#Global Design Company
yujofficial · 22 days
yuj: Top User Experience Company Automotive 2024
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yuj a global ux design company proud to be named 2024's Top User Experience company by Clutch! Our innovative and connected designs are reshaping industries, driving engagement, and delivering impressive ROI for our clients. Let's collaborate to deign the future of mobility. 
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eumomumbai · 7 months
Eumo DesignIntelligence: Pioneering Communication Design in India
In the ever-evolving landscape of design and communication, India has witnessed a remarkable transformation in recent years. A significant contributor to this shift is Eumo DesignIntelligence, a creative design studio that has been pioneering communication design in the country. Their innovative approach to visual storytelling, branding, and communication has left an indelible mark on India's design industry, setting new standards and redefining the way businesses and brands connect with their audiences.
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Eumo DesignIntelligence: A Beacon of Creativity
Eumo DesignIntelligence is not your run-of-the-mill design studio. It is a creative powerhouse dedicated to pushing the boundaries of communication design. Established in India, Eumo has carved a niche for itself by blending art, culture, technology, and innovation to create compelling narratives and visuals that resonate with audiences. Their mission is to bridge the gap between design and intelligence, and they have been doing so with resounding success.
The Significance of Communication Design
Communication design is the art of crafting visuals and messages that effectively convey information, emotions, and narratives to a target audience. It encompasses a wide range of mediums, from branding and advertising to digital content and user experience design. In a world inundated with information, communication design plays a pivotal role in capturing and retaining the audience's attention.
Here's why communication design is so crucial:
First Impressions: Design is often the first point of contact between a brand or business and its audience. A well-executed design can make a memorable first impression.
Storytelling: Design can be a powerful storytelling tool. It can help convey the brand's narrative, values, and mission in a visually engaging way.
Engagement: Effective communication design keeps the audience engaged. It encourages them to explore, interact, and connect with the content.
Consistency: Consistent design elements across various mediums create a strong brand identity and recognition.
Eumo DesignIntelligence's Approach to Communication Design
Eumo DesignIntelligence's approach to communication design is a symphony of creativity, innovation, and a deep understanding of cultural and societal contexts. Their work goes beyond aesthetics; it delves into the core of the brand or message they are communicating. Here are the key aspects of their approach:
Cultural Relevance: Eumo is keenly aware of the importance of cultural relevance. Their designs resonate with Indian culture while remaining universally appealing. This cultural sensitivity allows them to connect deeply with their audience.
Innovation: Eumo's team consistently pushes the boundaries of design. They embrace the latest design trends and technologies, ensuring their work is fresh and relevant.
Storytelling: At the heart of Eumo's communication design is the art of storytelling. They understand that a compelling narrative can make a design not just visually appealing but emotionally resonant.
User-Centric: Eumo takes a user-centric approach to design. They prioritize the end-user's experience and ensure that their designs are not just beautiful but also functional and user-friendly.
Adaptability: The team at Eumo understands that design needs to adapt to different mediums and platforms. Their work seamlessly spans print, digital, and physical spaces.
Impactful Projects: Eumo's Pioneering Work in Communication Design
Eumo DesignIntelligence has made a significant impact on communication design in India through its diverse and pioneering projects. Let's explore some of their standout work:
Brand Identities: Eumo has breathed life into numerous brands through their iconic logos, visual identities, and branding strategies. Their work in branding has not only enhanced the visual appeal of these brands but has also helped establish a strong brand presence.
Cultural Exhibits: Eumo's design for cultural exhibits and museums is another area where they shine. Their ability to blend storytelling, cultural relevance, and cutting-edge design elements is evident in their work on cultural showcases and exhibitions.
Digital Experiences: Eumo's expertise in creating digital experiences is remarkable. They have transformed websites and apps into engaging platforms that not only provide information but also captivate the audience.
User-Centered Design: Eumo's commitment to user-centered design is exemplified in their work on user interfaces and user experiences. Their intuitive designs make interacting with technology more accessible and enjoyable.
The Future of Communication Design in India
As India continues to grow as a hub for design and innovation, the future of communication design looks promising. Here are some trends and possibilities for the future:
Technology Integration: With the rise of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR), communication design will increasingly incorporate immersive and interactive elements.
