#I hope I succeed 😓
inky-evergreen · 7 months
Cunt ass bitch
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Sketch version I did in math class
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multifandomsimagine · 2 years
Best of Intentions [Poly!Bill Weasley x Reader x Fleur Delacour]
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Summary: The results for the exam are in but they are not what you were hoping for
Warnings: N/A
Word Count: 1000
Author's Note: Ravenclaw!Reader cause this is a comfort piece for me. This was originally going to be a gif imagine but as I was writing it and using it as a place to vent, it kind of got out of hand 😓
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You hear the jingle of keys being inserted into the front door's lock and the door opening a few seconds later as you hear your partners return from their trip to the grocery store. "Mon cœur, we're back" Fleur called out, nudging the door open and walking in with Bill close on her heels. They both come in with grocery bags in hand. Setting them down on the counter, they turn around to greet you. They spot the mail first right on the dining table where you had placed them when you came in with them. They then see the open envelope a few inches away from you with the logo of the Ministry clear as day before they see you with papers in hand.
"Oh!" Fleur claps in delight as she makes her way toward you. "Are those your results? How did you do?"
"Do I need to start referring to you as Professor [Last Name]?" Bill teases, moving to stand behind your chair in an effort to read the letter.
They're both taken aback when you burst into tears. They aren't able to look at the results as you quickly flip it over but they could infer that what was written wasn't anything good.
"Love / Ma chérie!" They kneel by your side and look at you. "What happened?"
"I know it's not a big deal," You tell them, wiping your eyes with the sleeves of your sweaters. You don't meet their gaze though as you stare down at your lap and look at the facedown results. "I can take this exam again; I just have to pay and submit my material again but I'm just so disappointed in myself! I was a Ravenclaw. I've never failed a test before; the lowest grade I've ever gotten was an 'Exceeds Expectations.' I studied so hard for this test and it was the last thing I needed in order to become a professor but I got a 'Dreadful.'" At the revelation of your grade, your voice wavers.
Squeezing your eyes shut, you grab the paper and clench your hands into tight fists, trying to make the results as small as possible. You wipe your face again, to clear it from your tears and runny nose but it's no use as you can't stop yourself from crying and you just continue your speech. "The exam cost so much to take and now I have to pay that again. What did I do wrong? Does this mean that I'll be a terrible professor? Am I just going to fail the students? How am I supposed to be able to teach them what they need to know when I can't even prove that I'm qualified to be a professor? I'm just a failure." Your breathing becomes quicker as you tell Bill and Fleur what you're thinking. You try to hold back the next sob but you're shaking too much to succeed as your crying gets worse; your tears going from pooling in your eyes to streaming down your face.
You cover your face with your sleeves as you avoid looking at your partners who have stayed quiet and let you finish your rant. They must think you're so foolish for crying over a bad grade. Bad grades are a regular occurrence in people's lives and they're able to move on with their life. And yet here you are acting like it's the end of the world. You're too embarrassed to look at either of them and you're gathering up the energy to leave the room and lock yourself in the bathroom until you can calm yourself down when you feel a hand on your knee and another gently uncurling your first to grab the results.
"Mon amour, this test doesn't define you," Fleur speaks first, making a point to show you the paper in her hands and folding it up until it's just a tiny rectangle before placing it on the floor. "Bill and I know firsthand how incredibly smart and what an amazing teacher you are. I've seen you teach Gabrielle things that I have trouble understanding with such ease. She's told me just how much she prefers you teaching her than me." At this, she gives your nose a little tap which makes you smile. "You explain things better than I do she says."
Bill nods. "I second that statement. Without you, there would have been no way that I pass Arithmancy and Ancient Runes in my third year. The exam doesn't show how much the impact you have on your students. Only that you were able to say what they wanted to hear." Taking your hand in his own, he intertwined your fingers together. "I know how hard you worked planning out those lessons for your students. You took into account all of their needs and the support they needed and taught a wonderful lesson. Didn't you tell us how much your students enjoyed the lesson?"
With a sniffle, you nod your head. "Yea, Tomás participated in the activity and KC told me how much she liked that day's lesson."
"You see, you're a wonderful teacher." Fleur kisses your forehead as she runs a hand through your hair. "And don't worry about the money. We have enough of it for you to take the test hundreds of times. But we know it won't take that long cause you're amazing."
Bill stands up from his kneeling position and gives you a hug. "And Fleur and I will help you in whatever way we can. So don't pay this grade any more thought. We love you and we're here for you. No grade will change our mind on this."
"Thank you, you two." You say as you take the napkin Bill was offering you. Wiping your eyes from any rogue tears still left, you used it to blow your nose. "For being here with me and always helping me feel better. I'm going to pass this next attempt. I know I can."
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thepaintpirate · 1 year
may I request a f!reader x luffy? Where he saves her from being hurt and instead of her being thankful she’s saying how she didn’t need his help and walking around bruised up😓He just wants to help her but she doesn’t let herself, kinda aggressive reader but she comes around (。’▽’。)
Thankyou for the request! I love this idea and Luffy is one of my faves so I'm down.
So while I was thinking about this I thought of a scenario with a marine because I felt like it fit the bill for someone who didn't want his help. Sorry if that's not entirely what you wanted but I still have a fic to offer with the premise you requested. I hope you enjoy it because I love Luffy and I put my heart and soul into this.
