#Elana Barth
storiesofsvu · 9 months
Plea Deals
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Elana Barth x reader warnings: language, smut, mommy kink, praise, begging. Covers a square for @prentiss-theorem 's bingo! Will potentially get a follow up piece, we'll see how motivated I am and how well this one does lol.
You’d known Elana for years, she’d consulted on a few of your cases, been a sounding board when she wasn’t the residing judge, prosecuting cases in her courtroom was nothing new to you. What was new to you was going up against her while she was defence counsel, seeing her strutting into the precinct in a fitted suit, rather than the usual modest robes. You were more than well aware that she’d stepped down from the bench post divorce, going back into criminal defence, but the entire attitude shift had taken you by surprise and it was safe to say that it got you more than a little flustered.
You managed to make your way through the first couple of stages with minor incidents, catching yourself before she could catch you and realize that your eyes were lingering on her hands, lips, hips, the curve of her chest daring to spill over the top of her shirt. You only fumbled over a couple of responses and held your own when it came time for arraignment, thankful to retreat to your office in peace to start on research and paperwork.
That of course, was until tonight.
You’d been working late, leaving the office much later than normal when your assistant finally returned with a handful of warrants and other paperwork you’d need to hand off to the defence. After flipping through them you realized Elana would likely need them tonight, or at the very least, want them sooner rather than later and rerouted your cab to her address.
“Well isn’t this a surprise.” She greeted with a smile when she pulled open the apartment door, her eyes slowly dragging up your body.
“Shit. Sorry, I should’ve called.” You did your best to ignore the fact that she’d already gotten rid of her blazer, the sleeveless blouse underneath exposing most of her collarbone, dipping down far enough you could almost make out the lace of her bra peeking from underneath it. Your own gawking distracting you from the level of gaze she had on you, “I just figured you’d want these before Monday.”
“It’s not a worry.” She replied, stepping back from the door, “come in.” You followed her into the apartment, letting the door swing shut behind you before she swiftly locked it, guiding you into the kitchen. “I just opened a bottle of wine, care for a glass?”
“Uh, sure.” You smiled across at her, letting out a low breath as you glanced around, now knowing you were alone together. Your bag found a home on one of the island stools while Elana poured out your wine, sliding the glass to you.
“Now what have you got for me that was so important it couldn’t wait?” She asked, raising a brow in your direction before taking a sip of her drink. There was a near teasing tone in her voice, she was sure whatever you had wasn’t something she was in dire need of, but the idea of you showing up at her apartment after sundown was one she’d been trying to figure out how to make happen for a while now.
“What?” Your brow scrunched, having completely forgotten why you’d come over in the first place, distracted by her before you remembered, “oh!” You quickly dug through your bag, pulling out the paperwork, “just a couple warrant copies, statements, witness list.”
“Hmm.” She accepted the papers from you, her eyes scanning through the text as she slowly flipped through them, leaving you to drink your wine in silence.
You took the opportunity to slip onto a spare stool, resting an elbow on the island as your eyes searched through her apartment, taking a moment to soak in how she decorated her private space. It was tidy, not too luxurious but very evident she had taste, you could see her blazer slung over the back of the couch, a take out container on the coffee table while the television softly droned on in the background. You began to wonder if you’d interrupted her dinner when she spoke suddenly.
“You need to relax.” She murmured softly and you whipped your head around to face her.
“I said you need to relax.” She chuckled, “take your coat off, get comfortable. I did invite you in for a drink after all.”
You nodded, slipping the blazer off your shoulders, draping over the stool beside you with your bag as she continued to look through the files. Picking up your wine glass again you took a couple more sips, letting the liquor soothe through your body, your shoulders dropping as you began to take her words into consideration, relaxing with a soft sigh.
“The case isn’t stressing you out is it?” She asked, cocking a brow at you over the top of the file.
“No.” You shook your head, “I’m just drained, it’s been a long week with a heavy work load.”
