#I know going from sleeping with Justin to him felt like jumping in an ocean after a swimming pool
champagnemoon · 5 months
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I know she talked about it in her book but I need more details about this fling
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shawn-mendes-post · 3 years
A/n: This is part two of the new series. The first, part is called Broken Promises. Hope you like this chapter. I have a few ideas for the next and how I want her to meet Timothee again.
You stared at him, debating on if you should tell him the truth, knowing it will be painful. 'Talking could help me process how our relationship got to this point. It is also, Dyl, and he knows how to keep a secret,' you think, biting your lower lip, unsure. You start thinking about the rough drafts of many songs about this break-up, lying in your journal, waiting to finish. A ton of songs waiting to release to the world, not even your manager knew about the countless songs that sit completed and the ones that still need work.
"Nothing, " you spoke in a quiet voice, shrugging your shoulders, wanting to do anything but talk about what was the issue. You remain silent, glancing anywhere but Dylan. Talking was not a strong suit of yours because of how weak you might seem to that person. Bottling up your feelings is more your route until you dedicate a day of watching sad movies to cry your emotions out.
" You know, I will keep things between us? I would never tell anyone what we talk about," Dylan said, placing a hand on your shoulder, wanting to give you some comfort. He knew something weighing on you and decided he would help in whatever way he can. He sees you as a little sister and would always be overprotective of you on set where other guys would try to flirt with you.
"I will tell you, but it is a long story. I should make coffee," You said, heading to the kitchen to make a pot since filming starts tomorrow, and there will be no sleep tonight. You knew Dylan would keep pestering until you broke down, so you tried to prepare yourself for this series of conversations. How would I tell him I had a secret fiancee who ended up being unfaithful. 'How am I supposed to tell him the guy was Shawn Mendes, the lovable, sweet, no cussing, Canadian. No one would in their right mind think he would be capable of cheating. Hell, I am still wrapping my mind around this.'
Dylan nods, following you to the tidy kitchen, where Dylan placed the grocery bags when he came in. He got a few things for you, thinking you would want to go shopping in a few days. Dylan helps unload the bags, placing the items on the counter, keeping an eye on your figure. He felt like he had to brace himself for what you will tell him since he knew there are some things you keep to yourself. 'She could have this whole double life, and I would not know,' Dylan thinks because most of the time you spend is filming. He is usually touring or spending time with Lydia, but there are some times he can take you out. Another issue is how busy you are and the need to travel all over the place. He questions how you could still have the energy to act in all these movies without feeling drained. Dylan worried about you at times, sending messages to remind you to take a break whether, to read a book or get something to eat, knowing you might forget to eat.
You are tense when you make the coffee, hands shaking when you pour the water in the pot. Some of the water splashes on the counter, "Shit," you mumbled, looking for something to clean up the spill. Paper towels handed to you, which you thank Dylan for, sending a grateful smile in his direction.
The two of you sit down with a cup of coffee cooling on the table, both not knowing what to say. Sighing, you open your mouth to spill everything.
"I was in....no, that is not right. I have been in a secret relationship for the past two years," you blurted out, straightforward, not wanting to beat around the bush. Dylan, who took a sip of his coffee, started choking; his eyes widen at what he heard. You would not look Dylan in the eye, waiting for his response.
"How come the two of you never told anyone?" Dylan asked through his wheezing, catching his breath. You frown, moving to pat Dylan on his back lightly, understanding it is a big deal to date a famous singer, adored by many fans. 'He has not figured out who the guy I was with yet.'
"Wait, who was he," Dylan asked, curiously, recalling all the guys it could be, from someone on set to a fan. "In the beginning, it seemed exciting that no one knew, but it started to get old." You explained, skipping Dylan's question on purpose to explain the relationship first.
"We met through mutual friends, but no one knew due to me liking my personal life private. We were perfect, Dyl. I don't know what happened to us, " you sigh, blowing to help cool down the coffee. "We spent as much time with each other as we could without getting suspicious, not wanting the paparazzi from finding out. We would stay in and have dinner, depending on if we here free," you stop talking to take a sip of the coffee.
Dylan stays quiet, wanting to listen to every single word, knowing this must be very serious to talk about; especially, with how long the relationship was a secret. Dylan watched the heartbreak flash across your face, wishing he could take the pain away from you. You did not deserve to feel any pain but did deserve all the happiness in the world.
"Well, this summer, things changed in our relationship. He was working on a project with his friend, the one I felt insecure around sometimes due to their close bond. Their song is released, and their fans went into a frenzy, questioning if the two were dating. At the time, she was in a relationship herself, so that did give me some comfort. However, that did not stop something from happening between the two. He would not answer my calls, and I just had a feeling something horrible happen. He lied to me, and the paparazzi found him and her together. I kept trying to get in contact with him, but he did not respond. I knew something about their relationship was off, but I did not expect this."
Dylan listens, trying to find out the man that hurt his friend, not wanting to bring any more pain for you. He felt like this is the start of getting over the heartbreak. He sets the cups of coffee down before wrapping you into a tight hug, hoping to bring some comfort. You sniffle, starting to break down once more, feeling safe in his arms. He has a comforting aroma of pine and sandalwood, which surprises you, thinking he would smell more like the ocean.
Breaking down, you hide your face in his chest, not liking the idea of anyone seeing you cry. You felt him comforting you, making you wonder what happened to your relationship. "I...am...sorry," you said, hiccuping now and then, feeling slightly better than before.
"You do not need to apologize for anything. I love you (Y/N). You are one of my best friends, and I said I am by your side. Now, let your feelings out," He whisperers, running his fingers through her silky hair, knowing she likes when he does it. The two stay like that for some time until you fall asleep in his arms.
A few weeks have passed, and you have been feeling slightly better with each day. Shawn has left multiple voicemails, but you have not listened to them. You are preoccupied with shooting season four and do not have a lot of time to think about Shawn. You have even been writing more songs and talking to your manager about taking a break from acting to pursue music.
Right now, you are shooting a scene with Dyl outside by the docks, having a sibling moment between the two Jensens before Justin comes in.
Clay is standing next to the pier, staring into the ocean, with a troubled look on his face. He does not know what is going on in his life. He jumps when he feels a hand on his shoulder, making him look back to see his younger sister, Jona.
Jona's eyes filled with worry and unshed tears, which made her (e/c) pop out, which could have any man on his knees for her. Her (h/c) locks swaying from the air gently as she moves closer to him.
"I knew you would be here, Clay. I know something is going on with you, and you don't need to tell me. I want you to know I will always be by your side, never doubting you." Jona moves to wrap her arms around his waist, head laying on his chest, looking up at him.
"You can tell me anything, and I will never think less of you. You are my big brother, Clay. I will always look up to you, and that won't change. I hate seeing you have the world on your shoulders, Clay. Not everything is up to you alone; allow others to help," Jona says before stopping when she spots Justin coming their way.
Clay felt tears streaming down his face, wrapping Jona in his arms, needing this support. He knows the others are worried about him breaking, but that is because of their secrets. He knew his parents worry about him and making him see the therapist again. However, Jona saying these things make him want to spill his guts about everything. Hannah, the mixtape, Bruce, Ani, Taylor, spring dance, Monty, and even Jeff, everything, but he did not want to drag her into this mess. He holds her tight against him, trying to remember how things used to be before Hannah Baker walked into their lives.
Justin comes close, standing awkwardly, feeling left out, but does not say a thing. He waits for the two to break up their hug to look at him. "They are wondering where the two of you are," he says, rubbing the back of his neck, a nervous habit of his.
You smile nostalgic, knowing the series is coming to an end. Your smile dropped when a familiar singer is in the crowd of people, where fans are surrounding him. You could see him holding something but could not see exactly what. Dylan notices your change of mood, glancing to see what has your attention. His eyes widen, noticing that Shawn Mendes is here but not understanding why. Then suddenly, everything clicks in his mind, making him glare at the man. Dylan starts to stride towards this man, ready to cuss this man out for hurting you. However, someone grabs him, making him stop to look at the person. His glare softens when he meets your eyes, knowing to stop.
"Do you want me to go with you?" He whispered, feeling the curious glances from the cast and crew. She nods her head before grabbing her phone. She sends a quick text before heading to get change, not wanting to deal with the conversation at her job. Dylan follows her, but not without noticing Mendes walking off in a different direction.
You took your time to change, not wanting to confront Shawn at the moment. You could hear the gossip between the crew, wondering why Shawn Mendes is here on set, knowing he should be off somewhere for his concert. Your name got mentioned a couple of times, but you do not butt in, not wanting to give them a reaction. Slowly, Dylan comes to finds you, wondering how you are feeling but not wanting to say anything to upset you.
"Where did you tell him to go?" Dylan spoke up, getting closer to his car since they carpool together and switch cars to make it fair. She sighs, not wanting to deal with anything but wanting to sleep in her bed after a long cry.
"I told him not at my job. He wants me to come to a restaurant and talk in a quiet setting. I have the location on my phone," you said, starting the GPS. The drive is quiet, the two listings to the radio, both thinking about how things will go down.
"Are you sure it is okay for me to come?" Dylan asked, noticing how fancy and romantic the restaurant is, not wanting to be a third wheel.
You sigh, running your hand through your hair, feeling uncomfortable with the thought of going alone. " I am pretty sure we won't stay long. I have to get this over with, and I know I will take Shawn back if I am alone."
Dylan nods, getting out to open her door, lending his arm for her to take. They start to walk towards the entrance, dread filling their stomachs for different reasons. They are lead to a table where Shawn sat with flowers and a box of chocolates on the table in a dark corner. Shawn smiles when he sees you but frowns when he notices Dylan is there with you.
You plop down onto the bed, sighing after the long day you had. The quiet room helps calm your racing heart as you close your eyes, thoughts wandering back to the awkward dinner.
You stare at the other occupants eating dinner, having an ordinary evening, not knowing what is happening. The atmosphere is calm and collected. The fancy restaurant is not busy, which made you feel more at ease.
"Hi," Shawn said meekly, getting up, opening his arms as if to hug her, but she moves out the way. A frown flashes on his face before he moves to sit down again.
"How are you?" He asked after coughing awkwardly. Shawn glance at Dylan with curious eyes but does not comment on his presence.
"Fine," You comment shortly, not wanting to break down your walls. Dylan moves to sit down next to you, wanting to help you get through this dinner.
Shawn runs his hands through his curls, thinking about what he can do to make things up to her. " I am sorry," Shawn said, after a few moments of silence after ordering some food.
Your eyes feel watery as you stare at him, reflecting all the memories with him. Your right hand goes to your chest, your heart aching at the visions of Shawn laying in bed, her laying on his chest. The two kissings while Shawn runs his hands through Camilia's hair.
Maybe I should be more like her, you think, trying to blink away the tears.
"(Y/N), " Dylan spoke quietly, placing a hand on your shoulder, worried about you. Your eyes flicker towards his before glancing at the table.
"Shawn, I need you to answer two questions. I want you to be truthful." You croak, feeling your throat clog up.
"Anything," Shawn said, breathless, wanting to fix things. He fidgets in his seat, wanting to reach out to grab her hands, to kiss her, to touch her.
" Did you sleep with her?" You whisper, not wanting anyone to overhear the conversation to be in their business. Shawn's eyes widen, cheeks flush as he remembers that night. Her soft skin on his, her lips around his..., he bites his lower lip.
"I... I " He starts to speak but stops trying to think about what he is going to say. He stays silent, avoiding looking at both of them, knowing he is hurting her more by being silent.
"Do you love her?" You spew out, knowing you had to get the question out before it was too late. You narrow your eyes, wanting his every movement, needing to get the truth even if it hurts. You always had a feeling his songs were about her, despite him reassuring you.
Your eyes draw to how tense he becomes, his hands fidgeting, eyes shift towards her face to the table. His lips thin as his eyebrows furrowed, as if in deep thought.
Shaking your head, your hand seeks Dylan's, needing the strength to get through this moment.
"I do," Shawn confesses, glancing at (Y/N) with sad eyes, knowing this will destroy their relationship.
(Y/N) the grip tightens on Dylan's hand, closing his eyes to take a deep breath, not wanting to lash out in public. You move to get up, shaking your head in denial.
" I can't. I want nothing to do with you, Shawn Peter Raul Mendes," You hissed, in a low voice, feeling the tears slip out. Quicky, you leave, making sure your head is down, exiting the restaurant hearing clicks. Your hair is in your face as you walk away, not caring about the paparazzi, not caring, you left Dylan, not caring that cheater was alone, not caring about anything.
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stephluvvsyou · 5 years
Because sometimes powerful friendships don’t need to be romantic. (video does contain spoilers for Jessica’s story line, scenes from seasons 1-3 of 13 reasons why, and dialogue surrounding the topic of sexual assault. If you have not watched/finished the show, or are sensitive to the topics, either please proceed with caution or reconsider watching).
So let’s talk about Clay and Jessica.
First of all - a couple of things about the video. It was made not to take away from any of the other friendships or issues that are portrayed in 13 Reasons Why. It is simply to highlight a specific friendship out of the group that I feel has been oftentimes shafted, or we’ve been made to feel that it’s nothing special.
I also realize that I am probably on a boat in the ocean alone on the way I feel about this. I feel like it’s an injustice to treat a friendship like this so passively, considering the weight of what it contains. 
I do understand, that because there are no romantic incantations between Clay and Jessica, that it makes them seemingly less appealing. For whatever reason, they’re just less interesting because they don’t jump into bed with one another every other episode or make out in the school hallways.
But that shouldn’t mean they aren’t recognized or appreciated for what they do have. 
Probably one of the most forgotten details about Clay and Jessica’s friendship, is that they were friends before the tapes happened. Jessica and Hannah were both the new girls at the school, and Clay had befriended them both. We don’t see how and when it happens (perhaps he gave them a tour?) or maybe through association they got to know one another, but the point is, that they did become friends somehow and someway before the tragedy of Hannah.
Another one is that Clay was ready to go to war for Jessica, before he even knew Hannah had been additionally assaulted by Bryce. Which means that all of the theories or assumptions that Clay only wanted justice for Jessica because he felt unfulfilled over getting it for Hannah, or that his efforts to make sure Bryce faced “justice” was only all ever for Hannah, are wrong. Before Clay listens to tape 12, he confronts Jessica, confronts Justin, asks his mom about how to possibly take legal action, and almost gets into an actual fight with Tony. All of these efforts were made for the sake of Jessica. Because even when everyone else didn’t believe it, denied it, or were trying to forget it - Clay was never going to just let it go. He knew Jessica deserved the truth, and also that Bryce shouldn’t get away with it. Because she was his friend, and he cared about her the way someone should. 
Throughout all 3 seasons, we see him vowing to take Bryce down, we see him remind Jessica constantly that he and others are there for her, that they will continue to be there for her. That he wants to help her in any way he possibly can.
Their biggest injustices come in season 3, when Ani comes out of nowhere and causes a couple of infuriating things to happen that do raise questions of just how close they are and what they do in fact mean to one another.
First and foremost, when she causes Clay to suspect Jessica about sleeping with Bryce, which seriously he deserved to be smacked over the head for. Because I don’t care how anything looked, he should have 100% known better than that. He’s known Jessica for a while now, but the new girl had him contemplating something so utterly ridiculous, that there’s no excuse for it.
Secondly, when she and Jessica talk privately and Jessica reveals that she felt Clay didn’t care about her during the trial, and he made her feel “hunted”. Once again, completely ignorant considering Clay has only ever wanted things to be okay for her - and she does make up for that when she talks to Mr. Porter, and tells him that she knows Clay believed that she was strong enough to tell her story, even when she herself didn’t. Yes, it’s a bit of recovery on her part, but also still irritating.
But season 3 also reminded us that Jessica has always been a part of the conversation for Clay because of the scene where he’s hallucinating Bryce in the classroom at school. The Bryce that he literally has in his head reminded him that every time he looked at Jessica, he would be there. Yes, he said the same about Hannah and Ani, but if Jessica wasn’t important to Clay, and her justice and her story never was, she wouldn’t have come up at all. She wouldn’t still be residing in the back of his mind, just waiting to be used as a weakness against him.
There are many things I didn’t bring up, many things that can still be talked about. And I want to talk about them. I want to know what people think of these two, and the friendship that’s really there. I want to bring their friendship more to the forefront because it should be there. 
This is a strong friendship, one that has always been important to Clay, no matter who else has been on his mind, and how less time he’s spent with her in comparison. Because those things don’t matter compared to the action he has taken and the efforts he has made to be there for her. 
So please, chat with me, message me, leave a comment - whatever you want - but let’s not forget about the importance of just the friendships in the show. Not every relationship has to be built on love of the romantic kind. Some relationships are better and even stronger without the complications of that. 
Moving forward, what would we like to see happen with Clay and Jessica? 
I for one would find it refreshing for both of them to spend more time together. Just hang out, without feeling the need to commit your heart and soul. Just be kids, be there for one another. Forget about sex and romance for 2 seconds and just enjoy the company of someone who at this point, you’d probably do anything for. Recognize that sometimes, that’s enough. You don’t always need more.
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youngbloodseavey · 6 years
to the heavens and back // corbyn besson
requested: no, but this is based off a scene from the tv show “this is us”
this is by far, the longest and saddest imagine i have ever written. it’s 3313 words of pure fucking sadness. please don’t hate me i’m sorry corbyn okay bYE
pairing: corbyn x female!reader
triggers: house fires, hospitals, death.
“mom, dad!” giselle stumbled into corbyn and y/n’s bedroom, coughing violently as she shook her parents awake.
“what is it,” corbyn mumbled groggily, sitting up as he wiped the sleep out of his eyes.
“the house is on fire.” giselle cried, sending a jolt down y/n and corbyn’s backs. and that’s when they began to smell it.
smoke. thick, grey, firey smoke. the nauseating scent of it entered their lungs at an instant, and corbyn and y/n leaped out of bed.
“y/n! stay here with ellie, i’m going to get justin and alex. wet some towels and hold them over your faces, it’ll help keep the smoke out of your system.” corbyn called to his wife and daughter, who nodded and immediately ran to the bathroom to retrieve the materials corbyn asked for.
corbyn took in a deep breath, before throwing the door open, immediately being hit with a wave of thick smoke. corbyn let out a cough, waving the smoke away from his face before closing the door behind him and beginning to run towards justin, his oldest son’s room.
he sprinted across the hall, passing the balcony that overlooked the entrance to their gorgeous california home, that corbyn and y/n were able to purchase after years of hard work on both their parts. all their hard work, going up in red-hot flames.
corbyn spared a quick glance over the balcony, seeing that most of the first floor had gone up in flames, and the fire was steadily creeping up the stairs. corbyn let out a violent cough once again, trying to rid his system of the toxicity that was entering it, before barging into justin’s room.
the fifteen-year old was still asleep, which was no surprise. he took after his father in the “need to sleep 24/7″ department.
“justin! get up right now!” corbyn yelled at his son, shaking his lanky body to rouse the boy out of bed.
“what’s going on, is it time for school yet?” justin mumbled groggily, the intensity of the situation him and his family was in clearly not registering in his mind.
“the house is on fire. now get your damn ass up.” corbyn growled, throwing the covers off of justin’s body. 
justin’s bright blue eyes widened, and he immediately leaped out of bed.
“what? the house is on fire?” justin’s eyes were wild, and he stared at his dad with pleading eyes.
“yes it is. hurry up, so i can get your brother too,” corbyn ushered justin to the door, feeling the heat radiate from the other side. corbyn softly cursed under his breath.
he grabbed justin by the shoulders, feeling his son begin to shake and his breathing quicken.
“take a deep breath j, and it’ll all be okay.” corbyn reassured his clearly anxious kin, before slamming the door open, seeing that the hallway to the master bedroom had still not yet been consumed by the flames.
corbyn and justin sprinted across the hall, flinging the door open to the master bedroom where y/n and giselle were waiting. y/n immediately took justin in her arms, hugging and kissing his forehead and rambling on questions as to his condition.
“i’m going to get alex. the moment i close this door, stuff some wet towels beneath the door. got it?” corbyn breathed out, y/n reaching out and handing corbyn a towel to put over his own face.
“be careful babe, i better be seeing both you and alex back here in the next five minutes okay?” y/n spoke, terror in her eyes. corbyn pressed a swift kiss to her forehead and nodded, before using one hand to press the wet towel up to his face and the other to slam open the door.
the dark orange flames had caught to the main hallway of the second floor, slowly beginning to burn away at the carpet and banister. corbyn began to run to where alex’s room was, knowing that there wasn’t much more time to be able to get his whole family out alive.
corbyn slammed the door open, seeing that his twelve year-old son was already awake and pacing the floors, tears streaming down his face. alex ran to his father the moment he saw him, flinging his arms around him and beginning to sob.
“shh, it’s gonna be okay. put this towel over your mouth, and hold onto me. you’re gonna be okay. the moment i open this door, we are going to go as quickly as we can to mom and i’s bedroom, okay?” corbyn pressed a light kiss onto his son’s forehead, handing him the damp towel and taking in a breath of clean oxygen before whipping the door open. he stumbled back, seeing the flames licking at the frame of the door on one side, leaving only a strip of space untouched by fire.
corbyn’s arm went immediately to push alex away from the impending flames, his ocean eyes looking about wildly for something to protect them from the fire.
his gaze landed on the twin mattress that laid upon alex’s bed, and he immediately threw the covers and pillows off the mattress, heaving the mattress up as a type of shield.
“alright alex, no matter what, do not let go of me. okay?” corbyn spoke to his quivering son, who nodded and latched his arms around corbyn’s waist while still holding the towel to his mouth. corbyn took in a breath and started into the hall, holding up the mattress to shield himself and alex from the flames.
corbyn felt his flesh become singed as flames licked at his fingertips, the exposed parts of his arm becoming red and painful. alex’s grip on corbyn’s waist was as tight as the poor boy could hold, and he held in sobs and screams as he jumped away from the deadly flame.
“only a few more seconds alex, you’re gonna be okay.” the blonde man spoke through gritted teeth, pushing away the immense pain flowing through his veins to focus on saving his family.
after a few more agonizing seconds, corbyn flung open the door of the master bedroom to see the rest of the family huddled by the window, and he pushed alex towards his mother.
y/n immediately smothered alex with affection, checking him for burns and any type of injury. she pressed a firm kiss to her youngest son’s forehead before moving him along to his older brother, who took alex in his arms and held him tight.
y/n rushed up to her husband, taking his face in her hands and planting a hard kiss to his lips.
“never scare me like that ever again besson.” she warned, wiping some of the soot from his porcelain skin.
“i would never dream to.” corbyn kissed her again, before running over to the large window that was on the side of the wall and prying it open. “c’mon kids, y/n. climb onto the roof,” he ushered out his children one by one, and took y/n by the hand as he guided her onto the tiles of the roof.
it seemed as though luck as on the side of the besson family, for the moment they stepped foot onto the roof the door to the master bedroom blew in, the flames now beginning to overtake the room.
corbyn grabbed a sheet from the bed before joining his family on the roof, rolling the sheet up as tightly as he could in order to create a make-shift rope.
one by one, corbyn swiftly lowered each member of his family to the ground below, until he was the only one left standing on top of the roof.
corbyn stood on the roof for a moment, debating on whether or not to risk himself and run into the fire to save items of importance, or to go safely back down to the ground.
