#I mean hell I've already somewhat started working on an essay to just try and get my thoughts down
cat-dragron · 20 days
Oh yeah, reaching that point of the obsession where I have so many thoughts and opinions on something that watching reviews about it is difficult bc they miss something I think is important.
I really need to start drafting a video essay at this point... <- guy who has never done media analysis in his life.
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gamerism · 28 days
This is my "I think Ishin is trying to imply Okita and Todo have a relationship off screen that Ryoma just isn't really aware of" essay. Finally written down so I can stop repeating it all the time.
[Spoilers ahead for events that take place late into the events of Ishin, including major character death.]
I'm going to start by saying that I think Okita is immediately slightly queercoded by association, as Majima is a queercoded characer. (If you require evidence, simply read the dialogue in any Majima Everywhere event.) And Okita is acting as his mirror in this story. By acting the same way Majima does, he also subtly shows the same queer traits as Majima, but that alone isn't really enough for me to call Okita queercoded, more just that he has the potential/background work.
Todo and Okita don't have much in the way of interactions outside of group contexts, which effect the way they act with each other. So the first thing that really points to potential queerness in either of them (beyond what I've already said about Okita) that I want to mention is not directly related to Okita or Todo but from someone else. It's Takeda expressing interest in Todo in this creepy-as-hell scene:
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This dialogue is the second line that makes Takeda's interest in men explicitly clear to the audience (the first being a come-on towards Ryoma), but if you're familiar with the way in which relationships between samurai were for a time somewhat accepted, though as I understand it not exactly outright acknowledged (please correct me here/add nuance if you know more about the subject), this does, in it's way, reflect back on Todo. At least as the subject of interest. (And give it's implications about Todo's orientation and the perception of his orientation in the Shinsengumi.)
Moving on to the direct interactions between the two. At the meeting in Ryoma's room after the Shinsengumi splintered into two factions, Okita follows the reveal of Todo ('Heisuke' to him, the only character he does not use an honourific with to my knowledge, implying their closeness*) being a supposed traitor clearly surprised and despondent.
(*Cont. Okita's a straightforward person, everyone is -chan to him because he's a playful & impertinent guy, except Inoue, who is -san out of deep respect. The lack of honourific would also have a straightforward meaning.)
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Okita is known for big emotions but not deep ones, and rarely honest ones if they don't relate to the people he really cares about (seen with how real he gets emotionally about his mentor dying and him going on a warpath). So this reaction is understated, but it feels real rather than fabricated as most of his reactions to things (somewhat) are.
This follows with Todo making his entrance and the reveal that he faked his betrayal to act as a spy in the ranks of the Goryo Eji. We focus on Okita's reaction to this news (both now and before we aren't given much on Ryoma or Nagakura's reactions, Okita's is the focus) the relief is obvious in his voice.
Next we skip ahead to Todo's death. Okita is shown to be the one who carries him in to the scene, laying him down gently on the ground. Immediately as we're shown the reactions of everyone in the scene he's clearly the most emotional externally based off expressions.
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He stares down at Todo on the ground in the background as Ryoma discusses the plan with Hijikata.
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When Ryoma turns to Okita, Okita threatens him. Something he hasn't done in a serious manner since the scene in Mukurogai following Inoue's death (and his brief belief that Ryoma was the one responsible). As Okita threatens him a tear visibly falls.
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This is by FAR the most vulnerably emotional we've seen Okita in the game. It's hard to say if he's more distraught than when his mentor (and seemingly somewhat father figure) was killed but he's going so far as to be vulnerable enough to cry. And we know Okita has a special connection to Inoue and Nagakura that sets the group apart from the rest of the Shinsengumi captains. Sure, he's had the chance to grow close to Todo since the man joined. As it is stated early on that Todo joined the organisation soon after that fateful night where Hirayama, Hirama and Serizawa 'died'. So while he wasn't in on the secret he has been around for quite a while. (At least as far as I understand that part, the game is a little so-so about explaining if anyone beyond those present in the scene where the real Okita, Nagakura & Inoue die are in the know or not.)
But I feel that the game leaves us with the implication that Okita would not get anywhere near this emotional over the death of anyone besides Nagakura and Inoue, with their shared history. So why does Todo's death hit him so hard?
It feels to me like they're trying to subtly imply that the off screen relationship between the two of them was just different to Okita's relationship with the other captains, even the ones he got on with. So pair the off screen, not quite acknowledged nature of this with real historical context....it feels like a romantic implication to me personally.
in conclusion:
But also I can't tell if I'm just reading way into at this point, tell me if I need to go lie down and think less about the text until I stop seeing gay ppl everywhere or no
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writtenonreceipts · 3 years
I saw this prompt for feysand and i would love to see your take on it - I get stuck with a late class that doesn’t end until 9pm and I’m always anxious about walking across the campus to the dorms, so you offer to walk with me and one night, I find out that it’s in the exact opposite direction that you need to go in
I've really been enjoying your writing!!❤
AN: I took it and ran, and ran, and kept running.  Thank-you so, SO much for sending it my way!  This was a great prompt that had fun with.  I’m glad you’ve been liking my stuff, it means a lot! ~5.5kwords
TW: Brief talk about death, anxiety, depression, fear.
