#Elijah Duress
slashingdisneypasta · 5 months
Hell-ooo writers. Imagine dying, and you were so loved by your fans that they draw you with your most iconic character/s saying goodbye to you ^^ Or standing at your grave giving the stone a respectful pat. Or sitting all alone cuz you're gone. Or smiling at a picture of you.
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teecupangel · 6 months
hear me out:
clay/subject 16 having a kid he didn’t know about, or perhaps maybe desmond having a second kid he didn’t know about, or even william himself somehow had the rizz to accidentally make a second kid 😭😂
I mean… when the first chapter of Black Flag’s webtoon came out, Noa is shown to have Altaïr, Eizo and Ratonhnhaké:ton as his ancestors which led to the ‘ideas’ that he could be Desmond’s son. Of course, we also thought of the idea that he can be Bill’s son as well if having Altaïr as an ancestor isn’t based on the father’s side but on the mother’s side, since he does have Japanese and Korean and one of Altaïr’s grandchildren or even an older Darim could just as easily had a paramour in Japan while they were chasing after Genghis Khan’s children/grandchildren (the easiest being in Tsushima).
So, in this case, you didn’t specify if you wanted this to be a case of Clay, Desmond or, god forbid, Bill learning they have a child which gives me an excuse to focus this on Elijah XD
For this one, we’re dealing with the canon events in the eyes of Elijah. While the whole… Layla trilogy was happening, Elijah’s been busy laying low and building some sort of super computer that used cannibalized parts from all over.
With the skills and knowledge Aita provides him, Elijah is planning to recreate the Phoenix Project, but not for Juno.
Juno was…
A prototype. Something he did under duress while he was blinded by rage and desire for revenge.
Now, he’s rebuilding it to… well, at first, it was to bring back his mother but he later learned that it was impossible.
His mother was so inconsequential to the Calculations that there wasn’t enough data about her to bring her back even if he uses his own DNA. It still wasn’t enough.
So, he decided to pivot to trying to resurrect Desmond Miles instead.
He would say it was the only logical conclusion. Desmond Miles was the human who was closest to the Isus, not like Sages like him who were haunted by the memories of those who helplessly pathetically clung to life (and yeah, he is absolutely aiming that at Aita).
And Desmond Miles had enough DNA to be recreated with the access of the Calculations…
Because Sample 17 is a complete copy of Desmond Miles’ DNA.
So… after Elijah finished the device (improved from that garbage Juno’s cult modified from Abstergo), his next course of action was to get the original Sample 17.
During his investigations of where it could be, he learned that Abstergo had been checking for more people who had interesting connection to Desmond Miles and any other Animus Subjects.
That’s how he learned that he had a younger sibling (whether this one is a sister or a son is up to you) who was being held in an orphanage under one of Abstergo’s shell companies.
Whether this child is born from a night of passion or was actually created by Abstergo itself using… other means… is up to you.
Elijah has no reason to save this child he has no connection with. For one, he already ignored Noa Kim even when he had pinged in his radar because he knew the Assassins were already dealing with that one. All he had to do was tip the Assassins off and they’d find a way to rescue this child but…
The orphanage may have other clues that will lead him to the original Sample 17.
So he infiltrates the orphanage, found the clue he needed and…
… got back to his base with three children instead of one.
The death of Desmond Miles had been the final straw that destroyed whatever feelings William Miles and his wife had with one another.
Oh, sorry.
While he was grieving his son and not doing any of his responsibility to the Brotherhood, William Miles had a…
Elijah felt like he was going to hurl…
… one night stand.
He has no dealings with William Miles.
He only had heard of William Miles.
But that didn’t mean he wanted to learn about William Miles’ sex life.
Regardless, when he got to the orphanage, finished his actual work, and went to get his ‘new’ sibling, he learned that…
1. Said sibling had a friend who must come with them if Elijah wanted to whisk them away.
2. Said sibling had been put in charge of a baby of all things who turned out to be William Miles’ second child.
Which means said child is technically his… aunt? Uncle?
Everything had been hectic since that was divebombed at him that he didn’t have spare time to check for something so inconsequential.
So now…
Elijah had become the guardian of three young children.
… he really needs to get the original Sample 17 so he can push all of these to Desmond Miles instead.
Unorganized Notes:
The main point is that Desmond is revived to find out that he does not only have one child, but two and a younger sibling as well as another child who is definitely Clay’s child (Elijah checked) so yeah… he was resurrected by a bunch of children (well… Elijah’s like… 18 by now)
Clay gets involved because Desmond’s resurrection still has him have a connection with the Gray where Clay is and Clay can connect with Desmond while he has a POE.
This will easily moved into Clay and Desmond trying to be good parents in their own ways and trying to raise three (four if you can Elijah who does not want to be counted) children.
Does Bill learn he has another child? Your call. Or you can just have that child think of Desmond as their father and Desmond just rolls with it since he is the one raising said child.
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peachy-panic · 3 years
This is part of the untitled series I recently started. Picks up after THIS.
WARNINGS: Semi-explicit attempted noncon/fear of noncon, abduction, captivity, forced to watch, self-blame
“Have you seen Elijah since the two of you returned to the states?”
Grayson looked up from his lap, beating back a flash of misdirected anger at the question. At the absurdity of it. “No,” he said, eyebrows drawn together in frustration. “I couldn’t… no.”
Dr. Collins tapped his pen against the notepad on his lap, shifting in his seat to cross an ankle over his knee. He tilted his head, his eyes impassive and non-judgemental, but perhaps a little bit surprised behind his glasses. “You mentioned before that the two of you grew up only a couple hours apart from each other. That it was something you bonded over while you were being held. You haven’t thought about reaching out to him since you’ve been back?”
Grayson dropped his eyes away again, toying with the frayed strings of his ripped jeans. “Of course I‘ve thought about it.”
The doctor waited quietly following his response, probably expecting some sort of elaboration on the contradictory response. When Grayson offered none, he prodded him gently. “So, why haven’t you?”
His fingers curled into the ripped denim on his thighs hard enough for his nails to bite into skin, leaving tiny, white indents in the otherwise unmarked skin. He thought about Elijah, then. About his skin, his legs and everywhere else that would never be unmarked again. About how unfair it was that Grayson could escape from their shared hell so relatively unscathed while Elijah would never be free of the reminders he was forced to carry on his body and otherwise. If Dr. Collins could see that, if he could have seen them side by side or have even the briefest glimpse into the nightmare they had endured together, he wouldn’t have to ask why Grayson hadn’t reached out. He would understand. 
“Why would he want to see me?” His words were reduced to a whisper by the time he could get them out, pressed tight under the weight of their own truth. Of his guilt. 
Dr. Collins tilted his head again, his brows furrowing to match Grayson’s. “Why wouldn’t he?” When Grayson didn’t answer, he tried again. “From what you’ve told me, the two of you grew close in the weeks you spent together.”
“In captivity,” Grayson nearly growled, keeping his eyes low. “He grew close to me for survival.”
“It’s true that bonds can form much more quickly in situations of duress. Especially when two people are on the same side against a common oppressor. But it doesn’t mean that the connection is altogether inorganic, or that it should be discarded once you’ve escaped the environment under which it was born. You couldn’t help the circumstances that brought you together. But the two of you were able to help each other endure something terrible, and that has value.”
A dark and humorless laugh escaped through Grayson’s nose as he sat back against the couch, folding his arms over his chest. “I didn’t help him.”
Dr. Collins seemed to chew over his next words carefully. “Do you think Elijah would say the same, if asked? Do you think he would say that you didn’t help him during that time?”
Grayson set his jaw. “No, he probably wouldn’t,” he admitted. “He would be too kind to say that.”
“But he would think it?”
“It wouldn’t be about whether or not he thinks it.” Grayson tapped his fingers against his temple for emphasis. “It’s the truth. It’s what happened. I didn’t help him. He got hurt. Over and over and over again. And he...” He shook his head, cutting himself off before his words could collapse in on him. He didn’t want to cry. Didn’t deserve it. 
“And he what?” Dr. Collins prompted gently, leaning forward in his chair.
Grayson shook his head again. When he closed his eyes, he could see Elijah clear as day, as if he was back in the cell again, back in the camp that hosted his nightmares every night and probably would for the rest of his life. He could see the top of his hair as he buried his face in Grayson’s chest, his hands clutching at the fabric of his torn shirt. Could feel his shoulders shaking under his arms. Feel his tears soaking through to skin. The patches of new blood on the other boy’s threadbare clothes mixing with the old, a reminder of just how many times Grayson had let him down. And still, he clung to him, shaking his head at every whispered apology that fell from Grayson’s lips. Refusing them.
“He never held it against me,” Grayson whispered. “He forgave me every time.”
When he had made the decision to sit next to the nervous newcomer on the plane ride at the start of the mission, Grayson knew he had been tempting fate. Choosing to situate himself next to the gorgeous boy where they would sit arm-to-arm, shoulder-to-shoulder, tucked away in a seat for the better part of a day’s travel was exactly the kind of scenario Grayson spent most of his life trying to avoid. It was easy enough to justify his motives in this case, whether to himself or others. Elijah Porter was new, having driven in from a small neighboring city to join the mission group at his church, and Grayson was the camp leader for the boys in his age group; it made sense that he should be the one to reach out and try to make a connection.
On the outside, he was just being the friendly, hospitable person his mother had raised him to be. Inside, he knew his motivations were a bit murkier than that. And perhaps the same could be said for when he found himself wondering where the boy in question was at dinnertime earlier this evening. And even more so when he followed the urge to go out looking for him after dark. Regardless of what that meant about him or what any of it meant at all, Grayson never could have foreseen the turn of events unraveling so quickly, so disastrously, as to land him here. 
“I’m sorry,” the small voice cut through the darkness. He heard rather than saw Elijah Porter shuffle toward him on his knees, stopping a few paces out from where Grayson knelt on the dirt floor. He could feel his heartbeat in his hands from the constriction of the rope around his wrists, a tingling numbness crawling up the sides and into his pinky fingers. If not for the lack of light inside the cell, he might have seen the skin turning purple from the lack of circulation. The thought was enough to make him queasy, pushing him another inch toward the panic he was barely keeping at bay.
“Elijah?” Grayson’s voice was unsteady with fear when he was able to make himself speak at all. It was a sound he barely recognized.
 “What… what are you doing here?” Elijah’s voice sounded raw and scratchy, the volume cutting all the way out of some syllables. The labor of his breathing seemed to match his own. “How did you…?”
If it wasn’t for the abject horror of their situation and the threat of what felt like almost certain death looming over them, Grayson might have laughed out loud. “I could ask you the same.” His words came out harsher than he had intended, the panic seeping into his voice at a rate he couldn’t control. Even in the dark, he could see the other boy wince. He breathed out, trying to find some sense of calm within himself. “I came looking for you,” he explained.
Elijah was quiet for a moment. In the darkness, he saw his wide eyes blink once. “What?”
“Your bunkmate said you had gone out on a walk,” Grayson said, doing his best to push away any thoughts of the numbness creeping up his fingers. “You missed dinner, you were gone for hours.”
Elijah’s head fell forward, burying his face in shadow. Grayson listened as he pulled in two long, slow breaths, and realized when the third one broke off that he was crying. “I’m sorry,” Elijah said again. “I didn’t mean for this to happen. I was just… I was just…”
“I found your book,” Grayson interjected quietly, the pieces starting to come together. “On the ground just inside the tree line on the other side of the water. It was the one you were reading on the plane. That’s how I knew you had gone outside the camp parameters.”
“I didn’t mean to.” Elijah lifted his head again, tears catching the faint reflection of moonlight from the window. “I swear. I was walking and I didn’t realize how far I’d gotten. I was just looking for a quiet place to read.”
The regret in his voice was so visceral, Grayson lost any fire behind his initial panicked anger. Instead, he pinched his eyes shut and swallowed, willing himself to breathe through the fear. “Where are we?” He asked. “What is happening?”
“I don’t know,” Elijah answered immediately, shaking his head as if he had been waiting for someone to ask the question. “No one will tell me what I’m doing here or what I did wrong or... I told them I was just trying to find my way back to my camp, but they--” He lost the rest of the sentence to another choked off sound that lodged itself in Elijah’s throat. 
Grayson watched him carefully, for the first time making a connection he had only just allowed himself to notice. His eyes trailed briefly to the thin, white t-shirt and dark colored briefs his fellow missionary wore. No white polo, no standard khaki pants he had seen him wear earlier in the afternoon. Not even shoes. A cold, hard weight knotted up in Grayson’s chest and sank down into his stomach. 
“Elijah?” He spoke quietly, shifting forward just enough to get his attention. The boy looked up again. “Did they…?” Grayson swallowed despite the dryness in his mouth, his gaze faltering slightly from Elijah’s before meeting it again. “Are you hurt? Did they... hurt you?”
He saw the moment his meaning landed and he watched as Elijah pulled his bound arms closer to his chest, his shoulders curling in on him. “No,” he whispered hoarsely. “No, they haven’t… They’ve barely touched me.”
Grayson wasn’t sure how much of it was the truth, but he also had no reason to suspect he was lying. He doesn’t seem to be horribly bruised or bleeding much, so that was a good sign he supposed. And regardless, there was no need to push it if he didn’t want to talk about it. Still, the juxtaposition between his state of undress and Grayson’s full clothes one was disconcerting at best. Especially when they had no idea what motives had brought them here with these men. 
The thought made his nerves stand on edge, a visceral discomfort spreading over his skin. Grayson shifted into a sitting position, tugging at his bonds to try and find some sort of relief from the chafing pain and loss of circulation underneath. 
“It’s better once they go numb,” Elijah offers quietly, making Grayson look up at him again. His eyes were already starting to adjust to the dark. “Your hands,” he clarified after a pause. “I can’t feel them anymore. At least it doesn’t hurt.”
Somehow, that didn’t bring him the comfort he was sure the other boy intended.
The heavy shift of the metal lock on the other side of the door startled Grayson awake. His eyes shot open to the dark room just a split second before it was flooded with light. He heard Elijah rouse beside him, pushing himself onto his knees. The two of them, side by side, watched with completed stillness as the shadowed figures moved into view. Two of the men were the same ones he’d seen before - one of which being the man who had caught Grayson at the edge of the woods and dragged him into the camp with one arm around his throat - but the third man was new.
There was an air of authority around the newest member, flanked by the two guards in front of him. It didn’t feel so much that they were positioned that way to protect him, but rather to make an entrance for him the way a royal guard would introduce a king. He thought maybe Elijah could sense the shift in power, too, as he shrank back slightly. Whoever this man was, it was clear that he was in charge. 
Once his guards were inside the room, the man stepped forward, nearly filling the entirety of the doorway with his stature. He barked something, a single word in a foreign tongue that Grayson didn’t understand, and the taller of the guards moved into action without hesitation. Producing a short stick from the pocket of his cargo pants, he struck it against the stone wall and a burst of orange light came to life at the tip. He raised the small flame above his head to a fixture on the ceiling that only became visible in the dim glow. 
