reasonsforhope · 9 months
In 2016, when the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) signed a peace agreement with the Colombian government, scientists realized that the rainforests, mountains, and savannahs, out of which the FARC waged a 50-year guerrilla war, and which were counted among the most biodiverse and least-explored places on earth, were suddenly safe to explore.
In Colombia, a few biologists who longed to journey to the heart of these places also saw them as the perfect way to bring 14,000 former guerrillas back into society in a meaningful way that would benefit not only them, but the country’s stunning biodiversity.
Colombia is often referred to as the world’s most biodiverse country. Although this is a hard thing to designate since many species around the world of all kinds remain undiscovered, she does lay claim to the most bird species anywhere on earth – both endemic and migratory.
Who better to help protect Colombia’s wild spaces than those who know them best, thought Jaime Góngora, a wildlife geneticist at the University of Sydney but who is originally from Colombia.
Góngora now leads a group of researchers from the United Kingdom, Australia, and 10 different Colombian scientific institutions in a program to train ex‑guerrillas to study Colombia’s native plants and animals, which to date has uncovered nearly 100 previously-unknown species.
Peace with Nature
Peace with Nature is the result of these scientists working together with guerillas to help protect Colombia’s biodiversity and aid in the post-conflict situation for thousands of people, 84% of whom, according to Góngora, are interested in pursuing, of all things, river habitat restoration as their post-conflict career path.
Góngora and his colleagues are only too happy to help, and Peace with Nature began hosting citizen scientist workshops to help train eager folks how to find, identify, catalogue, and study wild plants, insects, birds, amphibians, and more.
The preparation work was long and hard – between 15 and 18 months according to Góngora...
“In some of the workshops, we have the presence of the police and military forces along with the ex-combatants,” explains Góngora. “I think what has surprised me most is the opportunity that biodiversity offers for reconciliation and healing after an armed conflict. These workshops have been spaces for a respectful dialogue about biodiversity and nature.”"
-via World at Large, 7/13/20
Note: Video is half in English, half in Spanish. Spanish subtitles for English parts only.
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But as ever-larger, more concentrated corporations captured more of their regulators, we’ve essentially forgotten that there are domains of law other than copyright — that is, other than the kind of law that corporations use to enrich themselves.
Copyright has some uses in creative labor markets, but it’s no substitute for labor law. Likewise, copyright might be useful at the margins when it comes to protecting your biometric privacy, but it’s no substitute for privacy law.
When the AI companies say, “There’s no way to use copyright to fix AI’s facial recognition or labor abuses without causing a lot of collateral damage,” they’re not lying — but they’re also not being entirely truthful.
If they were being truthful, they’d say, “There’s no way to use copyright to fix AI’s facial recognition problems, that’s something we need a privacy law to fix.”
If they were being truthful, they’d say, “There’s no way to use copyright to fix AI’s labor abuse problems, that’s something we need labor laws to fix.
-How To Think About Scraping: In privacy and labor fights, copyright is a clumsy tool at best
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Image: syvwlch (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Print_Scraper_(5856642549).jpg
CC BY 2.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/deed.en
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The United States believed that the Colombian military was behind a wave of assassinations of leftist activists and yet spent the next two decades deepening its relationship with the Colombian armed forces, newly released documents show.
The Central Intelligence Agency had evidence that the Colombian military had provided a target list to paramilitaries who killed 20 banana plantation workers in a high-profile massacre, the documents show, but went on to send billions of dollars in aid to the Colombian government.
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indizombie · 9 months
In 2016, when the peace agreement between the Colombian government and FARC was signed, the Colombian government promoted crop substitution programs for coca farmers to encourage them to grow different crops. Ironically, this stimulated production, “with the expectation that people could get some help from the state,” says Professor Duran-Martinez. But many of the crop substitution programs failed, so the farmers who had taken them up went back to growing coca again. The result of all this is that the amount of land used to grow coca in Colombia has more than tripled over the past decade, and so has the amount of cocaine Colombia supplies the world.
‘Right under our nose’, ABC
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FARC guerillas in Columbia
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adribosch-fan · 2 years
Venezuela fragmentada: el terrorismo del ELN y de las disidencias FARC actúa en territorio venezolano
Venezuela fragmentada: el terrorismo del ELN y de las disidencias FARC actúa en territorio venezolano
La lista de evidencias que confirman la presencia de la guerrilla colombiana en territorio venezolano es larga, analiza en su columna Ramón Cardozo. Y Maduro tolera la actividad de organizaciones terroristas en el país. Por cuarta vez en los últimos doce meses, un alto mando de la guerrilla colombiana disidente cayó abatido en territorio venezolano. El pasado martes, Miguel Botache Santanilla,…
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elierlick · 10 days
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In 1988, ACT UP protested the FDA withholding HIV treatment due to requiring unethical double-blind studies of medication they already knew worked.
In 2024, trans activists protested promoters of an NHS-funded report requiring unethical double-blind studies of medication they already knew worked.