 Worth It
Seated at a canvas with paints or pencils in hand, Feyre was unstoppable.  She could create landscapes with ease or depict a simple still life and turn it into something far greater.  Art was where she lived.
Not in a basement classroom learning about Prythian history.  
There wasn’t anything wrong with history, especially when it was as rich and vibrant as Prythia.  But talking about wars, treaties, and assassinations could only be discussed for so long.
Of course, it didn’t help that Feyre was dyslexic, but she didn’t talk about that.
She glanced around the room, trying to see if anyone else was as bored as she was.  It was the first day of class and she was the only one not taking extensive notes.  Well, she and a guy at the front of the room.  All Feyre could see was the back of his head.  His hair was dark as midnight and the sleeves of his shirt were rolled up as he sat at his desk.  He didn’t even have a textbook with him.
Feyre forced herself to pay attention as the Professor finally shut down the slide show presentation.
“Make sure you look of the syllabus,” Dr. Wesson addressed the class.  She was a small woman with rich brown hair and a plain green dress.  “It outlines the schedule of tests and essays.  None of the dates will be altered.  My TA will be at your disposal.” 
Dr. Wesson nodded to the guy with the black hair and gestured for him to stand up.
And just like that, the class was the most fascinating thing in the world. 
He was tall, taller than he’d originally appeared.  His warmly tanned skin made his violet blue eyes bright and eager.  A sly sort of smile traced his mouth as he observed the class.
“Call me Rhysand,” he said, “I’m working on my masters specifically in the historical aspect of how literature was shaped by wars in the land.  I’m always glad to help with your questions.  Just make sure you email me to set something up.”
The girls next to Feyre whispered to each other, exchanging significant looks.  Feyre exchanged a significant look with the amount of reading and writing that was required.
Hell.  It was going to be a long semester.
The class dismissed right at nine o’clock, much to Feyre’s relief.  While most of the students flocked to the front of the room to either gawk at the TA or further discuss issues with the Professor, Feyre left the class.  Already she could feel her dread pooling into anxiety.  Her heart rate quickened and the muscles in her left hand twitched.  
She just needed to get home and sit down with a canvas and paint.
As soon as she made it outside the Humanities Building however, the dread continued to tug at Feyre.  It was far too dark.  With far fewer lights than she’d expected for a college campus.  Or maybe it was because there was a thick layer of clouds sagging down and threatening rain.  
Snapping to attention, Feyre clutched her bag to her chest and found the source of her name.
Her friend, and roommate, Alis waved at her from a path diverging deeper on to campus.  Her dark hair hung in waves down her back and the jacket she wore was flattering against her curves.
Feyre let out a long, releieved breath and plastered a smile on her face.  Quickly, she moved toward her friend.
“Hey,” Feyre greeted and accepted a hug from the smaller girl. “What are you doing here?”
“I know you had a late class,” Alis explained, “and I knew it was with Wesson.  I heard the woman is miserable.  So intense.  But--I mean--you’re going to do great.  Your always so creative with everything I’m sure she’ll love you.  Anyway, I was finishing up buying my books for the semester and thought I’d meet up with you.”
Feyre smiled as Alis spoke, grateful for the small distraction.  Even if it was slightly horrific in thinking about trying to get on a professor’s good-side.
“Thanks,” Feyre said, “I appreciate it.  It was a bit intimidating.”
“I think everyone just likes making freshman miserable,” Alis said.  Alis was technically a junior, but had changed her major four times and couldn’t decide on a minor.  She was not on track to graduate when she’d originally thought, but wasn’t at all concerned.  
Feyre wished she could be more like that than the raging mess she felt she was.
Behind them, leaving the Humanities Building, the TA appeared leading an entire gaggle of girls.
“Let’s go,” Feyre muttered. “I’m exhausted.”
By the third week of the semester Feyre came to better understand her relationship with exhaustion.  And it was not a good one.
She was fairly certain her body consisted of ninety percent caffeinated beverages and ten percent hot pockets.  She’d never been one for eating much.  Growing up had always been a struggle in keeping food in the fridge and a decent pair of shoes on her feet.  Feyre knew by now how her body functioned.
It wasn’t healthy, not in the slightest.  And there was a part of her that recognized that.  And another part that ignored it.
Two nights a week, Feyre found herself stuffed in the basement with little enjoyment.  Other than getting to stare and Rhysand when Dr. Wesson turned the class over to him for brief instruction.
And looking at him was enjoyment.  He was far different from any other guy Feyre had encountered.  His hair was kept neat and short sweeping easily back out of his face, a charming smile, and warm brown skin.  Not to mention the tattoos. 
Feyre had never really considered tattoos as being attractive.  Perhaps it was the artistic side of her that couldn’t get enough of them.  On him at least.  The way the black in swirled on his skin and swept up his arms.  It was a shame he never wore short sleeves or unbuttoned one extra cutton at his collar.
