#Henry Glassman
what's up with the nerdy halo scientist with glasses? I remember seeing a little about him but I have no idea if he's alive at the end
Oh, we are in the same boat because there's a lot of characters that we have no idea if they're alive or where they are or if they're ever going to be seen again! Yippee! Anyway, nerdy halo scientist with glasses has to be Dr. Henry Glassman!
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We haven't seen him since the comics when he, Palmer, and Tanaka were racing Halsey for some complicated Forerunner stuff I won't get into before the AI custodian pulls a "nuh uh" because Halsey cheated and everything explodes
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This is the last image I have found of Glassman in canon. They get out of there okay, but Glassman's the chief engineer of the Infinity. A ship with notoriously bad luck and one we don't know where she is or what's going on. Halo Infinite made it seem like she had a reduced crew and that she was taken out...somehow.
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Her original crew size was more than twice that: By February 2558, Infinity had a crew of 17,151 sailors, Marines, ONI operatives, and civilian personnel, as well as numerous adjunct members of the other UNSC branches and a number of Huragok specialists
But then they walked it back on twitter because Halo has to have options for its story since the execs screwed up and there's no clear path forward. Again, while I don't love Infinite's story, it's amazing they got a game out at all given the horror stories. I feel so bad for everyone who worked on this game.
If anyone has sources for where the Infinity is I would gladly take them. I miss her.
This is all to say we don't know where Glassman is and he hasn't popped up in any extra lore yet. So he may not be killed! He has a history of getting his ass saved by Spartans (Thorne in SpOps, Palmer and Tanaka in Escalation). Who knows? He might be out camping with Lasky, Halsey, and Palmer wherever they are. He might be thrown in the meatgrinder the next time we get a short story! I have no money to bet but I would say it's more likely we get a Glassman mention before Miller.
I'm climbing off my soapbox now, thank you for the ask. I love retrieving lore.
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halobirthdays · 1 year
Happy birthday to Dr. Henry Glassman!
Today is his -498th birthday!
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Dr. Glassman was chief engineer of the UNSC Infinity's science team. He survived capture by Jul 'Mdama, where he was used to activate a Forerunner artifact. After his rescue, he joined a mission to attempt to prevent 'Mdama and Dr. Catherine Halsey from accessing a Forerunner repository known as the Absolute Record. Whether he is alive is unclear, since Infinity's status is unconfirmed.
In canon (~2560) he is turning 38!
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authortobenamedlater · 10 months
Been wanting to do this for awhile and finally got an hour to sit down and watch Spartan Ops for MWAS (and maybe FSATAS?) purposes.
MY GOSH IT IS EVEN FUNNIER THAN I THOUGHT IT WOULD BE to imagine this whole game is Lasky trying to stay out of trouble with his wife 🤣🤣🤣 I am ROLLING you guys.
Let’s start with this scene (3:25 through the end):
Glassman is being sucked to God knows where through an artifact nobody understands and Lasky just…GRABS him. Palmer has to run at Lasky like she’s trying to score a touchdown to get him away. Chyler will not be happy about this but “don’t worry, Captain, she won’t hear it from me.”
(some amount of time later, Chyler knows, and is not happy)
Lasky: How did you find out?! *glares at Palmer*
Palmer: I said she wouldn’t hear it from ME.
Lasky: *glares at Roland*
I know nobody else is enjoying this like I am but I AM ENJOYING IT, it is too dang much.
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lgbtqreads · 1 month
hi!! i was wondering if you might have any recommendations for fiction books with bi+ religious characters?? thanks!!
Sure! Any chance to recommend myself ;) (That is, Going Bicoastal by Dahlia Adler.) Knit One, Girl Two by Shira Glassman is a really cute novella, A Shot in the Dark by Victoria Lee (complicated background with religion but I really like the way it's handled), Zara Hossain is Here by Sabina Khan, Hani and Ishu's Guide to Fake Dating by Adiba Jaigirdar, Let's Call it a Doomsday by Katie Henry, Delay of Game by Ari Baran, Kissing Ezra Holtz by Brianna Shrum, You Asked for Perfect by Laura Silverman, and This is Why They Hate Us by Aaron Aceves.
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autistpride · 1 month
How many of these famous autists do you recognize? And this isn't even a complete list!
So many amazing wonderful people are autistic. I will never understand why people hate us so much.
