creabirds · 6 months
i cant waittttt (no pressure, ofc) to find out about lestappen dynamics during covid. them being forced to live together.... mmmm, top tier
you understand me anon…. it will be fun
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storge · 3 years
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the blackmail & the disrespect 😂😂😂😂
+his exit
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gossipqueen2000 · 3 years
can I just say that your writing is absolutely magnificent ????? I’ve read all of your rivusa week works and girl- so many feelings and thoughts! I’m gonna try and make this as short as possible
remembering our firsts: ok so musa and riven falling asleep together… 🤌🏽 her protecting him? riven shooting daggers at sam because of his jealousy?? him kissing her??? right before the battle???? HER FINDING HOME IN HIM????? yeah we love to see it
reassurance: this one was so CUTE! all of you did such an amazing job! him making her cry happy tears and just being so lost about it was SO CUTE the laser tag scene? AMAZING! riven acknowledging his feelings and them really taking about it? OUTSTANDING! musa showing up for riven? UGH THEY ARE SO IN LOVE IT HURTS! THIS IS A HEALTHY RELATIONSHIP RIGHT HERE
the cutest assignment: THE CUTEST!!! lucy is really THE CUTEST!! the tension between musa and riven is THROUGHT THE ROOF! them having to parent a kid is just so 🥺 also the backstory, the whole concept of the adoption of the orphaned children of war and people being after them because of their denial???? insaneeeee! definitely need to know more about who’s after lucy!!
the last goodbye: THE ANXIETY I HAD AT THE BEGINNING??? I REALLY THOUGHT YOU KILLED OFF MUSA! this one was just heart wrenching/warming! I’m so glad that riven has a better life with his own family now and finally came to peace with his past. their kids are so cute!! but man his dad‘s really sick in the head who does that to his own child??? his dad‘s really gonna rot in hell AS HE SHOULDDDD
so all in all I guess i just wanted to say that your writing is BRILLIANT you really have a chokehold on me with all of your stories I LOVE IT! alright not gonna annoy you anymore, love you and can’t wait for the next partsss! 💜
Oh, sweet Anon! 
I just want to tackle hug you right now, and I have the biggest goofiest smile because as an author this is everything! 
Writing me has always, always been about creating something that I like but I also want to share with the world and I’m still honing the balance of discipline when it comes to writing consistently.
So when I get comments like yours from amazing readers who’ve not only taken time to write but also to comment and share what you thought it makes butterflies explode in me honestly. and give me the drive to write more!
Especially with fandom this small and with such small original inspiration honestly your kind words are just such a boost!
I kinda shot myself in the foot with Rivusa week though lol. Now I have multiple stories I'm working on and my style is just so detailed and long-winded I'm sorry for the delay for updates! So thank you for your sweet sweet words and for bearing with me honestly!!
and please feel free to drop by, I adore hearing all your thought! Tell me what worked, what didn't what you like to see more of all of it!
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spector · 3 years
im too old for ship wars or whatever but if i wasnt id be making posts like ‘yall got any nice dinl*ke gifsets to reblog ohhhh waittttt i forgot they cant share a shot together because one of them is a cgi monstrosity SORRY 😭’ but im too old for that so i just keep it in and keep smiling ....
tho this is genuinely an interesting thing to consider, this is how i know that luke cannot be a regular because if they put a cgi’d mark hamill next to a normal human being, the uncanny valley is gonna jump OUT ... and its already very prominent, especially every time he talks. so he CANNOT share a scene with another human being next to him and it definitely won’t be a dialogue scene... bc the mouth movement that is the hardest part to nail when animating a face. this is why deepfakes are so much more successful than whatever disney is doing, they seem to be doing a little bit of that, there definitely is a real human face they filmed and then slapped the cgi young mark hamill face onto... but theres still something very uncanny about it, like they havent rigged everything correctly OR the young cgi face itself is just ... OFF . 
so if luke does show up again, hes gonna have the shot all to himself and if he is shown next to another human being, hes gonna be in the distance fghifhg bc from the distance its harder to see all the fine details of a face that together create the uncanny valley effect. 
