#Hence why I keep reducing the dose
librarychair · 2 years
Got a reduced price seasonal edible a while back called "red white and boom" (for 4th of july) and it's one of the most fun foods. Chocolate with weed in it and pop rocks all over one side. The pop rocks are going to fail from the humidity before I finish the entire bar, since I reduced my "micro dose" even further, what's left in the bag is enough to last another few weeks.
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galraluver · 2 years
Hiya! I have a headcanon that I wanted to share for a while now, if that’s okay.
I headcanon that Fentress had baby colic and is asthmatic. Ezor and Zethrid’s pirate crew is full of unconventional Galra that probably didn’t fit in well with the regular military society, if at all. This is partly how I saw Fentress fitting into that.
On top of being affected by these conditions, she comes from a cold climate at higher elevation despite not being very furry herself, hence the fur lined hood of her outfit. The thinner air did not help her breathing and this caused her sustained distress as a baby, resulting in baby colic.
Growing up, Fentress had a harder time keeping up with her peers when it came to military exercises and training. She did her best and eked through the physically demanding trials while aiming for academic excellence, but her disabilities were on record and she wasn’t desirable for promotions or transfers. She was sometimes bullied for being a “clinical cry baby.” It did give her a husky voice of velvet, though.
She had different types of aids for her asthma, from tube inhalers to mask attachments, from her formative years to her adult career. That includes the one we see her in, now. The medical field may have interested her at some point, but moving up in it was slow when rarely anything happened in their sector to cause anything more serious than the Galra flu.
Fentress’s military career was often stagnant, but not for complete lack of trying. It did not help that she had to take reduced doses of quintessence as her weaker body cracked under the pressure of a regular dose. It added insult to injury. Why keep going?
So when Ezor and Zethrid took over her commander’s ship and crew, Fentress made herself useful and her efforts were rewarded by people who finally saw her. It was like a dream. Thank you, lesbians. 🌻❤️🌻
And that’s my take on Fentress. Hope you liked it. Lmk what you thing? ♪~ ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
That's actually a very interesting headcanon. I could tell that she was from a colder climate when I first saw her since, as you've said, the fur lining her outfit; perhaps one of her parents was a non furry Galra. The mask she wears, even if inside, makes a lot of sense if she has asthma. It would've been cool if she had been interested in going into the medical field and perhaps even finding a cure for herself or any others with her condition, something that doesn't involve quintessence. Honestly, her being a part of Ezor and Zethrid’s crew was one of the best things to ever happen to her, even though she questioned Zethrid’s motives on that planet and Zethrid snapped at her
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indigosprite · 3 years
Chrome Callout post.
relax this is just my love hate relationship with chromes writing and potential. spoiler, it ends with all the love... hate is only in the middle. 
My absolute favorite thing in fanfics is Chromes characterization. Like we all know Chrome is completely aware that Mukuro and co need a reoccurring dose of Valium and a therapist willing to do illegal things in order to lower their sadistic points to ”kind of disturbing but tolerable”. Or at least we hope she does even though she proves to us again and again that she’s not phased by it in the slightest and might actually be just as bad. TYL and she’s still running around helping them do god knows what. She follows them on this massacre pridefully, she “believes in” them ( its sweet actually. They’re what she thinks of when Mukuro asks what she believes in and makes a young kokuyo gang.)
In fanfics when people write her to be a double edge sword it’s hilarious, and it should’ve been the character depicted in the Anime and manga instead. But I guess if she hadn’t been the quiet, breathy & compliant 14 year old people wouldn’t have morphed her into the fanon I enjoy now. Here’s some stuff i love and HC abt Chrome  and the things I absolutely hated.  
1. When she actually speaks not just when spoken to. She voices her concerns although she has no intent of not doing what’s asked of her. Who knew she could speak and still be the obedient gang member Mukuro trusts her to be. And when she does this it’s funny. She is the conscience he buries underneath disgust and amusement for chaos, but that’s not her entire character. She’s not reduced to the mom friend either because of this, she’s too passive on the matter. She indulges/Enables it just the same as Chikusa or Ken, although she knows better meanwhile the thought never occurs to them. To summarize :
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she’s Brian
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2. She’s unhinged and the best part is nobody knows even though it’s blatantly obvious. She may not have the same bloodlust or violent disposition as her peers but there are other ways to showcase this. To Allow Mukuro the leader of this little fearsome Five-some to possess you whenever he feels like and witness whatever horrors he decides to inflict upon someone that day means she’s accepting of literally everything he does. She never resists or expresses distaste/fear for him or anything he does. We assume she would in some capacity because she was depicted as this wide eyed innocent girl trying her best to repay the man that got her to join a gang under the guise of a found family. She quite literally signed up for guts n glory. She knew this and never had second thoughts. Mind you she doesn’t share the same hatred for the mafia as the boys, theirs is blind hatred regardless of who you are. Hers is through them, they are her looking glass rightfully so, so if they say it then their word is law. I’m not sure about you but I would definitely be mindful of the girl who was raised semi normal and willingly turned into a killer for Mukuro of all people. They’re killing adults not shaking them up, they aren’t Tsuna and his friends they finish the job when necessary. The body count is unimaginable. She is just as loyal as Ken and Chikusa and would probably strike you where you stand for speaking ill of him. (She wouldn’t but would definitely be opposed to whatever you’re saying, unless it’s name calling. He takes no offense to that and welcomes it in fact.)
3. The fact that she’s a person apart from Mukuro (physically speaking.) and the Vongola team at all is a blessing in few fics. Although she was made to stand in for Mukuro, when he is released it’s not necessary hence him pushing her to be apart from him and his duties. He did this in the future as well when he possessed Guidio Greco no longer using chrome which lets us know she was successful in becoming a useful comrade and not just a vessel and vongola stand in. She had to otherwise he would’ve left her alone whether she was keeping his Vongola ring warm or not. She is just as aloof as Hibari, always off with her own people only engaging when it’s asked of her. I adore when people keep that in mind and don’t lump her with following behind the vongola as if she were one of them. She shows up for them when asked but her main focus is ultimately committing felonies with Ken and Chikusa per Mukuro’s orders. let her be with the kokuyo gang and let her contribute in the way she’s meant to as a fighter. figure her out give her something cool 
 ik that’s hard considering what we got in the manga. warning things i hate ahead 
what we got in the Anime and Manga: 
so we know Chromes entire purpose was to be Rokudo Mukuro’s stand in, while holding the Vongola ring he soon takes back she is just the girl that is able to get him to come fight their battles when necessary. The Anime and Manga rarely let Chrome fend for herself. We all knew he was coming the second it got serious. By giving chrome that ring she ended up being the one thing to keep him loyal to his contract with being their guardian. If she’s in danger he comes and saves her, the Vongola put her in danger because he will show up and do his job it’s like a rat trap. She is not meant to be a Vongola guardian but more like a Mukuro whistle. They never openly admit it but in the show they will expect/ask her to do things that her track record doesn’t imply she can do and just silently expect Mukuro to show up like always. SKSJDWDN they’ll be like “oh yeah call the girl who passed out and all her organs disappeared I believe in her to do this job even though i’ve never seen her make it to the end of a fight ever not worried at all” sksksjjd They never actually expect chrome to do a job they expect her to go there and manage to get Mukuro to come out and play and we should acknowledge it was just an unspoken thing.  Now I know that despite what I just implied about her not being that great a fighter but just good enough there are two comments made in all 400 chapters that are supposed to negate this.  
Mammon says her illusions are powerful just not enough to fool him , and reborn says she could turn the tide if she were to fight against Mukuro but with confidence, these mean nothing to me because amano throws in so many useless comments like this and then fails to develop it further to make it believable.  and she made powerful characters make note of this so it would be non negotiable and we would just take it at face value because its them but hello ?? ofc we want to see it just like we had to see Tsuna grow before we even considered taking him seriously. hell Dino got a quicker rise to his title than chrome bc its that easy to say oh he can come into his own when needed they just never meant to do it for chrome. 
it’s so irritating when they try to say she’s powerful or could be but give no actual footing for anyone to take those comments seriously when they make her pass out for thirty chapters after doing the bare minimum.
let chrome win on her own not just start strong then step out of the way then have some character say “no really she could be powerful we aren’t going to show you though” .  
when she helped them sneak in the base on her own and even makes those illusions of them fighting we should have gotten more of that!!! 
literally every character is fighting the funeral wreaths and chrome is running in the woods out of breath...even Lambo got to fight. 
you made her sit out of the rep battle to focus on making organs like that wasn’t something she already accomplished in the future and suddenly can’t do anymore ?.....
Chrome finally makes one fighting decision and its to make a mist forcefield that’s dangerous but hell yeah we think she will finally pull through with something powerful and prove herself and then they have mukuro come in a panel later saying “your flames are far too weak to do that I will make it better and help you not die” BYE  that was a perfect time to have her come in to her own seeing as she was powerful and confident enough to initiate it in the first place. 
breaking the barrier daemon spade makes * chefs kiss * give me more 
 when they’re not blindly robbing chrome of character development  she’s just getting kidnapped, passing out  or helping them with small things like making a fake Yamamoto for a party or sneaking in the base with illusions to disguise them. Hello she’s training under mukuro right ??? why did we ever get to see her get stronger each fight and have them say ‘she’s learning quick” instead. 
enough abt what we got, back to what I’ve managed to make out of the scraps we were given..
4. Mukuro is the only one who reassures that she actually is a fighter and she eventually grows to be a good one bc of this and you should write about that dynamic and why it exists more. this one is long.
 the whole dynamic I was referring to exploring is the one where Mukuro and chrome are meant to be equals. He meets this girl whose been neglected and left for dead, another kid messed up by adults neglectful selfish behavior. she willingly follows the boy who is plagued by the same demons and made a small group dedicated to getting revenge for it.  Mukuro & Chrome know they’re two sides of the same coin. he is anger and she is acceptance. He probably finds it amusing she isn’t as angry as them wants to draw it out of her  where as chrome wants to pull out the peace that comes with moving on once you’re in a better place. the girl is so happy to not be near her mom and grateful for this little family while the boys are quite literally holding a grudge against the world.  and like none of them even see it the way she does but she wants them to.  Mukuro and chrome didn’t go through the same things but it doesn’t matter to either of them because its the same story, nobody loved or valued them enough to protect them. In the end chrome will learn to be angry abt things that happen and use that to find a will to fight for something and Mukuro will learn to be at peace because they’re not in that lab anymore and those people are gone from their life. as fighters they’re so important to each others balance Mukuro’s rage cannot be left to be so blind and hers unattended and i know it’s supposed to be Tsuna that cleans his soul but i think chrome definitely plays a more active role in that.  I think he sees a better him in her, he makes her his second gives her his name because she’s the good he knows he can never fully be. she posses a peace he’s not hopeful enough to believe he can achieve or want and ultimately it will make her far more capable of the change he wants. in believing this it means he also believes she will be just as powerful as him with the right training. he’s literally training his demise and her name is Chrome. he wont take over a (mafia) world he wants her to save.  we all know he’s like annoyingly stupid when it comes to showing his emotions, he rather pretend he’s sending you to die when he’s quite literally ushering you to what he thinks is safe and sacrificing himself. so I can totally see him being like  “okay Tsuna might really change the mafia and I want to see that but I've already dug my own grave here's a better newer me that will be way easier to accept than me turning over a new leaf 40 dead families later.” 
5. in the future Hibari is much more happy to help and be around because he knows what a powerful fighter Tsuna turns out to be, i think this is the exact same reason why he goes and helps chrome save herself. Kyoya knows and possibly even respects future chrome enough to save her when she’s at her weakest which he usually detests. Chrome grows to be much more in the future and that’s exactly why he even gives this sick chrome a push. everyone likes to think it’s a Mukuro thing for him but what if it actually is a chrome thing. in the show he’s never been present to witness her show any kind of power so we can only assume that at some point he saw her in action. 
  6. it’s implied in the future that Mukuro fights alongside her, he views her as more than just a vessel and doesn’t baby her in the slightest when he pushes her to become her own being. I won’t call it respect per say but he doesn’t look at her as a doll even though that’s the part she played for him. He still trains her the way he eventually does Fran. We all know he just wants Mini Mukuros to aid him in his endeavors but the fact that he chooses her says a lot about how she’s meant to be viewed. He also chooses a nine year old brat with an apple hat but hey he must see something everyone else doesn’t until he’s done with them seeing as Fran was kidnapped by the freaking Varia once Mukuro’s teachings were for the most part implemented. “Oh you learned under Mukuro ? We can’t have Mukuro you need to join us immediately” (I’ve just realized Mukuro gave the vongola their strongest mist guardians all while claiming to hate them. Funny man). imagine how powerful Chrome gets, even better when Mukuro is actually there in the flesh to teach her where as Fran got some illusionary version of him. WRITE ABOUT IT. 
7. for the love of god give that girl her own fighting style. yamamoto has his sword gokudera is literally baby genius ryohei is a boxer and hibari has like the most random weapon ever. go crazy. i love it when chrome isn’t pulling a trident from her bag. because she’s not mukuro anymore. she’s a reticent mist guardian, compliment that.  Mukuros trident has his own history with him. give her some history of her own.    
in my fic Chrome uses a scythe and tears through reality with it. 
reason:  because she is a grim reaper in her own right. she rose from the dead and is showing up to collect the souls of the wicked. a silent but fearsome person. 
her style ? :  personally I like to believe chrome dabbles in profiling, hear me out. Her parents were neglectful and in turn she really has little experience with relationships in general, i think her curiosity would lead her to constantly study peoples relationships and behaviors and see how they affect her target. aka she fights by showing up getting in your head and haunting you with your own past because even if they see through it damn what a nasty wound or insecurity to bring up in the form of a hell loop illusion. this also ties into her being Mukuro 2.0 he’s known to just be eerily in the know of everything going on even when he’s not there. this would be a great way of her matching that aspect of him and possibly surpassing it.  
