#Greenwood NE
gayseriea · 1 month
no figurati il mio era un discorso puramente giornalistico, poi siamo in pausa nazionali quindi le cazzate abbondano. se alla fine si rivela vero farò mea culpa
ho deciso di non fasciarmi la testa prima di romperla e di credere che una squadra italiana abbia una dirigenza in grado di capire che se vogliono tornare gloriosamente in champions l'anno prossimo questa è una controversia che possiamo evitarci. però visto l'acume del dirigente sportivo medio italiano, eh. ho il brutto sospetto che prima o poi finirà in serie a fr
c'è un discorso da fare più ampio su questo tipo di accuse nel calcio in generale e come davvero non vengano prese sul serio dalle società + compagni di squadra e MG assolutamente non è l'unico ecc, ma il fatto che sia stato così pubblico + stia ancora con quella poverina + continui a negare tutto mi fa davvero salire la bile lol
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reppyy · 2 years
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thatawkwardbryce · 2 months
What you're about to see is the last pictures/footage of David Greenwood, who went missing after venturing into the Greatlake National Park. His camera was found in a river covered in a mixture of blood and a unknown white liquid.
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0:00 ~ 0:10 - David walks through the woods as his feet crushes leaves and sticks, he hums to himself as he rounds a corner.
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0:11 ~ 0:40 - David looks around the ruins of the Greatlake Train Station. His voice is audible but distorted by corruption of the footage "??????I hope?????wasn't lying about this Urbex place??????" He then walks onto the rails, going into the tunnel on the right.
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0:41 ~ 1:05 - David walks along the rusted rails turning left, revealing a barred door with a red light above it, and a padlock. David walks up to the door and reveals a key, putting it into the padlock and unlocking the door.
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1:06 ~ 1:20 - David descends some stairs beyond the locked door, his footsteps echoing as he turns on the camera's light. "Christ it's cold in here." He says soon finding another barred door, this time without a lock as he opens it up.
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1:21 ~ 1:30 - David walks through the dark concrete corridors. Each breath he took, and each step he took echoed amongst the dark walls, continuing into the black abyss in front of him.
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1:31 ~ 1:55 - He soon comes across another door in front of a worklight. David stops a bit, confused. Before continuing on through the door.
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1:56 ~ 2:22 - David enters a corridor as he whistles a bit. "Holy fuck I've hit the motherload. Why the hell does this place even still have power?" He chuckles as he shivers a bit again. "And why the hell is a wheelchair down here?" He approaches it and taps his foot against it. The wheelchair looks worn from disuse and age. Suddenly, there's a sound of clattering as the camera looks up. "The hell!?"
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2:23 ~ 2:39 - The camera shoots up, just missing whatever it was. But capturing the objects crashing to the ground. "What the fuck!? H-Hey get back here!" He yells running deeper into the tunnel.
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2:40 ~ 2:59 - He pokes the camera around the corner, whispering a bit. "W-Was that a person? Why the hell would a person be out here in some locked off tunnels..." He then continues around the corner, navigating by spray painted walls and abandoned mattress.
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3:00 ~ 3:15 - He turns the light on as he descends a small set of stairs, discovering some beds. Out of frame he reads something off of the walls. "Monsters exist in Greatlake...the fuck?" He keeps going, turning right and finding...something.
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3:16 ~ 3:27 - He finds a black trail of [REDACTED] leading to a small hole in a metal fence. "Christ...w-why the hell does it smell like lawncare?" He says, coughing a bit. He turns around and heads down the hall to the left.
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3:28 ~ 3:33 - He coughs more and more as he finds another door by a green exit sign. "Christ, it feels like someone is ripping out my lungs...i-is this what smoking is like?" He says as the camera reveals the door was locked. He turns left and discovers a stairway.
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3:34 ~ 3:45 - He travels up more stairway, camera swaying as he coughs more. "I ne-need to leave s-soon...I-I think this place is-" He violently coughs up [REDACTED] "W-What the fuck?" He turns around another corner.
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3:46 ~ 4:15 - He stumbles up more concrete stairs, discovering multiple stains of [REDACTED] as he find s little room with a CCTV setup showing the park and subway tunnels...with a rotting Kidutus guard corpse, eyes ripped out sitting in front of it holding a key. "W-What the fuck!?" David yells, as he hears something echoing throughout the bunker...and it was coming closer to him. He quickly grabs the key off of the body. Turning around as yelling is heard all around him.
