#I NEED to draw snatcher more
betterdonutgalaxy · 2 years
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this but I draw them actually
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*GRABS him by the throat* I Will babygirl gothic literature character Henry Jekyll to an unreasonable extent and no one can. stop. me.
Gives him a little comfort with Adam bc they are The Gothlit ship ever and Jekyll is so a guy who needs deep pressure when upset to me
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potatobugz · 9 months
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I'm going to become so cringe (said with mischievous intent)
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witch-sweets · 3 months
Thinking about Snatcher's Pyrokinesis
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plipple · 2 years
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idk how i ddint pass out doing these but anyhways
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Oh to be like everyone else who can doodle him nonstop but i sadly cant bc idk how to draw noodle body
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mblay-and-company · 1 year
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Local burnt noodle attempts to kick out annoying neighbor that keeps crashing his place and sleeps on his chair
Results vary
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queens-nightmare · 9 months
Okay, then how did you come up with Vanessa and Snatcher's designs?
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Okay so, they have two forms: Monster and human. Their monster forms are pretty strong designs overall in my opinion, so they didn't need altering in the first place. But I have to put a pin In Vanessa's monster form for later.
Now about the human forms.
Before I can talk about that I have to explain that I had this other idea for an AU where Snatcher has a human form. I kept it simple and "shadowy" looking, just like Snatcher('s 3D model).
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Now with that, when I came up with Queen's Nightmare, I just instinctively applied the same logic. Not many details can be made out on Vanessa because a "shadowy form makes things more ambiguous". Also... drawing a complicated design over and over can get onto your nerves, lol.
With Vanessa and her being so simple, I then also did a similar thing with Snatcher's human design. The details are yellow because I wanted to expand on the yellow face and also I just think it looks really awesome.
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Also of course, they slightly changed over time because what is consistency, lol
Now Vanessa's monster form... ever since I drew it a few times, I find it very unpleasing and rather laughable. So I tried to change it a bit while also still staying true to my established lore. I talked about this in this post.
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katyspersonal · 9 days
Hello Katya, do you have any ideas about Simple Gratia?
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Yes, my girl!! I have some observations AND ideas! I remember that back when I checked, a fan Wiki incorrectly said that she is wearing Yharnam Hunter set. I do not know whether they've fixed that since then or not, but I know it confused a few artists. Gratia, in reality, is wearing an Old Hunter set but slightly altered:
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(Close images of her model are from this ( x ) page, datamined by AstralLace!) This is what an Old Hunter set looks like, for a reminder:
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Gratia is an Old Hunter: the type that started under Gehrman like Maria, Vitus, Henryk, Djura, Bestial Hunter, all that. I think that she knew all these characters and more, and with Maria she was a lot like an older sister that Maria never had! But I think she would be genuinely annoyed by Djura's complex inventions and at times not be able to hide her disdain, right in the middle of Djura ranting about them! That'd spark stupid, petty arguments about what kind of weapon is "better" which their friends laugh at in the corner like hyenas until Gehrman or Maria separate them XD
In comparison with the generic set, she is missing the long flowing cape, as well as the glove on her left hand. Her weapon, a chunk of metal, also goes in the left hand. I think she is missing the glove to have a stronger grip on the metal, so it would not slip away! I wondered what her right hand weapon would be before, but I think she doesn't need one in the end! I imagine her staggering the beast with her Iron Fist and then TEARING THEIR HEAD OFF WITH HER FREE HAND DFJHFSHSD .....but, you know, a hammer or a mace would also be nice yeah sure
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In Bloodborne setting, red hair is also highlighted as a trait of Cainhurst nobles, that isn't really seen in any other NPC. Edgar may be also a ginger but much brighter kind, certainly not a REDhead!
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This makes me think: what if Gratia's red hair is not just a random design choice, but a hint? And even if it isn't, it can still be used for a headcanon! Cainhurst nobles descend from Pthumeru Ihyll and have some Pthumerian heritage (just in case here ( x ) is the post with evidences of it) 🤔 At the same time, Pthumerians have gigantic variants, that seem to be more slow and dim than 'regular' ones. And interestingly, Gratia is abnormally big AND stated to have some intellectual drawbacks:
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So, she has 1) otherwise Cainhurst-exclusive hair color 2) a size abnormally large for a human and 3) correlation between inability to use guns and being 'dim'! This gave me a headcanon that she was born in the Cainhurst walls, but shown Pthumerian genes that were "undesired" in the eyes of snobbish nobles and thus, abandoned at birth. She never knew of her origins, but was adopted by a kind man! Yeah, in this context, Maria and Gratia feeling family-like bond almost from the start in kind of fateful!
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^ I often draw her with the same body pattern that shows on the skin of Snatchers, and that is exactly what kind of descendant she is!
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I also always liked the idea that Gratia, Simon and Yamamura were the 'detective friends' up to uncover the Healing Church's secrets! Later, I decided the Yahar'gul Hunter we find in the prison under Grand Cathedral should also be a part of the squad! I did not know that Simon interestingly had Fist of Gratia as a part of his equipment back then and only judged from their location, but that made me feel validated with that headcanon! xD
Gratia is, of course, more of a 'power' of the team! She might be not very smart, but she has her heart in a good place and can understand the concept of shady bad business that should be stopped. She is easy to deceive in terms of pranks and other remotely innocent things, but when someone lying to her or trying to use her is malicious she will sense it. Pair that with her being very brave and blunt, and you really don't want to mess with her! The girl could grab Laurence and slam him against the wall accusing him of being "full of shit" if he attempted to deceive her, ffs! And not even his friends would defend him because it IS his fault for playing with this tigress x)
Needless to mention that she is protective over her friends! Not a kind of a protective friend that will mindlessly jump into fighting the other guy, but someone that will walk in and give them a fair warning to get lost first. She has threatening aura and usually just that is enough to scare away a person that means no good to someone she cares about. But, when she is powerless to do anything against some prick in power or likewise, she will express her frustration by breaking a property on her way out xd
Also she gives me this vibe:
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Thank you for an ask! :D She has a very vivid and fleshed out image in my mind! Funny enough, this makes describing her harder because she feels so self-explanatory for me!
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lonelylonelyghost · 4 months
Under the Skin analysis nobody asked for
a.k.a why I think that Du Cheng is pretty awesome actually.
