#How to Cure Thyroid
wellextol · 3 months
Your Thyroid, Your Metabolism: How a 30-Second Technique Can Change Your Life After 35
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myfitnessteacher · 11 months
Thyroid Cure | Cure Thyroid Problem Permanently in 4 Steps(100% Guaranteed)
Hyper and Hypo thyroidism are two most common endocrine disorders that originate as a result of malfunctioning of the thyroid gland, when this butterfly shaped gland in your neck doesn’t work at its peak efficiency it causes an overall imbalance this results in the form of fatigue sudden increase or decrease in weight hair, fall bulging eye's mood swings, depression, menstrual disorders and even infertility, no doubt thyroid malfunction is a serious disorder. Read more
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stayverywell · 2 years
How to Get Cured of Thyroid Problems Permanently With Natural Remedies?
The good news is that all thyroid diseases can be treated and cured if you take prevention in early stages. All you need to do is to maintain a proper diet and take medication suggested by the thyroid surgeon in India. But in most cases, patient with thyroid cancer can be treated through surgery and a few radioactive treatments. Unfortunately, if you are also suffering from the same problem then don’t panic just consult with a thyroid specialist and obey what he prescribes. Moreover, you can also follow these home remedies as these also have effective results and work in thyroid problems. Read More
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Can BP, Thyroid be reversed like Diabetes can?
Rising urbanization and the unhealthy diets, and sedentary lifestyles that go with it have enabled this unrecognized, rising pandemic of non-communicable chronic diseases. Take a deeper dive into these so-called “lifestyle diseases” to understand more about their causes, risk factors, and how they can be treated holistically.
Click on link to read more: https://www.freedomfromdiabetes.org/blog/post/can-bp-thyroid-etc-be-reversed-like-diabetes/2889
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235uranium · 3 months
"you wouldn't be disabled if the world was built to accommodate mobility differences!" and here I thought it was being in pain + having a chronic illness that can cause just about every symptom!
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Dr. Ashish Saini, Consultant Endocrinologist at Kailash Hospital in Greater Noida, is committed to unraveling the nuances of thyroid disorders specifically in male patients.
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kailashdeepakhospital · 4 months
In this article, we shed light on male-specific thyroid symptoms, the avenues for treatment, and the importance of seeking expert care.
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kutyaharapas · 8 months
slaps my body. hey. shut the fuck up in there
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thebubblemaster · 2 years
#i need to like vent somewhere and this is as good a place as any bc tumblr hides long tags so pple can just scross past but#having chronic fatigue is so frustrating because im either asleep or exhausted and basic tasks feel impossible#during a fatigue spell i just cant function and i lose track of the time and the day and the world feels like it just moves around me#i have to save the little energy i have for feeding myself and maintaining my hygiene so sometimes i just lay in bed half asleep#i can either scroll through my phone or watch a video or something else that requires little movement or thought#bc if im not i might cry from how frustrated i am and how heavy my body feels and how sluggish my brain is and how slow my words are#and i just#comparing the really bad days to the really good ones brings a lot of melancholy bc the difference is so stark#on my best days i wake up early and clean my room and work out and get my hw done and go to every class and walk on campus#ill keep up with my laundry and dishes and ill go out with my roommates or meet with a friend or make it through a work shift#these are all such ordinary things that i take for granted when im well that i wish i could do at least one of when im unwell#i used to think it was laziness or stress or lack of sleep#i used to push myself to the point of feeling faint and get mad at myself for not being able to handle everyday life#i used to have breakdowns over my inability to function and have my parents list off all the things i was doing wrong that made me tired#i asked my mom if maybe i should go to the doctor and get some tests and she would tell me that theres no magical cure#that if my tests came back with nothing wrong then what would i do#even now knowing im developing a thyroid issue i find myself angry that there are days i cant do anything because of my fatigue#i would give anything to be functional even 80% of the time#ive never known what its like to not be slightly tired and unfocused and uncomfortable#its depressing
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devsatya · 2 years
Shilajit is the most important herb of Ayurvedic systems. It is famous worldwide in impotence, erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, etc. It is fast gaining popularity for other uses as well like helping break down fat, thyroid health, anemia, weakness, energy levels, etc. Sanctified with powerful adaptogenic and aphrodisiac properties, Shilajit or Asphaltum is also used for stress support.
