#HeartForge Hybrid
anxietytwist 2 years
Zed: I wonder why everyone finds me suspicious..? 馃様
Also Zed: *always dresses like this & plays haunting music 24/7*
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heart-forge 2 years
Character List
Manor Hill 馃敟
Valerian 馃嵕
A charismatic mob boss whose personal drama blew up the Harvest Festival in a big way.
Abeni 馃寠
The fun loving Commander of the Fleet of Uresa, forced to team up with her diplomat sister to figure out what happened at the Harvest Festival.
Gnarl 馃幉
Your longtime friend, whose antics have blown up the Harvest Festival: can you undo the damage they've caused?
Bad Ritual
Siruud 馃懝
An ancient archdemon, bound to you through a backfired spell and a victim of the demon hunting corporation that pays your bills.
Tahira 馃
Your mysterious superior in the company, whose spell bound you to an archdemon that she carries an old grudge against.
Hybrid 馃尶
Crave 馃惗
Head of the department that studies mutated fauna, particularly dogs, and possibly the friendliest person in the camp: but during a major conflict, how will he assert himself?
Mantis 馃悰
Foremost wilderness entomologist and sister to Crave, Mantis holds her own motives and issues close to her chest. When trouble brews in the Wilderness, she intends to cut it off at the source.
Trigger 馃挜
A deeply unfriendly and deeply traumatized security officer, whose foremost concern is getting you out of his home and away from his family.
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uroboros-if 1 year
For Twine I recommend:
- Our Life: Now and Forever (It's complete w 3 DLCs for Cove's Route + a DLC for Baxter and Derek)
- Our Life 2 (currently only a Demo)
- Andromeda 6 (Not complete but already quite long!)
- Throne of Ashes (dark, but beautifully written)
- Superstition Seasons 1-3 (very long w amazing writing)
- Infinite Stars (amazing writing, still not completed yet but you already get lots of content)
- Wayfarer (amazing writing and worldbuilding!)
- Touchstarved (so far mainly a demo but already lots to read)
- A Tale of Crowns (beautiful worldbuilding and Story, w different routes and romances to explore)
- Speaker by Speakergame
- When Twilight strikes
- Hybrid by HeartForge
- The Spirited: Origins
- Atollo
-Blooming Panic (Fully finished w four routes, Discord Server Setting, making it quite unique. Very wholesome game tbh)
- You Live and Fern
Other IFs I recommend (some complete, some demos):
- Mind Blind by @mindblindbard
- Triaina Academy by @leo-interactive-fiction
- Honor amongst Thieves by @leoneliterary
- The Northern Passage by @northern-passage
- Night Market (full Demo is out, had me bawling my eyes out) by @night-market-if
- Defiled Hearts by @defiledheartsblog
- Wolfsbane by @wolfsbane-if
- College Tennis & Merry Crisis by @allieebobo
- Golden and Before the dusk by @milaswriting
- Chop Shop by @losergames
- Signal Hill by @signalhill-if
- Virtue's End by @virtues-end (has undergone re-writing so the demo is a bit shorter but already beautifully written)
- Sentinel by @nyehilismwriting
- The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by @doriana-gray-games
- The King's Hound by @the-kingshound
- The Exile by @exilethegame
- Fields of Asphodel by @chrysanthemumgames
- Keeper of the Sun and Moon by @keeperofthesunandmoon (2 completed games, third in the works)
- Bastard of Camelot and Supernaturals in New York by @llamagirl28
- The Nameless by @parkerlyn
- all the IFs by @hpowellsmith
- Eight Years Revolution by @eight-years-revolution
- Vapolis by @vapolis
- Blood Moon by @barbwritesstuff (and her other works too!)
