#Félix Blanchet
stargazer-sims · 13 days
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I happened to catch these two thinking about each other 🖤🩷
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memoire2cite · 6 months
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Le daguerréotype de Félix Richard après restauration, montrant Lyon probablement en 1840. Photo Luc Paris
https://www.leprogres.fr/insolite/2023/10/27/un-document-exceptionnel-la-premiere-photo-de-lyon-est-mise-aux-encheres-a-paris?utm_medium=social&utm_source=Facebook&fbclid=IwAR3oYP10QIANkaZtQX8oz933S_XhKWd_75xqKS-nJlKnBFqI2EZBk2HsggQ#Echobox=1698417073 la première photo de Lyon est mise aux enchères à Paris Ancêtre de la photo, ce daguerréotype, qui montre le pont du Change, aurait été pris probablement en 1840 par un opticien lyonnais et sera proposé par la maison de vente Oger & Blanchet le 8 novembre 2023 à Paris, pour un prix estimé entre 8 000 et 12 000 euros.
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grandvhs · 2 years
• male french names list
Oliver Saint-Exupéry
Nicollas Languedoc-Roussillon
Adam Bausset-Roquefort
Marc-Antoine Nicollier
Noël Bourguignon
Michaël Auclair
Natanaël Beaux
Cédric Didier
Cédric Beaux
Jacques Beaulne
Samuel Blanc
Pierre-Antoine Hachette
Michaël Suchet
Matthieu Plessis
Christophe Trudeau
Jean-Pierre Beauvau
Léo Clérico
Natanaël Beauvilliers
Michel Fétique
Dominique Popelin
Mathieu Loup
Jean-Charles Trémaux
Matthieu Pelletier
Isaac Asselineau
Damion Suchet
Michael Blanc
Yvon Dimont
Gérald Blanchet
Louis Nicollier
Lucas Pasquier
Luc Calvet
Gabriel Schaeffer
Vincent Geffroy
Cédric Bossuet
Samuel Lemoine
Cédric Boulle
Alex Bittencourt
Mickaël Compere
Lucas Gaume
Nathan Auger
Dimitri Joubert
Félix Cartier
Lucas Bernier
Olivier Bureau
Phil Barnier
Matthias Cellier
Auguste Lavigne
Cédric Rémy
Lucas Deschanel
Cédric Boutroux
Laurent Gaudin
Matthieu Blanc
Christian Delafosse
Matthias Delsarte
Michel Édouard
Éric Michaux
Xavier Couvreur
Christopher Geffroy
Dominique Riqueti
Victor Verninac
Lucas Bourguignon
Luc Mallet
Michael Yvon Verninac
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A Masterlist of Underused French Names
So as a French person, I grew a little bit tired of seeing the same old French names over and over again. So under the cut is a list of 260 (185 first names and 105 surnames) underused French names, based on my experience, with the bolded ones being my favorites! And now don’t get me wrong, many of those names are not strictly French, and are in other languages too. But just know they are used in French too, so they can be used for your French character if needed. And there are obviously a lot of other names you can go for!
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Female Names
Ariane / Arianne
Chantal / Chantale
Élaine / Élène / Hélène / probably a lot of other variations
Maia / Maya
Rachel / Rachelle
Roxane / Roxanne
Susanne / Suzanne
Male Names
Geoffrey / Geoffroy
Ivan / Yvan
Jérémie / Jérémy
Mathieu / Matthieu
Nicholas / Nicolas
Philip / Philippe
Rémi / Rémy
Unisex Names
Carol (male) / Carole (female)
Daniel (male) / Danielle (female)
Denis (male) / Denise (female)
Dominic (male) / Dominique (female)
Eugène (male) / Eugénie (female)
Fabien (male) / Fabienne (female)
Frédéric (male) / Frédérique (female)
Jasmin (male) / Jasmine (female)
Jean (male) / Jeane (female)
Joël (male) / Joëlle (female)
Jordan (male) / Jordane (female)
Justin (male) / Justine (female)
Louis (male) / Louise (female)
Lucien (male) / Lucienne (female)
Marcel (male) / Marcelle (female)
Michel (male) / Michelle (female)
Noël (male) / Noëlle (female)
Pascal (male) / Pascale (female)
Samuel (male) / Samuelle (female)
Valentin (male) / Valentine (female)
Perrault / Perreault
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reseau-actu · 6 years
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Réforme de la Constitution, acte 1. Ce mardi 26 juin s'engage à l'Assemblée nationale la première bataille sur le projet de révision constitutionnelle du gouvernement. Majorité et oppositions vont faire assaut de propositions en commission, les uns pour enrichir, les autres pour déconstruire certaines mesures voulues par Emmanuel Macron.
Réforme du Conseil supérieur de la magistrature, différenciations territoriales accrues, avec mention de la Corse, suppression de la Cour de justice de la République sont au (très large) menu du projet de loi "pour une démocratie plus représentative, responsable et efficace". Plus contestée, l'accélération de la procédure parlementaire d'adoption des textes est également à l'ordre du jour. La majorité invoque "l'efficacité", les oppositions de droite et de gauche dénoncent un "affaiblissement du Parlement", avec notamment un droit d'amendement restreint.