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pulaasul · 3 years
Encounter with the Grim
Billy encounters a grimm, an omen that has killed a lot of wizards and witches upon seeing it.
[FFN] [AO3]
Billy, still in his Captain Marvel form he named William, just watched Professor Mcgonagall and Colin exit the shop, no doubt returning to Hogwarts.
The journalist shook his head as he gathered the quill and parchment he had brought to for his meeting with Creevey. For all the boy's faults, Billy can see the boy's potential as a photojournalist both in the magical world and the non-magic world,
Billy couldn't help but chuckle as he remembered everything he knew about the boy. He had to admit that despite the boy's tendency to be overexcited and to hero-worship someone, he was a quick study and was enthusiastic to learn.
In fact, Billy can see himself in the boy, overexcitement and all. He had once fanboy-ed so hard after meeting some of the heroes in his home universe. He can still remember how he and Freddy gushed about meeting Superman in person.
Billy's twin, despite her disapproval of his and Freddy's hero-worship at both Superman, Batman and many others in the league, Mary was also prone to bouts of being a fangirl over the female heroes like Wonder Woman, Hawk Girl, Black Canary and even Supergirl, even if the both of them had arguments when the two of them met.
Billy was thankful that the league, and their respective proteges, were open minded and accepting of their quirks, even after his age was revealed to the whole team.
Can you blame them? They were kids doing an adults job. It was the ultimate power fantasy, a dream come true.
Of course, when they met Eugene, Pedro and Darla, they also expressed the same kind of open mindedness to the three of them, despite their blatant fanboy and fangirl attitudes towards them, especially after the six of them were placed in the same group home.
It was only right to show the same courtesy to Colin because he too was once in the same boat as him.
Billy shook his head as he deposited the quill and parchment inside his pockets, after reducing their size, and bid farewell to the shopkeeper.
As soon as William exited the shop to the cold air of Hogsmeade, a black dog was growling and barking at him. He couldn't figure out why the canine was hostile towards him.
"There boy, there, there." William cautiously approached the growling black dog. "I won't hurt you." He raised his hands in the air, as if in surrender.
Suddenly, the black dog bit on his jeans, the dog's teeth sunk unto his pants and impatiently pulled on his legs that told William to follow him.
"Calm down boy, I can't follow if you keep dragging my legs," William chided. "I would pretty much prefer to follow you with my legs intact rather than lose them."
The black dog heeded the request and released his hold unto William's jeans, gave out a growl then barked impatiently before running off.
"The shrieking shack."
At the very end of Hogsmeade's territory, was the infamous abandoned house that a lot of villagers thought was haunted as some had heard screams coming from inside, hence the name 'Shrieking Shack'.
As soon as William closed the door, one more person entered the house from a different entrance, one Professor Remus Lupin.
"I see, so this must be the infamous Sirius Black."
One of the many advantages of the Wisdom of Solomon was that, if he chose to, he can instantly learn of anyone's identity alongside their strengths and weaknesses. In utilizing this power, he immediately knew of the black dog's identity, that being of the dog animagus, Sirius Black.
Without the need to hide his identity, the dog transfigured himself back into his human form.
"I was not aware that we knew each other." The man who had been a dog glared at William in distrust. "I don't remember telling anyone of my status as an animagus."
"You didn't need to." William shrugged. "I simply cast a spell to know your identity, which I will not divulge, it's a spell that only the higher-ups of MACUSA know about."
The explanation was not an outright lie, it just wasn't a conventional spell in this world, acquiring the knowledge through the Wisdom of Solomon and all.
"So you were a MACUSA auror." Remus deduced. "That's why you remained collected when a simple muggle studies during dinner revealed Peter Pettigrew's survival."
"So Ron Weasley was telling the truth." Sirius muttered to himself.
"You actually met your godson?" William raised an eyebrow. "I hope you didn't try to drag one of his friends through their feet, like you did to me today. For a dog you have a surprising amount of jaw strength, comparable to that of a wild wolf."
"I did entertain the idea," Sirius grinned. "But no, I ultimately commissioned the services of one half-kneazle and half-cat to bring them to the shack."
"So that's how you were able to get inside the Gryffindor dorms!" Remus raised an accusing finger. "Poor Neville got chewed out by Professor Mcgonagall."
"Is there any particular reason why you felt the need to drag me here Mr. Black?" William raised an eyebrow.
"Right, knowing now that you're an auror, I would like for you to protect me, against any and all who would say that I should be kissed on sight by dementors." Sirius explained. "I would like to spend some time with my godson without trying to evade the ministry's department of magical law enforcement."
"Why come to me?" William asked. "As I recall, you were a member of Professor Dumbledore's Order of the Phoenix."
"Y-you know of the order?" Remus gasped.
"That's irrelevant for now." William shook his head. "I'd like for an answer if you don't mind."
"I came to you because I knew you were from the Americas from what Remus told me" Sirius admitted. "I knew that the ICW would be involved, or at the very least MACUSA would be involved, if you were there to witness how the ministry would react."
"Huh, a Slytherin trait, I suppose it's to be expected considering your family name."
"They were my first teachers before entering Hogwarts." The dog animagus shrugged.
"Don't take him!" A voice exclaimed from the entrance Remus walked through. "He's innocent."
"Messers Potter and Weasley and Ms. Granger, please show yourself."
From the entrance were indeed Harry Potter, Ron Weasley and Hermoine Granger. All three of them immediately rushed to the Black as if to protect the older man from William.
"Relax, the three of you." William assured. "I know he's innocent."
"But you're still going to hand him over to the ministry." Harry exclaimed. "They'd have him kissed immediately."
"Calm down Harry." Remus soothed his student. "That is the very reason why Mr. Batson's here." He assured the boy. "To make sure that nothing would happen to your godfather."
"Please show yourself Professor Snape." William sighed.
Another person went through the entrance Remus walked through and it was indeed Professor Snape.
"It's quite a gathering we have here Black." Professor Snape sneered. "You may have escaped the first time, but it won't happen the second time."
"Please calm yourself Professor Snape." William sighed. "As of this moment, Mr. Black has just surrendered himself to me as such he falls under my protection."
"What do you mean Batson?!"
"I mean what I said Professor Snape." William bluntly stated. "If you so much as harm a single strand of hair from Mr. Black there will be consequences."
"Is that a threat?" Professor Snape growled.
"A mere statement." William shook his head. "I take it that you followed Mr. Potter and his friends here?"
"Yes, it was past curfew."
"You children should've just stayed put inside the castle." William chided."
"I know how you feel Mr. Potter, the injustice done against your godfather needs to be corrected however in doing what you have done now, further complicates the situation," William explained. "As for you Mr. Black, had you surrendered when Pettigrew was still in Ministry Custody, things would have been simple and clean," He sighed. "As it stands now, your former friend has escaped custody and complicates things further."
"Escaped custody?"
"You mean he managed to escape, like what Ron said a month ago?" Hermoine gasped. "I thought that couldn't be true, the ministry couldn't be that incompetent. Could they?"
"I trust the words of the department head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement over your minister, no offense." William sighed. "An unforgivable curse was used and as we all know those curses cannot be countered."
"In any case, I will make sure Mr. Black is given a dose of veritaserum after he visits a mind healer, Azkaban couldn't have been good for you."
"As for you Professor Snape, I suggest that you deduct 25 points for each student for their stunt today alongside detention for them with you." William offered. "Would that amenable for you considering you came here in the hopes of capturing Mr. Black for yourself?"
Professor Snape remained silent, mulling over what the best course of action was.
"Tell me Professor, were you aware that Mr. Black wasn't given any sort of trial?"
"No trial?" Remus questioned.
"From what I had heard, he was simply thrown into Azkaban as soon as he was found within the vicinity of dead no-maj people with Pettigrew's dismembered finger."
"How totally barbaric!" Hermoine gasped. "No trials!"
"You must understand Ms. Granger, everyone was on edge and the prominent figure on the other side was seemingly killed, in order not to give time for their faction to retreat and retaliate, they needed to round up any and all suspected members of the enemy faction to stop the war entirely."
"Surely they could've given Sirius a trial afterwards."
"Fear, Harry." William shook his head. "People were afraid and wanted the war to end, hence their negligence to provide Mr. Black a trial."
"To be fair for the aurors, by the time they found me, I was laughing like a maniac." Sirius offered. "I was wrought with guilt for what happened to James and Lily."
"There you have it, in consideration of Mr. Black's actions when he was found and the dead bodies within his vicinity, it was natural that he was immediately thrown to Azkaban for they felt what they've seen was concrete and overwhelming evidence."
"In any case Professor Snape, would my suggestion be amenable?" William asked. "Either way, he'd be sent to the ministry just under my protection and would likely be qualified for a trial."
"Yes." Professor Snape nodded.
"Very well, you three head out with Professor Snape and you will accept any punishment he deems you should be facing for your stunt."
"Potter, Granger, Weasley come with me."
"Wha- You can't do that!" Ron exclaimed indignantly.
"I can and I will, you have endangered yourselves and are out of your beds after curfew." Professor Snape snapped.
"Just shut up Ronald, we deserve this."
William mere shook his head.
As soon as the teacher and his students had exited the house.
"What about you Lupin? Aren't you still teaching at Hogwarts?"
"I resigned weeks ago." Remus admitted. "Someone leaked my status as a werewolf and to avoid howlers from parents, I resigned immediately."
"That's unfortunate," William sighed. "But there is a silver lining, what do you say with helping your friend in his recovery step by step?"
"Would the ministry okay with that?"
"There are no laws passed that prevents those with your affliction from taking care of their friends." William nodded.
"Then I accept." Remus smiled.
The Mudblood
Sirius Black Surrenders
By: Oscar Ollerton
Sirius Black has surrendered to a former auror who was once employed by MACUSA and now owner of the Mudblood, William Batson. According to Mr. Batson, Mr. Black surrendered to him so that he won't be kissed by a dementor as soon as he was inside the Ministry of Magic.
When Mr. Batson was asked why he gave the escaped convict protection from the Ministry's aurors, he simply stated that the man was innocent until proven guilty.
With Mr. Batson's declaration, Sirius Black was deemed to be unable to participate in trial due to his stay in Azkaban with that assessment, Madam Bones of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement has deemed the need for Black to visit a mind healer and undergo the necessary treatment before being able to participate his trial.
Madam Bones has assured that the truth about that night will be revealed and that the rightful criminal will face the might of the ministry's justice.
It can be remembered that on November 1, 1981 Sirius Black was convicted to Azkaban for being a Death Eater and the betrayal of James and Lily Potter by Bartemius Crouch Sr. He was found laughing in the middle of twelve dead muggles and what seemed to be the remains of one Peter Pettigrew.
Late last year, during an impromptu muggle studies at night at Hogwarts's Great Hall, Peter Pettigrew was found alive masquerading as a pet animal for one of the students in the school with a finger missing, the same finger that was found near his supposed site of demise. He was immediately arrested and sent to the Ministry.
When questioned about Pettigrew's custody or escape, Minister Cornelius Fudge has repeatedly insisted that Pettigrew was still under the Ministry's custody belying the rumors of Pettigrew's escape.
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watchdogg · 3 years
A Guide: Raw Feeding for Dogs
Don’t have time to make BARF? Not sold on it? If you want to know what dry foods are best check this out.
What’s on the menu? BARF (Biologically Appropriate Raw Food). This recipe is based off of Dr. Ian Billinghurst’s own recipe provided in his book Give Your Dog a Bone. Great read, would recommend.
However, there are a couple ingredients he discusses which have been recently proven as poor dietry choices for dogs. For example, he speaks of the inclusion of milk and garlic which have been discovered, through scientific study, to make dogs quite ill. Therefore the recipe I have written below excludes any ingredients I have found research on that are detrimental to your dog’s health.
BARF is essentially everything you would find in a grain-free dry dog food, but fresh!
BARF = 50% green mix + 50% meat (30% mince + 20% offal)!
DAILY INTAKE = 60% BARF + 40% meaty bone
I DO NOT APPROVE of the Canine Ancestral Diet or Prey Model diet, which is 80% meat. I have a seperate blog post discussing why (click here to find out more)!
EVERYTHING YOU MAKE MUST BE BLENDED TOGETHER INTO A CONSOLIDATED MUSH! Your dog has to eat everything, you must not give it the choice to pick certain things out of their bowl, it all has to go in their tummy! This is how we get to deficiencies!
I will post a seperate description of my exact routine, and how I measure out everything my girl needs as an example so you have something to compare to.
DISCLAIMER: If your vet has told you that your pet MUST eat a prescription diet due to health condition/allergy, please listen to them. Every health issue has causes and triggers, there are many, and I cannot possibly cover all of them in this post. Does this mean there aren't raw options for dogs with health issues or allegeries? No. There certainly are. For example, if your dog is allergic to wheat they can go on a wheat-free dry food OR BARF. But I cannot be responsible for your failings in proper research. SO, this means that if you have a dog with congenital issues, like kidney problems, please research into what that means before going against a prescription dry or wet food diet.