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4:16 ~ 4:24 - He quickly runs down the stairs, sprinting as he slams into the locked exit door, unlocking quickly as loud footsteps are heard behind him.
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4:25 ~ 4:31 - He runs through the door, revealing a cave system as he yells. Seeming to look behind him at what's chasing him. He sees a bright light up ahead as he runs towards it.
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4:32 ~ 4:38 - He is nearly at the exit, about to escape...only for the camera to jerk a bit and turn around...showing what was chasing him.
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4:39 ~ 4:49 - Camera freezes on the appearance of...something, it's skin a sickly white with two long eye stocks, seeming closed as David's last scream is looped over and over again, before the camera cuts off to a black screen for a few minutes.
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8:32 - 10:21 - Camera is sitting in river water as a waterfall is heard, staring up at the grey gloomy sky, rain pouring down as the camera slowly runs out of battery.
I AM SO SO SO I haven't been writing DD and FM, Writers block suuuuuucks! I hope this makes it betttter!
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filorunsultra · 6 months
Ultrarunning Mag
Due copertine di Ultrarunning Magazine di aprile e agosto 2008. A sinistra Zeke Tieman, Kyle Skaggs e Anton Krupicka alla Red Hot 50k a Moab, Utah. Krupicka e Skaggs arrivarono insieme in 4h03'03’’. Non so se è più figa la canotta Montrail di Skaggs o la t-shirt LaSpo di Krupicka. A destra invece una foto che ha segnato un'epoca: Kyle Skaggs mónze verso il record di Hardrock 100 (23h23'30’’). Classico outfit di quegli anni. Se volete sentire parlare di quegli anni c'è una puntata di Freetrail di quest'estate, con Dom Grossman, in cui se ne parla. Certo, sentire Mr. Dylan Euro-runner Bowman parlare entusiasticamente di quel periodo fa un po’ ridere, ma la puntata è bella. Sono anche andato a recuperarmi una delle prime puntate di Pyllars, con Joe Grant, penso fosse la quarta, puntata bellissima. Anche lì se ne parla. Comunque, rileggendo i vecchi numeri di Ultrarunning sul loro archivio (è a pagamento ma ne vale la pena) e sfogliando i numeri più recenti che ho a casa è incredibile quanto non sia cambiato per niente. All'epoca andava anche bene parlare di quanto è bella la primavera, ma adesso leggere le rubriche mensili di Burrell, Cantrell o Karnazes (ma anche quelle di Lowther, Allen e Greenwood) straccia un po’ i coglioni. Non è molto diversa da com'era SpiritoTrail negli ultimi anni (quando era cartacea intendo), se non per il fatto che è una rivista leggendaria, ma è un modo di fare riviste un po’ vecchiotto, e ciononostante continuo a trovarlo migliore di quello che dovrebbe essere all'avanguardia ora, quantomeno quello era spontaneo, e la spontaneità è sempre una buona cosa.
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lesgenouxdanslegif · 10 months
Mathieu Blanchard est au pied d’un monument : la Western States. Des américains qui courent à plus de 10 km/h pendant 160 bornes, une chaleur d’environ 125 degrés et peut-être à la clé la première victoire Française sur la Western. Une chose est sûre : s’il a faim, il pourra toujours croquer dans une de ses cuisses.
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Depuis 1974 et le parcours à pieds de Gordy Ainsleigh (avant la course se faisait en canasson), il y a seulement eu 3 vainqueurs non américain : Kilian Jornet (2011), Rob Krar (oui il est Canadien et pas Américain, 2014 et 2015) et Ryan Sandes (2017). Chez les femmes, seulement 4 ont arraché la victoire aux locales : Tracy Garneau (2010), Ellie Greenwood (2011 et 2012), Beth Pascall (2021) et Ruth Croft (2022). On ne dompte pas la Western comme ça.
Ann Trason a remporté 14 fois la Western (10 fois de suite + 4 fois de suite). Scott Jurek 7 fois (et 7 fois de suite). Les records ? 17h10’42’’ pour Beth Pascall et 14h09’28’’ pour Jim Walmsley. Ça va ? Tu veux un gant de toilette humide sur le front ? Photo Philrouleaufilms
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clemjolichose · 1 year
you won't have to hide away - partie 3
Fandom : Nassau : la nuit des canons
Pairing : Anne Bonny x Mary Read, Jack Rackham x Stede Bonnet, Charles Vane x Lucy Greenwood
Nombre de mots : 716 mots
Avertissement : Violence, mort
Résumé : Qui est ce mystérieux personnage venant au secours de la fugitive ? Quelles sont ses motivations ? Serait-il un allié ?
