#Hyoga smut
ryozai · 6 months
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˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ men who.. just love it when they leave you a whining, pouty mess, pathetic tears running down your rosy cheeks. they think it’s so endearing; seeing you so fucked out for them, slurred mumbles bubbling from your bruised throat.
.. “fuck, baby, you’re so cute.. so cute ‘fme,” he grunted, his tip hitting the back of your cunt, gushing around him, your mind completely absent.
your makeup is ruined, mascara running down your pretty little face. the expensive lingerie you got them from, torn to pieces. it didn’t matter, he’d just buy another, more and more for him to tear off your perfect body.
his lips press against your cheeks, licking up the salty water dripping, kissing them firmly.
“brain already gone dumb?” he grinned, his voice a little choked out with his relentless thrusts, “love ruining you, baby, so messy.”
“god.. god, sweet pussy made for me.. all for me,” he grunted, “right, baby?”
you cant formulate words, the pleasure overwhelming your soft body, leaving you mindless.
“oh yeah, already fucked you dumb, so pathetic and cute..”
“all for me.. only for me.”
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˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ sanzu haruchiyo, wakasa, bonten! mikey, ran, rindou, IZANA, eren, gojo, toji, sukuna, geto, choso?, childe?, wriothesley, ALHAITHAM, sae itoshi, michael kaiser, oliver aiku, pro! isagi, SHIDOU, tsukasa shisio, HYOGA, MOZU + ur favs !
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leewritestoomuch · 2 months
Dr. Stone Characters Best To Worst: Part 2
Best to worst at Oral
I might be a little biased, but I try not to be. My fav usually lands low in my defense sooo. (My fav is Hyoga…. But I also love Ryusui soooo)
Ukyo Saionji: very attentive and observes how you react, using that to his advantage. He takes his time. It’s a sensual, romantic experience with him. If he’s eating you out, he treats it like kissing; a sloppy, sensual kiss. If he’s sucking you off, he’s taking his time using his tongue first.
Tsukasa Shishio: very sensual about it. He’s also very into teasing, but it makes it so much better. His hands would grip your thighs, thumbs rubbing the skin softly the whole time. Likely to leave a hickey or two on your thighs first.
Ryusui Nanami: says he’s addicted to how you taste. Pulls more and more orgasms from you just by being between your legs, keeps going until you can’t take it anymore. He makes sure he’s doing everything you like because he likes it too.
Gen Asagiri: takes pride in making you fall apart with his mouth. Rather that may be using his tongue to dirty talk or to lick and suck on all the right places.
Chrome: he’s just so in love that he so BADLY wants to give you the time of your life. He’s inexperienced, but he will learn and do it better every time he goes down on you. Will spend all day between your legs if he needs to.
Kinro: Rocky start at first, but he’s paying attention to what you’re feeling. Your noises go straight to his dick. He enjoys making you moan and squirm.
Hyoga Akatsuki: he’s good at torture, but he can also use his patience to torture you so perfectly it treads the line between pleasure and pain. You’ll come hard on his tongue.
Senku Ishigami: nothing remarkable. A lot of people think he’s know all the spots, and he does, but he really doesn’t do anything that just makes you see stars. He kind of just does what you want until you come. He’s doing it for you, not himself. Can make a huge difference.
Ginro: now he’s not BAD. But… he doesn’t take correction easily. He’s convinced he’s doing it right because he’s trying to impress you… it’s not working
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snzhrchy · 1 year
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nsfw hyoga headcanons.
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taglist; lmk if u wanna be on it <3 warnings; it's smut what do you think, minors dni notes; this one's for my silly
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harsh, harsh, harsh. did i mention harsh? yes, he doesn't believe sex to be a form of intimacy but rather, a way for him to relieve stress. sure, there are moments where he does allow the both of you to enjoy it but usually, it's about him.
hairpulling. hyoga likes control, he likes knowing that every situation he's in is under his control. and what better way to prove that during sex with a little bit of hairpulling? yes, it's one of his favourite things to do not only because it allows him to feel a sense of control but also because he enjoys listening to your desperate whimpers following it.
hard dom. as i mentioned before, he likes control so it's quite obvious that he is in fact dominant. not even a switch; he doesn't ever allow you to take the lead. it's always about him controlling you
as an athlete, he does have quite a lot of stamina; he can go multiple rounds without feeling fatigue. furthermore, even if you start to feel tired afte a few rounds, he doesn't stop until he's sure that he's satisfied himself.
he's silent. he barely ever utters a single word however, there are a couple of rare occassions in which he allows himself to actually be vocal. usually, it's grunts and a few light moans but once in a blue moon, he might actually whisper compliments in your ears, praising you.
one of his favourite things to do is to wrap his mask around your face. he finds it rather adorable how perfectly his dark mask caters to your features.
though he may seem harsh, aftercare with him is acceptable. he's quick to clean you both up, ask if he was too harsh or if you experienced any pain and maybe if you're lucky, you'd recieve a sensual kiss from him and maybe even a compliment such as 'you've done well.'
oh and him the morning after is just a sight to see. him, laying peacefully by your side, eyes shut tight and his mind is free to wander... one of the few moments of peace you both can enjoy <3
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a-bad-poem · 2 months
Welcome to Beyond the New World: DR. STONE ROLEPLAY (18+)!
