#I love this girl
simplykorra · 1 year
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Alba Baptista
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dyemelikeasunset · 5 months
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It's me and @beedalee 's 14 year anniversary 🥰💞 It's been a very busy year for both of us, so it's a roundup of the second half of 2023!
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4hotdesi · 24 days
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damn she is hot !
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xxmarsishotxx · 4 months
BOILER ROOOM!!!!!! WATCH THE MUCH AWAITED POST BOILERROOM VLOG. MEET my newwww bestiieeee EzziWezziiiii aka Ezzi
go follow her ezziwezzi.tumblr.com
or else.
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myheartismadeofstars · 2 months
I am choosing to believe that Lady Incognita/Amanita Szarr:
Is a True Vampire (I believe this is connected to the "Family Rites" she refused to participate in)
Made her Uncle's life HELL while she lived with him
Made a deal with Raphael to force him to help her escape (this is why neither her, nor her body are in the house. no idea what he wanted from HER but that would explain why her book is in the House of Hope. Perhaps it was connected to the blood illnesses, as that's what her book is about?)
Is still alive and out there, living her best life as an immortal 13 year old.
Is a sarcastic and petty little shit
Is a TOUCH insane if she abstains too long from human blood
When she MUST hunt for humans, she prefers the "vulnerable child" ploy, and prefers creepy older men who are a little too friendly with her
Tries to be good, but it's not really in her nature. She settles for Neutral
Killed the others in her family, but was unable to kill Cazador for Reasons
Is Cazador's next of kin, thereby inheriting the house after his death
Makes a special trip to Baldur's Gate after learning of his death SPECIFICALLY to burn the mansion down and leave (yes she still attempts this if Astarion ascends lmao)
Would be very grateful to Astarion if he killed Cazador and stayed a Spawn (perhaps willing to make him a True Vampire if asked) but is extremely jealous and bitter if he ascended
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daydadahlias · 20 days
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what it's like talking to an irl after being on tumblr so long
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legorumii · 1 year
uhm so like, idk if I'm catching you at a bad time rn but it's like 1 am and I have like a request because I am sad and single so 👍🏽 can I request a Kai (maybe nya) x GN!reader fluff with like big thighs and who's really affectionate but like really self-conscious about their thighs sorry if this doesn't rlly make sense I'm tired asf 😭 🩷 anyways have a great day
" Sometimes I wish
I could lend you my eyes. "
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╰╮Thighs , Nya Smith x GN Reader.
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"Nya.." You pouted watching your girlfriend snuggle up against your thighs. "Mmm?" She hummed contentedly and started to kiss your thighs. Your heart fluttered with a familiar feeling of warmth and love as you ran a hand through her hair soothingly. "Why are you so clingy today, babe?" You asked looking down at her. "Mmm, heard ya' were self-conscious about em'." You blinked at her, then realized what she was talking about. "Yeah…" You muttered, averting your eyes from her gaze shyly.
She took her face from your thighs and smiled softly. "It's alright. I like em'. It makes you look cuter." Her lips quirked into a smile and she gave you an affectionate peck on the cheek. "I'm not cuter than you though, babe." You kissed her back, wrapping both arms around her middle. She chuckled as you started to kiss her neck.
She sighed happily, enjoying this little domestic moment. When you finally pulled away, Nya looked at you adoringly. "Now," She stretched and slowly start to lay back down on your lap. "I'm gonna go back to loving your thighs, honey." She murmured closing her eyes. You giggled, leaning forward to give her one last peck before resuming the same position. You rested your hands comfortably on either side of her head, running a gentle hand over the soft strands of hair.
The two of you just enjoyed each other's company.
" Lend you my hips
and lend you my thighs. "
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all content belongs to @legorumii do not repost or translate on any writing website!
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geikurre · 1 year
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Art trade for @kirpyee! God I love Rin a lot. I need to draw her more to show my love for her!
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a92vm · 28 days
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Madeline Cline in Tommy Hillfigher
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sophieswundergarten · 8 months
Rhonda Kazembe
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zandra-lang-cave · 10 months
Molly's posible depression
I didn't think about it until I saw this fanfic
( I love it. It inspires my mind, that isn't an easy thing to do, believe it or not)
I won't explain everything, but it basically gives a lot of insight about what could go on in Molly's head through the perspective of everyone around her.
After I read it, I gave a rewatch to the show, and a lot of stuff took a turn in my head and in my view of molly. In this post/essay, i will explain why Molly's depression is not such a baseless idea as it might seem. Here are some examples that can be symptoms/reasons for depression.
She has moved a lot for her entire life
That doesn't look that bad at first sight. Specially when the show doesn't really pay attention to the life of molly begore Brighton. But if you really look more closely, it's really sad.
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If you count all the pins the macgee's had, they move at least 23 times. I say at least because molly just put the places she remembers moving, but they have probably moved more when molly was a baby/toddler, so she doesn't remember. Let's assume this are since when molly was 4-5 since that's when she probably started to remember the places they have moved.
