#I had a shitty night’s sleep last night 🫠
fruit-teeth · 5 months
Being in a bad/upset mood and then realizing “oh wait it’s because I haven’t had enough sleep” is always wild to me because like…I’m really just a baby that got more complicated huh
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aller-geez · 11 months
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Hello, yes! I finally pulled myself from my writers slump, and just had to have this RemixLevi fic after seeing this snz prompt by @blooming-trees the other day..
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Nearly 3K words, RemixLevi snzfic with Remi as the sneezer bc obviously I’m a little bit partial 🫠🫠 Pls enjoy 🖤 would love feedback if you have any! 😭🤧
I’ll Make You A Deal…
A RemixLevi snzfic 🖤
“Remington! What the hell!?” Levi shrieked in frustration as he stormed in from the kitchen, waving around a few different food items in each hand and flinging droplets of water everywhere as he did so. The leopard was greeted by a very lethargic looking wolf who laid stomach down on their shared bed, his mouth hanging open slightly as his dull green eyes remained locked on the screen of their tv and the Xbox controller already clacked away loudly in his hands despite it being 9 am. Both Remi’s eyes and his nose were rimmed with the same matching red, moisture glistening from his septum as he gasped out ragged breaths from his spot the bed. With a liquidy yet unproductive sniffle, the large man finally paused his game to look over at the cat with an eyebrow raised.
“What’d I do?” Remi asked in a low, hoarse voice.
“Did you forget to close the fridge last night after you made your late night snack?” Levi crossed his arms across his chest as he waited patiently for his mate’s reply, almost like a mom after receiving a bad report card.
The wolf visibly thought for a second, trying to imagine himself making his toasted peanut butter and jelly sandwich at 2 am the night before, although everything was pretty fuzzy. Drinking the entire bottle of NyQuil to finally be able to sleep through the constant buzzing in his sinuses probably wasn’t his smartest idea; although he did finally manage to fall asleep afterward, so the canine couldn’t complain too much. “Uh, I don’t remember?”
Levi held the items in his hands out in front of him, waving them around a little with a frustrated scowl. “No, you left it open all night and now all of this food we bought for this whole trip is spoiled!”
A flash of guilt passed over the large man’s features, and he sighed softly before muttering a couple of deep, chesty coughs into his balled up fist. “I’b sorry, Levi, that’s by bad.. I guess it’s doordash for the week, huh?” Remi offered, hoping to try and make a little light of the shitty situation he caused.
Levi gasped and shook his head quickly, a look of horror on his face at the thought of Door Dash for every meal for the next eight days, when they had a perfectly good kitchen to cook in right inside their bus. “Ummm.. no.. we’re going to find the grocery store and get FOOD.”
“Levi, combe od..” The wolf nearly whined, suddenly looking equally horrified thinking of having to be anywhere around people right now in his current condition. As if on cue, Remi’s chapped, dampened nose twitched to life, the tickle quickly becoming too intense to ignore and he could only duck his head down towards the bed weakly. “Hh'IISHH! —hd’ISCHhh!! —h’dtTISHh!!”
A mist of contagious droplets coated the bedspread in front of him, the wolf was left sniffling thickly while scrubbing at his septum with an index finger knuckle. “Nngh. How the hell are we godda do that? Just drive there and park our giadt blue bus in the parkigg lot?” Remi slowly began to rise to a full sitting position, and once he sat on the edge of the bed, his long fingers snatched a few tissues from the box on the nightstand. With a thick gurgle, the wolf drenched the ball of tissues in his hands in one blow, grimacing before tossing it in the trash can and clearing his throat.
“There’s one not super far from here, but I can’t read the directions at the same time as watching the mountain roads..” The leopard thought out loud, taking a second to ponder, before his face lit up mischievously. “I know! Since you left the fridge open all night, your punishment is giving me directions~” Levi giggled with a cheeky grin, sticking the tip of his tongue out towards the very unenthusiastic wolf.