Mentally shaking herself, Feyre forced herself to pay attention.
Rhysand was discussing scores from the test last week.  And, to put it mildly, was not impressed.  Oh, there was plenty of good to say.  Some of the students were engaged in the topics at hand.  Some of the students displayed an obvious grasp of complicated topics.  Others did not.
Feyre found herself sinking deeper into her seat by the end of class.
He hadn’t called her out by name, but truly--it felt like he had.
“That’s it for today, enjoy the weekend,” Rhysand called out at the tick of nine, “and remember essay proposals are due by the start of class on Tuesday.”
There was a quick rustle of the students getting up and gathering their things.  It was a glorious Thursday evening and Feyre had somehow managed to keep her Friday’s clear of classes.  At least something had gone right.
“Feyre?” She whipped around to meet those stark violet eyes. Hell. “I needed to talk to you about the questions you had on the proposal assignment.”
Feyre bristled.  And not just because some of the girls shot her angry looks for being singled out by the hot TA.  She hadn’t asked any questions.  She was just trying to skate by on this class and be done with her prerequisites so she could get into her Art Major.
She set her bag on the floor once more and went to the front of the class.  Already most of the students were leaving, far too eager to be done with school for the night.
As Rhysand answered a few last questions and dismissed the rest of the students, Feyre approached.  Already she knew what she was going to say.
“I don’t have any questions.” The words fell from her mouth with ease. “I already know what I’m writing on.”
Lie.  But a well-practiced one.
Rhysand’s mouth curled in a smile.  He hefted a small stack of papers in one hand and leafed through them.  Feyre froze realizing that they were the tests from last week.  He pulled one of the stapled bunches out before setting the rest down.
“Honestly, I was surprised while grading this,” he said, “I mean, you’re obviously smart.  I saw that you were awarded the Starfell Scholarship, not an easy accomplishment.  Not to mention your always engaged and taking notes.”
Feyre wished her skin wasn’t as pale as it was.  Her skin flushed under his scrutiny, but she tilted her chin up and met his gaze.
“And?” she asked. “I take my education seriously.”
Somewhat.  When she actually liked the work.
Rhysand handed her the test.  And she saw the grade.
Her stomach churned.  Roiled actually.  Maybe she was going to be sick.  That was just what she needed.
“So?” she asked instead. “It was the first test of the semester.”
“And yours in the only outlier,” he replied.
His eyes never left hers and Feyre felt more and more inclined to throw something at him.  Who was he to talk to her about her grade?  He was just the damned TA.
“Dr. Wesson doesn’t like picking up the slack of grading or talking to students about it all that much,” he continued, literally reading her mind. “I’m just concerned about you falling behind.”
Feyre stiffened and pursed her lips.
“I grew up learning Prythian history, I’m sure I’ll be fine,” she said stiffly.  
Another lie.  She knew enough that basic education taught and what she’d heard and listened to.  But reading about it?  Her mind couldn’t grasp it.  It had been hard enough getting decent SAT scores to get accepted in the University let alone writing that damned Starfell essay.
“Of course,” Rhysand said slowly.
And Feyre had the sense that he was assessing her.  Analytically, carefully.  In the was that one would size up an opponent or scrutinize a strange recipe.  He was trying to understand her.
Feyre handed him back the test.
“Thanks for the concern,” she said, “but I’ll be fine.”
Perhaps he was just being nice.  Perhaps he was merely trying to fulfill his duties as TA.  But she had seen the way he acted in the class.  At times rebuffing boys and girls alike.  Not to mention seeing him around campus tossing a football around with two other boys.  She’d also seen him get kicked out of the library for a parkour prank challenge.  
In all honesty, Feyre had no idea what to make of him.  And she wasn’t sure she wanted to find out.
He didn’t seem to believe her.  Not with the crease forming between his brow nor the frown turning down one side of his mouth.  
Well, that was his problem.
“Have a good night,” Feyre said.  She spun on her heel before he could say anything and grabbed her bag and was out the door.  
Once she was outside, she could breathe again.  Strange.  She often found the darkness, the night, to be so suffocating.  It wasn’t long before Feyre realized something was off about the night.  And then she realized.  Alis was nowhere in sight.
Feyre dug her phone out of her pocket and found a missed text.
Sorry chica, caught up at study group.  Probs gonna spend the night at Nuala’s too.  See you tomorrow!
Of all the nights Alis could get serious with her girlfriend.
Feyre swallowed stiffly and stared out over the pavilion that stretched between the humanities building and out to the mathematics building.  A few pathways branched off to different parts of campus and then there was the main one that would take her to the dorms.  And of course, most of the streetlamps were barely flickering to life.
She’d never liked the dark.  Never liked what could hide in the shadows.  Nor what could sneak in silence.  Perhaps it was childish to still hold onto that fear.  She was almost nineteen years old after all. Nearly fifteen years later and here she was.
Feyre’s hands shook as she clutched her phone.  She could call Elain.  Nesta.  Even just to talk to as she walked.  Though Elain lost her phone even when it was in her hand.  And Nesta was at work.  
