#Hsr Aha x reader
pix3lplays · 3 months
The Aeons getting jealous of their mortal lover enjoying the company of fellow mortals is sooo cute until it ISN’T. Anyone hearing me out on this?? Jealous Nanook taking on the appearance of a mortal…people wondering about your new “friend” and the constant death glares they shoot at anyone who gets too close…
Aha “blessing” you with the worst luck imaginable, so people stay away from you…
Yaoshi…idk what they would do but I’m sure it would be INTERESTING lol…
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nqmonarch · 22 days
Aeon Lover AU Part 2
Part 1: https://www.tumblr.com/nqmonarch/749257688234557440/aeon-brainrot?source=share
Characters: Aha, IX
Note: This AU I plan to eventually make Yandere, not in this part but I feel like it's good to let people (my fellow small crowd of Aeon lovers) know.
You stared at Aha's human form, not breaking eye contact as a manic grin stayed on their face. "So you're Aha?"
"Maybeee, maybe I am, maybe I'm not! Does it matter? I'm just here to help you!" They said trying to act all innocent, and blinking their long eye lashes once and then twice.
You paused for a moment, observing the person in front of you. You took a step forward and Aha remained still completely oblivious to your nefarious intentions. You reached your hands out to them and they immediately grabbed them with their own, interlocking them. Holy shit-- your whole body overloaded with that move as your face begin to burn and jumped away.
"Wasn't that what you were trying to do?" Aha asked coyly, smiling at you and holding their empty hand out to you.
You grabbed onto their hand, trying to move it out of the way of their body, "No, I'm trying to undress you," Aha froze at your words mouth twitching, "This body is just a medium right? I'm hoping you didn't steal it... But if you created it I want to see if there's any discrepancies between it and a human body." Perhaps there'd be some kind of dead give away?
The only thing that suggested that Aha wasn't human was their other worldly beauty. "Why did you choose to be so attractive anyway? How much can you change your form?" You asked leaning closer to observe them, a small mole rested beneath the tip of their left eye.
Now that Aha's hand was successfully pushed to the side you tried to remove your hand from it, only to feel their fingers dig into your skin and your hand unable to move. Whatever, you didn't mind holding hands with them the warmth felt nice and made your heart race, albeit that was a bit distracting.
Aha had leaned away from you a bit, their red lips quivering as they held in a laugh before breaking into full out giggles. "Ahaha, you're so forward Y/N," Their eyes flickered over to you, "If you wanted to sleep with me you could've just said so?" They teased you.
You paused at their words, that... being with an Aeon were you worthy of that? Could anyone be worthy of that? Fantasizing was one thing but... if you were given the chance... your head was getting too muddled with thoughts of this. Aha was just joking anyway but if there was an Aeon that would be up to sleeping with a human for fun then... it would probably be Aha wouldn't it?
"What did you mean earlier when you said you were here to help me?" You asked changing the topic and averting your eyes from them. You tried to pull your hand away again but it stuck to Aha's. Your head shot up, "Did you glue our hands together?!"
Aha laughed, staring down at you, "I was going to be your wingman for an Aeon but--"
"Really?!" You perked up immediately throwing your other arm around Aha's back and holding him closer. You didn't bother moving your glued hand and instead kept it in Aha's grasp. "That'd really be amazing!" It was no wonder Aha would find entertainment from trying to set a normal human up with an Aeon.
You'd read that he once picked up a random worm and made it incredibly intelligent to try and grab the attention of Nous. When it failed he discarded the worm without a second thought. It was weird to think you were on the same level as a worm but hey, it gave you a chance to maybe meet another Aeon. You stared at Aha's face, noticing the slightly furrowed sharp eyebrows and their eyes cast downward. You wondered if they'd show you their Aeon form one day?
Either way they seemed a bit upset right now? Annoyed? Perhaps they were just holding in their laugh super hard right now. You deemed that it was probably the latter as a smile overtook their face.
"Of course! " They grinned letting out a small giggle and holding up their entwined hand with yours, and dashing behind you, "I'm so sad! You're over me already!" You knew it was a joke but for some reason you felt a great feeling of heartbreak come over you. You felt like falling to your knees but you stood still anyway feeling one of Aha's arms circle around your neck.
You smiled despite the discomfort, "Well every Aeon is beyond interesting. It'd be nice to meet..." You felt like you were choking, "another one. Obviously, I don't imagine anything beyond meeting them," You admitted feeling your insecurity well up.
Aha laughed wildly and for once you felt on edge around them. You had been acting rather foolishly recently, trusting an Aeon especially one with such chaotic goals, you should be more wary.
"You want to see an Aeon's true form?" Aha asked you, and you could feel their breath on your ear.
Interesting if this was a body they made then they'd gotten the heat aspect down completely, from the warmth of their body to the heat of their breath. You wondered if at any point Aha had been a human. Tayzzyronth had been the last of its species. Nanook was suspected to have come from a planet riddled with destruction and upon seeing the destruction of the aftermath of Tayzzyronth and the Mechanical Empire rose to Aeonhood. But how did the majority of the Aeons start? What were they? Who was Aha before they were an Aeon?
"Wait," You froze finally registering Aha's question, "I... could see an Aeon's true form?" Your heart beat as fast as a humming bird.
"Do you want to? I think it'll be fun," Aha asked again, you could feel their abdomen shake against you and you realized how poorly this could go depending on what Aha found most entertaining.
You could see an Aeon which wouldn't care for you or even glance at you, like Nous. Or Aha may somehow know where Nanook is, and teleport you to that Aeon and... you'd seen what happened to the trailblazer when they met Nanook in the simulated universe. The trailblazer had been immediately killed. That being said Aha didn't really need your consent and you had an inkling that if you said no, you'd meet an Aeon's true form anyway. Plus, it's not like you weren't curious.
"Of course I do." You barely finished speaking before you felt a sudden amount of joy fill you, ecstasy flooded your senses, and your lips opened by themselves letting laughter escape them. The sudden amount of power distracted you from your inability to breathe.
You were in space. Yet you still felt warm, you felt unbearably happy, and you saw Aha in their human form behind you. They laughed at your expression, "My reveal should be the last!" They chattered on excitedly, "But you wouldn't really be able to be here without any help. So I lended a helping hand!" Their eyes were wide with joy and you felt the urge to pat their head.
So you did. "Thank you." They stared at you a bit stunned for a moment, cheeks with a bit more color than usual despite being in space, but you thought nothing of it as they grabbed onto your shoulders and turned you around.
"Look!" Their voice was quiet and strained, you could hear the smile in their voice.
But all of the warmth you felt quickly disappeared as you stared at the Aeon in front of you. Purple swirls and a black mysterious mass stared back at you for a brief moment. You looked into the abyss and the abyss looked back.
To an extent you'd always known that the world would eventually become nothing. That everything you worked toward, no matter how long it benefitted humanity, would eventually disappear with humanity itself. That the planets themselves would fall apart inevitably being swallowed by blackholes which would become nothing themselves. That one day even the fundamental parts of the universe would cease to exist.
That the nothingness you couldn't comprehend would one day be all there is.
You couldn't even sob. The fear that had existed in your body initially had turned into numbness, not numbness it turned into nothingness. You weren't afraid. You weren't anything. It was just
There was something holding you back. A faint warmth coming from your hand, which you found unable to move. You were stuck to something. Aha! You let yourself laugh, your mouth didn't move nor did any sound come out. It didn't feel as if you had a mouth or any form of a body but you did.
You knew one day everything you did would amount to nothing. That's why everything you did wasn't focused on the future. It was enough to enjoy the moment, and tomorrow. You'd had the opportunity to meet such a wonderful Aeon after all. You stared at the black and purple cosmos in front of you, the eyes on it no longer glancing your way. You no longer felt enthralled with joy or burdened with despair but rather, you felt like you.
Your life was insignificant in the grand scheme of things. That was exactly why you could enjoy in the beauty of what was insignificant. Of the flowers in Spring, of the creations in the simulated universe, of the people around you.
"How beautiful," Your voice came out soft as you gazed upon the lonely being. You smiled feeling a fire rise within you. No wonder there was a whole faction dedicated to making such a magnificent creature see the purpose in existing.
Aha laughed, "I'm surprised you didn't fall to nihility! Three cheers for Y/N!" The glue between your hand and theirs seemed to have faded away, as they brought their hands up to clap and cheer out your name.
"I don't know, you sound a bit disappointed," You watched IX disappear from your sight wistfully and then turned to Aha with a smile resting on your face.
Aha held a hand to their chest in offense as they gasped, "I am! You're so mean! Acting like IX is that interesting when we both know I'm ten times more cool!"
You flicked their forehead, "Let's head back to Herta's space station now." Aha laughed, finding amusement in the smallest of actions and the two of you returned.
You managed to find your way back to the topic of IX again. Aha, being an Aeon, had never felt the nothingness from IX and had asked you to describe it.
You went into as much detail as you could and then spoke in a serious tone, "I'm surprised I made it. I knew everything does eventually become nothing, and I knew it isn't nothing right now. I knew that it's less about the meaning of our existence and life and more about the meaning of every day. But the sensation of becoming nothing is... indescribable."
You paused trying to analyze the feeling you'd come across, "For a creature that doesn't know much or one whose only purpose is to live seeing the Nihility would be fatal. But humans... are beyond that. We still live but there are things we treasure above living and even the future of the whole universe." Your Aeon merch being one of them, "Even if one day those things were to disappear with everything else, it's enough for us to have had them in our lifetime. Maybe to an extent a permanent short sightedness is needed."