Help - Luffy x F!Reader
Contents: Luffy x F!Reader who is a marine, saved by Luffy. Contains mentions of injuries.
Being among the named ranks of marines, you pride yourself in your ability to get a job done. Not only that but as a young marine racking up success with each promotion you got, there came a responsibility to be true to everyone's expectations. It was with hard work, effort and incredible amounts of training that you succeeded and continued to succeed. You could continue to be who everyone wanted you to be, who the people needed you to be. Especially with current world events.
But with that pride came risk. 
And you'd finally fallen from your pedestal, happening to be the very same moment you met him.
Once more the doctor, a strange little reindeer you believed, tried approaching you. Even if he looked cute or innocent, you knew that deep down he wasn't at all what he appeared to be. He was a pirate, and pirates never mean well. You took a small swipe at him to get him to back off as you previously had, making him back up with a nervous expression. You weren't willing to risk him making your injuries worse, especially not with you already being so vulnerable and kidnapped on an enemy ship. Their ship.
He dusted himself off and glared at you, finally seeming to lose his cool like you'd hoped. Maybe he'd get frustrated and leave you so you could plan your escape. Steam came out of his nose as he hissed at you, "Do you have to be so stubborn and prideful!? We just saved you, Luffy just saved you so can you please just let me take a look at you? You'll get an infection…" he whispered the last part, once again his eyes looked sympathetic rather than angry.
But you couldn't trust that trickery, pirates deceive easier. You wouldn't bend and you certainly wouldn't break. With your bank pressed against the wall of a cabin on their ship you coughed, trying to send a kick his way. "Just piss off and leave me be, pirate!"
The reindeer sighed, walking down the corridor to leave. You heard his hoofs click on the planks as he disappeared, finally leaving you. 
When all was quiet you sat up and felt an awful sting in your ribs, likely broken from the explosion. It had sent you flying and you could hardly recall exactly how the scene went, but you did know that pirates took advantage of your weakness and took you. Now you were stuck, unsure if your crew were even alive, on an enemy ship with a high likelihood of bleeding to death.
Finally you gathered the strength to leave the bowls of the cabin, wanting to inspect where you were on the ocean. If only it was night soon you could read the stars. Then wait and steal a row boat to go home. If only your damned arm wasn't so busted you could row it but you'd have to drift off if you wanted to ever regain movement in the limb. 
Once you limped outside you found no one was there so you once again took a seat, laying in wait. For a minute or two you stared before your eyes got heavy, letting the waves lull you to sleep. That peace was soon broken when a weirdly gummy finger poked your cheek.
You hissed and reared away, the cut on your cheek was still very sore. With your eyes open again you could see the Strawhat captain himself, dangerously close for comfort. With the proximity to your advantage you leaned forward with all your strength and pushed him away from his crouched position, sending him on his ass a meter away. "Get off!"
He fell back and looked at you incredulously. "Hey what was that for!?"
"Mind your business you damn pirate and stay away from me" you said, feeling out of breath. You sat back again and could feel the throbbing of your injuries. If he wanted to kill you it would be very very easy.
Strawhat sat up, huffing like a peeved toddler. "Nuh uh lady, you're on my ship so you listen to me! If I wanna be here I can and if I wanna heal you I will!"
You narrowed on him but your lip quivered in disgust. The Strawhat captain was known for being childish but seeing it up close was different. And heal you? You wouldn't trust him to even heal himself!
"I'm not going to listen to you pirate, and you won't heal me I don't need your help".
His raven hair was messy as he scratched awkwardly, looking like he was thinking. Confusion swept over him. "Lady, I saved your butt when that ship went boom so why are you being so difficult? Why don't you want to be healed?"
It was obvious, surely! Pirates don't help people, they hurt people. It's why you'd met him in the first place…
You were tracking a slave ship run by an organised crime syndicate who allied with pirates. As you continued to research them the closer you got to catching them. It went well at first with your first two successful raids on cargo ships, but they got wise and you got cocky. When you arrived they were in open battle with the Strawhat crew which gave you a great cover to steal onto their ship and free the bay full of child slaves.
As an hour passed, they were on one ship to the next in safety. Or that was until you were spotted. You ordered your crew to leave you but they were too loyal to you. They defied you and stayed, fighting at your side. Once half your crew was on the enemy deck a sly pirate seemed to realise you were winning, sacrificing himself to blow up himself with you all on the ship. It made you black out before you could see what became of them or the slaves on your boat.
With that bitter thought in mind you yelled at him. "You don't help people and I don't need your help! People like you make the world a worse place and now my crew are gone and it's because I couldn't realise what was happening in time. Now get out, I don't need your help!" You grabbed the nearest thing, a stray rock on the deck, and hurled it at him.
Strawhat ducked and stood up, taking his turn to yell at you. "Your crew are fine and we made sure of that! Those slaves are fine too! But you aren't, so stop being like this and let me help you!" He lunged at you, easily overpowering you.
You tried to fight but he held you down before lifting you up and retraining you. It hurt like hell and you cried out in pain, causing him to let you go. With a bump you made it back to the fool, holding your chest. Something was wrong, the pain was ten times worse and you could taste blood in your mouth. Slowly you looked at Strawhat who was as white as a ghost, standing there with what looked like guilt. For some reason you knew he hadn't meant to make it worse.
But the pain was overwhelming you again and you closed your eyes, falling from your knees and clutching yourself. Strawhat broke from his icy state and scooped you up like a bride, running towards the cabins and calling the doctor's name in panic. Before you knew it, you'd passed out.
