#Hemlock Sholmes
mewtwo365 · 2 years
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Here are some Great Ace Attorney drawings!
Hope you enjoy, and have an AWESOME day!!
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Bespoke: Herlock Sholmes as the recurring Wario/Jenny Nowhere/rivalrous-evil-twin of Sherlock Holmes and Watson.
His birth name was Hemlock Shears (like that one British translation) but he changed it to "Herlock Sholmes" specifically so he could position himself as Holmes's rival.
They have frequent homoerotically-charged confrontations, Holmes has to reassure Watson that he's not being unfaithful, Sholmes's sidekick Wilson is actually straight and is genuinely oblivious to all of it.
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arklypurple · 2 months
my brain is a machine that turns words into loosely related references that the people i'm talking to sometimes get
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robinade · 1 year
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goodluckdetective · 9 months
I’m finally playing the Great Ace Attorney and some spoiler free thoughts (I’ve just started the second case):
1. I love Ryunosuke. He’s clearly different from Phoenix in a lot of ways and deeply charming.
2. This guy is also going through it. My god, I’d say get this man some therapy but it hasn’t been invented yet.
3. The time period is super interesting choice especially because it’s from a Japanese perspective (though it’s refiltered through an American translation).
4. I still can’t get over the name Hemlock Sholmes.
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blumery · 1 year
Every time i see herlock sholmes hemlock sponge helplipsliskm sps9snshsh i cry, sob and weep a little
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For the AA ask please: 7, 15, 19, 23 and 35?
7. Favourite Design?
As in character design???  I feel like it will have to be something from either DGS or the Layton crossover as both have such lovely and unique aesthetic. Even though I will never forgive them from robbing us the mysterious masked man Phoenix in the PW vs. PL.  Why do they hate sexiness? 
I could say young Mikotoba because he’s really handsome but that’s so shallow and he never technically appears in the game as a younger mustache-less man which is a crme and a shame. 
I really like Esmerald Tuspells and Enoch Drebbler’s designs a lot even though they are pretty Extra even by AA standards.  I find the Masked Apprentice overrated as a character ngl but his design is also really great as is Sholmes/Holmes (though I still have a bit of a trouble wrapping my head around a blond Sherlock. He always has dark hair in my imagination except for Sherlock Hemlock from Sesame Street who is a redhead. But never blond).
I might have to say Barok van Zieks simply because I was a literature major and he has exquisite Victorian gothic/Byronic hero vibes. Either him or High Inquistor Darklaw from the Layton Crossover, who actually has a somewhat similar fashion-sense aesthetic to van Zieks. 
15. Random headcanon you can share?
Hmmm...what’s a good tidbit to share that I don’t think I’ve already shared?  I mean there’s the fact that I do genuinely believe that there is something concrete and sympathetic behind Kristoph’s black locks. And the fact that I hc that Kristoph was too busy focusing on school/work to have much of his social life and so Phoenix was really the closest thing to a friend he’d had by that point (let alone anything more than a friend), but I feel like I talk about these fairly regularly so hmmm...what else is random and not too self-indulgent/ship related and also sfw?
Oooo...I did have a head canon once that Daryan Crescend’s mom is a Payne sister (the lone Payne defense attorney and just as hopeless as her brothers, poor thing.) And that while his hair is very thick and impressive right now, he will fall victim to premature balding as his uncles (and ancestor in Meiji era Japan) did. 
19. What do you think about the Ace Attorney Anime?
 On the one hand, I definitely understand why some members of the fandom dislike it. Particularly not a fan of their version of Farewell, my Turnabout due to the changes made to Celeste and Adrian’s relationship. Also, it weirds me out that the English dub (while very good) kept the localized names but also kept the setting in Japan instead of Japanifornia which creates a weird canon kurfuffle. It would almost have been better to just keep their JP names for the anime in that case. 
On the other, there is some genuinely pretty good content that came out of the anime. All of the theme songs are bops, the animation style is appealing (if somewhat less charming than the games), and a lot of the anime-exclusive content is actually really good and I tend to incorporate the bits that I like (and don’t directly contradict game canon) into my personal headcanon.
 I particularly love the flashback episodes with bb!Larry, bb!Miles, and bb!Phoenix and think the Signal Samurai  was a great addition to the franchise and adds a lot  of emotional resonance to Miles’ canonical love of the Steel Samurai (i.e. maybe he likes Steel Samurai because it reminds him of another samauri show that his first real “friends” got him into). The anime original episode that dealt with the Fey girls and the “seashell” was another really good one that added some additional depth, emotion, and context to Maya’s relationships with Mia and with Pearl. I also have great love for the multi-part “train case” because dorky, uptight glasses Train Prosecutor is my beloved and gives me Kristoph vibes. Also where is the foe yay stuff with Train Prosecutie and Miles? We need it; I cry.
One thing that I do have to say is that the second season of the anime is overall much much better than the first. It was already a mistake to cram two games worth of content into a single season and given that they also rushed the pacing of each case, a lot of great stuff was bound to get cut for time. It was much smarter to do like they did in the second season--which just adapted AA3, slow down the pacing of the game’s cases and add a few new episodes to fill up the remaining time. Also, a different animation studio did the art for the 2nd season and it’s *much better.* 
23. Your BROTP?
Part of me is tempted to say narumitsu just to annoy the fandom, but I won’t. Even though I don’t ship them at all (except in OT3 scenarios where at least one other character is there).
  I’m going to say the trio of Edgeworth, Gumshoe, and Kay is probably my favorite dynamic to watch as they play off each other so well. You could also extend Lang, Ziska, and/or Sebastian to the group but I consider Edgeworth, Gumshoe and Kay the main trio. That being said, I do enjoy gumworth ship content so I’m okay with it not being totally platonic between the two of them--but I like it best when they are with Kay and having nice times all three  together. 
35. Smartest murder plan?
That’s tricky because when you really stop to think about it, most of the murder plans are way more complex than they need to be and have massive holes in logic/plausibility that totally strain credulity (but in a way that fits the tone of the series). Not to mention the fact that it’s mostly luck and/or being in a position of power that helps them get away with things for so long.
However, I’d have to say that the Big Bad of AAI 2 gets the undisputed crown of “Most Competent AA Villain by Far.”  I mean to be fair, their complexity addiction is probably the reason they eventually got caught but unlike Kristoph who suffers from massive complexity addiction, AAI 2 Big Bad’s  overly compex plan is just smarter and more thought out. (No unnecessary mail crimes for the aesthetic as with Kris. Though I still love him) .
The reason the AAI 2 baddie is so successful and competent is that they are successfully able to manipulate other people into doing the majority of their crimes for them--and therefore remaining very beneath suspicion. That’s hard enough to do in and of itself, but when the people you are manipulating are actually your *enemies* and allowing them to inevitably get caught and convicted for the crimes you tricked them into committing. It’s just...extra sweet and powerful. Even when they are caught and arrested, they’ve still gotten exactly what they wanted. 
That being said, the only murder that they actually committed themselves was not the most well-thought out (though definitely appropriately Extra) but that is how they ended up caught and in their defense, they did have to improvise it.
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ask-arsene · 7 years
I cho ked- Herlock Sholmes???
That’s right! Leblanc initially used the named Sherlock Holmes, but that led to a dispute of copyright. Doyle’s estate was very unhappy about it. Thus, Herlock Sholmes was used instead. Once in a while you’ll see the name HEMLOCK SHEARS used instead!
Edit: Pardon me--it was Holmlock Shears. Not that that’s any better.
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