Want to roleplay about the characters you love simply because you love them? Are your favorite parts of the anime when it comes to realistic trauma and character development? Do you wish your favorite characters would interact more often?
Then we may be the server for you!
SERVER - We are a small and simple but active and friendly third-person Dr. Stone roleplay group who is spoiler-free up to the point of the ANIME. Our features include:
- OOC channels to chat and make friends!
- doubles and OCs allowed
- bot protection against spam and trolls
- non-intrusive age verification
- plenty of canon locations from source
- open to suggestions
- both paragraph and script style, long and short responses allowed - just have fun!
- tupperbox and plurakit are available (but optional!)
We are pro good-faith identities, including LGBTQIA/MOGAI, systems, alterhumans, etc.
LORE - There's not much to it.
Somehow, universes have begun to collide, all being pulled towards the Original world of the anime, where science has continued to steadily progress. The overlap has become so severe that the Original universe is pulling people from these other universes.
Your character appears. As they get to know their new world, there are OCs, genderbends, crack ships, bad guys being good, good guys being bad, canon meeting non-canon, and more.
Come fall in love, expand trauma, find further character development where you least expect it, and put the world's greatest scientists and warriors in a maid dress.
Invite in reblogs!
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terresdebrume · 3 months
Fic writer interview
Merci pour le tag, @almost-a-class-act ! :D
How many works do you have on AO3?
372 :D
Most are fics, but I do have a little under 30 fic covers hanging around there 😊
What's your total AO3 word count?
988 968 words! My goal this year is to crack the million xD
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Fun fact, this top has not changed in years and my more recent writing habits mean it's unlikely to ever change at this point xD
S.O.S. Ecrits Avec De L’Air (aka SEADLA) an unfinished Tony Stark/Loki fic in which everything starts because Loki stops Tony from commiting suicide.
 We Shall Have Peace, a fic in which Steve Rogers comes out of an 80+ years long captivity to discover Loki turned the earth into a utopia.
Dots: 2-4, 1-2-3, 1-3-6. A fic in which Tony Stark is a university student, and Loki is his blind teacher, and they fall in love.
Wooer Wooed. A fic in which Tony Stark tries to teach Loki how to woo someone and ends up surprised by the results.
Corny Lines For Thanksgiving A fic in which Tony Stark sees Loki iand Thor interact from his office window and mistakes them for a couple.
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes! I like showing my appreciation and it feels more polite :D
What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
Say it three times and it will be done, in which Loki sends Tony Stark a very sad letter to tell him he's giving up on him and their not-relationship.
What the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
Oh shit, I've written so many of these xD But I guess I'll go with a top 3:
Clark Kent, of Krypton because it's one of the ones where the protagonist's situation changes the most drastically.
Once more, with kissing because the protag ends in what would probably be my dream configuration for any kind of romantic relationship.
All on my own because it's probably one of the more hopeful endings I have.
Honorable mention to A summer evening in Philly. for being the most recent :P
Do you write crossovers?
Rarely. I did write a Battlestar Galactica x The Walking Dead crossover once for a friend, but that's about it. When I mix fandom, I gravitate more towards fusions :P
The fic is called Killing zombies (and other fun activities), if you're curious.
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
I think I got maybe...three angry comments on AO3 so far? One was pissed because the protag hated his stepmother, another was angry that I'd posted negative meta on a ship, and iirc the last one accused me of making a character stupid because they didn't understand a word as a little kid who was communicating in a language that wasn't his first language.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I try my hand at it on occasion x) It's probably not the greatest but so far no one told me it sucked so we'll see how it goes in the future xD
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
If I rememeber correctly there were projects of translation into Chinese and Russian for some of my fics, but I can't recall if they were completed or not xD
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No. I toyed at the idea but it fizzled out, mostly because of me.
What's your all-time favorite ship?
I honestly have never thought of it that way tbh xD
But my two oldest ships are Taichi/Yamato from Digimon Adventure and Hyoga/Shun from Saint Seiya. I've liked those since I was a kid. As in, I first discovered Hyoga/Shun when I was under 10 so.