When you woke up, you were in a white bed in a room you couldn't recognise. If you remembered we'll, you could assume it was the medical room.
But what surprised you even more was the chair by your bedside, occupied by the very same person who'd put you there in the first place. Strawhat Luffy had his eyes closed as he slept, his mouth wide and drooling. You were going to reach out and touch him when a voice stopped you.
"Cuts that were inches deep, a head injury, a shattered elbow on your left arm, broken ribs and one that happened to pierce your internal organs. Commander, you're incredibly lucky to be alive" a cold, feminine voice informed you. Looking up, you recognised her to be Nico Robin in the doorway with her arms crossed. She looked upset.
You couldn't even reply before she pulled out a chair and sat down by your bedside, giving you a hard and judging stare. "You're lucky to be alive and it's because of Luffy that you are. If you'd continued to refuse help you'd be dead". She glanced at Strawhat Luffy, her eyes softening momentarily. "He insisted we bring you on board, you know, as soon as he saw your body hit the water. In your last moments of consciousness on that deck, you defended your crew and they lived. We let them go so they could recover but in return we took you for further treatment".
She stroked Luffy's hair out of his eyes and in his sleep he sighed and drooled more. It was rather cute to see him look like that in a way. He'd saved you too, and insisted that you got treated but you denied him because you didn't believe him or his doctor. You thought he put the reindeer up to it to kill you.
"If you're asking yourself why, there is no reason. Luffy doesn't do things because of reasons, he does it because he can. And it takes a while to get used to it as well as his stubbornness but even you might come to tolerate it as you stay with us" she said, giving you a smile.
You couldn't move your lips at all. You wanted to deny her claim but you couldn't. By now you knew it to be true and that he really did mean well, he'd even made his crew follow that order to save you. A pirate who cared. "How long have I been out?" Is all you could muster.
She looked at a clock on the wall, watching it click away. The sky outside of the port hole was pitch black. "5 days roughly. He hasn't left your side since. Not even for a meal, we have to bring it to him".
The famous pirate liked his meals so that definitely was out of character. And all that for you, a selfish prideful idiot who couldn't accept anyone's help. Couldn't accept defeat. Couldn't accept that you'd failed. What would your higher-ups say if they knew, and the people who relied on you. A fraud who needed a pirate's help. And now you'd come to realise that he even had more compassion than you, if the roles were reversed you couldn't trust yourself to do the same. 
"U-wuh, oh Robin. Is it morning?" Luffy woke with a yawn, sitting up from his uncomfortable position.
The archaeologist laughed. "No captain, it's still night. I was just talking to Commander (Y/n) as she's now awake".
He processed it then finally looked like he understood, realising what she'd said. For some reason he looked excited? Just because of you? "They are!? Oh hi (Y/n), are you okay now? I'm sorry I hurt you. I didn't mean to. I just wanted to help but you wouldn't let me".
The boy looked dreadfully sorry, and now you actually believed him because of what Robin had said. You allowed yourself a very brief smile. "Yes, I'm fine. But you didn't hurt me, it was an injury I already had. You actually saved me, if you'd given up on me I would have died".
He looked thoughtful before taking your hand gently, lifting it up and shaking it. "No problem, but now we need to make a promise".
You were surprised. "A promise?"
"Uh huh! I'll promise to never hurt you again and you'll promise to let me and Chopper look after you until you're all better!" He said, putting his pinky out.
You gazed at it for a second before panning to Robin. She nodded at you and you complied, offering your own pinky. "Alright, deal".
He chuckled and you shook pinkies. Boy, he really was childish like they'd said.
For the next few weeks you let them look after you. Luffy visited every day to keep you company and Chopper checked on you regularly, Robin stopped by a few times but was scarce while you were bedridden.
When the time came to start walking again you were awkwardly introduced to his crew, most of whom looked both amused and unimpressed by you. They probably knew about your brat behaviour when you first arrived. Soon they began to tolerate you at the behest of the captain who never left your side. Zoro was quiet and didn't bother you, Nami was trying to get you to pay her in some way and Usopp avoided you like the plague unless it was dinner time. Sanji however was a bother, overly friendly and tried to be chivalrous. 
What did surprise you is that it wasn't your own annoyance that drove him away, but rather the deathly glares he got from Luffy. You thought he liked his crew a lot and he did, but it seemed for now he was more bothered by Sanji than he'd ever been. You wondered why.
Everything you did, Luffy was there. 
He helped you to walk, even if it was embarrassing and you tried getting him to stop. At dinner he sat by you and at night he was at your bedside on a mattress by the floor. You'd talk into the night though at first you were hesitant to share, he seemed to get you to open up like a book. Luffy was way more than meets the eye and now you feel like the government and the news were cheating him by not portraying his image accurately. This man wasn't evil, sure he wasn't a saint either but he wasn't like how they described him.
When you needed to bathe with help he offered before anyone could even speak, putting the responsibility on himself rather than say Robin or Chopper.
It made you dreadfully red when he asked and you wanted to say no, but there really was no other choice. But your fears dissolved when he gave you the privacy you needed to get undressed and into the tub, then back out of the tub and dressed. All he ever did was talk to you as you soaked, washed your hair and scrubbed the modest part of your body. Luffy, although not the smartest, was more respectful of you than anyone you'd ever met. Even your colleagues weren't this nice. You contemplated that dilemma often.