Note d’auteurice : Vous pouvez aussi lire ce texte sur Wattpad ou AO3 ! Cette fanfiction, basée sur une comédie musicale indépendante, a plus d'un an et je suis fièr-e de vous la partager enfin !
Partie : 3/11 - Le Démon de Nassau
Partie 1 | Partie 2
Chanson : Run Boy Run de Woodkid
Le tintement du métal semblait effroyable dans le silence de la forêt. Mary se leva dès qu'elle put, avec la volonté d'aider quiconque l'avait sauvée. Elle se battit ainsi contre le corps de chasse de Calico, au côté d'une personne qu'elle n'avait encore pu voir. Mais le combat ne fut pas long puisque pour une obscure raison, Woodes Rogers fit battre les hommes en retraite. Stede Bonnet se tenait à ses côtés et venait de lui murmurer à l'oreille - c'était sûrement ce qui l'avait dissuadé de mener bataille. Tant mieux. Mary s'étira, sa chute ayant été douloureuse, et se tourna vers le mystérieux inconnu- la mystérieuse inconnue, à vrai dire. "Anne Bonny, lança Bonnet. Où est ton maître ? Il doit être perdu sans son soutien moral... -Oh, t'as pas un thé à siroter le petit doigt levé en léchant les bottes de la Navy ? répliqua la susnommée du tac au tac. T'es sur mes terres, et tu le sais très bien, alors dégage tes sales pattes d'ici avant que je ne déclenche un incident diplomatique." Le roi leva les mains en signe d'apaisement et récula doucement. Comme Rogers ne faisait pas de même, il le tira. "Je préfère ça." Anne Bonny rangea sa lame. Un dernier regard, et elle fit volte-face pour rejoindre son propre royaume. Mary Read la suivit en boitant, à cause de sa blessure, et tenta d'attirer son attention. "Eh ! Merci, pour- pour m'avoir défendue face à eux. -Je défends surtout mon territoire. La Navy n'a aucun droit sur Nassau, répliqua Anne avec énervement." Puis elle regarda Mary de la tête aux pieds. "Sympa le déguisement. T'as l'air d'avoir les épaules d'une pirate, dommage que t'en ai pas le nom. -C'est quoi le problème avec mon nom ?! -Mary Read ? C'est pas un nom de pirate ! -Et Anne Bonny alors ?!" Mary était vexée, et Anne ne faisait que rire. La première se relaxa tout de même, apaisée de sentir sa bienfaitrice aussi détendue et amicale auprès d'elle. Elle avait vraiment cru qu'elle allait tuer ce Stede Bonnet d'un regard...
Anne Bonny invita Mary dans la forteresse de Nassau, qui était à peu près le seul bâtiment se tenant sur les terres de Nassau, mais elle était bien remplie : des pirates en tout genre et de tous genres l'habitaient, bien que le port semblait bien vide. Nassau était pauvre et en difficulté, à côté de la resplendissante Calico, ou du troisième royaume de l'île, plus menaçant : La Vanerie. Les deux jeunes femmes traversèrent la place du marché, au sein de la forteresse, et se rendirent dans une taverne appelée Le Goulot des Sirènes. Encore une taverne, pensa Mary. À l'intérieure, elles saluèrent la propriétaire qu'Anne présenta brièvement : "Lucy Greenwood, la maman de tout le monde ici." Ladite Lucy sourit en saluant Mary. Elle avait un regard perçant, comme si elle pouvait percer tous les secrets d'une personne par sa simple vision. Et elle semblait déjà en voir long. Mary était un peu mal à l'aise de cette contemplation insistante, mais ne dit rien. De toute manière, Anne était en train d'expliquer sa bien mauvaise situation et en deux temps trois mouvements, Mary se retrouva à l'abri des regards, dans une chambre, sans pantalon, Lucy soignant sa jambe. Les crocs ne s'étaient pas enfoncés trop profondément et la blessure avait cessé de saigner pendant sa marche jusqu'à la forteresse, mais la propriétaire de la taverne semblait tout de même inquiète. "Anne m'a dit que c'est un chien de chasse de Bonnet qui t'a fait ça..." Elle se faisait étrangement plus douce que lorsqu'elle était derrière son bar. Mary pouvait voir pourquoi on disait d'elle qu'elle était la maman de tout le monde. Elle hocha la tête. "Que s'est-il passé ? -J'étais prisonnière de la Navy et- -Oh mon Dieu, Lucy la coupa-t-elle. C'est eux qui ont dû partir à ta recherche avec l'aide des chiens de chasse de Bonnet. -C'est ça, oui. Il y avait ce corsaire, Woodes Rogers." Lucy soupira. "Une chose est sûre, il ne te lâchera pas de sitôt. Mais ne t'en fais pas, Nassau te protégera." Elle sourit doucement en terminant de bander la jambe de Mary. "Et voilà, évite de marcher pendant deux-trois jours et tu seras sur pied en un rien de temps ! -Merci madame Greenwood- -Oh appelle-moi Lucy, la coupa-t-elle encore." Les deux femmes sursautèrent en entendant des cris au rez-de-chaussée. "Reste là." Lucy sortit précipitamment de la chambre.
