#I just. went thru those obstacles at an earlier time
binders-and-beanies · 9 months
When people are like “omg how have you been on T so long how have you had top surgery it’s not fair” ,,, bc I am older and started the processes rly early,,,, like that feels so mean and I wish a quick accessible transition for everyone who wants it I just dunno why I’m supposed to feel guilty for like how the passage of time works or that I was on T sooner than ppl who didn’t realize they were trans at the time,,, and like it took me significantly Longer to access these things than the average transition stories I hear. It’s just that I Started Trying earlier. Also like if people are constantly gonna call me an old man and claim to be excited about trans elders you can’t be like mad that someone has been on T more than a couple years
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madd-information · 4 years
Do I have ADHD/ADD?
First off, I know no one on here can diagnose me, but those with ADHD/ADD, I want to know if my experience is like yours. I'm getting professionally tested in Monday and I'm kinda worried I won't be able to talk about why I believe I have it when I get tested. I'm not sure how adult testing works.
I have Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS), if you don't know what that is, you'll have to look it up for the sake of keeping this short as possible. I first suspected I may have ADHD or ADD in high school when I was having difficulty with procrastinating and staying on task and looked up the symptoms of FAS. I found that 90-something percent of people with FAS also have ADHD/ADD.
Other than having to spin in a chair or walk or swing when I'm maladaptive daydreaming, I'm not particularly hyperactive. I can sit still in class. However, I have a LOT of trouble paying attention. Even when I tell myself "you need to pay attention, this is important" I zone out within the first minute. I've often had to ask for instructions twice or more because when someone talks directly to me, it all goes right over my head. At my job, I had a difficult time doing things that required a routine and multi-tasking, like drive-thru. I had trouble counting money in large amounts because if I got slightly distracted by something or someone came up to talk to me, I'd have to start over. My coworkers were constantly frustrated with me. I also take longer to process what is being said to me. I'd get yelled at because I would blankly stare for a few seconds instead of doing the task I was asked to. I even had a customer complain that I zoned out on him. I take so much time processing information I have to hold up do the (L J) thing with my hands to know the difference between right and left and I STILL take a few seconds to realize the difference. I have insomnia. I take around three hours to fall asleep because my mind is racing and I constantly want to get up to daydream. There have been nights I'd be up until 6 am daydreaming. Even if it's not daydreaming, I need to do something instead of sleep. I am the biggest procrastinator in the world. I used to think I was just extremely lazy but I now realize it's something else. I can't stay on task. It takes me 5 hours to finish homework that takes other people 30 minutes-1 hour. My grades are shit because I am so bad at managing time and procrastinating. I have even waited 3 months to pay a late bill even though I knew it would fuck up my credit even more. I take half a year to schedule appointments. I start projects last minute if at all. I often miss deadlines. I always make a million reasons why I can't start a project/homework, go to class or work. Everything is an obstacle to me. The biggest problem is my impulsivity. I quit jobs on impulse (I've never had a job for more than a month and a half). I spend money on impulse. Because I am so financially impulsive my credit has defaulted and I'm only 20 years old. My impulsive behavior has literally ruined my life. I dropped out of school on impulse (thank god I'm back now). When I want something, I make sure to make it my first priority and get it right away. One time, I had $300 for an electric bill and I knew if I didn't pay it, my electricity would go off. I saw guinea pigs. I spent that $300 on 4 guinea pigs and supplies to make an enclosure for them. The next day, of course, my electricity went off. There was one day I spent $700 and I quit my job. I spend money on impulse all the time. I also say things on impulse. My friends and family say I have "no filter". It used to get me bullied horribly but I'm better at controlling it now. I've done so many things on impulse my life is literally a wreck. Oh, I also signed a lease for an apartment I can't afford on impulse. Like it was just a spur of the moment decision. Didn't think it through at all. I also had trouble with weed and alcohol because it made daydreaming more vivid. I would get high before work then just decide not to go because I wanted to smoke and daydream instead.
Reasons why I may not have it:
I don't fidget in class. I am not forgetful. I don't have trouble controlling my emotions, generally. (I think MaDD helps with that) I'm not irritable. I don't think I hyperfocus (unless daydreaming for several hours counts) or I'm hyperactive, just EXTREMELY impulsive. I'm not particularly disorganized. I don't talk excessively, I'm even a little shy. However, I do say inappropriate things in inappropriate situations the moment they pop in my head, like I mentioned earlier. I don't interrupt or have trouble waiting my turn.
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pcttrailsidereader · 5 years
April is the Worst Time to Start the PCT . . . Here’s Why
This is a perennial question that has no right answer.  That being said, it is an important decision for each individual to make based upon snow pack, skill level, tolerance for crowds and need for solitude, pace, and, of course, when you need to be done. Daniel Winsor offers his perspective and outlines a number of considerations.
This post seems an appropriate follow-up to the October 29 post about the changes to the permit system for 2020.  It will become increasingly important because these changes will make skipping the High Sierra and returning later more difficult given new permit regulations.
By Daniel “Beta” Winsor
…ok, ok, so maybe it’s not the absolute worst time. December, for instance, probably deserves that title.
I thru-hiked the Pacific Crest Trail in 2017, starting on March 26th. But if I did it again, I’d start a week earlier.
Heresy, I know.
Because April 15th, plus or minus a few days, has traditionally been THE time to get on the trail headed north. Last season, those permit dates were the first to go, within minutes of the permits opening up. You ask a group online for their opinion, they’ll tell you mid-April. You read a book on the PCT, you’ll get the same answer.