Molly is just 13 years old. Doing the math She has moved to 23 places in 9-10 years.
Moving just once in your life can change your mind a lot. especially for a child. They need stability to be able to develop the best they can, and moving to a completely new environment even just once can affext that development.
I move from my home contry to the US when I was arround 9-10 years, and even though I knew it was for the best, the whiplash affected me all through my teen years and I just recently started to feel comfortable in my home, almost a decade later.
So just imagine a kid in their formative years, moving to a new city, and going through the process of adapting to a new environment, just to move again in a few months.
Lack of friends/community
This is a big part of the show, though a suttil one, and it applies to the whole family, not just molly. The macgees are a very social family not just molly, everyone of them trive in community. They do volunteering together, they support molly to construct the banshell, they join in town parties, and events not has attendees but has staft.
But that say, none of them have any friends before Brighton. And until the Chen's arrive they didn't have any close friends.
Darryl has 2 friends he mentioned, but we never see, and Sharon and Pete have libbys mom, but that one is more of a "our kids ate friends, let's get along" type of friendship.
Molly makes a big deal of both scratch and libby being their best friends, scratch specially when she calls him her "forever friend." And lets remember her entire family makes an entire dance for the chen's, it was a big deal to them to get them to be friends with them.
They haven't had any friends or community in such a long time that they are emotionally deprived, to the point they go to extreme lengths to ensure they forever home can be the best place it can be. It's not a bad thing on paper, but it's not a good thing if we think of it logically.
Molly's controlling tendencys
A big part of Molly's personality is how controlling and pushy she can be. The entire episode of snow day show this at his peak, but there were tiny examples before and after. When they make a movie and molly dismiss her friends complain saying "if I'm the director it's still our movie", her helping all her class with the props and costumes (she 100% volunteer for it), the relationship with her mom and grandma, libbys bat mitzvah, etc.
Well, that can be seen as a coping mechanism. She lacks stability as she grew up, so taking control can be subconsciously comforting.
Again this is something I can relate, I lack stability in my childhood (for different reasons) and in my teens I crave has much control in my life I could get (I didn't have it which leaves me with more unrelated issues but still I salty about it) it's just a comfort being in control when you are use to not having it.
There are probably more examples for Molly's possible depression symptoms/reasons, but this are the biggest I could think at the moment. I will make a second post if I remember anything else.
Now the biggest counterargument would be "she is so smily and happy, she is not sad she can't be depress." To that, I answered, depressed people can look/act happy. Most of the time, they do.
Using myself has an example, I pass through a "happy depression," and I basically pretend to be happy to not worry my family. I didn't wanted to feel what I felt so I would do things to not thing about, I would read fanfiction all day, work on school, read books, see TV an unhealthy amount of time just not to feel anything but the "happines" those things give me. In family gatherings and school, I would act friendly and "normal." I didn't even let my grades slip cuase at the time they were the most important thing in my mind. There was no reason for anyone to believe I was depress.
I kept that for around 5 years, the "happy depression" going on an off but never leaving completely, I never addressed it because in my mind and everyone around, I was "happy." Until the pandemic hit, and it destroyed me emotionally. I know that happen to alot of people but I mean it, It destroyed me, I couldn't use school has a distraction because it didn't kept me occupied enough, the little time I spend outside of my house was rip away.
I could no longer avoid thinking and feeling, and that turned the "happy depression" into a full mental breakdown that I had just recovered less than a year ago. And not even fully cause I keep falling back into avoiding my feelings from time to time. Just now, I can recognize it and fix it before it turns into "happy depression" again.
Hum, acting happy to avoid others to worry, filling yourself with activities that make you "happy", acting has if everything is totally normal.
Those are things molly can and has done.
So yeah, depress molly. More likely than you believe. I already loved her before. Even though i couldn't relate to her, i related more to scratch. but after this realization, I relate to her a lot, and I appreciate that. I don't think it would ever be acknowledged or even mentioned in the show, but the fact I can see it, it gives me comfort.
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dyemelikeasunset · 10 months
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last night me and @beedalee went absolutely delirious and did a whole goth/rave photoshoot 🤣 what else to do when there are no good clubs out here
bonus behind-the-scenes lmao:
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by-mi · 5 months
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Holly Thistle
Okay, I dont have much to say about her other than she's my favorite character ♡
But even so,I decided to start with she:one detail that you migth notice is that i didnt make her wand,but this is a very important detail for AU. Just for simple detail that she doesn't need a wand do magic , Like she can do magic with a wand wehenever she wants,but unlike other fairies whon generally dont let go of their wand,she really doens't need it.
I thought it was a good idea because it would give reason why sher is so protected by the kingdom as she is a unique fairy and of couse belong to the royal lineage.
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whopissedmypants · 5 months
I can’t wait to marry my girl
She’s gonna be so fucking pretty in her dress
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boltevega · 8 months
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crimsonrebel · 1 year
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Happy Birthday Maki!
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