#GB Touko
studentofetherium · 2 years
good plural stories
that's a lot tougher. i kinda need to grade on a curve here, but there are a lot of anime and manga with plural rep out of the way
it's sort of obligatory, but i do really recommend Monogatari. it has a lot of missteps in its plural rep, but in the end i think there's a lot of compassion for everyone in the system that's rare in a lot of media even despite all the killing and murdering (also there's a tulpa at one point)
also, Tsukihime. everyone is a little plural, but no one is plural. it's weird and definitely not what you're looking for, but i have to mention it
but with that of out of the way (roughly ranked from worse to best):
Shuffle: Shuffle is a bad show in a lot of respects. the characters aren't great, the story is mid, the sexualization is hellish, and the main character is straight up called a pedophile at least a dozen times. but. one of the characters is a system and the episode that explores this is one of the best visual portrayals of plurality i've ever seen. so while i don't want to recommend the show, i can't go without mentioning it
Zaregoto 6 Cannibal Magical: the system here is fun but absolutely runs into Problems because one of them is a super psychotic serial killer. on the other hand, he's openly transmasc and the series takes a really positive approach to that. on the other hand, he's very much a murderer which is always a knock against rep when it's such a pervasive trope. also, and this is a spoiler that's pretty significant so don't click unless you really want to know, gur flfgrz vfa'g npghnyyl n flfgrz. gurl'er n cnve bs vqragvpny gjvaf jub fjvgpu cynprf naq cergraq gb or bar crefba. naq gura gur oebgure xvyyf uvf fvfgre fb gurer'f bayl bar bs gurz (rot13)
Hunter X Hunter: it has a plural character. i've heard good things about it. i haven't finished the show so i can't say more than that, but it's worth mentioning
Durarara: Anri is sort of an edge case, but with good representation, we take these. read the novels instead of the anime
Otome Game no Hametsu Flag shika Nai Akuyaku Reijou ni Tensei shiteshimatta…: not super plural but the show is great. there's a bunch of scenes where the main character talks between different versions of herself which is kinda plural. that's it
The World God Only Knows: like half the cast is plural and there's a few other characters that are plural too. but for a lot of the series, the cast is rather limited, so those characters don't show up a ton
Renai Bouken: the plural rep here is pretty minimal and for the first six or seven volumes, it's a bit of a train wreck, if an enjoyable one, but after that point, it introduces a pair of characters that, while not actually plural, feel like the best fictive representation that might ever exist. it's a bit weird. idk lol
Danganronpa: Danganronpa's plural rep is Objectively Bad, but i love Touko and Shou. the rep in the sequel and V3 are pretty atrocious (the rep in V3 is actually some of the worse i've ever seen) but while Shou leans into a lot of bad stereotypes, i can't help but enjoy her, and i love Touko too. it's junk food reprsentation
Ciconia: never finished it, but i think the plural rep in the story from what i saw is interesting and has really good intentions, which feels like a complete 180 from anything else ive seen of Ryukishi's.