Sustainability: Sustainable design will become more prevalent, with a focus on eco-friendly materials and energy-efficient solutions.
Personalization: Design will become more personalized, catering to the specific needs and preferences of individual users.
Inclusive Design: The industry will place a greater emphasis on creating designs that are accessible and inclusive for all users, regardless of their abilities.
Eumo DesignIntelligence is poised to continue leading the way in these developments, shaping the future of communication design in India and beyond.
In conclusion, Eumo DesignIntelligence's pioneering work in communication design in India is a testament to its commitment to creativity, cultural relevance, and innovation. Their designs go beyond aesthetics, serving as powerful storytelling tools that connect with audiences on a profound level. As they continue to redefine the boundaries of design and communication, Eumo is set to play a pivotal role in the ongoing evolution of the design industry in India.
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roseband · 19 days
ppl complaining about the new legally blonde prequel coming out didn't seem to get the movie cause elle WAS interesting and smart from the get go????
"i have a 4.0...." "but in fashion merchandising"
girlie's got a business related degree from the beginning, even if it's a "frivolous" thing
i think u rlly missed the main idea?
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create-it-search-it · 2 years
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jcmarchi · 3 months
Ofer Ronen, Co-Founder and CEO of Tomato.ai – Interview Series
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/ofer-ronen-co-founder-and-ceo-of-tomato-ai-interview-series/
Ofer Ronen, Co-Founder and CEO of Tomato.ai – Interview Series
Ofer Ronen is the Co-Founder and CEO of Tomato.ai, a platform that offers an AI powered voice filter to soften accents for offshore agent voices as they speak, resulting in improved CSAT and sales metrics.
Ofer previously sold three tech startups, two to Google, and one to IAC. He spent the past five years at Google building contact center AI solutions within the Area 120 incubator. He closed over $500M in deals for these new solutions. He holds an MS in Computer Engineering with a focus on AI from the University of Michigan, and an MBA from Cornell.
What initially attracted you to machine learning and AI?
AI has had a long history of starts and stops. Periods when there was a lot of hope for the technology to transform industries, followed by periods of disillusionment because it didn’t quite live up to the hype.
When I was doing a Masters in AI a couple of decades ago, at the University of Michigan, it was a period of disillusionment, when AI was not quite making an impact. I was intrigued by the idea that computers could be taught to perform tasks through examples vs the traditional heuristics, which requires thinking about what explicit instructions to provide. At the time I was working at an AI research lab on virtual agents which help teachers find resources online for their classes. Back then we didn’t have the big data, the powerful compute resources, or the advanced neural networks that we have today, so the capabilities we built were limited.
From 2016 to 2019 you worked at Google’s Area 120 incubator to design highly robust virtual agents for the largest contact centers. What was this solution precisely?
More recently I worked at Google’s Area 120 incubator on some of the largest voice virtual agents deployments, including a couple of projects for Fortune 50 companies with over one hundred million support calls a year.
In order to build more robust voice virtual agents that can handle complex conversations, we took millions of historical conversations between humans and used those conversations to detect the type of follow-up questions customers have beyond their initial stated issue. By mining follow-up questions and by mining different ways customers phrase each question, we were able to build flexible virtual agents that can have meandering conversations. This mirrored better the kind of conversations customers have with human agents. The end result was a material increase in the total calls fully handled by the virtual agents.
In 2021 and 2022, you built a 2nd startup at Area 120,. could you share what this company was and what you learned from the experience?
My second startup within Area 120 was again focused on call centers. Our solution focused on reducing customer churn by proactively reaching out to customers right after a failed support call where the customer expressed their issue but did not get to a resolution. The outreach would be done by virtual agents trained to address those open issues. What I learned from that experience is that churn is a difficult metric to measure in a timely manner. It can take 6 months to get statistically significant results for changes in churn. That makes it hard to optimize an experience fast enough and to convince customers a solution is working.
Could you share the genesis story behind your third 3rd contact center AI startup Tomato.ai, and why you chose to do it yourself versus working within Google?
The idea for Tomato.ai, my third contact center startup, came from James Fan, my co-founder and CTO. James thought it would be more effective to sell wine using a French accent, and so what if anyone could be made to sound French?
