#Gwen Stacy lost her Peter and wasn’t ready to lose her Miles
buglover77 · 1 year
I cannot get over how Miles is Gwen’s safe person.
Miles is so her safe person that she CANNOT SENSE HIM. Her body physically cannot register him as a threat. Her spider sense does not tell her he’s there when invisible because HER BODY CANNOT BE ON GUARD WITH HIM. GRRRRR.
She can sense him across universes when he’s in danger but she can’t sense him when he’s five feet away because his intentions are so…not malicious. And she feels so safe with him. And trusts him so completely. That she literally can’t sense him.
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speter-sparker · 5 years
Spideypool fic rec #2
ya boy is back at it again with the whole procrastination thing, and if I'm going down, ill bring all of you with me. 
other recs by me: X 
1) Peter Parker's Home for the Wayward Villain by BeanieBaby   [90k, complete]
summary: A really long redemption story.
my thoughts: you know how every ship has That One Fic? The one that every person who recs fic recs? This is it. In a world where Peter Parker was never bitten by a radioactive spider (but still lives in a world of heroes), he still has a chance to make a change. 
additional info: found family, strangers to friends to lovers, slow burn, POV peter
2) Said the Fly to the Spider by BC_Brynn   [20k, complete]
summary: Peter is being courted by Deadpool. With words. And life-saving.
my thoughts: so damn good. the story is character and relationship-focused, with witty banter and dumb jokes - in short, the perfect spideypool fic. Pacing is on point, side characters are in character, just... *chef kiss* beautiful. 
additional info: friends to lovers, slow burn, POV peter 
3) the kubler-ross theory by antivenom   [80k, complete]
summary: Peter loses Gwen in a split-second of motion. It takes much, much longer for him to find himself afterwards.
(In which Peter deals with a loss that immobilizes him and permeates through every drawn breath. In which his grief is a visceral abstraction that he can touch, that he can feel. And in which, with a little help, with time, with acceptance, with anger, with sadness, with Wade, he learns how to live in a world without her.)
my thoughts: if you read nothing else on this list, READ THIS. It deals with the aftermath of Gwen Stacy’ death, and how Peter copes (or doesn't) with the aftermath. This story is a love letter to everyone who has lost someone - the stages of grief, the anger and confusion and emotion are so real. Everything is brutally honest, the author doesn't hold back punches - in fact, it's because of this that I love how Wade and Peters's relationship is written. They are both shown as flawed characters who are trying so damn hard and their relationship feels real. The same can be said for every character in this fic - the relationships with aunt may and MJ and other supers are beautifully thought out and written. 
additional info: HOPEFUL ENDING, slow burn, pre-relationship, hurt/comfort, POV Peter 
4) I'll Tell No Lies by doctorestranged   [78k, complete]
summary: When a series of murders take place, Peter Parker goes undercover in Sister Margaret’s to get intel on Tony Stark’s prime suspect: Deadpool. Except, Peter is horrible at lying and this seems like a dreadful idea. Peter goes in hoping to get enough information so that Spider-Man can save the day, but like everything in Peter’s life, it becomes a bit more complicated than that.
my thoughts: The pacing is so fun - it’s a murder mystery with a heavy side of romance, featuring Tony not-angry-just-disappointed ok-a-little-angry Stark, a very done Weasle, and one taxi driver. 
additional info: strangers to friends to lovers, SMUT, POV Peter 
5) Without Ever Letting You Know by TimidTurnip   [8k, complete]
summary: So something weird is going on with Deadpool, that's nothing new. Spewing flower petals is hardly the strangest thing the merc has done. The part that is confusing Peter is that Deadpool doesn't want Spider-man around. WTH.
my thoughts: mmm, hurts so good. Love how they examine Peter’s personality and relationship to Wade in this one. 