On another night when he bathed you, around a month since he'd taken you in, you were talking as usual and looking back on how you'd been on the very first night of your stay. Nowadays your behaviour made you extremely disappointed in yourself, but Luffy never judged.
He pulled his hands through your hair as he poured a cup of water over you, gently rinsing the suds from your hair. Your back was to him and your knees were up to your chest in the water, both laughing to each other and something or another. "So you know my gramps? He must've been a rough teacher!"
You sighed nostalgically. "Of course, but still a caring one. He's one of the best marines I know. Coby too, Helmeppo as well even if he's a brat" you both burst out laughing.
You hadn't seen them in so long since your last promotion. Akainu was pushing you so hard and you were feeling the pressure of his "unyielding justice" on your shoulders. You didn't even believe in that so why did you still comply? With all of those thoughts you reminded yourself that you stayed for your crew, for the safety of the people in these dangerous times. But now with all of this new information, who really was the danger?
"Luffy" you said, feeling unsure.
He stopped combing your hair and rested his arms on the side of the tub, shifting to the side to face you. His sleeves were rolled around you could see the delicious curve of his muscled forearm- but nevermind that. "Yeah (Y/n)?"
Oh you loved it when he looked at you like that. His brown eyes were so lively and warm, like firewood. "I- I don't know what to do".
"What do you mean?" He asked, tilting his head at you.
You were torn between two different choices. Between your honour and the life you'd been taken from, your family of crew were waiting for you. And between Luffy. His life, his way and his cause. Because from what you knew, it seemed like he did more good than you ever could as a marine. If you stayed, if he let you, maybe you could still help whilst being free from the burdens of expectation.
It would hurt your crew, Coby and Helmeppo and Garp. Maybe not Coby so much, he'd always been a sap for Luffy even when you hated him. But now it was different.
"I don't know if I should go back, or if I should stay with you here" you said honestly, a tear cascaded down your face and into the water.
Luffy looked worried. "You want to stay here?"
Did he not want you to stay? You'd read the signs wrong and thought maybe he wanted you here. Or was it to get you to go home faster… "What do you want me to do?"
He gave you a look you couldn't read and you hadn't even registered how close he was. Your bath water was getting cold and you could feel your skin prune. "You want me to tell you what I want you to do? (Y/n), if I told you what I wanted then I don't know what you'd say to me". His eyes held a unique glimmer that he never gave anyone else. Like it was only the two of you on the entire planet.
You whispered to him. "Tell me Luffy".
His lips were practically hovering over yours and your heart was so dizzy in your chest that you couldn't even count the beats. Your ears pounded with emptiness as you waited and his skin ghosted over yours. "If I tell you, I don't think I'd be able to let you go even if you chose to". 
"Could you show me then, if you can't tell me?"
Luffy raised his hand quickly and held the side of your face and chin, pulling your face towards his and planting an exhilarating kiss onto your lips. It was like lightning had struck and all you could do was follow his lead. You felt the water splash as you continued to move, kissing heatedly between the tub and where he sat.
Luffy's surprised you, biting your lip quickly and then forcing his tongue into your mouth. You wanted to gasp or to say something but all you could do was keep going, you never wanted it to stop. It became hot and wet as he continued to dominate the kiss and entangle his hand into your hair like he'd die if he let go.
When you both needed to breath he pulled off and you momentarily tried to follow him, the both of you still close and basically breathing each other in as you caught your breath. Luffy looked dazed, but that gleam you saw was still there. He put his hand onto your chin instead, a thumb on your wet lip.
"Do you understand what I want (Y/n)? I can't let you go now, so please don't go" he pleaded with you.
You smiled, pecking him quickly on the cheek which made his face heat up. He really was acting as if he hadn't just made out with you, pink like he was innocent. 
"I think you know what my answer is Luffy, I wouldn't have kissed you if I was going to leave". You teased him with a hand on his face and soon the two of you just began to laugh quietly as the water cooled down entirely.
The night air was filled with the joy of a decision made correctly. 
Also I didn't really write Luffy as oblivious in this one because to me it could be either, but when he knows he knows.
I hoped this was as enjoyable to read as it was to write, please I'm open for more requests and be reminded I also will do NSFW if it's requested.
Let me know if you want a second part to this, I could see how I could expand from this and do an extra scene *hint hint wink wink*
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simmified-impact · 4 months
First post! Here is some concept art by rainy!
(Traffikcone will post afterwards too ;D )
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Here are drawings i did while trying to figure out what titania summerdream’s design would look like in genshin! She will come from fontaine, a region based mostly on france that has steampunk elements to it. I really want titania to still look like a fairy, but it’s pretty hard 😓 i definitely need to add more details, since genshin impact designs always have lots of them. I also want titania’s cape to look like butterfly wings 🦋
More under cut!
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I definitely wanted her hair to be different from her original sims 2 look, a lot of sims have the same hairstyle, and i don’t want to draw the same hairstyles for 2 different sims, so i decided i would make the premades hairs look more “anime” and be more fitting for a fantasy setting. I really want to get creative with the hairstyles while still making the premades recognisable, i don’t know if i will Succeed in doing so, but it’s worth a shot!
Now i already showed these on my writing blog but i’ll Show them again lol:
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Here is juliette! She was the first one i designed. İt’s a popular headcanon that she loves video games i think? But i don’t think genshin impact has video games unfortunately for her…sooooo i made her a well known chess player instead! She is also from fontaine, and she is a hydro claymore user.