“princess! where’s princess?” he heard giselle yell from down below, referring to the fluffy, white pomeranian that y/n and himself had bought for giselle’s eighth birthday.
the moment the screams escape from his daughter’s mouth, the deed was sealed in corbyn’s mind. he took one glace at his terrified family before leaping back through the window into the firey house, before disappearing from sight as the smoke consumed his form.
the horrified screams of y/n and the kids filled the air, piercing like a knife in the cold night. sobs broke out from each member of the family as thoughts of the worst entered their minds, each of them clinging to each other for support.
y/n gathered all her children in her arms, tears running uncontrollably as she choked down sobs. she could hear the sound of sirens approaching her, but all she could focus on is the burning house that contained her husband.
she felt as if the world was crashing down upon her as all she could do is cling onto her children. staring, hoping, praying that her sweet corbyn will reappear from the flames.
she could see out of the corner of her eye the bright red firetrucks approaching, but she couldn’t seem to tear her eyes away from the horror.
she could feel the firemen pulling her back, away from the house. but she felt as if she was glued to the ground, not able to move even a single limb.
she could hear the screams and sobs of her children, but they were distant. her whole body felt numb.
let him be alive. let him be alive. let him be alive.
the words repeated themselves like a prayer, and minutes felt like hours as the distressed besson family waited to see if their beloved corbyn would appear.
it had been at least a minute since corbyn had disappeared into the flames, and the hope that had ignited itself inside the members of the family had begun to die out.
and just as the last bit of optimism had died in their hearts, the front door burst open. it seemed like the world had stopped turning as the charred wood revealed a dirty, sooty, coughing, but alive, corbyn besson.
“i got princess,” he managed to choke out between heaves, holding up previously white pomeranian, who was now black with soot. with him he also carried a sack, which was full of important documents, albums, and family photos.
“corbyn!” y/n burst out in sobs, breaking away from the grip of the firefighters to run to her husband. corbyn set down princess, who immediately ran to giselle.
y/n barreled into corbyn, taking him tightly in her arms as her tears made marks on his blackened clothing.
“never do that to us again you bastard,” she mumbled into his chest, before taking his face into her hands and planting a firm, passionate kiss on his lips.
“i love you,” he murmured, pulling away from their embrace.
“i love you too besson.” y/n replied softly, savoring the beauty of his presence, a presence she never thought she would be able to feel again.
“dad! daddy!” the voices of justin, alex, and giselle rang out as they ran to their father, each of them enveloping him in a bear hug.
“i love you guys,” he coughed out, trying to choke out some more words. but instead of words, only coughs and heaves left his mouth.
“give your father some space,” panic settled back into y/n’s heart, as corbyn fell onto his knees. “medic! we need a medic!” she screamed towards the fleet of first responders, and nearly immediately a stretcher came running towards them.
corbyn was nearly passed out, and he was on all fours desperately trying to breathe.
“what’s happening to daddy!?” giselle shrieked, trying to run to her father but was quickly held back by her two older brothers.
“shh, everything is going to be alright,” justin whispered into the ears of his younger sister, but inside he knew what he said wasn’t true. he knew something was wrong.
corbyn was quickly lifted onto a stretcher, the paramedics immediately put an oxygen mask onto his mouth before running him to a ambulance.
“kids, i’m going to go with your dad. stay here okay? these nice firefighters are going to take care of you,” y/n rushed over to her kids, her breath speeding up as panic settled into her heart. “i love you guys very much,” she managed to choke out, before running to the ambulance that corbyn was being loaded into and hopping in.
giselle, justin, and alex were left there, being guided into a police car by a nice woman in a firefighters uniform. justin gently picked his baby sister up, feeling her wet tears soak into his t-shirt.
no tears fell down the teenager’s face, but he felt the fear and despair in his heart. something was going to go wrong.
y/n had one hand on alex’s shoulder, the other wrapped around giselle’s small frame. justin stood directly next to her, stone faced and looking at the floor.
y/n didn’t know a human could produce as many tears as she could, it seemed like there was a never-ending stream of pain flowing through her body since the fire.
the piercing noise of a heart monitor, driving her to near insanity. the monotone “beep” of a flatline echoing through her brain, tearing her heart apart with each passing second. 
she never thought she would be clad in black, standing next to the polished wooden box that contained the body of her husband.
her sweet corbyn. the love of her life, the boy who stole here heart in a moment when she was merely 16. the boy who she exchanged tender vows with, the one who held her hand as she birthed their beautiful children into their lives.
the love who would live no more.
his lungs had failed him. the very same lungs that let him travel around the world with his four best friends. the lungs that touched the hearts of millions with corbyn’s angelic melodies. the lungs that saved lives, failing to save his.
his brain had lost oxygen. the same brain that mesmerized millions of adoring people for years. the brain that held a love for outer space, the brain that was smarter than he ever let on. the brain that could solve any problem thrown at it, not able to think anymore.
his heart no longer beat. the heart that pulsed with adrenaline as he raced around stage, feeling the energy of the crowd and hearing the lyrics that the band poured their hearts into being sung back. the heart that held so much love for music and his fans, always wanting to go out and play or meet fans no matter how exhausted he was. the heart that was filled with so much love and kindness, the heart that touched millions of lives with a mere smile. the heart that could no longer sing, no longer feel, no longer live.
who knew that the boy who seemed like he could live forever with his energy and mind, would die from cardiac arrest in his hospital bed.
“and now mrs. besson will be giving a speech.” the pastor gestured to y/n, who dried her tears and kissed the foreheads of her children before walking up to the podium.
her bloodshot eyes scanned the crowd, seeing the mass amounts of people whom her husband had changed the lives of. they had decided to have an open funeral, and whomever wished to attend could. fans from all over the world came to mourn the loss of the charismatic, goofy singer, and sea of people seemed to go on for miles.
it was incredible to see how many people a boy band member could touch with his music and heart.
“i met corbyn when we were sixteen, and the moment i saw him, i knew we would be together. i was never a believer in love at first sight, well, that was until i locked eyes with him before third period science. and who knew that a single moment of eye contact would bring me the best experiences of my life,” y/n laughed tearily, trying to compose herself as she felt her voice begin to break.
“corbyn was a blessing to this world. there’s no other way to put it. from his music, to his laugh, to his pure and gentle soul. he was practically perfect,” y/n felt to the tears begin to trail down her face, and she did nothing to stop them.
“but more than that, he was human. he had rough days, hard times. but that’s what made him so amazing.”
“there’s nothing that can fill the void that burns our hearts and souls. there’s no one and nothing that can replace his sunny smile and his goofy ways. my children-” y/n’s voice broke, and she nearly ran off stage when she made eye contact with her son.
justin gave her a reassuring nod, becoming teary himself as he tried so desperately to keep himself composed. with his father gone, it was his job to take care and look out for his family.
he had to be the “man of the house” now, the one who took over his father’s role. he couldn’t let his dad down, not when his family needed him the most.
justin tried to wipe away his tears, but gave up as they simply rolled down his face in streams. he put his arms around his younger siblings, squeezing their shoulders as the trio watched their mom onstage.
“corbyn gave me the most amazing things i could ever ask for, my children.” y/n continued, her heart swelling as she saw her children hug each other in the crow. “corbyn matthew besson blessed the world with his incredible mind, his angelic voice, and most of all, his compassionate heart.”
“he never failed to amaze, and will never cease to. i know that his memory will forever live on in the hearts of millions, and i hope it’s comforting to all to know that corbyn will never truly leave.”
“and while i would trade anything to have him standing here today, i know that he is where he is truly meant to be. among the angels.” y/n looked up into the clear blue sky, feeling the warmth of the sun shining on her skin.
she closed her eyes for a moment, relishing in the warmth that suddenly ran through her body. her eyes opened, being met with the sight of the gorgeous azure sky that mirrored the mesmerizing color of corbyn’s irises.
“i love you corbyn, to the heavens and back a thousand times,” she whispered to the sky, repeating the words that corbyn and herself exchanged frequently. it was their phrase of love, their “always” and their “okay”.
“thank you,” y/n spoke for a moment, not knowing how to end her heartfelt speech. she relished in the silence that followed, and slowly walked back to where justin, alex, and giselle stood.
the pastor took the microphone and began to say a closing prayer, and y/n took her children under her arms again. she choked back sobs, closing her eyes as she imagined corbyn’s warmth enveloping her as it used to.
she imagined his soft lips on her forehead, his arms wrapped around her shoulder, his chin balanced on top of her head.
maybe if she imagined hard enough, his touch would be real again. he would have never been torn from the universe as he so painfully was.
but she knew that wasn’t going to happen. and her sweet love was gone forever.
and it was such a painful reality to know.
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rightherestories · 6 years
Forget Reality
Based on a request I got about Justin, Selena and Pattie spending time in The Maldives. I got a bit carried away, so this is super cheesy ;) I hope you like it. Feedback and requests are always greatly appreciated! Enjoy reading.
“Poor you,” Selena pouted.
“Yeah, this was not how I imagined my two week vacation to start,” Pattie muttered in distaste.
“At least it looked funny when you fell,” Justin tried, smirking goofily at his mother.
“Justin!” Selena’s mouth widened.
“Watch it kid!” Pattie scolded.
“I love you momma, and I’m sorry this had to happen to you,” he gave in as he hurried to the chair she was currently placed in, wrapping his arms around her shoulders from behind before he kissed her cheek. “I wish I could take away your pain.”
“It’s okay, I’ll enjoy some nice baths and some very relaxed me time,” she mentioned as she received a sympathetic smile from Selena. “Just a tad more relaxed than I would have imagined, especially when vacationing with a couple as active as you two,” she laughed lightly.
“Nah mom, we need to relax too,” Justin pointed out.
“Yeah, we really need some downtime,” Selena added, her eyes drifting to gaze at the blue pool just on the other side of the wooden beams, followed by the turquoise ocean. To Selena, her picturesque view symbolized everything she wanted in this moment. Peace. The past weeks had been stressful for the young actress with family drama and the media getting in her face on a larger scale than usual. Justin noticed her hazy expression and slowly stepped in her direction. Once he reached the king sized bed she was sitting on, he squatted down in front of her, putting a hand on both of her knees.
“I promise you you won’t have to think or worry about anything going on at home right now. That’s why I took you to the other side of the world,” he spoke warmly as she gave him an appreciative smile before placing her hands on top of his bigger ones. He intertwined their fingers and placed a kiss on each hand smoothly while rising to a standing position, dragging her with him.
“So how’s your lupus?” Pattie questioned as the two women were placed in white leather sun chairs, watching the ocean from a quiet area in the shade.
“It’s way better than before the surgery. It still doesn’t really allow me to be in the sun a lot though. So I guess I’ll have to live with being Snow White from now on,” she laughed as the older woman joined in, laughing musically.
“Well, the good thing is that you can stay here with me and keep me company,” she chuckled, looking down at the huge crust keeping her fractured left foot safe.
“It’s so nice to spend some time with you again,” Selena admitted, a fond smile showing on her lips.
“You two sweetie,” Pattie responded. “I’m honestly so happy you two found each other again. And it seems that his time around, you’re both in a much better place.”
“We definitely are. He’s so different now,” Selena uttered, turning her eyes in the direction of her boyfriend who was currently swimming around, enjoying the warm ocean completely unaware of their deep conversation.
“I can’t believe how much he has matured in the past year,” the petite woman expressed.
“I know,” Selena agreed. “Now he’s the mature one of him and me. He’s the one talking sense into me,” she continued as her sweet laughter filled the air.
“You tried talking sense into him for years, so I guess he’s returning the favor,” Pattie reasoned, her chuckle making the atmosphere light and casual.
“On a more serious note though, I always knew this was him. This is the Justin I know,” the brunette actress revealed.
“Me too. I always knew he would eventually find himself again. He just needed time to figure that out himself,” the mother pointed out wisely.
“I’m just lucky he still chooses me, even with everything that happened,” Selena looked down, slightly uncertain if she was sharing too much.
“Well he’s just as lucky that you still choose him,” Pattie justified supportively. “I see it in his eyes. He loves you with his entire heart, and he always has.” The comment made Selena look down shyly, a faint blush creeping onto her cheeks as she giggled quietly. The sincere moment was interrupted by Justin’s loud voice that echoed slightly.
“Babe! Come on! Get in the water,” he called, his hands creating a circle around his mouth in order for his words to reach his girlfriend.
“I guess I should go keep him company now,” Selena chuckled, giving Pattie a knowing look as she slowly got up from her comfortable position, walking carefully through the warm sand until she felt the water hitting her toes.
“Come on,” Justin repeated, his hand waving her towards him. Selena slowly made her way through the deepening water before she finally reached him, her hands instantly circling around his neck as his strong arms went around her waist. He lifted her up easily and she wrapped her legs around his torso, the water making her light as air.
“Hey,” he breathed, his face only inches from hers.
“Hi,” she smiled while looking into his eyes passionately.
“I missed you,” he confessed before pressing a sweet kiss to her lips.
“Well, good thing I was less than a hundred feet away,” she giggled as Justin couldn’t help but move his lips to hers once more.
“This is how close you should always be,” he urged, tightening his grip on her.
“I wouldn’t mind that,” Selena winked. “By the way, where are your swim trunks?” she wondered as she became aware of his naked body.
“Inside,” he grinned.
“Only you babe,” she chuckled, shaking her head.
“It feels awesome to swim around naked, you should try it,” he smirked as his hands went up and down her waist that was covered by the fabric of her black swimsuit.
“Justin, I know the feeling. We have skinny dipped before,” she reminded him.
“And we should do that again,” he asserted.
“Not here,” she refused. “Your mom is here, plus we can’t be a hundred percent certain that we’re alone. I thought I was alone at the beach in Mexico,” she muttered, referring to the pictures that had surfaced online around New Years.
“Babe, nobody has any clue where we are,” he pointed out. “Don’t be paranoid,” he continued as his hand moved to stroke her cheek. He looked at her so sincerely as he tried his best to get her mind off all the negativity surrounding her.
“Okay,” she gave in. “I will try not to focus on any bad feelings. You deserve that.”
“I deserve that?” he looked at her in confusion.
“You deserve only happiness. No negativity, let’s just forget about reality,” she explained.
“I think I can do that,” he smiled, placing a soft kiss on her cheek before he moved his lips to her ear. “I love you so much baby,” he whispered, sending shivers down her spine. It was like she needed to remind herself that he was really there, right in front of her, calling her his baby again.
“It feels so good to hear you say that, you now that?” she expressed as they locked eyes.
“I’m glad you don’t get sick of me saying it, cause I do it pretty often,” he chuckled, a loving tone to his voice.
“Never,” she stated with such force that Justin knew she meant it with all of her heart. “And I love you too. More than anything in the whole world.”
“I honestly still don’t know what I did to deserve you,” he breathed.
“Justin, stop it,” she answered sternly.
“I’m serious. In a situation like this I still have to pinch myself to realize you’re really right here in my arms,” he described.
“If you weren’t so damn charming I would cringe at your level of cheesiness,” she laughed lovingly before cupping his face in her hands. “Why are you so damn cute?” she asked rhetorically before pressing a firm kiss to his lips as he smiled against hers.
“You bring it out,” he reasoned.
“Well, I’m honored,” she reacted as they stood in silence for just a moment. “It’s so beautiful here,” she changed the subject, looking around at their exotic surroundings as she gently pushed herself off him so she was standing on the sandy ocean bed before grabbing his hand loosely. “The ocean is so clear. And so nice and warm,” she noted as she let go of him and swam further away from his body, enjoying the feeling of the clean ocean that made her feel weightless. She looked back at her boyfriend and squinted her eyes when the sun almost blocked her view. It reflected in the water and illuminated her face beautifully.
“Come back,” Justin whined as he took in her beauty and carefree behavior. She responded with a giggle as she noticed the pout on his face and quickly made her way back. He caught her in his arms as spun them around in circles before getting back into their previous position. “That was mean,” he poked her nose with one finger.
“I was literally gone for five seconds,” she chuckled.
“Too long,” he argued. She laughed loudly before pecking his wet lips. “Alright babe, let’s get out of the water,” she decided.
“Jump on my back,” he commaded as she linked her arms around his neck from behind and bounced in the water until she was steadily placed on his back.
“This will be a quite a view for your mom,” she remarked as the ocean gradually covered less and less of his naked body. He laughed at her comment as he slowly started jogging out of the water.
“Looks like she’s sleeping,” Justin observed as they neared the sun chairs. Selena used her legs to jump off his back before handing him a towel and grabbing one for herself too. They quickly dried themselves before Justin tied the towel around his waist and Selena wrapped herself up in her own.
“Let’s lay down,” Justin suggested. They stepped towards the sun chair before both settling, Selena cuddling into Justin’s embrace. He placed faint kisses in her hair as they enjoyed the sound of the small waves crashing.
“You’re cold,” Justin registered as he felt Selena slightly shivering in his arms. She nodded her head and snuggled closer to him.
“But I don’t wanna get up from here,” she whispered before burying her head in his chest. His arms went up and down her back in a fast pace, trying to bring some warmth to her body.
“Let’s go inside babe, I don’t want you to get sick.”
“True,” she conceded. They got up to a standing position before Justin’s arm went protectively around her shoulders, guiding her inside. Once she got out of her soaked swimsuit and into a comfortable pair of shorts and a tank top, she found Justin sitting on the edge of the bed, enjoying the view in front of him. She placed herself on his lap as his hands instantly locked securely around her waist.
“The Maldives are beautiful,” Selena breathed.
“I thought it had to match your beauty,” he charmed, his voice sincere as his lips pressed against her jaw.
“You’re sweet,” she blushed and placed her head on his shoulder. “I never wanna go back.”
“Let’s just enjoy our time together. Like you said earlier, let’s forget reality,” he advised.
“Reality sucks,” she sighed as her mind drifted off to everything going on at home.
“Let me remind you of our earlier talk. No negative thoughts. Only positivity. And love,” he spoke. Selena turned her face towards him as she responded with a soft kiss, letting her lips linger on his for just a moment. Once they separated, she moved the side of her head to rest against his as they stared into the horizon, never wanting reality to hit them ever again.
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b0blegum · 7 years
Redamancy [FOUR]
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Author: b0blegum
Pairing: CEO Yoo Kihyun x Reader
Rating: G
Genre: Romance, Drama
Status: On Going
Part: Pilot | One | ch. 2 TEASER | Two | ch. 3 TEASER | Three | ch. 4 TEASER | Four | Five | ch. 6 TEASER | Six 
Words: 3.2k+
He was so broken and afraid of Love. Never thought he would return one’s love in full anymore.
a/n gif credit to owner || Start from this chapter there’d be some parts on each chapter where it’d be better reading it with some background music. So, get the song(s) ready (manually, just YouTube it or spotify or whatever you like) and play it when you see the Headphone symbol. 
In this chapter, the song i’d like you to listen to is Blue Ocean Floor by Justin Timberlake.
“Will you be mine forever?” Kihyun opened up the tiny box gently, giving the woman who sat across him a full sight of the diamond ring.
Her mouth was slightly ajar. Eyes locked on the ring before she turned her gaze to Kihyun. Blinking slowly, she sighed.
“Is this why you keep insisting me on having this dinner?” She looked disappointed.
“You know how serious i am with you. You always asked me to prove it to you.” His hand still stretched out on the dining table. “So, will you accept this and be mine forev–”
“But the situation’s different now, Kihyun.” She closed the box slowly and pushed Kihyun’s hand down. “This is all meaningless now.”
“No, no. Nothing’s meaningless. You should only say yes and it’s all good!” Kihyun persuaded. “We could have a small wedding and-and we could just runaway after that if you want.”
“No, Kihyun. Your parents hate me more than anything and marrying me is only making it worse.” She looked down. “And you can’t runaway just like that. You have a company to manage now.” Her sentence got Kihyun looked down for a bit before he locked his eyes with hers again.
“Listen, I’m going to make them like you again. I will do anything to make them like you and. I promise.”
“You think they’d like me after all that? No, Kihyun. That’s impossible.”
“Impossible is me not marrying you. That is impossible.” She went silent.
“Kihyun. You know how much i love you and how. badly i want to be with you. But i can’t.” She put her napkin back on the table and slowly stood up. Walking to Kihyun, she lowered herself to the same level with Kihyun’s cheek, he gave him a soft kiss. “I love you, Kihyun.”
She then walked away, almost running. Following her, Kihyun called her name numerous time.
She walked faster. Closing the elevator door quickly before Kihyun could managed to got in. Tears already pooled up on his eyes, but she tried her best not to let them fall rolling down her rosy cheeks.
Scenes of the good memories she and Kihyun made started playing in her brain. Reminding her how happy she was, when they were together.
It was raining that night and her hairs soaked so badly as she tried to stop the taxi. Her perfectly polished heels were stained from muddy puddles you stepped on carelessly.
Not succeeding at stopping the taxi, she tried to cross the street.
“Oh, come on!” She heard Kihyun called her name and him panting after running. She stopped in the middle to turned around to see him.
“Yah, yah, yah!” He ran towards her with a frightened look so prominent on his face. His eyes were wide opened as he kept shouting. “Yah, move!” He gestured as he looked to her left. Copying him, she looked to where he looked and in a second her eyes widen, pupils constricted, taking the blinding lights in and suddenly her whole body freezed when her ears were deafened by a loud horn.
“Jiyeon! No!”
You almost dropped the pancake you were about to set on the plate when a loud shout was heard from Kihyun’s floor. You stopped doing what you were doing for a second but nothing happened, so you continued cooking your very first breakfast for your boss.
“That scared me.” You sighed as you poured the syrup on top of the pancakes and showering them with a bit of icing sugar.
Turning around, you almost jumped in shocked seeing the man you know so well already sitting on  a bar stool.
“Oh my God, you scared me!” You stepped back. “A– i meant, Sir, you scared me.” Carefully you put the plate in front of him, but he didn’t budge at all.
He was covered in sweat and his eyes looked empty. His breath was heavy as he just ran 20 laps on a soccer field.
“Are… you okay, Sir?” You looked at him carefully. He unbuttoned the first two buttons of his pajamas without changing his eyes direction.
“Water.” He whispered, still catching his breath. “Water!” He repeated.
“A– y-yes, Sir.” You rushed to the fridge and poured him a glass of water and you even brought him a box of tissue. “You don’t look okay, Si–”
He eyes quickly met yours after he drank the water bottoms up.
“I don’t want to talk to anyone today. Do not disturb me.” He said before he stood up and left. “Plus, i hate pancakes.” He added as he took the first step of the stairs to his floor.
Rolling your eyes, curse words almost slipped out of your mouth.
