#Green list residence pathway
iclegalnz · 1 year
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The jobs on the Green List New Zealand are in high demand. The New Zealand Government announces more Health Roles to be added to the Green List and is providing a preferred pathway to acquiring residence in New Zealand for those with these skill sets in order to encourage skilled migrants. Get in touch with our Immigration Advisers right now.
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spinningbuster98 · 2 months
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles Part 1: Can't have anything on Angel Island!
I’ve had my ups and downs with Sonic as a series, in fact I’ll be brutally honest: for as important as this series was to my formative years I’ve had more downs than ups, to the point that I’ve even found myself disliking games I used to love over time. There has been very little that I’ve enjoyed from this franchise during the past 10 years, to the point that I struggle to define myself as a Sonic fan anymore
If there’s one thing I can still put quite a lot of faith into, even after all these years, is Sonic 3′s quality
Sonic 3 is not just the best Sonic game ever, it is, in my eyes, one of the best videogames ever created, and this isn’t something that I’m saying just because I grew up with this game, as you’ll see in the future I’m no stranger to being extremely critical against games I grew up with that I used to enjoy (or even viceversa). The fact that this game is not usually included in top ten best games lists alongside other famous gems like Super Metroid, Ocarina of Time, Resident Evil 4 and the like is, I think, one of the greatest injustices ever done to this series, though I do have an idea as to why that is, but more on that at a later time
The level design in this game is so gargantuan yet intricate and thought out, which is actually something that I have to remind myself of, given that I’m so used to it now. Not only are these way bigger than levels from the previous games but I’m pretty sure that Sonic 3 features the largest levels of any platformer of its generation. Of course I might be wrong but I haven’t played any other game of that era with levels this huge, not Super Mario World, not Shinobi, not Mega Man and not Castlevania. When I was younger I actually used to see this as a flaw because, on average, these levels generally took me around 5-6 minutes to complete, which is longer than the average Sonic level length, but with hindsight these levels have so many secret shortcuts and pathways that you can cut down that time pretty substantially once you know what you’re doing. It certainly helps that these secret paths are not too hard to find for anyone who is at least halfway familiar with how level design in platformers works, it’s the usual stuff: some walls look a bit different than others or maybe you can see a trail of rings go through one. Many of these levels are actually quite fun to explore and the game knows how to reward that curiosity as you’ll see in the future. All of this basically makes Sonic 3 a much better exploration game than Sonic CD, which is pretty humiliating given that Sonic 3 isn’t even trying to make exploration its main focus
Despite this I actually think that Angel Island is the weakest of the classic starting levels. It’s a good level don’t get me wrong, but it’s smaller and overall more linear than Green Hill, Emerald Hill and Palmtree Panic. Though because of its more contained nature it does perhaps make for a better tutorial level for any beginner. I especially like how Act 2 starts with you always (well almost always, sometimes you stop rolling because of collision detection issues, more on those at a later time...) crashing through a wall leading to a Giant Ring, as a way to subtly communicate to the player about their existence and how to usually find them 
Hydro city is peak Sonic water level: the lesson introduced in Aquatic Ruin about trying to stick to the upper routes to avoid going into the water is mostly kept (though unless you can use Tails to fly Sonic up at the start you won’t be able to access the upper route right away with him and you’ll have to go underwater for a while, but not too long), the submerged temple-city aesthetic is pretty unique and act 2 is just a flat out fun old time like Chemical Plant Act 2
Marble Garden is, unfortunately, my least favorite level in the game. Partly because of its pretty drab looks but mostly due to its obstacle placement. I actually think that Sonic 3 can get worse than Sonic 2 at times with its tendency to have you crash headfirst against obstacles at mach speed. Some levels are fine with this, but others go overboard, Launch Base and Lava Reef are the other 2 major examples but I think that Marble Garden is worse because it’s just the third level and, unlike the other 2 examples, you can’t use the Fire Shield to somewhat mitigate the issue. Sure you can abuse Super forms but that’s not a proper solution you know?
The spinning tops are also pretty damn awkward to handle and, as a kid, I had no idea you could make them automatically reach their top speeds by just having them touch the ground, it’s not exactly communicated to you clearly.
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ratgirlt850 · 4 months
A world where evil runs rampant through a futuristic city. Miguel o hara now older has a one last attempt at saving the world from destruction builds a robot, Adam walker, to go back in time to the year 1995 and stop the creation of alchmex. Read this story where spider man meets terminator and the fight for Justice.
Chapter one: the first night
A flash of light, bright swirling colors fills the void. A rip in time and space opens to an alley way.
It’s cold and wet…
The rain pouring down on my shoulders, running down my back.
For the first time I felt.
My body shuddered. I wrapped my arms around myself for cover.
The water drops dampened my hair and I reached for my watch to give myself clothes. The black hoodie and baggy pants slowly formed around me, giving me some shelter from the cold. I don’t like the cold for it being my first feeling it’s not my favorite.
The hoodie and pants slowly got soaked too. Not much help. I needed to find my living quarters. There is supposed to be a small apartment I can live in. It’s in the program. I tap my watch and then a blue pathway appears in front of me. I follow the pathway into the side walk. As I was walking something hit my side. “Use your eyes asshole”. A middle aged man said with a scowl on his face. I ignored it since it wasn’t in my program to acknowledge this person. A quick scan could tell me he was not important to the mission. So I looked away from him setting my gaze back onto the blue line.
I follow it down the street where many people bumped and pushed me. Cars honking and splashing the side walk with rain. People running to escape the cold.
Many things to scan and discover but I couldn’t be bothered I needed to focus on the blue line.
A women looks at me she is wearing an unusual outfit that barely covers herself. She shows to be 26 from my scans. No income. She grabs my shoulder and calls me to follow that if I had money. I shrugged the woman off and followed on my path. A little while and I had made it to my destination. A small apartment that had no residency except for an old couple at the bottom. I would move in here and stay for as long as this mission takes. money had already been sent to the landlord so there should be no problems. I walk to the door and see that the door nob was old and rusted. The whole apartment looked that way. As I opened the door the carpet was stained with so many different substances.
Chocolate milk, Pepsi, pizza, tea, coffee, paint, mud and the list goes on. It was a dark green rug that laid on the dusty wooden floor. As I stepped in, the floor creaked. I looked around surveilling my surroundings. I noticed the overflowing mail box and the empty ones next to it. I zoomed in to get a closer look at some of the letters. New York Times Magazine, bills, Christmas catalogs. I looked to my left to see what appears to be the old couples door. An old reef hanging from it pine needles shedding on the ground.
