#Fortune cup
namitomoon · 8 months
A lot of people talk about Dark Signers but honestly so far the Fortune Cup arc (1-26) is one of the most solid openings in a Yugioh series.
The way you're suddenly thrown into the world, shown the contrast between Satellite and Neo Domino City, the disparity, the overall darker atmosphere, the duels on motorbikes...it's just amazing.
I had some issues with the DS arc pacing and some duels were outright terrible but honestly Fortune Cup is a solid wonder from the beginning to the end.
In some ways it feels like a rehash of Duelist Kingdom but it quickly becomes more than that (it's similar with Dark Signers and Battle City btw). It's engaging, every character of the main cast has a moment to shine, it avoids feeling like a generic Monster-of-the-Week format, the animation is generally excellent and engaging (it's a big shock coming from GX's PowerPoint-esque cheap animation).
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helshollowhalls · 1 year
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unhelpfultarot · 7 months
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Wheel of Fortune and Page of Cups
Once in a while, something turns up that you just think is neat.
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tarottchotchkes · 5 months
It's NOT the Death Card - It's the Five of Cups!
'Psychic' predicts outcome of 2024 election in regards to The Orange One - pulls Five of Cups - but Fox reports it as Death card. It's ONLY Fox News - I don't know why I am upset, but the Five of Cups card is far more revealing than the Death card in this application.
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numinously-yours · 4 months
What to leave behind and what to bring into the new month
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Happy last week of January! Pick a group for insights on what you should leave behind as the month ends and what you can focus on in the new month ahead. Let me know if you have any topics you'd like me to pull for!
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My dear pile one,
It is time to let go of your need to do everything on your own. If you’re feeling overwhelmed or weighed down by your responsibilities – or what you think is your responsibility – try remembering that you’re not alone and there are people here to help carry the load. Allow others to help, even in small ways.
Personal growth and development may be a great focus point for you in the upcoming month. The Magician brings forth the tools and energy you need to make progress in this personal journey. Focus on your “why” and look inward at your power. This period of growth will last you throughout (and beyond) the month, so don’t get hard on yourself if you don’t see immediate results. Growth is not linear.
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Hello lovely twos,
Rather than the Tower representing a destruction that has already happened/is currently happening, I think you’re being told to leave January with a bang (semi-literally), and create the destruction of your self-limiting beliefs. Light up some sticks of dynamite, rev up the bulldozer, or get that wrecking ball swinging cause we’re not going into the new month with any of our same thoughts. Your self-limiting beliefs have felt like a chaos storm in your brain, and this is your permission to let them go.
February is a month of self-exploration. It is a month to figure out why these self-limiting beliefs exist. This may be a good time to do some shadow work. Shadow work is tough, but I think some good realizations can come out of it. Here are some shadow work prompts if you’re ready to get started. You may find truths you didn’t know existed. Or you may find yourself answering just as you’d expect, but this time… it’s gonna hit different. You’re going to find answers for yourself which will put a lot into perspective and really help with letting go of your self-doubt.
For those who aren’t ready to dive deep into the darker parts of your soul (which is A-OK!), take a look at the resources at your fingertips. How can you align these resources with your goals? For example, do you have a goal to say nicer things to yourself each day? Make yourself a daily check list – add some normal items like “1 hour with no screen time” or “brush your teeth” and then add “say one good thing about yourself”. As you check of the easier items, you’ll see the tougher ones. And in an effort to make those check marks, you’ll get in the groove of participating in the hard tasks.
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My pile three friends,
Teamwork and collaboration seems to have been a theme in January. Whether it be your new years resolution, a project at work, or homing in on a new habit, the foundation was set in this last month. I wouldn’t say you’re really leaving anything behind, but the creation stage is ending. You are moving forward into the stabilization and growth phases of this beautiful thing you’ve launched.
Bring this sense of accomplishment into February with you to start the month off strong. You’ve done really great work! One great way to keep momentum is a partnership between your higher self and the work you are doing. As you continue to build on the project you started think: what can I get out of this project personally and what can I bring to this project to ensure it thrives. You will feel better about the end results knowing that it made your heart happy and that you had something to do with its success.
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To my pile fours,
You know what your higher self is trying to tell you. You know what your guides are hinting at. Maybe it seems too good to be true or it’s scary, but either way, you gotta get rid of the clouds you’re using as a way to doubt yourself. I know from experience that self-doubt speaks LOUD. It is MEAN. But it is soo worth getting past. It doesn’t mean it’ll go away for forever, but it sure can get quieter.
In this situation, “clarity” can be seen as the opposite of “cloudy” , and mental clarity is exactly what the King of Swords wants you to bring into/work on in the new month. You may not be ready to jump right into this new thing in February, but you can do the work this month to feel more confident when the time officially comes. Lay out the facts for yourself: I have done hard things in the past; I have the resources I need to be successful; I have people I know will support me when it gets difficult. And repeat these facts to yourself as much as you need to. As with pile two, you could do some shadow work to  bring clarity to why you feel this hesitancy to move forward.
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saganssorcery · 16 days
𝗗𝗮𝗶𝗹𝘆 𝗗𝗶𝘃𝗶𝗻𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻: Queen of Cups and Page of Wands
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Today we might receive news in our meditations, psychic intuition or dreams. We are receptive to the emotional and psychic currents of this day, look out for any syncs as they likely have some important news for you to be aware of. Someone likely has our best interests in mind and wishes to offer us the support we need to help us along our way. This could also be a sign to listen to and nurture your inner child.