What you'd experience who can never be explained by any words, the absolute dread and despair. No matter how hard you tried to describe the sensation of nothingness to Aha you couldn't find the words. But you knew now how feeling nothing was worse than even feeling pain. Because from experiencing pain the pleasure and joy you later experienced became more defined and recognizable. You can only rise as high as the lowest you fall.
The good makes the bad worse and the bad makes the good better. They work in tandem. Even if the end result was nothingness for all of the time in between you still wanted to feel and you couldn't get rid of that innate want. Still your whole body trembled as you felt a smile rise to your face-- IX-- IX was just way too cool!
You turned to Aha, grabbing them and hugging them, "Aha! Thank you so much!" You grinned, you didn't want to tell them that their hand had been what brought you out of IX's trance, you wanted to keep that knowledge to yourself, "This may be the best day of my life yet!"
IX was a being withholding so much pain and despair, a creature just waiting for the end. But there was so much more than just the end. When reading a story, sometimes you know the two main characters will die that doesn't mean it isn't worth reading. And of course you wanted to show IX all there was.
Aha looked at you for a moment, face blank and speechless before hugging you back and erupting into laughter. You twirled the Aeon's human form around before letting go and began to ponder.
"Now I wonder... would it be possible for IX to take a human form?"
It would be difficult to bring the Aeon the beauties and wonders of life, as well as the pains considering they were just floating in the sky. It'd be easier if you could bring the Aeon around, but even if they did have a human form you weren't sure you'd be able to drag them around anyway. Even after surviving the encounter you got the feeling your emotions and will to live would numb around them if you spent a long time with them. You'd just have to get stronger first!
Okay writing the emotions IX gives you is a toughie DAMN don't know how I'm going to make the romance work out but I'm sure future me will work something out
I love you future me!!! :) <333 can't wait to romance IX show me what u got!!!
also when i wrote this line "When reading a story, sometimes you know the two main characters will die that doesn't mean it isn't worth reading." i went into one story knowing the two characters both died at the end by driving off a cliff and i still cried despite rarely crying, it was only 6 chapters and one of the best webcomics i've ever read to this day. so fucking worth it
i dont fucking know what powers Aeons have but i'm pretty sure super speed and shit is one of them cause in SU Qlipoth just like appeared at the beginning cus they thought Trailblazer was Akivili and if that creature can like teleport or do super speed fuck it everyone can.
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quimichi · 19 days
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TW: mentions of violence
SUMMARY: Nothing fills them with more joy than seeing you smile...the same goes for you. What is better in this universe then seeing Aha turly enjoy themselves?
CHARACTER: Aha x F!Reader
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Aha watches as the chaos ensues— they doet even have to do anything. They watch the fights with a look of mild interest in their eyes, the smile never leaving their faces.
"So chaotic," they laugh quietly, almost thoughtfully. They turn their attention back to you, watching to see if you're amused as much they are, or if you're repulsed. This is the type of chaos they feed on. Aha turns to you, a grin on their faces. "This is good! Aha enjoys this!" they comment, watching the chaos continue; the air is thick and hot— the sky is foggy with smoke.
"Are you enjoying this, little jester?" They asks, watching for your response. You look back at the scene playing in front of you, hundreds of people running around in fear, joy, anger and despair. Houses are burning, children are crying, property's are being destroyed...for what? Why do they do this...what have you done that Aha must present you with this...right, they want to see you smile. Nothing is more important to them then your joy, your lips widening for a smile. Your eyes shining in delight, in elation.
"Yes." You smile at them, how twisted you are. You're fully aware, would you not like it, there would happen more, worse. And in truth...you actually just want to see them happy. Seeing your happiness, is their true joy. Aha’s smile widens. They have their answer. They watch you for a while as the mess continues, watching your expression. You’re enjoying this...
You're...enjoying this....
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TAGLIST: @hehothrowawayfae @lucienbarkbark @theblades @rikasurl
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yanderehsr · 7 months
more yandere aeons with paimon reader/aeon of guidance pls!
Sure it's been a while since the last one, Hope you'll enjoy😄
Trigger Warning: Yandere, Obsessive behaviour, Possessive behaviour
Aha: They have been stalking you for thousands of years, always behind you all the time, it was a fun game, they would stalk you and try to capture you and you try to evade them, it was a fun game until Akivili came along, then it turned not so fun.
Aha hates Akivili, they want them gone and dead, away from you so you can resume your game. So the second you die, the first thing they do is go to Akivili and try to kill them, it doesn't go so well but they tried, and they'll continue until they are dead.
When Aha feels your return, they have never felt as happy as before, now you can return to your game, maybe there can even be a winner finally... sadly you are too weak at the present time but no need to worry, they'll manipulate from behind the scene so you can get your strength back, and then the game can continue.
"Well isn't this fun, the Guidance is back. Oooh, I wonder which one of their powers they will get back first"
Fuli: They remember everything, they have seen Nanook's destructive obsession, Yaoshi's possessiveness, Lan's jealousy, Akivili's clingyness and how every other aeon acts around you.
Fuli becomes your safe space when you want to be away from everyone else, other than Akivili you are closest with Fuli, they are so calm with you contrary to the other aeons, you form a bond... and that bond is destroyed when Nanook kills you, they have never felt so sad and horrified as then, it causes a mass-release of memories around the universe until they calm down.
Fuli figures out before you are reincarnated that you would be back, so contrary to the other aeons who is lost in their own grieve, they make a safe space where they can protect you, a place where it will be only you and they, no one to interfere and come between you two, it'll be perfect.
"It has been so long, Even I was starting to get lonely... Now who do I send to retrieve you my guidance"
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nuumbie · 15 days
Prompt: You witness a memory bubble at Sir Edward’s. A product of a dream belonging to the trailblaze. Unlike the last Dream Bubble isn’t very much fun at all.
Author’s Notes: Less of Akivili!Reader x Aha. More like Reader reads a self-insert of Ahavili Fanfiction. Romantic-Undertones. A character study based on my perception of both characters based on what little crumbs Star Rail has given us. Hope you enjoy.
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You had gotten a text from Sir Edward… apparently you are moving up in the ranks! You are a prized enough customer to get told when they’re having a sale on memories… obviously to maximize your achievements and to fully grasp all of the expierence! This was a must to go and see.
It’s a little exciting to witness the dreams of a long dead Aeon in order to understand them your fingers grasp the bubble. It’s warm as you hold it delicately within your fingertips. A precious memory that belongs to the Astral Express. It’s a little giddying of a thought to understand the crew better. To know of the paths your predecessors had laid out for you… and to understand the Aeon Akivili a little better considering how much of your life revolves in their footsteps…
You note in the back of your mind to tell Himeko… maybe Danheng and March? Perhaps, even Mr Yang would be curious! You can’t help but to imagine their reactions. Pompom’s especially! They seemed a little curious with the last memory bubble you bought… perhaps these souvenirs could serve as precious to the conductor? Such thoughts motivate you forward to press on! “So this is it…”
“You’re excited aren’t you?” Edward’s pupils widen at you. “This was recommended by a certain party. I’m not sure how they got their hands on the memory. I haven’t looked at it myself. You’ll have to tell me how much fun you’re having.”
You pause catching his words. “Eh… you didn’t check? Isn’t that apart of your job?”
“That it is, that it is… this isn’t mine to look at however. The person who left it with me said it was a gift for you and said ‘not to ruin the surprise no matter what’. It’s your choice whether you look at it in the end.”
Oh, that makes you less-wanting to open it up to peek inside. What if they downloaded something scary on it? What if it isn’t a memory of the Astral Express at all but a bunch of jumpscares or even worse… a Rickroll? The memory that once pleasantly reminded you of jelly now hangs like slime between your fingers… “Was… it a girl with pigtails? And a fox-mask…? Kind of short?” You even your hand around where she usually stands when compared to you regardless of your own height.
“Ah, how elaborate of a description!” Edward cheers. “No, it was this blue-haired man—“
You immediately feel all joy you felt suck out of you in instants. A world record pace.
Technically, it still could be Sparkle. That doesn’t narrow it down at all now that you really think about it. You suddenly don’t really want to do this. Because it’s either Sparkle or him… a gift from any of those two hasn’t really ended well for you in the past the more you think about it. Actually, all it’s gotten you is bucket loads of trauma and pains in the butt. But…
“Will I get stellar jades if I do this?”
Edward blinks a couple of times in confusion. “Ah, they did leave some around here somewhere in there now that you mention it… you’d have to stick your hand inside to get it.”
You immediately stick your hand within the dream bubble and grab hold of it and you don’t look back. Such is the will of the trailblaze.
Akivilli’s form is unknown to you yet you can feel the wet grass on your tush as the memories rush into your brain and take hold of your consciousness.
Things you know about Akivilli, perhaps bipedal? Ah, with how things are. They could possibly be a walking trash can on legs and you wouldn’t even know the difference. You try to focus through the haze of the memories.
The words are not your own. But the voice that leaves your throat is yours without any doubt in your head. A shame that you couldn’t choose for another to read it to you again… or at least have the option of it.
You find yourself laughing. Your voice calling back at you despite not knowing the words until you hear them. It’s a bit unnerving, but you soon sit back, relax, and then the dream plays out as your vision returns.
It’s a starry night sky. A view you’ve grown accustomed to. It hasn’t lost its luster yet and you fear the day that the sight of the stars no longer excites you. You reach your hand out towards the stars, tracing the constellations. Although, you can’t see your hands. You can somehow feel its warmth. It goes from your hand to your chest, leaving you warm and fuzzy inside like you drank a bunch of hot cocoa. You can’t stifle the giggle that escapes your throat. It’s you but it isn’t. It’s a strange, disembodying feeling. You should be used to it by now, but you can’t say you are any closer to coping with it than you were before.
