#Erhardt Günther
cyberwhumper · 7 months
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"This certainly seems rather extreme, comrade. I would rather my trophy be aware of itself being admired for its rarity." Though intrigued, Erhardt shares no desire to partake in Baxter's more over the top methods. If Radím was to be tamed, he would be tamed by his own hands, his own willpower. No easy ways out.
"All I'm saying is you gotta pick your battles man." Baxter shrugs, props his captive's face up to face Erhardt. "You can't argue with results, I mean look how obedient they get when they're all loopy!"
Collab with @dresden-syndrome Lines by me, colors by @dresden-syndrome. Erhardt Günther and Radím Štušek belong to her as well.
Please show her some love!
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havana-syndrom · 15 days
A galery of bad choices
My very short EESU fanfiction, involving my beloved boys Erhardt and Radím. @dresden-syndrome's OCs A little peek into Radíms life written by yours truly.
cw: violence, captivity
This was already a bad day. Radím could feel something was off from the moment he woke up. He felt tense this whole week, but… when was the last time he felt any different in this never ending nightmare.
To make matters worse it seemed like Erhardt got up on the wrong side of bed too. And, as always, he made it Radíms problem. Any other day he would’ve just absorbed it, finished his chores quickly and disapear from his owners sight.
But not today.
Radím felt anger bubbling within his veins. Despite his best efforts, his owner didn’t let him catch a breath. The air was stiff and the collar around his neck felt like a noose. He learned very soon to just bite his tongue and do as he’s told, the consequences of a slightest disobedience were visible for weeks. Radím didn't want to get beaten again, knowing  just how much Günther loved every oportunity to hurt him and even more so putting his handiwork on display for everyone to see. A gallery of bad choices.
Another round of degrading remarks showered Radím like an acid rain. With the last insult ringing in his ears, Radíms eyes clouded with rage. For a brief moment he lost control and a quiet curse slipped pass his clenched teeth.
'Bolševická svině’ he hissed under his breath. (bolshevik swine)
A wave of relief washed over him, that single speckle of rebellion made him feel like he still didn't loose his personhood.
His bliss was cut short by panicked yelp as Erhardt grabbed his collar and yanked him back. Radíms heart raced as he was forced to meet his owners gaze, the dark eyes bore into his, sending shivers down his spine. Slight twitch of Günthers nose hinted what emotions were lurking under the unexpresive mask.
The boys blood froze as he heard a sentence in perfect Czech.
'Zopakuj to.' (say that again)
Life flashed before Radíms eyes, his tiny heart hammered against his ribcage like a captured bird. His voice got caught in his throat, paralysed by the suffocating doom.
The boys train of thought was violently stopped and so was his ability to breathe. With a cruel twist of a wrist Günther hoisted him up by the collar. Radím was forced to his tiptoes, desperately trying to alleviate some pressure crushing his windpipe.
Erhardt sneered at the sight of his pet trashing like a fish out of water, frantically clawing onto the leather collar in desperate attempt to free himself. Radím dug his nails into the hand holding his collar, trying to pry it away, which only prompted Erhardt to lift him up a bit more.
Radíms feet barely touched the ground, his hands clenched the leather mercilessly constricted around his neck. Darkness creeping from the corners of his eyes only accelerated the boys panic. Tiny blips of light danced around his vision as he struggled against the iron grip of his cruel master.
The room was filled with sounds of choking and gurgling. After a solid minute, a dull thud echoed through the concrete walls, shortly followed by violent cough and laboured wheezing.
Radíms attempt to get off the ground was met with a forceful kick in the ribs. The boy whined like a dog as sharp pain shot through his body. He wanted to crawl away but Erhardt quickly stomped on the leash, preventing any further escape attempts.
'Worthless rat.'
Radim was forced back to the cold floor by the crushing weight of Günters military boot on his back. He squirmed under the weight of the man menacingly looming over him.
‚…ungrateful vermin.‘
The malice seeping from his masters words made the young man tremble. Radíms eyes widened in horror when he heard a distinct click of Günters thick belt coming undone.
'I will teach you humility'
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flammentanz · 8 months
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“Tödlicher Irrtum” (1970)
Regie: Wolfgang Becker
“Ich wusste nicht, wie entsetzlich das ist. Ich merkte, dass sie keine Luft mehr bekam. Ich sage: “Lass los, sie erstickt doch.” Aber wenn ich losgelassen hätte, hätte sie geschrien. Und ich sagte: “Verdammt noch mal, wann hört denn das endlich auf? Sie muss doch jetzt tot sein …”
Zu nächtlicher Stunde erhält Pfarrer Krüger (Dieter Kirchlechner) unerwarteten Besuch. Ein Mann bittet ihn inständig, die Beichte ablegen zu dürfen. Entsetzt hört der Pfarrer zu, was ihm anvertraut wird und informiert Kommissar Herbert Keller (Erik Ode), dass er einem Mörder die Beichte abgenommen hat.
Bei dem Opfer soll es sich um die wohlhabende Unternehmerin Marion Dönhoff (Agnes Fink) handeln, doch auf Krügers telefonische Nachfrage hat sich die vermeintliche Tote selbst gemeldet. Als Kommissar Keller und seine Mitarbeiter in der Villa von Frau Dönhoff eintreffen, machen sie eine schreckliche Entdeckung: Frau Häubel, die Schneiderin von Frau Dönhoff, ist erwürgt worden. Ganz offensichtlich hat der Mörder sie mit seinem tatsächlich beabsichtigten Mordopfer, deren Morgenmantel sie trug, verwechselt.