The flight of stairs peaked my interest next I took a few more steps into the apartment closing the door behind me. I took a hold of the railing climbing up the stairs. A door painted a dark green to match the dark green rug. The hinges rusted. I pressed my watch to get the key. the key materializes hovering above my watch slowly forming. As it finishes the key hovers waiting for me to take it as I do the luminescent glow fades and leaves me with a plain dirty key.
As I unlock the door I am faced with a dingy room that I can only guess is the living room.
A kitchen is off to the side that holds a fridge, sink, and oven. I won’t really need any of them. A short hall way leads to a room. In the room was a bathroom but I won’t be needing that either.
I step towards the window and watched.
I have nothing to do for this first night so I will spend the time gathering information.
As I watch the busy street the rain softens but the city does not.
My mission starts tomorrow.
Thank you so much for reading!!! This is my first story so I know I can improve in my writing skills I never really was good at English lol. But I hope my story is still enjoyable.
This is the first chapter it doesn’t go into too much detail about before he was sent but that will happen. Miguel isn’t the main character of the story I also want to put that out there my oc is. I will be doing a drawing of my Adam some time so u guys can get a feel of what he looks like too! This is inspired by the terminator and of course the spider man movies. I really love both of these series so I thought it would be cool to mix them! Anyways sry for yapping hope u enjoyed!! 😽❤️
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aphoestrope · 2 years
Fictober '22 - Day 31
prompt: #31 "I'm not alone and neither are you." original fiction: the revenge's sweetheart rating: teen and up audiences (may not be appropriate for audiences under 13) warnings: none.
(last day! this one will be a bit long (beware lmao!). huge huge shoutout and thank you to @fictober-event for hosting this wonderful event and providing such wonderful prompts <3)
Unreal. Perhaps it had been that way from the beginning.
It started with subtle things. Finding her stumbling into his cabin late at night, walking in on her with those collected face yet erratic gestures, giving him lists of reasons when he’d caught her looking around the deck. I could not sleep, those words would leave her mouth and he’d accept it as a reasonable excuse. Kairon—no, Devon—had placed his trust like that, not even realizing that the grip she had on him was much stronger. There was this tug that pulled him to this uncharted territory; a strange feeling, one that he could not quite put his finger on, yet his heart would jump as if there was a silver platter waiting for it to reside. Endearing and forgiving were not the first adjectives that everyone on board would describe the Revenge’s captain, but fate dipped its feet and twisted the notion entirely.
Deep inside that heart of stone and the scarred being within, Devon found something worth his faith.
So he embraced it. He made it a place where he could take his armor off. He allowed the red haired elf to see him for what he was, introducing her to the person beneath. Vulnerabilities exposed, naked as the day he was a babe, Devon let her into the pool that no one had ever swam into. From the day he knew that his presence was never acknowledged, he closed off that self that yearned for a place where he could breathe—a place that he thought would let him feel that after all the world has thrown at him, he was loved.
“I am not alone,” He told her in confidence and affection then, “and neither are you.”
How was he supposed to know that everything—all that he thought he earned—were nothing but lies?
It started with subtle things, but Devon should’ve known better. Once he let the chain that guarded his heart loose, he should’ve known that it would be taken for granted. Out of nowhere, he thought of all those nights spent regretting and longing in the cold floors of his cell. The damp, stank air was his only company, but he never really felt alone because of the thought of her. They were two sides of the same coin of perspectives; her kind highly respected, and his’ mighty degraded, and he acknowledged such boundaries. His mind trailed off to those days spent on the upper deck with his navigator, discussing pathways and future targets although his electric eyes were on her.
There was some sort of goddess-like complexion in that mysterious face; furrowed eyebrows and thick lashes, he always found them intriguing because he could not read anything out of her most of the time. It would be an understatement to say those eyes were magnetic—green as those growing mosses on the shallow beach illuminated by the soft glow of dawn where he used to seek tranquility as a child. Devon found some sort of comfort looking at them, doing it secretly lest she’d mark him off as impolite. Somehow, somewhat, he found home in those gaze and the strands of bright red just a shade brighter than the blood that would smear his warhammer after a raid.
He liked them—her, the way she carried herself albeit the strangeness of the situation and cluelessness at times. If luck was on his side, he could see one of the most beautiful things he had ever seen in his life; a smile, one that slowly spreads thinly between her plump lips, and he would even thank the skies for the miseries that brought him here today. Devon had no regrets filling the worn pages of his journal with sketches of those moments, thinking that he, at least, had a beautiful someone worth keeping close to heart.
The pleasantries would be replaced by the utter shock and hurt on that exact same face he adored so much. Swaying above the unforgiving seas with people after his head, Devon had let his mouth do the job to push her away. You will be safe, Valleria, Devon convinced himself as he gave up on resisting and letting himself be dragged away, you will be safe. He had fallen that deep and could not find return to the surface, all he could do was to hope and accept whatever will come after him now. He knew that he had pricked a needle on someone so precious to him, and he had made cuts with a knife on himself as a punishment for letting that happen.
Time heals everything, people would say. One day, Devon might only remember fragments of her presence; of those times he was genuinely happy. He might only remember that there was someone who washes the fire away from his stomach and left some butterflies in it.
However, truth dropped a bomb on him and ended up leaving a new kind of pain that he could not even comprehend.
After days and nights spent to convince himself that it was not true, it took only one moment to shatter that conviction. Watching the scene unfold before his eyes, connecting two and two together, Kairon finally learned that he was nothing but means to an end. He was nothing but a mission to be uncorked and destroyed. It was his heartbreak knowing that she caused him the greatest pain he had ever experienced. He had always been resistant to pain; cut him, strangle him, torture him, he would never break. This woman, though, this magnetic woman, he never knew how someone could hurt him so much like this.
It finally dawned upon him that, in the end, nothing was ever real.
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Unveiling the NZ Green List 2024: Your Key to Immigration Success
Embarking on a journey to New Zealand in 2024? Understanding the NZ Green List 2024 is essential for navigating the immigration process smoothly. This coveted list outlines the occupations and skills in demand, providing valuable insights for individuals looking to make New Zealand their new home.
