#I just ended up hating the original sketch.
crystallizsch · 3 days
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Trouble? You're only in trouble if you get caught. So don't let me catch you ~
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uhhhhh say hi to jamil and yuusha's kid jas(mine) pt 2 (also here and here are like my only two other posts of her)
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HFDDF OKAY SO - i actually had these unfinished sketches from months ago of jas as a nrc student and scarabia housewarden
this sneaky little bastard (affectionate) had never left my cranium she was just sitting idly by
im sobbing i hate jas so much (lie i love her)
jamil and yuusha still aren't supposed to have a kid so i just imagine this to be an alternate timeline for them 🤧🤧🤧
soooo info dump time ---
━━━━━━✦ scarabia housewarden nrc jas
jas has a vice-housewarden who is her childhood best friend (figuring out if i want them to be twst rajah or abu)
also thinking about if i want yuusha to be a staff member in nrc with grim or just dead during this time (why? just because)
no further info tbh, scarabia housewarden jas is just vibing
━━━━━━✦ child jas stuffs
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i'm SO indecisive about her design as a toddler/preteen lowkey 😭
she was very sweet as a toddler but somewhere along the line she just became more carefree and chaotic
jas is a mama's girl but is more alike with her father than she cares to admit
octavinelle trio and heartslabyul duo + grim are like the honorary uncles (jas's favorites are floyd, ace, and grim bc they sometimes enable her with shenanigans)
even though jas has favorite uncles, najma is the favorite favorite. i imagine she's just the cool aunt
if mama yuu is "shrimpy" then jas is a "tiger prawn" (bc rajah)
jas LOVES doing people's hair including her own; would rather do them by hand rather than by magic
jamil showed jas how to breakdance once and it became ingrained in her personality ever since
(there's probably still more about her that i'm forgetting but this is it for now)
━━━━━━✦ bonus future jamiyuu stuff because i miss them
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jamil took yuusha's last name surprise surprise (if they get married)
i imagine after nrc they'd be travelling together actually, not necessarily settling down
(i'm REALLY not 100% on them settling down and having a kid but i still love jas a lot so im so conflicted) (that's why aus exist 😔✨)
(and if hypothetically they do settle down i think yuusha being staff in nrc with grim + maybe jamil who travels for work (or being a house husband??? maybe they alternate roles) can be adorable ideas)
━━━━━━✦ (i also had this thing that i never posted about that one trope of a fankid finding themselves in nrc bc of portal/time/mirror shenanigans)
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(jamil found both of them asleep somewhere and refuses to wake them up)
also some bonus tidbits about this scenario with them:
💜: Is she a family member of yours? How'd she get here?
🐍: I have never seen that child in my life before now. And there's no way I could have missed news about a new relative of mine.
💜: You know how ridiculous it sounds if she's related to me. I'm not from here. She even looks more like you!
🐍: Jas has the same color of eyes as you. Didn't you tell me she mistook you for her mother?
💜: ...Yeah, but I don't like what you're implying.
🐍: Well, I'm not exactly happy with this either.
they're just both in denial of the implication of this child existing and neither of them is saying it out loud.
and the angst/wholesomeness(???) of jamil asking jas's full name and hearing that she has her mother's last name instead of his
eventually they grew attached (unfortunately) until somehow they send jas home to her original timeline
and then they finally have a real conversation about what all that was about
anyways thank you for reading if you've made it this far;;; end tweet
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emrrys · 2 years
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“There is an idea of a Zane Julien. Some kind of abstraction. But there is no real me. Only an entity. Something illusory.”
❄️ click for better resolution 
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can-of-slorgs · 3 months
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Local owlbear, what she gonna explodee✨
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lokh · 3 months
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bro i fucking hate drawing
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st4rstudent · 3 months
wait so i'm actually sending a real question for once (WHOA!!!) -- clem, do you have any ocs? i know you tend to draw mac a lot and like, winn & stuff along w brian but. i don't think i've ever found any oc content of yours before? IDK IT JUST GOT ME THINKING?? /lh
You'd be right! I haven't posted any oc content before. I do have an OC but I've never posted her because I'm still kind of working on the design.
Unless you count orb giblets, but he needs a redesign to match his current model.
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reineydraws · 1 year
Why didn't you draw Babs with the Batfamily . You stupid bitch . Don't treat Babs that way. She's the queen and far more popular than any of the batfamily members!
wow! your question is valid but your tone is rude and i dont appreciate it. dont tell me how to treat fictional characters when you dont even treat your fan creators nicely.
babs isnt in the photo because she's setting up as oracle; in the caption i mention she sent up a drone to take the photo. babs is great and i love her but there are 11 people in the original photo and i based this in the wfa 'verse where there are also 11 gotham capes (that ive seen so far) on the streets that have babs at the helm, in the clocktower, being oracle. as a result of this train of thought, i unfortunately ended up not picturing her. it isnt bc of any specific babs hate on my part.
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pika-blur · 5 months
i miss drawing but also i dont wanna draw do you see the hell im in
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necroromantics · 1 month
🪓 — Canon Facts About Ticci Toby
all of these are directly stated by kastoway himself in deviantart posts/comments, instagram stories, or tobys canon story
I. Toby has a split eyebrow from the car crash
II. He only attended grade school for a short time when we was 12 before being homeschooled due to bullying
III. Kastoway describes Toby's eye colour as "dark brown/black"
IV. Kastoway created Toby as a fan character when he was 12 just for fun. He never expected him to get the attention that he did
V. Toby was stated to be 19 in 2013, which means Toby was born on April 28th, 1994. Today he'll be turning 30 years old
VI. In Toby's age chart, he is shown to be in a straitjacket at 30 years old, and described to "not have much time left on his plate", "any bit of sanity in him is probably gone", and "lives out the rest of his days in a mental asylum and/or gets put down"
VII. He has little to no memory of his life before becoming a proxy
VIII. When he was a toddler, he'd carry around a cow stuffie and put bandaids all over it
IX. Toby was killed by Clockwork, who was possessed by Zalgo, sometime between ages 19-25 (presumably 20-22). Kastoway had vague plans for Toby to "miraculously survive" and live up until around 30 years old, with no contact to the others
X. Toby chews his hands to the point of eating his own flesh, which is why he wears gloves
XI. He is born and raised in Denver, Colorado, USA. He has German ancestry
XII. His theme song is noted to be "I'm Not Alright" by Shinedown
XIII. His personality is described to be, "volatile, friendly at times, sarcastic at times, natural born trouble-maker, mostly up-beat"
XIV. In an older, outdated reference sheet, his friends are listed as "Jeff The Killer, BEN, BOB, Smile Dog, Slenderman, Splendorman, Mr. Widemouth, Ragface, Eyeless Jack", and his rivals are listed as "The Rake, Masky, Enderman, Zalgo"
XV. His mask is a mouth guard, like the one Hannibal Lecter wears
XVI. He is canonically shipped with Clockwork
XVII. Toby has "big ass eyebrows" (Kastoways words himself)
XVIII. Toby doesn't hate Masky, he just acts like an annoying little brother around him because he's jealous that Slender favours him. He's chill around Hoodie, but they don't talk much
XIX. Kastoway was inspired by Marble Hornets to create Ticci Toby
XX. Toby's tics are described as to "uncontrollably crack his neck, twitch around, bend over backwards"
XXI. In his updated appearance (the sketch made by Kastoway in 2014 with the cheek gash), he's described to be in his early 20s. He also said he was thinking of having the cheek gash be caused by the fire, but said that Toby eating through his own cheek was "a really good idea"
XXII. Toby was originally going to be a cannibal before Kastoway put the idea on the back burner, though he says "he'll eat some of the things he kills kind of like Eyeless Jack"
XXIII. He had CIPA, Tourettes, Schizophrenia and PTSD after the car crash
XXIV. His older sisters name is Lyra, his mothers name is Connie, and his father is canonically unnamed (though he's typically called Frank by the fandom, this is not stated by Kastoway)
XXV. He was originally going to be 5'4....... But ended up being made 5'6 (lucky bastard)
Thats all I can think of right now... Happy Birthday Toby
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sheisjoeschateau · 4 months
"Oh, so we DO love Steve..." | PART I
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Steve Harrington x Bauman!fem!reader enemies to lovers, heavy angst, hurt/comfort, upside down mayhem, S2-S4, post S4 universe hot-take, end-of-the-world / dystopian setting, ugly fights turned smut (...but with hella plot). 18+
An original fanfiction series, written by Misha St. James.
⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆ SERIES MASTERLIST ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆
I did not proof-read this after Tumblr gave me hell trying to share. So pls excuse possible typos. hehe
Let's just get to the point, shall we?
Once upon a time, a young boy named Will Byers went missing. Later, he was found in an alternate dimension by the world's #1 mom and a cynical cop turned hero. A girl with a shaved head had telekinetic superpowers, befriend's Will's four loyal friends along the way and helping them track down their missing party member. Then, whatever the hell was on the other side - whatever was in this...upside down...took back Eleven. She'd been missing ever since that dreadful winter.
Fast forward to now: you're sitting in your uncle's bunker, looking at his wild display of efforts.  Papers, files, whiteboards covered in multiple words, arrows, sketches - all in different colored markers. Murray Bauman was on a mission, and he would be damned if that grumpy, cynical smart-ass known as Jim Hopper honestly thought that he could dismantle his efforts.  Nice try, chum. Game on. Thankfully, you'd gone to school with Barbara Holland. That's whose parents had assigned the task of searching for her to your uncle. Murray was asking you tons of questions, and you were glad to help. It meant spending time with the only family member you cared for, despite his wackiness. You guys got each other. Bantered well. Got shit done. Honestly, it was also a great way of drinking safely and not with a bunch of rowdy teenagers at some stupid party. You got along just fine with everyone at school. But damn, they could all be annoying.  ...especially Steve fucking Harrington, who was now the topic of conversation. You know, given that his house is where Barbara was last seen. "It just isn't making sense," your uncle huffed, raking his hands through his oily dark hair.  You sipped on the glass of vodka that your uncle had poured you, hissing at the strong taste. Leaning across the coffee table, seated on his couch, you tried to connect the dots with him. "I'm telling you, someone in that group of teens knows what's up. Or at least has an idea." Your uncle swigged at his vodka, defeated but ruthlessly trying to piece together his clusterfuck of scattered evidence across his wall. "Well then, guess we better grill 'em."
And that's how you come into the picture. When Nancy and Jonathan came to seek out Murray. And when they arrive, they're surprised to see you. They recognize you from school. Jonathan took several classes with you. In fact, the two of you got along well at Hawkins High. No, you weren't close. But you both were cool. Nancy, on the other hand, didn't know anything about you. Just that you took political science with Barbara, and got straight A's across the board. You could've been class valedictorian. But you were not looking for any sort of title that demanded pressure or attention. At least not in high school. Career wise? Sure. Not here, though. Not Hawkins. "Your timeline is wrong," Nancy is saying, making you and Bauman freeze.  Nancy is telling you that the girl with the buzzed hair is not Russian. She is, in fact, from Hawkins lab. And her name is...Eleven? So they do know something. And something turns out to be everything.
Jonathan sits you both down to relay everything to you both. And woof, does it give you guys a headache. Strangely, though... it makes a whole lot more sense than some mundane explanation of sorts. Obviously though, that puts you all in a tough spot where you'll all need to put your heads together. So the two classmates of yours stay, sharing in chilled Smirnoff and having to endure the hilarity that ensues between you and your uncle. You and Murray both banter well with the two of them. Jonathan finds you to be hilarious. Nancy finds you intimidating. Very intimidating. You’re quick witted, darkly humored and independent. But there is a reserved, mysterious sort of feminine energy to you, despite your more masculine strengths and bluntness. Over glasses of stiff vodka, you all come to the conclusion on how to go about exposing the truth about Barbara Holland's disappearance: water it down.
At the end of the night, you're all winding down -- you and your uncle having convinced the two lovebirds to stay. But when you're telling them they can take your uncle's guest room while you take the couch, Jonathan's asking if he can take the couch. You blink. Huh? ...surely Nancy is not still with --
"Okay, I'm confused," your uncle's saying. "What's going on here? Lovers quarrel?"
You cock an eyebrow, leaning back into the loveseat.
But Jonathan and Nancy are then talking over each other with weird, flustered excuses...saying they're just friends.
You and your uncle bust out laughing. And then you're shrinking back in your seat, knowing what's coming: one of your Uncle Murray's lovebird witchdoctor speeches that he barrels into anytime that two delusional people have convinced themselves that they aren't in love. Or at the very least, not into each other. 
Uncle Murray is breaking them down, one at a time. He's reading Jonathan like an angsty teen novel, seeing right through him and his brooding, mysterious energy.  Trust issues, thanks to daddy issues. Yikes, that makes you sip some more drink.
And then he's onto Nancy, saying that she's harder to read. But he manages anyway.  It's the Bauman way.
He's telling her that she's likely like everyone else, "afraid of what would happen if you accepted yourself for you who you really are." He looks at you. "Am I in the right ballpark?"
You nod, swallowing the last drop of vodka in your cup. "That...and afraid of that might happen if she didn't retreat back to the safety of someone familiar."
Nancy looks bewildered. But more than that, she looks caught. 
"Name?" your uncle is prodding, snapping his fingers.  "Name."
You and Jonathan both say it. "Steve."
Uncle Murray's face is priceless. He feigns adoration, putting on a baby voice as he repeats the name. "Dawh. Steve. We like Steve."
"Yes," Nancy laughs nervously.  Eek, you think.
"But we don't love Steve..." Your uncle's words floor Nancy.
And when Nancy's saying something about still being with Steve, insisting that she loves him, you roll your eyes. Even scoffing, getting her attention. Maybe if the vodka weren't in your system, you wouldn't be so bold. But Jonathan's mopey look just gives you more confidence.
