#Eito Ichinomiya
neerons · 2 months
Eito’s growth
Eito has grown so much I feel like crying. I’m a bit sad that he has quite the age gap with his younger siblings because it feels like his childhood passed so quickly. He’s closer to becoming an adult, while his siblings still fall asleep in each other’s arms on the couch after school. BUT, it’s very cool to see Eisuke teach him how to handle things the way he does.
He had ten years where he could observe and spend time with his parents and get the best of both of them. I’m glad that he already seems to have his own love story with a classmate. I didn’t expect it, and I already love the girl. Plus her name is my nickname so in a way I’m officially going to be an Ichinomiya (delulu) 🥺
I don’t know if Nana was already introduced in earlier stories because I haven’t been catching up at all, but she seems like a lovely girl with the same qualities as our MC. This is my own speculation but this might be why he became drawn to her since he loves his mother so much. I made this post because I ship these two already
Story: The Birth of Number 3 ~Becoming the Perfect Family~
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From Eito’s PoV:
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flatsuke · 6 months
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eikouxd · 1 year
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♤♡ VIP Room: Becoming the Perfect Family: Eisuke's Birthday ◇♧ Hello! I know I haven't been posting lately >.< but I hope you enjoy this short comic! I didnt want to spoil too much of the story, so if you can get it; it's a great read!All of the Stories fo this Event was great! 
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sweet-pinkitty · 2 years
Kissed by the Baddest Bidder
Eisuke: What if He Became a Father… is Out!
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sterkeyra · 5 months
KBTBB - Forever a Family with the Baddest Bidder
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Cheers to the 10th anniversary of KBTBB and Eisukes upcoming birthday!
It's been a decade, and he's been one of the faces of Voltage for a long time, so it's like the end of an era now that every bidders story finally reached his conclusion. They are happily married and their children got to see the light of day. In the new story of Eisuke, Eito himself is almost old enough to be a LI himself. (Is this a sign Voltage?)
Even if not everyone was a fan of the series, it does make you a bit emotional if not nostalgic if you think that the title finally reached it's end. In the japanese version at least. It will take a few more months before we'll get the last stories translated as well.
I personally love how Otas, Babas and Mamorus pictures feature the MC as well as she always seems to brighten the images. Especially Otas looks magical with all the flower petals. But it's also hilarious how Eisuke carries his child like a sack of potatoes.
Here's a small compilation of everyones kids:
Eisuke: Eito, Kaito, Yuu (possibly a 4th child in the making?)
Soryu: Ryusei
Ota: Hinata
Baba: Moa
Mamoru: Nodoka
Not in the pictures but Luke, Hikaru, Shuichi and Mad Hatter got kids as well:
Luke: Yuri
Hikaru: Akari
Shuichi: Kikyo
Mad Hatter: Rui & Kai
Anyways happy new year and here's for an exciting journey ahead of us!
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eisukevint · 10 months
HE DOES OMG THATS WHY HE HAS FACEBOOK. He’d post a picture of the award and the caption would say ‘#my child #yall are losers ichinomiyas on top #i love my wife and my kids #i’m proud but i dont show it to my kids❤️’ He’d be a menace like imagine his business partner’s kid and eito are classmates and eisuke practically DISSES the fuck out of that kid because theyre not that good academically and THE KID ENDS UP CRYING A STORM and eito’s not so secretly enjoying it bec the guy’s got eisuke’s genes 😭😭
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rikumorimachisgirl · 3 years
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Soryu's current concern though... 😁
Ahhhh... This Mobster is too adorable! 😍
Story: Becoming the Perfect Family His PoV
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rblue16 · 3 years
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(Going to get more) 😍
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priskicastel · 3 years
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n-abila · 4 years
{When Eisuke has to lie about how he met Mc....}
Eito: Dad! How’d you and mom meet?
Eisuke: Well you see her books fell and then I saw that ass and I was like damn bitch you fine.