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newsintheshell · 1 year
Il nuovo anime targato Platinum Vision sbarcherà sulle tv giapponesi nel 2023.
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Secondo annuncio della giornata! Anche qui si parla di romance, yuri fra l'altro e coinvolge lo sciogliere il cuoricino di una villain. Ottimo direi.
La casa editrice GL Bunko ha, infatti, svelato che "I'M IN LOVE WITH THE VILLAINESS" (Watashi no Oshi wa Akuyaku Reijo) ispirerà una serie animata programmata per il 2023, attualmente in lavorazione presso lo studio PLATINUM VISION (Kono Oto Tomare! Sounds of Life, Love of Kill).
Le due protagoniste della commedia romantica, sono Rae Taylor e Claire Francois. Ad interpretarle nell'anime troviamo rispettivamente Karin Nanami (Meiya Mitsurugi in Muv-Luv Alternative) e Yu Serizawa (Shera L. Greenwood in How Not to Summon a Demon Lord).
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A dirigere questa nuova parodia dei dating sim c'è Hideaki Oba (Love of Kill), mentre alla sceneggiatura troviamo Ayumu Hisao (Love of Kill, Devils' Line).
Il character design è quello di Youko Satou (7SEEDS, Saiyuki Reload Blast) e le musiche sono composte da Noriyuki Asakura, assieme a Usagi to Uma.
Si è solo appisolata davanti alla tv, ma non si sa come, l'impiegata Rei si risveglia magicamente nel corpo della protagonista del suo gioco otome preferito, Revolution. Con sua grande gioia, la prima persona ad accoglierla è anche il suo personaggio preferito, Claire Francois, l'antagonista principale della storia! Ora, Rei è decisa a sposare Claire invece dei protagonisti maschili del gioco. Come reagirà, però, la sua amata di fonte a questo corteggiamento totalmente fuori dagli schemi?
Anche in questo caso si parla di un'opera conclusa. La light novel scritta da Inori e illustrata da Hanagata, è stata infatti pubblicata in 5 volumi fra il 2018 e il 2021. Nello stesso anno è uscito anche uno spinoff in volume unico.
Dal 2020, invece, ne viene portata avanti una versione manga curata da Aono Shimo, giunta al 5° volumetto.
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Autore: SilenziO)))
blogger // anime enthusiast // twitch addict // unorthodox blackster - synthwave lover // penniless gamer
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realamericasvoice · 2 years
"They have surrendered our energy dominance." - President Donald J. Trump at the #SaveAmericaRally in Greenwood, NE. https://rumble.com/v135ehw-trump-rally-live-coverage-from-greenwood-ne.html
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katiejo16 · 2 years
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concerthopperblog · 23 days
Gearing Up for Goose's Capitol Theatre Run & Summer Tour 2024!
Goose, a jam/psychedelic rock band from Wilton, CT., is getting ready for an eventful year in 2024 that all starts with a highly anticipated four-night run at The Capitol Theatre in Port Chester, N.Y. A little over a month after this four-night run, Goose’s Summer Tour 2024 kicks off by headlining the inaugural Solshine Music & Arts Revue at Three Sisters Park in Chillicothe, IL. (May 24-25). FYI – Orebolo (featuring Rick, Pete, and Jeffrey of Goose) is also on this stacked lineup. ICYMI: Orebolo and the legendary Sturgill Simpson made some very happy music fans at this year’s Dead Ahead Music Festival in Rivera Cancun, Mexico when they performed “Breakers Roar”, a song from Sturgill’s Grammy Award-winning 2016 album, A Sailor’s Guide to Earth. Seeing this kind of creative collaboration with some of my favorite artists solidifies the reasons why I love music so much. For those who know me personally, anytime that I get to bring up Sturgill Simpson in any shape or form, I am taking that shot 10 out of 10 times. But I digress.