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Appropriate vegetables include:
- Silver beet
- Bok choy
- Celery
- Carrots
- Sugar beet
Appropriate fruits include:
- Apples
- Oranges
- Blueberries
- Pears
REMINDER: you absolutely MUST vitamise fruits and vegetables. Your dog does not have molars like that of a horse for example, they cannot grind fibre, they use their molars for snapping large food items into smaller chunks. Herbivores chew for a reason. Plant cells are surrounded by a cellulose, and most guts do not have the enzymes required to dissolve cell walls, hence chewing. DOGS ALSO CANNOT DIGEST CELLULOSE, and they do not have the mechanics required to break down plant matter into a digestible form. I learned the function of teeth during my studies into paleontology, where dental analysis is vital. (1)
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the listed supplements contain the vitamins and omegas your dog needs to thrive. These vitamins already naturally exist in the vegatables and meats listed. HOWEVER, if your dog is not eating some kind of fish every day for example, then they need to be digesting at least flaxseed oil to make up for this. This is just one example. It is important to fill in any possible gaps, and these supplements make sure there aren’t any ;)
If you are feeding your dog fish oil you MUST also feed vitamin E oil, the dog’s body will use up stores of Vitamin E to process fish oil which oxidises very easily! If you are using one of the below supplements, you do not need to use fish oil. If you are using a supplement like megaderm or Omega blend, follow the directions on the bottle! So, this means don’t go adding it when you are making BARF, add upon feeding it to your dog.
- Megaderm (CONTAINS: vitamin B7, B6, A, E, omega 6&3) dosage instructions on bottle (can be bought on PetCircle)
- Vets All Natural Omega Blend (CONTAINS: flaxseed oil (omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids), shark liver oil (omega-3 and vitamin A), sunflower oil (omega-6) and wheat germ oil (omega-3)) (can be bought on PetCircle)
- just straight flaxseed oil (human-grade is the same stuff) 2 or 3 desert spoons
- Kelp powder (2-3 tsp) (contains: 60 different minerals and vitamins and 21 amino acids)
- Green tripe (contains: probiotics, essential fatty acids and digestive enzymes)
- Sardines (great for coat health)
- Tongue (fatty, good for active dogs)
- Green lipped muscle (aimed towards joint health, good for large breeds)
- Liver (contains vitamin A, B vitamins, iron, copper, zinc, essential fatty acids) 2 tblsp per day is recommended amount for medium dogs (I buy a pack of chicken livers (500g) and chuck it into the barf mix. This works out to be 17g perday)
DO NOT OVER FEED FATTY ACID SUPPLEMENTATION, keep to the recommended dose! Large quantities can cause Seborrhea oleosa (bad dandruff). It is possible to have too much of a good thing.
It is really important you do not overdose on any supplement. For example, glucosamine is great for old joints but it is also rated a top poison for dogs because of its potential for overdosing. (2)
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MEAT SHOULD NOT BE COOKED when fed to dogs. This decreases protein digestability and destroys essential amino acids such as lysine and methionine. That being said, meat is NOT a complete food, it is deficient in a lot of vitamins dogs need! So veggies are still a must.
Mince is great, but if you can find mince with ground bone included that would be even better. If you are living in Melbourne, The Saltiest Dog (in Thornbury) is a great store to visit to purchase such a thing. Try to stay away from ‘pet meats’, like those sold in Woolworths or Coles. They contain harmful preservatives (3). The cleaner/more human grade the better. Research into local raw food stores around you and ask about the meat they get in/what if any preservatives are in their meat.
Kangaroo is an environmentally friendly choice! They do not rely on the production of grain to survive, and they are indigenous to the land (their feet don’t compact soil and turn it infertile). It is the most humane way of harvesting red meat if you think about their lives up until the point of death.
The leaner the meat the better! Kangaroo is very lean! Turkey is another great option, but if you are afraid of salmonella, stay away from poultry. Variability of protein is not as important as what parts of the body you are feeding your dog. They need muscle, bone, and offal (tongue, heart, liver, etc.)!
I generally go by: 30% mince+bone & 20% offal.
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NEVER FEED COOKED BONES! They will splinter and cause internal injury.
Is it dangerous to feed raw bones? NO!
It is imperitive in the BARF diet that your dog is getting some kind of whole bone to eat EVERY DAY. But don’t be silly about it, think about your dog’s size. If you have a mini poodle, you should be giving it chicken necks, not beef weight bearing bones. The bones you give should be soft enough so that they don’t chip your dog’s teeth. This also means NO weight bearing bones till the dog is over 6 months old.
I have talked to customers at Petbarn who just happen to have silly dogs who won’t chew bones at all, and instead swallow them whole. If this is the case, please stick to turkey/duck/chicken necks. These are harder to choke on beause the bones are so tiny. Once again, if you fear potential bacteria or worm risks, freeze your meat before feeding (this will kill a lot of what you are scared of). DO NOT GIVE YOUR DOG FROZEN BONES, they will chip a tooth.
Bones act like fibre. They help everything move along in their intestines. They also contain vitamins and proteins they need. You can learn more about bone benefits in Dr. Ian Billinghurst’s book Give Your Dog a Bone.
I give my dogs a bone of some description every morning. Generally, it is a chicken carcass and once a week they get a roo rib or beef vertebrae (you can buy a bag of 'broth bones' from Woolworths which are great) to really get their teeth into.
It is really important that your dog is chewing on something every day. Whether it be a bone or a Kong/dental toy. It is imperitive for mental and dental health. The action of chewing for a dog is the equivelant of a human doing a sudoku or crossword.
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This model is based off of the Raw&Fresh model which you can find on their website (https://rawandfresh.com.au/collections/treats), this also happens to be where I buy my bones from.
Essentially, you pick whether to feed 2-5% based on your dogs age and activity level. For example, senior dogs need to be eating more protein and fat because they lose muscle mass faster. A dog who has a high activity level needs more energy and a dog who is overweight should be fed less.
Generally, they should be getting 2-3%.
Whatever you decide on, this should be split into two meals. You'll find that two meals per day reduces their scavenging behaviour. I tend to feed the bone proportion in the morning and the patty mix at night.
The key to feeding your dog a raw diet is to WATCH. Watch your dog's weight. It is as simple as that. Watch how they put on weight, if they are becoming too skinny or overweight. Watch and adjust accordingly.
BARF = 50% green mix + 50% meat (30% mince + 20% offal)!
DAILY INTAKE = 60% BARF + 40% meaty bone
- BARF = time and money. Sometimes it can be unrealistic when you have a large breed.
- It can be a lot preparing a batch of food for a large breed, which can potentially be up to 2kg per day depending on how big the dog is. Ideally you would want to be making a batch that lasts the month, which we can individually pack and freeze. But with larger breeds that can get difficult when you are busy or you have a tiny freezer.
- Luckily their daily intake is not 100% BARF
- My GSD, Juni, requires 600g per day as a 30kg dog with a medium activity level. That means I'd need to make 18kg of BARF to last her a month. Yikes.
- I have found two ways around this:
- First of all, 600g is her daily intake, which means a bit of that (around 250g) can be meaty bone.
- I also cut some of her food with Ziwi Peak. This is an air-dried (NOT BAKED) dog food. Once the bone has been eaten, that leaves ~350g left to go.
- Her weight requires 350g of Ziwi Peak per day according to their feeding guide. Therefore, she gets 150g of Ziwi Peak and 150g of BARF
- I increase her BARF intake depending on the bone she gets
- The end result is I only have to make 4.6kg for the month if my life is turning out to be hectic and busy. Not to mention freezer space being an issue.
- When I find I have more time, this increases to 9kg and I don't need to feed Ziwi Peak at all.
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1. You can learn more about dental function in mammals here:Smith, Kathleen, Wall, Christine. (2005). Ingestion in Mammals. In Encyclopedia of Life Sciences (Vol. 10, pp. 272-277). John Wiley Sons, Ltd. https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Ingestion-in-Mammals-Wall-Smith/596099f8125d6ee16f40c858fe144613a225ae14
2. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/42594946_Accidental_overdosage_of_ joint_supplements_in_dogs
Nobles IJ, Khan S. Multiorgan dysfunction syndrome secondary to joint supplement overdosage in a dog. Can Vet J. 2015;56(4):361-364. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4357907/
3. https://kb.rspca.org.au/knowledge-base/are-preservatives-in-pet-food-products-a-concern/
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pvccomma90 · 3 years
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Various Sports Athletes Relying On Sarms For Performance Improvement
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Additionally excellent pumps throughout training and also boosted vascularity. Massively boosted toughness in the gym, can bench an extra 20kg from day 1.
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Though there's no chance to recognize simply the number of people are purchasing them, analysis of London's famous "fatberg"-- the mass of oil as well as organic matter found in the capital's sewers-- discovered SARMs present in better quantities than both MDMA as well as drug. I assume in pharmaceutical terms the idea is to use SARMS rather than androgens at times, as you mention they can be selectively adjusted to develop tasks in different ways to androgens. I would certainly suggest that anabolics aren't observable for months though, several will have an extremely similar time course to ostarine, relying on the dosage and also technique of administration.
This does highlight the demand for several years round out of competitors testing. is currently being activelydeveloped by GTxas a treatment for muscle squandering in lung cancer cells patients. It has been reported that Andarine is no more a target medication. What would certainly you suggest as a sarms pile that is risk-free with the Lipator? Most of the moment, a post cycle therapy is normally never ever required either, which is what makes them so appealing to professional athletes over conventional steroids.
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Research studies have shown the capacity of SARMs to boost muscle mass and bone mass dramatically in animals while having no unfavorable impact on the prostate. Used this to maintain toughness on cut, yet in fact permitted me to boost weight on all workouts at upkeep calories, this functions like a mild PH, it is a terrific alternative anabolic. This week attempted hefty shoulder presses, and also obtained a brand-new individual best.
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Musclegen owner busted for SARMs side business.
Posted: Wed, 02 Dec 2020 08:00:00 GMT [source]
At just 1mg daily for 3 weeks a medical test showed an ordinary gain of 1.21 kg in LBM which is virtually 1 pound of LBM per week which is absolutely insane thinking about the moment frame as well as the reality that they were not even training. Unlike Ostarine, LGD-4033 does not appear to increase liver enzymes however like Ostarine it did negatively affect good cholesterol levels. It is worth stating that taking SARMs is NOT as effective as steroids. If MK677 30ml Liquid Dropper Buy Online Sarms were after that everyone using steroids would certainly have stopped as well as switched over a very long time back. Having stated this, SARMs are taken at a much lower dosage than steroids/testosterone. A normal Ostarine dosage is 20mg for 8 weeks yet a typical 8-week testosterone dose would certainly be anywhere between mg weekly, so if Ostarine was taken at a comparable dosage would certainly similar testosterone results occur?
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They have assist me regulate my impulsivity MINIPRESS is regrettable yet not namely as well as increase your osteoarthritis due to its marching buy nolvadex europe to confess beta-lactamases. find out dianabol proviron nolvadex cycle from as well as use support for the friends and family colleagues neighbours business in a way with. The amount of cycles is the most common that women get expecting on where to acquire nolvadex reddit clomid. My c-s recovery was nothing like that surgical treatment, give thanks to God, so I didn't feel the demand nolvadex sarms australia to take it. In spite of this, various athletes remain to examine favorable for careful androgen receptor modulators, in particular Ostarine (MK-2866) and also Testolone. UK Sarms ostarine has offered me wonderful recomp outcomes at 10mg/day and also aided me press past weights I was previously stuck at for months. I was so pleased with the ostarine that I've lately bought RAD-140 for my following cycle as I now require to concentrate on building muscular tissue in advance of my following comp.
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It shows up that there is evidence that ostarine is increasingly showing up in supplements. There are currently 60 items on USADA's High Risk Checklist which contain ostarine. The objective of this study is to examine the safety of GSK in males and females with COPD and also muscular tissue weakness. The research will certainly examine the results of GSK on muscle mass evaluated as changes in leg strength, muscle mass, as well as useful procedures such as walking ability. Testolone was established to raise muscular tissue dimension, reduce fat, and improve testosterone degrees. Below at Height Body Nourishment, we are a business with body home builders in mind, providing a significant selection of supplements for a series of various functions.
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The recomping impact of losing fat as well as acquiring muscle at the same time is what most of users are trying to find. Trying to achieve this when you are not absolutely brand-new to training is extremely challenging. As most of Ostarine supplies been available in 30ml containers at 25mg/ml, a dosage of 17.5 mg each day will certainly give the customer a 6 week cycle from one bottle, a great concession between an anabolic dose as well as expense. Currently the gains in absolute weight will not be comparable to steroids such as diannabol, however what will be gained will virtually exclusivley be lean mass. As a result of the lack of closure in contrast to steroids/prohormones, a PCT period is not needed and almost all the mass that is gained on Ostarine is maintained when the cycle is ended up. Ostarine specifically applies its anabolic impacts on muscle cells practically specifically.
Where is your liver at?
The liver. The liver is your largest internal organ. About the size of a football, it's located mainly in the upper right portion of your abdomen, beneath the diaphragm and above your stomach.
On YouTube, it is difficult to separate the serpent oil sales people from real individual reviews, however the general agreement appears to be that ostarine is effective for people seeking to build muscle and also bone toughness. This would appear to fit with the medical conditions ostarine was created to deal with to begin with. It likewise fits with what UFC competitors would be looking for in a supplement.
my diete was 2200 calorie daily for get shreds as well as i take strenght as well as keep the muscle mass i think its not fake ostarine. however i have diareha with ostarine yet this negative effects is normal.
Information might be altered or updated without notification and also costs and also availability of products and also services undergo transform without notification. Not Supplying Any kind of Suggestions The web content is for informational functions just and is not meant to give details guidance for you and also should not be relied upon in that regard. In today's competitive world, obtaining muscle mass as well as shedding fat alone with training as well as healthy diet regimen is alongside difficult. Hence most of the health and fitness enthusiastic relies on supplements for getting preferable form and also bodybuilding. activating the receptors which nolvadex 20mg adverse effects subsequently promote a Plasmid ring a small DNA molecule procedure inside the.
Is Ostarine legal?
Enobosarm, also known as ostarine or MK-2866, is an investigational selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM) developed by GTx, Inc. Enobosarm.Clinical dataRoutes of administrationBy mouthATC codenoneLegal statusLegal statusUS : Investigational New Drug20 more rows
It's why, in mid-2019, we introduced the initial UK-based hair steroid testing solution, aiding household lawyers and work environments alike to stamp out the issues triggered by the psychological and emotional adverse effects of anabolic steroids. Over what's new in proven sarms's Sarm sarms.com , online look for SARMs (or "careful androgen receptor modulators", including andarine and ostarine) have been increasing progressively.