Mc: 👁👄👁
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scarletbluebird13 · 3 years
Under the Christmas Tree
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Title: Kissed by the Baddest Bidder
Pairing: Eisuke x MC
Tags: fluff, drabble
Word count: 2024
A/N: I know I’ve got some requests, and I swear I’ll get to them - this is progress ehehe~ I took a little bit of a break for a few days because I wasn’t feeling well, so to the people who’ve sent me requests; thank you all SO MUCH for your requests (I really do appreciate your requests and all of you <3 - since I’m saying this, I genuinely appreciate and love all of you - those who request, lurk, like, and reblog — thank you all so much xxx), I’ll work on them this week - to get myself back into the swing of uploading stuff onto here/making my brain use creative juices to wRiTe, I wrote this - which has been living inside my head since thanksgiving 😳 anyways, hope this is okays xx
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Autumn came and went. The golden crisp of the leaves left all trees barren, surrendering to snow-covered sidewalks - gone for another year. How many seasons have I seen with Eisuke…? How many times have we been together through another fall, winter, spring, and summer? I’ve lost count - then again, I’m not really counting anymore, since we’ll have forever (and that’s a lot of seasons - not that I mind, anyway).
The chill of the autumn wind has changed to a stinging winter breeze - which has me making Eisuke’s coffee a bit warmer - so he won’t get sick. It doesn’t matter how long we’ve been together; I’ll always be worried about him - especially now that the weather’s a lot cooler and he doesn’t do well in the cold heh, that seems to be another thing they have in common...
Below me, Tokyo gleams and glitters - the city lights at night are certainly nothing to scoff at. Especially not from our suite. Content at how my life’s been, I sigh a bit, gripping the mug in my hands a bit tighter - searching for the warmth, letting it seep into my hands - and letting the coffee I made for myself slide down my throat, coming to rest in my stomach. As I look out into the world surrounding me, the smell of the freshly brewed coffee keeps me grounded, it’s tempting smell wafting into my nose, slightly fogging up the window when I lean too close. Everything in the world couldn’t be more perfect.
My eyes growing softer at the serene, graceful landscape below, I lean my head gently against the grand window, letting my eyes gloss over the scene below as I think about the text Eisuke sent me about four hours ago;
“I’m going to be late today. Don’t wait up for me.”
Christmas will be in one hour, and I wanted all of us to be together when the clock strikes midnight. I hope he comes home soon-
Before I can finish that thought, an ear piercing wail snaps me out of my thoughts
Poor darling, probably had a nightmare - that’s his scared cry.
Putting the cup of coffee down, I walk over to the cream painted crib situated next to the Christmas tree.
“Shhhh, shhh… It’s okay, Eito. I’m here. I’m here, you’ve got nothing to worry about.”
I coo into our delicate seven-month-old baby’s ear as I pick him up and start rubbing his back.
“I promise I’ll protect you from anything and everything that ever tries to hurt you - whether it be the monsters in your dreams, the ones you’ll think hide under your bed or in your closet, and the ones disguised as ‘good people.’” I make that promise to him as I gently place a kiss on his head, adjusting him in my arms so that his head is no longer resting on my left shoulder, rather, that his head is resting in the crook of my left arm. His eyes are still shut, tears streaming from his little red eyes, but he’s calmed down a bit - the crying got a bit quieter.
“I promise I’ll always be here for you, Eito.” I whisper, kissing his tears away.
He looks just like his father - I bet Eisuke looked just like Eito when he was a baby. Eito tends to cry a lot - come to think of it, hasn’t Eiji said Eisuke was always fussy and cried a lot when he was a little kid? At least before his sister was born. I smile to myself, cradling our baby in my arms, knowing I’m probably the only person in the world who knows how similar Eisuke and Eito are. Not that Eisuke’d ever admit it, at least. ...Eiji’s really only met Eito once - when I gave birth to Eito, and even then, he looked at Eito like he was the only thing in the world that mattered - but I’m positive if Eiji were to ever visit and spend one day with Eito, he’d realize Eisuke and Eito’s similarities don’t just stop at their looks.
The crying’s stopped, and for now, Eito looks at me with those wide, beautiful brown eyes of his, and he smiles, reaching up to touch me.