“I think I’m really happy.” An emotion that’s not yours, a feeling that doesn’t belong to you, the bubbly, overwhelming feeling of happiness. One that you don’t understand overwhelms you. “Right now. I wonder. Is this what humans call peace? I wish this feeling could last forever.”
But it can’t. It’s a sad and happy thought. The fact you’ll go to experience many more joys and sorrows. That you’ve yet to feel even more highs and lows. For the reason for living is to go through the good and the bad.
“Ah, Akivili, Akivili—“ perhaps, you should have expected it. considering who gave you the dream bubble, but you’re still surprised. a shapeless miasma, surrounded by masks, your sight is blurry when you gaze directly at the figure. without a head THEIR arms wiggling as they hold a multitude of faces, masks, they circle between them on a dime. the mask that looks back at you in THEIR iconic smile. THEY laugh. “The real star is right here. Before your eyes. A touch away! Yet, you yearn for something so far away? How silly, how cruel, to call the night sky beautiful when I’m right here!”
A resounding sound of a million hands snapping. Louder than a gunshot.
“Pay attention to me instead.”
THEY snap their fingers.
The star you were tracing bursts into bright, colorful confetti.
A deep sadness consumes you. The constellation has lost a piece of itself. Millions of years into nothing but scraps of paper floating through outer space. “Agh— AHA.” what a hard name to yell. you weep for the fallen star with your whole chest so it knows it was loved “… you guys never change. I liked that star too.”
“Oh, but we do.” THEY tilt the mask, facing upside down. The smile is curved into a frown. “Nothing lasts forever, Akivili, my Akivili. I’m sure at the end of the universe that IX will swallow all of us down and eat us up. We will change inevitably. Ena turned into Xipe’s late night snack. This moment will go away. That is why I wish for you to admire Aha’s radiance instead! You can disappear. I would spend my eternity thinking about the time you preferred a star over me.”
You feel a deep sadness that isn’t yours. You crush it in your palms and hold it in your hands.
“Don’t get jealous. I do prefer you.” THEY giggle. you don’t turn to face THEM despite that. Glancing out towards the night sky. Bright stars hang across the planet. a planet so small and insignifant in the face of such a big universe. but that’s why it’s so important. your fingers line the stars in the sky into a million different shapes, you can taste the thrill of adventure, the loving unknown. the future and the heat of it on your tongue. a million light years away. “I like that you’re here next to me. I like that you’re with me. This sight is only so enjoyable because I have someone to love it so throughly with.”
“Maybe I shouldn’t though.” you grab where your heart would be. but as an aeon, do you even have one of those? nobody’s ever dissected an aeon before. perhaps they’re made out of rock candy, gears, oils, and a dash of love. because you don’t know. it’s as possible as any other possibility. “Can’t you at least try to hold a little empathy? That star had a long time left. And even if it didn’t— stars usually last a long time after they die. But now it’s just gone. The sky is missing a piece of itself. What will people look at when they place their eyes on that particular patch of sky?”
“Ewww!” THEIR voice transforms. the sound of a child, a mimicked sound and replica of a hundred crying children. THEIR face morphs into disgust. the haughty laugh is accompanied by a loud boo you’d hear from a game show. you have to stifle a laugh as they whine. “You’re killing me, killing me. Ah, dearest, loveliest, Akivili— are you trying to shackle me?”
“My detested, beloathed Aha.” you laugh loudly and try to match THEIR joy. though, a part of you lingers on the fallen star, the fallen aeon, and you resolve to live and hold onto this feeling even tighter until it sears a hole in you that’ll last forever even when you’re gone. “If only I could.”
You don’t know what love is. But you capture it in bits and pieces. You feel it ringing in every piece of you and it calls out to you when you look out at the express crew, whenever you glance up at the night sky you promised to explore, whenever the astral express warp-jumps and even you feel a little dizzy with the sensation of truly being alive.
And you feel it, too. Even for things you shouldn’t. To the things that feel like sand that flows through your fingers. To the things that will move on without you. Because worlds spin, the galaxy changes, every time you close your eyes for as much as you gain there is always something to lose.
Aha doesn’t have a face. THEIR fingertip press against your face, however, pressing your lips into a smile, you think despite being the embodiment of joy they can not smile without a head. “Ahaha.”
“Didn’t you say you could die without regret?” THEY reach out for your hand with their other arms. they move your body, while you stand there uselessly, positioning you like they were inviting you to dance. but they don’t move. neither do you. “You’ve got plenty of regrets itching at your lips, Akivili. So many words left unsaid. You should say them. You have so much power, you have the ability to reach the heavens, to reach for the stars you like so very much. But you always refuse to take.”
“It was a metaphor.” you mutter back. though, it sounds more sad than you intend. Aha notices. they ruffle your hair giggling at your sorry attempts. You don’t resist as much as you should.
“A trailblazer isn’t meant to stay in one place, Akivili. Isn’t that your path? You should tread it properly.” THEY make a buzzer-sound effect. “You’re doing it wrong.”
“You’re so strange.” THEY laugh harder and harder. their hands reach for their stomach to hold it. like THEY would fall over if they hadn’t. “Except, not strange at all! You’re strange because you’re an Aeon— but you’re so lamefully, painfully, mundane from your pinky finger to your toes. You’re a walking, talking, contradiction. To be honest, it’s lame, so dreadfully, drearily, lame.”
“Akivili, Akivili.” THEY smile and they sing a song, out of tune, manical. “I love that part of you, though, you who’s is one-and-only across all the world trees…”
You don’t understand THEM at all. But they just insulted you. You stare at THEM dumbfounded, with crossed arms, but the mask smiles back will a look filled with endearment.
“You know.” You pout as your fingers— does Akivili even have hands? But, you can feel something reaching, weakly lifting, trying to cling to them and hold onto something that touches back. “I want you to stay. The Astral Express. You could join me. We accept everyone. You could be a nameless, too. On the express, everyone is the same.”
“Everyone’s accepted me.” Your heart sings at the thought. “They’d accept you, too. That’s what I want.”
“I know.” Aha‘s smile is strange. “I wanted to hear you say it anyway! Akivili wants me. Akivili wants me. They really said it! I should sing it to so everyone in the galaxy can hear. I wonder if they’d create a holiday over it? So everyone can memorize the date you poured yourself out to me!”
“Don’t.” You pout knowing where this is going. It’d only serve as a reminder. “You’re too cruel, sometimes.”
“I’m the nicest to you.” AHA smiles. “Isn’t that so funny? I care about you. I’d miss you. That’s such a funny thought to me! I can’t help but to laugh.”
You flashback to a time where they wondered out-loud how you’d react if THEY blew up the express. You remember silence before THEY laughed it off and said it was something for the back-burner.
Nice is subjective.
“Would you join me, though? Would you leave your express for me?” Aha giggles. “Would you watch the stars burn with me. All the way from the theater seat? Would you come with me, instead? We could do other things. Everything. I could show you things you’d never get to see on your train if you’d let me.”
“I wouldn’t.” you repeat before you can even think about the words leaving your mouth. “You know I wouldn’t.”
“I know, too. See? You can live up to your namesake.” THEY tap your nose. “It’s written in you. It’s interwoven in you. You shouldn’t forget your beginnings despite all the time that goes by.”
“It’s your meaning.” THEY cackle. “No matter how hard you try, so better to embrace the upcoming tragedy.”
“I know.” Aha hugs you, deeply. “It’s okay. Akivili, my Akivili. Don’t cry! I’ll always take time out of my day to see you! You’re the most exciting show which always gets me to smile the most! I’ll always be watching over you. Maybe, one day. If you miss Aha so much. THEY would like to see you personally from first-ticket seats every now and again on your little missions, too.”
“We could never give each other our forever.” THEY squeeze hard enough for it to hurt, hands wrapping around you, possessively. but, you know better than that. you know they’ll let you go. maybe, you wish they would try a little harder to stay. “My Akivili. I’ll give you all of my now. Because I really do enjoy this! And maybe I’ll give you my later, and even more of a latter after that, and even more. Even if that seems sad. It’s not. We can’t give ourselves everything to each other.”
“But I’ll give more to you than I’ve ever given anyone else.”
“After all, I’m one of the few things that won’t go away, won’t I?” a deep sadness spills in your gut threatening to pour out. “You’re the same. Some things get boring with time. But you grow more wonderful with time. I fall a little deeper in love with you each time I see you!” ❤️
“I love you, Akivili, my Akivili.”
You ignore the burning sensation in your stomach. This grief is another feeling to cherish. A grief for something that hasn’t happened yet. Aha calls you THEIRS. But, you know deep down—
THEY would never be YOURS.
“I think I love you, too.”
Your hold is so tight it burns. You hold onto this. Knowing the moment you open your eyes it will all disappear. But that’s okay. You repeat to yourself. Because this moment is so good. And it’ll happen again. Even if it won’t last.
It’s so good because it won’t last, that means you have to make it. You try to tell yourself that. Repeating the words like a prayer. It really is funny. You’re an Aeon who begs.
“You sweet-talker!!!” THEY laugh. “You should tell me more of this Express! Aha is curious, Aha is curious! Ahaahaa… maybe I’ll take some time out of my schedule and go and visit! Would that make you happy?”
“Don’t play with my feelings like that after so throughly rejecting me.” You deadpan back, but you can’t help but to stifle the sound of your own laughter, however sad. “The express really does welcome everyone. Even if it’s only for awhile.”
And you’re right.
Like everything.
This fades away, too.
You wake up standing up. The dream bubble in your hand oozes through your fingers. Leaking onto the floor. Edward’s voice brings you from your stupor.