“Levi.. you kdow I dod’t feel good..” The canine whimpered with a defeated exhale, the other’s stern parental -like expression softening slightly when his icy blue orbs met with Remi’s dim green ones.
“I’ll make you a deal.. If you can help me with the directions there, I’ll go in and do all of the shopping and you can go back to bed, okay?” The leopard offered with a gentle smile, to which Remi shrugged his shoulders with a quick eye roll.
“Fide.. But I’m goidg to be extra addoyidg..” The wolf chuckled softly, but his laugh was quickly cut short by a deep, painful coughing fit that echoed through the small living space. Once able to catch his breath, he pulled his hood over his head and came to his feet. Remi managed yet another sigh, and Levi rolled his eyes playfully at how dramatic his mate could be for such an otherwise extremely intimidating guy. The two made their way up to the front where Remi lazily plopped himself down in the passenger seat, and Levi shimmied his way into the drivers seat, keys in hand.
“Here, I pulled it up on my phone already, just tell me as the turns come up?” Levi smiled graciously again towards his mate, passing him his phone with the screen already open on the route. Remi took it, leaning back a little in his seat to try and make himself more comfortable for the 20 minute drive, sniffling sharply against one of his wrists. “Nnngh, my dose is so stuffed up..” He complained hoarsely, to which Levi passed him a quick, empathetic expression.
“I’m sorry love, I’ll get you some more NyQuil at the store if you take it how it’s supposed to be taken..” The cat chuckled breathily, slipping the keys into the ignition and turning them. The bus engine roared to life, and Levi rubbed the steering wheel gently with a smile. “Good job May, let’s get going!” He cheered happily, quickly clicking his seatbelt on. With an almost inaudible grumble from the wolf, they were off.
Only a few moments after leaving the gravel road of the rest stop they had been staying at, the bus finally made it to the main road, coming to a full stop at the stop sign.
Levi took the opportunity to turn to his mate to make sure he was still paying attention to navigating as the other had a habit of getting distracted, but was met with the wolf’s fluttering eyelids, and quickly flaring reddened nostrils that gleamed with moisture. Before words could come out of the cat’s mouth, Remi pitched to the side, one arm weakly lifting towards his face in a half assed attempt to cover his sneezes, although he failed miserably.
“hh'IETSH’UE! HI’DTSCHIEW!” The wolf sneezed harshly into the open space of the cab, spraying not only himself and the air around him, but even Levi was a casualty, placed perfectly in Remi’s ‘Splash Zone’. Without a word, the cat swiped away a few particularly large droplets that had landed on his arm, although he was used to it after being with the large, immune deficient man for so long.
Remi snorted thickly, before scrubbing at his nose in quick, circular motions, a soft clicking sound echoing loudly above the low hum of the vehicles engine as he did. “Nnngh, by bad..” he grumbled again, finally able to focus his eyes on Levi’s phone.
Seeing Remi relax once again took some of the edge off for the leopard, exhaling silently and looking back towards the road with a smile. Pushing forward, they traveled onward for a bit, before the wolf cleared his throat suddenly.
“Turdn left odn Naglee Road up here.” He instructed, looking up at Levi to see that he had heard him. The smaller man nodded with a grin, thankful Remi wasn’t too preoccupied to get them lost, and did as he was told. The bus cruised around the corner smoothly, and the map on the phone in his large hand updated accordingly.
The wolf attempted to snort back some of the congestion that was beginning to make his face throb, although at this point, it was pretty much useless. He whined softly, pinching just under his bridge piercing as another tickle began to bloom deep within his sinuses. Every sneeze felt like it would make his head pop with the pressure, and he REALLY wanted to go lay back down..
Suddenly, Remi’s mouth began to curl up into its own mischievous smirk. To be fair, he told Levi he would be extra annoying if he had to be up here.. Why not make it fun?
Sniffling softly a few times to tease the building tickle from his nose, the wolf wouldn’t have had time to cover even if he wanted to with how fast it completely took over.
