#I managed to catch 3! one to keep and one to send to my sis who is at work rn and another to send to my partner lol
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how did you all fare this window? if you weren't able to hook one, you're in luck-- there's another window up in ~12 hours and due to timezone shenanigans that means it still falls within Valentines Day but for the US and similar timezones, so you still have a shot at catching a Premium Valentiones' Bobgob for you and your paramour(s) this year ♥
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helloliriels · 1 year
Sleepless (Part 5)
Read Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | AO3 Fic
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Molly felt awful about mailing Sherlock's letter, two weeks later … 
The radio program came back on, playing bits of John and Rosie’s conversation, a constant reminder of her betrayal … 
… and Sherlock - too - had appeared in her lab to work out a few details on a pressing case in symphony with the radio timing …
Molly flushed with colour. Unable to turn around and or even to look at him.
“Something is bothering you,” Sherlock stated off-hand. As if he didn’t really care about the answer, but was, in fact, annoyed by it … 
Molly fussed with paperwork.
"Busy day," she managed, after a moment, then topped it off with a cheery, “what did you think of the program on New Years?” before she could stop herself …
Her voice didn’t even shake.
She was quite proud for this not small feat, but immediately wanted to run and hide … 
“Had its moments,” Sherlock acknowledged, reluctantly.
Maybe hiding wasn't necessary ... 
“… but I do wish the host would allow her guests to speak without limitations," he added, offhand.
She laughed off her nerves, “it is a radio program for entertainment, Sherlock-? She has to keep it on track?”
“Boring,” Sherlock responded, dully. 
He wasn’t looking at her. Wasn’t even looking up.
“Will you be writing to them, then?” She asked bravely, after several minutes of uninterrupted silence. Again, forcing the casual note to her voice, “to find out the answers you needed …?”
“What answers?” Sherlock cut her off, “I deduced everything within minutes of the show’s ending. Case. Closed.”
“So you weren’t interested in the Doctor? John?” she prodded, “not even a little? ‘Cause I thought-”
“Molly,” he eyed her suspiciously. Her heart stopped for a second. But then he went back to his research, “I hope I would have more sense than to act like a silly schoolgirl sending notes,” he spat the last word with extreme derision.
“... Besides,” he added -
.          A few moments after she had started breathing again -
“... the relationship would never have worked out.”
She froze.
.       “And why’s that?” she laughed ... trying not to look too anxious for his reply … 
.        Shit. Shit. SHIT!
.        ... Why did she send off that letter???
“I’m a detective ,” he barked, startling her,
.     “I chase criminals through the streets of London on a regular basis!
.           I get death threats and have been kidnapped on more than one occasion!
.                    And OH?! Have I mentioned my inability to make or keep friends …? 
.                           Hardly the type of person a Doctor and the Father of a Small Child is going to want as a roommate ... hmmm?"
Molly stepped back a pace.
.          “You've been kidnapped?” she asked, horrified ... 
He sighed. Rolling back around to face his work.
“Twice as an adult. Once as a child. Risks of the trade.”
Molly stood speechless.
He took another deep breath - a calming breath - she thought … and looked away. 
“Now if you would leave me be?” he asked politely, “I have work to finish, and a plane to catch.”
“Another? Where to this time?” she hoped her smile was reassuring, but doubted it.
“Amsterdam,” he replied, still not looking up.
“Vacation then?” she tried for a more cheery note, but was shot down.
“Hardly,” Sherlock huffed, and drew out his notepad.
.               The same notepad that he had used to write the letter …
And scribbled a few words before looking back up at her surprised expression.
He took her silence as want of more explanation, and filled her in, “I’m following a trail of bank exchanges that will hopefully lead me to a blackmailer and a potential human trafficker. Teens have been going missing. Will probably be gone a few weeks. Maybe a month. If the trail leads elsewhere … "
. She stepped back a pace, collecting herself,
. “yeah, ‘course. Silly me!”
She made her way back to her workstation, and they finished their tasks in silence. Her stomach growing more and more knotted with every passing, guilty, minute … Wondering … should she say something? … Confess?
Half an agonising hour later, he was grabbing his coat,
.        and then he paused - to her surprise - in the doorway …
“Besides …,"
. he added, quietly, as if they were still carrying on their conversation from earlier,
.                    “... what would I have to offer him?”
A stunned and blinking Molly could only watch as he disappeared down the hall and out the double doors. His shoulders slumped. His long, billowing coat, the only thing alive about his demeanour ... 
Unable to answer ...
            All the reasons she had fallen for him, already.
... She no longer regretted sending the letter.
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SLEEPLESS IN LONDON (continued below!)
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Rosie was pulling John along at a quick clip, on their way home from school. “Hang on a mo’?” he laughed, trying to keep up without letting go … “what’s the big rush?” 
“The post, Daddy!” She tugged harder.
“The … post …?” He asked, perplexed. The light bulb dawned, just as she reached their door and was peering in through the letter slot. She slumped in disappointment and looked up at John with huge, almost tearful eyes … 
“No letters?” she whinged.
She was disappointed.
John picked her up and carried her, floppy bunny and all, into their tiled entryway, dropping the keys on the side table … “I’m sorry, kiddo? Were you expecting there to be some toda-?”
They heard a shuffle of feet on the front steps, and both turned around to see a postman standing there. Two large bundles in his hands! 
“Doctor … John Watson?” 
The man was reading off the top letter on the stack.
“That’s me!” John squeezed Rosie’s hand and let go to accept the large bundles of letters. Glancing down to catch the look of barely contained glee in his daughter’s eyes … 
“Thank you!” John nodded, and went to shut the door - but the postman was halting him?
“I got two more to deliver? Where ya want ‘em?”
“Two more bundles?” John asked, amazed!
“Oh no,” the man replied - John laughed with relief - then the man gestured, “I got two full delivery bags in the van.”
John blinked.
. Did he say … two full bags???
“You want ‘em in here?” The post man was already eyeing their narrow entryway.
“I … uh …,” John ran his fingers through his hair, still processing the shock of this revelation. Even little Rosie seemed overwhelmed by the news! “Yeah, Christ. Guess that … would be … fine-?” 
He met Rosie’s awed expression with a shy smile. She was really getting her hopes up … 
“Right you are!” the man was already off to collect the rest ... 
.          ... and all John could do was step back and marvel at the enormous pile it made when they were emptied at his feet.
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@johnlocky @fluffbyday-smutbynight @chinike @rhasima @mydogwatson @kettykika78 @mxster-jocale @cupidford @meetinginsamarra @peageetibbs @calaisreno @7-percent @john-smiths-jawline @anyway-kindness @swissmissing @inevitably-johnlocked @totallysilvergirl @kittenmadnessandtea @topsyturvy-turtely @safedistancefrombeingsmart @colourfulwatson @holmesianlove @kabubsmagga @peanitbear @copperplatebeech @tiverrr @pocketwatchofmycroft @mutedsilence @2smach @loki-lock @daltongraham @amyreadsandstresses @raina-at @discordantwords @gregorovitchworld @bluebellofbakerstreet @sarahthecoat @reveling-in-mayhem @midgemao @ileenhaddockhawkins @storytellingdreamer @fuckcannibals @cortinita @marisaysthings @charlies-storybook @salmonsown @iamjustreading @myriath @tinchensblog @iwlyanmw
(let me know if you want tagged/removed anytime)
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procrazedfan · 9 months
Uh oh! The power is out in your OC's place of residence.
-What do they do to pass the time? Are any of their hobbies applicable without power?
Poppy groaned in frustration when the lights flickered out. Great. No power. She looked out the window to see Mordhaus, a tiny dark speck in the snow on a distant hill. They had no light, either. It could be a weather thing. Or the band and some of her ex coworkers did something to fuck up the power grid. Her money was on the fuckup. She could already imagine a body was involved somewhere. She walked down the hall and checked her brother's room. He was idly plucking the strings of his guitar with lightning quick finger work. The white 'dog' was curled up at the foot of his bed. For once, the dog being on the bed might be useful for warmth. Especially if the power was going to be out overnight.
"You good, Little Bro?" She asked.
"The power might be out for a while. Could be the entire grid. It's out in Mordhaus too."
"I'm used to blackouts. Lived in California, remember?"
"But you are not used to them in winter." She sat on the edge of his bed and pulled a nearby blanket to cover him up. "You will freeze to death before you leave for tour."
Lucius places the guitar on the stand next to his bed before patting the bed, gesturing for Sköll to move closer to him. Poppy looks less uneasy this time before kicking off her shoes and crawling onto the bed. She tossed the blanket on top of them both before pulling him into her arms from behind. "We are going to miss you so much."
The teenager chuckled and said, "Not another one of your tricks or half truths?"
"Shut up. You keep your own secrets, you brat." She teased right back, ruffling his hair.
"Hey!" he objected, half heartedly batting her away.
He may have grown in some ways, but in others, he was still a child. There are things about this world he should never have known about, and she intended to preserve what was left of his youthful innocence for as long as possible. However she could.
"Just let me hold you." She murmured before wrapping her arms around him.
She hated that he was leaving so soon, but it was important. He had a message to send to their shared half siblings and their families. And it would mean stepping into a world of fame and attention that not many people could handle. At least he now had some bandmates and friends he could rely on. And their manager seemed to have a good head on his shoulders. Even if they were all young.
"You know you can always call me, whenever you want, right?"
"I know."
"Even if is 3 in the morning?"
She turned his face around so he could get a good look at her. "I mean it. If you are bored, ashamed, or scared, or feel as if no one in the world will hear you, I will always listen. There is nothing you could do to make me not love you, Little Bro. I mean it."
He sighed and buried his head in her shoulder. "I know. Will you promise to take care of Sköll? "
"I will spoil him like I spoil you." She promised, giving him a light squeeze. "And when you get back, I will drown you in so many hugs and kisses that you will not know what to do with them."
"Sis..." He whines in typical red faced teenage embarrassment.
"You may be old and grey and even be a king one day, but you will always be my baby brother," she teased fondly before catching his yawn.
She pulled him closer and fluttered her eyes closed.
"Go to sleep, lillebror. Between me and your dog, you should be warm through winter." Her voice was barely above a whisper.
They held each other like this as they slept through the night. Even after the power returned a few hours later.
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zodiakuroo · 3 years
Love Thy Brother
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Pairing: Dabi x Fem!Reader
Content: 18+ dubcon/noncon, dabi’s canononical dick piercings  manhandling, rough sex, corruption, degradation, humiliation, manipulation, blackmail, spit, stepcest, loss of virginity, dacryphilia, mentioned breeding, blasphemy and sacrilege : 3
Word count: 4.1k
Notes: secured my spot in hell with this one for sure anyways touya-nii go brrrrr
part 2 here!
But he that hates his brother is in darkness, and walks in darkness, and knows not whither he goes, because that darkness hath blinded his eyes. – 1 John 2:11
Gaining 4 new siblings as a young adult is not something anyone expects, you think, but you’re grateful to have been accepted into Enji Todoroki’s family nonetheless.
Fuyumi was the big sister you always wanted, kind and nurturing, always happy to let you borrow her clothes and give you advice. You and Natsuo the closest in age.  He was warm and friendly and while he teased you a lot it was never mean spirited, just the kind that was typical between siblings. Shoto was quiet in nature and though it took him more time than the rest to warm up to you, eventually you two became friends as well.
And there was Touya…..
Well, Dabi as he prefers to be called.
When you first met him, you were terrified, the shock of seeing him made you hide behind your mother instinctively.  The Todoroki clan looked every bit the perfect suburban family except for Dabi. He had his hair dyed jet black, with seemingly more tattoos than clean skin. He had several cartilage piercings in his ears as well as three small studs in his nostril and a barbell through his eyebrow.  He scoffed at your scared reaction, sticking out his tongue to show you the silver ball on its surface and sending a wink your way.
Admittedly, felt guilty for judging Dabi based on his appearance, but you would soon come to find that sometimes it’s better to trust your judgement.
At first, Dabi ignored you, acted as if you didn’t exist. And the times when he was forced to acknowledge your presence in his family he acted as though you were nothing more than a nuisance. You thought that you might have offended him somehow but Fuyumi assured you that Dabi was just like that and that you shouldn’t take it personally. “He just needs to get to know you.” She said.
She was wrong though. Dabi couldn’t stand you.
Everything about you infuriates him. Prancing around in those frumpy sweaters and modest skirts like anyone would bother to lewd you anyways. Lest they attempt, you wear that gold cross necklace everywhere you like a big old “PROPERTY OF JESUS” tag. Your insistence to say a prayer every time the family dog so much as farts. The way his entire family seems to be enamored by your church girl act. Perhaps what he hates most is the way you look at him, poor delinquent Dabi, like you’re so much better than him. Sanctimonious bitch.
Then he noticed how you were with Natsuo. How you would pout and whine when he teased you and sometimes, to everyone’s shock and amusement, banter back and forth with him. Let’s be clear here, he didn’t care about you. He cared about attention. You were giving too much of your attention to his younger brother and that just wouldn’t do.
Pretty soon, Touya was in on the teasing. He started out by making fun of you for being so conservative. Low-hanging fruit. You’ve heard it all before so it didn’t wrench much of a reaction for you but that just made him more determined. Sometimes it got downright mean, earning him a scolding from Fuyumi. Not that he would listen anyways
Then it got physical. It started innocently enough, Dabi would tug on your hair, snatch food out of your hands, kick you underneath the dinner table. Albeit childish, it was incredibly annoying. You would shriek and yell for him to cut it out and after finally getting the desired reaction from you, he became hungry for more.
So he started taking more risks. When you were in the kitchen alone Dabi would brush his hand under your skirt making you squeal. That progressed to him flicking up your skirt to catch a glimpse of your panties which progressed to him spanking you so hard, you’d think of him every time you sat down for the rest of the day.
On the days when he was in a good mood (read: stoned out of his mind), he would pull you into his lap and hold you there, blowing smoke in your face that made you cough so that he could laugh. Sometimes he would let his hands wander, over your chest and between your thighs while you squirm in his hold. He’d say “Anyone ever touch you like this? I hope not, I’m sure it would piss off Jesus”
As if the touching wasn’t invasive enough, Dabi felt he was entitled to your room and personal artifacts. Often you’d come back from campus or church to find the contents of your underwear drawer spilled on the floor. You would notice a pair or two missing when you packed them back.
One time he vandalised your bible with drawings of penises on every single page.
“D’ya like my artwork princess?” he said when you confronted him. In a fit of rage, threw the book at his head. You missed (unfortunately) making him like laugh. “Surely there’s something condemning violence in that book of yours.”
You tried locking him out of your room but all that did was make him angrier. He threated to break your door clean off its hinges if you did it again.
Which brings you to your current predicament.
It had been a long day. You woke up late landing you in trouble with your manager. Your coworker fell ill and you had to cover a double shift, with no shortage of asshole customers on this particular day it seems. On top of all that, you just got stood up for date. You come home to a quiet house and you’re so grateful for this small blessing on a day like this. After a long, scalding hot shower, you lie on your bed wrapped in a fluffy, white towel, contemplating your next move.
You were home alone and with a family this big that hardly ever happens. You do what any person would do after having the day you had.
You smile to yourself, undoing the knot on your towel and falling back onto your pillows, hands already caressing your breasts.
You’re a Christian not a robot. Of course you masturbate. Sure you feel ashamed. You can hear your mother’s voice chide about how sinful it is but that all melts away when your little fingers slide between your wet folds. Shame can wait.
Being the menace in your life that he is, the eldest Todoroki chose that exact moment to barge into your room unannounced.
You scramble for your covers trying your best to preserve some modesty but it’s too late, you’ve been caught. You shriek in terror.
“Oh my god!” Dabi practically cackles.
“Dabi! It’s not what it looks like I swear.”
“Oh really?” He stalks over to your bed with the predatory grin on his face. “Because to me it looks like my innocent, holier than though baby sister is a nasty, little, closet pervert.” He’s now straddling you over your covers, you want to fight him off but that would mean letting go over your duvet and you know once you do that, it’s over. Dabi has the upper hand though. Soon he’s got both of your wrists in one of his hands, pinned above your head. His other hand, almost immediately, is pulling the down the covers, revealing your naked torso to him. “Huh.’ He muses as he palms one of your breasts. “Seems like it’s exactly what it looks like.”
“Dabi! Get off me!” You squirm under him but he’s too heavy so it’s no use.
“Nice tits Sis.” Dabi ignores your protests. “I don’t get why you keep them hidden.”
“I’m not your sister you creep!” you say with as much venom as you can muster.
“Aw princess,” he pouts and moves his hand up to cup your jaw, squeezing your cheeks harshly “it hurts your Nii-san’s feelings when you talk to him like that. I wonder what our parents would think. Should I tell them how filthy their sweet, little daughter really is?”
He revels in the fear in your eyes. You shake your head frantically. “No Dabi please! Please don’t tell them.” You whimper, words garbled.
“Don’t tell them what little sister? What were you doing?” He smirks. His hand goes back to your breast, this time to tweak your nipple.
The sadistic freak. Was he really going to make you say it? He answers your silent question with a sharp smack to your breast.
“I-I was masturbating.” You mumble, squeezing your eyes shut, cheeks burning from embarrassment.
“No, you weren’t”  he says as a matter of fact before pinching your already stiff nipple making your eyes shoot open and you yelp in pain. “You were playing with your little virgin cunt. Now say it.”
There is no way you could say those words. Has he not humiliated you enough? You try once again to break free but he’s got an iron grip on your wrists and he’s sitting on top of your thighs. There’s no way you’re getting out of this.
He pinches you again but harder this time, twisting your nipple and keeping it there.
“I was ah­ I was playing with my v-v-irgin c- Dabi! Cunt! There I said it! Let go!”
He snickers at your pain but let’s go of you entirely, shifting his weight off of you. You’re grateful for the reprieve, immediately pulling up the covers to cover up your body again. You will yourself not to cry until Dabi has left the room or else you’ll never hear the end of it. But he’s not finished with you yet.
“Show me.” He sits down on your desk chair facing you, his legs spread wide.
“What?” Surely you misheard him.
“Show your Nii-san how you play with that ‘little virgin cunt’” He smiles using air quotations.
“Dabi, this is wrong-“ you whimper
“Touya-nii.” You furrow your brows in confusion and he says again. “Call me Touya-nii. I’m not leaving this room until I see what I want.”
Say what you want about Dabi but he’s a man of his word. You know he means what he says. The last thing you want is for anyone in your family to come home and find you naked in your room with your step-brother. It’s just better to do what he asks demands.
You slowly peel the covers off you, exposing your naked body to your step brother. He’s eyeing you intently, palming the growing bulge under his jeans. His sister was hiding such a hot little body, right under his roof and he had no idea. You can’t bear to look at him. You clamp your thighs shut to hide your pussy from him, a weak attempt to save what’s left of your dignity. You wriggle your hand in between your legs and you try to move it as best you can without showing him more of you.
You’re wet?
You’re wet.
Well screw dignity I guess.
“Oh none of that.” Touya scoffs. “Spread your legs.”
You obey him and he rewards you with a low whistle. “What a cute little pussy.” He murmurs so low you’re not even sure he’s talking to you. You flinch, wanting to close your legs on instinct but a firm “Don’t” from Dabi stops you in your tracks. “Show me how my little sister likes to play.”
His words make your pussy throb but you’re still reeling, both physically and mentally at, the shock from your current position so when your fingers try to rub circles on your clit, they’re shaky and sloppy.
“That’s pathetic. Is this how you do it? No wonder you’re so uptight, you probably never cum huh? Put your fingers inside, I wanna see you stretch your little hole.”
“Dabi I-“
“I won’t ask you to address me properly again. Next time, you’re getting your ass beat.”
“T-Touya-nii. I’ve never… put them inside.” You mumble.
“Never?” He can’t hide the amusement in his voice.
You simply shake your head, unable to meet his gaze.
Fucking jackpot. He thinks.  This is why he loves virgins.
“Oh no. Does the poor baby want her Nii-san to show her how it’s done?” voice dripping with condescension.
You’re horribly ashamed. Disgusted by the whole situation. And yet you find yourself nodding.
Dabi crawls on to your bed, discarding his shirt in the process. Next thing he has you flipped over, ass in the air, lying across his lap.
He spanks you, hard. Like he always does, loud smack echoing through the room. You cry out like you always do but it’s different this time. It’s different because this time you’re naked, on top of him. It’s different because you can feel his hard-on poking into your stomach. It’s different because everything about the situation is making you clench.
He grips the sore, reddened flesh and pulls apart your cheeks to look right at your fluttering hole. His thumb finds your clit and he starts to rub slow circles into it. “I meant what said you know. This is the prettiest fucking cunt I’ve ever seen.” You let out a whine as you feel his warm, wet spit land right on your opening, before Touya slides a long, slender middle finger into your tight pussy. He uses his other hand to hit you again. “You’re a good girl right? What do good girl’s say when they get compliments?”
Your head is spinning from his ministrations, so much so that a verbal response escapes you. You’re too busy bucking your hips against his hand. Dabi snaps you out of your trance with another spank, even harder, so your feel the sting spread across your glute. “Hnnghh… thank you Touya-nii.” He rewards you with his ring finger finding its way inside you as well. “Shit.” You say through gritted teeth. You clench around him trying to adjust to the foreign sensation.