Youkoso Genkai Shuuraku e!: a cute monster girl manga about trying to revitalize a dying town through tourism. one of the character's on the side is plural (a pair of dog girls based on Cerberus). it's sweet, and i like how it's handled, but the series is pretty light and short
Ayakashi Triangle: horny gay and trans manga by the author of To Love-Ru. one of the main characters is plural, and her system is given a lot of focus. they're always empathized with, even the one who's a villain, and there's a lot of great moments that feel true to the plural experience. but also, the series is deeply deeply deeply horny. its run in weekly shounen jump was canceled and it was moved online because it was so horny. and its only gotten worse from there. so be aware what you're getting yourself into
Kaguya Wants to be Confessed To: the plural rep here comes pretty late in, but i absolutely adore the story told with it. it's deep and gives a lot of depth to the system while showing a lot of how they work internally and also putting a lot of focus on things like switching and the differences between people. this is one of my favorite manga of all time and the arc that introduces this is the highlight
Kara no Kyoukai: while this falls into issues with systems being murderers, the empathy that's shown for the system is frankly incredible. there's nothing else quite on the level of Kara no Kyoukai. plurality is only an element in two of the seven arcs, but those two arcs tell an incredible story. you can see aspects of the empathy and understanding that has has here in his other plural writing in Tsukihime and Fate and other works, and i appreciate it being a reoccuring motif, but never does it come together quite as well as it does in Kara no Kyoukai
stories i thought about but specifically did not include: Arknights (anything it does intentionally is bad, anything good is unintentional), Yugioh (a mixed bag in quality but if you like the show or card games, give it a shot i guess), Boogiepop (notable, but bad), Fate (several of them) (bad in a variety of different and interesting ways but never worth going out of your way for), Shigofumi (loathsome), To Love-Ru (the system is just sort of alright but the context of the show makes it harder to recommend than Ayakashi Triangle), Rosario + Vampire (bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad badbadbabdabdbadbadbadbadbadbad), and Chainsaw Man (ongoing and i don't know what direction it will go so it's hard to recommend)
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ningyotsu · 4 years
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44. Is your muse greedy?
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unapologetically so, god save her
in current media, she portrays herself as a woman who basically ‘achieved it all to the point where things get boring,’ but there are numerous instances where her greed rears its hilariously ugly head. we have the little instances in Kara no Kyoukai (where Touko buys the Ouija board and compulsively hoards + her garage that contains a private propeller plane, luxury cars and motorcycles), Lord El-Melloi II Case Files (where Touko literally dipped her hand into the entire Iselma case because she was promised a hefty compensation) and character material (where it’s said that she’s a notorious spendthrift), but in terms of monetary greed, her reasons are extremely simple. having a lack of money during her younger years as a starving Association student, it’s only natural for her to bathe in luxury and revel in her newfound spending powers as soon as money lands in her hands.
in another concept of her greed, it gets extremely ugly - there’s numerous misinformation about her entire stint in Mahoyo that has already been cleared up (e.g. she was said to be jealous of Aoko when she actually felt rage over the unfairness that fate has put upon them as sisters - the concept was that Aoko should not have had to suffer the same fate of being locked into the world of magic, and that a normal life is effectively gone from her forever + she was angry at their grandfather for closing the path to the Fifth instead), so we know now that her jealousy against Aoko, though portrayed, is actually an excuse. this ugly greed of hers is quiet, unassuming but grotesquely morbid; when Cornelius Alba explained to a heavily wounded Mikiya that it was Touko’s jealousy that was her motivation to reach the highest peak of the Association, he was actually wrong - Touko’s horrifying greed is actually to unearth as much as she can with her own abilities.
this greed of hers knows no bounds - she is willing to experiment on others AND herself to get to the bottom of her life’s work. to intimately know a work is to be the work, and like all cases of greed, morals are thrown out of the window. there is no compassion within Touko’s being in her pursuit of perfection and knowledge, and she has sacrificed many lives (and her own) off-screen to achieve that horrifying perfection that even her senior mages balk at. this greed of hers is insatiable and dangerous, but the worst is over. she has achieved the highest point. it’s over.
@asagamifujiino​  || *: ・゚✧   100 headcanon memes —  traits. ( accepting )
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ningyoshi · 4 years
are you the main character or a side character?
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the narrator you're the narrator! you are logical, objective, and reasonable. you don't feel the need to insert yourself into drama or to make waves. you want to understand and perceive, but probably don't like being perceived. you're an understanding person who sees the big picture of things.