“Hmm. Poor girl,” Her gaze turned back to the paperwork while her hand picked up her glass of wine, a small silence overtaking the room for a moment, “I do have to say, I’ve been impressed with your work so far. You did spectacularly at the voir dire and you’ve held your own when it comes to level of charges. You always seemed so nervous in my courtroom when I was on the bench, even if you were only up against a public defender.”
“Oh.” You let out a nervous laugh, “well, I mean.. you know how it is. Prosecutor wants to impress the judge, do a good job, get justice and all.”
“Mmm.” A grin snuck onto her lips, “yes, prosecutors do tend to thrive when praised.” You felt a blush creeping up the back of your neck, wondering just how much you should be reading into her words, hoping she couldn’t tell as you hid behind your glass of wine, shifting in your seat. “So I suppose you’re here to talk about plea deals?” She switched back to a more professional tone, tossing the folders down onto the island, “I’d be willing to settle for unlawful disposal of a body.”
“Oh come on.” You laughed, shaking your head at the smirk on her lips, the fact that she knew she was never going to get away with that, she was enjoying taunting you. “Murder two.”
“Man two.”
“I’d maybe be willing to plead you out to murder three, anger management, counselling and medication.”
“Hmph.” She took a sip of her wine, stepping towards you until she was so close you could feel her breath on your skin when she leant in, “if you want that, I want to hear you beg…”
You took a heavy breath, your eyes fluttering closed for a brief second while her perfume invaded your senses and suddenly she was all you could think about. You titled your head in her direction, catching her gaze still on you, head tilted and a near predatory look in her eyes.
“I don’t think we’re talking about work anymore...”
“Why bother when there are so many other beneficial things we could be doing right now?” Two of her fingers curled under your chin, tilting your face up to her, “if you happen to be interested?” She laughed, “though I’m sure you are, this paperwork easily could have waited until Monday, you could have sent it to my office, sent your paralegal, but you chose to bring your pretty self all the way over here instead.”
“Yes.” You nodded, probably a little too eagerly, “very interested.”
“That’s my good girl.” She practically cooed, smirking at the way your eyes widened, the way your lips parted, ever so slightly surprised at the quick praise. “But like you said, you aim to please, to impress, right?”
“Yes ma’am.” You breathed, barely able to find your voice at the change in demeanour.
“You’ll probably do whatever it is mommy asks, won’t you?” She chuckled softly when your eyes widened once again, “well, c’mere.” She crooked her fingers at you and you swiftly slipped off the stool, stepping toward her. Your breath hitched in your throat when her arm wrapped around your waist, her other hand sliding up your arm, fingertips tickling at your skin until it was cupping your cheek.
There was only a moment to prepare yourself before her lips were on yours and you let out a relaxed sigh into the kiss. Elena’s thumb gently stroked at your cheek as your lips moved together with grace, you could feel her other hand sneaking underneath the hem of your shirt, trailing across your back softly. Her tongue traced the seam of your lips and you were quick to part them, giving her access to your mouth as she completely dominated the kiss. She tugged you closer to her, almost rutting her hips against you and you let out a little whine that she swallowed down quickly, her lips curving up into a grin against yours.
Her hands settled on your hips, holding you tightly while her tongue explored your mouth, small moans murmuring through the room, trying to break free. Elana nipped at your lip, earning a whimper from you as she smirked, finally breaking the kiss for her lips to trace across your jawline and tease their way down your neck. She nuzzled across your pulse point, tongue sliding over your sensitive skin.
“Please…” you murmured, feeling yourself practically melting into her touch.
“Please what?” She purred back, her lips brushing against your skin when she spoke, “use your words pretty girl.”
“Please touch me.” You whined back and she chuckled, her hands pinching at your waist.
“I am touching you.” She taunted and you huffed.
“More. Please mommy…”
“Mmm..” her teeth nipped at your pulse point and you let out a gasp, “I was right, you do sound pretty when you beg.” Her hands ghosted up your sides, thumbs landing right under your and your body surged toward her touch, earning a chuckle from her before her thumbs brushed over your chest, flicking at your nipples through your clothing.