What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
I'm not going to answer that one, I don't want to jinx it xD
What are your writing strengths?
I think I'm good at dialogue and worldbuilding.
What are your writing weaknesses?
I struggle a little more with description, and also The Doing Of The Sex. Also I sometimes worry that I do the writing equivalent of same-facing my characters, but I guess it might also be because I have A Type.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
More often than not, saying "[x] said in German" or "[x] switched to Italian" is more than enough. It's clear, concise and avoids the two main risks of foreign dialogues: losing the readers who don't understand the target language and (if you're not fluent yourself) making a grammar mistake that takes readers who are more fluent than you out of the story. (Example: I've recently stumbled across a Band of Brothers fic where Liebgott used Sie to address Webster. Sie is a formal form of address, which I guarantee Lieb wouldn't use for his fellow soldiers, especially not Web, and so seeing it made be tick hard even if I didn't spontaneously understand the rest of the sentence.)
That being said! All rules are made to be broken, and I've written a fic that was intentionally in 3 different languages and another where a significant chunk of the dialogue is just em dashes with footnotes. In the first case, I used the script format and the language juxtaposition to mimick the sort of humor you'd get from a more fast-pace, visual medium like a movie or show (and also because I enjoyed the idea of a fic that was a bit of an in-joke with readers who mostly understood all three languages).
In the second case, I used the em-dashes (intersped with the few words the POV character understands) to force the reader into the protagonist' shoes, because the whole plot revolves around her distress and frustration about being unable to understand the language her family speak.
So, you know. Do what you want x)
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
It was a very, very intense plagiaristic fic for Lord of the Rings but with Harry Potter style wizards. I don't think it was very good, but I rememeber having fun with it.
What's a fandom/ship you haven't written for yet but want to?
For a long time, that fandom was Digimon Adventure but I've done it now so... non, for now, I think x)
What's your favorite fic you've written?
... I'm gonna cheat and link you to my AO3 porfolio for my top 11 :P
Tagging : @takingoffmyshoes, @kyttwrites, @nemainofthewater, @ghostinthelibrarywrites, @liesmyth and @talysalankil :)
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kawaistrawberry21 · 1 year
I'm in need of a smut story right now 🥲, anyone please give me links to read various fandoms specifically for Seiya and the Bronze Saint ( shun, hyoga, shiryu, ikki,) please!!!!!! Aggghhhhhhhhrrrr😫😫😫😫😫
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Opus of the night.
by Kaede_Hime
“Hermit Mio never imagined seeing herself in such a surreal and somewhat terrifying world. Far from those she might consider her sisters, dealing with the loss of the one she used to call her leader, struggling to come to terms with the miserable fates of her other companions. Trying to understand, (the now confused) tangle of thoughts that now turned out to be the head of the only comrade at her side... After all, this doesn't turn out to be a happy story or even an adventurous story... But it's a story about losses, duels, and trying to bring some color in a world that seems tinged with gray, As if it were the magnum opus of the night.”
[What if, world N° 29]
Words: 3419, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Edens Zero (Manga)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Multi
Characters: Rebecca Bluegarden, Homura Kogetsu, Weisz Steiner, Hermit Mio (Edens Zero), Elsie Crimson, Drakken Joe
Relationships: Hermit Mio/Weisz Steiner, Creed/Homura Kogetsu, Rebecca Bluegarden/Shiki Granbell, Gowen/Hyoga (Edens Zero)
Additional Tags: Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Angst, Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff and Hurt/Comfort, Mental Health Issues, Survivor Guilt, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Psychological Trauma
from AO3 works tagged 'Rebecca Bluegarden/Shiki Granbell' https://ift.tt/E6COgJF
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queenhollyberry90 · 1 year
My OCs/FANFICs I'm Working On
Why am I posting this? Cause lol. It's taken me years to become confident in my writing to actually post what I've been writing so I thought I'd share. I'm writing this in reverse order so it'll be from my most recently conceived to my oldest.
Adela Kunzli - Attack on Titan; Eldian from Paradis and member of the Scouts. Her story is A Love Like This Burns So Deep, and each chapter has a section from the past and the present. The story is rated Explicit for both loving and dark reasons. I came up with her back at the start of the year. Like, I had her one week and went fuck it, I've got to write this lol. She's one of two OCs I have that I have a bunch of What If's/One-Shots for.
Sarah Evans - AEW/Wrestling; Only fic/oc to take place in the real world. Sarah's a wrestler who goes by Diana Spector in the ring. She exists because I became horny for some wrestlers and am not a fan of celeb x you/reader style stories personally, but I like the concept of them, so I came up with this. Originally started out as an Orange Cassidy/OC but is now Preston Vance/OC. My threesome chapter for her is just sitting in my drafts, and nothing else has been written outside of drabbles I keep deleting and re-writing.