Si elle planchera jusqu'à jeudi sur 18 articles, la commission des Lois de l'Assemblée ne fera que des choix indicatifs sur environ 1300 amendements de tous bords. Du passage à l'octennat à la création d'un poste de vice-Premier ministre en passant par la féminisation de la Constitution, la réforme vire quelque peu au "pot-pourri", permettant notamment à certaines formations politiques de tenter de faire passer certaines de leurs promesses de campagne. Beaucoup n'ont d'ailleurs que très peu de chance d'être définitivement adoptée.
Les amendements institutionnels
• Rétablir le septennat (ou créer un octennat)
Pour "régénérer l'exercice du pouvoir exécutif", les députés Les Constructifs proposent de revenir à un mandat de sept ans. "Non renouvelable", il permettrait selon eux au président de la République de faire des "réformes ambitieuses", sans penser à une éventuelle réélection. Julien Aubert et Éric Straumann, deux députés Les Républicains veulent même aller plus loin, en proposant un mandat de huit ans.
• Limiter le nombre de ministres
"Alors que le nombre maximal de députés et de sénateurs est désormais fixé par la Constitution, il n'en est pas de même pour le nombre de membres du gouvernement", constate la députée LREM Claire O'Petit. C'est pourquoi elle propose de limiter à 35 le nombre de ministres dans un gouvernement, pour "rationaliser les coûts" et apporter "une meilleure lecture de la politique gouvernementale."
• Organiser les élections législatives et présidentielle le même jour
Les élus Insoumis proposent d'organiser les élections législatives le même jour que la présidentielle pour mettre fin à la "prédominance marquée et préjudiciable" du pouvoir exécutif sur le législatif. Ainsi, l'élection des députés ne serait pas influencée par la couleur du président de la République tout juste élu.
• Supprimer la grâce présidentielle
Le doit de grâce du président de la République avait déjà été modifié en 2008. Plusieurs élus Les Républicains proposent, à l'occasion de cette nouvelle révision constitutionnelle de purement et simplement supprimer cette prérogative présidentielle. D'autres, comme les députés Les Constructifs, souhaitent qu'il soit utilisable "pour les seuls crimes", quand les communistes veulent que le Conseil supérieur de la magistrature émette un avis avant la demande de grâce en question.
• Supprimer le mot "race"
Plusieurs amendements déposés par les députés visent à supprimer le mot "race" du premier alinéa de l'article 1er de la Constitution. C'est la phrase "[La République] assure l'égalité devant la loi de tous les citoyens sans distinction d'origine, de race ou de religion" qui pose problème. Certains proposent de s'arrêter au mot "citoyens" quand d'autres souhaitent remplacer "de race" par "de sexe." Il s'agit d'une ancienne promesse de campagne de François Hollande, qui n'avait pu aboutir faute de majorité au Congrès.
• Adosser une "Charte du numérique" à la Constitution
Des parlementaires de tous bords proposent d'adosser à la Constitution une "Charte du numérique", à l'instar de la Charte de l'environnement adoptée en 2004-2005. Les sept articles proposés stipulent notamment que "la loi garantit à toute personne un droit d'accès aux réseaux numériques libre, égal et sans discrimination", et que les réseaux numériques "respectent le principe de neutralité qui implique un trafic libre et l'égalité de traitement".
Les amendements "citoyens"
• Rendre le vote obligatoire
Plusieurs députés de gauche, de la France insoumise au Parti socialiste, veulent instaurer le vote obligatoire. Les élus LFI estiment qu'il est nécessaire de "renforcer" et "d'élargir" la citoyenneté, "ce par l'intermédiaire de mesures fortes et d'avenir telle la reconnaissance du vote obligatoire à 16 ans, ainsi que la reconnaissance du vote blanc."
• Créer la possibilité pour les citoyens de révoquer le Président
Promesse de campagne de Jean-Luc Mélenchon, la possibilité de révoquer le président de la République serait inscrite dans la Constitution. La révocation du chef de l'État pourrait ainsi être demandée par un référendum "organisé sur l'initiative d'un dixième des électeurs inscrits sur les listes électorales."
• Permettre aux citoyens de soumettre au référendum une proposition de loi
Comme la possibilité de révoquer le président de la République, permettre aux citoyens de faire adopter une loi, via référendum, était une promesse de campagne de Jean-Luc Mélenchon, désormais transformée en amendement au projet de révision constitutionnelle. Pour organiser un référendum il faudrait qu'un dixième des électeurs inscrits sur les listes se prononcent en faveur du texte en question.
• Donner le droit de vote aux étrangers
Les Insoumis, visiblement inspirés par ce projet de révision de la Constitution, veulent également accorder le droit de vote aux étrangers pour les élections municipales et départementales, "sous condition de résidence régulière."
Les amendements "territoriaux"
• Revoir le statut de La Réunion
Les Outre-mer disposent d'une diversité de statuts. Certains comme la Martinique, la Guadeloupe ou la Guyane sont régis par l'article 73 de la Constitution, qui les soumet aux mêmes règles juridiques que la métropole, avec des possibilités d'adaptations sur de nombreux champs, hormis le domaine régalien. L'amendement, déposé par les députés de la Délégation aux Outre-mer de l'Assemblée nationale, de tous bords politiques, vise à inscrire la Réunion sous ce statut là, elle qui en est exclue depuis 2003 et l'amendement Virapoullé.