So far, the Summer Tour 2024 will conclude on June 30th at Westville Music Bowl in New Haven, CT. Along the way, Goose will complete some epic multiple-night runs: a two-night run at The Factory in St. Louis, MO., a two-night run at Fiddler’s Green Amphitheatre in Greenwood Village, CO., a three-night run at The Fox Theatre in Atlanta, GA., and a two-night run at Thompson’s Point in Portland, ME. Tickets for the Summer Tour 2024 are still on sale with some good seats available at various locations. In addition, one dollar for each ticket sold for the Summer Tour 2024 will be donated to Greenpeace. Sadly, The Capitol Theatre run has long been sold out, but you can still find some tickets for sale through verified resale markets like cashortrade.org.
Goose consists of Rick Mitarotonda (guitar/vocals), Trevor Weeks (bass), Peter Anspach (keyboards/guitar/vocals), Jeff Arevalo (percussion/vocals), and newly added Cotter Ellis (drums). Last year was an extensive year of touring for Goose, although Goose and founding member Ben Atkind (drummer) mutually parted ways after their annual Goosemas celebration in Hampton, VA. After a few months of speculation between the fans as to who would be chosen to sit behind the drum kit, Goose announced the addition of ex-Swimmer drummer Cotter Ellis. And to the fan’s surprise, Goose also released Ted Tapes II on multiple streaming platforms. This jam session would be the first with Cotter on the drums and let me tell you this jam session is something special right here. So, knowing that information, this tour is a DO NOT MISS! Which tour date will you see Goose during the Summer Tour 2024?
So far here are the announced tour dates for Goose in 2024:
APR 7, 2024
The Capitol Theatre
Port Chester, NY
sold out
 APR 8, 2024
The Capitol Theatre
Port Chester, NY
sold out
 APR 9, 2024
The Capitol Theatre
Port Chester, NY
sold out
 APR 10, 2024
The Capitol Theatre
Port Chester, NY
sold out
  MAY 24, 2024 - MAY 26, 2024
Solshine: A Music & Arts Reverie
Chillicothe, IL
 JUN 4, 2024
The Factory
St. Louis, Mo
 JUN 5, 2024
The Factory
St. Louis, Mo
 JUN 7, 2024
Fiddler's Green Amphitheatre
Greenwood Village, CO
vip + travel
 JUN 8, 2024
Fiddler's Green Amphitheatre
Greenwood Village, CO
vip + travel
JUN 10, 2024
Omaha, NE
 JUN 11, 2024
The Midland Theatre
Kansas City, Mo
 JUN 12, 2024
Everwise Amphitheater at White River State Park
Indianapolis, IN
 JUN 14, 2024
Northlands Music & Arts Festival
Swanszey, NH
 JUN 15, 2024
Canandaigua, NY
 JUN 16, 2024
Jacobs Pavilion at Nautica
Cleveland, OH
 JUN 18, 2024
Red Hat Amphitheater
Raleigh, NC
 JUN 20, 2024
Fox Theatre
Atlanta, GA
vip + travel
 JUN 21, 2024
Fox Theatre
Atlanta, GA
vip + travel
 JUN 22, 2024
Fox Theatre
Atlanta, GA
vip + travel
 JUN 23, 2024
Skyla Credit Union Amphitheatre
Charlotte, NC
 JUN 25, 2024
Thompson’s Point
Portland, ME
vip + travel
 JUN 26, 2024
Thompson’s Point
Portland, ME
vip + travel
 JUN 28, 2024
Mann Center for the Performing Arts
Philadelphia, PA
vip + travel
 JUN 29, 2024
Forest Hills Stadium
Forest Hills, NY
vip + travel
 JUN 30, 2024
Westville Music Bowl
New Haven, CT
If you have followed Concerthopper and my blog in the past, then you may have read some of the previous reviews of the band Goose: Goose: Sold Out at The Eastern (Night 1) (2021), Goose: Two Nights at Pullman Hall! (2022), and Spring Tour 2023: Goose Live @ Georgia Theatre (2023). Get your Goose fix at Concerthopper.com!