Bryn Olasdotter - Teen Wolf; A Valkyrie and member of the McCall Pack. She is in Only The Moon Howls. Originally she was named Brandi Hale and was Derek's cousin and Stiles's love interest before evolving into Brandi Segher and being a weretiger after the episode came out where Derek said he's the only member of his family left. Between the airing of seasons one and two, she became Bryn and a Valkyrie. Bryn initially had a love interest named Miguel, who was a werejaguar, but I scrapped that because as Bryn evolved and the show continued, they didn't make sense together. Bryn has always, since the beginning, had body image issues (though she used to suffer from body dysmorphia and was bulimic) and has a contentious relationship with her mother.
Akiko - Naruto; I have a bunch of Naruto OCs, but she is my most prominent. Originally thought up back in 2003 (?), her name was initially Hikari Jasmin, and she was the great-granddaughter of Ebizo. She became Akiko more recently, and her family has changed, but her personality, looks, and skill set have all stayed the same. I'm currently writing the first chapter of the story, which is a Kankuro x OC and is mostly smut with some plot, lol.
Hal - Saint Seiya/KotZ; Hal stayed the same the most out of all my OCs from the time she was conceived till now, with only three changes happening. Originally her name was Alexandra; she was a Kido kidlet like the other Bronzes and had armour but was not a Saint of Athena but worked for another deity. Her name is now Hal (a nickname), and her father is the British Ambassador to Japan, and she's not a Saint/Knight/Warrior or whatever you want to call it to a deity. Originally she was the love interest for Hyoga, but I switched her over to Ikki once I realized that even though it was opposites attract, Hyoga's non-manga love interests aren't even close in personality to Hal's, and she is better suited for Ikki. And omg, was that the best thing because I think Ikki and Hal are absolutely adorable together, and I just can't with them. They're so wholesome but smutty at the same time, lol.
Amaunet - X-Men/Marvel; My first ever OC was not Amaunet; it was actually a mutant named Reign, but as I began creating other mutants and Marvel characters, she went from being the top to just being there, and Amaunet became the main. Her real name is Jochebed Nassar, and she is from Palestine. I won't go too far into her backstory as I am writing her story up, but where she grew up is extremely important to who she is. Originally her name was Jennifer Howlett, and she was Wolverine's daughter from Egypt, but that didn't last long once I realized her name didn't match; she did stay as a Howlett for a time, but I scrapped that back when I re-worked her to fit into New X-Men Academy X, becoming the person she is now. Jo is my main character in multiple X-Men multiverse fics, such as 'House of M Doesn't Happen,' and Universe 161, aka everything, is canon up until when I stopped reading comics because I hated how cross-overy it became and just made up the rest on my own. Jo is the only one I have drawings of because of her various gear/costumes. She has aerokinesis.
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appleinyoureye · 1 year
Requests • Fandoms/Characters List
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⇾ I mostly take headcanons requests!
⇾ I have to really like your drabble/fic idea to write it.
⇾ I still plan on taking most of your requests. However, I'm only a human, so don't expect me to write them immediately. Depending on how I feel and how inspired I am, it may take me a day, a week or even more than a month to complete it.
⇾ Reader is always gender neutral (you can't request them to have any other pronouns than they/them – but you can request specific headcanons about body parts). Every character is bisexual unless they have a stated sexuality in canon.
⇾ No OCs, no SH, no ED. If your request makes me uncomfortable, I'll not write it.
⇾ I take fluff, crack, angst and smut requests!
⇾ I'm okay-ish with aging up characters, but it strongly depends on a character.
⇾ Please, be as specific as you can in your requests.
⇾ Up to 6 characters for headcanons!
⇾ I also write polyamory ;)
⇾ Please, don't republish my work.
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Fandoms and characters that I write for:
❇ Anime/Manga
↠ Attack on Titan
Armin, Connie, Eren, Jean, Mikasa, Sasha
Erwin, Hange, Levi
Annie, Reiner
↠ Bungou Stray Dogs
Atsushi, Dazai, Kunikida, Ranpo, Tanizaki, Yosano
Akutagawa, Chuuya, Gin, Oda, Tachihara
Poe, Lovecraft, Lucy, Mark Twain
As of now, I haven't watched the fourth season, but I'm sure this list will be updated as soon as I see it.