"Boom, ladies and gents," you say with a grin. "Second lie of the evening." "The hell was the first one?" Jonathan asks, blinking. "You guys being just friends." You and your uncle say something along the same lines, simultaneously. You both laugh together, clinking glasses. The two not lovebirds just squirm awkwardly in their seats. Finally, you sigh. "Look. You guys don't wanna give up the ghost? Be my guest. I'll happily keep my bed." You stand up, ready to turn in. But not until casting them one last work, pointing a finger. "But if I were you two? I'd cut the bullshit and just share the damn bed." Murray snorts, rising to stand as well. He stretches. "Welllllp. I'm turning in for the night." You begin mounting the stairs, hollering: "Better act fast, kiddos. At least before this poison in my system knocks me out cold. Don't worry, Nancy, I don't snore. So if you do choose me, you're safe." "But that's so lame," Murray adds to that wryly, heading off to his room. You both tell each other goodnight, leaving the two angsty teens to decide their fate. All you know is that Nancy ends up walking out and not coming back, at one point in the night.  Yeah, thought so. Breakfast the next morning is even more hilarious. You and your uncle ask every single question that drips with innuendo that you ever possibly could. And it's worth every fucking minute.
Murray's gonna need to keep that couch cleaned. To your surprise, Murray sends you off with Nancy and Jonathan, but given that you want to go and see it all for yourself you don't mind. You’re basically his little spy.  Most uncles send off their nieces and nephews with some good advice, maybe a packed lunchbox or snacks, and a warm hug. 
Yours, however, sends you off with a full bottle of vodka, a thick wad of cash and some fun sarcastic banter. But he headlocks you in for a hug, and you cackle. He really is a nutcase, and man you can't help but love him. He is so not the parental type. Yet somehow, he's practically raised you. And in your opinion, you're pretty well-prepared for the world. More than most, in Murray's opinion. So off you go with Nancy Wheeler and Jonathan Buyers, and they both honestly enjoy your company. It helps them get past their umm...well...awkward new reality. That new reality that comes post-sex, after a long ass time of playing the tip-toe game. The sexual tension between them is hysterical to you. But you keep your thoughts to yourself for now. The vodka did most of the talking for you last night.
When you both arrive at wherever the hell your destination is, it's dark outside. And if you're being honest, it's pretty creepy. You're somewhere near the woods, and as you all walk closer you're beginning to see lights approaching you...along with a handful of shadowed figures. 
Fuck, you literally just got here.
But then, after a tense several moments... Nancy and Jonathan call out to them. You jump, startled at the fact that they do it so confidently. But the name that they call out suddenly makes it all make sense. "STEVE?" "NANCY...?" And that's how you became a crucial part of the most royal pain in the ass, King Steve's, life.
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bellamybellamyblake · 5 months
Violet Eyes, Red
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rhysand x reader (pretty sure it's gender neutral - there might be a "she" i missed while referring to you from the original draft bc second person pov is not how i write)
you and your mate reunite after feyre defeats amarantha and this is the fallout of what the bitch did to him.
aftermath of SA - i can't really tell if it's graphic which tells me it is, loose description of a panic attack, PTSD, please let me know if I missed anything. guys, please, if these topics are triggering for you, don't read this fic. i am not responsible for your media consumption, but i also don't want to throw you headfirst into your trauma.
Word Count:
literally broke my own damn heart with this one. rhys' trauma is so ignored and that needed to be rectified. rhys might be my second favorite bat boy, but he's still a lil baby who needs to be protected
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The human girl had beaten her - the woman of his nightmares - once and for all. At the first moment he could, Rhysand winnowed. After fifty years, he knew there was only one place he could go. After all, it was the last Sunday of the month, and that Sunday was the day he and his mate reserved just for themselves. The High Lord and Lady would not conduct any business on that day.
You'd spend most of your day on the balcony. You'd serenade him with the piano. You'd fly around Velaris - creating patterns in the air. You'd cradle each other in your arms. He'd sketch out a new drawing - trying and failing, in his opinion, to encapsulate your true beauty.
One day, he broke that promise, that vow you had made, and went to what he thought was a simple trade meeting. That morning was the last day he saw you, and he still couldn't live with himself.
Those memories alone kept him breathing at times. When Amarantha stole his bed, his body, his hope.
Then the human girl showed up, and he tried to help her. Wanted to give her what she needed to beat the beast he didn't think he'd ever escape. But he had lost the will to pray for it. To the cauldron, to the Mother Above. Despite his pessimism, she persevered. The girl had won. And then he was free.
He was on the balcony before he could even think about it. After a quick glance around, he realized it was empty. At first, he felt a pulse of disappointment, but with the realization of how long it'd been, he breathed deeply. How could he expect you to keep up the tradition? Fifty years of solitude on those Sundays would have made him mad if your roles were reversed.
At the thought, he allowed himself to feel the mating bond. It had gone cold the moment he winnowed away all those years ago, but now it was as beautiful as he remembered. The pull of another person at the end of a tether, forever binding them in the purest forms of fate.
But he heard your thoughts, and he almost broke down in sobs at the sound of your voice in his head. Please come home, my love. I don't know how to do this anymore. Please. The last word, you were begging. Your inner voice, the one he had to get used to living without, was broken. Pleading for him to return - despite everything you'd probably heard.
And with that, he took action, winnowing to every room in the house so he would find you as soon as possible. He knew you were close; your scent wasn't stale. It was fresh, clinging to every piece of furniture you owned together.
It was the last room he checked, his office, where he found you. You sat in his desk chair; the leather more worn than he remembered. But the sight of you stopped him from rushing to you. Nursing a bottle of wine, you slouched on your elbows, hands in your hair, as more thoughts streamed through the bond.
I'm losing myself, Rhys. I don't know how much more of this I can take. I can't let myself believe you won't come back because that- that will ruin me. What she's doing to you, what she's making you do. I don't even know a fraction of it, but I can't stop it. I- I can't protect you. And I hate myself for it. 
He was watching you as you sent the words down the bond, the bond that had been desolate for half a century. You run your hands down your face, not looking up from your wine, the third of many you planned to drown in.
Just get through it. Please just- just survive. Do what you have to do to come home. I'll be here. I love you. My mate.
You'd only allowed yourself to talk to him once a month. Initially, you would try to send him something every day. Thoughts, images, songs you'd learned, prayers for him. You never heard anything back, and it slowly started eating away at you. It shattered your hope every time you didn't get a response.
You'd heard the rumors, Amarantha's whore, he'd been called. Every time you heard it, it ate away at you more and more. As if he would choose that - choose to warm the bed of another when you were waiting for him at home. You knew him better than that, and you winced at the thought. He wouldn't choose it, but would she force him? Was she that much of a monster? 
You had to shake that thought away for the thousandth time that night, downing the rest of the glass. As you reach for the bottle, nearly empty at that point, a hand wraps around your wrist. The touch is gentle but firm - stopping you from drinking more, but not rough enough to hurt. Instead of startling at it, the wine slows your instincts. You can only stare. The tattoos on the dorsal side interweave into vines under the sleeve. Vines you know, vines that you've held, vines that have and will continue to have free rein of your body.
