#I like doing rando stuff like this
peachypede · 1 year
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Pecha sends your oc this, what they do?
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shirtlessradfahrer · 3 days
I'm actually kinda surprised by how shocked everyone is at that particular story, my biggest gripe was that he picked up his cup with the same hand that wiped
...or am I just showing that I've worked in food service for far too long
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mecharose · 2 years
why is it on some WIPs its like:
story events: 2 guys meet new wordcount: 10,000,000 words
and others its like:
story events: dramatic confession of love, character reveal that's been teased since the second chapter, plot twist that changes the entire story forevermore, half the cast found dead in miami new wordcount: 234 words
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cqcandchill · 6 months
the fact that s^mteron gets so much wrong about the influence of n^zi aesthetics (something specifically tied to fascism as an overall concept) and ideology on modern culture is almost enough to make me want to start making video essays about What Actually Happened For Real
bc like. there are truly a lot of interesting things to say there! esp bc there was an intersection btwn weimar germany's queer culture and the emergent fascist homophobic hyper-masculinity of the third r^ich. you have röhm, a highly regarded founding member of the party, whose gayness is an open secret. you have a queer underground that is an open secret, gay and lesbian magazines, nightclubs, and a ground-breaking sex institute that revolutionizes early gender affirming treatments for trans ppl. and a bunch of other gender essentialism going on in the background
... i don't know if i could survive going down a rabbit hole that deep w/o suffocating. i am at the point where some of the stuff i write for my ocs has a bibliography of books, primary sources and research papers. and he is missing so much commentary on things like the influence of german philosophy, the changing urban/rural demographic density, pre-wwi german culture, post-wwi german culture, antisemitism, racial ideology/eugenics, misogyny, historiography of wwii, it goes on................ to say nothing about ignoring leyendecker, rockwell, tom of finland etc
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mindhowyougo · 5 months
been thinking more or less nonstop since last night about the finale and i'm no closer to knowing how i feel about it
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fair-fae · 10 months
my tumblr finally did the twitter clone update and ew, it's so bad @staff
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ssaalexblake · 5 months
dipping a toe back in the cm fandom is funny bc i am So a grandma for being there when i happened, but y'all don't even know about AJ sending paget links to jemily fanvids thing.
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yuauaua · 3 months
been seeing all the ai crap on twt and it js makes me so mad knowing that people will be able to copy and artwork that people spent years refining
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woolydemon · 29 days
for ppl that know my tf fan lore you would think I'd be ryu/kita pilled since I was blur/bee CEO but actually I was driven by my shock/bee instincts to be drawn to ake/kita instead <- none of these words are in the bible
#THERES A METHOD TO MY MADNESS#ok ok ok. ryu/kita. its the spunky bro electric yellow guy and the autistic weird blue guy. thats straight up blur/bee and i admit it#THE BLUE GUY IS EVEN TALLER THAN THE YELLOW GUY. ITS SO BLURBEE#but like for me. i def enjoy ryu/kita a lot but it doesnt make me crazy like blurbee does. nor ake/kita#BUT LIKE OK. THIS IS WHERE ME SAYING AKE/KITA IS LIKE SHOCK/BEE GETS INTO INSANE PPL TERRITORY#ok . for one. ermmmmmmm. shockwave .... was my first goro.#bc he has the whole. false identity meant to decive vs true identity as a villain thing. like gorby#and also i admit. i do have my v specific fan interpretation of him that makes him more sympathetic BUT ALSO THATS LIKE JUST ME.#ITS NOT IN CANON. IM AWARE OF MY DELUSION. i have fun though its ok. i separate fan interpretation from canon text. i have media literacy#the real insane part though is trying to explain why yusuke takes on a bee role.#to preface its not matching in personality. at all. they are nothing alike#its not the personality thats key here. its the role and dynamic he specifically has with shockwave#in which hes kinda a more lighter character that often gets religated as comic relief in the source material#but does have a genuine depth to him that could be taken more seriously but that usually gets ignored#and paired up with the antagonist guy with conflicting identity he pulls out a better side from them#and also they have the capacity to be sooo crazy dramas and toxic yaois and redemption like. whatever.#IM INSANE. IM INSANE IM INSANE. GOD .#i . i . i . im.... idk man i love dynamics#shock/bee still isnt like my top tf:a rarepair. but also ryu/kita isnt my top personba 5 pair . for some inexplicable reason#when i rlly enjoy both these kinds of dynamics but then sometimes it clicks with me more with certain character and a lil less with others#im a complex inexplicable enigma. but also maybe some characters just make it work better for me#i think largely overall though#im drawn to dynamics that have a hint of smth in the source and are expanded upon more in transformative material#anyway blah blah blah all that though#the real consistency is i keep having the same favorite character in stuff and its the blue autistic guy#rando thoughtz
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honestlyvan · 9 months
Also while I am here -- my main problem with people being fucking nasty to Tumblr staff is that I don't want to see excessive vitriol. It's why I don't follow many discourse blogs, it's why I try to avoid engaging in discourse myself. Even things I agree with are not worth defending through vitriol to me.
You're free to talk about however you want on this site to anyone you like. But I am free to move to the other room and not be around you because I am tired of listening to you.
