chalkeater · 2 years
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my current discord icon im using for maybe the rest of pride month taken from this art
(DONT USE AS YOUR ICON!! because this is mine and the art was made for ME)
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chalkeater · 2 years
BAHAHA It's actually more of.. an assortment of information stored in my brain. RANDOM STUFF AND THEORIES people have about source. Proof that Kris/you are your own person (It doesnt need to be said but having hard evidence means i can argue with people on the autonomy thing fr) more stuff about my dialogue plus the fact that you can compare the different languages deltarune and undertale come in and they still connect dots. i dont usually make this content though i mostly just reblog them.
actually we store all of it in @utdrmetastuff (NOT looking for followers there btw. its literally just a sideblog for our ut/dr fictives to reblog source META content on. as in theories, screenshots, dialogue discussions, sprite work, metanarratives, commentary, observations, comparisons ETC ETC. we just felt bad/awkward about spamming our blogs with source meta??? so we might as well store them allll in one place LOL. we also tag accordingly so like. be careful of certain route discussions/mentions there)
EDIT: also sometimes i dont think of just 1 thing about source. sometimes i see a meta post and im like. well now i have to consume everything i read or else ill die now huh
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