“Hey, feeling better? You certainly don’t look sleepy anymore - wanna stay up with me and see your first Christmas?”
To this, he laughs - smiling myself, I decide to take that as a ‘yes.’
“I thought I told you not to wait up for me.”
The voice slightly startling me, I turn around, clutching Eito a bit tighter to my chest in the process.
“I wanted the three of us to be together - you know, for Eito’s first Christmas. And he had another nightmare, the poor baby - so I’ve been cradling him to cheer him up.” I respond, bouncing Eito in my arms, a natural smile gracing my lips as I look up at Eisuke - who responds by placing a kiss upon my lips.
“...If that’s what you want.” He says with a sigh, looking down at Eito with soft eyes and lifting his index finger to gently caress the baby’s cheek - who, in reply to his father’s tender touch, laughs and wraps his tiny fingers around Eisuke’s large one. Eisuke’s really changed since Eito was born…for starters; he gets that soft look in his eyes and smiles a lot more - especially around Eito.
With a smile, I ask Eisuke if he’d hold Eito for a bit while I make him some coffee.
When I return with Eisuke’s overly sweet coffee in tow, I find Eisuke sitting on the couch, rocking Eito back-and-forth, a warm look on his face.
“Here you go - I can hold him while you drink it.”
“I want to hold him for a bit longer.”
“Okay.” I say in agreement, inwardly screaming and trying to engrave this adorable moment in my mind forever - Eisuke rejected my coffee to hold his son
It’s 11:45 pm now, and Eisuke went to the bedroom to change into something more comfortable - I wouldn’t blame him, seems like he’s had a taxing day at work I wonder how Chisato and Sakiko are doing...I’ll stop by sometime soon and set up a date to catch up with them.
Eito’s squirming around in my arms, so I set him down on the grand, amber tainted floor - he’s been crawling recently, and I find myself eager to see which corner of the suite he travels to. This time, Eito makes a beeline for the Christmas tree, completely disappearing under it. I’m not too concerned about him going under the tree - I know it’s something I loved doing when I was a kid (it’s magical - laying under there and looking up - feeling like you’re looking at a completely different world, giving it an ethereal glow - the view of the christmas lights lighting up the tree from the inside is certainly a simple, nostalgic view worthy of competing with Tokyo’s midnight skyline) - so for the fun of it, I decide to follow him under the tree.
Mildly surprised I fit under the tree, I see Eito laughing - he’s sitting perfectly by the base of the tree, looking straight at me. Finding him adorable, I bring him towards me, carefully, taking special care not to accidentally whack him in the face with a stray branch, and not give him rug burn - even though it would be nigh impossible, considering he’s wearing his white and blue dinosaur print footsies. I bring him around to my left and tickle him a bit, laughing with him and enjoying this moment of peace.
Seconds later, Eisuke enters the room, and I stop tickling Eito - suddenly turning this into a game of hide-and-seek. Luckily, Eito seems to catch on, blissfully looking up at me, silently flapping his little arms in the air.
“Where are they…?” Eisuke asks himself, his feet coming to a stop in front of my face. I try not to look up - else he’d find us, and wanting to keep the game going for a bit, I bring one hand up to stifle my laughs. Unfortunately, Eito gives us up with a little giggle.
In no time at all, Eisuke bends down and we’re face-to-face. He wastes no time in scolding me or for that matter, doesn’t bother to ask why I’m under the tree with Eito - he just sighs.
“What are you doing under there?” He asks, looking painfully exhausted.
“Get under here with us!” I exclaim, laughing with Eito, who, giggling, reaches out towards his father.
“Why would I do that?” He asks, giving me a hard time while he gives Eito his index finger to play with (and, as Eito planned, to suck on).
“Just come on!” I insist.
“...fine.” he grumbles, trying his best to get under the tree without knocking it down.
He’s decided to go on the other side of the tree, keeping Eito between us.
“You know you’re a handful, right?” He asks, trying his best to sound annoyed with me; but deep down, I know he’s not really annoyed - he likes it. It’s because I can be a “handful” that he’s not “bored,” as he would have said, once upon a time.