↠ Dr Stone
Chrome, Francois, Gen, Ginro, Kinro, Kohaku, Magma, Ruri, Ryusui, Senku, Suika (only platonic), Taiju, Yuzuriha
Homura, Hyoga, Nikki, Tsukasa, Ukyo
Amaryllis, Kirisame, Matsukaze, Mozu
Luna, Maya, Stanley, Xeno
Byakuya, Lilian
↠ Haikyuu
Karasuno: Daichi, Sugawara, Asahi, Nishinoya, Tanaka, Ennoshita, Kageyama, Hinata, Tsukishima, Yamaguchi, Kiyoko
Nekoma: Kuroo, Yaku, Yamamoto, Kenma, Fukunaga, Inuoka, Lev, Shibayama
Aoba: Oikawa, Matsukawa, Hanamaki, Iwaizumi, Kindaichi, Kunimi, Kyotani
Date: Aone, Futakuchi, Koganegawa
Fukurodani: Bokuto, Akaashi, Konoha
Shiratorizawa: Ushijima, Semi, Reon, Tendou, Goshiki, Shirabu
Inarizaki: Kita, Aran, Atsumu, Suna, Osamu
Kamomedai: Hoshiumi, Hirugami
Itachiyama: Sakusa, Komori
Other: Alisa, Daishou, Kanoka, Meian, Miwa, Pedro, Saeko, Takeda, Terushima, Tomas, Ukai
↠ JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Part 1: Dio, Jonathan, Speedwagon
Part 2: Caesar, Joseph, Kars, Lisa Lisa
Part 3: Avdol, Dio, Hol Horse, Joseph, Jotaro, Kakyoin, Polnareff
Part 4: Josuke, Jotaro, Kira, Koichi, Mikitaka, Rohan, Yukako
Part 5: Abbacchio, Bruno, Diavolo, Doppio, Fugo, Giorno, Mista, Narancia, Trish
I haven't seen part 6 yet and haven't read the manga yet.
↠ Jujutsu Kaisen
Hakari, Inumaki, Itadori, Kirara, Maki, Megumi, Nobara, Yuta
Geto, Gojo, Ino, Mei Mei, Nanami, Shoko, Toji, Yuki
Koichi, Mai, Miwa, Noritoshi, Todo
Choso, Mahito, Sukuna
Haven't read most of the culling game
↠ Tokyo Revengers
Literally everyone, except for South, Mochi and Muto.
❇ Games
↠ Genshin Impact
Mondstadt: Albedo, Amber, Barbara, Bennett, Diluc, Eula, Fischl, Jean, Kaeya, Lisa, Mona, Razor, Rosaria, Sucrose, Venti
Liyue: Baizhu, Beidou, Chongyun, Ganyu, Hu Tao, Keqing, Ningguang, Shenhe, Xiangling, Xiao, Xingqiu, Xinyan, Yanfei, Yelan, Yun Jin, Zhongli
Inazuma: Ayaka, Ayato, Ei, Gorou, Heizou, Itto, Kazuha, Kirara, Kokomi, Kuki, Sara, Thoma, Yae, Yoimiya
Sumeru: Alhaitham, Candace, Collei, Cyno, Dehya, Faruzan, Kaveh, Layla, Nilou, Tighnari
Other: Aether, Dottore, Lumine, Scaramouche, Signora, Tartaglia
I also write for some NPCs.
Platonic only: Diona, Dori, Klee, Nahida, Sayu, Yaoyao
↠ Yakuza 0
Kiryu, Lee, Majima, Nishiki, Nishitani, Oda, Tachibana
Makoto (only platonic), Reina, Yuki
I'm currently playing Yakuza Kiwami, so please, no requests with future characters, and no spoilers.
❇ Series
↠ Alice in Borderlands
Will write who you may request later. Don't have energy to do so right now lmao. But I think everyone is cool (except for Niragi)
↠ Stranger Things
Idk, I just love Steve. Will eventually update this list.
↠ The 100
Currently re-watching it with my partner after I've seen it four years ago, so I may not remember some of characters.
Haven't seen the last season, so no reqs with it, and no spoilers please!
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Podría pedirte un smut (muy explicito si es que puedes) de Hyoga x reader? Caballeros del zodiaco ❤️ gracias de antemano
Lo siento, personajes menores de edad no hago smut. Puedes elegir otro personaje para ello si aún quieres un pedido
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ryozai · 6 months
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˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ you know it’s wrong, wrong to get involved with a dangerous man like himself.
but can you really be blamed?
not when he fucks you so well, his dick hitting the deepest spots of your dripping cunt, watching you with dark, lustful eyes as you bounced on him, like an absolute slut.
and just for him. his pretty slut.
“baby.. fuck, yeah, keep going. ‘m gonna spoil you so hard, pretty,” he groans through gritted teeth, his rough hands resting on your hips, helping you ride him.
the hands of a killer, the hands who killed so many.