Auf dem luxeriösen Anwesen von Frau Dönhoff leben ihr Geliebter Roland Sauter (Anton Diffring), ihr Sohn Harald (Thomas Astan), ihr Schwager Rober Wohle (Kurt Ehrhardt) und ihr früherer Schulfreund Jakob Heider (Konrad Georg). Marion Dönhoff hat sich mit allen überworfen. Die Affäre mit Sauter ist erkaltet, da dieser sich längst einer jüngeren Frau zugewandt hat. Das Verhältnis zu ihrem Sohn ist zerrüttet, da seine Mutter ihn vernachlässigt und ihren geschiedenen Mann Benno (Ullrich Haupt) wegen seines mangelnden Erfolgs als Künstler verachtet, während Harald seinen Vater innig liebt. Wohle und Heider lässt sie offen fühlen, dass sie ausschließlich von ihrem Wohlwollen und ihrer finanziellen Unterstützung abhängig sind.
Kommissar Keller beschwört Pfarrer Krüger, ihm die Identität des Mörders zu enthüllen, doch das Beichtgeheimnis ist auch bei einem Verbrechen unverletzlich. Keller befürchtet, dass der Täter seinen Irrtum bei einem neuen Mordversuch korrigieren wird …
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dresden-syndrome · 5 months
17/VIII-1963. Ministry of State Security, Berlin, German Democratic Union Republic, EESU.
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"Comrade Günther, here's the class 4 boy you requested."
After two months in a class 4 detention unit, countless hours of torture and interrogations, confession papers, medical checks and a long route from Czechoslovakia in a tiny dark cage, Radím was finally brought to his new owner's office. He didn't know where would he end up. After all, he wasn't given a penalty like a class 1-3 offender would - he's nothing more than a state-supplied object to be used accordingly to the state's needs. Objects don't get explanations provided or questions answered. Radím only understood German enough to hear the officers talking about him being "Minister's property" while being dragged down the administration headquarter hallways. Trying to fight their hands and chains was futile. Both Erhardt and detention officers back in Czechoslovakian prison had advised for stronger restraints. Radím still can't fully comprehend the situation - how could he, in such a place to live, in the age when people started to fly to the space, belong to another person that way? How is it happening? Is it real? Even now, the instinct to fight remains. Even though he obeyed to sign a confession and stay calm during all the checks, he won't let that happen. He won't submit to the enemy - or admit to himself he eventually would be made to.
"SB-7067, for personal use. He's now yours to do whatever you'd like."
Art taglist: @painful-pooch @prismpanic @generic-whumperz @suspicious-whumping-egg @onlywhump @whumpedydump
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heavenlyeden · 4 months
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May your whumpers get creepy and depraved with their whumpees - maybe even more than Erhardt Günther ever gets!
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!
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Wie guten so auch in schlechten Zeiten: Erhardt bleibt trotz Abstieg dem SV Röchling treu | #Völklingen. Günther Erhardt bleibt weiter Coach des SV Röchling Völklingen, das teilte der Verein am Dienstag mit. Erhardt gelang es (...) mehr auf unserer Webseite unter: https://ift.tt/2K9io4R
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Wolfgang Böck (* 14. Januar 1953 in Linz) ist ein österreichischer Schauspieler und Theaterintendant.
1983 spielte Wolfgang Böck am Wiener Volkstheater, später folgten Rollen in der Schweiz, am Schauspielhaus Zürich, wie Mortimer Brewster in Arsen und Spitzenhäubchen und im Renaissancetheater Berlin, wie den 'Der Konzentrationslager-Erhardt' in Noch ist Polen nicht verloren. Weiters brillierte er in Alexis Sorbas im Grazer Opernhaus, bei den Salzburger Festspielen gab er den 'Lorenz' in Der Bauer als Millionär und 'Guter Gesell' im Jedermann, später in Wien am Theater in der Josefstadt spielte er den 'Steißhäuptl' in Der Himbeerpflücker. Gemeinsam mit seinem Kollegen Adi Hirschal konzipierte er eine musikalische „Reise durch die Wiener Vorstadt“: „Strizzilieder“, „Oide Hawara“ und „Schwoazze Luft – Strizzihimmelfahrt“ wurden auch auf CD herausgebracht.
Der Linzer Schauspieler wirkte auch in zahlreichen Film- und Fernsehrollen mit, wie in Der Nachbar, Kommissar Rex, Die Neue – Eine Frau mit Kaliber, Julia – Eine ungewöhnliche Frau, weiters in verschiedenen Folgen von Tatort u. v. a.
Österreichweit bekannt wurde er vor allem durch seine Mitwirkung im Kaisermühlen Blues. Hier war er als der Wiener Polizist Trautmann zu sehen, dem Lebensgefährten der Hauptdarstellerin Gitti Schimek (Marianne Mendt). Als ebendieser Trautmannstand Wolfgang Böck im Frühjahr 2000 vor der Kamera im Krimipilotfilm Trautmann – Wer heikel ist, bleibt übrig (Regie Harald Sicheritz). In der Zwischenzeit entstanden noch weitere 9 Trautmann-Krimis unter der Regie von Thomas Roth.
