#GPF 2013
tutuandscoot · 1 year
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Day 2 of the April Prompt Challenge
Today we are highlighting a post skate celebration 🎉
I’ve chosen GPF 2013 FD
(again not necessarily my ‘favourite’ just one I chose to highlight).
I do LOVE this one. I know I did a series of posts a few weeks ago about maintaining professionalism right until they are out of sight.. and this kinda goes a bit against that..
But they just can’t contain their joy and I LOVE that!
Contrary to the ‘not finishing professionally’ bit; it is not in the case of them having a bad skate and being mad at each other, nor do they fall out of, act hysterically/inappropriately. They finish it properly, continue with all the ‘moments’ after the music.. it’s just that they are bubbling over with excitement it’s so infections and brings tears of joy to my eyes!
It was one of those super exciting endings where Scott verbally emotes, and T is giddy with excitement.. I’d say almost approaching laugh-cry territory but not all the way. She’s usually so poised but she does collapse a bit, that sense of succumbing to relief and happiness.
The second gif there’s a bit of that sense of ‘holy shit we are so happy but let’s keep going with the handy holdy proposal moment but who are we kidding we aren’t even acting anymore’.
I can’t make out what Scott is saying in the 3rd gif.. it kinda seems to me like he’s ironically saying ‘stand up straight we aren’t done yet’ or something amusing to that sentiment. And T’s looking at him like, ‘come on kiddo can we hug already’?! Then they both go into that hug like they’re shouting ‘fuck yeah!’ (They both have potty mouths we been knew there’s been some ‘FY’ moments) and so they should bc they skated wonderfully. I love the different ways you can tell that T is so excited, this time is bc of the super big back pats! There also seems to be a moment when T nods like she does when he’s asked her if she’s ok.. again she’s so full of relief then he goes into embrace her.
I see this a lot as a pre- Olympic celebration. They had had such a tumultuous (by their own telling) season so far, their coach was against them, they had disagreements, were let down by their federation, corruption rumours and the scores were going against them.. the writing seemed to be on the wall for Sochi, yet this was almost a test run of being able to enjoy and be proud of their skates regardless of the result. After this FD and the SD as well they were so proud of themselves, they performed so well, so confidently, and proved why they are well and truly the best removed from any judging system.
And then finally they do that thing that became much more common in the comeback (they did do it occasionally) when they do their handy holdy to skate about 2m back to centre then switch to dance hold- they love their handy holdy bc they can squeeze tighter and closer and communicate better so it seems on par for how this celebration has gone thus far.
Of course this didn’t give them the result they wanted and they were devastated and a bit angry and rightfully pissed at Marina.. but I love how in the moment before they see anyone else they can be so proud of each other and revel in that celebration for themselves because that’s what matters most- how they feel 💖
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allekha · 2 years
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Figure skating in colors: lovely violet
Axel Médéric (1988 Olympics FS)
Jane Torvill & Christopher Dean (1984 Olympics FD)
Pooja Kalyan (2021 USNats SP)
Madeline Schizas (2021 Skate Canada SP)
Maé-Bérénice Méité (2019 Universiade FS)
Akiko Suzuki (2013 JPNats SP)
Yuzuru Hanyu (2016 GPF SP)
Mao Asada (2010 JPNats FS)
Starr Andrews (2020 USNats FS)
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sunskate · 1 year
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Virtue Moir at GPF 2013 Seasons
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dreamsburntdown · 2 years
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So, in 2012 I was hopeful about Yuzuru moving to the Cricket Club, because I thought this training place will give him opportunity for him to have a good and secure training place with privacy. In 2012 Yuzuru has debuted a new short program, Parisienne Walkways, which was, at first, not my favourite program. I liked Etude so much, and I hoped he wouldn't be 'Americanised' too much haha. I realised quickly that I was wrong, because this new program suited him him so much - it fit him like a glove. He even got his first world record score for this program in 2012, at Skate America GP event.
The first season in the new training environment and with the new team was of course not easy. Yuzuru raised his technical level a lot by putting two quads in his free skate, a Toe-loop and the Salchow, lot of transitions as well, and he practiced skating skills a lot with Brian and Tracy. He needed to get used to everything that was new, which was understandable. He was still able to win the silver medal at GPF, and he was able to get 3 spots for Team Japan at Worlds 2013, despite struggling with injury.
However when the Olympic season came I became even more hopeful than before. Yuzuru has chosen a beautiful free skate, to the music of Nino Rota's Romeo and Juliet for the Olympic season and he kept his successful Parisienne Walkways SP. After the Grand Prix Final in 2013 where he set a new world record score in the SP and skated a near flawless FS, and he won his first GPF gold medal over rivals like Patrick Chan, I got excited that he will have a shot at the Olympic gold medal.