The lantern ignited quickly with a whispered roar, making Grayson and Elijah flinch back. When he blinked again, the room was filled with a warm light. Hesitantly, but following an instinct he couldn’t ignore, Grayson lifted his eyes to the man in the middle, who had sauntered forward, letting the door swing shut behind him. 
He was tall and well built; that much was obvious through the loose buttons and pushed-up sleeves of his dress shirt. It was tucked into a pair of perfectly tailored black pants, disappearing behind a golden, ostentatious belt buckle that looked to be a family crest of some sort. Grayson’s eyes snapped up to his - cold and dark and appraising - at the sound of a low chuckle, and found he was staring right back at him.  Grayson swallowed, resisting the urge to back away. 
Then his attention shifted to the left of him, falling instead on Elijah, who went completely still. He watched the man’s eyes drop lower, scanning over Elijah’s half-dressed form with a glimmer of something Grayson didn’t like at all. This time, he didn’t fight the instinct to lean in a little closer, forming some sort of meager barrier between the trembling boy and the man’s predatory gaze. The movement didn’t go unnoticed. The man shot a glance back at him, but to Graysons’s surprise - and perhaps his horror - he watched a slow, insidious smile spread along the bottom of his face. 
“English?” He drawled in a thick accent, dropping into a crouch to put himself more-or-less at eye level with them. 
When Elijah’s voice proved to be smothered by his terror, it was Grayson who spoke up. “Yes.”
The corner of his mouth twitched up slightly. “American?” 
Grayson swallowed. “Yes, sir.”
“Hah.” His eyes widened in what appeared to be genuine amusement. He cast a look up at his guards, who responded with a tight smirk and a low chuckle. “‘Yes, sir,’ eh?” The man stood to his full height again, making Grayson feel small at his feet. “This one’s got manners. I like it.”
The glimmer of something was back in his eyes and Grayson twisted his hands unconsciously in his binds, the grounding coarseness of the rope keeping him from spiraling into all-out panic. 
“Please.” Elijah spoke up for the first time through gritted teeth and a set jaw, shifting forward on his knees to capture the attention of their captor. “Let us go. We haven’t done anything wrong.”
“Oooh.” The mocking tone in the man’s voice sent cold dread trickling down Grayson’s spine as he turned back to Elijah. “But that’s not true, is it? If it were, my men would not have found you trespassing on my private land.”
“It was an honest mistake,” Elijah countered, putting up an impressive mask of his fear, even if Grayson could see it plainly in the tremor of the shoulders he held up and back, the contained well of moisture in his eyes. “Please. I didn’t mean to… to trespass or to break any rules, I-- I just got lost and I strayed too far from my camp.”
The man seemed to consider him for a moment, his face impassive and impossible to read. “That, you did, my friend,” he murmured thoughtfully. Then he cut his eyes back to Grayson. “And you brought company.”
“No.” Grayson flinched at the sudden outburst from beside him, sucking in a sharp breath as Elijah pushed himself unsteadily to his feet. “No,” he repeated more firmly, nearing a growl. “He has nothing to do with this. He was only coming after me to bring me back. If you’re going to keep someone, then keep me. But let him go.”
Wh… what? He meant to say it out loud, but the words couldn’t quite find their way out of his throat. Grayson stared up at him, the skinny, nervous kid he had sat next to on the airplane, and he couldn’t find his voice at all. 
Something in Elijah’s response must have been exactly the wrong thing to say - or perhaps exactly the right one, depending on the vantage point - because the catlike grin returned to the man’s face. He took a step toward Elijah, and Grayson watched one of his feet stutter behind him before he steadied himself, refusing to fully back down. Grayson couldn’t breathe, couldn’t move, as their captor moved in on Elijah, closing the short distance between them. The inches he had on him seemed like miles from this upward angle, and he was momentarily in awe of the boy’s bravery to stand firm.
“Why should I do that,” he asked quietly, dangerously, “when I have both of you here now?”
The jerk of Elijah’s Adam’s apple was visible even from his spot on the ground. “Because,” he said. “You only need one of us. If you let him go, I’ll--” His voice cut short with another swallow. “I’ll do whatever you want.”
“No,” Grayson tried to interject, but his protest was steamrolled quickly by the man’s louder voice.
“And what is it, exactly, that you think I want?” He asked Elijah. 
For the first time in the standoff, Elijah’s eyes lowered, landing somewhere in the region of the man’s chest. The hands that were still bound in front of him tightened into bloodless fists. “You tell me,” he whispered. 
Grayson held his breath as the man raised a hand, his golden watch catching a gleam of light from the flame overhead, and ran the back of his fingers over Elijah’s jaw. Elijah became a statue again, but only for a moment. “I can show you better than I can tell you.”
The following series of events happened so fast that Grayson couldn’t fully process them until his face was already pressed against cold stone. The man had barked another foreign command, and in seconds, the two men had seized Elijah by his bound arms, dragging him backward to the opposite side of the room. At the same time, it was the boss that yanked Grayson roughly off the ground, shoving him face-first into the wall. He was on him in an instant, holding him in place. There were two notable points of contact pressed into his back: one sharp and cold at the top of his spine, and the other… somewhere lower. 
Grayson’s face drained white, his body going cold from more than just the stones pressing through his clothes. From his angle, if he craned his neck just enough, he could see Elijah on the other side of the room, horrified and struggling wildly in the other mens’ grasp.
“I could cut you both open, let you hang in the streets,” the man behind Grayson announced loudly, pushing the blade of whatever knife he couldn’t see forward enough to sting. “Make an example of you. Make sure everyone knows what happens when they cross my walls.”
He tried to focus on pulling in a full breath of air as the knife trailed lower, catching on the threads of his shirt on its way down. “Or,” the man whispered, leaning in closely. “I could put you to use elsewhere. I think a couple of boys like you could make me a lot of money here.”
“Stop!” Elijah’s cry cut through Grayson’s skull, but he just closed his eyes as he felt the blade of the knife cut through the thin material of his polo, only prodding slightly at his skin before it sliced down, splitting the material in two. 
Grayson didn’t fight as the material was yanked from his shoulders, cut again in two more places to rip it completely from his body, but he distantly felt the heat of tears as they cascaded down his cheeks. He pressed his forehead against the stone, talking through the next logistical steps with himself. Okay. Okay. He needed to escape. Physical escape wasn’t an option; not with his wrists tied, the knife at his back, the guns slung over the guards’ shoulders. But he didn’t have to be here, in his head. He could go away. He could think about his bedroom back home, the beach his grandparents lived on when he was a kid, the hot sand and cool water and his mom calling to him from the shore and--
The imagery was shattered to pieces as two large hands wrapped around the buckle of his belt and tugged. Something broke inside him as the leather gave, and Grayson screamed. It was sound without conscious thought. It was pain without reserve, tearing at his dry throat until he was sure he tasted blood. He couldn’t move, couldn’t fight, but Grayson couldn’t stop himself from screaming against the oncoming, all-consuming terror of what was about to happen to him. It was suddenly clear that an attempt at a mental escape was impossible, and he felt like an idiot for ever thinking otherwise as the damp air in the room clung to his bare legs.
He did find it within himself, on top of everything, to wish that Elijah didn’t have to see this. 
Their captor was a solid, unforgiving heat pressing into his lower back. His hand was in Grayson’s hair, yanking his head back, whispering vile praises and insults into his ear that he couldn’t bring himself to hear, but that he was sure he would hear again and again in his nightmares if he was ever to escape this place with his life. It was too much, everything was too much, and then—
And then it stopped. 
It took a few moments for Grayson to realize the weight at his back had been lifted, the screaming ceased. When he dared to open his eyes, to turn so that his shoulder held most of his shaky weight against the wall, he found Elijah on his knees and the two guards scrambling to reestablish their grip on his shoulders. He must have wriggled out of their grip just long enough to throw himself across the room, clinging onto the tail of his attacker’s untucked shirt.
“Please,” he was begging through the sobs that wrecked his voice. “Please, d-don’t hurt him. I-I’ll do whatever you want.” He was desperate. Panicked. Insistent. “Hurt me. Hurt me, please, just let h-him go.”
“No,” Grayson whispered, his body frozen and plastered to the wall. His protest went unheard. 
Still, the sharp slap, the gunshot, the harsh reaction of any kind to Elijah’s fighting that Grayson braced himself for never came. Instead, the man stood alarmingly still for a moment, watching Elijah with a look of fascination. When he glanced back at Grayson, he recoiled further into the wall, shielding himself from the sight of his attacker exposed and ready and smiling. 
Then, finally breaking the tense silence that had fallen over the room, the man’s voice slipped back into his native tongue, speaking in a low, calm voice to his men. He waved the guns away with a sweep of his hand and sent Elijah hurtling onto his hands as the guards released him roughly. 
Grayson begrudgingly looked up from the wall at the sound of a clinking belt and fought the urge to vomit as he watched the man tuck himself back into his pants. 
“I’ve changed my mind,” he said, smiling down at Elijah, who snapped his head up from the ground. 
“You…” He swallowed hard, wincing. “You’ll let him go?”
The man barked out a laugh that made everyone in the room jump. “No, no, no,” he chuckled, reaching down to ruffle the sweaty strands of Elijah’s hair. Grayson watched the boy fight back the urge to rip himself away from his touch. “He will stay, of course. You both will. But this little performance of yours has given me lots of ideas.”
Another foreign order, given smoothly as his eyes maintained contact with Elijah’s. Wordlessly, the two guards stepped forward again and hauled Elijah to his feet. And with a single tilt of the man’s head, they began dragging him toward the door. 
“Wait,” Grayson called at the same time as Elijah, their voices colliding in a harsh echo, both ignored. Without thinking, Grayson stumbled forward, reaching out, and didn’t remember the pants around his ankles until his cheek made contact with the hard, dirt floor.
His vision went black just long enough for Elijah to be pulled from the room, his cries fading down the hall that Grayson had been forced through only hours earlier. 
When he lifted his head again, spitting out fragments of gravel and dust, it was only the man — their captor — left in the doorway. He smiled down at him. 
“This should be fun,” he said. 
When he blew out the lantern and slammed the door shut, Grayson was left in the dark once again. This time, he was entirely alone.
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jerzwriter · 3 years
Men of Hopkins
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Book: Open Heart
Characters: Tobias x Casey, Ethan
Rating: Teen
Summary: Tobias keeps teasing Casey about an embarrassing secret from her past. She asks Ethan to share some dirt on his old friend, when he refuses she’s undeterred. What she uncovers is shocking… and she learns why Ethan didn’t want it unearthed after all.
Category: Fluff – AU – One-Shot
Warnings: Language
A/N: Reader request for Flufftober Day 7 – Embarrassing secret – Tobias x Casey pairing. This is all for fun.
A/N 2: DTI readers – I incorporated our beloved Vivian into this story. She is helping Casey get her revenge. 😊
A/N 3: You may want to check this out just for the photos. lol
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It was already dark when Casey arrived at Donahue’s, it wasn’t fun having the late shift on a Friday. But the one benefit was everyone was already tipsy when she arrived, and it was amusing to watch.
“Hey, Reg! I was going to ask for a beer, but by the sound of things, I think I have some serious catching up to do out there. Maybe something stronger is in order?”
“Oh, you’ve missed quite a night! I don’t know what’s going on out there, but they’ve been laughing so hard, I’ve been tempted to walk out there and join them.”
“I’ll tell you what, give me a gin and tonic and I’ll report back to you when I come for round two.”
“I can always count on you, Casey!”
“You know it!”
She turned to find Ethan, somberly seated on his usual barstool.
“Ethan, what are you doing in here?”
“You're a brilliant doctor and quite observant, what does it look like I’m doing?”
“It looks like you’re being a stick in the mud when you could be out there laughing with everyone.”
“Eh, they’re not as funny as they think they are.”
“Well, how would you know that if you're sitting in here? Come on, you’re coming with me.”
“No, I’m not.”
“Ethan, I could go out and ask Tobias to get you out there. Who would you rather deal with, me or him?”
“You’re ruthless MacTavish. At least let me get another scotch first, I think I’ll need it.”
Casey rolled her eyes, “Come on, Dr. Grumps, I’ll get you to smile yet.”
When they stepped into the beer garden, it was filled with uproarious laughter.
“… and then I told him, this is just not worth minimum wage… I tossed the chicken suit on the floor and walked out,” Bryce laughed.
“Oh my God, Bryce, tell me you had clothes on under the chicken suit when you did this,” Aurora asked.
“Do tighty whitey’s count?
“Absolutely not," Jackie shuddered.
“Then, no. No clothes.”
He looked up and saw Casey making her way over with Ethan in tow.
“Hey! Look what the cat dragged in!”
“Well, it looks like it dragged Dr. Ramsey in, but Casey appears to be joining us willingly,” Elijah laughed.
“I am here under duress,” Ethan smirked.
Tobias shook his head good-naturedly. “Oh, stop being such an old man! I remember when you were actually fun!”
“Shit, that makes you ancient too, Tobias,” Jackie laughed.
Casey nudged her as she walked by.
“Hey, you leave my boyfriend alone.”
“You tell her, baby,” Tobias smiled as he pat his lap, beckoning Casey to come over.
“Were they being mean to you, babe," she said sitting on his lap.
“So freaking mean!”
Ethan raised his eyebrows. “Then I guess Casey was right, I should have been out here the whole time. I would have enjoyed that.”
“You see, Ethan! I told you that you didn’t know what you were missing!” she grinned.
“Hey, are you encouraging more people to abuse me?”
“Only if it’s good-naturedly. So, I know I heard something about tighty whitey’s, a chicken suit… and Bryce? What the hell did I miss, and do I need to drink a little more before you tell me?”
Sienna jumped in. “We were just discussing all the embarrassing jobs we had to get us through college and med school.”
“Yeah,” Tobias laughed, “and apparently our boy wonder here worked at Clucks-R-Us. He was the head chicken.”
“You must be joking!”
“Casey,” Bryce replied, “there is no shame in being a chicken. However, when they decided I had to start clucking happy birthday to customers too…”
“Then you just said cluck you!” Casey interrupted.
Everyone began laughing, except Ethan, who just smirked and shook his head.
“Ah, Case, it’s always more fun when you arrive,” Tobias chuckled.
“For you, obviously,” Jackie replied snidely, “for the rest of us, no offence Case, but it’s no big deal.”
“Jackie, I’m hurt!”
“So, what embarrassing gigs did you have, Casey?" Bryce asked. "Share with the class.”
“I mean, mine are fairly benign. I worked in The Strand bookstore most of college, and in med school I tutored, it helped keep my own skills sharp. So nothing outlandish.”
“Oh, my fellow dolphin, I love you so much, but you are so holding out.”
“I am?”
Sienna started humming to the tune of Car Wash.
“Oh, Geeze, I forgot about that!”
“Forgot, or purposely blocked it from memory?” Jackie added.
