#Doyle Legacy
antiquatedsimmer · 1 month
Doyle Legacy 1890s - 1900s LOOKBOOK
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Helena Doyle Harrington 1890s - 1900s
Babies first Lookbook!😀
Helena's upbringing was marked by poverty, stemming from the loss of her mother. This hardship led her to turn to prostitution for survival. However, her future husband Eddy, rescued her from a dangerous encounter with a violent client, allowing her to leave that life behind.
Together, they transformed an abandoned hunting shed into a functioning farm for their family.
Known affectionately as "Dove," Which is a pet name given to her since she worked as a painted lady. The color red became symbol for Helena since she adopted it as her signature, using the color to accentuate her vibrant hair and attract clientele during her time in the sex work industry.
Even after transitioning from a sex worker to a devoted wife I kept that color in mind each time she got an updated wardrobe.
The Harringtons lived poorly which is also why some of Helena's outfits seem out of date for time, she utilized her knowledge of previous decades sewing patterns to make clothes for herself.
I used up every outfit slot in CAS and I'd rather not overwhelm myself so instead I chose my favorites to share!
Thank you creators who put a lot of time and effort into making content then allowing all of us to enjoy it in our games as well! :)
If anything turns out to be credited incorrectly don't be afraid to contact me and I will correct it!
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Helena Details: Teeth | Lipstick | Eyelashes | Eyeshadow | Non-Default Eyes | Eyebrows | Skintone ( Soft Rose Skin ) | Lip Preset ( N3 ) | Eye Preset ( 3 ) | Body Preset ( 4 )
The Painted Lady: Dress | Dress Fringe Acc | Hair | Boots | Torn Stockings
Soiled Dove Work Uniform: Hair | Bodice | Skirt | Boots | Torn Stockings
Everyday: Hair | Top | Wool Socks | Boots
Housework: Apron | Hair | Top | Skirt | Hair | Dirt Overlay | Wool Socks
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Going Out: Dress | Hair | Hat | Gloves ( Basegame )
Wedding: Gloves | Hair | Veil | Dress | Heels
Formal: Dress | Hair | Heels | Hat
Party: Dress | Heels | Hat
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Underwear: Outfit is BelleBoudoirSet by GildedGhosts(orig link is broken) | Stockings are Basegame
Sleepwear: Nightgown | Hair
Swimming: Bathing Dress | Shoes | Hair | Tights
Hot Weather: Lace Shawl | Boater Hat | Bodice & Skirt | Boots | Hair | Dirt Overlay
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Hot Weather: Hair | Dress & Apron | Boots
Fall Everyday: Hair | Boots | Hair | Wool Socks | Fingerless gloves | Blouse | Skirt
Chilly Weather: Hair | Sweater Dress | Boots | Wool Socks
Winter: Headscarf | Boots | Wool Socks | Shawl & Apron | Scarf | Gloves | Hair
CC Creators:
@dzifasims @magic-bot @vintagesimstress @the-melancholy-maiden @kedluu @twisted-cat @remussirion @sentate @northernsiberiawinds @evoxyr @obscurus-sims @chere-indolente @linzlu @saurussims @uxji @simlotus @stamsim @gilded-ghosts @simstomaggie @dancemachinetrait @twentiethcenturysims @waxesnostalgic @peebsplays @rustys-cc @eirflower @dallasgirl79 @acanthus-sims @happylifesims @satterlly @dissiasims @historicalsimslife @zurkdesign @clumsyalienn @mlyssimblr
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poisonfireleafs · 2 months
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Hey Meret, Mallory and Cillian
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phinik · 4 months
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Have you seen this guy in herbology class?👀 His name is Francis Doyle
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sparepartsbacc · 2 months
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denimbex1986 · 3 months
'At the start of our interview, Andrew Scott and I are squeezing into a booth in the restaurant at the British Film Institute. It is very similar to the one occupied by Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan's characters in When Harry Met Sally. Quick as a flash, the actor smiles at me and says, “I'll have what she's having.”
Scott goes on to remark that he often dreads reading interviews with actors and hopes this won't be another that he recoils from. “Sometimes talking about acting can be reductive and a bit boring. Of course,” he adds, breaking into a wry, self-mocking grin, “I'm not like that. I'm completely fascinating. Everything I say is a bon mot. It's epigram after epigram. It's like sitting with Oscar Wilde... Although I have better hair!”
