RP fire and I am going to respond. If I ever do not respond, feel free to send me a tell, because then I might have overlooked it or maybe was afk.
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birdologist · 7 years
Hey hey hey, considering buying Guild wars 2 and I’m still gonna try it out for free but It’d be great to hear what you think about it!
Haha, just as a disclaimer I’m biased because it’s been My Game for a few years now (I tend to only really be able to focus on / play one game at a time, GW2 has so far been extraordinarily long-lived). I’ve also never really played any other MMO’s, so comparisons are generally what I’ve gathered from MMO discussion forums over that time combined with my own vibe from the game.
Another disclaimer: I play almost exclusively cooperative PvE content. I’ve never played the team-based PvP, and I’ve just gotten my feet wet in the server-vs-server PvP.
GW2 can definitely be very casual if you want it to be: that’s part of what I like about it. Once you hit level cap, you can jump into almost any content and be sure to be able to participate, cooperate, and get the same rewards as anyone else, regardless of your gear. There’s also no endless gear treadmill to get the “next best thing”: if you feel like crafting the BiS gear, that’s it, you’re good to go for your time in the game (but you’re by no means required to; gear below BiS will get you just as far in 99% of content). And since gear is almost always hidden behind statless aesthetic choices, no one can tell if you’re running a minmax gearset or not, so there’s no pressure in most content.
The game is also super cooperative, even in comparison to other MMOs. There’s no such thing as kill stealing, no such thing as loot stealing, no fighting for anything. If another person shows up, there’s no reason for you to be upset about it. Everyone equally shares in everything. Players pick each other up when they die. Lots of bigger events require cooperative coordination between players. And higher-level players are even scaled down in lower-level areas so you can play with friends no matter their level without feeling like you’re mowing everything down, or vice versa, feeling like your friend is doing everything for you.
That said, if you feel like going quiet, turning off all the chats, and ignoring everyone you can still get pretty far! Lots of people play the game just exploring maps (which also is a form of character progression; you’ll get loot and experience just roaming around and seeing what there is to see, with or without friends).
Also alternatively, if you want to go hard, there’s definitely that kind of hard, minmaxing content if you want it. GW2 is usually described as a game you get better at, rather than gearing up your character to gain power. You can choose whether to learn your class in a specific way, or just have fun. You can choose to spend your time dressing up your character (which is heavily encouraged and actually part of endgame), or you can choose to spend your time gearing them up, or exploring, or grinding skilled content, or whatever. Your experience is definitely what you want to make of it.
That all said, some people find that lack of treadmill or specified progression route either boring or confusing. Sometimes gameplay takes a backseat to story, of which there’s a lot, which also turns some people off. And a lot of things, as a new player, you’ll have to drop money on to get access to. Base game is free, but you’re up to two expansions and two living stories (which are like... story / mini content expansions?) you’d have to purchase to have “all” the content available to you. That’s a huge, huge turnoff to a lot of people.
Overall it’s a friendly, cooperative, pretty casual MMO. People are generally friendly and willing to lend a hand if you call out for help. If it means anything to you, both the lore and the devs are pretty LGBT+ friendly, which makes me a bit more comfortable in the game overall (though, of course, you’ll still get horrible people in map chat, they’re just... not as common).
Mostly just give it a whirl and see if you like it! And as usual my offer to play with anyone who just wants a buddy around is open, just hit me up.
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zydrateacademy · 6 years
Review: Destiny 2
It took me a while to compile enough thoughts for a proper review, and to find time to actually begin writing because I’ve been far too busy actually playing it. This will come with a minor disclaimer or two. First, I haven’t played the first game. It was on console and I’ve been on PC for a long time. Secondly, I may mention a lot of other game comparisons and there’s a reason for that. This game feels like it borrows some of the best parts of other games and stitched them together to make something great. I can’t really comment on the game’s previous story, but I hear from most players that there wasn’t much of one. Somehow I feel that this is hyperbole on their part because you can’t really have a game without a story. Even team shooters like Overwatch shoehorn some lore within their dialog or various external material. All the same, I’ve gathered that a giant alien ball gave a large portion of the Earth population immortality topped with magical powers. Not exaggerating, I have literally heard the word “magic” be used in what seems to be a Sci Fi adventure. The game proper starts off with a full on assault from an enemy faction that only had a tertiary presence in the first game. They win pretty swiftly and kick you off a tower. Your guardian loses their “light” powers and must traverse the first forty-five minutes or so of the game without the ability to resurrect. Of course that is of limited value as checkpoints are still a thing so feel free to die if you don’t quite have a handle on the gunplay.
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The campaign is stated to be around six hours long and that’s fairly accurate. It felt incredibly short and it was surprising to learn about this sun-destroying device that the Red Legion created. Funny enough, that’s actually the halfway point and the exact moment where the story becomes less interesting. Before that, you hop between planets to “get the band back together”, essentially. You collect the various class leaders across the system, each with their own unique problems that you solve and get back together to help lead the push against the guys who took everyone’s light. After that, it’s a generic doomsday device that you must disable, and the campaign missions themselves feel a bit padded at times. You’re often assigned to disable something, only for it to not work so you must go destroy something else two more times before the thing actually works. The old school trope of “You cannot thwart stage one” is in full effect here folks, and you’ll likely predict what will happen to the big bad Ghaul himself long before you actually see it. Weak story aside, the gunplay is some of the best feeling in a first person shooter I’ve had in a while. At first glance the game looks and feels like a less irritating version of Borderlands, a franchise of which I love anyway like a slowly improving problem child. Enemies have large health bars and every hit you land, magical floating numbers pop up signifying your damage. Ultimately these numbers mean very little because max level players can play with level three’s and nobody can really one-shot anything except for the basics. There’s some strange autobalancing coding going on in the background, but it still manages to make sure that anyone can play with their friends regardless of people’s gear level. This includes the fact that max level players will constantly get tokens and can break down lesser gear for yet another type of turn-in token. There’s always a reason to do things and I find that it’s a great mechanic. 