I feel a claymore really suit her! İ tried to make the top part of her design look a bit “heavy”? With her puff sleeves and all lol i’m not very good at drawing weapons yet, hopefully i can improve drawing them with this crossover :)
Also Yes, being a chess player means You have to wear chess pieces/ wear a checkerboard pattern on your person, i don’t make the rules, Sorry
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Last is hermia, a design i still need to work on, this is the only art of her i have so far. I’m not very happy with this design, but i do like the hair and scarf! İ’ll probably keep the shorts in my final design, they’re cute! İ don’t have much to say on this one…
İ think that’s all i’ll Show for now! This was rainy and her concept art, hope anyone that see’s this likes it 😎
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lovebvni · 7 months
Hi! I hope you're still doing reading and i'm not too late😓 If so, will I get into the void before the end of this year? I'm Melury.
Hi Melury!!
I’m not even gonna lie, I saw your question and instantly got a response. It was insane. I was just scrolling through my asked so this is out of order and I apologize to the ppl before you but I feel like you need to see this, it seemed kinda urgent in all honesty.
Will you enter the void this year?
“With trust and hope all can be achieved.”
The universe is saying it depends on you. You can make your dreams a reality. The stress and urgency I got from this was insane.
You need to ground yourself. Get in tone with yourself and emotions. I’m sensing a lot of pain, hurt and worry. You need to let go of these feelings and distance yourself from them. “Then, and only then, will you achieve your goals.”
Step into your divine masculine energy and take control. Speak and manifest. Gain more confidence.
I love you so much, okay? I pray everything goes your way and you enter the void <3 maybe try a new method? I understand sometimes if you become accustomed or familiar with something, it feels more hopeless when you ‘don’t succeed’
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fairyofthestar · 2 years
VALENTINE 12: conflicted feelings
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masterlist / previous / next
A/N: next update is going to be the last one! i planned on making this a bit longer but have to cut it bc college (derogatory). i hope yall dont find the whole au underwhelmingly short 😓
SYNOPSIS — with her long-term crush on taehyun, y/n finally musters up the courage to try and make the school president fall for her and be his date for the valentine's dance. the only problem was that taehyun was never fond of the whole concept of valentine's day nor the annual valentine's dance. will y/n succeed or will this be another year of watching taehyun from afar?
☆ taglist: @nyangjjunie @ifwtyun @peachy-yabbay @soobpricity @mystiicturtle @ttaekkb0kk1 @allisocks @igotkpoops @hotboyyeonjun @strawbrinkofdeath @shuichi-sama @silvsie @uwubel @fairyoftaehyun @deobijjang @kyanmeai @kikaiceee @starlitskies0 @pr0dbeomgyu @wccycc @dearhee @ameliesaysshoo @foryawnzzn @ioszzn @sulkii @xtra-cheese @ashxxkook @luvsoobs @soobsfairy444 @sunlightwoo @thisisnotjacinta @feline4txt @pb-n-juju @darrensos @sansluvr @soobsdoobs @seeuuns @bibinnieposts @notdrunkbutdazed @yeonyeonyeonjun @milkycloudtyg @mizukiisz @leyss @peachbly @soobsdior @jaxavance @aeminju @a-noona-mous @szxiany @oceanyocean @calumsfringe @esther-kpopstan @ktttwwn @lunaavity @ksunwooqt
☆ if you want to be in my taglist, please tell me in my asks !!
☆ requests are open !!
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freedomfireflies · 1 year
fireflyyyy idk who else to write this to because you’re like hands down the best 🤷‍♀️ so i hope this isn’t totally weird !!! i’ve been writing for years now, i have so many fully written multi chapter fics, and an absurd amount of random blurbs. i wanna start posting them but i’m so so so fuckin scared 🥺😫 how do you do thiiiisss ??? i’m not all that worried about feedback because i love writing and i really just do it for me, but why does it feel so awkward making the first post ? i feel like my mutuals are gonna be like wtf you’re joining the fic world ? GAH I HATE THIS PART i need support or something 😓
I completely understand this!! I was so nervous posting my first few blurbs because I’d never written anything that was Harry x Reader before nor had I gotten any requests before so I wanted to live up to expectations (I still do)!!
This community exists for a reason! To share art and interpretations and stories!! Nobody should ever judge you for wanting to try it out!! I’m so proud of you for taking this leap and I’m so excited to see what you do!!! You will be incredible! As long as you continue to write for you, you will always succeed!! (That was cheesy but you get the point 😭💞💞💞)
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sentavoarts · 5 months
sen is so cool!! i love his career path! does he has any goals in relation to that? why did he choose that path? what’s his motivation towards getting a doctorate bc that is HARD (at least, here in the usa. i don’t know what country he lives in but if it’s elsewhere i hope it’s easier)
also! does casper ever get to meet his family? if so, what r his thoughts on them? i’d love for his thoughts on sen’s brother, they seem rlly close :3
hi again!!
-Yes, he does have some goals related to that. But a little on his background he grew up in a household that doesn't really talk about mental health that much/ thinks its a taboo thing. His father used to shame him for trying to open up when he's sad and shit because his father is a very old fashioned man who religiously lived with the "boys can't cry" mindset. So you can just imagine the toll that took on Sen and his brother's wellbeing. This is where he formed his first goal, That even if he can't diagnose himself he still wants to learn to help himself if other's wont. He later added another goal that he wanted to help people who went through similar things when they were younger. And honestly he just really believes he could succeed in this path due to him surprisingly being a good listener.