• Reconnaître les langues régionales
Une série d'amendements vise à inscrire les langues régionales dans la Constitution. Majoritairement déposées par les députés de Corse (et les "marcheurs" Paul Molac et François Michel-Lambert) ces propositions vont de l'inscription du respect "de la diversité culturelle et linguistique du pays" dans l'article 1 à la reconnaissance des langues régionales dans l'article 2.
• Faire de la Corse un territoire d'outre-mer
Également déposé par l'élu corse Jean-Félix Acquaviva, un amendement propose de faire de l'île de Beauté un "territoire d'outre-mer', "pouvant prétendre à l'autonomie dans un cadre démocratique et consenti."
• Créer le statut de "Pays d'outre-mer"
Le député LREM de Guyane Lenaïck Adam propose de créer un statut de "Pays d'outre-mer." Dans un amendement déposé auprès de son groupe, il estime que cela permettra "une autonomie sur mesure pour chacun des territoires, où chaque population pourra choisir le modèle le plus adapté à ses spécificités".
Les amendements "féministes"
• Intégrer l'écriture inclusive dans la Constitution
La lutte pour légalité entre les hommes et les femmes trouve également sa place dans le projet de révision de la Constitution. Pour en terminer avec "l'invisibilisation des femmes dans le droit", la députée Isabelle Rauch et plusieurs de ses collègues de la majorité proposent de "féminiser les terminologies dans la Constitution." Si l'amendement est adopté, le texte écrira désormais "le président, ou la présidente", "le candidat ou la candidate" etc.
• Remplacer droits de l'Homme par "droits humains"
Dans le même esprit, une dizaine de députés LREM propose de remplacer le terme "droits de l'Homme" par "droits humains."
• Faire que la Constitution "garantisse" et non plus "favorise" l'égalité hommes-femmes
L'importance de la nuance. L'amendement déposé par les députés LREM Alain Tourret, Christophe Blanchet et Sonia Krimi vise à remplacer un mot dans le second alinéa de l'article 1er de la Constitution. S'il est adopté, le mot "favorise" sera ainsi remplacé par "garantit" dans la phrase suivante: "La loi favorise l'égal accès des femmes et des hommes aux mandats électoraux et fonctions électives, ainsi qu'aux responsabilités professionnelles et sociales."
• Inscrire dans le préambule un accès gratuit à la contraception et à l'IVG
Les députés Insoumis, appuyés par une petite dizaine d'élus de la majorité souhaitent ajouter "le droit à l'avortement des femmes ainsi que le droit à la contraception de toute personne" dans le préambule de la Constitution.
Les amendements "environnementaux"
• Créer le poste de "vice-Premier ministre chargé du Développement durable"
C'était une proposition de Nicolas Hulot lui-même. Dans son Pacte pour l'écologie, le défenseur de l'environnement prônait la création du poste de "vice-Premier ministre chargé du Développement durable." Plus de dix ans plus tard, le député LREM François-Michel Lambert et dix-huit de ses collègues proposent la création de cette fonction. Le vice-Premier ministre serait alors responsable "de l'insertion de l'impératif écologique dans l'ensemble des politiques de l'État", et devrait rendre compte de sa politique tous les ans devant l'Assemblée nationale.
• Inscrire la défense de l'environnement dès l'article 1 de la Constitution
C'est un symbole fort qui permettrait de mieux protéger la planète: Nicolas Hulot a annoncé que la défense de l'environnement serait inscrite dans l'article 1 de la Constitution, et non dans l'article 34 comme envisagé initialement, rejoignant la volonté de plusieurs parlementaires de la majorité. Reste à trouver la bonne formulation.
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societeaffaires · 6 years
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Des vidéos en direct pour la Sépaq, Aubainerie se prépare à la rentrée scolaire et la Banque Nationale souligne la Coupe Rogers à sa façon: voici les réalisations publicitaires ayant retenu l'attention d'Infopresse aujourd'hui.
Des vidéos promotionnelles en direct pour la Sépaq
Pour faire découvrir aux usagers les différentes activités de la Sépaq tout en générant de l'engagement sur la page Facebook de l'institution, Lg2 a concoctée des vidéos en direct de type «hackvertising» qui agissent comme autant d'outils promotionnels.
Chaque vidéo en direct correspond à une «promotion éclair», qui permet de profiter d'un rabais actif uniquement pour la durée de la dite vidéo. Fait a noter: les vidéos se terminent lorsque l'objectif d'un événement spécifique est atteint, comme par exemple lorsqu'un poisson mord à l'hameçon d'une pêcheuse.
Au total, 9 vidéos de durées inégales seront présentées jusqu'au 5 septembre prochain.
