#I figured you might appreciate this
wispforever · 11 months
not talking about any post or comment in particular, just what I’ve seen around tumblr and in my own ask box/tags. reminder that it is not a compliment to refer to someone’s art as a shitpost (even if you mean it’s funny or random lol), and also. don’t refer to art as a sketch, doodle, or unfinished unless the creator said so themself. what looks undone to you might be the artist’s whole process. further, what looks undone to you may have taken them hours, it could have been really difficult or a challenge for the artist. they get to say what’s a sketch and what isn’t. every finished artwork will not be colored, shaded, or even clean. that’s just the facts. so give artists some love that way <3
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canarydraws · 12 days
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Putting wips of your characters from different campaigns on the same page is a mistake I was just trying to compare them for height reference and I accidentally created a fairy gf/goth gf dynamic! Now I’m SAD and MAD because these two are my own characters and the only way I’ll ever get to see them together is if I go off the rails and actually draw AU content for them!
…which I might. I have no idea what I’d draw but literally them just standing on the same page is cute and I want to see what my 5’5 space paladin and my 6’3 pf magus would do if they ever existed in the same room
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moeblob · 29 days
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(throws them into a modern AU)
So since Ymber wouldn't be a deity there are some things he lacks physically - such as no pointed ears and no bright blue undertones to his hair. Just the basic blue. (does he dye it in a modern AU ? who knows) Also while he doesn't have a collar to symbolize his servitude to humans I still think he should have a choker.
I had some help a while back brainstorming how there would be some form of "superior" dynamic could still exist and I really liked the idea given that he's a famous architect. (he does design all constructs for his city as a deity so it checks out - he likes buildings) And Deacon just admires all the guy's works and never expects to run into him but of course they do! Gotta have a very awkward "oh it's you I'm going to melt into the earth" and "I have no idea who you are but we should hang out".
Sooo Deacon still just really admires Ymber and feels like they're on totally different levels and doesn't understand why Ymber would want to associate with him since he's just a "boring human".
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tyresdeg · 10 months
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david malukas | nashville 2023 (x)
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dreagine · 11 months
Hi hi to all the sillies of the world!!!!
So, I’ve decided that I’m not gonna use this account anymore, or tumblr in general really. Social media has become overwhelming, and being on so many platforms and having a plethora of different accounts, side accounts has just been a whole lot. It’s been getting me down recently.
So I’ve decided to get rid of this one!!
I won’t be deleting anything on here, all my accounts will still be up, I just won’t be active on them until further notice. Maybe I’ll come back one faithful day or hop on every now and then…but for the most part it’s gonna be radio silence here🫡
That being said!!!!! I will still be active on Instagram under the username ‘Teazzrr’ in case you still want to follow me and see new art(hopefully)!!
But really, thanks for supporting me on here! And thank you if you continue to on Instagram. Some of the reblogs and things written in the tags and my ask box are just the sweetest things I’ve read ever, and they’ve given me a good laugh! I genuinely appreciate all of you, and all the kind words!!!!
All in all, not gone, just won’t be here on tumblr any longer, and this was a really long way of saying that, lolz!! :]
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goldensunset · 2 years
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say their names!!
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zimbits-my-love · 2 months
Y’all… 200 followers??? I was not expecting this when making this account but I am very grateful for everyone who decided to follow my silly little blog :)
Still deciding but I might have a fun little celebration where I draw an omgcp character of your choosing.. Not entirely sure right now but it’ll most likely happen
Anyways, thank you guys again for following me 🥹
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slow-button-off · 2 years
No, I was not part of those drivers because I’ve never had any problems with it. From the very first day I have always said that I’m not personally affected and I’m not sensitive to these vertical movements in general. Whether it’s ride, whether it’s bottoming or bouncing. I just don’t feel this kind of pain for some reason.
- Charles Leclerc, BBC podcast 2022
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vaugarde · 4 months
back when this series first dropped i remembered it really bothered me that people called satogou "firstfriendshipping" cause it ignored chloe's presence in the group as goh's actual first friend, and yknow it sorta had "ignore the girl so only the boys matter" vibes, but see now i can't even be too annoyed about that cause in retrospect it's not like the show itself gives a fuck about chloe or considers her goh's friend
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kakusu-shipping · 6 months
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Guess who's finally trying to understand Self Ship Moodboards
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mostlydeadallday · 1 year
Hello :>
V. An abandoned or empty place.
I'd like to request Seer.
She's one of my favorites. I'd love to see what you do with her.