Faster than you thought you were capable of, your eyes flew to its owner's eyes. Violet. The most ravishing violet. Violet you'd feared you were forgetting.
With a new urgency, you pulled yourself to your feet, your hands flying up to his face without thinking. One on his cheek, the other on his neck, pushing, pulling, grabbing, unsure if it was your mind playing tricks on you.
In your desperate touch, you missed the way he flinched.
His hands. Mother Above, his beautiful hands were on your neck too, placed at the sides. When your mind would play you for a fool, it would never let you touch him, let alone allow him to reach you. But there he was, and you could feel him. You tugged at the bond, finally noticing it was warm and delicate and sweet and serene and everything you wished you knew how to describe. 
He breathed your name, barely a whisper. "I'm home, my darling. I'm home."
"You're here." The words barely escaped you, and you couldn't stop the tears. He didn't hesitate a moment, pulling you in for a frustratingly rare and fierce embrace. You clung to each other for dear life, tighter and tighter and tighter, like he'd disappear if you let him go. Frankly, you weren't convinced he wouldn't. "You're really here."
You stood like that for a while, holding each other, when he ultimately pulled away first. "Rh-Rhys, don't go-"
"I'm not," he promised, his voice raw, kissing your forehead. He took in every inch of your face. "I just wanted to look at you. My mate."
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Since Rhys had been freed by the human girl, nothing had been normal. Not that you expected it to be, but you didn't anticipate just how awful a recovery for him would be. He couldn't share your bed, and you didn't mean that in a sexual manner. He couldn't sleep with anyone else in his room - if he had even been sleeping at all. He could barely stand to be touched. You knew he wanted to be able to let you, but every time you seemed to blink, he would flinch.
You had suspicions about what went on under the mountain, but you had no idea it would be so evil.
He stood before a cabinet, staring blankly into it, lost in a memory - a memory he'd been refusing to share. You understood why, but something in you told you that you needed to see. Not just for curiosity's sake but to know how to help him. Even if it was past your pay grade.
"Rhys," You called quietly for the second time. You didn't want to touch him, shock him back to reality. The fear of that setting him off more held you back. With a harsh and sudden breath, he fearfully glanced at you and around the room, forgetting where he was for a moment. "You're at home, Rhys. You came home."
"I'm sorry," He rasped, ignoring your words. His hands pulled at his hair, and you were nervous he'd start ripping it out. He backed away from you, so far away he was caught by the wall. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."
Your own formed at the sight of his tears, but you couldn't conjure up what he'd have to apologize for. "It's okay, honey, you're safe. It's okay."
"I didn't- I didn't want it. I swear on my life, I didn't want to."
You shook your head, not understanding. But you knew asking what he was apologizing for was the wrong thing to do. You could see it, the shame, the regret, the blame. "I know you didn't."
He squeezed his eyes shut, buried his face in his hands, and sank to the floor. He kept murmuring apologies, pleading for your forgiveness. "I betrayed you, you have to- you have to leave me."
His words shocked you, and now you were the one that flinched. "Rhysand, look at me." He visibly shrunk at the command, pulling his hands away from his face. "As far as I'm concerned, anything that happened...there...is the furthest thing from your fault. I know there are things you can't tell me, and that's okay. I'll be here when you're ready-"
"I can't!" He bellowed. "You'll never forgive-"
"Show me the memory." You demanded, your voice quiet but assertive. But you wouldn't push too hard if he was adamant about keeping you out. You knew. You knew. Based on the way he had been acting, what had happened. But you also knew he needed to show you. So someone, fucking someone, would tell him it was out of his control. He couldn't govern everything, even if he was the High Lord of the Night Court. The words hurt as they left your lips. "Because I can promise you that I will."
You weren't a daemati, but you could see him battling with himself. Debating, if showing you what really happened, would bury him deeper under the surface or pull him back up for air.
Eventually, he released a rare sob and a barely audible "Okay."
He showed you the first time, how he just laid there like a statue as her hands took everything for herself. Then, the fifth time, when she started demanding he respond, pretend he wanted it. Then, the eleventh time, when his body started reacting. Then, by the next time, he had stopped keeping count.
He showed you, whether he meant to or not, how he prayed for it to end, prayed for someone to rescue him.
How he had been praying for you.
With the confirmation of your theory, you squeezed your eyes shut, trying and failing to hold back the tears. The angry tears, wishing you could've been the one to rip her throat out. Tears that enraged you because that was not Tamlin's kill. Furious tears because that wasn't even your kill. Devastating tears because your mate not only had to play a character for so long, but he had to endure being called her whore. Like he had any fucking say. 
Overwhelming tears because your mate was in pain and there was shit all you could do about it.
"Can I touch you?" The question shocks him, but he nods without thinking, confused at the request. You slowly lift your hands to his cheeks, brushing away his tears with your thumbs. "There is nothing for me to forgive you for. I know you didn't want to do any of it."
"But I-"
"Bodies respond to stimulation whether it's wanted or not. It's how we work." You explained slowly and carefully, keeping direct eye contact. "You forget, sweetheart. I can hear your thoughts when you show me a memory."
"I've-" His voice caught, putting his hands on your wrists, rubbing them up and down your arms until they got hot. "I've been so scared. That it's still happening. That all of this is going to go away, that she's not really gone, that I'm not really here, and this is just another tactic-"
You shake your head, finally pulling yourself together to say what you've wanted to say for weeks. "I swear on my life that I will never let anyone hurt you like that again. I will spend eternity protecting you from her and anyone like her. And if you forget that this is real, just ask me. I'll tell you."
His eyes darted between yours, furiously blinking. Violet eyes, red. Pleading craving begging praying.
"Is it?"
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wilted3sunflowers · 10 months
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Baroque Pearl : SOLD Level headed and a sharp tongue she could be utilized much more as an advisor than just a simple decorative pearl to entertain if she got that chance. Sadly it seems shes only here to be a good hostess and cater to guests and entertainment.
Babydoll Pearl: Sold A hot headed pearl who hates it here. She doesn't like frilly little outfits, she doesn't like holding her tongue. She's petty and keeps causing trouble for her owner [if they even care].
First come first serve, i take payment over paypal USD They come with a toyhouse: transparent files, full shaded and flat and their little additional comic of them interacting. which clearly...didnt turn out well.
Design Notes on Baroque Pearl: Of course the fan in the reef gives total Jellyfish vibes and I did entertain the thought of it. I do a lot of changes while sketching, originally Baroque pearl wasn't going to be Baroque. Yet. I decided to play further with the spirals present and the already drawn short curly hair I had drawn on her. Since baroque pearls are textured and some have more twists I thought it'd be very cute head nod towards the actual real life Pearls structure. With that single word change it also influenced more baroque to Rocco outfit - especially the shoes, since baroque pearls aren't perfectly round it even influenced her skirts silhouette more looking like the shape of a trapezoid as if there was a hoop skirt structure reminiscent of that fashion era previously mentioned.