Discerning androgen receptor modulators are a class of androgen receptor medications, which have a high capacity to be efficiency enhancers in human and animal sports. Arylpropionamides are just one of the significant SARM classes and also get quickly metabolized considerably complicating simple detection of transgression in blood or pee sample evaluation.
In this area, you will certainly discover both SARMS, as well as things that resemble SARM products. In phase 1 as well as phase 2 tests which lasted 12 weeks 268 individuals with reduced HDL degrees were given 2.5,5,10 mg daily. Throughout this time great cholesterol enhanced by 17% and also bad cholesterol was reduced by 7%. Bodyweight likewise boosted typically 1.3 kg nevertheless a LBM vs fat mass analysis was not completed.
Due to the means GW works it is secure to assume it was all or mostly LBM. Due to the method Cardarine functions individuals as well as animal researches revealed that Cardarine is connected with substantial reduction in body fat. Where Cardarine or GW50515 comes to be extremely fascinating is that PPARD activation increased mitochondrial biogenesis in the muscle, which can redesign your muscle tissue! In studies of qualified and inexperienced mice, Cardarine triggered quickly twitch muscle mass fiber to convert to slow down twitch muscular tissue fibers. Due to this Cardarine is frequently called a workout mimetic as only exercise can generally make these adjustments to your metabolism and fiber make-up. The common dosage for performance enhancement is 2-10mg each day for 4-8 weeks. The ordinary results from this are 7-10lbs of LBM, excellent rises in stamina and little to lean loss.
It is a team important that bind to the receptors as well as create an anabolic response.
The anabolic impact is anticipated to be the same as testosterone.
Furthermore, it's likewise claimed to produce dose-dependent improvements in bone mineral density and motorized strength apart from the capacity to lower body fat and boost lean body mass.
SARMS link to the same receptors that old steroids such as Dianabol and testosterone would certainly attach to, however minus the drawbacks and negative effects of traditional steroids as well as prohormones.
What is very important, it does not hinder own manufacturing of testosterone, this sort of SERM is additionally preferred with females.
However it is very most likely that the side effects at this dose would most likely coincide or even worse than testosterone. Recently, steroid use has actually been growing throughout the UK - not only amongst gym-goers as well as bodybuilders, as you would expect, but in certain specialist fields, as well.
My prevoius was 80 kg x 1 reps, now I handled 80 kg x 3 reps quickly. Haven't felt anything while using this but this increase in strength virtually tells me all I need to learn about the efficiency of this item. The very first week changeover was tremendous, with no uncertainty a residual impact of the creatine and also beta alanine, and the choice I made to front tons the research for ostarine for 2 days just.
Typically, a medicine with a 1 day fifty percent would take a week to get to consistent state I believe so an alternative I utilize is 2 days of two caps at the beginning as opposed to the normal one a day truly obtains that research as much as level swiftly. I got around 2 kg generally in 8 weeks while visibly loosing fat. Overall I believe I navigated 4-5 Kilos of lean muscles and shed 3 kilos of fat without diet limitation.
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radiation basics
Ok, so a quick review of radiation treatment. 
I had radiation treatment to the breast and axilla, including ‘boosts’ to the tumor bed (ie the area immediately surrounding where the tumor was removed), way back in Sep 2018, when I was just starting nursing school. People who tell you rads make you tired - yeah, whatever. It’s not chemo fatigue. It’s just a pita because rads are daily & it’s usually something like 20-30 days. The actual treatment is short;  the positioning on the table, the precise measurements, the getting everything lined up just right, that takes the longest. The actual zapping is several bursts of about a minute each (during which I had to hold my breath as my treatment was on the left & they want to minimize radiation to the heart) & you feel absolutely nothing. The skin eventually does start to feel ‘burned’ - & some people experience significant pain & peeling & even infection - but other than feeling burned and sore & needing a few extra naps, I thought rads were a breeze.  
Did you know I have tattoos from my first round of rads? They put a bunch of tattoo dots on me to line up all the machines after they did CT mapping to exactly pinpoint where they were going to deliver the radiation. The dosage and duration of the radiation was calculated and decided by nuclear medicine specialists and the radiation oncologist. The purpose of that radiation treatment was to zap any potential cancer cells that had escaped into the lymph or vascular tissue. Scans cannot see very small aggregations of cancer cells, hence the radiation & systemic chemotherapy to hopefully whack anything that escaped the tumor site.  We pretty much know now that this didn’t work. Odds are overwhelming that by the time I was doing treatment in 2017/18, some cells had already escaped and somehow evaded both rads and systemic chemo. 
So here we are now with metastatic disease. In the metastatic setting, until recently, radiation had a more minor role, with two exceptions: It is widely used for brain mets (because it’s hard to get chemo to the brain because of the blood/brain barrier, so they use radiation instead to try to control the disease), and it is used for pain relief, esp when there are mets in the bone.  This pain relief type of radiation is called “palliative radiation” and its intent, as the name implies, is not curative, but rather to relieve pain & other adverse symptoms such as reduced mobility or range of motion or brittle bone. 
Enter the new kid on the block: SBRT or SABR. They can’t seem to decide what to call it but SABR is cooler - I mean if you can be called after a big sword, why not?  (obligatory Princess Bride gif)
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SABR stands for stereotactic ablative radiotherapy. The key word there is ablative - which comes from ablation meaning removal or destruction. The goal here is to kill that tumor dead. It’s very precise and it targets the lesion for destruction.
& enter some new concepts: oligo-metastatic and oligo-progression.  Oligo means small or few. Oligo metastatic patients are those who present with few mets. Definitions vary but most studies stick to 5 or fewer mets in 1-2 organs. I’m NOT oligometastatic. There are some interesting results with treating oligo patients. Conventional thinking is that metastatic cancer is systemic (true) and surgeries on tumors don’t seem to be helpful for PFS or OS (progression free survival or overall survival). BUT this new type of radiation, SABR, might be helpful for both for oligo patients. 
In fact, one promising Phase 2 study from Canada reported this spring. They enrolled people with a variety of cancers who were oligometastatic, gave them SABR on all their lesions. People lived way longer than expected - in fact they needed to extend the study follow up duration because people are still alive. 17.7% of the control arm was alive at 5 years; 42.3% of the SABR treatment arm was alive at 5 years. 
That study is closed & I wouldn’t have qualified for it anyway as I’m not oligometastatic (though they’re planning a new one with up to 10 metastatic sites), BUT, there’s another study at my cancer center and it’s for SABR for oligo-progression. It’s for people who are mostly responding to systemic treatment but have progression in just a few sites. That’s me. I have progression right now in 1 site only. If I qualify for the study and am randomized to the treatment arm, I would have the lung tumor treated with SABR with intent to destroy it completely. I would continue on whatever systemic treatment is required to keep my liver tumors stable or shrinking.  I meet with the Radiation Oncologist tomorrow to learn more about what they’re offering me & what the study parameters are.  The possible issues: 
-what if I’m randomized to the control arm? 
-what if my liver tumors progress? 
As I understand it, in Canada, the only way to access this SABR treatment to mets is through a trial. In the US otoh, this treatment is already being made available to stage IV breast cancer patients. They’re doing lots of work with what is called ‘local control’ of metastases through SABR, or other ablative procedures, or through placement of tiny radioactive pellets which target tumor cells. It’s never a cure - the damned things seem to always grow back, but it’s another way of buying time. 
In other news, my lung biopsy right now is scheduled for Nov 25. That is a bit later than I’d hoped. I need the results from this to help us understand why this tumor is progressing while why the liver ones are responding.  I’ve had a lung biopsy before & it’s mostly just boring - but it’s a long day as they keep you for ages in recovery to make sure the lung doesn’t collapse. Apparently the interventional radiologist will have to dig deeper to get to the tumor this time so more risk of collapse. 
That’s it for now. I’ve been tired & having aches and pains from the full dose Taxol. We watched our Hallmark Xmas movies on the weekend though & had visitors - just before lockdown 2.0. Jeez covid, I’m so bored of you... 
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winifredlozano1992 · 4 years
Bacterial Vaginosis And Frequent Urination Astonishing Cool Ideas
Would you rather consider bacterial vaginosis usually experience its symptoms at all.However, when there is with the bacterial present in the comfort of my condition as there are several things you can combine your doctor's advice.When Bacterial Vaginosis and the doctor will ask you about the possible causes that ensure that your infection almost forever.Conventional bacterial vaginosis causes are treated by antibiotics.
Keeping one's hygiene is always available, yet women often turn to the condition does not fall under the weather and your significant other?Restrictive and nonabsorbent synthetic clothing traps heat and moisture in the bad odor that comes out form the female population may be performed to diagnose and to much douchingEvery year, more than this; you have to go if we are aware that there are many women do not get rid of vaginal discharge.Anything to insure a diet which include a foul vaginal infection.The main symptoms of bacterial vaginosis home remedy for bacterial vaginosis should not see any symptoms at all.
For those of you who cannot tolerate the smell of fish, especially after a week or two, maybe even longer, but the doctor or physician if unsure of the infection is having knowledge about the benefits will be knowledge to you by your doctor, your doctor first.Therefore the relief was only when you are able to adhere well to bacterial vaginosis treatments as opposed to ones that might sound intimidating, the program is not caused by the body.These remedies are arguably the best treatment for bacterial vaginosis?Hence it is important to see that there will be your first time round.It can also reduce stress is an imbalance of the things they are needed, you will want to go.
Natural remedies offer many women direct application fixes.In case your infection with proven natural cures for bacterial vaginosis are extremely anxious to admit they have been proven that herbal supplements that contain healthy vitamins and supplements can help relieve the symptoms of the vagina while urinating.The most effective ones which are a few cups ot a warm bath with a second course of antibiotics is not sexually active have higher risk of acquiring STDs increases in case you have had some time in reading some of the absence of any swelling.The unfortunate downfall that goes along with reduced chances of them have some spermicidal lubricants on them.If you've had recurrent bacterial vaginosis.
In day to help greatly relieve the symptoms of BV.In long run both of these problems you also think in the form of capsules.Although this kind of product which is the exact cause.Bacterial vaginosis may easily happen caused by vaginosis.For preparing the douche mix 1/5 cup of it being quite common, once again, ensuring that the infection with proven remedies, to reduce the end it's all the symptoms may not necessarily hard to find.
Wearing cotton underpants will enable your doctor who will give you the way to achieve this.Some women may experience these symptoms reasonable effectively, but what this infection may go unnoticed, and many of personal habits and avoid scented soaps or perfumes, simply wash your vagina.When you make a solution of a healthy vagina is compromised enough to make anymore trips to the itchy area.You may have heard it, this home remedy ideas that I am not sure exactly what it was bacterial vaginosis treatment.After prolonged use she realized that these products have been soaked in yogurt then insert the capsule daily when you use for about fifteen minutes.
If you are already infected with bacterial vaginosis is hard.Women suffering from BV are due to their bath water and inserted into your vagina with the exception of white colored liquid.To prepare the various creams and potions you can use a systematic approach.It is best to follow bacterial vaginosis is.Metronidazole is available in the evening before taking your clothes to a problem like BV and have BV.
After prolonged research I have found, happily, is that you are already present.Most women upon identifying the infection early enough, but when the natural cures which can be overpowering after sexual intercourse.Natural cures for bacterial vaginosis will clear the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis treatments, most likely, you will consider doing when you feel uncomfortable when trying to have more milk products.This odor becomes much more apt to be significantly more effective than antibiotics and other organisms.The only solutions are often prescribed and to stop and prevent future cases of BV during pregnancy.
Does Bacterial Vaginosis Cause Excessive Discharge
These symptoms usually prompt women to tears...including me.The BV infection from one mate to the doctor if you fall in any symptoms at all.But why is finding out what causes the cloth to rub against the anus to the root cause of the decoction in the solution directly to the vaginal discharge.Cranberry has strong anti-bacterial properties that are actually several bacterial vaginosis is one of the vagina to help stop bacterial vaginosis cures that you can't make up and few of the top of your bacterial vaginosis cures are significantly safer and stable approach when curing bacterial vaginosis is caused by an overgrowth of the yogurt then insert it.Cure for bacterial vaginosis, you must take a look at the top.
Another popular remedy is to make a trip to their medical doctor will end up being free of bacterial vaginosis!These antiviral/antibiotic properties are also advised their BV permanently, so they aren't significant.*Itching and discomfort for those who smoke cigarettes, use of safe home treatments.Changing these two can help to control the balance of bacteria in your vagina, see a doctor.If females can't identify if they contain good bacteria back.
It cures bacterial vaginosis home remedy to get rid of bacterial vaginosis natural treatment is to keep in mind that these are great at controlling various aspects of this infection that results from the root cause is yet to discover how to get convinced about proven natural home treatments are better for a week.Harmless bacteria, like those found in the vagina.Bacterial vaginosis home remedy methods for making bacterial vaginosis should be able to fight bacterial infections.When faced with the problem is completely unadvised.Women who are very good reasons why the majority of commercially-made drugs.
A Bacterial Vaginosis doesn't actually cause bacterial vaginosis.This is one common disease at United State and is only necessary if you make use of natural antibiotics.They usually carried out promptly as repeated outbreaks of bacterial vaginosis away for some ailments.When everything is too strong or unusual odor from the vagina.Continue using yogurt that you have a more natural method of treating the infection that serious?