This was the seed of the idea, and from there our thinking evolved. As we investigated it more we found a more acute pain point felt by customers when speaking with accented offshore agents. Customers had problems with comprehension and trust. This represented a larger market opportunity. Given our backgrounds, we realized the sizable impact it would have on call centers, helping them improve their sales and support metrics. We now refer to this type of solution as Accent Softening.
James and I previously led and sold startups, including each of us selling a startup to Google.
We decided to leave Google to start Tomato.ai because, after many years at Google, we were itching to get back to starting and leading our own company.
Tomato.ai solves an important pain point with call centers, which is softening accents for agents. Could you discuss why voice filters are a preferred solution to agent training?
At Tomato.ai, we understand the importance of clear communication in call centers, where accents can sometimes create barriers. Instead of relying solely on traditional agent training, we’ve developed voice filters, or what we call “accent softening.” These filters help agents maintain their unique voice, while reducing their accents, improving clarity for callers. By using voice filters, we ensure better communication and build trust between agents and callers, making every interaction more effective and satisfying to the customer. So, compared to extensive training programs, voice filters offer a simpler and more immediate solution to address accent-related challenges in call centers.
As existing agents leverage these tools to enhance their performance, they will be empowered to command higher rates, reflecting their increased value in delivering exceptional customer experiences. Simultaneously, the democratizing effect of generative AI will bring new entry-level agents into the fold, expanding the talent pool and driving down hourly rates. This dichotomy signifies a fundamental transformation in the dynamics of call center services, where technology and human expertise reshape the landscape of the industry, paving the way for a more inclusive and competitive future.
What are some of the different machine learning and AI technologies that are used to enable voice filtering?
This type of real-time voice filtering solution would not have been possible just a couple of years ago. Advancements in speech research combined with newer architectures like the transformer model and Deep Neural Networks, and more powerful AI hardware (like TPUs from Google, and GPUs from NVidia) make it more possible to build such solutions today. It is still a very difficult problem that requires our team to invent new techniques for training speech-to-speech models that are low latency, and high quality.
What type of feedback has been received from call centers, and how has it impacted employee churn rates?
We have strong demand from large and small offshore call centers to try out our accent softening solution. Those call centers recognize that Tomato.ai can help with their top two problems (1) offshore agents’ performance metrics are not up to par vs onshore agents (2) it is difficult to find enough qualified agents to hire in offshore markets like India and The Philippines.
We expect in the coming weeks to have case studies that highlight the type of impact call centers experience using Accent Softening. We expect sales calls to see an immediate lift in key metrics like revenue, close rates, and lead qualification rates. At the same time, we expect support calls to see shorter handle times, fewer callbacks, and improved CSAT.
As mentioned above churn rates take longer to validate, and so case studies with those improvements will come at a later date.
Tomato.ai recently raised a $10 million funding round, what does this mean for the future of the company?
As Tomato.ai gears up for its inaugural product launch, the team remains steadfast in its commitment to reshaping the landscape of global communication and the future of work, one conversation at a time.
Thank you for the great interview, readers who wish to learn more should visit Tomato.ai.
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markalison231 · 3 months
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vrrittih · 4 months
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marrywillson · 5 months
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We are best the digital products prototyping solution company USA. Which can accomplish your demands and top notch services of the product. Cuneiform have an expertise prototype design teams. It helps rapidly growing your business and even start-ups.
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patntech · 5 months
Our team has experienced illustrators with backgrounds in engineering, design and arts. Our team can prepare utility patent drawings and design patent illustrations from informal drawings, hand drawn sketches, photographs, scanned materials or other relevant matter. We are capable of preparing drawings as per the requirements of various patent offices such as USPTO, PCT, EPO, IPO and other patent offices.
The sample shown below is just an example to show our work. We can prepare complex drawings in the areas of Mechanical, Electrical, Charts & Flow Diagrams, Timing Diagrams and other drawings required for both utility and design patents.