OR. or disney is gonna pour all of their kenobi money or whatever into their CGI FACES department and they’ll work on improving the animation. or they wont and they wont care that it looks like shit , they definitely didnt seem to care about tarkin or carrie fisher in rogue one. 
but there is a reason why theres not a single shot with din and luke sharing the frame and the reason is that luke is pixels. hes pixels bro. like yes, a dramatic conversation usually is conveyed thru individual close up shots but at some point you’d expect a shared shot from the distance to remind the viewer where the two characters are and how close they are standing in regard to one another. but you cant put pixels next to a real human being bc then you see the difference very easily. luke can share the scene only with 2 other non human beings, grogurt and r2d2 bc they dont call attention to his Fakeness
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Chapter -1
" What are you waiting for? FOLLOW ME " I stare dumbfoundedly at the deer that just spoke to me in a human voice in my mind. Bewildered, I look around and find myself standing In the middle of a forest. tall, okay that's an understatement, GIANT trees tower over me. If only one of these trees comes crashing down on me... Oh hell if suddenly all of these trees fall down on me... I shake my head to erase the vision of me getting crushed like an ant in the middle of nowhere. Do trees this tall even exist? . The tress are so densely packed that the sunlight barely manages to escape the thick canopy making it dark and cold. I chill runs down my spine when I realize I'm all alone god knows where and talking to a deer. I'm going nuts for sure. Finally after a long minute and a cramp in my neck later, I look down at the deer waiting for me. Do I even wanna follow it? How in hell is a deer even talking to me. " how are you even talking to me, am I going crazy? Where am I? How did I get here? Where do you want to take me, I don't -" " kid! " the deer talks in my head again with a very scolding tone " we don't have much time, you've been lost for so very long and it's time to go home but home is not easy to find. Forever you'll stay wandering in the darkness if you don't remember the path of light. Now follow me and keep your eyes open because the next time the darkness will greet you I'll not be here to guide you " I couldn't speak, with my mouth open I was wondering what is it even talking about, darkness? Light? What? With that the deer walks deeper into the forest. If I want to get out of here my only hope is to follow it or I'll be lost forever .i run after the deer and catch up to it, it doesnt talk to me or even look at me the whole time we trudge through these deep woods. Even in the darkness I reflexively jump over fallen logs of dead trees, Huge roots spread-eagled the ground and I knew better than to step on them , how was I doing that? The eerie silence was only interrupted by the breaking sounds of dry twigs I was stepping on. This forest wasn't usual ,something was very different about it , I could feel the buzz of the energy the forest was emitting In my bones. I could smell the life, the power it held. As closer as we got to our destination I could feel an uncomfortable feeling building up in my gut along too. It felt like I was walking on a humongous human body and I could feel the blood pounding from its heart beneath my feet and where we were headed seemed to be like its heart, the closer we got the pounding got louder. I could hear the faint humming sound of falling water . A waterfall? A piercing light hits my eye as we suddenly walk out of the thick canopy and walk into a glade . I find myself looking at the most beautiful waterfall I've ever seen. Clear Mediterranean blue water thundering down into the pool below like a gigantic water spout. I looked at the deer who was now walking towards the pool of water that shone like it wasn't water but millions of diamonds falling down from the waterfall. The deer turns around and looks at me right in the eye and says " Come home Elise " and jumps into the water. " WAITTTTT YOU CANT-"
" WAKE UPPPP!! OH GODS HAVE MERCY ON ME! Fifteen years and the hardest thing to do is waking this kid up " I hear my aunt Clo taunt me " you better get up before I have to get a bucket of ice water and dump it on your head kid, you're getting late for school and I'm getting late for work so unless you want to walk to school today, get up and get readyyy " I open my eyes and find aunt Clo frowning down at me. Aunt Clo is beautiful, she has beautiful blonde hair that flow down her back like beautifully waves of water , she's got electric blue eyes with thick eyelashes, a small and sharp nose with high cheekbones, her lips are always pink and beautiful, her cheeks always have a lush of pink, to say my aunt Leah is the most beautiful woman would be an understatement, she's as beautiful as I can imagine any goddess to be . Even when she's frowning she looks so adorable I resist the urge to smile, Hers is hard love. This is our usual morning routine, aunt clo and her high pitched screams hitting me in the head like a thousand rocks . " oh Zeus! Good morning to you too aunt Clo What's up " she leans down and kisses my forehead " good morning love , appy has breakfast ready, see you downstairs in no more than FIVE MINS ". I shower and put on a halter neck blue sweater with my favorite denim jeans . I look at myself in the mirror, I pull my long brown wavy hair up and make a messy bun on top of my head, no time to style my hair today, oh gods of Olympus what was I even thinking, how did I sleep in today, it had to be the dream, it was such a weird dream. Okay so I dream every morning that's no news and most of the times my dreams make no sense. But today's dream was even more confusing. I shake my head and go downstairs.