additional info: Hopeful ending, PINING, friends to lovers, POV Peter
6) i know your secret by jilliancares   [8k, complete]
summary: “I’m your new neighbor,” Wade forged on, oblivious to Peter’s state of shock, and he stuck out a scarred hand. Peter gripped it, feeling numb, and gave it a shake. Did Wade realize who he was? No, clearly not. He was acting way too normally. Wade was one for dramatics.
my thoughts: Fluff CENTRAL. Wade and Peter are given a playful relationship that can only be described as puppy love. 
additional info: fluff, identity porn, friends to lovers, POV Peter
7) The Naked Truth by CAPSING   [20k, complete]
summary: Wade is not a cat person. But maybe he'll make an exception to get into some cute guy's pants.
my thoughts: CAT FIC! THERE'S A CAT!
additional info: pining, strangers to friends to lovers, vet!peter, Wade is still Deadpool, POV Wade
8) The Boys Wear Red... by Orcusnox (Cat9894)   [108k, complete]
summary: Wade is a hero, Peter is a merc. 
my thoughts: HOLY HECK??? if you thought Spider-man 3 was dark, Raimi ain't got nothing on this. My biggest worry going into this was that Peter and Wade would just swap places and character, but that could not be further from the truth. Peter is dark, but in a way that fits who he is, who he would be if he jumped off the deep end. Everything in this feels thought out and works well together - the character writing is smooth and logical, even for side characters. The plot is fun and exciting, the banter even more so. 
additional info: Hopeful ending, some smut later, gore/violence, past mentions of abuse, frenemies to friends to lovers, POV Peter
9) Allostasis by ruralfishingcat   [42k, complete]
summary: Peter had a tendency to put up walls to isolate himself; even as Spider-Man, he could only suffer through so much death and destruction. It was precautionary, really, and those he'd pushed away would thank him were they aware of the circumstances. Of course, Deadpool had his own tendencies, one of which was to break down said walls (fourth ones included). As grating as it was, a small sliver of Peter hoped the mercenary would be able to succeed.
my thoughts: fucking cute my dude. Identity porn to the max, and a butt crap of pining. 
additional info: friends to lovers, protective Wade, identity porn, POV Peter
10) what light through yonder window by hellornothing   [14k, complete]
summary: The figure moves quickly, but Peter’s faster. He’s still adjusting to the sudden brightness, so dark red is really the only thing he takes from this initial encounter, but it’s enough.
-aka the one where they get together via late night window visits
my thoughts: THESE TWO! *clenches fist* ya know? just them realizing they have massive heart boners for each other 
additional info: friends to lovers, fluffflufffluff, mama mia that's a lot of F’s, POV Peter 
11) Patron Saint by isaDanCurtisproduction   [58k, complete]
summary: Peter is desperate. Hungry and alone on the streets, he's ready and willing to do anything to change his situation, even if just for a night. And sharing a stranger's bed would be no hardship, especially when the alternatives include dumpster-diving for dinner and sleeping, arms wrapped around him, beneath a chilly and indifferent sky.
Then a man named Wade Wilson steps into his life.
my thoughts: The plot is simple and allows for GREAT character moments. I clutched my heart cause they were so cute and just GAAAHH! the chemistry is great, the banter is fun, the plot is on point. 10/10 would (and do) recommend 
additional info: strangers to friends to lovers, no actual smut, be prepared to clutch a titty, identity porn, pining, homeless Peter, POV Peter 
12) better than being alone by darkavengerz (darkavenger) [6k, complete]
summary: Peter's been asked to attend a children's birthday party as Spider-Man, and he's surprised to discover someone else masquerading as him when he turns up at the party.
my thoughts: this is so them. the story is character-focused and just so gosh darn fun. I love my boys just harassing each other for funzies 
additional info: friends to lovers, fluff, POV Peter
13) Nobody's Business by DittyWitty   [6k, complete]
summary: Peter really wasn't supposed to out himself to Deadpool.
my thoughts: insecure Peter, meet insecure Wade. Now go use big boy words and fucking COMMUNICATE
additional info: friends to lovers, POV Peter
14) you grow up and you lose touch by scarlett_starlett   [53k, complete]
summary: Peter always thought that when he had kids, there would be someone by his side.