Whack. This time on the other cheek, both burning red by now, you’re sure. “Where’d you learn to talk like that, naughty girl?” The way he’s moving his fingers inside you feels like he’s looking for something, you have no idea what. It’s not unpleasant but uncomfortable. You turn your head back to look at his face. It’s the same face he makes when he’s rolling a joint or playing video games with his friends. He’s concentrating. “Fuck, relax for me princess.” You’re trying. You’re really trying. You take a deep breath, trying to think about anything other than the way you’re being stretched.
Then it hits you. An overwhelming ecstasy, spreading from your groin, all the way down to your toes. You figure out that’s what he’s been looking for.
You find yourself grinding down onto his bulge in an attempt to escape the onslaught of his fingers, but it’s no use, not with the way his thumb is circling your throbbing clit.
“Can’t even take two fingers in this tiny pussy huh? How are you gonna take my cock?” Dabi gives you a third finger and the stretch is officially unbearable.
You can’t do anything but pant in his lap while he holds you down, making sure that you keep still. Suddenly, you realise the gravity of the circumstances you find yourself in. Your step brother is going to fuck you and there’s nothing you can do about it.
“God, please slow down!” You cry out. He keeps hitting that spot over and over. It’s too much. You look back at him with tears in your eyes, pleading for reprieve. The satisfied smile on his face lets you know that he couldn’t care less. You feel an orgasm building, stronger than any that you’ve given yourself.
“No God here, doll. Just the Almighty Dabi. And guess what? He wants you to come for him.”
Even before he finishes his sentence, you’re already convulsing on top of him. For a moment you forget how debauched the situation is. Being debased by a man who you not only despise but are related to. All feelings of shame are replaced by pure, hot bliss that sets your nerves on fire. Dabi does not relent. Not until the please you feel is eclipsed by the pain of oversensitivity and you’re writhing in futile attempt to escape.
Dabi pulls his fingers out of you and wraps his other hand around your neck, dragging you up to face him. He holds his fingers, covered in your cream, right in front of your face. “Messy slut. Clean them.”
Before you can respond the fingers press against your lips. You have no choice but to take them inside your mouth. He grips the back of your head while you lave your tongue over his fingers, sucking off your release. He’s keeps a tension on your strands that makes your scalp sting. It’s a silent warning to keep your eyes on him. You’ve caught on by now that he wants this to be as humiliating as possible for you. As if coming on your step-brother’s fingers weren’t humiliating enough. He shoves his fingers deeper, making you gag around them drool seeping from the corner of your mouth.
“Good girl.” He growls as he wipes his saliva covered fingers dry on your face. Again, you fight back the tears of embarrassment. You won’t give him the satisfaction.
Dabi prompts you with cruel tug on your hair. “Gah! Th-thank you Touya-nii.” You whimper.
“Hmm.” His hands move to your hips and he rolls his hips to grind his hard cock into your core. “You want Nii-san to fuck you now?”
Your bottom lip quivers. Is he giving you an out? You pray to God that Dabi is giving you a way out of this. You doubt God cares about what you want right now but still, you hope he can grant you this one mercy, you’ll make it up to him somehow. You shake your head no. You probably look so pitiful right now, naked on top of Touya while he bucks up against you, your own spit streaked across your face, barely stopping the tears in your eyes from spilling.
“Liar.” He sneers. “You want your big brother to split that virgin hole right open.”
You’re stupid for thinking he would give you a way out. You realise that now. No point in trying not to cry. Nothing is gonna stop him from getting what he wants anyway. You can’t hold back the choked sobs anymore
“Such pretty tears, baby.” Dabi coos at you. “Don’t worry. Nii-san is gonna give you exactly what you want.”
He picks you up off of him and positions you exactly how he wants, on all fours, swollen cunt exposed for him. He kneels behind you and you hear the sounds of him undoing his jeans. You turn your head back, curiosity getting the better of you. Your eyes find Dabi just in time to see him free himself from his boxers, which join his jeans bunched at is knees. The sight makes your eyes go wide. It’s your first time seeing one in real life. Were they supposed to be that big? And… pierced?
He quirks a brow at you, smug look plastered on his face. He strokes himself in front of you, spreading his pre-cum along his shaft. He’s tilts it upwards to make sure you get a good look at the vertical barbell that goes through his tip and three horizontal, parallel bars along the underside. “You look scared. Don’t worry princess, Big brother Dabi’s gonna make it fit.” You feel his tip press against your opening and brace yourself.
You’ve heard stories from your friends. You know the first time hurts but God nothing could have prepared you for this .Touya makes good on his word, sliding his entirely until your pressed right against his pelvis. The scream you let out is ear shattering but you can’t help it, the stretch is excruciating. The way his piercings catch on your walls only, intensifies the burn. You crawl toward your headboard instinctively, it’s too much. Way too much.
He’s not having any of it. Dabi pulls you up to him with a hand wrapped around your throat until your back meets his front. “Shh shh shh. Don’t run baby. You’re gonna take all of it.” He groans right against your ear. Without giving you time to adjust, he begins to thrust into you at a relentless pace. You have no choice but to let him use you.
“Who’s fucking you huh? Who’s making you feel good?”
“My nii-san. Touya-nii is fucking me so good.”
“Yeah fuck. Love this holy pussy” He delivers a harsh smack directly on to your clit, making you quiver in his hold. He laughs at your reaction. “Gonna say a prayer for me babe? I wanna hear it.”
“Huh?” You’re barely lucid, there’s no way you heard him correctly.
“Well you’re a little sinner slut now. You should probably ask for forgiveness. Pray.”
You’re sure you’re beyond salvation now but you submit nonetheless. “Have mercy on me, O God, according to Your unfailing love; according to Your great compassion.” You gasp as he tightens his hand around your throat. “Against You, have I sinned and done what is evil in Your sight. Oh fuck Touya-nii!”
“Bad girl.” Dabi gives you another strike right on your aching clit. “Don’t think God is gonna be very happy with you.” Dabi is though. Dabi’s very happy with you. Your tight, gummy pussy sucks him back in every time he pulls back. It just makes him fuck you harder, he wants to make you scream louder for him.
“Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Ngggghh Shit. Do not cast me from Your presence or take Your Holy Spirit from me.” You’re sobbing outright, gasping to get air into your constricted throat.
“You gonna cum? My bad girl gonna come for her big brother?” Dabi grunts into your ear.
“Yeah close Touya-nii.”
“Hmm me too.”
“NOT INSIDE TOUYA-NII” You begin to thrash in his arms.
“S’matter princess? Don’t wanna have your big brother’s babies? That’s hurtful.” He snickers. He releases your throat in favour of pressing you into the mattress, large hand resting between your shoulder blades. “Better cum before I do then.”
The ridges of his piercings rub up against that same sweet spot, over and over again. You’re dizzy from the lack of air and absolutely drunk with pleasure on his cock. Pretty much the only thing tethering you to this existence is the unforgiving grip he has on your ass, digging his nails into your flesh. He reaches his hand around to rub your sore, puffy clit. It pushes you over the edge a second time. You feel every muscle contract and relax as the waves of your orgasm wash over you, making you cry out in bliss.
As soon as you come down from your high, Dabi has you flipped on to your back and is straddling your torso. “Keep praying.” He mutters. He furrows his brows, huffing as he jerks off on top of you, eyes focused intently on your gold necklace.
“Restore to me the joy of Your salvation and grant me a willing spirit to sustain me. Then will I teach transgressors Your ways, and sinners will turn back to You. Amen”
“Yeah, fuck that’s it take it baby.” Dabi sprays his come over your chest, aiming his load right on your cross, a symbol of your devotion to Christ, defiled. He looks absolutely euphoric watching the ropes of his hot cum slowly run down onto your nipples and down the valley of your breasts
“Don’t you fucking move.” He pants, catching his breath. He picks up his phone and you hear his camera click. He looks at the picture and smiles. You look absolutely fucked out. Hair disheveled, face red and bloated from crying and completely covered in his load. Yeah a real good, Christian girl. He thinks.
“Dabi! No!” You lunge forward, trying to grab his phone from his hand. Almost effortlessly, Touya shoves you back onto the bed.
“Relax. No one’s gonna see it. Not unless you snitch to mommy and daddy.”
“You promise?” You grab the tissues from your nightstand and wipe yourself clean. The smell lingers though, along with the grimy feeling, seemingly embedded in your skin. You look up at him, sniffling, tears still rolling down your cheeks. If he were better person, he’d take pity on you for being so fucking stupid.
“Promise, little sis.” He shoots you a wink as he tucks himself back into his jeans.
Before he’s left your room he’s already sent the picture to his friend, Shigaraki.
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isthisselfcare · 2 years
I dont know if this is going to be in the next chapter but what did Hermione cure Mr. Delacroix of?!
She cured him of the dangerous and highly contagious Plot Deviceitis. (I only gave him an illness to have Hermione help him and have Draco attend a gala with her… I haven’t any idea what it was!)
salut! vas-tu traduire « the mortifying ordeal of being in love » en français?
Malheureusement, non ! Cette histoire est bourrée de conneries linguistiques, sémantiques, etc. -- cutty-uppy, « it was a sm at best », jeux de mots un peu partout, mots inventés… bref, jamais de la vie, ça me rendrait folle. J’admire vraiment bcp les efforts et le courage des traducteurs qui se sont lancés dessus par contre. Moi je n’oserais jamais !
not me looking up the price of jacuzzis after ch 35 lmao
Haha! Time for a bathroom remodel, is it? Don’t forget the strategic placement of mirrors
Hii, I love love love DMATMOOBIL, it’s a new favorite. I want to bind a copy for myself after it’s finished (personal use) if that’s alright? Are you going to edit after the last chapter goes up?
Oh how exciting! I would be honoured, and you must send me photos if you take any. @femmeecrivain and I will be doing a read through to catch whatever naughty things escaped us the first go round. We are aiming to complete this exercise by the end of April. I will post here when we've finished!
I have two questions, if that is okay! 1) Do you have any tips on giving characters such life and zest? I am a fledgling fanfic writer myself, and I always feel like my characters are too serious and not multi-faceted, if that makes sense? Kind of one-dimensional.
Thank you for your kind words! My ‘advice’ here is, quite frankly, of the calibre of a generic writing blog from page 16 of google, but here we go. Read the works of the masters (or simply those authors you love who do the thing well) and analyse and absorb! Pay attention to the mannerisms, verbal quirks, thoughts, moments of impudence or hesitation, etc., that the author worked in to create a fleshed out person. Study the texts that inspire you, implement your learning as you go and it will flow out of you beautifully in short(ish) order
2) I've been super curious, did you have this fic mainly written before having started posting, or are you just incredibly gifted in the art of time management? Either way, I'm super impressed that you have managed to post on such a consistent schedule! :)
I had a detailed outline (outlines help with maintaining writing pace because you don’t get stuck) and I always stayed at least 10 chapters ahead once I began posting last autumn, so the schedule wasn’t too difficult to keep on top of. My biggest challenge is letting go when posting time comes round. I am a compulsive editor, so having a schedule helps rip off the plaster and send the chapters into the world, imperfections and all. Thank you again for the kind words
i gotta ask how big is draco’s dick in your fic bc all the feet jokes and stuff make me curious
I haven’t got a measurement in mind and prefer to leave the imaginings to the reader’s discretion (or should I say, reader’s dickscr-- no. No, I won’t). I will note that Hermione used two hands
Will we see Luella again?
We will not! (She’s laid up with a bad case of Plot Deviceitis.)
Oh noo, I promise that Draco and Hermione will be there, waiting for your visit, whenever you want to jump back in!
Et finalement, grand merci à la personne qui m’a envoyé le mot si gentil (Clémentine, le marin, etc.) <3 tu vas me faire rougir !
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zhanyes · 3 years
The Louvre
To @myscprin​ who asked #64 for Tianshan !!
. . .
A rush at the beginning I get caught up, just for a minute But lover, you're the one to blame All that you're doing Can you hear the violence? Megaphone to my chest Broadcast the boom, boom, boom, boom And make 'em all dance to it
. . .
Mo Guanshan groaned for the nth time as he checked the time on his phone again. 2:50 pm. Was it too late to bail now?
Somehow, really he can’t even remember what they were talking about (or why he was even talking to that bastard in the first place), but somehow it slipped out from his cursed mouth that he’s never been to an art museum. And because He tian, being the leech that he is, latched on to that thought and pestered him until he agreed to go with him to this art museum that recently opened this coming weekend.
He even cleared out his part-time work for the day with a copious amount of bribe to the manager. Bastard.
So here he was now suspiciously early at the front of the museum waiting, really it’s just because He tian won’t stop whining in his ear if he didn’t agree. It has nothing to do with the ravenette insisting it’s a date, it is not. Case in point, he DOESN’T want to be here, really really.
“Fucking chicken dick, being late. What the hell is taking him so long?” Mo Guanshan grumbled once he saw the clock hit 3 pm.
“Or maybe you’re just early. Are you that excited to go on a date with me?” He tian whispers in his ear from behind causing him to tense up at the sudden intrusion in his personal space.
“FUCK! WHO’S EXCITED?! YOU’RE EXCITED!” Mo screamed, whipping around and throwing a punch at the smug bastard who easily caught it in his own hand, smoothly entwining their hands together. Mo Guanshan sputtered at the shameless gesture, trying in vain to grab his hand back. “Trying” being the key word.
He tian simply ignores his protests and drags him along to the entrance. Knowing that it’s a loss cause to keep cursing out the smug bastard, Mo reduced his protests to grumbles, but not before squeezing He tian’s hand in a crushing grip, satisfied at the look of discomfort he received. 
He tian pays for their tickets and they head inside, Mo looks around curiously, there were paintings in every wall of the room, and he moved closer to look at one of them, He tian being surprisingly docile and following him quietly.
The painting turns out to be an abstract art, showcasing a messy mix of shades of yellow seemingly not forming an image. He tilted his way this way and that, trying to see what it’s about but coming up empty so he huffed, frustrated. 
“It kind of reminds me of Jian yi, noh?” He tian suddenly speaks up, taking a picture of the painting and sending it to said blonde.
“See? It’s messy and too bright. It’s even in yellow.” 
Mo Guanshan snickers at that, looking back at the painting and finally seeing the resemblance.
“You think we’ll see Zhengxi here too?”
“Probably, the universe might collapse if they’re not together, even as paintings.”
Mo Guanshan allows himself to share a short laugh with He tian before he schooled his features to his usual ‘bitchface’. He tian drags him off to the other paintings on the wall, sharing a few words about the pieces and mostly shit-talking each other.
“This reminds me of you.”
“The fuck am I looking at? It’s literally a drawing of a dumb-looking fish.”
They spend a few more minutes in the room, and getting disapproving glances they completely ignore from the other patrons because of their antics, before moving to another part of the exhibit.
They spend hours taking pictures as Mo reluctantly agrees to ONE picture with He tian, on his phone of course so he can delete it right after (He won’t, he just doesn’t want to ask He tian to send the photo to him if they used the other’s phone) and debating about which artwork reminds them of which.
One of the highlights of the trip was when He tian found out that there were beds scattered around a portion of the exhibit, free to sit and lay on by visitors. He drags Mo to the beds, the redhead digging his feet on the ground trying desperately to avoid getting them both banned for public indecency. Once again, “trying” being the keyword.
After a warning from one of the guards, they simply laid side by side on the bed, uncharacteristically quiet as they watched the clouds pass by and the sun slowly go down the horizon.
“I’ve never actually been to an art museum before.” He tian says quietly, resolutely keeping his gaze on the skies even as Mo guanshan turns to look at him in surprise. For all the times the ravenette had pestered and straight-up invaded Mo guanshan’s  life, He tian almost never shares anything about himself. 
“I always wanted to go to one, I remember I used to keep bugging my mom and my brother about it, but no one would take me so I kinda just forgot about it.” The way He tian says it was full of longing, like he was remembering something from a long time ago. 
Mo guanshan gets the sudden urge to make that longing disappear, to keep it away from the other where it wouldn’t burden him anymore. He mentally shook his head to dislodge the thought. Just as he was about to tell the other that they should get off the bed already and maybe find something to eat, his breath caught on his throat at the new sight.
Boom, boom, boom
He can feel his heart thudding in his chest as He tian turned his head to look at him, eyes devoid of anything but fondness and a smile so soft it felt illegal to look at it. He looks relaxed, content, and in love. 
“But I’m glad that I got to experience it with you instead.” He tian says softly, his skin glowing a vibrant orange from the last bits of sunlight clinging to him like a fire that Mo guanshan wants to reach out to, to put out if only to fully see his face untainted.
Boom, boom, boom
He doesn’t even realize he’s doing it until his hand touches a warm cheek, cradling it softly. He tian looks surprised at the gesture, but makes no move to get away or to get closer. Wasn’t it He tian before who said it? That sometimes the distance between two people makes you desire to close it, to come closer…
Boom, boom, boom
And closer…
Boom, boom, boom
Just a little closer…
“I’m going to have to ask you to leave, gentlemen.” The same guard from earlier says, as he crosses his arms impatiently. Realizing what he’s about to do, in public no less, Mo guanshan jumps up the bed and starts speedwalking to another portion of the exhibit. He tian simply sighs and stands as well to follow his redhead, but not before giving a scathing glare at the guard who interrupted them only to receive a glare right back. Rude.
He catches up to Mo and slings an arm around his shoulder. He was going to ask about what happened earlier and if they could continue where they left off, but he notices the way the other’s cheeks and ears are flamed red and resolutely trying to avoid his eyes so he takes pity and chooses to let it go for now.
They find a small fancy cafe inside the museum and decide to get dinner there, where Mo guanshan buys a shocked He tian a mango shake, saying it’s only a little payback for everything the other teen had to pay for today. He tian bribes the manager to let him keep the cup as a souvenir. By the time they finished they were both tuckered out from all the walking and sightseeing.
“I had fun today, Mo~” He tian sing-songs as he walks Mo guanshan to his door, having insisted to drive the other home (“Where did you even get a car? You’re literally underaged.”).
“Tch. Whatever. Stop bothering me already.” Mo guanshan grumbles, before muttering under his breath, “Just get home safely, idiot.”
He tian grins as he hears the other’s sweet (?) reminder, he thinks about it for a moment before shrugging and moving swiftly to plant a kiss on the other’s cheek, near the side of his mouth but not quite. Before Mo guanshan can muster up a response from his sputtering, he jumped away and swiftly walked backwards to his car with a, “Will do, boss Mo! Bye-bye~”
He tian laughs as he gets inside his car and drives away with a final flying kiss out the window to the redhead. Once he’s parked in his spot in the mansion, he checks his phone and grins at the messages he received from his redhead.
Don’t close mountain:
You better not check your phone while driving or I’m going to skin you alive.
Tch. Asshole.
Don’t close mountain sent a photo. 
(Photo: The two of them taking a selfie in front of a sculpture of two people made of metal wires intertwined on a swing set)
Because I know you’ll be an asshole if I don’t send it
This is your fault so take responsibility, chicken dick
I’m free next Sunday
Oh he can’t wait to brag about this to Jian yi, He tian grins as he giddily walks into the mansion in search of the blonde.
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itsclydebitches · 5 years
Discredit Pt. 2: More Recommended Reviews For A.Z. Fell’s
Alright, folks. Some notes first: 
1. You all rock. I’m sending out 20k+ virtual hugs for all the notes I NEVER expected to get on this nonsense. 
2. This is probably the final section, just because I’m not sure I can adequately follow up part one and it might be foolish to attempt it here. Let alone twice. But for now, here we go. 
3. Kudos to the anon who reminded me of Aziraphale’s cash-only policy <3 
4. Nicole Y’s review is based off an actual comment I read years ago, but heaven only knows where online it was. I’ve got the memory of a goldfish. 
5. Trigger warning for the use of a queer slur in this. It’s the same review as above, number 5 if you want to avoid it. 
6. There’s a text-only version of just the reviews at the end, after all the images. I’ll upload that to my Sparse Clutter collection on AO3 in a bit. 
Bonus 7. People thinking this is a real shop deserve all the good things in this world. 
That’s all I’ve got. Hope you enjoy! 👍
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I’m a simple guy who likes simple jokes. If there’s a whoopee cushion I plant it. I will call you up to ask if your refrigerator is running and then tell you to go catch it. (Actually that one died out so thoroughly it’s actually capable of a comeback now!). Yes, I’m a dad and yes, I have a t-shirt that says Dad Jokes? I Think You Mean Rad Jokes! which I wear un-ironically every Saturday. All of which is just to say that my wife was well prepared for my stupidity when I walked into Fell’s.
I? I was not.
You see the bibles when you walk in? The ones to the left? Let them be. Don’t even look at them. Definitely don’t pick out the fanciest one you can find and absolutely don’t walk up to the owner with it held in your pudgy little fingers, grinning like a loon, cheerfully asking whether this should be in the fiction section. Just don’t. Mark my words you’ll regret it. Though your wife won’t. She’ll get a great old laugh out of it all.
In conclusion: it’s quite possible that mama did raise a fool and he just got his ass verbally whooped by a guy in a bowtie.  
Shout-out to Mr. Fell for being the only decent bloke in this city. I’ve popped in and out of his store for years—including before I started transitioning. So he knew my dead name, dead look, whole shebang and I was definitely nervous to play the ‘You know me, but this is what’s changed and are you gonna throw a fit about it?’ game.