“Oh, it’s not meant to do that. Forgive me. I don’t think you’ll be able to view this memory for a second time. I wonder if I could recover it…”
So you won’t be able to bring it to the express. You wonder if you would’ve. Knowing what you saw.
It felt more personal— too personal to share. Can you bring yourself to say anything to Edward? Not really. You just shake your head. It’s okay. It’s really better this way.
Looking into your hands now sticky with the hopes and dreams of a long-dead Aeon, you find a measly 75 jades. It’s coated in the sliminess of the dream bubble.
It’s barely enough for half a pull.
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lausterdomyamong · 1 month
Can anyone please write nanook x reader. I need cosmic gender-natural d inside me rn. I need nanook, I need them so bad.
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visibleclosedeyes · 1 year
So uhm… aha is a masochist do you guys know that?
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clourey · 1 month
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aventurine who loves affectionate mornings.
nothing beats waking up to your soft murmurs — sometimes cranky — which never fail to elicit an amused chuckle from him.
“mm.. five more minutes, pleaaase..” you whine into into your pillow.
sigh— he simply cannot resist leaving pretty bruises on your neck, gently rubbing your hips with his palms all the while.
“you don’t want to see me off? hmm?” he teases, but there’s truth in his desire to have you peck him goodbye before he has to leave for work.
he retracts his slender fingers that had been trailing your body, now placing them snuggly against your cheek.
‘one,’ he counts inwardly, ‘two, three.. four.’
alas, as smug as he may be, his routine habit of counting how many kisses he’s given you still remains. it grounds him— he finds it to be so.. weirdly reassuring.
maybe it’s the way his body grows warmer, deflecting all the cold he feels. the kind of warmth that only you can offer him.
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sunday who loves watching you do your makeup.
a familiar red hue crawls onto his cheeks every time he observes you. you’re so enchanting when you’re focused, he can’t get enough.
the way you press your lips together with a tiny ‘pop’ when you’ve finished applying your gloss, or, his favourite, when your spritz setting spray all over your face.
god— sunday watches your nose scrunch so cutely as the mist reaches your skin, and the glistens it leaves, like silver glitter sprinkled perfectly across your features.
his mouth is left slightly parted as he absorbs your divinity. he doesn’t break out of his trance until he hears a giggle, just another endearing action of yours.
make no mistake, sunday has good control over his composure, but what can a man do when a competitor to idrila themselves is his to behold?
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hana-no-seiiki · 1 year
Lmao hi i saw you wanted hsr requests-
(man, its so weird to request off anon im sorry 💀)
I still dunno which characters to choose so its up to you but how about yandere character and an Aeon of Love whos quick to fall in love and adore, but just as quick to throw away things that no longer interest them?
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note: this fic is more of proof of concept rather than an actual fic, if you want a more specific scenario feel free to request one through my asks!
warnings: yandere themes, canon divergence.
status: unedited
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I met with the Snowbird once.
That was all it took for me to be captured within their spell.
To wish for the ability to fly with their holy being once spring came.
An impossible dream that was.
Yet still its honeyed promises of seeing the snowbird once again lured me into this path.
This path of love and despair.
— Pope of the Philian Church.
[Y/N]. The God of Philandering. Snowbird. The Great Majesty of Romance. Their Wintry Excellency. Avem In Perpetua Fuga.
Aeon of Philia.
Some might call them the Aeon of Love but does love really come with a massive fear of commitment and the ease of which they left their significant others? Many scholars that studied the Aeon think not.
Their fickle, almost apathetic nature however did little to dissuade people and other gods alike from falling in love.
You see, [Y/N] was an expert, quite literally the best, when it comes to persuasion and seduction. In contrast to IX whose presence creates madness, theirs made the normal human being almost fall to their knees in religious fervor. Only those blessed by other Aeons could ever hope to escape or endure such an overwhelming aura.
The other gods themselves weren’t completely immune to their charms. One cannot help but be curious as to how a singular being was able to attain the infatuation of such powerful existences . . .
. . . and who exactly that singular being is.
In any case, as one would expect from an Aeon of Romance, the [Y/N] faith is never short of passionate poetry.
Here’s one I found in the General of Xianzhou’s office of all places. Perhaps he might be a follower of theirs? It is quite laughable to think of the great Jing Yuan dabbling in literature when avoiding duties.
“Your love scorched my mind.
Tortured my soul.
Hollowed my body.
But in this pain,
Thoughts of your presence and light,
Dull the blade you sheathed within me.
I await your return,
and your claim over the heart you’ve carved out of me.”
Perhaps those scholars were being a bit too harsh. A god of love must have extremely high standards for their partner. Perhaps those partners were simply foolish, delusional to believe they’d be enough for them.
It is a popular theory that all Aeons used to live peacefully amongst one another until the Great Majesty of Romance threw the world into chaos. The youth nowadays have written several essays alluding to their idea that it was what jumpstarted paths such as the Destruction and Elation. No evidence of such happenings have come out so far.
In my opinion? If anything the Aeon of Elation, Aha would be the bringer of chaos not the other way around. I suspect that the bias and warnings taught to the masses against worshipping or even studying [Y/N], has led to this kind of popular belief.
Why ?
Why is it that they won’t come back ?
I have devoted my entire life to clearing their name. I have spent countless nights agonising on the proper words to use when describing their Wintry Excellency.
Why then would they not praise me ? Why then would they not grace me with their presence once more ? Was it all a mirage ? A tantalising dream made to inflict pain on my soul?
. . . Perhaps it is because I have chosen the wrong path.
. . .
Yes it’s all my fault.
I should have devoted my entire life to worship not just studies.
How moronic of me !
A god of love would never be so cruel. No.
They are simply waiting. Waiting for the day, I come to them.
That was where everyone else was wrong. And I . . . will be right.
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©️ hana.no.seiiki - yun | 2023
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viviennevermillion · 10 months
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And we love like fools
✧ ɴᴏᴛᴇꜱ: i know i still have plenty of requests in my inbox but i felt really inspired to write this. first full hsr oneshot. i love sampo.
✧ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴀɪɴꜱ: sampo x gn!reader, fluff, pining, sampo and reader are both masked fools but don't know, there was only one bed, 4k words
✧ ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: fools — lauren aquilina
✧ ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢꜱ: reader has a sad backstory, mentions of bullying
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There are many tales throughout the universe about the Aeons. About how they were born; where they found their resolve. A cynic might say that they resemble too much of our own stories; that one could hardly know what guided a being incomprehensible to most ordinary mortals. But you thought now; that maybe that was the beauty in it. That even gods could be touched by such simple emotions as sadness or joy.
The stories that are told throughout the Epsilon system speak of what appears to be chaos and randomness at first glance; each tale more absurd than the last. But the one you'd always remember was one that had started with eternal darkness and pointlessness as the Aeon Aha climbed to the highest branch in the tree of existence. The universe functioned like a machine operating to the whims of a force not even the Aeons could comprehend and all who lived within were merely pawns or cogs that kept it running. The truth was that our existence within the machine was so minimal and unimportant; that even the loss of the individual would mean nothing in the grander scheme of things. It was easy to feel lost within a place like this. You knew that better than anyone.
You had felt lost on your home planet all your life. You didn't know whether you were an outlier in their neatly and meticulously planned system or whether you were never meant to be on this world in the first place; but you had noticed that you didn't belong there at an early age. You would always look at the society around you like you were a traveler from outer space who was perceiving it for the first time; and always look at the stars like there was a future waiting out there for you. You had been a thorn in their eye; unable to work within the life that they offered you and unwilling to change enough to fit into their ideals. Your time there was so brief compared to the time that was ahead; yet the years of alienation and mistreatment had scarred you and left you lost without a point of focus. It was as though you, too, had been looking at the vast and black universe wondering what the point of all of this was.
You had left the planet you were born on as soon as you had the means to; traversing the universe as a vagabond; looking for a purpose or something that could bring the light back to your eyes. Epsilon was never a place that drew your attention. Your starskiff needed fuel and maintenance and this was the closest populated area available. You spent your days there mostly in hotel rooms, plagued by the nightmares about your past and the worries about your future. You had known that this was not getting you anywhere; so on your last day before you were ready for take-off, you decided it was time to go out and get some fresh air. Your aimless wandering throughout the city streets eventually led you to a tavern that was far from ordinary. Entrance was only granted if you wore a mask; which you found strange but there was someone willing to sell them outside for a couple of bucks; so it wasn't like you had to go out of your way to get one.
The atmosphere inside had been lively and almost whimsical. People gathered around the tables; each one waiting their turn to tell a story of their travels. Laughter filled the small establishment and it seemed as though every guest was in a competition with the others to fascinate and entertain the crowd the most with their tales of odd pranks and foreign worlds. It made you feel out of place once more. With the way the past few days had gone, you couldn't ever see yourself laughing along with them.
You thought back to how eager you were to leave your home world; thinking that everything would change once you started anew in a better place. You had tried connecting with people; had tried counseling and new hobbies. But you carried the weight of your sorrows around like a boulder tied to your leg or a shadow that would seem to follow you forever. That day had been the worst you felt in a while and you supposed your emotions just got the better of you in that moment. A horrible predicament, really. You don't cry in a tavern where the masked fools gather. Or at least; don't expect yourself to be crying for long.
"You're going to draw a lot of attention with that, you know?"
You had looked up at the masked stranger with quiet sobs forcing their way out of your mouth and you made it clear that you weren't looking to talk. That didn't deter him. The mask covered his whole face and he was wearing a hood but you could make out a few strands of dark blue hair falling out of it. You vividly remembered that encounter even today, after a few years had passed. Despite your protests, the stranger sat down next to you and seemed amused at your predicament.