Instead, he has a mouthy mercenary acting as a chef every night for him and his newly adopted son and a narcissistic billionaire philanthropist paying child support on the sly. But Peter figures it isn’t all bad, especially when Miles loses that dullness in his eyes whenever Wade slips on the banana peels he ‘strategically’ places all over the apartment for Peter as a joke.
my thoughts: usually not one for kid fics - the kids aren't well written and characters tend to be OC. But this one, this one, just shattered my every expectation. The relationship between Peter and Miles, Peter and Wade, and Wade and Miles is phenomenal. The story and plot are wonderful, with themes that you can't help but sink your teeth into. The pining is off the walls. The characters are rounded and complex and grow so much with each other. I cannot recommend this one enough, please by GOD go read it
*** side note: go read everything by this author. go, get outta here! go! 
additional info: SLOW burn, friends to co-parents to lovers, PINING GALORE, POV alternating but mostly POV Peter 
15) A Vicious Cycle by DecimalDrones   [2k, complete]
summary: Peter can't remember the life he and Wade supposedly shared together. It's alright as long as he's happy, though, isn't it?
my thoughts: y’all. Y’ALL. okay, this one is short and sweet but when you finish, go back and read it a second time. The double meaning and context make this fic DELICIOUS. I also recommend checking out their other fics - they’re a bit longer but still easy to finish in a day. 
additional info: established relationship, POV Peter 
16) on staying around by WylderWolf   [4k, complete]
summary: Fourteen pages of loud fart noises.
(also there's some, like, emotions and stuff, and then they bump nasties. it's pretty rad.)
my thoughts: charming little thing with pining wade. Also, they’re both idiots (but what's new)
additional info: friends to lovers, pining, smut at the end, POV Wade 
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momentofmemory · 5 years
fictober - day twenty-four
Prompt #24: “Patience... is not something I’m known for.”
Fandom: Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
Warning: Vague references to depression/death
Characters: Peter B. Parker, Gwen Stacy, Spider Noir, Spider-Ham, Peni Parker, May Parker, Miles Morales
Words: 1720
Author’s Note: set between the attack on may’s house and the spidey crew’s arrival at miles’s dorm. there’s a good concept in here that got lost somewhere along the way, but the first half at least is pretty entertaining, and it ends hopefully, so that’s enough for tonight.
>>Someone’s Gotta Take This
Peter’s in the midst of an absolutely devastating take down of Doc Ock when she freezes mid punch.
“Cat got your tongue?” He takes the opportunity to slip his trapped appendages (all four of them) out of her grasp, and backflips into a perfect three-point landing.
Okay, semi-perfect. It might classify as a three and a half point landing; his elbow was just a lot closer to the ground than he expected. Doc does the whole ‘look at how tall my mechanical arms can make me’ thing, and he rolls his eyes.
“Actually, you’re an octopus, so come to think of it probably not a cat.” He stands up and widens his stance, ready for round two. “What kind of predators do you guys have? Fish? Other fish? …Sushi restaurants?”
He expects a claw to the face for his troubles, but instead Liv taps her finger to her chin. “You’re a lot like him, despite…” she gestures down the length of his body. “…Everything else. How fascinating.”
Which, one, creepy; and two, rude.
Then she shrugs and starts climbing away. “If you start completely falling apart molecularly, do let me know. I’m sure it’d do wonders for my chance at a Nobel this year.”
“Yeah, that’s a no—”
It’s Peni, and she sounds like it’s important.
Peter looks at the receding figure of Doc Ock and sighs. “I hope you know I’m going to go home and have just, the biggest plate of calamari Tomo’s has to offer when this is over!”
The Doc doesn’t respond, maybe doesn’t even hear his shout, but it makes him feel better anyway. He leaps down from the rooftop and swings as fast as a suburban neighborhood allows in the direction of Peni’s voice.