“—HEH’TXSSHhh’ih! Hd’IZTSSHHhhh’ih!” The two forceful sneezes tore from the large man’s throat, a large cloud of contagious mist filling the space between them again, and coating the other’s freckled arm. When Levi’s eyebrows furrowed to try and concentrate more on the road, Remi’s smirk got a little bigger. Even someone as sweet and patient as Levi was had to have their breaking point, right? Anyone else would have already been done with Remi’s childish behavior.
Snuffling wetly, he leaned back in his seat again, this time with his sock clad feet up on the dashboard, to which Levi gave him a quick side eye. The wolf grunted, slipping them off again and thumping back on the bus floor.
“What’s the next turn?” Levi asked over his shoulder, clearly unamused by his mates shenanigans.
“Turn right on Belbourde Street in a half mile.”
“On.. what street?” Levi questioned, his eyes flickering to his mate’s face for a second before returning to the road in front of them.
“…..Belbourde.. Bel—“ The congestion behind Remi’s eyes continued to increase, leaving all of his words rounder than intended, and he sighed in frustration. “BMELBORNDE” he barked finally, crossing his arms in front of his chest with a self conscious huff, and Levi couldn’t help but laugh gently.
“Okay baby, we should be almost there. I think there’s one more turn off after the Melbourne exit.” The white haired man smiled, quick to reassure his mate, despite how much of a brat he’d been. But then again, that was just who Levi was.
The wolf huffed again from his seat, coming to the quick conclusion that the extra 10 minutes he would get if he was told to go lay down now weren’t as worth while as he thought, and the canine gave up the grocery sabotage entirely.
Again Levi turned the bus around the next corner with ease, driving the huge vehicle expertly around the tight, windy roads down the mountain a little ways, seemingly in his element as he remained completely focused on the task at hand. After a second, the cat waved one thin hand out towards Remi to get his attention again. “Hey, the last turn off shouldn’t be too far off from this one.. what’s the name again?”
The wolf blinked towards Levi for a moment, his brain fighting for its life against his raging fever that flushed his cheeks and forehead, but he slowly began to register the question he was asked. His dim emerald eyes shifted down to the leopard’s phone screen that sat face up on his lap, squinting to try and read the words through his double vision. When he still couldn’t make out the number or the name of the exit, Remi began to get frustrated again, swiping the phone from his lap and bringing it up close to his face.
“Oh, found it..” he mumbled, Levi passing him slightly anxious glances as more and more exits began to fly by their window.
“Okay, it’s.. Hehh..” The canine’s breath snagged sharply, the intense buzz within his nose returning full force.
God, his nose tickled SO damn badly…
As his thick eyelashes began to flutter ever so slightly, he quickly clamped one large hand over his nostrils to squeeze them shut with a loud squelch , although his breath still hitched helplessly while his jaw hung very slightly slacked.
“Hiihhh.. it’s.. f-fuck.. hhheh—hold on..” Remi’s eyes began to water from the effort it took to fight off such an intense tickle that was burning white hot within his quivering nostrils, although still trying his best to do what Levi had asked of him.
Levi’s gaze flashed back and forth between Remi, and the road, even attempting a quick snatch of his phone from Remi’s otherwise occupied hands, but he was unsuccessful. “Rem!” The cat grumbled loudly.
“Th—huhhh.. The n-nehhhh..” the wolf gasped, raising one finger to point out of his window at a passing sign, and Levi thankfully was able to catch a glimpse of it before it flew by their vehicle.
“I turn off on Pacific Road!?” The leopard raised his voice a little in a panic as the exit sign got closer and closer.
The wolf couldn’t do anything other than nod exuberantly, afraid of the repercussions that would come from removing the hand he had pinching his nostrils closed, but as Levi whipped Maybelle around the corner to be able to make the exit, Remi’s hand slipped from its position in order to brace himself on the door of the bus.