Decoding the NZ Green List
The NZ Green List 2024 serves as a blueprint for immigration policies, highlighting occupations and skills that are critical to New Zealand’s economy. Being on this list can significantly streamline the immigration process for skilled workers, making it easier to obtain visas and residency.
Key Occupations on the Green List New Zealand
The Green List New Zealand features a diverse range of occupations across various industries. Some of the key sectors and professions include:
Healthcare: Doctors, nurses, and allied health professionals are in high demand to support New Zealand’s healthcare system.
Engineering: Civil, mechanical, and electrical engineers play vital roles in infrastructure development and maintenance.
Information Technology: Software developers, data analysts, and cybersecurity specialists are needed to drive innovation and digital transformation.
Construction: Carpenters, plumbers, and electricians contribute to the construction and maintenance of homes and infrastructure.
Benefits of Being on the NZ Green List 2024
Being on the green list offers numerous advantages for skilled professionals:
Priority Processing: Applications from individuals in green list occupations receive priority processing, leading to faster visa approvals.
Job Opportunities: Being in demand means more job opportunities and potential for career growth.
Pathway to Residency: Skilled workers on the green list may find it easier to transition from temporary work visas to permanent residency.
Applying for Opportunities on the Green List NZ 2024
If your occupation is listed on the green list NZ 2024, here’s how you can pursue opportunities in New Zealand:
Check Eligibility: Ensure that your qualifications and experience align with the requirements for the listed occupations.
Gather Documentation: Prepare all necessary documents, including proof of qualifications, work experience, and language proficiency.
Submit an Expression of Interest (EOI): Express your interest in migrating to New Zealand by submitting an EOI through the Immigration New Zealand website.
Apply for a Visa: If your EOI is selected, you will be invited to apply for a visa, either through the Skilled Migrant Category or other relevant pathways.
Why Choose New Zealand?
New Zealand offers a high quality of life, stunning natural landscapes, and a welcoming multicultural society. The New Zealand Green List reflects the country’s commitment to attracting skilled talent who can contribute to its vibrant economy and diverse communities.
The NZ Green List 2024 is your ticket to a new beginning in one of the world’s most desirable destinations. Whether you’re in healthcare, engineering, IT, or construction, being on the green list opens doors to exciting opportunities in New Zealand. Start your immigration journey today and turn your dreams of living and working in New Zealand into reality.
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emaaramaris · 25 days
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Owning a lavish residence is one of the prominent achievements in every investor’s life, making your life filled with an elite aura. This eventually curates an exorbitant pathway to live an excellent life for every individual. 
If we talk about Delhi NCR, Gurgaon seems to be the perfect place to cherish an exotic lifestyle. Ultimately flourishing as the most suitable destination for millennials, this city inherits the quality of offering a sumptuous life, crafted with robust technology. 
Several top-notch real estate developers have witnessed a high potential in this city with reference to offering a superlative lifestyle to every resident. 
Emaar India, a major real estate developer is launching a brand new residential project in a highly promising destination. With the launch of Emaar Amaris, the Gurgaon realty sector will witness a major transition in their living standards, eventually inculcating the true sense of aristocracy in each member. 
Let us now discuss some great features of Emaar Amaris, an exclusive residential development by Emaar India. By looking at the below section, you will acquire a clear perspective as to why you should choose this development for investment. 
Emaar Amaris, a very beneficial residential project in Gurgaon’s realty market is one of the most lucrative choices. 
By this, I am referring to the blessed world of living where you will inherit a well-crafted lifestyle, the pure epitome of the aristocracy. Here, every individual enjoys an exotic life, filled with extravagances and royal characteristics. 
1. Emaar Amaris is soon coming in sector-62, Gurgaon where residents will truly experience the true meaning of richness. 
Being a very significant part of Golf Course Extension Road, it provides residents with a great opportunity to access all major locations (mentioned below) within 10-30 minutes. 
Golf Course Road
Southern Peripheral Road
Dwarka Expressway
MG Road
Gurgaon-Sohna Road
Indira Gandhi International Airport
Dhaula Kuan
2. Emaar Amaris is a low-density project, offering a highly lavish lifestyle to each and every resident who wishes to live an affluent lifestyle. 
This high-rise project aims to transform the lives of each member with a highly flexible range of 3 and 4 BHK residences, inculcating premium quality amenities and services. 
Each residential unit is devised with robust technology, well-ventilated spaces, eco-friendly features, elegant designs, home automation, modular kitchen, and contemporary interior. 
3. If you aspire to inherit some of the most aristocratic amenities, Emaar Amaris is the perfect development to settle in!! Here is a list, showing some great facilities that are available to all the residents of this development. 
Water Cascade
Water Crescent
Green Walking Courtyard
Tennis Court
Half Basketball Court
Party Lawn 
Feature Water Fall
Jogging/Cycling Track
Terrace Yoga Lawn
Spa & Salon
Alfresco Dining 
Billiards Room
If you are willing to invest someplace which can be easily categorised under the category of opulent developments, Emaar Amaris is that place for you and your loved ones!!
Here, you will explore lots of intriguing facts, all leading towards a happy and comfortable lifestyle. There are lots of other benefits of Emaar Amaris Gurgaon that I will explain in my upcoming articles. In this manner, you will get much better clarity as to why you should prefer Emaar Amaris. 