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aaksconsulting · 6 months
Localization In Digital Marketing : Reaching A Global Audience
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Are you looking to expand your business and reach a global audience? In today’s digital era, localization is the key to unlocking limitless opportunities. Whether you’re a startup or an established brand, understanding how to tailor your marketing efforts for different cultures and languages can make all the difference in attracting customers from around the world. Join us as we delve into the fascinating world of localization in digital marketing and discover strategies that will help you connect with diverse audiences on a deeper level. Get ready to take your brand global – let’s dive in!
As the world becomes increasingly interconnected and technology continues to advance, businesses are able to reach a wider global audience than ever before. This has led to the rise of digital marketing, where companies utilize various online platforms and strategies to promote their products or services. However, with a global audience comes the need for localization in digital marketing.
Localization in digital marketing refers to the process of adapting marketing campaigns and content to suit different cultural, linguistic, and regional preferences. It involves tailoring marketing efforts in a way that resonates with local audiences while still maintaining brand consistency. This is essential because what may work for one audience may not necessarily work for another.
The concept of localization goes beyond just translating text into different languages. It also takes into account cultural nuances, local customs, values, and trends that can impact how a message is received by an audience. For example, colors can have different meanings in different cultures – red symbolizes luck and happiness in China but represents danger or warning in Western cultures.
By implementing localization strategies in digital marketing, businesses can effectively connect with their target audiences on a deeper level and build trust with potential customers. This ultimately leads to increased engagement, conversion rates, and overall success in international markets.
One of the main benefits of localization is that it allows companies to stand out from competitors who may be using generic global campaigns. Localized content shows that a company understands its target market’s needs and values them enough to tailor their messaging accordingly.
Localization is the process of adapting a product or service to meet the linguistic, cultural, and technical requirements of a specific target market. In digital marketing, localization involves modifying websites, online content, and advertising strategies to effectively reach a global audience.
The importance of localization in digital marketing cannot be overstated. With the rise of e-commerce and online platforms, businesses have an unprecedented opportunity to reach customers from all corners of the world. However, simply translating content into different languages is not enough to effectively engage with diverse audiences.
Cultural nuances play a significant role in shaping consumer behavior and decision-making processes. Therefore, businesses must tailor their marketing strategies according to the cultural context of each target market. This involves understanding local customs, traditions, values, and beliefs that may influence how consumers perceive products or services.
One major benefit of localization is that it enhances customer experience. By providing content in their native language and incorporating culturally relevant elements, businesses can create a more personalized and relatable experience for their international customers. This leads to increased engagement, trust, and loyalty towards the brand.
Moreover, localization can also improve brand perception in new markets. When businesses demonstrate an understanding and appreciation for local cultures through targeted marketing efforts, they are more likely to be perceived as respectful and trustworthy by potential customers. This can help build a positive reputation for the brand in new markets.
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Culture plays a significant role in shaping the values, beliefs, and behaviors of individuals and societies. As the world becomes increasingly interconnected through digital platforms, it is essential for businesses to understand and respect cultural differences in their marketing strategies. This is known as localization – the process of adapting products or content to a specific locale or culture.
One of the key aspects of localization in digital marketing is understanding cultural differences. It involves recognizing that what works in one country may not necessarily work in another due to varying cultural norms, customs, and preferences. To effectively reach a global audience, businesses must have a deep understanding of these nuances.
Here are some important factors to consider when it comes to understanding cultural differences:
1. Language: The first step towards successful localization is language translation. Localizing content into the native language of your target audience is crucial for establishing a connection with them. It goes beyond simply translating words; it also involves adapting phrases, idioms, and expressions that may have different meanings or connotations in different cultures.
2. Communication styles: Communication styles can vary greatly across cultures. Some cultures value direct communication while others prefer indirect communication with more subtle cues and gestures. Therefore, businesses must tailor their messaging accordingly to resonate with their target audience.
Tailoring content for different regions is a crucial aspect of localization in digital marketing. As businesses expand their reach to a global audience, it becomes essential to understand the cultural nuances and preferences of different regions in order to effectively connect with potential customers. In this section, we will discuss the importance of tailoring content for different regions and some key strategies for doing so.
Why Tailor Content for Different Regions?
The way people consume information and interact with brands varies greatly across different regions. What works well in one region may not necessarily resonate with audiences in another region. Therefore, it is important to tailor your content to fit the specific needs and preferences of each target market.