It’s not a very good answer.
Now I’m not saying it can’t be done, obviously many people have started in April over the years and did just fine. I’m proposing that more people think about starting in March, specifically the last two weeks of March. Here’s a few of the rationales behind starting in April, and why March is almost always a better answer.
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1. Snow in Southern California
Specifically Fuller Ridge near Mt. San Jacinto and then Mt. Baden-Powell later on. Honestly, there’s not much too worry about here.
I went through Fuller Ridge on April 5th on one of the highest snow years in recent history… and it was about five miles of low angle snow. People were getting through without any snow gear (not recommended). For me, it was slow, but manageable, in microspikes. Hikers with crampons used words like “cake” and “joke” enough to make me wish I had crampons.
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People summit Mt. San Jacinto in the winter. You just hiked over a hundred miles to get to Fuller Ridge. You can most likely handle walking along a peripheral ridge for a few miles in the spring.
Mt. Baden-Powell is along the same lines as San Jacinto. The snow is steeper, but only slightly, and longer, about ten miles. Many of us managed just fine with microspikes, but those with crampons ran across with a common theme of “was that it?” once they were off snow again.
If there’s ANY snow in the Sierra you’ll be dealing with (a.k.a. every year that isn’t an extreme drought year), don’t fear the small patches of snow in SoCal. Get your ice axe and crampons out and go boost your confidence. Never used those things before? Go learn! It’s a great opportunity to figure out if you feel ready to tackle Sierra snow or if you need to flip up north to avoid the white stuff.
There is MUCH chatter about those first snowy obstacles. This is the first time you’ll likely see the word “impassible” crop up online…
Low angle snow is never impassible with the right gear.
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2. Snow in the Sierra Nevada
If you start the PCT in March, then there will be a ton of snow in the Sierra, right?? Yes and no, it really depends on the snow year.
During high snow years:
…such as 2011 and 2017 (and 2019), starting in March puts you in Kennedy Meadows in late April or early May. Most people will need a few days to put their gear together before entering the snow, then you’ll enter into the Sierra in the first or second week of May. At a comfortable pace in the hard, firm snow, you’ll exit the Sierra in the first couple weeks of June.
Does that sound early? It is, BUT you get to leave the Sierra before the melt happens in mid-to-late June when crossing creeks becomes a harrowing, dangerous obstacle. Traveling on snow isn’t (terribly) dangerous, crossing creeks is dangerous. Snow is slow, but you’ll keep moving safely forward. Swollen creeks have the potential to turn you around or even kill you. Many of the creeks, up to 80% of them, are possible to cross on snow bridges during the month of May after heavy winters.
Unfortunately, a well known rule-of-thumb is to leave Kennedy Meadows on “Ray Day”, which is June 15th. Hikers who followed this guidance in 2017 damn near gave themselves a death sentence. Most who went into the Sierra in the month of June were forced to bail. Some even died.
Go when the snow is still snow.
During low snow years:
…such as the drought years from 2012 to 2016, March is still the better answer. You aren’t racing to get to the Sierra before the melt happens, but seeing the Sierra in at least some snow and solitude before the crowds move in on the John Muir Trail portion of the PCT will be the highlight of your hike.
An earlier start gives you the gift of time also. The Sierra is an incredible place, most hikers consider it their favorite section of the whole trail. Nobody should be running through it. There’s plenty of monotonous hiking in the hundreds of miles ahead to push mileage.
There’s great trail towns and side trips all along the Sierra also, take more zeros! Like Bishop, California? Stay there a couple extra days. Mammoth is great spot to go skiing in June! You’ll hike right by Yosemite Valley, an incredible side trip to go play tourist for a day or two.
3. It’s too cold.
I’d actually flip this concern and consider it too hot to start hiking in April.
Starting in late March means you’ll be hiking through Southern California section mostly in April. The hottest and most waterless sections of the PCT happen 3-4 weeks after you start, just before getting to Kennedy Meadows.
Water is a big factor here too. Seasonal water sources in Southern California start dwindling in early May, some even earlier. Without those intermittent water sources, you have to carry more water. Some stretches can be 7-8 liters, even more if you’re hiking slow. The most I had to carry was five liters, which turned out to be excessive.
Water caches are a personal enemy of mine (more on that later), but they are a (wrongly) heavily relied on source through those hottest sections, sometimes getting hikers in trouble. Caches tend to be well stocked very early in the season, even before they’re really necessary, but many run dry as the folks who were maintaining the caches don’t have the time/energy/money to keep them stocked the whole season. Earlier hikers have a better chance coming across water in the water caches.
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I apologize for all the capitol letters, how annoying. But anyways…
If you start in April, you’ll be walking through 90F days in May with disappearing seasonal water sources and questionable water caches. Starting in March, you’ll be walking through 70F days in April with every seasonal water source flowing and freshly stocked water caches.
One of those sounds a bit better than the other, right?
Oh, but you can just hike through the night to beat the heat? Uh. There’s cool stuff to look at out there. Why would you want to miss it? You could just stick a treadmill in your basement, stop showering, and turn off the lights if that’s all you wanted out of your thru-hike.
…although you’d also have to pencil in some off-treadmill time for the psychiatrist.