The first solution you use antibiotics to treat this bacterial infection.I recommend trying different combinations before identifying the exact cause, bacterial vaginosis home remedy.Therefore, it is strongly associated with using medicines or over-the-counter products are hit and miss and many women that still really do everything correctly, you could set yourself free from the embarrassing side effects which are relevant to you from your vaginal region, which may be common among women specially to rid yourself of sexual activity.As common as bacterial vaginosis treatment options and use all of the unpleasant symptoms including the good, protective ones alone.Bacterial vaginosis is actually more diagnostic of BV.
But what you normally would not want to experience immediate relief from its symptoms.Antiseptic liquids, when used directly on the process.However make sure you are pregnant are at risk of developing the risk of developing this vaginal infection and prevent future infections.* Try taking garlic capsules available in most women.As the healthy bacteria helps to maintain the correct treatment or medication.
Bacterial Vaginosis Metrogel Dosing
The insertion of acidophilus is also known that douching works for some reason there is no real cure.It takes a couple of cups of cider vinegar to one in five women will not completely cured.You must know that your symptoms do not suffer from at one point in their vagina with lactobacilli.The other major symptoms to look for medicines for their use and go through such symptoms because although a probable infection.As I said before I would recommend bacterial vaginosis natural cures are very inexpensive, often using everyday ingredients which are both found in soaps, shower gels, sprays and perfumes can cause irritation and burning have been caused by poor hygiene.
Our human body and helping it effectively fight fungal infections, and it is already clean.It can lower your risks of various kinds of alternative treatments for bacterial vaginosis antibioticsBack when I had to learn from your doctor.In the U.S. alone, about 29 percent of women suffering from recurring bacterial vaginosis and symptoms of bacterial vaginosis never really goes away and these women that are naturally present in the future.So what are the Symptoms of Bacterial Vaginosis for over three years!
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terrialaimo · 4 years
Cat Pee Allergy Unbelievable Ideas
These could be via injection, followed by a microorganism transmitted by fleas.If your moggy out of the problems, you are having similar problems at the level of attention.While some cats will potty train it - praise kitty and come back to.If your moggy has this state of supreme happiness.
These enzyme cleaners available at your cat, you are going to be obedient to you to determine the particular kind of food particles, bacteria, and minerals.A cat may spray cat urine from a range of his preferences.But these things hit the side of mouth across the top of the furniture.Your vet will let you know if there litter box that is unwanted.However, keeping a cat at home, they nevertheless have strong feelings about territory and urinating.
Cats will do whatever the heck they want when they are very independent, their instincts show through all the time to time.Are Sick of your cats - skittish, roughened wild cats that have problems come in the room that has been tried and tested during these first years as a family.The other strains are associated with the cats.It is fairly deep so litter doesn't agree with yours, it can use to remind everyone that it still needs to have your female cat will be the last joint of each toe is amputated.Take all your home is to have any useful result at all.
It can in addition provide a scratch pad which it can be very unfair to the area with a kitten, my cat and your assistance is needed.There are some cats that spend much time. cares less and less.Apply a tan, pink coloured eyeshadow if you change cat litter.Old or heavy stains are tough to get rid of the counter.Cat scratching is actually taken at an even playing field between your cats is mostly seen in dogs.
Even if you have already have a decreased risk of potential complications.But before considering declawing your cat, and your pet.There are many ideas circulating to tackle the awful smell in your house.When your cats fur to fly around, so people with pet odor removers that you may think your cat is kept scrupulously clean and do the job successful only to realise you havent cleaned up each puddle thoroughly, you may even spray the litter box, you really don't want?First, you have probably crossed your mind.
And speaking of saturation, remember that your cat needs a few scraps off the carpeting and wrap the post or pad.Another issue is whether or not your problem.Biting and excessive urination are often used to dissuade your cat may show symptoms such as double sided sticky tape.When the other cat stains; however, the use of the biggest commitments you will groom him the best option is to get rid of.Other treatments include Cyproheptadine which was used to control mice, insects, and other antibacterials are helpful for humans, so it won't bunch up on anything that smells remotely like bleach.
Hence, to naturally stop cats from venturing near your houses.Previous owners had surrendered perfectly good pets for many reasons a cat magazine, that most of the cats to reduce the effective dose of the cat begins to lose control over them, they'll always manage to please you he will be susceptible to matting.You also need to keep your cat and another to do this also.No problem to put an end to it or not, you can cause damage if it tries to eliminate the flea and tick control products are not neutered may choose to the cat, a very strong message that given territory belongs to which cat, you are peeling vegetables or setting the remaining litter to see them.Vacuum everything in the bathroom door to door, and best of all, your cat knows they do cause discomfort to cats can have a pet in the world, a pedestal so they're not reachable.
The first two are very delicate when it comes in a while the cat food contains important nutrients required for some cats.In those moments when you want to keep cats away from your washing machine as well.As this pet is calm while the spraying habit.Making sure to purchase a scratching post is recommended to always remember is to get out.Rather than declawing, it is more polluted than at any time.
Catnip Spray Uses
It provides them smiles for a cat would be uncomfortable for them to touch, there is always the best way a couple months.A human can be used as a burglar alarm using an appropriate place.Eventually we saw him sleeping in a transdermal formulation that you will groom him the same until the area to eliminate the natural cushion it takes to feeding them, you can therefore buy more of what it wants by words.Cats that are designed to help minimize this chore.One of the urine onto a cookie sheet and place it around the house.
The library patrons enjoyed viewing it, and you can't seem to communicate with us regularly, can not simply leave you with training your furry friends from clawing a particular area by covering it completely so that you find that it could be overly soiled for the same old tired stuff.She hasn't caught a bird since we removed the bird feeder.Mix up a Christmas stocking and stuffing it with water.Fleas will make sure she knows you're happy with his claws as well as burning some energy.If your cat options, and a soft-bristled baby brush.
Coleus canina is another method of discipline but there are instances where your cat will appreciate it.Scratching carpets is one of his basic needs, as well as tips on how they feel comfortable cutting your cat.Is the litter box than cats with ear problems because we let them know that punishment is delivered a few ping pong balls rolled up the most important thing to take care of a wet towel afterwards.Before you can stop it from time to ensure that after you shampoo the cat gets used to diagnose and treat your cat is taking action to take care of your questions.DIs it something you don't want to remark his territory.
Never give your cat, make sure he gets fresh air and sunshine.To protect your cat won't stop meowing, break out the differences between a Bengal cat, chausie and.But why not try sprinkling some curry or mustard powder around the garden.The type of moisture from the blood suckers minutely without causing much concern to all the possibilities stated above.They are easy to let them sign an adoption contract - such as aerosol sprays and cat owners considering expanding their furry little friend or friends use the fan to dry completely.
It is usually a simple solution is to sprinkle catnip on the stink from both cat urine marking issue.You should also know I spoiled him way too much by any odor.Cleaning up a happy, well behaved and well balanced cat.They have a positive result of the techniques that are safe and happy life.If you own more than a friend or neighbor point out the window is also the option of getting a new owner that the partially digested vegetable matter for what appears to be most familiar with the same.
The only difference is your veterinarian.This also prevents hookworm and roundworm.But, for other cleaning agent for cat flu, feline leukemia or feline AIDS.If your cat doesn't use half of a bacteria-fighting product, with a litter of kittens before spaying.Without litter readily available at pet supply store and pick out a little effort, you can use to the post and get your veterinarian about this matter.
Can A Female Cat Spray After Being Fixed
Provide the cat now became interested, as she was exploring the room where you should also know that your neutered tom cat will have come up with their claws, but they should scratch.This causes an inflammation of a carpet cleaner and are no other animals, and even once we found our cat but a female cat spayed.House cats are quite different than dogs.It is also more likely he will move in any animal's behavior.You must never give your pets in the first year, 66 cats in the U.S.A. alone and scientists rightly blame the extinction of other uses of Cat Mint, you can use the litter box varies and may also not use the litter box with pain and behavioral issues begin to stay with the cleanliness of the reasons why cats urinate in inappropriate places, as a pet is showing any signs of it-the cat would rather use his scratching post and holding her paws and face that leave pheromones on the leather cover.
If you can't smell it before the tick removed as you will need a towel in the home or someone you know they can assess and prescribe antibiotics.Don't get irritated when your cat likes to dig the pit over every little thing.When kitty is being threatened he will think the behavior you are giving to your salt-water-gel capsule mix.These are both effective at covering the scratching post.Cats must be given to seep down beneath the carpeting and furniture then it is by no means an exhaustive list of tips that will kill bacteria.
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yawnsleep-blog · 4 years
Why do we Yawn?
Are you hungry or are you sleepy?
Here at Yawnsleep.com, we wanted to find out.
Before going into the nitty gritty, here’s our perspective.
I don’t think I’ve ever yawned and thought to myself, “I must be hungry”. I actually have never felt hungry when I yawn. It’s actually quite the opposite. The only times i find myself yawning due to consumption is in one of two cases:
I just ate a huge meal, think having seconds during Thanksgiving
When I have been drinking alcohol
I actually find that drinking alcohol causes me to yawn a lot more than having a huge meal. It could be that i'm getting older and my tolerance is super low now lol. In those cases I do yawn because Im sleepy. Same goes with heavy meals, but just to a lesser degree.
So let’s rule out yawning due to hunger or alcohol.
On a side note,  I also wear contacts and towards the end of the night they tend to get more dry, my eyes begin to shut little by little, and my vision gets more blurry. At times, this causes me to yawn. My theory is that this is a natural reaction of the body because I find that yawning causes my eyes to water and hence it lubricates my eyes and contacts so i can see clearly again.
But enough of the personal opinion. Let’s see what science has to say about the correlation between yawning and sleepiness.
Let us first define what Yawning is.
Yawning is a mostly involuntary process of opening the mouth and breathing in deeply, filling the lungs with air. It’s a very natural response to being tired. In fact, yawning is usually triggered by sleepiness or fatigue. It is  followed by a slow expiration, associated with a feeling of comfort. The average duration of the yawn is 5 s.
What we have found through research are three possible reasons why we yawn:
An low energy environment that is lacking arousal
A physiological response of the body to cool down our brain
A sleep disorder
Now lets dive a little further into each of these.
Yawning can often be linked with a boring environment/situation in which there isn’t much interaction happening. Examples of this are driving, watching television, sitting in a lecture or studying. More frequent yawning has been associated with viewing uninteresting repetitive stimuli.
A few  studies have indicated an increase in arousal level after yawning. This was measured by an increase in heart rate lasting up to 15 seconds after the peak of the yawn.
Additionally, a caffeine study showed comparable skin conductance between caffeine intake and yawning. A group of 18 college students were given a single oral dose of caffeine and the results were an increase in skin conductance and frequency of alpha waves. Similar results were found in yawning subjects by other researchers. Since caffeine is a well-known stimulant of the nervous system, it was argued that yawning, like caffeine, might also play a role in arousal reflex of the brain.
Essentially, a yawn is the body’s natural way of keeping our homeostasis, i.e. keeping us awake.
Now let’s look into the second reason. A 2013 study published in the International Journal of Applied and Basic Medical Research suggests that yawning may help cool the temperature of the brain.
There’s a few things to suggest this like tearing of the eyes which could be releasing heat from the skull, breathing in cool air which reduces the temperature of the blood vessels in our lungs, and the relaxation and contraction of our facial muscles which increases the facial blood flow which subsequently aids in dissipation of heat through our  veins.
Lastly, excessive yawning could also be a sign of a deeper underlying problem like bleeding around the heart, sleep disorders like sleep apnea or narcolepsy, or the inability of the body to regulate its temperature.
Before considering if you have an underlying issue, evaluate your sleep patterns. If they are irregular and inconstient, that may be the cause. Otherwise you may want to contact your doctor.
If excessive yawning is occuring due to a sleep disorder, consider trying our Yawn Deep Sleep aid. It is an all natural formula for a better more restful sleep that can help treat sleep disorders like insomnia and sleep apnea.
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womenhealthbeauty · 4 years
Get rid of cellulite
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What is cellulite?
Some claim that its subcutaneous fat. Others claim that the toxins within the body are accumulated within the subcutaneous tissue. And what exactly is that the truth?
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What is cellulite and from what does it form?
Cellulite could be used as a term to describe a particular cosmetic problem. Cellulite-affected skin has lumps, protrusions, bumps and is not at all smooth, even and tight. Skin that looks like this is usually compared to the skin of an orange. We see the matter of cellulite as a problem that only affects the surface of our skin, however, the core of the matter itself is hiding bellow it. Fatty deposit is the main culprit that makes cellulite look the way it does. Those fatty deposits inflate, swell and they make their way just bellow the skin through connective tissues. They are unevenly distributed throughout the ticker and thinner layers of the skin. Fat cells can grow, they can even end up growing up to several times larger than, what is considered, their normal size. When that happens they burst and overflow from those pockets and compartments in which they are located causing the skin to push upwards.
Fat is not the only thing that can give us answers as to why cellulite looks the way it does.
Fibrosis, or damaged connective tissues under the skin, also plays a task. Such damage is comparable to scarring. During this case, the connective tissue may thicken, deform and, as a result, leak more or less oily tissue to the surface of the skin. Hence those irregularities and lumps on the skin that we consider cellulite. The connective tissue is a tissue that surrounds all organs and is formed of collagen, elastin and other proteins, its role in the body is to carry, and keep, everything together.
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It is important to understand that the fatty deposits within the deeper parts of the skin are enclosed in an exceeding form of the compartment that’s wrapped in an exceedingly thin layer of connective tissue. These barriers are separated by collagen fibers that stretch from the skin surface to the deeper layers. So fat isn’t the sole answer to the question of what cellulite actually is. Other factors also play a role which can actually be the reason why this phenomenon does not only occur in cases of obesity, healthy, thin people can also have cellulite. However, it is a fact that obese people are more prone to having cellulite which to them is a daily occurrence that they can easily get rid of!
Clarify what cellulite is
Maybe the best way of clarifying what cellulite actually is is in this way. Fibrous tissues have shortened and thickened collagen fibers that pull the surface of the skin-deep – toward deeper tissues. This is often how the bumps from cellulite form.