Buy now..
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balkanradfem · 4 days
Health news!
So, I've been having neck pain, that turned into head pain, for a year and a half now, and while I've had some more comfort since the center of pain was switched to my head, I've still been unable to walk, run, dance, jump, or use any tools like a hammer or a hoe. My right arm became functional again, but my left arm hurts from even holding a cup of tea. I had a neck MRI, and then a brain MRI, and there was no visible cause of pain, so I had a talk with my doctor, and she decided to test my blood for low vitamin D and low B12, and to check my thyroid function.
It turned out my thyroid is fine, but I had low b12, and critically low Vitamin D. She explained to me I need to get b12 shots every month, and that this could be the cause of the pain. When I came in, the doctor seemed overjoyed we finally found something concrete that is wrong with me, that we could treat, while I was wildly skeptical because I've been looking up symptoms of the deficiencies. While I had every symptom for vitamin D deficiency, I had none for b12, and only one article suggested there could be muscle pain as a result of it. Seems like feeble proof.
I have not been ignorant of my poor diet and living habits, I knew I had low vitamin D, and had supplemented it over the winter months, but apparently the store-bought dose I was taking was not enough. I did suspect a b12 deficiency as well, and was starting to take some B vitamins recently, but then read somewhere that they're dangerous to randomly take so I stopped. So what I'm saying is I knew I was sorta deficient, didn't think it was a big deal, I thought I was fixing it, I wasn't, my supplements didn't affect my pain or health. I got prescribed some powerful Vitamin D supplement, and got a b12 shot.
I have to say though, the nurse who was giving me the shot was acting ridiculous, first she was saying it to me like I'm a child, and I'm an adult, so I said 'I like shots, this won't be a problem'. She was not impressed. When she put the needle in me, I commented on how I can barely feel it, because I love acting cool in front of women with my high pain tolerance, but then she said 'When people tense their muscles it can get real bad and the needle can get stuck inside of them'. She said that while the needle was in me! I said 'I don't think I should be hearing this right now' and struggled to stay relaxed, and then she quickly pulled it out and it was fine. Maybe she just hated my positive attitude about getting the shot and needed me to be more apprehensive and afraid, which I don't feel is an attitude a medical professional should have?? Anyway. The shot was free for me so I love that.
The doctor told me 'you're going to feel much better next few months', super confidently, but I am still skeptical, I mean I wish I did feel better, and I'm relieved that something at least is getting attempted, and maybe a healthy dose of vitamin D will help with mental health, so okay, that would be an improvement. I doubt it will cure my head hurting while I walk though. Maybe I just don't understand deficiencies.
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wellextol · 3 months
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Your Thyroid, Your Metabolism: How a 30-Second Technique Can Change Your Life After 35
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theoddvet · 1 month
having autoimmune thyroiditis (Hashimoto's disease) is so fucking annoying not because I have to take meds for the rest of my life but purely because of how everyone thinks it can be cured by diet changes, exercise, and stress management
no I can't fucking fix it with an Instagram scammers diet sheet, I don't have enough functional thyroid tissue left to even fucking fix
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lilyginnyblackv2 · 1 year
Misaki’s Cancer: CW for mentions of cancer, scars, and treatments - BD E10 SPOILERS!
I wanted to look a bit more into Misaki’s cancer. I am not an expert on this topic at all, just going off of info I find online, so anyone who is more informed, please feel free to add your thoughts, more info, etc.
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The only thing we really have to go off of in regards to it is the scar, which looks similar to a scar after thyroid cancer removal:
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Most of the thyroid cancer scars you find online are post-two weeks, so I��m going to assume that is the same for Misaki’s scar or, at the very least, that that is the youngest the scar is. She could have had the surgery a bit further back as well. How prominent/dark and how faded a scar looks can also very a lot from person to person for a variety of reasons.