But it was fine.  Feyre knew it was fine.  Because all she needed to do was walk.  And shed been walking for long enough that putting one step in front of the other was natural.  Easy.  Simple.  Yet here she was.  Standing.
When Rhysand spoke, she didn’t even start.  
“Are you waiting for someone?” he asked.
Myself.  “No.”
“It’s getting late.”
“I know.”
How strange it was, to hear only the hum of crickets and breath of night.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Rhysand asked.  
Feyre glanced at him.  Even in the shadows she could see him clearly.  It was like he was made of night, of dark, of the mysteries that she could never lay her hand on.  She shook her head.  Focus, Feyre.
“Of course I am,” she insisted, a little too sharply. “Maybe I like having time to think.”
“At nine-thirty at night.  Outside the least exciting building on campus.”
“Oh, I don’t know.  I heard that last year a group of boys nearly got suspended for trying to host a snowball fight, indoors.” Feyre couldn’t help but grin when she saw how Rhysand flushed.
“Technically, I’m not the one who brought the snowballs inside the building,” he said defensively.
“Oh, no, you’re just the one who built an entire fort in front of the main entrance to the building,” Feyre said.
It had actually been pretty hilarious when she’d heard about it from Alis. It almost made her wish that she'd been around last year instead of taking a year off.
“Technically,” he said again, the word making Feyre’s brow arch, “it was my brother who instigated the fight. He couldn’t let his reign be challenged.”
Feyre snorted a laugh and looked out over the quiet campus. It almost didn't look so dark and cold as she'd thought it had.  But still, she felt her heart continue to hammer out unevenly in her chest.  She couldn't walk home alone. Even the thought of taking one step forward had her clench and unclench a fist over the strap of her bag.
Rhysand continued saying something, but Feyre was only half listening.  She was mostly focused on the thought of walking home.  She could cut through the Science building.  If it was still open.  Or she could full out sprint.
“Are you alright?” Rhysand asked.
Flushing, Feyre pushed her hair out of her eyes and nodded. “Fine, yeah.” She knew she had to ask him.  Knew that it was her only option despite how embarrassed she might feel. “Could you--this is stupid, so you can say no--could you walk with me to the dorms?”
Rhysand was quiet for a moment.  And in that moment Feyre was certain he was going to sneer at her.  Laugh.  Tell her to get over herself.  Just like the others before him.
"Where do you live?" Rhys and asked suddenly, cutting Feyre off before she had the ch
“The dorms on the west side,” she said.
“Alliance Dorms?” Rhysaid confirmed.  When Feyre nodded, he flashed her a small smile. “Absolutely.”
Relief pounded through Feyre.
“If you tell me what the deal was with that test.”
“You’re an ass.”  The words were out before Feyre could stop them.  Not the best thing to say to the TA of a class she was likely going to flunk.
Scowling, more to herself than him, Feyre started walking towards the dorms.  She was a strong confidant woman.  She did not need him to walk her home.
But Rhysand with those damned long legs kept stride with her easily.  And he was laughing.  Feyre was half tempted to knock an elbow in his side for laughing at her, but his next words caught her off guard.
“I like you Feyre,” he said, “you are rather interesting.”
She glanced up at him.  Was he serious?  She’d insulted him.  She’d barely exchanged ten words with him at this point.  And was scared of walking home alone.  Granted it was a valid fear for a young woman on a college campus these days.
“Insane is the better word for it,” she replied, mostly under her breath.  That’s what everyone back home said at least.  In the small town where nothing was supposed to go wrong.  But everything did.
“Interesting, curious, vibrant,” Rhysand listed off. “Far better words I think.”
Feyre had never been good with words.  Like now.  She couldn’t find the energy to respond to him.  There was a spark in his eye that almost challenged her, begged her to continue the banter, the little game.  
She remained silent.
She’d heard it was a far better mask for her to wear anyways.
The first paper she turned in for the History class was returned with far too many red marks.  Far too many question marks.  Far too many.  So Feyre merely folded the thing in half and stuffed it in her bag.
She could burn it later.
Dr. Wesson ended the lecture right at nine and dismissed the class.  Feyre had almost disillusioned herself into thinking she could avoid a conversation with the Professor.  With Rhysand.  But just as she was trying to maneuver around the giggling pack of girls that sat next to her, Dr. Wesson’s voice called out for her.
“Oh Miss Archeron, a word please?”
Feyre froze.  She could feign a phone call.  But then next class session the same thing would happen.  So, Feyre braced herself for what was to come and went to the front of the class.
As usual, Rhysand looked perfectly unruffled.  Despite the fact that Fall was quickly slipping into the winter months, he still wore a simple black button up tucked into slacks, the sleeves rolled up.
“Feyre,” Dr. Wesson said as she approached, she reached out a hand and gave Feyre a firm pat on the arm. “I know Rhysand spoke to you last week about your test.  I wanted to follow up, especially in seeing how this essay went.  Now, there is still plenty of time left in the semester, but I worry you aren’t grasping the things you should be.”