As soon as the fresh air flooded into his reddened, sensitive nose, he gasped an enormous breath of air into his lungs, trying to mentally prepare himself for the hammer to the temples.
“hih’AESSSHH’ue!! HA’AETTCCCHH’uh! Hihhh— hiiih’AETTCHH’uh!! Hhah’AETTTSHH’uh!” Remi sneezed so loudly that the bus windows shook, his poor nose desperate for a release, one way or another and eardrums be damned.
The smaller man let out a startled squeal as the whole right side of his body was sprayed by the canine’s mess, flashing a look over at the disheveled wolf riding passenger who was still frozen in place. Both hands were in front of his face, and his long body was doubled up on itself, hugging his own knees with his feet planted on the floor. Remi dared not move, dared not even breathe lest his nose might have something else to say about it. He stayed frozen for so long, that when the leopard finally pulled into the parking lot at the local grocery store a minute later and carefully brought the bus to a stop in one of the parking spots, the wolf still hadn’t even picked his head up.
“Rem? You okay? Those were some pretty big ones..” the leopard’s eyes were filled with concern for his mate as he stretched out one thin freckled hand to rub his mate’s shoulder gently.
Remi opened his mouth to reply, but the scratchiness of his voice overwhelmed his already sore throat, plunging the weakened man into yet another thick, chesty coughing fit that made him tremble slightly from the force. ‘Nnnngh…” the wolf whimpered after a few seconds, followed by a loud snort that still did almost nothing for the congestion packed into his raw sinuses. “Okay.. I gave you directiodns, and dow we’re here… I’b goigg back to bed dow..” he nearly whispered, his head completely reeling and every inch of his body pouring sweat.
The leopard’s face was taken over by an empathetic, caring expression as he eyed his sickly mate, nodding his head in agreement. “Of course baby, thank you so much for your help. Go ahead and go get comfy in bed, and I’ll rent us a couple Redbox movies, and get us some lunch, okay? If you want, I can even rub some of that vaporub on your chest if you think it helped last time?” Levi leaned down to kiss Remi’s very damp forehead, and the wolf sighed happily this time, his gaze slowly raising to meet the icy blue pools of his mate’s.
“I definitely won’t argue with you.. that all sounds so nice..” the large man’s voice was breathy and exhausted, followed by a few loose coughs that didn’t make it out with the others, and a forceful, deep snuffle as he ever so slowly rose to a standing position. As the canine trudged weakly back to bed, he turned just in time to catch Levi as he was pocketing his wallet right before heading out the door.
“Don’t take too long, okay?” Remi called out hoarsely in an uncharacteristically needy tone that made the leopard’s heart almost explode out of his chest with pure love and admiration for the big wolf.
With a thoughtful smile, Levi nodded as he quietly pulled open the door of the bus, the crisp early afternoon air caressing his face as he stepped out. “Wouldn’t dream of it, Acushla…”
The End…
Thank you so much for reading if you made it this far, it really means a lot to me! 🥺🖤
Hope you enjoyed my snz-y, needy boy as much as I enjoyed writing him 🥺
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hislittleraincloud · 7 months
I've had this in my drafts for a couple of days, so whatever.
Y'all know I like to mess with AI and filters and all that shit
I've done quite a bit nunya have seen, centered around an (much) Older Wednesday, which means aging puppy-faced Jenna up...I can rlly say that for once this is an improvement over the original
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But I'm still thinking that Afterburn Wednesday will still age verrrrry slowly...like here with this AI-enhanced photo I'd put her around Donovan's current age (which would have left her without him for...20-something years? Just a sec while I break out my calc...23 years...but that's only if I go through with his current death plans).
I got a couple more positive comments on my story, which lifted me up a bit. New readers, even. 🫠💖✨ I think what people who look at my ships or look at what I write about their ships then look at my ship forget that I'm writing this mainly from Wednesday's perspective as a young, introverted, hypersexual steampunk stoner girl who is attracted to way older men; Donovan's POV is secondary. And she doesn't want to just fuck him, that girl wants dominion over him 💀🤣 This isn't some shitty little schoolgirl crush, like Morticia implied. This is the result of a misanthrope spending her first 15.91 years contemplating what she wanted in a friend and life partner, and the serendipitous circumstances upon which they met.