SPOILERS for Under the Skin - Chinese drama, NOT a vore? body-snatcher?? movie with Scarlet Johansson. You have been warned.
OK, let's get one thing out of the way first. People give Du Cheng a lot of shit about how he treated Shen Yi at first, which - fair, but hear me out.
Captain Lei for Du Cheng was not just a mentor and a fellow police officer, he was practically a father to him, the one who supported and showed young Mr. Du that he could redirect his anger and strength towards greater cause and help other people.
So imagine, in a very short amount of time, during the phone call with your almost-PARENT you hear him getting stabbed, find his dead body in a ditch, and then the reason the killers were able to identify him at all - a smug little shit of an artist who bragged about remembering every face he saw - couldn't draw for some reason the only face that mattered.
You'd also probably flip out and hold a grudge for 7 years.
Du Cheng also didn't know at this point that Shen Yi couldn't remember the face due to being dumped into the sea, he assumed that the artist just didn't want to do it.
I'm not saying that all this excuses Du Cheng's behavior, he's still a dick to an innocent person, a victim of circumstances - the fact which he already knew. What I'm saying is that it makes sense.
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The scene in the interrogation room was amazing but I think we all know it
Now, onto the thing:
The initial impression of Du Cheng's character is that yes, he's the police captain, and he's capable, but he's also kinda goofy. Like, where the work is not involved he's simple, straightforward person, not a genius like Shen Yi with his art or good with technology like Li Han, not very sophisticated, etc.
He's pretty chill overall (unless it's about murder cases or Shen Yi). Typical big gruff police captain that can be a butt of several jokes in other shows, but here is where things get interesting.
When we first see him in the series, he's submerged in a bath inside of a suitcase, trying to figure out how a crime was committed. (Typing this I realized that there's even more of a theme of water and drowning, specifically of self-inflicted kind, than I'd thought before).
It shows that he's willing to go to great lengths to solve a case, including getting himself in a harm's way in the process, and this is demonstrated constantly throughout the show.
Later we see that he's also a good leader of his team, street-smart and physically strong.
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A lot of wet men this show has
Speaking of physicality, I like how Du Cheng carries himself. With his height and size he could seem awkward, but Du Cheng is in complete control of his body.
His movements are big (wide? idk but you get my point) but fluid and calculated at the same time, partly because of the years' worth of training, partly because like many other tall people he's used to moving in the world that's occupied by smaller humans and a lot of fragile items.
He's not using his size for his advantage in everyday life, unless it's for the case and he needs to save one ever-unlucky Shen-laoshi from trouble for the tenth time that week.
He moves with the grace of a wild animal, calm and seemingly tame until he isn't, which is why although I understand his comparison to a dog in the show, I feel like he's more of a wolf.
Basically, there are three things I can watch forever - how the fire burns, how Shen Yi draws, and how Du Cheng jumps into the swimming pool.
Another little mystery about Du Cheng that just doesn't let me go is - what the hell is his family background?
At first it seemed like he was just an ordinary rebellious teenager from some kind of tumultuous household. We don't hear anything about his parents, so we're simply left to assume (the same goes for Shen Yi).
That was until Du Qing comes into the picture. Du Cheng's sister is like rich-rich, so she could either amount to such power herself (girlboss ❤), or she's already come from money.
If the latter is the case, then what was Du Cheng doing on the streets all those years ago? Rich boy's tantrum? It didn't seem like it. Also, Du siblings seem pretty close, so I don't think that Du Qing would let her younger brother roam the streets if she had a choice.
Maybe I missed something? I don't know, but this tidbit just tickles my fancy for some reason, like what's his deal?
But the thing that proved to me the fact that Du Cheng is as complex of a character as She Yi was when he framed himself as M's killer.
(I mean, I knew that he was innocent from the start, because hello, this is s Chinese contemporary show about cops, there's only so much wiggle room in terms of morality the censorship would allow - either he's guilty and he dies at the end, or he's not and everything will be fine. It didn't seem like the first option, so...)
Even before the whole thing went down, Du Cheng in general never seemed like a sidekick, simply a load of big muscles compared to Shen Yi's torturous genius, but this particular decision really cemented the quality of this partnership - in different ways, but they're equal. Neither can do without the other, and both of them can adapt and change their usual tactics when required.
And do you realize how rare this kind of thing is??
When two people have this sort of dynamic in a show - where one is very smart and the other is more down to earth - the second person more often than not would just feel like an assistant to the first one, and it's incredibly annoying to me personally.
But here it's different and oh my god IT'S SO GOOD! I practically screamed in excitement when it happened.
The motherfucker can scheme! This guy fell down from the stairs, hit his head, saw that M was dead, instantly understood what was happening and came up with a whole plan, which granted, involved getting himself in huge trouble, but it's not like Du Cheng is the only one who likes to be self-sacrificial fool in this show.
He sets a trap for the villain like a predator for the prey and then patiently waits. He knows that the price for this stunt is not only getting framed for the murder and demoted/imprisoned/executed? (I don't know the terms for death sentences in China very well), it's also the trust and potential well-being of his colleagues, and Du Cheng still agrees to pay it. He's ruthless both to himself and others, and I LOVE IT.
The later parts of the show provides us with not only deliciously tense moments, full of suspicions and drama and angst (the dinner with Du Qing, and Shen Yi drawing the eyes from the security footage are especially great), but also proves that BOTH of main characters have this darker undercurrent beneath their friendly exteriors.
And although it can't really be explored properly due to censorship, it still is fascinating to think about.
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aeonophagic · 4 months
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Orokapi in Chapter 52 reminded me of something:
The topic of names when it comes to bodysnatchers is very important to me, as many of my favorite characters fall into that category. Some body snatchers draw a clear line that they are not their body, some others become their body. Orokapi seems to blur this line.
This excuses characters like Hikaru, who lives on pretending to be Hikaru, thus taking on his name,
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But includes characters like Kenjaku or Void Archives that are mistakenly referred to using the names of the body of the host despite them stating they don’t align with that identity.
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Kenjaku switches bodies for a purpose. She doesn’t care to upkeep her own identity. If she wants to see something that amuses her, she will go to any length to see it. This includes letting go of any identity she might have had before becoming someone else. It includes letting go of her connections to the world. It includes relinquishing morality.