Blood pounded in Feyre’s ears.  She could hear her heart beat throb, feel it in her veins.  Her entire body flushed with embarrassment, stress, horror.  Everything bubbled to the surface even though she’d tried so hard to tamp it down.
She tried to open her mouth but found her teeth were grinding together so bad that her jaw hurt.
“I think,” Dr. Wesson continued, “that you would benefit from spending a bit of extra time with Rhysand.  Just to make sure you’re where you need to be in the class.”
Feyre found herself nodding and agreeing.  Her voice was relaxed, calm even.  But far too close to breaking.
After thanking the Doctor for her uncharacteristic kindness, Feyre stared and the poorly erased whiteboard over Rhysand’s shoulder for a long moment.  With a slow exhale she finally met his gaze.
Rhysand met her eyes with such intensity that Feyre nearly lost her breath all over again.  She shook it off and rolled her shoulders.
“Shall we get started tonight?” she asked. “Or I’m sure you have plans.”
“Nah, only kicking Cassian’s ass at Mario Cart,” Rhysand replied.  He flashed her an innocent sort of smile.  Feyre wasn’t sure if it was one out of kindness or mockery of some sort.
She pulled her phone from her pocket and stuck it out for him. “Just give me your number and I’ll let you know when’s a good time to study.”
Rhysand hesitated on a moment before accepting the phone and adding his details.  As soon as she got her phone back, Feyre changed his name from Rhys to Prick.  It seemed to fit better.
“It’s not a big deal you know,” Rhysand said.  
He followed Feyre out of the classroom.  His steps were confident against the carpet that had to be at least thirty years old.  Truly Rhysand was an enigma with his ease, grace, and elegance when pitted against the drab interior of the Humanities Building.
“I don’t want to talk about it,” Feyre said.
Once outside, the cold night air nipped at her skin and even through her jacket she could feel goosebumps rise.  Just like the night last week, Feyre waited just outside the building doors.  She stared into the night; across the courtyard she could see a few pale lights from the Math Building.  None of the lampposts had been fixed which left most of the walkways in shadows.
Nothing about the night was out of place.  It was calm, still, and everything lingered on Feyre’s mind.  And just like last week, Rhysand waited beside her.
Overhead, Feyre could just make out the stars.  Only a thin veil of clouds hung over the sky allowing a small bit of freedom to pierce her heart.  But not enough.
“Could you walk with me again?” she asked quietly, unable to look at Rhysand.
“Only if you talk to me this time,” he said.  That cheeky grin returning.  And despite how much she hated it, it put Feyre at ease.
“Fine.” She stuffed her hands in her pockets and began walking. “What made you pick history?  There had to be something else.  You don’t seem the type for old stuffy books or maps.”
“And who do you peg me for, Feyre?” His voice was practically a purr.
“High and mighty sitting behind a desk,” she replied drily. “Running some company somewhere.  You certainly have the personality for it.”
He laughed unamused. “If my father had any say in the matter.  A degree in history only puts off the inevitable.”
“That’s a rather bleak look on things,” Feyre said.  It sounded like something she would say.
“Only if I didn’t enjoy what I was learning so much,” he said.  In the flickering light of the lamps, they walked beneath, Rhysand’s expression brightened. “Between the wars and legends surrounding what shaped the country...it’s always been curious to see what we became.  What we can become.”
His response seemed so honest, so genuine, that Feyre nearly stumbled.  She barely knew him, had barely spent any time with him, yet she was beginning to feel that she knew him.
“So you devote all your time and attention to it?” Feyre asked.
They passed by the last of the campus buildings.  A brisk wind scattered fallen leaves on the sidewalks and crunched under their steps as they walked.
“Don’t you have something you love?  Something that you feel has changed you and you’d never want to give it up?”
A box of paints.  Brushes that she’d had since she was ten.  A canvas only half finished.  She’d thought she could complete the image but it had been almost a year since she’d even looked at it.  But art…art had changed her.  Art had loved her just as she loved it.
“I guess you’re right,” she admitted.  Tilting her chin up, Feyre caught sight of a small patch of stars amid the inky black sky.  Dim but shining still. “There’s always something.”
If he heard the sadness in her voice, he said nothing.  Which was partially surprising, but Feyre would roll with it.
“The tutoring,” Rhysand began.
“No,” Feyre cut him off.  “Not right now.”
“So you’re just going to ignore your problems?”
“It’s not a problem.”
“Seems to be.”
Feyre stopped causing him him to move a few steps ahead of her.  When he turned back towards her, he waited.  
“I’ll admit to needing a little extra help to help my tests and essays, but I don’t see what else you’d need to know.”
“It’s alright to talk,” Rhysand paused, something else on the cusp of behind heard.  But he restrained, his voice trailing off softly.
Feyre ignored the comment.  Talking had never been her strong suit.  She was more of action.  Less idle, more work.  Ever since she was a child it had been that way.  She knew why, of course.  It was obvious when she thought about it.  So she never thought about it.
“What are you planning on studying?” Rhysand asked when she made no effort to continue on the topic of her test.