Here, every resident acquires a luxurious 
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icl-immigration · 26 days
New Zealand Government Announces Fast-Track Residency for Secondary School Teachers
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New Zealand Government Announces Fast-Track Residency for Secondary School Teachers
New Zealand Government Announces Fast-Track Residency for Secondary School Teachers The New Zealand government recently announced a significant policy shift to address the shortage of secondary school teachers. Secondary school teachers will now have a direct pathway to residency through the Straight to Residence pathway on the Green List, which identifies in-demand roles in the country. This change is set to take effect in May. Policy Details: Eligibility: Secondary school teachers from overseas can apply for residency if they have a job offer from an accredited employer in New Zealand. Expedited Process: Unlike the previous requirement, eligible teachers will no longer need to complete two years of work in New Zealand before applying for residency. Immigration and Education Minister Erica Stanford highlighted the urgent need for qualified secondary teachers, particularly in the fields of Science, Technology, and Mathematics, and in specific regions facing acute shortages.  "This Government is committed to reversing declining achievement levels and ensuring that every child in New Zealand receives a world-class education," stated Minister Stanford. The adjustment aims to make New Zealand a more attractive destination for skilled overseas teachers, ensuring that schools nationwide can staff their classrooms with highly qualified individuals. Minister Stanford emphasised the necessity for New Zealand to establish itself as an exceptionally competitive option for international talent to draw in proficient educators. This, he noted, is crucial to ensure that every school can access top-tier professionals possessing the requisite expertise. This streamlined and prioritised process will provide overseas teachers with increased certainty and facilitate a quicker integration into New Zealand's educational system. The government's approach also includes bolstering the domestic supply of teachers by attracting and retaining more educators within the country and enhancing the training of teachers through Initial Teacher Education programs. "Overseas teachers are a valuable part of our education system; they bring extensive experience and enrich the learning opportunities in our schools," Minister Stanford remarked. She also noted that this change supports the government's priority of attracting highly skilled migrants to strengthen the economy and improve public services in education by mitigating teacher shortages. While secondary teachers will benefit from the new Straight to Residence pathway, other teaching roles will remain on the Work to Residence pathway. These roles are anticipated to meet the primary sector's needs at a national level. Additionally, they will continue to have a residency pathway through the Skilled Migrant Category, ensuring that residency opportunities remain open to a broader range of educators. Reference https://www.immigration.govt.nz/ https://www.beehive.govt.nz/  About ICL Immigration ICL Immigration, based in Auckland, is an established licensed immigration adviser with over 20 years of experience and a remarkable 97% approval rate. We've helped over 1,000 immigrants realise their New Zealand settlement dreams. We specialise in various visa services, including student, residency, work visas and business-related services like employer accreditation. We ensure personalised solutions for individuals and businesses aiming to navigate New Zealand’s immigration landscape successfully. Do You Have Any Question? 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 Read the full article
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New Zealand Permanent Residence Opportunity for Secondary School Teacher Are you working as a secondary school teacher here in India? What if you get the chance to settle abroad, and get higher pay and a better lifestyle and living standards? If your answer is yes then this news is just what you are looking for. New Zealand is providing the perfect opportunity for all the Secondary School Teachers out there to get a straight residency pathway. Secondary school teachers are officially on the Green List of in-demand jobs’ Straight to Residence pathway as of today, May 1, 2024.  Secondary school teachers will now follow the Straight to Residence program on the Green List of in-demand jobs, according to a government announcement made in April.  Now that they have obtained an offer of employment from an approved company, eligible foreign secondary school teachers can apply for residency from outside of New Zealand without having to work there for two years first.
What are the Green List roles? Green List roles are the set of occupations that are in demand in New Zealand. If your position is listed and you meet the requirements for registration, experience, or credentials, you can be eligible for residency either right away or after two years of employment.
To find out if your occupation qualifies for a Tier 1 Straight to Residence Visa or a Tier 2 Work to Residence Visa, as well as the requirements for registration or experience, search the Green List. Since Secondary School Teachers’ Occupation recently moved Straight to the Residency Visa pathway then it is crucial to know: What is Straight to Residency Pathway?
Straight to Residency Pathway: As per this pathway an applicant must be currently working or he or she must have a job offer from an accredited employer, and your role is on Tier 1 of the Green List in-demand. On this Visa, an applicant can:
You are allowed to live, work, and study in New Zealand with this visa.
Incorporate your spouse and any dependent children under the age of twenty-four into your visa application.
Things to know about New Zealand Straight to Residence Visa:
You can stay indefinitely on straight to Residence Visa.
An applicant must be 55 or under.
The cost of applying for a New Zealand Straight to Residence Visa is NZD 4290.
The processing time for a New Zealand Straight to Residence Visa is 3 months.
If you wish to know more about New Zealand Visas you can refer to https://www.aptechvisa.com/new-zealand-pr you can also call our New Zealand immigration experts at 9289289006, 9131059075, 7503832132.
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lozanolawfirm1 · 2 months
Discover A Green Card Lawyer That Wins Client’s Eligibility
Your chances of success in a citizenship card case are affected by many variables. It may include the quality of your application, the strength of your supporting evidence, and the whims of immigration officials. 
Hiring an experienced green card lawyer will significantly improve your chances of approval. They are knowledgeable and current on state procedures. 
In addition, they are aware of the correct and necessary documents to submit to immigration. They ensure to meet the client’s needs following the law. Gain additional knowledge and learn how to win the customer's eligibility request for a permanent visa application.
General Guidelines To Find A Good Green Card Lawyer
These are some broad pointers to assist you in locating a visa-granting lawyer. A good one who will be able to evaluate your case and improve your chances of success accurately.
Research For Potential Lawyers
Find out about available attorneys in your local and compile a list of names. Gather their information, such as law firm companies, immigration knowledge, and client reviews. Yellow pages, local bar association websites, and personal recommendations can help you find a lawyer.
Assess Their Knowledge
Find out their competence, and assess their knowledge of immigration law. Learn about their experience with green card issues by looking at their websites. Investigate their credentials, track record, and years of experience.
Read Reviews And Testimonials
Check out the law firm's online reputation. Read reviews and testimonials from past clients through their websites or social media. The reception can gauge a lawyer's ability to win clients over.
Check For Consultation
Many solicitors provide introductory consultations; some are free, while others have a small fee. Use this meeting to ask the law counsel questions about your case. Check how well they handle themselves in conversation. Ask them how much experience they have in the field.
Clear Communication
Make sure your potential attorney can communicate clearly. They should be able to adequately explain the process, including prerequisites, challenges, and future steps. Finding a lawyer who can explain legal language and answer honestly is valuable.  
Common Pathways To Obtain A Green Card
Different types of eligibility for a green card in the United States have other prerequisites. Some more systematic ways to qualify it may include the following:
Family-based sponsorship.
Employment-based sponsorship.
Refugee or Asylum status.
Diversity Visa Lottery.
Special immigrant categories.
Employment creation (EB-5).
It's worth noting that the eligibility criteria can be challenging to understand. It is because each category has its own unique set of prerequisites and restrictions. Green card availability may also be affected by numerical restrictions and country-specific quotas.
You must seek the advice of an experienced immigration attorney, like professionals in San Antonio, Texas. They will help you determine which category best fits your situation. Moreover, their team will guide you through the application procedure for a visa immigration card.
You can become a lawful permanent resident (LPR) of the United States by obtaining a "green card." It granted privileges and protections, such as the right to remain in the country permanently and to work. A green card holder's path to U.S. citizenship begins with completing specific residency and other conditions. One of the benefits of becoming a citizen is the opportunity to vote in federal elections.