Man is a moral animal, yet, she forfeits that natural order for the sake of nothing more than the fun of it. That’s her driving force: if it amuses her, she must obtain it. Let me stop here before this turns into a Kenjaku character analysis.
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Void Archives is different. The identity of Otto Apocalypse does not belong to them, nor do they want it. They resent him; they hate him. They wear what was once his body, nothing more, covering his face with a mask of their own making so they may not see him in their reflection. So others may not look at them and see him. Void Archives is Void Archives, no matter what apocalyptic traits bleed into them, yet so many perceive them as someone they are not.
This misconception in which bodysnatchers are mistakenly referred to by the name of their host, or even perceived as such when they’re not actively seeking to live under their name, is usually due to the reveal of their identity being later in the story, despite their appearance being distinctly different, one way or another. This is something I’ve always disliked, so Orokapi has always tormented me with the question of which name is more appropriate to use for him. Let me talk about it:
He adopted the identity of his host, Obikawa Kiyoshi, as a sort of disguise to live amongst humans so he could hide from Alula. The important part to me is that he chose his host specifically because he liked the name of it.
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It didn’t seem like Orokapi made much effort to mimic the behavior of his host. He was and still is friendly, energetic, overwhelmingly familiar as opposed to the harsh and distant persona his vessel had.
Tokinaga met Obikawa Kiyoshi, then he met “Obikawa Kiyoshi”, then finally encountered Orokapi. Though he had only gotten a brief glimpse into Obikawa Kiyoshi’s life, he accompanied Orokapi through the entirety of his life as the human called “Obikawa Kiyoshi”.
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Once his identity as a God was revealed, he’s mostly called by his real name, Orokapi, when the big shots are speaking of him. It seems that no one sees him as “Obikawa Kiyoshi” any longer. No one, other than perhaps Tokinaga whom, despite the betrayal, still sees him as his friend. Orokapi, to them, is a potential threat as well as a potential ally, or more accurately, a weapon.
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This drives me to remember this important moment:
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He states he’d like to teach his name to Tokinaga, which is the last pointer I needed to reach my conclusion:
It would be more appropriate for me to use the name of Orokapi when talking about him, rather than that of Obikawa Kiyoshi, but it’s not wrong to call him that either. He had become Obikawa Kiyoshi, but he was still Orokapi.
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cosmerelists · 9 months
Randomized AUs for Cosmere Femslash Couples
Femslash feature requested by @cosmereplay
Cosmereplay asked me to write a list promoting Cosmere Femslash Fest 2023, which is a fic exchange event YOU can participate in focused around femslash ships.
In honor of this event, I decided to do the following: I made a list of femslash ships and a separate list of AUs, and then I randomly paired them. Let's see what results!
And if any of these randomized results actually look like a fun thing to write or draw, please feel absolutely free! 1. Sports AU: Marasi & Moonlight (Mistborn Era 2)
After chasing down a purse-snatcher on her roller skates, Marasi catches the eye of Roller Derby team captain Moonlight, who wants Marasi to join her team, the Bleeding Ghosts. As Marasi is drawn into the world of Roller Derby, she finds herself being drawn to the mysterious Moonlight as well.
2. Mermaid AU: Lewshi & Raboniel (Stormlight)
As captain of her ship, Lewshi knows to beware of the dangerous but beautiful mermaids who inhabit these waters. But after nearly drowning in a shipwreck, Lewshi is revived by the mermaid Raboniel, a creature so dangerous yet so alluring that even the other mermaids fear her.
3. Pop Stars AU: Shallan & Tyn (Stormlight)
Scam artist Shallan needs to pretend to be a popstar for one easy con. But things go awry when she catches the eye of actual popstar Tyn, who is impressed by Shallan's talent and eager to teach the up-and-comer the ropes. Now Shallan needs to keep the popstar con going...or does she just want to spend more time with Tyn?
4. Boss & Secretary AU: Navani & Raboniel (Stormlight)
When Navani is hired to be Raboniel's secretary, she is overwhelmed by Raboniel's harsh standards and demanding attitude. But Navani's keen intelligence quickly impresses her boss, and now the two of them are growing closer than ever...
5. Teacher & Student's Parent AU: Vin & Shan (Mistborn Era 1)
Vin is a young and overworked elementary school teacher, and Shan Elariel is the imperious and demanding mother of one of Vin's students. They immediately butt heads, but as sparks begin to fly, something more begins to develop between them.
6. Soulmates AU: Lyn & Jasnah (Stormlight)
The first thing your soulmate will say to you is printed on your hand from birth. But Lyn was tired of being lonely, so she's dating a boy named Kal, despite both of them knowing that they're not soulmates. But when Lyn attends a lecture by the preeminent scholar Jasnah, she is shocked to hear Jasnah begin with words that Lyn has long been waiting to hear.
7. Coworkers AU: Lewshi & Venli (Stormlight)
(Ha ha this one is just canon!) It started out as just bitching together about their terrible boss. But now Venli is sensing that there might be more between them...but she doesn't want to make a move until she's sure.
8. Succubus AU: Jasnah & Shallan (Stormlight)
Shallan knew that summoning a demon was risky, but she was willing to try anything to save her family, even if that meant trying to bind a demon to steal its power. She was not prepared for the demon she summoned to be a succubus, and she was not expecting to find this demon Jasnah's presence to be so...alluring.
9. Bodyguard & Client AU: Salay & Ann (Tress of the Emerald Sea)
Ann loves being a bodyguard, even if she's, well, terrible at it. Ann has been given one last chance to not fuck up an assignment: guarding businesswoman Salay, who is searching for her father.
10. Coffee Shop AU: Siri & Blushweaver (Warbreaker)
Siri is a young woman out on her own for the first time, working at a local coffee shop. Blushweaver is the beautiful, flirtatious customer. But is it Siri's imagination, or does Blushweaver flirt more with her than with anyone else?
11. Star Trek AU: Cord & Rysn (Stormlight)
Cord is Security and Rysn is the Captain, and they are Starfleet Officers on the same starship. They've been sent on an away mission to investigate the mysterious planet Akinah, where a great treasure is said to lie hidden...
12. Detective & Art Thief AU: Steris & Ranette (Mistborn Era 2)
Detective Steris has been hunting renowned art thief Ranette for years, but the thief is always inventing new devices and weapons that allow her to escape the law every time. Steris can't deny that she's maybe getting a little obsessed with this woman...