“More…” you repeated, a hint of frustration in your voice that Elana smirked at as she pulled away from the crook of your neck, glancing down at you with a hungry look in her eyes. She repeated the motion across your chest, thumbs searching out your nipples as they rubbed across your body before she pinched both of them, a gasp breaking free of your lips. Her eyes shot down as you shifted, rubbing your thighs together in an attempt to get some form of relief, maybe even just friction.
“Oh sweetheart.” Her hands trailed back down your sides again, “I think what you really want is mommy touching that pretty little pussy, isn’t it?”
“Fuck…” you could feel your heart hammering in your chest, looking up at her wide eyed as you nodded, “yes. Please god yes.”
“Well then let’s get you to the bedroom, hmm?”
It was a flurry of movement down the hallway as Elana half guided half dragged you in the direction of her room while her hands roamed around your body, your lips searching the other’s out whenever there was a spare moment. The door swung shut behind you and she was stripping your clothes off you, fingertips leaving goosebumps across your skin as she began to explore, her lips either on yours or making home in the crook of your neck. Her teeth nibbled at your skin, tongue lapping across the bite marks, sucking at the spot and you knew you would be left with a mark the next day. Somewhere between peeling your clothes off and tossing your bra to the floor Elana managed to slip out of her own clothes, leaving her in her lingerie as she nudged you toward the bed.
“Lie back.” She purred, her fingers curling under the waistband of your panties as you did so, effectively tugging them down your legs. “So gorgeous.”
Elana pressed a kiss to the inside of your ankle before her hands slid up your legs, parting them wide for her to kneel between. Her hands softly rubbed at your thighs, getting you used to her touch as she watched the way your breathing picked up, how your eyes were already fluttering and she’d barely touched you. Her eyes flicked down to your pussy, a smirk breaking out on her lips before she leant forward, cupping you.
“This wet already?” She taunted, “we’ve barely started.”
“Need you.” You replied with a whine.
“You wanted me to touch you, right?” Her hand ground against you and you gasped, “well I’m touching you.”
Your hips rocked up toward her, rutting against her hand, a gasp escaping your lips as your clit ground into the heel of her hand. She leant over you, her free hand groping at your chest, rolling the tender flesh between her fingers as you began to writhe underneath her. You could feel yourself getting wetter, your pussy fluttering around nothing as your juices began to smear all over her hand. She let out a low laugh,
“Needy thing you are tonight.”
“Want you.” You replied, “need your fingers.”
“Where?” She asked, slowly dragging her hand up and down through your folds, barely daring to spread them open for her. “Just like this?” She watched as your breath hitched, your hands clawing at the bedspread in frustration.
“No.” You whined particularly loudly this time, “more!”
“I told you sweetheart; I want to hear you beg. Where do you want my fingers? I could stuff them in that gorgeous mouth of yours, have you get them nice and wet?”
“No!” You huffed, “need them in me.”
“So you do want them in your mouth?” She asked with a tease, daring to remove her hand from between your legs and you protested with a cry.
“Need them in my pussy!” You felt like your entire body was about to burst into flame, carnal desire tickling just under the surface of your skin. You were naked on her bed, you needed Elana to touch you, to really touch you, feel the way you could wrap around her fingers.
“Ah..” She gently swatted at your cunt, “there we go. You do want them here.” This time she traced her fingertips through your folds, spreading them apart, her middle finger daring to dip into you.
“Please…” you quietly whined, “please mommy. Need you to fuck me like this.”
“Yeah?” She sunk a single finger in, pulling a gasp from you as your back arched off the bed, “oh you really like this.”
She continued to slowly thrust the one finger in and out of you, feeling the way you were already pulsing around her, little gasps and moans leaving your lips, your hips chasing after the touch whenever she pulled it outwards. Deciding to give you more of what you wanted she slipped a second finger in, twirling the two of them around, reaching every inch of your inner walls.
“Oh god…”
“That feel good?”
“Yes..” you moaned, “oh fuck… don’t stop.”