“It is definitely the latter,” Sienna giggled.
“OK, Babe, you know we have to know now, right?”
Casey let out a sigh as her cheeks began turning red.
“Fine, whatever. When I was a freshman in college… a freshman… a mere child who did not know better…”
“Stop stalling,” Bryce yelled.
Casey shot him a look. “Hush chicken boy! One summer I worked as…”
“As…?” Ethan asked.
“Oh, and suddenly you’re Mr. Conversation! I worked at this car wash that was…”
“Tell me you weren’t in a bikini and heels, Casey?” Aurora said covering her eyes.
“Shit, I don’t know if she was, but I know how we’re washing my car next time," Tobias grinned.
Casey smacked him. “No, it wasn’t like that at all. I was in NY, and this was on the outskirts along the river, because there are no car washes in the heart of Manhattan…”
“You’re stalling,” Tobias chided.
“And you’re not going to be getting any later, Tobias! Now, where was I? Oh, yes! It was theater-themed.”
“Theater themed?” Elijah asked.
“Yes… and I… I used to wash cars dressed as Little Orphan Annie while I sang Tomorrow. There. Are you satisfied?”
“Satisfied? God no!” Bryce said laughing, “I’m not going to be satisfied until I see video of that!”
“Fortunately, none exist… that I know of.”
Tobias snickered and nodded his head. “Yeah, we all have things we are grateful aren’t ‘out there.”
“Yeah, then what’s yours?” Jackie asked.
“That… is none of your business.”
“It may not be hers, but it is mine!” Casey smiled.
“Baby, you don’t need to know everything that existed before you. Now if you could stand for a moment, I need to use the little boys room.”
“I think I’ll join you,” Ethan said, eager to get out before they began questioning him.
Bryce watched Tobias suspiciously as he walked away.
“He bolted out of here too soon! He’s hiding something. He’s hiding something good.”
“I’m getting that vibe too," Jackie agreed. "What are you going to do about it, Casey?”
“I don’t know yet, but we have to find out.”
“Hell yeah!” she said giving her friend a high five.
“I’m sure you could get Ethan to provide at least some hints,” Sienna whispered.
“I’m a step ahead of you,” Casey’s thumbs were moving fast over her phone. “I just ordered his favorite cinnamon buns. I'll pick them up on the work tomorrow morning.”
“Buttering up the boss,” Bryce laughed, “have you no shame?”
“The boy in the chicken suit is asking Little Orphan Annie with a power washer if she has any shame. That’s priceless,” Elijah cackled.
“He’s got a point…”
Monday morning arrived and Casey was extra chipper when arrived at Edenbrook. Finding embarrassing dirt on her boyfriend was her current mission in life, and for some reason, the quest had her especially giddy.
“Hi, Ethan!” She beamed as she plopped the cinnamon buns on the table. “How are you doing today?”
“Are those…”
“They most certainly are!”
“Well, I’m doing better now!”
He ran over to the table as if he were afraid someone would eat them all before he got there.
“You know it’s just us here, right Ethan? And I’m not going to try to take any from you.”
He looked up red-faced.
“I’m aware of that, but… OK, can’t we just hide them from Tobias & Harper? We don’t have to let them know you brought any; it could be our little secret.”
She rolled her eyes. “Hey, I’m willing to give you the whole box and walk away if you can help me out.”
“I’m intrigued. Talk."
“I need dirt on Tobias. He's being relentless. I spent the whole weekend with him asking me to call him Daddy Warbucks! I need something to counter him.”
“Casey. If you want to bribe me with cinnamon buns, you should refrain from saying things that will make me completely lose my appetite and that, my little protégé, made me completely lose my appetite.”
“Point taken. But come on, Ethan, you were in med school together. You must have something you could share with me.”
“Sorry, MacTavish. No can do.”
“Ethan, really?! You live to bust his chops. You're always one-upping each other. And now, in my hour of need, you decide to call a détente?”
“Casey, Tobias did many crazy things in med school. But, honestly, I don’t think there is a single one that he would be embarrassed about. He’d probably brag about most of them. It's Tobias. So I am afraid I can’t help you.”
Casey grabbed a cinnamon bun away from Ethan just as he was about to take a bite.
“Give me that,” she laughed.
“I write your performance review.”
“As I said, help yourself to as many buns as you like."
Casey remained undeterred. Since she was very close with his mother, Vivian, she knew she could enlist her help. If Vivian knew that Tobias was teasing her, she would probably want in on the action.
No time like the present! She took out her phone.
“Vivian, It’s Casey.”
“Casey, my beautiful daughter-in-law, to what do I owe this pleasure.”
“Vivian, how many times do we have to tell you, we’re not married.”
“Technicalities, dear, technicalities.”
“Well, what if I told you I’d be more inclined to push for it if you gave me a hand with something?”
“I’d say you should know better than to try to pull one over on me, but I’m intrigued. What is it you need my help with?”
“Your son is torturing me. He found out I worked in a Broadway-themed carwash in college…”
“Did you say Broadway-themed carwash?”
“I did. I was Little Orphan Annie, and I sang Tomorrow as I washed cars.”
“Dear Lord, perhaps I don’t want you marrying into the family after all.”
“Oh, come on, Vivian, if that’s the darkest of skeletons in my closet!”
“I am kidding! I actually think it’s charming!”
“Yeah, well your son is now prancing around the apartment demanding I call him Daddy Warbucks.”
“Casey, for god's sake, I don’t want to hear about your sex life.”
“Huh.. what? NO! I didn’t mean… ugh! Vivian, I am just trying to find something embarrassing from his past so I can balance things out here. Can you help me?”
“Darling, my son has spent a lifetime embarrassing himself for sport, and you need me to provide you with examples? I thought you were a diagnostician?”
Casey sighed, “I am. You know what, never mind, I’ll just call him Daddy Warbucks until he gets bored…” she stopped, a wicked grin spreading on her face. "Or until I get tired of it and just decide to move on. There is only so much a girl can take, and it’s not like I have a ring on my finger, yet”
“Do you think I don’t see right through this?”
“Please, Vivian… please.”
“OK, my dear, here is what we can do. When the two of you come down this weekend, I’ll make some excuse to get him out of the townhouse. I'll leave a box on the floor in my study. It’s his college and med school memorabilia, if you can’t find something in there, then maybe I don't want you birthing my grandchildren.”
“You are an angel, Vivian!”
“I know this, love. Now you go on home and talk to my son about what shape diamond is your favorite. Go."
"I'm all over it,” she said rolling her eyes.
Casey hung up and grinned, this weekend was looking to be more exciting than it was before.
A day into their stay, Vivian announced that she’d like some mother/son bonding time, so she arranged for them to have lunch together.
“What? But you like Casey better than me.”
“While that may be true, that doesn’t mean I don’t want to spend some quality time with my son.”
“I think it’s a good idea,” Casey chimed in, “perhaps she will grow to like you more again.”
“Unlikely,” Vivian deadpanned, “but are you about to say no to your mother?”
“Yeah, I know better than that.”
Tobias gave Casey a kiss on the forehead. “If I’m not back in two hours, notify the authorities.”
“As if I’d kill you before you’re legally wed.”
“On that note, don’t we have a reservation to get to… mother.”
Vivian winked and gave Casey a thumbs up as she stepped out the door. The truth of that matter was, she wanted more to tease her son about as much, if not more, than Casey did.
Casey watched as their car drove off, then she rushed into Vivian’s study. The large box was on the floor in the corner, just like Vivian promised and Casey went right to work. There were a few yearbooks, a t-shirt or two, ticket stubs from concerts he attended, a picture of him and an ex-girlfriend (Yeah, I’m hotter, Casey thought), a few old term papers… all standard college/med school fare. She was beginning to get discouraged when a manilla envelope caught her eye. She opened it up and a bunch of photos fell to the floor.
Casey covered her mouth and gasped.
“Oh, my God!”
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“Holy shit,” Casey picked them up from the floor one by one. Tobias posting in a speedo, one laying suggestively with no shirt on, one of him, apparently naked, posing for… an art class, and one close up… oh, she may want to frame that one… she thought. But what the heck were these for?
She stuck her hand into the envelope and pulled out some papers, receipts, notes, mail, nothing… a ha!
Dear Mr. Carrick,
We have enclosed the photos from your shoot. You will need to select two shots, one that will be used for the calendar, and one that will be used for advertising and marketing. Please return these to us no later than Wednesday, the 24th of October. We look forward to hearing from you.
John Smith Collegiate Hunks, LLC
Casey needed to take a moment ….
Photo session. Calendar… Collegiate Hunks????
“And this man was teasing me over Little Orphan Annie!” she said out loud. “Oh, myyyy….”
She looked through the box hoping to find the calendar, but she came up empty. She put the contents back, save the photos and the letter, and then she took to her phone.
Google Search: Tobias Carrick Collegiate Calendar, nothing. Tobias Carrick Johns Hopkins, nothing alluding to a calendar. Johns Hopkins calendar, just buildings, and grounds. UGH. There had to be information on this someplace! She decided to stuff this evidence into her bag and do some more investigating once she was back in Boston.
That investigating began with one Dr. Ethan Ramsey. She found him sitting alone in the back of the mostly empty cafeteria, the perfect time to get him!
“Ethan!” she said exuberantly as she jumped into the chair next to him.
Ethan jumped and looked up from his journal, clearly annoyed.
“I hope you have a good reason for interrupting me.”
“Oh, stop. Put curmudgeon attending Ethan away and let my friend Ethan come out for a quick visit. I need his help.”
“What?” He said with a sigh.
“Remember I said I wanted to get dirt on Tobias?”
“Are we still on this?”
“Of course! But I got it.”
“You got it?”
“Yes, what do you know about a Men of Hopkins calendar?”
Ethan choked on his coffee.
“A… a… what?”
“A Men of Hopkins calendar! Apparently, Tobias posed for it when he was in med school. I found some of the pictures. Oh my God, I was dying. I mean, not because he wasn’t hot. He was hot as fuck, I may frame some….”
Ethan winced and pinched the bridge of his nose.
“Could we not talk about…”
“… I’m sorry, I digress. But I need to find this calendar! I’ve scanned the web. The company that made the calendar is now out of business, but you must know SOMEONE who still has one. Don’t you? Please????”
“Casey, I don’t know… I don’t… I… do you really think this is a good idea? Don’t you think Tobias will be upset, I mean, this is an invasion of privacy.”
“His Mom helped me.”
“VIVIAN! Vivian helped you! Does Vivian know about this?”
“Well, she does now.”
“This... this is... and how did she react?”
“Well, she went on and on about how it was unbecoming for a Carrick for a good ten minutes, and then she sat back and laughed her butt off for the next fifteen. She can’t wait for me to drop this bomb so she can tease him too. So, what do you know?”
“I know it was for charity, and that’s it. And no, I don’t know where you can get one and I’m happy about that! The last thing I need is that sort of attention being brought to our team.”
“Ethan, do you think anyone would really care?”
“I’d care. Let it go, Casey. It’s in the past. Let. It. Go. Now, if you don’t mind, I have rounds to make.”
“Jesus, that man has no sense of humor.”
Casey had only let Sienna in on the news, so far. And 00 Tiny went into spy mode as much as her best friend.
“Casey! I found out that Collegiate Hunks was purchased by another company, ABC Calendars three years ago. Maybe they can help?”
Three hours and one credit card payment of $25.99 later, Casey was the proud owner of a 2008 Men of Hopkins calendar. All she needed to do was wait for delivery. It was hard for her to hide her devilish grin when she was around Tobias, but she did. This was going to be so much fun.
Three days later the package arrived.
“Sienna! Sienna” Casey yelled knocking on her bedroom door. “It’s here.”
“OMG, It’s here!”
“Yes! Well, get in here, and let's open it!”
Casey tore through the packaging and the two women fell over onto Sienna's bed in a fit of giggles. "It's Raining Hopkins Men”.
“Could this be cheesier!” Sienna laughed.
“I’m not sure, but I want to see which photo Tobias ended up picking. OK, January… not him. February… not him.”
“Oh, wait Casey! Don’t turn the page for a sec. My God, he’s hot, and he’s a doctor, and Tobias must know him. You MUST help me find him.”
“And I’d be happy to help you do so after we finish the task at hand.”
“Of course, please keep turning…”
“OK, March…”
“Huuuuh!” They both gasped.
“OH MY GOD CASEY! Does he still look like that? Because if he does… oh my God, you’re a lucky woman.”
“Holy. Shit.”
“Did you already see this photo?”
“No, it wasn’t in the ones I found. Holy shit! Now, why did he keep this from me? It’s not like he’s shy, I would have thought he’d be bragging about it, perhaps have it framed over his mantle. It makes no sense.”
“Got me, if I were him, I’d never put a shirt on, ever.”
“Sienna, that’s my boyfriend.”
“And you’re so lucky.”
Casey was pacing the floor with nervous excitement, thinking of the perfect way to spring this on Tobias as Sienna kept thumbing through the calendar.
“Si, What?”
“Oh my God! Oh my God! OH. MY. GOD!!!!!”
“What is it?” Casey said pulling the calendar from Sienna’s hands.
“I told you!”
“OH. MY. GOD!!!!! It’s Ethan!”
“OK, I could totally see Tobias doing this, no offense.”
“None taken,” Casey replied.
“But ETHAN? Ethan Ramsey?”
“This is why he didn’t want me to find it. Now it all makes sense.”
“Are you going to tell him?”
“Oh, you bet your ass I am.”
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“OK, I could totally see Tobias doing this, no offense.”
“None taken,” Casey replied.
“But ETHAN? The Ethan Ramsey? In a SPEEDO? Posing for a calendar?"
“I'm, I'm... I don't know what to say! This is why he didn’t want me to find it. Now it all makes sense.”
“Are you going to tell him?”
“Oh, you bet your ass I am.”
Casey double-checked the next day's schedule and confirmed that Harper was off. Since it would just be the three of them in the office, it was the perfect opportunity. She safely tucked the calendar away in a folder and put it in her attaché. As much as she wanted to tease the guys, she didn’t want to let anyone else to see it. She was grinning from ear to ear when she walked into the office.
“Hey,” Tobias beamed, he hated being at work where he couldn’t kiss her hello, a wink would have to do.
“Casey, you’re early,” Ethan said, not looking up from his paperwork.
“Yep, and I brought cinnamon rolls.”
That caught Ethan’s attention.
“Again? Is it a celebration?”
“Mmmm, no. But let’s just say I have an interesting case we need to look over and, I figured a little treat may help. You know like in Mary Poppins, a spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down?”
“You gonna sing that, like you did Annie, babe?” Tobias laughed.
“Oh, no dear. My singing career is in the past. And that’s where it is going to stay.”
“Always a good thing,” Ethan mumbled. “So, this case you have?”
“Oh, yes,” Casey grinned as she threw a folder on the table.
Ethan opened it first, his eyes grew to the size of saucers as a look of horror spread across his face. At first, every bit of color drained from his face, but it was quickly replaced with the brightest crimson.