He lands in the wreck that was Aunt May’s front lawn and sees the whole gang, minus this earth’s rogues’ gallery.
“What’s with the long faces, guys?” he asks, unease settling in his gut. He suddenly notices Miles isn’t around, and his expression hardens. “Tell me they didn’t get the goober.”
Four heads shake in unison, but it doesn’t feel reassuring in the slightest.
“They got Miles’s uncle.”
It’s Porker that answers his question, but he feels the weight of the statement in each of their faces. His eyes flick to Aunt May, sees her alive and whole in this universe instead of rotting six feet down in a grave, like in his.
God, I’m so sorry Miles.
“Let’s go back inside,” Aunt May says, and it’s Aunt May, so no one questions it.
They trudge into the house—Peter’s the only one that bothers with the door, because he’s civilized—but the rest of the spider crew just wander in through the eight foot hole in the wall. There’s wreckage everywhere from the fight: overturned furniture, pillows ripped inside out, pieces of May’s kitchen tiles with the yellow-painted sunflowers lying shattered on the ground.
This can’t go on.
“Peni, can you trace the goober?”
She looks up, one hand still rubbing slow circles on SP//dr’s head. “I mean sure, but what about Miles?”
“Where ever the goober is, that’s where he’ll be, too.” Peter yanks his mask off. “But honestly, we need the goober right now more than we need him.”
“No, Gwendolyn,” Noir says. “As much as I hate to admit it, this scruffy Spider-Man has a point.”
“What did you call me?”
“Clearly the kid isn’t ready for this level of threat yet.” Noir squints at the Rubik’s cube in his hand. “We can’t risk letting Kingpin get away. Some sacrifices always have to be made.”
“Hopefully just the one this time, but agreed,” Peter says. “Now, Peni, if you can just find that goober we can grab it and sneak into the collider tonight—”
“Whoa, hey, have we forgotten the whole ‘someone has to turn it off’ part?”
Everyone turns to look at Gwen.
“Because if Miles isn’t doing it, that’s a death sentence.”
Peter winces. Time to move this along.
“It’s all good, I’ll be the one taking care of the collider,” he says. “We just need a plan to get there.”
Noir flips a row around on the cube, still baffled by the colours. “Now wait, if we’re talking Chicago overcoats here, the lady might not be wrong about putting this to a vote.”
“At the risk of losing my snout, what the Sam heck’s a Chicago—”
“Guys,” Peter interrupts, valiantly not pulling out his hair. He thought he’d be used to this kind of thing by this point in his career, but no. “It has to be me, and that’s fine, really.”
“Why?” Peni looks up at him and the innocence there reminds him of Miles.
God, kids are so small.
He clears his throat. “Y’know, just, so many reasons. For one, I’m the oldest, so—”
“Incredible. You don’t look a day over seventy.”
“I don’t think I have an age?”
Peter drags his hand across his face, refusing to acknowledge either Noir or Spider-Ham.
“Okay, I’m older than half of you,” he says. “But this still isn’t up for debate.”
“Why not? You’re not the only hero here.” Gwen crosses her arms over her chest, and it doesn’t take a genius to see the forced nonchalance in her stance. “I just think we should slow down before you go all martyr on us.”
“Yeah, see, patience is not something I’m known for and I’m thinking—”
“You’re thinking the same way my Peter did!” Gwen bursts out, then her fists clench like she hadn’t meant to say that.
“Gwen—” Peter hesitates. “Look, I don’t know what happened to your Peter, but I’m not him. This is about you guys. You and Miles and Peni—you’ve got your whole lives ahead of you, and Noir’s got colours to discover, and Porker—”
Spider-Ham looks up at him expectantly.
“—Porker’s got laws of physics to break,” Peter finishes.
There’s not a single face in the room that looks convinced, but fortunately for Peter, at that moment everyone’s atoms choose to go nuts.
Thirty seconds later, Peter finds himself sprawled out on the floor along with the rest of the crew, nerves still twitching.