Elana pumped her fingers faster, with more purpose, reaching deeper within you as your moans and groans got louder, your body shivering on the bed. Your juices were smeared all over her hand, leaking down her wrist and she knew you could take it, adding a third finger into your tight cunt. You let out a gasp, your hips jolting up toward her,
“You want me to keep going?” She asked, nearly slowing her fingers and you whined.
“God yes. Please!”
“Just like this?” She replied, her fingers thrusting in and out of you with only a slight twirl, “or how about this?” She curled her fingers that time, hitting the overly sensitive spot inside your cunt and you cried out.
“Oh fuck! Right there!”
“Right there what?” She asked with a smirk, her hand stilling while her fingertips pressed the same spot and you whimpered.
“Do that again. Please!” You moaned and she thrust her hand again, curling her fingers with each pass over your g-spot.  “Yes! Oh god yes! Just like that…”
“Just this? Or would you like me to make you come?”
“Fuck.” You moaned, her words were nearly enough to get you off, but the feeling of her fingers deep inside your pussy was enough to drive you wild. The coil inside you curling tighter and tighter as your chest heaved, pleasure soaring through you. “Please, please…pleeease! Make me come.”
“I knew you wanted to be a good little pet and come for mommy.” She cooed.
She continued to plunge her fingers in and out of your wet cunt, curling with each thrust to hit right where you wanted. Her other hand pressed on your lower stomach, thumb reaching your clit to rub at it, starting slow and soft and working up to hard and fast. Your thighs were threatening to close around her as they trembled, your body shaking on the bed, hands gripping into the blankets as your moans got louder. Pleasure skyrocketed through you, your toes curling, hips shooting up off the bed and stilling as you hit your orgasm. Your cunt clenched down around her fingers, juices dribbling down them, leaking all the way down her wrist.
“Good girl.” She praised, her thumb brushing over your clit once more and you trembled, your breath shuddering as your body fell back into the bed. Elana kept her fingers pumping inside your wetness, slowing them down, fucking you through your orgasm until you’d finally caught your breath, no longer shaking in aftershocks. Pulling her fingers from your dripping pussy she brought them up to her mouth, lips wrapping around them while she let out a happy hum, sucking them clean. “Mmmm….”
“Christ…” You muttered, still panting as she dropped over you, caging you into the bed, “that was something else.”
“Oh sweetheart I am far from done.” She pressed a kiss to your lips, “you looked so pretty coming on my fingers I need to know just how much you’ll beg to come around my cock.”
@anya-casablanca @mickey-gomez @swimmingstudentchaos891 @momlifebehard @baubeautyandthegeek @svushots @onmykneesformarvel @kmc1989 @irishavengersassemble @thatesqcrush @plaidbooks @witches-unruly-heart
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specialvalentinesunit · 6 months
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cabensonsgirly · 6 months
I want Elana to degrade me and belittle me.
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baubeautyandthegeek · 4 months
Subtle As Ever - Rita Calhoun/Elana Barth
A/N: Part 3/3 for @fluffbruary.
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“It’s all about the nuance…” Rita’s voice dips even as she moves to slip an arm around Elana’s waist, guiding her quietly away from the group surrounding her, her words clear, a claim and a promise at the same time. “If a lady says no, she means no. If she says ‘maybe’, she means no….” The silence that fills the room seems heavy but Elana smiles as they finally leave, the door clicking shut behind them before she shifts to take Rita’s hand, leading her into the lift and letting the doors close. “So… nuance hm? Sounded more like a ‘back off’ to me…”
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Jenna Stern as Elana Barth in Law and Order: SVU | 20×15: Brothel
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evilregal2002 · 8 months
I’m literally checking the Elana Barth x reader tag what feels like every hour because after reading Plea Deals by @storiesofsvu I’m obsessed. I mean I always had a small crush on judge Barth but now Defense Attorney Barth is just 🥵.
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ocmerunaway · 2 years
Elana refuses to admit she’s sick and Hallie tries to help. @sicktember  day 9. 
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dochudson · 2 years
Why didn’t anytime tell me the episode of svu currently playing that I’m not paying attention to because I’m doing homework has my man’s WIFE as the judge??