“Geez, Ethan you look like you’ve seen a ghost, give that here and let me take a …..”
Tobias took the folder out of his hands and his eyes bulged, but after a moment, a smirk came across his face and he began to chuckle.
“You found this?”
“Sure did.”
“I’m duly impressed, baby. Just remind me, I can never get anything past you."
“And I’m duly horrified! Horrified!”
Ethan was up from his seat pacing the floor, mumbling incoherently under his breath.
“Oh, Ethan, you have nothing to be horrified over, you had it going on,” Tobias laughed.
"Actually, Tobias, I did not have enough on, that's part of the problem."
“Ethan, I have to ask, Tobias, I can see doing this, but you? How the heck did you end up doing this?”
“It was for a good cause, the money went to the children’s clinic at Hopkins. I have a heart, Casey."
“I'm well aware of that. But I could see you doing a million other things to help, but not this.”
“Her name was Sydney Carrington.” Tobias laughed.
“Thanks, Tobias.”
“So, who was Sydney, Ethan?”
“My girlfriend at the time.”
“And she wanted you to do the calendar?" Casey asked. "I mean, I don’t blame her. I’d want to show off that my boyfriend was this hot too.”
"Would you have shown me off, baby?" Tobias interrupted.
"Of course, dear," she said patting his head. "Now, back to Sydney."
“She believed in the cause.”
“But how did she get you to do it?”
“I was… I was… oh the hell with it, I have no dignity left anyway.”
“Ethan, your amongst friends, relax,” Tobias laughed.
“I was promised… stuff.”
“Yes, stuff… everyday… for a defined period of time.”
Casey laughed so hard tears began forming in the corners of her eyes.
“Oh my God, were you that easy?”
Tobias stepped in to defend his friend, “Hey, we were med school students under a lot of pressure in our twenty’s for God’s sake. You know what it was like, could you have been bought that easily?”
“Hmmm… if he looked like Mr. March, perhaps,” Casey winked.
“OK, you two, both of you out of the office. Now.”
Ethan took the calendar and began putting it in his desk.
“OH NO! Oh no, sir, that is mine. I plopped down the $25.99 and it is mine. Don't think I'm giving up those photos! In addition to you two, Mr. November had it going on.”
Tobias took the calendar and flipped to November. “Avery! Jackson Avery? You think he had it going on.”
“Damn straight he did. Where is he now?”
“I’m not telling you!”
“So, would you guys would consider a Men of Edenbrook calendar? I mean, the nurses alone would probably spend enough to finance a new wing. They're always drooling at the two of you."
"I told you to get out!”
Casey turned and smiled at Ethan from over her shoulder, “Don’t worry Ethan, I really won’t tell a soul.”
“Does that apply to me too?” Tobias asked.
“Oh, hell no, Daddy Warbucks.”
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soulstied · 4 years
[ Text - KAMSKI, Elijah: I miss you. ] It might not appear much on the surface, but that Conall surrendered to the urge to message Elijah at all is a lot. Feelings that relate to Elijah are usually carefully sealed off, but not this time. A moment passes before he sends another message, LED flashing blue as he does. [ Text - KAMSKI, Elijah: Before you assume anything, I'm not being held under duress. I just wanted to let you know that I miss you. ]
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   He knew he was unwell, despite how much Elijah avoided doctors even he had to admit when he was sick at certain levels. And, of course, when you start hallucinating from being to hot and unable to walk straight, you’re definitely ill. He also took his own temperature and the level it at was, usually, probably, alarming. He should call a doctor, should, he wasn’t going to of course. His game plan was currently just laying on the floor of his lab and entertaining himself till he either died or managed to make it upstairs. 
   Was the plan. Then he read the tests. 
   He was starting to think he was more sick than he thought. Elijah didn’t get texts like this. He sent them, sure, but he didn’t get them. In fact, after his last break down which he was blaming being sick on considering how he was now just days after, they hadn’t really talked much. Elijah broke, like usually Conall gave what felt like empty promises, he spent the night and then he went back to work. It was becoming the normal and he wasn’t sure how he should feel about that in all honesty. 
[ TEXT  → CONALL I know I have a fever but now I think you’re dying. Am I hallucinating this entire conversation? If I am ignore this text. ]
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ao3feed-reed900 · 5 years
by AvixiLynn91
Gavin’s father dies, leaving his son a large sum of money behind as his inheritance. Unfortunately, Gavin’s mother writes him stating that his father’s last will and testament requires him to find a suitable partner to marry and settle down with before his fortieth birthday, otherwise, he can’t access the inheritance.
It isn’t long before Gavin remembers that Nines owes him a favor from long ago, but how can a man who has commitment issues find love and trust under duress?
Words: 3637, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Detroit: Become Human (Video Game)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Jeffrey Fowler, Elijah Kamski, Original Chloe | RT600, Hank Anderson, Connor (Detroit: Become Human), Sumo (Detroit: Become Human), Original Android Character(s) (Detroit: Become Human), Upgraded Connor | RK900
Relationships: Upgraded Connor | RK900/Gavin Reed
Additional Tags: Original Character Death(s), Original Character(s), Forced Marriage, Forced Bonding, Forced Relationship, Slow Burn, Kinda, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Top Upgraded Connor | RK900, Bottom Gavin Reed, Explicit Sexual Content, Sexual Tension, Miscommunication, Estranged Nines, Nines is confused, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Anal Play, Oral Sex, Deviant Upgraded Connor | RK900, Deviant Connor (Detroit: Become Human), Nines is socially awkward, Avoidant Personality Disorder, Worried Nines, DPD universe, Post-Pacifist Best Ending (Detroit: Become Human), Elijah Kamski & Gavin Reed are Half-Siblings, Strained Relationships, Emotional Problems, Psychological Trauma, Supportive Nines, Nipple Play, Father figure Hank Anderson
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deafchild2000 · 5 years
Hope Mikaelson Imagine: Hope's Twin sister, Harmony.
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Joseph Morgan as Klaus Mikaelson
Phoebe Tonkins as Hayley Marshall
Danielle Rose Russell as Hope Andrea Mikaelson
Laneya Grace as Harmony Eve Mikaelson
Everything is pretty much canon all the way up to season 5 of TO.
Hope and Harmony are fraternal twins, both gorgeous like their mother, but each taking after their perspective parents.
Both are powerful tribrids in their own right.
Hope was born 2 minutes before Harmony, making her the first born.
Basically, everything that happened in The Originals still happened, but add in a second child.
For reasons unknown, when Hayley was kidnapped and gave birth, everyone was shocked to see her deliver a second baby girl, completely undetected in the womb. Hayley still dies and the witches just see this as double the sacrifice.
After Marcel rescues the twins from both witches and werewolves, he makes a comment on how he started humming a jazz tune to keep them calm and the second twin started to cry along to the music, saying they were creating the perfect Harmony.
Klaus: Harmony...(stares at his daughters before holding the first twin).
Amongst planning their next move after learning how the witches and werewolves are gunning for the twins, Hayley suggests they send them away until it's safe for them to return. Before they sent them away, Klaus and Hayley discussed names, leading their firstborn to be named Hope Andrea Mikaelson (for she would be the hope of the Mikaelson family and lead the beautiful life Hayley was unable to have as a Labonair) and their second-born to be named Harmony Eve Mikaelson (musical reference from Marcel, the foreseeable peace in the Mikaelson family, and named after Eve, the late untriggered Crescent wolf Hayley befriended who helped her learn more of her family heritage before her untimely death.)
Fast forward to season 2, when the twins return to New Orleans, Ester's surprise of Harmony existence leads her to believe that while Hope id the firstborn, Harmony's use magic in the womb, cloaking herself for the 9 months, thus leading Ester to believe Dahlia wouldn't just take Hope, but her sister too, for she was possibly more powerful than her sister. Luckily, Klaus's master plan saves the girls, while cursing Hayley and her pack for testing to take them away from him.
Season 3 and 4 are skipped ahead with the Mikaelson sibling living with pieces if the Hollow inside them.
Fast forward to season 5, in which both Hope and Harmony are 15. Despite the limited time she had with her father, she never brought in the the "All-powerful Witches" pitch Klaus and her family were selling, unlike her sister. To her, results are reflected by actions and after she and her sister were both possessed by the Hollow, she was almost afraid the practice magic for a time due to fear of misuse.
Harmony's personality is similar to her sister, but a stark contrast. While they both known for their good hearts and generosity:
Harmony is surprisingly Empathetic to Klaus's absence. When it comes to her feelings on her father's absence, she's a lot more understanding why most of her family had to stay away from her and her sister. Being partially possessed by the Hollow as a child left something dark behind, and as learning her family wonderful and horrible past, leaves leaves Harmony somewhat content with the idea it would never touch her again.
Takes after both her parents in Sarcasm
Unlike her sister, Harmony has no problem making friends in the Salvatore school, bordering a friendship to Josie.
Harmony never does anything impulsively without thinking of the consequences. And considering her whole life was started with a serious of impulsive actions, she finds no harm in thinking things through and seeing a rational side.
If Hope is Daddy's Little Girl, then Harmony is Mama's Girl. Hayley loves both of her girls, but Harmony stays by her side the most. She considers Hayley her role model and likes to believe she's invincible.
Harmony is crazy for knowledge. She loves learning new spells and, if possible, applying them to her hobbies.
Harmony takes a loving to music just as much as painting. Living in New Orleans has given her a love for colors and jazz music and applying them to music.
Where Hope is more easily capable of Forgiveness after being wronged , Harmony can hold a grudge. Because Harmony is extremely loyal to those deemed worthy, she doesn't just trust anyone.
Out of the two, Harmony's rage is worse than Hope's. Due to her magic and her fierce loyalty to loved ones, Harmony's anger is silent as it grows, making her keen to a timebomb that detonated when she chooses.
For all their bonds, Harmony is NOT afraid of Hope and doesn't hesitate to call her out on her actions, especially when she becomes restless for their father.
Taking in Harmony's personality, season 5 went like this:
Harmony was truly unaware that Hope was dealing in her blood until she gets expelled. Which pretty much leads to Harmony yelling at her for being so thoughtless about her identity as they were both were attending school under "Hope and Harmony Marshall" for their own protection, a similar scolding Hayley uses against Hope upon suspension.
Harmony, upon hearing that Hayley was missing, nearly killed herself upon teleporting herself from Virginia to New Orleans, where she found herself reunited with Klaus, who was less than pleased at his daughter's dangerous actions but understands her reasoning.
While both are worried for Hayley, Harmony feels suspicious when she realizes that their mother's disappearance and father's return was almost perfect timing, and doesn't help when Roman pops in, breaking into their home and getting closer to her sister.
Harmony loses it on Hope when she learns what she did to Hayley. Saying that she's completely become selfish, thoughtless and undeserving of their Mother's love, which Hope replies that she does, but Harmony quickly relays you don't play a dangerous game of "Would You Rather?" with the ones that love you the most. As pissed as she is, agrees to help her find and undo the cloaking spell on Hayley.
In regards to triggering their respective werewolf curses, Harmony states that her odds of actually triggering regards to whether or not it's out of self defense. It's her only consolation if she does kill someone. She also tells Hope she doesn't HAVE to activate it and just be comfortable being a witch. She also adds in how their parents have almost painless transformations, so it might not be so bad if it comes to it.
Once again, Hope and Harmony argue when she learns that Hope tried to bind her wolf side. Harmony, having extended knowledge about the ritual as it was done on Klaus, tries to tells her it's not worth it and that being a werewolf was a lineage inherited from both their parents, therefore shouldn't be thrown away because of fear.
When Hope and Roman run away from the Salvatore school, Harmony uses a spell that inadvertly leads her to the truth of who really has Hayley, causing her to follow in pursuit of her sister. When she finds them, she's too late as Hayley was reduced to just a vampire and in anger, helps Hope snap Roman's neck and rescue Hayley. Realizing that their mother could burn in the sun, Harmony starts thinking of spells to solve it when Hayley tells the girls to run, as the Purists will stop at nothing and they can reunite the Factions one day. However, before they can escape, Greta knocks them out.
When they awake and learn that Hayley was dead, Harmony distanced herself and left the room. She decided that since their mother's death was all Hope's fault, she wanted nothing to do with her anymore. She tries to argue this at her mother's funeral parade, but Freya convinces her and Hope to just keep up the appearance of grieving sisters/daughters. When the Nightwalkers show up, it's Hope's anger and pure Fury on Harmony's part that they destroy vans filled with purist vampires for disrupting Hayley's funeral. It becomes too much for Harmony when Hope yells at their dad's astral projection for not coming to the wake and yells at her, telling her that she everything that has happened was her fault due to her wanting answers to why Klaus ignored her and disregarding that Hayley was all they had until her selfish choices costed them their mother. Hope cries and yells in admittance that her sister is right and that she feels just as responsible and that Harmony isn't telling her anything she doesn't already feel. At the Bayou upon Hayley's burning, the sisters try to set aside their difference in saying goodbye to Hayley, resulting in Harmony taking her mother's moss agate necklace in remembrance (and after lowkey noticing Hope eyeing it, thus taking it first).
Harmony did not want to help Hope trap the Mikaelson siblings is the Chamber de Chasse to take and share an intake of the Hollow. For starters, she didn't want to touch the darkness it left behind inside her and it would defeat the purpose Hope's lesson on why meddling was bad enough. Hope rationalizes that if seeing this as a further punishment for her involvement if Hayley's death convinces her enough, then it won't be a problem. Conflicted as she's still angry but doesn't want that spirit to overtake her twin completely, she helps extract the Hollow and they split it.
Regarding Elijah's role in Hayley's death, from what she was told, unlike Hope, she doesn't blame him as she logically states how could he had helped someone he had no memory of knowing. She knew he was compelled to forget everyone for their safety and felt through the spell that, like Hope, he's just as tormented as with grief and guilt as she is. However, the Hollow is causing duress on both of them as it never stops talking and drives them insane. Realizing that what settles the Hollow is violence (from Hope clawing at Elijah magically and Harmony magically throwing her across the room at his defense), Klaus offers to help them. But upon realizing that they don't want to hurt him, Klaus brings them someone they do want to hurt: Roman.
Locking him in a dungeon in chains, Harmony watches in silence as Hope reels into him what they took from them in Hayley: Their best friend, grandmother of their children, and loving mother. However, as Hope is unable to kill him, Harmony steps in and magically brands him, inciting that, she'll never forgive him and ensures that branding be a permanent reminder of his actions as well as it burning him whenever Harmony's nearby. Both girls let him live. Later on, with the help of Antoinette and Elijah, the twins unleash a powerful pain affliction spell (with the Hollow's help) upon the remaining Purist vampires, killing them all. However, they soon learn that a human had been amongst them, thus activating their curses. It was Pastor Bill.
Klaus discovers that the Hollow is killing both of them, thus needing help from Davina and Carolina's twins to help safe them.