Annonceur: Sépaq – Marie-Josée Blanchet, Isabelle Raymond, Karina Durand Vice-présidence création: François Sauvé Direction de création: Alexandre Jourdain Création: Philippe Leduc, Luc Dupéré, Patrick Rochon Planification stratégique: Stéfanie Forcier Service-conseil: Marie-Christine Cayer, Julie Bergeron, Marie-Christine Gagnon, Claudia Trudeau, Alexandra Laverdière Production d'agence: Alexandre Côté, Lina Piché Médias sociaux: Joannie Fredette, Paul Transon, Christophe Dubé Vidéaste / Montage: Vincent Girard Studio de son / Ingénierie: BLVD Médias: Touché! - Paul Rousseau, Benjamin Ferreira, Félix Poulin
Aubainerie fait appel à la nostalgie
Cette nouvelle campagne d'Aubanerie, signée Tux, s'inscrit dans la foulée de la plateforme de marque En mode créatif, lancée par la marque en 2017, et qui faisait prendre au détaillant un virage de type style de vie dans la réalisation de ses vidéos et photos.
Dans cette plus récente exécution, quatre enfants se retrouvent à la fin de leur journée d’école, tout juste avant de rentrer à la maison. Au volant de leurs vélos et trottinettes, les gamins explorent les rues et découvrent un quartier typique de banlieue de la Belle Province - un décor choisi afin de souligner les racines du détaillant québécois de vêtements.
L'offensive se décline en un message télé de 30 secondes, en deux vidéos de 15 et 30 secondes conçus pour le web, en affichage, en imprimé et en numérique.
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Annonceur: Aubainerie (Annie Daigneault, Amélie Tremblay) Agence: Tux Creative Co. Direction de création: Marie-Soleil Denault Direction artistique: Maude Bussières Design graphique: Maude Turgeon Infographie: Mateusz Markiewicz Production: Janie Delorme Production photo: Joëlle Binet Coordonnation de production: Pascale Marquis Vice-présidence service-conseil: Caroline Pilon Direction de compte: Sandra Dagenais Réalisation: Sébastien Duguay (4zero1) Direction de la photographie: Sébastien Duguay (4zero1) Direction artistique aux décors: Charlotte Ratel Photographie: Maxyme G. Delisle (Consulat) Stylisme et mise en beauté: Izabel Soucy & Andrew Ly (TEAMM) Photographie de produits: Nathan Lang Stylisme produits: Samuel Fournier (TEAMM) Accessoiriste: Jérémy Noël Montage: Olivier Guillemette Colorisation: Charles-Étienne Pascal (SHED) Musique originale: Cult Nation
Un kiosque Banque Nationale à la Coupe Rogers
Partenaire du tournoi, Banque Nationale a profité de la Coupe Rogers pour proposer aux amateurs sur place une expérience interactive conçue par Vibrant Marketing.
Sur le thème Le match parfait, le kiosque expérientiel proposait une terasse avec une vue unique sur le site de la Coupe Rogers, en plus de plusieurs jeux interactifs où les habiletés motrices des participants étaient mises à l'honneur. Le tout, afin de courir la chance de gagner des prix, et de démonter l'accessibilité de Banque Nationale ainsi que son implicaiton dans le tennis canadien.
Il s'agissait de la 7e année consécutive où Banque Nationale et Vibrant Marketing s'associaient afin de créer un kiosque expérientiel lors de la Coupe Rogers.
Annonceur: Banque Nationale du Canada – Marie-Ève Lemay, Ludivine Pépin, Johanna Mclellan Agence: Vibrant Marketing Directrice, stratégie de marque: Marie-Hélène Leblanc Directrice associée, service aux clients: Véronique Bourgeault Gestionnaire sénior, expérience de marque: Audrey Lajeunesse Manager, expérience de marque digitale: Karim Lasfra Conception: Linda Dawe, Nicolas Doyon Direction artistique: Stéphane Gaulin, Renée-Claude Lapierre Design graphique: Alexandra Gendron-Chantal  Gestionnaire, événement terrain: Gabrielle Reda, Anne Ouellet
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stargazer-sims · 10 days
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Félix tends to get absorbed in his work, but he's gotten much better at dividing his focus since Belle was born. He's been bringing her to Selvadorada since she was a baby, and as important as his work is, Belle is infinitely more important to him. No matter how intensely he's concentrating on the task at hand, he's always aware of where Belle is and what she's doing.
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As much as Belle loves learning and discovering new things, she is still a kid and she needs her play breaks. Fortunately, she’s really good at entertaining herself and she’s content to play on her own while Félix works.
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Félix: Are you all done playing?
Belle: Yes.
Félix: Would you like to help me with this?
Belle: Yes, please!
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Belle already has excavation experience. She knows she has to be careful so she doesn't accidentally damage any artifacts she might find.
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Even though Belle knows what she's doing, Félix still supervises her.
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Belle doesn't feel like she's being supervised, though. She likes to think of herself and Félix as colleagues when they're out in the field.
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Belle found something!
Félix: If this turns out to be a significant find, I'll include your name in the report.
Belle: Are you allowed to do that?
Félix: Yes, and it's only fair to give credit where it's due, don't you think?
Belle: But, will the university people be mad if they find out I'm only ten?
Félix: Of course not. The people who gave us the research funding know about you. I've had standing permission to bring you to the site for a long time now, and you've proved we can trust you to be responsible, so it's far less of an issue for them than it used to be. You wouldn't be here if that wasn't the case.
Belle: So... as far as they're concerned, I'm pretty much an archaeologist already?