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purplecraze · 3 years
(Mun’s old and not old Muse list, in no particular order:
Pannacotta Fugo (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Vento Aureo
Ryuuzaki Umi (Magic Knight Rayearth)
Jedite (Sailor Moon)
Fuji Syuusuke (Prince of Tennis)
Tezuka Kunimitsu (Prince of Tennis)
Yagyuu Hiroshi (Prince of Tennis)
Mukahi Gakuto (Prince of Tennis)
Oshitari Yuushi (Prince of Tennis)
Yukimura Seiichi (Prince of Tennis)
Hiyoshi Wakashi (Prince of Tennis)
Kuwabara Kazuma (Yu Yu Hakusho)
Inoue Orihime (Bleach)
Shirley Fennete (Code Geass)
Road Kamelot (D.Gray-Man)
Fushimi Saruhiko (K Project)
Mello (Death Note)
Kaoru Hitachin (Ouran Highschool Host Club)
Hiwatari Satoshi (DNAngel)
Harada Risa (DNAngel)
Illumi Zoldyeck (Hunter x Hunter)
Leorio Paladinight (Hunter x Hunter)
Arakita Yasutomo (Yowamushi Pedal)
Fukawa Touko (Dangan Ronpa)
Togami Byakuya GB (Dangan Ronpa)
Hinata Hajime (Super Dangan Ronpa 2)
Tanaka Gundam  (Super Dangan Ronpa 2)
Sonia Nevermind  (Super Dangan Ronpa 2)
Mahiru Koizumi  (Super Dangan Ronpa 2)
Mioda Ibuki  (Super Dangan Ronpa 2)
Kuzuryuu Fuyuhiko  (Super Dangan Ronpa 2)
aspiring muses/high simping:
Suzuki Sonoko (Detective Conan)
Kuran Kaname (Vampire Knight)
Ishida Yamato (Digimon)
Souma Yuki (Fruits Basket)
Uchiha Itachi (Naruto)
Sanji Vinsmoke (One Piece)
Revolutionary Sabo (One Piece)
Togata Mirio (Boku no Hero Academy)
Matsuno Todomatsu (Osomatsu-san)
and a bunch of OC’s no one’s interested in hahaha..... unless??)
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triggerp9lice · 12 years
Area Found: New Journey Pokemon: Touku and Hikaru Type: Normal/Water Level: 1 Dex Number: Twelve Dex Information: "You're loud for no blatant reason, Touku! It's absolutely annoying!" Requested by Hani.
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Hikaru sighed wistfully as he sat on a wooden bench, dark blue eyes half-lidded in almost apathy as he watched the waves of the local beach just outside of his hometown lap at the sand. He felt drained, and the bad thing was that he had done nothing physical all day. No doubt he was mentally exhausted, or possibly even emotion--
"Ah, Hiku-kyun, there y'are!"
-- How Arceus hated his very being.
The assistant couldn't help but give a low groan of annoyance as he lowered his head to facepalm, his lowered gaze eventually being greeted with a pair of black hiking boots with pink laces. Oh NO, it was HIM of all people... Arceus truly hated him indeed if he felt the need to bring Touku Grey to him for some unfathomable reason. Shouldn't he have left to continue traveling already anyway?
Begrudgingly, the navy haired boy looked up to give the most apathetic look he could muster at the ponytailed boy beaming down at him as if today was the greatest day ever. Who was he kidding-- Touku always looked like that.
"What do you want, Touku?" Hikari demanded, leaning back against the bench to scowl at him.
"I was lookin' for you, duh!" Touku replied with a snort and a casual wave of his hand. "Why else would I have said 'there y'are'?"
"I'm aware of that." The sinnoh trainer said with a sigh. "I meant what could you possibly need from me now?" 
"I found a kickass flute!" The boy in the pink hat declared as he held up said instrument in his hand, the pink plastic giving off a glaring shine in the sun behind him.
"Touku, that's a plastic kazoo and it's nowhere near being close to a--"
Hikari couldn't manage to squeeze even another word in before Touku took in a large breath inward and blew into said plastic instrument, causing him to cringe at the sound. Dear Arceus, he didn't like where this was going at all, especially with how 'musical' the Unovan child tended to be--
"Make wayyy for Prince Toukuuu! Say heyyy, there's Prince Toukuu!" Touku began jubilantly, swaying from side to side where he stood in front of Hikaru, a broad grin on his face. "Hey YOU clear the room to Lacrene Cafe, hey YOU let him through, he's well on his way~ Oh come! Be the first in the city to see him flyyyy~"
"Touku, I'm kindly telling you to--"
"Make way, here he comes, Ring Chimechos, bang Cobalion, OH YOU'RE GONNA LOVE THIS GUY--"
"TOUKU!" Hikaru practically screamed as he forced himself off the bench and onto his feet as he took a step toward the brunette that was giving him a wide-eyed stare of curiosity, stopping in mid-song almost automatically.