Curious about Concerthopper? You can find more music-related articles, interviews, various photo galleries, indie music reviews, our ‘Bars & Bites’ section, our exclusive “She Said, She Said” column, or become a Concerthopper at www.concerthopper.com. Sign up for our monthly newsletter by following this link: The Setlist! Please ‘Like’ our page on Facebook and follow us on Instagram to stay up to date in 2023, on all music-related events/festivals such as High on Fire: Live at The Senate (Columbia), Rickshaw Billie’s Burger Patrol w/ NAW & Pretty Please @ The Earl, SESSANTA: Primus, Puscifer, & A Perfect Circle: Live at Ameris Bank Amphitheatre (Atlanta),  Earthless w/ Minami Deutsch at The Earl, Shoot For The Moon Tour: Sierra Ferrell Live at The Eastern, Seasons World Tour 2024: Thirty Seconds to Mars & AFI Live at MidFlorida Credit Union Amphitheatre, Mr. Bungle: Live at The Tabernacle, Ashes of Leviathan Tour: Mastodon & Lamb of God @ Ameris Bank Amphitheatre, An Evening with Goose (Night 3) @ The Fox Theatre (Atlanta), The Deathless Tour: Set It Off w/ Crown the Empire, Caskets, and Death By Choice Live at Water Street Music Hall (Rochester), Least Anticipated Album Tour: A Day To Remember @ Outer Harbor Live at Terminal B, S.E.R.P.E.N.T. Festival w/ SLASH, Larkin Poe, ZZ Ward, and Robert Randolph – Live @ The Orion Amphitheater (Huntsville), Doyle & Otep Live at The Ranch (Ft. Myers), Leftover Salmon, The Infamous Stringdusters, & The Kitchen Dwellers: Live at The Eastern (Atlanta), Weedeater w/ Telekinetic Yeti & Restless Spirit: Live @ Grantski Records, Blackout Tour Pt. 2: From Ashes to New Live @ Water Street Music Hall (Rochester), RUCKUS! Tour 2024: Movements Live at Water Street Music Hall, We Legalized It 2024: Cypress Hill Live at Tabernacle, King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard: Live at The Fox Theatre (Atlanta), The Godmode Tour: In This Moment Live @ Landmark Theatre (Syracuse), Pallbearer w/ Rwake & The Keening @ The Masquerade (Atlanta), and King Dunn Tour: Live at The Masquerade by following us on all social media formats: Concerthopper on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.  You can also follow my concert hopping on Facebook and Instagram.
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kenmucharealtor · 26 days
May 2024 Bend Investor Group Meet-Up Invite – sign up today and early
Wednesday May 1st, 2024, 6-7 PM
Team Birtola High Desert Realty
101 NE Greenwood Avenue, Bend, OR 97701
South entrance – Parking Lot
Conference Room Upstairs
Ken Mucha – 541-948-0494  [email protected]
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reppyy · 2 years
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sonmelier · 2 months
50. Dudu Tassa & Jonny Greenwood | Jarak Qaribak
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🇮🇱 Israël & 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 Angleterre | World Circuit | 40 minutes | 9 morceaux
"Ton voisin est ton ami". Le titre arabe de cette collaboration entre Duda Tassa, figure du rock alternatif de Tel-Aviv, et Jonny Greenwood (membre éminent de Radiohead et de The Smile mais aussi compositeur reconnu de bandes originales envoutantes) dit l’essentiel de ce projet musical. En invitant des chanteurs et des musiciens libanais 🇱🇧, égyptiens 🇪🇬, palestiniens 🇵🇸, syriens 🇸🇾 (et autres) à interpréter des chansons traditionnelles provenant d’autres pays du Moyen-Orient que le leur, l’album promeut l’idée de fraternité et de connexion humaine. On ne peut par ailleurs qu’être captivé par un habillage sonore absolument fascinant, évoquant selon les dires de Greenwood lui-même ce qu’aurait pu commettre Kraftwerk si ses membres s’étaient retrouvés dans un studio d’enregistrement du Caire à la fin des années 70s. Un message de communion sorti quatre mois avant le 7 octobre 2023 et qui mérite plus que jamais d'être entendu.
