#Get Web Design Work
synthaphone · 4 months
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Finished the Royal Centibytes, in both pre- and post-conversion flavors!
I thought court jesters would be a fun change of pace from king/queen or prince/princess- there's a precedent for royals to occasionally be things like heralds and war(?)horses, and I wanted to make a royalgirl who isn't a princess, noblewoman, or queen. I got to learn a little about some historical female court jesters while looking for references, which was cool!
I agonized for a while over whether I should put eyelashes on the one that I arbitrarily assigned 'Royalgirl', but ended up deciding that they look cute.
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catgirlsprite · 9 months
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familu of all girls :-3
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TADC's second episode was better than I expected it to be! I still think it has lingering issues of relying a little too hard on irony and language that seems - uh. Very 'how do you do, fellow internet users', while the show is supposed to be set in like. The 90's. I feel Jax is the least interesting of the cast so it's kind of obnoxious how much of the jokes he takes up.
But other than that I think the show has mellowed out a bit and actually seems intent on exploring its characters. Like as disappointed as I was about Gumigoo disappearing at the end of the episode, Pomni's character moment with him is genuinely quite touching, and it's the first time she's been allowed to actually be a character. Same with Kinger, of everyone! I really thought they were gonna play him as the CrAzY old guy forever, but no - he genuinely cares for the rest of them.
I do hope they keep up more of the character moments. I'm very biased by my latest interests but I think 'meta' media genuinely has so much untapped potential when it isn't drenched in self-protective irony'. Especially since this is a show that speaks directly to the internet - there's a lot of things like loneliness, nostalgia, and insecurity that you could address here that would be way more poignant than if the show was made by something like Cartoon Network.
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hyperionwitch-art · 8 months
Hey holy shit I have a website now! Mmmmainly it is a portfolio atm, so it has all my big illustrations (still adding more) and a section for Tev/Dren comics and stuff.
I'm not going to stop updating my Tumblr or anything, this will be in addition to all my socials (which, uh, I have a Bluesky now so look up Hyperionwitch if you want in on that??), but I figure if people are trying to make Ye Olde Internet happen again with the personal sites and the webrings and the sparkly cursors and autoplaying MIDIs (jk I do not have that, I promise), I might as well join in.
I'm still adding to it (more illustrations and sketches coming, probably a commission section, probably a link to my TeePublic, maybe a cosplay section?, etc.), but it's working adequately for the moment.
Thanks for checking it out, if you feel so inclined! 🖤
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tealfruit · 9 months
it's really a shame I have to sell 40+ of my life hours every week for poverty wages instead of spending all my time and energy on dozens of creative and technical pursuits with unlimited resources
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fiomeras · 10 months
People joke that the artists leaving twitter are gonna move on to doing show and tells at the local library instead , but i actually think that sounds really nice, id love to do that
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ne0nwithazero · 9 months
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Flavour text 📺💕🎙️
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creaturefeaster · 1 year
*working on 10 different projects already voice* i wanna makea silly web cartoon, also.
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sandycodes · 1 year
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started messing around on neocities a little bit, playing with the fonts and the colors and stuff, so here's my wip header for that site
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torchiiko · 8 days
sorry i was only fine for a day before i became miserable again i can go. i can just leave. since the universe seems to want me to suffer anyway
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tomsawyee · 11 months
Maybe this is mean spirited but I think it would actually be fucking grand if all publicly visible entertainment disappeared for a month if it would make the general public more aware of how enriched their lives are by functionally anonymous artists they have never thought twice about.
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centeris2 · 5 months
every time I see someone asking for a comprehensive lore/story/dialogue database or document for SSO I kick myself for not finishing that project because like. I've got basically all the pieces. It's just so much damn work that it is overwhelming.
Years back I recall SSO boasting their quest word count was over one million words. That's so much to type up and catalogue and that's not even including rewrites, which I would have to pay to replay and recatalogue (or find comprehensive play throughs)
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radioactivedadbod · 11 months
Absolutely unhinged that Neltharion is depicted as a white man when all his notable kids are people (dragons?) of color
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quitedisastrous · 8 months
i think holding a cat of some sort would alleviate most of my issues. but alas i will not be home for 93 hours
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aria0fgold · 8 months
I'm awake... And let it be known that while I was in a manic state of getting that post bout Mel up, I was confused frozen by the "Wanted to work as a full-time fashion designer one day" cuz I didn't realize that (i was like possessed by his ghost i swear to god it was the realization of a lifetime) until I typed it out and I was like "wai why haven't he worked as one now? what... have i been doing..."
It was like a moment where I realized that I was like an absent mom to him where I know so much bout his past but nothing bout his present so now I gotta write bout him more else I'd explode.
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acesammy · 9 months
something I’ve learned as a graphic designer for mostly just school sports, is that most schools have very particular brand guides, but are very stingy with sharing them
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