Witty. Mischievous. Charming.
These are precisely the qualities that catapulted Scott to stardom as Moriarty in BBC1's worldwide hit drama, Sherlock. People were already talking about him as a striking new talent after his first brief, if completely scene-stealing, 10-minute appearance in Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss's compelling modern-day reworking of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's classic detective stories.
His performance as Holmes's dastardly foe – by turns mesmerising and menacing – won Scott the best supporting actor Bafta award last year, beating his co-star Martin Freeman (who plays John Watson in Sherlock) in the process.
It was not exactly an overnight success for Scott – the 37-year-old Irishman had for many years been turning in very creditable, if not such conspicuous performances in dramas such as Lennon Naked (in which he gave a memorable Paul McCartney opposite Christopher Ecclestone's John Lennon), The Hour, John Adams and Band of Brothers.
But Moriarty, who appeared to come to a sticky end at the end of the last series on Sherlock, transformed Scott's profile. Moriarty is the archetypal baddie who has all the best lines, and his popularity meant that the actor was soon being offered leading roles in ITV1 dramas such as The Town and The Scapegoat.
Scott, who was raised in Dublin, where his father worked in an employment agency and his mother was an art teacher, has the volume turned down in real life and has no need to turn the dial up to 11 in the way that Moriarty does. But you can see that he still possesses the same razor-sharp instincts as Sherlock's arch-enemy.
The actor is the first to acknowledge that playing the role of Moriarty has moved his career up several notches. Picking at a croissant, he reflects that: “Sherlock has changed all our careers, and I'm really pleased about that. It gives you the benefit of the doubt because executives like to see recognisable faces.
“It was overwhelming to be on a TV show that is quite so popular. That took me totally by surprise. People had an instant affection for it from the first episode. The reaction was extraordinary. People still come up to me in the street all the time, wanting to talk about it.”
Sherlock fans are known as some of the most passionate in the business, but Scott says they are generally delightful. “There is this impression that the fans are crazy, but they're not – they're very respectful. They don't overstep the mark. I get a lot of fan mail. Of course, some of it is a bit creepy, but mostly it's very moving and creative. People send me drawings and their own versions of Sherlock stories. It's a source of escapism for people and that's great.
“I'm an enthusiast for people, and I don't want them to become the enemy. I've seen that happen to colleagues who are disturbed the whole time, but there's a certain degree of control you can have if you keep yourself to yourself. The kind of actors I admire move through different characters and genres. That's the kind of actor I try to be. If you want that, you have to be circumspect about your private life.”
Scott thinks the character made such an impact because, “Moriarty came as a real surprise to people”. He adds: “He doesn't have to do the conventional villain thing. He is witty, and people like that. He is also a proper match for Sherlock. He's very mercurial, too. I have since been offered to play a lot of different characters, and that's because Moriarty is a lot of different characters. He changes all the time.”
The next legacy of the “Sherlock Effect” is that Scott is starring in a one-off BBC2 drama entitled Legacy. An adaptation by Paula Milne of Alan Judd's bestselling 2001 espionage novel, this is an absorbing contribution to the BBC's “Cold War” season. In this film, set at the height of the conflict between the UK and the USSR in 1974, which goes out on Thursday 28 November, Scott plays Viktor Koslov, a KGB spy.
Charles Thoroughgood (Charlie Cox), a trainee MI6 agent, tries to reconnect with Viktor, an old friend from their Oxford days, in an attempt to “turn” him. However, Victor adroitly turns the tables on Charles with a shocking revelation about the British spy's family. Deliberately shot in Stygian gloom, Legacy captures the murky world of the secret services where cynicism and duplicity are part of the job description. Its tagline could well have been: “Trust no one.”
The film convincingly conjures up the drabness of the 1970s, all three-day weeks, petrol rationing and power cuts. Scott says: “Characters in those days called from phone boxes – whoever does that now? The film fits the era. It has a melancholic tone. It's very brown and downbeat.”
Scott particularly enjoyed playing the ambiguity of Viktor's character. “I like the idea that you don't know who he is. It's important that you feel for Viktor and his predicament. You have to feel he's a human being with a family. But both he and Charles are elusive figures – it's not clear whose side they're on. It's not at all black-and-white, and that's why the film is so shadowy.”