“Oh my God. What is up with his personality? He didn’t even say thank you for the water.” You looked down, shaking your head in disbelief.
Curling under his blanket and wrapped himself into a cocoon, Kihyun closed his eyes tightly, trying to suppressed the sore memory he didn’t even want to remember for his whole life, yet it kept coming to him, creeping like a ghost every night on his sleep.
“Jiyeon…” you recalled the name Kihyun shouted this morning. “That sounded like a girl’s name.” You looked to the high ceiling as you chew on your pancakes. “Was he having a nightmare?” You curled your lips. “No, no way. He wouldn’t scream a name if he was.”
You fed your self another piece of pancake when you suddenly were reminded of something.
“Could that be?” Your eyes turned into the coffee table in front of the couch. “Ah… don’t know. It probably just him sleep talking.” You shook your head.
Before your brain already finished processing, your body already started to move. You were slowly approaching the coffee table.
“This is the rack, right?” Your eyes locked on the small rack under the glass surface. Gripping the small knob, you pulled it slowly, trying to not make any frictions.
“Uh?” You found nothing inside except a white glossy paper. Carefully you took it and flipped the paper.
It was a photograph.
A photograph with a date stamped on the down-right side of the photo; 21 August 2016. There were two people on the photo. A man and a woman. The man was hugging the woman from behind and they looked really happy in that photo with smiles spread on their face. The wind that day was no doubt strong that it blew the woman’s hair, making a dramatic effect to their sweet pose in front of the white sandy beach.
“Is this…”
“What are you doing there?” You gasped, hearing a strong voice filled with anger from your behind.
“A– it's–” You stuttered as you tried to put the photo back but he walked so fast towards you and quickly snatched the photo and put it back himself. “I’m sor–” before you could even say anything, he grabbed your wrist and threw you to the nearest wall until your back made a thudding sound due to the sudden contact with the concrete wall.
Ignoring the fact that you were hurt, he caged you with both his arms fixed onto the wall. Face just inch away from you that you could feel his breath.
“What were you thinking you were doing, huh?” His eyes were dark, intense, full with anger and agony.
Pressing on your wrist to hold back the pain from his grip, you stuttered.
“Do you think because you live here, you could touch my things freely?” There’s no hint of human left in his gaze. He turned into a complete monster. He was in a serious furious state right now that it scared the hell out of you.
“Answer me!” He punched the wall on your left. An inch closer he could hit your face.
“I’m sorry, i didn’t mean to intrude your privacy-” still sttutered, but you finally managed to say things.
“You didn’t mean. You didn’t mean my ass!” He swung his hand and about to slap you when he stopped himself.
“I’m sorry. I really didn’t mean to do that.” You cried. He stepped back and turned around, rubbing his face and brushed his hair back before he bumped himself on the couch behind him.
Lulling his head back, he closed his eyes and tried to catch his own breath. “God.” He murmured.
Feeling really scared, you tried to slowly walked into your room.
You felt really terrible right now. You really need a friend to tell everything about what just happened to you but you just can’t. This beast had made you throw away your phone and deleted any numbers you had including the number of two person that you really need right now; Elena and Hoseok.
Crying, you curled under your blanket while holding your wrist with a red mark still prominent. It felt like he crushed your wrist. He really grabbed it hard that it left an awful mark for a long time.
“So, that was it for today.” Kihyun adjusted his suit jacket. “I still need the stocks report, so please submit it before lunch.” He stood up, dismissing the meeting.
You gathered your things on the table. Avoiding eye contact with Kihyun, you looked down as you followed him out.
His walk turned a bit slow, like he was giving a permission for others to walked passed him but you.
“You, my office.” He said after everyone left. Looking up, you already found him close to his office, opening the door and shut it closed.
Gathering all the courage you have left for facing your boss, you pushed the door of his office slowly and hesitantly stepping in.
He was standing at his favorite spot. Behind the window, looking afar to whatever spread down there on the ground.
Noticing your presence, he turned around and pushed the small button on his table to turned the window blind on before he leaned on his desk, leg crossed.
“Does that still hurt?” His voice sounded monotone and that didn’t sound like a question at all that you had to made him repeat himself. “Your wrist. Does that still hurt?” He pointed out.
“Oh- uh, it’s…”
“I saw you keep covering the mark with your sleeve during the meeting.” You tried to looked at him in the eye and surprised to found him be the one who avoided the eye contact.
“It’s alright.” You lied. It still hurt a bit and at some part, it even left a purple-blueish mark.
“Hand.” He gestured. You kept silent in your place. “Give me your hand.” He repeated with more dominance in his voice. Stepping forward, you hesitantly showing him your hand.
He grabbed your hand gently and the contact made you flinched your hand a bit. Slowly he pushed your sleeve up, exposing your wrist. He was being too careful doing it and as he tried to turned your hand around, you felt his expression softened.
He gave a soft pressure to your wrist and it made you groaned in a really low voice, but not too low that he still could hear it.
“This won’t do.” He commented as he put your sleeve back down. “Follow me.” He stood in full height and left his office.
“Where are we going, Mr. Yoo?” You asked as you tried to keep up with bis walking pace. He kept silent until both of you entered his car and he gave a command to his driver.
“To the hospital.” He said in short.
The car darted fast to the hospital and Kihyun immediately took care of everything for you to be taking care of.
You refused at first because this was not something serious that needs extra care from doctors. You really just need some ointment and in  two days, the purple-blueish mark will vanished like magic. But of course, Kihyun was being Kihyun and he wanted everything to go his way. You didn’t know what he exactly told to the doctor, but he made them applied something on your wrist and wrapped it with bandages.
Leaving the hospital, he told Mr. Kim to slide the partition up to have the full privacy at the backseat.
“I’m sorry. I hope you feel a lot better.” He said, coldly.
“It’s alright. Actually i don’t need all of these.” You looked at your hand that was now covered in white  fabric. “But, thank you, Mr. Yoo.”
As expected, he didn’t reply.
Both you and him were looking out. You really admired the new sight of the part of the City you’ve never been on and him pretending to enjoy the view until he opened his mouth, unexpectedly, breaking off the solemn silence.
“I almost married that girl.” He started.
You turned your head to him and quickly realised what was this all about.
“Uh, Mr. Yoo. I… think i don’t need to hear any of it.”
“My parents liked her so much and keep telling me when will i marry her,”
“Mr. Yo–”
“But one day, her father’s company went into bankruptcy that sent him and her mother to a really great depression to the state they need to be taking care of in a mental institution.”  He ignored you and keep going on with his story. You could hear the change in his voice. The confident, cold voice slowly turned a bit shaky.
“Mr. Yoo, you don’t need to tell me–”
“Then my parents knew about that and started telling me to break up with her. That she is no good for me. But i opposed what they wanted and keep on dating her.” He looked pathetic right now, like he slowly breaking the wall of himself and starting to show another side of him to you. “I planned on marrying her since the day i met her, so i keep on my plan and proposed her without my parents consent.”
You looked at him and really wanted to comfort him right now, seeing how broken hearted he was.
He then scoffed and put on a bitter smile. “But she rejected me.”
“I’m sorry…”
“I told her we could runaway from my parents to live in another country or everywhere she wanted to, but she kept on saying no.” He looked down with the bitter smile still plastered on his face. “But she told me that she loves me that night before she ran out the restaurant. I kept on chasing her but i was too slow and i regretted not chasing her right away,”
“Mr. Yoo, it’s alright you don’t have to tell all of it-”
“She got hit by a car and she died exactly in front of me.” He finished off.
Your mouth was slightly ajar. Didn’t know how to react to his last sentence.
“And that was the last i love you she told me.” He smiled. This time wasn’t as bitter as before.
“Mr. Yoo, i… i really didn’t need you to tell me all of it,”
“(Y/n), do you really think i hired you because i am worried that you might tell others about who am i or how do i look like?” You were confused at his sudden out of topic question.
“I… don’t really understand, i’m sorry?”
“Do you really think i told you all these stories about me and my ex because i caught you red-handedly looking at the photo of me and her?” He looked at you, intensely.
“I need you.” You bit your lip still in confusion. “I really need you to help me, (y/n).”
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Fear never wins
Type: One shot | Imagine about Justin Bieber Rated: Rated R for Sexual Content Warning: There is abuse the first part of this imagine BUT its not by Justin Word Count: 4,111 Enjoy! I could feel the air escaping my body. My feet slowly leaving the ground as he tighten his grip around my neck. I reached out gripping a knife in my hand lunging it forward into his side. I pulled my arm back as the knife exited his body blood running on the floor. I thrusted my hand forward again hitting his stomach as he finally let go. He collapsed to the ground holding his stomach as he started to go in and out. I backed away as my heart started to race again, trying to catch my breath. I ran into our room trying to fit as much as I could in my bag. I swallowed hard as I tipped toe back downstairs, walking in front of his body. He was lifeless as I finally got to the front door, I ran out of the house. I started to run down the street, holding my bag close to me. My feet hitting the ground as the neighbor started to call the police. I just wanted to be free I wanted to get away, the lights started to edge closer. I stood still like a deer trapped in headlights. Two cop cars trapped me in as I looked at the lights. I finally dropped my bag as they moved closer to me, pulling my arms behind me. Everything was silent as they handcuffed me moving me to the car. The tears filled my eyes and fell onto my cheeks as they closed the door of the car. I was lead to a room as they finally released the handcuffs. I grabbed my wrist rubbing it slightly as the cop sat down across from me. "Im Andy and I need to ask you a few questions" he broke the silence in the room. "What questions" I looked up. "Why were you running down the street with a knife and blood all over you" he asked. "I stabbed him" I admitted. "We found him and he's at the hospital" he nodded. "Is he dead?" I questioned. "We don't know yet" Andy said. "Im sorry" I looked down at my arm. "Why did you do it?" Andy asked. "He had his hands around my throat" I mumbled. "It was self defense, we will get things taken care off" he nodded as he got up from the table. They took pictures of my bruises before I was released. I grabbed my bag and left the station, I was down town and I questioned what I wanted to do. I started walking down to the bus station. I bought a ticket and hurried onto the bus as it was just about to take off. I sat down in the seat finally relaxing as the bus took off. I wasn't sure where I was headed but I knew I was finally safe. I drifted off to sleep on the bus and really didn't know anything until I felt the bus stop. I finally went through my bag and slipped on my flip flops before getting off the bus. I followed people into the local store, I grabbed a bottle of water and checked out. I walked down towards the pier and looked out towards the water. The sun was coming up as it was finally a new day. I sat down on the beach as the bus pulled off with everyone else, this is where I felt like I needed to be. I pulled my laptop from my bag and checked all my messages. Of course, there was a message saying something about Alex and that he was in the hospital. I knew that lifestyle or that live back there was something I couldn't go back to. "New here?" someone asked. "Uh?" I jumped as I heard their voice. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you, " he said as he moved in front of me. "You didn't, just a rough night" I nodded. "You came off the bus, " he said. "Yeah​, just wanted some time away" I put my laptop back in my bag. "That's nice, " he smiled. "Know any place where I could get something to eat?" I asked. "I know a place, come on, " he reached for my hand. I grabbed his hand as he helped me up. I grabbed my bag as I followed him to the local restaurant. It was a small town so everything was really in walking distance. We got a table for two, he pulled out my chair before sitting across from me. I smiled as I sat down, grabbing the menu as I started to look at it. Everything looked good, but I just couldn't decide on what I wanted to get. "What's good here?" I finally asked. "Having trouble, " he chuckled slightly. "Everything just looks so good" I smiled. "The fish is really good, " he nodded. We ordered our food and drinks as well. Once the waitress walked away we started to talk and just enjoyed each other. It was nice to actually have someone I could talk to that wasn't Alex. We finally got our food and that was the only time things got quiet between us two. He ordered dessert as well, but I didn't want anything. I reached for the check when it came but he beat me to it. "I'll pay for mine" I nodded. "Don't worry about it, " he took out his wallet. "We just meet, you don't need to pay for mine" I said. "I got it, it's the least I can do for the newbie" he smiled. "Thank you, " I gave up wanting to pay. He got up from the table and paid for the check. Once again, I grabbed my bag before getting up, I followed him out of the restaurant. We went back down to the beach sitting on the shore. I pulled my hair back in a bun as I rested my bag between my legs. Leaning back in my arms as I watched the waves crash onto the beach. The breeze was blowing and it has been just a peaceful day, plus I had good company. We mainly stayed on the beach all day. I guess I didn't realize how fast the time was actually going. Before I knew it the sun was going down and the air started to turn cooler. I finally pulled out my phone and saw that it was nearly 8pm. I also saw messages from a lot of people, I just didn't want to deal with it. I turned my phone off and shoved it into my bag, pulling my legs up to my chest. "What's wrong?" he asked. "Nothing, Its getting pretty late" I responded. "Yeah​ I know, will you be ok?" he looked at me. "Yeah​ ill be fine, you should go" I looked at him. "Today was nice, I hope we can do it again sometime" he got up from the sand. "I would like that" I smiled as I got up. "Good night" he leaned in kissing my cheek. "Night" I bite my lip as I watched him walk away. I grabbed my bag and walked towards the breakfast and bed inn. I checked in and got to me room, laying back against the bed. The next morning I woke up bright and early. I went down getting brekfast before going to change my number. Of course I had to buy a new phone witch I didn't mind if it meant that I could get away from my past. I went back to the restaurant we ate at last night and asked for a job. It was my lucky day since she was actually looking for help. I started to settle in this new place and I could say I really started to like it. I kept hanging out with my new friend as we grew closer together the reason why I was here started to melt away. "I see that you work here now, " he smiled as he leaned against the bar. "I needed a job, got to have money to live" I looked at him. "True, " he chuckled slightly. "What are you doing here?" I asked. "Just enjoying this beautiful day, " he responded. "I get off in an hour, " I wiped the counter down. "I'll be on the beach, come find me?" he questioned. "Sure" I turned to get back to work. I finally finished my shift hanging up my apron on the hook. I punched my time card, before leaving going towards the beach. I looked through the people trying to find him. I just couldn't seem to find him so I started to think that maybe he ditched me. He sneaked up on me, placing his hands over my eyes. I jumped at first, but then calmed down once I heard his voice. "Guess who" he whispered in my ear. "I know it's you" I laughed as I pulled away from him. I turned to face him, I didn't realize how close he was to me. My hand bumped into his chest as he stood looking down at me. I bite my lip as our eyes meet, just wanting to kiss him. He placed his hand against my cheek as he leaned down slightly. Placing his lips against mine, I leaned up on my tippy toes keeping the kiss between us. I placed my hand on his arm as he kept his hand on my cheek. I smiled against his lips as I felt him pull away, resting my forehead against his. I eased back on my feet as I looked at him, his hand against my hip. "I have something planned for you" he said. "Oh you do?" I asked. "Yeah​, trust me?" he questioned. "I do" I looked at him. He grabbed my hand, leading me to a boat. I was hesitant at first, but finally got into the boat with him. He got behind the driver seat and we were off, I took a seat behind him. The breeze caught my hair as it started to blow, it was nice but a little chilly. He nodded to a blanket next to me as he looked back towards me. I wrapped the blanket around me as I got up moving to the seat next to him. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder as he turned the engine off. We were just floating in the middle of the ocean just us, which was nice. "Cold, " he rubbed my shoulder. "A little bit, but I'm sure you can keep me warm" I smiled as I looked at him. "It will be my pleasure, " he smirked as he pulled me closer to him. "I'm sure" I wrapped my arms around his waist, resting my head against his shoulder. "Just us and the fishes" he kept me close to him. "Fishes are interesting" I chuckled slightly. "Not as interesting as you are, " he kissed my forehead. "Not interesting" I looked down at my hand. "You never told me where you are from or why you are here" he said. "Just from Charlotte" I nodded as my heart started to race. "Whoa, just calm down, we don't have to talk about it, " he rubbed my back trying to calm me down. "I-I just don't like talking about it, that's why I moved here" I sighed. "Its ok, im sorry I bought it up" he titled my chin up, placing his lips against mine. I smiled into the kiss, placing my hand on his chest. We kept the kiss until the boat started to rock, there was a shark under it. He tried so hard to get the boat to start but the engine was dead. He pulled out his cell phone and there was no service since we were so far out. He called for help on the boat radio hoping someone would come and help us. "What do we do?" I questioned. "Don't panic, they can sense that just tried to stay calm" he said. "I'm trying" I took a deep breath in. "It will be ok" he rubbed my back. I leaned up kissing his lips softly, keeping my hand against his chest. His hands gripped my hips, pulling me onto his lap. I placed my hands on his cheeks, keeping the kiss between us. His hands slipped from my hips onto my ass squeezing slightly. I pulled against his lip as the kids started to get intense. I pulled away again as the boat started to rock once more. I moved off his lap as he got up and tried to restart the boat. He kept trying to restart it and finally it did. He returned us back to shore and I was glad that my feet were back on the ground again. He got off the boat and wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me closer to him. I leaned into him as we walked back to the restaurant. "You want to go back to my place or I could drop you off" he said. "Maybe we could head back to your place, watch a movie?" I questioned. "Sounds fun, " he smiled as he grabbed my hand. He leads me back to his car, opening the door for me. I got into his car as he did as well, buckling my seat belt before we took off. We headed to his place, its a plus to be in a small town because we didn't have far to go. He unlocked the door as he held my hand in his leading me into his place. He kept my hand in his as he pulled me close to him. Leaning back against the wall as he placed his hands on my cheeks. I smiled as I looked at him. He titled my chin slightly placing his lips against mine, softly kissing me as I stood on my tippy toes. He lifted me up slightly allowing my feet to be on top of his. I ran my hand down his chest resting it against his stomach. I kept the kiss between us, his hand slipped down to my neck. As soon as I felt his hand against my neck I pulled back. I gasped for air as the memories started to rush back to that night. "Hey, hey" he titled my chin up so I looked at him. "Sorry" I sighed as I looked away. "Don't be" he turned my chin back towards him. "Its complicated" I whispered. "We will take things on your pace, how about that movie?" he asked. "Yeah​" I nodded. He let go of me as he walked towards the den. I finally calmed myself down and caught my breath before following him. He had laid out a blanket on the floor with another one so we could wrap up. He also had the movie ready to go with the popcorn, he stood there watching me at the door. He reached out his hand for me, I walked towards him. I allowed my hand to slip into his hand as we sat down on the blanket. I rested back against the wall as he pulled me closer to him. I kissed his cheek as he wrapped the blanket around us. I rested my head against his shoulder as he pushed play. I played with his fingers as he held me close to him. About halfway through the movie I started to get bored and wanted to make things interesting. I threw a piece of popcorn at me and it started a popcorn war. I laughed as he threw a bunch on me, his laughter joined in with mine that filled the room. "You wanted this" he laughed. I laid back on the floor as my sides started to hurt from laughing so much. He moved over me resting his hands above my head, leaning down slightly. He hovered over me allowing his lips to barely touch mine. I slightly leaned up allowing our lips to meet, he smiled into the kiss. His kiss was soft but intense, I wrapped my arms around his neck. He moved a piece of hair from my face as he pulled away from the kiss. He looked down into my eyes as he started to try to figure out my story. "What are you looking at?" I finally asked. "You, your eyes are memorizing" he said. "Thank you" I bite my lip as I looked at him. "I love the way you do that" he leaned down kissing me. He pulled against my lip as he pulled me to him. He sat up allowing me to sit on his lap, keeping the kiss between us. I started to grind my hips down against him, his hands resting against my hips. He tighten his grip on my hips as he started to get hard. I started to pull against his bottom lip as I felt him get hard underneath me. I finally pulled away from the kiss as I knew it was getting to intense. His hand slipped up against my side, moving to my neck pulling me back against him gently. I kissed him softly but also in a teasing way as I wanted to make him work for it. I felt his hands slipped down to my his again. Gripping my shirt as his hands started to move up, I raised my arms so he could remove it. Throwing it on the floor, moving his hands around my back. As I kept the kiss between us I felt him unsnap my bra removing it from my shoulders. He pressed his lips against my neck slowly moving it down to my collar bone. I let out a soft moan as he started to move down, wrapping his lips around my nipple. He ran his fingertip along my other nipple as he flicked his tongue around one. I leaned my head back as I started to moan, his arm around me keeping me on his lap. He started to switch back and forth between my nipples. Making them hard also turning me on as I wanted more than ever. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he got up, wrapping my legs around his waist. He took me upstairs laying me down on the bed moving his body over mine. Leaning down to kiss me softly as he rested his hands above my head again. "You ok with this?" he questioned. "Yeah, I'll let you know you if I want to stop" I nodded. "Ok, I'll only do what you want me to do, " he peeked my lips. "Thank you for asking" I smiled. He moved his lips back against my neck. Kissing down my body to my belly button, looking up at me. I nodded slightly for him to continue down, he started to undo my jeans. I lift my hips slightly, allowing him to pull my shorts off. He also pulled off my panties so I was fully naked on his bed. He stood on his knees as he pulled his shirt over his head. I bite my lip as my eyes wondered over his body, waiting for him to remove his pants. He grabbed my hand pulling me up to him. I placed my hands on his waist band slowly moving towards the button. I looked up at him as I started to unbutton his pants. He tangled his hands in my hair, slowly placing his lips against mine. I slowly started to kiss him back, tugging gently at his bottom lip. As I kept the kiss between us I pushed his pants down and his boxers. I wrapped my hand around his shaft as I felt him moan against my lips. His thumbs brushed against my skin as he pulled away from my lips. He stood up allowing his pants and boxers to fall to his feet. I moved to the edge of the bed grabbing the back of his neck. Pulling him closer to my body, placing my lips against his neck. I pushed him down on the bed moving over top of him. He pulled me close to his chest placing his lips against mine. I reached over to the night stand grabbing a condom, opening it without breaking the kiss. I slipped over his tip as he moved his hand down. He finished putting it on before moving my hips over his. I smiled against his lips as I felt his tip rub against my slit. I wrapped my hand around his shaft as I lined it up with my entrance. I slightly started to sit back allowing him to enter me, sliding fully into me. He groaned as his hands gripped my hips tighter, I slowly started to move. He started to thrust up into me as I moved my hips down towards his. I leaned my head back as I started to moan. He sat up wrapping his arm around my waist, his hand against my neck. He titled my head forward placing his lips against mine. He kept me moving against him as I wrapped my arms around his neck. He thrusted his hips up as he moved me against the bed, opening my legs wider. He smirked as he looked down at me, moving faster and deeper. I gripped the bed sheet as I arched my back, edging closer to a climax. He thrust a few more times and took me over the edge, I clinched against him as I screamed out. He held his movement as he allowed me to fully experience my climax. He started to move again, thrusting deeper as he started to get close to a climax. He gripped my hips as he thrust harder bringing himself to a climax. He groaned as he filled up the condom, slowly removing himself from me. He lay beside me as we both tried to catch our breaths. I pulled the cover over us as we finally started to calm down. I moved the closest to him, resting my head against his chest, tracing my finger along his body. He smiled as he leaned down to kiss my forehead, pulling me closer. Somehow I felt as if I was right where I was always meant to be. We both slowly drifted off to sleep. I started to shuffle in the bed as I started to toss and turn. My breathing started picking up as the scenes ran through my mind. The bloody knife, his hands around my throat. I had nightmares about that day and I just couldn't never seem to shake them. "Hey, wake up, " he rubbed my shoulder. I gasped for air as I shot up in the middle of the bed. I placed my hands around my neck as I slowly started to realize where I was. I took a deep breath in and looked back meeting his worried eyes. He leaned up pulling me close to him, trying to calm me down. "Are you ok?" he questioned. "Yeah, just a bad dream" I nodded slightly. "You're safe, " he said. If only he knew how much hearing that meant. I knew I was safe with him I never questioned that. I knew I was buying in this town for a reason and maybe that reason was to start over. I was falling in love with Justin and I could tell his feelings were mutual. I lay back in his arms and fell back to sleep with him. In the morning I woke up when he moved out of the bed. I watched him walk into the bathroom, then into the kitchen. I got up putting his shirt over my body and pulling my panties on. I walked up behind him, wrapping my arm around his stomach, kissing the back of his neck. He smiled to himself before turning around peeking my lips. He made breakfast for us and we sat down to eat before we went our separate ways. I had to work and so did he, I walked to the restaurant from his house. I wrapped the apron around me as I walked to my first table of the day. I took their order and while I was putting the order on the board I heard someone come up behind me. "I found you" the person said. The sound of his voice froze me in place. I could feel my heartbeat faster as my breathing picked up. I couldn't believe that he actually found me, I was scared to turn around.