- OFNA: Birds of a Feather by @ofna
- A Mage Reborn by @mage-parivir
- Citadel - A medical romance by @bouncyballcitadel
- Buried Love by @buriedlove
- Bodycount by @bodycountgame
- Devilscreek Ballad by @devilscreekballad
- The Fernweh Saga by @lacunafiction
- Eye of the Moon by @eyeofthemoongame
- Novaturient by @kalorphic
- The Soul Stone War Series by @intimidatingpuffinstudios
- Mind Games: Trepidation by @bottlecaprabbitgames
- Greenwarden by @fiddles-ifs
These are just some that I can think of and that I really like but for any IF Recommendation Lists you can also go check out @interact-if, it's a directory blog here on Tumblr!!馃槉
Thank you so much for all these suggestions! 馃ス (Although I am pretty sure all Our Life, Andromeda 6, and Infinite Stars are ren'py than Twine, which is okay since my family member loves VNs/otome as well!)
I've heard of almost all these things!! The only ones new to me, aside from the VNs, is Wolfsbane, Vapolis, Citadel, and Mind Games: Trepidation, so I will keep a particular eye out for those!! :)
Thank you so much for sending all these great suggestions aaaa 馃ズ馃挄 I'll also have much to try out myself!!
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twinegardening 1 year
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Hybrid by HeartForge
The apocalypse happened, but not in the way anyone expected. Plants underwent a major, rapid evolution seemingly overnight: and when humans woke up, they found their cities turned to rubble and their lives reclaimed by nature. Chaos ensued.
But that's not really your problem.
Your name is Zed, and you've lived in this world your whole life. You don't know anything else: in fact, the only other person you know is family and taught you everything you need to know to survive.
But when you return home one day to find the house being torn apart, your field in shambles, and your only companion nowhere to be found, you'll have to set off on your own for the first time to try put your life back together, and maybe for the first time, meet real people: but be careful.
They aren't like you.
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delta-has-a-blog 5 years
Gate Hoppers: The Grand Hoppers
As stated before each Grand Hopper is one of the heads of the Federation, as such they are recognized easily wherever the Federation is known. You could even say they're regarded as walking legends. Each are also highly secretive individuals, with much of their personal lives unknown to anyone outside their personal circles.
Grand Rhino Hopper:
Name: Vingaurd
Title: Breathing Fortress
Known Information: The first thing conjured into mind when thinking of this individual is his monstrous size. The second thing, is how spot-on his title is, as the only known Relic he wields is the Kingdom Come Raiment. An absolutely massive set of armor in the appearance of an ancient stone golem. Yet, he is the least feared Grand Hopper of all. Known for spending vast amounts of his spare time seemingly wafting about doing favors for people. To the ire of many parents he also seems to have a liking to children, which isn't the problem, it's when they come home wired on sweets that's the issue. His species is unknown, as he is never without his raiment. He also never travels far without his trusty aid, one of the only well-known Noir Hoppers Lularissa, a snake-type hybrid.
Grand Lion Hopper:
Name: Hild茅verde
Title: Scarlet Wardancer
Known information: Hild茅verde is both feared and respected by those who know of the Federation. She oversees the training of all Lion Hoppers herself, and routinely scouts for other individuals who are apt for her training. The only Grand who allows her face to be seen by even the public, appearing entirely human with a peculiar third eye atop her head. The world she hails from is unknown, as she seemingly just walked into the eye of the Federation. The Relics she is known to wield are the Armiger's Shifter, a Weapon Relic with the property of being able to change into any type of weaponry that the wielder knows how to make. Along with the Helm of Oculus, which enhances the wielders natural sight to give one sight even where their eyes can't reach. Typically travels alone, yet her Pride force is never long away. It consists of hand-picked Hoppers whom she trains herself.
Grand Wasp Hopper:
Name: V枚rshkyn
Title: Great Blue Bolt
Known information: Not much is actually known about this strange woman, as she's never even around long enough to answer any questions. Hilariously, she gives the name "Wasp" a nearly literal meaning, as she's a bee beast-man. The Relics she carries as well, are largely unknown, other than that she has one teleportation-type Relic that gave her the title the Great Blue Bolt. Enjoys eating sweet foods and occasionally dancing, but she'd never bee caught doing it.
Grand Mole Hopper:
Name: ???