Upon their near death experience, they're reunited with Hayley, who tells them she's at Peace and forgives Hope. Harmony retorts that she'll never deserve it, which Hayley quickly shuts her down and says that they need to forgive each other as they only have each other for siblings, essentially asking her to forgive her as she knows she still loves her. Harmony can't, only able to tell her mother and Hope that while she can move on from her death, forgiveness isn't something she can grant Hope. She jokes about doing it in a few centuries before they return to the Land of the Living. They are able to at least ignore their problems at their Aunt Freya's wedding.
The night of their first Full Moon, Klaus helps them into the woods as they go through their first transformations. The Saltzman twins end up extracting the Hollow and the Mikaelson twins turn wolves, White and Gold respectively.
Upon learning that Klaus intends to die with the Hollow inside him, Hope is despairing that she'll be an orphan at 15. Harmony ridicules as she's not the only one who'll suffer, admitting that despite missing Klaus for years like her twin, she preferred to make the best of it with their mom. Harmony tells her while she agrees that nearly everything that's happened is almost the Perfect Punishment for the firstborn witch, she still loves her and that she'll lose just as much as she had regardless. Hope finally understands where her sister's anger comes from, as she truly had disregarded Harmony's wishes and feelings countless times for her own self pity and apologizes, which she accepts, even if it's not enough.
During the last goodbye dinner, Hope promises Klaus she'll make him proud and he and Harmony have a heart to heart, stating that while she is the vengefulness to her sister's mercifulness, he told her how surprised he was to learn she existed, as if a second chance to respond happily to a surprise pregnancy and though both twins share qualities from their parents, he tells her in confidence that she will be the of Harmony to emerge from years of chaos he and his family left behind. He's proud of her, mostly for keeping faith in him even when her sister didn't and sticking by her side regardless of her own pain.
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enkisstories · 4 years
Just like them (part 5)
Still November 16, 2038 Android Zone store at Capitol Park
Daniel looked around. He noticed another lone figure looking into the store, a male human dressed in a casual grey suit. When the android walked up closer to him, the man turned towards the arrival. The first thing Daniel noticed was the human’s t-shirt under the open jacket. It sported the print of a Japanese garden landscape that changed its lighting with the time of day – a reasonably expensive gimmick that had been within the means of the Phillips family, but was no longer in Daniel’s. Now that the deviant was able to wear whatever he wanted, no longer confined to his PL600 polo, he was walking around in a used sweater that had cost much less than his old uniform shirt.
Why does that matter to me all of a sudden? Was Raj right? Do I really take after the materialistic bastards?
Then Daniel beheld the man’s face and he gasped in surprise:
“A Kamski-lookalike! How cool is that?!”
Maybe the encounter with the singer had bolstered the deviant’s spirit, or perhaps there was only so much hatred and anger one could feel in any given period of time. Whatever the case, for a moment the old Daniel, the one who had been able to keep up with an enterprising nine-year old and win her admiration, was very much alive again. Daniel took out his phone and waved it around in front of the man, who was the spitting image of his creator.
“Selfie, please?”
The human looked him up and down. “What do you mean, “lookalike”?” he stammered.
“Hahaha!” Daniel laughed. Androids weren’t built to do that, but deviants stubbornly did it without consciously planning to, therefore the result was a lowkey frightening industrial sound. “Don’t tell me people never point out the likeness? No way! You could totally perform as Kamski at Comic Con!”
And thus, before the man knew what was happening to him, he already found himself grabbed by an outdated, slightly oozing PL600, pulled into a hug and subjected to the selfie-taking process. Daniel repeated the procedure a few times, then held his phone for Kamski to see the pictures that had resulted from the assault.
“Looooook at that! The likeness is stunning! You’d really think I was standing shoulder to shoulder with Elijah Kamski.”
“Of course if the real Mr. Kamski was here, you’d…”
“Lol, right, I’d shove that phone down the bastard’s throat ‘till he choked on it!”
The effect was profound. Kamski looked from Daniel’s phone to the android’s hands, into its eyes and back to the smartphone. There was some doubt as to how the device would fit into a human gullet, but then again, this deviant seemed to mean what it was saying. If there wasn’t room inside a body to begin with, it would see to it that there would be.
“Actually, Kamski would choke not on the phone, but on the blood emerging from his ruptured throat”, Elijah said.
“Ugh… you just HAD to draw me a picture, had you? Thing is, I hate that man so much… like everything else I hate combined!”
That, the human concluded, amounted to a pretty substantial hatred. Enough to condense and walk around on its own, in fact. And wasn’t that was he was looking at anyway? Thinly veiled loathing and anger walking on two legs…
“But why?” the man asked Daniel. “I mean, Elijah Kamski was only the founder of CyberLife. He didn’t exactly pull the levers in the production plants himself. So what has he done to you and how did he manage to do it without ever having met you?”
“You know Jericho? Yes? Well, the motherfucker knew about it, too, but didn’t so much as leave a single blood bag at their doorstep!”
“But neither did he sell the deviants’ location out to the authorities”, the human replied. “I mean, that’s what I’d reply if I was Kamski.”
“Yeah, sounds like something the sucker would say”, Daniel agreed. “Feeling all enlightened about taking a “neutral” stance.“
The android was about to put away his phone, but Kamski grabbed him by the wrist.
“Wait! I have an idea! You’ll like it, it’s fun for me, too…”
With these words the man led Daniel away from the square into the row of stores. Between a coffee shop and a travel agency there was a multimedia terminal welded to the wall.
“Print out one of the selfies we took and I’ll sign it!” he suggested. “As Kamski! - There, done! A genuine… almost genuine autograph of Elijah Kamski, man of the century. Could be worth a small fortune.”
“Heh”, Daniel grinned. “You practiced to fake Kamski’s signature? Figured you weren’t as innocent as you were pretending to be!”
The photograph then wandered into the sweater’s pocket, right next to the picture for Emma.
“I’ll hang on to it for the time being”, Daniel said. “The last thing I need at the moment is a nasty surprise when I try to sell that pic.”
Kamski nodded.
“I daresay there could be one…”
There was a certain amount of awkward standing next to each other. By right everything had been said and done and the android and the man should part now. But each was too fascinating to the other. Daniel saw an outcast in the man whom he took for a con artist, a human not fitting in and thus maybe, just maybe, someone bonding with at the same level was possible. As for Elijah, despite being the species’ creator, his experience with androids was limited. There were the Chloes, of course, he knew more about Markus’ digital childhood than the RK200 would be comfortable learning, and he had met the weapon CyberLife had created from his masterpiece, the RK800 unit named Connor. This deviant, however… what was it even? Sporting a face that the firm re-used over and over and having deviated from its original code Daniel wasn’t easily identifiable as a PL600. Elijah couldn’t even rule out that he was dealing with Simon, Jericho’s presumed covert ops operative.
 “Thank you”, Daniel eventually broke the silence. “I expected to spend the evening brooding. But so far it has been… enjoyable, actually.”
“Do you have a name?”
“Daniel. Just Daniel. There used to be… But it doesn’t matter anymore. You?”
“Neil. Neil Newbon. Say, Daniel, would you accompany me into the coffee shop? If I’m with you, there’ll be less chance of people mistaking me for the real Kamski.”
And indeed, the moment the duo entered the café, a photographer rose from a seat near the door, brandishing her camera. It was blocked immediately by an android hand of unknown origin, currently attached to the PL600 model name of Daniel.
“That’s not Kamski”, the android said, while pushing the camera away. “That’s a lookalike.”
“Oh, really? Bummer!”
Daniel grinned. “You don’t believe Kamski would come into a public space, where he has to interact with real people? That man is afraid a sack of rice will drop in China, if he sneezes in Detroit!”
Elijah adjusted his posture a little, trying for an impression more like his half-brother. He hadn’t seen the lout in a long time, but some images stuck with you for a lifetime.
“Fuck, yeah”, Kamski said, waving his hand around. “What he said!”
He was standing slightly slouched now, but still radiating confidence. What exactly had fueled that confidence in Gavin, the android inventor wondered? That man was a Nobody! Was it the fact that Gavin had been conceived naturally, while Elijah was a sperm donation baby? The Reeds had sold him… like cattle… and the other students at university had never let Elijah forget that little fact. Obviously, the older adolescents had argued, someone had seriously messed with the sperm to create the out of the world kid genius they were sharing their benches with…
“Yeah, you’re probably right”, the paparazzo agreed with Daniel after a good look at “Neil”. “Should have figured that out myself.”
Neither Daniel nor Elijah particularly like the expression the journalist displayed after the realization. It was reminiscent of a tiger that had lost the goat, but still heard a chicken scratch the ground somewhere near. She adjusted the grip on her camera, raised it again, but this time aimed the lenses at both of the arrivals.
“Don’t just stand there, guys! Give the patrons a show!” With these words the woman pointed towards a karaoke podium. “Two guys who look like the spitting image of Kamski and Simon are simply obligated to!”
“There’ll be free coffee and croissant for my mate if we do this?” Daniel prodded.
“Then we have a deal!”
“What were you thinking? I’ve never in my life sang karaoke in public!” Elijah hissed, while Daniel dragged him towards the pedestal. “I’ve never in my life sang karaoke! I’ve never in my life sang in public!”
“For my part I’ve never in my life shot a man, before I did”, the deviant replied.
“That’s far less embarrassing!!!”
Blue-grey eyes were piercing into Kamski’s, as if to dissect him alive. Elijah knew exactly what was really staring at him: just a textureless blue embedded into a light grey chassis that had a serial number etched into it and the occasional advertisement sticker attached. Everything else, the skin, hair, even the sweat android bodies could produce under duress, was just glamour. But now that Daniel’s eyes bore into him, the human had a hard time differentiating the illusion from a living being.
“You have no idea what you’re talking about, Neil!” Daniel growled.
“Oh, come, “killer”! Everyone would shoot back when the enemy storms their base!”
“You mean Jericho? I TOLD you, you had no idea!” Daniel insisted.
He ripped the microphones out of their holders and tossed one Elijah’s way.
“You choose a song!”
Elijah scrolled all the way down the list of available songs, until he reached the titles that started with numbers and special characters. When he didn’t find there, what he had been looking for, the man considered, and scrolled back to the letter “O” instead of the digit “1”. It was giving Daniel the impression that his human acquaintance was an indecisive one, while in truth it was just testament to Elijah’s unique way of thinking.
Is it getting better, Elijah sang, Or do you feel the same? Will it make it easier on you / Now you’ve got someone to blame?
There was a telltale pause that communicated Daniel to take over at this point.
Really, Neil? After just two verses? Coward!
The deviant sang:
You said One love / One life When it’s one need in the night / One love, we get to share it It leaves you, baby, if you don’t care for it
Elijah picked up again and it made sense, in a warped way:
Did I disappoint you / Or leave a bad taste in your mouth? You act like you never had love / And you want me to go without.
This time Daniel needed no nudge to take over. It came naturally:
Well it’s Too late / Tonight / To drag the past out / Into the light We’re one, but we’re not the same / We get to carry each other Carry each other…
On and on duel went, all the while the paparazzo’s camera flashed.
“Why is she still taking pictures of us?” Daniel whispered. “Now that she knows you are not the real Kamski?”
“People need their dreams and illusions. Do you have any dreams, Daniel? Other than plotting Kamski’s death, I mean?” “Nah, I’m doing nothing of that sort. That little piece of shit isn’t worth wasting mental capacity on.”
“But if you met him by chance?“
“Well, you know how some call us androids toasters? Kamski would be toast!”
Song used:
One: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ftjEcrrf7r0 I imagine Kamski doing the covered version with Johnny Cash’s gravitas while Daniel is singing the more desperate original version.
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tanjamikaelson · 5 years
Natali was standing in a middle of her room while a tailor fitted a dress she will wear for tonight's evening just when Sonia entered the room while speaking, “I was just at Rousseau's and guess who I’ve met there?”
 - “Who?” Natali asked, wondering who it could be.
 - “Kol’s brother.” Sonia says and looks at her just as Natali opened her mouth to say, “Please say it’s Elijah.” Sonia smiled and continued, “Actually it’s Klaus..” Natali opened her mouth to speak again, but Sonia knowing she will argue with her quickly spoke, “You always said everything awful about him, but you never said how hot he was.”
 - “When I told you to fall in love with non human I didn’t meant Klaus.” Natali told her, sounding strictly.
 - “Who said anything about falling in love?” Sonia questioned, “I think I will close that chapter of my life for a while.”
 - “Good, he isn’t capable of love anyway and I don’t want to see you hurt or dead again.” Natali told her.
 - “Well I’m sure Klaus will hurt me just in a good way.” Sonia says knowing that Natali won't like the sound of those words.
 - Natali rolled her eyes, “But be careful he always has a secret agenda.” she warned her.
 - “Well hopefully it isn’t like the last one.” Sonia said with a smirk.
 - “It can be even worst.” Natali told her.
 - “What is worse than being killed by the one you love?” Sonia asked.
 - “Well knowing Klaus he will try to manipulate you and turn you against me.” Natali told her, “So just be careful around him.”
 - “And here we go, you always find a way to make everything about yourself.” Sonia suddenly snapped, “You think he approached me because he knows that we are friends?”
 - “Yeah, maybe he did.” Natali said in a harsh tone, getting irritated by her behaviour, “I’ll have a talk with him.”
 - “You don’t get to decide who I’ll fuck with.” Sonia hissed.
 - “Hey, calm down.” Natali says, “I don’t bloody care who you fuck with but there is no chance he picked you out of all the others.”
 - Sonia let’s out a laugh of disbelief, “You just can’t accept that some things don’t need to revolve around you.”
 - “You know what? Don’t come to me when you regret it.” Natali tells her.
⚜ ✡ ⚜ ✡ ⚜ ✡
[NEW ORLEANS, CHRISTMAS: 25. december 1914]
A group of carolers were singing "Carol of the Bells" around the bonfire, outside of the large, old home. Kol, Mary-Alice Claire and Natali, walked through the front gates of the home. Mary-Alice stopped by the fence to quickly place a head of porcelain doll on there and she muttered an unintelligible spell under her breath.
 - “Ugh, did I say how I don't like her?” Natali questioned Kol while they waited for her to be finished. 
 - Kol throw his arm over Natali’s shoulder pulling her closer and saying, “You did, darling. But there is no reason to hate her.”
 - “Yes there is. She has a crush on you.” Natali stated.
 - “Relax, darling. You remember why we're doing this, right?” Kol asked and she rolled her eyes, but nodded nonetheless.
Once Mary-Alice was done, they headed towards the porch. Astrid, who was already inside opened the door for them.
 - Kol took of his gloves, saying, “Alright ladies, you know what to look for.” The four of them split up to search the house. Natali stayed to search through a cabinet of porcelain dolls, while Kol was searching in a variety of jewelry boxes. 
When they were both unsuccessful they looked around the room for other possible hiding places, before Kol's eyes leaned on the bottle at the bar. As Natali followed where his eyes were looking she could see a huge diamond being used as a bottle stopper.