CW: mild self-harm
The blasting wind sliced through her ruff, splaying it open and inviting the chill in, flattening her antennae to her head, scouring her eyes until they burned. She tucked her tattered wings more firmly behind her, ensuring their edges did not catch the gale, though it exposed her brittle shell to the elements.
It was cold, in the dark, on top of the world.
She was ill-prepared, no cloak or headscarf, not so much as knitted gloves to keep her hands from stiffening. She did not often leave her home, now. There were no more mourners to comfort, no more rituals to oversee. Her duties to the living were over, and now her only task was to guard the dead in their graves, beneath the kingdom’s eternal twilight.
This should not take long. The dead would wait.
Tucking her satchel more firmly under her arm, she hobbled forward, fighting both the force of the wind and her own aching limbs. This would be the last time she was able to make this journey, perhaps. She should not be here at all, as every blinding pulse of the spell-stones along the path reminded her. This place was not hers. This was no-mans-land, the scorched earth between two battlefronts, decrepit and crumbling under the oppressive dark sky that would nevermore see its sun.
She could not quite bring herself to feel the grief she had once held so close. It seemed she felt little of anything now, only this slowly growing weight within her shell: the burden of age, of regret, of things she had never truly let go of, and knew she never would.
Her memories were falling away, though she knew that she should try to prevent it. That she should clutch them tight, no matter how much they hurt, pressing them close like a fistful of embers, keeping her pain alive, branding her regrets into her very shell. With the gray monotony of every long, wearing day in the silent graveyard, the vivid scars of the past were fading.
Perhaps that was why she was here. It was obedience as much as rebellion—reopening the wound, falling back into her old sins. She was not allowed to forget. She was not allowed to leave the pain behind.
The sting of grief dug beneath her shell like a claw, fresh again for an instant, as she passed below the first crowned stone arch. She had only the records of her ancestors to tell her what it had been like to worship here, in the light of the dawn; she had been born into a sunless age, after her people forsook one light for another, drawn away from the glaring brilliance of their own goddess towards the cold, remote glow of a new-forged reign. That she had not taken part in their betrayal was of no consequence; she had enabled another, when she and her peers whispered of what their forebears had abandoned.
And now she was the only one who remembered this, and remember she would. Memory was her crime, and memory was her penance, as none but her remained to endure it.
She reached the peak, panting, dizzy, and slumped to her knees, ducking her head, allowing herself a moment to breathe. The cliff yawned below her, with the distant glow of soul at her back, as motes of light shed from the seals danced upward between the gaping arches, vanishing into low, ragged clouds that blew ceaselessly past, never offering so much as a drop of rain to the cracked and empty stone.
She did not speak. She had no prayers to say. At the feet of her silent goddess, kneeling before the last remnant of the deity that had created and then destroyed her people, she brought her numb hands to her chest and buried them in her fur, grasping tighter until the roots of it ached, until she could begin to feel something like what she should, until the pain was sharp and real, not dull and worn down to nothing.
Against the deadening of time, she would remain. Against the pull of ages, she would remain. Against the wearing weight of duty, she would remain.
She would not rest.
It was forbidden.
It was this thought that brought her back from the cold, from the exhaustion that beckoned her. She shivered, leaned one shoulder against the statue beside her, and reached for her satchel.
What she had brought was not a proper offering. It was valuable, but crude, unrefined, no fine idol or handmade effigy. She had not the tools nor the skills to shape it, or the freedom to find someone who could. The hunk of pale metal was unreasonably heavy in her hands, glowing brightly enough that it cast shadows on her shell, with a burning-cold core that she felt even past the numbness in her fingers.
A god-touched thing for a forsaken place. A reminder that this had once been something more than a forgotten monument: a precious place, a place of meaning.
Perhaps whoever found it here would pause to wonder.
The seer stood, one hand braced against the carven stone, and took brief shelter in its winged shadow.
Then she put her back to the wind, bowing her shoulders as it snatched at the cover of her wings, and strode back toward the quiet comfort of her graves.
Read on AO3
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lightbulb-warning · 10 months
i like keeping all my wips open because otherwise they go straight into "i forgor"-ville (population? everything im not currently staring at.)
my laptop fucking HATES it though. very unsupportive of you, bestie. wdym you can't handle the weight of 12 different overly ambitious projects at once?? massive you problem, you inanimate object.