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anavoliselenu · 4 years
freedom chapter 10
The speed boat was racing through the water and cutting the waves in half. The motion was quite peaceful and almost lulled me to sleep.
Amun was skilled at many things, including piloting various forms of machinery. He had become rather handy; I think I might keep him around. Selena hated me for it, but I didn't care. As long as she was safe.
She was currently snuggled up to me on the comfortable bedding of the boat. My arm was over her shoulders, and we both looked out over the ocean as our speed increased. It didn't seem to be bothering her stomach at all. I was thankful. Vomiting would ruin the romantic and peaceful atmosphere I was trying to create.
We had arrived in Spain only yesterday, and she was already asking me to take her everywhere. She would get tired out before the fun really even started. I was trying to pace our vacation. We were on our way to the private island, which would be our homestead for the next four days. I had to get away with her. I needed it.
I actually didn't mind being on vacation with the family. It had been a long time, and it was necessary to leave Chicago for sanity's sake. This was the perfect place for an escape. I grinned to myself as I thought about their faces this morning when they woke up. Selena and I had prevented them from falling asleep with our late night shouting. They could laugh at me all they wanted for not getting blowjobs, but there was no denying the fact that I knew how to fuck my wife… really well.
But as much as I wanted to enjoy my honeymoon, I still had to remember that this was also a trip for business. That would come later.
For now, I was happy holding my wife close to me.
"Where are we going?" Selena asked over the roar of the engine.
"To our own private getaway," I said vaguely.
"I don't know what that means." Her brow crinkled. I started to smooth the lines out with my thumb.
"You'll know when we get there. Not too much further."
We had already been riding for about an hour, and we would soon begin to see the small landmass I had purchased from a wealthy businessman last week. He was looking to get rid of it, being on his deathbed and all. I offered him cash, and it was a pretty penny, but worth it. Carlisle had his own island, now so did I. Selena would freak if she knew I bought it for her as yet another wedding gift. I'd tell her later, after she'd enjoyed it too much to get upset.
Amun kept his eyes on the horizon, not moving and barely blinking. I sometimes thought he was a robot. Selena hated the guy with a passion. I just laughed at her protests.
My bicep was still sore as hell, but I could care less. I had been through worse. The far more serious issue was that of Selena's safety, hence the new guards. She didn't know it yet, but when we got back home, the house would be outfitted with more security. I wasn't taking any chances. After Mangicavallo's threat and the grocery store incident—two unrelated occurrences that put her in danger—I was more paranoid than ever. And on top of that, I now had a baby to think about.
I shook my head, casting my eyes down behind my sunglasses at Selena's stomach. She liked to wear things that concealed her belly. Today's was another flowing sundress, a dark green color. But when I took off her clothes at night, before we start rolling under the sheets, I could see just how big she was getting. We were only on month three, and she was starting to look like she'd swallowed a small basketball. I didn't know if that was normal or not, but we had a doctor's appointment scheduled for when we return to Chicago.
I think she thought that I didn't like seeing the evidence of her pregnancy. On some level, she was right. I realized that it was mine, and that the baby would be coming soon, but I wasn't ready. I wouldn't be a good father. Everyone seemed to disagree, but I knew it deep in my soul. I still couldn't wrap my mind around a baby right now.
I hated to admit it, but I needed to talk with my father. He would have wise words at a time like this. Unfortunately, he was helping orphans in Indonesia or giving out water in the Amazon. I wasn't really sure where they were.
"Sir," Amun called my attention, "we're almost there."
"I see that." I sat up. "Take us around to the south side. That's where the house is."
"Yes, sir."
"The south side of what?" Selena placed her sunglasses in her hair. "Are we going over there to that island?"
"Yes," I answered truthfully. "That's where we're staying for a couple of days."
"Oh, wow. It's beautiful." She tried to stand up, but I held her down.
"Selena, you're going to fall right over the boat and I don't wish to jump in after you."
"I sometimes forget."
I looked to my left where Francis was scowling at me from his traveling carrier. He hated to be in that thing, but it was necessary. Like Selena, he seemed to be overly clumsy and tripped over his own feet, even on a leash. Plus, I didn't think it wise to have a dog free on a speedboat.
He turned his head away from me in a way to say, We're not speaking.
I chuckled.
"Why did we bring him again?" I asked Selena.
"Because we can't leave him there. Emmett will feed him chicken all day. I don't trust them with my dog."
"He seems to get better treatment than I do."
"Don't be jealous." She ran her hand over my thigh. "You're still my number one guy."
"Good to know."
"I wonder what they're doing now?"
"Alice has plans. Lots of plans. Her itinerary looked extensive."
"Well, I'm glad we got away." Selena kissed my cheek. I felt tingles all over my body. My sex drive was incredibly active nowadays. I didn't know what that was about, but I tried not to question it.
Amun started to slow the boat as we rounded the island. It was small, smaller than Carlisle's, but I wasn't as rich as him. I ground my teeth at that as we continued to circle. Plush trees climbed up the hills and the white sand looked pleasurably hot.
"Is that our house?" Selena pointed to a mansion sitting amongst the foliage. It was Spanish in architecture and had massive bay windows that jutted out over the hills.
"It sure is. There's a smaller hut-type thing on the beach, if you prefer."
Selena's mouth hung open for a second. "You planned all of this?"
"I always do." I held her close.
We were off of the boat about ten minutes later. Amun helped Selena up, while I dealt with Francis. He was still mad at me, but shook off his anger when I let him free. He didn't know what he was steeping on and kept picking up his paws to examine them.
"It's called sand." I bent down and picked some up, letting it slip through my fingers. "See. It doesn't hurt."
He circled me, his stubby feet making small indentions in the sand. Once Francis decided that it was okay to walk on, he trotted next to me as I trailed Amun and Selena towards the Jeep that would take us up to the house.
Francis hopped up into the seat and went to Selena. I followed in after him and shut the door.
Amun took off, driving carefully over the crude road. All the windows were down so the warm, salty sea air flowed through the car. I could feel my hair becoming more of a mess the faster he went. Selena's somehow stayed beautiful and in place. I just watched her the rest of the way.
We stopped in the cobblestone driveway, and a short Spanish lady came out of greet us. She was in a modest maid uniform, so I assumed she was the housekeeper.
"Welcome, Mr. Bieber. We're so happy to have you," she said in her thick accent." My name is Angel."
"Podemos hablar en español si así lo prefiere." I told her that we can talk in Spanish if she preferred it. She shook her head.
"That's quite all right. I need to practice my English."
I took Selena's hand. "This is my wife."
"Oh, it's so nice to meet you." Angel hugged Selena and pinched her cheeks. She started talking fairly quickly in Spanish.
I laughed, "She says you're not fat enough to be pregnant. It's her goal to make you gain five pounds while we're here."
"Did you tell her I was pregnant?" Selena frowned.
"It's not that hard to see." I pointed to her stomach. At least, I could tell.
"Alec already thinks I'm fat."
I growled under my breath. "Don't listen to him. He's just trying to get you mad."
Selena had been pretty good controlling her emotions so far, but I could tell that if I didn't change the subject she would start crying.
The housekeeper could tell as well. "And you have a doggie? He's so cute. What's his name?"
"Francis." Selena's spirits picked up a little. "We had to bring him along. I didn't feel right leaving him."
"Your maternal instinct is strong." She smiled.
I didn't bother introducing Amun to Angel. He was unimportant to her. All she needed to know was that he'd be around. She didn't ask.
She took us on a tour of the house. Well, half of the house. Selena was too tired to continue after we reached the second floor. Maybe I shouldn't have bought something so extravagant, but it was my nature. I couldn't help spoiling her. I asked Angel to keep the fact that I had purchased this island to herself. I didn't want Selena knowing just yet.
I saw other staff members who stayed hidden when we passed. They were neither seen nor heard by Selena. When a large pan of chicken paella appeared on the table outside where we were sitting, she questioned me.
"Who made this?"
"Would you believe me if I told you I did?" I chuckled.
"Justin, be serious."
"I'm hurt." I pouted playfully.
"Did you hire more cooks?"
"Yes, I did." I started to spoon some food onto her plate.
"You have to stop doing that."
"Did you expect me to let you slave away in a kitchen all day?"
"Well, no, but it's not like we need five course meals every day. I can make small stuff for us."
"Selena, just accept that you have problems being taken care of. It's a chronic issue that probably won't ever go away, and I've resolved myself of the fact that I'm going to be fighting you on this for the rest of our lives." I poured myself a glass of wine. I gave Selena orange juice.
"I do not have a problem. You have the problem, mister." Selena took a bite of food. Her face turned into one I only saw during sex. She liked it. Then she corrected herself. Now she hated it.
"Just eat the food and enjoy your time off." I ordered.
"I feel awkward with people taking care of me."
"Are you going to go on some feminist bullshit rant about being independent and feeling useless?" I leaned back in my chair, waiting for her barrage of argumentative words.
"I don't rant and it's not feminist bullshit," she argued, popping a piece of chicken into her mouth. "I like being independent. If I were a man, I would be praised for that fact."
"Well, you're not a man and you need to accept that your husband makes a lot more money than you do. Therefore, he has the right to buy you things and treat you to things and take you places you otherwise wouldn't be able to experience."
"Why? Because I can't afford them?" She glared.
"I could buy anything you buy me with my own money."
"That ring on your finger cost a million dollars. I don't think you'll ever have that much." I smugly started to eat.
She leaned in and whispered, "A million dollars? But it looks so simple."
"Yes, Selena. I splurged on you," I joked. Little did she know this island cost about one hundred times that much, and it was in her name.
"Now I feel uncomfortable," she said, looking down at her ring. "What if I lose it? You have to take it back."
"Oh, come on. Don't get like that. It's just facts, Selena. I make more money. I can do things for you. You shouldn't shy away from that."
"But now what can I give you?" She shrugged. "I obviously can't buy you anything."
I really wanted to shy away from saying something cheesy like, You give me everything I need just by loving me. Even though it was true.
"I have never asked anything from you," I placed my hand on top of hers, "because I don't need anything material from you."
"I could say the same thing. Just… love me." She exhaled. "That's all I need."
I nodded. "I'm still buying you things. I care for you. That doesn't mean you have to depend on me. There's a difference."
Selena couldn't help but smile and she nodded as well. "I know. I just… feel weird. Charlie makes fun of me all the time now because I have so much money. What if it's changing me?"
"It should. Money changes people. Most of the time for the better," I stated.
She rolled her eyes. "People with money say that."
"Then why don't people without it run for public office or interview for corporate positions?"
"Because they don't…" She thought for a second.
"Have money or the education. It's a fact," I finished her sentence. "It all comes down to money. I know that makes me a dick, but it's the way of the world."
"So, if I was poor, then you wouldn't love me?"
"You're not poor, though. The question is invalid."
"If," she repeated.
"If you were poor, then I would pay for you not to be. Then I would love you."
"That doesn't make sense."
"It does to me."
"I was basically poor when you met me."
"Yes," I agreed. "But then you let me take care of you and now look at everything you have." I spread out my arms.
"If we ever get divorced, I'm taking everything you own." She clanked her glass with mine.
"Why would you say something like that?" I laughed. "You're ridiculous. We will never get divorced and if we did, I will scrap to the death for my money."
She shrugged sneakily. "Why are we fighting on our honeymoon?"
"That wasn't a fight."
"Argument then."
"You started it."
Selena smiled again. I lived for that smile.
Our opposing views on money were why we rarely brought it up. Selena thought I should be giving my wealth to charities or some shit like that. I did… for the tax breaks. And I dropped money into poor musicians' instrument cases when I walked by on the streets. That counted.
After our lunch, I asked her what she wanted to do. We decided on a walk around the island to explore. We took Francis, who now enjoyed playing in the sand. He jumped from side to side, trying to capture it between his paws. Selena enjoyed watching him.
"We have a week on the island. Don't tire yourself out!" I shouted to her when she waded into the ocean. The water was up to her knees.
"Don't you want to come in?" she called back to me.
"I'm not dressed for it." I looked down at my jeans.
I could almost see the roll of her eyes behind her sunglasses. "You can push them up."
"They created swim trunks for a reason, Selena. I'm not ruining a good pair of pants."
"Suit yourself." She swayed in the blue water and ran her hands across the surface. "It's so clear. I can see straight to the bottom."
"Selena, come out of there. You're going too far!"
"Come in here and get me."
"Don't tempt me, woman!" I roared. "Get out. We can come back later. I don't want you out here in all this sun."
Selena began to pick up her feet and moved towards the shore. I let out a sigh of relief.
"You know, Charlie is my father." She started to wring her dress to get some of the water out. "I don't need another one."
"I have two people to care for at the moment that are very fragile. Please, indulge me in my worrying." I handed her back the sandals she was wearing.
"I'm not a porcelain doll."
"Yes, you are." I wrapped my arms around her. "You're my porcelain doll."
She giggled, "You're being incredibly sweet and overly attentive lately. Should I be concerned?"
"I'm just enjoying myself… immensely," I replied when she placed her lips on my throat. "It's been a long time since we've had sex on a beach. Maybe we can…"
"Oh, Justin. Stop teasing me." She kissed my Adam's apple. "As much as I would love for you to take me right here, right now, we can't."
"And why not?" My fingers dug into her hips.
"Because I'm hungry," Selena whispered.
"Hungry? We just ate."
"Well, I can't help that. Your son is insatiable. He's always pestering me for more food."
"My son?"
"It has to be a boy. Girls don't eat like this." She took my hand and aggressively started to pull me up the beach, towards the house. Francis followed dutifully.
Selena had a good time watching the cooking staff make her authentic Spanish dishes. She was in awe of the regional cuisine and took notes on how to recreate certain things so that she could duplicate them when we got home. Selena started to eat and moan all at the same time, like she had never experienced food before. It was erotic and oddly strange at the same time. I just watched. I had already eaten too much for the day, but she kept inhaling.
As the afternoon passed, my fingers started to itch in aggravation from being away from my phone for so long. I had turned it off when we arrived in Spain and left it back at the villa in Barcelona when I brought Selena to the island. I didn't want anything distracting me. I had been neglecting my wife as of late, and I planned to remedy that on this vacation. That didn't mean I could just forget about my work, though.
Bieber Inc. never shut down, so everyone was still working. My hope was that the place could run smoothly without me there. This was a trial run, but I didn't expect things to end well. Mario would probably have a head of gray hair by the time I got back. It was made worse by the fact that Jane was away as well. She helped that place function like a well oiled machine. I hadn't checked the stock markets, or watched the news, or even checked my emails since being here. I had a bad feeling about all of that.
I asked Selena what she wanted to do as the day went on. Pregnancy was taking a toll on her, and she became slightly sluggish after dinner. I didn't want to tax her, so we just lied in bed and talked. We hadn't done that in a long time. But talking could only hold our attention for so long.
Not surprisingly, the night arrived and sex became the main topic of conversation. I slid into her slick folds and took my time, making her feel just how much she meant to me. Last night was for fucking, but tonight was for love making.
After we were sweaty and perfectly high from endorphins, Selena laid her head on my chest. She clung to my naked body.
"I like pregnant sex," I admitted. "You're far dirtier."
"I don't know what's wrong with me." She buried her face into my side, embarrassed. "I'm insatiable."
"I hear that's supposed to happen."
"When will it stop? You must be exhausted."
"Not yet," I chuckled. "I don't think I'll ever tire from you." I kissed the top of her head.
Selena's fingers splayed out across my chest, playing the hair there. She liked to do that after sex. I didn't know why.
We stayed quiet for a couple of minutes. Our limbs stayed connected, skin against skin as we controlled our breathing.
"I think I need to go back to Forks in a couple of weeks," Selena stated calmly.
"What? Why?" I asked.
"I need to see Charlie and tell him… about the baby."
"You can't do that over the phone?"
"No. I've had too many important conversations with him over the phone in the past few months. I need to do this in person. I want to go alone."
"I knew you were going to say that." I rubbed my forehead in frustration.
"It won't be for long, just two days at the most. I need to get to know my step-mother and her children and I want to do something nice for Charlie."
"Like what?"
"I was thinking about… buying him a new house," she said skeptically. "He had to mortgage his so that I could go to school and then I went to jail and all that so…"
There was a jab of pain in my stomach when she said that. I hated talking about her time in prison.
"You want to buy him a house?"
She nodded, biting her lip. "I still feel guilty for putting him through all that. And now he has two new kids that need rooms and I know the house is falling apart. He probably doesn't have enough money to fix it up like he wants."
"What kind of house were you thinking?"
"There's this property on the lake he fishes at that's been up for sale for a while. I checked. I could get it for him and a boat and a fishing shed or something. I think he would enjoy that."
I smirked. "So what you're saying is, since you have the money, you would like to care for him?"
She bit my nipple gently. "Shut up."
"I'm just making sure I have it straight, because I recall having this same conversation not twelve hours ago."
"Well, yes. I guess you're right. Since I have the means, I want to make him happy and give him things."
"Now do you see my point?" I ran my hand along her neck, up to cup her face. "We're in the same boat."
Selena nodded, but didn't meet my eyes. "Would it be okay if I got him a house?"
"You don't ever have to ask me." I kissed her. "What's mine is yours."
"I'm sure it would raise a few questions if a couple hundred thousand dollars just disappeared."
"I'll go next month and tell him about the baby. When I'm sure…" She stopped herself.
"Sure of what?"
Selena shook her head. "Nothing. I forgot what I was going to say."
"You're lying," I accused.
She bit her lip. "They say that after your first trimester is over, you have less of a chance of losing the baby." Her voice was so quiet, I almost didn't hear it.
I exhaled through my nose. "Is that what you're worried about?"
"I just don't think I could tell Charlie and then explain something like that to him if I lost it."
I smelled the salt of her tears and could feel the wetness on my chest. Selena was the only woman I couldn't bear to see cry. Any other, I didn't give a fuck.
"Selena, I promise you that nothing will happen to you or this baby. This won't be like the last time."
She didn't look up at me. "You can't be sure of that."
"Yes, I can. We're doing everything we're supposed to and you're healthy. Nothing is going to happen. Last time… that was a mess. We didn't know what to do and things weren't safe for you to have a baby. It wasn't meant to happen then."
"I just get so scared sometimes. I think that I'm going to wake up from this dream and everything's going to be gone." She was sniffling pretty badly and used the end of the sheet to dry her tears.
"I wish there was something I could say to make you stop crying."
"Just don't leave me." Selena's arms clutched to my middle.
An hour later, she was sleeping heavily. I think today had been a little too much for her. Tomorrow would be more relaxing. I would make sure of it.
I continued to hold her, but sleep evaded me. Even on vacation, I couldn't shut my mind off. I had a million things that I was either worrying about or trying to forget. My head was always a mess.
I ran my hand over Selena's stomach. She didn't stir, so I rubbed in circles.
As much as I tried to put up a front and pretend like I wanted this baby, I didn't. The truth would hurt Selena so I never said anything, but I found it extremely hard to be connected with this thing growing inside of her on a close level. Sure, I loved the baby because it made Selena ecstatic, but I didn't feel for this baby as a father should. I tried, I really tried. I read the books and memorized the latest pregnancy articles so that I knew what was going on, but I'm not sure what I was trying to accomplish. I didn't want a child. Not yet. She did, though.
I kept my mouth shut because she was happy. I guess I could learn to love the baby, but as of now, I didn't really find any joy in the fact that six months from now I would be a father. It didn't make me smile or think about the future. I couldn't see myself bouncing a girl on my knee or wiping dirt off of a little boy's face. It didn't appeal to me in the slightest. What was I going to do? Was I supposed to feel some kind of joy from this?
The hours passed in bed and I still didn't feel like sleeping.
Sometime in the early morning, Francis started to scratch on our door. I didn't want to let him in, but when he started to whine, I got up. He hurried up to the bed and just looked at me, a plea to get on. I lifted him onto the sheets and he snuggled up to Selena. She put her arm around him, and they both looked incredibly peaceful.
I stretched my muscles, feeling the slight twinge in my back that I hadn't felt in weeks. I had resumed the rigorous workout schedule that I used to have when I was younger. I started right before we left Chicago to come here. Running. Fencing. Swimming. And lots of weights. I had a wide range of activities to work each part of my body, and I needed to get back in shape. I was disappointed in myself for slipping so far.
Thinking of working out just made me feel antsy. I rotated my sore shoulder and went into the bathroom. The injury from the grocery store was just a flesh wound, and the doctor used three stitches to bind it together, but it still needed cleaning. I used rubbing alcohol and just poured it over my shoulder, letting the excess drip into the sink. It stung, but I ground my teeth together. I taped a small piece of gauze over the lesion and stared at myself in the mirror.
With all that had been going on in the past couple of months, I had totally forgotten about time. My birthday was in a mere three weeks. I would be thirty. I didn't know how I felt about that. I always thought I would have accomplished more by then.
"You're one big fuck up, Justin," I told myself.
I went back into the bedroom and pulled on a pair of disregarded boxers. I opened the door and walked into the hallway. It was eerily quiet and all the lights were off. The wait staff was probably lightly sleeping in their own rooms, waiting to jump at the sound of my voice. As it should be.
I went downstairs, into the workout room that was located on the bottom floor. I found a simple pull-up bar and gripped it tightly. The first lift hurt my shoulder greatly, but I pushed the pain out of my mind and went again.