Title: Dredge of Molten Terra
Known information: Arguably the least is known about this particular Grand. They keep to themselves largely past two Hoppers always seen traveling with the Dredge. Their species too, is unknown as they wear a crystalline armor of sorts. It could possibly be a Relic, however that is also unknown. The only known Relic they wield is the Splitter of Earth, a monstrously sized pickaxe that can pierce most ores with ease. They enjoy sneaking up on people by acting like a pile of crystals. Needless to say they have the heart of a prankster.
Grand Vulture Hoppers:
Name: Jiinko Nin膿rr
Title: Her Lady of Benevolence
Known Information: There's an ongoing and heated debate amongst her fans as to whether she is an actual bird-type hybrid or beast-man, as despite her humanoid appearance she's often seen with actual wings. This may also be a Relic she wields, but none such like it are in any databases. She's also the reason why Vulture Hoppers got their name, due to her white bird-like Utility Relic she wears as both her clothes and armor. She is tied for the most well known Grand along with the Liege. A kind hearted individual who dedicates her life to helping and enriching others, as such her favored Relic is a highly modified version of a well-known Relic called the Surgeon's Arms. A Relic consisting of many tentacle-like metal appendages that can form different medical equipment off the hands. She's known for being highly maternal, with many Hoppers regarding her as a second mother, including V枚rshkyn. Likes to garden in her spare time.
Name: ????
Title: Liege of Decay
Known Information: A highly misunderstood individual, likely due to the fact that despite him being so well known little is actually known of him. In direct contrast to the light garb of other Vultures he's clouded in a dark cloak that seems to eat light, along with all his Crows. His Crows are a special force of Vulture Hoppers who aid in his studies, known better as the Corpse-nappers because they regularly take the corpses of amalgams and new beasts for study. In truth, he's an extremely shy individual who loves making friends and sharing his love of the arts with others. The only known Relic he carries is the Cane of Home, a Relic by his own design that makes others feel more calm when around him.
Grand Gorilla Hopper:
Name: Br没tiv盲
Title: Heartforge
Known Information: A Rhino-type beast-man who's typically locked away forging at his smithy. There's nothing he enjoys more than making a Relic that a Hopper will cherish. Most who meet him would call him gruff, crass and maybe downright rude which is a problem many of his people have, despite them not trying to be that way. He's not easy around the edges, or great with people but he's a great teacher to anyone looking to forge. His favored Relics are the Forge of Might and the Continental Hammer. A forge with fire that burns as hot as a sun but never scorches the wielder, and a hammer that can withstand any punishment. Enjoys making and collecting glass figurines.
Grand Owl Hopper:
Name: Grishka
Title: Hoarder Of The Forbidden
Known Information: A solitary woman who loves nothing more than learning things she honestly shouldn't. May have a problem hoarding books as well but don't tell her. She also enjoys shiny things, which may be due to the fact she's a moth-type beast-man. Nothing is known about the Relics she wields as she's never been seen fighting, or rarely if at all seen point blank. Many who do talk to her recognize her immense intellect, but she can be awfully frank. She enjoys visiting book shops in other worlds in disguise to add to get already massive collection, and enjoys birdwatching.
((I'll add more into this too, this is just what I've figured about them such far.))
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heart-forge 5 years
HI sorry if this is weird. Your blog came up on my recommendations and now i am curious. What is heartforge about? Sorry for my english it is not my mother tongue!
No problem friend I literally JUST shut off my blog description on the drop down because I thought it was ugly. HeartForge is me (Marti, plus artists I hire but generally speaking HeartForge is in reference to me I just can鈥檛 draw) and I make text-based games!
They鈥檙e generally romance + another genre: so my Manor Hill game is romance + mystery/adventure, Bad Ritual is romance + urban fantasy, Hybrid is romance + post-apoc. I鈥檓 the programmer and narrative designer of the games and I post the demos around: nothing鈥檚 finished quite yet, but I work and go to school and have to exist in the world as an occasionally independent human being which takes up way more time than strictly necessary.
The demos are posted for free and donations open if people end up liking my work enough to want to support it (and occasionally to fund artwork, though right now I鈥檓 covered for assets) and me while I make them, and in return get some perks which I am still figuring out.
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