Für seine bisherige Darstellung des Inspektor Trautmann wurde Böck – gemeinsam mit dem Autor von Kaisermühlen Blues und Trautmann Ernst Hinterberger – im Dezember 2001 von der Vereinigung der Bundeskriminalbeamten Österreichs zum „Ehrenkiberer“ ernannt.
Schloss-Spiele Kobersdorf
Im Oktober 2003 wurde ihm die künstlerische Leitung der burgenländischen Schloss-Spiele Kobersdorf übertragen. Bereits in der ersten Saison konnte der langjährige Besucherschnitt von 9000 verdoppelt werden: Intendant Böck war in dem Nestroystück Lumpazivagabundus als Schuster Knieriem zu sehen, 2005 folgte das Ferenc Molnár-Stück „Liliom“ mit ihm in der Titelrolle.
Im Herbst 2004 stand er für die zehnteilige ORF-Produktion 11er Haus vor der Kamera, einer Komödienserie die 2005 zum Thema „50 Jahre Fernsehen“ ausgestrahlt werden sollte. Von Jänner bis Mitte Februar 2005 wurde in Prag und Kärnten der Lisa Film Die Liebe eines Priesters gedreht, in dem Böck den zwielichtigen Unterwelt-Boss Pokorny, den Besitzer eines Edelbordells, spielte. Regie führte Franz Josef Gottlieb. In dem Film, der auf ORF und ARD am 19. Mai 2005 ausgestrahlt wurde, spielte Erol Sander einen Priesterseminaristen und Maximilian Schell einen Pater. Ab März 2005 drehte Wolfgang Böck zwei weitere „Trautmann“-Filme.
Böck über seinen „Trautmann“: „Er ist mir ans Herz gewachsen. Es ist eine interessante Figur, die mir große Popularität verschafft hat.“ (Zitat Kronen Zeitung, 19. November 2006) Im November 2006 stand Böck in der zweiteiligen Komödie Slupetzky vor der Kamera. In der MR-Film-Serie Blaulicht, die der Autor Peter Mazzuchelli schreibt (Julia, Medicopter 117 – Jedes Leben zählt) soll er einen Rettungsarzt spielen. Laut Böck wäre dies sein erster richtiger Arzt. Als Rettungsfahrer hätte er allerdings weitreichende praktische Erfahrung, da er in Bregenz im Zivildienst als Rettungsfahrer unterwegs gewesen sei. Seit 2007 sind Wolfgang Böck und Adi Hirschal mit dem Wienerliedprogramm Best of Strizzi immer wieder auf diversen Bühnen zu erleben.
Weiters wurde Wolfgang Böck mehrmals für Gastrollen in der österreichischen Serie Schnell ermittelt engagiert und spielte in Deutschland im Kinofilm Unter dir die Stadtmit, der im Banker-Milieu angesiedelt ist.[3]
2009 war Wolfgang Böck mit Gabriela Benesch in ihrem gemeinsamen Kabarett-Programm All You Need Is Love!? auf Tournee, 2010 stand er mit Brigitte Neumeistermit dem Programm Aus dem Reich der Burenwurst auf der Bühne der Ybbsiade – Kabarett- und Kleinkunstfestival in Ybbs an der Donau.
Anlässlich seines vierzigjährigen Bühnenjubiläums 2014 entstand das Konzertprogramm [email protected] unter der musikalischen Leitung von Andreas Radovan mit Texten von Klaus Lintschinger. Wolfgang Böck & Band treten damit österreichweit auf.
Seit 2004 ist Wolfgang Böck Intendant der Schlossspiele Kobersdorf. Er setzte zum Einstand  Lumpazivagabundus von Johann Nestroy auf den Theaterzettel.
Es folgten 2005 Liliom von Ferenc Molnár, 2006 Brechts Die Dreigroschenoper und 2007 George Feydeaus Floh im Ohr. Die Schloss-Spiele Kobersdorf erreichten 2008 mit dem Nestroy-Stück Zu ebener Erde und erster Stock eine Auslastung von 98 %. Zum Joseph Haydn-Jahr 2009 erwies sich das Auftragswerk Der Kopf des Joseph Haydnvon Michael Korth mit der Uraufführung am Montag, den 6. Juli 2009 als würdiger Beitrag. Es folgten 2010 Ein Sommernachtstraum von William Shakespeare, zum 40-jährigen Jubiläum der Schloss-Spiele Kobersdorf Der eingebildete Kranke von Molière 2011 mit Fritz Hammel in der Hauptrolle und 2012 die Shakespeare-Komödie Was ihr wollt. Im zehnten Jahr seiner Intendanz setzte Wolfgang Böck die Komödie Die Dame vom Maxim von Georges Feydeau (Deutsch von Hans Weigel) in der Inszenierung von Patrick Guinand auf den Spielplan.
2016 wurde Böcks Vertrag als künstlerischer Leiter der Schloss-Spiele Kobersdorf um weitere fünf Jahre bis 2021 verlängert. 2017 ist er als Richter Adam in Der zerbrochne Krug von Heinrich von Kleist in der Regie von Werner Prinz zu sehen.
Seit 1987 ist der begeisterte Motorradfahrer Böck freier Schauspieler und lebt mit seiner Frau, der burgenländischen Architektin Sonja Kremsner, die er 2002 ehelichte, teils in Wien, teils im Burgenland. 1990 wurde sein Sohn geboren. Böck hat ein Faible für Oldtimer.
Wolfgang Böck ist Sprecher der Stationsansagen auf den Wiener Autobuslinien 92A und 92B, deren Routen durch Kaisermühlen führen.