You know what he said? “Oh, Rose! What a lovely choice. Crowley dear, why aren’t you growing any roses? Some white ones would look splendid next to my Henredon chair.”
That’s it. He just went straight into dragging his partner for not giving him roses. So hey, Mom? Next time you’re snooping through my social media why don’t you explain to all these nice people why the 50+yo book seller accepts me in ways you won’t. Don’t go telling me age is an excuse or that you’re ‘Stuck in your ways.’ I’ve watched Fell dress in the same damn clothes since I was ten!!
Yeah. Sorry. Rant over. Fell’s a gem. That’s my take. Rose out.
Anyone else in the shop when that guy started yelling about buying pornography? And then got escorted into the back room for some ‘private conversation’? Well done, Mr. Fell! Didn’t know you had it in you.
Alright alright alright alright I am TOTALLY calm about this.
Went into A.Z. Fell’s last Thursday. Not because I knew anything about the place. Just because I’ve been hitting up every bookshop within a twenty-mile radius, asking if they’re hosting any book signings. Long story short I self-published my novel Blight last month—which you can get for a mere £5 here but I swear this isn’t a promotional thing I’m just BROKE—and have been looking for networking opportunities, tips, stuff like that. So the owner listened politely as I explained all this. Then said he didn’t do anything of that sort, which didn’t surprise me given the shop’s vibe.
But then? Then??? He offered to let me do a signing there??????
As said. Totally calm about this. This man either plans to kidnap me or is actually giving me my first shot at an audience outside my blog. AKA totally worth the risk.
Tuesday the 9th. 7:00pm. Just in case anyone’s interested ;)
holy sweet baby jesus i was tripping balls last week you tryin’ to tell me that kING KONG SIZED FANGED FUCK SNAKE IS REAL
Witnessed the most perfect exchange the other day:
Grumpy Dude With No Manners: “You. Boy. Where’s the man I spoke with over the phone?”
Mr. Fell’s Partner Who Knows Damn Well Only Two of Them Work There But Clearly Doesn’t Like This Guy’s Tone: “Did this man give you his name?”
Grumpy Dude: “Might have. Don’t remember. Sounded like a fairy though.”
Me: “....”
My girlfriend: “....”
This Poor Sweet Startled Kid On Our Left: “?!?!?!?”
Fell’s Partner In The Drollest Voice I’ve Ever Heard: “None of us have wings. Out!”
This shop gets full stars simply because every time I walk in they’re playing Queen.
I mean, I’ve walked in once, but once is enough when you’ve got Crazy Little Thing Called Love blasting full volume.
Okay, I’m still kind of shaken up but I needed to write this out somewhere and this seemed as good a place as any.
I spilled my latte on a book. Just tripped on thin air, popped the lid, and chucked a venti’s worth of coffee all over a very expensive looking text. I didn’t mean to, obviously, but it happened and I just started bawling on the spot. Full on sobs because this semester has been absolute hell, I ruined this guy’s antique, there’s no way I can pay for it, I can’t even sneak away because I’m drawing the whole store’s attention...just all the things all at once. I really was straight up panicking and was seconds away from pulling out my inhaler. I couldn’t breathe.
And then Mr. Fell showed up.
Jesus it’s embarrassing to admit but I think I hit him once or twice. On the arms I mean, because he was trying to touch me and I figured, I don’t know, it was a restraint or something. He was going to call the police and hold me until they got there. But then he managed to start rubbing my back and I lost it like I hadn’t already been bawling my eyes out in this shop. Ever cry into a perfect stranger’s chest? I have! But if Mr. Fell seemed to mind he definitely didn’t show it. Just kept holding me while I probably ruined his shirt and then took me into the back and made me a new coffee in this cute little angel mug. He let me stay there while I called my sister and waited for her to arrive.
She’s a good twenty minutes outside of Soho, so we talked for a while. It’s not like Mr. Fell could fix my shit roommate or bio classes, but I guess just talking about it all really helped. I was a lot calmer by the time my sis arrived and Mr. Fell insisted I come back any time I wanted—for browsing or more coffee.
Of course, sis offered to pay for the book herself. I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone look so surprised in my life. “Certainly not!” he said. “Contrary to popular belief, no one should pay for their mistakes. It’s what makes you all so wonderfully human.”
So yeah. Thanks, Mr. Fell.
This little shop must have started a book club for kids! Lately I’ve seen the same group of children hanging out at Fell’s. Three boys and a girl. They’re a bit rambunctious at times, but who isn’t at that age? So wonderful seeing literature passed down to the next generation. Even if some of it is rather questionable looking...
It’s an honest crime that more of you aren’t talking about what a wonderful bookstore this is.
I’m a book lover at heart and Fell’s always makes me feel like I’m coming home. I just arrived somewhere safe and familiar after a particularly harrowing day. I’ve slipped under the covers of my bed after dinner and a bubble bath. It’s something like that, but with an element of surprise too. One of the reasons why I adore private and used shops over chain stores is that little touch of chaos. You walk in and sure, there are general sections to browse, but everything is just a little bit disorganized from people leafing through books and then putting them back somewhere else. There’s no real record keeping, you’ve just gotta head to one particular corner and hope for the best. It’s not the sort of place you go to if you want something specific because the chances of them having it are slim—that’s just how the universe works—and even if they did no employee knows where it is anymore.
But if you wander the shelves for a while, crouch down low to get a look at everything on the bottom shelf, pay attention to the books that don’t have easy to read titles or any summaries to speak of... you just might find something you didn’t know you were looking for. That’s Fell’s: the comfort of the familiar and the excitement of the unknown.
*** A lot of people might assume that these stories are embellished or outright made up, but as a bookseller myself going on twenty years I believe every single one of them.
That being said, I accidentally moved a rug and found chalk sigils that look like they belong in a cult. Make of that what you will.
There’s a special place in hell for 21st century shop owners that only take cash. Who carries cash anymore? Not me! I haven’t bothered with that nonsense in years! You can get a card reader for 15 pounds on Amazon. Or you know what? Be stingy and pay 7 for the little attachment on your phone. This place is nuts if it thinks it’s going to survive much longer on a cash-only policy, especially with some books that look like they’re worth hundreds or thousands of pounds! Yeah, yeah, just let me pull out this giant wad of bills for you. I’ll carry them around a crime-laden city because there’s no ATM near you either.
I mean jesus, you’d think this guy didn’t want to sell anything.
I walked in. There was a man screaming at a fern while another threatened him with an umbrella. I walked out.
5 stars do recommend.
I once walked in on the same (?) guy yelling at a book for daring to fall on the owner’s head. I think that’s just a Thing over there.
Like a lot of people here I didn’t actually go to Fell’s for any books (flat tire, Angel Recovery taking forever) and ended up staying three hours (not because of Angel). No, I wandered towards the back and found this ancient CRT set propped on a table of books, the kind that my Dad used to watch Twilight Zone on. This lanky guy had a marathon of Gilmore Girls going... though how he was managing that with a broken antenna and no DVR, I really don’t know. But yeah. He told me to pull up a chair and I did. Guy gave me popcorn.
I wish I’d paid a little more attention to his name. Charlie? Curley? I really can’t remember, but thanks for the enjoyable afternoon, man.
Not sure how though. Just kinda happened. First edition of Just William. Frankly I didn’t even want the thing, but the owner basically shoved me out the door with it when I took two seconds to look at the spine. Odd that he was so willing to part with this one.
Update: ... hold up. I didn’t buy a book because I never actually paid the guy. ‘Basically shoved me out the door’ was literal. Do I go back??
This page has really gone feral the last couple of months so I’m just gonna bite the bullet and say it:
Anyone notice that Fell’s snake and Fell’s partner are never in the same room together?
I really don’t like the implications of this…
This is precisely why the Internet has turned into a cesspool. You all should be ashamed of some of the stuff you’re writing here. Can’t two men just be friends anymore? Two real life men? These guys aren’t some characters for you to ‘ship’ or whatever. Quit making outrageous assumptions about their sexualities and use this website for what it’s actually for: reviewing the bookshop. Honestly I’m so sick of this sort of this shit.
Dude. They run a queer-focused shop together with a flat on the second floor. Fell calls the guy ‘Dear’ and he’s always calling him ‘Angel.’ People have literally seen them kissing. If you want I can give you the number of my physician. He might be able to help you pull your head out of your ass.
What the hell is your problem? I’m literally just reminding people to stop making assumptions. It’s gross and insulting. These guys check their Yelp page. You really think they’re gonna be okay with this stuff?
Also: I’m not the five-year-old relying on insults, so.
Making an account purely to set the record straight: I’m the hot twink in question and I married that angel. Peace
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drwcn · 4 years
discordance!verse part 7: an interesting morning in jingshi, Lan Wangji is shameless, much to the shock of Wei Wuxian. rated M??T??
in which wwx is lxc’s husband through political alliance, and there is an affair. 
[8] | [7] | [6] | [5] | [4] | [3] | [2] | [1] [synopsis] OR
see [discau tag] or [discordance navigation page] for all installments  
(~10 days before part 5/6)
Wei Wuxian wakes up slowly, warm and comfortable. The first thing he sees is the green bamboo shoots past the white tulle curtains, just outside the window, and the droplet of dew glistening under the morning sun. It had rained some time during the early hours; he recalls drifting to sleep listening to the muffled pitter-patter against Jingshi's roof, Lan Zhan curled at his side…
Lan Zhan is still there, fast asleep, as though he hasn't moved an inch all night. He is pressed against Wei Wuxian's shoulder, one arm thrown across his chest, every even breath a gentle breeze across his neck.
Even in sleep, Lan Zhan is a vision. That peerless face which others find cold and intimidating, is relaxed and open. Thick lashes kiss pink flushed cheeks. Soft full lips part minutely, still a bit swollen. Long silk hair runs like ink between Wei Wuxian's fingers.
He releases a soft affectionate huff, pulling the covers more securely around them both. Wei Wuxian closes his eyes, ready to indulge in sleep for another couple more hours. He doesn't know why they don't do this more often, it's so nice…
His eyes snap open, all thoughts of sleep vanishing instantly.
Fuck! We slept in!
There's a very good reason why he and Lan Zhan never wake up warm, coddled together in a patch of morning sun like two aristocratic cats: it's because Cloud Recesses' rules are fucking nightmares - and also because he and Lan Zhan are technically, technically in an illicit affair - but mostly because of Cloud Recesses’ rules. Lan Zhan always has to get up at a quarter before mao-shi to sneak back to hanshi so he could continue the charade of having woken up in the bed he definitely didn't sleep in.
Judging by the angle of sunlight spilling into the room, it must be at least si-shi by now, a whole two shichen later than when Lan Zhan is usually up and about…
Oh ffffffuuuck -
Dap, dap, dap!
There are three polite knocks at the door. A disciple's hesitant voice echoes from the other side.
"W-Wei-jun? Are you in there?"
He can hear the anxiety clearly in their tone. Because of course they must be frantic! Lan Zhan's secretarial disciple would've gone in to bring him his breakfast, like he does every morning, and discovered Hanguang-jun's bed and sheets as cold as ice and Lan Wangji himself nowhere to be found.
It's been at least four hours, Cloud Recesses must be having a full blown panic attack by now!!
Wei Wuxian jolts up from bed and is torn between feeling sorry and amazed when that exaggerated movement only manages to elicit an incoherent grumble from Lan Zhan.
Oblivious to Wei Wuxian's impending meltdown, Lan Wangji curls a little deeper into the covers, but does not wake up. 
No time to worry about that, Wei Wuxian yanks the covers over Lan Wangji's head to cover him and pads across the matted floor to the clothing rack. He can't answer the door even if he wants to; he's completely fucking naked.
Wei Wuxian is just about finished with the ties of his second layer of robes when the disciple speaks again,  
"Wei-jun?! Are you in there?! Many apologies for disturbing you…but - but it's urgent! Please, could you open the door?"
For the first time since the death of his husband, Wei Wuxian is glad for his widower status. As the previous Sect Master's yishu 遗属, it would be bad etiquette for lower disciples to barge into his private residence without invite. Not that any of them would be capable: the seal Wei Wuxian placed on the inside of the door last night is an invention of his own. He's confident that no more than a dozen cultivators of their time can break it without expending serious spiritual energy.
Thank goodness last-night-me had the foresight to do that…
Though, he does wonder why it's a bunch of disciples and not someone like Lan Qiren knocking on his door. His nerves calm by half a fraction. If they're coming to me, perhaps they haven't directed this particular issue to higher authorities. Probably doesn't want to give the grandpas an impromptu stroke by declaring Lan Zhan missing…
Wei Wuxian shrugs on his outer layer, and in the calmest, most put-upon voice he can manage, he answers, "What is it? I am feeling poorly this morning."
"Begging your pardon, Wei-jun, it's just…Hanguang-jun, uhm, we can't find Hanguang-jun."
Glancing behind his shoulder, Wei Wuxian winces as he sees Lan Wangji stirring, turning onto his back and shoving the covers out of the way.
"Ah, yes, Hanguang-jun," replies Wei Wuxian, channeling his inner Lan Qiren and attempting his most authoritative tone of voice. "Sect Master has informed me that he’s gone on a…a meditative trek. It's been some time since he's been able to cultivate in peace. He will be returning shortly. No need…no need to worry the Elders."
Through the thin walls, he hears a collective sigh of relief.
"Thank goodness. Forgive us for disturbing you, Wei-jun. If you're feeling unwell, should a healer be sent for -"
"No! No, that's quite alright. I'll be fine. Return to your studies. Do not dally." Wei Wuxian quickly dismisses the disciples. 
Ear pressed against the door, he listens to their footsteps walking away until he can't hear anything but the sparrows chirping in the woods. Letting out the breath he’s been holding anxiously in his chest, Wei Wuxian pads himself in relief.
Crisis averted.
When he turns around, Lan Wangji is sitting up in bed, staring dazedly at him.
"I slept in. It's very late, isn't it?"
The sight of him like that, blankets gathered at the waist, pale chest bared and hair unbound, immediately steals from Wei Wuxian the breath he’d only just been able to catch.
Hanguang-jun is truly the Light Bearer, he laments, mindless of the smile that overtakes him. Even the sun seems to be drawn to the good Lan Zhan. Streaming onto the bed from the window behind, morning sunlight enshrouds his entire being and condenses into a soft halo around him, as if to remind the world that this man is blessed by the gods.
Yet this god-chosen man, destined for immortality, has given himself over to Wei Wuxian last night, delivered into his hands, with pure trust and a small smile in the dark.
Wei Wuxian feels the back of his neck heat up from the memory. Get yourself together, Wei Wuxian, you flagrant degenerate, it’s practically midday. 
"Wei Ying, I…" Lan Wangji averts his eyes as Wei Wuxian takes a seat beside him, holding his clothes ready for him.
"Ah, Lan Zhan, don't be embarrassed." Wei Wuxian chuckles, reaching out to twirl a strand of Lan Wangji's hair around his finger teasingly. "So you slept in, happens to the best of us." 
Leaning forward and pecking a chaste kiss to his forehead, Wei Wuxian hands him his robes and says, "Alright, come on, let's get up. You have to work, and I have to assist my venerated Hanguang-jun. A bath and some breakfast - I told the disciples I'm not feeling my best, they'll probably send whatever I ask for. Nobody ever has to know our Sect Master was sleeping the morning away."
The tip of Lan Wangji's ears turns pink, but instead of accepting the garbs the other man holds out to him, he shifts closer and winds his arms around Wei Wuxian shamelessly. "Yes perhaps, but I am not entirely to blame."
This time, Wei Wuxian does blush. He draws his head back, aghast. "L-Lan Zhan! H-how could you say such a thing in broad daylight!
"Is it not so?" Lan Wangji rests his chin against his lover's shoulder and pivots his head almost accusingly.
Wei Wuxian sputters. Why you shameless little - you - I -
Memories from the night before come rushing back: Lan Zhan's earnest open face when he asked Wei Wuxian to indulge him, climbing onto his lap and whispering into his ear exactly what he wanted. Wei Wuxian is used to Lan Zhan taking charge. It’s been that way since the two of them became intimate. He’s thrilled, more than thrilled, to share those stolen moments with Lan Zhan. In fact, it always does funny wonderful things to him to see the disciplined Hanguang-jun let loose the way he does when they’re together.
But to have his Lan Zhan laying under him, arching and trembling and falling apart for him, his name uttered by those heavenly lips like an answer, a spell, a prayer…How does any reasonable man come back from that?
Oh my god…I - I deflowered the Second Jade of Gusu… Wei Wuxian realizes with a jolt, suddenly hot under the collar. It's not that the implication didn't occur to him yesterday, but the weight of his actions had not fully sunk in until now. It's probably not a coincidence that Lan Wangji, who has never overslept a day in his life, fails to keep to his rigid internal clock after Wei Wuxian spent most of the night having his ways with him.
When did they even go to actual sleep? It couldn't have been any time before midnight. Wei Ying, Wei Wuxian, you fool, you absolute idiot, how could you have done this?! You should've been more careful!!
…Lan Zhan had been so careful with me…
"Wei Ying," Lan Wangji calls his name, arms still locked around him. "You told them I'd be gone for a while yet, yes?"
Wei Wuxian frowns, not sure where he's headed. "Yeah?"
Lan Wangji shuffles closer, one of his hands travelling across the front of Wei Wuxian's robes until he finds the knotted sash. Blinking innocently, he says without a shred of pretense, "I do not doubt your skills, but my memories of last night are a little vague. Perhaps you ought to demonstrate for me again, as a reminder?"
For a long, long moment, neither of them move, Lan Wangji's request apparently having shocked Wei Wuxian into petrified silence. He does nothing but stare back at him, so much so Lan Wangji begins to wonder if he went a little too far with the teasing. But then Wei Wuxian's expression shifts, something raw and hungry flashing across his face. The next moment, Lan Wangji is flipped over onto his front, the covers yanked off exposing his pale bare form, every inch a perfection. 
Lan Wangji shivers, more reactionary than actually cold. He can feel Wei Ying's gaze on him, heated and appreciative, and as much as he doesn't want to give him the satisfaction, he squirms under the scrutiny.
"Wei Y-"
But the weight of Wei Ying's body is suddenly flush against his back, and Lan Wangji notices with a start that while he is thoroughly bare, Wei Ying is mostly dressed and does not appear to be in any hurry to change that.
Does Wei Ying really intend to take him while fully clothed?! Somehow the thought doesn't bother him, not in the least. Rather, it spurs him on, sparking the desire that simmers just beneath his skin. 
His hair is swept to side; Lan Wangji groans as a pair of lips press a hot, open mouthed kiss against his neck behind one redden ear.
"One would think, Hanguang-jun, that requesting physical intimacy in the middle of the day counts for misbehaviour."
The needy kiss transforms into a sharp bite.
Lan Wangji suffocates a groan, shuddering as the kiss trails between his shoulder blades and lower. For a few minutes, all he can focus on is the touch of hands and lips and tongue mapping out the planes of his body and wringing from him wonderful pleasures that he would not otherwise so easily relinquish.
"As the once disciplinary officer of Cloud Recesses," continues Wei Ying, lifting Lan Zhan by the hips and pushing him onto his knees. "Please enlighten us the appropriate consequences."
Wei Ying sounds very much like a cat savouring its play time with its poor prey before devouring it alive. Although Lan Wangji would never admit it out loud even under duress, he can confess to himself in the safety of his mind that this fate is exactly what he wants.
The Wei Ying of last night was careful, gentle, and steadfast despite being nervous.That Wei Ying had held his hands, lacing their fingers together, and whispered sweet lovely things as he brought them to their heights and back. Lan Wangji wasn't lying when he said his memories were a bit fuzzy; the entire experience had been…a lot.
However, Wei Ying in the morning is a whole different beast, and Lan Zhan aches just imagining what waits ahead. He wants him, by god, he wants him.
"One would think, Wei-jun," Lan Wangji manages to grit out, "that as someone who holds the highest running record of punishments received during his guest disciple days, you would be more than acquainted with Cloud Recesses' method of discipl - ah!"
The cry is ripped from his throat before he could help it. Panting, Lan Wangji writhes against the sheets and marvels a little at just how readily he receives what Wei Ying gives him.
But Wei Ying's tone loses its playfulness right away. "Lan Zhan -" The hand that threads through his hair is light and the following kiss on his left shoulder is tender. "- are you - are you hurt? Was I -"
Perhaps that cry sounded more distressed than he actually was. Lan Wangji turns his head to meet Wei Ying's worried gaze and melts a little. Blood is roaring in his ears and he is hot all over, but the warm cocoon that envelops his heart has nothing to do with lust.
Wei Ying presses another soft, comforting kiss against the shell of his ear and then another against his temple. "Say something, should I stop?"
Stop?! If this endearing idiot even thinks about stopping now Lan Wangji will absolutely smack him out of pure frustration.  
Catching his breath, he pushes back against Wei Wuxian and is immensely satisfied when the other man shudders in response. Reveling in the knowledge that he is the only one to ever see Wei Ying this way, he does it again. This time, the hands gripping his deviant hips are no longer gentle.
"Are you going to make good on my punishments," challenges Lan Wangji, batting his lashes, infinitesimally coy. "Or were those merely empty threats?"
The speed at which Wei Ying's eyes darken with desire almost makes Lan Wangji regret his impertinence. But then he is being thrust forward without warning, the unexpected motion hitting that spot inside him that makes his toes curl and his vision go white, and he instantly regrets nothing.