An hour later, I had completed a grueling set. Fifty with two hands. Fifty more with my left, then my right. Fifty more with both again. My arms shook when I sat on the bench, and I wiped a thin sheen of sweat from my brow.
There was a knock on the door. I raised my head to see Selena standing there in my white button shirt and nothing else. Her hair was matted and wild. Her eyes clear. It was incredibly sexy.
"What are you doing down here?" I asked.
"Came to find you."
"I didn't feel like sleeping."
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah, just working out my shoulder."
"The phone was ringing in our room a second ago. I didn't get it in time to answer," Selena said.
I stood up and briskly walked out of the room, taking Selena's hand on the way. Only one person had this house number, and he was instructed to only call in emergencies.
I went back into our room. I jumped over the bed and Francis towards the nightstand. My foot bounced as I held the phone up to my ear and dialed.
"Is everything alright?" Selena climbed onto the sheets. Her hands glided over my shoulders, onto my chest.
"It should be," I lied.
The phone rang and Emmett immediately picked up. "Finally, I've been calling your cellphone for ten minutes."
"I left it there and turned it off. What do you want?"
"We have to push the plans up to this week. It's the only time we can do it."
"What? Why? I'm not leaving if things aren't ready."
"We don't have a choice, Justin. They're moving the box again. I won't know where until it's too late. It's now or never. Get back here."
He hung up the phone and I dropped my head.
"What's going on? Did someone get hurt?" Selena asked worriedly.
"No." I groaned and hung up the phon., "Our plans have changed."
"Your work plans?"
I nodded. "This isn't how I wanted our vacation to go."
"It's okay." She rubbed my back. "I don't mind."
"But you should." I pulled at my hair. "I just wanted to give you a couple days off and we can't even have time for that."
Selena's lips kissed my spine. "Maybe I could stay here and when you're done, you can come back."
"I'm not leaving you here alone." I turned my head towards hers. "But maybe we can come back later. Is that something you'd like to do?"
"This is nice, but I don't really need to be on a private island to have a vacation. I'm fine with anything."
"Why are you so fucking accommodating? I want you to scream at me and call me names for ruining our honeymoon."
"You didn't. You have things that need to be taken care of. I understand. I always understand."
"I hate this," I muttered to myself, getting up from the bed.
"It's fine, Justin." She followed, taking my hand. "Don't worry about it. We're still in this amazing country and together. That's what matters the most."
"You're too fucking good to me." I kissed her strongly.
An hour later, we had packed one bag with a few things. I was planning on coming back to the island after all this shit was over, so I didn't need to bring everything. Francis was repacked into his crate, which he hated. Selena fell back asleep on the boat. I drove this time. Amun sat and watched the waters. It was early morning and pitch black at first, but as we neared Barcelona, the bright lights illuminated the sky.
I carried Selena towards the car and put her into the backseat where she could stretch out. I—once again—drove up the hills of the city. The gates of the villa creaked open, and a housekeeper was there to open the door.
"Good morning, Senor Bieber," he said. "Welcome back."
"There is nothing good about this morning," I snapped and carried Selena into the house. I placed her in our room. She sunk deep into the sheets, and Francis resumed his place at her side.
I shut the door quietly and ran into Emmett's massive chest when I turned around. "There you are." He snickered.
I pushed him roughly. "You couldn't have handled this yourself? You interrupted what might have possibly been the best vacation I've ever had. I hate you."
"Bro, you told me to contact you if anything was to come up. I did that. Don't get your thong in a bunch."
"Thongs don't bunch," I growled and pushed past him, going into the large office down the hall.
Alec and Jasper were waiting for us, looking tired.
"I don't know why we always have to work," Alec complained. "I can't even sleep anymore."
"You're young. You'll survive," I grunted.
Until the sun rose, we worked. We planned and made sure everything was in order. This was no small undertaking, but not impossible. It just took detailed preparation.
Sometime in the morning, there was a knock.
"I'm bringing in food," Selena said giddily, with a giant tray of assorted breakfast things.
Jasper hopped up to help her. "Selena, why are you carrying this?"
"It's not that heavy." She pouted when he took it away. She then looked around the room. Evidence of our work was everywhere. Coffee cups were littered on the table, papers, floor plans, and city records scattered the empty seats around us. We all looked like shit.
Alec, Jasper, and Emmett started to devour the food. I kept my head bent in work.
"You need to eat, Justin." Selena snaked her arms around my back. I quickly moved the papers in front of me so that she couldn't see.
"I'm not that hungry."
"It doesn't matter. Your body needs food."
"I'll eat later," I said dejectedly. "I promise."
She sighed. "What are you working on?"
"Nothing important," I answered, dryly smiling.
Selena wasn't easily deceived and sneakily weaved her arm around mine, sliding the papers from under it. I didn't bother hiding it anymore and just rolled my eyes, taking a long gulp of coffee.
"You're robbing a bank!" she shouted.
"Shhhhh," Emmett hushed her. "And not just a bank. It's a vault."
"A vault?" Her eyes were growing wider by the second.
"It's a vault with safety deposit boxes. Holds some very valuable items." I took the files from her. "It's nothing you need to concern yourself with."
Selena bit her lip and shuffled her feet. "Is it dangerous?"
"It's easy," I scoffed.
"We go in, get what we need, and leave," Alec assured her. "There aren't even that many guards."
"Yeah, but there security system is topnotch," Jasper groaned. "All these floor plans are great, but we're not going to be able to get in if we don't know what's around each corner."
They seemed to have forgotten that Selena was standing there.
"We're not supreme bank robbers by any means, so we have to make sure this is all going to go smoothly," Emmett said. "I don't like the odds, though. Too many things could go wrong."
"You know, I used to work at a bank when I was in high school." Selena shrugged. "I could help."
"Absolutely not." I shook my head. "Go downstairs to the pool or something. You shouldn't be in here."
"Justin, you need someone to go in there and see what the security system is like. I could pretend I needed to purchase a safety deposit box. Then they'd have to take me into the vault," she said quickly.
"No." I stood up.
"That's not a bad idea." Jasper tapped his chin.
"It is a good thought. None of us can get anywhere near the bank until we actually rob the place. We need to know exactly where the box is so we don't waste time."
"Justin, I can do it. It's easy. You said so yourself." Selena's hands rested on my face. "I'll just go in and pretend I'm a customer. They won't even know."
"Why can't Rosalie or Alice do it?" I challenged.
"Because I want to." Selena almost stomped her foot.
"After everything that happened at the grocery store and…"
"Amun can come with me. We'll be safe."
I had the final decision, but was ultimately out ruled when it came to a vote. I thought at least Alec would be on my side. I was wrong.
An hour later, I was sitting on a park bench across the street from the bank. I watched Selena and Amum walk in, and the waiting began. She was using her diamond ring as collateral, with some bogus story about how she needed it stored in the bank. She looked very hot in a dark blue dress and pumps that automatically made her sexier. I had to stay focused.
I leaned back, trying to look as casual as possible, but my heart was about to jump out of my chest.
Emmett and Jasper were walking Francis around the park, but always kept a close eye on the entrance. Alec was sitting on a fountain down the street, watching the police. We always had to watch the police.
It was a hot day out, but not scorching. The cars passed by without any indication that I might be up to no good. People talked on their cellphones rapidly in Spanish, but didn't even care that I was loitering. I looked like any tourist or nonthreatening man who just needed a little break. I pulled out one of Alice's guidebooks, pretending to read it.
Our plan was fairly simple, and if executed correctly, could be done without anyone being the wiser. We get in, get the box, get out, and go home.
Barcelona First National was the oldest bank in the city. It was set up before the turn of the century, before both World Wars. It was long lasting and well trusted. Diplomats kept their documents locked up. Princes kept their jewels inside plush containers. From the outside, the stone structure looked fairly normal. Nothing special. There were offices on top and the important items were in the basement. A robbery had never occurred. Or at least, never been documented.
The good thing about security systems, though, is that they're only good until someone learns how to break them. They're always breakable. Nothing is impenetrable. To top it off, Barcelona First National hadn't updated their system in a year. Next week, it would be too late. The locks and security codes would be replaced with newer models. This had to be done now. Tonight.
The phone in my pocket started to ring. I picked up.
"You're wife is so badass," Emmett chuckled.
"That's why I married her."
"Have you ever noticed that you worry too much?"
"That's not my fault. Did everyone forget that she was in a hostage situation just three days ago? She shouldn't even be on this trip."
"Selena's fine. She's not going to let anything get her down."
"I could have used a little more support when I told her no. You're supposed to have my back."
"She made valid points. We needed someone to go in there."
"Not her. I'm about to have a coronary."
"Calm down, Eddie. She'll be fine. You need to be worried about how long it's going to take before someone catches on that their box is missing."
"From what I know, he only checks it once a year."
"Right. But he's moving it soon. I don't know where. He'll figure out it's gone then or when the bank finds out first thing in the morning. And he'll be coming for you."
"I hope he does. That's the plan. If I have it, he'll be under my thumb. Not just him, but the whole family. They didn't head my warning so they'll face my wrath."
"Oh. Scary Justin is not a good side for you."
"Just keep an eye out for anything suspicious." I hung up.
Like I said, the Bieber men weren't bank robbers by any stretch of the imagination, but we were smart. This could be done, and it could be done well.
I tapped my foot and started counting each time I hit the pavement. By the time I reached one thousand, I was starting to sweat. Two thousand, my face began to twitch. Three thousand, I was about to go into the bank for another rescue attempt. I had been out here forever.
3, 134...
3, 135…
3, 136…
3, 137…
Selena stepped out of the bank and put on her sunglasses. Amun opened the backseat car door of the black Maybach for her and then scooted in himself. They took off, down the street, without once looking my way.
I casually stood up and sauntered around the corner. La Sagrada Familia was grand and intimidating from about a mile away. Throngs of people chattered in their tour groups on the way towards the famous church. I blended in with the crowds and followed the sea.
Once I reached the alley where our car was parked, I slipped out and continued at a slow pace. Alec, Jasper, and Emmett were already waiting. Francis was in the front seat, his paws on the dash, taking a guarding posture.
By the time we got home, I was more panicky than before. I raced inside to find Selena. She was sitting in the family room, drinking a tall glass of lemonade. Rose, Alice, and Jane were sitting around as well. I assumed Selena was recounting her story.
"How did it go? Did they guess anything? What did they say?" I fell to my knees in front of her. "Are you okay?"
"Justin, calm down. It was easy." Selena ran her hand through my hair. "Nothing happened."
"Tell us everything." Emmett flopped down on the opposite couch.
"Well, I just asked for someone who could help me protect something discreetly and they kind of turned their nose up at me until I told them my story."
"You used your engagement ring?" Alice asked in awe.
Selena nodded. "They could tell it was worth a lot, so they ushered me into the back and I had to sit in this room for a long time to wait. Then some guy came in and asked me all kinds of question about my ring and why I wanted to stored there."
"Were they suspicious?" Alec leaned forward.
"I don't think so. Why would they be? They didn't know me."
"You used the alias I gave you, right?" I asked.
"Yup. Countess Anne. It was really easy after that. They took me on a tour of the facilities and what I could expect." She dug through her purse and pulled out what looked like a solid gold key. "I have box 1097."
"Wow." Rose took it and inspected it with eager eyes.
"They wouldn't really let me leave unless I left my ring and I didn't want them to get doubtful." Selena looked to me, almost in sympathy. "I had to write a pretty big check for the deposit."
I had already set up a few accounts with alias for both Selena and I around the world, just in case we ever needed to hide again. It was simple to pull money from one account for something like this.
"That's alright. We'll get it back," I guaranteed her. "The bank account isn't connected to us anyway."
"What was the security like?" Jasper asked.
"Do you have those pictures you were using?"
Alec ran upstairs and came back a couple seconds later with what Selena was talking about.
"It's an old building and the government deemed it an important landmark back in the 70's, so the security can't be too lavish. No lasers, or automated voice activations. They can't put any of that in because they would have to redo the whole structure of the building." She laid the pictures out on the coffee table. "There's three floors that they put the vaults on. The security deposit boxes are on the second."
"We thought they were in the basement," I said.
"They were. Until last year. They had too many so they moved them into the larger vault." Selena pointed to a picture. "It's really big and they organize them by the year starting with 1921."
"How do we get in?" Jasper asked.
"There's a system of keypad locks that change every morning at seven so if you go in tonight, you should be able to use the ones that I got." Selena pulled out a piece of paper from her bag. "It's only the codes to the first two, but it should help, right?"
We all looked at the paper as if it were some rare artifact, not knowing what to say.
"What? Did I do something wrong?"
"No. How did you get those?" Alec sputtered.
"I just watched when the man put in the codes. I think he was more interested in my boobs than anything else." She shrugged.
That snapped me out of it. "What's his name?"
"No. You're not going to kill him." Jane rolled her eyes. "Go on, Selena."
"So there's five key pads, but this is only for a last resort. I think it would be easier to go from above."
"What do you mean?"
"This takes too long." Selena shook her head. "There's an alarm that trips if you go in and you're not out within five minutes. Plus, how are you planning on getting into the bank in the first place?"
"We were going to just bust a window." Jasper raised his eyebrows.
"Men are so crude," Alice tsked. "Why don't you just use the air conditioning ducts like they do in movies?"
"I was going to suggest something like that." Selena smiled. "The offices upstairs are for accountants and secretaries. They have a mail chute that goes through all three floors. Alec is probably the only one who could fit in there, but it's big enough for really large boxes."
We all looked to him.
"I'm not crawling into some stupid mail chute." He crossed his arms. "I'm not that small."
"You just have to fit your shoulders through and then suck in." Emmett patted his shoulder. "You can do it."
"I refuse."
"You'll do what I tell you to do," I shot at him.
He shut up.
Selena traced her finger over a floor plan. "It goes right down, past the vault, but at least you'll be on the second floor. That's all I can help you with."
"Where's the box specifically?" I asked.
"Box 404 is up front. I don't think you can break into that one by itself and take the contents. You might have to take the whole box out and just bring it with you. They looked really sturdy."
"We can do that." I licked my lips in anticipation for the hunt.
"There are guards everywhere at night. That's what the man told me, but you can easily just get rid of them. And video cameras. Lots of cameras. They're everywhere."
"We planned for that much at least."
"That's all I got." Selena put her hands in her lap.
"Your first time out. Good stuff, kid." Emmett left the room and petted her on the head like a dog. She pushed him away.
After everyone went off to do their own thing, it was just Selena and me.
"Did I do well?" she asked.
"You did amazingly. I'm very impressed." I kissed her softly. "But you're not doing that ever again."
The rest of the day went with us planning. Alec, Jasper, Emmett, and I stayed holed up in the upstairs office. We only left to use the restroom. I didn't eat anything, but food was provided almost every hour. I didn't know what Selena was doing, but I told her to sleep. She needed to rest.
The bank closed at five. We were leaving here and ten. It should be quiet enough by then to get our job done. Alec was the one who had to do all the hard work. He had to shimmy down the chute and get into the vault. Then he had to retrieve what we needed and get the hell out. I hoped he was strong enough to climb back up because there wasn't any way for us to help him. He was nervous.
Jasper, Emmett, and I had to deal with guards and security cameras. It was a hefty undertaking.
Selena forced us to stop during dinner. She pulled us all out of the room and shouted at Alec for putting up an argument. She later blamed the outburst on hormones. The cooks made us hamburgers and thick cut French fries. Just like I liked 'em. We were able to relax slightly.
All too soon, it was time for us to leave. Selena became increasingly clingy. She didn't want to let go of my hand and after our hug and kiss goodbye, she started crying profusely. Once again, hormones were blamed.
"Selena, I'll be back. I promise," I chuckled.
"No, you can't go. I won't let you." She cried into my shirt, staining the black fabric. "It's too dangerous."
"It's just a bank, Selena."
"You could get caught."
"Come on. This is getting ridiculous." Rose started to pull her off of me. "Get some sense about you, woman."
"Okay," Selena conceded. "Come back to me, Justin."
"Always with the dramatics?"
"They aren't dramatics when you're pregnant," Alice informed me. "Have fun!"
I got into the car, and Emmett roared out of the driveway.
Once we got to the bank, we sat at just surveyed the area. Very few cars passed since the business district of the city had long been closed.
"I don't think I can do this." Alec began to breathe heavily. "I'm not ready."
"Justin once broke into the records building in our high school and changed our grades. He had to climb up five stories and then jumped from a tree to the roof. This is a cinch." Emmett laughed.
"No, I can't." He hyperventilated.
I pinched the bridge of my nose in annoyance. "Let's get serious about this, you guys. No screw ups."
"There's like a five prevent chance that we'll get out of this without being caught."
Alec began to look sick.
"Alec, if you throw up in this car, I'll slit your throat." I glared at him. "And Jasper, stop scaring the boy. We're doing this. Everyone, out of the car!"
They did as I said, and we were standing in the street, down a dark alley.
"You good?" I asked Alec who was bent over, hands on his knees.
He nodded. "Just give me a sec."
"All you have to do is break into the offices and climb over to the bank. You can get in from upstairs and then go down the chute. Simple."
"Well, once you're on the second floor, the real fun begins," Emmett teased him. "Don't screw up." He left to deal with guards.
"Don't listen to him." I hunched down close to Alec. "You can do this."
"Yeah… If I don't make it… tell Jane I love her."
I rolled my eyes. "You've been hanging out with Selena too much. The drama is not necessary."
He grinned. "I expect a big birthday gift."
"Just go."I pushed him down the alley, and he escaped into a dark corner.
Jasper and I kept to the shadows and slunk along the far walls of the bank. Emmett had his chloroform cloth to disable the guards. He could be stealthy when he wanted to be. They should have all fallen by now, making my job a hell of a lot easier.
Once we were on the opposite street, we remerged as regular people who were just out for a night time stroll. There was a club on the corner that was bumping loud music and seemed to be the hotspot. A lot of people were outside, smoking. Jasper and I blended well.
We found the sewer grate in a deserted part of the street.
"I can't believe we're doing this." Jasper helped me lift the heavy iron covering off. We rolled it to the side.
I placed myself in the hole and started to descend on the ladder. Jasper pointed a flashlight down to guide me.
"Hurry up, Justin."
"Leave me alone. I haven't done this is a long time." I dropped down, my feet making splashy noise as I landed in dirty water. I almost threw up right there. The smell was horrible. I breathed through my mouth.
Jasper followed and landed next to me.
"This is so gross." I tried not to look down. "I'm going to be scrubbing myself for the next year."
"You can have Selena in the shower with you. She'll make you forget all about it." He chuckled.
"Shut up."
"You two were so loud the other night. I thought the house was going to fall down."
"You were all the way down the hall."
I smirked to myself in the dark.
We waded through the water, which only came up to our ankles, but it was still disgusting. Good thing I wore shitty shoes.
"There it is." Jasper pointed his flashlight.
"Hold it still." I dug into my belt and pulled out the large garden sheers. I easily cut through the pedestrian lock on the box and it swung open. "People are so stupid. Why wouldn't they get a better lock for this thing?"
"Because no one thinks anyone is going to wade through sewers to cut the electricity off for the entire street."
"There's a first time for everything." I clipped the head set onto my ear. "Are you ready?"
"Yes. Go. Do it now," Alec replied.
I pulled out the wires and plugs from the box. There were sparks and small noises of protest as everything came lose.
I could immediately tell that I had accomplished my goal. The loud thumping music from the club cut off and the street lights were suddenly gone.
"You have maybe five minutes," I told Alec. "Hurry up. We'll be at the car."
"Got it."
"Question. If we cut off the electricity, then why can't he just break in? The alarms won't go off."
"They have their own generator," I said. "But that's just for the alarm, not the cameras or lights."
"Damn them. Always trying to make our lives difficult."
We started to climb back up and I peeked out of the hole to see what was going on. It was pure chaos on the street. Without lights, people didn't seem to know what to do. I quickly hopped out. Jasper was after me within seconds. We rolled the covering back on and went into the alley.
We stripped out of our dirty, soiled clothes. Even our boxers. We put them into a trash bag and then redressed in spare jeans and shirts that we'd brought.
"Now we just have to wait." I leaned against the car.
Emmett came around the corner a second later. "The kid is going to get us thrown in jail."
"Shut the fuck up!" Alec growled in our ears. "I'm at the vault. I'm in."
"Did you put in the codes Selena gave us?"
"Yeah. They were the same ones. I don't need the others. The box is up front. Number 404, right?"
"Yes, and 1097. Don't you forget Selena's ring or you might as well not come back. I mean it," I said harshly.
"Okay, okay."
He knew what to do and how to use the tools we gave him.
We paced around the car. I checked my watch every five seconds. The minutes were dwindling, but I had faith in him. He could do this.
"Get in the car!" Alec screamed. "I'm almost out!"
I took the front seat and turned on the ignition, ready to leave at a moment's notice.
There was a lot of commotion from an alarm that was blaring loudly from the bank.
"Damn it," Jasper snarled. "He set something off."
Alec rounded the corner, carrying five cumbersome boxes in his arms. He looked flushed and disoriented. He threw himself into the car, and I took off before he closed the door. I peeled onto the street, which was still dark, but we passed a utilities truck that was on its way to fix the electricity problem, no doubt.
"Sweet!" Emmett raised his hands above his head. "We did it."
I didn't know how the police system worked here, but I was surprised to see no cars on their way to check out the alarm.
Alec was huffing in the backseat. "I'm never doing that again."
"How did you do?" Jasper asked.
"I got stuck… twice. My ass is too big."
We laughed at that and kept driving. I took several back roads and weaved through the city, just in case we were being followed. I found an empty parking lot for what looked like a grocery store and pulled over.
Alec nearly fell out of the car and proceeded to throw up on the street. He was sputtering and coughing up God knew what. His nerves had finally gotten the best of him. When he was done, he leaned on the back wheel. Emmett handed him a beer.
"Okay, let's get these bitches open." Jasper clapped his hands together and placed the boxes onto the trunk.
I used the garden sheers again and popped the locks. I had to use a crowbar to pry the first one open. It held Selena's ring. I placed it in my pocket.
"Why did you get all these?" Emmett asked Alec, who was drinking.
"I just pulled random ones. They'll have to track down each owner and tell them. It's less suspicious that way. They won't know we were targeting a certain box."
"Smart…" I muttered and popped opened the rest of the boxes. I think there were jewels and some precious pictures of someone who would never see those items again. I was more interested in the third box.
"Giuseppe Mangicavallo put this in storage in 1962. He's moved it from Paris to Geneva to Rome to London and finally here. Now it's mine." I was almost giddy as I opened the box.
We all looked inside and started to pull things out. It was fuller than the others. I found some stocks and bonds that looked like they were purchased in 1924 from a communications company. They were probably worth millions now. I would burn them later. There was an expensive looking necklace that held a large teardrop diamond and several other luxurious items.
"Aha." I dug deeper and pulled out a series of papers, which looked liked a series of documents that pertained to a pipeline that was built through the Congo in 1960.