The Lozano Law Firm is a reliable and trusted immigration attorney in Texas. They understand the in and out of the state regarding acquiring permanent citizenship. Also, they understand their client’s needs and desire for positive results. You can consult and engage with their competent team of law advocates.  Find out more.
More Info Lozano Law Firm in Merchant Circle Driving Directions
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Lozano Law Firm 5718 University Heights Blvd #104 San Antonio, TX 78249 (210) 899-2290
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sobhaaltusgurgaon · 2 months
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Awestruck with the exclusive beauty of Gurgaon?? Want to own your personalised heaven in the form of a lavish home??
If this is indeed your ultimate purpose, Gurgaon is an ideal place. Here, you will come across the true meaning of royalty and internationally styled-living. 
This city, not just grants an opportunity to be a part of a lavish realty sector but also emerged as a very lucrative choice for tourists from several potential investors. 
Moving ahead, if you want to be a part of this city, you should definitely know the perks of residing here. I will give you some interesting insights about Dwarka Expressway, a very prosperous destination in Gurgaon. 
This article will serve the purpose of informing you about some very great advantages of investing in Dwarka Expressway!!
In order to be well aware of the incredible evolution, you should first become aware of the facts that are closely associated with Dwarka Expressway.  
1. The residential market built adjacent to the most contemporary expressway in India, i.e., Dwarka Expressway has emerged as the top preference for millennials. Numerous well-renowned real estate developers have come up with excellent launches. 
Here is a list of some well-renowned names of real estate developers who have launched their creations in different sectors of Dwarka Expressway. 
Mahindra Lifespaces
Adani Realty
Sobha Limited
Puri Constructions
TATA Housing 
2. Living in Dwarka Expressway curates a pathway for all the residents with respect to exclusive views of green landscapes in abundance, Aravalli Hills, and sky-scrapping buildings. It also offers a great opportunity for all the residents in terms of acquiring a healthy regime, leading towards a healthy life.
3. With regard to the infrastructural evolution, Dwarka Expressway has shown immense progress. This part of Gurgaon offers all the residents a fret-free lifestyle as all basic facilities are available right outside their houses. 
Schools, colleges, hospitals, employment hubs, retail stores, departmental stores, shopping malls, district parks, and many others are available in close vicinity to your households. 
4. Every resident of Dwarka Expressway will truly enjoy amazing connectivity with numerous amazing areas such as:
Golf Course Extension Road 
Golf Course Road
Southern Peripheral Road
Pataudi Road
Kherki Dhaula
Vasant Kunj
Vasant Vihar
Indira Gandhi International Airport
If you aspire to own a lavish household, you can consider investing in Sobha Limited which is launching a garden-fresh residential project. 
Sobha Altus is the name of this rich housing development, all ready to create a benchmark in the residential market of Gurgaon. This is a luxurious residential project that will encompass a land of 5.51 acres, constituting sky-high buildings. 
Sobha Altus is coming at a highly evolved region, i.e. sector-106, Dwarka Expressway, Gurgaon. All the above-mentioned benefits in Dwarka Expressway will be enjoyed by each resident of Sobha Altus. 
Here, residents will get an opportunity to choose between 3 and 4 BHK apartments that will be developed with new-fangled technology, providing residents with content and gratification. 
If you desire to own a high-end property, you should give this project a detailed reading. It will guide you in an appropriate manner, helping you to yield great benefits on your investment. 
You should definitely choose Dwarka to be your permanent address as this is one of the most incredible regions, offering great perks to you and your loved ones. 
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globedwise · 2 months
Study In New Zealand - Excellence in Education, Scholarships
There is a famous saying in New Zealand, that “Tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today”. If you are planning to study in New Zealand, it is one of the world’s best places to explore and Study In New Zealand is emerging as one of the topmost study destinations among Indian youth looking forward to exploring New Zealand for studies. The country offers an education system decorating it with an affordable fee structure, ample research opportunities, an outstanding support system, and a better cost of living resembling your budget that is hard to find anywhere else.
Right from top-ranked universities to welcoming communities, there is a list of reasons why studying in New Zealand is an attractive option for students around the world. In this blog, we’ll discuss the key reasons why New Zealand stands out as a premier study destination.
Excellence in Education
The country follows a smooth and up-to-date visa application process to avoid uncertainty and unaccountability. Immigration New Zealand is working with Education New Zealand and international education providers to develop an improved partnership model to increase the New Zealand Study Visa success rate. Further, many universities provide extension services and on-campus visa renewal to international students for a quick, smooth, and proper application process. They monitor, manage, and follow up on your visa application in a well-timed manner.
Scholarships are provided to meritorious students based on their academics and are categorized into two categories i.e. Government scholarships & University scholarships.
A few of the Govt. scholarships are New Zealand short-term training scholarships for Pacific and Timor-Leste citizens, New Zealand English language training for officials scholarships & Fulbright New Zealand US Graduate Award. On the other hand, a few University scholarships are Massey University doctoral scholarship, University of Auckland International Student Scholarships & Victoria University of Wellington etc.
Chance to stay in New Zealand
After completing your studies in New Zealand; students can apply for a Graduate Job Search Work Visa for a maximum of 12 months. After getting the job offer letter you can apply for a visa for up to 2 or 3 years under the Study to Work category.
Cost Effectiveness and Welcoming Environment
New Zealand has the lowest tuition fee compared to the educational parameters among all other competitor countries for studying abroad. The country’s education is based on the British education system making it easier for Indian students to adapt, to the New Zealand education system.
New Zealand is one of the safest countries in the world to live supported by very low crime rates. Apart from this, the country has never witnessed any major war.
Plenty to Explore while Studying
New Zealand is a country with stunning picturesque landscapes with soothing flora and fauna. You can enjoy the alluring view of fjords, glaciers, rolling green hills, beaches, and so on. New Zealand is heaven for trekkers, hikers, and natural beauty junkies. Cities are a cosmopolitan mix of shopping, cafes, movies, and nightlife.
From snow-capped mountains to pristine beaches. Students studying in New Zealand have the chance to experience unparalleled natural beauty, including iconic destinations like Milford Sound, Fiordland National Park, and Tongariro National Park.
Work Opportunities
New Zealand provides various work opportunities for international students, allowing them to gain valuable work experience while studying or after completing their education. Healthcare and Engineering sectors which hire skilled workers are bound to be paid more than those in Australia by almost 25%. The country's post-study work visa scheme enables eligible graduates to work in New Zealand for up to three years, providing a pathway to gainful employment and potential residency.