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The story is mostly just an excuse to get you to maximum level and have access to the tower. After that, the full game unlocks to you which is common MMO fare. It lets you dip your toes in some player-versus-player but after you beat the campaign, every planet and game mode will have a set of challenges and milestones for you to work towards and continually get your item level up, also known as a “Gearscore” if you’re a veteran of WoW. Ultimately this is where the game shines and where I typically have the most fun, because it essentially becomes a first person sandbox. No, there’s not really an open world and there’s not much to explore unless you’re hunting for Lost Sectors, secret sections of the map that typically have yield chests with better loot that will only unlock when you defeat the local miniboss. They’re a lot of fun. Each planet has this sort of “hub” area that you’ll find a few other players running around in. I figure they’re instanced with a likely player cap because I’ve never seen more than a few at a time. At most I think I saw about seven other people joining in on a public event with me, one of my favorite features of the game. Public Events are not a new concept in recent gaming history. The earliest comparison I can personally think of is Rift (2011), but I think they started dipping into MMO’s a year or so before that. It’s as it sounds, in hub areas these events will trigger down from a five minute timer to allow other people gather and prepare and it will spawn a moderately difficult boss or objective based event. They’re typically too difficult for me to solo but I’m sure other, better players can manage. By completing optional objectives you can help upgrade every event to “heroic”, which yields a lot more experience and a bit more loot. You might have to research or simply take cues from other players and see what you have to do, but if you see people shooting at that ship circling the area or slamming on this random device in the middle of the firefight - That’s probably why. Those side challenges I mentioned can be a bit fickle sometimes. Sometimes they’ll require you to kill enemies with a certain weapon or a certain way that doesn’t necessarily to cater to my playstyle. One in PvP once wanted me to make a few kills with a subclass I never used and thus had no upgrade points put into. I never got that challenges because, as per the game’s meta, there’s certain gun types or subclasses people just don’t use in certain modes. For example, nobody ever really uses the Hunter’s “Nightstalker” subclass in PvP because it’s a sort of crowd control that’s useful against several clustered enemies. In PvP that almost never happens and it would be too easy for actual players to escape the little orb that the Hunter created. 
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There’s also a multitude of gun types, all with their varying clip sizes, fire rates, and range capabilities that are more useful in one mode than the other, so this typically encourages you to keep a certain ‘collection’ of things depending on what you’re playing. So far I’ve only talked about challenges and public events. I’ve found it hard to talk about what and first because there’s a lot to the game to chew through between the various updates the game will inevitably have. Of this writing, the game’s first expansion has already been announced for the fifth of December which will likely bring a whole new set of milestones, strikes, missions and most importantly, loot. I’ll try to get through some of the fun stuff you can get a hold of at the endgame which mercifully doesn’t take long to get to. Strikes are basically just dungeons from other fantasy based MMO’s. There’s not a lot to say about them, they’re ten to twenty minute encounters with a variety of bosses and mechanics you need to figure out. My least favorite so far is this Fallen boss who will constantly disappear after just a few hits and spawn these electrified robots that will limit your movement and now allow you to jump at all (and there’s a LOT of jumping in this game). They’ll also constantly damage you because of course they will. It reminds me of a survival game to be honest.
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There’s the Crucible, Destiny’s name for PvP combat. It’s run of the mill PvP with your usual zone controls, team deathmatch and even a mode that’s reminiscent of Call of Duty’s “kill confirmed” mode where you only get points by picking up a sigil from a fallen enemy; Or else let their allies pick them up and get denied the score. I enjoy it and I can sometimes get rewards from it even by losing. I’m currently working on an exotic weapon quest where you have to dismantle rare or better scout rifles, which the crucible rewarded me with one just for losing. So hey, progress! There’s also something called “Nightfalls”, which remind me of “Heroic dungeons” from World of Warcraft, but are actually more comparable to Starcraft 2′s mutator mode in their Co-Op. Every week it changes, typically with some kind of timer mechanic to make sure your team is at their most optimal. On our first week, in addition to the timer, all of our skills recharges what seemed to be five times faster. So the mutations are not always there to hurt us. Naturally it gives much better loot than their more basic versions and can be incredibly intense. Myself and two buddies from my gaming community managed to kill the boss of one with a mere four seconds left on the timer. Our first ever Nightfall, to boot. I alluded earlier to the fact that there’s tokens you get from a variety of activities. This mostly gives incentive for high level players to continue playing, as you can turn these tokens in to a variety of faction leaders for engrams (a fancy word for “loot boxes”) that typically level with you so they’re usually good to grind out.