Design Notes of babydoll Pearl: I knew almost right away when seeing that fan in the reef that the name that came to me was 'babydoll'. It's a very plain and simple clamshell fan with just a bow. It's not too descriptive and it's just there almost like an afterthought. of 'its a pearl, give her a clamshell with a bow' type of knick knack to toss at them like a doll with an accessory to add on. I knew i wanted a very soft coloring for the clothing, white to pastel pink. There was some strife in the coloring of thumbnail palettes, she almost ended up in a completely different and stronger color palette but in wanting to keep with the name "baby doll pearl" I stuck with the original first one. I'll repurpose the other color palette i admittedly liked more but it didn't feel proper for both the name and this specific pearl feeling I wanted to evoke. Also her eyes are very notably different than all my other pearls eyes. Big and shiny and such voluminous lashes. I really leaned in for big doll like eyes to match the name. That it's a very notable feature of hers and her pouty lips. Not only her angry personality but even a few key features show shes not a traditional pearl just at a glance.
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twost3ps · 6 days
This boy has been in the drafts for like a month
I'm feeling like I want an Adam sandwich with two slices of Morningstar brothers so you guys are going to hear me out on my LucifurxAdamxMicheal au (and I mean it in a they both share Adam in the end :3 ) In general I'm calling the ship ✨️GuitarStars✨️ boooyaaa I feel like there might be a better name for it but idk
(Also I’ve noticed there is complaint for guitarhero in the adamsapple tag. I'm tagging this post as adamsapple this once of it but post related to this with both brothers will be counted as #guitarstars.
I also completely agree with the complaints. There is a problem with the tagging so this is a very quick reminder to please tag properly!!! Ik it's not meant to be harmful bcz most guitarhero shippers are also adamsapple as well. But i will admit there has been a lot of unecessary tagging (i am guilty of this im so sorry qwq) so please be mindful!!!! Ik this post might go agaisnt that but its just this post i swear sorrryyyy)
ANYWAYS The actual au:
For now I'm calling the au- Angels on My Shoulder (I can't think of a good title rn grrr)
quick sketchs so you get the idea
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General prompt:
Adam respawns as a human with all his memories. He lives a normal happy life until he turns 21 when two angels (Micheal and Lucifer) appear on his shoulders with a mission: try convince him into making certain decisions so that he ensures a spot in heaven or hell.
That doesn’t work out very well because adam hates how theyre forcing their ideals onto him one way or another. He doesnt really want to think about heaven or hell anytime soon. Heaven or hell seems like complete torture to him. The fact that he didn't like either of them before he respawned doesn't help.
A revelation happens and both brothers realize it's not gonna work on their terms so they're gonna have to earn his favor first before trying anything. One of the ways is talking it out beacuse adam had expressed several times over that, while at first it was funny, their bickering needs to die because it's getting annoying.
They talk it out. They make up. It takes a whole but they become close again. They try to earn adams favor in the meantime and between time. Everything is at peace. As time goes on though, the wooing is no longer for just adams favor, its now romantic. Both develop feelings for Adam. And since now they made up both made up they are very willing to share him.
The og goal is completely lost. Gone with the dirt and dust. And now what was once a competition to get Adam into heaven or hell has spiraled into heaven and hell trying to get into Adam. If you catch my drift.
Do they get in there?
God bless they do
(Ps they start off as small little mascots but then later grow into their normal form and an added human form. Adam Prefers the small mascots though)
My in-depth of the au that is very subject to change I just wanted to rant is under the cut o3o
So when Adam had died, he respawned onto earth. Born into a normal family and all that jazz. He lives life as normal and has comes to terms with it. He actually loves his life. He doesn’t have to walk on eggshells anymore and lives as normal. He’s not insanely good or insanely bad, he’s just a guy.
A guy who is very happy with himself. After graduating he becomes a national park ranger.
Heaven and hell both know of adams soul, but contant cant be initiated till he turns 21 (It was recognized because I wanna say 21 would be the age Adam technically was in his creation during Eden, and thats when he can process divinity without his body tweaking as if he were any other mortal. Souls grow along with age and all that drama, adams soul in eden was strong enough to stand the sheer power of a seraphims presence) both sides made it their immediate duty to guide him to their path.
Sera wanted Adam in heaven to clear her mind- to have heaven back to perfection with the original perfection creation (also to have her son back, but she's not ready to unpack that for herself.)
Lucifur wanted adam as he could punish him directly for hurting Charlie and her friends. A little tiny part of him also really wants Adam all for himself grrryrvgrvsgrs
So both heaven and hell spawn a representative guide for Adam to follow once his soul is ready to guide. Lucifur nominated himself and Sera nominated Micheal who agreed.
For some reason (probably amix of earth and god or sumn), Adam's presence nulls the powers of both angels and devils. So the first time they appear, Micheal and lucifur appear as small tiny mascots on Adam’s shoulder.
(Adam has flicked both of them away several times and they can't really do anything about it other than fly back and try again)
Both sides had the same idea and Adam connects the dots very fast on why they are here without them telling him. And he's pissed.
His normal life is now ruined.
Adam actually really hates both Lucifur and Micheal. Lucifur for obvious reasons and Micheal because he's just so nitpickey. Micheal had trained Adam in the past and that guy was brutal. Adam understood part of it was with Lucifurs falling and their brother thing and whatever but god daymn bro needed to chill. If Sera was on him like a hawk Micheal had been on him like a spy camera from space monitored by the secret service. In a way, both devalued adams emotions to some capacity so Adam hated both of them equally. Nothing Adam could do about it though because he was human.
In the beginning, both micheal and lucifur kept it really formal between them. Its strained but neither brother imposes on what the other one advises. That doesn’t stay for too long. The formalities between Lucifur and Micheal die pretty quickly. Under 2 months tops. While both are very old and very much adults, they are, first and foremost, SIBLINGS.
Both begin talking over eachother, butting in, shoving eachother. It's like pre eden all over again between the two on who is better. Most of the time they argue about the most random topics forgetting their og purpose.
After one year of enduring both of their bs, Adam feels like he has a dog and a cat rather than two otherworldly gaurdians monitoring his every move.
He doesn't complain though. After a while he's learned to tune them out. He also finds it incredibly entertaining watching the literal devil fight with the a high angel while being incredibly small. And with no powers it resorts to petty slapping. He's gotten pretty used to it....
Except when it comes to them making him choose what actions he takes.
They're always on him about everything. It sucks so much ass. Everything Adam tries to do something good, Lucifur tells him that it's stupid, that he should be more selfish and blocks Adam. He keeps on telling him that deep down adam really isnt all that, and why should he try and do good when everyone knows that hes not really that. Micheal does the same thing in reverse. When Adam does something considered bad, Micheal raves on how he'll go to hell. That Adam was made in perfection and must reach that perfection. That heaven is waiting for him and is available only if he keeps on doing good.