That year was big for oil in Africa. Everyone thought that there were reserves in the southern part of the continent. Unfortunately, the data was wrong and there wasn't ever any oil there to begin with, but that didn't stop people from trying to get it. Large corporations spent millions to build plants and refineries.
Villages were destroyed because of greedy fuckers, who thought they had the right to roll people over for resources. Not only that, but whole ecosystems were changed because of their digging. Giuseppe Mangicavallo was one of those greedy fuckers. He and his partners killed families and left children orphaned just for oil that he never found. I put the estimated total at somewhere around a thousand people. All of this was of course, covered up… until now.
He had hidden away his records and all the things pertaining to his mistreatment. Rightfully so. It was almost laughable because he and his family were now all about stopping genocide in Africa. They donated money, made trips, spoke at lavish dinners to gain contributions. It was all a front. They knew it. I knew it. They could care less about Africa. It was all for the public perception.
The youngest son was running for office this year for a seat in the state Senate. If he wanted to win and me to shut up, they would have to answer to me. We came all the way across an ocean for a few documents, but it was worth it.
"Does that prove anything?" Jasper asked me.
I nodded. It was more than enough to have Mangicavallo bending to my will. I was once again, the King of Chicago.
"There is no easy walk to freedom anywhere, and many of us will have to pass through the valley of the shadow of death, again and again, before we reach the mountain top of our desires."-Nelson Mandela
All things Twilight related belong to Stephanie Meyer
I started to separate the whites and colors monotonously in our laundry room. It felt good to be home, but the chores were hell. Colors into one pile, whites into the machine. Boring.
We had returned from Spain three days ago, and after resting up, it was now time to get back to life. Two weeks away was beautiful, though. After the robbery, things just went smoothly. We didn't have to worry about crimes or business and focused on losing ourselves in Spanish splendor.
The security people from the bank called and informed me of my "missing ring". It wasn't that hard to cry because of my hormones, so I put on a show over the phone. I threatened to sue, and even got Justin to yell at them for a couple of minutes. Then we put the entire incident out of our minds. I didn't know what was in the safety deposit box that he stole, and I didn't ask. When it came to this, the less I knew the better.
After a couple days of rest, I was back to being normal Selena. The one who did chores and went to work. I did have to sleep for a full twenty-four hours, though. I think it was that long. I wasn't really sure between the jetlag and my exhaustion. Justin, unfortunately, didn't get a chance to sleep. He went right back to work and already looked worn out. It was as if our vacation hadn't happened at all.
I high hiss sounded from behind me, and I turned around quickly.
"Holy shit!" I screeched. "Alec!"
Valentino was slithering along on the floor. He was unthreatening, and most of the time I forgot about him, but he still snuck up on me. Alec said he had missed us while we were away. He slunk over to me and rubbed his head on my leg.
"Oh, sorry, Selena." Alec came in and lifted him up. "I'm cleaning out his cage. I forgot he was in here."
"You can't do that." I stomped my foot. "When the baby gets here, that thing can't come inside. I mean it."
"I know; I'll be more careful." He wrapped Valentino around his neck and arms, carrying him out.
Ten minutes later, Alec was back.
"Selena, I can't find my gray sweatshirt." He came into the laundry room with no shirt. "You know the one I'm talking about?"
"The one with the blue stripes or the white?"
"The white. Where is it?" He went through the clothesbaskets. "I know I left it here somewhere."
"I don't know. I haven't washed it yet, but if you cleaned your room once every month, you might be able to find something."
"Jane loves that thing," he thought out loud. "I wanted to wear it for our lunch date today."
Odds were: she had it, but I didn't tell him that.
"It'll turn up," I told him. "Here, wear this." I handed him something else.
"Alright, fine." He pulled it over his head.
"Are you ready for summer classes?" I asked.
"No, but I'll go because you're making me."
"You have to catch up. You're already behind from missing a full semester."
The regular school calendar had ended, but Alec needed to still be in school. Justin and I were forcing him to take a few classes over the summer. He didn't like that very much. It wasn't like he had a choice in the matter.
"I hate school." He crossed his arms, leaning against the dryer.
"School is good for you."
"I still hate it." Alec checked his watch. "Shit, I gotta go."
"Have fun."
He kissed my cheek and then bounded out of the door. "Bye, Selena."
I continued to sort clothes.
Finally, I was done after another half an hour of meticulously going through everything. We had packed a lot for Spain and brought back even more. Surprisingly, they had good maternity clothes over there. I took full advantage of that and bought two suitcases full of stuff.
I was growing bigger every day. My stomach kept protruding out, but I could usually hide it if I wanted. Soon, I knew that wouldn't be the case. My boobs were like cantaloupes and usually felt sore for most of the day, but the pain was beginning to fade. I figured everything was supposed to hurt at this point.
I had my twelve week check up in a couple of days, so I would be able to see how I was progressing. That excited me. This was really going to happen. My baby would be here in a couple months' time, and I couldn't stop smiling about it. Rose said it was a glow. I never understood it until now.
Could this really be possible? I never thought I could be happy like this. I had an amazing husband, a nice job, a good family, and a baby on the way. Of course, we had problems—more so than normal people—but they were just small obstacles. I didn't know what I was expecting, but when I left Forks five years ago, I didn't really think I would end up here. It wasn't a possibility.
I exhaled in happiness and turned on the washer. I watched the clothes tangle together for a minute before adding detergent. I shook the empty bottle when I was done.
"I think I'm going to have to get some of this," I said to myself.
Since we needed more detergent, I figured it was time for a full restocking.
Justin had a very specific list of things that he used for bathroom essentials; from soap to conditioner to body wash. I didn't mind using whatever, but he usually forbade anything with preservatives or artificial coloring from even being in the house.
All our things were hypoallergenic, extra soothing, deep cleansing, super moisturizing, and extremely vitamin enriched. His razors had to be vacuum-sealed and untouched. Detergent had to be made with natural ingredients and couldn't smell of anything. Cleanliness was the key, not scent. He would throw a fit if his toothbrushes weren't packed with care, and God help everyone if his shampoo wasn't perfect. The shampoo had to be right.
He didn't trust stores to carry most of the stuff he needed, so we ordered everything straight from the supplier.
It was kind of strange at first to call the headquarters of Dove or Gillette and ask for certain products, but they assured me it was okay. Now, it was like second nature to me. Every month or so, I would call with a long list of things with specific instructions, and the next day, a large box would arrive on our doorstep. Justin would unpack it and stack the things neatly in the bathroom, always with a happy smile.
We had a standing order, so it didn't take long for me to make the call, and I was assured that I would have my package tomorrow, rain or shine.
It was only ten in the morning, and I felt accomplished already. I didn't have work tonight, so I could stay in and cook instead of going out for dinner. I enjoyed days like this, when I had some time to myself to do what I wanted. It might seem strange, but I took pride cooking and organizing my rather large home. It made me feel useful. It wasn't like I could spend millions of dollars importing and exporting illegal things out of the county like Justin did. That was his high; this was mine.
I sat at the table and thought about what to do next. My answer nudged me under the table, and I felt a wet tongue lick my shin.
"Ew, gross. Francis, stop that." I bent down and lifted him up, setting him on my lap. He was getting pretty big, evident from the meals he engulfed every day.
I loved Francis so much it was ridiculous. I don't know how I became so attached to an animal, but I couldn't help it. I never had pets growing up, so maybe I was making up for that now. He was my companion. Maybe it would be the same thing with the baby?
"Do you want to go for a walk?" I asked, rubbing him behind the ears. His tongue lolled to the side. "It's a nice day out."
Half an hour later, Francis was collared, and I was in more suitable clothes for working out. The mid-May air was only slightly hot as Francis and I trotted down the street at a leisurely place. The doctor said I should exercise normally throughout the pregnancy, so this usually sufficed. I would walk Francis to the park all the way at the end of our subdivision, and then back again. All in all, it was about a mile and a half.
I took a deep breath and loved the feel of fresh air in my lungs. I didn't feel stifled at all, even though Amun was literally five feet behind me. He always was.
The house across the street from ours "mysteriously" went up for sale before we left for Spain. When we returned, the family had moved out. The next day, Amun and his security crew moved in. Justin didn't have an answer when I questioned him. More suspicious things seemed to happen as well around the house.
I could have sworn that I walked up to the front door after getting the mail one day and saw a video camera. It was gone when I looked that night.
Amun and I had an understanding. He left me alone, and I wouldn't kill him. He could be as close as he wanted. He just couldn't talk or be aggressively imposing. Most of the time, just like Valentino, I forgot he was there.
Francis jumped around the park for a couple of minutes when we reached it. I sat down on the grass and sipped from my water bottle. It was peaceful, and since the kids were out of school, they ran around the playground with carefree attitudes. They loved Francis and thought he was the coolest thing ever. He enjoyed the attention and didn't snap or frighten them. He was a good dog.
One of the mothers, Julia, came over to talk to me. "Hi, Selena."
"Hi, nice to see you again."
"You, too." She sat back down.
Julia was a nice lady, about my age, maybe older. Her husband was a pilot and spent a lot of time flying, but they had a little girl who was really cute. I liked talking to her because she didn't seem scared of me like most people in the neighborhood were. It was all because of Justin, of course.
"How are you doing today?" she asked, pointing to my stomach.
"Good. No more morning sickness, I don't think. At least, it hasn't happened in a couple of days."
"Oh, that's the worst." She scrunched her face up. "I couldn't stand morning sickness."
"It gets pretty bad and freaks Justin out."
"You two haven't made an announcement yet?"
"No, we're waiting until I tell my dad. He would die if he saw it on the national news or something."
I never realized my pregnancy would be so much of a hot topic, but it certainly was in Chicago. The photographers and press wanted a conformation. Obviously, anyone could see that I was pregnant, but Justin and I hadn't confirmed anything yet. We would have to soon. Even national gossip sites had articles about me sometimes. I found it absurd, but Justin told me it was to be expected.
As Alice had said, I was the first to get pregnant from the younger generation of Cullens. That was a big deal.
"You're looking really healthy," Julia commented.
"Thanks." I patted my stomach. "He eats so much."
"That's pretty normal. I gained forty pounds."
"Oh," My eyes grew, "I don't think I can gain that much. I would feel so…"
"Uncomfortable? Yeah, it's a curse." She giggled.
A couple of minutes later, I called Francis over and put the leash on him. It was time to go home. The kids didn't like that very much, but I needed a nap. I assured them that he would be back tomorrow.
When we reached our street, I saw a large truck backing into Victor and Victoria's driveway. It looked extremely suspicious, and my mind told me that something was up. I rarely saw either of them home. I'm not sure what they did, but I didn't like them one bit.
Victoria was coming out to get her morning paper when I passed. "Hello, Selena." She smiled. Justin had told me about her advances on him. He found them annoying. I wanted to kill her.
"Hi." I waved.
Amun made his presence known. Victoria eyed him awkwardly.
"So, I haven't seen you around," I said.
"I know. We've been really busy." She sighed. "Victor is in and out of the Middle East almost every week and I have to jet off to New York all the time. It's a hassle, but we make it work."
"What does he do again?"
"He's… a reporter." Her pause only furthered my mistrust.
I had a strong feeling that he was a weapons dealer. No, I knew he was. No one else believed me. Justin said he was clean, and Alec told me that they would know if he was up to something by now. But I know what I saw.
One night, something woke me up. I looked out of the window to see what it was and saw men unloading guns in his backyard. Justin was working that night, so I couldn't tell him until the morning, when all the evidence was gone.
"How is Justin?" she asked, batting her lashes.
"He's fine," I snapped.
"It's been so long since we've seen you and Justin together. Since… Carry and Barry's party, I believe it was."
"Yeah, probably."
"They're moving, by the way."
"Really?" That was news to me.
"Yes. He's being transferred to New York. We're having a going away party for them in a couple of weeks. I'll send you an invite."
"Sure." I wasn't sure Justin would like that, but we could show up for a couple of minutes and make nice.
"I think it's time to go, Mrs. Bieber," Amun whispered.
"And who might you be?" Victoria held out her hand for him to shake. He didn't.
"I'm a family friend. We just moved in across the street."
"I've known Amun since high school." I patted his extremely large shoulder. He was so tall I almost had to stand on my tiptoes.
"That's nice." She wasn't buying any of it, but I wasn't falling for her weak lies either.
The truck I had seen earlier opened and men started to carrying in large, pinewood boxes. They were foreign with dark skin and black hair. They almost looked like Amun. Just lankier. There were about five of them.
"Are you moving?" I asked, peeking around her to get a better look.
"No, just new furniture." She smiled falsely.
"From Pakistan?"
"What now?"
"From Pakistan, your furniture." I pointed to a box. "The stamp says 'Pakistan' on it."
"It's a rug." Victoria nodded.
Do you think I'm stupid?
We stared each other down for a second before Victor sauntered over, dressed in a nicely pressed suit. His low ponytail was the most disgusting thing about him, but I also hated his eyes. They were kind, but deceiving.
"Selena, so nice to see you again." He looked too happy to be talking to me.
"You too." I purposefully put my hand out. It might have been overly formal, but I needed a handshake. He gave me one.
His palms were rough, but still soft at the same time. I felt the callous on his skin that came from years of handling guns. There was a small burn on the underside of his hand that I could feel with my pinkie, and when I slid mine out of his, I brushed against more burns on his fingers. His hands were almost identical to Justin's. I should know since they had been up and down my body countless times in the past couple of years.
Reporter, my ass!
Victor didn't ask about Amun, so we made small talk about the weather and the baby. They didn't seem interested at all. I watched out of the corner of my eye as the men kept unloading boxes from the truck. If they really were weapons dealers then they were stupid to be doing things in the daylight, although, I wasn't really sure it mattered. No one around here would notice anything suspicious. Victoria's "new furniture" lie would have sufficed.
I left them both after our cordial goodbyes. Amun made sure I was settled inside the house before he went back across the street. He told me to just leave the neighbors alone and let them keep their secrets.
"It's not your job to prove their doing anything illegal," he said. "Let Mr. Bieber handle that."
Once he was gone, I defied him completely.
"How am I supposed to raise children if we're living next door to arms dealers?" I muttered to myself, grabbing Justin's binoculars off of the top shelf in his closet. I brought a chair over to the far window on the other side of our bedroom and plopped down.
I could see right into their backyard and a good portion of their house through the large windows. The curtains were open, and I spotted Victoria's red hair as she walked up the stairs.
This is how my obsession began.
I sat in front of that window all day. I didn't even leave to use the bathroom until the absolute last second. I didn't want to miss anything. Like I thought, I saw guns in the upstairs office cabinet when Victor went in to get a glass of wine. I counted six, maybe seven, and they were all military grade. No reporter I knew needed something like that. I brought out Justin's camera and took pictures. I wasn't crazy, and I was going to prove it.
I popped popcorn ate it because of my intense craving for something salty. I watched them like they were on display. I didn't really know what time it was, but smelled Justin's cologne as he entered our room at the end of the day, maybe sometime around five.
"What are you doing?" Justin came over and kissed my shoulder. "Spying on our neighbors, love?"
"Justin, I swear to God, those two aren't right." I was sure I looked insane with the camera on the tripod and a bowl of popcorn in my lap.
"Selena, leave them alone. So what if they're weapons dealers?" He began getting undressed after a long day at work.
"So what?" I followed him to the closet. "I don't like it. They're sneaky people and you need to talk to them."
"I'm not talking to them. They could be saying the same thing about us." He smirked.
"But they're bad people, Justin."
"Oh, Selena. You're so cute in your innocence." He kissed me.
"What do you mean?"
"Everyone has their secrets." He went into the bathroom. I followed hot on his heels. "The McKluskies down the street are selling meth from their basement, and Mr. Ropert is having sex with his fourteen year old lawn boy. It's possibly not concessional. I'm not sure yet."
"What? How are you so calm about this?"
"Because I don't judge. That's probably the only nice thing I do for this world. I'm the worst there is, and people give me a chance."
"But you do judge… everyone. All the time."
"You know what I mean. If people don't want me to know something, I either dig for answers or let it go. Victor and Victoria don't interest me."
"Bullshit! If they're arms dealers then they're taking business from you. It could be millions, Justin."
I knew that would get him. He stopped from leaving the room and spun around, taking the binoculars from me. He rushed to the window.
"I have pictures," I said and hung over his shoulder to see out of the window. "They got a shipment of something in from Pakistan this morning. I saw it while I was walking."
"Selena, you can't get involved in this," Justin scolded. "If something is going on, Alec and I will handle it."
"But I want to help. I'm the one who figured it out."
"It's too dangerous. Just let me talk to them. Maybe we can invite ourselves over for a dinner or something."
I remembered what Victoria told me on my walk. "They're having a party for Carry and Barry in a couple of weeks."
Justin groaned, "Do we have to go to that?"
"Where the hell are they?" His head wiped around, the binoculars still attached to his face, trying to find them in the house.
"They've been home all day."
"Oh," Justin exhaled.
"What? What's happening?" I took the binoculars from him.
I found Victor and Victoria in the upstairs bathroom. It looked like they were shouting, but the window was closed, so I couldn't hear. They were both red in the face, their arms flailing around.
I gasped when Victor slapped Victoria across the face. She stumbled backwards, and then regained herself, slapping him back… harder. He slapped her again. By this time, Justin had pulled out his own binoculars and sat a chair next to mine.
"What are they doing?" I asked in shock.
"Fighting, obviously." He exclaimed when Victor shoved Victoria into a wall. "Get her!"
"Should we report them? He might be hurting her."
"No, leave them alone. I don't think this is a real fight."
"What do you mean?"
"This is a fight… of passion. I can tell."
Justin was right. Once Victor and Victoria were tired of slapping each other, they collided in a fiery kiss. Clothes started coming off after a couple of seconds, and he lifted her up onto the sink. Justin and I had to lean forward so we could see. This was probably illegal, but it was just too good to look away.
"This feels wrong," I said, watching them more closely.
"I know. Like a car crash."
Victor was now completely naked, and I almost covered my eyes when he dropped his boxers, but didn't. He was hung… very nicely. It seemed like no one could rival Justin, though. Victor had a lot of girth, but he wasn't the longest I had seen. He was already erect, and curved to the right at an angle that looked painful.
"Hmmmm. I never figured," Justin said to himself.
"What is going on?"
Victoria removed her clothes as well, making me feel slightly inadequate. Her body was tight in all the right places. Not overly muscular, but long and lean. Her breasts were perky.
"Fake," Justin commented.
"How can you tell?"
"It's a gift." He shrugged. "They're the exact same size. Women always have one breast bigger than the other. Plus, you can see the scar tissue in her cleavage."
I inspected my chest.
"Your right one is bigger." He said without looking. "Your boobs are very nice with the pregnancy. I like them."
I didn't know if he was right about Victoria's supposedly fake breasts or if he was just trying to make me feel better, but I smiled a little.
What was surprising was the humongous bush growing in between her legs. It was just a red jungle down there. Victor seemed to like it, though. He placed her on the counter and lowered his head, licking with his tongue.
"He's doing it all wrong." Justin sighed. "God, man. Save some of your dignity. This is embarrassing."
"I can't believe we're watching this." I was somewhat giddy.
"It's live porn." He laughed. "Is this what you've been taking pictures of all day? You naughty girl, you."
"No, I promise. They weren't fucking when I was watching."
Victor had stopped with foreplay and moved Victoria to the tub. He bent her over the side and entered her roughly. She yelled out in pleasure and arched her back like a cat in heat. This gave us a perfect view of… everything. They were quick with their movements.
He wrapped her long red hair around his hand and pulled her head back so that she was arched even more. She was screaming. That much I could tell.
"I don't think we should watch anymore."
"We have to see them finish. I want to see her cum face. I bet it's hilariously disgusting."
You could tell when she was done because her whole face went lopsided. It was like she was having a stroke and started to shake uncontrollably. Her lips tilted to the side, and her eyes fluttered as if she was having a seizure. It was very unattractive.
"I hope I don't look like that," I said.
"Trust me, you have a beautiful cum face." Justin's lips kissed my neck. "Beautiful, indeed."
"Okay, we have to stop." I pulled the binoculars from my face and pushed away from the window. "We're going to confessional on Sunday."
"Uh-huh. Whatever you say." Justin had yet to move.
I had to drag him to dinner. We ended up ordering pizza since I slacked all day.
"So, Selena, when do you go to Forks?" Alec asked me at the table. Jane was joining us today, and I was surprised he even noticed me with her in the room.
"Um, at the end of the week." I swallowed a large bite I didn't mean to take. "It's just for two days."
Justin grunted his disapproval. He didn't like the fact that I was going without him, but I begged him to stay at home. Amun and two other security people were coming with me, so I would be safe.
"Are you excited to see your father?" Jane asked.
"Yes, but a little nervous. I have to tell him about the baby."
"He'll be happy. This is his first grandchild. His only biological one ever," Justin said.
"I just don't think we connect like we used to." I sighed. "He's disappointed me for so many reasons."
The conversation was bringing the table down, so we changed topics.
The rest of the week passed incredibly quickly.
I was getting more and more nervous about my impending trip to Forks, but didn't think about it much. I just needed to make sure Charlie was okay. I had purchased his house on the lake and planned on giving it to him when I got there. He would protest, but he would take it in the end. I would make sure of that.
Justin and I kept a close eye on our neighbors. I think we were hoping they would have sex again, but they didn't. Victor left the next day for a trip somewhere. I went over with a piece of their mail, which I had received the week before, but "forgot" about. When I invited them to dinner, she said that he was in Turkey and she was leaving for Texas soon. I didn't know how they had any sort of relationship with the amount of traveling they did.
The days went as usual. We readjusted ourselves back to normal after vacation, and I went back to work. Nothing exciting happened, but I did realize that Justin started working more at nights. He would come home with blood on his clothes, but I never asked why.
By the time Friday got here, I was more than ready to go. Justin was breathing down my neck about safety and about to have an aneurysm. Every morning, we had a fight about whether he should come with me or not. It took both Alec and me usually an hour to calm him down enough so he could go to work.
Thankfully, he wouldn't be sitting at home worrying all weekend. He had a big presentation to give to the board of city directors or something like that. I wasn't quite sure, but Jane said it was important. He would be spending most of his time on that when I was gone. She promised to keep him busy.
Bright and early Friday morning, I woke up and hopped in the shower. I found myself in an excited mood to see Charlie again. When I called and told him I was coming for a visit, he seemed excited; even more so when I said Justin wasn't going to accompany me. I thought I heard him scream for joy right before I hung the phone up.
"I want you to call me every couple of hours," Justin said as we sat down for breakfast. I would be leaving for the airport right around the same time as him.
"I know."
"And don't leave Amun's side the entire time."
"I know."
"God, this is so stressful. Maybe I should go with you." He sighed. "I think that's best."
"Justin, that's ridiculous," I almost screamed. "Let me go visit Charlie alone."
"I know, I'm being overprotective again, but I worry so much."