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And yes, there is a grind here to a certain degree. There’s a sort of soft cap to gear levels, I found it a crawl to get past the 260-265 hump but then slingshot past it on the game’s second week with a new rollout of milestones that wanted me to play several crucible games, complete five challenges out in the world, and a few other things. Each of them gave me 269′s and 271′s and helped me gear up a bit. At a certain point it becomes advantageous to roll multiple characters so you can do all of this more than once, padding the gameplay and turning it into a grind. There is a bit of fatigue once you hit that soft cap I will admit but it’s typically relieved by playing with friends. This goes with any multiplayer game, true enough. As mentioned I can continue playing missions with newer players, hunt for public events, or toss my scrub ass into the unforgiving ring of failure that is Crucible and I’ll always get something for my trouble. There’s never not anything to do. All this time I’ve actually forgotten to talk about how really damn pretty the game is, to boot. Most of my settings are on maximum with the sole exception of my textures, which have to be medium as to not stress my unfortunately low about of VRAM. I’ve had people smarter than me try to explain why exceeding it matters but regardless, the game is still one of the best looking things in my entire library.
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There’s a lot of chatter about microtransactions in the industry lately. Yes, they are present here in the form of “Bright” engrams, which can be acquired in two ways. Obviously you can buy “Silver” which acts as a separate currency for Bright engrams. The other way is, as a level 20 you will get one per ‘level up’ as you continue to play. The flow of such is pretty slow and I typically only get one or two a day (If I’m actively playing my main Hunter) as opposed to dropping ten dollars and getting five immediately. They typically contain cosmetics, some more practical than others like faster speederbikes that will help you traverse stretches of land on planets with a bit more ease. They’re the primary source of the shinier “shaders”, or armor dyes. You can get shaders out of basic chests and other loot boxes but shaders do have “rarity” like any gear does and I don’t think I’ve gotten some of the better looking ones through more basic means. Still, the microtransaction craze does speak to a seedier part of the industry and I will admit the “It’s just cosmetic!” argument doesn’t quite hold up, but I’ll leave that for the individual to decide. I’ve already purchased some silver twice now, but that’s my prerogative. I’ll just say that the game never, not once, beats me over the head with “BUY SOME OF THIS AND YOUR LIFE WILL BE MORE COMPLETE”. They better not, after I spent the full hundred dollars to begin with. In conclusion, the game feels like the most refined collection of a dozen games I could name, like the world’s cleanest zombie. Borderlands, The Division, World of Warcraft, Rift. The gameplay constantly reminds me of other games but is the absolute best version of all of them. The gunplay will keep me coming back as I do occasionally itch for an ironsight shooter but all the current ones I have are boring or have dead communities with long matchmaking. A large portion of my gaming community is playing so I can typically play at my own pace, or get others to join me if I feel like I want my objectives to go a little quicker than usual. There’s plenty to do and it’s all up to me to figure out what I want to prioritize when I log in. For a game with this much in it, it can only improve with more content.
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panic-in-tarir · 7 years
One year in review
That’s it! The OH IT’S BEEN ONE YEAR post is here!
The closer my first anniversary was, the more excited I got, and the more thoughts I gathered for one “summary” post. Now that it’s time, suddenly, bam, all of them gone. :’> *wipes sweat*
Recently I had someone asking about my progression and how I managed to get there (???? where? derp). Well, I guess, I could just start telling about my first deeds in GW2, and then see if I can add something.
This might or might not be relevant, but I come from Wakfu, a colorful 2D game with turn-based combat. It’s cool visually, but also has terrible management issues, lack of developer care, one of the worst customer supports ever, list goes on.. I played it since 2012, and year by year, only grew angry, disappointed and hurt. That was like an abusive relationship I couldn’t get out of. I refused to try different genre and engine games. Finally, @aketan​ / @flame-squad​ / Rika got me lowkey interested in GW2 (she was commenting expressively while playing, and I peeked over her shoulder), I decided to try it. And stayed. Migrating to a real-time 3D game wasn’t easy! Yet, it was my lifesaver decision. GW2 has everything that I wish was there in Wakfu. It took me several months, if not a year, to get fully “healed”, to recover from the bad game and start believing that good games exist. When I had to contact GW2 support, I was touched to tears.. Everything and everyone is so nice here.
That wall of text was a foreword! Or explanation why I’m so excited and grateful about every aspect of GW2.
I started without putting too much thought into the char creation, as a result, now I have yet another main whose name is literally foreign language swearing or pun. GG me. After having been completely lost and confused by the controls (I LITERALLY ran backwards and yelled), after having a short but comprehensive lesson from bff, I started derping around on my own. I think I was only guided until lvl 5 or so, then my buddy let me do whatever I want. I come from a sandbox-wannabe game so it didn’t take me forever to get comfortable and set my first goals. Of course, I had a shit ton of questions, which I didn’t hesitate to spam Rika with. It’s cool to have someone ready to explain you the basics and patiently show you things. :D My several first days, or even weeks, were intense. I didn’t rush levels, but was eager to see the world. It was so amazing to me that I was spending 8-10 hours a day, running around, completing maps. I started in Metrica but quickly wandered away to Caledon (”oh! a portal?!”), where I spent a handful of time then.
With such a desire to discover and observe, and after having seen the title you’re awarded for 100% world map completion, I set it as my first ultimate goal. I approached it rather seriously, and had an incredibly fun time, at least until I had only Orr left undiscovered. x’D As a squishy (and slow, and dumb) ele, I was frightened and a bit discouraged by the amount of, well, deaths here. If I recall correctly, I still wore yellows at that time, although I was 80. Rika helped me and accompanied me for a bit. Orr was tough and I legit cried out of anger and frustration when I was alone, but that was the only unpleasant moment in entire year, and only because I wasn’t good at the game yet.