Gemeinsam mit der Gesellschaft für MucoPolySaccharidosen (MPS) hat sich Wolfgang Böck in seiner Funktion als MPS-Botschafter zum Ziel gesetzt, diese Stoffwechselkrankheit in der Öffentlichkeit bekannt zu machen und für betroffene Kinder finanzielle Mittel zu lukrieren.
1988: Tatort: Feuerwerk für eine Leiche, Regie: Kurt Junek
1990: Erwin und Julia, Regie: Götz Spielmann
1991: Nie im Leben, Regie: Helmut Berger
1991: Die Strauß-Dynastie, Regie: Marvin J. Chomsky
1992: Dead Flowers, Regie: Peter Ily Huemer, mit Herbert Adamec, Wolf Bachofner
1993: Verlassen Sie bitte Ihren Mann!, Regie: Reinhard Schwabenitzky
1992: Der Nachbar, Regie: Götz Spielmann, mit Rudolf Wessely, Dana Vávrová
1993: Indien, Regie: Paul Harather
1994: Ein Anfang von etwas, Regie: Nikolaus Leytner
1995: Freispiel, Regie: Harald Sicheritz
1995: Die Ameisenstraße (Ant Street), Regie: Michael Glawogger
1996  Tatort: Mein ist die Rache, Regie: Houchang Allahyari
1997: Qualtingers Wien, Regie: Harald Sicheritz
1998: Opernball, (TV) Regie: Urs Egger
1998: Die rote Violine (The Red Violin), Regie: François Girard
1998: Hinterholz 8, Regie: Harald Sicheritz
1999: Alles Bob (It's All Bob aka All About Bob), Regie: Otto Alexander Jahrreiss
1999: Wanted, Regie: Harald Sicheritz
1999: Geboren in Absurdistan (Born in Absurdistan), Regie: Houchang Allahyari
2000: Trautmann – Wer heikel ist, bleibt übrig, Regie: Harald Sicheritz
2001: Zwölfeläuten, Regie: Harald Sicheritz
2001: Ausflug, Regie: Rainer Kaufmann
2001: Trautmann – Nichts ist so fein gesponnen, Regie: Thomas Roth
2002: aus.schluss, Regie: Erik Etschel
2002: Brüder, Ludwig (Wickerl) Stadler, Regie: Wolfgang Murnberger
2002: Trautmann – Das letzte Hemd hat keine Taschen, Regie: Thomas Roth
2003: MA 2412 – Die Staatsdiener, Regie: Harald Sicheritz
2003: Brüder II, Ludwig (Wickerl) Stadler, Regie: Wolfgang Murnberger
2003: Der neue Bockerer – Prager Frühling, TV
2003: Trautmann – Lebenslänglich, Regie: Thomas Roth
2004: Trautmann – Das Spiel ist aus, Regie: Thomas Roth
2004: Trautmann – Alles beim Alten, Regie: Thomas Roth
2004: Trautmann – Schwergewicht, Regie: Thomas Roth
2004: Trautmann – 71 Tage, Regie: Thomas Roth
2005: Brüder III – Auf dem Jakobsweg, Ludwig (Wickerl) Stadler, Regie: Wolfgang Murnberger
2006: Kronprinz Rudolfs letzte Liebe, TV, Regie: Robert Dornhelm
2006: Mutig in die neuen Zeiten – Nur keine Wellen, Regie: Harald Sicheritz
2006: Agathe kann's nicht lassen, Regie: Helmut Metzger
2006: Die Slupetzkis, Regie: Claudia Jüptner-Jonstorff
2006: Trautmann – Bumerang, Regie: Thomas Roth
2007: Der schwarze Löwe, Regie: Wolfgang Murnberger
2007: Ein halbes Leben, Regie: Nikolaus Leytner
2007: Polly Adler, Regie: Peter Gersina
2007: Die Lawine, Regie: Thomas Kronthaler
2008: Die Entdeckung der Currywurst, Regie: Ulla Wagner
2008: Trautmann – Die Hanno-Herz-Story, Regie: Thomas Roth
2010: Willkommen in Wien, TV, Regie: Nikolaus Leytner
2010: Unter dir die Stadt, Regie: Christoph Hochhäusler
2010: Furcht und Zittern
2010: Kottan ermittelt: Rien ne va plus, Regie: Peter Patzak
2011: Adel Dich
2013: Bad Fucking
2014: Landkrimi – Alles Fleisch ist Gras
2014: Die Detektive
2016: Pregau – Kein Weg zurück
2017: Für dich dreh ich die Zeit zurück
2001: Detlef Bluhm: Das Geheimnis des Hofnarren – Regie: Ulrike Brinkmann (Hörspiel – DeutschlandRadio Berlin)
mit Günther Schatzdorfer: Besser. Einfach. Eine kulinarisch-kulturelle Reise durch die Lagune nach Venedig. Carinthia, Wien 2007, ISBN 978-3-85378-616-1.
mit Günther Schatzdorfer: 50 Jahre Appetit. Eine kulinarische Nacht mit Wolfgang Böck und Günther Schatzdorfer. Carinthia, Wien 2008, ISBN 978-3-85378-634-5.
mit Günther Schatzdorfer: Am besten echt. Eine kulinarisch-kulturelle Reise ins Hinterland Venedigs. Amaltea. Wien 2010, ISBN 978-3-85002-706-9.