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lovecolibri · 1 year
Friendly reminder to not fall for more false claims of "review bombing" and that people are allowed to dislike storyline choices without being "mad about Buddie" (because a lot of IMDB is GA rated not shippers) and they can rate the episode accordingly. Also, giving an episode a 10/10 while reviewing saying you hated certain choices but want to boost the score is just dishonest. 🤷🏻‍♀️
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cocolacola · 1 year
hey are we still down with fulfilling that goofy bit from yesterday (hellsing powerpoint night) cute mutuals interact with suggestions plz
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medicinemane · 1 month
Made an enemy for the custom mission maker in City of Heroes
I think she's honestly pretty cool looking... cool enough I may actually have to make her as a real character. Like I'm just doing this for the badges for making a mission, but that doesn't mean I'm not gonna put some effort in, and I'm pretty pleased with how she came out
(The minion I made is pretty decent too, chick in a hockey mask with a short mohawk and a baseball bat)
Anyway, just kinda felt like sharing the malnourished, radiated, weirdo with a chain sword I made as an enemy (at first I gave her a katana for the powerset, and the animations were way too whimpy for a chain sword, so switched to titan weapons)
Also, I was lazy about how I recorded this, and I think there might not be audio when I'm tabbed away to stop and start the record... ignore it if you would, cause whatever
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I was thinking about this after yesterday's post, but now that it's confirmed that this is going to be a stream on QSMP's Twitch channel, I'm wondering if this is going to be a way for them to not necessarily talk about but maybe referencing the behind-the-scenes leadership changes, but in a lore-y way.
I'm not sure if they'd proceed with an actual big lore-related thing right now considering the ongoing admin situation, but I guess we'll have to wait and see what happens.
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drakonovisny · 9 months
why do my sims playthroughs always turn kinda fucked up :'D
#i made a girl who is really outdoorsy and wants to have a great ranch#i made a horse for her and moved them to the world that was included with the horse pack#she immediately got to training her horsie‚ gardening and stuff#but then her first bill came and it was astronomical because the lot is big#so she got a job as a gardener#but what she was making wasn't enough to sustain the ranch#some time later some rando called her telling that she might get a distant relative's inheritance if she marries within 7 days#ofc she wasn't planning to do that but then one of her neighbours asked to crush at her place for a few days#they had great chemistry so she decided to marry him platonically for the inheritance money and a helping hand at the ranch#he moved in and so did his horse lol#also aside from the inheritance money he also contributed 20k simoleons#however the same night they got married he froze to death while playing with the horses outside (i wasn't paying attention to him lmao :'D)#she didn't really love him but she still was heartbroken#she got on a drunken bender for a while and decided she's going to grow weed for sale now (i got the basemental mod at that point ajdnbfbb)#since she had like 50k simoleons on her now she hired a ranch hand who would help her with that while she focuses on training the horses#so i think next she's going to get closer with the ranch hand and maybe date her too if they have any chemistry#and they're gonna grow weed and look after horses together ahdbbxzbbz
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nimue-hidden-lake · 2 months
I need to let my thoughts out in public more often. Guess I shall start now. This has randomly hit my head so I may as well talk about it now, something Dice related. Though it might be old news... I just want to ramble on. That's all.
It's literally random rambling, pay no mind. I typed this as I went, personal thoughts. Heck, some things could be already confirmed and I'm just an extreme slowpoke or something.
I always find it interesting sometimes encountering people who write Dice off as 'an idiot's which is... I think it depends on the type of idiot?
Listen, I do agree that he has his obvious moments. But I would not say that they are caused by him being stupid by nature. In fact, he probably is smarter than he leads on, given he received a high education (most likely). I wouldn't be surprised if Dice puts on an act to some degree, so no one connects him to being a 'rich boy' or something like that. Some degree because it may also be who he was or suppressed to be like, given that he ran away from home and it is stated that he had no freedom whatsoever until living in the streets. He probably also just has overall a tendency trying things he couldn't really try when still being trapped in his old lifestyle. So he is also just busying doing whatever he wants. This leads to him being reckless however, getting himself into more trouble than necessary.
What I also think could be true and how he became basically addicted to gambling as well is that Dice may have no idea how to manage money. All his life he lived with a rich family so he never really had to worry about it. Sure, a reason he loves to gamble is also because he probably enjoys the thrill and adrenaline pump coming from it. But given the high amounts he wants to bet with at points could maybe somewhat hint at that he still doesn't have a full grasp on monetary value maybe? I mean, for him something like hundreds of ten is not a lot I assume. Or it doesn't sound like a lot. Maybe that is also just speculation on my end.
Also maybe the appeal to run away from home for Dice was to be in a worse state overall? Having not to worry about anything could maybe make a survival lifestyle interesting. Plus it is kind of betting on his own life as well so it for sure fits into his motto either way.
I'd be interested to see why this lifestyle in particular if I think about it more. Did Dice just go with whatever, not be bound to responsibilities and enjoy life? After all, like that he can live the life he wants to live (see what I did there?). Or did it sound appealing to him because of something or someone? Yeah, sure, he'd be worse off but I think to him freedom matters more than anything else. I'd be interested to learn about that. Maybe I just invest too much thought into it but really... This gets me a little curious now... Unless that is somewhere and I didn't get to it yet or missed it... Then nevermind.
Ah, probably overthinking this and bringing nothing new here. I just had to let my thoughts out either way. Do with this as you wish.
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