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We also have Misaki saying, “The cancer spread to here.” Now, I’m not sure if this means that she has had cancer in other parts of her body, and has had it removed, and then it has spread up to her throat, or if this is talking more about how some types of thyroid cancer can spread to other tissues in the throat, such as the lymph nodes.
When Rei asks Misaki if she is going to die, she doesn’t give a direct answer, instead saying:
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“God’s so cruel.” And:
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“After everything I’ve been through already,”
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“he throws this on the pile.”
To me, that isn’t her confirming a death sentence, but more so just implying that her life has gotten more complicated and the cancer caused a lot of general upheaval in her life that wasn’t present before (though before there were a lot of other issues as well, but that’s a different story). 
After all, even though she has had the thyroid cancer removed, there are still other things she would have to worry about. Such as:
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“taking lifelong thyroid hormone replacements,” possibly “supplements to balance your calcium levels,” and other treatments to ensure that the cancer has not returned or spread elsewhere. 
When looking into thyroid cancer, however, it seems that this cancer isn’t generally a super fatal one, especially for Misaki’s age:
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70% of all thyroid cancer deaths occur in patients who are 65 years and older, with an average age of 73 years. Most forms of thyroid cancer aren’t fatal as well:
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As the text in the image above notes: Most thyroid cancers can be cured, especially if they have not spread to distant parts of the body. If the cancer can’t be cured, the goal of treatment may be to remove or destroy as much of the cancer as possible and to keep it from growing, spreading, or returning for as long as possible. 
The survival rate is also quite high:
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Text: “In the United States, the 5-year survival rate for people with thyroid cancer is 98%. However, survival rates are based on many factors, including the specific type of thyroid cancer and stage of the disease.
Of course, the above information is United States based. Japan’s thyroid cancer survival and death rate are a bit different (survival is lower and death rates higher), though this may be due to having a larger elderly demographic (as noted above, with most deaths occurring in those 65 years and over).
Now, based on what Misaki said, we know that there has been “spreading.” But does that mean that the cancer spread into the thyroids or does that mean that cancer from elsewhere spread into her thyroid? If it’s the former, then her survival rate is still rather high:
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It would be Stage 2 Regional Cancer which, according to this graphic above, has a 97.6% survival rate. Though, it should be noted that she may have anaplastic thyroid cancer, which is a very aggressive form of thyroid cancer and often results in death (and not much time to live afterwards).
Also, if the cancer’s source isn’t the thyroids and it spread there from somewhere else, then that means she has Stage 3 Cancer, can vary or range depending on the kind, but is generally a lot lower. 
We still don’t have a 100% clear picture on this aspect, but Misaki’s cancer isn’t necessarily a death sentence. It might have just been a very painful and life altering wake-up call. Hopefully that life-altering wake-up call will ultimately be a good one and that she will end up with a good survival rate. But, I’m not going to rule out more aggressive types, other cancers, and so forth, which may lower her overall survival rate/length of time as well.
Especially since I’m not a doctor or nurse or anyone with actual medical knowledge and experience with cancers (outside of family members who have had cancer, some of whom are still very much alive). So, once again, if you have more knowledge in this area, please feel free to add to this! 
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lonewolfel · 2 years
So ever sense we saw Caleb one thing has been irking me. The fact that Caleb seemed to have white hair at a young age. 
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Like obviously people can have premature white hair but it seems like such a weird detail to have. Especially with the known related characters (Hunter and Philip) having different hair color.
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Hunter’s is a two tone (I think that is what you call it) blonde.
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And Philip has brown hair.
Now yes it could be a genetic mutation but then the trailer dropped. (Spoilers under the cut)
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Caleb looks gaunt and tired. I saw someone make a comment how he might of had a fatal illness and came to the Boiling Isles for a cure so he won’t leave Philip alone (please tell me who said that I want to give them credit).
So while I was bored at work I decided to look at chronic illnesses that could lead to white hair and I came across hyperthyroidism.
So I’ll start out with saying that there is a connection between premature grey/white hair and hyperthyroidism. It doesn’t have any proven research but there is a link and is a believed to be a possible cause.