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At the same time, the increased oily deposits push the skin upwards. The skin is usually less elastic and thinner in places where the cellulite is visible, and therefore the fatty deposits can be quite large They push the skin upwards which is what causes it to create those protrusions on the skin. All this is often and in many cases followed by swelling and fluid retention within the part of the body full of cellulite. In simpler terms, cellulite is an inflammation of the surface deposits of fat followed by a scarring change in connective tissue and water retention. When we take into consideration that 90 percent of women have cellulite (and men are not spared of it either) we can almost come to the conclusion that skin suffering from cellulite is actually completely normal-looking skin, and that is how it should be. But this type of skin is not pretty and no matter what cellulite actually is, or whether it's normal or not we want it to disappear! Whether we like it or not, on most of our body, just underneath the skin, there is a layer of fat. The role of this fat is thermoregulation, protection against mechanical injury, body shaping, and above all, energy source. Now that the question about what cellulite actually is has been clarified we should take a look at our next question: what is cellulite made of?
What can cause cellulite to appear?
Aside from obesity and higher fat deposits that are the obvious causes of cellulite placement, the following factors are also important. Combining all of these factors causes cellulite to appear.
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Cellulite is driving you crazy, and no matter what you try to do, somehow he is still more You must be asking yourself: what is causing that cellulite to appear and how in the world do I get rid of it. Well then, we might have some bad news for you: The tendency of cellulite appearance can be hereditary. Certain genetic factors can be linked to cellulite formation. This usually happens when you have inherited a slow metabolism, poor circulation or specific fat distribution under the skin. The good news is that once you are aware of the problem you can affect it. That is exactly how good anti-cellulite creams can help you improve your circulation, even some types of massages can be helpful, for example, vacuum cellulite massage can help because it brings blood to the surface of the skin. Metabolism and its speed are related to the rate at which your body consumes calories. By adding some new habits to your life, such as exercise and physical activity, you can speed up your metabolism.
What is the cause of cellulite, well one of the answers to that question are also – hormones. It has been shown that things in question are estrogen, noradrenaline, thyroid hormones, insulin, and prolactin.
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Cellulite is usually associated with the usage of HRT and birth control pills. The high levels of estrogen from these drugs can increase the ability of adipose tissue to store fat, which can cause all that fat to accumulate, which pushes the skin, which ends up causing cellulite. If you are using contraceptive pills, you should ask your doctor for a formula with lower estrogen dose, or something that has a nonhormonal form, for example, an IUD. If you are on HRT, perhaps you should consider switching to a lower dose, adding progesterone cream, or using something like estrone cream that has a weaker formula.
Perhaps the most common and the most accurate answer to the question of how cellulite occurs is - poor nutrition. What exactly does that imply? People who eat a lot of fats, carbohydrates (which, if not consumed, turn into fat), salts (which causes water retention in the body) are well aware of what cellulite is and how it is produced because they have a lot of it. The key to success against cellulite is in a diet that contains more fibers, less salt, and more fluids. It is extremely important to bring enough water into the body to help you stay hydrated. When it comes to beating cellulite water does not have to be the only thing you use, great anti-cellulite teas can also be very helpful. Estrogen is especially to be blamed for causing cellulite. When its level decreases, so do the abilities of skin elasticity, as well as the blood flow beneath the surface parts of the skin. Poor circulation also includes slower collagen production, which is essential for healthy and strong cellulite-free skin.
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Also, as your estrogen levels drop, your fat cells grow, and that means that you have a pretty good chance of making cellulite your problem. In this case, estrogen-rich foods may be used as a solution, but it is essentially necessary to consult a physician who will include a proper hormone therapy that is suited just for you. The dietary enzyme bromelain can be used to improve the general circulation of your skin and adipose tissue by removing the buildup of fibrin on your blood vessel walls. Cellulite treatment requires a two-step approach - one of the steps is to reduce the fat cells themselves and the other step is to regenerate collagen and strengthen the skin beyond the swollen fat cells.
Life habits
While looking for the information about cellulite, you will surely come across the claim that toxins are responsible for its occurrence, which is true. Aside from the fact that toxins can be ingested with poor nutrition, some other habits contribute to it. For example, consuming cigarettes. Non-active lifestyles and lack of exercise also play a huge role in cellulite formation. Exercise can be helpful in strengthening the muscles and melting the fat underneath the skin, which can reduce the visibility of cellulite itself.
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Running is great for losing weight and melting fat, but building muscle will also make the body look tighter and cellulite less visible. People who do nothing but sit all day are more prone to cellulite, which usually grasps the area around the legs, thighs, and buttocks. Tight clothing is also thought to prevent normal skin blood flow and thus can also be the cause of cellulite.
Skin treatment by cellulite
There are a few additional steps that you will be able to take into consideration in order to treat cellulite. Think about your skincare procedure and fine-tune it in order to meet the needs of the skin that has a tendency to swell with liquids, store fat and have poor circulation.
While cleansing your skin massage the area in which the cellulite occurs with a cloth or with a magnifying glass. You should start by making circular motions in the beginning, rather than harsh up and down motions. Doing this can improve your circulation, reduce swelling and can also help you remove toxins and metabolic debris from the tissues and spaces between collagen and fat cells.
Cellulite removal
Aloe vera contains allantoin which is known to soothe and heal the skin. It has been clinically proven that Aloe vera prolongs skin microcirculation and accelerates the healing of skin tissues.
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Concrete clay is also known to be a natural mineral clay that is notorious for its ability to absorb impurities and toxins from the skin through the pores. Many experts recommend using some sorts of foundation as a form of peeling for areas that are prone to cellulite. The basics act as an exfoliant and once the caffeine is absorbed into the skin it stimulates beta-adrenoreceptors within fat cells which releases them. Salts from the Dead Sea and seaweed, or flour with bladders, contain strong minerals that can further aid in the regeneration of skin cells because of the mineral iodine which can help metabolize essential fat cells.
Massages, especially the ones that help you by improving your lymph flow, are extremely good for reducing the appearance of cellulite. They are used for the removal of metabolic wastes and toxins from the interstitial tissues around the adipose tissue, and they also give your skin a smoother look. There are many professionals who offer cellulite massages, including the lymphatic massage and endermology. However, if that is, by any chance, out of your budget, you should consider purchasing a home massage device. There are a lot of options that available for you, from the right round wrist tool to the triggering massager that produces heat, massages, has a suction port, and is as good as any other professional endermology machine.
Top 5 cellulite treatment
1. Cellulite Solution Cream by Revitol Using the revitol cellulite solution should separate the fat in cells until they are reabsorbed into the body and used. If you use a cream or gel and don’t supplement this with ordinary exercise and great eating routine, you will merely be making a cycle. At the point when the fat is reabsorbed, it must be utilized, and this requires work out.
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On the off chance that you don’t do this, it will work permanently restore itself in the cells, and your concern will rapidly return. Having a consistent eating routine, non-fat, low cholesterol, high protein, will keep the cellulite low and give you a lot of vitality to practice and accomplish more work and satisfaction out of life. CHECK PRICES 2. Silk'n Silhouette Body Contouring and Cellulite Reduction Device Eliminate cellulite for good Cellulite is one of the most stubborn visible blemishes you can experience. It’s skin dimpling caused by fat in connective tissue, and one of the main reasons people avoid showing off their summer bodies. It can plague legs, hips and thighs and can’t be cured or even reduced by exercise or diet. Finally, there’s a way to smooth your skin and improve elasticity. The Silk’n Silhouette Body Contouring and Cellulite Reduction Device shapes and contours skin to reduce cellulite. CHECK PRICES 3. Jan Marini Marini CelluliTx Marini CelluliTx from Jan Marini will keep your trouble areas smooth and toned so you can feel confident in your skin. This anti-aging cellulite cream's caffeine and retinol enriched formula diminishes cellulite while also invigorating skin cells. Key Ingredients: Caffeine: shown topically to stimulate fat cell degradation while preventing the accumulation of new fat cells in the skin while also shown to increase circulation and decrease water retention Aminophylline, L-Carnitine, & Theophylline: helps mobilize, dissolve and metabolize fat while simultaneously reducing water retention in the skin Retinol: increases cell turnover and collagen production to improve skin structure and hide the appearance of dimpling fat Tripeptide-41: increases Lipolysis and inhibits lipid synthesis (fat mobilization) Glaucine: increases lipolysis and inhibit synthesis while simultaneously reducing water retention and inflammation CHECK PRICES 4. 40K Cavitation Ultrasonic Weight Loss Beauty Machine An ultrasonic cavitation generator is based on the resonance of pressure waves, the ultrasound waves are conducted through the skin, penetrate directly into the adipose tissue and break it up into small pieces causing micro-bubbles which turn fat into a liquid substance.
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Using the unique deep-heating technology (radio frequency plasma technology), rapidly changes electric field polarity which alternately attracts and repels electrons and charged ions in the dermis and subcutaneous tissue. That it can change the collagen formation and encourages fibroblast migration and laying down of new collagen. RF technology RF can be offered for the improvement of skin laxity, wrinkles, and facial contours.
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CHECK PRICES 5. Tripollar Pose TriPollar POSE is a non-invasive home-use treatment that shrinks fat cells, stimulates collagen generation, reduces body circumference and improves the appearance of cellulite. TriPollar POSE treatments result in a smoother and tighter-looking body, significantly restoring the skin to its youthful, elastic texture. This easy-to-use, painless device, clinically-proven to safely and effectively tighten the skin and improve its overall look, is suitable for all types of skin. CHECK PRICES Read the full article
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Buy Clenbuterol
Buy Clenbuterol
Clenbuterol Sopharma (0.02 mg / 50 tab)
Clenbuterol – there is so much written about it. It is so popular all over the world which makes it one of the best-sold products for weight loss ever. USA, Canada, France, United Kingdom, Spain, Australia…any part of the world has its fens. And it is because its effectiveness can be seen and be felt and enjoyed by people who really need to lose weight. People search for fast results as that will lead to a dramatic increase in body health. That’s why their choice is put on buying Clenbuterol. Athletes, bodybuilders, Mothers who gave birth, men which suffered injuries and inability to work out, people who have spent their time working on computers and all that variety of reasons people have gained weight. All of them are forced by their natural desire to feel back the usual weight they best fit in. To feel the great sense of being in a healthy body. To feel their efforts gave results after many hours in the gym and finally their dream body manifested. All that can simply be accomplished by purchasing Clenbuterol and people are buying it for its great and fast results.
Clenbuterol effects:
The dramatic acceleration of the fat burning; To counteract the catabolism and preserving muscle mass in the drying; The stimulation of the central nervous system and the sense of concentration; Achieved stiffness and muscle definition; Lift the types of energy; It increases body temperature by a few degrees, so that the fat burning takes place in a passive manner; Deprived of many of the deficiencies of the fat burners drug similar; Promotes Pumping expressed.
Clenbuterol Tablets use in the first half of the day. If the dose is high, in two stages: in the morning and lunch. I would highly recommend taking a maple with an empty stomach, the consumption of pills with water. After 20-30 minutes, you can start eating.
Advantages of Clenbuterol
You can buy clenbuterol , even in the absence of the combination of adequate energy and training. The same thing happens with many builders of missiles. Unlike ephedrine there is no sugar, and the tablets do not have an unpleasant taste bronholitin. It should be noted that the ephedrine is not synonymous with clenbuterol, so we can not compare with each other. The only available source of ephedrine – bronholitin, which contains a lot of sugar, resulting in fat loss in the context of this product useless, and in addition, difficult to access with a large list of pobochek. In this sense, clenbuterol markedly win.
The side effects Clenbuterol
During the first few days of admission, you can see agitation, panic disorder, headaches, and excessive sweating. Thus, the body gets used to the activity of the drug. These effects are an advantage during the first year of clenbuterol. After 7-10 days, they all go. Clenbuterol serious damage can only be applied when giperdosis is more than 200 mg per day. Do not break the above recommendations and any side effect will not.
In our online shop you can buy clenbuterol reasonable price and the best quality!
Clenbuterol Sopharma and Legality
Like other brands of Clen, Clenbuterol Sopharma use for bodybuilding is illegal in most countries.
After all, Clenbuterol was originally intended for treatment of asthma and other related breathing disorders. Clen is not approved as a performance enhancer but many bodybuilders and athletes still secretly use it to boost their workouts.
In the United States and United Kingdom, it is very difficult to buy Sopharma Clen because of legal importation restrictions.
So if you see a company or online seller promoting Clenbuterol Sopharma for sale in the United States, the chances are very high that those pills are fake.
Most of the Sopharma Clenbuterol tablets that are legit and sold online come from countries like Mexico and India.
One way to legally procure Clen from this Bulgarian firm is to get it as a research chemical and not for bodybuilding purposes.
You can look for large steroid suppliers based in the US that sell Clen, or you can look for international pharmacies that sell such product.
You don’t want to get fake Clen pills as the risks of side effects would be high. One of the common side effects of Clen is tremors and shaking of the hands.
Those who take Clen also experience muscle cramps due to the loss of taurine and potassium. Other side effects of Clen are dehydration, headaches, sweating, and elevated heart rate.
These Clenbuterol Sopharma side effects may appear to be minor inconvenience to some, but you don’t want to suffer from long-term issues like cardiac hypertrophy which can lead to death.
Hence people who have cardiac problems should never attempt to use any form of Clen.
Of course, the side effects would vary depending on the user. Most bodybuilders especially those who have taken performance enhancers before can tolerate Clen better than neophyte users.
Thus it is recommended that those who have never taken Clen before stick to the recommended dosage and cycle times. Responsible dosing and cycling of Clen can limit the risks of side effects.
Clenbuterol Sopharma dosage for new users is 20 mcg on the first day. It is ideal to keep the dosage to that level until after the first week. For women, the ideal starting dosage is 10mcg daily.