"What is WRONG with you!" he continued on, poking the source of his irritation in his chest. "You're loud for no blatant reason, Touku! It's absolutely annoying! And for some reason, it always feels like you annoy only ME! Why is that?"
"'Why'...?" Touku repeated, giving a silly grin that practically screamed of obliviousness. "Well, isn't it obvious, Hiku-kyun?"
Stoically, the boy in the beanie hat stare at him, not comprehending at all what he was trying to hint at at all. He simply said nothing, which was his silent way of urging the Unovan boy to elaborate on his reply.
Snickering quietly, the brunette tilted his head to the side and did as the raven silently requested, "Because you an' me are both in the same boat, Hikari. you don't have your friends with you, that's why you're sad right now. It's 'cause you miss them."
Admittedly, Hikaru was taken aback by Touku's explanation and found himself stepping back to stare, wide-eyed. What... Why was he saying that to him all of a sudden? Yes, Hikaru missed his friends, but it's not like said people were dead and gone forever or anything... What was the other even trying to get at?
"...What? Yes, of course I miss them but it's not like they're dead or anything!" Hikaru said, his facade crumbling away without him even realizing. "It's the very same with you, you idiot, Touku."
"Mmhmm, you're right~" Touku agreed with a smile that was almost melancholic. "They're not dead, but I don't see them any more because all of them are off busy chasing what they believe in. Ren-chi's gonna be a teacher to my little cousin, Al's suddenly went and became an assistant to the professor, Touyo's off training in another region to get strong so she can become champion, and N..." he paused to lift his gaze towards the sky to give his own wistful sigh, though it was nonetheless happy. "N's out there somewhere traveling on that great white dragon of hers, meeting new kinds of people and pokemon. Hell, I betcha she's even in one of those ranger regions right now! I'm sure without a doubt she'd love it in those places~"
'...Stop, why are you even--...'
"And then there's me, the big idiot Touku doin' whatever the heck keeps me feeling okay! Haha! I'm the only one out of the ol' Unova gang that doesn't know what to do with himself. It's the same with you, right?
Hikaru gave nothing as a response, he simply continued staring and pursed his lips a bit. He watched as Touku reached into one of his pockets, pulling out a plastic blue kazoo-- identical to his, only a different color-- and tossing it to him. Fumbling a little, the raven haired teen managed to catch it, scrunched his nose at it a little before looking back at the other who was yet again beaming.
"It's 'cause of that that I think we're friends, Hiku! 'Cause we kinda get each other~! Don't you agree? If ya do, all ya gotta do to answer is blow into that flute!"
Yet another sigh escaped Hikaru; not a sigh of annoyance or exasperation, but one of defeat. He had lost, and to Touku of all people. Taking in a slow breath, he blew into the kazoo, mentally rolling his eyes at the way the idiot in front of him lit up.
"Fine." he agreed, the faintest look of amusement tugging at his lips. "But YOU'RE the one singing."
"Gladly!" Touku chirped, pumping one fist in the air in triumph.
"By the way, it's a kazoo."
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ningyotsu · 4 years
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       ULTIMATELY, NO MATTER WHAT, the fact that she’s a big sister won’t be changing anytime soon.
       It goes without saying that Aoko has been more affectionate lately during their time together in Mifune, and though initially awkward, Touko finds herself falling in step with what she used to be with her younger sister. There are certain unsaid criteria in being a big sister, almost as if one had to be born with the designated traits like how animals somehow know how to care for their young even if it’s their first time bringing them into the world. Humans are quite useless things really; maternity classes for the absolutely clueless are mandatory, but being an older sister is as natural as breathing to Touko no matter how long it may have been with her not practicing being one.