In the Team event in Sochi, at the Olympic Games, Yuzu skated a perfect short program. This was the only time he competed against his big role model, Plushenko, and Yuzu beat him in the SP segment in the Team event (and he also beat Patrick Chan). In the individual event, Yuzuru has again skated a flawless SP and he set a new world record. He became the first skater who scored over 100 points in the short program! What a feat it was. I remember my nice co-worker, who was a big football fan who occassionally made some bets on his teams, told me that he'd come with me to the lottery shop nearby and put some money on the men's event. I haven't done such thing before, but I gave in, and put a little money on Yuzuru's victory. Haha, I hoped I wouldn't jinx him...And then after that I rushed home to watch the free skate, which was in the evening.
Yuzuru was the best in the free skate, as well, and he won his first Olympic gold medal. As we know, he wasn't really satisfied with the long program, but others made mistakes, too, and the fact was that Yuzuru had a very strong free skate even with mistakes, since he put two triple Axels in the second half of the free skate, which was the deciding factor in the end. He also had very good spins and step sequences, so he gave his everything.
We were in a period of men's figure skating, where the technical side has improved a lot over 4 years. In 2010, it was possible to win the Olympic gold with only triple jumps, now the best skaters had two quads, and Yuzuru also had two triple Axels, which was a very demanding free skate. But not just that, he was able to skate his short program twice perfectly at the Olympics, which was fantastic. Imagine how much pressure he had at his first Olympics as Japan's No.1. skater, and he could withstand the pressure. The free skate was, in my opinion very bad schedule-wise, because the SP was just a day before the free skate, in the evening, and all skaters went to bed really late at the night, but they had to wake up early for practices and then compete in the evening in the free skate. No wonder there were more mistakes than usually. Yuzu still skated very well and he deservedly won - I was so happy for him.
At the end of the season, Yuzuru has also won the World Championships for the first time, so he became the first skater since 2002 who was able to win the GPF, the Olympics, and Worlds in a single season.
Yuzuru came to the seniors at age 15 in 2010 where he had to fight to get into the Japanese team in a really difficult field: there was Takahashi, Oda, Kozuka, Machida etc. amongst others. Yuzu then became the best Japanese skater in a few years, he constantly raised the bar, not just technically but he also improved on the components so much. In the end of the Olympic cycle, he has won the big titles and he became an Olympic champion - the first Japanese Olympic champion - at the age of 19.
Since a lot of Olympic champions decide to retire, I was happy that Yuzuru wanted to continue. He was young, and I felt the best is yet to come in his career.
So I couldn't wait what he'd show us in the next quad, and I was waiting for his new season, 2014/2015.
To be continued soon.
[part 1]
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boysinblades · 2 years
In late 2013 the internet introduced me to a boy in a costume full of frills and jewels, skating to Parisienne Walkways. The way that boy skated drew me in right away and I needed to know who he was.
He flew in the air, he got so into the performance you barely noticed he was spinning 3 or 4 times in the air doing stuff only a very few select in the world can.
For the past 9 years I have watched that boy grow into the best male skater this sport has seen. I've watched his highs and lows. I cried tears of sadness when he competed in China in 2014, when he lost Worlds in 2016. I cried tears of joy when he won the GPF in 2015, when he won Worlds in 2017 and the Olympics in 2018. I woke up at insane hours to watch him compete.
Watching him live on FaOI in 2017 is still one of my happiest memories of my 26 years on this Earth.
As his competitive career comes to a close, I also change as a fan. I will still watch competitive figure skating, but not with the same intensity I used to.
It started with Yuzu, it ends with Yuzu.
So I want to use this opportunity to thank everyone who I have met in this past few years. Figure skating has given me a lot, I met a lot of new friends who I still appreciate even if we don't talk as much. I started doing fan translations because i wanted to share what other people had to say about Yuzu. I found a new connection with my mother through figure skating and bonded over it, even convincing her to travel to Japan to watch FaOI.
And it all started with Yuzu.
So thank you Yuzuru Hanyu. For everything you did for the sport and for the way it affected me. Nothing but positive things. And for that he shall always remain my #1.
See you at the ice shows.
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anewbeginningagain · 2 years
Is Shawn Rettstatt being elected chair of ice dance tech committee bad for Canadian dancers? Is it true he had something against VM?
There's the infamous 2011 4CC SD incident where TS got 5s in PCS and he was the judge everyone suspected did it (it was anonymous back then):
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There's this blog post: http://daviswhite2014.blogspot.com/2014/02/the-shady-politic-machine-and-shady.html
and there are other blog posts about him as well but some of them go too deep into the rabbit hole so let's skip them...
Generally speaking in the pre-comeback era every time this dude was on the judging panel of TS there was one judge who marked them significantly lower than any other judge on the panel so he became a prime suspect of being the judge to lowball them. It became even more suspect because at Worlds 2013 they were lowballed in the SD by one judge but weren't lowballed in the FD and guess who is the judge who only judges the SD...?