Félix: Not exactly, but that doesn't mean your discoveries aren't worthy of acknowledgement. You may not have actual credentials yet, but you're doing such a good job, and I think we should make sure you get recognized for that.
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stargazer-sims · 12 days
Professor Belle
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Belle: Félix, can I go with you to the excavation site tomorrow?
Félix: Of course, but I'll need you to stay with me the whole time. I have a new group of students, and they'll need to focus. I don't want them thinking they have to babysit you.
Belle: No one has to babysit me. I'm a member of the research team. Right?
Félix: Yes, but the students might be skeptical of that. Not every person your age is as responsible and intelligent as you, and unfortunately, some people have a tendency to prejudge.
Belle: Well, that’s just dumb.
Davian: *laughing* It's good to know the youngest member of the research team can still act like a ten year old.
Belle: I'm responsible and intelligent, but nobody said I was a grownup.
Davian: Fair point.
Félix: But you are mature, and we can trust you. That's why you're allowed to come to the excavation site.
Belle: Yeah. Can you imagine my friends at the site? Junior would probably break stuff, and you'd always have to be getting Caroline down from a tree or something. I know I should only climb trees around the field station.
Davian: We'd be happier if you didn't climb trees anywhere, but you know the risks, so...
Belle: Evaluate my choices, right?
Davian: Right.
Belle: I'll be too busy to climb trees tomorrow anyway. I have discoveries to make and students to teach.
Félix: Oh? Are you taking over for me, Professor Belle?
Davian: She probably can teach them something, you know. She's already got more archaeological experience than they do.
Félix: I'll tell you what, Belle. Why don't I let you have a few minutes to instruct the students tomorrow? You can be my assistant. We'll practice this evening so you'll know what you want to say when the time comes.
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Belle: Yay! I'm going to be the best assistant you've ever had, I promise!
Félix: I have no doubt.
Belle: So, if I'm going to the site tomorrow and I'm going to be busy all day, does that mean I can skip my math lesson?
Davian: No. It means you'll have to do extra lessons the day after. Just because you're in the rainforest and you're learning cool stuff that isn't in your school books, that doesn't mean you get to ignore them. Remember, there's still going to be a test.
Belle: So, I guess the right choice would be to get ready for the test. I just wish I liked math more.
Félix: It's okay if you don't like it. Nobody can force you to like things. I'm not friends with math either, and when I was your age I was much happier following my father all around Al-Simhara and making discoveries with him. But I had to study math as well, because I needed it to graduate high school and get into university.
Belle: I'm going to university some day. I guess that means I have to be nice to math, even if we're not friends.
Félix: Be nice to math and it'll be nice to you.
Belle: *giggling* By helping me get into university?
Félix: Exactly so.
Belle: I can live with that.
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Davian: Now that we've got that settled, how about we do a little exploring before dinner? I'll bet we can find some awesome butterflies if we take that trail over there. Check out all the flowers. I hear tropical butterflies love those.
Belle: Yes! Félix, can Davian and I borrow your camera? I want to take pictures if we see any butterflies. Then I can identify them and write a paragraph for my science journal.
Félix: That sounds like a good idea. While you and Davian are out butterfly hunting, I'm going to catch up with Dr. Santiago. I'll see the two of you at dinner at the field station.
Davian: Sounds good.
Belle: If we find any butterflies, we'll tell you all about it!
Félix: I can hardly wait. Good luck.
Belle: I think it's more about scientific methodology than luck.
Félix: *smiling* In that case... good scientific methodology, Professor Belle. I await your report on your findings.
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stargazer-sims · 8 days
Roughing It
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Back at their campsite, Félix cooked some soup for their late dinner.
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Belle helped by getting some drinks from the cooler.
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Félix is definitely not the world’s best cook, but he thought he'd made a passable meal. Belle was skeptical, as she's used to enjoying the products of Davian's amazing cooking skills.
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After dinner, Belle decided she was going to sleep.
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Félix wasn't quite ready for sleep, so he went to check out something he'd noticed earlier. The half-buried objects looked promising, so he set up a small enclosure around them and took some pictures for reference. He could come back to this spot later without any difficulty, now that it was clearly marked.
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By the time he was finished, he was well and truly tired. After a refreshing drink of water, he decided to call it a night.
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Félix loves sleeping in tents out the the middle of nowhere. Some people who aren't well acquainted with him may not think he's the type who'd enjoy roughing it, and it's true that he does like nice hotels with room service and a spa, but he grew up adventuring and isn't afraid to get dirty or to sleep on the ground. Some of the most restful nights of sleep he's ever had have been in tents.
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stargazer-sims · 9 days
Close Encounter
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Félix: Wait right here for a few minutes, all right? It'll be dark soon and we'll need to go back to our campsite, but I want to scout ahead a bit.
Belle: Why can't I come with you?
Félix: Because it's quite overgrown in some places, and there might be snakes. I've seen a few today already and I'd rather not have you accidentally encounter one in the dark.
Belle: I'd rather not run into any snakes, either.
Félix: I'll be right back. I'm not going far. I want to see how bad the overgrowth is and how much time we might have to spend clearing it tomorrow. I'll be within shouting distance, so shout if you need me.
Belle: Okay.