“atta girl,” he murmurs with a smirk when he feels your walls begin to tighten around him, your body shaking as you reach your climax — crashing down like a wave. the feeling was so addictive.
so what if he was dangerous? he treated you so well, like no other man could ever.
his hands were so rough, but so delicate with you.
and only you.
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˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ SANZU HARUCHIYO, bonten! mikey, ran, rindou, kakucho, IZANA, kazutora, wakasa, CHILDE, pantalone, toji, choso, GETO, eren, fyodor, dazai, NIKOLAI, MOZU, HYOGA, TSUKASA
these recent smuts i've done r soso based on sanzu
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leewritestoomuch · 2 months
or hot spring sex with hyoga...
Hot Springs with Hyoga
NSFW Warning
Kinda soft! Hyoga bc I can. I hc he’d be mfing WHIPPED if he was with somebody, but he’d never show it (on purpose, it slips)
Hours of walking might be light work for a man like Hyoga, but it wasn’t such a breeze to you. Your feet ache from the hard ground. Your sandals, from lack of good material, have rubbed up against your skin to the point of bloody blisters. Your back hurts from carrying a bag full of things Senku wanted you to transport back to the village.
After almost a full day of nonstop walking across the island, you and Hyoga stumble upon a hot spring. He doesn’t look the least bit interested, continuing on at the same pace, but you come to a screeching halt. Your hands on your knees, panting for breath from the humid air and hot sun of Japan.
“Hyoga, can we stop for a moment?” You heave out before looking up at him.
He hums, looking back at you. Not being straight up ignored was enough proof he was considering it.
“We have plenty of time? We’re running ahead of schedule.” You give him a look, hoping that’ll help push your usually cold boyfriend towards getting in a hot spring with you, or at least letting you get in.
“I’m aware of that.” He says simply, turning towards you. You go to say another word, but he’s already pulling off his cloak. You nod, and turn away from him to take your clothes off too before slipping in the hot spring. Hyoga isn’t the type of guy to be bothered with separating the hot spring for respect of either of your privacy.
You, on the other hand, are starting to think the hot water isn’t the only reason you’re feeling hot.
“Ahh, my muscles and joints already feel soooo much better.” You sigh, closing your eyes. “I don’t know why Senku had only the two of us go…”
“We’re capable.” Hyoga hums. You nod quickly, humming back.
“Yes, you more than I.”
“You know the way better.” He smiles and your heart stops for a second. The smile doesn’t look snarky or mocking this time. It doesn’t matter if he’s smiled like that to you before, it never stops shocking you to your core. You two don’t get much alone time, and even then he’s rarely affectionate. He’d never smile like that to or in front of anyone else, so this is a rare sight.
“I suppose I do know it quite well.” You finally speak up, pulling your knees up to your chest, smiling.
“Don’t get sappy.” He scowls a bit, causing you to laugh a bit louder than you mean to. He grumbles at that. “We should get going.” He stands to leave, and you react quickly by grabbing his wrist.
“We have plenty of time… Hyo.” The sight of his sculpted body seems to put an influence on your tone of voice, putting an emphasis on an implication you never meant to be there. Yet, you realize now, maybe you are a bit frustrated from the lack of intimacy you two have had in a while.
“Oh?” He smirks, hand moving under your chin, and flicking it up with his thumb so you’ll look up at his face, not wherever else you were looking. “And what are you suggesting we use this time for?”
“It’s been a while…” You say softly, gulping because you know he’s got you right where he wants you.
“Yes… and you have such a pretty mouth.” His eyes open a bit wider now, looking down at you. You can finally see his pupils as they bore down into your face. His thumb swipes over your lips as he steps closer, and you know what he wants to do with your “pretty mouth.”
“I can think of a way you can use it that isn’t running it.” He pushes his thumb between your lips, brushing it over the tip of your tongue. You can taste him on your tongue now. He retracts his thumb just as quickly as he inserted it, replacing it with the tip of his cock. His hands find your hair, tugging it back while his thumb coaxes your mouth open for him.
He looks down at you, wordlessly telling you to take it from here. You gulp before taking him into your mouth slowly, hands wrapping around the base. Your tongue flicks over the tip and head before you begin to bob your head.
He’s dead silent, staring down at you. It almost feels like you have no effect on him, not until he’s about to cum. His eyes widen a bit, and the way he looks at you almost softens. Suddenly, your cold boyfriend looks like a lovesick puppy. He’d never admit it, but he’s so lovesick over you. Everything about him seems more gentle when he’s about to cum.
And after, for a moment, he looks at you with a soft expression as he catches his breath. He won’t say it out loud, but his eyes told you he loves you.
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snzhrchy · 1 year
Can I request a dr. Stone hyuga x reader. Like she's pretty shy at first so no one takes notice of her, but secretly she's a closet perv who drools about hyuuga's muscles. He takes notice and starts to get interested in her. Sorry if this is weirdly said, It's my first time requesting something! Thank you for ur time and I love your writing.