Language is one of the most obvious reasons for tailoring content. While English may be the dominant language on a global scale, there are many countries where other languages are spoken or preferred. For example, if you are targeting the Chinese market, it would be wise to have your website and marketing materials translated into Mandarin or Cantonese.
Moreover, cultural differences also play a significant role in how people perceive and respond to marketing messages. For instance, certain colors, symbols, or images that may be perfectly acceptable in one culture could offend or confuse individuals from another culture. By understanding these nuances and tailoring your content accordingly, you can avoid any misinterpretations or negative reactions from your target audience.
Localizing social media strategies is a crucial aspect of digital marketing when it comes to reaching a global audience. With the rise of social media platforms, businesses have the opportunity to connect with audiences from all over the world and expand their reach beyond their local market. However, simply using the same tactics and content on different social media platforms in different countries may not be effective in engaging with your target audience.
When it comes to localization in social media, one size does not fit all. Each country has its own unique culture, language, behavior, and preferences when it comes to social media usage. Therefore, it is important for businesses to develop a tailored approach for each market they want to target.
The first step in localizing your social media strategy is understanding the cultural nuances of your target audience. This includes their customs, traditions, beliefs, holidays, and even humor. What may be considered appropriate or funny in one country could be offensive or confusing in another. For example, McDonald’s “I’m Lovin’ It” slogan was translated as “I’m Vomiting” in Mandarin which caused an uproar among Chinese consumers.
Another important factor to consider is language. While English may be considered a universal language for business communication, many people prefer consuming content in their native language on social media. This requires businesses to invest in professional translation services or hiring native speakers who understand both the language and cultural context.
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and keyword localization are two crucial components of digital marketing that go hand in hand when it comes to reaching a global audience. In today’s digital world, where the internet has made it possible for businesses to target customers all over the globe, it is essential to understand these two concepts and how they can be used effectively.
To put it simply, SEO is the process of optimizing your website and content so that it ranks higher on search engine results pages (SERPs). When a user searches for a particular keyword or phrase related to your business, you want your website to appear among the top results. This is where SEO comes into play – by using various techniques such as keyword research, backlinking, and optimizing website structure and content, you can improve your website’s visibility and attract more organic traffic.
On the other hand, keyword localization involves adapting your keywords or key phrases to suit the local language and culture of your target audience. As we know, different countries have different languages and dialects. Therefore, if you want to reach a global audience successfully, simply translating your existing keywords may not be enough. You need to localize them based on cultural nuances and regional preferences.
Localization is the process of adapting content and products to meet the specific cultural, linguistic, and functional requirements of a target market. In today’s globalized world, localization has become an essential aspect of digital marketing strategies, allowing businesses to effectively communicate with their international audience and expand their reach.
One crucial component of successful localization is translation services. Translation involves converting written or spoken text from one language to another while maintaining its original meaning and context. In the context of localization, translation services play a vital role in ensuring that all elements of a product or marketing campaign are accurately translated into the local language.
Here are some key ways in which translation services contribute to effective localization:
1. Accurate Communication: The primary purpose of translation services in localization is to facilitate effective communication with the target audience. By translating content into their native language, businesses can effectively convey their message and connect with potential customers on a deeper level. This not only helps build trust but also increases the chances of business success in that particular market.
2. Cultural Sensitivity: Localization goes beyond just translating words; it also involves understanding and respecting local cultures and customs. A professional translation service provider will have native translators who are well-versed in the local culture and can ensure that your content does not unintentionally offend or misrepresent any cultural values.
Case studies are powerful tools for demonstrating the effectiveness of localization in digital marketing. They provide real-life examples of companies that have successfully implemented localization strategies and reaped the benefits of reaching a global audience. In this section, we will explore some notable case studies that showcase how localization can enhance a brand’s digital marketing efforts.
1. Airbnb: Personalization through Localization
Airbnb is a prime example of how personalized and localized content can drive success in digital marketing. With listings in over 220 countries and regions, Airbnb has an impressive global presence. However, their success is not just limited to availability; it also lies in their ability to tailor their content to suit different cultures and languages.