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Belle was fine waiting for the first several minutes, but then it really did start to get dark. She was shocked at how quickly the sun seemed to set, but that wasn't really what worried her since she's not afraid of the dark. It was the strange, low humming sound she began to hear that made her nervous...
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Belle: Oh no. I think it's...
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Belle: Ahh! BEES!!!
She started to run, but then she remembered something Félix had told her. It's better to stand still, so as not to startle the bees, because they're more likely to attack if they're frightened.
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Félix: That sounds like Belle! Did she say bees?!
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It was difficult to stand still with the bees all around her, but somehow Belle managed it. Fortunately, the bees didn't stick around for very long.
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Félix ran as fast as he dared in the gathering dark.
Félix: Belle! Are you all right?
Belle: Yeah. The bees are gone now.
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Félix: Did any of them sting you?
Belle: No, 'cause I remembered what you said. I tried not to move so I wouldn't scare them. I guess they were just curious. Maybe they're explorers, like us.
Félix: On one last mission for nectar for the day, no doubt. Are you sure none of them got you?
Belle: I think I'd still be feeling it if they did. It was scary, but I'm okay.
Félix: I'm sorry that happened, but I'm also very proud of you for being so brave and for remembering what to do.
Belle: I panicked a little bit.
Félix: That's normal. I think most people would panic if they were surrounded by bees. As many times as it's happened to me up here, I know I still do. But, being brave doesn't mean you're never afraid. It means you do what you need to, even if you panic a little bit. Or even if you panic a lot.
Belle: I can think of some people who'd panic a lot.
Félix: *smiling* Me too. There's a reason Davian never comes up this far with us, you know.
Belle: Because he's scared of bees?
Félix: And snakes. And poisonous spiders. And catching tropical illnesses, although ironically enough, a tropical illness is what led to us getting married.
Belle: Really? That's a story I haven't heard before.
Félix: Why don't we head back to our campsite now? I'll tell you all about it on the way.
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stargazer-sims · 11 days
Belle The Explorer
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Félix: It certainly doesn't take long for these vines to grow, does it? Clearing this entrance seems to be an annual event.
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Belle: How are we going to clear them?
Félix: You don't need to do anything. I'm going to cut through them with my machete. That's one of the reasons why I brought it.
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Belle: Nobody back home would ever believe it if they saw you right now. Nobody outside the university at least.
Félix: I'm willing to guess there are a few people at the university who might hesitate to believe it too. I've earned somewhat of a reputation on campus which might not include mental images of me wielding a giant knife.
Belle: It's the dresses. Probably they can't put a frilly dress and a machete in the same thought and still have it make sense.
Félix: To be fair, a machete isn't the best accessory for most of my dresses.
Belle: You mean... you have a dress that it would be a good accessory for?
Félix: Yes, but only Davian gets to see me in it.
Belle: *giggling* Ohh... I get it. It's that kind of dress. For... grownup activities.
Félix: Hmm. Exactly.
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Belle: You're really good at this. How'd you learn to use a machete?
Félix: Uncle Jean-Pierre taught me. I wasn't much older than you, the first time I handled one. He and Aunt Élodie brought me and Sophie along with them on one of their medical exchange missions and we spent six months on Sulani. We needed to clear parts of the paths to some of the places we had to go.
Belle: Grandpa Maurice didn't teach you?
Félix: I'm not sure Maurice knows how to use one, actually. There's not much need for a machete in the Al-Simhara desert, nor in Britechester either, I expect.
Belle: Can you teach me to use it?
Félix: Yes, I will. When we get back home, we'll make a wooden one so I can teach you how to handle it and you can practice safely in the back yard. Then, when we come back here next winter, you can use the real one. How about that?
Belle: Cool! I'm gonna practice with the toy one every day.
Félix: Then, I'm sure you'll be a machete expert by next year.
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Belle: You did it!
Félix: Shall we go through?
Belle: Yes! We have important discoveries to make.
Félix: Indeed.
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stargazer-sims · 11 days
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Puerto Llamante
Belle and Félix went to the village to pick up some supplies. They visited the Puerta Llamante market where they bought some spider repellent and field rations, and Belle got a special Selvadoradan doll. After shopping, they stopped at a food vendor stall and tried some of the local cuisine.
Some of the villagers are well acquainted with Félix and Belle. Félix has been coming to this exact location in Selvadorada since he was a graduate student. Belle was less than a year old the first time her parents brought her here, and Félix carried her up to the temple ruins in a baby carrier on his back. Their acquaintances in the village have watched Belle grow up, and they're always happy to see the progress she's making.
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stargazer-sims · 16 days
Félix’s Photoshoot
There’s extra, and then there’s the Félix Blanchet level of extra…
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Ask Félix if he's excited about his photoshoot. Davian has promised him the afternoon of fun, fashion and feeling special that he deserves.
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He feels magical ✨
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Of course there was the obligatory wedding look:
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Félix wants to have a proper wedding gown photoshoot in the all-white version of this dress (and with Davian in a tuxedo).
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As much as Félix adores fancy gowns, he can’t deny the appeal of cute, comfortable loungewear sets. Besides, he still has a flat belly and great legs. It’d be a shame to hide them, right?
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A wild Félix appeared!