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hyoga akatsuki x perv!reader
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synopsis; you find yourself attracted towards the man who tried to kill you and that causes him to be intrigued by you too. taglist; lmk if u wanna be on it <3 warnings; smut (implied at the end) + masturbation notes; loved writing this !! im so down horrendous for this man like i need him to ruin me..
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— your first meeting with hyoga was very... interesting, to say the least. in short, he burned down your village without any mercy. however, he did get his punishment in the end as he was now a prisoner in the kingdom of science--being forced to spend his days behind bars for the heinous crimes he had committed.
— that's also when you had the misfortune of meeting him. senku wasn't an evil man--far from it so because of that, he wanted to make ishigami village's prisons a little but more habitable and he chose you for the job! it wasn't exactly a job as you were merely just providing food to him and the other prisoner but...
— during this task was when you first met and got to see him, properly. you’d be lying if you didn’t say you weren’t attracted to him from the moment you laid your eyes upon him. he was, quite literally, the most attractive man you had ever seen. sure, you had your fair share of muscular men from all over japan however, there was something about hyoga that drew you towards him.
— which was probably why you were so very enthusiastic about this job you’d been assigned. since you hardly ever spoke to anyone, no one ever guessed that you had done the unthinkable and managed to become infatuated with hyoga--the man who was responsible for destroying your entire village but he wasn’t that dangerous now, though.
— however, you hardly ever interacted with him, whether it was on the perseus or back at the village; he barely paid any attention to you while you were head over heels for him. you did not attempt initiate any conversation with him either--you'd rather just admire him from a far. it was hard not to with the way he carried himself. no matter how strenous of a task you were performing, if he were in that room, that task would be long forgotten as your eyes would be fixated on him.
— your eyes would travel to his silver, silky hair, imagining what it'd be like to run your hand through them (and pull on them) then they'd traavel to his chest and your eyes would admire his perfectly built body and how well his abs adorned his abdomen and then his thighs and...
— hyoga wasn't stupid--far from it; he was quite literally one of the most intelligent and observant people ever. and unlike everyone, he noticed. he noticed how your eyes would always stare at his figure. even though you tried to be subtle, he was very aware of the effect he had on you. he found it amusing and peculiar as well; how could someone who he tried to murder possibly like him…? sure, he was used to attention from the opposite sex but he hadn’t gotten any after his depetrification—and he surely didn’t get any attention from villagers here.
— this intrigued hyoga. he found this entire thing amusing and liked receiving this type of attention. to know that he had someone—an ishigami villager at that—wrapped around his finger made him joyous. he could surely use this to his favour.
— and he did! once aboard the perseus; on one faithful night, he was just taking a mere stroll across the ship, admiring the changed landscape when he heard you whispering his name.
— he found it odd but as he got closer to the source of the sound, he realised that you were touching yourself while thinking of him. hyoga was aware that you were terribly infatuated with him but this pleased him (and certainly gave him an ego boost.) to think that someone was touching themselves while thinking of him… yes, it was certainly pleasant.
— no matter how much hyoga tried to control himself, he couldn’t help but get hard over listening to you mumble his name over and over again. he wondered what you’d look like if you were under him.
— eventually, that night, hyoga allowed his emotions to take over and he ended up finally fulfilling your desires.
— let’s just say it didn’t end there and hyoga ended up using you as his personal stress reliever from there on out.
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justalarryblog · 3 years
Fic Writer Questions!
Thank you @allwaswell16! 😘😘💗💗 (I confess I'm embarrassed to answer this *laughs in nervous*)
1) How many works do you have on AO3?
4 (I deleted my other fics 👀)
2) What’s your total AO3 word count?
3) How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
3T, BSB, SPN, FOB and 1D.
4) What are your top 5 4 fics by kudos?
Lightning Strikes The Heart
Take My Heart
people fall in love in mysterious ways (maybe just the touch of a hand)
Work of Magic 😭😭😭😭
5) What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
None. I'm not a fan of sad/angst endings.
6) What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
My endings are cute actually, so I guess Take My Heart.
7) Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
I have only one, Lightning Strikes The Heart. It's a Bridgerton au.
8) Do you write smut? If so what kind?
I do. I'm open with any kind, it depends on the plot.
9) Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I do! Even though it feels a bit awkward because sometimes I have the impression I write the same answers huiahdaiusdhas.
10) Have you ever received hate on a fic?
No, but I've seen a few things that I wish I hadn't.
11) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12) Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, I don't authorize translations.
13) Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes, Lightning Strikes The Heart.
14) What’s your all time favorite ship?