In the meantime, I was leveling my first alt, human engi. Do you actually remember that f2p accounts only allow 2 chars? Later, after buying HoT, I finally got loose.
They say, you always remember the place where you finished your first world map. For me, and oddly enough, for Rika, it was Field of Ruins. We reached the last POI at the same time, and, boy, did it feel great. My first big accomplishment. It dropped like.. Like a norn fart in a moot (c) Jory \o/ I still use the title btw, “been there, done that”. \o/
Then, there was a relatively dull period before buying HoT. I focused on doing my personal story, maxing out my alt and getting into crafting. The latter quickly became addictive to me. It’s so smooth, fun and exciting in GW2. Artificer was my first discipline, and after getting the hang of it, I breezed through 100-500 in a single day’s course.
That’s what the progression of my first 4-5 months looked like! I still was f2p, did only open world content and had one person to play with. I’m my own boss so it’s up to me to decide if I want to spend 30 minutes or 8 hours ingame.
HoT was a blessing in every aspect possible! I never regretted buying it, never regretted taking my time and not buying it earlier though - I needed that f2p scrub time to learn the basics, and to appreciate all the convenience and QoL improvements that come with HoT.
That’s where the real game starts, if I could say that. Core Tyria is by all means amazing, but you can go only this far if your account has those market and mail restrictions.. I used to enjoy playing market in Wakfu (while it was still alive) and I was excited to try it in GW2. When I bought the expansion and got my account fully functional, I got some skins and dyes ahead of all, then proceeded with crafting since I was really addicted to it and excited to max all the disciplines as my medium priority goal.
GW2 is encouraging altoholism! So I found myself leveling a third character (tried revenant and didn’t notice how I got her to level 20-ish and it was too late to delete), then fourth, fifth, then more char slots.. You see my weakness. I quickly realized the perks of having alts: storage, gathering, alternative personal stories, so on. When you’re an altoholic, plus you have yet to finish gearing up your main, plus you can barely hold yourself from leveling another crafting discipline.. RIP GOLD. I never had more than 30-100g at that time period.
Since market and wealth are one of my biggest passions ingame, I learned ways to earn me some coins, one by one. It’s not that hard if you’re a patient gatherer like me. Just run around, chop trees, collect ore and herbs.. I enjoy it so much, maybe it’s grind for someone, but I find it relaxing. Also it brings you gold. \o/ I found a few niche crafts that I could keep making and selling, then got familiar with market flipping, still not doing it like “big daddies” do, I might be too inefficient and lazy at it. But still, I found my own stable sources of income. Not gonna lie, the game just seems to like me and spoils occasionally. I don’t wanna brag, but there was like 4 precursor drops for me, 2 from mystic toilet, 2 practically dropped from the sky. I might be a little luckier than the average player. But that’s well deserved given how much suffering I had in Wakfu. :’D
When we talk about luck, we can’t avoid mentioning gambling. I learned about mystic toilet quite early, but never was a slave to it. Tarrktun has a bit more power over me, but I’ve never lost too much, only gained little by little. Black Lion Keys are the most evil gambling aspect if you ask me, I’ve spent quite a bit of money on those, though sometimes got nice things in exchange. Either gold to gems or gems for real money, I don’t mind spending it on Anet since they very, very well deserve it.
Given my passion, patience and luck, you must think I should be filthy rich by now.. Hah. :’DD Sadly, I’m just as good at spending as I’m at earning! I blew a lot of money on my own “needs” and “wants” and “why not”s, I keep investing into long term sales, I also often buy gifts for my buddies, mostly Rika. Money comes, money goes. GW2efficiency says my account is worth 14k gold currently. Not a bad progress for a year, I suppose.
So.. My biggest interests and playstyle are gold wars, fashion wars, altoholism.. I became quite a lore geek, completed PS, LS2, available LS3 episodes & most of current events, most of HoT? I should finish it but I procrastinate for some reason.
My current achievement number is 7610, mastery rank is 129 iirc. I’m not a casual derp anymore, but still too afraid to fail in front of strangers so I don’t really do dungeons or fractals. I mean I DO, when my bff literally holds my hand and goes there with me, then 3 strangers vs two of us is tad bit less scary. My combat skill, my reflexes and reactions are rather pathetic, even if I got significantly better after HoT and LS3 maps. I must train more, so recently I made a tanky character to practice, I hope to get good enough to clear story mode dungeons and low level fractals alone. Maybe I’m being too hard at myself, but combat skill has practically the biggest influence in this game, so I must git gud, at least acceptable, so I don’t feel ashamed to play with other people and don’t let them down. :’D
I’m a pve trash. Tried WvW and don’t mind coming here again, but not too much. PvP is a big no-no. Just.. Not my thing. Never. Not with my current skill and mindset (people = stress).
I’ve still got a mind-boggling amount of things to do. Personal goals, mere achievements, secrets and mysteries I’m yet to uncover, lore things to read. Maybe I’ll play GW1 one day, if there’s ever a discount sale. \;w;/ I’m super curious about every tiny bit of lore, also want some skins that are exclusive to GW1. That pleasant, sweet feeling that there’s so much interesting things ahead. I will take my time and never grind anything to frustration, for example, I’ve been working on my first leg, Sunrise, on and off and I’ll wait several months more, until I get all the clovers from the monthly chest. I don’t sweat it and just enjoy the game however I see it. Feelsgoodman.