It makes Adam so mad when they remember what they're trying to do.
Adam doesn’t listen to either angel because after living part of his life as just a normal person, he’s come to realize he doesn’t want to think about living life wondering if he’s going to heaven or hell. Adam does not want to face eternal punishment or be in hell. He still really hates sinners, and while the blood hungry killer part of him died with his second life, he still thinks that the majority of those sinners are disgusting to say the least. But he doesn’t want to walk eggshells to be virtuous enough to enter heaven. Heaven, for all its greatness got tiring after 1000s of years. He's grown tired- already hated hell and grew to hate heaven. He doesn’t want to think about either, he doesn’t want those ideas to deter him from choosing what he wants to do. He wants to make both good and bad decisions without an angel watching over him. He wants to be able to make both good and bad decisions. He makes this very clear after a breakdown.
It becomes less of a competition over making Adam choose and more of getting into Adam’s favor after that because their first tactic is clearly not working.
So both agree that they will have to earn adams favor before making him do anything.
But in order to get adams favor both have to learn to get along because it had become one of Adam's biggest gripes. Funny at first, but the bickering and arguments got tiring after the course of a few years.
So they do attempt to make up. Genuinely. It's hard and its tough. Theres a lot there to unpack. But both jnkw that if they don't do this Adam is not going to listen to either of them because getting along has go go both ways.
And they do make up.
By the time Adam is in his early 30s, the close proximity and a lot of Adam yelling to sort it out, allowed for some slow but needed time to talk it out. They would do it infront of Adam who was the mediator, but they mostly would talk when Adam falls asleep as both watch over his dreams (creepos imo). They begin talking about their decision and their lives. Both brothers do acknowledge that they miss each other and that they have committed several wrongs with each other. And soon the fighting turns to light banter and life is good. They still try to earn adams favor but it's a lot more calmer. Everything's more calm.
Atleast that's what adam thought at first.
While bonding and stuff, they both come to the mutual agreement that they could share Adam. So they both freak it and try to woo Adam together.
And then now it's a matter of Adam freaking out because while before, both his little shoulder angels used to argue, they their bickering distracted them enough that Adam could chill and leave.
Now they're both bothering him and helping eachother try to get in adams pants. They're tag teaming him now.
It doesn't take long for their combined forces to make Adam cave.
The og goal is kinda gone. They still put their input but adams become more open it because they're less demanding and he feels like their goals are more aligned to his wants than theirs. Lucifur and Micheal also come to kinda realize that where Adam ends is where Adam ends. They're going to have to just suck it up when the time comes but they'll enjoy sharing while it lasts.
It gets pretty domestic and slice of life here. So the years following is a mix of sibling bonding and having ✨️the rizz✨️ on Adam.
Lucifur talks about hell and Charlie. Micheal talks about heaven and lucifur and his siblings. (Both Micheal and Lucifur arent permannt shoulder angels, they can actually pop away if they wanted to) Adam talks about his life and stuff.
When Adam eventually dies, his soul is neither here or there (because getting absolutely boned by twin morningstars does not make you virtuous or sinful it just makes you a bad bitch) his soul spawns in limbo. He’s deprived from salvation but doesn’t endure the horrors of hell. It’s basically a decent sided garden with a basic house in the middle where the garden ends is white space. On opposite ends of the garden are two doors, one goes to hell and the other to heaven. Turns out, the doors are connected to Micheal and Lucifer’s homes, but only appeared in them once Adam died. He’s allowed outside limbo into heaven or hell of his choosing for a limited amount of time and visites Micheal and Lucifer when he can. On the flip side Micheal and Lucifer can freely walk in and out of the place. I don’t want Adam to be lonely once he enters limbo so Cain and Abel are there because they died before heaven was ready and when he’ll just started.
So that’s pretty much it :3 kinda
incomplete but doesn't have everything I wanna say
I will reiterate what I said at the beginning. I love you my guitarhero ppl but they are right in the tagging. It comes from a place of love so just be mindful!! Also, this is from me, sometimes the adamsapple vs guitarhero thing gets repetitive. It's a very common post ive seen. And I mean in general not just leaking into the adamsapple tag. That might just be me, but I do see it pretty often. Love it but that with the tagging does get a bit old. Really, the problem is a mix of incorrect tagging and the same trope. There's a lot more to the ship, especially with Micheal being free reign rn, so there is a lot of opportunity to show their relationship besides comparing it to Adamsapple.
I feel like somone who ships guitarhero also had to say something so yeyeye
Again, no offense to anyone guitarhero isbmy love but just please be mindful guys o3o
If you read all that thank you lol
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selene-19 · 5 months
Katsuki Bakugo and Katsuki Gogo
Reminder that Katsuki is originally supposed to be a nice, cheery person and best friend with Izuku but Horikoshi HATES IT! I did think about it and I understand why Bakugo Katsuki is the best choice than Gogo Katsuki
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Gogo Katsuki has it all a strong quirk, good looks, a natural genius and have a nice personality. He sounds lovable, right? He would be like:
Izuku: Kacchan you are amazing!
Katsuki: you are amazing too Izuku! I bet you could do it too.
If this is their relationship I wouldn't ship them. Why? Cause I would rather ship Izuocha because it has the same energy. Sunshine x Sunshine ☀️
Izuku with this Katsuki is not good on my opinion. Izuku is self sacrificial, so selfless and with this Katsuki who I bet would just encourage him. He would be the Deku who does his best and Gogo would just be happy for him like a good best friend 🙃
Unlike Katsuki Bakugo who knows Izuku's self-sacrificial and hate it. I'm saying this without shipping glasses but Katsuki Bakugo is perfect as he is imperfect. He has flaws, mistakes, weaknesses, and insecurities and Gogo doesn't have actual flaws except being an airhead. Gogo didn't need to have that character growth and development. I mean Gogo Katsuki could have grown to be a hero and I think that would only be his development and doesn't need to be with Izuku for that.
This video after Kacchan vs Deku 2 shows how Bakugo Katsuki makes Izuku strive to be a better hero, them being rivals. He wanted to catch up with Katsuki and vice versa. Izuku admires Katsuki's strength and Katsuki fears Izuku's heart, they are twin stars, like yin and yang and of course as All Might said "Win to Save, Save to Win". You can see All Might proud smile while looking at them.
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Now, this sketch of Hori which is one of my fave shows how Izuku keeps chasing after Katsuki and wants to be the best hero with him. Look how he ran so hard with all of his might. He wants to catch up with Katsuki so bad, wants to be closer which he achieves eventually. Even with the bullying it never stops Izuku from dreaming of becoming a hero. I also like to add that Katsuki also chases after Izuku because both of them think one is ahead of the other shown in chp 362.