Cultural Diversity
New Zealand's multicultural society celebrates diversity, offering students the opportunity to engage with people from different cultures, traditions, and perspectives. International students can immerse themselves in Kiwi culture, participate in cultural festivals and events, and develop lifelong friendships with peers from around the world.
Studying in New Zealand offers a unique blend of academic excellence, cultural diversity, natural beauty, and unparalleled opportunities for professional and personal growth. Whether you're pursuing postgraduate, undergraduate, or research programs, New Zealand's world-class education system, and welcoming environment provide an enriching and transformative experience for students aspiring to excel in their career and academic endeavors. From the impressive landscapes of the South Island to the vibrant cities of the North Island, New Zealand welcomes you with open arms, inviting students to go on a journey of learning and adventure.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. For how long can Indian students stay on a New Zealand student visa?
The length of stay for an international student on a student visa in New Zealand is up to four years. The stay duration depends upon the applicant’s course of study and its period as well.
Q. Which factors should influence an applicant’s choice of university in New Zealand?
A. Various factors influence an applicant’s choice of New Zealand university selection. These include the type of course option for study, post-study-work opportunities, faculty, the scope of the course, etc.
Q. What are pathway programs in New Zealand?
A. New Zealand universities offer foundation or pathway programs specifically tailored to help international students choose the right program, meet entry requirements, or bridge the gap between their studies. These programs are beneficial for students who may not meet certain course entry requirements or are uncertain about their program choice.
Q. What is the IELTS score for New Zealand?
A. To be eligible for a student visa in New Zealand, you must achieve a band score of 5.5 on the IELTS test. However, for university admission, a minimum overall band score of 6 is required, with a score of 5.5 in each section.
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journeyjottings · 2 months
Australian New Immigration Plan for Skilled Migrants
Today, the Australian Government has unveiled the Migration Strategy, which lays out significant enhancements to the Australian immigration process. This plan aims to cater to the country's future needs and ensure benefits for Australia, including its citizens, companies, authorities, and newcomers.
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Currently, over fifty percent of Australians either come from overseas or have parents who were born in another country.
The Migration Strategy sets out five main objectives for the Australian immigration system. To reach these objectives, the government will carry out eight important actions, supported by over 25 new policy promises and existing obligations.
The 2023 Review of the Migration System, the first thorough examination of the migration process in a generation, revealed a crucial issue: "The core issue facing the migration system today stems from a lack of clear understanding regarding Australia's goals and objectives in migration.Top of Form"
Conducted by Dr. Martin Parkinson AC PSM, the Migration Review highlighted that the system was in such disrepair that it necessitated a "10-year rebuild."
Australia's Focus on Temporary Skilled Migration
Australia's temporary visa programs serve various purposes, allowing individuals to visit, study, and work in the country. Some temporary visa holders may apply for extensions, while others may pursue permanent residency through the Migration Program.
As part of the Migration Strategy, the Australian government aims to focus on temporary skilled migration to address skill shortages and facilitate worker mobility. One proposed action is the introduction of a Skills in Demand visa, featuring three specific pathways. These pathways would cater to the needs of various industries, such as technology or green energy, by making it easier to attract highly skilled workers.
Additionally, a Specialist Skills Pathway is proposed to streamline the process of bringing in experts in specialized fields. Moreover, a Core Skills Pathway is suggested to meet specific workforce requirements, supported by an updated occupation list reflecting Australia's skill needs.
Furthermore, the government plans to implement new visa settings to enhance migrant workers' mobility in the labor market, aiming to combat worker exploitation and boost productivity. This includes streamlined visa processing to expedite the entry of skilled workers into Australia.
The Permanent Skilled Migration Strategy of Australia
To foster long-term prosperity, the Migration Strategy proposes exploring a revamped points system for permanent skilled migration, along with introducing a new Talent and Innovation visa for migrants who can contribute to growth in vital sectors.
Furthermore, the strategy emphasizes support for regional Australia and its workforce by enhancing regional visas and the Working Holiday Maker Program. The Working Holiday Maker Program allows young adults to enjoy a 12-month holiday while engaging in short-term work and study opportunities.
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To simplify the immigration process, the government plans a comprehensive streamlining agenda, aiming to streamline visa settings, reduce visa categories, and improve user-friendliness. As part of this initiative, the Migration Strategy pledges to eliminate over 20 unnecessary and redundant visas, making the visa system more straightforward.
In the 2023-24 Budget, the Australian Government has allocated around 70% of places in the permanent Migration Program to the Skill stream and approximately 30% to the Family stream, with partner and child visas responding to demand.
Additionally, from July 1, 2023, the Temporary Skilled Migration Income Threshold (TSMIT) will increase from $53,900 to $70,000, ensuring fair wages for temporary skilled migrants. Furthermore, Temporary Graduate visa holders with select degrees will receive an extra two years of post-study work rights, enhancing the availability of skilled labor in critical sectors.Top of Form
What is Australian Immigration?
Australian immigration refers to the process of people relocating to Australia from other countries, either temporarily or permanently. It involves obtaining visas for various purposes such as tourism, education, employment, or joining family members.
Managed by the Department of Home Affairs, the Australian immigration system oversees visa applications and implements immigration policies. It covers both temporary stays, like tourism or work visas, and permanent residency options, such as skilled migration or family reunification.
Australia's immigration policies are aimed at attracting skilled individuals, investors, and contributors to the economy and society. The system strives to meet the country's labor market needs, address skill shortages, and support regional development, all while ensuring the security and integrity of the immigration process. In summary, Australian immigration is essential for shaping the country's demographics, culture, and economy, fostering diversity, and contributing to its growth and development.
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iclegalnz · 2 months
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Green List Residency Pathway New Zealand
Discover the Green List Residence Visa NZ, which simplifies job verifications and provides direct routes to residency. Individuals working in Tier 1 professions can apply for permanent residency after gaining work experience. Those in Tier 2 occupations are eligible for work-to-residence, which allows applicants for residency after two years in New Zealand. Rely on our experience to assist you in navigating these pathways smoothly!