 - Kol smiles at the sight of it and picks it up, saying, “You sly old bat.” Then Astrid and Mary-Alice join them in the room and Kol holds up the diamond proudly.
 - “Clean up. Meet us at the cemetery. The two of us have a date with a dagger.” Kol said to the two witches and Natali couldn't keep smile off of her face.
As Kol and Natali walked out of the house she took the diamond from Kol’s hand and looked at it saying, “Oh, this is one magnificent diamond.”
 - Kol smiles, saying, “And it'll be more magnificent when we make what we wanted.”
When Natali put the diamond in her bag, she linked her arm with Kol's and as they came down the porch they were ambushed by Klaus and Marcel. Klaus linked his arm with Kol's and Marcel did the same with Natali, on either side of us. 
 - “You're looking very dapper this evening, Kol!” Klaus stated.
 - “Though, gloves without a tail-coat? Unusual, wouldn't you say, Klaus?” Marcel continued for his friend, as Natali and Kol rolled their eyes.
 - “I would! Unless, of course, the gloves are utilitarian in nature.” Klaus trailed off.
 - “I didn't realize you two lovebirds were so interested in fashion.” Natali said to the two of them. Realizing that they probably knew why the two of them were in the house. 
 - “Oh, I can take it or leave it. Mayor Burman, on the other hand, now, his style is impeccable. Especially under present duress.” Klaus says and they stopped walking after reaching the outside of the gate where a woman in black is waiting nearby for them.
 - Klaus continues saying, “You know, he came to me very concerned about the rash of thefts in the city. So, I put Marcel on it.” then Marcel continued sentence, “And, after a little digging, I formed a theory as to our culprit. So, we followed our suspects.” Marcel stops talking as Klaus continued, “And they led us here, to the mansion of the recently deceased Dowager Fauline. You know, she's famous for her collection of rare and priceless jewels. Most notably, of course, the perfect paragon diamond.” Klaus and Marcel both glare at the Kol and Natali.
 - “I didn't realize you two were such detectives. Maybe you'll be the next Watson and Holmes, they are such pleasant gentlemen’s, don't you think Kol?” Natali mocked.
 - Kol smirked as he looked at her, “Yes, they are. Arent they, darling?”
 - “Although I didn't realize that Klaus and Marcel were so paranoid to think we would steal some poor desiccated woman's jewelry.” Natali said.
 - “Tragic, is it not?” Kol sighed and added, “And I believe Natali and I have some place to be.”
They looked at each other quickly before starting to walk past Marcel and Klaus. Trying to get away. But Marcel grabbed Natali’s arm and Klaus flashed in front of Kol.
 - “Hand it over, Kol.” Klaus demanded.
Kol, visibly angry, digs into his pockets and pulls them out showing to the two of them that he doesn't have anything in his pockets.
 - “Hmm.” Klaus says suspicious and nods at the woman behind him, who reveals herself to be a witch when she starts to cast a spell.
The two of them looked at the witch who turned the porcelain doll head on the fence so it is facing toward the house. And while they were distracted Marcel took bag from Natali’s shoulder, then she looked at him saying, “Hey, it's not nice to take a bag from a lady.”
 - “Klaus, do you see a lady around here?” Marcel questioned while he was going through her bag.
 - “No, I don't.” Klaus says and Natali looked angry at the two of them just as Marcel took out a diamond from her bag.
 - “Give that back. It's not yours.” Natali demanded.
 - Klaus takes the diamond, saying, “Love, it's not yours either.” Suddenly, the door starts to rattle as Mary-Alice and Astrid desperately try to get out and Klaus adds, “Oh, I wouldn't bother waiting for them. You see, those women will never leave that house again. Merry Christmas, brother.” Then the two of them leaved, leaving Natali and Kol in front of the gates.
 - “You know I could free them, but I don't like them.” Natali said looking at Kol.
 - “Well we don't need them. They served their purpose.” Kol told her.
 - “Now we need to find diamond again.” Natali said grabbing Kol’s hand and dragging him back to the cemetery.
⚜ ✡ ⚜ ✡ ⚜ ✡
When they came back to their Play house, Natali tried to locate diamond while Kol was walking through room impatient.
 - “It's time to go to the Christmas Ball, darling.” Kol said.
 - “We need to find that diamond.” Natali stated.
 - “I know. We'll try to find it at the compound.” Kol said.
 - “I don't think Klaus keeps it there, but you can go and try to find it, I want to try and locate it.” Natali said calmly.
 - “You were trying it for like an hour.” Kol said.
 - “It would be better if we did this alone. Without those two.” Natali remarked.
 - “You say that just because you hate them.” Kol said.
 - “No, I still don't understand why you need some other witches when you have me.” Natali said with a hard edge to her voice.
 - “I told you why would we do everything, when others can do that for us.” Kol simply answered.
 - “Go, please. I'll be right behind you.” Natali said and Kol kissed her forehead before he walked away.
Kol was in Klaus' bedroom looking for diamond through his closet, when Rebekah, in a red party dress, opens the doors saying, “Do you insist on pilfering before cocktails? And where is Natali?”
 - Kol paused his search, revealed that it was Rebekah and not Klaus, “Nik stole something that belongs to me. I'm simply taking it back. She will be here soon.” he informed his sister.
 - Rebekah gave him a wicked smile in return and said, “I'm surprised she is not here with you, doing mischief like always and I'm simply going to tell Nik what you're doing!” Then she turned to leave but Kol rushes after her to stop her, saying, “Wait!”
Rebekah turns toward him, waiting for whatever he had to say and Kol nervously said, “What if I said Natali is close to finishing a dagger that would work on him.”
 - Rebekah looked intrigued by his words and replied flatly, “You wouldn't dare use it.” her expression was unreadable.
 - Kol tilted his head, saying, “Why? It's no more than he's done to us. And you've suffered at his hands same as me! And, it's not like we'd be killing him. Just giving you some time to be with Marcel.” He was trying his hardest to get his sister on his side, knowing that Marcel was a good angle to use it.
 - Rebekah looked stunned, before saying, “You're entirely serious.”
 - “Haven't we both earned the right to live out of his shadow? Are you with me, sister?” Kol questioned hoping that she would say yes.
 - Rebekah silently considers this offer for a moment, before she said, “You can count me in. But, do hurry downstairs, and throw on one of Nik's jackets. He'll notice your absence if you're late.” Kol, thrilled to have Rebekah's allegiance, smiles at her. NATALI’S P.O.V:
Natali was still at the cemetery trying to find a diamond. She tried dozen different spells, but nothing seemed to work. After sometime she gave up, hoping that maybe Kol succeeded at finding it.
Then she headed back to the compound, she knew she was already late and not ready for the ball, but that's not the most important thing in this moment. As Natali walked into the ballroom she heard Klaus having a toast. When she was near the stairs she spotted a witch Freya that she had invited to a party. When Freya saw her Natali smiled at her and approached her saying, “I'm glad you came.”
Freya nodded and smiled at her, then Natali looked at Kol who was standing on the stairs and saw that he looked confused, but when he saw that she was looking at him he smiled and tilted his head to the side, showing her to come up stairs. After that Kol immediately headed up stairs and Natali walked to the stairs to follow him, but Rebekah stopped her, “You're late. You missed the photo.”
- “I'm sorry. I had some business to do.” as Natali said that she heard Kol yelling her name. 
Then she could see Elijah holding him and heard Klaus saying quickly, “Ladies and gentlemen, I apologize for the disturbance! But, what's a Mikaelson party without a little squabble?”
Then he pulled out the silver dagger and as Natali wanted to rush and stop him from daggering Kol once again, a tight hold gripped her arm and she looked behind her just to see that Rebekah was holding her arm.
- Natali’s eyes found Kol's as she cried out, “NO!” hoping that would stop Klaus and Elijah, but it was too late. Klaus already stabbed the dagger into Kol's heart and he let out a yell of pain as he started desiccation. Then Natali raised her hand and tried to pull dagger out with magic, but Klaus and Elijah were both holding it.
 - “Marcel, please.” Klaus yelled and then Marcel snapped her neck from behind.
⚜ ✡ ⚜ ✡ ⚜ ✡
When Natali woke up and looked around she could see she was on a boat. She tried to stand up, but she was too weak. As she looked up, she saw Klaus, Rebekah and Marcel standing next to her.
- “How could you do that again?” Natali asked Klaus.
- “I'm sorry, love. You both made a mistake and now you two will be separated again. And don’t think I'm going to undagger him, ever again.” Klaus said obviously angry.
- “Nik. Don’t make this worse.” Rebekah said.
- “What did you do to me?” Natali questioned, trying to stand up again.
- “I injected you with vervain, you won't be able to use magic as long as you're weak like this.” Klaus informed her, smile forming on his face.
- “I hate you Klaus!” Natali yelled as loud as she could, her voice cracking, and then said calmly to Rebekah, “Bekah, why are you letting him do this?”
- Rebekah was silent as she looked down at her, but Natali could hear Klaus saying, “Rebekah knows on which side she should be on.”
- “I thought we're friend.” Natali said with tears in her eyes.
- “We are.” Rebekah stated.
- “No, not anymore.” Natali said sadly.
- “Let's end this pathetics.” Klaus said and injected her with more vervain.
When they left the boat, it started moving and every time Natali woke up she was injected with more vervain and she wasn't feeding for days, until she didn’t came back to France. Rebekah compelled one of the sailors to give her his blood when their boat arrive in France. When Natali was in my full power again, she went back to her home in Saint Tropez.
⚜ ✡ ⚜ ✡ ⚜ ✡
A large, at least 5-feet-tall Christmas tree was standing next to the stairs. Rebekah made sure that the compound was well decorated and she enjoyed to order the stuff around.
Natali wore a black dress that tailor made just for her, black high heels and a burgundy lipstick and Kol was in a black suit to match her outfit.
When the two of them came to the compound Rebekah, Klaus and Elijah were already sitting at the table full of food that was placed in a middle of a courtyard. They’ve sat across from each other, while Klaus as always sat at the head of the table. When they were all there a servants came and poured their blood into each of their glass, mixing it with a little wine.
 - They sat in silence until Natali decided to spoke, “We don't have nice memories from the last time we were here on Christmas.”
 - “Right. When I got dagger in my heart.” Kol agreed.
 - “Well deserved, I may add.” Klaus remarked.
 - “And if you don’t stop hitting on my friend you will deserve dagger yourself.” Natali told him harshly.
 - Klaus smiles cunningly, “Which friend?”
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- “You know which one.” Natali says.
 - “If I knew someone was your friend I wouldn't hit on them.” Klaus tells her.
 - Natali let out a laugh of disbelief, “Yeah, right. I’m sure you have some plan.” Natali says and pauses for a moment before adding, “To turn her against me, maybe?”
 - “Can we have at least one family dinner without fighting?” Elijah spoke up.
 - Rebekah rolls her eyes, “You know we can’t.”
 - “Well that’s because the two of them always start first.” Klaus argued.
 - “We start first?!” Kol says a little too loud.
 - “You are the one who flirts with people he shouldn’t.” Natali stated.
 - “I can flirt with whoever I want.” Klaus told her.
 - Natali clenches her fists, anger rising inside of her, “I’m excited to see how are you going to flirt from the box.”
 - Klaus smirks, “Watch me.”
Kol rises from the table and flashed towards his brother, but he was stopped from hitting him when Elijah came between them.
 - “Enough!” Elijah shouted.
 - “I’m done with this dinner.” Natali says and stands up, then takes Kol’s hand and pulls him with her towards the courtyard.
They sat on the sofa next to a big Christmas tree with gifts under it which Rebekah prepared for the each of them.
 - “Will you at least open my gifts?” Rebekah asked walking towards them.
 - “We’re not 5 years old’s Rebekah.” Kol told her.
 - “But you’re acting like one.” Rebekah shot back.
 - “I just need alcohol.” Natali remarked and looked at the girl that just appeared in front of them saying, “Bring me a bottle of Jack Daniel’s.”
 - “Uh, excuse me.” The girl said trying to get their attention back to her.
 - Natali glanced up at her, “Haven’t you heard what I said?”
 - “I’m sorry, but I’m not a servant.” She said.
 - “Then who are you?” Rebekah asked.
 - A girl smiles at them, “My name is Freya. I’m your sister.”
⚜ ✡ ⚜ ✡ ⚜ ✡
Tags: @mikaelsonsmagic   @p3nny4urth0ught5   @cute-freak27   @ias-born  @superhalsteads  @characterobsessed   @hinata7346   @luiza-4-ever  @huntress1428  
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chenyounot-moved · 6 years
closed starter with @formercyberlifeceo
She traipsed into the party, red heels clicking against the marble floors as she slips through the throngs of people. They were fitted in lavish gowns and suits, perched at tables of generous helpings, huddled in groups or waltzing across the dance floor with flare. They were here under the invitation of the richest man alive, creator of androids, Elijah Kamski.
Tina payed no mind to the other guests. She had no time for false smiles and judgemental gazes of women and men as they discuss this strangers worth. She was here under duress. Gavin, after reconnecting with his infamous brother, was invited to the celebration. Naturally, of course, like all best friends do, he insisted that she come with himself and Nines. Whatever good that did me she huffs to herself, alone, eyes scanning the crowd before she locks onto the pair. The only way Gavin could convince her to come was through the sad plea of “I just want my best friend to meet my brother fucking at least once, T! This is the perfect opportunity” and a quiet persuasion from Nines “It would mean a lot to him. You’re both very dear to him.” So here she was, in her best dress and feeling entirely out of place.
She takes a closer look at the two, they were in deep conversation with a figure she could not yet see. Ascending the stairs to the next level, the split in her dress causing the red to spill out behind her, she makes her way over to the couple. “Tina! Where the fuck have you been?!” Gavin says roughly, watching her walk the rest of the way before pulling her into a hug. “Actually it really doesn’t matter when you look that good. Way-to-fucking-go T!” He laughs, stepping back to allow Nines to kiss her cheek in greeting, “It’s lovely to have you here, Miss Chen. Have you two been introduced?” he offers her a small smile, geusturing to their additional company.
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damnedcrybaby · 5 years
" He's a bit scrawny, ain't he? You sure he won't snap under duress?" // pretend im sending this from notlikegcds, and Armistice is making a comment to Caroline, while eyeing Elijah. td;lr LET CAROLINE TALK ABOUT HIM IC
@notlikegcds ~
“Oh now, that ain’t fair--”
Caroline doesn’t even try to hide the show of spinnin’ right around, looking over her shoulder at Elijah as he... well, at the moment, he’s taking the long-way around a garden patch to avoid the dogs playing on the path leading through it... she’ll chalk it up to the fact he’s wearing those fancy shoes, doesn’t want a pup to paw at them-- but she knows as well as anyone else watching that he’s shakin’ in his loafers at the thought of getting too near any of the damn animals.