The actor boasts a terrific Russian accent in Legacy. Where did it come from? “There isn't a huge amount of footage of Russians speaking English as a second language, so I started looking at Vladimir Putin videos on YouTube. But then Putin introduced anti-gay legislation this summer – so, being a gay person, I switched to Rudolf Nureyev videos instead. It was another Nureyev defection of sorts!”
Scott is low-key on the subject of his sexuality. “Mercifully, these days people don't see being gay as a character flaw. But nor is it a virtue, like kindness. Or a talent, like playing the banjo. It's just a fact. Of course, it's part of my make-up, but I don't want to trade on it. I am a private person; I think that's important if you're an actor. But there's a difference between privacy and secrecy, and I'm not a secretive person. Really I just want to get on with my job, which is to pretend to be lots of different people. Simple as that.”
Scott is very much getting on with the job at present. He has many intriguing projects in the pipeline, including starring in Jimmy's Hall, the new Ken Loach movie about a political activist expelled from Ireland during the “Red Scare” of the 1930s. He is also appearing with Tom Hardy and Ruth Wilson in Locke, a film about a man whose life is falling apart, and in The Stag, a movie about a stag weekend that goes horribly wrong. In addition, he is headlining alongside Bill Nighy, Dominic West and Imelda Staunton in Matthew Warchus's movie Pride, a true story about an alliance between the mine workers and the lesbian and gay community during the 1984 miners' strike.
If he can possibly find any spare time, Scott is also open to comedy offers. “Everything in life has to have an element of comedy about it. I did Design for Living at the Old Vic in 2010 – Noël Coward was a master of comedy. The audience were convulsing every night. It's such a joyous feeling to hold a pause and wait for the laughter. There is no better high. Forget about drugs!”
But despite the fact that producers are now cold-calling him like overeager mis-sold PPI salesmen, Scott won't be rushing into the first role he's offered. One positive by-product of his success is his ability to be choosy about what he does. He observes: “You have to be brave to turn things down, but there is a certain power to that. I've had offers to do more regular TV series, but I don't regret rejecting them. If money and fame are not your goals, then it becomes easier. American agents use the expression, 'this could be a game-changer'. The implication is that you want the game to change. But I don't. I don't have a plan. I like unpredictability and randomness.
“People get distracted by box-office figures and take jobs because they think it will advance their careers. Of course, it's nice to get a big cheque and be able to buy a massive house, but my view is that we're not here long, so why not do something of value?”
So Scott is very happy with where he's at. “To do all these different things is a dream for me. My idea of a successful actor is not the most recognisable or the richest – it's someone who is able to do a huge amount of different stuff. I don't want to be known for just one thing.”
It's true that Scott is now broadening his career far beyond Moriarty. But I can't resist one final question on the subject: Is there any chance that Moriarty will, like his nemesis, be making a Lazarus-like comeback in the new series of Sherlock? Scott has, after all, been photographed filming scenes for the upcoming third season.
“People ask me that every day. It's a small price to pay for having been in such a wonderful show,” he teases. But he is forbidden from spilling the beans about Moriarty's fate in Sherlock even to close family members.
So has Moriarty played one more dastardly trick on us by faking his own suicide? Or are the scenes the actor has been shooting merely flashbacks? Scott could tell us, but then – like some ruthless Cold War spy – he would have to kill us...'
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If you ever wonder how this insane ideology got so far unchecked, it was corrupt, ideologically captured organizations that were complicit and directly facilitated it.
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holmesoldfellow · 9 months
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"Young Sherlock: The Legacy of Doyle" MSX video game by Pack-In-Video Co. (1987, Japan-only release)
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tulipwhims · 10 months
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Here are Albert and Nellie Doyle, the founders of my Decades Challenge. Albert has a sister named Ethel Ellsworth, who is also one of the founders of the legacy, along with her husband Howard.