13. Tattoo Artist & Flower Shop AU: Marasi & MeLaan (Mistborn Era 2)
Marasi runs a flower shop, and MeLaan runs the tattoo shop next door. Do I need to say more?
14. Neighbors AU: Jaxy & Ranette (Mistborn Era 2)
Ranette likes her space--that's why she bought a small cottage way out in the countryside. But now a new woman has moved in down the road, and for the first time in a while, Ranette is wondering if it wouldn't be nice to have someone else around the place...
15. Vampire AU: Vin & Allrianne (Mistborn Era 1)
Allrianne is the rich, well-dressed, and the undisputed queen of her high school. Yet there's this new girl, Vin--pale, keeps to the shadows, never seems to eat...and keeps looking at Allrianne with those predatory eyes...
16. Knight & Queen AU: Jasnah & Azure (Stormlight)
(Ha! This is close to canon too!) Lady Azure is a knight, and she's extremely good at her job. She has been promoted to guard Queen Jasnah, and when Lady Azure swears her undying loyalty, she means it. Deeply.
17. Nerd & Jock AU: Lyn & Laran (Stormlight)
As captain of their college basketball team, Lyn has the popularity and the swagger. Yet she finds herself strangely drawn to that nerdy math major, Laran. Despite her teammates' ribbing, Lyn thinks she might just shoot her shot...
18. Fake Dating AU: Shallan & Vin (Stormlight & Mistborn Era 1)
Shallan MAY have been lying to her family about having a girlfriend to keep them off her back. But now her family is insisting on meeting her girlfriend at the next family reunion, and Shallan needs to think of something FAST. So she puts out an ad offering to pay someone to just pretend to be her girlfriend for a few hours, and who should answer but this girl Vin...
19. College AU: Navani & Evi (Stormlight)
Navani and Evi meet through their college boyfriends--brothers, in fact, brothers who are always so busy with their business majors that Navani and Evi often find themselves alone. Together. Feeling something grow between them...
20. Sugar Mama AU: Yumi & Akane (Yumi and the Nightmare Painter)
Yumi is a struggling artist; she works harder than ANYONE yet can't seem to make ends meet. So when she's contacted by the mysterious Akane who offers to be her sugar mama, Yumi jumps at the chance. It doesn't hurt that Akane is an actual goddess in terms of looks... Happy Femlash Fest 2023, everyone!
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braindead94 · 8 months
Class Dismiss
The second part of Power Bottom fic I made, and yes, there is a part two to this chapter. TW for this fic: kidnapping, fear, mention of blood, gun (but no one shooting) Monis DNI!!!
After that awkward, embarrassing day, you did your best to move on. It was bad enough to land on top of one of Doc Ock, who is one of the evilest geniuses in the world, in the most scandalous way possible, but for that same villain to demand a kiss? And the fact that you DID kiss him?
There is just so much wrong with that. 
Not even going to acknowledge the fact that he was a good kisser.
You apply the old saying “Keep calm and carry on” into your week and move on with… modernly success. Continue to patrol your oh-so ever grateful city of yours, stopping shoplifters and purse snatchers, walking old people across the road, punching Nazis-sorry, Hydra in the face, yeah, it seems safe to say that everything was still back to normal. If you don’t count the weird dreams of him in a very red lighting that may or may not have resulted in you waking up in ruin sheets. Damn the landlord for charging the washing machine each use.
Your social life was still on the drawing board. You used to look up Jessie's IG page, but after Docs kiss, you felt dirty to even glance at your crush. What was special meant for him was tarnished by that mad man.
Hopefully Octavius would just have a laugh at this and never talk about it ever again. Well, at least you prayed he would. Maybe Dr.Doom created a memory-wiping ray and shot him as a test subject. Or Thanos would have a sudden change of heart and make all villains disappear. Fuck that sounded way to drastic….
Daily Bulgal needed some photos of a special guest at Cornell University along with some interviews. Robert was friends with the speaker, Professor Miles Warren. Back when they fought in the Vietnam war with Dr.Conners.
He still feels mournful of how the one-armed scientist ended up becoming The Lizard, all because he wanted to help the world. You couldn’t help but sink your feelings in guilt when he talks about him as you fiddle with your lanyard with your guest pass and DB badge on it, thinking back how you could have done more if you were a scientist like him, or at least stopped him from drinking that vial. Or something.
Somehow, you felt both helpful and useless at the same time when it comes to aiding the bad guys.
“Hey Y/n, earth to Y/n. Do you read me?” You snapped out of your daze and stopped walking before your face hit a pole. “Oh shit, thanks Mr.Robertson.” He patted you on the shoulder before pushing you closer to him and away from the crowding students and teachers walking to the lecture hall.
“Are you doing okay? You seemed to be out of it lately. Was it related to that cut on your cheek?” Immediately, you touched the bandaged cheek on the side of your face as soon as he mentioned it. “Oh nah, just letting my mind wander. Ya know, just… thinking.”
Thinking about how you could have trapped the Vulture better and faster without being cut up by his wings the night prior to today. Again. Also having to sew up your suit. 
The black reporter smiled coyly and elbowed you gently. “Ah, its it a boy you got your eye on? Or maybe a girl if that’s what you're into-” “No! Oh no, I don’t have time for dating.” You assure him, ignoring how your cheeks warmed at the thought of your crush. ‘God, I wish I had time to date Jessie. Or anyone for that matter.’ 
“No, it’s just… I feel like I’m…” you tried off, trying to kickstart your brain to think up something for him until he rubbed your back. “No need to say anything if it makes you feel uncomfortable. I’m sorry for making you feel pressured. Tell you what, after this speech, and hopefully before Jamason summons us back to the office, let’s hit up some burgers and shakes. My treat.”
You beamed at him with your teeth showing (and hurting your cut cheek) just as your belly grumbled in a hurry. He laughed as you muttered that you didn’t eat breakfast. “Was it because you were trying to dress up like a schoolgirl?” He asked as he opened the door up for you and to other students.
Blinking your eyes, you looked over at your outfit again (for the 5th time that day) and reevaluated your look. “Is this too much?” You asked.
In honesty, you saw how fancy and strict the university was, so you put on a long, plaid skirt that flows past your knees. A cream-colored button up shirt was pressed and primed under a baggy, red sweater vest. It probably didn’t help that you’ve kept your old glasses that you swap the lenses with fake ones to keep up with appearances that only made you look more like a nerd.