Aunt appy was in the kitchen with Aunt Clo talking to her in a hushed tone. I looked at aunt Appy, she's as beautiful as aunt Clo, in fact all three of my aunts are As beautiful as beautiful can be. Aunt appy has brown hair just like me but hers are cut short to her shoulders, she has blue eyes, high cheekbones that will make any supermodel jealous. Aunt Leah is blonde just like aunt clo, she has green eyes and a beautiful smile that can melt mountains no joke. she's forty years old she can still easily pass for someone in her late twenties. Aunt Leah was on the dining table and I kissed her cheeks and sat down next to her ." I didn't take more than five mins did I " aunt Leah looks at me and winks "yeah yeah kid now eat fast so we can leave " auntie clo says while sitting down . Aunt appy brings us our pancakes and I kiss her cheeks too when she sits down next to me. I look around the table at the three beautiful women who love me like I'm their own child. Ever since the accident that shattered our family, these lovely women have adopted me and taken care of me . When I was 2 ,my aunts tell me, my parents and uncles died in a car crash while they were coming home from a trekking trip. Intense winter fog made it impossible for my father to notice the drunk Teenagers that were fighting in the middle of the road ,on time, my dad deflected the direction of the car before it ran over the teens and the car went down the cliff. Their bodies were never found. I never had a chance to know my parents, " your mom is - I'm sorry was beautiful, she was brave and strong, she was adventurous just like you And she loved you till no bounds baby " aunt Leah used to tell me with teary eyes whenever I asked her about my parents. I lost my parents but In turn the gods gave me three mothers. And I love them with everything I have.
" I had another dream this morning " I announce while everyone was still eating. Suddenly all three of my aunts dropped their spoons and fixed me with their sharp gazes. " tell us about it " aunt clo says. I recall my entire dream and tell them about the weird forest and laugh when I tell them how absurd it sounded when the deer asked me to come home, apparently my aunts didn't find it funny because aunt clo stoop up abruptly and in a flash she was out of the door banging the front door behind her and if I don't if I'm over thinking but I think I saw her wipe a tear away. " woah what was that about? Is she okay? What did I say something wrong? Aunt Appy kissed my head and why were her eyes glossy? Is she going to cry too? What's wrong with my aunts this morning " we'll talk about it when you get back home okay? " she said with a failed attempt of a smile. Something was definitely wrong, I felt an unfamiliar tug in the bottom of my stomach and an uncomfortable feeling took root in my heart, I need to know what's going on. " aunt Leah? Are you going to tell me? I'm worried now what's wrong why do you all look so scared suddenly? Was it my dream that ticked you off? It was nothing you know it right? One of those stupid dreams I keep having right? " aunt Leah stood up and knelt in front of me, she cradled my face in her hands and said " yes baby don't worry everything's alright and we'll tell you more when you get back home, I'll drop you to school and I'll pick you up and we'll go shopping , I'll buy you anything you want as your birthday gift now let's go " I swallowed a lump in my throat and nodded. I'll know when I get back home. It's gonna be okay.
Aunt Leah dropped me ten mins early at St Patricks high school . Aunty Clo works as an ancient history professor at the university of Portland. while aunty Appy and clo run the Family business. A restaurant in downtown. standing outside the school gate I can't keep wondering what was it that bugged my aunts so much this morning, why did they react like that, what did that dream even mean. I shouldn't have told them about it but my aunts have always made it clear that they wanted to know about every dream I get, it's one of our everyday breakfast routines. The uneasy feeling still won't leave my heart. after what felt like an eternity I feel an arm hook Around mine and I smile " I almost thought you'd ditch me today " I looked at my best friend Rob and find him grinning at me " well yeah I though I'd let you rot in the history class alone since you didn't show up at my party yesterday but then I remembered how hot our history teacher is and that I've a crush on him " I laugh out loud at that, Rob and I have been friends since grade 1 . First day of school and I found him crying outside the classroom, so I walked up to him, laced my fingers with his and smiled at him and we both went to class together and have been inseparable since. After my aunts if I love someone endlessly, He's blonde with green eyes, a lean build " let's go and check out some history teachers " I said and like that we went for my last day at my favorite school. Why last? Stay tuned you'll get to know soon.
If you liked chapter 1 and would like me to continue posting the next chapters, like this post and follow me :) if I get enough likes I'll post chapter 2 soon
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kitty35 · 5 years
Hiyya coyld you do a part two to shouldnt we be happy? Could they run away together and the boys track them down and follow them and end it with "Where ever you two go, we go." Or something. I cant waittttt! FIGHTING! ♡♡♡
I sure can! This was such a cute idea, I hope I did it justice!!
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