“I vote we agree to the orange spider’s plan,” Noir says.
“That’s red,” Spider-Ham says, his voice muffled from where his snout is pressed face-down into the floor, “but I second the motion.”
Peter rolls over and looks at Peni, and she rubs her arm and looks down.
She nods.
Gwen doesn’t even bother voting. “Guess I’m overruled.”
She stalks out, and Peni heads down to the lab to trace the goober. Porker drags Noir into the kitchen to discuss colour theory, and that just leaves Peter. He flops his head back down on the floor and stares at the broken patches in the ceiling.
He’s so, so tired.
He freezes mid thought, because there’s been so many nights he would’ve done anything to hear that voice, yet every time he hears it now it feels like a stab from Scorpion’s tail.
“…Aunt May?”
She leans over him and offers a hand, and slowly, he’s pulled to his feet.
“I know you’re tired.”
He flinches, and he knows she sees it.
“My Peter was too, you know.”
He thinks of the Peter he’d seen in the memorials, all perfect hair and perfect teeth and perfect life. It doesn’t seem possible, but there’s a talking pig and a literal black and white detective arguing over china in the kitchen, so he knows better than to doubt it.
“I’m fine,” he says.
“You told everyone else what they have ahead of them. What do you have?”
“…This,” Peter says, and it isn’t a lie. “I have this, because I can do this. Really.”
Aunt May’s lips pull into a thin line. “Promise me one more thing, then: when the time comes, you let my boy have his chance.”
“Miles?” Peter blinks. “I mean, yeah, of course I’ll let him try before we go with it. I’m not completely crazy.”
“Good.” Aunt May seems strangely satisfied. “Tell MJ I love her when you see her for me.”
“…Sure.” He’s pretty sure she can tell her on her own time a lot easier, but he doesn’t question it.
He has a job to do.
Peter’s a man of his word, so he gives Miles a chance to use his powers on command. He can’t, but he won’t hold it against the kid—he has better things to do in the time he has left. Then he sees MJ, this world’s MJ, and he tries to do as Aunt May asks but he gets a little overwhelmed, because MJ.
He doesn’t think much else about May’s words until Miles shows up again, and God, Miles is amazing. Doesn’t mean he’s going to risk the whole earth on a newbie, though, so he tells Miles he’s got this.
Miles sweeps his legs right out from under him, and as Peter hovers over the portal and his own chance, he realizes the boy May was referring to wasn’t Miles at all.
It was himself.
“You gotta go, man,” Miles says, and Peter thinks he taught this kid way too well.
He backflips into the stream and lands on his bed in a three point landing that’s all legs and elbows. The pizza slice on the ceiling doesn’t judge him, so it’s all right.
He takes three weeks and a lot of introspection—as well as a couple calls from Miles and Gwen, because apparently Gwen’s figured out a way to communicate even though the collider’s gone—and then he shows up on MJ’s doorstep. He’s brought her flowers in an expensive, pressed suit, he’s prepared a litany of apologies, and he’s ready to announce his realization that he has paternal feelings after all.
MJ opens the door, and she’s wearing fleece pajamas and fuzzy slippers and her hair is up in curlers, and it’s the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen, even more beautiful than the MJ he saw at the gala on the other earth.
This is his MJ.
“Hi,” he stammers, monologues vanishing in an instant.
MJ stares at him, apparently just as shocked as he is, and come on you idiot just say something—
He swallows, and holds out the flowers.
“Aunt May said to tell you she loves you.”
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meowloudly15 · 5 years
Oh CARP I forgot to post this yesterday... I’m sorry. Next chapter will be up on Thursday.
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The Spider-Gang took shelter in an alley behind a Burger Monarch restaurant. Gwen inspected her left arm, which had taken quite a beating. It felt less numb now, and she could finally hold things in it without exerting a death grip. Since she was right-handed, it didn't matter too much.
"Where's Miles?" asked Noir.
Peter B. looked around frantically, as though Miles was still there but had turned invisible. "Oh no, he's not here. Miles! Miles, c'mere!"