“I just thought that since we are visiting a very prestigious college, I should look the part. Ya know, to blend in… it’s too much, isn't it.” He just shook his head no and gave you a soft smile. “No, you look very nice-” “Aya cutie! Wanna hook up with the smartest man on campus?” Called out a tall guy from behind you. 
Robby immediately turned around and snapped back “If you could find him, please let him know she's not interested.” There was a series of ‘OHHHHHH's' followed by a ‘got ‘em’. You blushed and tried to raise your shoulders up to your neck like a turtle. “The nerves of some kids I swear…” Muttered the reporter as you finally made your way to the auditorium.
The moment you step into the HUGE room, a certain smell of junk food fills up your senses and your mind teleports back to the time at Oscorp.
                                                                                                                           6 years ago
High school was if anything, ‘fun’. Too many things that got dumped on teens, who are still going through puberty and a lot of mental gymnastics, were expected to do. Like “What do you see yourself in 5 years?” or “You need to pay attention because college will grade you on this”. There were also social shit that would either split everyone apart with status quo and political, and how screwed up the environment was-
You, at 17 years old, just wanted to be done with it already.
Shrugging the heavy duffle bag with many expensive camera equipment inside, you trotted after Jessie and the rest of the news club. To be honest, you joined because your crush was in it, but you found yourself actually enjoying it, so much so that you started a hobby of photography and stayed in the club for all three years of high school.
The ringleader of the club somehow got an interview with Norman Osborn in his building, Oscorp. How? Probable through Harry. Jessie was the interviewer, all styled up and ready to get his picture taken at any point. It was at this point that his growth really aided him a lot, thus making him populer.
And you kinda admit, he makes a potato bag look good on him.
Mesha directed everyone to not touch ANYTHING (while glaring at the troublemakers who stagger along in the club for an easy pass) and to not bother any scientists when they enter a few labs. 
You nodded along, glancing at the tall redhead through your smudge up glasses. He caught you staring at him, and you looked away fast while trying not to blush hard. ‘Please don't’ notice me, please don’t notice me-’ “Hey Y/n.” His voice came next to you.
‘Crap’ You think as you try to look him in the eyes. “Hi! How's it going?” “I’m good. I see you brought your… ummm…. Equipment?” He asked, sounding like he was lost for words. You were about to reply when Mesha swooped in and snagged him away for preparations for the interview.
You sighed, both relieved and peeved as you got ready but you failed to notice how he looked back at you.
Norman Osborn actually graced your club with his presents, smiling and chatting up a storm with almost everyone. He shook everyone's hand, including yours (and saved your camera when it nearly fell out of your hands) and had everyone follow him. You stayed near Jessie as he asked questions that the school wrote down for him. You snapped a few shots at them and the labs you were allowed to see. 
The scientists in the labs were nice enough to explain a few experiments, both technology and chemistry and write them down so that you could relay the info for the editors later. Norman would ask you if he was in the right spot for a pic, and would give you a smile on his face, even off camera as he chatted with you. Even when he is older than you, he looks very charming with his wide smile.
But your eyes still were drawn to Jessie.
Around lunch time, you were all brought to a conference room where a table full of pizzas, burgers and sushi. And not just cheap kinds, but real pricy junk food. Everyone dug in with gusto and soon the room was filled with the sounds of talks, glasses filled with sugar bevergise, and some music popular around that time. All the young people were all smiles, giddy and free. Just forgetting about their upcoming life struggles and letting themselves go with carefree glee. You smiled and joked with your old friends until you saw how low your camera batteries were. 
Looking around, you saw no spaces on any of the tables, nor any chairs available. So you excuse yourself out of the room for more space (and quiet) and look through the pictures if any of them need to be rebooted. The hallway had many doors and each of them had many different rooms, also which were occupied. Except for one empty lab.
You stepped in and took a quick look around. It looked like an inventor room with many dismembered parts of robotic stuff along with four panels that jetted up from the floor. You glazed at it, putting it off as something that should not concern you and set up a charging space on the desk farthest away from all these important and *expensive* stuff and close to the door as well.
You just plugged in your camera when you spotted something hanging on the wall. Four long, metallic, tentacles looking things hung on the smooth wall with claws at the end. Your head tilted when you looked at it, pushing your glasses up on your nose again.
“I would say ‘Why don’t you take a picture, it will last longer’, but then we would have to kill you.” 
You yelped as you spun around to the sudden deep voice from behind you. As you saw the tall man in a white lab coat, you tripped on nothing and fell on your ass. “Oh Go-are you alright? I’m so terribly sorry, that was a poor joke. I meant nothing by that.” Said the scientist as he knelt down to help you up. “I’m fine, I’m sorry for being in here, but I needed space to charge my stuff.” You grunted, pointed to your camera. 
“Ah, you are the photographer of that school newsie club, aren't you?” He asked. You nodded as you finally took a good look at him. Two beautiful brown eyes peered down into yours as his handsome face sported a smile. You found yourself losing your words, almost how you would act around your own crush. “Ye-yeah-yes sir! I’m the photo gal-man-er.. I-” You stuttered, your cheeks dusting red the more you looked at him.
You shoved your hand out as you tried to regain your composure. “I’m Y/n! I go to high school!” Your eyes widen at how high your voice pitched when you said school. The tall heavyset man just chuckled as he took your hands into his. Oh wow, his hands are freaking HUGE!’ “Well, I’m Dr.Octavous. I go to work here.” 
God you wanted to lay on the ground and let it swallow you up.
“Ye-yeah, I gather that… I’m sorry if this is your lab. I just need-” Dr.Octavius cut you off with a wave of his hand. “No, no, It’s alright. I understand the importance of your job. Please use the space as long as you need it. Just please don’t take any pictures without my permission.” You nodded eagerly, smiling at him as you shoved your hands into your pockets.
The doctor continued to chat with you, his deep voice lulling your bundle of nerves to unwind until they were loose to let yourself emersed with him. You found yourself at ease with his good nature, enraptured with his whole presents. He asked about you and your future, to which you were embarrassed to share that you didn’t know what you wanted to do. He patted you on the shoulder as his friendly face looked into yours. “It’s okay not to not have an answer at all. Not everything is set in stone. Whatever you set your mind to; you can achieve anything.”