       The Fifth Magician shows no signs of letting her older sister go anytime soon, simply settling for embracing her with nary a word from her mouth, but presumably with much to say in her own head. Her sister has learned to become a thinker, to ponder on things that may or may not be important, and Touko keeps Aoko close, smoothing her long locks of brown as she lets her mumble in the crook of her neck. There is something on her mind and it must have been a revelation; of something that she’s found out but couldn’t say to safeguard her pride.
       “There, there,” Touko gently hushes; God forbid anyone enter through the front door, but who in their right mind would do so at two in the morning? “Don’t think so much, alright? It’s late, go back to bed. You’ll get eyebags in the morning, and that’ll be entirely your fault.” 
@timelymagus​  |  nonverbal memes ( accepting ) .
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ningyotsu · 4 years
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it was supposed to be perfect, you tell yourself, as you shatter the picture frames and rip down the photos. it was supposed to be everything. it was supposed to be the happy ending. the perfection. and it is not. and you are alone. marooned on a desert island and your throat is raw from screaming and your limbs are glassy. you hold all the cards, love. the knife is in your hands. are you 'the' killer? no. but you are 'a' killer. we are all murderers here.
Tagged by: @dekirukoto​ (tq so much!!!)
Tagging: @unwcvering, @zhrets​, @timelymagus​, and everyone else!
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ningyotsu · 4 years
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       DESPITE ALL OF HER  airs and graces, Touko was actually highly protective of Aoko when she was much younger. Even with them being apart for nearly most of their childhoods (with Touko being with their grandfather and with Aoko being with their parents), the occasional visits back home has Touko playing the aloof big sister with a rather large soft spot for her younger sibling. Very much like the dynamic of the Tohsaka sisters, Touko would be the one surprising Aoko with ‘magical wonders’ if only to see the smile on her face.
@dekirukoto​  ||  new ask game send me a 🌻 and ill just tell you whatever i want ( accepting ) .
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ningyotsu · 4 years
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❤️ ❤️  uwu
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       “LET’S SEE....okay! Two things I love about Mii-chan, huh?”
       Throughout her stay in Hope’s Peak, Touko has been nothing but absolutely sunny towards Tsumiki, given the girl’s otherwise docile nature. There’s no benefit in taking off the sheep’s skin anytime soon as much as she knows that there’s ought to be something underlying beneath whatever Tsumiki represents, and surely, it would be such a killjoy in regards to the current scenario. Truth or dare, right at free time, two things that you love about me! 
       “What I love about Mii-chan. Okay,” Touko nods, before gently taking Tsumiki’s chin with a free hand, smirking at her as if she was a target in a trap. It’s almost exactly like how she experimented with her friends back in Reien, with secret slumber parties and even more sordid occasions that may or may not have happened. One ought not to judge based on appearances, and as Touko stares deeply into Tsumiki’s eyes (almost as if she was searching for any semblance of fear, or something else!), she quickly breaks character and clasps the nurse’s hands instead in hers.
       “Two things that I love about Mii-chan; her generosity, and her cuteness! Alright, my turn!” Touko announces.
@nursedesire​  || send me a  ‘ ❤️ ’  for my muse to say something they love about your muse ! ( accepting )
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ningyotsu · 4 years
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0.1  Though Touko isn’t Ms. Belrose’s lecturer, she is well aware of the multiple disciplines that the latter actively tries to get into. As Touko sees a lot of herself in the promising young magus, she offers help in her own way, but only when asked. Her experience as a hands-off magus who cultivated herself through solitary research has earned her somewhat a reputation throughout the Clock Tower as a sink-or-swim mentor when it comes to the art of puppet-making, and no matter how much the female mages within the institution try to one-up her patented mode of flight travel, there’s little that can be done to have Touko open her mouth about even the barest of principles behind the works that she’s great at. That is to say, she does keep an eye on Ms. Belrose as one of the institution’s most talented students, but only time can tell as to whether she would drown in her ambition or rise above it.
