#Fuck Brett Kavanaugh
wilwheaton · 11 months
"Justice Elena Kagan memorably castigated him for treating 'judging as scorekeeping,' whining about 'how unfair it is' when he loses, and repeating the same bad arguments 'at a higher volume.' Justice Sonia Sotomayor has repeatedly accused him of outright dishonesty by misrepresenting precedent and dangling false promises. In a fed-up dissent in just her first term, Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson compared a Kavanaugh majority opinion to the children’s book If You Give a Mouse a Cookie. [Samul] Alito’s rebuttal to Kavanaugh’s dissent in Sackett v. EPAconsisted of exactly one sentence: Kavanaugh’s argument, Alito wrote, 'cannot be taken seriously.'"
Justices are 'losing patience': Brett Kavanaugh skewered as a 'lightweight' in brutal analysis
Hold up.
This guy?
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“The consequences will extend long past my nomination. The consequences will be with us for decades. This grotesque character assassination will dissuade confident and good people of all political persuasions from serving our country, and as we all know, in the political system of the early 2000s, what goes around comes around.”
This piece of shit?
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The guy who spent his entire life as a right wing activist judge, who was part of the Brooks Brothers “riot”, snarled and barked and insulted the Senate Judiciary Committee during his farcical confirmation hearing, who lied repeatedly about his history of sexual assault, his gambling debts, and threatened to explicitly hurt people who he views as antagonistic to him ... turns out to be an intellectual lightweight in the mold of Thomas? He doesn’t give a flying fuck about law or justice or precedent, he just wants to hurt people he doesn’t like under the color of law?
Wow. None of us saw that coming.
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personal-blog243 · 7 months
Only 200 years too late but SCOTUS has finally formally drafted and adopted a code of ethics. We will see if this leads to any punishment for any sketchy actions committed by any judges.
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Holy shit!! This goes hard
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accidentalharrie · 2 years
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tiredjuniper · 2 years
im so fucking done. brett kavanaugh, burn in hell.
(if anyone in his family or in the court's families really needed one, their influences would get their family member a safe abortion while hundreds if not thousands of underprivileged americans will suffer in their states due to not having the resources to get an abortion but yall dont want to hear that)
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supernovaodessa · 2 years
I don’t even really know how to start this, but I guess stating the facts works. Yes. Roe v. Wade was overturned. June 24, 2022 will be a day of trauma, heartbreak and everything in between for millions upon million of women across the US. Women will remember where they were when they discovered it, how they felt all the blood drain from their face and their bodies go completely numb. Everyday after June 24, 2022 will be much of the same. 
We have every right to sob. We have every right to scream. We have every right to feel scared, angry and confused as to how we go about....simply trying to survive. 
Because that’s what we’re trying to do, isn’t it? Just trying to fucking survive. In a way, we’re literally in an abusive relationship with the government. With the politicians. The supreme court. Literally anyone who feels they have the right to control our bodies. We are in an abusive relationship with them. And like an abusive relationship usually goes, they use us, abuse us and isolate us from anyone who would be willing to help us get out of said abusive situation. And I say that as someone who has been in one. 
Today is like being in an abusive relationship and a trauma occurs. You’re hurt and broken- physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. After it’s done and you’ve grieved, you end up asking yourself “What the fuck do I do now?”
This is a long term battle, and we have to treat it as such. Trust me, I fucking hate saying it. It makes me physically sick as I type it. But we don’t have any other choice if we want to survive. In this situation, however, we don’t have to suffer alone. Here’s a couple things I can think of off the top of my head that we can do:
-Reach out to the other women in your life. In person or online. We are hurting, but we have each other. We have the ability to share love and give strength when another woman needs it. 
-Understand that the overturn of Roe v. Wade is going to impact each state differently. In the coming weeks and months, keep track of it. It’s going to be helpful to know which states will still allow it, and which will not. 
-Find valid links to documents that will include abortion funds and pro choice organizations that include state specific resources. Here’s an example of one: 
-To women in Abortion safe sates: (for those who want to or have the means to) let women who need an abortion from a banned state know that you will help them cross over to a safe state to get to procedure. In any way you can. Say that you’re high school or college friends (past or present) and that you’re visiting for one reason or another. 
This is literally the bare minimum of what I could think of off the top of my head. There’s so much more, so if anyone shares this and wants to add anything please please please do so. 
This by no means fixes the situation, but it’s a way to get through it. Don’t let these people think that we’re going to lay down and take it. Reserve all the energy you have and use it to fight back and fight for each other.
We need to stay safe. We need to stay smart. We need to stay resilient. We need to stay strong. We need to survive. 
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lightoftagetes · 2 years
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saruvanthewhite · 2 years
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The only thing more enjoyable than this ǝןoɥssɐ being run out of Morton’s is the editors calling Morton’s an eatery. It sounds so quaint.
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This is the future that conservatives want.
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illusionaryish · 1 year
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violetfaust · 2 years
In the last two weeks alone, Trump's Supreme Court has:
Overturned Roe v. Wade.
Severely limited Miranda protections by ruling that citizens can't sue the cops who don't read them their Constitutional rights.
Expanded gun rights less than two months after schoolchildren were slaughtered and weeks after a racist shooting in a community supermarket, by striking down sensible New York gun control laws.
And now eviscerated the power of the EPA to do its job and try to protect against climate change by ruling it can't regulate emissions from power plants.
These "justices" are not only legislating from the bench and making decisions that are stripping human rights and WILL CAUSE DEATHS in opposition to decades of precedent (50 years for Roe, 60 for Miranda, 110 for the NY gun laws):
Many of them are unfit to serve.
Clarence Thomas's wife is an insurrectionist and election denier who is refusing to cooperate with the January 6 committee. Thomas has also not recused himself from decisions regarding the January 6 committee. He is married to a literal traitor to this country and has blatant conflict of interest. He MUST resign or be impeached and removed.
Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation to the bench was rammed through the Senate despite credible accusations that he is a rapist (as well as possibly guilty of financial misconduct or crimes). Investigators refused to consider evidence. This investigation must be reopened, and if more evidence is presented (as I suspect it will be), he should be impeached, removed, and prosecuted.
Neil Gorsuch perjured himself in his Senate confirmation hearings about Roe. He said he recognized and respected it as the law of the land, yet last week he cosigned Alito's reactionary brief that claimed not only that Roe was not law, but that it never had been. Thus Gorsuch should be impeached, removed, and if possible prosecuted for lying under oath.
While I don't know of evidence that Amy Coney Barrett is legally unfit to serve (despite being a far-right-wing reactionary), her appointment was illegitimate under the Republicans' own arbitrary rules: they refused to even consider Obama's candidate for the Court after Scalia's death because it was "in an election year" although that was MARCH, then forced through Barrett's a WEEK before the election (and less than a month after RBG's death). Senate Republicans need to acknowledge that either her appointment or Gorsuch's was illegitimate (and McConnell should be censured for it).
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personal-blog243 · 8 months
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yandere-daydreams · 2 years
roe v wade got overturned. once again thinking about writing a series of short stories wherein i just have an author insert beat the shit out of anti-abortion/conservative politicians with, like, a metal chair or something.
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Maybe if he didn't want to be bothered at dinner, he shouldn't have gone out to dinner. Does he not agree with such logic?
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