Something that has said before but sounds nicer when he says it. The door clicked open, and you both turned to see Dr.Osborn strolling in. “Ah, I see you’ve met Otto.” He said in his pleasant, gravel voice. 
Dr.Octavius, or Otto, smile faltered a bit when the CEO strolled in with a swagger in his steps. “Hello Norman. How is the club fairing the tour?” He asked. “Oh the kids are having a grand old time! Jessie, the young man back there who's acting as the interviewer, vaguely reminds me of a very young Tyrone Power. But with red hair!” He gushed before remembering you were there.
“Pardon me, you probably don’t know who that is-” “He was Diego is the Mark of Zorro, in 1940.” You stated, feeling a bit of pride swelling inside you when both men looked surprised before Norman recovered and smiled at you. “Fan of black ‘n’ white movies, are you?” “Yup.” You somewhat lied; you only watched them when your grandmother babysat you when you were little. Also helped that you mostly lived with your older folks that are still obsessed with old films.
“Isn’t she something? She let me look at her pictures so far on this tour and they all look simply marvelous.” “Indeed, though I have to ponder, Norman, are you charging her for all the photographs she's taken?” The tall man asked as he wrapped an arm around your shoulders. Your cheeks bloomed in red, missing how the shorter man looked back at him in disappointment. 
“Lets not do this Otto, you know this can’t be helped-” “Even after all the things we’ve done? You still have the need to charge me for rent like some money-grubbing landlord-” “Otto.” Norman whispered as his blue eyes darted to you. You took the hint and tried to break away from what seemed to be something that needed to be said in private. “Its okay, I’m going back to my clu-”
“No no,” Ottos arm tighten around your shoulders a bit, causing you to stumble back into his grasp and make your glasses crooked on your face. “Forgive me, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable. If you'd like, I would love to give an interview for your school newspaper if they are interested.” You slowly nodded yes. “Sure, just let me text Mesha if she would be interested in the scientific section. If that is okay with you Mr.Osborn.”
“Please, call me Norman, and I’m fine with it if Otto is.” Both men smiled (though you couldn’t tell if it was forced or genuine, you didn’t dwell too much on it) as you texted the club president.
She was more than excited; she was ecstatic as she rounded up the troops after they finished eating and got back to work. The next 15 minutes were all about Dr.Otto Octavius and his robotics discovery with a newly built AI that could help construction workers with limb enhancers as well as nuclear theory that could replace most of the power the city runs on. You took as many photos as you could, still blushing at both Jessie, who still gave out the interview, and Otto whenever they glanced at you.
Norman stood by the sidelines and let the students ask more questions until he pressed on that time was now limited with the tour. You all said your good-byes to the tall, handsome scientist. He shook everyone's hands, including yours. As he grasped your hand, he gave you a wink for good luck for the future and it took all of your willpower NOT to trip over your feet as you tried to catch up with Jessie with Norman.
He guides you all like Willy Wonka in his factory. “Now, I think you all would be fascinated with our latest experiments on spiders. I hope none of you have any Arachnophobia.”
You blinked as your mind reverted back to the present. A feeling of revelation dawned on you as you looked about the huge auditorium and at all the students. ‘Shit… it’s been a while since I’ve thought about that day.’ You followed Robby down to the bottom steps and up to the stage where he led you to front seats. All while you continued your thinking process that you didn’t notice Robby talking to an attendant about seeing Miles first before the presentation.
‘I’ve been doing this for 6 whole years. Fuck, holy fuck this is what I’ve been doing for 5 years after graduation! HA! Here's to your stupid question “What will you be doing in 5 years”, Mr.Phil. That asshole.’ You smiled to yourself as you looked up from the stage while sitting down, just realizing that you won't have a better shot from there. 
You told your coworker as such and he nodded, sharing the same idea of you hopping on stage before Dr.Warren shows up and picks a better location. He talked to the same attendant again and pointed at your Daily Bugle badges on your lanyards along with your guest passes and they nodded with permission for you to shoot Miles with your camera.
‘I wonder what my classmates are doing. Probably raising a family.’ You walked up the steps to the stage. ‘Maybe going or finishing up college. Hell, maybe they have already found their dream jobs.’ You walked around the wooden worn floor that has been played on over the years. You found a perfect stop, smiling a bit again as you gently took off your bag and searched through it for your good camera, only to quickly shuffle aside your Spider-Girl suit in fear someone was behind you.
You thought about how much you've done as Spider-Girl, meeting the Avengers and the Fantastic four was a blast (flirting with Johnny was super funny and left you blushing under your mask. Really made your heart skip a beat thinking if Jessie didn’t go out with you…). You put big names behind bars, you fought against Kingpin and lived to tell the tale. Hell, you’ve even gone to space!
Just for a day, but still! You were fighting space Nasi-again sorry, Hydra!
Even Green Goblin is in jail….
You froze, your skin grew cold just thinking of Norman before you violently shook yourself out of it mentally and resumed your setting up. All these years, you’ve done so much as Spider-Girl. A hero for all.
But what have you, your real you, have done these past few years? Your feelings of pride and accomplishments vanished. You’ve done great things as Spider-Girl, but as Y/n…
You've been working as a photographer for 6 years on the same payroll, sleeping in the same apartment that was still shitty with it’s own shitty landlord who wouldn’t lift a finger to fix something unless it really affected his livelihood (AKA threatening to call the inspector of apartment living). You never dated outside of High school, and that was before you became Spider-Girl. You’ve only had a few friends that somehow put up with your constant delays/no show/call offs.
In fact, you just realized that you were the one calling them first. They never text you for anything unless you did it first. So that means no friends. The only one in your real life who is constant is your Uncle Lenny, AKA, your only living family relative.
Shame colored your face as you finally got everything ready. ‘Damnit… am I that much of a loser outside of my hero work? I’ve been so busy, I never once thought about my own stuff. No wonder Uncle Lenny is always trying to get me to do new things.’
You put the camera's lanyard around your neck and turn it on, just in time when the lights started to dim in the back and the stage lights were turned on. Squatting down, you raised the camera to where Dr.Warren would walk out and got ready to click away.
‘Maybe after this, I’ll take Lenny out for dinner at that old diner. It’s been a while since we’ve been there and he deserves to be spoiled a bit after all he’s done for me.’ You smiled at the thought just as the Dean of the college walked on stage and started to take pictures.