A wiser person would have left the tavern at this point. But you were vulnerable and sad; not in a state where you could just hold your emotions in anymore. "Geez, you have no idea what place you walked into, do you?", the stranger had laughed and ordered another glass of what the menu advertised as "weird funky juice; god knows what's in there (lactose-free)". He was kind enough to educate you about the masked fools. Great, you had probably made a joke out of yourself that this guy was more than ready to find his daily share of amusement in, you had thought. But whoever he was, he didn't seem interested in making fun of you. At least not more than he made fun of himself. To his mind, all you needed was to see him try and balance his drink on his pinkie finger and failing miserably; splashing the entire thing over the bar counter. You just seemed as sad as you had been before.
"Aww, come on, I really thought that was going to get a laugh out of you", he pouted. You sighed and shook your head. "What's even in that drink?", you raised an eyebrow. "Hmm, no one knows for sure but it's lactose-free if you want to try", he shrugged with a chuckle, "so anyway, what's got you mourning like a sopping wet alley cat in this place of joy and whimsy on a Saturday night?"
In a more stable mental state you would NOT have told this overly enthusiastic, purposely clumsy guy your entire life story; but you were emotionally at the bottom and had been alone for too long. So you poured out your heart to him. And he turned everything you told him into a joke. All of those serious experiences that weighed on your heart. Whether it was the rules of the city you grew up in or the reasons a friend betrayed you or the noble who had made fun of you buying a cheap umbrella. "What, this guy?", he asked when you showed him a picture he wanted to see on your phone, "his hair looks like a paintbrush. Like he'd be great for painting my garden fence. Wait, hold on." He asked the bartender for a piece of paper and a pen.
You remembered the noble. He had always made fun of you for behaving "oddly" for what your world considered the status quo. He had spread rumors about you around the city that had the people whispering when you walked by. You remembered buying the cheap umbrella, hating the fact that you had run into him in front of the store. He had followed you for a while to the outskirts of town before he grabbed you and took your umbrella and drove away with it, leaving you standing in the rain after he called you a disgrace and a failure. You remembered how helpless and alone you had felt; how you made your way back to your house as the rain drenched you and your legs hurt. You remembered how you had gotten sick as a result and how he made fun of your sickly appearance when you went to buy your medicine at the pharmacy. How experiences like this had become your daily life for as long as you lived there.
And now you watched this masked stranger make the silliest drawing of this guy you ever could have imagined. "My apologies, I'm not the best artist but I hope this'll do", he said as you took a sip of water and he held up a stick figure sketch of him holding the noble by his legs like a comically large garden shear and painting a very badly drawn fence with the pompadour on his head. And it made you spit out your drink and let out a wheeze; much to your surprise.
"There we go!", he exclaimed. You could not see his face but you were sure there was a triumphant grin on it. You could hear it in the tone of his voice. You took the drawing out of his hands and snorted. "Why are his ears so long that they reach the ground?", you asked, laughing. "Those are supposed to be his arms", he whined and looked at it, "I think it turned out great."
He proceeded to tell you about all sorts of funny stories from his travels and invited you to dance. Your sorrows were long forgotten by that point.
The tales of the masked fools speak of the laughter of Aha that disrupted the endless nothingness of the vast universe. In your toughest times; this stranger's silly antics had gotten you out of your spiraling sadness and you had readily accepted the mask he had handed to you that night. "It doesn't seem like you have anywhere to go. Why don't you stay with us, then?"
That was five years ago. Everytime you came back to that tavern, the people welcomed you with open arms and they had long since accepted you as one of them. It felt as though you had friends there; even though you didn't know who was underneath those masks. That was the thing about the masked fools. As soon as you put on your mask; it didn't matter who you were anymore. It didn't matter whether someone was rich or poor; where they had come from or how old they were; in that tavern all were followers of the Aeon of Elation and looking to have a good time.
You still saw the masked stranger who had introduced you to his world once in a while, even though you passed each other by sometimes because you were both off to your own travels. You had played with the idea of getting to know the man behind the mask but you mused that this wasn't in the spirit of the masked fools and might make things unnecessarily difficult in a place that had always left you with good memories. But he had left your heart fluttering whenever your paths crossed.
You had gone off to another journey when you had seen the warning light on your starskiff blink again. You had the option to stop earlier and just fill up fuel everytime you landed; but you never knew what surprises were waiting for you if you let it just run its course. This time it was a frozen planet called Jarilo-VI. And truly, within the first few weeks there you had gotten roped up into all sorts of crazy adventures.
You had made plenty of friends there; some because you genuinely thought they were likeable people and some because they kept insisting that they were your friends before trying to scam you. Chaos seemed to follow Sampo Koski wherever he went and no matter how you felt about him as a person; you knew the people back at the tavern would love him and hearing about his misadventures. Natasha had reassured you that he might be up to no good but that he was in no way mean-spirited. "Besides, I think you caught his eye", she had chuckled. "Believe me, I noticed", you had rolled your eyes.
You always thought that Sampo was just a casually flirtatious person. Later on, you had come to realize that you had actually never seen him try his luck with anyone else. He argued that your sense of humor and your tendency to subtly cause a chain reaction of chaos around you was charming and had captivated him; unknowing that this behavior stemmed from your alignment with the followers of Aha. His comically bad pick-up lines and outlandish romantic gestures fell on deaf ears; however.
However, you had to admit that even though you at first only stuck around because he was a magnet for exactly the kind of jokes the masked fools would love to hear; you found that you actually enjoyed his company. For now he was still looking to scam you at every opportunity that presented itself; but maybe with time he would realize that you were better suited as a friend than a scam victim.
"Aw, come on, I'm really trying here", Sampo whined after having presented you with a flower balloon, "you're breaking my heart." You chuckled. "Sampo, your attempts at flirting are so bad that i do think you're just trying to get my money", you raised an eyebrow. The two of you had agreed to go to the overworld to get some medical supplies for Natasha. You were willing to help her out for treatment you received in the past. Sampo had to be bribed with money. "I'm not", he insisted.
"Last time you handed me a 'Congratulations! You just turned 85!' card that had the price tag still on it and you wrote 'Dear y/n, please love me back, I'm tall, blue and handsome. Yours, Sampo.' inside", you laughed at the memory of that. "I thought you would like it", he gestured wildly as both of you watched Stelle tackle a trash can in the distance, "that seemed like your type of humor." And you did like it. It just hardly came off as him having serious intentions.
The two of you got a coffee at a nearby vendor after having picked up Natasha's supplies. "It made me laugh, I admit that", you patted his head and he smiled back at you. "Well then, let's hear it, what's your attempt at a pick-up line?", he raised an eyebrow. You smirked.
"Did it hurt when you crawled out of hell?"
Sampo let out a laugh and sat down on a bench putting a finger to his chin. "Well now I'm not sure if you're flirting with me or want me to die", he exclaimed but you could tell he found the whole thing humorous. You chuckled and took a sip of your own coffee. "Let me guess; you've already got yourself a little crush on some outworlder guy on another planet", he teased, not knowing that he was absolutely correct in his assumption, "but maybe you should look around and consider what's right in front of you!"
You gave him a questioning look and pointed at Ronald the storekeeper. A grin found its way onto your face when Sampo playfully punched your shoulder and shook his head in disappointment. "I was talking about me", he pointed at his face with both fingers. "Let me guess - because you're tall, blue and handsome?", you rolled your eyes and laughed. "Finally you get it!", Sampo exclaimed, "I will count the coffee as compensation for breaking my heart."
You let out a sigh. "I didn't think I was going to get that money back anyway."
You were about to head back to the underworld when the rain started pouring down. "Oh no", you whined and Sampo led you to the Goethe Grand Hotel. "Fear not, I have a room booked here for my overworld stays", he explained and you let out a sigh of relief. He awkwardly put a hand on the back of his neck. "The only thing is; I locked myself out two days ago and I left the key inside of the room; so we're going to have to climb in. "Where do you keep your head?", you shook your head in disappointment. "It's your fault for occupying all my thoughts, heh", he winked and helped you climb up to the window on the second floor where his room was.
He got the window open and you climbed inside, finding the room empty and unused with fresh towels by the bedside and the "Hope you have a nice stay!" candy still on the desk.
"Sampo... did you just make me break into a hotel room?!", you turned around and looked at your friend climbing through the window after you. He put his index finger to your lips and whispered softly. "Shh... I paid for this room, don't question it too much", his mischievous smile made you believe that he did not, in fact, pay for it, "anyway; you want to go back out there? Be my guest, but I'm staying here where it's dry and warm." He took his shoes off and plopped himself down on the bed. He reached inside the night stand drawer and tossed you the spare key, asking you to lock the door. Unfortunately for you, the rain didn't stop for the rest of the evening.
"We can't just stay here, we broke in!", you hissed. "Sampo Koski would never commit crimes on a date." "We're not on a date." "I thought you were always up for fun and spontaneous adventures", Sampo protested. "Yes, ones that do not involve me getting arrested", you argued. But you grew tired and eventually found yourself lying down on the other side of the bed, listening to the quiet radio on the night stand that you had turned on. The news lady announced a blizzard warning and urged all citizens of Belobog to stay inside shortly before the signal died.
Wonderful, you thought and closed your eyes, praying you weren't going to wake up in jail. Unfortunately, the cold made you unable to get some rest. You looked around the room, searching for an old-fashioned heating only to find it broken. "The heater's broken", you told Sampo who did not seem bothered by this fact at the slightest. "We can always huddle for warmth if you want to", he suggested and crossed his arms behind his head while staring at the ceiling.
You rolled your eyes but thought about the idea for a while. Sampo was likely just joking with his attempts at flirting with you and he was a friend and you were freezing. You could just get up tomorrow and go your own ways again; no feelings attached.
