#I did actually come up with a better solution to his problem😎
mr-e-nigma · 1 year
Oswald: Hey, Ed, could you- Oh, never mind, I have a solution.
Edward: Tell me anyway, I’ll come up with a better one.
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anxresi · 3 years
So the long-awaited Gabriel Agreste episode. The first ep with the name of an actual character in it, and supposedly the harbinger of so many pivotal events to come. The question remains though: is it gonna be worth the long delay?
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Judging by this synopsis, the short prediction is ‘no’.
1. There’s ALWAYS a plan to get Marinette and Adrien together from overzealous classmates. Change the record, already. At least it isn’t Alya and the Girl Squad this time around…
2. Adrien is ‘free of his father’s…’ what? Terrible parenting? Impossible expectation? Bad breath? Or maybe that ‘ is a typo, and Gabriel was in a sham marriage all this time. Now that would be a twist!
3. Chloe being a jerk yet again. I’d like to say I’m surprised, but tbh at this stage I’d be surprised if she wasn’t considering who’s in charge. Thomas gotta build up those Mary-Zoe brownie points!
4. Obviously with all the possible solutions to this ‘major’ problem, Marc and Nath decide to… dress in drag and crash the party. After all, the episode where Marinette did it was so loved(!) Maybe we’ll get some development of the boys’ intriguing relationship, but nah. That would distract from shenanigans. And Adrinette(!!)
5. The problem with the episodes being aired out of sequence is we already KNOW Adrien isn’t gonna be banned from returning to school, so where’s the suspense? (I wonder if the show would be better if viewed in order, actually. I have my doubts.)
6. Will Ladybug save the day, you ask? Will the show dangle a potentially interesting carrot in front of our greedy, beady eyes, only to snatch it away at the last second because ‘Status Quo Is God’? I think we both know the answer to that lil conundrum…
So there you have it. Another infinitely skippable episode, another mini-rant packed with all the time-wasting nit-picks you could possibly require.
Join me against next time as I continue to vent against character derailment, boring love squares and most of all, the complete waste of such a wonderful concept.
Don’t touch that dial! 👆😎
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