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yycrealestate · 3 months
Citadel homes for sale
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Citadel Homes For Sale Nestled in the scenic northwest quadrant of Calgary, Citadel beckons with its distinctive charm, offering an inviting blend of diverse housing options and proximity to natural wonders. The real estate landscape in Citadel is a tapestry of possibilities, ranging from stylish single-family homes to cozy townhouses. Architectural diversity abounds, ensuring that residents can find a home that resonates with their lifestyle preferences. This community's allure extends beyond its housing offerings to embrace the tranquility of nearby natural attractions.For those seeking a harmonious blend of suburban living and access to nature, Citadel stands out. Citadel Park, with its lush green spaces and recreational facilities, becomes an extended backyard for residents. The nearby Nose Hill Park, boasting scenic trails and panoramic views, provides an immersive escape into nature. If you're in search of a Citadel house for sale, you'll discover a dynamic real estate market offering opportunities for potential buyers to find their dream home in this picturesque neighborhood.Montgomery's allure is further heightened by its proximity to natural attractions. Shouldice Park, an expansive green space along the Bow River, becomes an extended backyard for residents. This natural oasis provides an ideal setting for outdoor activities, picnics, and leisurely walks. The Bow River pathway system offers stunning views and recreational opportunities, making Montgomery an enchanting locale for nature enthusiasts. For those seeking a harmonious blend of diverse housing options and access to nature, Montgomery stands out as a desirable community.If you are considering a Citadel house for sale, you're in for a treat. The real estate market in Citadel caters to a spectrum of preferences, offering a diverse array of housing options. From charming single-family homes to modern townhouses, Citadel provides choices that align with various lifestyles. The strategic location of this community, nestled amidst natural beauty and well-connected to essential amenities, makes it an attractive investment for those seeking both comfort and accessibility in their living spaces. Explore the available listings to find the perfect Citadel home that suits your needs and preferences. Citadel FAQs
What amenities does Citadel offer?
Citadel boasts a range of amenities, including parks, playgrounds, and community spaces. Residents enjoy Citadel Park, equipped with sports facilities and green areas for leisure activities.
Are there quality schools in Citadel?
Yes, Citadel is home to reputable schools, providing excellent education for students of all ages. Families have access to both public and private schooling options within the community.
How strong is the sense of community in Citadel?
Citadel fosters a robust sense of community, with regular local events and initiatives. Community gatherings and activities contribute to a friendly and inclusive atmosphere, making it an ideal place for families.
What housing options are available in Citadel?
Citadel offers a diverse range of housing options, from single-family homes to townhouses. Architectural variety ensures that potential residents can find a home that suits their lifestyle and preferences.
What transportation options are available in Citadel?
Citadel is well-connected with efficient transportation options, including access to major roadways and public transit. Commuting to downtown Calgary and other areas is convenient for residents.
What local services are available in Citadel?
Citadel provides essential local services, including healthcare facilities, grocery stores, and dining options. The community ensures that residents have convenient access to daily necessities within close proximity to their homes. Read the full article
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Exploring the Green List New Zealand 2024: Your Guide to Opportunities
Are you considering a move to New Zealand in 2024? The Green List New Zealand 2024 could be your gateway to new opportunities. This comprehensive list outlines the occupations and industries that are in high demand, making it easier for skilled professionals to migrate and contribute to the country's economy.
What is the New Zealand Green List 2024?
The New Zealand Green List 2024 is a strategic initiative by the New Zealand government to attract skilled workers in sectors facing labor shortages. By highlighting specific occupations, the government aims to streamline the immigration process for those who possess the required skills and qualifications. This list is updated annually to reflect the changing needs of the country's economy.
Key Highlights of the Greenlist 2024
The greenlist 2024 includes a variety of professions across different sectors. Some of the key industries featured are:
Healthcare: Including roles like doctors, nurses, and specialized medical technicians.
Engineering: Civil, electrical, and mechanical engineers are in high demand.
Information Technology: Positions such as software developers, data analysts, and cybersecurity experts.
Construction: Skilled trades like carpenters, electricians, and plumbers.
These sectors have been identified due to their critical role in supporting New Zealand’s infrastructure and economic growth.
Benefits of Being on the Greenlist 2024 NZ
Being on the greenlist 2024 NZ offers several advantages for prospective migrants:
Faster Processing: Applications from individuals in green list occupations are prioritized, leading to quicker visa approvals.
Job Security: High demand for listed occupations often translates to better job stability and growth opportunities.
Simplified Pathway to Residency: Skilled workers in these roles may find it easier to transition from temporary work visas to permanent residency.
How to Apply for Opportunities on the New Green List NZ 2024
If your profession is listed on the new green list NZ 2024, here are the steps to take:
Check Eligibility: Ensure that your qualifications and work experience meet the requirements for the listed occupations.
Gather Documentation: Prepare all necessary documents, including proof of qualifications, work experience, and other relevant certifications.
Submit an Expression of Interest (EOI): This is the first step in the visa application process where you express your interest in moving to New Zealand.
Apply for a Visa: Once your EOI is selected, you can proceed with the visa application process.
Why Choose New Zealand?
New Zealand offers a high quality of life, excellent healthcare and education systems, and a strong sense of community. The New Zealand Green List 2024 is part of the country’s commitment to welcoming skilled professionals who can contribute to its growth and development. With its stunning landscapes and friendly locals, New Zealand is an ideal destination for those seeking both career and lifestyle opportunities.
The Green List New Zealand 2024 opens up a world of opportunities for skilled professionals looking to make a fresh start in a vibrant and growing economy. Whether you’re in healthcare, engineering, IT, or construction, the greenlist 2024 NZ is your pathway to a promising future in New Zealand. Prepare your application today and take the first step towards a new adventure in one of the most beautiful countries in the world.
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sageglobalresponse · 3 months
Work visas: 10 countries with positive outlook for Nigerians in 2024
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Over the year, there have been around 10 work visa policies with a positive outlook for foreign talent ahead of 2024.
These are the countries Nairametrics captured in 2023 which invited foreign talent to occupy positions based on skills shortages in certain occupations, and in-demand skills.
About work visas for foreign skilled talent
In today’s globalised economy, work visas are pivotal for cross-border talent mobility, typically requiring employer sponsorship.
This process involves initiating and supporting visa applications, providing job offers, filing necessary paperwork, and fulfilling legal obligations for foreign workers to work in a different country legally.
Work visa sponsorship offers several advantages which include access to global talent, filling skill gaps, enhancing diversity and cultural exchange, and retaining valuable foreign employees.