As for the cold, if you have a 20F sleeping bag, you’ll be fine. My coldest morning in Southern California was 23F near Big Bear. But then I was sleeping back in the 20’s the last few days in Washington! If I had started later, I’d have been spending the last weeks on the trail even colder, through snow storms and other garbage that NO ONE wants to backpack through in the final weeks of such and long, exhausting trip. The beginning of any thru-hike is the time to be uncomfortable, not the end.
4. There aren’t any trail angels or trail magic around in March.
Wrong. One of the best parts of hiking in the early season is that you’re one of the first PCT faces most people are seeing. You’re ahead of the “herd” of hikers, so businesses are still happy to see you. No asshat thru-hikers (yes, these exist) have come along to put a bad taste in anyone’s mouth yet. You’re still a novelty in trail towns. You’re the ONLY hiker at bars and restaurants. People haven’t seen PCTers in a while, so they want to say hi and buy you beers and give you rides. You know what people want to do when they walk into a bar with 20 thru-hikers? Probably leave after they throw up, because why would a hiker shower first when there’s hot food waiting?!
Big trail angel stops are still psyched on the season starting. You’re in places like Hiker Heaven and Hiker Town with less than 10 other people, not 50 or 60.
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Just like thru-hikers, trail angels get worn out as the season goes on. By the end of the “herd”, there’s fewer and fewer trail angels around. Earlier season hikers easily have it the best when it comes to trail angels, and this continues all the way up to Canada.
5. I’ll miss the bubble of hikers if I start in March!
Uh. Good.
Not that all thru-hikers aren’t amazing people, I made many incredible friends on my thru, but think about what happens when there’s 50 people starting the trail every day for weeks before you and weeks after…
What are the odds that perfect campsite is free at the end of the day?
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When someone leaves a couple six-packs of IPA’s as trail magic, what are the odds there will be one left for you?
Ever tried hitch-hiking along a road with 20 other hitch-hikers?
You like solitude? Hopefully you’ll get over that.
I don’t mean to say that a ton of thru-hikers on the trail is a bad thing, but some people like it, some people don’t. I prefer a tight-knit group of hikers I can get to know, but spend as much time alone as I want. That’s what I got by starting in March.
Final Consideration: Permits
Note: See the updates to the Permit system in the October 29 post. These changes have occurred after Daniel Winsor wrote this piece.
This upcoming year is the first time permits will be given out in November, before anyone has any idea what will happen during the upcoming winter! This is understandably frustrating for 2018 thru-hikers.
So what’s the safe bet if you’re not particularly good at telling the future? Once again: March.
If you go with an April permit and we have a dry winter, you’re in for a hot, waterless desert section. If we see another high snow year, an April permit will put you in the Sierra right when the rivers get dangerous.
If you go with a March permit and we have a dry winter, you’re in for a pleasant desert hike with decent water sources. If we see another high snow year, a March permit will give you choices: head straight through the Sierra on hard snow before the melt, flip up to Hat Creek Rim while it’s still pleasant, or drink beer in Bishop hoping it all melts (which this year, it oddly did).
The earlier permit thing sucks. No way around that. But if you’d like to play it safe, March is the way to go. The beautiful advantage to starting early is that you can always take more zeros. If you start too late, you can’t insert time into your hike if you need more.
All considered, you have to choose your starting date based around many more factors. Time off from work, time away from loved ones, financial limitations etc. The most important thing about choosing a start date is to allow as much time as possible for your journey. Nobody wants to death march through such an amazing trail. Take your time, stay uninjured, and go camp next to that gorgeous lake! A core regret of many thru-hikers is not allowing themselves time to thoroughly enjoy the trail.
Starting in March will give you that time.
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defiantdreemurrs · 3 years
postmortem: installing windows vista on 2008 macbook
so i’ve had the idea ever since i got this machine that i wanted to dual boot windows on it. it’s an early 2008 white polycarbonate macbook, model name is Macbook4,1. it’s the last update of the first generation of intel macbooks, so it’s sort of a time capsule that brings me back to the late 2000s, way way back in my childhood. not that i ever *had* one back then, i didn’t become the owner of a mac until 2012 when i acquired a then-ancient iBook G3, and even then i didn’t own an actually *useful* mac until 2020, when i began to make the switch from windows to mac full time.
no, the computer i had back then was a gateway desktop running windows vista. a computer and operating system that, to me at the time at least, felt almost futuristic. having grown up before that with a late 90s HP tower running windows 98 and a dell dimension running XP, this computer seemed thousands of years ahead of what i was used to as a young pre-teen monster.
using something isn’t the only way for something to become nostalgic, though. late 2000s macs running leopard or snow leopard are also incredibly nostalgic to me, but for a different reason. they were the dream. that thing that you kept seeing, that you thought was so cool, that seemed just so different than what you were used to, but that you could never actually touch. this is what macs were for me for years. growing up my family could never afford macs. we’d been a windows family since 95 at least, if not earlier, and we’d often been a bit behind. so my only real exposure to these mysterious creatures was at the magical world known as “the apple section at the best buy an hour away”.
so when i finally had the opportunity to pick up this 13 year old laptop and go on a nostalgia trip, i took the plunge. it happened at a perfect time too as i was looking for a better place to store the library for the ipod i’d picked up last august. it used to be hosted on a VM running windows XP on my wife’s desktop, but i wanted something that was more period appropriate to sync it with (as well as something that wasn’t a virtual machine). i figured i’d take a gamble and see if my nostalgia for the leopard/snow leopard era was founded in something or if i’d forever taint my memories by removing the rose tinted glasses.