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gamma-rae-bursts · 8 months
Writing Bingo Masterlist
prompts can be found here
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Sweater Weather ~ Jemily
Arla ~ Jemily
Gold Rush ~ Jemily
The 5 Times You Almost Kissed Alex + The 1 Time Alex Kissed You ~ Alex Blake x f!Reader
Overtime ~ Rafael Barba x Reader
A Thin Line ~ Emily Prentiss x Reader
Not What It Looks Like ~ Poly!Barhoun x f!Reader
Whenever You’re Ready ~ Rita Calhoun x f!Reader
Plea Deals ~ Elana Barth x f!Reader
Fake It Till You Make It ~ Elizabeth Donnelly x f!Reader
Made for Me ~ Alex Blake x Reader
School Yard Bully ~ Emily Prentiss x f!Reader
Cheetos ~ Jemily
Gentle ~ Rita Calhoun x f!Reader
A Year in the Life: September ~ Temily
Courtroom Obsession ~ Olivia Benson x f!Reader
The Ex Factor ~ Melissa Schemmenti x f!Reader
Persuasion ~ Alex Blake x f!Reader
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Thank you everyone for participating in my bingo! I loved all your fics so much, each time you tagged me in one of them it genuinely made my day 100 times better!
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jesterofrohan · 3 years
okay but can we
okay but can we talk about jenna stern please
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vivaciousoceans · 4 years
Barth is hot, but she's not Rita so she can exit stage left.
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storiesofsvu · 8 months
Alright besties. I’m loaded up with smut prompts & got some wips going for y’all but now I need some fluffy thoughts & angsty ideas to help balance it out!
This master post has a ton of prompts!
All characters I write for, but specifically:
Alex Blake
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Derek Morgan
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Tara Lewis
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Amanda Rollins
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Joe Velasco
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Sonny Carisi
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Elana Barth
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Alex Cabot
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Abigail Borin
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Anthony DiNozzo
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Let’s get writing!!
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 now: https://youtu.be/bWiW4Rp8vF0?feature=shared
The American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 broadcast recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by active climate leaders. Watch to find out which finalist received the $50,000 grand prize! Hosted by Vanessa Hauc and featuring Bill McKibben and Katharine Hayhoe!
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sofuckingchuffed · 4 years
Hello I LOVE defense attorney Barth 😍
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cabensonsgirly · 6 months
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baubeautyandthegeek · 6 months
A Really Good Bad Idea - Elana Barth/Rita Calhoun
A/N: Part 1 of many for @storiesofsvu 's Holiday Bingo.
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The first snowfall is supposed to be something good. It’s supposed to be hopeful… but Elana Barth had ever really felt that before. She’s used to the first snowfall trapping her at home with a stressed and angry husband. He’s gone now, of course… but she’s still trapped. First snowfall had come on her way back home, she knew what was coming. She would be alone until the roads were cleared again, leaving when she did was always risky but she has always hidden herself away since getting away from her ex. She was alone in the cabin, watching the snowfall. Then she hears it, the sound of a car in the driveway. It’s clear who it is, there’s one person who knows she comes here. Rita. Rita Calhoun. Her closest colleague and the one person she’s ever remotely trusted for a long time. “Elana?” “Come in Rita…” Elana lets her in slowly, locking the door behind her. “You know you’ll be stuck here now…” “Worth it… are you alright? You… disappeared.” “Wanted to beat first snowfall…” Rita laughs just slightly, sighing before settling close to Elana on the sofa. “Well, we made it…”
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Jenna Stern as Elana Barth in Law and Order: SVU | 23×15: Promising Young Gentlemen 
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the 2024 American Climate Leadership Awards for High School Students now: https://youtu.be/5C-bb9PoRLc
The recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by student climate leaders! Join Aishah-Nyeta Brown & Jerome Foster II and be inspired by student climate leaders as we recognize the High School Student finalists. Watch now to find out which student received the $25,000 grand prize and top recognition!
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