"Can't believe you lost him again," commented Ham.
"I, no, I didn't lose him. He's just… he's just… something happened to his uncle. They'll both be okay? I think?"
Peni's face was impassive. "The Prowler's dead."
"How do you know?"
"Sp/dr has infrared scanners. He's in the next alley over."
"Is Miles over there?" asked Gwen.
"Uh, no. Just a couple of cops."
Oh, this wasn't good at all. Miles was in no shape to help out at this point, considering that the poor kid's uncle had just died. She was going to have to sacrifice herself. But that was okay if it meant that everybody else stayed safe.
"We need to find Miles," Peter B. said. His brows were set in a hard line.
Gwen knew that her spider-sense could help her find Miles. She knew that the Spider-Gang could comfort him. But was it really the right choice? Was having a load really the best idea? Would he die if he came along?
She shook her head. "No. We shouldn't. We need to get to the collider now. Miles would… he'll just slow us down."
"Then who will stay behind?" asked Noir.
"I will," said Gwen and Peter B. simultaneously. They looked at each other.
"It's okay if I die. There's nothing left for me back home, anyway," said Peter B. calmly. "My wife's gone… well not really, but kind of. There are other heroes in my dimension: Ricochet, Prodigy, Sable, just to name a few. The public… isn't super fond of me. I won't be missed much."
"Yes, you will. Your wife… your ex-wife will miss you. So will all the people you've helped, and all the people who've helped you.
"And I'm supposed to be dead. Don't you get it? Why do you think the media calls me Ghost Spider? Why do you think all the heroes in other dimensions are like you, not like me? Why is Gwen Stacy dead in every dimension but mine? I shouldn't be alive!"
Peter B. adopted a soothing tone. "Yes, you should be. You're a hero in your world. You've saved plenty of people, including your own dad."
Gwen's voice started to break, and she exerted all her willpower to hold herself together. "I'm no hero. I killed my own best friend! And I'll fight tooth and nail to make sure I don't have to see Peter Parker die again!"
"And I'd do the same for Gwen Stacy."
Gwen balled her hands into fists. "Not if I have anything to say about that."
Ham spoke up. "Woah woah woah. Nobody's gonna die. We just… need to figure out what to do with Miles."
Again, Gwen was struck with a ray of hope. Miles couldn't be the MILES OF INTEREST for no reason. But at the same time, she couldn't put all her faith in someone else, especially if that somebody had already been proven unreliable. She could only rely on herself. That was one reason why she didn't want to let friends help. Gwen couldn't control friends, but she could control herself.
At the same time, she owed it to Miles to help him feel better.
Where was Miles?
Gwen exhaled. "I know where Miles is. Follow me."
Of course, as she remembered only when the Spider-Gang reached Visions Academy, she didn't know which part of the building he was in.
That question was answered a couple seconds later, when Noir caught a book that had been cast out of a third-story window. Miles' name was on the cover. Noir threw the book back through the window, and the Spider-Gang followed it in.
Miles' room looked like that of any teenager, except in even more disarray. He must have had a roommate, since there was a bunk bed, neither level of which was properly made. (Not that Gwen was judging, as she only made her bed when her dad forced her to.) Clothes were strewn across the floor, as were his books and notes. They looked like they had been recently scattered. Gwen, not known for her tidiness, knew that even her room at home wasn't as messy as this one.
Amidst the mess stood Miles, looking just as disjointed as did his room. He wiped a tear from his eye as he looked up at Peter B.
"Hey buddy," said Peter B. "You all right?"
Miles turned aside and softly shook his head.
Peter B. laid his hand on Miles' shoulder. "We've all been there. For me, it was my Uncle Ben."
Noir replicated the gesture. "For me, it was my Uncle Benjamin."
"For me, it was my dad," said Peni.
Gwen blinked hard. "For me, it was my best friend."
"Miles, the hardest thing about this job is that you can't save everybody," added Ham.