it’s safe to say at this point i was right. i don’t use the machine every day as i don’t really *need* to use it every day nor does it feel entirely capable enough to be my daily driver. that wasn’t the point though. it wasn’t meant to be my new daily driver. i have a 2013 iMac running mojave and a 2020 M1 macbook air, i don’t really need a new daily driver. i wanted what essentially amounted to a somewhat expensive toy. something to have fun with. to play games on. to experiment with running older software on. i got just about everything i’d hoped for and more. if i could just find a way to access discord on it i probably *could* use it as my daily driver for a short time at least.
so to get back to the point of this post: the entire time i’ve owned it so far i’ve wanted to get windows running on it via boot camp. but not just any version of windows. if this machine is going to be the nostalgia machine i really want it to be, it’s going to run windows vista.
i hadn’t put any particular specific thought or effort towards this goal during the first few months since i bought it. i ordered it some time in early february as a birthday gift to myself and started having ideas but didn’t really act on it until this week. i was starting to work out what it would take to get my iMac dual booting windows 10 in order to access the few windows exclusive programs i still use in a native environment instead of through something like WINE. since the iMac is the center of my studio i want to make sure i’m doing it right, i don’t want to accidentally mess something up. after binging a bunch of vintage apple stuff on youtube i got back to the idea of installing windows on the macbook, as sort of a “test run” to get a feel for working with boot camp (even if many versions apart).
the big issue holding me back up to this point was “which version of windows do i install?”, since the decision between vista and windows 7 really works out to a decision between “do i go all in on the nostalgia machine even if it’s a bit useless?” or “do i use the operating system with more longevity that’s still in use on millions of computers across the world?”. because let’s face it, even in a world where windows 10 exists a lot of people still prefer 7. it doesn’t have the intense microsoft spyware factor, it doesn’t have the still somewhat bloated and heavy interface, it’s still very capable and works with a lot of current software, and overall it’s still a very modern operating system almost 12 years on.
vista, meanwhile. windows vista certainly has a reputation. it’s buggy. it’s bloated. it’s not very secure. the thing about reputations though is that they tend to stick regardless of how much things are changed. most of vista’s reputation comes from the RTM version. vista on first release certainly did live up to its reputation. several years of updates compiled into service packs has helped to fix a lot of those issues though, and even in my nostalgia sickness i had no interest in using the RTM version unless i absolutely had to. even fully updated windows vista may not be a perfectly modern OS the way 7 is, but again, it doesn’t really *need* to be. it’s a project. it’s for fun.
eventually i finally did settle for vista, and started trawling the internet for an image of the install DVD. this turned out to be the next big roadblock. you see, vista comes in many different flavors. there’s the two home versions, home basic and home premium. there’s the business version. there’s the *enterprise* version which is business plus some extra exclusive features that is sold under a different license for enterprise users. then there’s the ultimate version that has *everything* (except for the enterprise exclusive features). these all come in both 32-bit and 64-bit versions. a number of these also come with the service packs pre-installed. not to mention the sheer amount of languages this operating system was released in. all of which had separate releases (something wonderful about mac OS X is it’s never had this degree of version glut; there is a single edition of each version and each one comes with support for dozens of languages, alongside a separate server release up thru 10.6). i ended up going with vista ultimate because i don’t like the idea of getting screwed out of features just because i didn’t pay a big corporation an extra hundred bucks.
so i gather my tools, start downloading disc images, grab a flash drive, and have the macbook start partitioning the drive in boot camp assistant to get the computer ready. everything goes fine, until i hit my next obstacle: disk utility in big sur is refusing to restore the disc image to the flash drive. at first i figure “well that’s not really a problem, i’ve had this issue before i know what to do. i pull up a terminal and start using the unix dd command to do it instead, and it works. so i thought. i stick it into the macbook and click “install windows” on the boot camp assistant… and it says it can’t find the installation media.
the boot camp assistant version 3 is built for helping you install windows 7. snow leopard, having released in 2009, is really the “mac equivalent” (if such a thing exists) of windows 7, not windows vista. i figured this wouldn’t actually be that big of an issue, since the idea was to use boot camp to help get the drive partitioned and the new partition formatted right. the installation media not booting must have been an issue with the image, or maybe the way i set the flash drive up. i started working under the assumption it was the latter since that was the easiest thing to get going.
no dice. i tried every which way i could think of to get a bootable USB out of that disc image and it just refused to work. i tried using disk utility again, didn’t work. disk utility on the old macbook itself, didn’t work. kept using dd in the terminal, didn’t work. i even carried it over to my old windows laptop to try using rufus to make a bootable flash drive and it just would not work. so i figured i needed to try a different disc image. i set about finding a couple others and having them download, while in the meantime i got a copy of windows xp burnt to CD to see if maybe i needed to use the disc drive.
i did end up getting windows xp setup to boot from the CD but after trying several different vista images none of them would boot. i knew for sure it wasn’t an issue with just trying to boot from USB because that’s how i originally installed snow leopard on this machine (thanks to not having any blank DVDs to burn it to nor a disc drive to burn it with at the time due to not having an OS on the macbook yet).
at this point i kind of gave up on getting vista installed and decided to look for a legit copy of windows 7. i knew my wife had one lying around so i bit the bullet, went looking for it, and got windows 7 installed on it. it wasn’t what i wanted but at least it was *something*, and maybe having some kind of windows installation on the boot camp partition would allow for me to try and install vista later on?
