organicmatter · 27 days
Bingo being sooooo cute
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t4twnyclaw · 3 months
Dovewing and Ivypool as Hollyleaf’s kits
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ivyleaf and mockingwing. technically ivypool could keep her name (named after leafpool)
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medevacreptiles · 1 month
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Sundance - 2021 0.1 Hypo(OT) Aby pos het Super Stripe
This girl has been home now with me for a week and I just can't get over her. Produced by @/crispysnakes
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quiverpaw · 10 months
Barley x diesel hypokits?
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i imagine fennel travels the world and is like a ravenpaw-esque ally to the clans
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karta-vacante · 1 year
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Fanart for Nappn
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shxleo97 · 10 months
Stubborn hypo causes anyone?
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faofinn · 8 months
No.13 "It comes and goes like the strength in your bones."
Cold Compress | Infection | "I don't feel so good."
Kieran woke up feeling not right, confused and shaky. He couldn’t work out why - had he had a bad dream and not remembered? His heart felt like it was pounding, and he whimpered, curling in on himself. He tried going back to sleep, but he really didn’t feel good. 
“Alfie?” He whispered to his brother. “Alfie!” 
He didn’t wake up, grumbling and rolling over in bed. Tears threatened to fall, his lip trembling, and he grabbed his little cat toy, his mind made up. He stood up on shaky legs, feeling dizzy and weird, but padded down the hall, pushing the door to his Dads’ room open. 
“Dads?” He called out into the darkness. 
It was Tai who woke first, groaning softly before sitting up. “Kit? What’s wrong?”
“I don’t feel so good.” He whimpered, padding over. 
“Oh, Kit. Do you feel sick?”
“No. I just feel all wrong.” 
Tai nudged Harrison next to him, helping Kieran up onto the bed and into his lap. “Can you try and use your words? Do you feel all dizzy? Like you’ve been spinning around in circles? Or do you feel all sweaty and hot?” 
“Yeah dizzy.” He mumbled, burying his face in his Dad’s chest. 
"You're absolutely drenched, Kit." Harrison rubbed Kieran's back. 
“Don’t feel well.” 
And of course they were still waiting for his monitors, his having come off during rough play with his brothers. "Tai, can you get your kit?"
“Yeah, course. You go cuddle with dad, Kit.” Tai said, gently moving him over. He reached for the kit in his drawer, digging around to find it. 
"Oh, kiddo." Harrison took Kieran, bundling him in his arms. "You must feel rubbish."
He nodded. “Mm.”
"You're gonna be okay."
“Don’t feel well.” He whined. 
"Can daddy borrow your finger?"
He nodded again, stretching out a shaky hand. 
“Thank you, kit.” Tai said, grabbing the lancet he needed. “Little poke, okay? It’ll hurt but only for a second. Ready?” 
When Kieran made a small noise, Tai quickly did what he needed to, glad he’d flicked the light on by the bed. The glucose monitor beeped as it did its job, and Tai let it read as he fussed over his son. 
“Well done.”
"You're being so brave."
“So, so brave. Braver than me, for sure.”
Harrison leaned over, impatient. "What is it?"
“Uh, 3.2.” Tai murmured. “You’re a bit low, Kit.”
"Why don't we get some juice?"
“Yeah, some juice and maybe some toast?” Tai said. “You cuddle with Dad and I’ll go get it. Do you want jam?”
“Yeah. Strawberry?”
“Of course.” Tai said, kissing the crown of his head. 
"You're gonna be okay." Harrison held him close. "Well done for coming and waking us up."
“I tried waking Alfie up but he was asleep.” He grumbled.
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untierthepolar · 6 months
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46/365 for WulfestWulf, the fourth raffle winner on my twitter!
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odorpatrol · 9 months
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Freshly shed Valentina! She’s only getting more and more bright, I almost needed glasses takin pics of her.
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t4twnyclaw · 2 months
May i get Lightleap and sunbeam hypokits design if it allowed, please?
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i had no plan just vibes. the princess's of shadowclan, pomegrantebush, glowbug and morningshade.
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medevacreptiles · 6 months
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Tombstone - 1.0 2020 Jungle Ghost het kahl
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mapleshaiku · 11 months
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Hypo reference! He never had a proper one, but I remembered he existed, so I gave him one. I used to draw him a lot back in the day, but not anymore T_T
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quiverpaw · 7 months
cinderpelt x littlecloud hypokit maybe?
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shxleo97 · 11 months
I was doing really great the past 2 weeks, and I was extra excited, but I messed up yesterday & today. It may not be that much of a mess compared to many others, but still.. extremely disappointed in myself.
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faofinn · 1 year
Day 5 - No Response
"Dad?" Levi called. "Dad?"
He frowned. It wasn’t like Tai to ignore him, and he'd not left them - he would have told them if he had. He'd only wanted a form signed for school, only wanted to be away from his laptop for a few minutes, not chasing his dad around the house. Levi made his way to the bedroom, knocking before he pushed the door open. Even mad he still had manners. 
He sighed. No sign of Tai there either. He almost left, turning back into the room with a frown. They never left the lights on, Harrison was always on at them for it, so for the bathroom light and fan to be on, it didn't make sense.