“Art,” she replied immediately. “I’m an artist.  But my sister wanted me to get more of an education that could support me.  So I’m just working on my prerequisites.”
“Art,” he repeated.  There was a lilt to his voice as if he really were actually interested in what she was saying. “Sketching?  Sculpture?”
“Paint and canvas,” Feyre said.  “Since I was little.  After my mom died, my sister bought me my first set of brushes and paint and everything I could need.  She was only nine.  I think she stole my dad’s credit card to do it.”
The reality of that had Feyre laughing softly, but Rhysand gave her look that was a mix of horror and confusion.
“It’s fine,” Feyre said quickly, “I’m fine.”
It was a lie of course.  If she really were fine, she wouldn't have asked him to walk her home.  She would better know how to control her fears, her anxiety.  She would be happy.
“My mother died ten years ago,” Rhysand told her, his voice quiet and contemplative. “She’d been sick for a while and we knew it was coming.  But for a ten-year-old boy, it was hard to understand.  My father certainly didn’t.  Still doesn’t.”
They reached Feyre’s dorms then, floodlights illuminated the front street and made it seem as though it were day.  Feyre turned toward him and found herself smiling, just barely.
“Thank-you,” she said sincerely.  “And I’m sorry you have to be a part of the dead mother’s club.”
“You too,” he said.
Feyre wondered if there was something else she should say.  Wondered if he would even want to hear it.  It was strange, that little flame of comradery that she felt towards him.  But it was gone in an instant as Alis came running out from the building.
“Feyre!  Get inside, it’s movie night!”
Shaking her head, Feyre offered Rhysand a small wave and headed into the dorms.
With three weeks until the next paper was due in that miserable class, Feyre spent her free time studying with Rhysand.  It wasn’t as miserable as she’d been expecting it to be.  Not when she realized he was far more laid back than she’d assumed.  And then she’d met his best friends who were essentially like his brothers.
It was far easier to study in the relaxed environment that Rhysand created.  And far easier to be herself around him.  Of course, it had taken Feyre a while to decide that maybe they could be friends.  
“Summarize what the chapter from last night’s reading discussed,” Rhysand said one night as they were studying.  It was well after ten o’clock but they’d been given permission to stay in the building.  
Feyre pursed her lips.  She’d done the reading of course.  As well as she’d been able.  Most of had been hard to understand.  No matter how she tried to focus or train her mind, her dyslexia always got in the way.
“Right,” Feyre said slowly. “It was about the last king of Hybern.”
“And?” Rhysand prodded.
“And he was a jerk,” Feyre added.  
Rhysand’s fixed her with a look.  Long and hard but still underlined with compassion.
“Feyre,” he said, just a bit more seriousness to his voice.
She sighed heavily and tugged at the sleeve of her shirt. “I read it.  I just didn’t understand it.”
Feyre shot him a scowl but didn’t meet his eyes. “I’m dyslexic.  And History tends to be a bit harder for me to understand.”
Rhsand blinked.  Once.  But nothing else.  No laugh or scoff of scorn.  Instead, he smiled and pushed to text book toward her.
“Then read.”
“Aloud, preferably,” Rhysand said.  He shrugged. “You want to be ready for the paper and subsequent test?”
“Prick,” she muttered.  But she dragged the book towards her and began.
It became habit.  A rhythm they fell into for the next several weeks.  Rhysand helped Feyre study and prepare for the paper, the test.  He walked her home, remaining the perfect gentleman.  And Feyre, Feyre relished the time.
It was because he was genuine.  Honest.  There was something about him, deeper than the intensity he displayed on the outside.  And for the first time in a while, Feyre found herself laughing with him.  For the first time in a while, she was living for more than just expectations.
He was actually turning into her friend and it was strange thought indeed.
“Alright students,” Dr. Wesson announced towards the end of class on the last day before Thanksgiving break. “I have your midterm tests and papers graded.  So now you can either relax or stress even further.  Depending on the grade.”
A weak laugh bubbled around the room.  Feyre gripped the underside of her chair tightly.  She wasn’t ready for this.  Not in the slightest.
Dr. Wesson slowly made her way around the room delivering both test and paper.  Feyre, by some stroke of cosmic affair, didn’t get her paper until last and the entire room was empty aside from Dr. Wesson and Rhysand.  Why was it they always ended up here?
“Well done, Miss Archeron,” Dr. Wesson said.  She handed two packets of paper to Feyre and smiled. “I love to see improvement.”
Gaping, Feyre looked between the two grades.  Heart hammering, she looked over the scores, brilliant red B’s shined up at her.
“I don’t usually offer extra credit,” the doctor went on, “but an exhibit is coming to the University about the Prythian Wall and it’s destruction.  If you can come up with a project to demonstrate what it entails, I might be convinced to help you keep your grade up.”
Feyre could only nod as the professor bid them goodnight and left.
“Well done.”
Feyre looked up to see Rhysand beaming at her and she couldn’t help but grin.  She leapt out of her seat and flung her arms around him in an embrace.