One person mentioned that the smut is its own character. 🫠💦💦💦💦💦 I thought that was an astute observation. I tend to keep uh...writing more and more of that character. (I write from experience. 🙊✨) Today, in fact, I proceeded to continue to write smut that happened on November 12, 2023 (yes, just a few days ago). <strike>And depending how I end it, I can't fucking publish it until next year because of a certain circumstances going on in their lives at this point would be a major spoiler.</strike> (ETA: This is what I decided was publishable. But I've its graphic and extras to put together.) But it's nice smut. They're very happy together right now, in spite of everything that's happened with Tyler and Laurel (who survive in my story...so far). The only thing Afterburn Wednesday isn't happy about on November 18, 2023, is that she feels like she can't ever talk about her life, even though she doesn't want to.
Trust, she's writing up notes for her memoirs, but even though she doesn't like to talk to people in general, she just wishes she had the option of talking about it, which she can't, unless she talks to her parents, Fester, Thing, or Enid (and Eugene), and she doesn't care about those options. She feels like if she opens up about Donovan to others, people will make her out to be a victim/him out to be a predator, and that's the last thing she wants. She genuinely adores him and the way he makes her feel, and even though she hates talking about her feelings, she would like to believe that she could talk freely if she ever needed to, but she can't because people will judge him. She doesn't care much about herself being judged by others, but she does care a lot about the men that she loves and about their being judged because of her presence in their lives. (Scene I just added to takes place in February 2024 and she assaults someone who was whispering about her and Donovan 💀)
I'm rambling. It's 1 AM. I'm guessing that right now, they're probably asleep. Together, in Mansville, with Elvis in a fancy new pet bed that Wednesday matched with the cabin's drapes. Isn't that nice? 🥰 Did they have the sexings? Maybe. Whether or not they did, she's sleeping in his arm, cuddled in and curled around him. She falls asleep in his arm curled either way (koala hug or Little Spoon), and it's become her favorite thing to do at night (even over sex). Most of the time, AB Wednesday will fall asleep with her little fingers scratching his beard, and Donovan will move her hand to his chest once it drops due to her slumber. Sometimes her fingers move after; sometimes not.
If Donovan falls asleep first, Wednesday's brain continues to race (because she's always thinking about something). She's done a lot less weed in the past year, so that is affecting her moods/behaviors. She constantly worries about his health--yes, yes, we knew that was gonna be a big issue, but she bought the house and land outright, no need to moan about a mortgage--and has paid good money to hire them a chef and personal trainer (y'all gonna laugh or cry when I get his personal trainer up in a scene) to get him into better health...so far over the course of a year, he's quit drinking spirits and is more muscular in the trunk area, and losing a little bit of fat down in the pelvic area means more room for certain appendages to shine...Fun fact: AB Wednesday was a bit 'off' in her eye-measurement of Donovan's cock. He's not a 'Peacemaker' at 7.5 inches. He's more like 8 and 3/8 inches hard, once she used the measuring tape she found in the woodworking room of the cabin. She is making his life better.
Still rambling here (now it's almost 2 since I also sit here and think about what I wanted to say re: all this shit). So how did he make her life better? Besides getting ((SPOILER)) and then ((SPOILER))? It could very well be argued that either of those things he did didn't make her life better at all, and that they might have even ruined it. But that's an argument for our world, because the premise of the AB world is that sometimes 'impossible' things do work out, as hard as they can seem. Because it's fiction. Anything can happen in fiction and it needn't be something that aligns morally, or even logistically, with our world (since it's not our world!).
...Well shit. I need to take my own damn advice and just re-write some of that shit that was If You Don't Woe Me By Now.