1984 Förderungspreis zur Kainz-Medaille
1986 Karl-Skraup-Preis
2001 von der Vereinigung der Bundeskriminalbeamten Österreichs Ernennung zum „Ehrenkiberer“, gemeinsam mit Ernst Hinterberger
2005 Romy als „Beliebtester Serienstar“
2006 Mostdipf-Preis
2006 Sonderpreis für herausragende darstellerische Leistungen beim Fernsehfilm-Festival Baden-Baden für Brüder III – Auf dem Jakobsweg
2007 Romy als „Beliebtester Serienstar“
2008 2. Platz Buchliebling in der Kategorie Gesundheit, Wellness und Sport, gemeinsam mit Günter Schatzdorfer für Besser. Einfach
2009 Romy als „Beliebtester Schauspieler“
2011 Kulturpreis des Landes Burgenland (Darstellende Kunst, Film und Video)
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havana-syndrom · 24 days
My EESU headcanons nobody asked for:
I read through the works of @dresden-syndrome and worked up some things about the lore, mainly concerning comrade Erhardt and Radím:
Radím has heavy Czech accent when speaking German. Despite his best efforts for proper pronunciation, the accent still peaks through whenever he speaks.
Günther finds it very cute, though he would never openly admit it. Atleast not to Radím. Instead he teases him about it. Especially his heavy R's.
 Prior to his capture, Radím wanted to learn German as part of a plan to some day escape to Western Germany. The irony of his current situation makes him feel bitter. Now he’s learning German to communicate with his captor. To better serve the regime he worked so hard against. Knowing that he will never get more than a few feet away from Gunther, let alone getting away this god forsaken country.
 Radím dreamed about learning English and maybe make his way to USA. However there wasn't much opportunity in Czechoslovakia to learn English. In this political minefield, attempting to learn it instantly got you put on a watchlist. As a counter-revolutionary he didn't want to draw more attention to him so he didn't pursue it.
The top choices for second language in Czechoslovakia were Russian or German. Radím learned a bit of both but focused more on German since he saw it as his potential ticket across the iron curtain.
German grammar has so many opportunities to make a mistake. Der/Die/Das, mein/meine. Not to mention the pronunciation and the unforgiving word order. This basically gives Günther a green card to punish his pet anytime he feels like it. This way its more painful for Radím because he knows this could have been avoided.
Russian is the main language used across the soviet union. So naturally, Günther as a government official must know it. He can both and read and understand Russian pretty well. He can speak Russian too but only does so when necessary, since its pretty tough for a German to speak Slavic language.
Because of that, he can understand quite a bit from what Radím is saying when he speaks Czech. Most of the time he pretends he pretends he doesn't. Its a wonderful opportunity to peek into the thoughts of his prisoner.
Günther probably also knows some Czech basics since he worked in Czechoslovakia. Its a neighbouring country and lot of Czechs and Slovaks work in Eastern Germany, since its seen as a more developed country.
Radím suspects that his owner knows a few words or phrases in Czech. He avoids swearing in Czech at all costs, since that's the first thing everyone learns. And a thing that you never forget. But it slips out so easy when you're under pressure.
Don't hesitate to correct me or share some of your thoughts about the lore! I love the story so much I can't stop thinking about it <3
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dresden-syndrome · 2 months
Whumpers of the state:
1) How did you acquire your whumpee? How hard it was?
14) Your favorite torture method?
Whumpees (class IV):
8) How would you describe your whumper?
36) What does your whumper usually force you to do? Which of these things do you hate the most?
1) How did you acquire your whumpee? How hard it was?
14) Your favorite torture method?
" There's nothing complex in getting a class 4 traitor for personal use. If your position is high enough and you want to take a more... personal approach to breaking the enemy, you choose a subject, file a request and he's yours; he will be stated in the list of your State-supplied personal belongings along with your home, car and radio. And unlike a house or a radio, the State grants you the right to use him however you want. Those traitor boys can be obtained either at a facility using class 4 subjects or a class 4 detention unit - in that case you'll need to wait before the detention time ends. I've picked mine at detention; I needed exactly him so the wait was worth it." "Favorite method of torture? First, I appreciate your language, comrade. You don't seem like one of those humanists pitying the most vicious enemies of our socialist order; those have no place in State Security. Their barbaric actions are a torture to our peace and prosperity, torture is what they rightfully deserve. Ever since the old days of firing squads and bourgeoise vermin left from the past and battles for West Berlin, I've done my help at bringing the counter-revolution to my knees. One of my favorite ways was exactly that: bringing to their knees. Then lay them down and press my boot over their head. Step at them. Make them kiss it. They need to know for sure who's in power. They need to know their place." "Now I don't interrogate at our detention prison that much; I have my own pathetic traitor boy struggling to learn who he belongs to. Same method with him. He knows how our new military boots feel like, even when he acts like he doesn't. Wait there, comrade. I can bring him for you to see." -Erhardt Wilhelm Günther, Minister of State Security 28/X-1963.
8) How would you describe your whumper?
36) What does your whumper usually force you to do? Which of these things do you hate the most?