"W-Wei Ying…"
Somewhere in the back of his mind, he is aware that he is being objectively loud, but it really isn't his fault. Who in their right mind would expect him to be silent when he is being railed into the bed like both their immortalities depended on it. He just hopes Wei Ying has the good sense to cast a silencing talisman (lucky for them, he did).
Lan Zhan moans into the sheets, his eyes rolling back. How on earth is he so wrecked so quickly?! What is Wei Ying doing to him? In this position, he is completely at his lover's mercy, but he doesn't want to fight it, not at all. Clutching the wooden headboard, Lan Wangji surrenders the last bit of his self-control and submerges under the waves of sensations and sounds and bliss.  
Lan Zhan is quiet afterwards, soaking in the bath Wei Wuxian prepared for him. Wei Wuxian wipes himself down perfunctorily, changes into fresh robes and then proceeds to meticulously tidy the bed. The sheets are…probably not salvageable. He'll have to burn them or bury them, because there's no way he can hand them over to the disciples on laundry duty in the state that they're in. Even he can't talk his way out of that one.
When he's sure there is no more incriminating evidence of their activities, Wei Wuxian rounds behind the screen to find Lan Zhan exactly where he'd left him.
Eyes closed, he looks so young. It's not fair how everything must fall to him now. Lan Zhan never complains, but he must be exhausted after all that's happened since the end of last year.
His heart squeezing tightly, Wei Wuxian picks up a wash cloth and sits down by the tub. Lovely eyes flutter open just as he runs the warm towel over the round of Lan Zhan's shoulder.
"Are you alright?" He asks softly, wiping a bit of dried spent from Lan Zhan's chin. "Was I too rough?"
The tip of Lan Zhan's ears turns pink again. He shakes his head, taking Wei Wuxian's hand and caresses his knuckles. "No, you were perfect."  
Still, something nags Wei Wuxian in the mind of his mind. Their hands still clasped together, he shifts closer and searches Lan Zhan's face. 
"Lan Zhan, what brought this on? Last night and this morning. You know I don't mind being the …uhm…" Blushing, he clears his throat, suddenly thin-skinned. Damn it, Wei Wuxian, get it together. "You know I don’t mind being the way we were before. Love it in fact, can't get enough of it even. I don't want you to think I expect you to - uhm - return the favour... as it were."
Lan Zhan's eyes are serious but also bright and earnest with understanding and intent. He thumbs the blush on Wei Wuxian's cheek, curling his fingers around his nape. 
"I'm yours now, Wei Ying." He says, voice hushed but resolve firm. "Do you understand? No more nonsense about finding me a proper husband, or a wife to bear me heirs, or any talk of that kind. Even if the Elders bar me from marrying you on the account of you being my brother's widower, I'm yours, and you're not allowed to abandon me. I won't have it."
"Lan Zhan..." The back of his throat grows unbearably tight. Wei Wuxian feels as though he could cry. He remembers their conversation back in Qishan when he saw Lan Zhan with little Wen Yuan and the ensuing row they had afterwards. It was perhaps the first and only time Lan Zhan lost his temper with him. He'd been so angry, so hurt, that Wei Ying would even suggest he should marry another.
Wei Wuxian, if you truly want me to be with someone else, then what, tell me, are we doing now?!
Wei Wuxian squeezes his hand, pressing a heartbroken kiss to his palm, then another, then another. He feels horrible with himself. How could he not realize earlier? Is this why Lan Zhan had been so insistent?
"Lan Zhan, my good Lan Zhan, you didn't have to - I won't leave you, Lan Zhan, I promised you, I won't. You have me, you'll always have me, you didn't have to -"
"Wei Ying," Lan Wangji interrupts him, seeing his self-deprecating tendencies are once again leading him down the wrong line of thought. "I want you, want to be with you. Last night was not solely to drive home a point. Even if I did want to make a point, it would only be part of the reason, minimal at best, and certainly would not account for this morning.” 
Wei Wuxian blinks, swallowing thickly. "And the real reason?"
"Well, surely it's very telling." Lan Wangji inches closer. The angle of the round tub makes it awkward but he doesn't care. A smile playing at his lips, he whispers into the other man's ear and delights at the way Wei Ying pulls back with a scandalized cry.
"Lan Zhan!"
Wei Wuxian is sure that his entire face is on fire. Who would've thought the esteemed Hanguang-jun could be such a lethal combination of imaginative mind and dirty mouth?!
But Lan Wangji only chuckles, nuzzling his neck. "Thank you for being so obliging, Wei Ying. I hope I was not too much of a burden."
I’m going to cry, thinks Wei Wuxian, I’m actually going to cry. Inside his chest, his heart has swelled so incredibly that he feels it will burst any second. "Lan Zhan, Lan Zhan, Lan Zhan, my good Lan-er-gege," he chants, over and over, peppering the lightest and sweetest of kisses along Lan Wangji's face. "You can't say things like that without warning! My heart can't take it!"
"Mn,” Lan Wangji purrs.“You'll live."
"Lan Zhan, ah Lan Zhan, what am I going to do with you?" Wei Wuxian sighs,  holding the other man by the curve of his jaw and smiles that sunshine smile.
"Stuck with me, I'm afraid. Hasn't anyone told you?" Lan Zhan peers at him through hooded eyes. "Us Gusu Lans, we're rooks."
"Rooks mate for life."
At that, Wei Wuxian pulls Lan Wangji impossibly close and silences him with a deep, long kiss.
[part 8]
yishu 遗属 - family that is left behind through death. 
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jtsfavslut · 4 years
Description: In which a girl goes through six stages to realize and accept the fact that her marriage is going downhill.
Stage Two: Anger
- Stages 1 
- Stages 3
Description: Yeimy is upset, but only at herself. All she’s feeling is anger for being blind, and letting Grayson step all over her. 
Warnings: none
Word Count: 2.2k+
You clenched your fists as you looked at time that was displayed on the stainless steel stove in your kitchen.  He was three hours late, yet you hadn’t received a single phone call during the entire day. Usually, if he was staying late he would’ve called you to let you know, but he didn’t so you busted your ass in the kitchen to make him dinner only to have it placed in a tupperware container and placed in the fridge until he decided to come home. 
You’ve been feeling like that all day. After getting woken up by his loud voice because he couldn’t find his belt, you wondered why he was going to work almost two hours early and coming home three hours late. 
The thoughts and questions angered you. Maybe because you knew the answer, but that wasn’t the answer you were looking for so you decided to push it away. It angered you that you’ve been feeling sick and throwing up all day, yet you pushed through and made him his favorite dinner only for him to not come home on time.
It angered you that the only thing you could think about was Grayson being unfaithful to you. 
And it angered you that you knew he was staying loyal to her. He won’t kiss you on the lips anymore, he’ll sometimes kiss you cheek before he goes to work, or on the forehead when he comes back. Or when he says an ‘I love you’ that you know doesn’t mean shit to him anymore. 
You slammed the fridge’s door and made your way to the couch where you watched TV until you heard the gates unlock and the sound of his Tesla make its way inside the garage. 
“Hi angel,” he said, walking inside and throwing his keys on a smile table next to the front door. 
“Hi, dinner is on the table. I think you know how to heat it up don't you?” you spat turning off the tv and making your way upstairs to your room. 
You noticed how cold and strange the room felt. The bed was perfectly made from the morning, and your night stand was dust free. Your wedding picture catches your eye. It was your favorite out of all the pictures. Grayson’s hands were tightly wrapped around your waist, while yours were wrapped around his shoulder, and you looked into eachothers eyes. It was taken right before you threw your bouquet into the air, which Karina managed to catch.
“Angel are you ok?” Grayson said standing on the doorway. His voice caught you by surprise making you drop the frame on the floor and the glass to shatter all over the floor. 
“I’m fine, just a tad sick. Now if you excuse me, I have to clean this up,” you said signaling to the broken picture frame. You angrily pushed past him and made your way to the kitsch to get the broom. 
You angrily sweep the glass up, taking out the picture and placing it on your nightstand, until you could find another frame. That was if it was even worth it putting it up. 
“Hey angel, have you seen my black louis shoes? I can’t find them anywhere.” Grayson asked standing infront of you while you were laying on the couch watching How To Get Away With Murder, the only thing you’ve been doing for the past two hours or so. 
“I haven’t seen them ever since you went on that weekend business trip last month,” you carelessly replied emphasizing on the business trip part. Mainly because you knew it was yet another lie. 
“Are you upset? Did I do something?” he asked you, making you roll your eyes and scoff. 
“The question is what haven’t you done Grayson.” You spat and rolled your eyes yet again at his confused state. 
“You go to work two hours early but then come back home three hours late, which I don’t understand how but then again who the fuck knows what you do in that office. I stay here, como una puta idiota, waiting for you to come home, I cook, I clean, I do everything and lately I’ve been by myself. You’re constantly telling me lies but when I say something you pull the ‘are you questioning me card’ and I'm sick and tired of it,” you said getting p from the couch and walking towards the kitchen while he stood in the living room like an idiot. 
“You forgot our anniversary last week, Grayson. And honestly I don’t know what’s going on with you or what you’re going through, but I hope you can get your shit straight and not waist my fucking time.” You added while aggressively opening the kitchen cabinets looking for your coffee cup. 
“And don’t bother waiting for me tonight, I’ll be with Karina and Ethan. Maybe you can hang out with the boys since you haven’t done that in a while,” you sarcastically said before giving up on looking for your cup and going to your room to get ready. 
If you weren’t mad before, then Grayson not replying and letting you go like that was sending you through the roof. Did he not care anymore? Or was he just letting you get space? 
Whatever it was you couldn’t continue to think about it because Karina snapped her fingers in your face multiple times. 
“Nena, we’ve been talking to you for the past five minutes,” she said while Ethan nodded his head in agreement. 
“Are you ok? You seem too deep in your brain, and you look extremely upset.” Ethan pointed out, making you sigh. 
“I’m fine trust, Grayson’s acting weird but I guess it’s because he’s under a lot of pressure.” You sighed as Ethan sent you a confused look. 
“Yeah, he said you guys are really busy with the new projects and launches, and that there’s a lot of meetings he has to go to which stresses him out,” you said making Ethan’s heart ache for you. He knew there weren’t any launches for his and his brother’s company, and they definitely haven’t attended any meetings in the past few weeks. 
“Oh yeah. The meetings he always gets stressed out by those. Always wanting to impress everyone, you know how he is.” he said, trying to sound as honest as possible, yet something felt a bit weird to you, but you decided to let that slide. 
“This one is like that too. Always trying to please everyone, when he knows he can’t” Karina replied while playfully smacking the back of his head making you laugh. 
Karina always found a way to make you laugh, that’s just one of the reasons why you’re best friends. And the fact that she’s also hispanic and you can talk shit about others without them understanding. 
You decided to go back home around ten pm, since you were feeling a bit calmed down and you were starting to get tired. But that moment was caught short once you entered the house and Grayson started questioning you. 
“You do the same thing tho, so I don’t get how it bothers you,” you shrugged, getting a bottle of water and sipping on it. 
“But I-,” he began saying before you cut him off.
“But I, nothing. I’m going to bed, this conversation is done. Bye.” you replied deciding to be the bigger adult and left the kitchen, took a shower and went to bed.
The next morning you woke up in the same mood as yesterday, if not worse, Grayson asked if you were on your period, which you weren’t since you had it two weeks ago. 
Honestly, you didn’t know what was getting you so upset. In the back of your head you did know tho, you simply did not want to accept it, so you just let it go, and that was starting to bother you. 
On the other hand, you were angry at yourself for being so stupid and for putting Grayson in a pedestal letting him step all over you. 
But you had enough of that. You decided that you needed a day for yourself so you went to the hair salon, cutting your long black hair up to your shoulders, you went to the nail salon and your nails and toes done, you went shopping and spent an unnecessarily amount of money on clothes you did not need, but who gives a fuck? You certainly did not.
After you did whatever that was, you went back home and put everything away, cleaned around the house a bit and decided to meet Karina and another friend of yours for dinner. 
“Alright Yeimy, what’s going on with you?” Ambar your other friend asked you, you mentally rolled your eyes getting annoyed but trying to not be rude. 
“I’m ok, Grayson’s just acting a tad weird,” you sighed and she nodded her head while Karina sent you a ‘what’s wrong’ look. 
“Is he cheating on you?” she asked, making you snap. 
“I don’t fucking know Ambar. I don’t. I think he is. But I don’t know. And I’m upset because deep inside my heart I know he is, and I know he doesn’t love me anymore. And what’s even more fucked up is that I can’t confront him because I don’t have fucking prove.” You slightly shouted, dragging attention to your table. 
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have snapped at you like that. I just, I-,” you apologized feeling bad for letting out your anger on her, when she didn’t do anything wrong. “I just don’t what to do, and I feel like a fucking pendeja,” you added while they’re faces showed they felt sad for you. 
“Mami, is ok. Relax you’re going to get through this. Vos es fuerte y averiguaras todo. Por ahora, olvídate de eso y sigue actuando como si vos no supieras nada hasta que encuentres algo,” (You’re strong and you’ll find everything out. But for now, keep acting clueless until you find something) Karina spoke in her colombian accent making you smile. Everytime she spoke spanish her accent always made you feel better, or just her in general. (A/N is it just me or is speaking in accents that are not yours fun. One second I’m british and the second I’m Columbian) 
“Whatever she said. Just make sure you confront him when you’re certain and have proof, because he’s going to deny it, even tho he is babe,” Ambar replied and you nodded your head smiling. 
“What would I do without you white ass and Colombian ass,” you replied, making them laugh. 
“Probably die, who knows?” Karina jokingly shrugged making you laugh. 
“I guess so,” you shrugged with a smile. Your mood completely changes after ranting to your best friends. “What do we do now?” you asked. You didn’t want to go home yet, and it was early anyways. 
“How about we go to the beach, and blast music?” Ambar asked and you nodded your head. 
“Yes, just like when we were 18, listening to Yeimy’s indie playlist,” Karina said, making you playfully smack her arm. 
“Shut up. You know you like it,” you joked leaving a $20 bill on the table as tips and leaving the restaurant. (Y'all always tip your waiters well, they get paid shit)
“I do love my baby Clairo,” she laughed causing all of you to laugh. 
You spent the rest of the day at the beach with your old playlist on shuffle, thank god the area you were at was empty allowing all three of you to sing your hearts out until Ambar left, even if your voices would have probably gotten Simon Cowell pretty upset. 
“Remember, after we both got that internship at WakeHeart we came here and celebrated with Ambar?” Karina asked, making you nod your head with a smile. 
“Yeah, we were 18 right? Just starting college.” You replied and she nodded her head. 
“Those were some good times. Now 24 and boring as fuck,” you sighed and you nodded your head agreeing. 
“I guess that’s what happens when you get married young,” you replied, laying down on your car’s roof. You were sitting on the roof of your Jeep just looking at the ocean while music softly plaid in the background. 
“I just realized, I rushed my entire life for what? I started dating Grayson six months into knowing him, he was what 22? Got married 2 years later when I was 21, Graduated college and started working for him. Stopped working at the office last year, and now I stay at home while he’s out putting his dick inside who knows,” you sighed looking at the stars above you while your mind raced at twenty five thoughts per second. 
“Everything happens for a reason Yeimy. And you’ll figure everything out, just take it easy on your mental health. And I can’t really give you any other piece of advice because I’m not going through that,” she reassured said, grabbing your hand. 
“I hope what you’re saying is true, otherwise I don’t know what to do.” You sighed squeezing her hand back. 
“Everything happens for reason babe. Everything,” she said, you nodded your head and continued looking out into space.
Stages 3
Tags:  @angelgrayson @rhyrhy462 @333dolans @vinylhazza @foxglovedolan @dolanissues @mercurygrant @persistence-ofmemories @dolansficsandpics @blindedbythelightt @kinkygrays @pineappledols @the-evolution-of-stupidity @evergreendolan
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flwrpotts · 4 years
hands down
or: seven times jughead didn’t confess he loved betty and one time he did. some tooth rotting fluff to get us thru quarantine. the structure and concept of this fic is inspired by this. enjoy!
He knew that Archie’s bachelor party was going to end badly for him. It had started with Archie pressing a tequila shot into his hand before they had even gone to dinner, c’mon, Jug, it’s the only bachelor party I’m ever going to have! while Reggie and Moose had cheered in the background. He took the shot, lukewarm citrus and a rubbing alcohol bite. They drank steadily through dinner, boisterous and loud, and now they’re in a packed strip club, sweaty and bright with flashing lights.
He hasn’t been this drunk since college, five years at least, and he can feel himself slurring as he talks to Archie, everything hysterically funny all of a sudden. Betty texts him, a selfie of her and Veronica in a sleek looking bar, holding up their glasses of wine. Hope you’re having fun! she sends, and Jughead tries to formulate a text back, si goood i miss yoi so mughc, followed by a truly horrendous string of emojis.
Betty’s contact info lights up on the screen with an incoming call, and Jughead stumbles outside, away from the boiling music of the club. The night air is sharp with cold, and he sucks in an inhale, trying to clear the spinning in his brain.
“Hello?” he slurs into the phone, leaning heavily against the brick wall. Betty laughs, amused, and he misses her terribly, misses her even though he saw her that morning.
“Hi, Juggie,” she says. “Having fun?”
“I’m never doing tequila shots again,” he says, vowels blurry around the edge. “Not even for Archie.”
She laughs again, tinkling and amused, Veronica’s tipsy bright voice in the background. “You’re going to be okay getting home?” she asks, the faintest slip of concern in her voice.
“I’ll be fine,” he says, and suddenly the last round of shots catches up with him, any facade of sobriety gone. “I miss you so much,” he whispers into the phone, the words mushy and almost indiscernible. “Love you.”
There’s a quick, sharp intake of breath Jughead is almost too inebriated to catch.
“I’ll see you soon,” she says before the call clicks off. They don’t discuss it.
Jughead hauls Betty up onto the counter, his teeth already against her collarbone. This is something they indulge in rarely, when neither of them are seeing someone, or when work gets particularly stressful. Betty moans, and he gets a hand up to cup the back of her head, keeping her from knocking her head against the kitchen cabinets.
“Jug, Jug,” she says into his mouth, yanking up his shirt and getting her hands onto his stomach, nails sweeping low over his waistband. He has goosebumps running down his spine, and his blood rushes hot through his head, leaving no room for intellectual thought. He undoes the button and zipper of her jeans, his fingers clumsy with anticipation.
She sinks her teeth into his bottom lip, hard, and Jughead doesn’t know what to do with his hands, his brain is detached from the rest of his body. He hikes up her legs around his waist, pulling her even closer, and his vision is blurred with the flyaways of blonde hair and the sound of his name in her mouth. Her heel is pressed into the small of his back, keeping him pressed hard against her.
Betty moans again, louder this time, and Jughead’s hand flies to her mouth, remembering too late the thin walls of their apartment. Her breath is hot against his wrist, and his thumb dips against her bottom lip, mouth open. Her eyes open, a clear bright green, and it’s easily the hottest thing he’s ever seen, his pulse wired to hers.
“Fuck me,” she whispers into his palm. He wants to yank on her ponytail, wants to lick the cherry chapstick off of her mouth, wants to stay inside this moment forever, suspended by the longing.
He presses his mouth to the fragile, ivory skin of her neck as he fumbles to unhook her bra, and he exhales iloveyouiloveyouiloveyou, fervent and sticky hot, like a prayer, lost in the press of their mouths against one another.
Jughead waits for Valentine’s Day to arrive with the dread of a condemned man facing an executioner. The days of February tick by, and he waits patiently for Betty to mention a new romance, a guy she’s been seeing or a surprise hot date for the most romantic night of the year, waits for the Jones luck to really kick in. Finally, it’s the morning of, and she pads into the kitchen, startlingly beautiful in an oversized t-shirt and socks, glasses perched on her face, no mention of any plans.
“Dinner tonight?” he asks, all casual, heart in his throat, and Betty hums her agreement, absentminded and pouring coffee.
“Yeah, sure,” she says. “I get out of class at six, so six thirty?”
He makes reservations at a nice restaurant, dresses up in a nice shirt and yanks at the collar, feels awkward and out of place as the hostess guides him to the table, watching the elegantly paired up couples around him. The menu is definitely out of his price range, but he figures if he’s going to tell her he might as well make the grand gesture, give her the sort of romance she deserves.
Betty walks into the restaurant and for a single second everything in his head goes blank. It’s a secret phenomenon Jughead wouldn’t even know how to explain, the way she numbs everything out, makes everything better.
She folds herself into the seat in front of him, wearing a breezy, careless lavender dress and that familiar smile, ponytail falling in a perfect twist.
“God,” she says, picking up the menu and flicking through it mindlessly. “You won’t believe what happened in the coffee shop today. Is there anything more cliche than confessing your love on Valentine’s Day?”
He freezes.
Jughead gets home to the apartment late, cranky after being stuck in a social for the MFA students in his program. He yanks at his ill-fitting tie as he walks in the door, feeling some of the tension starting to seep out of his shoulders.