Larry and Hyoga/Shiryu.
15) What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Mmm none, there are only 2 I don't want to finish. lol
16) What are your writing strengths?
None? AHSIUDHASIUD But I like writing fluff and angst parts.
17) What are your writing weaknesses?
I struggle a lot with descriptions, but it's not only with fics, it's for everything. My uni teacher used to point this out to me and reinforce that I had to learn how to elaborate my answers so I could have more word count. But my brain is straightforward and objective.
18) What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
Edit: I read it wrongly! nouahsduasd I'm not a fan because not everyone knows other languages, one word or another is just fine.
19) What was the first fandom you wrote for?
20) What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
Work of Magic for sure. I'm really frustrated that many people take a long time to read it. I always hear that it's in their 'Marked for later' tag and when they decide to give it a chance they go: 'Oh it's so cute, I don't know why I took so long to read it!' *laughs in nervous and frustration*
I'm tagging: @beelou @tomlinbuns @maggieisalarrie @beckydoesthings @greenfeelings @larrysballetslippers @loulovehome @evilovesyou
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siberianxbreak · 7 years
Sorry! I’ve been pretty busy!
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elencelebrindal · 3 years
Since you've made some nsfw headcanons about some of the ships, may I ask you if you can write some about Shun and Hyoga? It's OK if you don't want to :)
Oh, I want to, don’t worry. Who am I to refuse such an ask? But, as always, I am going to put everything under our beloved “read more”, so people who are not interest can be spared this. 
And, even if the ask is pretty self-explanatory, this is NSFW and sexual. Don’t click read more if you don’t like. Don’t be nasty at me if you don’t like but read anyway. I’m polite to you, please be polite to me.
Also, I will point out that this is probably not realistic in the slightest. I’m tremendously asexual in real life, so I have no fucking clue of how sexual desire actually work. 
Right off the bat, I’m telling you the very first headcanon I had. Shameless chain bondage. 
Ok, now that that’s out of the way, let’s tackle this couple. 
- As I often say with many gay couples, Shun and Hyoga don’t have “bottom” and “top” labels. They switch. A lot. 
- Hyoga likes being a bottom just as much as Shun does. Same goes for them being a top. 
- They love kisses, especially in bed. 
- They’re deeply affectionate when they have sex, it’s never just something to “blow off some steam”. Even when it gets rough. 
- Hyoga is loud. If there’s other people in the near vicinity (read: in the room next to them), Shun has to either shut him up with kisses, or they’re going to have a lot of explaining to do in the morning. 
- On a similar note, Shun can get an extremely filthy mouth. For a person that basically never swears, he has a pretty colorful language in the bedroom. Especially if that beautiful blond swan is between his legs. 
- They love to take their time, slowly progressing from gentle to passionate, but sometimes the leftover heat from a battle leads to quicker things. Always lovingly beautiful, of course.
- They both had their first time with each other, and rode the train to experience together. Both literally and figuratively. 
- Although they are both comfortable with giving oral sex, Shun likes giving way more than receiving. 
- Hyoga was the one that first suggested Shun to use his chains the way they’re not intended to be used. He may love being bound a bit too much. 
- Despite the teasing they receive from their friends (and from this fandom), Hyoga likes being taken way more than Shun, even if they both love it. 
- They both swallow. Yes, I just wrote this. No, I’m not ashamed. 
- Hyoga is a terrible tease, when he wants to be. Shun is more straightforward, though no less sensual. 
- Shun has a terrifying sex drive (bet you didn’t expect that), but is also respectful of Hyoga’s desires; this means, you have no idea how close of a friend his hand is. 
- They have a slight kink for outdoor sex. Not exhibitionism. They just like to mess up the Sanctuary’s hot springs and have fun on the beach. Though, they do regret it later when they find sand where it shouldn’t be. 
- Never do this in real life, my friends (well, unless you’re comfortable and safe?), but they never use condoms. And I mean it when I say never. But these are Saints, and in my headcanon they can’t get sick, so... you can imagine. 
- Hyoga always leaves way too many scratches and bites. Shun retaliates by giving him hickies that are impossible to cover. Luckily for both of them, they don’t really care of other people see them (they love each other way too much to feel embarrassed). 
These are my main ones. Don’t let Ikki read it.  Also, please don’t treat Shun like a damsel in distress when writing smut about him and Hyoga; I know he looks delicate and naive, but he’s not a shy virgin girl. Well, I mean, they both were virgin before losing that as well, but you know what I mean.  I’m normally all for “everyone is free to do whatever”, but this just... I don’t know, it makes be frustrated. Sorry not sorry. 
Also Shun was literally Hades for a while, you bet this man is not as innocent as it seems. 
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