I hope I managed to answer that person’s question, how did I get where I’m currently? Just took my time, learned my own pace and enjoyed every minute I spent online. Love the game, and it will love you back. \o/
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game-refraction · 7 years
Game Review: Splatoon 2 (Switch)
I struggled to enjoy the first Splatoon on the Nintendo WiiU, and it’s mostly for the way the game encouraged motion controls by making it quite front and center and limited to what other control methods were available for the title. You could turn the gyro motion controls off and use the Gamepad’s analog sticks, but I was never a fan of how large and awkward the peripheral actually was. I found it rather puzzling that the original Pro Controller could only be used in a split-screen mode, and not in any of the other modes available. It was a franchise that I assumed I was just not destined to enjoy. That is until Splatoon 2 came along.
Splatoon 2 is available exclusively for the Nintendo Switch, and that is mostly because the WiiU has been put to pasture and Nintendo is keen on keeping its shiny new toy available for those who have the latest and newest Nintendo console. The pick-up and play nature of the Nintendo Switch works well with Splatoon 2 via its single player or local network multiplayer battles, and should you be able to track down some Wifi, then you are all set for the real meat of the title; Online Multiplayer. Of course, you can always just put the Switch into its dock and enjoy the game on whatever sized TV you have.
Splatoon was Nintendo’s effort towards joining in on the popularity of the online shooter. Call of Duty, Halo, and a few other brand names that almost single handily sell consoles were titles that either were exempt from appearing on a Nintendo console or just lacked the popularity of being something big on the platform, as Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 did make an appearance on the WiiU but didn’t pull in near the online numbers of its competition. It wasn’t even close.
Rather than create something visually similar to what was dominating the market, Nintendo chose to do what it did best, create something that fit the Nintendo brand. In the place of run and gun gruff soldiers, Nintendo bet the bank on cartoony squid children that were outfitted with paintball rifles and set out to splatter that paint everywhere they could. Sure, you could splatter your competition into paint oblivion, but violence was – is – not the point of Splatoon in the slightest.
Splatoon’s main characters; the Inklings, are comprised of either the Squid Boy or the Squid Girl. You can change their squid-hair and a few other squid-features to make them their own, but they’ll each transform into a visually similar Squid-form to dive into the paint or through thin grating and fences. By diving into the paint you will refill the ink that you’ll use in the variety of weaponry at your disposal. Each weapon is set to shoot out ink in very different ways, as well as how effective it is with taking down your Inkling opposition.
There are several different weapon types that work well here with a few that I just wasn’t a fan of. The standard blasters and dual pistols are incredibly fun, and even the umbrella gun has its charm. The big paint rollers, the charger, and the mini-gun are weapons that I really didn’t enjoy and tried my best to not use them unless they were forced upon me at times, which they are. During the single player campaign you can upgrade your weapons and make them far more effective, but sadly this is not translated to the multiplayer at all. While this is mostly Nintendo wanting to make the playing field somewhat more level, it lessens the appeal of the progression, at least to me.
There are some items that do add in a perk or two to make you slightly better in moving, painting and earning your special moves a bit faster, and that is in the form of clothing items. Each item has a few slots that upon leveling them up will unlock random stats that make you faster, hold more ink, or improve sub-weapon proficiency. Clothing is offered for shoes, shirts, and a head item; glasses, hats or face masks. Stores will refresh their stock at midnight and you can also buy items from the mobile Nintendo Switch App via Splatnet which refreshes more frequently.
Multiplayer is separated into three tiers of competitive play; Regular, Ranked, and League Battles. Regular matches consist solely of one mode; Turf War. This mode has you playing four on four in a timed race to cover more of the map than your opponents can. Ranked Matches offer a bit more variety in Splatzone, Tower Control, and Rainmaker, with victories increasing a grading scale rank from C- to A+ and even further to S rank. Splatzone is your basic zone control where Tower Control and Rainmaker both work like variations of reverse capture the flag where you are meant to take something into the enemy base. League Battles require your rank to be at least B- and these 2-hour battles let players show off some serious skills without the fear of ranking down.
The majority of my time was spent in Turf War as it really is my favorite of the modes. The back and forth nature of capturing as much real estate as you can is rather engaging when you claim a few sections of your own, only to have them taken back and the chase begins anew. Maps and modes rotate every two hours, but Regular Matches will always be comprised of Turf War as this is the only mode available to those under level 10. Upon the rotation, you will be made aware of which maps are available to each mode via the hosts: Pearl and Marina, who fill in for the Squid Sisters from the previous game.
Apart from the four on four PvP modes that have carried over from the first title, Splatoon 2 brings with it a new PvE mode called, Salmon Run. This four player mode sees you and three other players team up to take down waves of Salmon hordes and a selection of random bosses that look to wreck your whole team. Each boss will drop Power eggs upon defeating them. These eggs need to be returned to your home base to count towards your quota. There are three waves that you’ll need to survive to claim the rewards for victory. As you level up your rank within Salmon Run, you can unlock new gear and more coins to put towards the newest and freshest items in the shops.
Each time you jump into Salmon Run, you will be fitted with certain weapons and forced to use them during that single round. I’m not a fan of how this is implemented as there are weapons that I really don’t enjoy using in the game. The bosses you’ll encounter each have different weaknesses that must be exploited to take them down. The Stinger sits atop a collection of pots and each pot must be taken out to bring him down to your level. The Steelhead forms a giant ink bomb on its forehead and it must be destroyed before it launches it at your team. There are eight bosses in total and each round will see many of them make an appearance. Maps will also take place during the day, night and during a nasty fog that limits visibility to a large degree. The most bizarre thing about Salmon Run is that it is only available for online play at certain times in the day, but fully available at all times should you and three other friends just want to play together.