@smilingmagus​ ||  relationship meme . ( accepting )
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ningyotsu · 4 years
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 0.1  More often than not, Touko tended to be the one who cleans up after Aoko’s messes whenever they were together during their girlhood days. Despite the fact that Touko was a great deal more chaotic (e.g. caused a hurricane by winking, making a pitcher soil himself simply by standing in the on-deck circle, large disclaimer and totally not true with the famed Mashin Eiichirō....) due to her fluctuating (or probably properly controlled, but let loose on purpose) magecraft, the responsible side of Touko completely takes over whenever she has to look after Aoko, causing her to get more exercise than she’s bargained for. Yet, it was evident at the time that she very dearly loved her sister, even going so far as to be obviously doting to the point where though she would scold Aoko for going out of line, it’d automatically be the other party’s fault for Aoko’s deeds when it came to it. 
@timelymagus​  ||  relationship meme . ( accepting )
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ningyotsu · 4 years
what is your primary feeling in longing ?
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In longing, you feel heavy. Your desire feels like a burden you've been carrying for too long. Your heart is a large weight in your chest, so heavy it brings down your shoulders and puts a bend in your back. You feel like if you were thrown into water, the weight of it would drag you straight to the bottom. It's as if no matter what you do, you just can't shake it or let it go. When you let yourself feel it, it's almost suffocating, you're drowning in desire, quietly. You unfocus your eyes and breathe out until the stream of air thins, a pang in your chest follows. The next breath is a sigh. You've been so patient, you feel you deserve *something*. Your yearning pulls and pulls at you but you've tried everything, nothing left to do but wait. Once you've accepted this, you push the thoughts away, but the weight is still there. Sometimes you convince yourself you don't even want what you desire anymore, you just want the weight lifted. But something says don't give up. You're too deep in love. Be strong my dear, stay determined.
tagged by: @dekirukoto​!!!
tagging: anyone and everyone bc ayy here’s all at you guys!
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ningyotsu · 5 years
“Rains smells so different in the city.”
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       THERE’S SIMPLY SO MUCH AGREEMENT  in that sentence alone, having experienced rains in various parts of the world herself. Not simply with a nose, but with a bit of good sense and a keen eye at her car upon the aftermath, nearly anyone could tell that the rain in the city does contain some awful stuff. Torrential, drizzling or simply passing, the rains would sometimes hold a certain bit of meaning in an otherwise bleak or eventful life, or simply warning signs from the meteorological department about an incoming TYPHOON.
       “Mmh, you can say that,” she shrugs noncommittally. A slender manicured finger taps on the steering wheel rhythmically to an absent beat, rebelling against the steady thrums of her car wipers dutifully doing their jobs sweeping away the running water. “It does have that kind of odd smell, doesn’t it? When it happens, the car gets dirty too, and it’s simply such a pain to take it all the way for it to be washed. Do you know how expensive this one is? I’m not even sure if I’ve fully paid the loan to the bank yet; I simply must check later……”
       When the lights turn green, she quietly steps on the accelerator, not even daring to close her eyes to reminisce in weather that she could simply get anywhere. Because rain is rain, and it won’t even mean much, since the waters will just pour and pour whether anyone likes it or not. She knows it. She reckons the one trying to turn on the radio beside her knows it too.
rainy day starters / accepting .@ariacle
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kuciumkau-blog · 7 years
Hitsugi no Chaika BD Subtitle Indonesia
Alias: Chaika – The Coffin Princess BD Subtitle Indonesia Sutradara: Soichi Masui Ditulis: Touko Machida Studio: Bones Jaringan: Tokyo MX, SUN, TVQ, CTC, TVS, GBS, MTV, tvk, BS11 Ditayangkn: April 9, 2014 – Tamat Episode: 12 (List of Episode) (more…)
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