Let's go back to Gogo Katsuki. Gogo is a genius so obviously he is talented and good with everything and definitely supportive. So Izuku being quirkless is not an issue to Gogo cause he is nice so I think he would say that Izuku can still be a hero. And Izuku would be happy with that. He wouldn't push himself so hard or might push himself but either way, Gogo said he would be a hero and Izuku would believe it. Izuku doesn't need to do his very best to chase Katsuki cause he has his acceptance already so end of story 😟
There would be no "I keep chasing after you and What would Kacchan do" then no romantic rain, no heart issue, Katsuki apology would never happen, not Katsuki being Izuku's hero or vice versa, no Katsuki being sacrifice or him dying for Izuku cause why would he do that when he trust Izuku could do anything. They just don't bring the best out of each other. And we would never have Izuku looking at Katsuki with awe and wanted to be closer cause they are already close. They'll just be childhood friends and classmates. MHA would never be the same.
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Just looking at this it pisses me off. I understand Horikoshi why it angers him. Katsuki has an explosion quirk and should have an explosive personality but Gogo is just a burst of sunshine and just perfect 😂
credits to the editor 💖
With Gogo Katsuki I don't think Izuku would see him as his image of victory (why would he when Katsuki G is nice and won't fight and I bet is friendly with everyone) but rather a supportive best friend, I can see them being rivals, has a friendly rivalry like Asta and Yuno. So I would never ship them and I would agree with people saying they are like brothers.
Katsuki Bakugo is a complex character and I love him for that. Katsuki Gogo would be a good character but he would never achieve as much popularity as Katsuki Bakugo who is always number one on popularity polls. Horikoshi is amazing on writing Katsuki Bakugo's character and personality. Also, Gogo Katsuki should be with prototype Izuku or Yamikumo cause they have contrast in their personality so they are good with each other, unlike Gogo and Izuku.
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Lastly, I love Katsuki being a tsundere and I would never appreciate his genuine smile if he was Gogo who is a cheery person that always smiling 🥹
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As I end this I would like to add, we won't have our Izuku Midoriya we know today without Katsuki Bakugo. They are who they are right now because of each other and their experiences 🧡💚
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Found this on pinterest, credits to the artist
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morganski-19 · 12 days
The One with the Cafeteria
Fourteen Years Ago
Eddie sits at an empty cafeteria table. Pulling out his crumpled lunch bag, only a few snacks and half a squished sandwich inside. He takes out the pretzels, popping a few in his mouth while he draws something in his sketch book. Trying to decide what the best way to draw the creature he’s thinking of.
A group of football players pass his table. Bursting out in laugher after a jumbled whisper. Eddie tenses his shoulders, having a feeling it’s about him. With his hair that’s a mess that falls right below his ears, the way he dresses outside of the town’s boxes. He’s not exactly fit to be the popular kid.
Still, he could go without the passing remarks. He already was held back one year, he didn’t need more scrutiny.
A tray is placed gently across from him. He doesn’t think anything of it. Better to ignore the torment before it happens. But when he takes the chance to see who’s in front of him, it’s anything but the people who like to make fun of him.
This time it’s the girl that sits in front of him in math class. Nancy Wheeler.
“Hi,” she says with a soft smile. “You’re Eddie, right?”
Eddie cautiously nods. “Yeah.”
A person like Nancy Wheeler still never sits with Eddie Munson. He wonders why she’s really here.
“All my friends are in a different lunch period, and you had an empty table, so I thought I could join you.” She looks nervous, fidgeting with the sides of her lunch tray. “Would that be ok?”
Eddie shrugs. “As long as you’re good at avoiding random paper balls, then yes.”
Nancy furrows her brows. “Paper balls?”
Almost like she summoned them, a wadded-up piece of paper hits the back of Eddie’s head. He goes back to eating like nothing happened.
“They actually throw shit at you? What do they think this is? A fucking movie? Think of something original for once.”
Eddie snorts. “I don’t think their brains are big enough for original.”
Nancy laughs. “You’re funny.”
“And you’re committing social suicide just by talking to me. So, you’re either extremely brave or extremely stupid.”
She tilts her head to the side. “I could be a little bit of both.”
“Nancy Wheeler, full of surprises.”
“Why do they throw stuff at you anyway?” She asks after a short silence. “It seems so random, I’ve never seen them do that before.”
Eddie takes a deep breath. “Not everyone here is that accepting of the gay kid whose dad’s locked up and got held back a year. People start rumors, now the town hates me.”
Nancy makes a face, Eddie bracing himself to get hit with another piece of paper. Or an insult.
“Well, I don’t hate you.”
“You don’t know enough about me to make that decision.”
“And you don’t know enough about me to assume that about me. I don’t hate you because you’re gay, or your dad’s in jail, or that you’re repeating your sophomore year. I don’t know enough about you to hate or like you, but I’d like to.”
Eddie puts down his pencil, crossing his arms. “Like to what? Hate me or like me? Gotta pick one, Wheeler.”
He’s frustrating her, finding joy in it. A different joy than the insults he slings back at the homophobes that ends up with blood running out his nose. A joy that will end up making both of them laugh like nothing else matters. The joy of a friend.
Eddie could really use one of those.
Nancy rolls her eyes. “I guess we’ll have to see about that, won’t we.”
“I guess we will.” Eddie shuts his sketchbook, sliding it back into his bag. “So, what really happened to the people you eat lunch with?”
“Ditched me for their boyfriends, or changed over the summer. I always heard starting high school would change things, just didn’t know it would happen so fast.”
“Oh fuck that, you don’t deserve people who treat you like that.”
“No, no I don’t.”
They spend the rest of lunch talking, laughing. Each day finding each other at the empty lunch table. Talking through the halls if their heading the right way. Pairing up for the math project. Even though Nancy is ten times smarter than Eddie is about this, but she still picks him anyway.
Slowly, they start picking each other more. Spending time outside of school as well. Getting sick of the cafeteria and finding a quiet spot in the library. Becoming the friends both of them deserved.
Tag list (let me know if you want to be added or taken off) @slowandsteddie, @annieofhearts, @cacdyke, @ubpd, @captain--low,
@thespaceantwhowrites, @goodolefashionedloverboi, @anne-bennett-cosplayer, @lunaticparisianlady,
@apomaro-mellow, @dolphincliffs, @dragonmama76, @maggiebug417, @stevesbipanic,
@fearieshadow, @eightpackdiaz, @au79burger @bookworm0690 , @practicallybegging,
@potato-of-the-lord, @autumncrocusandladybug, @estrellami-1, @ilovecupcakesandtea, @gregre369
@my2amgaythoughts, @ellietheasexylibrarian, @emmabubbles
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entertext · 3 months
HGSN 25-3
Chapter (Japanese)
(Please hit the green thumbs up at the end of the chapter on the Japanese site to show the mangaka support)
Rough translation by me
Rie: I...don't know if that will happen
Rie: But, it might improve things a bit...using a wrong sized lid is better than not having a cover at all.
(sfx: tick tock tick tock)
Rie: However, it's not a solution to the fundamental issue...
Rie: And, it's not like there couldn't be other...
Hikaru: I'm totally fine
Hikaru: I'm a monster after all, so something like this is... ...
Hikaru: ....*sniff*... ...
Hikaru: ...I hate this...*sniff*...why...