"Yes, you do, and you're going to end up killing yourself over me." I put my hand over his on the table. "Please, just stay calm. I'll call and everything will be fine. What do you think might happen?"
"I'm not exactly sure. I really do try to let you live a life, but I create things in my mind. You know me." He shrugged.
When it came time to leave, I was the one who had an emotional breakdown. I didn't know what had come over me, but I turned into a sniffling, crying mess. Justin and I rarely spent time apart, never more than a day that I can remember in the past couple of years. Now, I would be away from him for a whole weekend. I was trying not to be clingy, but what if he was right? What if something bad happened? I wouldn't know what to do.
"Selena, I have to go." Justin chuckled, trying to pry me off of him at the front door. "The car will be here to pick you up in five minutes, but I have a meeting that I'm already late for."
"Come with me," I begged.
"This is just outrageous." Alec stood to the side, shaking his head.
"I thought we went through this. You wanted to go alone and talk to your father." Justin held me at arm's length. "You'll be fine and be right back home in two days."
I nodded. "This baby is messing with my mind, Justin. I don't know how to act anymore."
"I know." He kissed my forehead. My lips were already chapped from our intense goodbye kisses, and if we started again, we might not stop. "I'll see you on Sunday, okay?"
"Okay. Bye" I kept my hands to myself as he started walking into the garage. He waved to me once more before speeding out of the driveway.
"You are an absolute mess," Alec said. "These mood swings are going to be the death of us."
"I can't control myself." I wanted to shout. "I hate this."
"Maybe it'll pass," he replied hopefully.
"I don't think so."
"God, help me." He threw his hands up in the air and went back inside.
I sat, Francis in my lap, until William knocked on the door. Amun put my single bag into the trunk of the black town car, and then waited for me to get in. I was still crying even when hugging Alec goodbye.
"I left some dishes in the freezer for you and Justin." I told him. "They have instructions so make sure you read them."
"I will, Selena."
"And stop feeding Francis chicken. He's getting fat and it's not healthy." I sniffled.
"I will, Selena."
"Keep Valentino outside and clean up your bathroom. It'd better be done by the time I get back."
"I will, Selena."
"I think I'm forgetting something."
He hugged me tightly. "Just get out of here. Have fun and tell Charlie I said 'hi'."
"Okay." I nodded.
Amun helped me into the car and then sat up front. Alec held Francis and they both waved to me goodbye.
"What is wrong with me?" I blew my nose.
"I believe they're called hormones, ma'am," William said from up front.
"If only I could wake up in seven months and have the baby then."
"You would miss the experience." He smiled in the rearview mirror.
"I guess you're right."
Forty-five minutes later, we had arrived at the private airfield outside of Chicago. I was taking the jet, since Justin thought it would be faster, and I wouldn't have to deal with an actual airport.
I was dressed in dark jeans and a simple blouse with black boots that had a heel on them. It was raining a little, so I put on my favorite navy jacket.
"There are reporters outside of the gate, Mrs. Bieber. Photographers, as well. Is that okay?"
"There's not much we can do about it, can we?"
"No, ma'am. Sorry." He got out of the car.
Before I could reach the handle of the door, Amun was there to open it for me. He stayed close as we walked towards the whirling plane. I saw the photographers who were shouting, trying to get my attention. I just kept my head down. I knew what the headlines would read in the morning: Selena Bieber takes off for Unknown Destination or They Cullens fly separately to Avoid Being Seen Together. All the gossip sites loved us.
I was situated in my seat a couple of minutes later and sank into the soft leather.
"Would you like something to drink?" Amun asked me.
"Just water, please."
He left to retrieve it and came back a second later. "I'll be up front if you need anything."
I pulled out my phone and decided to call Charlie. He had taken the day off so that he could spend time with me when I got in. He picked up on the first ring.
"Hey, kid. Where are you?"
"I just boarded the plane. We won't be leaving for another ten minutes, but I thought I'd call to let you know I'm on the way."
"We're all so excited to have you home. It's been too long."
"I know, Dad. I can't want to get there. How's Anna?"
"She's crazily trying to clean up. She gets so nervous when we have company. You're staying here, right?"
"No, I thought I'd stay at The Lodge," I said. That was the only hotel we had in Forks and he didn't have enough room.
"Really? I could have Bobby sleep on the couch. You can have his room."
"No, that's okay. I wouldn't want to put anybody out."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, we'll work it out."
"Alright, if you say so. When should I pick you up?"
"Actually, I have a car waiting for me."
"Oh, fancy. At SeaTac?"
"No, at the airfield near Port Angeles." I hung my head because I knew he was going to say something about this.
"The airfield?"
"Only small planes coming from SeaTac land there. There aren't any scheduled for today. I checked."
"And private planes."
"Who has one of those?" he scoffed.
"I do, Dad. I'm taking the jet to Forks."
There was silence for a couple of seconds before he cleared his throat. "Wow, Bells. That's… impressive."
"I know. Justin just thought…"
Charlie groaned. "I don't want to hear about Justin right now. What time are you getting here?" His voice turned acidic and harsh.
"Around noon," I replied.
"Okay, I'll see you at the house then."
He hung up.
I sighed and rested my head on the back of the seat. I didn't know if Charlie had a problem with my wealth, but it obviously made him very uncomfortable. Every time I called, he would make fun of me and say hurtful things, although, I doubt he realized the affect it had on me. He said I had changed. I didn't think so. I just wanted us to connect again like we used to. That might not be a possibility anymore, though.
I texted Justin one last time before we took off, and I was asleep soon after.
It felt like I had just closed my eyes before someone was shaking me awake.
"Mrs. Bieber, we've arrived," Amun said in my ear.
"No," I moaned.
"You can sleep in the car, if you'd like, but we need to exit the plane."
I opened my eyes and couldn't really see anything. I did feel a large hand take mine and guide me out of the seat. He began pulling me, and I plopped down the stairs of the plane before getting into a waiting car.
"Well, that was fast," I muttered, still trying to wake up.
"I haven't had the change to survey the area. I needed to get you under cover as soon as possible," Amun replied.
"This is Washington. The only thing you have to worry about is icy roads and trailer parks." I rolled my eyes. "But I do love it."
"It's better to be safe than sorry." He gave the new driver instructions. How Amun knew where Charlie's house was, I didn't know. He just had that kind of information logged into his brain.
"Can we turn off the air off, please?" I asked, snuggling into my jacket. "It's really cold in here."
The rain was coming down hard outside. It was only May, which meant it was still pretty chilly in Washington. I was freezing. A shiver ran down my spine, and I shuddered.
"Is that better, Mrs. Bieber?" The driver looked at me in the rearview mirror.
"Yes, thank you."
I called Justin and assured him that I had landed safely. The first thing he did was sigh in relief and then started asking me a barrage of questions about the flight. If I was safe? If I had my seatbelt on the entire time? If Amun was doing his job? I didn't bother answering half of them.
After we hung up with each other, I looked out of the window at the passing landscape. I couldn't help but smile. The rocky coasts and thick pine trees brought back a lot of good memories. Once we reached town, I was surprised at how much it had stayed the same. I was glad it hadn't changed much. It wouldn't be home without the same greasy diner smell and hardworking residents.
I started making a list in my head of what Charlie and I could do. Maybe we could go on his boat and fish. He always liked that, and I enjoyed it on occasion. Or maybe we could have a bonfire on the beach. There was so much I wanted to do while I was home.
We soon pulled onto Charlie's street. The houses hadn't changed, and the same families had been living in them since I was a little girl. I saw kids on their lawns, playing with their toys, and men working on their old, vintage cars. It felt… natural.
"We're here," Amun said and got out of the front seat to open my door.
I got out of the car and took a deep breath of air.
"I'll get everything set up at the hotel and then be back for you in about an hour. Is that okay?" he asked.
I nodded.
"I'll leave someone across the street in case you need anything, but I wanted to give you a chance to talk to your father alone without someone hovering."
I grinned. "Finally. You get what I'm saying."
"Just following orders, Mrs. Bieber."
"I know," I sighed. "And thank you. I guess I do feel a lot safer with you."
"That's the goal."
I started to walk up the cement path that led to Charlie's front porch. The house stood proud and wasn't anything overly grand, but it had been my home for such a long time. It almost brought a tear to my eye just thinking about it.
"Hey, kid. What are you doing out there in the rain?" Charlie's gruff voice asked. He was leaning against the doorjamb with a devilish smirk on his face. I was so wrapped up in my surroundings that I hadn't even noticed him.
"Hi, Dad." I almost tripped running towards him, but he caught me. I took a deep sniff, and he smelled like he always did: peppermint, leather, and beer. It might sound like a gross combination, but it was calming to me.
"It's so good to have you home." He swung me from side to side.
"It's good to be here."
He finally set me down and looked at me. "You seem so much older."
"You just saw me like two months ago."
"At your wedding, yeah, I remember." He rolled his eyes. "Come in."
I stepped over the threshold and looked around. The old, drab furniture was replaced with bright colored sofas, and light green paint covered the walls. It was a mixture of old and new. Charlie and Anna. I liked it a lot.
"This is… different," I said.
"I know. She likes to change things around and mess with colors." Charlie blushed and rubbed the back of his neck.
"It's cute." I saw the row of pictures lined up on the fireplace mantle. One of my wedding photos with my father was front and center. "Where is everyone?"
"Anna went grocery shopping, and the kids have camp during the summer. They'll be back later tonight."
"I didn't really have a chance to talk to them at the wedding."
"Yeah, Beth thinks you're the coolest thing on two legs." He chuckled. "Can I take your jacket?" he asked.
"Yeah, sure." I wasn't thinking clearly and just pulled off my coat, putting it on the back of a chair. As soon as I removed it, I felt a blast of frigid air all over my body.
I didn't realize he was staring at me for a least a minute. I tried to turn around, but it was too late.
"Selena… it seems like you're… pregnant," Charlie sputtered.
"Shit," I whispered to myself and then raised my voice so he could hear. "Uh, yeah. This wasn't how I wanted to do this, but I came here to tell you… I'm pregnant."
He scowled a little, and his stout mustache wiggled. His signs were easy to read. He wasn't happy.
"Well, congratulations, I guess." He left me in the hallway and went into the kitchen. I heard the refrigerator door open and the familiar pop of a beer can being opened.
I took my time following him, and then just stood there, waiting for him to speak.
"How many months are you?" he asked when he came up for air after chugging a good amount of beer.
"Three and a half," I said. "I found out after the wedding."
"So… you weren't married before… that happened?"
"No." I shook my head. "I got pregnant before."
"God, Selena." He groaned and hit his head against a cabinet door. "You couldn't just call me?"
"I thought you might want to hear it in person. It is a pretty big deal."
"I knew I shouldn't have sent you away to that big city," he said quietly.
"Dad, you don't have to be happy about it, but I just wanted to come and see you. I thought we might be able to go fishing or-"
He spun around and cut me off. "Why did you have to go and ruin everything, Selena?"
"You ruined your life. I didn't send you to Chicago so you could fall in love with the first boy who smiled at you. You were supposed to be somebody and do something with your life."
I was kind of stunned and didn't know what to say at first. "Why would you say that? I think I have made something of my life."
"Do you know what people say about you around town?" He didn't wait for a response. "They think you just left us all behind and changed into some kind of… celebrity."
"I didn't realize I had a contract to stay here and be the town's mascot." I was steadily getting angrier.
"I was so happy when you called and told me you were coming. I thought that maybe I might be able to talk some sense into you and get you away from that… man you married." He said the sentence with venom and disdain. It was rare to see Charlie in such a mood, but it did happen. I remembered his rage in high school when I screwed up, and he wasn't above yelling to get his point across. I didn't want my homecoming to be like this.
"He's not just some man. He's my husband, Dad. His name is Justin."
"I know what his name is!" Charlie, ironically, pulled a hand through his hair. "I was counting on you to make it in life, Selena. I wanted you to get out of this town and be somebody."
"I'm confused. I did exactly what you said and now you're mad at me?" I hadn't moved from my spot.
"He trapped you, Selena. Why can't you see that?"
"I'm not some young girl who doesn't know what's going on. Justin isn't trying to trick me into anything. I married him with a clear head and knowing full well what my life would become. You just weren't ready for it."
"You're right. You know why? Because I hadn't spoken to you in two years. You were running around with him in some country and left me behind."
"I thought about you every day, Dad."
"Well, that doesn't matter now." He shook his head. "I thought that I could talk you out of marrying him and that didn't work. Then I told myself that you'd come to your senses and see how bad he is for you and get a divorce. I was holding onto that, but now, you're having his child. You'll always be connected to him."
I gaped for a couple of seconds. "If I knew my pregnancy would cause such a reaction, I wouldn't have come at all."
"Maybe you shouldn't have. I want the old Selena back." Charlie's eyes were so full of love that it was hard to get mad at him, but I was.
"I'm the same Selena."
"No, you're not," he insisted. "I don't know this woman. She travels on private jets and gets made up in designer clothes and has a mansion in the suburbs. What happened to the girl who wore plaid all the time and couldn't even look at shoes with heels, let alone walk in them?"
"She grew up, Dad. That's what you're supposed to do when you go to college," I said slowly.
"I don't like what you've become and no one else around here does either."
"I don't care what everyone else says! Dad, I'm a good person. I haven't changed that much, and even though I dress better or have a big house, doesn't mean I'm any different. But so what if I am? Aren't I supposed to change?"
"Not like this. He's changed you," Charlie snarled.
I stumbled backwards a little before I caught myself. "Mom was right."
"What are you talking about?"
"All those years, she said you were trying to hold her back and keep her in this town. I always thought she was making stuff up, but now I see she was right the whole time. You want me to be here with you so I can take care of you. You want me to be one of the hundreds of girls who graduate from that fucking high school down the street and don't go anywhere."
"That's not what I'm saying, Selena."
"Yes, it is. You wanted me to marry Mike Newton and have three kids by now so you two could be fishing buddies. That's what you want, isn't it?"
"Mike. Now he was a good man." Charlie raised his eyebrows, daring me to argue any further.
"No, Dad! I didn't want Mike. I wanted to go to Chicago and live. That's what I did. It might not have been by your standards, but I'm happy. I really am. I love my husband and my life. I'm sorry if you don't like it."
"That man is a monster," he yelled. "He doesn't love you, Selena. He just wants a sweet girl to hold his hand at events and to pretend with."
"You think what we have is pretend? I wouldn't have gone to jail for him if I didn't believe in us."
"And that's another thing: why were you so sacrificing? What has that family ever done for you?"
"I don't have to explain myself to you, Dad." I scowled. "I came here because I wanted to have a good weekend and tell you about your grandchild. If you can't be happy for me, then maybe I should leave."
"You probably should." Charlie turned away from me.
"Um, is everything alright?" Anna shuffled into the kitchen, unaware of the crossfire she had just entered. She looked naturally pretty with her shoulder length, ashy blonde hair. Nothing like Renee, but I think that's what Charlie wanted. She smiled at me softly.
"Hi, Anna." I wiped my cheeks free of tears. "I think I'm going to go to The Lodge. My dad needs to cool off."
"I don't need to cool off, Selena," Charlie grunted. "I'm not changing my mind on this."
Anna's brow crinkled. "What happened?" She put the bags on the counter. "We were all so excited you were coming."
I sobbed a little. "I told him I was pregnant and he blew up at me."
"Charlie! How could you do that?" she scolded. "Congratulations, Selena."
"I will not congratulate her. She's being stupid and can't see how he's trapping her."
"Justin is a fine man," Anna argued. "He might be a little… rough around the edges, but he's good to her. We've talked about this, Charlie."
"Everyone thinks you're some kind of whore, Selena," he said to me. "You were supposed to be a role model. Now all these girls want to go off to the big city and find a rich mobster to marry."
"I can't believe you're saying this to me right now," I cried and was suddenly transported back to high school when I stood in this same kitchen, crying over something far less significant. I couldn't even remember what it was now, but the feelings were still the same.
"Charlie, your daughter is not a whore." Anna went over to him. "How could you say that?"
"I didn't mean to say that." He ran a hand through his hair again. "But you're embarrassing us, Selena."
I wanted to apologize, but I didn't know what for. I couldn't even speak. The temperature in the house suddenly dropped by at least a thousand degrees. It was suddenly teeth shatteringly cold.
"You don't mean that," Anna said. "Please, stop being so rude."
"I have a lot to get off my chest, and it's been building for years. I'm sorry if I'm being harsh, but I love you too much to let your life spiral down the drain." He sighed and moved closer to me. I backed away.
"You've changed just as much as me. I have never been so hurt in my life." I angrily swept the tears from my face. "I shouldn't have come."
"I'm trying to help you, Selena."
"You are making me feel horrible and I don't need this right now. I've already lost one baby; I'm not doing it again." I turned away from him.
"Wh- what?" Charlie stuttered. "What did you just say?"
"Forget about it," I whispered.
The door opened. "Mom! I forgot my lunch for camp. I have to run back after I eat here. Is that okay?"
A boy waltzed into the kitchen with a bright smile. He looked just like Anna. Bobby was her son from her first marriage, but Charlie loved him all the same. That's what he told me, at least. I was beginning to question his love for anything at the moment.
"Oh, hey, Selena!" He hugged my tightly. He was only ten years old, but almost as tall as me. "I couldn't wait for you to get here. How are Justin and Alec and Francis?"
"Um, they're good." I tried to hide the fact that I was crying. "It's nice to see you too."
"Bobby, go upstairs. I'll bring you something," Anna said sternly.
"Okay, Mom, but I have to leave in half an hour." He looked at us strangely, but didn't say anything and left.
"I think I'm going to go back home," I said to them. "It's obvious that I made a mistake coming here."
"Selena, don't do that. We'll get this sorted out. Charlie is happy that you're here. He's just having trouble coping with everything."
"Coping with what? This should be a happy time." Maybe I was just too optimistic. Could things really ever go back to how they were? If this trip was any indication then no, they couldn't.
"Selena, I'm sorry for saying those things, but it hasn't been easy on me. I had to watch you go to jail, and then you just disappeared. Now you're back, married, and pregnant with a child I don't want you to have. What am I supposed to say?"
"I don't know, Dad. I just don't know." I felt a sharp pain in my back and leaned over. "I think I'm going to go and wait for my car in the family room."
"Please stay. At least until tomorrow. I'm sure once Charlie calms down, he'll be better." Anna patted my back.
"Okay, I'll stay until tomorrow." I nodded with a smile. I couldn't look at him, though.
"Good." Anna sighed. "I'll take you to The Lodge if you want."
"No, that's okay. My car should be here in a couple of minutes. I'm going to sit on the couch." I sniffled my way into the other room.
Bobby was on the sofa, swinging his legs and watching cartoons. I sat next to him.
"Sorry about all of that," I said.
"It's okay. Grownups fight." He shrugged. "Are you hungry? My mom could make you a sandwich."
"No, I'm okay." I breathed heavily. The temperature was lowering… a lot. I almost couldn't breathe. My lungs seized up.
"Are you feeling alright? You look kind of sick."
"Yeah, I'm fine." I tried to sit up, but a prickly pain radiated from my side. I hunched over in pain.
"Mom!" Bobby shouted and ran out of the room.
There was a shuffling of feet, and then hands were on my face. "Selena, are you okay?" Charlie's voice said in my ear.
"Get away from me." I pushed his hands away. "Leave me alone."
"Oh, my God, Charlie she's burning up," Anna squeaked.
"Selena, can you hear me?" my father asked.
"Call Justin, please." Another pain, this time sharper, cut through my side. I could feel a cold sweat break out all over my body in response.
"I'm not calling him. I have to take you to the hospital."
"No, you don't care anyway. Just call Justin," I cried. "Please, just call him!"
My teeth chattered loudly, and my vision went hazy. I was suddenly so sick, but I couldn't figure out why. My mind just kept racing with possibilities, coming up short at every turn since I could no longer think clearly.
"Call him." My body shook from the tears as pain erupted in every limb.
"Selena, I can take care of you." Charlie insisted.
I vaguely noticed Anna rush over and grab my cell phone out of my jacket pocket, rushing through the list of contacts until she found the one she was searching for. I didn't ever hear the conversation, though, because it all went black after that.
I had some of my worst experiences in hospitals, getting bones reset or getting casts molded. But hospitals always gave me comfort, because I knew I would get fixed. It probably only made sense to me, but I found a strange sense of familiarity in the pristine halls of a hospital.
As my body started to awaken, I could immediately tell that I was in one.
The air smelled too clean. The sheets underneath my body weren't overly comfortable, but not scratchy either. I could feel how they were tucked with care around me and almost fell back asleep. The beep of a machine was far off in the distance, and I counted each chime. Thankfully, nothing hurt anymore, and my temperature was back to normal. I didn't feel the pull of an IV line under my skin, either, so that was good.
When I took a sniff of the air, I smelled faded cologne. It wasn't powerful at all; maybe I was the only one who could even detect it since it was my favorite.
I heard the soft tapping of a shoe on tiled floor and felt my body tingle all over. Not in lust, but in heated anticipation for when I opened my eyes. I knew who it was already.
Expensive Italian leather makes a very distinct sound.
I opened one eye and saw Justin sitting in a chair by the window in the small hospital room. He was dressed in a suit, telling me that he had flown from work. I'm sure his conversation with whoever told him to get on a plane was rather heated. It was dark outside, so I had probably been sleeping for a while.
Justin had his glasses on, shaking his head as he muttered to himself. He didn't look happy at all. I could feel the anger rolling off of him even from across the room. I watched as he pinched the bridge of his nose with force and sighed in frustration.
His phone rang. He checked it, but didn't bother picking up.
I shifted in bed, letting him know I was awake.
Justin's head snapped to my direction, and he was near my bed in a flash. "Selena, thank God." He ran a hand over my forehead, moving the hair away.
"How long have I been asleep?" I asked, my voice thick with disuse and dryness.
"About six hours. I just got here." He sat on my bed and sighed. This time in relief. "I've never prayed so much in my entire life."
"Really?" I chuckled humorlessly.
Justin nodded with a stern face. "I can't ever keep you safe, can I?"
"I don't know what happened." I tried to sit up, but found that I needed his help to do so.
"I'll tell you what happened. Your father stressed you out and drove you crazy. He's an asshole."
"You heard about our fight?"
"Yes. He and I had a very intense shouting match down the hall. I almost got arrested…twice!"
"He said a lot of bad things, but I don't think he meant them. I hope he didn't."
"Your father has some major issues that I don't care to get into right now. He's a jealous jackass who can't stand to see you happy."
"I'm sure that's not the case, Justin. You're being a little harsh."
He scoffed angrily, "You're in a hospital bed and he's out there bitching at me for ruining you or whatever lies he's spewing."
"He said you've changed me."
I could tell that Justin wanted to say something, but he let me continue.
"He thinks I'm supposed to be some kind of role model for the girls around here, and I let him down. I'm the town's embarrassing secret." I could feel the tears well up again, but didn't let them fall.