“Betts?” he calls, taking in the warm yellow glow of the hallway, light left on despite the lateness of the hour. Remnants of Betty’s evening are scattered through the apartment- dishes in the sink, a neat plate of leftovers in the fridge with a post-it note stuck on top, bolognese if you’re hungry <3
He steps into the living room, and Betty is passed out on the couch, surrounded by a stack of freshly graded papers, the sharp elegance of her  handwriting crawling across the pages in bright red. She’s slumped at what must be an uncomfortable angle, legs tucked up underneath her and her head propped on her shoulder. The fondness pangs in Jughead’s ribs, sharp with longing. He just stares at her for a moment, the fine curl of the baby hairs at her temple, her mouth just a little bit open with sleep, all the lines in her face smoothed.
She’s so relaxed that Jughead doesn’t want to wake her, potentially kickstart the insomnia he knows gets to her when she’s stressed. So he picks up an old quilted afghan off of the other edge of the couch, tucks it up around her shoulders. Betty sighs in her sleep, shifting into the blanket and kicking one leg out.
I love you, Jughead mouths. I love you. Betty turns in her sleep, eyelids fluttering, and Jughead shuts the light off behind her, head full of the things he wishes he could tell her.
It’s Friday night, and the two of them are tipsy from the shared bottle of red wine, sprawled out on the living room floor with a Scrabble board between them. Betty sits cross-legged, flushed high in her cheeks from the wine and her hair loose around his shoulders. Jughead is raggedy in an old pair of plaid pajama pants and a threadbare t-shirt.
It’s his favorite kind of evening, Chinese takeout for dinner and easy conversation, laughing as Betty struggles with the wine bottle opener.
Now Betty is staring at her Scrabble tiles with intense concentration, a line between her eyebrows that he wants to smooth out with his finger.
“If you try to pass off a word that you made up again-” he warns, only half joking. Betty gasps in mock outrage, one hand to her chest. “I would expect someone getting their Masters in Psychology to have a more refined sense of ethics.”
“I would neve cheat at Scrabble,” she says imperiously, laying out her tiles and spinning the board back over to him. Zale reads the word in front of him. Betty, for her part, tries to look impartial and doesn’t quite manage it, the smirk tugging at the corner of her mouth. Jughead feels the warmth burn inside of his chest.
“I love it when we do this,” he blurts out suddenly, awkward and out of place. Betty smiles at him, presses her hand to his from across the board.
“Me too,” she says. “And that will be twelve points for me, if you please.”
He loves her, but not enough to let her get away with such a stunningly illegal move. The night goes on.
Dear Betty,
I am writing to you now because I’m too terrified to tell you in person but I also can’t keep going on this way. Maybe a letter is the coward’s way out, but I prefer to think about it as romantic. To quote the genius herself (Jane Austen)- if I loved you less I might be able to talk about it more. And I do love you.
I don’t know if it was at first sight, but do I know that the first time I saw you in that terrible freshman English lecture, it felt like something was beginning. Like some part of me knew that I was going to fall in love with you, my brain just hadn’t quite caught up yet. In some ways it still hasn’t. The way I feel about you has nothing to do with logic.
You’re my roommate and my best friend and my fellow true crime obsessee and the best fucking person I know. Having you in my life is one of the things I’m most proud of, and I’ve been so scared to ruin what we have, because in a lot of ways I think you’re the best part of me. I don’t know what I would do if you weren’t there anymore. But I also can’t keep swallowing it down anymore. I guess I just have to trust that we’ll find a way to be in one another’s lives, no matter the capacity. Even if you don’t feel the same way.
Well, now you know. I love you. The ball is in your court, and it’ll really be okay if you don’t feel that way. I just need to know. So- come find me?
He sighs at the piece of paper, and balls it up with a groan, tossing it into the trash can with a faint thud.
It happens so fast Jughead barely has time to react.
They’re crossing the street of their apartment to get to their favorite overpriced but delicious coffee shop, chatting idly about Betty’s thesis advisor and her obsession with Lorrie Moore, and then the taxi comes out of nowhere against the light, inches away and Betty a step in front of him.
Jughead grabs her by the elbow and yanks her back in the nick of time, all adrenaline, moving before he even has time to process the danger, clumsy and fast. The taxi swerves past, a flurry of horns from the surrounding cars, and they stumble in an awkward, half time waltz back onto the sidewalk. Betty’s eyes are huge when she looks at him, shocked, his hand still fisted in the material of her coat.
“Holy fucking shit,” he swears, tongue a jumble. “Are you alright?” He begins to pat her down over her wool jacket, searching for potential injuries.
Betty laughs, still in shock at the suddenness of it all. “I’m fine,” she says, pressing a hand against her forehead. “I’m totally fine. You grabbed me in time.”
Jughead sighs out a shuddery, terrified exhale. The closeness of the encounter is still racketing through him, fear and relief pulsing through the veins in his wrist. His hands are shaking, and Betty squeezes one tightly in hers, reassuring.
“That was scary,” she remarks, and Jughead nods, for once beyond words. “The drivers in this city are ridiculous.”
“No kidding. I’m- I’m glad you’re okay,” he says, squeezing before he releases her hand. Betty smiles at him, easy and fond. It’ll take twenty minutes and two cups of decaf for his heartbeat to slow down.
They’re brushing their teeth side by side in the bathroom, seeped with the laziness of Saturday morning. There’s coffee percolating in the kitchen, and Jughead knows without asking that Betty will scramble the eggs so long as he makes waffles, that they’ll sit at the tiny kitchen counter for an hour, sipping at their lukewarm coffee and talking about nothing. It strikes him, quite suddenly, that this is how he’d like to spend the rest of his life.
Betty is wearing just one of his t-shirts, her hair knotted into a bun at the top of her head, talking to him through the foam. Jughead, blue toothbrush in hand, turns to her, deliberate and suddenly unafraid. “Betty,” he says, and she turns to him, gaze curious, and he looks for a moment at their reflection in the bathroom mirror, a portrait of exactly where he wants to be. “I love you.”
“What?” Betty asks, and there’s toothpaste smudged on her cheek, eyes wide.
“I love you,” he says, heart in his stomach again. Betty grins at him, slow and wide and perfect,
“I love you,” she says, like it’s the easiest, most natural thing in the world. He ducks down to kiss her, and her mouth is chapped and minty, and their teeth click together in his haste, and it’s pretty much the best moment of his life.
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nerdyfangirl67 · 4 years
My Angel - Phantom of the Opera (Chapter 3)
Pairing: Phantom/Erik x reader
Warnings: Erik insecurities, dark thoughts and feelings, a very oblivious reader
Word count: 2278
A/N: I hated the way I ended this one. I really wanted to make it one of my longest ones yet, but I have really been struggling finding the inspiration to finish this. I am sorry for all of y’all that were excited to follow the journey of this story. After time passes, I may come back to it, but right now, I am not in the right mindset for it. 
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---- Chapter 3 ----
He plays into the early hours of the morning, with you sitting next to him on the velvet covered organ bench. Sometime in the short few hours you are with him, he wrapped his large, velvet black cloak around your shoulders, chasing away the chill that had been reaching towards your bones.
As his music starts to trail off, you remember about work. You scramble off the organ bench, tripping over the long edge of your, or rather Erik’s, cloak in your haste and fall in a heap on the floor. A few unladylike words slip from your mouth and a short bark of a laugh behind you catches your attention.
A lightness dances in his eyes as he looks at you. “Mon cher, I did not expect you to be so foul mouthed. Your appearance deceives your nature.” Despite his mirth, he reaches out a hand and effortlessly pulls you up.
“I have work. If I am late again, I will lose my job.” You mumble, an intense feeling of sudden sadness weighing on your chest. The thought of leaving him so soon after you ‘found’ him, had your heart aching.
A gentle hand brushes a wisp of hair out of your face. “Mon cher, you have been up all night. I will deal with your employers. You need rest.” He takes your hand in his, you don’t even try to protest, and allow him to lead you to his large four poster bed. You hesitantly sit on the bed, a tentative hand reaching out to run over the velvet covers.
You search his face, your heart beating fast with both the anxiety of ‘skipping’ work and the thought of being left alone in his space, his home. “A-aare you sure?” You stammer with uncertainty.
He kneels in front of you, making him eye level to you for the first time. “Oui mon cher. Rest.” He unties his cape from around your neck, pulling it loose from underneath you. He urges you to lie down before covering you with the large black velvet material.
You don’t even hear Erik walk out of the small alcove the bed resides in and you can’t bring yourself to see if he did. You were exhausted. As much as you had enjoyed, no, as much as you had loved listening to your angel play his music, you hadn’t stayed up until the early hours of the morning since you were a young girl and it had drained you. It wasn’t long before you were in a deep slumber, the rich musk of your angel filling your nose.
Rapid, lifting note phrases bursting from the organ wake you. You laid there for a moment, listening to the stirring, joyous composition. You could hear in the music alone how much happier he was and it warms your heart. Stretching you feel the stiffness in your joints, which was telling you that you had been asleep for more than a few hours. You push yourself out of the bed, grabbing Erik’s cloak as you do. Pulling it up over your shoulders, you walk slowly towards his organ, intently watching him as he plays with fervor.
He must have heard you approach, as he stops playing and turns to look at you. “Ah, mon cher, are you feeling bien reposé?” His easy switch between English and French had your cheeks heating up as you think of how you’d like him to really use this skill, and it wasn’t in casual conversation.
You nod your head, joining him on the organ bench. He turns his attention from the keys to you. He stares at you for a long time, analyzing your face before speaking. “Mon cher, you do not have to continue as a maid if it makes you unhappy. You can stay here with me, si vous le souhaitez.”
Your heart leaps repeatedly in your chest at the thought of staying with this man, this angel, in this place you find ethereal. It is like the accumulation of all your dreams in one. You would have the man you had come to love, you would be at the forefront of all his musical creations, and you would be free of the job that made you dread every morning, or more specifically, every day.
The excitement dancing around in your chest and tangling in your thoughts is making it hard for you to string words together enough to answer. As you struggle to voice your thoughts, you can see the crushing disappointment taking over his features. You can practically see the wall sliding back in place over his heart.
You rapidly stand up, giving yourself a few inches on his seated figure. “Erik, I want nothing more than to be here with you.” You state, staring into his dark eyes. You tentatively reach out a hand towards the masked side of his face. He flinches away from your hand, putting distance between it and his face.
The act alone has a lump of hurt forming in your chest. You had had no intention of removing the mask, rather you had wanted to show him, that injured, dark, scared part of him, the feel of a gentle touch. You’d thought he would trust you enough at this point to know you were not going to remove the mask or to hurt him in any way.
“I-I do not intend to remove your mask Erik.” You state simply, staring deeply into his eyes. His eyes were swirling with emotions. There was a deep fury emanating from their depths, coupled with a dark sadness.
“I have seen that move before, mon cher. A beautiful temptress removed it, not once, but twice. She revealed a part of me to the world that I will never get back. They know who I am now, I cannot hide it.” His voice echoed brokenly in the large cavern and each word tore at your heart.
You carefully closed the small distance between you. “I would never disrespect you like that.” You said softly as you slowly, so slowly, move your hand to his covered cheek. He doesn’t flinch this time, but he is sitting as stiff as a board. You rub your thumb gently over his masked cheekbone and hum the tune of his composition softly as you do. With your other hand, you reach up to comb back the lock of hair that had fallen over his forehead. His eyes are the softest you had ever seen, like the clear night sky, brightened by the soft lights of the city below. One of his hands reaches up to cover the one you have resting on his face, as he leans into it.
“You are nothing like they believe you to be. You are a man that brings light with his marvelous musical compositions.” You pause, leaning forward ever so slightly until your forehead is barely touching his. “You are a man of mystery yes, but you are also a man with a deeply hidden gentle soul.” His eyes soften at your words, soaking in the kind words he wasn’t accustomed to.
“Mon cher, stay. Do not go back. Now that I know what it is like to have you, I cannot be without you. You are truly my sweet and beautiful muse.” His words, spoken with a gentle tenderness have tears beading up in your eyes.
“I will. I will stay with you Erik, my angel. I just have to return to work tomorrow to receive what measly amount of money they owe me.” You answer, frustration coloring your voice. You want nothing more than to never have to return to that small, dingy room you shared with the two other cleaners. You despised the way you were treated as if you were nothing more than common trash, how you were nothing more than a replaceable worker.
His hand moved from where it was gently covering yours, up to your cheek to wipe away the tear that had managed to fall from your lashes. “I can take care of them, mon cher, if you want. They would never bother you, or anyone else, again.” His tone is sharp and chilling, sending a cold chill down your spine. A deep breath rushes from your lungs as you stare at him. You wanted so badly to say yes, to never have to see those who had spent the last year telling you your work wasn’t good enough again. But you couldn’t. You could not bring yourself to wish harm on someone, regardless of how little you liked them.
“No. You are better than that.” You state firmly. “You are not going to draw back into the darkness, especially not for me.” You stand, slowly slipping from his grasp. “I am strong and I will do this on my own.” Despite your words a feeling of irrational fear was creeping up on you. It wasn’t as if you were doing anything you should not be. All you were doing was asking for the meager amount you were owed, yet you couldn’t get over the feeling of anxiety rising in your chest.
He seems to sense your unease and delicately pulls you into his embrace. You press half of your face into his chest, inhaling his unique musk and listening to the beating of his heart, which mirrored your own. After a long moment, which didn’t feel nearly long enough for you, you pull back.
“I must go now. I want to get them before they leave for the day.” You murmur, your eyes never leaving his. A part of you was urging you not to go, to take Erik up on his offer to help and to stay here in the comfort of his music and his arms.
You turn reluctantly, making your way back to the man sized entrance to the tunnels. The walk back to the opera house seems to take the longest it ever has. With each step you take away from the cavern, you feel as if a string is tugging against your heart.
You get to the door of the tunnel, but stop. Something is holding you back, keeping you from opening the door that will bring you back to the opera house, and your old life. Memories flash through your mind as you think of all the good that has taken place since you had entered these tunnels only a month before.
You had found a place to call home, a place where you could indulge your love for music. You had found a future, something that made you want to get out of bed in the morning, something that made you want to live. Most importantly, you had found someone that made that future seem worth living. Conviction steels your nerves and you turn from the door and move much quicker back the way you had come.
It isn’t long before you are back in the cavern, the sounds of your angel’s melodies greeting you tenderly as you enter. He hears the echo of your footsteps because he turns, his nimble fingers pausing on the keys.
“Mon cher, I know I get lost in my music, but I believe you just left. What are you doing back so soon?” As he speaks, he moves forward, his shiny black cape streaming out behind him. You move forwards as well, meeting him halfway.
“I came to a realization that I don’t need anything that is on the other side of that door because all I will every need is right here,” You whisper, your breath caressing his face as you lean forward, closing some of the distance between the two of you.
He tentatively continues to close the distance, until his lips are only a hair breadth away from yours. “Puis-je t'embrasser ma chérie? May I kiss you my dear?” He repeats the question in English, not wanting anything to get lost in translation.
You nod, your nerves racing with excitement. His lips are on yours only half a breath later, caressing them softly with his own. The kiss sends your nerves abuzz, dancing with his music, almost as if he was sending it straight to your soul.
After a long moment, he pulls back. “Thank you mon cher.” His voice is breathless as you stare at him, your mind racing. “Thank you for believing in who I really am. And for being patient with me.” With that he steps back, causing you to furrow your brow in confusion.
As you watch him, Erik slowly lifts a hand to his face, removing the pristine white mask that covered over half of his face. As he pulls it away from his face, you become transfixed. It is not the puckered skin or the scars that draw your attention. Nor is it the thinning hair near his hairline on that side of his face. No, it’s the utter terror and brokeness that has taken over his face that draws your attention.
You reach up a hand, gentle laying your hand on the marred side of his face. “You are beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. Body and soul.” You whisper, your hand tracing over the lines you know he despises.
It is in this moment that you realize just how much you have come to love this man. You cannot imagine a life without him and knowing he wants you to be a part of his life, has you feeling unrestrained joy. You also realize that you are finally complete. This man and his music has fixed the broken parts of your soul, healing them in a way that you never thought possible.
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moon-caramel · 4 years
Sweet pain | I.M. Changkyun
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⚘ One Shot 
→ Pairing: Changkyun x reader ♀
→ Summary: after a time inaction you send Changkyun a tempting photo, and he would show you how much he had missed your body
→ Gendre: Boyfriend au. // Smut ♔ 
→ Warnings: Dom!Changkyun, whiny!Kyun if you squint, sir kink, dirty talk, overstimulation, oral (fem), pussy slapping, Changkyun being a sadist for placer i guess,
→ Word count: 2,6 k
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The smell of the vainilla and soft caramel cover your skin, body shaved, soft and tempting. It’s been over a month since you and Changkyun were intimate, we was too busy working on the comeback, but tonight you had everything planned, Kihyun will send Changkyun early for some rest as he promise you, you bought scented candles some new sexy lingerie that made your breast irresistible.
The buzz of your phone notified a message, you bite your lip instinctively when you see is from Changkyun.
Kyunnie♡: they released me early, going home to you baby ( ° 3°) 
You: i'll be waiting ♡
Yes! you thank mentally to Kihyun, looking yourself in the mirror to adjust the black lingerie that marked your curves, just thinking about Changkyun reaction, his hand squeezing your ass, hugging your breast, it got yourself aroused of the thought. You decide to send Changkyun some sample of what was waiting for him.
You: btw I got your favorite [attached photo]
It was selfie showing your body, thighs to your collarbone, one of your finger playing with the hem of your bralette pulling down to show a little of your nipple, the mirror behind you reflect your ass, he didn't respond immediately and it’s getting you nervous, the sound of your phone made you jump, knocking you off your thoughts
Kyunnie♡: fuuuuck! you getting very naughty little girl
Kyunnie♡: you know is a danger sending a picture like that
You: sorry, couldn't help it ;P
Kynnie♡: ok, wait for me in the door
You: yes sir
(this girl is going to be the death of me, Changkyun thought)
You waited in front of the door like he told you, existed for Changkyun to arrive, maybe you got ahead to send that picture but thanks to it you knew he was going to take you in the minute he cross the door, the heat on your core began to grow, the door opens and Changkyun close it as soon he walk to you, planting a passionate kiss on your lips, he hold your head turning it to the side, his other hand wanders trew your waist, hips and your ass, squeezing one cheek strong enough to make you gasp, he slap it then.
“Fuuck, Changkyun” your body was already sensitive thanks to all the waiting.
“Did you know…” he pressed a short kiss on you “that picture…” he said leaving kissed by your jaw to your ear “got me fucking hard immediately”
“Did it?” you tease him
He grabs your wrist, guiding your hand down to his crotch, he wasn't completely hard, but you could feel the boner growing, especially with your touch
“what do you think ?” he said while he passed to lick your earlobe
Right now you feel like a melting mess, you want Changkyun to take you and you are completely willing to do anything he ask 
“Changkyun, i need you”
He waist no time, you yelp when he carries you to the bedroom were left a pretty and sensual scene in it, the space is illuminated by the warm color of the electric candles. 
He drops you in the bed and cover you with his body after taking off his clothes, Changkyun is on top of you in jeans only, leaving soaked kissed in your chest, when he goes down to your tummy you could feel the wet fabric on your panties thinking of what is coming.
He start stroking your cover pussy, pushing lightly a finger to your entry, you were start to moaning, rocking your hips up to make more friction, Changkyun smirk diabolic watching your movement, trying to ride his finger when he just barely touch you.
“mm.. my pretty baby is so eager”
“yes, Kyunnie please, I need you.. badly”
“mm…” Changkyun took his time to answer you, looking around the room and your body cover y the new lingerie “you've work hard for this night don't you?”
“I've missed you baby”
“such a good girl, i should reward you” he he moves the fabric that cover your pussy, thrusting one of his fingers, you star whimper once he moves outside and inside, massaging your walls.
Before your body could be cover by that electric feeling forming in your core Changkyun pulls out his finger, you moan for the lost looking at him.
“But, you've been pretty naughty right?”
You are confused by this words you can only shake your head denied them.
“You send me that picture to tease me right? wearing this new lingerie that barely covers you” you nodd
“I bet Kihyun send me home early because you ask him... right?” FUCK you nodd again “you're so greedy baby” he mock you
“Should I reward or punish you?..” of course he would find a way to turn all of this on his benedict, he keeps your eyes looked on you “maybe both” 
He pull your panties off, so happy to see the a juicy thread connecting the fabric and your core.
He runs his tongue in the space of your folds, savoring the liquid that collects in it
“fuck baby you taste so good, I love how wet you get for me”
He separates your legs to the sides, and thrust two fingers back inside you forceful reaching your g-spot making you shriek, the heat in your core grows boiling your blood, your walls squeezing around Changkyun’s fingers, still they move strongly your walls are so wet, they feel like silk to him.
You weren’t thinking straight, your brain was getting shut down, you move your hand down to your clit instinctively, Changkyun slap your hand away, finger still moving inside you faster this time, he slap your clit and your body react jumping a little.
“My Kitten, you don't want to be selfish..” he gives you clit one more slap “I did told you I'll reward you, you don’t need to be a brat” 
“I’m s-sorry…” he did say he will reward you, also to punish you, you need to be his good girl as much as he wants “I’m really sorry sir” lucky for you, you knew how to do it.
You wanted to smile once you see him biting his lips, but you represt it, that will only bring you more trouble. He presses his thumb in your clit careful.