Chloe Hayden
Talia Grant
Rachel Barcellona
Sir Anthony Hopkins
Dan Akroyd
David Byrne
Darryl Hannah
Courtney Love
Jerry Seinfeld
Roseanne Barr
Jennifer Cook
Stephanie Davis
Rick Glassman
Paula Hamilton
Dan Harmon
Paige Layle
Matthew Labyorteaux
Wentworth Miller
Desi Napoles
Freddie Odom Jr
Kim Peek
Sue Ann Pien
Henry Rodriguez
Scott Steindorff
Ian Terry
Tara Palmer -Tomkinson
Albert Rutecki
Billy West
Alexis Wineman- Miss America contestant
Jessica- Jane Applegate
Michael Brannigan
David Campion
Brenna Clark
Ulysse Delsaux
Tommy Dis Brisay
Jim Eisenreich
Todd Hodgetts
John Howard
Anthony Ianni
Lisa Llorens
Clay Matzo
Frankie Macdonald
Jason McElwain
Chris Morgan
Max Park
Cody Ware
Amani Williams
Samuel Von Einem
Susan Boyle
Elizabeth Ibby Grace
David Byrne
Johnny Dean
Tony DeBlois
Christopher Dufley
Jody Dipiazza
Pertti Kurikka
James Jagow
Kodi Lee
Left at London
Red Lewis Clark
Abz Love
Thristan Mendoza
Heidi Mortenson
Hikari Oe
Matt Savage
Graham Sierota
Mark Tinley
Donald Triplett
Aleksander Vinter
Hannah Gatsby
Robert White
Bethany Black
Damian Milton
Bram Cohen
Michelle Dawson
Carl Sagan
Neil Gaimen
Mel Bags
Kage Baker
Amy Swequenza
M. Remi Yergeau
Sean Barron
Lydia X Z Brown
Matt Burning
Dani Bowman
Nicole Cliffe
Laura Kate Dale
Aoife Dooley
Corrine Duyvus
Marianne Eloise
Jory Flemming
Temple Grandin
John R Hall
Naomi Higashida
Helan Hoang
Liane Holliday Willey
Luke Jackson
Rosie King
Thomas A McKean
Johnathan Mitchell
Jack Monroe
Caiseal Mor
Morenike Giwa- Onaiwu
Jasmine O'Neill
Brant Page Hanson
Dawn Prince-Hughs
Sue Robin
Stephen Shore
Andreas Souvitos
Sarah Stup
Susanna Tamaro
Chuck Tingle
Donna Williams
Julia Bascom
Ari Ne'eman
Sarah Marie Acevedo
Sharon Davenport
Joshua Collins
Conner Cummings
Kevin Healy
Poom Jenson
Amy Knight
Jared O'Mara
David Nelson
Shaun Neumeier
Master Sgt. Shale Norwitz
Jim Sinclair
Judy Singer
Dr. Vernon Smith
Miina Akkijjyrkka
Danny Beath
Deborah Berger
Larry John Bissonnette
Patrick Francis
Jorge Gutierrez
Lina Long
Johnathan Lerman
Julian Martin
Haley Moss
Morgan Harper Nichols
Tim Sharp
Gilles Tehin
Willem Van Genk
Richard Wawro
David Eastham
Christopher Knowles
David Miedzianik
Henriette Seth F
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the-forest-library · 7 months
23 in 2023
And, we're done! My favorite of this list was, by far, The Thief. Absolutely loved tearing through that series earlier this year. If you haven't tried it yet, please give it a chance. So smart and nuanced.
The Thief by Megan Whelan Turner
Wildwood Dancing by Juliet Marillier
Never Ever Getting Back Together by Sophie Gonzales
Legends and Lattes by Travis Baldree
Persuasion by Jane Austen 
Men at Arms by Terry Pratchett
Feet of Clay by Terry Pratchett
Charmed Life (Chrestomanci 1) by Diana Wynne Jones
The Golem and the Jinni by Helene Wecker
Sea of Tranquility by Emily St. John Mandel
Nine Liars by Maureen Johnson
The Study of Poisons - Maria V. Snyder
Highly Suspicious and Unfairly Cute by Talia Hibbert 
Illuminations by T. Kingfisher
She Hulk: Jen, Again by Rainbow Rowell
Hawkeye, Volume 1: My Life as a Weapon by Matt Fraction
Knit One, Girl Two by Shira Glassman
Tears Waiting to be Diamonds by Sarah Rees Brennan
The Mysteries of Thorn Manner by Margaret Rogerson
The Secret Lives of Country Gentlemen by KJ Charles
Happy Place by Emily Henry
Quietly Hostile by Samantha Irby
Mortal Follies by Alexis Hall (DNF - this one just wasn't for me)
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puzzlebeanficrecs · 10 months
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I thought it would be fun to share fics and other things I have recently enjoyed in one place. This list is by no means comprehensive but just some things I adored and that stood out to me!