This article will highlight the immigration policies of some countries which Nairametrics captured in 2023, and the outlook for 2024 for the Nigerians seeking immigration opportunities for work.
On the other hand, it will also look into countries clamping down on work visas and migration in general. It is worth checking the official immigration sites of these countries for more comprehensive information.
Germany announced that it has 21 pathways to work, live or study in the country
Job shortages are in the following sectors: Agriculture, Construction, and Transportation
Germany has also simplified the process for skilled workers to obtain the Blue Card visa, notably by allowing foreign workers to get a job at a lower salary threshold.
Holders of the Blue Card visa also benefit from an accelerated path to permanent residency, becoming eligible as early as 21 months after relocating to Germany.
Finland announced that it plans to increase work-based migration to 30,000 individuals annually, as the country has been actively encouraging international workers to address the growing labour crisis through its initiatives.
Some of the initiatives include the ‘Work in Finland’ and ‘Talent Boost’ programs and it has also positioned itself as a hub of opportunities for researchers, and innovators
Finland is actively seeking skilled professionals globally as a result of the rising worker shortage affecting vital sectors like healthcare, personal care, social work, daycare teaching, and construction.
New Zealand
Nairametrics learns that from next year, New Zealand will expand its Green List to include a wide range of professions in construction, information technology, automotive, and engineering which would enable them to utilize the Green List visas when seeking specialized talent not readily found among the local workforce.
Other changes also involve elevating the Recognised Seasonal Employer quota to 19,500 for the upcoming 2023/24 season.
NZ also introduced a new visa program for eligible care workers providing an opportunity for permanent residence, work, and study in New Zealand including partners and dependent children under 24 in the application.
Victoria Province in Australia opened applications for two visa pathways that allow you to work, study, and live permanently in Australia without a job offer through the Visa 190 or Visa 491 routes.
These visas do not require a job offer, and you can become an Australian citizen if eligible. However, the selection is based on various factors including an IELTS test.
Italy announced it is allocating 136,000 work visas for non-EU workers by 2024 which may present opportunities to foreigners in these occupations who aspire to live and work in Italy.
These workers are to fill roles across 10 in-demand professions nationwide. 
The Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP) in Canada broadened opportunities for immigrants in Saskatchewan.
This expansion includes 279 additional occupations, ranging from farm labourers to truck drivers, retail sales, nurse aides, and equipment operators.
Canada also announced that employers in seven selected sectors (Food Manufacturing, Wood Product Manufacturing, Furniture and Related Product Manufacturing, Accommodation and Food Services, Construction, Hospitals, and Nursing and Residential Care Facilities) may continue to hire up to 30% of their workforce in low-wage positions through the TFWP.
Earlier, Canada announced a new policy to facilitate the approval of family reunification for study applicants.
Singapore currently needs 260,000 professionals across Technology, Banking, and Engineering.
Singapore is actively addressing the repercussions of the pandemic-induced departure of foreign workers by countering it with a surge of 260,000 new hires, compensating for the loss of 194,000 foreign workers during the pandemic.
The booming tech industry is a driving force behind its economic growth, and the rapid expansion of technology hubs has resulted in this workforce gap.
Netherlands has 442,000 job openings with about 35,000 positions in the public sector
The thriving sectors are Agriculture and food, Creative Industries, Chemicals, Energy, IT, Health and life sciences, Logistics and Services, and hospitality.
The in-demand occupations are: Engineers, technical professionals, IT specialists, finance experts, and individuals in sales, marketing, and customer service are in-demand occupations
Tax advantages are available for eligible international employees
Cyprus has introduced its Golden Knowledge Programme for foreign nationals in the ‘research and innovation’ sector to apply for expedited citizenship through a fast-track process. 
Applicants are therefore required to have a physical presence in Cyprus, establishing genuine connections with the island.
Croatia is currently grappling with labour shortages, particularly in industries such as construction and building trades, automotive, culinary arts, and food production, as well as information technology and software development.
According to data released by the Croatian Employment Service (HZZ), the number of published job vacancies is 16,832.
The conversion of Oman visitor or tourist visas into work visas has been suspended.
This alteration in immigration regulations became effective on October 31st.
Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia has implemented more stringent visa regulations for hiring domestic workers from overseas by introducing an official digital platform.
One of the restrictions the government places on the platform is that employers seeking a visa must be 24 years old or older.
United Kingdom
The UK government stated that effective from spring 2024, skilled worker visa applicants must earn £38,700 ($48,900), up from the current £26,200 ($33,000) to obtain a work visa.
This stringent immigration reform aims to significantly reduce annual immigration numbers by hundreds of thousands. 
This was facilitated by the Home Secretary James Cleverly who asserted the need for “robust action” to curb authorized immigration, which reached a record high of nearly 750,000 in 2022. 
Earlier, the country increased student visa application fees by 285%
The UK was among the countries that opted to discontinue its Golden Visa program
The United Kingdom (UK) government announced restrictions that will most likely stop Nigerian students and other nationalities studying in the country from bringing their families over.
Sweden implemented a significant increase in the required salary threshold for work permit holders, affecting both first-time applicants, and those seeking permit renewals, including those with pending applications. This applies to non-EU workers
Commencing from November 1st, the minimum monthly salary for work permit holders was   increased from 13,000 kronor to 27,360 kronor which is 80 per cent of Sweden’s median
The goal of this change is to decrease per cent of labour immigration and address issues related to fraud and misuse connected to labour immigration.
Analysis of countries with a positive outlook for work permits 
Amongst the countries discussed, Germany, Singapore, New Zealand, and other countries appear to have a positive outlook.
These countries extended work permits to foreign nationals through extended pathways, in-demand occupations due to labour shortages, and relaxed immigration rules.
Other countries which initiated programs to attract foreign workers include Finland, Croatia, and Cyprus.
Finland introduced its ‘Work in Finland’ and ‘Talent Boost’ programs. Similarly, Cyprus introduced a new pathway called the Golden Knowledge Programme for foreign nationals in the ‘research and innovation’ sector.
Countries seeking to reduce migration 
Conversely, countries such as the United Kingdom, Sweden, and Oman are actively seeking to curb immigration levels.
Immigration in the United Kingdom reached a record high of nearly 750,000 in 2022 which is why the country has placed a limit on care workers and other health workers and has introduced measures such as higher salary threshold and restriction on bringing dependents.
In the Middle East, countries such as Oman which used to allow the conversion of visitor visas to work visas are no longer doing so.
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