"Scumbag. War criminal scumbag. Look, if anyone, except our allies, saw what he's doing it's gonna be a new war crime trial for all Europe to see. Can't wait for that. Can't wait for that sicko tyrant in cuffs for crimes against humanity, like they did in Nuremberg back when I was in my momma's stroller. This fucking country needs it again, really. Look what he's done to me. It's so... I'm sick of it. Look at that dog collar, look at that fucking branding tag like on a cow... I'm trapped with him and everyone's fucking glad he's torturing me here. Honestly for now it's the worst, he's the worst..." "You know what he forces me to do? Ok, ok, I know I'm a piece of garbage, I'm helping those sadists and making them happier when I should fight for our people to be independent and make them free... No? Just because I'm forced to? You're kidding me. They wouldn't have anyone to fall on his knees and sitting on anyone's lap at parties if I wasn't there. Can I not tell what's the worst they've been doing to me please? Just beat me up for being a fucking collaborator if you want. Next time that sicko demands something - whatever, lay under the table, get on the knees, sit still when he pets and kisses me, wear those disgusting kiddie pants, talk in German, read "The State and Revolution" or something - I won't do that, I'll run, I'll bite if anyone touches me. It won't end well, I'll have to do that. But I need to try again. Maybe I'm a collaborator but not the easy one to break." -Class 4 subject SB-7067 (Radím Štušek) 28/X-1963.
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dresden-syndrome · 7 months
What is Gunther's favourite interrogation or rehabilitation method?
✨Thanks for asking! Sorry it took quite a time to get to answer. I'm feeling generous today so you get a whole list instead of just one :)
Comrade Günther's favorite discipline, conditioning and interrogation methods (mostly used on his personal property):
🔸 A firm grab by the chin, arm, throat or shoulder. Often done deliberately rough to cause pain in the process, accompanied by his deep, rough, commanding tone.
🔸 On the other hand, slowly, gently stroking the face or neck. Ideally on a thoroughly restrained whumpee. May come as not even a method at first but the purpose isn't to inflict pain or distress; the humiliation, the feeling of defeat when Erhardt treats them like a small tame animal, surely helps to break.
🔸 Stepping on a whumpee with uniform boots on. Resting his full body weight as his leather boot presses on their back or chest. In cases of more defiant behavior, additional steps on arms and legs work well. A classic boot to the neck, looking down at his poor whumpee as they're too weak to crawl away.
🔸 Forcing to look directly in the eyes. Especially when a whumpee is already in pain. Especially when the whumpee is more of a strong-spirited type, not willing to show their submission or vulnerability. Erhardt's prisoners (as well as his 1963 Czech uprising trophy) cannot just hide their distress by looking away the whole time.
🔸 Dragging by the arm or ankle across the prison floor. (For Radím, dragging by the leather collar across the State Security administration office floor).
🔸 Bringing the whumpee down on their knees. Forcing them to stay like that until his permission to move. Works great with all of the above.
🔸 Or just holding the whumpee tight, grabbing their hands behind the back, leaving them no room to fight. Standing still in that position without saying a word, waiting for his whumpee's fighty mood to pass. Letting other officers to do their job.
🔸 Teasing the whumpee over their helplessness, talking to them in an overtly condescending way. Stating it clear they have no choice or escape here. It's not "submit or die". It's "you WILL submit".
🔸 Tying up in really humiliating positions. Interrogating them while making demeaning comments, continuing the ongoing torture or leaving them alone for a while - door unlocked, for the officers to see.
🔸 Trailing fingers down the fresh, raw, aching wounds. Or digging/beating into them with a force. Or both.
🔸 Cigarette burns. Improperly put out cigs in the ashtrays are quite a fire hazard. Cigs thoroughly rubbed into the soft class 3-4 offender's skin aren't. Comrade Günther doesn't fool around when it comes to fire safety. Prisoner safety? Not so much.
🔸 Whipping. An old classic. Detainment unit prisoners starting from class 2 get whipped strapped to a wall, a pole or a bench. Radím gets whipped on Erhardt's lap.
🔸 Food deprivation. A first step in class 3 and 4 offender detainment, given the fact many of them are coming ready to confess all of their thoughtcrimes after a first hungry day.
🔸 While Erhardt tends not to use sleep deprivation when interrogating (that answer art with Radím being sleep deprived showed his primary interrogations in Prague), he would often wait untill a detainee falls asleep and shake them up into an unexpected interrogation in the middle of the night. Or day.
🔸 Or just randomly waking up, both depriving a whumpee of quality sleep and invoking the fear of an oncoming torture session which may or may not happen.
🔸 Electric shock torture, usually with a taser glove or a cattle prod. (Safely used on class 2, releasing them to a labor commune or just to a quiet far-away town without any signs of past torture to show)
🔸 Scraping the skin with a piece of sandpaper, leaving shallow but quite painful wounds
🔸 Intentional rope burning. Rubbing a plain rough rope against the skin until it starts to bleed.
🔸 Restraining whumpee's hands and shoving their head in the water. Watching them struggle for a thing as trivial as a single breath.
🔸 Slowly, sadistically poking the skin with a knife or a nail, wiping the tears of pain down their face.
🔸 Giving ideological theory books as the only source of prison entertainment. If such a book is found in a worse condition, a punishment will come.
🔸 Speaking of theory, occasionally walking up to the detainment cells and asking random questions regarding the books' contents and the general mandatory political literacy. Whip, beat or tase them for each wrong answer. (It's especially fun in the class 4 unit, where the prisoners would often throw an open fight, then be dragged in one of the rooms to learn their lessons).
🔸 Drugging the prisoners (class 3 and 4) into a foggy sedated state for subjecting them to hours of aggressive state propaganda.