Back to Wenovan working out. She feels her life is better because of both ((SPOILERS)). She knows she's young and inexperienced (learned those lessons in S1 and S2), but she also just wants to get on with her life with Donovan. And earlier in the summer, she decided that she is choosing a new path within forensics...and I won't say which path bc that's a giveaway for another part of the story. But it is a path that would keep her busy in Jericho, along with the other things that keep her new roots firmly planted in that quaint little town (rather, Mansville is where she's chosen to live when she's not at Donovan's house...though I'm not sure if they live there anymore? I'd have to check my longer outline). To her, Mansville is the perfect place to live, love, and write, which is what she's done quite a bit of, since moving in last year. She may even graduate Nevermore early, depending on other factors.
Still rambling and giving away little insights into where my fictional couple is in real time/what they've already done since November 2022. Ah right, the parents issue. The relationship between Morticia and Wednesday remains strained and even moreso after revelations in After the Burn. Still, it was Morticia who helped talk Gomez down from hiring a hitman and getting him to accept Wednesday's wishes to be with Donovan. Wednesday was also able to convince Gomez to take the rhodium mine that was to be hers on her eighteenth birthday and put it in Donovan's name, so they needn't ever worry about money. And of course he did it...anything for his little girl (who he can now see isn't so little anymore). There were other things that Wednesday was set to inherit on her eighteenth, but it was the mine that she wanted (and needed) now. One ton has already brought in over $100 million since the transfer of ownership. Neither of these two ever have to work again (especially after Wednesday inherits the bulk of the fortune), so that probably counts as a plus on how they as fictional couple can work.
It's much harder when you're trying to own a home or raise a family or whatnot and have zero money to do it (obvs.). There is a power dynamic at work from the beginning here, and whether people want to admit it or not, rich people have a very green power that people like and respect, and I would argue that the power imbalance here is caused by Wednesday's billionaire heiress status (Gomez was listed as a fictional billionaire back in the 90s). She literally has the power to buy the sheriff's office off, much like how the Gates Family did with Sheriff Walker. She can bribe dirty cops in Donovan's department. She could've bribed Noble. She told Dr. Kinbott straight out that she could pay to make people disappear. Money is power. To say that Wednesday has no power over any of these people 'because she's a kid [sic]' is a grave mistake (no pun intended), and Donovan caved into both of their desires because part of him was scared of what she would do if he outright refused her; y'all say things like "He's the adult, he needs to be better!" but forget that this 'girl' is not a 'harmless child'...she's physically maimed people who piss her off (Dalton, her editor). When Donovan thought that maybe she'd set bears on him, it was a legit fear. 😂 The POINT is that Wednesday is scary and you don't want to piss her off OR say "no" to her (because saying no would piss her off...). And she uses that creepy persona to get what she wants (like how she did it with Ajax in my last upload). It's highly manipulative.
Anyway. You should seeeeee the gift Wednesday got for Donovan in July. Holy shit, it was extravagant. But since that story also contains a huge spoiler, I can't publish that one either (yet).
And I know they're (technically) billionaires, but I need a scene where Donovan goes off about the price of bread, because $7 a loaf is insane. Wednesday will have their chef start making bread for them. Which yanno...for them costs $40 an hour 🤣 But whatever keeps him from acting like an old man yelling at kids to get off his lawn.
It's an odd coupling, but the Addamses are odd, and Wednesday just isn't the average sixteen (now seventeen!) year old. Like Ortega herself, AB Wednesday talks like she's 45. Her brain matches Donovan's brain more than it does her peers (as was Kinbott's observation). She feels safe with him--despite what occurred in canon--and feels like she can be herself around him, learn useful things from him, and never has to want for anything with him. And that's what we all want for N/C Wednesday. And Donovan. The man's been through Hell, and while he's still wondering if he's on a weird acid trip, he's got a lovely young ((and spoiled)) partner to revive the spirit in him that was crushed by life. ✨🖤💖💙✨
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