“You love it.” I retort, my eyes glued to little Eito, as he laughs and reaches up towards a red ornament hanging on one of the lower parts of the tree.
We remain like that under the tree for a while, the smell of pine weaving its way into my hair, the christmas lights twinkling softly above us, the effect being amplified only after the lights in the living room were shut off. Eisuke’s eyes remain content, and soft - resting on Eito and his innocent antics. My heart set at peace, knowing my husband is by my side, our baby is nestled safely between us, and has seen the transition from Christmas eve to his first Christmas. In that moment, we seem untouchable - and it feels like nothing in the world could harm us, take our joy away, or tarnish this harmony we’ve found at last. For a moment, it feels like the warm lights above our heads are enough to keep us safe, protected.
After a while of laying under the Christmas tree with Eisuke and Eito, Eito decides he wants to explore some other part of the suit. Eisuke and I spend a few more minutes under the rich forest green tree, gazing at each other - and share a secret kiss beneath the chorus of the gleaming lights above us.
“Thank you.” He whispers, holding my head close to his.
Curious as to what he means, I merely tilt my head to the side and give him a quizzical look, to which he explains;
“For never giving up on me. For staying by my side. For giving me Eito.” I smile despite myself, and in response, decide to cup his face and softly kiss him.
Then he whispers into the kiss, “I love you.”
Smiling, I say it back, and slide out from under the tree.
Once I’m out, I take the mugs of coffee out of the living room - both mine that’s still half full, and Eisuke’s, which is completely empty.
After I spend a few minutes in the kitchen cleaning the mugs, I return to the living room, my heart swelling at the sight before me;
Eisuke’s fallen asleep in a sitting position on the couch, his chest rising and falling with each breath, his eyelids heavy with the pull of sleep holding them down. And resting atop his chest is none other than Eito, tranquility the scene on his face as he sleeps on Eisuke’s chest - his little mind free of nightmares Eito never has nightmares when Eisuke’s around. Even in sleep Eisuke finds a way to keep Eito safe and secure; he has his right arm holding onto Eito, guarding him even while he rests (Eisuke’s way of saying he’ll forever protect Eito no matter what - I’m sure of it).
I love the both of you. And I’d give my life to protect the little family we’ve got. Merry Christmas, my loves.
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neerons · 11 months
We know animals hate Eisuke, do you think they hate Eito, too? Or would they hate only Eito but not his younger siblings? Lol
I know Eito is similar to Eisuke but I would find it funny if animals loved to be near him. It would make Eisuke so pissed off and Eito would probably show off just to get on his nerves. I don’t know about the other sibling, but since the second son (I forgot his name, I think it was Kaito?) is very similar to MC, it’s very likely that animals would like him as well
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flatsuke · 3 years
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just rolled for this story in the vip room and this was so funny to me lmao
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eikouxd · 2 years
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♤♡Ask A Bidder Halloween Special: Trick or Treat ◇♧
Thank you for you patience! I know it's not October; however, I hope you enjoy !
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sweet-pinkitty · 3 years
Kissed by the Baddest Bidder - Becoming the Perfect Family
♥️️Eisuke Ichinomiya, his son is called Eito💜
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♠️️Soryu Oh his son is called Ryusei💙
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🃏Mitsunari Baba his daughter is called Moa❤️️
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♦️️Ota Kisaki his daughter is called Hinata💛
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♣️️Mamoru Kishi his daughter is called Nodoka🖤
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♦️️Shuichi Hishikura his daughter called Kikyo💚
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💌Luke Fostrer his son is called Yuri💙
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♥️Hikaru Aihara his son is called Akari💗
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🃏Rhion Hatter his twin sons are called Rui & Kai💙
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All are the most adorable Kids!🥰️💕
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eisukevint · 4 years
Rich boy check
[At school]
Teacher: Okay students, I want you all to write an essay on ‘My House’
Eito: Excuse me miss, I can’t write that.
Teacher: And why would that be?
Eito: Because my level is higher than you peasants and I live in a fucking hotel so yeah.
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