🔸 Making to beg for mercy or forgiveness. For more defiant cases, forcing to display their loyalty to the EC Party.
🔸 Sudden shouts in the whumpee's face. Due to Erhardt's usual cold and calculated manner, seeing him reserting to loud angry threats is a truly frightening experience.
🔸 One of comrade Günther's all-time favorites: a gun into the mouth (illustrated below).
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Art taglist because for some reason I had to put art in it: @painful-pooch @prismpanic @generic-whumperz @suspicious-whumping-egg
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dresden-syndrome · 8 months
From the very beginning Erhardt Günther knew training his pet is going to be anything but easy.
He knew how Radím acted even before, the eagerness and determination he was fighting in the riots with, the spark of spirit radiating in every word or move. Like the new people's uprising itself in form of a pretty working-class boy with glaring light blue eyes.
For Erhardt, nothing was stronger than the desire to break, crush and dominate both.
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@monarchthefirst I did a bit more than a sketch, for you! Thank you for caring about me🥺💓
Art taglist: @painful-pooch (dm if anyone wants to join!)
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dresden-syndrome · 7 months
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A warning from the EESU State Security minister, Erhardt Wilhelm Günther.
Art taglist: @painful-pooch @prismpanic @generic-whumperz @suspicious-whumping-egg @onlywhump
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dresden-syndrome · 4 months
31/XII-1963. Ministry of State Security, Berlin, German Democratic Union Republic, EESU.
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Erhardt Günther and his comrades are getting ready for New Year. And you?
Art taglist: @painful-pooch @prismpanic @generic-whumperz @suspicious-whumping-egg @onlywhump @whumpedydump @whumpthefifth
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dresden-syndrome · 7 months
21/VII-1965. EESU State Security department.
*Redoing because tumblr messed up tags again.
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"The time has come, kitten. You're taking the State Security member's oath today. I hope you're ready to prove everyone what a well-trained pet you are..."
As comrade Günther entered the room, Radím still hasn't moved an inch, sitting on his bed, with bitten lips and reddish eyes, staring empty into the wooden floor. He was wearing a perfectly-tailored State Security official uniform his Master ordered him to put on, brightly contrasting his pale, exhausted, broken expression. Today's the day Radím has been dreading for the past month. The day he'll have to truly give himself away to the state.
Two years ago, when Radím was caught on a dark alleyway and dragged to a black Volga car, a silent symbol of terror, the state's grim reaper ready to claim its next "public enemy", he believed things can't get any worse. When he found himself in a first interrogation room, writhing in blinding pain he'd never known before, he really believed things can't get any worse. When he was sent to the Minister of State Security himself - not for an interrogation, not to plead responsible for being such a disgusting wreck to EESU, the workers' and peasants' land of freedom - but for him to own, to be chained in his office, forced to obey his every wish, he was sure things can't.... Until they did. Now Herr Günther wants to make him work for the State Security. To make his beloved possession into the very kind of people that brought him there in the first place.
Erhardt walked up to his pet, lifting his chin to get a closer look at these adorable lifeless eyes. Radím isn't reacting; he's just not there, not in this moment.
The thought of having to betray his ideals, give out the last bits of freedom he kept to his soul for the worst enemies' amusement, echoed with a hollow, dull, nauseating sensation filling his head and gnawing pain in the chest. He didn't want to cry again, he didn't want to lash out on his owner, fighting teeth and nail and earning another punishment again. Just to forget it, don't focus on it, don't think, imagine himself somewhere far away - and the pain will be gone.
"The cameras are ready. Time to get up."
No reaction
"I said, get up."
Growing visibly frustrated with his pet's disobedience, Erhardt roughly pulled his leash, causing him to finally shake up. Radím let out a sharp hiss from the bolt of raw pain in the neck; it was already sore from all the tugging, which Herr Günther did a lot more these days than usual, and now even the slightest movements of his collar felt like fire.
Erhardt walked Radím through the dark hallway, firmly gripping his wrist in one hand and holding a leather leash in another, only stopping at the door of the office he'll be recorded in.
"There's this desk," the minister roughly turned Radím's head, pointing at the table at the middle of the office, "you'll stand behind it and read the oath. They're not giving you a text. You've had a month to learn it."
Comrade Günther continued, staring sternly into Radím's fear-strucken eyes.
"... You'll speak loudly and clearly, face up, straight into the camera," Erhardt instructed, tugging his helpless pet's leash, "you'll have to be a good little pet and show your respect for our country."
Noticing Radím struggling to pull himself away, as if he didn't understand a thing, Erhardt pulled a gun from the holster, pushed the disobedient boy to a cold painted wall and leaned onto him with all of his body. A couple of seconds - and the gun is forced to Radím's mouth, painfully pressing against his teeth.
"If you mess up our recording, we'll have to punish you," Erhardt slid a gun further, making Radím choke and clench from the blunt pain in the mouth, "no matter how many punishments it will take, you will learn to read it."
As the minister got satisfied with a look of his pretty rebel boy's distress, he replaced the cold metal of the gun with his warm lips. A little unwanted kiss as a statement: "Don't forget, kitten, you belong to me".
Erhardt swiftly grabbed his wrist and entered the room, greeting the cameramen on the sides.
"How are you, comrades?" he asked, lightening his usual intimidating expression with a smile.
"Good morning, comrade Günther!" a short bulky man on the corner cheerfully replied, "How's your toy's doing? Did you get him ready to film?"