She couldn't help but smile. Though he was a goofy cartoon character, Ham was probably the wisest member of the bunch, if not the smartest one. It likely had something to do with him having been a superhero for 35 years.
"But, but I feel like it's my fault," said Miles. "You wouldn't understand."
Gwen remembered a dreary day in school, limping between classes, an unending bell tolling in her head. She remembered an even worse night afterwards, the bell striking the insides of her skull. The bell was still there, ringing more softly now, but she had given up on muffling it. It would slow to a stop eventually, but it wouldn't go away.
Miles needed to learn what had taken her two years to understand.
"Miles, we're probably the only people who do understand."
Gwen saw the door handle rattle.
"Oh no, it's Ganke," said Miles.
Everybody jumped onto the ceiling just before a stocky young Asian fellow wearing headphones walked in. He sat down in the rolling chair and pulled out a comic book. As Ganke slid to the left, the spiders scrambled right, trying to stay out of his field of vision. When he spun to the right, they moved left.
Finally, inevitably, the kid looked up and saw everybody.
"Hey," Miles said awkwardly.
"Do animals talk in this dimension?" asked Ham. "'Cuz I don't wanna freak him out."
Ganke passed out.
Gwen helped Miles drag his roommate into bed while Peni, Noir, and Ham left the room. After he pulled the covers over him, Miles turned around to see only Peter B. standing there. Gwen was halfway out the window.
"What's going on?"
She looked down. She really didn't want to leave Miles behind. But she had to. For his sake. For everybody else's sake. Peter B. might have deluded himself into thinking that he would save everybody, or that Miles could, but Gwen needed to sacrifice herself.
But would Peter B. listen to her? He never seemed to. He always had his own agenda. Sure, it was understandable, seeing that he was a loner. Maybe he didn't want anybody else in on his plans because he didn't trust anyone? But how would Gwen make him see that Miles couldn't help? How would she make him see that he couldn't stay behind?
As little as she trusted herself to handle the situation, she was the only person who could.
"Bye, Miles."
Gwen hopped out of the window.
Noir, Ham, and Sp//dr clung to the other side of the wall, listening in on Peter B. and Miles. Noir waved for Gwen to join them. As much as she wanted to get on with saving the multiverse, she wanted to stay. Friendship prevailed over duty in this instance.
This was why Gwen didn't want to make friends. They would get in the way, just like Miles would have. They would get hurt, just like Peter had been.
But did that make them bad to have?
Gwen stopped worrying about herself and listened.
Should she be here?
"You're not getting it. You're staying here."
"I need to be there, so you all can get home."
"They are going home. I'm the only one staying."
That's what he thought.
"But if you stay here, you'll die."
"I'm doing what needs to be done. I just wanted you to hear it from me."
"What about MJ?"
A heavy pause.
"Not everything works out, kid. I need the goober."
Wait, Miles still had the goober?
"Don't make me take it from you."
Miles sounded agitated, like he was drawing on his last reserves of conviction. "But that's not fair! Tell them I can do this!"
"It wasn't their decision."
"But, but I gotta make Kingpin pay! Let me make him pay!"
"You're gonna get yourself killed if you do that."
"But I'm ready! I promise!"
He wasn't ready. He wasn't ready. What would it take to make Miles understand that?
Gwen heard thumping.
Peter B.'s voice sounded like it was coming from higher up than before. "Then venom-strike me right now. Or turn invisible, on command, so you can get past me."
Miles strained. He gritted his teeth and growled. But, apparently, nothing happened.
Gwen couldn't help but feel bad for him.
His devotion to friends wasn't going to help him. He needed to be broken of the habit before he got himself killed.
"Poor little guy," Noir muttered under his breath.
"I know how much you want this… but you don't have it yet. I'm sorry."
Webshooters fired repeatedly.
"When will I know I'm ready?" asked Miles.
"You won't. It's a leap of faith."
Peter B. climbed out the window and joined the rest of the Spider-Gang. They swung back into the city in silence.
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