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Such a sweet, shy boy 🩷
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Well, okay… maybe not
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Davian was in the bushes pretending to spy on him, and Félix made sure Davian got what he came for.
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If Davian enjoyed the light purple set, how much more do you think he likes this one?
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No, not Davian sneaking around in the plants and trying to get a shot of Felix’s other tattoo. Félix sees him back there.
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There it is!
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One last shot before they get to the part of the photoshoot they can’t post on social media (and that will probably get them banned from the park).
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Thanks for watching!
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stargazer-sims · 2 months
OC Questionnaire
I was tagged by @dandylion240 - thanks!
For some reason, I thought you'd tagged me twice and had to check. It was only once, but you get two characters anyway XD
Here are Dav & Félix
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Davian St-Jean
NAME: Davian Léonel St-Jean
NICKNAME: Dav (rhymes with "have"). He gets irrationally annoyed when people call him "Dave"
GENDER: cis male
STAR SIGN: Cancer (7 July)
HEIGHT: 180cm
NATIONALITY/ETHNICITY: first-generation Canadian. His parents are Haitian
COFFEE, TEA, or HOT CHOCOLATE: coffee and hot chocolate. He drinks tea, but he doesn't generally reach for it first.
AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: between 6-7 hours daily
DOGS or CATS: He's not really a pet person and if he were to have a pet, he would prefer something clean and quiet, like fish. If you asked him the question "dog or cat?" he'd say "no".
DREAM TRIP: Tartosa. He and Félix have been there before, but it's his favourite place and he always looks forward to opportunities to go back. Of course, any place he gets to go with Félix is his dream trip. They both travel a lot for their respective jobs, and they don't always get to go together, so travelling as a family makes him happy.
NUMBER OF BLANKETS: Usually just one, but sometimes two in winter or if he's travelling and has to sleep alone.
RANDOM FACT: He used to deliver pizza for a living, and he first met Félix when he delivered a pizza to his flat.
Félix Blanchet
NAME: Félix Jean-Alexandre Blanchet
GENDER: cis male
STAR SIGN: Cancer (24 June)
HEIGHT: 173cm
ORIENTATION: pansexual
FAVOURITE FRUIT: raspberries
COFFEE, TEA, or HOT CHOCOLATE: He enjoys all three, although he has a slightly stronger preference for coffee.
AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: between 7-8 hours daily
DOGS or CATS: He's not an animal person, but if he had to pick, he'd choose dogs.
DREAM TRIP: Ironically, it's Selvadorada. Despite the fact that he goes there frequently for his work (he's an archaeologist), he loves it there and always looks forward to going, especially if his family gets to come along as well.
NUMBER OF BLANKETS: One in warm weather and two in colder weather.
RANDOM FACT: His first language is French. He's also fluent in English and Spanish, and he speaks passable Italian. He thinks he's inherited the language-learning gene from his mother, Josephine, who speaks four languages fluently and two others passably.
Once again, I have no idea who to tag because I've already done this a lot and I forget who I've already tagged. If you're my mutual and you feel like doing this, go for it and say I tagged you! I will also tag @minty-plumbob @cawthorntales @rebouks @miss-may-i and if you've already done it or don't feel like doing it, please feel free to ignore.
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stargazer-sims · 7 days
At The Field Station...
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The next afternoon, Félix and Belle returned to the field station. Davian was excited to see Félix.
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Davian: I missed you.
Félix: I missed you too.
Davian: Did you uncover any good stuff?
Félix: We did, and Belle found something that might be significant. I’ll have to clean it up to know for certain, but it seems promising.
Davian: That’s awesome. Where is Belle, by the way? I thought she came in with you.
Félix: She was right behind me, but she noticed a butterfly and went back out.
Davian: That kid and her butterfly obsession… She might end up becoming a biologist instead of an archaeologist.
Félix: She can do whatever makes her happiest.
Davian: Exactly. Anyway, I’m gonna run outside and see what she’s up to.
Félix: While you’re doing that, I’m going to unpack her artifact, and then I’m going to hop into the shower.
Davian: If you’re showering, maybe you can wait for me. Nothing says ‘welcome back’ like the things I can do to you in the shower.
Félix: Ooh… Well, my original intention was to get clean, but I could see myself getting a bit dirty as well.
Davian: Hold that thought, ‘cause we’re absolutely coming back to it.
Félix: Can I get a preview?
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Davian: Yeah… you do need a shower.
Félix: *laughing* You know what? I’m not even offended.
Davian: Get clean, then get dirty. That’s the plan.
Félix: I concur.
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Davian: Hey, kid. I missed you. How was the expedition?
Belle: It was fun! Except for Félix's cooking. And the bees. That wasn’t fun.
Davian: What bees?
Belle: I got swarmed by bees, but it wasn’t as bad as it could’ve been. None of them stung me.
Davian: How can you be so calm about it? I’d be freaking out.
Belle: Not freaking out is how to keep yourself from getting stung. I was a little scared, but I tried to stay still like Félix said.
Davian: Man, I’d be running for my life. You definitely take after Félix when it comes to bugs and stuff. So brave.
Belle: It's all part of being an explorer.
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Davian: Want some lemonade?
Belle: Yes, please!