following all this though i ran into another problem: drivers. windows needs the boot camp drivers to be installed after windows is installed. but these are all on the snow leopard disc. and in my case, *only* on the snow leopard disc. i’ve trawled the internet looking for these drivers but as far as i can tell they’re nowhere to be found, at least not these specific ones. because i’m on snow leopard which comes standard with boot camp 3.0, i need the 3.0 drivers. the 3.1 and 3.1 drivers and various drivers for different versions of boot camp 4 and 5 are all available on the apple website. the 3.0 drivers are not. they’re all on the snow leopard disc and only that disc.
so that’s roughly where i’m at right now. i have a macbook dual booting snow leopard and windows 7, but i can’t even really *use* windows 7 on it until i get those drivers installed, which will take some time as i have to download yet another copy of snow leopard (since mine got lost in an accidental hard drive wipe). i’ve also got some blank DVDs coming in the mail in the hopes that maybe i can still get vista installed, as well as to prepare for another piece of kit coming in the mail in the not so distant future.
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topicprinter · 6 years
Hello fellow r/entrepreneur friends. First, I would like to wish everyone a happy Labor Day. What I really truly hope to accomplish here today is to inspire as many people as possible. Lurker or not. Goals can really be accomplished if you set your mind to it and develop a tremendous amount of discipline. As you already know, great things won’t come easy, especially if you don’t have any kind of safety net in your life. I hope you can relate to my story somehow someway. I’m here to help and please feel free to reach out to me if you want to.Please know that I’m not here to show off. On the contrary, I want to be able to provide some advice to others and if you're going through financial problems or simply have no clue what to do or how to get started, please know that you will get thru these hard times no matter what, as long as you stay focused and disciplined. Always think about long term goals!Personal background:I’m from South America and moved to Florida when I was 14 years old with my mom. My parents divorced when I was 9 years old. I love my wife and my mom and they both have been a great inspiration to everything I’ve accomplished so far. I’m 32 years old, married and no kids yet. I'm a US citizen now and I love this country more than I could've ever imagined. It is very challenging to adjust to a new life in a new country, leaving friends and family behind, overcoming everyday obstacles, learning a new language, but the real challenge comes with finding employers that will give you a chance to shine and show what you’re capable of. So how I became an entrepreneur is simply a combination of several things that I went thru early in life. My first job was at 16, I’ve been employed by Domino’s, McDonald's, KFC, Sports Authority, Best Buy, and my last job as an employee was driving a limo (I was 25 years old at the time) for a local limo company where I currently reside. I graduated from High School at 18 and right after, took a 2-year Business Degree from my local community college. But even after graduation, I felt like that diploma wasn’t really going to help me get anywhere. I wanted to become successful quickly, so I decided to pursue my real passion which was music.Failing and getting back up:I always wanted to be able to reach a level of financial freedom so those around me wouldn’t have to worry about money. My first real shot at trying to reach that financial freedom I’d always hoped for, was when I was 20 years old when I moved to San Francisco to become a ‘famous musician’. I literally packed all my clothes and few personal items in a small trailer and drove all the way to CA. It took me 5 days to make it from FL to CA. Through Craigslist I was able to find an affordable room for rent in the Fremont/Union City area. Landed a job at Sports Authority and Best Buy. Keep in mind that this is 2007 and networking was a lot harder back then. As I mentioned earlier, my main goal was to become a successful musician which at the time I thought would help me become financial free. I set myself a 5-year deadline, and if things didn’t work out the way I wanted, I would go back to FL and start all over again. I met a lot of great people in CA, I was able to tour the US a few times, and played in venues I never thought possible. When I turned 24, I had a lot of debt, because I was putting every single penny I made back into my ‘music career’. I reached almost 20k in credit card debt and finally realized it just simply wasn’t going to happen. I did however, gained a lot of experience in how to deal with people, my emotions, and networking. I moved back to FL at 25, landed a job as a limo driver and this was the job that inspired me to become an entrepreneur. After being a limo driver for about a year or so, I thought to myself that I could do it on my own, and much better. I was able to get a loan for a 10k SUV, I had ridiculous APR on that loan because of my credit score back then. I think it was something like 18-20%. But I didn’t care, I just worried about making ends meet and taking my new company to the next level.Building my company:First I researched everything that I needed to get done before starting my own limo business. Things such as insurance, permits, etc. I educated myself as much as I could. By bringing my new business online, it would set me back 2 to 3k. Since I didn’t have that kind of cash at the time and needed to get out of debt, I decided to learn how to build a website on my own. I watched many hours of website design videos on YouTube and after 2-3 months of watching videos non-stop, I had learned the basics of Dreamweaver along with some HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. I still wasn’t the best programmer so to speak, but good enough to put a presentable website together. My first 2 years were extremely challenging. It was no easy task, but I stayed focused and disciplined. I focused on what I was really good at and that is providing great customer service, I never stopped for a second and every day I was out there looking for a way to reach out to new clients. I did everything I could think of, for example promoting my company on Groupon. Groupon put me on the map so to speak, and I was able to build a solid foundation of local clientele. I networked like no other out there. I was always paying attention to the small things my competitors took for granted. Attention to detail was an essential part of my success. I was told NO many times. Finally, I gained some momentum which led me to become friends with some of the greatest people I’ve ever met in my life. Great mentors, whom I learned a lot from. I’ve met billionaires, became friends with one of the most successful attorneys in FL, and over time I also became friends with very successful entrepreneurs that were kind enough to let me inside their ‘circle of trust’. I’ve been in the livery business for over 7 years now. It has provided me with the financial freedom I once dreamed of. I bought my first home 2 years ago and was able to get rid of all my personal debt as well. Thanks to my business, I was able to branch out and work on new things. Being able to develop 2 or more streams of income is essential to your success. I’m also a stock trader now and I’ve been doing it for the past 2 years. If it wasn’t for my limo business, becoming a stock trader would’ve been a lot more challenging because of the amount of liquid cash/capital it requires in order to get in and out of the market on a daily basis and the psychological pressure that comes along with it.Finals words of advice:Never stop learning. Educate yourself. Read books. Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, The Power of Self-Discipline by Brian Tracy, and Money by Tony Robbins are among my favorite. (Audible is a great way to listen to books on your way to work, gym, etc). Never ever hesitate on saying yes to new opportunities because you never know where those will lead you to. Get rid of unnecessary bills. Stop hanging out with the wrong crowd. Surround yourself with positive people. Never judge a book by its cover. Be humble and always be grateful for all the blessings in your life.Thanks guys, and again, feel free to reach out. PM me. I’m here to help as much as possible. All best
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webpostingpro-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on Webpostingpro
New Post has been published on https://webpostingpro.com/take-a-moment-to-remember-one-of-the-best-april-fools-gaming-hoaxes-of-all-time/
Take A Moment To Remember One Of The Best April Fools' Gaming Hoaxes Of All Time
It changed into 1992 and print become nevertheless alive and well with the majority relying on monthly magazines for their gaming info. As a result, a joke approximately a mystery Road Fighter person known as Sheng Long unfold globally wide. 25 years later, it’s time we poured one out for all the ones tortured souls who went searching out him in vain.