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k12academics · 5 months
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The Greenwood School offers a comprehensive, individualized remedial program balanced with an emphasis on enrichment programs designed to awaken students' hidden talents.
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The result is a school that transforms lives by providing the best environment possible for students with specific learning challenges to realize their academic, social, and creative potentials.
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sentimentallyeducated · 6 months
Article du blog #8
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Phil Greenwood - Blossoms (2003)
The passage in Du côté de chez Swann about the hawthorn trees posited interesting considerations of the relationship between nature and artifice. Reflecting on the parks he visited in his childhood, Proust writes "dans ses créations les plus factices, c'est sur la nature que l'homme travaille" (181). It is interesting to think about this in relation to the parks and gardens he describes--how they ultimately reflect man's desire to simulate the eternal purity of nature they can never themselves reach (182)--and to further extend it to Proust's writing itself as a type of "création le plus factice." Writing may be perceived as highly artificial in the way it produces/is produced from written language--an artificial construct that relies on the gathering of words, which are themselves "arbitrary" and "differentially" signified (following Ferdinand de Saussure's linguistic structuralism theory). The fact that the description of a blossoming hawthorn tree may be described with different words in different languages with different syntactical structures and phonetic associations proves that writing, as something produced by humans, is ultimately constructed and artificial. Nature, on the other hand, is essentially intelligible without such prescriptive descriptors or means of communication--it simply exists of and for itself. And yet, we rely on our own means of comprehension in attempting to approach its sometimes inexplicable impact on our senses (the height of which may be considered as the sublime). Proust seems to grapple with this dissonance between the impression nature has on him and the expression he can offer in response:
... je revenais devant les aubépines comme devant ces chefs-d'ouvre dont on croit qu'on saura mieux les voir quand on a cessé. un moment de les regarder, mais j'avais beau me faire un écran de mes mains pour n'avoir qu'elles sous les yeux, le sentiment qu'elles éveillaient en moi restait obscur et vague, cherchant en vain à se dégager, à venir adhérer à leurs fleurs. Elles ne m'aidaient pas à l'éclaircir, et je ne pouvais demander à d'autres fleurs de le satisfaire. (184).
Despite his inability to articulate precisely the effect this sight has on him, Proust equips language to articulate its inexpressibility, which is to say, its natural essence. Ainsi, nature et artifice se répondent.
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kurtlukiraz · 6 months
Usher Evi'nin Çöküşü dizisi 2023, konusu, oyuncuları, karakterleri, cast, 2.sürem ne vakit, yorumları, Ekşi, analizi, IMDb puanı, Netflix dizileri, fragmanı, izle şekli aramalarınıza herdembilgiler'den cevap bulabilirsiniz. Dizi hakkında 12 Ekim 2023'de Netflix yaygın'de yer alan Netflix yapımı dizisidir. Ürkütücü, merak uyandırıcı ve hüzünlü türüyle yer edinen dizinin 8. bölümünden meydana geliyor. Dizinin yönetmenliğini Michael Fimognari ve Mike Flanagan üstlenirken, senaristliği Mike Flanagan ve Justina Ireland üstte yer alıyor. Dizinin sanatçı kadrosunda Carla Gugino, Bruce Greenwood, Mary McDonnell, Carl Lumbly, Mark Hamill, Henry Thomas, Kate Siegel ve Rahul Kohli şeklinde adlar içerir. Dizi IMDb'de 8,1'lik puana ulaştı. Dizinin orijinal adı: Usher Hanesi'nin Düşüşü Usher Evi'nin Çöküşü dizisi konusu Dizinin konusu, Servetlerini ve geleceklerini sağlayabilmek isteyen iki zalim kardeşin yaptığı aile hanedanlığı, mirasçılarının garip sebeplerle birer birer ölmesiyle dağılmaya adım atar. Usher Evi'nin Çöküşü dizi oyuncuları ve karakterleri (cast) Dizinin sanatçı kadrosunda Carla Gugino, Bruce Greenwood, Mary McDonnell, Carl Lumbly, Mark Hamill, Henry Thomas, Kate Siegel ve Rahul Kohli şeklinde adlar yer alıyor. Carla GuginoBruce GreenwoodMary McDonnellCarl LumblyMark HamillHenry ThomasKate SiegelRahul Kohli Bu ve benzeri içerikleri Instagram üstünden izlemek için: Bu ve benzeri içerikleri Youtube üstünden izlemek için:
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