The first fic I want to mention is Lent From Tomorrow (today was too small for us) by @aimmyarrowshigh. It's very rapidly becoming one of my Stucky fics ever (and I've read thousands at this point). All the details and the care and research that has gone into this, is incredible. On top of that the writing is absolutely stunning and the characterization and commentary is all spot on. I look forward to where this story will take the characters.
The second fic I just have to mention is in loco parentis by @auntieclimactic. I also mention this on my Ted Lasso rec list but I just have to mention it again as I can't stop thinking about it. Henry's POV was so great to read and the characterization was excellent. It was interesting reading about Henry's struggles and nice seeing Trent and Ted get closer.
The third fic I want to mention is a lovely Milex fic. The energy in the story was so good and the story flowed really well. I liked that Miles was so insistent to talk things through and how they worked it all out. It's Some Velvet Morning by @subtle-as-an-earthquake.
Lastly I want to mention Run by @hollie47 which is a really great Kate/Yelena story. I loved that it included the rush of a mission/fight and mentioned the softness they need after. The characterization was also really good. The use of the cold to set the scene was also really well done.
I've been reading and loving the Nancy Drew books. I've mostly been reading the Nancy Drew Diaries series (though I did read things from other series as well). My favorites so far have been Mystery of the Midnight Rider and Hidden Pictures.
I also read Margo Zimmerman Gets The Girl by Brianna R. Shum and Sara Waxelbaum. I flew through this book and genuinely loved it. It gave me all the feelings. Also, the autism representation in this book is so good and I'm super picky about that typically. As is everything else. Seriously, this might be my favorite book of the year.
I also re-read a few of Shira Glassman's books. My favorite was Knit One, Girl Two. It never fails to make me smile!
I'm late to the party with all these shows but I love them and have been making my way through them and having the best time. I had to take a brief break with watching due to a vacation but I can't wait to get back to these shows and these blorbos.
Ted Lasso
Star Trek
Stranger Things
I've recced this podcast before on my main blog but these are fannish recs and this podcast is great if you are even a slightly fannish person so I will just rec it again:
This Week in Fandom History @thisweekinfandomhistory
Their Stranger Things episode is what finally got me started on Stranger Things (after meaning to watch it, at some point, since it came out and being weirdly intimidated to). The Dashcon episode was also great.
I also highly recommend joining the patreon if you can and like the show because the behind the scenes episodes are delightful, too.
The show is not only fun but also a really valuable addition to fandom!
My favorite movie that I watched recently has been Nimona. I loved the animation and I loved the story.
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halos-top-alien-model · 8 months
Sangheili Bracket Round 1 Match 12
More info below:
Ernicka the Scar-Maker:
Debuted in Halo: Broken Circle
Living within 9th century BCE times, Ernicka would serve as the second in command to Ussa 'Xellus during the San'Shyuum-Sangheili war. At one point, helped lead trops against the San'Shyuum, repelling them from the Planet of Blue and Red. Whilst he believed the they would not attack from their ships - in fear of damaging Forerunner structures - Ussa would recognize that they indeed had a weapon they could fire to kill them while not causing damage. Ernicka followed orders to retreat and survived. Later, when the war ended, he would be amongst those that still distrusted the San'Shyuum and the newly formed Covenant. He would continue to aid Ussa when Covenant loyalists attempted to end his heresy and even correctly deduced there was a spy within their midst helping the Covenant. After killing the spy once revealed, he joined the others in leaving Sanghelios for a shield world dubbed the Refuge. Once there, Ernicka would assist Ussa in governing the Sangheili living there. At one point, Salus 'Crolon would approach and question the duo, saying things that Ernicka felt were treasonous, although Ussa would argue that 'Crolon was merely annoying. As colony-building continue, Ernicka would break up a fight between 'Crolon and young lovestruck Tersa 'Gunok, although was also impressed with the latter's courage. Later, he would have to arrest Tersa and his love Lnur 'Mol on suspicions they were planning a rebellion, but their innocence would be proven and the tables turned against the true rebels: 'Crolon and 'Drem. Ernicka would throw a burnblade into 'Drem's back when he tried to escape, then finished him off with decapitation. However, 'Crolon would escape execution and the shield world, going to inform the Covenant of the Refuge. With the threat of the Covenant arriving, Ernicka would reluctantly trust the shield world's monitor, Enduring Bias. In order to make the Covenant believe they all were dead, the shield world would be disassembled into fragments. Everyone survived by hiding in freight movers, which notably made Ernicka nauseous. For the rest of his life after, he would live in the fragmented habitats under Ussa's leadership, immortalized in sculptures (particularly with him battling 'Crolon) and in legend for centuries. A descendant of his - Tirk 'Surb - would come to serve as the head of Refuge Security during the year 2552.