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carcarrot · 1 month
the ONE TIME in my life i consider that i actually flirted (the classic "phone number on the napkin" bit) did not ultimately work out at all plus i later realized the guy sucked so. so far so good
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namitomoon · 8 months
A lot of people talk about Dark Signers but honestly so far the Fortune Cup arc (1-26) is one of the most solid openings in a Yugioh series.
The way you're suddenly thrown into the world, shown the contrast between Satellite and Neo Domino City, the disparity, the overall darker atmosphere, the duels on motorbikes...it's just amazing.
I had some issues with the DS arc pacing and some duels were outright terrible but honestly Fortune Cup is a solid wonder from the beginning to the end.
In some ways it feels like a rehash of Duelist Kingdom but it quickly becomes more than that (it's similar with Dark Signers and Battle City btw). It's engaging, every character of the main cast has a moment to shine, it avoids feeling like a generic Monster-of-the-Week format, the animation is generally excellent and engaging (it's a big shock coming from GX's PowerPoint-esque cheap animation).
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asscrasher · 4 months
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Resurrection of Magneto #1 was incredible! I’ve mapped out Storm’s journey by correlating the tarot imagery. Interestingly, she is not taking the lightning path despite her motif, instead starting at Malkuth heading to Netzach, followed by Hod and ending in Gavurah.
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Magneto as the 5 of Cups in the Broken City (Gavurah)
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Storm as the 7 of Cups in the Waiting Room (Netzach)
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Tarn as the Hermit (or maybe the Devil but I’m leaning Hermit due to the serpent imagery)
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The 7 of Cups featuring the Wheel of Fortune
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Ashake, servant of the goddess Ma’at, as Adjustment (Justice), but the black cat and magical attributes are also giving Queen of Wands
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Storm as the Tower
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The Domains as the Sun in Domain Space (Hod) peeking into Beyonder Space (Yesod)
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Storm and Magneto as the Hanged Man
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Storm as the 5 of Swords, featuring elements of the 5 of Cups, in the Broken City (Gavurah)
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catladychronicles · 6 months
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unhelpfultarot · 9 months
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Ten of Cups and Wheel of Fortune
Today, make sure you notice and enjoy the good parts, because who knows when they'll come around again.
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cacklingcauldrons · 3 months
✨️Minor Arcana Suits✨️
🪄 Wands - desires and goals
🏆 Cups - emotions and feelings
🗡 Swords - logic and mental energy
🪙 Pentacles - money and wealth
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littledogtarot · 1 month
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A reading for the week of 4/29/24—5/5/24:
Can you tell I woke Alfie up from a nap for this picture? 😂
The Two of Cups represents a joyful new relationship, connecting deeply with another person. As with all good relationships, it requires vulnerability and intimacy. Whether it lasts a long time or only a short one, you will learn something life-changing from this relationship. But remember to hold onto your individuality. A relationship requires two distinct people, not a single, co-dependent, merged self.
The High Priestess represents deep mysteries. All things subconscious, intuitive, secret, and magical are in her realm. The High Priestess often suggests exploring hidden parts of yourself, gaining creativity from your self-knowledge. Where the Two of Cups suggests a deep connection with someone else, the High Priestess is all about connecting with yourself. The card also recommends waiting before diving into anything new.
The Wheel of Fortune suggests a big, positive change is on its way into your life, bringing you closer to your true purpose. It's also a reminder that the nature of life is change, and this too shall pass. Whether positive or negative, we must learn to accept what comes, hold it loosely, and let it go when the time is right. You are on a journey, and this change is shaping you into who you are meant to be.
Together these cards suggest to me a period of learning and growth is coming. Some of this growth will come from connecting deeply with someone else. They might be a friend, lover, business partner, or anyone you can form a meaningful bond with. Other growth will come from delving into your own heart and head, and looking at the parts of yourself you tend to keep hidden. The Two of Cups reminds us to stay open to other people, not to close ourselves off. The High Priestess reminds us to retain our individuality. We are best able to love others when we understand ourselves and aren't afraid of the darkness we carry. The Wheel of Fortune asks us to remember that life is change, and these new period of discovery is important in helping us become more fully alive to our purpose.
Deck is Dark Wood Tarot {mini} byt Sasha Graham and Abigail Larson.
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shitpostingkats · 9 months
Hrmg. Hm. Hasafalgh. (<- trying to find a way to articulate thoughts)
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saganssorcery · 28 days
hello! im here for a free reading. my question is : what does A (my ex) think of me right now?
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Hello! You have drawn the Ten of Swords and the Six of Cups. The Ten of Swords flew out the deck I'm afraid. It looks as though they are stuck in the past and struggling with the memories they have of you. There is a feeling of nostalgia in regards to your connection which can't be enjoyed due to the deep feeling of pain it brings to mind.
Please [ Tip ] if you can ✨🙏✨
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thepigeontarot · 3 months
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Today, things in your life will start to take a positive turn. The wheel is in motion, and you've been stuck at the bottom, but you're going to be feeling on top of the world soon. You'll be finding emotional fulfillment and stability are at their best. Take time to embrace the joys of life. Celebrate what you have now, and don't worry too much about the next turn. Life is always moving, but you can take a pause and be grateful for the good.
If this resonates with you today, be sure to like and follow for more daily 🐈‍⬛️
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