-Also im not sure where i should make him live too!! I still have thinking to do about that 😓
-Yeah! Casper gets to meet his brother. Id say he met his brother when they meet up at the arcade then got drinks together after. I personally think Casper's thoughts on his brother would be that he's quite protective of Sen (older brother duties fr!) and was somewhat testing and observing Casper at first. But when they go get drinks he becomes pretty chill. They're on their slow process of becoming friends tho!
EXTRA But i feel like the testing would've been awkward like
"So where did you meet him?" "UHMMMMM...😅"
like how do you even begin to explain that (they just came up with a lie that they met at a park or smth).
This honestly makes me want to draw them with his brother BUUUTT hope that answers ur questions feel free to ask some more actually!! thank u for asking
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dead-end-stuff · 2 years
𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞...? 𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐮𝐜𝐤 𝐈𝐬 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐭?
Monty × Reader
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Summery: Monty has a crush on you. And he is confused af and needs answers as to what the hell he's feeling!
Fandom: Five Nights At Freddy's: Security Breach
Warnings/Extras: Fluff, an alligator who needs some love💚🤲😔
Reader's Gender: No pronouns/Anonymous
Word count: 1,053
A/N: ✨This is my first writing post.✨ I'm so nervous😓 but I tried my best😅👍 I hope ya'll enjoy it!💞
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When you started working at the mega pizzaplex you immediately got his attention. You were assigned to work as Monty's animatronic assistant. Which meant that you had to spend every single day with him. Getting him ready for his shows, make sure that he functioned correctly, etc.
At first you were nervous to work with Monty. Especially since he had a history for his temper and for giving his past animatronic assistants almost fatal injuries because he didn't get his way, or because they just angered him in some way. But you don't want to let those thoughts get in the way of your job. Not only that, but you didn't want to treat him like he was some monster because of his past mistakes that might have just been errors in his programming.
When Monty first met you, he thought that you were gonna be the same as his past animatronic assistants. Annoying, have zero ideas of what they were doing, and not showing him an ounce of respect because he is "just an animatronic".
But, for some reason, you were different.
For the past three weeks you were actually making an effort to make sure that he looked his best when his shows came on. Gave him space and then later came back to talk to him after he had his temper tantrum (his room was shown no mercy☠). And you were polite and treated him with the utmost respect.
If he was being to much of a jerk, you wouldn't hesitate to call him out and put him back to his place. If a kid made him uncomfortable and annoyed him to no end you would politely escort them out. If he had a bad day, you made sure to turn it upside down and make him happy. You do so much nice shit for him. For him. A machine who was created to entertain children.
And yet you never treated him like one.
You treated Monty like he was more than what he was supposed to be. When he noticed that. He started feeling weird things inside him. Things that he knows for a fact aren't suppose to happen normally in his programming.
There were times when Monty noticed you flinching when he talked a bit to loudly. So he tried his best to tone his voice down for you. And be softer to you more. He was so damn confused. Why does he suddenly care about you? Why does he feel he is floating on a river whenever you smile at him? Why does he feel the sudden urge to always want to be around you? Why does he feel so warm when you praise him for his show? WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH HIM?!!
He wanted answers to his questions. He has never felt like this before for ANYONE.
But one day, he finally got his answers. You and Monty were inside his dressing room, you were recoating his metal skin with fresh paint of his patterns. This was the final thing that you had to do before you could clock out and go home. Monty on the other hand was, well, flustered with how close you were to him. This wasn't the first you both were physically close to each other. But with these new strange feelings that he is dealing with right now it's almost overwhelming to him. Especially with the fact that he probably wasn't even supposed to feel like this.
And with the big question that he's going to ask you. It makes it worse. But Monty doesn't want to make it seem too obvious that something is wrong with him. Keep it cool. He tells himself. The last thing that Monty wants is to make himself look like a idiot to you.
He makes a small grunt sound to get your attention, which it succeeds in doing so.
You look up to him with those stupidly cute eyes and he's suddenly almost forgotten what he was going to say. He took a deep breath and tried to look as cool and calm as he could. "Doll. I have a question." You raised an eyebrow at the nickname, but you've heard weirder from him. You told him to ask away. He lets out a gruntal sigh as he taps his sharp nails against the wood of his vanity. "What is that feelin' called when you feel so damn nervous all the time around someone? But not in a bad way. It feels fucking amazing. Almost too amazing sometimes. And you feel so warm and nice. But at the same time you want to bang your head against the wall. And you want to protect that someone with everything you have, no matter what happens to you."
You were silent and in shock at the detailed explanation that Monty was talking about. It definitely wasn't like the cocky and confident alligator to talk about how he was feeling. And to you of all people. And the fact that he never even looked at you while saying those words was beyond weird. But you let it slide and started thinking deeply about his words. Then it hit you and you let a small smile form on your face.
You told Monty that the feeling that he was talking about was love. And that it was a emotion that is normal for everyone to experience. It was an intense feeling of deep affection. There were many uses for the word love, you could feel romantic or platonic (friendship) love with a person, you could use it to express your great interest and pleasure in something that you find enjoyable.
It took a while for Monty to take in what you just explained to him about this feeling that he was experiencing around you, the word love. And when it finally sinked in, it hit him like a yacht.
