#I hope it gives you some insight into how I at least see grady reacting to it
A while back I temporarily opened requests for non-romantic prompts, and @gardens-of-everglen​ asked this:
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I originally wrote it, but then abandoned it to work on the coffee shop AU (and also because I thought it was terrible). Fast forward three months, and... well, at least I’m committed!
Trigger warnings: Fire, smoke, death.
Electric Blue
Jolie still hadn’t come home.
It wasn’t like that was unusual, but that wasn’t going to stop Grady from waiting. And trying to stop himself from running after her.
He rubbed his eyes and turned to the clock on the wall, which displayed “2:12” in electric blue letters.
If Jolie didn’t come home soon, he would go to Brant’s and look for her. But Jolie would be fine. She had to be.
He shifted, the wooden kitchen chair beginning to make his body ache.
His mind flashed back to what Edaline had told him earlier that day. Jolie told me that she thinks it’s time to “walk away.” I hope this isn’t about the wedding, after all she’s fought for it.
Grady… he thought something more sinister was going on than wedding worries.
And Jolie would only be willing to walk away if she, or the people she loved, were in grave danger.
Jolie disappeared nearly every day and came home smelling like smoke, her eyes bleary and her muscles quaking. He wished he could follow her and knock down anyone in her way. But things weren’t that simple.
Minutes ticked by. Jolie still hadn’t come home. Maybe she had just gone to Brant’s. She was there often these days, preparing for the wedding. And she had been out later than this before, 
Maybe it’s time to walk away, Jolie whispered in his mind, tears staining her cheeks. So in need of his protection…
Ten more minutes passed, and Grady’s patience was up. He knew he was being unreasonable, but he… just had to know that she was okay.
He had a crystal that went directly to Brant’s house. He had insisted on one, of course.
He trotted up a flight of stairs and slowly slid the engraved door open, a crack of light appearing on the bed. Edaline stirred. He slowly crept forward and grabbed his boots from a nearby chair.
“Grady?” Edaline mumbled sleepily. “What’re you doing? Come to sleep.”
The soft bed and Edaline’s open arms were inviting, but Grady had more important things on his mind.
“I’m going to check on Jolie,” he whispered. “Going to visit Brant’s.”
Edaline’s eyes widened. “Why?”
“She’s still not home,” he told her, sliding a boot on. “I’m just going to make sure everything is okay.”
“Mm, can take care of herself,” Edaline murmured sleepily. “Doesn’t need your help.”
Grady growled. “I don’t care. I’m going over.”
Edaline slowly took in a breath and sat up. “I’m coming too.”
He tensed. “There’s no need. I’m sure everything’s fine.”
“Then why are you going?” she countered.
He grunted. “Fine. But hurry.”
It was too late in the day to light leap normally, so Grady had to enlist a gnome to point a flashlight in the right direction. Luckily, the gnomes were up all night, and they were happy to lend a hand.
He took a breath and stepped into the beam of light with Edaline, expecting to arrive at a two-story crystal castle, dark in the night.
Then a wave of heat slapped him in the face.
He crouched defensively, desperately looking around.
Adrenaline kicked in, his heart rate rocketing. He shoved Edaline back. “Stay here.”
Edaline seized up, already going pale, and grabbed his arm in an iron grip. “Don’t you dare.”
“Our daughter could be in there!” he yelled. “She could be dying!”
A strangled noise came from behind him, like a sob crossed with a flaradon screech. He whipped around to see Brant.
He lay in a small pond, mostly submerged. His flesh was mangled, dark burns deep and blistering on his face and arm.
Edaline let out a cry, and Grady surged toward Brant, dropping to one knee.
“What happened?” he asked urgently. “Brant, where is Jolie? Where is she?”
“Fire,” Brant rasped, a shiver convulsing him. “Was inside… we were talking… and fire. Everywhere. Barely got out alive. The dinosaurs must’ve set it… the dinosaurs.” He sobbed. “They’re chasing me! They’re going to get me!”
Grady reared back. “What do you mean, the dinosaurs? Get ahold of yourself! Where is my daughter?”
“Gone.” Brant curled himself tighter into a ball. “In there. Gone. The dinosaurs started a fire… swooped in…”
Grady couldn’t listen to a word more. He whipped around, running back toward the building. Edaline saw him coming and lunged for him, Imparter in hand, blocking his path.
“I can’t lose you too,” she whispered, sweat rolling down her face.
Grady froze, staring at the electric blue flames.
This was all his fault.
I hope you enjoyed! (Or suffered?)
Taglist: @when-all-hope-feels-lost​, @books-and-starss​, @bookwyrminspiration​, @floweringpanakes​, @bronte-deserves-better​, @dragonwinnie-kotlc​, @fanartofthelostcities​, @sunset-telepath​
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