Davian: So, tell me more about the excavation site. Félix says he thinks you found something important.
Belle: He thinks it might be a temple icon, but we have to get all the dirt off it to be sure. It's kind of a mess. But, guess what? If it turns out to be something important, Félix said he's going to put my name in the report because I was the one who actually uncovered it. And maybe in the museum they'll even put a sign on it like, 'Discovered by Belle Blanchet and Félix Blanchet'.
Davian: That'd be cool, having your name on a sign in the museum.
Belle: Yeah! None of my friends have their names on a sign in the museum.
Davian: The only one of your friends I can imagine having their name on a sign some day is Junior. One of those signs you have to hold at the police station when they take your mugshot.
Belle: *giggling* Junior's not that bad, Davian. You know he only does bad stuff so all his parents and step-parents and whoever will pay attention to him. He told me he doesn't like going to the trailer park with Dylan, but ever since his grandma and grandpa arranged for his real dad to get married again, he doesn't feel like he fits in at home either.
Davian: I can relate to that. Having a deadbeat parent isn't much fun, and when your favourite parent gets remarried, that's a struggle too.
Belle: At least Grandma Charmian never had any more kids after she married Papa Langston. Junior says it's weird to have a stepmom, and he really doesn't like having a sibling.
Davian: Auntie Chloë and I wouldn't have liked that either. We were thirteen and fourteen when Mom married Langston though, and I don't think she wanted to raise any more babies anyway.
Belle: That was lucky for you. And I'm lucky that I don't have a sibling and that you and Félix are gonna be together forever and that you always give me lots of attention.
Davian: Having you wasn't easy. You're like one of those rare treasures that you have to work really hard to get, and it becomes so important to you that you pour all your heart and soul into protecting it and admiring it and showing it off. Y'know what I mean?
Belle: That's your way of saying you love me, right?
Davian: Yeah, but I can say it the traditional way too.
Belle: I know, 'cause you say it to me and Félix all the time. Personally, I think you should have a talk with Junior's family and teach them how to say it, 'cause he needs to hear it more.
Davian: Maybe if the opportunity ever comes up, I will.
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Belle: Okay. I'm going to play for a while, and maybe see what Indie and the other students are doing. Indie said she'd do something cute with my hair, and Natsuki promised to teach me how to use chopsticks.
Davian: Okay, but don't bother them if they're busy. Think about how you'd feel if you were in the middle of something and somebody interrupted you.
Belle: I know not to bother them if they're busy. If they're doing something else, I'll just ask when would be a better time for them to play with me.
Davian: Good. And while we're on the subject of playtime...
Belle: You and Félix want to have playtime? Don't worry. I won't interrupt you either. But you should try to be quiet in case you interrupt everybody else.
Davian: *laughing* Anybody ever tell you that you know way too much?
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~ playtime ~
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If you hadn't guessed, they weren't particularly quiet about it. Some of the students were a little shocked, but nobody was really surprised.
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stargazer-sims · 12 days
Les nombreux looks de Félix
Félix enjoys dressing up. He looks good in almost everything, loves to experiment with fashion, and firmly believes that clothing has no gender. He thinks everyone should be able to wear whatever they want rather than being squeezed into a fashion category based on their age, biological sex, gender or body type. Félix adores skirts and dresses and cute shoes, and he's not afraid to show himself off.
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He likes to slip into his favourite robe as soon as he gets out of bed, and usually wears it while he has his first cup or tea or coffee of the day. Unfortunately, he can't show you his pyjamas because he doesn't have any. (He prefers to sleep in the buff)
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Here's a typical daily look. He wouldn't necessarily wear this around the flat when he's housecleaning or relaxing (or cooking... but Félix doesn't really cook). This is more the type of outfit he'd wear when going out to run errands, to attend a doctor or dentist appointment or to take Belle to the museum or library.
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This is more along the lines of what he likes to wear while doing daily tasks at home. Jeans and t-shirts are a lot more practical than dresses for gardening, cutting the grass or scrubbing the floor.
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He tries to keep his fashion choices tasteful and appropriate when he's on campus, so this is an example of what he might wear while teaching or meeting with his students during office hours.
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Here's a cute outfit for some weekend adventuring around the city with Davian and Belle.
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This one's for going out on the town with Davian.
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One always has to look as cute as possible when going out for a run or heading to the gym, and who wants to wear boring grey or black sweats when there's pink?
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Speaking of pink, here's an adorable ensemble for afternoon tea with his mother.
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He may not own any PJs, but he does have an impressive collection of lingerie and playful nightgowns, some of which Davian has bought for him (for Davian's enjoyment too, of course).
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As well as owning a lot of lingerie, he has a collection of swimwear. Some of it is more traditionally masculine, but he also has some bikini sets. He doesn't always wear the tops, though.
... and then there's this:
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Félix is a working archaeologist, and as much as he enjoys his vast wardrobe, most of it isn't practical when he's out in the field. At an excavation site or at the field station in Belomisia, this is what he's most likely to be wearing; sturdy boots, protective hat, and durable, practical clothes with lots of convenient pockets. Anyone who saw him at work on-site in Selvadorada probably would have to take a second look to make sure it's him, if they were familiar with his appearance at home in Willow Creek.
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