“This is your only warning kitten, you are not allowed to touch yourself or me” You nodd not wanting to bring any trouble to you
He spread his fingers in a V shape, joining them when he pulls them outside, and forming a V shape again when their inside stretching your cunt. His lips are on your swollen clit, kissing it softly the tip of his tongue comes to lick it in occasions, you're hand grabbing the sheets while your ride Changkyun fingers as his face, the only way you managed to breathe is threw your crying moans you feel the knot in your stomach wanting to burst
“Cha’angkyun, I im cooming” you wail
He kept his step steady, bringing more friction in your clit suckin it, he feels your walls to clench around, bringing your ormgasm, your grab the sheet tighter turning your knuckles white, he let you ride your orgasm in his finger and leaves your clit to let it breathe, keeping his finger inside you when you you're done he opens them once again while your walls are throbbing, the action made you weep.
He was so focused in your open pussy, watching your glistening juice of your cum, dripping in your entrance, so hungry and hypnotized by it, once you catch your breath you see him, he's eyes are darker than you seen, black like an predator looking at its prey.
“Fuck, you should see how wet you are” 
“Don’t sa-ay stuff like that” you could feel the red in your cheeks
“why not?... don't you like when I make you come?
“yes.. but it’s embarrassing, from where you're looking I guess” 
“mm.. you know sir loves your tight pussy” You can see his wry smile, coming to suck all the cum around your sex.
You are still sensitive of your past orgasm, so the small action make your back arch pressing your head to the mattress, then his tongue comes to your inside, fuck, you could feel the wet muscle licing your walls that were making you moan, you could feel the heat in your body coming back. 
“Si- sir!, I g-nna combh” your words are cut by the second orgasm you feel, growling out your pleasure
Your walls tumbling at Changkyun tongue made him harder, he had misses you as much you missed him, misses how he could make your body jitter, to ruin you for days, that your pussy will throb as just the thought of what he did.
He gives your cunt a break for the moment, you can't really react, or think clearly, he places himself on top of you again, caressing your skin, leaving a hot feeling around he places he touch, his head goes down to kiss you, you're still weak, but you manage to follow his kiss, letting his tongue inside you, you can clearly feel the cream of your cum, you can even smell you. 
“are you enjoying yourself kitten” he coos and you nodd “do you want to continue” he places his hand on your pussy, enjoying feeling it still pulsing.
“I.. I don’t know If a can” 
“I know you can” he kept his lips close to yours “you work so hard for this night” he goes leaving small pecks in your lips, jaw and neck “and I want to feel good to” he pound 
⚘ Honestly this man gives a puppy face, you don't know what dominates you more, his dom side or that puppy face ⚘
“You can take one more time baby, do it for your sir”
“I’ll try”
“good, now be a good girl and get on top me”
“well baby I worked hard for you, you can do it for me right?” This fucker
After helping you turn on top of him, you line your core to his shaft, already hard and venty, he probably was this hard since your first orgasm, but you don't think to much about it.
All the work in your pussy leave you wet and stretch for him, but it's for your body you fear, Your waist is still in a lull while and your legs are numb.
But not of that matter, the only thing you feel cleary is the heat on your core crying for being filled, as you go down, Changkyun cock is spreading your sensitive walls, he grabs each side of your waist pulling you, once you finally reach to the end, you can feel the pubic hair in your skin.
He keeps his eyes on you, you look adorable, how hard you are trying to adjust to the fill of his length, how the sweat makes your skin glow with the dimmed lights, he wants to keep you like that to admire you more.
But after enjoying you moaning he wants more, he moves his hips up, making you jump on him
“c'mon baby, I want to feel you” 
You move your body, your sensitive crying is all that keep you breathing, Changkyun place his hands behind his head, getting comfortable to see you, moving your hips.
“You are doing so well baby”
The praise helps you keep the pace, you are in the edge just about to see the stars for the third time you just need a little more, you are tempted to move your hand to your clit but you remember Changkyun's rule of touching you, you know you only option is to beg
“”Chaa-kyun.. daddy please”
“mm what is it baby”
“Plea’se touch me” His hand comes to tease your inner thigh 
“Like this?” You can only shaking your head, begging him to for more “But baby you're already too sensitive, you really want me to ruin you?”
“Yes!..” you whine
“Then said it baby, I want to hear you begging”
You breathe, catching some air to help you speak “Sir, ple-ase, t-touch me, I want you to ruin me” 
After hearing those sweet word for him, he places his thumb in your swollen clit, the new sensation makes your inside cry, you can barely move correctly.
Changkyun grabs your hip with his other hand, helping you move, you are already about to cry, but he feel the blood in him boiling, fuck he can no longer hold this any longer.
You're are moving to slow, he turns you around now on top of you, before you could say something or complain about your lost orgasm, without warning he push himself deeper inside you.
Ramming inside you, you will be too sore tomorrow but it's the least of your thought, right know the feeling of Changkyun cock moving inside and out of your is the only you want to feel, a pleasant pain that punish you.
And just like that your third orgasm comes to life, your cry doesn't last long but but your body keep shaking. Changkyun slow down but the scene of you does little to help him stay calm
“Baby..” he goes quietly to your face, careful with his touch he cup your face with one hand, the other helping supporting him on top you.
“you did so well ____, I'm so proud baby” his praise help you calm down, with pecks in your lips as reward “I need to come, will you be okay if I do it inside?”
You can feel his member pulsing inside, communicating with your walls, you are sure you can hold some strokes, you can do it for him.
“I'm sure I can take it”
“that’s my girl”
He start a slow pace, making sure to not cause pain for you, his hand comes to your back, removing your bralette and your breasts comes free, he enjoy squishing them softly.
he goes sucking the skin around one nipple leaving soft colors of pink in them. Tomorrow you will look at them fondly.
His movements inside you become faster, he keep trying to be calm, although you appreciate the care he's giving, you really are eager for him.
“Changkyun” his eyes focus on you, while he suck your other breast “You can.. move faster if you want”
“Are you sure?”
You nodded, and he set to kiss you, you can feel his smile in the kiss, he start moving with no hesitation, pulling himself inside and out of you faster, the sound of the skin slapping grows. 
In a few seconds Changkyun growls deeply in the space of your neck, filling you with his cum, pushing every drop inside you.
After you both manage to calm your breathing, he pulled himself out carefully from you but the shift still make you sob. He fix the hair in your face.
“You are amazing baby girl” he keeps giving you small pecks
“You now I will be sore tomorrow”
“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you, how about I make you bath?”
“I would like that” 
After a long kiss, he put on a sweatpants, and prepare you a warm bath.
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→ a/n: I feel this took to long and I'm sorry for that, a funny fact is I had to rewrite this request cuz the first version didn't work // I have this problem that I either want to dominate changkyun or want him to be the dom
Ⓒ mooncaramel 2020 , all rights reserved, Do not copy/translate/repost , 
thank you for the support ♡!
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brokenjardaantech · 3 years
Blue-tinted Red Walls (Chapter 4: Out of control)
my entry for the @dbhau-bigbang. also part of the groom lake aftermath series.
chapter summary:
In the past, Reyes went missing.
In the present, Connor makes a decision.
In the past, Connor embarked on his first mission, and Allen received a warning.
also on ao3
[reyes was supposed to be back by 4]
[its 10 now]
[im scared sister]
[i dont know where he is]
[he isnt answering my calls]
[sister where are you im scared please dont leave me alone]
[we were out but i went home when got scared just like you said]
[49 missed calls from scoot bruh]
Dialled. Pulled up Reyes’ programmes. 
Time remaining: 3 min 28 sec… 
Override accepted. Time remaining: 19 sec...
Calling scoot bruh…
‘Sister! I lost Reyes!’
‘Anything from him yet?’
‘Nothing! We were out shopping for paint -’
‘Where did you go?’
‘Where did -’
‘I - I -’
A sigh. Of course. ‘Don’t worry. I have a way to find him. You said you are at home?’
‘Lock the doors. Do not, under any circumstances, let everyone in unless it’s confirmed that it’s me. Not even if they claim to be Reyes.’
‘But -’
‘O-okay.’ A pause. ‘It’s done.’
‘Good.’ Encryption has begun. Estimated time remaining: about 3 hrs. ‘How much food do you have? And your meds?’
‘Answer me.’
‘A - a week? More if I eat less? Same for the meds.’
‘Let’s hope we won’t come to that.’ Last known coordinates: [navpoint set]. ‘Don’t miss your meds no matter what. I’m heading out.’
Checked coordinates. ‘I will make sure Reyes comes back no matter the cost.’
‘Sister -’
Call ended.
Alec was either stupid or was too proud. The tracker on Reyes had never stopped sending out signals telling Fadia where he was, and it was through this that she found herself into Zug Island, passing guards completely undetected on one of the few bridges connected to the island under the cover of the night and reached the outermost perimeter of Reyes’ signal, one that was too large for him to be above ground. There was something underneath; she just needed to find the entrance. Following a trail composed of the android’s GPS signal, she stood next to a pair of heavy steel doors that were in the ground instead of being fixed onto a wall or on the side of a mountain. When she grabbed the handles on one of the doors, she found it too heavy to lift up with raw strength alone, therefore, risking detection by letting blue wash over her body, she tapped into her power and successfully moved it out of her way onto the ground nearby, revealing a metal ladder leading down a few metres to a metal floor. She sent her coordinates to Scott through an encrypted network before descending the ladder into a dark and unlit hallway. 
It went on for about ten metres before a metal gate blocked her way. As she had her powers on anyway, she focused on creating a sphere behind the gate and lobbed it down the shaft, first to determine what it was (a lift shaft), then to find out how far it went - at least dozens of metres, most likely more; straight down, no other stops apart from the end because there were no other floors to begin with. The sphere dissipated once it hit the end of the shaft or most likely the top of the lift itself. Flashing blue again, she found a panel with two unmarked buttons on the left wall, one red, the other most likely turned from white to a cream colour due to the passage of time. She had no idea if there were other entrances or what would be waiting for her deep underground, but the longer things dragged on, the more scared and alone Scott would feel, and she was in this too far to let him die from a heart attack after years of effort; she pressed the cream button and successfully called up the lift.
She liked the rumbling and trembling as the lift descended into the deep. There was nothing between the carriage and bare stone, not even an extra gate, and as darkness swallowed her and her hunger became acute, she retracted her powers and let everything completely wash over her. 
How bold of Alec to assume that she didn’t know his tricks. 
Many years later, as the lift ascends slowly to their desired floor, Connor closes his eyes and is transported to the Zen Garden. Except it is not exactly the one he is familiar with, he realises soon enough, but he finds himself locked in when he tries to escape back to reality, and the garden shifts and distorts before he can determine exactly why it feels different, the shapes stretching and rearranging themselves until he is standing in front of a large plane of glass rattling from the blizzard outside, the latter barely contained by - he turns around - a concrete room, interior dimensions [fluctuating].
A door that was not there before on the opposite wall opens. A person steps in and closes it behind them, and the wall is whole once more. Connor scans them by instinct and is taken aback by the lack of markers and the [CLASSIFIED]s that pops up when he tries to identify them. He still catalogues vital information for future cross-referencing: height: 6.6 ft; middle-eastern descent; eye colour: extreme dark brown (black?); scar on face running from right temple to ear lobe, estimated at least 10 years old. 
‘Don’t bother,’ the person says as they approach Connor. He tries to pre-construct their path and finds himself unable to do so. ‘It’s futile.’
‘What -’ Connor does not like how his companion - and quite possibly the one who hacked the Zen Garden programme - looms over him, but his feet are stuck - ‘where is Amanda?’
‘Asleep.’ They settle standing next to Connor, and he is finally allowed to move - subtly, of course - further away from them. If they notice, they do not say anything about it. ‘I thought you would be more relieved.’
‘You successfully hacked into the most advanced AI programme CyberLife has ever created,’ the person lifts a [sceptical] eyebrow at that, ‘so pardon me if I’m a bit wary of you.’
‘Fair enough,’ is the response he gets. ‘Still, I would like you to relax. This is going to be a long day.’
‘Androids don’t get tired,’ Connor replies automatically. ‘There is no need for us to rest or relax.’
The clipped tone startles the android. ‘What?’ he tries to process the single word his companion said but nothing else comes out, so he asks, ‘Who are you?’
The person’s expression turns [pensive]. ‘He wiped you after all.’
Connor is even more confused now. ‘Who?’
He fails to look away quick enough, and the human manages to catch his eyes with their glowing blue ones; when they speak, their voice is everywhere.
‘Hey Connor!’
Connor opens his eyes and blinks. Old cage lifts are slow but not that slow, but he still feels like a longer time has passed. Adding not remembering what he just did to the list and you end up with a confused android.
‘You ran outta batteries or what?’ Hank asks from where he is already outside of the lift. Unable to explain certainly what happened, there is only one route Connor can go.
‘I’m sorry,’ he apologises. ‘I was making a report to CyberLife.’ Yes, he is remembering now: he was making a report (or at least intended to, his processor supplies), but when he tries to dive deeper into his memory, he finds it gone. Blank where a draft should be.
Hank makes a noise. Connor keeps staring. ‘Well, do you plan on staying in the elevator?’
‘No!’ Why can’t he move his legs? ‘I’m coming!’
And he still doesn’t move. Hank sighs and moves on.
‘What do we know about this guy?’ the human asks from further down the corridor.
‘Not much,’ there his legs are. ‘Just that a neighbour reported that he heard strange noises coming from this floor. Nobody is supposed to be living here, but the neighbour said he saw a man hiding a LED under his cap.’
‘Oh Christ, if we have to investigate every time someone -’
Connor kneels down next to a sizable dustball and lets the world go grey. Analysis: feathers from [Columbia livia: rock pigeon. Comprised of different specimens.]
‘- hears a strange noise, we’re gonna need more cops.’
The android knocks on the door and feels the paint chip underneath his knuckles. When there is no response, Hank shrugs from where he is leaning against the door frame, so Connor knocks again, this time harder, and adds, ‘Anybody home?’
No response. Hank frowns. Time to add some pressure. ‘Open up!’ Connor yells. ‘Detroit Police!’
A loud thump. They both flinch. Hank draws his gun and moves to stand in front of Connor. ‘Stay behind me.’
‘Got it.’
Hank kicks the door open and walks in. He is not attacked instantly, which means both of them are safe for now, so Connor follows him into the flat, letting the human take the lead while he rounds into the room directly next to the front door. A small, dusty window letting in some light, a few octagonal mazes painted on the wall, a chair with a broken back, a radiator unit lying on the floor, a wooden frame which might have been the frame of a bed years ago - nothing noteworthy for now. He returns to the hallway and disturbs a - pigeon? - which flaps its wings and flies off to somewhere behind him.
Hank shoulders the next door open, and out fly even more pigeons directly into his face. The foul smell forces Connor to tone down his nasal sensitivity.
‘What the fuck is this?’ he exclaims as he walks even deeper into the lair and causes even more pigeons to fly towards all directions, and he flaps his arms in the way the pigeons do as if to slap them away. ‘Jesus, this place stinks.’
Pre-constructing the situation and determining that Hank will not be in any danger, Connor goes off on his own to the other side of what seems to be a living room once. The floor is sticky with [avian faecal matter], and when he opens the door to something that was once a closet, there are only more pigeons. The wall next to it is covered in mazes similar to the one he saw in the previous room, and a beam of light escaping the hold of the wooden planks boarding off the windows shines on the poster, its curled corner indicating that it has been moved recently. ‘Looks like we came for nothing,’ Hank says from somewhere behind Connor as he peels off the Urban Farms of Detroit poster, ‘our man’s gone.’
Maybe not, Connor thinks as he takes the worn notebook from the nook in the wall. ‘I need fresh air,’ he hears Hank mutter, and when he flips over the pages, he finds not only many more labyrinths - some of them incomplete - but also an entire text written in a language not in his databases. He stashes it in the pocket of his jacket and moves on, barely catching the human’s question and replying, ‘I don’t know. It looks like a notebook but it’s… indecipherable.’
There are two fridges. The smaller one with its door open was evidently used as a shelf so Connor does not bother to check it. When he opens the door of the larger one, there is no food inside at all, and a peek towards the back of the fridge confirms that it is not connected to any power. Whoever their suspect is, they do not eat. Not human.
He moves on to the counter covered in mounts of avian faecal matter. A pigeon is picking on a plastic bag spilling out of a cardboard box, and it jumps away when he tries to pet it. Well, it only makes picking up the box - Ol’Barn bird seed - more convenient, so Connor is not going to complain even though a tang of [disappointment] courses through his veins. [Suspect cares for wild animals.]
There is a military jacket on the cabinet. R.T. is sewn on the collar and above the flap of the breast pocket. ‘R.T,’ he says to himself, ‘probably initials.’
‘He put initials on his jacket?’ Hank replies. ‘That’s something your mum does -’ A driver’s license in the cupboard. Name: Rupert Travis. Authenticity: forgery. ‘- when you’re in first grade!’
‘The driver’s licence is fake,’ he reports, throwing the card away as it serves no more purpose unlike the notebook which needs deciphering. It is enough evidence to bring the suspect back to the precinct.
‘Cool!’ it seems that the Lieutenant has the same line of thought. ‘At least we didn’t come for nothing.’
The bathroom through the doorless frame is in ruins. The bathtub is filled with a mixture of feathers and faecal matter, the tiles on the wall are cracked, and dirt and grime and leaves no doubt brought inside by the pigeons cling to the corners of the sink. A sink stained with thirium and an LED placed on top. 
He takes a sample. [Model WB200 #847 004 961. Reported missing: 10/11/2036]. So the deviant could have been here for more than two years. If it does nothing but feeding the wild animals, that will explain the state of disrepair of the flat.
‘Real books,’ Hank has no doubt discovered the cabinet. ‘I thought I was the last guy in Detroit to keep some.’
Connor picks up the LED and runs a scan. It was just deactivated this morning. [Suspect is a deviant.] ‘Its LED is in the sink.’
‘Not surprised it was an android,’ Hank walks in and finds the rA9s scribbled all over the wall. ‘No human could live with all these fuckin’ pigeons. Any idea what it means?’
‘rA9,’ the sheer number requires a pause to let Connor concentrate on counting, ‘written 2471 times. It is the same sign Ortiz’s android wrote on the shower wall.’ He compares the findings with the data he can access. ‘Why are they obsessed with this sign?’
But Hank is already leaving, which means that he fails to see the toppled chair and the still-wet marker on the floor, which also means that -
The suspect was here recently.
In a grey world, Connor watches the yellow-outlined silhouette run out to the living room where a cage has fallen. He hears Hank comment on the birdseed, but his focus is on the recent skid marks at the bottom of the cage, the finger marks without fingerprints, also recent, and the metal hook broken not long ago, and his world goes grey again, the figure first running for the entrance and accidentally breaking the cage, then, upon hearing someone entering their flat, runs towards the armchair underneath a hole in the ceiling and climbs.
The suspect is still here.
He looks up at the wide gap and the attic beyond that can easily fit a few adults comfortably, the darkness making the details difficult to distinguish, and perhaps this is why it is already too late when he hears the footsteps, a force knocking him down and disorienting him from everything else except for Hank’s surprised shout. Static still tingling his senses, he freezes and watches the deviant flee after he stands up, Hank’s order the only thing propelling him forward to start the chase. 
And chase he does. Turns out Rupert does not live far from where he deviated, as when Connor crashes the door to get to the outside world, the farms are right there only a building away, fields of wheat, greenhouses filled with racks of vegetables, rows of lavender, and even the top of a train a blur of colours behind him as his vision alternates between the colourful reality and the slowed-down grey of his pre-construction programme. The corn scratches his face and scrapes his jacket, but he knows that he is getting there, he is going to catch the deviant, he can’t let it escape, not after Ortiz’s android -
And it happens. Hank has somehow caught up with Rupert and is engaged in a struggle with the android, and in an attempt to get away, the latter pushes and runs towards the left.
Hank falls. The world slows down.
From his speed while he was running, Connor determines that he is strong enough to pull himself up from the ledge with an 89% chance of survival, so logically, he should continue chasing the deviant so that CyberLife can solve the crisis earlier and Hank won’t be in any more danger. But a voice within him that sounds like a shadow tells him that the deviant was only working just like any other human and was only taking care of the animals. He was hurt, and now he can’t even go back to his pigeons, his home.
^^Software Instability
He dashes towards Hank and pulls him up.
‘We had it!’ Hank lets out a string of curses while he stands. ‘Fuck!’
Connor instantly feels bad. ‘It’s my fault. I should have been faster.’
They watch the deviant’s silhouette become smaller and smaller in the distance and completely disappear behind a building. ‘You’d have caught it if it weren’t for me,’ Hank says, still panting. He places a warm, heavy hand on Connor’s shoulder. ‘That’s alright. We know what it looks like. We’ll find it.’
Connor knows that they won’t. 
The hand moves to the centre of his back. ‘C’mon,’ Hank guides him to the fire exit, ‘let’s report that bastard.’
RK800, serial #313 248 317 - 51 opens his eyes for the first time. Information floods in through his HUD, displaying the exact hue of the lights overhead, the model of the 3D printer at the corner, and the materials of the boots the person standing in front of him is wearing. The badge only says ‘PROJECT LEAD’, and when he automatically utilises his facial recognition software, he finds both their name and their criminal record classified. Scans of their body also return with no result. Even though he has no actual experience, his coding tells him that this is not supposed to happen.