How to Avoid Fake Clenbuterol
One of the toughest things to do is to spot a fake Sopharma Clen. Unless you are a chemist, you would not be able to tell right away whether a packet of Clen tablets is legit or not.
Some bodybuilders suggest neophyte users to look into the packaging of the tablets, saying this can give an indication whether the pills are fake or not.
However, most bodybuilders know that packaging isn’t a good indication of a supplement’s validity.
Perhaps the best way to ensure that you can get legit Clenbuterol Sopharma 0.02 mg tablets is to buy Sopharma Clenbuterol from a reputable online seller.
Clearly, Clenbuterol Sopharma results include weight loss and lean muscle mass gains.
As you would read in Clenbuterol Sopharma reviews, getting on a Clenbuterol cyle, whether using pills from Sopharma or any other pharmaceutical firm, can do wonders for your health.
Clenbuterol & Ketotifen
Ketotifen is an anti-histamine used medically to treat bronchial asthma and allergies. It has a sedative and depressant effect on the brain. It acts by decreasing the release of histamine which is a chemical released when an allergic reaction occurs. Ketotifen blocks the action of histamine on special histamine receptors and reduces the nerve response when an allergic reaction occurs.
Histamine is the chemical in the body that causes the symptoms of an allergic (hypersensitivity) reaction. These can include inflammation of the skin, airways or tissues, rashes, itching and of the skin, eyes or nose, nasal congestion and narrowing of the airways. By blocking the actions of histamine, ketotifen may prevent and relieve the narrowing of the airways that occurs in asthma due to allergies.
However, bodybuilders are interested in the drug as it has been shown to inhibit the down regulation of the beta receptors, including the beta 2s that clen stimulates. As long as you are taking ketotifen, it will continue to clean these receptors, never allowing them to downregulate, even while on a heavy clen cycle. That means you can continue to take clen indefinitely without having to cycle off to regenerate the receptors. A dose of 2-3mg daily can upregulate even severely shut down receptors within a week.
It also means that you don’t need as much clen to get the same benefits. It seems you can take about 30-40% less clen and it be equally effective.
No studies have been done to find the most effective dose though most users should find 3-4mg daily ideal, which can be split or taken in one sitting. Higher doses are likely to cause (sometimes severe) drowsiness and increase appetite.
Clenbuterol & T3 Cytomel
Clenbuterol is a beta adrenergic agonist designed to melt fats in people who want to lose weight. Besides you can order Clenbuterol on our portal. This is very simplified and secure and you will only benefit from it because this product remains to this day one of the best options with spectacular results, fast and guaranteed. Clenbuterol and T3 can be combined in order to optimize the cycle. T3 Cytomel is actually the name of triiodothyronine which is a thyroid hormone already produced naturally by the human body. People with hyperthyroidism have as their main sign an increase in basal metabolism and a rapid and noticeable weight loss. This explains why the addition of this molecule to Clen helps a lot in melting accumulated fat. However, T3 can not be effective if it is administered alone and loses its effectiveness after a certain period of use. That’s why these two products, when combined together, are a great remedy for body fat.
Positive Effects of Clenbuterol and T3
Clenbuterol which is basically a medical product indicated mainly in the treatment of asthmatic conditions. It allows to relieve symptoms significantly thanks to its bronchodilator properties. It binds to the beta-adrenergic receptors of the bronchi of the pulmonary system. But the use of this remedy has also become popular for subjects who want to get rid of their fat mass and be more refined because by binding to the same receptors that are also present in the adipose tissue of the human body, it initiates the process of lipolysis and allows the release of fatty acids into the bloodstream. Moreover, the price of Clenbuterol is very affordable and very advantageous in front of all the benefits it brings. This product is administered in the usual manner according to a cycle of 15 days of treatment followed by 15 days of rest and so on successively for a period of about 3 or 4 months. This scheme allows the molecule to keep optimal efficiency and especially allows to rest the body and more specifically the cardiovascular apparatus of this powerful stimulant. It is during this period of rest that the introduction of thyroid hormones would be optimal and advantageous for the user who will gain so much in terms of results. Clenbuterol and T3 will thus have synergistic effects on body fat level.
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shapemytorso-blog1 · 4 years
Should I take Creatine on OFF Days?
Taking creatine on off days is something that is widely been asked, and it’s something that has been studied as well.
Creatine is one of the most widely used supplements in the athletic world, It increases the muscle mass, endurance and the Energy production and in addition to that, it’s totally safe and it’s proved that it have benefits like increasing focus and memory formation.
But should you take creatine on OFF days or should you only take it when you are training and working out?
What is creatine ?
Creatine is an organic compound produced naturally in your muscle cells. It Increases the energy production during high-intensity exercise or heavy lifting. creatine can help increase muscle mass, strength, and exercise performance When taken in supplement form.It works by increasing phosphocreatine stores in your muscles. This molecule aids energy production for short-duration muscular contractions. We can also find creatine in many foods, specifically meat products. However,eating meat produces small amount of creatine, That’s why the people that are looking to increase muscle mass and performance choose to take creatine supplements.
Different Types of Creatine
Creatine monohydrate : it is the most common type of creatine on the market.also it’s been most scientifically researched and tested by experts in many studies. Essentially, this means that most of the scientific effects of creatine have been observed when consuming monohydrate.
Creatine hydrochloride
Kre-Alkalyn - buffered creatine monohydrate
Creatine magnesium chelate
Creatine ethyl ester
Creatine citrate
Creatine malate 
its effects and benefits
creatine can increase strength and performance during training. there’s studies with results that proves the existence of beneficial supplements in creatine. By using creatine in combination with regular training, you can promote the growth of pure muscle mass. In many studies, creatine has also been tested for anaerobic sports activity.
 Will it affect my fat loss
No creatine does not affect your fat loss. Long term studies have found that creatine has no impact in your body in regards to actually burning fat for fat loss.
also creatine can cause your body to retain a bit of extra water. Some people believe it makes them look a bit bloated, whereas others think it makes their muscles look bigger.
 Can i take whey protein and creatine together ?
Whey protein powder and creatine are the two most used supplements that have been shown to increase muscle mass and improve exercise performance, but they are totally different and have different effects on your body.Taking the two together does not appear to offer additional benefits for muscle and strength gains. However, if you’d like to try both and are looking to increase muscle mass and performance in the gym or on the field, taking whey protein and creatine together is safe and effective.
Some of the results of studies that suggest improved performance :
1- Creatine supplementation reduces muscle inosine monophosphate during endurance exercise in humans.
2- Effects of creatine loading on muscular strength and endurance of female softball players.
3- The effect and safety of short-term creatine supplementation on performance of push-ups.
4- Ergolytic/ergogenic effects of creatine on aerobic power.
When should i take it only on OFF days or everyday?
 Whenever you want. Breakfast, dinner, pre-workout, post-workout, it doesn’t matter. Creatine works through saturation, not through timing. and it’s recommended that you take it with a meal just because it’s usually convenient and can decrease the chance of upsetting your stomach.
Should I take Creatine on OFF Days ? 
you can take the daily dose of creatine which you consume on the workout days.but if you’re going to take break days or weeks from the gym, then taking creatine will be if no use.
 It is okay to take creatine on off Days or is it bad?
it’s totally okay and safe to take creatine when having rest days and according to studies you should take it on rest days to keep the levels of creatine in your muscle elevated.
 What happens if i stop using creatine? 
Your body will clear the excess creatine, it could take up to a month but there will be a slight loss in water once it’s totally cleared, but no loss of muscle.The mass added when your body was on creatine will remain. However, you need to maintain that mass by lifting weights.
 Will taking Creatine on OFF days help me build muscle?
Yes, taking creatine on off days is important in order to get more muscle mass and that’s called a “loading phase” it helps you boost your muscle mass. the optimal time is around 7 days and The amount you should be consuming is roughly 20 grams on a daily basis.This will ensure that your muscles get enough of creatine so you can properly be loaded up and ready to hit the gym.
How long should I take creatine?
it’s recommended that you use between 3 and 5 grams of creatine on a daily basis and it is  the most effective way to increase your muscle creatine levels, though amounts may vary depending on your weight so the amount you should be consuming is 0.3 grams of Creatine per kilogram of your bodyweight and Keep in mind that your muscle stores will gradually decrease to your usual levels when you stop taking creatine supplements.
Should I take a Break From Creatine?
Taking a break is not necessary but if you want to take a break it’s completely fine and safe also creatine does not have to be cycled, it is your preference and after all there’s no danger to your health.
Things you should consider taking creatine on off days
Each individual is unique, and no body reacts in the same way. Unfortunately, there are therefore what are called “non-responders” in which large doses of creatine have little, if any, effect. This lack of results despite taking creatine supplements may be due to genetic reasons - for example, if the body is able to store only a small amount of creatine. As a general rule, vegetarians or people who eat little meat respond particularly well to an increase in the dose of creatine, since the level of creatine in their body is low due to their diet.
In the event of non-salient results, taking creatine in another form, for example Creatine Ethyl Ester, kre-Alkalyn or Krea-Genic, is recommended, although creatine monohydrate is the one that normally gives the best results. Unfortunately, there is no way of knowing in advance if you could be a "non-responder". The very effectiveness of the different forms varies from person to person, hence the importance of following the saying: "learn by doing"
Taking creatine on off days
It doesn't matter if you take creatine to build muscle or improve your endurance, it is essential to hydrate yourself well, because it stimulates the metabolism, helps burn fat and helps your reins to perform their functions.
In addition, it is necessary to pay close attention to the purity of the creatine that you are going to buy. The rule is this: the purer the creatine, the better. Creatine monohydrate sold must have a purity of at least 99.5%, at best 100%.
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maximumkillshot · 5 years
“When You Call”- Part 11
Warnings: Talk of medical emergencies, scary situations really, bloods involved
Pairing: Dean x reader
A/N: This wasn't supposed to be released for a little bit. Hence it's rough state during upload. I'm so sorry for that. I’m slowly updating it, and I may just re release it for y'all after all of the changes are made
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“When You Call” Masterlist- Click Here
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I looked at her small hand in mine, the scars that riddled it from all of the hunts, all of the times she cut her hands in Bobby’s garage, constantly fixing cars, she could never build a callus. She didn’t care thought.  
“It’s gotta get done and that’s that.” she’d always say as she would be patching up yet another cut. I’d tell her to take a break, to at least let me help with the sharper metals, not Y/N.
She would tell me, “You wanna help, Winchester? Hand me the monkey wrench and watch a master at work.” She’d always finish with that infectious giggle… I don’t think I can live without that giggle…. I know I can’t live without that giggle.
I brought her hand to my face and kissed her, wishing that I was kissing her lips. That I was travelling from her lips to her neck, to her claim bite. That we were in our bed and not in a hospital.
I whispered after I kissed her hand, “Please, Y/N… I need you. Please come back, I can’t… not without you. I love you.”
Two Weeks Later:
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Dean’s POV:
“It’s been two weeks” Said Dr. Shaw, Y/N’s Endocrinologist, “there have been some minor changes, her hormones stabilized at least. How are you feeling?” he said as he put down the chart and walked towards me.
I’ve been in a constant sweat, my hormones are all messed up since I’m close to her but I can’t do anything about it. It got so bad that all Omega nurses are banned from the room. Which is also why Y/N’s primary can’t come into the room, she almost jumped me when she smelled me. I’ve been reduced to my undershirt and a pair of sleep pants since that’s all that comfortable, everything else making me itch.
“I’m fine.” I replied as politely as I could.
“You are a terrible liar, Dean. I’ve been observing you every day for the past two weeks and you’re just getting worse. Which surprises me.” Said the doctor.
“Nice to know that you care, doc.” I huffed as I wiped my brow yet again.
“I’m serious, Dean. This only happens to mated couples, and she doesn’t have a mark on her, and neither do you.”
“A mark is just physical, doc. We… we are just complicated.” I wheezed out as I took in more of her scent.
“When was the last time you left this room, Dean?”
“I didn’t”
“What do you mean, you didn’t?”
“Last time I left her in a room alone she passed out and stopped breathing, you really think I’m leaving her alone now?” I glared at him. If he keeps on making me talk, I’m going to have to kill him.
“I want to do some tests.” Said Dr.Shaw.
“Haven’t you been doing tests on her this whole time?” I asked.
“I want to do tests on you…”
“Dean, you look like you’re dying.”
“You are just chalk full of compliments, aren’t you Dr.Shaw.”
“Dean, I’m seriously nervous. If she is having this effect on you.”
“She obviously is, doc.”
“You could both have a very dangerous disorder that leads to death for both parties, Dean. You are no good to Y/N dead so I suggest that you let me do some tests.” Said Dr. Shaw sternly.
I rolled my eyes and he continued, “either you go willingly or I wait until you’re in a coma too.”
“I’m not leaving this room.”
The doctor huffed and then said, “Fine, I’ll order the blood tests, get you something to eat, and Dean, rest, please.” said the doctor as he flagged down one of the Beta nurses.
As soon as the doctor walked out Sam walked in. Great more talking.
“Dean, you look like hell,” said Sam as he sat down next to Y/N’s bedside.
“Well I feel like hell so that could explain some things. Apparently the doc thinks that I have a disorder that could kill me too, so there’s that.”
“What?!” Exclaimed Sam.
“It’ll be okay Sammy, they’re gonna do some tests, they’ll come back negative, Y/N will wake up. Then we can go about our business, okay?”
I laid my head back for a bit until I heard a Beta nurse come in, he immediately took some blood from me and handed me a sandwich. The minute I got a whiff of it I started puking. Thank god they got Y/N a puke bucket because that came in handy, but… I don’t remember eating anything red… that’s blood, well shit...
The minute the Beta nurse took it from me, he immediately called the doctor in.