“Thank-you!” she whispered.  It took her perhaps a moment too long to realize that a hung might not have been the best of plans.  She hurriedly pulled back. “Sorry.  That was uncalled far.  I’m just really excited.”
“As you should be,” Rhysand said.  His smile hadn’t dimmed but there was something in his eyes that Feyre couldn’t quite read. “It wasn’t an easy test.”
“And now we have a full week off for Thanksgiving,” she said.  It was the best news she could have been given after getting her grades back.
“If you want,” Rhysand said, “my brother’s and cousin and I are having a game night, with pizza.  If you want to come.”
A spark of excitement ignited in Feyre’s chest.  She didn’t know when she’d developed a stupid little crush on Rhysand, but it was slowly starting to simmer out of control.  She should have said no.  Or come up with an excuse of some kind.  Insead she found herself nodding.
“I’d like that,” she said.
They collected their things and left the building.  Feyre took a few steps down the path they usually took to get to her dorm when she paused.  She turned back to Rhysand and frowned.
“Where do you live?”
Rhysand looked a little sheepish.  “Oh, I live over in the Court Apartments.”
Feyre blinked. “That’s in the complete opposite direction from my place.”
“You’ve been walking me home for practically a month.”
“Why didn’t you say anything?” Feyre asked, practically waving her hands in the air.  “It’s basically a two-mile walk from my place.”
Rhysand shrugged. “You asked for help and I wanted to give it.”
Feyre stared at him.  Her coat and scarf bunched around her neck, even though the night was perfectly clear.  It was clear enough that she could see the billions of stars overhead.  She could see them sparking in the black night.  And for one she wasn’t overcome with her usual anxiety.  Her usual fears.  Instead, all she would do was stare at Rhysand.
“Why would you do that?” she insisted.
Rhysand opened and closed his mouth a few times. “Because you were worth it.”
His simple words hung between them and Feyre had a hard time knowing what to say or how to react.  So she merely smiled and hooked her arm with his.
“Tell me about game night.  Am I going to wind up on some snipe hunt?”
“Oh no, you and I are going to gang up against Cassian and beat him at Mario Cart.”
Feyre laughed. “Sounds like a plan.”
And she realized that she wouldn’t mind if that’s how the rest of her nights played out.  Late hours of laughs and friends, being around people--one person--who made her feel better than she had in a long time.  
No, she wouldn’t mind it at all.
thanks so much for reading!
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wendiuh · 7 years
Hey hey hey question! 😄 I've been wanting to start the fate series for awhile, and there was one I had watched some time ago, but I've realized there is multiple series? I've noticed you like it so I was hoping you could help me figure out where to start, what order to go in...? Thanks in advance dearie!
You have no idea how happy i was to see this ask omg girl I’m in Fate hell. This will get lengthy, so beware haha. If you have any other questions, feel free to come to me! If it becomes too much reading (I think it’s like 1.5k words oops) just scroll to the bottom for the summary XD. I’ll put my essay explanation under the cut:
If you’re completely new to Fate, then allow me to explain how the story is set up structure-wise. It is split into 3 separate routes that start off from the same point. Each route has a set heroine/love interest and explore different aspects of the story and characters. These routes are viewed in the order of Fate, Unlimited Blade Works, and Heaven’s Feel. Fate focuses on the character Saber, UBW focuses on Tohsaka Rin, and HF focuses on Matou Sakura.
Now the first thing all faithful Fate watchers would say is to read the original visual novel. I, however, did not start with this, but it is easy to see why people recommend this first. The Nasuverse (the world of Fate and other related series, named after creater Kinoko Nasu) is a very, very detailed world that has so many aspects to it. Reading the original story will definitely provide the most helpful context. I am currently reading the VN now to get a better understanding of the universe, and it is pretty enjoyable, but can get pretty slow.
Fair warning, though. The original VN is an adult game, meaning it is somewhat gory and deals with adult themes (aka sex). There was a re-release of it without any sex scenes called Realta Nua. I wont provide any links on this post on how get the VN, but there’s definitely YouTube videos out there to help.
If sitting through 80+ hours of reading isn’t your thing, and I don’t blame you if it isn’t, then we must turn to the animes. That’s where things get complicated.
There are 3 currently accessible animes out there set in the Fate/sn universe. There’s the orginal anime from 2006 that “covers” the 1st route, Fate, and was made by Studio Deen. I’m going to refer to this as Deen/stay night. I put the word “covers” in quotes because many Fate fans view this adaptation as a disgrace. I didn’t watch it, but many say it tries too hard to cover the story of the visual novel and somewhat combines the routes. Basically, it tried to adapt all of the visual novel but under the cover of the route Fate. However, it does seem to serve as an okay introduction to the Fate universe in general since it is the first anime adaptation out there.
In terms of release date, next comes the famous adaptation of Fate/zero by ufotable. This is a prequel follows the events prior to the beginning of Fate/stay night, and is hands down a phenomenal series in general. Many view FZ as a classic and a wonderful story, but it does have a few spoilers in terms of some big revelations that happen in the Stay Night routes. If you want to watch an amazing series and you’re okay with some spoilers for the main series, start here. As for me, I didn’t start here because I wanted to save it for last because of how many people that praised it.