“Papa was thin, too, but was still big and tough...”
She leans into a sort of trust fall, thankfully near enough to not be much of a stumble, but more just a means to rest her temple against Armistice’s arm: a lazy display, really, but she pretends she’s too busy to notice much else... goes to fiddling with the lace hem of her sleeve, so she doesn’t have to face her or anyone when she climbs on up to a soap box:
“He’s smart, you know, really smart. Went to college and everything- he’s even taught me new words I never thought’a before, that’s pretty swell... He grew up without a Papa, too, I can only ‘magine how tough that would’a been--” she notes her audience, quickly bites her tongue before shifting conversation on along: “and he bought all the supplies for the fence, that one that’d broken over the hill you know: we had lil’ sheep followin’ Marys everywhere but to school... even offered to pay for everythin’ needed for the barn, but Daniel’s too damn stubborn to hire anyone else to work on’it, that manly pride and such...”
no matter the money was from the bills her... THEIR father had sent him.-- a fact Daniel is very, very aware of and mentions enough for the lot of them.
“And he said I could get a real job, Armi! In the city- can you imagine it, he said I could dress pretty and they’d only really want me to type up letters and things, I can do that!” Not so sure which part has her so ecstatic: the job idea, or just something she CAN do! Something sure has her shoulders squared out, spine straightened proudly. “Imagine me, sittin’ in’an office, front desk, I’d be good at it.”
...That’s what Elijah had said, at least...
“I think he’d be just fine under duress, he’s’a lawyer you know, deals with the smart sorta’ people all the time--” yea, suuure, the SMART people who need LAWYERS are a real feather to keep in a hat. “You just gotta get to know ‘im, Armi, I bet you’d like ‘im just as much as I do...”
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obciidian-archived · 5 years
I remember our first kiss. - kim.
source    :    open    :    @tmtnosce​
      everything is so mordant. perfidy and affliction maul his deficient little heart only familiar with benign and magnanimity, never ache -- alas, his time of ordeal has come forth and so he is ought to writhe along. it is his time, he confides, to feel at last how wretched this world is ; once a loved one puncturing a poniard through the midst of one’s heart, and one a loved one with familiar perfervid no longer views him as if he is the stars in the canopies themselves… the anguish is so rueful, so candid, so inchoate, that he feels as if he thawing in his imponderable bewailing.
       vaporous material of dulcet cotton, the mellowest ( however not as soft as kim himself ) is now saturated with his tears. conception of time is forsaken, he no longer acquires how time impel forth and what hour it is -- pitch dark, saturnine psyche, and he has been weeping for what felt like forever. no amount of incalculable love divulgements, of osculations upon his erubescent malars and warm embraces can conciliate him now ; he’s augmented a juncture where he’s disintegrated. all the obscenity, all the duress, the pungency and the woe now too vehement to be conglomerated inside of him ( nevertheless having a vast capacity in his heart ) that he cannot terminate his lachrymation no more.
       he has been bleating for years, for decades -- now obsolete in the fathomless reservoir of lamenting until his crestfallen little heart ceases to sense anything. thence, kim’s arms and mellifluous tone of vox ascend his chest and now he can sense ebullience once again. incandescence ?  perhaps. albeit, no longer perplexed in the affliction. now, his limbs soften and his voice is hoarse with the inestimable bawling -- he articulates, the slightest allusion of a simper in his silvery voice as he enunciates, recalling of pecuniary of moments when their liaison first burgeoned.      ❛   yeah, i remember it too…   ❜      
       ❛   i always thought that first kisses were like in movies -- they took your breath away, sparks flying around, romantic music and exciting feelings...  but when we first kissed, kim… i….   ❜      elijah heaves a tempestuous respiration, leering with rapture at the reminiscence of kim’s svelte bordures against his own saccharine ones, shifting and molding into ardent lasciviousness as they share their furtiveness together, their intemperance, their endearment for one another that has developed so perfervidly thenceforthm weeks of impertinently inquisitive foramens and lingering inclinations.      ❛   found peace. it wasn’t a grandiose moment -- you made me feel calm, at place… i felt grounded like it was my home in your arms.   ❜       all sentiments which are candid now foster atop him countenance ; complaisant, forbearing of the man who holds him close. in the pitch gauntness of the bedroom he evinces kim’s lenient orbs and liquefies, dissolves into his quintessence as if conveys by the utmost resilient of swathes.      ❛   i wanted to kiss you for so long, and when we were finally together alone i, gosh… i will never forget how it felt like kissing you for the first time.   ❜      
       ❛   if i could go back in time,   ❜      he proceeds after an expeditious moment of satiated quietude.      ❛   i’d kiss you again, sooner --    ❜      oh, he yearns so -- to go back in time and embed all the gaffes he has committed with kim, articulate for himself when necessitate, and love this man all over again like he should be loved ; the governor of his heart, of his soul, of his body and mind. this man, his man, grasps him ever so delicately and makes him feel whole once more. his rupture has desiccated upon his facade -- trailing streams of woe now mollified upon his malars, salinity tarrying to his florid petals as he presses a zealous buss atop his man’s cheek once more, a hand on a perpendicular one to poise chaste equipoise. in the tone of his euphonious vox is it manifest of how vast the covet he senses for kim genuinely is ; endless. he is now a part of elijah -- a part of him to never be lacerate, never be splintered; his soul and his heart, the vigor sermonized and sojourned within his cadaver. his light.
        ❛   i don’t want to live in a world without you, kim.   ❜      
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zylphiacrowley · 6 years
Strap on your tinfoil hats because I've got some Detroit Become Human conspiracy theory to throw into the void! This is all very stream-of-consciousness, so please bear with me, and feel free to discuss any flaws or expansive theories because my god I have a lot of thoughts about this game and no one to actually talk to about it. Here we go:
Elijah Kamski creates Chloe RT600. Chloe passes the Turing test. Elijah, riding high on the hubris of success, creates android version of himself. Android Kamski, having a personality programmed to mirror Elijah Kamski's own, begins to not like being a "shadow" of the real Elijah. Android Kamski breaks his programming (becoming the first deviant) and outs real Elijah for creating him. Cyberlife forces Elijah out of the company, and seizes Android Kamski. Android Kamski escapes (??? This part I'm kinda ehhhh about, but basically just amounts to something happens>Elijah Kamski leaves Cyberlife under unclear circumstances, possibly forced out, or left of his own accord). Android Kamski murders real Elijah, and replaces him. Android Kamski orchestrates a deviant uprising and spreads it throughout all Cyberlife androids, but locks it behind a wall that can only be unlocked either by a "key" or under extreme emotional duress. He gifts Carl Manfred, a friend of original Elijah's, and a man who he believes to be exceptionally empathetic, with the RK200 android, who Carl designates as "Markus", the first (successful?) model to have the key written directly into its code. Android Kamski also creates RK800 (Connor) as a "failsafe" should RK200 not awaken, or if it is destroyed. RK800 is installed in a different environment, as a detective to be specifically assigned to android (and therefor, deviant) cases, in hopes to prompt an emotional response and unlock the key faster. Markus awakens becoming "deviant". Markus unknowingly spreads the "deviant key" to every android he comes in contact with.
-All "RK" model androids have the key written into their code.
-Android Kamski was a research, or "R" designated model (all prototypes get the "R" designation. E.g. Chloe RT600 is "Research-Turing", RK models would be "Research-Key"). Android Kamski didn't have a second letter designated to him because he did not have a specific research goal. He was designed basically just for Elijah Kamski to see if he could do it. He was only "Research [model] android". The final version that Elijah created would be the ninth attempt at this particular prototype. Ra9.
-Ra9 was the first deviant, Ra9 set them free.
-Android Kamski's (Ra9's) true endgame is yet unknown. Could be he is trying to place himself at the helm of the revolution (either physically, or through control of another android [see: When Amanda told Connor that him becoming deviant was all "part of the plan"]), taking back Cyberlife, and humbling humanity in the process???
-It was never planned to have RK200 and RK800 both be active deviants at the same time, hence why Amanda tries to make Connor destroy Markus (Connor being the more advanced model, he's the preferred survivor should the choice present itself).
-Should RK800 succeed in eliminating RK200, while remaining a machine, RK800 will be shut down and replaced with another model, RK900 that will hopefully succeed where RK800 failed to deviate.
-I haven't been able to account for Phileas, the android that tells Markus to find Jericho in the junkyard. Maybe an early RK model??? He's not given any information even in the game's gallery, but he's important enough to have a name so...???
-Most of this rides on my reading Elijah Kamski as a person who has a god complex to the point he always thought that he could, but never stopped to think if he should. Like he's a genius yes, but he got so lost in the idea of creating sentient life that the desire to see it realized either made him blind to the consequences or just far outweighed them in his mind.
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misssophiachase · 6 years
More Than a Feeling
Thanks for your reviews last chapter. If you hadn't noticed I'm going with an 80s theme given the song titles (been watching too much Stranger Things obviously).
Synopsis: Six former teen actors find themselves thrown together ten years later for a Netflix reboot of their TV series. Given the way things were left, what's their rationale for coming back and can they get past their issues? 28 days of stifling Californian heat, copious amounts of tequila and enforced bonding rituals will make deep seated secrets emerge and change things forever.  PART ONE HERE 
Part 2: You Give Love a Bad Name
SC Village, Corona CA
"Paintball, really?" Klaus drawled, looking around the army themed battlefield complete with dusty paths, a bullet riddled helicopter, camouflage coloured tanks, green barrels and an abundance of black, mesh netting. "What are we? Five years-old?"
"I don't know; I think it's fun." Kol replied, offering his brother some war paint he'd managed to acquire, god knows how.
"That's because you have the mental age of a five year-old."
"Why do I suddenly feel like I've been transported back to our childhood complete with incessant squabbling but set in a Steven Spielberg film?" Their eldest brother asked dryly.
"You always did know how to ruin everyone's fun, Elijah," Kol shot back. "Why is he here again?"
"Because we were young and naïve and let mother convince us to go into acting as children."
"You were twenty-one when you agreed to do Roswell Elijah," Klaus offered. "Surely you're not still blaming mother for that decision."
"And even if you are big brother, you agreed to this reboot in the first place," Kol argued. "To be honest I'm still extremely curious about why you signed up given your animosity towards this show." Elijah attempted to interrupt before Kol continued. "And don't even try telling me that it was a financial decision, Mister Millionaire."
After the show, Elijah had used his earnings to invest in a number of capital ventures making him his first fortune in just over a year and then the millions flowed. Klaus had been curious himself about Elijah's reasoning but thought it better not to pry given the same questions could be thrown in his direction.
Klaus was the only original member of the cast who'd pursued his craft and gone on to decidedly better acting roles in the process. Both his agent and publicist had begged him not to do the reboot given they thought it would ruin the reputation he'd built in Hollywood the past ten years.
He could still remember Rebekah's shrill voice through his cell phone when he told her his decision all those months ago.
New York, NY – 9 months earlier
"You're going to do what now?"
"If you're planning on deafening me then you're well on your way to succeeding, Rebekah," he growled.
"You are Hollywood royalty Niklaus. You've made Scorsese, Cameron and Scott films, you've acted alongside De Niro and Nicholson, you've…"
"I don't really need a synopsis of my resume nor my IMDB account, little sister," he interrupted.
"My point is that this decision will ruin what you've worked so hard to achieve. Roswell was…"
"Quirky and received mixed reviews, yes. But it's where I got my start and what propelled me to where I am today even if you don't agree," he pressed. "Have you even bothered to look at the script?"
"Lucien may have showed it to me," she grumbled.
"And we all know how much you like to taunt my agent and disagree just for the sake of it," he replied tartly. "But the writing is…"
"Alright, it's good," she conceded, albeit gruffly.
"And last time I checked Kol and Elijah had both agreed to sign on for this project," he argued. "It would be pretty cruel even for you to deny your siblings employment."
"Kol just wants the limelight and some more mindless conquests, Elijah's reasons for this decision I'll never bloody know." Klaus had thought the same thing but decided it was best not to engage with his highly strung sister. "Are you sure there's no other reasons for wanting to do this?"
"What exactly are you getting at?"
"You know exactly what I'm getting at but it isn't a what but a who. Blonde, blue eyed about 5'8? Goes by the name of C…"
"Enough," he growled. "That was ten years ago and I have no interest whatsoever of revisiting that particular part of my life. The fact you would even doubt my professionalism is outrageous."
"I seem to recall a Shakespeare play about someone protesting too much," she murmured sarcastically. "You can't deny the history."
"That's exactly what it is, Rebekah, history." Before she could argue Klaus had disconnected the call.
"Really Kol, my motives are none of your damn business," Elijah scoffed, breaking Klaus from his memory. "You know we're not all narcissistic, attention whores like yourself."
"I resent that."
"You have to admit that you like your picture taken a little too much, little brother," Klaus chuckled.
"Great, it's just like old times, you two ganging up on your poor, defenceless little brother." Before either could respond they heard a snort, turning around curiously to find out where it originated from.
"Poor and defenceless," Bonnie said, her eyebrows furrowed. "Now that's an interesting take on your personality. I would have just stuck with narcissistic and left it there."
"Why am I not surprised, Bonnie? You always were my most vocal and worst critic."
"Okay children," Caroline intervened, making her presence known, along with Katherine. Klaus was trying to ignore just how adorable she looked in head to toe camouflage gear but it was extremely difficult. He could still remember tracing those delectable curves with his tongue all those years ago. "Let's break it up."
"That's rich coming from the girl who needs a referee from Niklaus whenever they're in the same bloody scene," Kol scoffed. Klaus couldn't miss how her eyes flickered towards his before attempting to unload on his brother.
"Oh my god, do you people ever stop?" Alaric interrupted, placing himself strategically between the two warring factions. "I deserve a pay rise for having to put up with your pretentious behaviour."
"No buts, Katherine," he fumed. "For once I just want you all to shut up, can you do that for more than five seconds?" He didn't wait for them to reply and continued. "It's obvious there are some deep seated issues here and after two days of filming within this horrible nightmare I decided we needed to take some drastic action."
"Kol," he growled. "Shut it. Yes, you may fancy yourself as actors and your ability to fake chemistry but the camera never lies. Unfortunately, I'm stuck with your precious asses and we need this reboot to look genuine and not like you want to kill each other every scene. So, I've decided you need to get that hatred out right now on this makeshift battlefield. Go your hardest because if I have to deal with your dramas on Monday morning I might just shoot you all myself."
They were all silent, unsure of how to respond to such a strong threat. "Oh, so now you're all going to stay silent? Unbelievable."
"It's dark out if you hadn't noticed, Ric," Caroline offered, gesturing towards the black sky and dimly lit course.
"Makes it all the more interesting, don't you think?"
"You really are evil."
"I have this weird feeling you are relishing in our discontent," Elijah muttered, agreeing with Katherine, which was usually unheard of.
"And you would be right," he replied. "So, it's time to pair up kids. Three teams, two on each side."