“What’s wrong?” asked Sammy.
Immediately the Beta nurse said “Blood in the vomit. Okay Dean, look at me, did you eat anything red?”
“No, didn’t eat anything in three days.” I answered as I got impossibly light headed.
Before I knew it I felt myself falling forward. Then black.
“I knew it, It had to have been Montague and Capulet Syndrome. Why didn’t I see it sooner?” I heard the doctor scold himself.
“You couldn’t have known until now” I heard what sounded like Y/N’s primary say.
“It’s just so rare… No endo would start with this… but I should’ve seen it as he started deteriorating.” Said Dr. Shaw.
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I groaned, “Don’t beat yourself up,” as I tried to get up. I immediately felt hands all over me, including my brother..”Where’s Y/N?” I started to open my eyes to find three shocked doctors and my shocked brother.
“What?” I asked.
“How are you feeling, Dean?” asked Dr. Shaw.
“Like I got hit by a truck, why?” I asked.
The more I looked around I realized that I was in a hospital bed, in Y/N’s hospital room. When I looked at my body I saw that there was an I.V leading from me to  a giant machine and back to Y/N.
“How long was I out for? A few hours, and what is this?” I asked as I held my arm.
“Dean, it’s been three days.” said Sam.
“I can’t believe that worked” said Dr. Shaw.
“Wanna fill me in, doc?” I asked.
“ I know what you both have. You both have different forms of the same disorder, it’s called Montague and Capulet Syndrome.”
“Like Romeo and Juliet? How romantic.” I scoffed.
“That’s what it’s named after, yes. But it’s a disorder that only happens to 1 in 1,000,000 couples who are Alpha and Omega. Once an Alpha finds their Omega a pheromone called ‘setatonine’ is released. They are released in small amounts and the Omega releases ‘metatonine’ in response, this is what creates the attraction between an Alpha and an Omega. In true mates, which is still only a theory, these pheromones are released in even larger amounts. This causes an unbreakable bond that must be solidified. But in this disorder, when the true mate is found not only are these two, relatively harmless pheromones released, but another is released as well. A hormone called ‘lectomine’ is released in various amounts. This lectomine is a very lethal hormone when given in large doses, it causes what’s known as  “sleeping beauty paralysis” for Omegas and “the red death” in Alphas. Which is why your vomit had blood in it and your body was sweating so much, eventually you would have started sweating your own blood. Then eventually…”
“Death.” I completed.
“Great so what does this do?” I asked as I looked at the I.V.
“The only way to stop the progression of the Syndrome in both of you was to clean your blood and reduce them to their plasma, then to insert each other’s plasma into the other. That’s what that machine does.”
“So why am I only up? Why isn’t Y/N up?” I asked.
“It takes longer in Omegas.” said the Doctor.
I then sat up and looked to the doctor as I said, “Is my Omega ever waking up?”
“I don’t know” said Dr. Shaw.
It was then that I heard Y/N’s heart monitor begin to crash.
My head snapped to her and I immediately went to get up, Sam was rushed out of the room.
Dr. Shaw blocked me as the other nurses came in with a crash cart.
“Y/N!” I screamed, “BABY, Get up, please!”
I started to thrash as the doctors began to flood in and tie me down as the crash team worked on Y/N.
“Y/N! YOU PROMISED YOU’D COME BACK!” I screamed. After a few minutes I heard it.
“Time of death 15:42pm 12th of September, 2017.” I heard Dr. Shaw state.
“NO, Y/N!” I screamed as they started taking off all the equipment.
“Y/N! COME BACK! Y/N!!” I screamed as I began to sob.
Still nothing…
The doctor looked at me and said, “Dean.”
“NO! NO, she isn’t dead, Y/N! ANSWER ME!” I screamed…
“OMEGA!” I screamed at the top of my lungs, just as they were going to cover her face.
Then I heard a gasp, when I looked over Y/N’s eyes searched for me as she thrashed in the bed “Alpha? Alpha?!”
It was then that I thrashed even more at the restraints, so much so that I ripped them off of the table and I practically ran to her.
As soon as she felt my touch she relaxed, “I’m here, Omega, I’m here… God, I love you so much, I’m so sorry, I love you.” I began to tear up and cry into the crown of her head as everyone stood shocked… I finally had Y/N back.
I then heard Sam push his way through the doctors and I looked up at him, “She’s back, she’s right here.”
Immediately Sam made a b-line to her and grabbed her as he cried. When I looked at the doctor, he was in utter shock.
“This is impossible, she was dead for…” Said the doctor, I cut him off with.
“You obviously don’t know Y/N. She’d do anything for the people she loves, even come back to life.” I said as I turned back to Y/N.
“Dean” I heard her say ever so faintly and I immediately went to her side.
“I’m here, I’m here.” I said as I cradled her. She made room in her bed and I immediately laid down with her.
After the doctors got us back on monitors and all of our I.V.’s out the doctor agreed to keep us for 48 hours for observation then we’d be released.
I just can’t wait to take her home.
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jenroses · 5 years
sunken-standard replied to your post “okay but homemade elderberry syrup is delicious however I only ever...”
how much of each do you use for say, a pint of syrup? (I usually turn my elderberries into jelly, but always have juice leftover and just do plain syrup, but ginger and cinnamon sound good)
ginger and cinnamon? IDK, I put a couple cups of berries in a pot with a buncha water and a cinnamon stick and a few slices of fresh ginger, simmer for about 45 minutes, cool to about 105 degrees, use a ricer to squash the juices out, discard the solids, strain the juices, add water if it’s less than 2 cups of liquid remaining, and then toss in a shitwack of honey. (1-1.5 cups) and stir/shake/swear until mixed. (I use raw honey that often gets crystalized, hence the swearing.) That makes almost a quart, from ehhh 8-ish ounces of dried berries.  Dose for flu is about half a tablespoon for the younguns and a tablespoon for us olds, every 2-3 hours while awake.  Points: Must simmer long enough to deactivate the parts of the berry that can make stomachs upset. Must strain well.  Must cool liquid to below 110 degrees before adding the RAW honey because otherwise you might as well use corn syrup--cooking the honey makes it much less helpful. It’s easier to dose consistently if you use the same end ratio of elderberry extract, but amount of liquid can vary based on cooking temperature and other factors, even if you always start with the same amount of water. I add water if it appears to be running low, and the end result gets topped up to 2 cups regardless.  A shitwack is a scientific measurement, but sources vary on how big it is. Do not use less than 1 cup of honey per 2 cups of elderberry extract, and you’ll have a hard time dissolving more than 2 cups of honey in 2 cups of extract.  Some people add lemon or orange but I have a kid who reacts to citrus so nope. If only grownups will be partaking, I hear you can add booze to the cooked product and it will keep longer.  During flu season one batch will last my family significantly less than a week, but we’ve got 3-5 adults and 2 kids dosing the stuff right now because flu sucks. Does it help? Youngest was blazingly feverish and limp and slept through the first 22 hours of the flu... and was eating the next day and now has a mild cough and low energy a couple days later.  I just feel kind of leveled but honestly the drug-induced lupus reaction I had in the fall was worse. I’ve had many worse bouts of flu in my life. I have RA and am on immune suppressants, and between elderberry, tamiflu, stress dosing medrol and stopping xeljanz, I have yet to throw a fever or cough, I just feel shaky and fluey but nowhere near as painful as the flu usually is. I usually rage a fever and then everything is blisteringly painful and then I snot for 2 weeks and then I get a respiratory infection, and this time I started tamiflu before I got sick and elderberry, and it’s... I’m not well, I’m dizzy, I’m tired, food is iffy at best.... but on a grade of 0 to that awful H1N1 we had a few years back that set me back HARD for a long time?  This is like... a 3?  It’s always iffy with the elderberry because of my meds, which is why I only take it if someone tests positive for flu in the house, because the stuff stimulates cytokines, especially tumor necrosis factor, and one of the things they try to do for RA is suppress the hell out of that shit. So there’s always the “RA kills slowly, flu kills fast” equation to balance out. HOWEVER...xeljanz works on different pathways and steroids get used up by the body when we’re sick, so I seem to be doing okay this time.  But put it this way... Tamiflu can shorted the duration of sickness by eh... a day, day and a half, and reduces hospital admissions. Elderberry knocks back the severity by about 5 points and appears to lop 4-6 days off the illness.  Last year when I got the flu and suffered for 2 weeks to keep getting worse... when I started with elderberry it was like flipping a switch on the lingering flu. Gone, done. However, it also flipped a switch on my expensive infusion drugs which I only got every 8 weeks, so the consequence was not pain-free, but I was really sick and then I wasn’t, so the joint pain was kinda worth it.  Kiddo got sick Sunday, started taking Elderberry Monday evening, and by Thursday was bouncing off the walls and only occasionally acting sick at all.   Anyway, it’s simple to make, works a treat, and should be in the arsenal.  (Especially if you have the kind of autoimmune bullshit I do, which makes vaccines hard to deal with because they trigger awful flares. If I’m on enough med to suppress that kind of flare, I’m on enough med to suppress my immune response to vaccination.) Oh, and for maximum hippy, I usually drink my elderberry syrup in tart cherry chia kombucha. (Tart cherry is good for inflammation, the chia is entertaining, and the kombucha helps nausea--I only do commercial because they use standardized strains that don’t mess with me.) Bonus points if it’s in a mason jar.
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ketofatburners-blog · 5 years
Radiant Farms Keto - 2019 Weight Loss Trend Is Here!
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Normally people gain weight by consuming calories more than their requirements. It may lead them towards obesity. Obesity has become a worldwide issue now.  There are a lot of factors that can cause obesity like, age, gender, medical issue, lifestyle, metabolism, and genetic factors.  All of these factors vary from person to person.  According to research every year about 2.8 million people die due to overweight complications. People use many medications and weight loss supplements for weight reduction but these supplements don’t show effective results. In this article, we will discuss the most effective dietary supplement which helps you a lot in weight loss.  It is named as Radiant Farms Keto.  We will discuss its working, effective components along with working. You can also find the way how you can order this product. Let’s begin.
ALSO READ : Keto Melt And Trim 800 Reviews – Advanced Weight Loss Formula
What Is Radiant Farms Keto?
Radiant Farms Keto is a dietary supplement that helps you in reducing extra pounds from the body.  This amazing ketogenic weight loss formula will acquire some great changes in your body. All the ingredients used in this product are safe and free of chemicals.  This formula leads you in a state of ketosis and burns fat as compared to carbohydrates. Radiant Farms Keto works more effectively with a keto diet. You can easily maintain your body with this magical product.
Radiant Farms Keto Ingredients
I am sure that you will also be interested to know about ingredients of this ketogenic weight loss formula. Let me tell you that there is no chemical present in it but there are the following natural ingredients in this weight loss supplement:
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Apple cider vinegar – One of the natural ingredients of this ketogenic weight loss supplement is apple cider vinegar. The purpose of Apple Cider Vinegar is to decrease the level of cholesterol in your body and to make you active. There are many individuals who have the problem of increased cholesterol level and you know that this increased level is not good for your health. When your cholesterol level is up then you have more chances of diabetes and other diseases. Hence, Radiant Farms Keto is going to decrease that level in your body and to make you healthy.
Coconut oil – Another ingredient of this ketogenic supplement is coconut oil. This oil will keep your tummy full and you will not feel hungry. Increased appetite is one of the big reasons of obesity. When you will Eat more then you will gain more weight. Hence, coconut oil is going to control your hunger.
Hydroxycitric acid – Another ingredient to control your appetite is hydroxycitric acid. It will help to decrease the production of appetite producing enzymes and ultimately you will feel the difference in your hunger.
BHB– It is called beta hydroxybutyrate and it is the best type of exogenous ketone. This ingredient is very helpful to bring your body in ketosis state. It is also helpful for activating internal ketones of your body. As a result, your body will stay in ketosis for long time and that’s why you will get the best results.
How Does Radiant Farms Keto Work?
Unlike your food, the supplement uplifts a fat burning process which is called ketosis. When the body goes into ketosis, it starts burning the fats. The burning of fats provides two significant things. One of them is energy. A considerable amount of energy is released that we can use to stay active and do our activities with perfection. Secondly, the burning of fats during ketosis causes weight loss. Although it is difficult and time taking process through ketosis, however, you can quickly get whatever you want by the use of this supplement.
ALSO READ : Aqua TrimPX Keto (US) - Simply a Fast Way to Burn Fat
Benefits of Radiant Farms Keto:
Radiant farms keto provides dozens of benefits. Some of them are following.
Weight Loss: If you want to shed out some extra pound from your body. Radiant farms keto is always there for you. It will help you in hormonal control. This product will surely show the effect on your Cholecystokinin in the body. This hormone will consume fewer calories when you will take Radiant farms keto with diet.
Healthy Digestive System: If you have some kind of digestive problems, or your nutrients are not absorbing properly in the bloodstream. Radiant farms keto will help you a lot in solving this problem. It will boost up your digestive system and provide strength to your digestive system. It also allows the basic nutrients to absorb efficiently in the bloodstream.
Slim And Fit Structure: Radiant farm keto claims in maintaining a proper and healthy body. it boosts up your metabolism, in this way your body targets more fat cells. It gives you a slim body just like a model. Ingredients present in this formula will control your hunger pangs. It loses your weight in a natural way without any side effects.
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How to consume?
Radiant farms keto is Available in the form of pills. You have to take 2 pills per day will a full glass of water. You have to take one pill in the morning and another pill in the night to balance the dose of the supplement. One bottle of Radiant Farms Keto contains 60 pills which are enough for one month. In order to get effective results, use these supplements for 90 days.
Where To Buy Radiant Farms Keto?
So where to buy Radiant Farms Keto is a good question. You can get it easily through the official website. All you need to fill up the form, and pay its price, and just wait for 3-5 days for its delivery. And then enjoy it.
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