At GPF 2013 where TS lost to D/W they lost on PCS alone and because of that one judge who lowballed them and it set a narrative for the Olympics so honestly whoever it was really fucked them over.
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macaroni-rascal · 2 years
Someone on Twitter once mentioned that Marina set vm up with that beautiful step sequence in their SD because the mirrored steps make them be far away for each other, giving room for judges to not give max GOE. Do you think this is actually true? Not the part where Marina did this intentionally or not, but about them being far from each other and getting lower goe
I think it didn't matter what VM were doing, they were going to get lower goe because the judges decided DW were going to win no matter what, it was decided in the gpf in 2013, when VM should have clearly won, the writing was on the wall.
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indefinableship · 4 years
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Fabulous control and expression. (x)
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tisaqueen · 5 years
Watch the greatest Finnstep pattern ever.
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tutuandscoot · 9 months
when VM triumphed at PYC do you know if Marina commented anything about it?!?? I seem to remember a photo of her hugging Scott (I don't know if Tessa too), but I'm curious if she has commented on them and their performance…
I’m not aware of anything (evidence) photos, VM saying something etc..
I mentioned a while ago, watching their SD, the camera cuts to the crowd and there’s a bunch of Canadians cheering (also Steph Lambiel I’m noticing for the first time) and Marina is sitting in the bottom corner:
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I don’t want to just sound straight up negative/tin hatty, but I don’t know how else to read that reaction from her (considering the reactions of everyone around her) as anything but… not happy they skated so well.. like that doesn’t look like the reaction of someone who still cares about them (as athletes she invested 10 years of coaching into and had a huge part in their success) it looks to me like she hoped they would screw up and they didn’t so she’s pissed, and everyone else around being amazed and elated.. she’s like ‘meh.. wasn’t that good’.
My feeling on it is I think she definitely hoped PC would win.. idk for sure- I don’t know the woman, but I don’t thing she wanted, wasn’t hoping for VM to finish their career with a gold. She would know that the Shibs were skating for bronze.. but I just don’t think she would’ve been rooting for vm to win.. I think she would’ve been like GP (of PC) in the green room watching VM skate last thinking ‘shit, they didn’t mess up. Shit, Shit! They arnt screwing up’.. it’s horrible to say but it’s just the vibe I get from Marina, based on verryyyy limited info but including what VM have said about their experience with her specifically 2013-2014, how things ended. This clip above (from the olys), and also unfortunately a bit of natural human instinct that some people have to root against people you should or have in the past cared deeply for, and I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a bit of jealously/resentment.. the last two (really 3) olys she had at least one team fighting for gold (BA in 06 then VM, DW 🙄in 10,14) and this year the best she could get was bronze.. a bit of resentment that VM are succeeding with somebody other than her and…. sorry I’m just gonna say it bluntly.. sabotaged their chance to win in 2014.. she’s pissed they were so good and just couldn’t accept being happy for them. Again.. all this based on that 2 second clip of her in the stands… but also based on just general human psychology in these kind of situations. Could be wrong, maybe she was happy for them on some level..
The only thing that comes to mind of S hugging her is this moment from GPF the previous season:
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From this fan cam video of the medal ceremony.. this clearly goes against everything I said above, but these are all just pleasantries and everyone being nice bc they are adults..
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yuzu-all-the-way · 1 year
Yuzu reacting to his 3rd world record (3/19 WRs)
Totally forgot about this on 5th with Prologue being live
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tsukihoshi14 · 7 years
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The talk of axel geniuses, as Shoma named them XD 
[edit: oops it’s GPF 2013 not NHK 2015, I messed up the date :3]
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sunskate · 1 year
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Virtue Moir at GPF 2013 Dec 7/Hawayek Baker at JGPF 2013 Dec 8
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dreamsburntdown · 2 years
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After very silent months in the summer of 2016, we got news that Yuzuru was back in training, and a bit later, that he would skate to two new programs in the upcoming 2016/17 season. Yuzu chose 'Let's Go Crazy' by Prince for his new short program, which was again choreographed by Jeff Buttle. For his new free program he chose Japanese contemporary classical music, View of Silence and Asian Dream Song by Joe Hisaishi and he named his program 'Hope and Legacy'. It was chorographed by Shae-Lynn Bourne.
Yuzu started the season at the Autumn Classic International in Canada where he became the first man who landed the quadruple Loop at a competition when he landed it in his short program. We could see his quad Loops at galas before, but it was finally time to introduce it at competitions, too. It was Yuzu's own decision (as opposed to Brian Orser's), and later it turned out that it was a very smart decision from him.