That was how you ended up snuggled against Sampo's chest under the blanket, the storm still raging outside. He had gotten unusually quiet, simply having his arms wrapped around you and his head rested on top of yours. You thought back to the masked stranger at the tavern. The last time you had reported back to the masked fools, they had told you that he wasn't back from his travels yet and he'd likely be away for a little longer this time. But they were happy to hear about your time on Jarilo-VI. You were told they had especially laughed whenever you brought up Sampo.
You were looking forward to telling your friend about Sampo's antics when he was back from his trip, but you mused if you wanted this to go anywhere, you should probably leave out the fact that you cuddled said scammer in a hotel room you broke into. Now that you had accepted your predicament; you did see the hilarity in this situation. And what good was a masked fool who couldn't laugh about themselves once in a while?
You noticed you could hear Sampo's heartbeat. His chest felt warm through the fabric of his shirt and you had to admit that this was quite comfortable. "What's got you so quiet, hmm?", you broke the silence. Sampo chuckled. "I'm still thinking about 'Did it hurt when you crawled out of hell?'", he patted your head and you could feel his chest rise and fall with his laugh, "I'm going to use this the next time I'm surrounded by foes. This will confuse them and throw off their groove, allowing me to run away." You laughed and shook your head.
"You're so out of touch with reality sometimes, Sampo Koski." He shrugged. "As long as I'm able to bring a little joy to your life, what more do I want?"
Sampo eventually started running his fingertips up and down your arm. Your exhaustion eventually got the better of you and you closed your eyes. Sampo must have thought that you were sleeping because he pulled you closer and whispered quietly. "I really like you, you know that? What do I do with you?", you heard him sigh but said nothing.
You thought back to the masked stranger. You didn't even know who he was behind the mask. Was this really going anywhere? Or maybe Sampo was right and you were too set on a love that might not even be reciprocated to see other options. Despite all the times he had tried to scam you and perhaps because chaos seemed to follow him wherever he went, you felt comfortable around Sampo. You felt safe in his arms.
Maybe I should give him a chance...
You eventually fell asleep in his arms with that thought on your mind.
Sampo Koski woke up that morning to your cold hands on his exposed midriff, presumably after you had dunked them in ice-cold water. He shot up instantly, accidentally headbutting you in the process. He groaned from the pain and held his head. "Rise and shine", you teased and Sampo let out a laugh. Moments like these were what made him fall for you after all.
He was unaware of how similar the thoughts running through your mind were to his own. That you considered telling him about your true purpose for coming to Jarilo-VI. That you thought he'd make a great addition to the masked fools. That you considered asking him to join you.
"Can you get my phone?", he asked you, still struggling to keep his eyes open due to the bright light coming through the window, "it's in my backpack." You were about to tell him to go get it himself but curiosity got the better of you. What did Sampo Koski carry in his backpack?
As you rummaged through the bag, you found that the answer to that question was his phone, a notebook titled "scam ideas" and a finger trap.
You were about to pull out the phone and close the bag again when your eyes landed on a mask that looked all too familiar. Your heartbeat quickened as the realization kicked in. "What's wrong?", he asked, looking at you with a puzzled expression, "you look like you've seen a ghost in there. Oh...is it the scam list? I can explain that one." You held up the intricately designed mask, one much like your own but individual to its user. "Oh that? Won it at a fun fair a couple years back", Sampo lied and brushed you off. You wordlessly reached into your own backpack to pull out the mask he had given you all those years ago.
"Sad clown fella?!", he exclaimed in shock. "I told you to stop calling me that!", you retorted and Sampo ran a hand through his messy bedhead, trying to make sense of this situation. "What are the odds?", he shook his head in disbelief, "the universe truly is a joke."
You looked at him for a while as a painful silence settled between you. The masked stranger who had eased your sadness and introduced you to a life of fun and adventure all those years ago was none other than Sampo Koski. And the sobbing individual at the bar he got a laugh out of with a silly drawing turned out to be the outworlder Sampo found himself absolutely infatuated with.
And once more the silence and uncertainty was broken by both of you breaking out into laughter. A feeling of relief settled in your heart. "I can't believe it's you!", Sampo exclaimed and got up from the bed, "well, isn't that something? I bet they're clowning on us back at the tavern every day." "Oh god, yes", you held your head, imagining the reactions knowing full-well that both of you were on Jarilo-VI unmasked, "we accidentally became the butt of the joke we were trying to create."
"Well that's a wonderful conclusion to this journey, don't you think? All within the spirit of Aha", Sampo grinned, "well, to celebrate our reunion, how about we finally go out on a- hmph-".
He didn't get very far until you pulled him closer by his waist and your lips crashed into his own. Sampo was stunned for a moment, his eyes widening, before he closed them and kissed you back passionately. You buried your fingers in the hair that fell into the back of his neck and you could feel him smile into the kiss. "I love you", his breath was warm on your lips when he whispered those words. You pulled him into another kiss, your tongue clashing with his. Sampo held you very close; not wanting to let go of you now that you were finally his.
You rested your forehead against his with a smile on your face. "I love you too." He kissed you again, this time much more gentle than he was before. He cupped your cheeks and poured all the love for you into his kiss. Sadly enough, even this moment had to end.
"Room cleaning service!", you heard a voice, followed by a knock on the door. "Oh god, we need to leave", Sampo hastily grabbed his bag and was on his way to the window. "So we really did break in!", you hissed and grabbed your own things. "I thought you figured that out already, why do you still sound surprised?", he asked as you followed Sampo Koski out of the window, giggling about the absurdity of the situation.
Maybe being finally united with the one you loved was worth breaking into a room for.
A few days later you found yourself in front of a large broadcasting apparatus in Rivet Town, ready to report back to the masked fools. Sampo tightly held your hand in his, smiling at you from the side. "They'll never let us live that down", you sighed as you put on your mask. Sampo lifted it again to grab your chin and press one last kiss to your lips.
"Then let's give them a grand finale to the show."
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pix3lplays · 3 months
Even though I am on break. I just want to say thank you for your words. In exchange, I will give you an idea.
I had thoughts of Yandere Aha. Aha blesses people you are going to date as a way to get closer to you. Your future partner starts to be more crazy and ecstatic. Your partner then receives a mask and it says that if they wear they can stop the delusions. They wear it as soon as they wore it, they sealed their fate and became a puppet for the Aeon.
I like to think that when someone wears a mask from Aha. Aha can posses them.
Yeah, of course, take care of yourself and take your time, thank you for the idea~
How did you know I am so normal for Aha~
My first aeon love oh my gosh I’m so normal about them and this idea…fun piece of Pixel lore: I am unwell over Aha.
Notes: I had to do some research for this one…I will probably go with the idea of Aha just…taking over reader’s partners, but interestingly enough Aha can actually shape shift into a human…I wonder what they’d look like in a human form.
ANYWAYS gonna take this idea and play with it, sorry it’s not exact but it’s giving me thoughts, and based on my research I think Aha would be powerful enough to do what I’m describing?? It’s hard to say exactly how the powers of the Aeons work so I make some assumptions, and Aha has even been described as less powerful as some of the other Aeons but…they’re still an Aeon…they still DESTROYED an entire planet. I’m telling you these Aeons are SCARY…
I believe Aha refers to themself in the third person in the games so…that’s what I’m going with.
Not a fic not headcanons but a secret third thing
Totally made something up for what Aha sounds like
Cw! Yandere themes, Aha using people as puppets/vessels, body horror, Aha breaking peoples’ minds, stalking Aeon-style, horror elements, violence, death
-Yandere! Aha x reader-
You didn’t care for the Aeons. Maybe that’s what attracted Aha to you in the first place? You weren’t a Masked Fool…you haven’t been blessed by an Aeon…you were just a regular person, maybe a little jaded with life but…you were doing okay for yourself.
You still remember him…your first partner. He was so sweet, loved you so much…gave you a bit more of a fervor for being alive and living. You can’t remember anymore how long you were married to him.
Who can say exactly what changed…but you would wager it had something to do with the Masked Fools. He had the unfortunate privilege of running into them, you didn’t know what happened, but he hadn’t been the same since.
Could you have even helped him if you knew? You’re not sure. But you felt it every time you were together. An unwanted presence in your bedroom…a feeling like so many pairs of eyes on you, no matter where you went…a faint tugging at the back of your minds, the tiniest touch of insanity ripping at your psyche…the faint sound of bells in the distance that you forced yourself to dismiss. It was nothing. Just the wind, just the wind.
Your husband’s decent into madness was quick and painful.
You came home one day from work and your husband was waiting for you. Just standing so still, in the kitchen, head tilted at a slightly unnatural angle, a smile spreads on his face when he sees you, a smile too wide…
It makes you stop in your tracks.
He comes closer, you back away, his movements…they are not human…it’s subtle but NOT human.
“What’s the matter, dear?” he asks, dragging a hand along the dining table, as if that would help make his movements appear more human. It just results in him accidentally knocking a glass off the table, just cementing the idea in your mind that something is DEFINITELY wrong and that is NOT your husband.
You back into the kitchen counter, your eyes not leaving your “husband” while you reach for a kitchen knife.
“Stay AWAY from me! What ARE you and what have you done with my husband?!” you demand, angling the knife at him.
The creature laughs. Laughs hard, the sound of your husband’s voice fading away and turning into a cacophony of voices. You know that laugh. The one you dismissed as a mere daydream, just a side effect of an overactive imagination…
That sensation that felt like a tugging at the back of your mind returns.
You know what this is.
THIS is the creature that has been stalking you and your husband all this time.