All of it commenced thanks to a translation blunders when the road Fighter II arcade sport arrived stateside.
Considered one of Ryu’s charges make-upon defeating an opponent become installed the sport as “You must defeat Sheng Lengthy to face a hazard” instead of “If you can’t conquer the Rising Dragon Punch, you cannot win!” The statement in its wrong shape suggested a mysterious person now not referred to everywhere else in the game or its smoke supplemental marketing materials.
It changed into sufficient to encourage the writers at Digital Gaming month
To-month to a difficult story approximately how players may want to make-up makeup the mysterious Sheng Long. In the April Fools’ difficulty, the mag claimed that if a participant went via the sport’s arcade mode as Ryu without taking any damage several times in a row, Sheng Lengthy would appear, throw M. Bison off the stage, after which fight the player in about with no timer. They, in addition, said that Sheng Long had a pass set consisting of factors belonging to other characters, like Chun-Li’s Spinning Chook Kick and Sagat’s Tiger Shot, however, which dealt greater harm.
The city legend best unfolds as a result of other courses selecting it makeup without verifying it for themselves. EGM’s December issue that year declared the entire element a hoax, however once planted in humans’ imaginations, gaming myths have a knack for sticking around like difficult-to-kill weeds. It didn’t help that once Road Fighter II changed into ported to the SNES In the summer of ninety-two, its instruction guide incorrectly mentioned Sheng Lengthy as Ryu and Ken’s martial arts instructor. Later versions scrubbed this reference, but the damage changed into already done.
Things to Remember While Choosing an Accommodation
A large number of lodging facilities are being opened each yr to assist tourists to find a location to live for their holidays. There are hotels, serviced flats, lodges, visitor houses that you’ll be able to choose from. All these accommodation facilities do grow up inside the tourist locations. They are clean to find and clean to access in case you are touring to a location that is a well-known traveler spot. However, at the same time as you pick them, you need to be very an awful lot particular about the things and offerings that those lodges provide. matters which you ought to be particular approximately are-
• The first thing which you ought to be unique about is that vicinity you’re residing in.
The area needs to be the one that should be at the center of the metropolis. This would make sure that you can visit any area and be in the place this is near to the city lifestyles. you could go to museums, concerts and even attend partying destinations which might not be away at evening while you are unfastened.
• At enjoyment hours or while you aren’t equipped to go to destinations that are some distance from the accommodation centers have to have amusement rooms to that you could spend the time there. Even within the rooms, there should be a television set as a minimum to cool your nerves and relax your mood.
• Protection offerings must be tight. No stranger need to be able to input the place without the permission of the authority or you whilst They’re coming to you.
• There has to be absolute privateness. You have to now not be disturbed while you’re staying there. Even the authorities must no longer come to interfere with your life.
• Normal cleaning of the rooms should be finished so that you do not feel the burden of taking the mop and cleaning throughout your vacations. The place should be the one that is properly maintained.
• Room service has to be there in order that if you do now not sense you do not should go out and have your lunch or dinner. The meals need to be served at the time while you ask for.
 Live in the Moment – Ditch That Cell Phone
A phenomenon has taken vicinity on earth that really baffles my mind. This phenomenon isn’t always exclusively American. I have traveled quite a bit, as I practice Muay Thai in Asia and notice it anywhere I go.
People are actually addicted to their cell telephones. It drives me loopy.
Human beings walk into you or reduce you off all the time. The worst part is that they either do not realize they’ve carried out so or simply do not care.
I swear the next generation of Homo Sapiens will be crossed-eyed with one arm longer than the other, and a significant over-evolved thumb.
The latest ride thru the airport became a frustrating revel in for me. Human beings strolling in the direction of their gate were all walking with their heads buried in their telephones. It changed into like strolling thru an obstacle route. You need to have the footwork of a professional Muay Thai fighter, just to survive.