His new SP was fun, intricate, with extremely difficult step sequence, or spins. Even if the 4Lo was a new jump for Yuzu, he put it in both the SP and FS. He also changed to 4T-3T combination to 4S-3T in the SP. His new free program was beautiful, elegant, and very complex from start to finish with great choreography, transitions in and out of the elements and great spins as well. Yuzu increased the difficulty of his jumps, he not just added 4Lo, but he had 4 quads and 2 triple Axels overall, from which there were two quad Salchows, the second one in a combination in the second half of the program. The triple Axels were also in the second half.
In the Grand Prix Series, Yuzu won the NHK Trophy. It was this competition where he changed his white costume in the SP to a purple one, which was even more form fitting than the white costume. The NHK Trophy short programs were in the morning on Friday in Europe so it meant that I had to watch it at my workplace - in secrectly, of course! I still remember vividly when I saw in the warm-up that he had purple pants on, and seconds later he took off the jacket and the top of his costume was also purple. I smiled so much but I had to contain myself there. The program was very rock starish but in a different way than Parisienne Walkways, when Yuzu was still a teenager. The SP was great choice and the costume looked great on him. Not many could wear a costume like that, but Yuzu could do it!
So, at the Grand Prix Final Yuzu became the first (and so far only) male skater who won four consecutive gold medals. His SP was the best there in the season even if the landing from the 4Lo wasn't completely perfect.
Yuzu decided to compete at the Four Continents too, which was held in PyeongChang, in the arena which would host the Olympics in 2018. The last time Yuzu was at 4CC was in 2013. He again collected a silver medal, albeit he would have deserved to win this time. The sudden rise of points, especially the components of the young American Chen raised eyebrows.
I was a bit sad that I couldn't watch Yuzu in person in 2015/16 especially because GPF was held in Barcelona then. So I decided not to miss the opportunity and I traveled to Helsinki for the World Championships to watch Yuzu and cheer for him. It was a really important competition, firstly because it was the qualifying Worlds for the 2018 Olympics and also because Yuzu didn't win in 2015 or 2016 either. The pressure on him was so much.
Helsinki Worlds was the most exciting competition of my life and I won't forget what I saw there. The rollercoster of emotions was overwhelming.
In the SP, Yuzuru kneeled down from the landing after his 4S, so he couldn't add a Triple Toe-loop on it (the 2T he added got invalidated as well), and he was only 5th after the SP. Oh no.
I felt sorry, really sorry for him. I even cried a bit later, because I didn't find it fair after what Yuzu went through in the past months, years. Javier skated a good short program and he got 109 points for it, so the difference was 11 points. Then I remembered that the situation was a bit similar a year before and anything could happen.
On the day of the free skate, snow was falling in the cold streets of Helsinki. I headed to the arena with a newly found optimism, while I was walking I was listening to the epic music of Yuzu's Romeo and Juliet 1 program and I remembered his roaring he made during the program at Worlds 2012. I thought: 'Fight, Yuzu, fight, you can do it!'.
Yuzu skated first in the last group. And what he did on that day will never be forgotten. He was completely in the zone and he laid down the most gorgeous performance ever. Everything was perfection from start to finish, the 4Lo, the spins, the the quad Salchows, the step sequences (the StSq as well as his spins all got level 4), everything he did was in the highest possible quality. The complexity of his program, the elegance of his performance can be barely described with words. It was magnificient and magical. The spectators were in tears, there was standing ovation for Yuzu. He got a new world record for his performance (223.20) which was - despite being the highest score - still a bit underscored compared to what he showed on the ice there. With this fantastic performance, Yuzu finished from 5th to 1st, and he became a two-time World Champion. It was so well deserved for Yuzu! He could bring out his best at such an important competition.
I was so happy and grateful that I could witness this and that I could cheer for Yuzu at this competition.
On the last day, Sunday, I met some photographers from my country who had media accreditation for the competition. One of them was an elderly man, who proudly showed to me that he got a signature from Yuzuru before the gala rehearsal. We had the same flight back home so he gave me Yuzu's signature for the duration of the flight. I was really cautious not to make it dirty etc. (the batter of my camera was empty but I could take some pictures of the signature with my not so good phone). What an end was it for my trip! I was really happy.
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After Worlds, Yuzu also competed at World Team Trophy where he won the gold medal for Japan.
This was a very successful season for him. Firstly I was happy that Yuzu came back after his very bad injury and he did so well. The first man who landed the 4Lo, the 4th GPF title, the second Worlds title, two fantastic programs, etc.
I was very looking forward to the Olympic season and I hoped everything would be okay for Yuzu.
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] - to be continued soon.
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hanyuzurus-moved · 7 years
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Yuzuru Hanyu reacting to his eleven (11) world records
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hanyuzurus · 7 years
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Brian Orser reacting to Yuzuru Hanyu’s world records
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