Radím turned his head in embarassment. After two years, he supposed, he'd got used to be called like that. He wasn't getting any urges to resist, to fight, to make clear he's a person of his own despite even the EESU government itself stating otherwise, like in the first year of captivity. He knew fighting would be pointless. He's got used to it. Yet each time Radím heard anyone referring to him - pet, toy, kitten, sweetie, little thing, just to name a few - it still felt like a punch, like a boot on the chest, a creepy reminder of his place.
"Don't worry, comrade lieutenant, we've prepared him well for today," Erhardt replied, laying a hand on his poor pet's shoulder.
The back lights went off. Radím put his clenched shaking hands the desk, looking up on the old white ceiling to soothe the discomfort in his eyes from the camera lights.
The time has come. He has to do it.
Radím made a deep breath.
"Ich schwöre... "
His chest was getting heavy. He could feel his eyes beginning to water. "Don't think about it, don't think, it's just some German words"... At this moment Radím felt lucky he wasn't speaking German from birth and it's just a foreign language he had to learn. He tried to imagine he didn't know the words, he was just reciting a phrase, like he did back in school at a German lesson. "Just don't think and it'll be easy"...
"...Der Osteuropäischen Sozialistischen Union..."
Radím tried his hardest not to realize what's happening. The State Security member's oath. An oath of loyalty to the EESU government, the EC Party, the terror and enslavement they bring to the people. The very thing he was, and is, ready to sacrifice his life for fighting against.
"...Meinem Vaterland..."
His voice began to tremble. He clenched his fists even more as tears were filling his eyes.
"...Allzeit treu zu dienen..."
If he finishes it well, he'll feel completely betraying everything he's been fighting for. If he doesn't, he'll get punished by Herr Günther and his officers... and forced to say it again. And again. And again. His owner never backed up or agreed to a compromise. What he demands, he will get. There's no way out.
"...Und sie auf Befehl... der Arbeiter-und-Bauern-Regierung..."
The harder he tried to detach himself from it, the harder it became, the harder it was to hold his shaky voice and the tears blurring his eyes.
"...Gegen jeden... Feind..."
Radím laid his face down on the table, hiding it behind his hands.
"...Zu schützen..."
He couldn't make it.
When Radím raised his head on the sound of footsteps, Herr Günther appeared with the three officers standing behind. The dread set in as he found himself firmly restrained by one of the men, his hands twitched behind the back, his owner observing him with a familiar sinister look.
"No matter how many punishments it will take, you will learn to read it."
Day 6 of Whumptober
Prompt: Recording
Art taglist: @painful-pooch @prismpanic @generic-whumperz @suspicious-whumping-egg @onlywhump
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dresden-syndrome · 6 months
For Erhardt and Radím:
9) Tell me your whumpees prettiest features!
31) What do you use your whumpee for?
Thank you for asking!! Sorry for the delay, I've got really busy for now :(
9) Tell me about your whumpee's prettiest features!
31) What do you use your whumpee for?
Look at him, comrade. What do you see here? Does he look like an imperialist enemy guerrilla group leader? No, no, he won't wreck the socialist regime now. He can't even get up until i say so.
Hey, now he tries to struggle again. Such a pathetic little thing. See, there's still a spark of defiance in his eyes. Still trying to be a rebel. My own sweet rebel boy, my pretty little plaything.
He looks very cute too - pretty face, soft skin, soft hair, adorable light blue eyes... Like a small animal, a feral kitten caught in the forest. He'd already be a choice of mine but the fact he was one of the Středočeský youth resistance leaders makes it so much better.
Like we, the protectors of workers' and peasants' land, managed to crush the Western enemy from within in 1963, I personally crush one of its worst perpetrators for the peace and prosperity of our state. Well, Radeček isn't even the perpetrator by now - only a lap dog of mine.
I can use him however I want. Whatever I order, he'll obey. After a bit of fighting, of course, but doesn't it just make it even better? Enemies of the state are so fun to break - especially those as sweet as my Radek.
Not only for me - my hardworking comrades enjoy playing with him as well. Sometimes even a bit too much... I need to keep him within my reach most if the time.
Even now, he still manages to take his leash off when I'm too busy to see, so I put extra hand restraints on him just in case. For now Radeček can only walk free when I order him to bring us food or something to drink. Still needs to be supervised on that though.
-Erhardt Wilhelm Günther, Minister of State Security
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dresden-syndrome · 9 months
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Accusation protocol no. 7087
EESU state security unit no. 138
Prisoner: Radím Štušek
Interrogated by: Jürgen Fassnacht, Otto Weißgerber, Adam Błoński
Article: No. 26/2(A), 26/5(B) of the EESU Martial law penal code
Date: July 25th, [redacted]
Radím Štušek, year of birth [redacted] (age 19), Czech, born in DR Czechoslovakia, comes from a working class family, lives in [redacted], region Středočeský, college student, EESU citizen. No EC Party membership. No criminal record.
Charged with taking part in various anti-government groups, organization of local-level riots and agitation against the EC Party.
Exhibited defiant behavior and clear disdain for the regime during the sessions. Advanced interrogation methods had to be deployed. Haven't pleaded guilty yet.
Conclusion: Not redeemable. Submit to Erfurt-53 facility unit after getting confession. HAND OVER TO STATE SEC. MINISTER ERHARDT GÜNTHER PERSONALLY (direct order from July 26th)
Art tag: @painful-pooch
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