The Dean gave a quick welcome talk and shared some new rules regarding colored shoes that distracted other students from studying and thus banned them in favor of brown/white/or gray shoes (boo) before he welcomed the guest of honor.
The old man with a wide mustache walked in with a limp in his foot and shook hands with the Dean and waved to the audience. There were a few flashes of cameras in the crowd and polite cheers from the younger people. He gave thanks for letting him give a talk and started on his speech.
It was an incredible story about his life after Vietnam. After he was injured, he put himself through college to study medicine and worked alongside many great minds, even got to meet Dr.Reeds before he became Mr.Fantastic (which you and others agree when Miles said he should really be called Dr.Fantastic). After graduating, he worked with other scientists and other bright minds to help the world by solving cancer cells or working on other ailments. He talked about the night where he figured out a possible cloning of blood that could be better tested on instead of animals.
You were snapping away on your good camera, gently biting your bottom lip as you focused on him. He was good, great even and you saw why Robby held him in high regard with his stories and how he presented himself. His voice was kind and warm, reminding you of a grandfatherly figure. The mid-age man was slowly wrapping up his speech by adding something inspiring for the students, smiling in good faith at them. He ended it on a high note and everyone clapped at the end of his talk.
The Dean showed up to calm everyone down and then had an attendant bring up a microphone to the front of the stand for questions. Soon, many students and reporters filed up behind the small metal stick with the microphone in it.
You had a hidden smile swapping your positions for a better position to snap pictures of the questionnaires when suddenly your spider-sense started to tingle.
“So, is that what you are really using the cloning technique or is that just your cover up?” Called out an all too familiar voice from the crowd. 
Like flags changing directions in the wind, heads turned to look at the person who spoke up. A very tall man stood from the back of the auditorium in a heavy trench coat with a fedora over his head. Your stomach squeezed in fear along with your spider-sense started to buzz more. You know that coat, you’ve seen it before. You know the wearer of that damn coat. Your eyes trained on him as you put your camera away without looking.
The tall man slowly walked from the back and up to the back of the line. Miles eyes the man with a confused smile. “I’m sorry, what did you say?” He asked in a strain in his voice. “I’ve read about your ‘humanitarian’ work with cloning cells, Dr.Miles. And I must admit, it’s a very complicated and very difficult task to replicate human DNA, very brilliant and yet you squander it over a few decaying cells when it has better uses.” 
Said the stranger as he strolled down the stairs. The people in line stepped aside from him, wary looks dawned on their faces, some whispers going about and you heard a faint word of a shooter. You glanced down at Robby and saw him furiously texting on his phone in a hidden way. Probably to get JJJ or calling the police.
You slowly inch back, trying to be stealthy as to get off the stage and change into your power suit. Yet, you failed to notice how Dr.Warren's eyes shifted the second the man talked about his work. Something dark and pissed off. “What do you have against my work? What other uses would I do with this scientific knowledge? Stop it and continue to test on innocent animals, or on humans?” The old man demanded. 
The stranger stopped at the microphone and finally revealed his face to him with dark sunglasses staring back into the men on the stage. Doc Ock only gave him a crooked smile, his black sunglasses glinted in the light as he replied “Oh, I have a few ideas in mind.”
Docs metal arms shootout and slam their claws on the ground to lift him up. Everyone screamed and immediately started to run all together. His body raised higher in the air while one arm gently took off his hat. The trench coat opened up more and all four of them came to life, revealing him to wear a black turtleneck sweater (thank God, his chest was super distracting).
You shot up to run back, but your dumb old shoes squeaked over the wooden floor and you tripped over your feet. Then you cursed yourself for almost forgetting your backpack and you crawled over to it. ‘FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK!!! Need to fucking move! Need to hide and change before he-’ 
Miles let out a yell, causing you to turn around. An actuator pushed him to the ground as Doc Ock hovered up to the stage with ease, his face still boring that same smug smile as his fingers pressed themselves in a half-prey position. The Dean, stumbling away from him, had managed to stop. You saw his shoulders square up as he clenched his fist and yelled out “Now see here, you asshole! This is a private university an-”
Like swatting an annoying fly, another actuator swung itself at him and the lanky man flew into the air and straight into you. Without thinking, you dropped your heavy backpack and stood up to catch him.
“GAH!” You let out, feeling the wind knock out of you as the thin man collated against you. His elbow collided with your cheek, making your healing cut sting under the bandages. Both of you tumbled back onto the ground and moaned in pain. “Owwwwww….. Man, for a skinny dude, you’re kinda heavy.” You whispered. “I am trying to fix that, thank you very much.” He grunted back as he stumbled to get back up.
Brushing down your flipped skirt down (you were giving your foresight a high five for putting on boxer shorts just in case this happened) and got up to follow him until your spider-sense kicked in just when a silvery coil snapped out around your waist.
“Now where do you think you’re going, young lady?” Said the mad scientist with a tease in his baritone voice. With a hard pull, you found yourself pulled away from your escape and away from your fallen backpack and brought up to Doc Ock. Your skin turns pale upon being this close to him again, now not as Spider-Girl, but as Y/n. A civilian with no powers to everyone. A regular nobody in front of a killer doctor with metal arms fused to his back. Meeting him not as Dr.Otto Octavius, but as Doc Ock.
His handsome smile turned from crooked to what used to be a friendly one as he reached out to grasp one of your trembling hands that clutched over the actuator around your waist (What a strange familiar feeling) gently squeezed it in greeting. “I apologize, I didn’t have a chance to share my name. I’m Dr.Octavous, though, you might know me better as Doc Ock. And whom do I have the pleasure of meeting?” ‘Wait, he doesn't remember me? Thank God, but I still have to deal with this, but how?!’  
You didn’t say anything, you couldn’t say anything as your mind was still wrapping it’s head around this situation. One of the actuators reached around you and lifted your lanyard plastic badges and held it up to him. You had to lean your torso closer to him when he took it with his other gloved hand and looked closer. You couldn’t see his eyes, but you could feel him looking over you like an apex predator analyzing its prey.
“Y/n L/n, lovely to meet you.” Fuck, how your blood ran cold when your full name left his plump lips was no joke. Your spider-sense was screaming danger and your body was shaking. The older man still being pinned down started to yell at him. “Leave her alone Otto! Whatever this is, this is between you and me!”