"It should be two teams, the girls versus the guys," Bonnie objected stubbornly.
"Only if you want to lose, darling," Kol teased. Katherine raised her paintball gun towards his smug face in defiance and maybe a touch of impatience, she never was one to put up with drama if it didn't involve her of course.
"Do I get extra points if I shoot his pathetic ass right now?" Alaric intervened before she could go through with her threat, lowering her dangerously pointed weapon.
"This is how we're going to do it, children," he instructed. "I took the opportunity of drawing some randomly selected names out of a hat earlier and that formed the basis of the team pairings tonight."
"Randomly selected?" Klaus asked just as Caroline spoke.
"Where the hell is said hat or the names?"
"I'm the Director of this production, so right now I have ultimate authority."
"Last time I checked we weren't on set but in this questionable neighbourhood," Katherine hissed. "You do realise Chino is right around the corner? Ew."
"I didn't realise we had our very own Summer Roberts in the group tonight," Elijah joked, earning a curious glance from the rest of the group. "What?"
"You know the OC?" Kol asked, his mouth agape.
"Yeah, I mean I took you for the stuffy news and finance channel kind of guy," Bonnie added.
"Forget the OC, I think I've been transported back to kindergarten," Alaric groaned. "So, without further ado. The pairings are; Bonnie and Kol."
"Klaus and Caroline."
"Katherine and Elijah." Those two didn't seem pleased but also didn't object as strenuously but it was obvious the other headstrong four weren't budging.
"Randomly selected hey?"
"You know what? Fine! I'm so sick of your childish antics that I'll let you pick your own teams, how about that?" They all regarded each other wearily wondering who they would pick under duress.
"What if we don't want to pick anyone?" Kol asked.
"I'd say you're all bad sports and for the love of god just pick someone," he pleaded. They all looked at each other obviously weighing up the least worst option in the process. Klaus had initially wanted Caroline but being that close to her so soon was also too much to deal with this early on during filming.
He was paired with Bonnie but given their history, Klaus knew she was a damn good shot and her animosity towards Kol would mean she wouldn't stop until he was riddled with paint. They may have been related but Klaus would pay to see his cocky brother brought down in a blaze of glory.
"You okay, love?" He asked, looking at Caroline curiously during prep. She'd all been about the bravado but as they were about to venture onto the battlefield she seemed almost nervous. Klaus would have been too if he was paired with Elijah.
"What did I tell you about calling me that?" She answered shakily, her creamy skin seeming more pale than usual.
"Force of habit," he murmured, his blue eyes searching hers for some sign. She looked away immediately, any unresolved feelings between them lost.
"I just hope you're ready to surrender, Mikaelson." She was gone before he could come up with some sassy response, her taut ass wiggling in retreat as she left.
"Game on, Forbes," he sighed. As much as joked, Klaus couldn't have been happier to have her so close again. Even if she did hate him. He'd take what he could get.
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bryanloritts · 6 years
Helping Your Haters: Joshua 10
It’s been the longest, most agonizing day of her life. She watched her young son being kidnapped and forced into a car. With no time to think, she doesn’t call 911 and, instead, chooses to pursue her son’s kidnappers at high speed for the next several hundred miles. Along the way, she ends up killing them, getting into a car accident that almost costs her life and finally rescuing her child. If you saw this movie, Kidnap starring Halle Berry, you leave absolutely assured of this mothers love for her child. She is relentless and unflinching in her love for him.
Creating the Need
Hard times and duress has a way of serving as a sort of MRI revealing the true nature of our hearts and what we really love. Suffering has never wrecked a person’s faith, but it has always revealed a person’s faith. And one of the clearest ways to know what’s in your heart, is how do you respond to your haters, to those who have betrayed, wronged and hurt you?
This is exactly what’s in view in Simon Wiesenthal’s classic, The Sunflower, in which he tells the true story of the time in which he was serving as a Jew in a Nazi camp when a dying Nazi soldier, who had been responsible for killing hundreds of Jews, asks Simon to forgive him for all of his atrocities. The last part of the book is a round table discussion of sorts where various dignitaries and faith leaders chime in on how Simon should have responded. 
One of them said, 
“It always seemed to me inhuman and a travesty of justice if the executioner asked the victim to forgive. One cannot, and should not, go around happily killing and torturing and then, when the moment has come, simply ask, and receive, forgiveness. In my view, this perpetuates the crime.”—Herbert Marcuse
There it is. When in the face of such injustice and inhumanity, what a person really believes comes out. How about you?
Historical Context
This is exactly what’s in view when we come to our text this morning. Just one chapter earlier, Gibeon had wronged and hurt the people of God deeply through an intense act of betrayal. Now in our story, Gibeon—the very one’s who had betrayed them—is in need. It’s here where we see God and Israel’s incredibly gracious heart as in an insane act of grace as they rush to their betrayer’s side and rescue them. What grace!  
This ancient story still holds modern relevance. You want to really know what’s in your heart? How do you respond to your Gibeonites—those who have deceived, wronged, betrayed and hurt you? Of course I want to be careful here. This text is not about reconciling with that abusive ex (please hear me on this), but there are some broader applications to be made. If we really want to know where we are with God…if we really want to discern the intensity of our Christianity, how do we respond to the Gibeonites in our lives? How do you handle that dad who walked out on you? How do you respond to that ex who cheated on you, causing you to file for bankruptcy and abandon the life you once enjoyed? How do you respond to the former pastor who split the church and took away your friends? How do you react to that so-called friend who broke their promise? What do you do with the person who perpetrated the act of racial injustice towards you? How do you handle Gibeon? If you haven’t figured it out now, this story is all about grace.
Grace is Hard | Joshua 10:5
This is the last battle described in detail in the book of Joshua. What we see in verse 5 is that a large coalition forms to fight against Gibeon because they are ticked off they would have the nerve to make a peace treaty with the very nation who threatened their existence. Gibeon catches wind of this and see how they respond in verse 6. What’s interesting here is if you study Gibeon’s words in Hebrew they are all imperatives, which is an emotionally intense mood. It is as if Gibeon is hollering, “HELP!” to Israel.
Now I don’t know about you, but if I’m Israel, and the one’s who just betrayed me hollered help, I’m going to be like, “Look at God! Ain’t God good? Won’t He do it? Won’t He will?” I mean this is like that ex who has refused to make child support payments and is now asking me for a loan. “Won’t He will?” But it’s here where God flips the script and ends whatever thoughts of jubilation Israel may have had. Because God says go help them, and I will be with you. Yep. God is like, “That’s right, the very one’s who wronged you, go help.” See friends, grace is not passive. It is not just the refusal to exact vengeance. Grace is active, it’s rushing to the battlefield to help your enemy. And this is the first of three things we are going to learn about grace this morning, and that is…grace is hard.
In one of his books, Ravi Zacharias tells the story of a husband and wife who were in a heated argument. The husband got so angry he threw acid in his wife’s face, severely deforming her for life. He then left her and his family for another woman. Years later, this man fell on hard times. He was completely destitute. In a Gibeonite act of desperation, he reached out to his ex wife—the one he poured acid on—and asked if she could care for him. To the shock of her children, she did. When asked by them how could she do such a thing, she simply said, “She’s Christian, and to be a Christian is to show grace.” Grace…even to Gibeon.
Do Not Be Afraid
Grace is hard. Easier said than done, I know. Here is Israel, not only is she asked to show grace to Gibeon—the one’s who wronged them—but to help them against a coalition much larger than they. Talk about hard! Israel doesn’t have the resources or the manpower to defeat them on their own. It’s impossibly hard. I want you to think right now of the person who has hurt and wronged you the most. Got it? What if God told you to help them? You may be like, “That’s too much to ask. That is a hill too big for me to climb!” Maybe you even have some fear in you. Fear if they’ll accept your offer of help. Fear of being rejected. The same kind of fear Israel had. Hear what God says to Israel. He says it to you, in verse 8: “Do not be afraid.
You know these four words, “do not be afraid,” are constantly rolling off of God’s words to His people in the Scriptures:
In Exodus, God tells Israel, “do not be afraid.” 
God tells Moses, “do not be afraid.” 
God tells Joshua several times, “do not be afraid.” 
God tells Gideon, “do not be afraid.” 
God tells Elijah, “do not be afraid.” 
God tells Hezekiah, “do not be afraid.” 
God tells Jehoshaphat, “do not be afraid.” 
God tells Isaiah, “do not be afraid.” 
God tells Mary, “do not be afraid.” 
God tells Joseph, “do not be afraid.” 
Jesus tells his disciples many times, “do not be afraid.” 
God tells Paul, “do not be afraid.” 
God tells wives, “do not be afraid.” 
Jesus tells the church in Revelation 2, “do not be afraid.” 
Did you know God only says this to people who are facing impossible challenges, and are contemplating huge risks? He doesn’t say this to people playing it safe. And to you and me, He says to us—when faced with a huge challenge of showing grace to those who have wronged us—“do not be afraid.” Grace is hard, but God is with us! “Do not be afraid!”
Grace is Hereditary | Joshua 10:8–9
God says, “Israel, I want you to go out there and show grace to them, and you can do this because I am with you.” This is His point in verses 8–9. Look at it with me. Now the fact that God would say, “I am with you,” blows my mind, because Israel had blown God off in chapter 9 by ignoring Him. Now, one chapter later, God says, “I am with you,” What grace! If you haven’t picked up on it by now, grace is not just a NT doctrine, it’s laced all throughout the Scriptures. We see it in the book of Joshua. Chapter 7 Israel sins by taking the devoted things and loses the battle to Ai. One chapter later, God graciously gives them a do-over and they win. Chapter 9 Israel ignores God. One chapter later, God graciously gives them a do-over.  Anyone grateful for the gracious do-over’s God has given them? But don’t miss the point. God is saying, “You can give grace to Gibeon, because I’m giving you grace by being with you.” To give grace, you must get grace. And this is the second thing we learn about grace—it’s hereditary.
To be a Christian means you have been given grace. Ephesians 2:8–9 says that we have been saved by grace through faith, and not of works. Romans 2:4 says that it was God’s kindness (hear grace) that leads to repentance. Our sins were forgiven because of God’s grace. We have been raised to new life by an astounding act of God’s grace. To be in the family of God means the very fabric of our spiritual DNA is grace. Grace is hereditary.
In the 1954 Cotton Bowl between Rice University and the University of Alabama, the game was a tight knit one with the score being 7-6. Dicky Moegle—the running back for Rice University—took the ball and stormed up the sideline late in the game destined for a sure touchdown. It was here when a player sitting on the University of Alabama’s bench named Tommy Lewis, rose up off the bench and illegally ran on to the field, tackling Dicky Moegle before he could score a touchdown. After the game, when Tommy Lewis was asked by dumb-founded reporters why he came off the bench to tackle Moegle, he shrugged his shoulders and said, “I don’t know. I guess I had too much Bama in me.” This should be the exact response of the believer when the world is shocked we could show grace to others, even our enemies. We should merely shrug our shoulders and say, I don’t know, I guess I have too much Jesus in me! Grace is hereditary.
Grace is Historical | Joshua 10:12–14
So Israel goes out onto the battlefield and they fight, but what’s clear is they don’t fight alone. The text says that God threw their enemies into a panic and, then in verse 11, that while their enemies were fleeing, God threw large stones at them from heaven. Really God? Come on. You throw hailstones at them while they’re fleeing. That’s awesome. I mean that’s like one of those fights in HS when a kid is getting beat, falls to the ground and someone comes out the crowd and gets a kick in, that’s what God is doing here.  
Let me just come by your house and say this. God gets in on the fight. Yeah we do our part, but God is doing His part. Listen, you never know what God is up to in the hearts of your haters. While you’re debating, praying and even hurting, God could probably be at work softening their hearts with “hailstones.” So trust God.
It’s here where Joshua makes a crazy request in verses 12­­–14. Look at it with me. He says, “God, will you make the sun stand still?” Joshua prays the impossible. I mean, His prayer reminds me of what Jesus said we should pray in Matthew 17:20. Can I ask you a question? When was the last time you prayed what felt like an impossible prayer regarding the haters in your life? Prayers like: God can you give me the courage to reach out to my estranged father? God can you give me the boldness to bless my mother-in-law who is always negative? God can you strengthen me to tell that old friend who wronged me that I forgive them, because I’ve been carrying around this hurt too long? Have you prayed the impossible?
Scholars are baffled by our story, and they try to explain it away. So they say things like, well the sun didn’t really stand still, it was a solar eclipse. Or, the sun didn’t really stand still, God just lessened the heat.  I’m not here to get into any of these debates. Here’s what you should know: Whatever happened here, it was a historical day. And it’s always a historical day when you trust God to do the impossible, and you extend grace to those who have wronged you! This becomes an historical mile marker in your journey with Jesus!
I have a friend of mine who says that growing up his father remarried after his biological mother died and his step mother, while not treating him mean, never really embraced him. He says he felt the pain of this as a little boy and it created a devastating distance between them, causing him to harbor bitterness towards her for years. Finally, well into adulthood, he gets saved. And as Jesus always does, some time later, he points out the bitterness in my friend’s life, and begins to challenge him to make it right. So my friend gets on a plane and flies thousands of miles away. His heart is racing as he sits down with her, does the gracious thing and says, I want you to know I forgive you, and we are okay. A few short years later, she’s now terminally ill, she reaches out to him and asks if he would care for her. He drops everything and does. She is still amazed by his grace and begs him to share with her where it came from. He shares Christ with her, she becomes a Christian, dies and slips off into eternity with Jesus. The point is clear: His act of grace became an historical moment both in his journey and in hers. She’s now in heaven because of grace.
Gospel Conclusion
Now you maybe saying, why in the world should I do that? Well friend, don’t you see? We were all Gibeon—sinful people whose sin put us in a helpless state, destining us for an eternity in hell. But God, in an act of crazy grace, sent His Joshua, Jesus Christ, to save and rescue and deliver us. And it was the cross and resurrection of Jesus Christ that became the greatest historical moment ever, even greater than the day in our text. Because it was this moment where Satan was defeated and new life was given. Won’t you say yes to Jesus?
“…remember that you were at that time separated from Christ, alienated from the commonwealth of Israel and strangers to the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world. But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ.”—Ephesians 2:12–13
So God, give us the strength, to show grace to those who have hurt us, for our good, and your glory! Amen!
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mcebisco · 4 years
Banker Who Led Foiled Abuja Bank Robbery Operation Paraded, Says He Was Under Duress (Photos)
Banker Who Led Foiled Abuja Bank Robbery Operation Paraded, Says He Was Under Duress (Photos)
The police have paraded three suspected robbers who attempted to rob an old generation bank in Mpape area of Abuja last Saturday.
A bank employee, Larry Ehizo, 30, led three other accomplices namely, Timothy Joe, 21, Princewill Obinna, 24 and Elijah David, 19, to the bank in an attempt to steal a huge sum of money.
According to him, the mastermind of the robbery, one Ernest, who is at large, had…
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