He definitely did not see you as the rest of his friends, you were much more than that. HE LOVED YOU ROMANTICALLY. Monty thanks you for this new information that he got drilled into his memory files already.
And now that he knows that he loves you. You better prepare yourself for the love that this gator has in store for you (not in a seggsual way).
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© 2022 by antisocialfreaksclub ━ All rights reserved! Comments, likes, and reblog are highly appreciated. Plagiarism is strictly prohibited.
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littlesniggy · 3 years
I Prefer Making Love
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@1-800-baddie : Hi! I hope you're having a nice day/evening! This is my first time doing something like this so please excuse me if I'm a little awkward😓.
I really liked your yandere!reader x Zoro one-shot so I was wondering if you could do the same with Mihawk, Luffy, Sanji, or Ace?(You can pick whichever one you want or do maybe like a headcanon thing).
Thank you for your time! ❤
Thank your for requesting! I chose Mihawk and I hope you like it. I was also thinking about doing headcanons but then I started with him and just kept going...Please enjoy!
Warning: 18+, nsfw, swearing, mutual masturbation, Yandere thoughts (unhealthy!!)
Parining: Mihawk x Yandere! female reader
Word count: 2.1k
The moment Perona stepped foot onto Mihawk’s island you knew things wouldn’t ever be the same. You tried to get rid of her before Mihawk came back, not wanting any other person being there and potentially share his attention. That’s a no-no! But this bitch was just so persistent and would’t leave!
So, you tried to make her worry about Moria, telling her that you read an article that he was looking for his crew, wanting to gather them around him again and that the world government was worried he might succeed. When she asked for proof, you couldn’t give it to her. So, you tried and torment her psychologically, threatening to harm her if she didn’t leave.
Once Mihawk got back, he caught on to your behavior rather quickly and would’t tolerate it. He’s not too keen on Perona (and Zoro) being there either at first but he tolerated them and he expected you to do the same. The main reason why he caught on so quickly was because of Perona and her constant complaining to him about you, which made you despise her even more.
But two could play this game. You would make up small but noticeable complaints about her; small enough to get overlooked the first couple of times but which accumulate over time. See if he’s still so keen on having her around once he realizes that he is bad for me, bad for him – bad for us. A sadistic smile crossed your lips shortly before you opened the door to Mihawk’s personal library, a new bottle of wine in your hands.
“Oh, there you are. I hope you’ve calmed down from your little tantrum earlier. It wasn’t a very endearing behavior, Y/n.” he said and it hit you hard. It was all because of this little cunt! You smiled apologetically, holding up the wine. “I am really sorry, dear. It won’t happen again. I was just so agitated because of her behavior before.” You said, closing the door behind you.
Mihawk raised and eyebrow at your remark, expecting an answer. You grabbed to wine glasses from a shelf, placed them on the table in front of him and poured some of the red liquid into the glasses. You handed him one of the two glasses, taking the second one and clinging glasses with him.
“It’s nothing. She’s just been a little disrespectful, that’s all. No need to worry.” You say, taking a sip of your wine. The rich flavor filled your mouth, letting you forget about this little pest for a moment. Just you and Mihawk – just how it should be.
Mihawk looked at you for a moment, not quite buying this explanation but keeping quiet. You were sure that he didn’t believe you entirely, but that was perfectly fine. As long as he started doubting this pink-haired brat your job for today was done. You just needed to continue this gradually.
“This whole arrangement won’t continue for forever but as it is right now we need to find a solution where everybody is somewhat happy. I don’t want you to feel unsafe or unhappy on this island but I’ll make sure you’ll feel as comfortable as possible.” He said, pulling you onto his lap, one arm wrapped around your waist in an intimate gesture. The most comfortable I could feel will be once this eyesore is off this island or better yet – dead! How much I would love to slit her throat open, rip her larynx out and feed it to those stupid mandrills! It would solve two problems. First, she wouldn’t be able to laugh like a fucking doll ever again and second – well, she’d be dead.
Your thoughts spun further and further, imagining the most gory and sadistic ways of killing her, each new idea bloodier than the other, making you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. You didn’t want to think about not being able to do it as long as Mihawk and Zoro were around but Zoro would leave eventually and Mihawk would go on a mission or whatever again – then you’d take your chance.
“What are you thinking about, my darling?” he asked, noticing your small smile and your absentminded look. “Nothing, dear. I’m just so happy to spend some time with you alone, undisturbed by anyone.” You mused, taking another sip of your wine before placing it back on the table. “Indeed, it is quite pleasant.” He agreed and it made your stomach tingle. This just had to mean that he was annoyed about Perona as well! There just couldn’t be another reason why he would agree with you.
You placed your legs on either side of his, sitting in a straddling position on his lap. With a small smile you took his glass out of his hand and placed it behind you on the table as well, right next to yours. Mihawk looked up at you, his hands finding their place on your hips and stroking your hipbones lightly. You took his face between your hands, leaning down and kissing him softly, trying to put as many feelings into the kiss as possible.
The warlord reciprocated the kiss, a small sigh escaped his lips when you deepened the kiss, turning it more passionate. You pressed your crotch against his, feeling his semi erect dick underneath the thick denim of his pants. It turned you on that he was turned on. It meant he still found you attractive. And only you. But what if he was thinking about Perona?