Albert and Ethel are twins, both born in 1870. Albert's wife Nellie was born in 1871, and Howard was born in 1869. They all moved together to Boston from the countryside after a family scandal, finding homes in a beautiful neighborhood called Newcrest. I've already played through a few 'years' of gameplay, so the year is now 1894. I'll introduce their children in the next post :)
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open-era · 8 months
Sherlock Holmes: An Inspiration to Creators Across Media
🕵️‍♂️🔍 Sherlock Holmes: The eternal detective who's not just a character but a cultural icon! From pages to screens, he's left an indelible mark on our imaginations. Explore how his brilliance continues to inspire and intrigue across generations!
Imagine a character so clever, so intriguing, that people from all around the world still can’t get enough of him, even after more than a century. That’s Sherlock Holmes for you! He’s not just a detective in books; he’s a legend that’s woven into our culture. You see, Sherlock Holmes started as words on a page, but he didn’t stop there. He stepped out of books and into our lives, becoming a…
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spnmoosejerk · 2 years
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Doyle Samhain
Some facts…
Age: 169
Age appearance: 23
Birthday: September 20th, 1852
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Species: Vampire
Personality traits: considerate,forgiving, trusting. Cowardly, dependent, anxious.
Relationship status: single
Siblings: His older brother Brone
Education: graduated from high school 4 times, went to college 3 times throughout the years
Occupation: Veterinarian
Work ethic: unlike his older brother, Doyle finds it impossible to harm any living creature. He spent the last 14 years as a veterinarian in a small towns. He enjoys his job of saving animals.
Misc..: Doyle is the polar opposite of his brother, in order to survive he steals blood bags from the animal clinic he works at to feed from. Doyle could never kill a human nor animal, he’s been residing in his hometown for the past two years ever since returning after his fiancé’s murder. Doyle’s older brother has given every reason to hate him and turn his back on him for eternity, but Doyle is too forgiving and he would never give up on his older brother, even after Brone took the one person Doyle loved most from him.
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antiquatedsimmer · 6 months
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🌻❤️Josephine Coombes Harrington, Welcome to the family❤️🌻
Colored Photos & Subtitles Below:
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Friday, 1908 Dear Journal,
Today started early with Mama rousing me and Pa before the sun for Si's wedding. Si, true to form, seemed uninterested, bored even, as we made our way to the church yard.
Despite a soggy autumn, today turned unexpectedly pleasant. Clear skies, a welcome break from the week's thunderstorms. However, I think Ma is stressed, she kept nagging about walking with my skirt up to avoid dragging it through the mud....
The ceremony was small, Only Josephine's parents and Jackson with his fancy wife, bothered to show. I tried my best to focus on Mama's words from yesterday, And I could see why Jackson favored her.
Skinny, porcelain pale, dripping in expensive jewelry....everything I am not. However, as Josephine graced us with her entrance, any inkling of comparison vanished.
Radiance enveloped her, surpassing the boundaries of mere beauty. She embodied something ethereal. A sunlight aura surrounded her, and I found myself akin to a sunflower, unable to avert my gaze.
Even Si seemed genuinely happy, I saw him smile from ear to ear, he clasped her soft delicate hands, and caressed her cheek.
It was a sight to see, physical or emotional affection have never been his forte, not even in our childhood.
He was initially furious with Pa over the prospect of marrying Josephine. I remember his enraged shouts, echoing from the parlor.
Confidentially, Journal, I've noticed his practiced performance of donning the façade of a gentleman and a devoted son, particularly when in Mr. Coombes' presence.
Whether genuine or an act, my earnest prayer is for him to treat Josephine with the respect she deserves. I hold a genuine fondness for her, and I welcome her warmly into our family.
Lucile Harrington
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poisonfireleafs · 5 months
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dracoangel · 1 year
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Remade Riley and Monique since I found some new face textures that changed their appearance a bit. Gave me the chance to change around their houses too. Riley will be Gryffindor and Monique will be Hufflepuff.
I definitely like this look on Riley more, the hair better suits her face I think.
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sparepartsbacc · 2 months
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Are these pictures mostly to show off the mansion I built? Yes. I'm still proud of his thing. Yes, I built and decorated the whole thing.
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micrathene-w · 2 years
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They have more than one reason to celebrate, when they get home. The inheritance is real, and turns out to be a little over §17,000!  They’re not Fabulously Wealthy by any means, but that gives a newlywed couple a very nice safety margin.
(Assuming, of course, that Risky Woohoo doesn’t leave them with a nooboo on the way right off the bat.)
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