Hikaru: Uu...I don't wanna be alone
Hikaru: ...*sniff* ...why...
Hikaru: Uu...Uuu...Yoshiki...
Hikaru: Uu...
(sfx: rain)
(sfx: page flip...)
Yoshiki: Anything's fine, I just need something that could be a hint...This one doesn't seem like it'll be useful
(book: Regional Folktales)
Yoshiki: So if I summarize where we've ended up...
(sfx: pencil click)
"Unuki-san" worship begins
Becomes "Nounuki-sama"='Hikaru' worship
* Local religion originating from difficulty living
* God that grants wishes if heads are offered
* The offered head disappears, a replacement is made and memorialized in the "Hall"
* In order to separate and bury the sacrifice's body parts as far apart as possible, the village was split
"Mass Death" Incident (1749)
* Brought about by the Indou family's ancestor
* Excessive wish→Wife's resurrection
* Afterwards the village became peaceful
* From then on, there is a custom where the Indou men use "Hichi-san" in a ritual on the mountain
Yoshiki: The sin of the Indou family was...that he sacrificed the villagers outside of the family to resurrect his wife
Yoshiki: As a result, the mass deaths occured.
Yoshiki: The truth of the mass deaths wasn't death by famine but bizarre deaths...
Yoshiki: With that, the villagers must have thought that Nounuki-sama had become a tatarigami
(Hikaru: Is being dead and being alive that different?)
Yoshiki: ...
Yoshiki: The reason the village stablized afterwards is probably because the amount of impurities decreased, right?...
Yoshiki: But, it's strange
Yoshiki: While Nounuki-sama = 'Hikaru' is on the mountain, the impurities should gather on the mountain and the village should be fine. What was happening before the mass deaths?
Yoshiki: And another question is the part where
Yoshiki: up until the mass deaths, "even if you offered a head, nothing actually happened"
Yoshiki: Why was it only at the time of the mass deaths that a wish got granted?
(sfx: office chair squeaks)
Yoshiki: *sighs*
Yoshiki: In the first place, we don't know why there's so many impurities in this area...
Yoshiki: If we don't know that, then in the end...
Hikaru: Yoshiki
Hikaru: I'll go back to the mountain haha
Yoshiki: Anything but that. No way.
(sfx: fwh-fwhump)
(book: Rafanelli Art Collection)
Yoshiki: An artbook ...
(sfx: flip...)
Emanuele Rafanelli
Renaissance painter
Died 1520
Yoshiki: Beautiful art...
(title: Girl With Veil)
Yoshiki: And here's the pages with rough sketches?
(sfx: flip...)
Yoshiki: ...hm?
Yoshiki: This is...
Hikaru: ...*sniff*...
Hikaru: ........
Rie: 'Hikaru'-kun...
Rie: (I'm sure it hasn't even been a year since he came into this world)
Rie: (For a child like that, this is just too cruel...Just for a little while, maybe we could let things be...)
"That softness will invite greater misfortune..."
Rie: (I can't make him disappear, but...)
Rie: (With 'Hikaru' as he is right now)
Rie: (I might be able to tear him from that body)
Rie: (If the alternative is making him suffer, then for Yoshiki's sake as well)
Rie: (It's better that I take full responsibility)
Rie: (and deal with 'Hikaru'-kun...)
Next chapter: in 3 weeks
Twitter Extra (link):
If he'd been a glutton
Hikaru: I don't wanna be alone...
The other legible book titles on Dad's bookshelf:
* History of War
* How to Interact with Children~Recommendations for the Rebellious Age~
* Ecosystems of the Countryside
* How to Write Mystery
* How to Write Suspense
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errolluck · 7 days
I made a MegaSound fanchild (Fanspawn? Fanspark? Fansparkling???)
Meet Kaon!
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^ Adult Kaon ^
- Megatron was the one who named him (because of course he would be the one to name his offspring Kaon). Soundwave loved the idea.
- No, that visor is not something he can take off, that is his face. His actual face.
- Kaon is obsessed with scavanger birds. His favorite is a big bearded vulture he named 'Steelclaw' that he raised from egg. His obsession with birds probably originates from Soundwave's bond with Laserbeak. Why scavanger birds specifically? That's still a mystery.
(These are bearded vultures, in case you didn't know these amazing birds:)
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Small concept of Kaon and Steelclaw
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The proportions are off, but I really wanted Steelclaw to be visible on Kaon's hand in this sketch. Because in reality, Steelclaw is like a small parrot to adult Kaon.
- As a sparkling, Kaon was very small and slim, with a very fragile looking frame. But growing up he got stronger, resulting that (combined with other factors), as an adult, Kaon is taller than Megatron, very buff and basically a walking tank.
- His alt mode is a AH-64 Apache helicopter.
- Kaon was born (is that the correct term for transformers? Crafted? Created???) with his voice box damaged, making him completly mute. Therefore, Kaon uses radio signals, music and audio/voice clips to communicate.
Some common sounds Kaon uses and their meaning:
- Disco music/Bird chirping: Very happy, excited.
- Animal hisses/Slammed piano keys: Displeased, annoyed, scared, usually when he doesn't like something.
- Air raid sirens/Strings/Screeches/Recordings of actual cries: Terrified, crying, screaming.
- Static/Mix of corrupted noises: In pain, severely stressed.
- Growls/Engine starting noises: Angry, upset.
- Things Kaon loves:
• Cartoons (Megatron watches MLP with him)
• Scavanger birds (Steelclaw is his main bird, but he also takes care of multiple wild vultures and condors)
• Skulls
• Rubber ducks (he likes the noise)
• Music
• Training
• Soft things (plushies, blankets, fur, feathers)
- Things Kaon hates:
• Medical appointments
• Having to stay in the medbay during long periods of time
• Extremely high-pitched noises
● Very bright lights
• "The dark voice that keeps whispering weird things" (wait, the what now–)
• Zombie/vampire movies (Knockout tried)
- Kaon spends more time with Soundwave for safety reasons, but Megatron tries to be with him as much as possible.
- If Kaon doesn't have a normal face, how does he eats?
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Speaking of that, this brings me to another Kaon fact. Well, a few, unfunny, facts:
- Due to Megatron's past use of dark energon, Kaon was born with tons of health issues or body anomalies. A list of the main health problems and things that Kaon has as a result of having dark energon in his entire frame since creation are:
○ Constant headaches
○ Seizures
○ Chronic pain
○ Having a Terrorcon mouth
○ Unnatural amount of strenght
○ Damaged voice box since birth
○ Hearing voices
○ Nightmares and visions of things he hasn't even knowledge of
- Megatron hates himself because of this, since it was his use of dark energon that caused Kaon being born with medical problems. He suffers a lot everytime Kaon has to stay on the medbay due to another complication, when someone looks at Kaon with disgust or horror when he has to drink energon or just all the nights Kaon has woken up crying because he is scared or in pain for an unexplained reason.
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- To end this post on a better note, here's a sparkling Kaon I doodled at 2 in the morning because of insomnia:
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He tiny
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