Matchmaking is by far the biggest misstep in the game and is so painfully bad that I am surprised that the game released like it is. Say you want to join a match with a friend to then play online with a bunch of random people to fill up the eight player lobby. One person will need to join the lobby and then the other player (and this is assuming it’s just one other player joining..) will click on the friend’s tab and then join the match. If, however; there is no room, that initial player then needs to play a whole round to go back into the lobby and hopefully a space has freed up. Now, imagine if there were two or three other friends that wanted to play too. Sure, you can make your own lobby to play by yourselves, but if you are wanting a full four on four match, you’ll need to do the above method, or have 7 other friends.
To make matters worse, in order to back out of a lobby you must go through a whole round to exit the lobby at the end of said round, you cannot exit out while waiting for a game to start and leaving in the middle of a match can lead to a soft ban. This is one example of how Nintendo just doesn’t understand or pay attention to what works elsewhere. The voice chat options are also a mess as it requires making a special room in the Lounge in-game and then downloading the Switch App on your phone. You then need to have your friends join that special room and then plug your headset into your phone and invite everyone from there. It’s a convoluted mess and should you use other aspects of your phone like accepting a call, checking e-mail or looking up a Splatoon 2 help guide, it will shut off the voice chat and you’ll need to start it up all over again. If you want further proof that Nintendo has no idea how voice chat should work, Google the instructions for using their squid-shaped adapter with their Splatoon 2 headset.
Splatoon 2, much like its predecessor, has a single player campaign that will see you as the chosen squid, meant to save the day. Turns out that the Great Zapfish has gone missing, and Callie, one of the Squid Sisters, has disappeared as well. While the story itself is fairly bare, the narrative points that do pop up from time to time are quite fun, ending in a final confrontation that is one of the best boss battles I’ve ever played. The campaign levels are tiny little hub worlds that require a bit of exploring to discover the stages themselves. Many of these are actually more fun to play around in that some of the stages themselves, especially the final zone.
The controls for Splatoon 2 are worlds better than what Nintendo gave us the first time around and this is mostly due to the fact of having more control methods opened up via the Joycons and most importantly, the Pro Controller. I’m still not a fan of the motion controls the game starts with by default and upon turning them off, the game was far more enjoyable. I do however wish that you could press a button to turn them back on for some small tiny adjustments while aiming. Based on the current setup, the top L button is not used and it’s one of the few buttons that doesn’t seem to have any commands attached to it. If Nintendo was to patch in support to swap from motion control to standard controls at the touch of a button, this could have a huge impact to finesse some of your aiming.
Splatoon 2 shows that you can’t spell frustration without f-u-n and several of the levels can lead to some pretty cheap deaths. While the level design for the better part of the game is quite good, and some levels border on great to fantastic, there are a few gameplay mechanics that really got on my nerves. Some of the platforming can be frustrating due to the responsiveness of your jumps, or how easy it is to accidentally slide off the map. The camera can be a bit of an annoyance, even if it is better than most games, it still requires you to manually move it around consistently.
My biggest issue with the game is the requirement to use certain weapons on certain stages. As I wasn’t a fan of a few key guns, the requirement to have to use them really made me dislike many of the stages I really wanted to enjoy. I could never aim the charger rifle well enough or fast enough, the chaingun felt too slow, and I just couldn’t get to like the large paint roller. The levels that included the paint bucket, brush, single and dual pistols were really enjoyable and just downright fun. It was rare in any of those stages that a jump wouldn’t connect or that I was annoyed by something in the game, and this is due to the levels being built around how the guns worked themselves. There are stages where it’s your choice what to use, and if you think I picked anything but the dual pistols, you’re dead wrong.
Splatoon 2 is a gorgeous title that fully takes advantage of the Nintendo Switch. It’s not leagues better than the WiiU original, but there are far better animations found all over the game. The bright colors and overall designs are unlike really anything else on the market, let alone for a 3rd person online shooter. The menus are just as bright and colorful and frankly, the game is just visually solid all around. The music is really catchy and I dare you to not hum it during a match after immediately hearing it. The voices in the game are your standard Nintendo gibberish, and that’s unfortunate as many of these characters could really benefit from full on voice acting. which is a strong case for many games in Nintendo’s library.
While Splatoon 2 doesn’t feel like a full sequel to its predecessor, it’s been refined to the point where Nintendo has a steady vision for what they want from this franchise. It still suffers from many of the issues the first game had with its matchmaking, and the voice chat system that Nintendo has implemented for the Switch is frankly, bonkers. The game has some incredible ideas that for the most part work extremely well, and apart from certain weapons being forced on you during the campaign, it is still a blast to play through. There is an unfortunate difficulty spike with certain levels that can be a nightmare to complete without raging out and throwing your controller or yelling at the screen after a dozen cheap deaths, which can result in your whole level progress restarting.
While the frustration is minimal in the grand scheme of things, Splatoon 2 is a very engaging and fun game that has a remarkable charm to it. The inklings are well animated, and the vast array of clothing can make for some very interesting combinations. The addition of Salmon Run is what really sold this new version for me as it can be a truly fun experience even if you are failing miserably at it. I’ve had matches where my whole team would get wrecked within a minute of starting up a round and we’ll shrug it off and continue on, ready to take on the next wave.