“Aha is just borrowing his body…” the creature explains, getting closer and closer to you. “Aha is just-”
You don’t let them finish. As soon as they’re close enough you swing the knife, and the creature catches the blade with your husband’s hand, gripping tight enough on the sharp side of the weapon that his fingers are bleeding while Aha grins even wider at you.
They click their tongue at you mockingly, pulling the knife out of your hands, giving their own bleeding hand a shake, amused at the fact that they were in such a frail, mortal body. You watch the blood splatter onto the floor.
“Attacking your own husband,” the Aeon laughs…“you’re much more heartless than Aha anticipated. How…”
Using your husband’s body, the Aeon cups your face, coating one of your cheeks in blood. Writhe all you want, their grip is strong.
“Fun,” the Aeon says, grinning. “Aha looks forward to seeing more of you…Aha will be watching, as long as you continue to be entertaining…”
“Leave us ALONE!!” you shout, and with that sickening laughter, the Aeon releases your husband, who looks at you with wide, terrified eyes before collapsing onto the floor.
He didn’t remember any of it. There are gaps in his memory, black spots of inky blackness when Aha took over…the only sensations being the pain of being twisted from the inside by the Aeon.
The two of you turn to the Masked Fools for help…nothing comes of it. You shouldn’t be surprised that you were only met with laughter, or them saying, “if it is true…consider yourself blessed.”
Right…some blessing.
At first your husband stuck beside you but…the presence of Aha was really destroying your married life.
At first Aha would only take over your husband on occasion…stay a short while, and leave just as quickly.
But soon it was becoming more and more frequent…soon your husband had more memories of darkness than of you. Soon you were begging Aha to just LEAVE YOU ALONE while the Aeon held you in the body of your husband, stroking your hair and cooing to you in many voices.
He couldn’t take it anymore, and really…you couldn’t blame him…
You still remember when he said he wanted a divorce.
You don’t know why he bothered to take you to the opera that night, just to tell you the two of you were through at the end of the performance. You’re walking together, and when you get to the large staircase on your way out, you sense it. Aha’s presence. You try. Try to grab your husband’s arm but it’s too late. Aha tripped him up, forced him to slip…and fall all the way down the stairs. You and everyone else could only watch helplessly. He landed at the bottom of the stairs with an ungraceful sound…
It was a long fall…he was dead.
You were suddenly alone. You locked yourself away for a while…your only company being the faint sounds that told you Aha was watching.
And when you finally let yourself live again…you set limits. No more love. You wouldn’t let Aha hurt anyone else because of you.
So the Aeon will just have to be more aggressive with you.
Soon it didn’t matter anymore. As long as you were anywhere where there were people, you were guaranteed to run into the Aeon, in the body of some poor soul who would be permanently damaged from the experience. Aha no longer had the patience to be gentle.
Avoid people all you want…soon it was the Masked Fools chasing after you, trying to see Aha for themselves.
You tried to tell them they’d just be hurting themselves by associating with you but…no one will listen. More puppets for Aha…
Really, you lose regardless of what you do…you could just isolate yourself. Never hurt anyone again. But you wouldn’t even be living.
Or accept that the Aeon will just keep chasing you, trampling anyone they pleased, learn to live with it, that you’re unwillingly the cause of so much pain…
If only you knew that the solution was so simple…
Just submit.
You can’t outrun an Aeon.
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nqmonarch · 1 month
Aeon Brainrot Fic Part 1
Goal: Make a yandere Aeon harem. This is part 1, introducing Aeon 1, guess who it is (it's in the tags).
Aeons can transform into human forms to like blend in and shit, they're still Aeons but they're not the size of a planet. It's like true form human form shit, not sure if that's canon (it is for Aha apparently) but it is in this story.
CW: None, but this series will probably become a yandere one later (but that's not in this part) so get attached at your own risk.
Your search history was downright concerning.
Hot Aeons near me
Would you die if you fucked an Aeon
Fuli video IPC
How to talk to an Aeon
Can you bring dead Aeons back to life
Who is Idrila
Can you date Aeons
That was okay so long as none of your coworkers knew about it. People on Herta's Space Station tended to have some weird interests but yours... they'd gone a bit far. On the bright side thanks to your knowledge of Aeons (even if it was due to unsavory desires like holding an Aeon's hand) you'd been recruited to help with the Simulated Universe.
You just weren't allowed to experience it yourself. Huge L for you. Instead you had to watch as this random space racoon ran through it all AND HOLY SHIT DID THEY JUST GET KISSED BY YAOSHI? NO FUCKING WAY!!!
"Trailblazer," You were near tears when they exited the simulation causing them to rush over to you, "How-- how could you? I thought we were friends..."
The Trailblazer looked at you nervously like a lost child as Herta let out a 'tch', "Control yourself," She turned to the trailblazer and began to brief them about Yaoshi all while you stared at the floor in despair.
"...It should've been me..." You whispered punching the floor softly and then apologizing to it, the floor didn't deserve that.
Sure you may be a minor fan of the Aeons, they were really cool, and maybe you made fanart and fanfiction of them and consumed a lot of it (the very little there was, to be honest the majority of the merch was by you) and bought all the merch even the overpriced Qlipoth merch from the IPC and maybe-- Okay you were a fan. You weren't a fanatic though it wasn't like you were stalking the Aeons or giving them gifts but... No. Your morals went against that, you were a good person who just happened to like atrocious people.
But Aeons couldn't be judged by human standards, so you couldn't say they were atrocious. But it'd be so cool-- so so cool to meet one. You at least had to try, but how?
You gave up. It was impossible to meet an Aeon of your own will, and once more you were confined to your bed of tears. You weren't able to stay in your room and cry for long though because this new researcher had taken up a hobby of annoying you. You didn't even know their name they were just always there.
You were making some work appropriate art of Tayzzyronth, a beautiful creature despite the destruction it left in its wake. You heard it'd been born out of loneliness being the last of its species-- ISN'T THAT TRAGIC?! You really wanted to hug the poor bug. But if it wasn't for that loneliness it would never be able to become the beautiful Aeon it could be, what a tragedy...
"So, whatcha doing?" An androgynous voice came from behind you, as you shot into the air, and slapped your hand over the person's eyes.
Oh it was them, you should really figure out their name, "Shit-- I thought I told you to stop sneaking up behind me?!" The panic was barely concealed in your voice as they slipped their hand up to remove your hand from their eyes.
"Damn, you suck!" They said, the audacity of this no name researcher!
You glared at them, holding your hand to your chest, "Excuse me?!"
Unfortunately for you, they took the opportunity to look at your laptop behind you, "Ooo where'd you get this photo?"
You were going to cry. Actually, maybe if you knocked them out you could convince them it was a hallucination. Well, a good punch to the head should do it! You raised your fist and punched them straight in the jaw. They stumbled back, still clearly conscious, and a light blush on their cheeks.
Maybe you should've aimed for the eyes? Eh, whatever you could just keep going until they were knocked out. You raised your hand again, maybe a good slap across the cheek would be better. It connected with a snap, leaving a red imprint on their cheek.
Fuck, they were still conscious. How were you going to explain this, actually, you should've tried this to start with.
You stared dead into the new researcher's eyes, "You were hallucinating."
Both of their cheeks were red as they blinked at you with amber eyes, once and then twice before beginning to laugh, "Ahahahahaha!" They began to clutch their stomach and you began to look around for a weapon.
You had no other choice now, "Man I really didn't think you'd do that!" They spoke elatedly, as you grabbed the monitor from your desk, they paused. "Wait what are you doing?" You raised the monitor above your head and they began to laugh hysterically again.
You paused letting out an aggrieved sigh, "Stop laughing!" What was wrong with this person?! Sure the researcher's at Herta's Space Station were weird but this one was extra weird-- actually you'd met weirder. You lowered the monitor and stared at them calculatingly.
"Aw, why'd you stop?" They teased you, leaning closer to you.
You don't think you'd be able to get away with murder. "I wasn't going to do anything." You stared blankly into their eyes and put the monitor away.
"Oh c'mon, is it because I was laughing?" They scuttled after you like a rodent, "Do it, do it!" They egged you on, "Why're you putting it away?"
You looked back at them blankly, "It was never out in the first place. You're hallucinating."
They blinked back, once, twice, "So... was I also hallucinating about the Tayzzyronth fanart you made?" This bastard. No, no if you killed someone you'd get found out. Maybe you could lure them to one of those airlocks and they could mysteriously fall out into space? Yeah, yeah, that'd be good.
But right now, you heard the steps of several researchers shit-- break must be over. You ran over to your computer closing out of your drawing program, and fifteen different tabs all relating to Aeons, then cleared your search history. You were safe another day.
Except... you stared over at the unknown researcher, "Not a fucking word."
They nodded, and you heard your coworkers enter, "Y/N, you stayed behind for lunch? Make sure to take care of yourself too," Generic coworker number one said and you nodded absentmindedly in response as the unknown researcher turned to them.
"Hey do you guys want to see this really cool art Y/--" That fucker. You ran over, slapping your hand over their mouth, and letting out a nervous laugh.
You stared at your coworkers, "Uh my... my..." fuck if only you knew this person's name, "lover,"
"Yes, my lover seems a bit tired I will uh put them to rest, please give me some time," You said letting out a small forced laugh and you heard the unnamed researcher begin to laugh from behind your hand you turned to them with a glare and whispered, "I will choke you."
With that you dragged them out of the room, keeping your hand over their mouth. Once you left the room you decided to let them breathe but instantly regretted it, "Choke me like you hate me but you love me--"
"Why are you like this?" You stared at the researcher pitifully and they only smiled at you.
"So about that fanart--" They began.
"Can you keep your mouth shut?!" Sure it was known that you studied Aeons but, your personal feelings weren't as well known. Maybe you could just write it off as research?