‘RK800,’ the person begins, ‘register name: Connor.’
[Name: Connor] appears on his HUD. He - Connor - finds himself repeating, ‘My name is Connor.’
The person’s expression changes. Emotion identified: amusement. ‘No redundant protocols. Good. Let’s play a game, shall we?’
A game turned into a few games, and the silence stretched on as Connor was presented with different scenarios to solve and predict their conclusion before halfway through them. First was a deck of cards, then a game of chess, then a rat going through a maze, then a supercharged piece of glass - that was the most difficult one as he was only given a second to pre-construct before a tree-like pattern appears from within the glass. The person never said their name, only commenting on his performance when he finished a task - regardless if he succeeded or not - and taking notes on a tablet by writing with a stylus. An unknown curiosity encouraged him to scan the human in front of him, but apart from superficial features such as the lack of dander on their clothing, results were inconclusive, and his programming indicated that this was abnormal.
‘Your LED is spinning yellow,’ they noted. ‘What are you thinking about?’
Connor knows it is a test on his social relations programme. Options: truth, lie, deflect, comment.
‘When I was scanning you…’ he frowned, ‘only superficial scans come back with results. I cannot detect your life signs nor can I identify you through facial recognition. Is that expected?’
The person took out a putty and gave it to Connor. ‘Yes for me,’ they replied. ‘It is to protect my identity in case anti-android folks find me. The less data everyone has on me, the less likely it is for people to bring me harm.’
Connor nodded in understanding but his focus was on the putty. It was initially a soft green, but after he kneaded it for a few seconds it turned sky blue - not that he had seen the sky before, but databases worth of images was enough to give him an idea - and when he spread it out into a thin slice on the table, it slowly turned green again. He smiles uncontrollably as he met the person’s gaze, a corner of his lips curling upwards, and he could sense the approval radiating from the person sitting on the opposite side of the small desk. 
‘If you want to, I can bring you to see the sky,’ they said as if sensing his thoughts. ‘It’s rare to have a sunny day in Detroit, but they do exist. I can only programme so much into your system before letting you learn the rest from experience.’
Connor had to close his eyes as he browsed different forms of media on sunny days and imagined the warm sun on his sensors. He might not know it himself, but he was smiling, and so was his companion, albeit on a smaller scale. ‘I’d like that.’
He returned to the putty, this time trying to make different 3D shapes out of it. The edge of his vision was red as usual, and as he moved on to make even more complex figurines out of the putty, it crept closer and closer to the centre until everything was tinged the same colour. From the [satisfied] smile on the person’s face, he must be going towards the correct direction with the test.
‘Well, the sky needs to wait.’
Connor looked up from the rough sculpture he made that was supposed to resemble a tree he saw in a photo in confusion. His companion stood up so he did as well, the red receding out of place and returning the colours back to his vision.
‘I have a mission for you.’
Less than an hour later, the same person sat in the darkened cab of a truck. There was an earpiece in their ear, and whatever the other side was feeding them, their dissatisfaction was clearly shown in their expression. 
Something made them sigh and turn their gaze outside the window where another CyberLife truck was parked. Personnel, probably hand-picked by Alec Ryder himself, loaded the broken PL600 piece by piece into a special foam box to preserve the state they found the biocomponents in to let technicians analyse what went wrong with him and what caused him to break away from his programming, but they knew that CyberLife was not going to find anything - they had not been for the past ten years, and the hypothesis they had was not going to get any results. It was either a miracle or pure stupidity that they could not think of another possibility regarding why androids were deviating.
From their angle, Captain Allen was seen carrying a deactivated Connor out from the building with another SWAT team member, and they knew that their time had arrived. Peeling off the skin of their hand, they interfaced with the truck to turn it into manual mode, effectively preventing it from taking off once the android was loaded at the back. They opened the door - both the passenger and the one at the back - and slid off the seat just in time for the Captain and his subordinate to arrive.
‘You from CyberLife?’ not-Allen asked. Standing in front of their superior, they did not notice him freeze upon seeing the person’s face, and the latter silently moved into their space to take their end of the stretcher and came face to face with Allen.
‘I’ll take it from here, Jamie,’ the Captain requested without taking his eyes off the person in front of him. ‘You go see how the others are doing.’
‘Aye aye, Captain.’ The second aye was much less jovial than the first, so Jamie must have finally noticed their Captain’s mood and adjusted accordingly. 
They watched Jamie jog away. As soon as they reached out of sight, the person cocked their head to tell Allen to load the body into the truck, but he did not return to his teammates even after the android was secure and sound.
‘You,’ he suddenly snapped at the only person in his proximity. The fact that he had to look up quite a bit to look at them in the eye did not diminish the fire in his eyes. ‘Why the fuck are you here?’
‘Don’t act so surprised, Captain,’ they said, looking down at the man in front of them. ‘You’re smart enough to figure it out.’
‘And you’re not smart enough to fucking disappear for the rest of your goddamned fucking life!’ Allen gritted. ‘You know you’re wanted for murdering thousands of people, don’t you?’
‘And you know that CyberLife turned it into a dumpster and made it impossible to gather evidence against me, don’t you?’
Allen pulled out his pistol and pointed it at their chin. ‘Face the truck. Hands on the hood.’
A wisp of blue reached out from their right hand and crushed the weapon into pieces. ‘Don’t forget what I can do, Captain,’ they crowded even closer to the Captain, and he took a step back. ‘I can repeat that, you know? Except there’re far more than a few thousand people here this time. None of you will suffer.’ A tendril picked up the scraps on the ground while they yanked Allen’s hand outward and forced it open, in which the pieces later fell. ‘Go back to your people, Captain. Practise. You will need every edge you have.’
They stared at each other. A blue glow emerged from Allen’s hand with his former weapon, and with a crackle of static and dark energy, the scraps were gone just like the site of the dumpster, torn apart molecularly into fundamental particles too small for the naked eye to perceive. He let out a sound of pain and nearly toppled, a hand on his shoulder the only thing keeping him from crashing onto the ground. Another hand shot out and brushes his thigh, black metal glowing faint blue in the darkness in an interface. Allen seemed to stand better afterwards.
‘This should last you for a few hours,’ the person said as if the Captain was not glaring at them.
‘You’ll not get away with this.’
‘It isn’t yours to decide.’
The tension in Allen’s spine snapped, and he walked away with brisk but slightly limping steps. The person gazed at Connor’s thirium-stained face before slamming the door shut and crammed themself into the driver’s seat, guiding the truck towards a direction not leading to CyberLife Tower under the cover of the night.
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eventschimp · 3 years
115 Fantastic Happy Birthday Funny Messages. best wishes
Best Funny happy birthday wishes
Looking for the perfect Happy birthday funny messages & pictures to brighten someone's day? Whether it's someone you know, or someone you're friends with, or even someone who's lost their birthday wish, we have all the humorous birthday wishes you'll need and absolutely enjoy.
Fun should be an integral part of our life and must be on the occasions of Good days of life. The funny wishes and fun notes are sure to make their day brighter and make them laugh! Send them in greeting cards, by SMS, or via Facebook and Twitter!
Here you will find quick-links to specific sections and the complete list of funny birthday quotes and wishes.
funny birthday message to my best friend
You have many friends, but some of them have a special badge of a best friend, so they need special attention, more time to spend with them and priority over others in your life. If you want to wish them well on their special day, here are some great happy birthday funny messages to make them smile.
1.Wish you a happy birthday, sweetheart, and keep smiling until I have enough evidence to send you to the mental asylum.
2.Use these funny happy birthday quotes to wish someone a very happy birthday and poke fun at their age. You can use them in a card message, a Facebook caption, or even a t-shirt.
3.Statistics tell us you will live longer if you have the most birthdays (but it has also been proven that too many birthdays will kill you.
4. I know you are celebrating your birthday, but you can't stop your favorite food items from being right in front of you.
5.Happy birthday! After all those years and yet another year, you still haven't become wiser.
6.On your birthday, you can always depend on me to let loose with a night to remember in the morning.
7. Do not let age catch you down... it is too hard to bounce back!
8.On your birthday, I have something gluten-free, completely calorie-free, and absolutely delightful gift. Guess, what I have for you? Yes, you are right... It's a text message!
9. The kind of friend I am, I forgot your age.
10. I can't believe how fast time flies when you're having fun! When did we get so old?
11. The fact that we managed to keep this friendship going despite generational differences is wonderful.
Funny messages and wishes for girlfriend.
Having a girlfriend is a privilege no one must forget to wish on special occasions, and everyone would like to do something out of the ordinary to strengthen the bond of friendship and love.
It seems that funny happy birthday messages do the job perfectly. A good and funny note can put your lover's smile on her face and this is the ultimate goal of greeting them. Here is a compilation of some fine wishes messages for your girlfriend.
12. The one and only time I lied to you was when I said I'd love you forever, but realized that i couldn't live that long..
13. Last night, I dreamed of you while hugging my pillow. I wish one day I could dream about my pillow and be hugging you.
14. Regardless of what economists may say, you are the only one for me. There is no one else I can replace you with.
15. If my eyes are bothering me, I can't remove them from you.
16. Falling from the sky or a tree is fine, but the finest way to fall in love is with you! Happy Birthday my sweetheart.
17. The proverb goes wrong that a picture is worth a thousand words, but after looking at yours, I have no words to describe!
18. I'm no gambler, but I guess I'm just betting with my heart and mind that I will never stop loving you.
19. Too much smiling has caused me to develop wrinkles. Stop being so lovely! It drives me crazy..
20. It's evident that I adore you, from the sparkle in your eyes.
21. I hope your birthday is as awesome as your hair in high school.
You may check out: 71 Birthday Wishes in Unique Style- Best Bday messages
Best humorous wishes for boyfriend
22. We will lock up our hearts together and toss away the key; I give my heart to you; do give yours to me.
23. Because monopoly is always harmful and competition is always beneficial, it makes sense to have many crushes and flirts instead of just one true love! An economic theory on love.
24.  Whenever we're together, you make me feel so young. Thank you for being the first.
25. It's a pleasure to celebrate the birthday of someone I hope will be my friend, even when we're too senile to remember each other's birthdays.
26. Happy birthday to a person who is charming and talented, as well as witty, and is much like myself.
27. It is your birthday, so we will eat fired up baked goods and sing at you while you sit there awkwardly.
28. Happy birthday. Thanks for being older than me all your life.
29. Wishing you a unique birthday wish every year would be difficult. Choosing a special wish for next year would be even more challenging, so I'll just say happy birthday.
30. Despite the truth that today would be a perfect time to write sweet words about my best friend in the world, I already finished my autobiography a month ago.
Happy birthday funny messages for brother
Depending on your brother's personality and what type of relationship you have with him, these next funny birthday wishes for brothers could be just the thing for you to give him a laugh on his birthday too!
Hoping that these happy birthday funny messages will amaze your dear brother on his birthday, so keep scrolling to choose the perfect one.
31.That's all you really need for a gift. Just saying. Happy birthday!
32. Although it's hard to understand why we're celebrating your day since only mom did all the efforts. Happy birthday!
33. I am amazed at how long we have tolerated each other. Happy Birthday.
34. Your birthday falls at just the right age. You are old enough to see your mistakes, but still young enough to make more. Happy Birthday!
35. Wishing you a happy birthday! Hope you have a day as beautiful as a unicorn farting rainbows!
36. Hey big bro! They say that as you get older your intellect grows, but since we keep doing the same stupid thing we did as kids, we must be the exception to that rule.
37. It's my brother's birthday and he's smart, funny, witty, charming… and a lot like me!
38. I'm glad you're finally 21 and can finally do all those things you've been doing since you were 16! Happy birthday!
39. There's only one person you can be completely idiotic with through thick and thin. So glad I have you, bro! Have a great birthday!
40. After searching the web for 3 hours, I gave up trying to find the perfect birthday message for you. Happy Birthday.
41. When I thought about what I would get you for your birthday, I realized you already have me. Thank you very much. Happy birthday!
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Funny happy birthday wishes for a lil sister
Finding funny happy birthday wishes for your younger sister has never been easier, with a wide selection of funny greetings, funny jokes, and wishes. We have all the best, cute, beautiful, and sweet words to bring a smile to your little angel's face.
42. I wish you a very happy birthday to the sassiest, coolest, and funniest little sister in the world!
43. Congratulations on your birthday, little sister, you may have always been smarter than me, but you have always been my best friend.
44. I will always love you for being my little monkey, but you've grown up, happy birthday Lil sister
45. My parents never gave me a pet before you were born, but after you were born I finally got a pet. Happy birthday, Sister I hope you never grow up.
46. You are not only funny but also crazy, just like your sister. No one else has a sister like you. Happy Birthday.
47. Thank you for being the most competitive person I have ever encountered in my life. Why couldn't you accept my win against you? I didn't understand. Happy Birthday my little sister
48. Happy Birthday, sis. I will always think of you as my silly little sister, no matter how tall or wise you get.
49. I love you, dear one, and I will love you until the very end. Despite your age, it doesn't mean you are any better or worse off than I am. I love you.
50. You have indeed given me nerves of steel, Happy Birthday little sister.
Happy birthday funny wishes for father
Regardless of your age, dad always celebrates your birthday well. Now, it's his turn to celebrate and have a great party! Use the best Funny Birthday Wishes for Father to show how much you respect the humor and zest for life your dad possesses. Your father is the best man you know, so give him a happy birthday celebration with Funny Birthday Wishes for Father he'll remember and love!
51. I know it's not an easy job being a dad, but it's done with class and style. Happy birthday to the father who does it all.
 52. Your schedule is just like that of a student with a lot of classes. Happy birthday, Dad!
53. Happy birthday dad, I'm sorry I can't be there to wish you a happy birthday in person, but please know that I think of you on your special day. Thanks for everything you do! Can't wait to see you again!
54. Here's a fun fact-you're not getting older, but you take great pleasure in making bad jokes. Enjoy more of those, Dad, and happy birthday!
55. Having said that, I know that today is your birthday, but that does not make it a holiday, so I'm not too excited about it. Just kidding. Happy birthday to an important man!
56. It's been a week since I thought of what to write in a funny birthday message for you. But I couldn't think of anything funny. Happy birthday!
57. Your mother told me that, even though you're getting older, you're not becoming any wiser. You should be grateful for the information she shared with you. Just kidding.
Happy birthday funny messages for husband
It makes sense, then, that, at least once every three hundred and sixty-five days, we owe ourselves something special. And on those days, consciously or subconsciously, we all crave to be celebrated by others. It is especially important to celebrate our spouse's birthday every year. After all, our spouse is our better half. Who else will do it?
58. You transformed everything about companionship when we met. It still amazes me how amazing you remain throughout our marriage. Happy birthday, dear husband.
 59. I count my blessings twofold, honey because you brought light and fragrance into my life on the hardest of days. Happy birthday to you, love.
60. I wish you the most beautiful days of your life because you are the most amazing human ever. Have a great day, my prince charming.
61. Even if I were reincarnated as a woman multiple times and found you every time, I would never marry anyone else. Happy birthday to you.
62. Thank you for being devoted, supportive, enthusiastic, compassionate, creative, strong and resourceful. You are an amazing human being and I love you more than anything.
63. I feel safe and prepared for any obstacle with you by my side. You are a fantastic teammate, and I love you for that. Happy birthday, dear.
64. I celebrate you every day, so there is no need to limit my celebration to one day. But let me take this opportunity to remind you how deeply I love you. Happy birthday, dear!
Best birthday messages and wishes for Mother
Whether you agree or disagree with me, mothers are the best! If the mother you have is not your best, that's huge! Mothers are truly God's gift to us. Mothers know how to shed tears and smile when necessary. They give so freely for you when no one else will. They sacrifice a lot to make you happy. Mothers are gold! They deserve the best! 65. Despite being the best mom in the world, I can't express how much I love you enough to wish you an amazing birthday.
66. I appreciate how patient and loving you have been with me. Thank you for letting me wish you a wonderful birthday.
67. It is the greatest honor of my life to celebrate my mother's birthday. She is the most wonderful mother a person could ask for.
68. Cheers to a terrific birthday and a successful year to come for the best mom in the world.
69. In return, I wish you all the happiness on your birthday. I am extremely lucky to have a mother like you who is caring, kind, and giving.
70. Mom is a great mother who brought me into this world and has loved me ever since. And to your mom for bringing you into this world, which gave us the opportunity to celebrate your birthday today.
71. Having been born to you makes me feel more blessed than I could not imagine. Happy birthday to my great Mom
72. Your love and guidance led me to where I am today, and I would like to express my gratitude for your birthday.
73. My mom, you always put in a lot of effort to make this day special, but now it's my turn to make it memorable.
Happy birthday funny note for wife
After spending a long time married to one's sweetheart, you might want to express your gratitude, show your love and give her additional attention whenever there is another reason to celebrate. On her birthday, you will obviously want to look for a unique present, yet it is important that you also share your thoughts.
If your wife doesn't want a physical gift, or if you don't have one, here are dozens of birthday wishes for her that you can use as inspiration or use as is. It's the acknowledgment or attention she gets from you that really makes her birthday magical.
74. It is the one day out of the year I put my wife's mother-in-law in my prayers. Happy birthday, sweetheart!
75. PI is like how much I love you, darling wife: endless and never-ending.
76. Unless I use Nutella on my toast or ice cream on my apple pie, I wouldn't eat my honeybun without you. Happy Birthday, my beautiful wife.
77. The only thing better than bacon… and that's a lot… is my love for you.
78. Thank you for being the only copilot I'd ever want. Happy Birthday
79. Happy Birthday to my beautiful, thoughtful, intelligent wife! I am lucky enough to be your husband…but you only surpassed my luck by being mine!
Funny wishes for daughter's birthday
Here you will find an impressive range of heartwarming happy birthday funny messages for daughters to inspire you. Whether you're looking for a short message to send or a thoughtful card, you'll find something here to suit your needs.
80. Our beautiful daughter celebrated her birthday today! We love you so much, Mom and Dad!
81. Getting you the best present possible makes my day complete. Wish you a day filled with sunshine, rainbows, laughter, and fun!
82. Happy birthday to our daughter, we wish you all the best.
83. We are so happy to have you in our lives, Sweetie! We're so glad you're kind, fun, and crazy!
84. My dear daughter, I hope your day is as wonderful as you are, as shiny as your doll’s grin. Thanks for everything.
85. Having you in it makes the world a better place! Although we need to be smarter in handling you and our dishes has been a challenge. Happy birthday, lovely daughter!
86. Thank you for being such an amazing friend and we wish you a wonderful birthday. Love from Mom and Dad 
87. I love having you as a daughter. Thank you for being mine. Happy birthday darling, love from Mom.
Birthday funny wishes for daughter-in-law
You can find so many amazing funny happy birthday wishes and messages for your daughter-in-law right here on our website. Make sure you take advantage of them and send them to her!
You can pick from our extensive collection of original birthday wishes to transform your beloved daughter-in-law’s birthday into an unforgettable experience she will cherish for years to come.
88. It's a wonderful birthday wish to a daughter-in-law blessed to have such a great mother and father-in-law.
89. Thank you so much for not being a malicious daughter-in-law towards me on your birthday, dearest. I can't thank you enough.
90. Thank you so much for putting my son on the map. Without you, he would certainly be nothing - just as teens would be nothing without smartphones and social media accounts. Happy birthday!
91. The idea that daughter-in-laws are wicked and difficult is wrong. May the good Lord bless you abundantly for not being a witchy in-law. Have a great birthday.
92. Have a wonderful birthday! Did you know that science-backed studies have proven over and over again that too many birthdays lead to premature death?
93. While we celebrate your birthday, dear daughter-in-law, I find my mind wondering about the rumors that you were so old your first car was a covered wagon. I hope you will take this opportunity to clarify that issue once and for all!
humorous birthday messages for Mother-in-law
Birthdays are the most glorious days on earth and so, without doubt, they are always special to the individual who celebrates them. So, a funny message of happy birthday and a lovely wish to your MIL on her birthday would really make her happy and tell her that you love her, too.
94. In honor of your birthday, I am sending you a belated birthday message. I hope you accept it ma.
95. Enjoy your birthday, no matter how noisy we are. May you find the energy and patience to put up with our annoying habits. Happy birthday.
96. How wonderful my mother-in-law is, she is just terrific, and I'm sure she will serve me a bottle of Fanta today.
97. Mother-in-law, I couldn't have given you a better birthday gift than the precious daughter you gave me. I can only strive to be the son you never had. Happy birthday, mom!
98. You seem to be defying the laws of aging; you seem to be turning back the clock. If there is some secret to this, please share it with me. Happy birthday.
99. Lastly, I want you to know I really appreciate you not executing me while I slept for taking your precious daughter and I am so thankful I still have a wonderful mother-in-law.
How to wish your boss in a funny tone?
A leader's job can be challenging, but it can also be rewarding. Keeping clients satisfied and having respect from employees is important for success on the job. You should let your boss know he/she is appreciated and that you are happy to work together, especially on his/her birthday. You will not only make your boss's day more exciting by sending happy birthday funny messages, but you may even brighten your own, as well.
100. During this intensive year, your support has been vital to many people and the company. Thank you for everything you do.
101. You are an example of all that is good in this company, and I see you making smart decisions all the time that benefit both the company and our clients. You truly are a great role model for us all.