#/lh#hi i know i haven't uploaded anything art related in THREE WHOLE DAYS#i know right? completely unprofessional of me.#/sarcasm#dont worry i know i have unreasonable expectations for myself. it's just how i have fun!#“aim for the moon because if you miss you still end up among the stars 🥴” except i am launching myself out a window with a firecracker#thus am impressed by any achieved elevation at all. idk metaphors are hard. you get it.#anyway just here to bitch and moan about my physical form preventing me from dishing out unlimited amounts of drawings#my physical vessel do be acting subpar as of recently. groan. hate it when can't get good am i right kids#new symptoms unlocked! randomly just. crashing? idk how to best describe it#“guess im on the floor for the next five minutes. love your ceiling btw very ceiling-y”#the social circle is lovely though they've really taken it (maoira corpse era) in stride im really happy about that#*maiora (i really should have chosen a fake name that doesn't make my dyslexic ass implode but it's funnier this way)#i got my blood stats results back tho! mayhaps the docs might figure out what the hell is wrong with moi???#i sincerely ✨doubt✨ it because the medical system always finds new ways to screw people over#groan#oh well literally nothing else i can do about this#the tone is lighthearted i am speaking lightheartedly im having a chuckle at my own expense for funsiez!!#wow i really appreciate you asking about my day! (yes. you totally *did* do that) how was yours??#/genuine question since you're still here reading my tags#fun fact! all my electronics are named Apοllo. all of them.#thanks for reading have a nice day take care of yourself buhbye!!#shut up maiora#anecdote anthology#gargantuan levels of eepy in me rn
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moeblob · 1 year
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@natakesgamingcorner aaaaaah thank you hello! This is many days late but I wanted to say thank you so much for sending this ! ;w; I got it after work during a rough day and it means a whole lot to me to hear this so I wanted to doodle a little more for you?? but uh when I was planning to doodle Hiruma on stream everyone in chat was like "WHY DOES HE HAVE A GUN IT'S ABOUT FOOTBALL" and. I didn't want to waste the entire time trying to draw a gun so I just did a bust up on stream.
But! I wanted to draw him with a gun because I realized people that follow me/know me for FE that don't know about the series don't know he just casually has a lot of guns. So. Yeah. Thank you again for the ask it means a lot that someone else knows both topics!
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designernishiki · 1 year
aight im just gonna say it. some folks really gotta stop treating nishikiryu like they’re actually related and considering anyone who’s so much as Okay with them as a pairing of being incest apologists. like. that’s a legitimately fucked up and serious thing to accuse someone of just because of your view of two factually unrelated fictional characters.
#like. i really don’t like yumi being a love interest for kiryu and think she’d be best as a sister figure to him#a dynamic which could’ve formed while growing up alongside him at sunflower. that absolutely does not mean I would start blocking#and shittalking people for being ‘incest shippers’ as if I have the mora high ground and self righteousness to do so#it is really not different. only difference is the use of the word kyodai. which is an honorary title and not inherently synonymous with#viewing someone as your Actual Literal Sibling.#like just. chill the fuck out.#throwing that kinda accusation around is honestly no better than someone throwing around terms like ‘abuser’ or ‘gaslighting’#over subjective and unserious situations#no one is asking you to change your view of them. no one’s asking you to like them as a pairing. just say you don’t see it that way and move#on. not everything is a moral issue where someone needs to be condemned for something.#tldr: don’t be an asshole#this reminds me of the post that’s like. hey sometimes it’s okay to just say you don’t like someone/something without trying to prove#that disliking it is the Morally Correct thing to do.#like for real dude.#anyway might delete this later or simplify it becuase I have honestly been scared to say anything about this for a long time#due to seemingly the majority of people considering this a highly controversial hot button issue#also sure blocking people is an option but. if you like someone/most of someone’s content and just don’t like a certain pairing or topic or#whatever that they’ll reblog on occasion you can also just. block the tag. unless they don’t tag their shit then it’s more understandable#but i most certainly do and I appreciate when other people do the same because I have one major pairing tag in this fandom blocked because#of how much i don’t like it and plenty of people I follow post this pairing occasionally and shockingly it does not bother me. because#of the ability to filter via tags. it’s really not hard#anyway yeah sorry. let’s see how fast I delete this cause boy am I scared of getting eaten alive for this Apparently Hot Take#rambling#edit: also just wanna note that this isn’t even my main/favorite pairing or anything. im not a diehard nishikiryu guy#im a diehard kazumaji guy though for sure. but I have a strong opinion on the topic because. like I said. the gravity of people’s#accusations is beyond Not Okay
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danielnelsen · 2 months
ok so if someone is decently knowledgeable about gender stuff and used to consider themselves nonbinary and use they/them and suddenly gets rid of public pronouns and says that their gender is ‘female’ (and they’re afab)…… that’s a little concerning, right? am i overthinking this, or does that sound concerning?
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clingylilhoneybee · 10 months
Clearing out a closet is such a healing experience
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