Ayit 'Sevi:
Debuted in Halo: Escalation
At some point, ONI would hire Ayit 'Sevi as a mercenary. Being an outlier amongst the warrior species with a code of honor, Ayit would accept and work as an infiltrator on a few different missions. The first was the extraction of a bioweapon on Ven III, where his presence was used by ONI to convince the UNSC to deal with the pirates - deceiving the Infinity into believing Ayit was part of Jul's Covenant. Spartans Gabriel Thorne and Naiya Ray would go on the hunt for him, but would ambush them and take an unconscious Thorne away from the area. He would take her to the Kig-Yar pirate queen that ruled all the pirates and offer Thorne in a trade; however, Ray would catch up, free Thorne, and capture Ayit at last. Yet Ayit would escape, only to be captured again, only for ONI operatives to arrive and reveal him to be one of them.
Later in the year, Ayit would infiltrate Jul's Covenant and send information to ONI regarding Cathering Halsey and the Absolute Record. During Operation: ATHENA, he would use his cover to help Spartans Thorne, Sarah Palmer, and Holly Tanaka as well as Dr. Henry Glassman get aboard Breath of Annihilation in Jul's fleet and reach the Absolute Record. Once the fleet arrived, they moved to Song of Retribution. However, upon learning that only the Retribution would be entering the Absolute Record, Ayit and Thorne would return to Breath of Annihilation to establish contact with the UNSC whilst the rest of the team followed Jul and Halsey. Whilst doing so, Ayit would convince Thorne to help him sow chaos amongst Jul's men by having the Spartan occasionally attack only to go back into hiding. At the same time, he freed prisoners - which included the failed rebel leader Sali 'Nyon - in order to cause further distractions. However, as he attempted to reunite with a wounded Thorne, some suspicious Zealots under Sali 'Nyon would follow and discover him to be a spy. Thankfully, Ayit bought enough time for Thorne to kill them. Once the mission came to a close, Ayit would help them escape the fleet and Sangheili space.
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abcnewspr · 7 months
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The following report highlights the programming of ABC’s “Good Morning America” during the week of Oct. 30-Nov. 4. “Good Morning America” is a two-hour, live program anchored by Robin Roberts, George Stephanopoulos and Michael Strahan, and Ginger Zee is the chief meteorologist. The morning news program airs MONDAY-FRIDAY (7:00-9:00 a.m. EDT) on ABC.
Highlights of the week include the following:
Monday, Oct. 30 — Actor and author Henry Winkler (“Being Henry”); band New Kids on the Block; former politician and author Adam Kinzinger (“Renegade”); actress Jennifer Garner
Tuesday, Oct. 31 — Halloween candy cook-off with chefs and TV personalities Carla Hall and Richard Blais; Devil-ish Deals and Spooky Steals with ABC e-commerce editor Tory Johnson
Wednesday, Nov. 1 —ABC News chief business, technology and economics correspondent Rebecca Jarvis; “Dancing with the Stars” eliminated couple; Tampa Bay Buccaneers announcement with “GMA3” co-anchor DeMarco Morgan; Oprah’s Favorite Things: Deals and Steals with Oprah Daily’s creative director Adam Glassman
Thursday, Nov. 2 — “GMA” co-anchor Robin Roberts in the studio with rapper and Rock & Roll Hall of Fame inductee Missy Elliott; Oprah’s Favorite Things: Deals and Steals with Oprah Daily creative director Adam Glassman
Friday, Nov. 3 — Musician Sheryl Crow chats Rock & Roll Hall of Fame; food journalist and chef Alison Roman on new podcast (“Solicited Advice”); Deals and Steals with ABC e-commerce editor Tory Johnson
Saturday, Nov. 4 — ABC News contributor Will Ganss tests running gear; Deals and Steals with ABC e-commerce editor Tory Johnson
ABC Media Relations Brooks Lancaster [email protected]
Jordan Littlejohn [email protected]
-- ABC --
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infinityactual · 3 years
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cmdrsarahpalmer · 4 years
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Spartan Ops Ep 2 AKA The One Where Commander Palmer Demonstrates Good Error Handling Management 
Infinity Week Day 2 Edit Prompt: Humorous Moments
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halobirthdays · 8 months
Happy birthday to Gek 'Lhar!