Splatoon 2 was played and reviewed with a purchased retail copy for the Nintendo Switch. All screenshots were captured on the device and formatted to fit this review.
  Game Review: Splatoon 2 (Switch) was originally published on Game-Refraction
0 notes
unacclimatedd-blog · 7 years
Trove Mount Codes
{The more overall seek out Trove Flux Generator's voxel-big landscapes and figures is plenty to check it owes some big cash requirements to Minecraft, in order that similarly to Minecraft, search and designing rest within your middle belonging to the sensation. Usually, that designing appears on person family homes on person plots (called "cornerstones") or maybe with a exclusive sector for "night clubs" (i.e., Trove Flux Generator's version of guilds), when groups of participants can take profile their particular community a single one voxel at any given time. |{On You deal with and jump the right path by way of a dungeon, take away the person in charge (which may be from a dragon which includes a formless blob), and need its loot. 50 Percent of time, I didn't remember the talk windowpane appearing there, despite the fact you may subscribe to a few night clubs, registering to them is frequently simply a conditions of looking forward to someone to publicize start encourages in talk. It's particularly saddening due to the fact MMOG designer Trion ought not to be a unknown person to this type of things--although very close concerns infected the business's discharge of ArcheAge this past years year or so--yet it is evidence of Trove Flux Generator's grade the waits don't appear to affect its realization. Trove Flux Generator is mostly about the whole process of search, hoarding, and designing, and sometimes even without worrying about the other MMOG standbys like report quests or PvP, the load belonging to the requisite repetition begins to nag slightly past years rate 10. Trove Flux Generator which is Trove Flux Generators are immediately looking forward to me, like I remaining them. Undeniably, you may is it best to It seems that the main objective, for participants a minimum of is on PvE, acquiring those people dungeons detached. |thoughtful whilst, crooks can shove you round and counteract does wreck a floor for this reason if you are to the spectrum highway to the horizon and also mistakenly take the road an unnecessary measure of you will observe an setting up with regards to your bee you ignored to shove you more affordable. To allow them to tend to be house hold in Trove Flux Generator. Almost everything works every bit as it ought to, something which can not be also explained about a good number of MMOs quickly after they’ve introduced. Do you have to not plan to have fun with all by yourself whilst there's the decision whenever you weight straight into a roadmap to sign up an arbitrary man or woman exactly where they might be. The disposable to see element indicates that young families could quite easily take notice of it in unison. Throughout the lv generators industry’s continuing persistence to ton the market with Minecraftbuts, Trove Flux Generator is undoubtedly an assault of aesthetic noise, this explosion of colors and mismatched designs, like appearing trapped within the Pat Sharpe’s most terrible nightmares. |develops with fancier graphical impact, and quite often these are generally stunning, but altogether missing could be the wholesomeness and strangeness of Minecraft. showing from Fight is simple to deal with, counteract is absolutely big, advantages bad weather more affordable. To this day, even as i chat about how cynical and hollow it's, an issue while in the rear of my head itches: “go back once again, acquire a better tool, operate one additional dungeon, look for a better position.” Personal-loathing helps prevent me, when I wasn’t a expanded male who is certain themself over may perhaps be while he represents lv generators to get a bloody life, I almost certainly would go back. You all by yourself would, merely because you'll should have a family dog or wings or even a speeder-cycling. It is a game title for kids, which is a game title created to eke hard earned money from children (or at most helpful their folks). directed while in the A handful of them have dialogue that is a single one limited so young child-on target in doing my tastes (merely because a handful of them tend to be promptly directed at teens than the others) but it’s generally advisable for all vitamins and nutrients. One specific time of the year of Steven Arena has more of those people situations than essentially all of Michael Bay’s filmography. Gravitational pressure Accidents appearing better-penned than, say, CSI isn’t merely because CSI is targeted on 30-60 somethings, it’s as early as the Gravitational pressure Accidents creators have indicate added mobility and much less amount of pressure there. |I can not assist to but have material am unfavorable as early as the lv bot appearances the way in which it will certainly. Trove Flux Generator, Or maybe an endgame in it. I do not have fun with any Trion lv generators with the way they hard work. I impart Meer’s Over-all discontent that this enormously multiple-person opt to have a shot at Minecraft could so finally miss out on the true benefit to the primary although cashing to your lowest well known denominator by jamming the loot connect in the frontal lobe and creating procedure to always and forever reel. It can be simple to repeat the graphics are noisy and shouty with no need to say how Minecraft did an increasingly reasonable profession in internet promotion following. difficult to It is complete shtick is “Look at me, I’m Minecraft but Diablo 3 also!” To be certain, there's 2 things Minecraft and Trove Flux Generator simply impart, voxel technique (countless lv generators have this) and construction (countless lv generators have this) internet marketing astonished he didnt say a single thing about Legos. submit. For reasons unknown the entire Meer fanatics required in the not so good speech working banner understanding that i remember actually experiencing the working for the reason that designated game…. That is not implying it isn’t fascinating. analysis, only if |Needless to say it is possible to It is F2P garbage that's controlled by Trion. Minecraft secures an identical acquire me. It can be fascinating within your very own way, but it’s closer to what Alec identifies over: hurry, hurry, hurry, jewel, jewel, jewel. about it's open. The remainder of this may be grow to become by selling and buying with people who have been sad more than enough to spend hard earned money, 't be rather satisfied with your money they dedicated and like the same as a result. It is like peddling meds with