"That's not true, Selena." Justin pulled his chair to my side and sat down, taking my hand. "You don't owe these people anything."
"I don't think I've changed that much, do you?"
"No, of course not. You've just grown up into a woman," he assured me.
"He doesn't want me to have the baby. He doesn't want me to be married to you. I've disappointed him so much."
Justin's jaw clenched and a growl grumbled in his chest. "He had no right to say those things to you."
"Is he here?" I asked.
"I think so, somewhere. I threatened to kick him out if he didn't get away from your room."
"Am I okay? Is the baby all right?"
"I'm not sure. I haven't talked to the doctor yet. Anna said that everything was okay, though. I was trying to get in to see you, so I wasn't paying much attention."
"God, I never should have come here." I rubbed my face.
"I hate this town, by the way."
"Why? What happened?"
"You took the jet, so I had to fly public," he answered in revulsion. "Then I rented a car and had to drive here. I got lost like, four times and ended up on some fucking mountain. I ran the only fucking stoplight in this place. I almost hit two different deer, and I swear I saw Bigfoot in the parking lot. I didn't know where the hell I was."
We both had a laugh at his expense, but then sobered up quickly.
"Thank you for coming." I squeezed his hand.
"Where else would I be?" He kissed my knuckles. "I rushed out of a meeting with some very important people. I told them to fuck themselves when they demanded I stay."
He nodded. "I was going crazy on the flight. I just prayed that you and the baby were okay."
Our moment was interrupted by a knock at the door. The last person I wanted to see at this moment stuck his head in.
"Um, hi." Charlie cleared his throat.
"Get out," Justin commanded. "I can't look at you right now."
"I have a right to see my daughter."
"Not if she doesn't want to see you." Justin stood up. "Get out!"
"Look…" He moved closer to me.
I thought Justin was going to explode. He walked to the other side of the bed so quickly I had to do a double take. "Get away from my wife. You've already caused enough damage."
"I don't have to listen to you." Charlie glared at him. "I'm trying to help her."
"By calling her an embarrassment? You have no right to even look at her right now. You put her in the hospital."
"Why are you even here? Shouldn't you be at some fancy charity benefit or getting arrested?"
"You don't know a thing about me." Justin shook his head in disgust. "I don't really care for you, but you're Selena's father and unfortunately, I'm stuck with you until you're dead."
"You're crossing a line, boy."
"Get away from Selena," Justin instructed, his voice rattling with anger. He was trying to hold it together with his fists clenched at his side.
"Dad, we'll leave in the morning. You don't have to stay here," I said remorsefully.
"See what you've done," Justin roared. "You're upsetting her with your stupid comments…"
"She's my daughter. I know what's best for her," Charlie cut in.
"She's my wife, and she's carrying my child. If you can't deal with that then you need to make a quick decision. Either you're her father and stick by her, or you get out of our lives altogether. I won't have you causing her added stress."
"How could you say that to me?" Charlie's mouth stayed open in shock before he stuttered, "I love her."
"Then treat her like it and stop your tirade against me, because I'm not going anywhere. Trust me, I'll move her so far away she'll forget all about you and this stupid town."
"Selena, don't you see what he's doing? He's trying to push us even further apart. This is what I'm talking about," he said to me.
"No, Dad, this is all you. I wanted to come here and have a good weekend, but you ruined it." I forced myself not to cry again.
"Try me again and you won't ever see your grandchild." Justin was so close to Charlie at this point, their noses were almost touching, "You'll live a very sad life Charles Swan."
A doctor poked his head in. "Excuse me, am I interrupting anything?"
None of us replied.
Dr. Gerandy had been here ever since I could remember. He treated my broken bones and gave me painkillers when my clumsiness caused horrible bruises in high school.
"Hi." I waved at him.
"It's so good to have you back, Selena." He beamed, not really noticing the tension in the room.
"I'll be gone in the morning. It was just a quick visit. This is my husband," I introduced them.
"Of course. We all know about Justin." He shook his hand.
Charlie leaned up against the wall, grumbling, while Justin came back to sit in his chair.
"I should be able to discharge you by tomorrow. I want to keep you for observation overnight," the good doctor said, flipping papers on his clipboard.
"What happened?" Justin asked. "Is she all right?"
"Wait." I stopped him from speaking. "Charlie, I'd like you to leave, please."
"What?" He pushed off the wall. "I'm not going anywhere."
"Charlie, I'm sorry; I can't have you in here if she doesn't want you." Dr. Gerandy smiled tightly. "You'll have to leave."
"It's okay. I have Justin," I said. My father looked like he had been stabbed. He backed out of the room, shaking his head.
"Um, well, back to you," Dr. Gerandy continued. "I have a few questions."
"Have you been traveling recently?"
"Yes," I nodded, "I just got back from Spain a week ago."
"And did you have any pork?" he asked, writing on the clipboard.
"I think so. Probably," I replied, looking at Justin for help.
"I believe she did. Why? Is that bad? The books didn't say she couldn't have any."
"No, usually it's fine, but… I believe you have an infection."
"An infection?" My voice cracked.
"Yes. It's called toxoplasmosis. Anyone can get it, both men and women, but we don't see a lot of it in this country anymore," he said confidently, although I knew there was more. His face didn't look assuring.
"She got it from pork?" Justin rubbed his forehead. I think I might have seen a bead of sweat.
"Probably, or fruit. That's another common way to contract it if it hasn't been washed correctly. Usually the symptoms are flu-like, and it can be fatal if not treated, but like I said, we don't really see it here in the States. Most healthy people recover from the virus on their own, without medicine, but since you're pregnant, we needed to treat it aggressively."
"But… we're okay, right?" I asked worriedly.
Dr. Gerandy exhaled, pulling up a chair of his own. "I don't want to worry you unnecessarily, but any infection contracted during pregnancy is dangerous. Thankfully, we caught it quickly. We'll just have to watch you closely. You weren't completely asymptomatic, so we needed to treat it with a course of antibiotics."
"Is it safe for her to take antibiotics?"
"Yes, absolutely."
"So, I'm going to be fine." I smiled. "There's nothing wrong if I just take the medicine?"
"You are fine, but the babies might not be. Chance of passing it to the babies is fifteen percent in first trimester, thirty percent in the second, and sixty in the third. You, of course, fall into the second category. The chance that it could be potentially fatal to the babies is slim."
I felt like I was going to pass out, but I had to keep breathing, so I could hear what he had to say.
"Fatal?" Justin blinked a couple of times, letting the information sink in.
"Yes, but I don't think that will be the case here. It should be fine. I just had to warn you."
"What exactly might happen to the baby?" Justin asked.
"Uh, a long list of things, but it's not that different than if a woman got a cold or the chicken pox during pregnancy. There's always a risk."
"You didn't answer my question," my husband snapped. His hold on my hand was tight, but comforting.
"Well, the most common cases include blindness, hearing loss, brain functionality problems, asthma, and muscle weakness. The further into your pregnancy, the higher the risk is that the babies contract it and have complications from it. Complications might range from mild to severe. They can be anything from a rash to something more complicated, like cerebral palsy or epilepsy."
I let out a gust of air, and my brain shut down completely.
No! Not again. This can't be happening again…
Justin looked sick. I bet I looked the same, and I couldn't really breathe.
"Please, don't worry." Dr. Gerandy patted my knee.
"What if it's too late for the baby?" My voice was weak.
"The ultrasound was perfect, but you'll still need an amniocentesis to be sure they didn't contract the disease. When you reach week eighteen, we'll screen the amniotic fluid to check the babies' DNA to make sure neither of them contracted the disease. If one were to contract the disease, you would then need to speak to a genetic counselor, because the disease becomes a congenital one. The baby would also need a full screening at birth and antibiotics for a full year of its life afterward to prevent any of the birth defects that can happen. It's pretty intense. As of now, though, it looks like all is well with your babies." He smiled at me.
"Babies?" Justin's head swiveled around.
"Yes." Dr. Gerandy nodded, and then his smile faltered. "The nurse hasn't talked to you yet?"
I shook my head.
"Oh, well then… congratulations. You're having twins. We noticed that your HcG levels were elevated when we did your blood work, and an ultrasound confirmed that you are, in fact, having twins. Around week thirteen, we can be sure."
I coughed air into my lungs, and my brain started working again. This time in hyperspeed. I wasn't sure if I heard him correctly, but from Justin's reaction, I think I did. He looked downright unhealthy. The blood in his face was gone. His skin turned paler than I had ever seen and his eyes were as big as saucers. He leaned back in his chair with a huff.
"Twins… As in two?" I asked, my voice weak.
The doctor nodded. "Welcome to the fickle world of pregnancy. Do twins run in your family?"
"No," I answered.
Justin's mouth just hung open. He looked like a zombie.
"Well, these things just happen." Dr. Gerandy stood up. "I'll let you two talk, and then you need some rest, Selena."
"Thank you."
"It's good to have you back. Try to visit us more often. And congratulations again." He grinned and left the room.
My mood went from depressed to elated in a second flat. My cheeks hurt from the smiling, and I wanted to giggle. Justin had yet to move or even inhale.
I bit my lip and let him sit for at least ten minutes before I squeezed his hand. He jerked back to life.
"What?" he gasped.
"Are you all right?"
"Yeah." He cleared his throat. "Just taken by surprise, that's all. Are you okay?"
"I'm ecstatic." I beamed. "I'm having two babies."
"I heard. I'm not as… euphoric as you, but I just need to think about it all and rationalize it in my head."
I nodded. "I understand. But you're not mad, right?"
"Of course not, Selena." He sat up. "If this can make you smile that big, then I'm happy as well."
"More than anything." I think he was lying. I couldn't be sure, but Justin hugged me and pulled me gently towards him. "We'll have to readjust our lives… again. I thought I was used to the thought of one baby."
"I think we're ready." I clung to him.
He chuckled, "Let's hope so, Selena."
0 notes
vanessagalang · 7 years
Going to Dumaguete and Siquijor didn’t appeal to me before because first, I don’t know anybody there, and second, I haven’t heard anything touristy about it – until I realized how wrong I was.
John (who was then the boyfriend, not until he proposed in the plane right before we landed to Dumaguete) has grandparents who live there, and part of our itinerary was to meet them. This is actually the first trip we’re having as a couple, and meeting his grandparents really placed some shivers down my spine.
Note: A long post awaits you. I wanted to give you details of our trip, as a form of reference when you go there. Go ahead my wanderer merfriend! :D
We arrived on a rainy Sibulan airport, and goodie I haven’t forgotten my Cebuano, we managed to build rapport with the guards and locals, and one of which is our trusty and friendly chauffeur Kuya Judy.
He was supposed to take us to Harold’s Mansion, because that’s what I was eyeing based on the blogs I’ve read about going to Apo Island. I was thinking of placing our reservations; since we’re planning to go there on our 4th day. They were particularly difficult to contact too, since my Facebook messaging and SMS attempts remained futile, so I thought going there was the best idea.
Kuya Judy was so helpful because he advised that we can do Apo Island on DIY. I was hesitant at first, but he said we will save a lot if we just do it ourselves. So we opt to have breakfast first at Sta. Teresa Resto. This was one of the few restaurants that are already open at 6AM.
While we eat, Kuya Judy offered to run to the Dumaguete Port to buy us ferry tickets to Siquijor, since that was also our plan after Harold’s Mansion. Kuya Judy was even offering his ID to us, just so we have something to hold from him and to ensure that he’s coming back with our tickets. He was soooo nice! But we told him we didn’t need it. :)
He was able to score us 10AM ferry rides to Siquijor, and since it is just around 7:00AM, he said that he can tour us in Dumaguete. I actually thought John and I are never going to tour the city because we may be pressed for time, but oh well, we can put the 3hours to good use, so we gladly agreed.
We visited Cathedral of St. Alexandria the Diocese of Dumaguete first. The bell tower was enormous.
We also went to the Chinese Temple’s Bell Church, and offered some incenses after we used some bean-like stones and long sticks for fortune guide. The place was well-maintained, to think that they only ask for donations. It was also undergoing renovation, and I can’t wait to go back to see how it will all turn out.
We weren’t able to snap photos inside. It was prohibited. :(
Anyhoo, we also had the chance to get foot massages, and they were divine, and a little ticklish.
We boarded the ferry at 10AM at Dumaguete port, and arrived to the bright and happy Siquijor. We booked a tricycle and it cost us P300. I booked us to Islandia Beach Resort, and it’s located in San Juan Siquijor. It was relatively far, around 30 to 40 minute drive from the port, but once we got there, it was worth it.
We also made friends with our neighbours, and one of them was actually in the same plane, and he heard the proposal. He was like, “Kayo pala yun!”.
We checked in to Islandia Beach Resort, and was greeted by this spacious accommodation.
This reminded me of room in Isle Esme, where Bella and Edward Cullen had their honeymoon in Breaking Dawn. What do you think?
John and I were so tired with the trip and were so amazed by our accommodation that we slept the afternoon away.  So much for our beach bumming plan. Huhu
Kuya Ronald, our driver picked us up at 8AM, so we had breakfast early that morning, and of course some photo ops! Haha I’m so kilig how John is such a natural Instagram boyfriend, oh I mean fiancé . (He might read this blog too. Haha He’s particular with the names I call him. Hehe)
Siquijor is just a small island, and you can tour it for a day. Most travellers I know only spend a daytour here, but I thought we need some freshening up and a good sleep so I booked us 2D and 2N in Islandia.
I was so inlove with this island, and its people. Everybody was soo kind and accommodating. The entrance fees are so cheap too.
Balete Fish Spa
Entrance Fee: P10.00 per person
The fishes were so hungry that they were all looming over John’s feet. Even a milkfish joined the fun! There were a lot of foreigners there too.
If you need the loo, there is one near the place, and you just have to pay P5.00 .
In buying shirts or sandos, I recommend that store across the fish spa. I like their designs more, and the prices are cheaper. So we bought these!
San Isidro Labrador Church
It was a big and old church. You know what they say when you go to a new church, you can make a wish! So I made one, and also lit some candles.
The sun was extra sunny that day, not to mention the weather was all perfect for the tour. We couldn’t be happier.
Cambugahay Falls
Now this is my favourite. I was shocked that there was no entrance fee. When we arrived, a guy approached us and introduced himself. He is Sir Justin, and he will be our guide. I highly advise that you avail their services, they can guide and help you while you’re trekking this beautiful attraction.
There are 3 falls in Cambugahay. The first was wide, and rather deep. Only a few people jump and stay there.
The 2nd one was shallow, and was only till the waist. It was a good place to get a water back massage.
The 3rd one was the most popular of all. The water was clean and cool. You can take turns to do the Tarzan Jump and even take the leap from the side. Our guide even taught me to face the camera while holding the wielding handle.
I was shocked to know that after my Tarzan Jump, the basin was indeed deep, and my feet didn’t reach the bottom. So I paddled and soon enough, my feet reached the bed. Haha and I was alive! I took another turn because it’s addicting like that!
I also took 2 leaps in a rather 10ft. distance. I thought it was a good way to practice for our Cebu canyoneering in November.
We ended around 12noon. Actually there were people who were selling packed lunches at the entrance that cost P150.00 each, but we didn’t buy. We were thinking of having lunch somewhere else.
Salagdoong Beach
This was rather far, but the road to it was a site to see. The trees lining a trail formed a wonderful view, meeting at the top, that it forms a canopy. That is why I asked Kuya Ronald to stop, and let us have a quick photo. This was rather tricky because a lot of cars and tricyles were passing by, so we need to be quick in snapping those photos. I am so thrilled Kuya Ronald was so game to take our shots.
We were already starving, and good thing Salagdoong Beach had a mini restaurant. The prices are reasonable, although it took them a while before they served our food. Good thing, they were delicious!  It was also a good way to let time pass by as well, as we await the sun to set a little.
The beach is actually a resort, and you can book an overnight stay. I read a lot of people wanting to spend the night here, but given the time, we would too. However, Islandia Beach Resort was a sweet treat and we couldn’t leave it; maybe next time, we’ll book here!
There are two sides of the beach separated by stone landscapes. What I didn’t like though was the beach was extra rocky, and it hurt my feet pretty bad. The sand wasn’t so powdery either. The sand crystals were rather bigger than most beaches. And these made John and I realize that we should invest in aqua shoes! Haha Accio Aqua Shoes!
The water was extra wavy that day, and the current was strong. We enjoyed it all the same though, jumping in between strong waves. It’s a good work out I guess!
John and I bought Torta as per Kuya Ronald’s recommendation. We bought 2 Tortas for us, and 10 more for Kuya Ronald and his family. :)
We ended the day by having a sumptuous dinner back in Islandia with our new found neighbors, I mean friends! Haha :D
We woke up really early, because we had to go at 4AM for our 5AM ferry boat ride. Kuya Ronald was as punctual as ever. We got in time to Siquijor Port. We were actually worried because 5AM tickets might be sold out, but it wasn’t!
You can choose to have the regular boat like the one in GL Shipping Lines that’s going to take 1 hour and 30 minutes, or Ocean Jet for only 45 minutes. Well, we already bought our tickets when we found out about these. Anyway, it’s just a few tens difference. :)
We met Lolo and Lola, and had breakfast first at Foodnet.
Here are our cute instructions on how to get to Manjuyod Sand Bar:
We took the bus going to Manjuyod in Rizal Blvd. with “Manjuyod” as the signboard. We didn’t go all the way to the terminal as it was counterproductive. So if you’re near Rizal Blvd., you could just wait for the buses that pass there. We alighted at Bais Police Station.
We rode the tricycle to the port, and boarded a boat at P2,000.00 with all the 4 of us. We just added P250 each for the food.
It was a 30-minute boat ride to reach the Manjuyod Sandbar. We got there at 10AM though, so it was already high tide. But it was still beautiful. I just felt swimming sa “baha” though. Hehe There were a lot of boats nearby too, and swimming tourists.
The sand was powdery, the water and air was cool amidst the burning the sun. It was perfect, not until I got stung by a jellyfish in the arm. Thank you very much! It felt weird though, and I felt the venom making its way under my skin. Goodie we were able to ask for some vinegar in the nearby boat. It pacified the pain somehow.
So note to self, bring vinegar when you’re going to Manjuyod. Well, just a precautionary measure. :D
We got back to the city, and checked in at Worldview Hotel.
Since we still have time, we strolled around Dumaguete and tasted the much coveted cakes of Sans Rival. They were yummy! I wonder why there is no Manila branch yet.
It was a wonderful feeling, getting lost in the city. You wouldn’t mind being lost anyway, because a tricycle will always be there to bring you to your hotel. It’s a small town, and everyone most likely knows where your hotel is. Plus the tricycle fare is just P8.00 each.
We happen to stumble in the park where an event is taking place.  It was like a dancing contest, and we stayed for a while to watch these sprightly kids take on center stage.
We had dinner in this Japanese restaurant called Misune, and the food tasted healthy and fresh! I’m definitely coming back.
It’s our Apo Island Day, and well, no tourguide! Just pure DIY! OMG! This was a first, and we felt brave channelling our adventurous selves into this new place.
Here are our cute instructions on how to get to Apo Island:
We went out of the hotel at 7AM, and rode a tricyle to Siaton near Robinsons Dumaguete.
Take a jeepney to Malatapay Zamboanguita.
Walk towards the Apo Island port. Roughly around 10minutes.
This is the tricky part, you will rent a boat, and it would be better if you find some people who will share the boat with you, unless you’re a group with just the right number, as to minimize the cost per person. Since we’re a couple, we really need some people to share the boat with.
Boat Rentals:
4 seater – P2,000 / 6 seater – P2,500 / 8 seater – P3,000 / 10 seater – P3,500
4 seater boats usually are used first, that is why if your number is 4 below, it is better to go here early, so you can book the small boat. Good thing 4 Taiwanese travellers were in need of company too, since the only available boat is an 8-seater, we had to pay P3,000 and that’s P500.00 each. Not bad actually! Plus we made new friends!
You can buy food at the port already, because the food in Apo Island is a bit pricey, plus you still have to pay for the guide (which is required, and I also highly recommend Kuya Gerard; he was so skillful in diving and we handed him our action camera to which he took great photos of the sea), cottage table, and the gears you will use when you go swimming with the big turtles.
The turtles were huge and beautiful. It was sad because we went a bit late; the locals said that a lot of turtles go near the shore as early as 6AM!
After snorkeling and swimming, we had our lunch and took a stroll in the island. I was shocked that there is a community here. I actually thought that this is just an island used for tourism, but no. There are schools, a village, a basketball court, a lagoon, and an overlooking view from a hill. It was a beauty to behold!
At 3PM, we decided to go back. Our new friends are very accommodating too, we had a lot of time to talk about their country, their culture, and how they love going back to the Philippines. John and I wanted to visit Taiwan soon too because of them.
Going back was just the same. You could either hire a tricycle that will bring you back to the city, that will also cost higher, or you can wait for a jeep, but this was rather a long wait than I expected. If you’re a couple or probably 3 people travelling together, waiting for a jeep may be the best thing to do. But if you’re 4 and above, I suggest that you book a tricycle, and split the fare.
Jeepneys that pass by are rather full, and may not accommodate everybody at once.
We got to Dumaguete, and picked our stuff from Worldview Hotel. And moved to Coastal Inn. I booked it way before this trip, and since saving was the priority thing I have in mind, I got attracted to its price because duuuh, it’s just P430 a night!
I was thinking that we’ll arrive late from the tour that day so we we’ll just sleep, and we don’t need anything fancy. Well, lets just say we got the value we paid for.
After getting refreshed, we went back to SanS Rival, just because. And bought pasalubongs too! We bought the Butter Silvanas Sans Rival for P150 a box. If you want to buy pasalubongs, it’s best to buy it here in the main branch. Airport prices are relatively higher of course.
If you’re just concerned on about them being spoiled because you haven’t brought a freezer with you, don’t fret. The silvanas are strong, haha they will just feel softer, and you can put them back in the freezer or chiller once you get home.
We had dinner in Kri. And can I just tell you, that the food was prepared like gourmet, and who would have thought that this place could serve such great food! I will blog about my review in another post.
Flight back to Manila!! We didn’t book a tricycle going to the airport, we just hailed for the bus in Rizal Blvd. :D
Here is the breakdown of our expenses and some people you would want to contact when you go there. Enjoooy!
Kuya Judy (Dumaguete Tour) – 0905.879.86.52
Kuya Ronald (Siquijor Tour) – 0906.886.97.80
All prices are in Philippine Peso though. :) I think you can still try to maximize a budget even for as low as P8,000. We were a bit lucrative with the food, so you know where to save if ever!
I hope this blog enticed you more to visit Dumaguete and Siquijor. Promise, it’s all worth it! Please let me know your thoughts about this and comment down below! :D
**, Via
DIY Dumaguete-Siquijor Trip and Itinerary (5D/4n) Going to Dumaguete and Siquijor didn’t appeal to me before because first, I don’t know anybody there, and second, I haven’t heard anything touristy about it – until I realized how wrong I was.
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