"Dad?" Worry curled in his stomach, only growing as he got no response. "Dad?"
The bathroom door was open, but there was nothing from his dad. Surely he'd heard him if he was there? Levi slowly padded forward, pulling the door open. Shit. 
He stumbled back, panic overwhelming him. He ran to the landing, tears already threatening. 
"Alfie? Alfie! Dad's not well, Alfie!" He didn't wait for his response, running back to Tai's side. "Dad? C'mon, wake up, please. Please, dad."
Alfie had been in his room, trying to revise for his upcoming exams. He’d heard Levi calling for Tai, but assumed he’d found him, until he heard him shout again, this time calling for him. He sounded panicked, and Alfie rushed to his feet, hurrying out onto the landing. “What’s wrong? Levi?”
"Dad's not awake. He's breathing but he's not awake."
“Is he hurt?” He asked, worry rising. “Has he hit his head?”
"I don't know. He's soaked, like he'd been in the shower with his clothes on." Levi frowned again. "Do you have his phone? Maybe it's his diabetes?"
Alfie crouched next to his dad, forcing himself to take a deep breath. “In the cupboard, get the proper glucose thingie.”
Levi scrambled up, skidding to a stop in front of the unit and rifling through the drawers. He grabbed it and rushed back, all but throwing it at his brother. "Here."
It was hard to try and think, Alfie relying mainly on what his Dads had always told him. If he was breathing, check his sugars. He fumbled with the kit, trying to find a lancet. He grabbed his dad’s hand, muttering an apology as he broke the skin and took the reading. The machine seemed to take forever, and when it came back, Alfie frowned. Lo. It must be broken, it never read that. He tried again, and got the same result. 
“Levi, have you got your phone?”
"It's in my room. Why?"
“Go get it, and call an ambulance. Now.”
"Is dad dying?"
“No, he’s not dying. His sugars aren’t right, though, he needs help.” It wasn’t a lie, but it wasn’t the whole truth either. 
“O-Okay.” He rushed off again, grabbing his phone off his desk. He was already calling 999 as he landed on his knees by the pair. 
“Explain he’s diabetic, yeah?”
"Can't you do it?" He hissed between questions. "No, no, he's not awake."
“It’s okay, keep going.” Alfie encouraged. 
"Uh, he's diabetic. His sugars aren’t reading. No, no it just said Lo, right Alfie? Yeah, just lo."
Alfie nodded, digging around to find the glucose they kept. It was definitely in there somewhere.
"Can you hurry up, please?" Levi asked the operator. "Dad's not well."
“We’re coming as quickly as we can, sweetheart.” The operator soothed gently, as Alfie finally found what he was looking for. Hands shaking he opened it and managed to give it to Tai, desperately hoping it would do something. 
"Have you boys got your dad's glucagon anywhere? The injection that goes in his arm or leg?"
Levi ?? the question to Alfie, biting his lip as he waited. Why did Kieran have to be walking Scout? Why was Harrison at work? He roughly wiped his tears away, his dad needed him to be stronger than this.
“Um, I don’t know. I think it’s here somewhere…” Alfie mumbled, feeling the panic rising. 
"Does Kieran have one?" 
“I think so. It’s… I think I know where it is.” He said, rushing back over to the cupboard again. His dads had gone over it time and time again, and Kieran knew what to do, but Alfie just hadn’t thought they’d have to actually do it. Why did their Dad have to be working? He managed to find it, and relief flooded through him. “I’ve got it!”
"Do you know what to do?" Levi asked, looking up at his brother. 
“Yeah. Yeah, I remember.”
"Alfie, when's dad's birthday? How old is he?"
“Um, he’s 45? Maybe? His birthday is May something. May 25th.”
"She says they're nearly here. I'm gonna go open the door."
“Yeah, go on.” Alfie said, distracted as he gave the injection. He hated doing it, but he had to, and he’d practised before. 
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imoga-pride · 1 year
Hi, so I’m asexual and have been comfortable with it for like a year and a half. However, I keep changing my romantic labels. It always stays on the aromantic side though. I have been using greyromantic, but lately have been wondering if my “crushes” were actually just queer platonic or alterous.
So my question is, if you’re aroflux could that include feeling like you’re lithromantic one week and then greyromantic recipromantic the next? Or is there another term for feeling like your romantic orientation changes? Also, would this make sense for my not being able to tell if my “crushes” are actually crushes or just a combo of alterous, aesthetic, and sensual? And can my attraction towards the person change from me liking them romantically to not liking them, but then liking them again after xyz?
My last question, is aroflux technically under the greyromantic umbrella?
Sorry if any of this was confusing at all!
I believe aroflux includes all arospec identities, not just grey areas. It also means fluctuating in intensity of attraction. There's abroromantic, sometimes some distinguish the two as abroro includes alloromantic identities. But arospec terms don't exclude "alloromantic"/non-aromantic identities (e.g. demipanromantic). Aroflux can fluctuate to a black area/null state, dark grey and light gray. And for intensity, it can go to high (hyperro?/perissosro), low (hyporo?) and absolute (euromantic)/regular (alloro?/zedro?) attractions too.
Not sure if there's a fluitic/multi-attraction equivalent for crushes/squishes/etc.
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