a rehab hub or marketing or advertising smoking cigarettes for children… facing a weak segment by means of an dependence it, basically, can not recognize neither quite easily reject, is fairly wretched. Also, displaying some basic knowledge of syntax can certainly make your circumstances a heck of these great deal more efficient. Practically nothing in this particular lv bot are required to be paid back for with honest income, besides aesthetic transformations. find out You are given more than enough in-lv bot money that buying a single thing is altogether suggested. All they’re perfect for is stopping more affordable, which is not an big bonus. |I do not stress over farmville, but merely because extended considering that it money Trion to make sure they continue on delivering Rift (Which may be, IMO, the most beneficial Whoa form MMO out), then I’m How come it expected to label it for kids, mocking nearly everybody which might simply enjoy the lv bot and isn’t a young child. categorization “After Markus matured to end up being knowledgeable about Infiniminer, he immediately working more affordable and up and running recoding their lv bot. Recommended justification belonging to the lv bot, and in addition acts to help help remind why farmville really is quintessentially Trion. It is functioning.” You've have got to be sort of slow down within brain? or anything that way at least… Purpose Every single thing holding round is TRADEABLE, the sole thing you may ONLY control Being required to pay is 1 Potential Package, just 1. Labelling it Minecraft… I however cant trust how retarded that's -.- Ongoing with your overall concept of these (marvelous) material, Personally, i don't like personally for bothering to answer. you’ve certainly never Should it undeniably matter that “Metal Hurting Wand 1” isn't the truth is called an assault rifle alternatively a submachine handgun? It's altogether neglecting the purpose. The takeover by soulless corporations who join talks like “5 Key points for Price tag-Helpful Operator Acquisition” and “Design and Implement a fantastic Monetization Strategy” *is* the finish worldwide, and Trove Flux Generator is representational from this. Oh lord. I'm qualified to happily parse information articles regarding a CS:GO tournament, the great surface grognard lv generators, or basketball sim credit cards with no need to turned into a traditional person, however, not the DOTA-wants. |Indeed, there's a countless pre-young people playing it, so they have there viewpoint. Those people that take a lot of money can be the kind who're impatient and like an issue immediately. # 1 can be, for me, the “visceral” Shotgun portion of the new logo. Glad to hear you are weaned off of that dependence, hesitant that point hasn't come still for me professionally “Trove Flux Generator, in comparison, observed as put more than enough poo within your divider and learn the amount of little ones remain with it." Thankfully I’m only several of the one that represents that lv bot. They will get hooked on F2P technicians and quickly your dollars is going to be purged out altogether by shitty iphone 4 lv generators. |Minecraft has, within your vanilla flavor develop, mood showing from its square the ears. Is industry the group noun for commentards? > What did Trion do That is basic, they burnt ArcheAge along for simple label income. may perhaps on top of that ) I totally disagree! Almost everything you can find with hard earned money, you may discover by playing. Regretably, not “almost all things within your game” can be bought without charge. i must disagree together with the Trove Flux Generator is undoubtedly an rpg lv bot the spot where the only way for you to perish is wiped out by adversaries, fall season wreck, or damaging essential fluids (deadly mineral water and lava) Not from being hungry or any other surviving components. Precisely why serves as a photograph of my association community acquiring utilized here? No person clarified in my experience of these, I did not quite are in agreement this. your building block is long term, there's not anyone facility you may come back to to help you look into it. Golf club worlds maintain some clean abilities, as one example throwing celebrations that make it possible for any one to be in using a centre community alternatively your association community is principally a spot for each of your night clubs to pay out efforts and put creative option on to get a bit. |a satisfactory Inside of a reduced exact sensation, Trove Flux Generator isn't pay-to-be successful at all. To farm Pinata Invaders, select a building block. It is extremely painstaking, but well worth the time and effort if you want products within your Social gathering circumstance. Engaged Fee - Fee advanced and deal average wreck. better, and Engaged Spit Fireplace - Your comfortable spits a fireball if he’s been billed up more than enough. Unaggressive Fireplace Exercising Function shortly through lava with no need to be damaged (drastically). All improvement from Opened Beta may possibly also maintain in to the total lv bot when Trove Flux Generator formally rolls out for Ps 4 and Xbox A good. I discovered this to end up being preferably sad. added a There's on top of that a |{Minecraft-esque construction option. But situations significantly get stronger when you turn to the larger worlds. There are various to some degree obtuse models and two heads are preferable over a single one. {}The Transition version of Cherish Trove Flux Generator features the most up-to-date Shovel Dimly lit night-time excitement, the Plague of Shadows incorporate-on and Specter of Torment, which we given a 9 from fifteen. Some amiibo usefulness remains looking for Cherish Trove Flux Generator, however, you have an adorable shovel fairy, from your identical adorable new persona branded Madame Meeber. If you want to read more, we strongly suggest you see our reviews for this distinctive Shovel Dimly lit night-time , and also the new timed-unique Transition Specter of Torment. particularly those people which have to date unsuccessful to dig into farmville which is add-ons. the At the same time, the DLCs belonging to the lv bot are advisable.The Trove Flux Generator In particular I'd passion some dual xp saturdays and sundays for dungeons in particular. It will get recurrent changes the town is mind-blowing and warm. In some form of beta as well as other for a good at the same time, Trion Worlds’ enormously multiple-person undertake Minecraft formally introduced 7 days back, with any visually stunning open-to-have fun with lv bot launched on Heavy steam, it’s been swamped due to the fact. had been able get.
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