Finally comes the UBW anime (the series by ufotable. Not the movie!). Commonly known as Unlimited Budget Works for its beautiful animation, this series focuses on the VN’s second route. This was released after FZ, so I do think ufotable made this series thinking fans already watched the prequel. However, I did start with this series first. Though there were some confusing points, I was able to understand most of the anime and it was pretty good. It took a second watch for me to fully understand the plot, but that’s kind of how a lot of animes work. You never enjoy the full scope of the series until you rewatch it. Both this series and FZ got at least 3 times better when I rewatched it, and that is saying a lot considering how much I liked them the first time through.
So, which one do you start with and what order to watch it in? For the sake of chronology, watch Deen/stay night, then FZ, then UBW. If you want to skip Deen/stay night (which is okay to do), then it is up to you what you want to watch first.
In my opinion, watch UBW first, then FZ. This saves the more serious and dark series for last, which will make the transition to the tone of the upcoming Heaven’s Feel adaptation movies more smooth.
But I think either way you watch the series will still get you a good amount of exposure to the Nasuverse. It’s complicated to start, but once you’re in, it gets better. Heck, even if you don’t fully get immersed into the universe, the 2 ufotable animes are still stellar and carry heavy messages as well as are pretty much eye candy thanks to that animation quality.
But what about all those other things with “Fate/” stamped onto it?
There are a couple of other major Fate installments out there, but they are NOT taking place in the Stay night universe. They are AUs that overall expand the lore of the Nasuverse (and also give the creators some more money lol). These include:
Fate/kaleid liner PRISMA☆ILLYA - A magical girl AU that is extremely different from Fate/sn. I think one should watch this after they finish the Stay Night series, but don’t feel forced to watch it, for it is completely non-canon.
Fate/apocrypha - This anime is currently airing as of my writing of this post. It follows a parallel universe “what if” situation. If this one certain event in history happened differently, then the events of Stay Night turn into this. This deals with completely different characters and set up. I only watched a few episodes of this anime and found it is probably most enjoyable to those familiar with the Nasuverse.
Fate/extra - Another parallel universe series coming out. Just like Apocrypha, this deals with new characters in general.
Fate/hollow ataraxia - A sequel Visual Novel to the original Stay Night story. Same characters and world, but 6 months later. It is another adult VN game, so it’s pretty much half-lore expansion and half-fanservice. 
Fate/prototype - This is a 1-episode OVA of Kinoko Nasu’s first envision of the series. There are some minor differences lore-wise, and the characters are mainly the same, save for a few design differences and gender swaps.
Carnival Phantasm - Ever watch those “crack” videos on YouTube? Like “Fairy Tail Crack” or “Boku no Hero Academia Crack”? These videos take an anime and make jokes out of its content and have many, many memes. Well, Carnival Phantasm is exactly that. It combines many series of the Nasuverse (mainly the Fate/stay night series and Nasu’s other work, Tsukihime) and makes it into a joyful, cute, hilarious, and downright amazing anime. It is filled with inside jokes of the universe and has some spoilers, so save this anime for last. I did skip the Tsukihime skits simply because I didn’t get the jokes, but there’s a montage of all the Fate skits on YouTube here. This series is the source of many, many fandom memes. You don’t have to watch it, but it is so funny.
Fate/Grand Order - A 1-episode OVA that adapts the first storyline of the famous mobile game with the same name. It is another parallel universe of some sort. New characters with some familiar faces of the Stay Night universe. The game is currently released in Japan and North America on the iTunes and Google Play store. It may be a waifu and husbando collector, but it is so addicting…
To conclude, there really isn’t a right answer that I can give you. But here’s my suggestion (aka the way I watched the anime):
1. Watch the Unlimited Blade Works anime by ufotable.
2. Watch Fate/zero.
3. If you want to rewatch then watch the first season of the UBW anime again, then watch FZ again, then watch the second season of UBW. Totally optional, but a fun way to watch the 2 series imo.
4. If you are okay with spoilers for Heaven’s Feel, watch Carnival Phantasm for the Fate sketches. By spoilers I mean there are some jokes from that series that rooted from Heaven’s Feel, but you may only catch them if you squint. It never explicitly spoils the story.
5. Watch the Heaven’s Feel movies. Only 1 out of the 3 is currently out/coming out internationally in theaters, so I guess just try to watch the first 1 if it is available to you at this point?
Feel free to start the visual novel if you want. In regards to the other series I mentioned, they are optional as well.
If you watch UBW and FZ and feel that there are a lot of unanswered questions, then expect Heaven’s Feel to address those issues. Remember that even though the 3 routes are all different stories, they are written in a way that you don’t get the whole picture until you have completed all three routes (too bad the Fate route anime is completely butchered and unreliable plot-wise. But I think you can manage without it. It’s more of an introduction to the story than anything else.)
Hope you understood what I was saying! Again, please message me if you have any questions or just want to talk about the series with me! I am in absolute hell with this universe so don’t hesitate to talk to me!
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