sorry you are probably tired of pggy discourse but I just wanted to say that it's very telling that in smithsonian exhibit we have interview with pggy but not with howlies (because I think howlies knew steve rogers and not only captain america, but pggy never really knew steve and only knew him as a captain)
(sorry one more time english isn't my first language)
The other reason of course is that they never filmed any footage of Pggy with Steve and the Howlies (because that never happened; she was never there) so they have to do separate interviews. 
(And, Doylist reason, including the Howlies would involve paying more actors). 
It is very indicative of her character that she is doing interviews about Steve while she is running an organisation with the Nazi that ‘killed’ the very best friend featured in that exhibit, like a total hypocrite, in the movie where he’s going to try and kill Steve again, and that she is happy (and sees nothing off?) about people thinking she’s the kind of woman to still be obsessing over Steve, decades later,  while she’s married and has kids with another man. 
God she could have been such an amazing villain. 
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"Isn't there one man among you?"
"The jobs open, Margaret."
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horsesource · 1 year
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Erin Manning and Luce Irigaray
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fishboythyo · 3 months
...uninstalling unreal bevause it is still asking for space and well. i dont have the space. ill have to wait a bit.
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katamarigender · 1 year
I keep forgetting that thing about small talk where you're supposed to give people a question that they can answer. Someone will ask me "how are you doing? :)" and I'll be like "good. 😐" *doesn't offer them a way to continue the conversation*
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jellazticious · 1 year
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faggot-friday · 10 months
me who has never cared about sportsball in my life: the post game depression is insane
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im-a-goat-in-disguise · 7 months
dnd today was very fun *party enters a cavern full of orcs* [everybody rolls for initiative] [i get the lowest score - i am going to go last in combat]
cue every other party member engaging in one-on-one combat.
when it gets to my turn, i crack my knuckles and sprint straight into the middle of the orcs. I've kept a narsty little spell kept away for just this kinda occassion. a very dense group of enemies.
landing between 4 orcs, i manage to [barely] dodge all their opportunity attacks. upon stopping, i cast Thunderwave.
I will roll 2d8 to determine the damage I do. To each creature within the 15-foot cube surrounding me.
Each creature needs to make a constitution saving throw - DC 12.
If they manage to get that, the damage to them is *halved*. They also won't get pushed back 10 feet away from me, which would give my party members opporunity attacks on them.
Every single orc succeeds their saving throws.
I roll two 8's. 8 damage to each orc.
three of them are instantly vaporized. the last is knocked to low enough HP that they're unlikely to survive much longer
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skenpiel · 5 months
i feel a little melancholy because everything in the past 3 days since my birthday have been, like....... completely perfect. like. i wish the whole entire rest of my life could be like it is right now. where the only other people in the house are my mama and little sister, and none of us have any work or school, and were all spending all day long lazy and quiet and in our pajamas, and ordering takeout for dinner each night, everything just feeling slow and peaceful and GOOD. and theres leftover cake in the fridge and every time i look out the window its dark and snowing. and it makes me sad because this is how id like to spend the rest of my life if i got to choose. i wish things could be like they are right now, forever. but tomorrow everythings gonna go back to normal again. and that makes me feel a little sad, because i really love how things have been in the past 3 days
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kagender · 2 years
being sick is crazy i either procrastinate or become an art machine
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Movie night is so found family it’s driving me insane
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artielotl · 2 years
whoever invented social media. i hope you die. i hate it. i hate how it's consumed my life and my generation and made everyone so lonely and polarised and angry i hate how it makes me want to die but not having it makes me feel so alone i hate the world we have created and i am so tired of everyone being so shit all the time. can kindness not win just once???
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yhrite · 2 years
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Real gamer hours
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i wonder if we would have gotten a darius-and-the-old-golden-guard-flashback episode if the owl house hadn't been cut short...
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camaradreary · 7 months
how do i get better at art...
how do i get better in general lol
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