Your mood turned sour and you had to suppress a frown creeping on your face, not wanting to give away what you were thinking about. But of course, Mihawk caught on. “Is there a problem, darling?” he asked against your lips, his hands gliding up and down your back, trying to make you feel at east.
“I love you.” You instead answered, smiling at your lover convincingly. Or at least you tried. The thought of him thinking about Perona still nagged on your mind. “I love you, too, Y/n. But tell me, is there anything else on your mind?” he wouldn’t let go of the topic. Why couldn’t he just drop it already! So, you needed to distract him. You mustn’t give him the opportunity to even be able to think at all, let alone about a wicked woman like Perona.
Instead of answering, you pressed your lips against his again, putting all of your emotions, all your feelings towards him into said kiss, your tongue asking for entrance which he granted. Your tongues fell into some sort of dance, gliding against each other in an intimate way. None of you was fighting for dominance; it was the gentle caressing of two lovers who were in desperate need to show their affection.
Mihawk’s hands found their way under your shirt, feeling your skin under his touch and it made you shiver, your body pressing even closer against his, rubbing your crotch against his, creating friction that had you whimper against his lips. You wanted him. You needed him. He was yours and you wouldn’t share him with anyone! And you would show him that he didn’t need anyone else either. All he needed was you.
Your hands found their way between your bodies, opening his belt and pants. One hand sneaked into the tight fabric – you lifted your hips for a moment to get better access – and pulled his dick out. Just the feeling of the hot, soft skin under you palm made you pant in excitement. His firm shaft fit just perfectly in your hand.
Mihawk let out a small sigh of relief, kiss mouth leaving your lips and kissing down your jaw, leaving small butterfly kisses on his way to your neck. You started moving your hand up and down, feeling every small, ever prominent vein on his shaft, anticipating the moment you could finally feel him inside of you.
His hands pulled your shirt over your hand, his calloused fingers finding the small clip on your back, opening your bra skillfully with one hand. He leaned back, letting the fabric fall to the floor and his eyes wandering over your breast appreciatively. You bit your lip at his stare, arching your back a little to present them to him even more. “You are truly beautiful, darling.” He whispered, his hands finding their way to your breasts, kneading them expertly.
You closed your eyes, enjoying the feeling of his warm hands on your tits and his hot member in your hand. You let your head fall back when he put one of your nipples between his lips, sucking on it and letting his tongue swirl around the small nub. “So good!” you panted, moving your hips against his, your core needing attention as well but you knew he would take things slowly. The only thing you could do was feel him in your hand, the way your hand spread his pre-cum over his shaft, making it more pleasurable for him.
His mouth moved to your other breast, peppering it with small kisses before giving your other nipple the same attention as the previous one. His hand had made its way down your stomach to your pants, opening them swiftly before shoving his hand inside. You raised an eyebrow at this. Apparently, he wasn’t as patient today. But that was fine by you. It meant he had missed you, that he craved your body, that he couldn’t wait to finally touch you.
His hand moved between your lower lips, gliding over your slick folds. You could feel his smirk against your breast but feeling no shame about it. He needed to know how he made you feel, how much you craved his touch. “I’m all yours…” you panted as he entered with one finger. You moaned, closing your eyes again and pressing down on his finger. He started moving it in and out, you moved your hand in synch with his, imagining it being his dick inside of you already.
Mihawk added another finger after a while, spreading them inside of you. His mouth was nibbling on your collarbone, his teeth scratching lightly over your skin. His other hand was lying on your lower back, his thumb stoking your skin there. When he added a third finger you couldn’t help but squeeze his dick slightly. Mihawk hissed at this feeling, moving his fingers a little faster inside of you.
“M-Mihawk! I wanna feel you!” you moaned, looking down at him with pleading eyes. “Don’t be so hasty, darling. You can wait a little longer, can’t you?” you wanted to groan in frustration. He was supposed to be the one begging for your touch, not the other way around. But what did you expect from a man with such self-control?
His finger spread inside of you, curling them in just the right way. Another moan escaped your lips, your hand moving faster around his hard shaft. Oh God, how much you wanted him inside of you! It was torture!
“Mihawk! Are you in there? I have a question!” Perona’s voice was as pervasive as drill and your mood dropped altogether. Why was she calling him? Didn’t she know it was rude to just call someone from outside a room, demanding to get attention just like this? The handle of the door rattled and shortly after it opened and the goth girl was standing there. “Mihawk, I-“ but she was cut off by the sight of the tow of you, her face turning bright red in an instant.
“Would you mind not marching in without given permission first?” you heard Mihawk say, his voice neither sounding angry nor annoyed, just matter-of-fact like. You, on the other hand, felt a huge wave of triumph wash through you. She had seen you in this compromising position; this meant a couple of things.
First, she would never enter a room without permission. Second, she now knew that she has no chance whatsoever with Mihawk and third – Mihawk would, even if he didn’t show it at the moment, be a little annoyed at her too. This was the best part.
“I-I’m so sorry!” she screamed and left the room hastily, closing the door behind her loudly. You mood was back on top again and you looked down at Mihawk, a grin on your face. You wanted him even more and you wouldn’t accept a no.
You leaned down to his ear, twisting your hand around his dick in just the right way and whispered into his ear. “Fuck me already.” You felt his dick twitch in your hand at your demand, his lips twisting into a small grin. “Not yet. You know I don’t like just ‘fucking’ you, darling. I prefer to make love to you.”
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