When I arrived at my gate, anybody had their telephones out and had been preoccupied with them.
I was a chunk early for my aircraft so I went to the bar to grab a drink. I have continually enjoyed meeting Human beings from all over the international in airport lounges. No longer anymore… To a person, all and sundry changed into buried in their telephones at the same time as sitting at the bar. Even the bartender, among serving customers, picked up her telephone and began scrolling away.
This occurs everywhere I am going. I went to the health club the opposite day after Muay Thai schooling, and there was a man sitting on the machine I desired to use… You guessed it, staring at his smartphone for 20 mins. If you could Fb while you’re running out, your exercise might not be all that hard.
I was at a concert currently and all of us around me turned into recording the concert on their phones, absolutely lacking the concert itself.
Yet again, I used to be trying to look at a few Can also Thai fights in Utah, but couldn’t see because the character in front of me had their telephone within the air, recording them.
I took my spouse and son to Thailand closing yr. Whilst taking a wreck from Muay Thai education, we have been on the most lovely seaside within the world, I seemed over at my spouse and noticed her scrolling through her Fb feed.
That was the straw that broke the camel’s lower back for me.
I do not bring my smartphone any greater. I bumped off it. I still have a telephone and use it After I need it, however, if I do not answer your name or textual content for a few days, it’s due to the fact I did not see it. it’s Now not that I do not care… Wait, honestly, it’s far. Being in touch with Humans through a cell smartphone is truly No longer all that high on my precedence listing nowadays.
Some of the matters that have passed it are; sunsets, sunrises, bushes, water, Humans watching, and so forth. You recognize… the arena around me.
Pros and Cons of Playing Online Games
Quite a few the kids are willing to playing on line play-offs now. Not simplest the younger, however, the elders are also equally interested in the web video games. The sole reason behind this is that the gaming machine has passed through massive adjustments from the earlier days, say, 10 years again. In advance, the games needed to be hooked up to one’s Pc and then one could have played. Now, someone can purchase present playing cards if he or she wants to play a specific game. But, playing online video games have blessings in addition to dangers.
The benefits of online gaming are as follows-
• on-line play-offs provide trial variations. This allows the customers to buy the games most effective if they prefer it within the trial duration. This additionally allows the ease to buy a play-off from the convenience in their domestic with out strolling to the shops.
• In on-line games, the users get unique content material for the games they’re playing. that is the cause why many humans select them.
• Another interesting element of on line gaming is they permit
Conversation. The gamers can engage with their pals and circle of relatives while they’re playing. this is without a doubt a high-quality aspect for thy recreation fanatics. The good aspect of that is that it enhances abilities of crew constructing. This could increase memory and lateral thinking in you even as including strategic elements in the sport.
• Via on-line gambling, you will be capable to investigate your playing skills in assessment to others. You will recognise your role in the play-off and will be capable of compete with others.
The negative aspects are-
System updates – while the user desires to play on line or down load a play-off they want to play they could face with a system replace that could put off the sport. The individual has to await the technique to complete and restarts the Laptop, smartphone or pill, whatever she or he is using.
Server issues or system defects – Viruses in games also are called system defects. This reasons it to run irregularly or gradual down all at once. Those are not unusual in all forms of games, however extra in on-line video games. additionally, the server problems can make it extra frustrating for the gamers.
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webpostingpro-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on Webpostingpro
New Post has been published on https://webpostingpro.com/take-a-moment-to-remember-one-of-the-best-april-fools-gaming-hoaxes-of-all-time/
Take A Moment To Remember One Of The Best April Fools' Gaming Hoaxes Of All Time
It changed into 1992 and print become nevertheless alive and well with the majority relying on monthly magazines for their gaming info. As a result, a joke approximately a mystery Road Fighter person known as Sheng Long unfold globally wide. 25 years later, it’s time we poured one out for all the ones tortured souls who went searching out him in vain.
All of it commenced thanks to a translation blunders when the road Fighter II arcade sport arrived stateside.
Considered one of Ryu’s charges make-upon defeating an opponent become installed the sport as “You must defeat Sheng Lengthy to face a hazard” instead of “If you can’t conquer the Rising Dragon Punch, you cannot win!” The statement in its wrong shape suggested a mysterious person now not referred to everywhere else in the game or its smoke supplemental marketing materials.
It changed into sufficient to encourage the writers at Digital Gaming month
To-month to a difficult story approximately how players may want to make-up makeup the mysterious Sheng Long. In the April Fools’ difficulty, the mag claimed that if a participant went via the sport’s arcade mode as Ryu without taking any damage several times in a row, Sheng Lengthy would appear, throw M. Bison off the stage, after which fight the player in about with no timer. They, in addition, said that Sheng Long had a pass set consisting of factors belonging to other characters, like Chun-Li’s Spinning Chook Kick and Sagat’s Tiger Shot, however, which dealt greater harm.
The city legend best unfolds as a result of other courses selecting it makeup without verifying it for themselves. EGM’s December issue that year declared the entire element a hoax, however once planted in humans’ imaginations, gaming myths have a knack for sticking around like difficult-to-kill weeds. It didn’t help that once Road Fighter II changed into ported to the SNES In the summer of ninety-two, its instruction guide incorrectly mentioned Sheng Lengthy as Ryu and Ken’s martial arts instructor. Later versions scrubbed this reference, but the damage changed into already done.