Today is his -476th birthday!
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Following the end of the Human-Covenant war, Gek and his team of salvagers began working for Jul 'Mdama. They were tasked with securing weapons and ships to arm his new faction.
During a salvage mission, Gek and his crew ambushed salvager Ram Chalva and his crew, taking him prisoner and torturing him. Later, Gek would take his crew to the abandoned ship Radiant Perception to retrieve a log buoy rumored to be aboard. However, Rion Forge and her crew were also on the ship, seeking the same thing.
Gek released Ram to force the humans out of hiding and pursued them out of the system. He and Rion's crew fought in the debris field outside of the shield world Trove, where Gek killed Rion's crewmate and partner, taking his dog tags and adding them to his collection. Rion maimed Gek in the encounter, causing him to go blind in one eye. Gek left the system when Rion threatened to kill them both with a grenade. Following these events, he and the Ace of Spades crew became mortal enemies.
Rion discovered Gek's plot to commit a terrorist attack on Earth, and, despite her shaky relationship with ONI, sent Spartan Novak a warning. As a result, Gek was ambushed and taken into custody at Midnight Facility. At some point, he escaped, and left to join 'Mdama on Requiem.
Gek was put in charge of 'Mdama's human prisoner, Dr. Henry Glassman, who managed to escape with Gek in pursuit. Glassman ran into Fireteam Majestic, who had been tasked to rescue him. 'Lhar engaged the Spartan team, nearly killing Gabriel Thorne before being killed by Paul DeMarco. After his death, Majestic took a page from Gek's book and looted his body.
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infinity-week · 4 years
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21 – 27 September 2020
About | Prompts
#infinity week
A week of fan art, fan fic, gifs and other fan works to celebrate the UNSC Infinity and her crew
(Almost) One Week To Go!
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gamelpar · 3 years
the one in charge of glassing a planet is called a Glassman
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cancityforge · 4 years
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Dr.Henry Glassman
Spartan Ops
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the-forest-library · 1 year
23 in 2023
Pretty good progress so far. I swapped out Paris Daillencourt is About to Crumble for The Study of Poisons. Based on reviews, I’m highly unlikely to enjoy PDIATC, so I’ve removed it from my TBR. 
The Thief by Megan Whelan Turner
Wildwood Dancing by Juliet Marillier
Never Ever Getting Back Together by Sophie Gonzales
Legends and Lattes by Travis Baldree
Persuasion by Jane Austen
TBD Discworld Book 1 by Terry Pratchett
TBD Discworld Book 2 by Terry Pratchett
Charmed Life (Chrestomanci 1) by Diana Wynne Jones
The Golem and the Jinni by Helene Wecker
Sea of Tranquility by Emily St. John Mandel
Nine Liars by Maureen Johnson
The Study of Poisons - Maria V. Snyder
Highly Suspicious and Unfairly Cute by Talia Hibbert
Illuminations by T. Kingfisher
She Hulk: Jen, Again by Rainbow Rowell
Hawkeye, Volume 1: My Life as a Weapon by Matt Fraction
Knit One, Girl Two by Shira Glassman
Tears Waiting to be Diamonds by Sarah Rees Brennan
The Mysteries of Thorn Manner by Margaret Rogerson
The Secret Lives of Country Gentlemen by KJ Charles (March 7)
Happy Place by Emily Henry (April 25)
Quietly Hostile by Samantha Irby (May 16)
Mortal Follies by Alexis Hall (June 6)
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