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blogoslibertarios · 4 months
Na Colômbia, prefeito é assassinado a tiros em região onde atuam dissidentes das Farc
  O prefeito de Guachené, no sudoeste da Colômbia, Elmer Abonía Rodríguez, foi morto a tiros na sexta-feira (22) ao participar de um evento na área rural do município. O Ministério Público local investiga o crime. Horas antes, cinco indígenas foram mortos no município vizinho de Santander de Quilichao. A região é caracterizada por extensas áreas de cultivo de drogas e pela presença dos…
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El 20 de Noviembre del 2014, dos años después de iniciados los diálogos de paz entre las FARC y el gobierno Santos, en el corazón de la Universidad Nacional, se celebraron los 50 años de la guerrilla más grande de Colombia y más antigua de América Latina. Al lado de la imagen del Che, caen 4 banderas con la frase "50 años siendo Ejército del Pueblo", bajo las banderas y la imagen hay una frase que dice “Con memoria hay historia. Con olvido hay interferencia por la indiferencia. Morimos cuando olvidamos”. Hay rostros en las banderas, correspondientes de izquierda a derecha: Camilo Torres, Manuel Marulanda, Raúl Reyes, el Mono Jojoy, Jacobo Arenas (en duda), Alfonso Cano.
Tras fuertes disturbios y una tarde llena de desconcierto y sorpresa para la comunidad universitaria, fueron decomisados artefactos explosivos, que no permitieron que la situación escalara más allá de problemas con la movilidad a la altura de la calle 26 y los frecuentes enfrentamientos con la fuerza pública en el campus universitario.
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playitagin · 10 months
2008-Ingrid Betancourt freed
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Íngrid Betancourt, a member of the Chamber of Representatives of Colombia, is released from captivity after being held for six and a half years by FARC.
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Web-scraping is good, actually.
For nearly all of history, academic linguistics focused on written, formal text, because informal, spoken language was too expensive and difficult to capture. In order to find out how people spoke — which is not how people write! — a researcher had to record speakers, then pay a grad student to transcribe the speech.
The process was so cumbersome that the whole discipline grew lopsided. We developed an extensive body of knowledge about written, formal prose (something very few of us produce), while informal, casual language (something we all produce) was mostly a black box.
The internet changed all that, creating the first-ever corpus of informal language — the immense troves of public casual speech that we all off-gas as we move around on the internet, chattering with our friends.
The burgeoning discipline of computational linguistics is intimately entwined with the growth of the internet, and its favorite tactic is scraping: vacuuming up massive corpuses of informal communications created by people who are incredibly hard to contact (often, they are anonymous or pseudonymous, and even when they’re named and know, are too numerous to contact individually).
The academic researchers who are creating a new way of talking and thinking about human communication couldn’t do their jobs without scraping.
-How To Think About Scraping: In privacy and labor fights, copyright is a clumsy tool at best
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Petro has vowed to, among other things, universalize free public education; provide universal free public childcare; create a jobs guarantee that recognizes environmental and reproductive labor; shore up universal public pension financing and improve benefits; protect water and water protectors; bring high-speed internet connectivity and digital literacy programming to rural areas and poor neighborhoods; tax speculative and latifundista landholding; employ state purchasing power, price-setting, and import tariffs to stimulate food sovereignty and value-added industry; improve credit access through public banking; and incorporate co-ops of garbage and waste pickers into a technified waste management system. Márquez, who has been ridiculed by triggered media personalities and a racist C-list pop star for her use of gender-inclusive Spanish, is slated to head a “transversal” Ministry of Equality, tasked with ending discriminatory violence and applying differential attention to age, capacity, gender, sexuality, and ethnicity across this entire suite of reforms.
Concerted efforts have been made to reassure national business associations and foreign creditors that the future being imagined here is closer to old-fashioned capitalist takeoff than a leap into the void of Twenty-First Century Socialism. Which may very well be the case. Regardless, the Colombian right is not necessarily wrong to understand Petro’s commitment to fully implementing the 2016 peace agreement with the Marxist-Leninist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) as a straightforward declaration of class war; if agrarian reform were acceptable to the landed interest, the FARC wouldn’t have taken up arms in the first place. There is similarly no way to frame the core component of the Petro-Márquez project—a moratorium on fossil fuel exploration and transition away from dependence on their extraction—that doesn’t imply a total overhaul of Colombia’s political economy.
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frauenfiguren · 10 months
Tanja – Tagebuch einer Guerillera
Tanja Nijmeijer – früher bekannt als Eillen – kam aus einer niederländischen Kleinstadt und ging zur FARC. Eine faszinierende Dokumentation. Brauchen wir mehr Radikalität?
DE 2023, Regie: Marcel Mettelsiefen, mit Tanja Nijmeijer, Janneke Stuulen, Jineth Bedoya, Jorge Enrique Botero u.a. Wie kommt eine junge Frau aus dem niederländischen Bürgertum, Lehrerin von Beruf, in die Ränge der FARC – der kolumbianischen Guerilla – im kolumbianischen Dschungel? Und nein, sie wurde nicht entführt. Tanja Nijmeijer selbst schildert ihren Weg mit einer Selbstverständlichkeit,…
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bluefalcon1983 · 1 year
What's Sera reading? Cari Mora by Thomas Harris
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sintagma11 · 1 year
Historias más importantes de hoy
En camioneta reapareció de 'Iván Mordisco'🐷
Exdirector de la CIA admitió uso de chemtrails✈️
Archipiélago de Svalbard, “talón de aquiles” de la OTAN🗺️
Sudán suma dos días en golpe de Estado🇸🇩
Primer Bugatti llega a Colombia: Detalles🚘
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tenth-sentence · 1 year
By this time, the war in Colombia has been going on for more than fifty years and has claimed some 220,000 lives.
"Humankind: A Hopeful History" - Rutger Bregman
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