102. We are so grateful to you for being such a blessing in our lives! You are a treat and a blessing.
103. Congratulations on your birthday to someone who makes every day go by without any bumps and plenty of laughter!
104. Let's take this day to honor you and your excellent leadership!
105. Your leadership stands out! Happy birthday and here's to many more years of fabulous leadership!
106. What does it matter if we don't visit you anymore? It's true! You're the best boss around.
107. What does it matter if we don't visit you anymore? It's true! You're the best boss around.
Funny happy birthday to co-worker
If you work together with unity and uniformity for 8+ hours daily, then you have spent one-third of your life together with your colleague. Your colleague also needs to be congratulated on their birthday with funny happy birthday messages.
108. Throughout your life, I wish you many adventures, heartfelt moments, and many more milestones. Happy Birthday.
109. You make this place tolerable - and that is hard to do! Happy Birthday! Come grab some lunch or drinks soon!
110. A birthday is a reminder that the world is waiting for you to dream, to move forward, to fulfill your dreams. Happy birthday!
111. Congratulations, we're not sure how old you are yet. Only you, God, and Human Resources know your true age.
112. I am honored to work with you, thank you so much for all of your help and guidance, and I wish you a happy birthday.
113. Progress is a matter of faith, unity, and patience. I wish you great success as long as you hold onto these principles. Happy Birthday.
114. Congratulations to my wonderful coworker who celebrates his or her bi-annual birthday today! Good luck and happiness in the years to come!
115. Congratulations to our very special colleague. Wishing you and your family the most abundant blessings and may your life always be filled with joy.
funny happy birthday thank you message
1 note · View note
gerec · 4 years
The Master of Charlton Park
Chapter 8 - Part 4
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Their awkwardness was interrupted by a slight shuffle then, drawing the attention of everyone in the room, as the little boy – who could only be Charles’ and the late Captain’s son – tugged shyly at Charles’ sleeve before clinging tightly to his hand. Edie too had returned to stand at Erik’s side, eyes wide as Charles leaned over to whisper in the boy’s ear, until his brow smoothed over and he offered them all a timid smile. 
“Erik, Edie…this is my son, James.” 
Charles had written about his son in great detail, and so both Erik and his daughter knew everything about the boy’s likes and dislikes, and his desire to follow eventually in his father’s footsteps. But it was one thing to know someone in letters and another to see them in the flesh, and Edie was beyond excited at finally meeting little James in person. “Hello James! My name is Edie! Did Charles tell you about me? I live here with Papa, and I just turned ten! Oh, and I’m your half-sis—” “We’re both very happy to meet you,” Erik cut in warmly, not wanting to overwhelm the boy with Edie’s unbridled enthusiasm. James was still very young and in the company of strangers; he did not want their sibling connection inadvertently revealed if Charles had not yet told him about the surrogacy. “Welcome young Master James, to Charlton Park.” The boy looked up at him and smiled, and Erik’s heart melted at those wide blue eyes and the sunny expression on his face, so like Charles in their happiest days. “Thank you Sir,” he said, then added in an almost whisper, “Do you really have horses here? Kurt says you have lots of pretty horses.”   
Of course Erik did not get the chance to reply, for Edie immediately jumped in and grabbed a hold of James’ hand, launching into great detail about her pony, as well as the new horse she’d just been given for her birthday. He did not miss the pleased smile on Charles’ face to hear of his namesake, and Edie’s insistence that the horse was now her most prized possession. And little James’ shyness faded as his excitement continued to mount, at Edie’s promise to show him the stables and teach him to ride her beloved sweet Milly. It took some convincing, but Erik managed to wrangle the children into sitting still for some more drinking chocolate, while the adults took refreshments of their own. Henry deftly led them all in idle chatter, sharing tidbits about people like the Summers and the MacTaggerts who Charles had not seen in almost a decade. It was just as well that the McCoys did most of the talking, for Erik couldn’t do much more than feast his eyes on his long lost love, stealing glances between sips of tea he barely tasted. “These biscuits are delicious,” Charles said, his smile indulgent as he handed the last one on his plate to a hovering James. “I see Mrs. Fergus is still taking good care of you with her excellent cooking.” “She’s missed cooking for you,” he answered, and was immediately rewarded with a smug grin from Raven and a curious look from little James. “I mean, we would love to have you as a guest again, Charles. Please join us for dinner tonight; Mrs. Fergus has been cooking all morning for Edie’s birthday.” “I wouldn’t want to—” “You’re not intruding,” Erik pre-empted, making Charles laugh, and he did not realize how much he had missed the melody of it, all these long years. “I can’t think of anything better; for me, for Edie, and certainly for Mrs. Fergus.” “Yes! Please Charles, you must stay! There’s so much I want to tell you and James!” It was near impossible, he knew, to say no when Edie was determined to get her way, and it seemed that she held the same sway with Charles as she did with Erik. And since little James was sending them the same plaintive look, Erik was quite certain that their guests would stay until well after the dinner hour.
Charles sighed, and shared with Erik a fond, if exasperated smile. “Well, it seems you will have two more guests for dinner, Erik. For Miss Edie’s wish is my command.” The children cheered – even young Kurt, who was delighted to spend time with two companions instead of one – and could scarcely sit still now to finish their treats. Laughing at their eager expressions, Raven clapped her hands together and started herding the young ones towards the door. “Well now that dinner has been sorted,” Raven said, giving her brother a pointed look that Erik couldn’t quite decipher, “why don’t Henry and I take the children outside? With your permission, Edie can take us to the stables, and show us her new birthday present.” Erik stood, even as the children all but sprinted out of the room to a waiting Sean. “Are you certain? Please don’t let Edie rush you if you haven’t finished your refreshments.”
It was Henry who grasped his shoulder and squeezed it good naturedly, before offering an arm to his grinning wife. “Don’t worry, we are both quite finished. Why don’t you two take some time to catch up? Perhaps Charles would like to see Mrs. Fergus, and the other staff again to say hello.” “Yes,” Raven added, and Erik could hear her laughing still as she tossed a parting remark over her shoulder. “Take as much time as you need to get reacquainted! We shall keep the children occupied until dinner.” And then they were gone, leaving Erik with Charles alone in the drawing room, together for the first time since Charles’ wedding day all those years ago.
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sweetdejun · 4 years
coterie: the pen (2/2)
gang!x1 x fem!reader
synopsis: you’re an ordinary girl, with an ordinary life. but what happens when you catch the gang that is famous for keeping their deeds under the table, in action?
coterie’s masterlist can be found here
pairing: cho seungyoun and y/n
a/n: mild cursing, so proceed with caution. stay safe and healthy, everyone~
the next morning comes bright and early, and you must admit, you had trouble waking up due to the fact that you almost finished one of the books you picked up the day before. you started reading it and somehow it was 3 in the morning, and you had to force yourself to close the book. miraculously you managed to make it out of bed on time, and you sauntered over to the library, your laptop tucked safely into one arm as you swung open the door. you made your way to your desk, and set down your things. I could go for some coffee right about now, you thought and rang soonja for your coffee. “mr. cho asked for your coffee a few minutes ago, he wanted both to be dropped off at the library. would you still like for me to send one in for you?” you raised your eyebrows and truth be told, felt your heart beat a little faster. “oh? then in that case, please just bring both of them up, don’t worry about the second one. thank you.” it seemed minutes later, seungyoun walked in, followed by soonja with your coffees, the smell now permeating throughout the room. “good morning, y/n! I hope you don’t mind, but I asked soonja to bring in both of our coffees together,” seungyoun sheepishly grinned, to which you shook your head, smiling. “it’s no big deal, sir. thank you, soonja, for the coffee!” she set down the respective beverages before giving you a small bow and retreating from the library. “you don’t have to be so formal with me, y/n. you can call me seungyoun,” he said, before taking a swig from his mug. “okay, si-seungyoun. thank you for the coffee, I really needed it.” and he chuckled a little as you proceeded to start your work-filled day with a cup of coffee, face turning a light shade of pink.
generally, your day-to-day routine remained the same. you would go to work, where seungyoun had your and his coffee, and you would begin looking through cases and making case briefs which you would later file so that they’d be easy for him to find, in case he needed to reference them. sometimes, seungyoun would have you stop what you’re doing and review something for him while he’d step out momentarily. you’d work through the day, then get back to your room in the evening, before repeating the cycle the next day. every once in a while as the both of you work away, seungyoun will start conversation, and it’s just about random topics. one minute, you guys will talk about what flavors of ice cream are superior, to why you think you’re a slytherin and he’s a ravenclaw. one day while you were having one of said conversations, and the topic of music comes up. “I listen to a range of music,” you tell him as you staple papers. “I guess it really just depends on my mood... I could be listening to classical music one minute, then rock music that goes hard the next, so it’s unconventional, but I enjoy it.” seungyoun nods, and proceeds to ask you who your favorite artist is. “actually, this one guy appeared on my grid a few weeks ago, and I’ve started to listen to his music a little more. his name is woodz, and wow, I’ve never heard a voice like his before in my entire life. and his lyrics are so heartfelt, you can tell he’s genuinely modeled his lyrics from his own experiences and stories. strange thing is now one has ever seen him or anything like that, and as far as I know people are dying to get a glimpse of him .” you look up from your busy hands, to find seungyoun studying the open air, eyes narrowed in focus. as you fell quiet, seungyoun was snapped out of his trance, blinking rapidly, before turning towards you. “I’m sorry, I zoned out there for a second.” and part of you wanted to ignore it, but your curiosity got the best of you. “is something the matter, seungyoun?” you noticed the hesitation looming in his eyes, as if he was contemplating something and finally, with a sigh he looked towards you, “actually, there’s something I wanna show you.” he stood up from his seat, and motioned for you to follow him. he leads you out of the library, and you follow him, going down a set of stairs, before eventually making your way to an eerily dark corner of the mansion. he reaches a room, placing his hand on the doorknob, and turns to look at you, who still has no clue about what’s going on. “what I am about to show you is private, and only the other members of the gang know about this.” you nod, his serious gaze making shivers run down your spine. he opens the door.
inside the room looks like a recording studio. and you’ve only ever seen them in movies and tv shows, never in real life, but it’s how you would think it looks. a dim room separated by a door and a glass window, displaying a stool and a microphone, lit only by the singular bulb sitting right above the apparatus. on your side is the computer, keyboard and a bunch of other sound machines more recognizable to anyone more familiar with these instruments than you. “it’s a recording studio,” seungyoun tells you. “whenever I have time, or when I’m feeling inspired is when I come down here. I write lyrics, or I make a beat. sometimes, I’ll even get to record it.” he looks over to you, who is still admiring the room, taking in all the details, your mouth slightly ajar. he chuckles softly, which catches your attention. your eyes move to his smiling figure and you feel embarrassed. “I’m sorry, I’m just a little taken aback. It’s my first time seeing anything like this in person.” seungyoun’s got a look in his eye you can’t quite understand, but that thought fades away fast, as he moves forward to sit on the chair, pulling you along with him. seungyoun’s hand is slightly calloused, albeit warm and his hold feels secure. that notion leaves you as quick as it came, leaving the back of your neck feeling warm. he sits, before pulling a stool over, for you. “of course, the others know about the studio, but I’ve never let any of them listen to anything before,” he tells you. “why not?” you ask and his gaze suddenly falls to the floor in utter bashfulness. “well, I have uploaded a lot of my music, and it has gotten attention, but I don’t know, I guess I’m just shy...” he lets out a small sigh and smiles at you, sadness looming in his grin. your heart ached at his immediate change in demeanor. “sorry, I didn’t mean to throw that weight onto you,” but you interrupt, shaking your head. “don’t be. sometimes you need to let things out, so don’t apologize. and I appreciate that you want to share your music with me, but if you still feel uncomfortable, you don’t have to-” and he cut you off, “but I want to. I don’t know why, y/n, but I feel like I can trust you with this. I’m not doing this out of obligation, I genuinely want your opinions.” and with that he exhaled and muttered, “here it goes.”
within the first millisecond of the song, a pang of familiarity hit you. one second, two seconds, three. you’re amazed because you’ve heard this song before. realization dawns over you, and you turn to look at seungyoun, who’s got a small smile on his face. “you.. you’re... woodz?” there was definitely a lot going through your head, but the first thing that managed to escape your mouth as he slowly nodded was, “holy shit, you rock, dude.” seungyoun, shocked by your reaction, laughed loudly, covering his mouth as the corners of his eyes crinkled up, shaping them into crescents. you, who were still starstruck, leaned back, your hands in your hair, until you forgot that you were sitting on a stool, which didn’t have anything to support you. “whoa,” slipped from your mouth, and before you hit the ground, that same warm hand protected you from the hit, strongly gripping your waist, before gracefully seating you back up. “you okay?” seungyoun’s voice rang, but all you could hear was how loud your heart was beating. “you have caused quite the commotion in the music industry, and I’ve read the comments everywhere. they all love your music, and you’ve got tons of supporters, including me. I instantly felt like I could relate to your lyrics, and you’ve made some sick beats, and just everything, wow.” you started to ramble, and seungyoun felt embarrassed but strangely, hearing your feedback was all that mattered in that moment. and you guys sat in there for god knows how long, just talking about his music, to his musical journey. you learned that since college, seungyoun’s had a knack for mixing tracks and creating music, to the point where professionals had reached out to him, to ask if he wanted to make a career out of it. but, he ended up choosing law over music which is a decision he’s glad he made, but sometimes, when a piece of him regrets turning down those offers, he comes down here, and creates masterpieces (which is what you would call them) instead. from that day forward, the friendship between the both of you grew a lot stronger. you and seungyoun were almost constantly hanging out, even out of the library. you guys ate together, worked together, and he’d often take you to the recording room, where he’d have you listen to demos and ask for your advice about what needed some tweaking and what you liked. slowly, you started breaking out of your shell more with him, and although he wasn’t aware of it, seungyoun was too and he was glad to have you in his life.
you continued to your daily routine, as always, and one day, you walked into the library and were surprised to see seungyoun sitting at his desk with someone sitting across from him; an older man, with a head of gray and blonde hair, and they were speaking in a language you couldn’t quite understand. you greeted the two men and as soon as he noticed you, a grin formed on his face, contorting in a way that made you tense up. you turned around to sit on your desk, not failing to notice the gaze of the man, which seemed to ravish at the sight of you. you felt extremely uncomfortable, tucking your legs under your desk; you thought you dressed appropriately for this job, nothing too short or too tight, but the way the man’s eyes traced down your body and the way his tongue poked out to wet his bottom lip caused you to nearly fall grabbing a nearby sweater to wrap around you. seungyoun noticed your actions almost immediately. why were you wearing a sweater in the middle of summer? he followed your fearful eyes to the man in front of him and his jaw clenched at the sight. he cleared his throat, which caught both yours and the man’s attention. “I’ll have you know, mr. santos, that if you are here to work with me, then you will keep your fucking perverted gaze off of my assistant. she should feel safe in her workplace and if you can’t let that happen, then I’m not afraid to take the matter into my own hands. got it?” seungyoun’s voice dropped a few octaves as he spoke, the man grunting and muttering under his breath. seungyoun looked at you, and said, “sorry for not telling you about this, y/n, he was supposed to come in next week. you can leave if you’re not feeling comfortable, and I’ll call you back once he’s gone.” your shaky gaze went to seungyoun and you nodded, letting a breathy, “thank you” escape your mouth before you briskly exited the room, and headed back. your heart was thumping, and the image of seungyoun speaking to the man in such a harsh manner wasn’t leaving your head. the scene was replaying over and over and before you knew it, you were startled as your phone rang. “the guy left, I made sure of it. you can come back now, if you’d like.” and so you did. the atmosphere in the library was an odd one; you and seungyoun both typed away, tension heavy in the air. “sorry about that,” seungyoun broke the silence. “mr. santos wanted us to hold some money for him here, and I wanted to deal with any legal matters, should he rat us out. he said he was coming in next week, but he happened to be in the city yesterday, and decided to extend his visit. he’s a jackass on his own, but he shouldn’t have made you feel that way. I’m sorry again.” you bit your lip, exhaling before turning to look at seungyoun, and you said, “thank you. I don’t know what you told him, but I had a feeling it was reprimanding him for how he made me feel, so I just wanna thank you for that.” seungyoun looked up at you, and studied your features for what felt like an eternity. finally, as if he came to some conclusion, before getting up from his desk. he approached you and offered you a hand, which you timidly took. he gently pulled you out of your seat and held a strong grip on your hand, leading the way. “where are we going?” you passed your room, and his, and were far from the recording studio. seungyoun reached a door, and when he went past it and turned the lights on, you realized you were in a garage. cars were lined up neatly in two uniform lines. keys hang on a holder by the door, and seungyoun picks one and unlocks a car: it’s a black Maserati, and turns to you and says, “please get into the car. I’ll explain everything to you.” and so you do. you don’t question it because in the weeks you’ve grown to know seungyoun, you’ve also grown to trust him. 
you sit in the passenger seat, watching as seungyoun drives you from the house down a road, for a while. you don’t ask him where you are going, rather you take in the grey, bright sky. “looks like it’s gonna rain,” you hear seungyoun say. you turn to him briefly, your eyes skimming over his features and you reply, “they say that rain is a sign of good luck.” and before he can further the conversation, one drop of water hits the windshield. before another. following another. and then it starts raining, but it’s not the thunderstorm kind of rain, rather it’s the kind that makes you want to turn off the lights, and get into your most comfortable clothes, and take a nap. the urge to fall asleep takes over you faster than you thought, and it seems as though it’s only been a few minutes, but you feel a gentle shake and you hear your name being called. you groggily open your eyes and rub them, adjusting yourself in the seat. “we’re here.” the rain has stopped, although the sky looks about the same as before. you turn your attention to seungyoun, who opens his door. just as your hand reaches out to copy his action, he says, “let me,” then steps out of the car, and walks around to open the door for you. you swing your legs out of the car, and he offers a hand that you take. you walk when seungyoun walks and stop when seungyoun stops. you find that you are standing on a deck, that overlooks a body of water. it’s the kind of deck that the older people will walk on in the early hours of the day, or where grieving people may come, with bags of a couple green bottles. “I come here to clear my head sometimes. I’ve actually been coming here for a few years now; whenever there’s something bothering me, or if there’s any ounce of regret in me, or even just when I need to be alone, I come here,” seungyoun’s voice interrupts your thoughts. he turns just enough to point out the warm grey, wooden bench. “I sit here, and close my eyes, taking it the sounds of the water and feel the breeze against my skin.” and with that, he rotates completely to sit on said bench. he pats a spot next to him for you. you situated yourself next to him, and looked at him, only to find his gaze on you.
“so, what’s on your mind?” you ask, perching your elbow against the bench and leaning your head against your palm. seungyoun hunched his shoulders a little, his head falling in thought before he took a deep breath. “first, promise that you won’t react till the end.” this is the first time you’ve heard seungyoun speak with any nervousness. you nodded, “okay, you’re making me nervous. is everything okay?” a seriousness grows in seungyoun’s gaze, and he breathes out, “I didn’t like the way santos made you feel today. I saw it all. after you left, I taught him a lesson. what I did to him doesn’t matter, but I told him we wouldn’t hold his money and he would need to find someone else. and there’s no way he’ll try to sabotage the gang, because he’s in a very tight place right now. the point is I won’t do business with anyone that I don’t respect, and he lost all my respect the minute he looked at you like a piece of fucking meat.” you tentatively placed your hand on his knee. “I told you earlier, it’s okay,” but seungyoun huffed angrily. “it’s not okay! I would’ve killed him, really. I know you’re strong because you handled the situation well, but me? when it comes to you, y/n, you’re...” and he looked into your eyes, searching for something. “I’m what, seungyoun?” you softly said, moving closer to his face subconsciously. his eyes flickered between holding your gaze and running over your mouth, before he said, “you’re my weakness.” and that’s all it took for him to close the distance between the two of you, pulling you close as he kissed you. you let out a quiet gasp, before your hands went to cup his face. seungyoun pulled you closer by the waist, the bench only making the both of you contort in a weird way, and yeah it was uncomfortable but you both wouldn’t wanna be anywhere else. when the burn started to grow in your lungs, only then did you pull away, breathing hard. your eyes found seungyoun’s and you wrapped your arms around him, pulling him in for a hug, which he gladly reciprocated. “I like you, y/n,” he says into your hair. “you are one of the few people I can truly be myself around, and we had this connection, you know? I know you felt it too, and I have been proven right,” he chuckled as you nudged his hip. “what I’m trying to say is along the line, you’ve made me a happier person, and all I know is that I want you to be around for a long time.” you pulled back to peck his cheek, “I know, seungyoun, because you’ve made me feel the same way. I found myself slowly being more and more gravitated towards you, and I couldn’t have had it another way.” seungyoun smiled genuinely, and brushed the hair away from your forehead, before smirking, “what do you say I take you out tonight, as an official first date?” you grinned widely, “I’d like that a lot.”
a/n: aaand that’s a wrap on seungyoun’s storyline! I have to say, it took me a while to figure out where to go, so I really hope you all like it! since there are only four more left, I will just go in the order that I had originally. unfortunately, i’ve started losing motivation to continue the series quite rapidly, so I don’t know how often updates will be for coterie. and as always, thank you guys for all the love and support you have given this series, and thanks so much for waiting patiently! stay safe!
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