Somehow this lead to you and this random ass researcher whose name you still didn't know in your room late at night. In exchange for their silence you had to show them your collection, which they were now leisurely thumbing through.
"Ooo, I always felt like IX would be super cuddly if they weren't like doomed to kill whoever they were near, just the vibes," They commented offhandedly looking at some of your fanfiction.
"Right?! You get it!" You said excitedly and at their stare changing to focus on you, you immediately receded into yourself, "Why did you want to look at this anyway?"
They blinked at you, once and then twice before a smile stretched their cheeks wide, "It's funny. I've met followers of Yaoshi who worshipped the ground they stepped on like little dogs! The Annihilation Gang would've done anything for their "savior" Nanook. But..." They stared at you, cheeks rosy and excited, "to love them all with such fanaticism, even I could barely stand Tayzzyronth! They were amusing but became tiring quickly. It's just fun." They grinned at you ecstatically.
"I'm not a fanatic," You said in defense, "I can just admire the beauty of the things around me."
"Ahaha yes, yes!" They nodded at your words and then with eyes still in the shape of crescents asked, "Do you have any works of Aha by chance?"
You perked up at their sudden interested and cleared your throat, "I mean obviously, each Aeon has their own strong suit and beauty. Even one that only chases laughter with no regard of their effect on their world. There's still something so charming about it," You said seriously staring into the researcher's eyes.
They read through fanfiction, admired fanart, and then broke your piece of merch. That fucker--
"Are you asking to get hit?" Your smile was strained as they laughed before pausing.
"It's starting to get boring again," They muttered and looked at you, thinking for a moment before shrugging, "I'll be back! Don't forget me, okay?"
You stared at them blankly, "Yeah, by the way, who are you?"
"Ahahaha!" They let out a laugh as you remained emotionless, "I was..." they placed their finger to their chin and then pointed it at you, "your lover right?"
With that you watched their body disappear into a stack of cards which fluttered throughout the room. What the-- Had you been hallucinating all along?! You stared at the space where they had once been.
If it wasn't a hallucination it was someone strong, who derived joy from making people embarrassed, and wanted entertainment-- maybe a slight masochist as well based on their reaction from you hitting them? Your heart began to speed up, if they were an Aeon it would be Aha but... Aha would probably bring more chaos with them, more destroyed things.
A card landed on your cheek and you moved to brush it off, but it stuck. And then the rest of the cards began to turn to your body and glide toward it.
"What the fuck..." You stared at them for a split moment before beginning to run. Fuck-- it didn't matter who they were! No way was that an Aeon! Probably was just another asshole from your department playing a prank on you!
Why were the cards still chasing you?! Surely if you ran enough they'd stop! You raced through the space ship until you eventually reached the room that was the entrance to the simulated universe. Oh there was the trailblazer and Herta how convenient!
"Can I get some help?!" You called out and they both turned to you, unfortunately talking made you slow down a bit and--
"Mfmph..." You were a card mummy now great, at least you found someone that can help-- WERE THEY IGNORING YOU? AFTER ALL YOU DID? TRAILBLAZER NO-- YOU THOUGHT YOU WERE FRIENDS
Yandere parts won't be showing yet, they'll show later when some more Aeons are introduced (on this note I really do have to catch up with sim universe for the few crumbs of Aeons we're allowed because like 75% of this is just my delusions, but hey that's fun).
Pretty sure Aha is canonically a masochist because of the Aha doll thing. Anyway I feel like Aha would eat up someone being like romantically into not just one Aeon (like the one they worship) but literally wanting to fuck all the Aeons including Tayzyyronth which let's be honest, people aren't super big on because of the murder.
Also I feel like Aha would be into fanfiction and fanart and all that stuff? Dude would be one of those fans that leaves trolling hate comments on their favorite work but if the author stops updating they will hunt them down.
Anyway don't let that distract you from the fact you were about to murder a new researcher over seeing your Tayzzyronth fanart.
I wrote this in 2 hours on the spur of a whim
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nqmonarch · 5 months
Red Flags in HSR Characters
I have a problem of simping for the most red flagged characters except I can't handle red flags. Like violence makes me nope the fuck out of any relationship, I am so scared of getting hurt in any way, shape, or form. In real life I'm fucking terrified of being manipulated into being dependent on someone because I've experienced that shit and it isn't fun. Hate being insulted, degraded, all of that.
But the red flagged characters are just too cool???
Like Dr. Ratio, sure he's a pompous shit and would probably end up degrading you which I hate but he's so cool?! So I need to find some way to make him into this weird yellow flag without making myself into some super genius because no way is that gonna happen.
So instead put him in like a tutor AU, he's teaching you and when you get something wrong he gives you such a side ways insult. Like it takes a minute to realize it's an insult, it's worded in such a creative peculiar way. The second it registers you begin doing ten times worse on every question. It doesn't take long for him to realize that being told you're shit isn't inspiring to everyone. So he takes a... kinder approach. He's still a hard ass and strict but he's actively trying to do better and you can tell, when he starts a sentence suddenly stops and then brings that sentence in a completely different direction. You both end up learning. You end up learning the material and he ends up learning how to be somewhat better at dealing with people whose ideal day isn't being insulted.
Then there's the aeons. i simp for all of them, like how can you not??? Especially Nanook (using he/him pronouns for Nanook), Yaoshi, IX, and Aha. Now first off IX isn't a red flag IX is a lovely little black hole who I will defend with my life. But the other three??? They're as red as a stop sign.
Like sure, Nanook would probably destroy you the first chance he gets. Maybe Nanook is the destruction because he wants to be destroyed. I, I don't know man. Like he's so beautiful but how the hell do you even write romance with him? That isn't just like destroying the love interest.
Maybe he's had an insatiable urge to destroy everything ever since the dawn of his existence and he can't remember why. He's always been filled with rage, hatred, toward everything that's existed. Then he sees you and it all comes rushing back toward him. Your death, the hole it filled, the only thing that could really be blamed was the universe. It was everyone and everything's fault. So he would destroy it all to protect you.
Still a red flag but man I'm trying my best, no matter what Nanook will always be a red flag. Yaoshi on the other hand... surely there's a way I can make Yaoshi into a yellow flag after all they just want to help.
Yaoshi who would save your entire planet, heal every individual part of the ecosystem and every person, just to see you smile. They would ask nothing in return and instead remain by your side, enjoying the beautiful of the world. Then the mara strikes, people begin to lose their minds and themselves and you're left to beg them for a way to reverse this. But this is the price of life.
Yaoshi assures you that this is natural but they still watch on in horror as you inevitably succumb to the mara as well. Only then do they try to figure out how to fix it.
The further I get the more hopeless I become. Then there's Aha...
They probably found you entertaining at first, a human full of surprises and excitement, someone that could survive any trial. Then you grew on them a bit more and they found himself becoming attached. Aha wasn't supposed to be attached but this of course just makes an opportunity for more entertainment! Now they're actually invested and can experience the nail biting tension of all this drama!
Just another form of entertainment, it'll be a shame when you're gone though.
Then there's all the other beautiful red flags Ruan Mei, Jing Liu, Blade, Luocha, and Aventurine and Sunday seem like red flags as well even though they're not out. Like if bad to date why do I want to date?
Their red flags are a part of them and it's hard to work around it, so sometimes you just gotta embrace it. Life's rough man. In the end it's my fault for liking red flags. I'll just stick to Jing Yuan for now, peak husband material.
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nqmonarch · 4 months
(As this is my pinned post) DO NOT send me asks asking for donations or to post to help you get donations if you are not using GoFundMe. There are a lot of scams going around on Tumblr with people asking for donations but being bot accounts and using Paypal. Anyone that doesn't follow this will be ignored.
lmk if there's any problems with links or if i'm missing something
anyway my favoritism def doesn't show at all in this list.
Jing Yuan
Jing Yuan Hug 1
Self Aware Jing Yuan Hug
Sick Reader Jing Yuan Hug
Depressed Reader Jing Yuan Hug
Jing Yuan Hug 2 + Surprise
Jing Yuan and Crying Reader Hug
Jing Yuan Hug 3
Comforting Self Aware Jing Yuan
Afraid of Falling in Love
Thoughts on Yandere! Blade (Check reblogs for a bunch more Yandere! Blade thoughts from @crozaqe)
Yandere Blade x Reader Part 1 (long read)
Yandere Blade x Reader Part2
Yandere Blade x High Cloud Quintet! Reincarnated! Reader
Dan Heng
Good Girl/Boy Pt 1
Dan Heng's Tail
Good Girl/Boy Pt 1
Good Girl/Boy Pt 2
After Life
Dream AU Part 1
Aeon Lover AU Part 1
Aeon Lover AU Part 2
Aeon Lover AU Part 2
General Aventurine HCs
Comforting Aventurine <3
Yan!Black Swan+Sparkle x Reader
Black Swan
Yan!Black Swan+Sparkle x Reader
No Specific Character
Modern AU 1
Modern AU 2
Thoughts 1
HSR Red Flags
Self Aware! HSR + Genshin and Emotes
Self Aware HSR With Free to Play Reader
Self Aware HSR With Free to Play Reader Part 2
High Cloud Quintet, There is Nothing we Can Do
Thoughts on Being in a Relationship With Aeons
Self Aware AU And Dead Characters
Genshin Impact
Good Girl/Boy Pt 2
Hu Tao
Hanahaki Disease
No Specific Character
Self Aware! HSR + Genshin and Emotes
Love and Deep Space
Zayne eats a cacti (kind of just more thoughts on it)
Yandere x and versus Oblivious Reader
Original Writing (Iris and Odette)
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