The tall man sighed, his head moving along what you think was rolling his eyes and turned his attention to Warren. “Whatever we had can be waited for a while.” He said as one arm opened its claw and a tiny nozzle spouted out. A squirt of green gas came out of it and hovered over Miles face. You could only stare helplessly and in fear for him, only to feel slightly relieved when you saw it was only a sleeping gas. The urge to pry the stupid metal actuator around your waist and deck Otto across his stupid handsome face was great, but you couldn’t do that as Y/n.
Fuck this isn’t good.
He turned his attention towards you again with his smile returning to his face. “Sorry about that-”
“FREEZE!” Shouted black clothed men at the doors. He sighed and looked at them. You saw it was campus security, slightly chubby and a bit old for normal police work but on high alert with widened eyes and still hands. “Let the girl and the man go, then back away from them and put your hands behind your head. All of them!” One order. The rest were slowly spreading out into the room with all their guns trained on him.
Octavius just raised a thick eyebrow before raising his flesh arm and drew back his sleeve to reveal his watch. One actuator peeked over his shoulder, and he chuckled, nodding to a hidden conversation with it. “Only 3 minutes late. We can still make it work, don’t worry, sweetie.” 
With a shove, you found yourself suddenly in front of the tall scientist only to have his actual arms around you and pulled you back to chest. One of the actuators joined the other to pick up Warren and lifted him up in front of you two as another arm drew near your face. Only to draw it’s dagger at your exposed neck.
‘Oh fuck no…’
“Goddamn it, put your guns down now!” Shouted one of the guards to the others. They all followed as commanded, but never looked away from you. You saw them just how you felt: powerless to do anything. Otto merely laughed before he called out “I’ll be taking my leave with present company. Don’t follow me if you wish to have them remain intact.” He backed away from the front of the stage and close to the back wall where the 4th actuator punched a hole like punching through paper. 
‘This is not happening…’
The arms maneuvered to only hold Miles with one arm as the rest prepared to do something. You felt Ottos arms tighten around your body and his face lowered to your ear. “I hope you’re not afraid of heights, my dear.”
‘This has to be a nightmare…’
But all you could, with fear and helplessness, as yourself was be carried away by Doc Ock and look on as the ground begins to recede away from you.
And away from your backpack with your spider suit still inside.
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loving-apparitions · 7 months
Hello, could I request a snatcher x reader where reader is dyslexic? I feel guilty for not being able to read lengthy compressed text (especially when it's in the Times New Roman font), because he probably has a favorite story that he wants me to read and I just can't no matter how hard I try. I normally have to hear it spoken while I scan across the words.
I tried breaking up the text more than usual for this one. Your feedback is welcomed if there's anything I can do to make this an easier read for you!
Considering how he loves to show contracts to people, I think he'd find out pretty quickly that you have some difficulty reading.
Without you asking he might just read what he's written to you. "I'd be a pretty terrible employer if I didn't make my requests clear, wouldn't I?"
He's honestly not totally contract obsessed, so he soon just ditches showing you the papers.
Particularly of course once your relationship is at a point that he doesn't feel like he needs to pretend does he stop with any legal games.
Mostly Snatcher communicates with you verbally, but if he wants to leave you anything written, he puts in the extra effort to print cleanly with large letters and space.
He quite enjoys calligraphy and changing his penmanship by document, so this is no bother (it's kind of fun to him, like a challenge to make something both pretty and readable).
They include little drawings and pictures too in hopes of it helping.
They're an avid reader, so if you're interested in a book, they're happy to cuddle up and read to you.
He adores snuggling up with you, as well as reading or re-reading, so it's an enjoyable activity for him to hold you close and read aloud.
He'll pick out books you're interested in, books that he thinks you'll enjoy, or books that he's passionate about and wants to share.
If it helps you, Snatcher will also trace a finger under the words as he reads and you follow along.
He wants you to be able to understand the story, and he believes the best way to experience a book is exactly as it's written rather than summarized.
Of course, just because direct source is his favorite way to understand a book, he knows it's not the only way.
He thinks nothing less of you if you want a summary instead. If you want to watch a movie adaptation though, he's going to let you know every way it deviates from the original.
This isn't an entirely new experience for them, as they've found several Subconites that can't read at all or that have difficulty reading.
That also means that the Subconites are generally understanding and accommodating of you.
And don't feel guilty about your dyslexia. Snatcher knows that ability to read text isn't the same as reading comprehension.
"Never apologize for how you read. You don't have to read print to be intelligent. You're much better at comprehending than the lot of idiots I come across."
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witch-sweets · 2 months
More stuff for that hypothetical ahit au where Hat Kid and Snatcher go to the to the past
Snatcher tries to scare Vannesa by possessing a mirror but ends up encountering the wrong person
(I will write a full length fic about this in greater detail)
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"Spirits who possess mirrors are commonly lonely. They try to fill the gaps in their existence by reflecting the actions of others. Due to most of these spirits being harmless the recommended method of disposal is providing them some company. Try talking to them, touching the mirror, and being friendly and depending on how lonely they are they will eventually move on in a certain amount of time."
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bembwashere · 1 year
Doodle request dump : The Sequel
Gonna be another long one so watch out!
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YES OCS. So, Here's two of them (i've got more but i'll post more later on.) Their names are Irwin (the one with the bandana) and Josh (The one with the bowtie). They're like brothers but not by blood and they were the first Subconites that were found by the Snatcher and were given a body. They've got the dumb sidekick thing going with them, usually doing Snatcher's dirty work when he doesn't want to do it.
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and a dirty little crime boss for your troubles (i literally haven't drawn him ever i've only drawn the jar version gghdgfdfd)
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THE MOONYUMPER!! i love your design it's so fun to draw. I still need to catch up on the fic stuff you've done but from what i've read it's so good.
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also i needed to bring it up again.
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ruf batch 👌
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i have actually thought of this a lot. so heres a MU AND a Hat Kid. (Mu's an Inkling where HK and the other aliens are Octolings :) )
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funnier conclusion : There is another wig under his wig
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Thanks again for the doodle requests. I know it was a little less than last time but it was still super fun, plus i have my pen back >:)
extra doodles dhhfgdfdd
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Hall of shame /j
@gengar-pixel-2 , @gracebeth3604 , @underthesubconsun , @tsunamiholmes
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