Then I looked at the symptoms 
Unintentional weight loss, even when your appetite and food intake stay the same or increase
Rapid heartbeat (tachycardia) — commonly more than 100 beats a minute
Irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia)
Pounding of your heart (palpitations)
Increased appetite
Nervousness, anxiety and irritability
Tremor — usually a fine trembling in your hands and fingers
Changes in menstrual patterns
Increased sensitivity to heat
Changes in bowel patterns, especially more frequent bowel movements
An enlarged thyroid gland (goiter), which may appear as a swelling at the base of your neck
Fatigue, muscle weakness
Difficulty sleeping
Skin thinning
Fine, brittle hair
(Mayo Clinic)
Weight loss and fatigue are obvious in that photo. 
What if Caleb experienced worsening tremors which prevents him from being able to carve. I am going to assume that was his job. He possibly could have heard of a folk healer who could cure any illness. Caleb goes to her for healing. Philip follows as well wanting to hang her for being a witch. The witch panics and they all end up in the Demon Realm. 
This will likely be debunked but I don’t care. 
TLTR: Caleb has hyperthyroidism no one can change my mind.
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doberbutts · 11 months
sorry if you've been asked this before, but what are some doberman breeders you personally trust? ive been saving up for years to get my own puppy, and i have already done research on a lot of breeders myself, but i would love your input too. if it matters at all, im looking for a pet, not a show dog, though i will be doing a lot of training :3
I don't do breeder recs because literally every time I do them- or even get this question- I get a frankly stupid amount of ridiculous drama and I'm very done with it at this point.
What I will recommend is doing your own research and making sure to buy from a breeder who is doing the following:
Fully health testing their breeding dogs. Embark! Is not! Enough! The dogs need to have their hips and elbows (shoulders preferred not required), eyes, kidneys livers and thyroids, and also most importantly have their hearts holtored and echo'd, as well as genetic tests for DINGS, vWD, and the DCM markers. ALL of these should be done, but the most important is truly the heart testing. If the heart testing is missing, I would 100% pass on that breeder. Over 50% of the breed dies from cardio problems with the majority of those deaths being DCM-related. There is no cure and no preventative or predictive method for ridding the breed of DCM, but it also causes sudden death, so doberman breeders NEED to be doing the best they can to make sure they are keeping on top of their dogs' heart health.
Some sort of breed-specific temperament testing. In dobermans there are several- the WAE, the ATT, the breed survey, some form of bitesport, some form of police/military/border patrol testing, etc. Remember that the doberman was created to be and always has been a breed for biting. "They are therapy dogs" is not breed-specific temperament testing. "They are good companions" is not breed-specific temperament testing. The breed is intended to bite. If you want a doberman, you want a dog that bites.
This requires a little pedigree knowledge, but personally I think it behooves everyone to look for breeders who are prioritizing pedigrees with higher -than-average lifespans (10+; average in the breed is 7.5 years) and who are prioritizing pairings that produce less than 30% COI. I also think you should see for yourself what the reported COD is for the dogs who have passed- any that seem very odd should be thought of as a DCM death (you wouldn't believe how many dogs in Russia are supposedly hit by lightning right at 5 years old...). Breeders that do necropsies on any dogs that die suddenly with no other explination (because otherwise it needs to count as a DCM death as that's DCM's calling card). And breeders that participate in projects related to genetic diversity and heart health.
Similarly this is less dog ethics and more human ethics but I think it is very important in this breed to make sure you are not buying from an obvious bigot. There are a lot, and I mean a LOT, of nazis and racists and klan members in this breed. This is not an exaggeration or hyperbole. There are literal nazis in this breed. There are literal klan members in this breed. There are a lot of QAnon people and Trumpers who support them. And there are a lot of homophobes, transphobes, racists, antisemites, islamophobes, xenophobes, and misogynists in this breed. There is a guy who labels himself a wonderful family-oriented breeder who is a convicted pedophile. No, seriously, the case is public record and he was charged with the kidnapping and assault of a minor while he was in his mid-20s. You need to be careful, and you need to not just trust what people tell you about themselves.
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