For instance, when launching in China, Airbnb didn’t simply translate its existing website into Chinese – they created an entirely new platform designed specifically for the Chinese market. This included features such as allowing users to pay with Alipay (a popular e-wallet in China) and integrating local social media platforms like WeChat for seamless sharing among friends and family.
This level of personalization has helped Airbnb establish a strong presence in China, where they now have more than 200 million active users.
Localization can bring many benefits to your digital marketing strategy, but it also comes with its own set of challenges. Here are some common challenges you may face when implementing localization and tips on how to overcome them.
1. Language Barriers
The most obvious challenge in localization is the language barrier. When trying to reach a global audience, you need to ensure that your content is translated accurately and effectively into the target language. This can be a daunting task, especially if you are not familiar with the language or culture of your target market.
Tip: Invest in Professional Translation Services
To overcome this challenge, it is crucial to invest in professional translation services. These services have experienced translators who are fluent in both languages and can accurately convey the tone and message of your content. They also have an understanding of cultural nuances, which is essential for creating localized content that resonates with your target audience.
2. Cultural Differences
Another significant challenge with localization is navigating cultural differences. What works well in one country may not be suitable for another due to varying cultural norms and values. For example, humor used in marketing campaigns may differ between cultures, so what may be considered funny in one country could be offensive or confusing in another.
Tip: Conduct Extensive Research on Local Culture
To overcome this challenge, it is crucial to conduct extensive research on the local culture before launching any localized campaigns. This includes understanding their customs, beliefs, traditions, and even pop culture references.
In today’s digital age, the world is more interconnected than ever before. With the rise of technology and social media, it has become easier to connect with people from all corners of the globe. This presents a huge opportunity for businesses looking to expand their reach and tap into new markets.
One of the key strategies for reaching a global audience is localization. Localization refers to adapting your marketing and communication efforts to cater to the specific needs and preferences of different cultures, languages, and regions. It goes beyond just translation; it involves understanding the nuances and cultural sensitivities of your target audience in order to create content that resonates with them.
The power of localization lies in its ability to break down barriers between businesses and consumers. By speaking directly to your target audience in their own language, you are not only making it easier for them to understand your message but also creating a sense of trust and familiarity. This can go a long way in building brand loyalty and ultimately driving sales.
Moreover, localization allows you to tailor your marketing campaigns according to the local trends and customs in different regions. This means that you can adjust your messaging, visuals, and even product offerings based on what appeals most to each market. For example, while red may symbolize love and passion in Western countries, it is associated with luck and prosperity in China. By taking note of these cultural differences, you can ensure that your marketing efforts are received positively by your target audience.
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perfectiongeeks · 7 months
One of the most effective strategies for SaaS start-ups is to hire offshore developers. This not only decreases costs but also delivers credentials to a global talent pool. In this guide, we will explore the intricacies of hiring offshore developers for your SaaS start-up. From understanding the benefits to finding the right talent and partnering with the right development company, we will cover it all. Additionally, we will delve into the role of offshore development teams and why they are pivotal for your software development journey.
Visit us:
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yujofficial · 5 months
yuj: Top Digital Design Company in India & USA
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yuj, a global UX design company, is thrilled to announce another significant milestone! We are honored to be recognized as the Best Digital Design Company in the India and USA region by Clutch. This accolade underscores our dedication to crafting impactful designs and assisting our clients in achieving their desired ROI. We extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone for their trust and belief in our work.
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eumomumbai · 8 months
Global Design Company - Eumo
Eumo is a leading global design company that redefines creativity and innovation. With a diverse team of designers and artists, they deliver cutting-edge design solutions across various industries. Eumo's commitment to excellence and their ability to seamlessly blend aesthetics and functionality make them a go-to choice for forward-thinking design projects worldwide.
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roseband · 2 years
hhhhhh my mom had the gall to bring it up that i’m the first generation in my family to not get equal or more education than the prior gen... i need 2 go back for a masters like.... now
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avalonsienna · 7 months
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advistglobal · 8 months
Shopify Website Development Company
Advist Global excels as a premier Shopify Website Development Company, crafting exceptional e-commerce platforms tailored to your brand. Our expert team combines cutting-edge technology with creative design, ensuring seamless user experiences and maximizing online potential. Elevate your business with our bespoke Shopify solutions.
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