#I am a hot mess
markscherz · 27 days
You are everything I aspire to be
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If parenting has taught me anything, it is the importance of getting down on your hands and knees and teaching not just facts, but love and enthusiasm for the natural world.
This is my son Q and me. I have dozens of photos like this by now, even though he is just two years old.
Every chance I get, I will kneel down with him and show him the little creatures all around us. Especially when they are frogs. He loves frogs for some reason. No idea why.
It is important that we all see this together. It is beautiful. It is magnificent. We are here. It is improbable to the highest degree. It is fleeting, but it is everything we get. And we can get so, so much of it. If we just get our faces into it and really absorb it.
So that's what l'm trying to do here, I guess. Get all of you to join me in the reeds. And I am so happy to have so many of you along for the journey.
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unchartedthelostlegacy · 10 months
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i'm not sorry
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holyguardian · 1 month
Also, I apologise for the person I might become when I have a laptop again. I have been rotating another OC in my mind purely because of watching Emerald City / thinking about the actor in Hill House/Bly Manor and realising that Oliver Jackson Cohen is tall big giant big hairy very man big.
Alexander, Giant of Babil, with themes of the summon Alexander and his role in FFIV. Paladin type of character whose a hero and a villain depending on who tells the tale.
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lizwontcry · 2 years
I mean the entire thing was perfection but Walt gazing sadly at the watch has fucking ruined me. I am melting down. I am a pile of ashes. Peter Gould I am in your backyard tapping on your windows. I just want to talk.
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wearevillaneve · 2 years
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I'm officially a Dumbass!Eve. I'm so smart I'm stupid, but at least I'm cute, so there's that.
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callilouv · 2 years
one of his clones is laughing at me yall im DEVASTATED.
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fairytalearista · 2 years
Ngl, sometimes I still think about the time I accidentally shared a snippet with the name of a character who was supposedly dead, but was able to save myself by reminding my readers that I have a bad habit of giving multiple characters the same name. A few weeks later, I told 'em that I'd changed the name of the second character to someone I was about to introduce, and NO ONE caught on.
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flawney · 10 months
TFW you've been comparmentalizing trauma for so long you don't so much have baggage as you do a whole cargo bay:
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raepritewrites · 10 months
Inwardly a cottagecore queen, outwardly a goblin of chaos
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shycuriousmind · 11 months
Playing football at work in this heat was a mistake. But was good fun, and made me really realise how out of shape I'm in 😫
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the-flower-herald · 1 year
Just got back from the hospital and I can be back on my dumb bitch hours, babey.
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lilacpeachychu · 1 year
me straight having anxiety and being stressed for hours
me: wait a minute maya wtf is wrong with you, don’t you remember you literally only had this position for two days, technically one bc first day was just training and you literally didn’t come back for weeks bc of winter break why the hell are you stressing yourself out to this point you dumb bitch.
me: oh yeah………
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the-kipsabian · 3 months
saw a take so fucking rancid on twitter i almost deleted the entire app from my phone jesus fucking christ
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first of all ao3 is an archive site. this is like going to the library and saying "oh i dont like this" on every piece of media you find that you dislike and thinking they should be stamped with some sort of a marker just cause you didnt like it
you can always click back and leave. fic writers owe you nothing to explain themselves and their creations. if they have mistagged or miscategorized fics, then i understand, however there are report tools for that instead of yelling at the artist tbh
im not saying free works arent necessarily above criticism. but this is just. fucking wild. its common courtesy to just enjoy stuff (or fucking leave if you dont, the back button is free) and if the artist specifically asks for critiques, then give one - constructive that is, shitting all over someones work is not proper criticism, mind you
i just find it fucking wild people are treating art and archive sites as social media these days like this and everything needs to be policed and ~catered to the algorithm~ like. no. ao3 doesnt have an algorithm. you should be able to fucking tell what you like and what you dont like and steer away from that kind of content and let people fucking be with their art. they dont owe you anything (except trigger warnings i'd argue, but i know some people disagree with that as well for some reason), and imagine how much more energy you'd have if you only engaged with things you liked and spent time looking at instead of going to places where you dont enjoy yourself. let alone spending time telling other people you dont enjoy what they enjoy. what a fucking life
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palipunk · 5 months
I’m doing a little bit of research into “Israeli fashion” because of a article that came across my dash about a Israeli fashion designer (who was wearing a Palestinian Bethlehem Thobe Malak but labeled it as ‘Israeli dress’) and it is quickly becoming a “take a shot every time ‘Oriental’ is said” challenge
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yo-whaddup · 2 years
we need more fucking insane lesbians in media. give me mentally ill, drug addicted batshit crazy lesbians. give me rue bennett. give me lenny buster.
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dollsome-does-tumblr · 4 months
me: i live for fanfic comments. they are all that sustains me. they are my life's very blood.
also me: [the actual worst person on earth at replying to said cherished comments in a timely fashion, rolling up into people's ao3 inboxes like five months to two years after the fact to say thanks for reading]
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