Things to Remember While Choosing an Accommodation
A large number of lodging facilities are being opened each yr to assist tourists to find a location to live for their holidays. There are hotels, serviced flats, lodges, visitor houses that you’ll be able to choose from. All these accommodation facilities do grow up inside the tourist locations. They are clean to find and clean to access in case you are touring to a location that is a well-known traveler spot. However, at the same time as you pick them, you need to be very an awful lot particular about the things and offerings that those lodges provide. matters which you ought to be particular approximately are-
• The first thing which you ought to be unique about is that vicinity you’re residing in.
The area needs to be the one that should be at the center of the metropolis. This would make sure that you can visit any area and be in the place this is near to the city lifestyles. you could go to museums, concerts and even attend partying destinations which might not be away at evening while you are unfastened.
• At enjoyment hours or while you aren’t equipped to go to destinations that are some distance from the accommodation centers have to have amusement rooms to that you could spend the time there. Even within the rooms, there should be a television set as a minimum to cool your nerves and relax your mood.
• Protection offerings must be tight. No stranger need to be able to input the place without the permission of the authority or you whilst They’re coming to you.
• There has to be absolute privateness. You have to now not be disturbed while you’re staying there. Even the authorities must no longer come to interfere with your life.
• Normal cleaning of the rooms should be finished so that you do not feel the burden of taking the mop and cleaning throughout your vacations. The place should be the one that is properly maintained.
• Room service has to be there in order that if you do now not sense you do not should go out and have your lunch or dinner. The meals need to be served at the time while you ask for.
 Live in the Moment – Ditch That Cell Phone
A phenomenon has taken vicinity on earth that really baffles my mind. This phenomenon isn’t always exclusively American. I have traveled quite a bit, as I practice Muay Thai in Asia and notice it anywhere I go.
People are actually addicted to their cell telephones. It drives me loopy.
Human beings walk into you or reduce you off all the time. The worst part is that they either do not realize they’ve carried out so or simply do not care.
I swear the next generation of Homo Sapiens will be crossed-eyed with one arm longer than the other, and a significant over-evolved thumb.
The latest ride thru the airport became a frustrating revel in for me. Human beings strolling in the direction of their gate were all walking with their heads buried in their telephones. It changed into like strolling thru an obstacle route. You need to have the footwork of a professional Muay Thai fighter, just to survive.
When I arrived at my gate, anybody had their telephones out and had been preoccupied with them.
I was a chunk early for my aircraft so I went to the bar to grab a drink. I have continually enjoyed meeting Human beings from all over the international in airport lounges. No longer anymore… To a person, all and sundry changed into buried in their telephones at the same time as sitting at the bar. Even the bartender, among serving customers, picked up her telephone and began scrolling away.
This occurs everywhere I am going. I went to the health club the opposite day after Muay Thai schooling, and there was a man sitting on the machine I desired to use… You guessed it, staring at his smartphone for 20 mins. If you could Fb while you’re running out, your exercise might not be all that hard.
I was at a concert currently and all of us around me turned into recording the concert on their phones, absolutely lacking the concert itself.
Yet again, I used to be trying to look at a few Can also Thai fights in Utah, but couldn’t see because the character in front of me had their telephone within the air, recording them.
I took my spouse and son to Thailand closing yr. Whilst taking a wreck from Muay Thai education, we have been on the most lovely seaside within the world, I seemed over at my spouse and noticed her scrolling through her Fb feed.
That was the straw that broke the camel’s lower back for me.
I do not bring my smartphone any greater. I bumped off it. I still have a telephone and use it After I need it, however, if I do not answer your name or textual content for a few days, it’s due to the fact I did not see it. it’s Now not that I do not care… Wait, honestly, it’s far. Being in touch with Humans through a cell smartphone is truly No longer all that high on my precedence listing nowadays.
Some of the matters that have passed it are; sunsets, sunrises, bushes, water, Humans watching, and so forth. You recognize… the arena around me.
Pros and Cons of Playing Online Games
Quite a few the kids are willing to playing on line play-offs now. Not simplest the younger, however, the elders are also equally interested in the web video games. The sole reason behind this is that the gaming machine has passed through massive adjustments from the earlier days, say, 10 years again. In advance, the games needed to be hooked up to one’s Pc and then one could have played. Now, someone can purchase present playing cards if he or she wants to play a specific game. But, playing online video games have blessings in addition to dangers.
The benefits of online gaming are as follows-
• on-line play-offs provide trial variations. This allows the customers to buy the games most effective if they prefer it within the trial duration. This additionally allows the ease to buy a play-off from the convenience in their domestic with out strolling to the shops.
• In on-line games, the users get unique content material for the games they’re playing. that is the cause why many humans select them.
• Another interesting element of on line gaming is they permit
Conversation. The gamers can engage with their pals and circle of relatives while they’re playing. this is without a doubt a high-quality aspect for thy recreation fanatics. The good aspect of that is that it enhances abilities of crew constructing. This could increase memory and lateral thinking in you even as including strategic elements in the sport.
• Via on-line gambling, you will be capable to investigate your playing skills in assessment to others. You will recognise your role in the play-off and will be capable of compete with others.
The negative aspects are-
System updates – while the user desires to play on line or down load a play-off they want to play they could face with a system replace that could put off the sport. The individual has to await the technique to complete and restarts the Laptop, smartphone or pill, whatever she or he is using.
Server issues or system defects – Viruses in games also are called system defects. This reasons it to run irregularly or gradual down all at once. Those are not unusual in all forms of games, however extra in on-line video games. additionally, the server problems can make it extra frustrating for the gamers.
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