#Don't think so
autistic-britta-perry · 7 months
the killing missions just double if you don't do them lmao?
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kennethbrangh · 1 year
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Ian McShane as Al Swearengen in Deadwood | S01E11
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robo-dino-puppy · 10 months
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horizon forbidden west | erend 13/?
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poisonedfate · 1 month
s4 kicking off with arthur all but rolling his eyes at merlin literally passing? out? at the feast? literally cold as the dead and my guy is nowhere to be found? you'd think ah, maybe they're building for a plot line where something's happened between them during the time jump or oh, maybe there's something we don't know. but there's not. literally 5 minutes earlier (in the ep, not the actual timeline) he was smiling like a schoolgirl, poking fun at merlin. and later on they were just fine too. all this to say - not my arthur. these writers man.
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you little tease - iac 2023 day nine
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actuallysara · 1 year
I know it's very unlikely and that Carlos won't probably be that injured but in my dreams he is and TK is working on him, Carlos' blood on his hands, tears in his eyes and going "keep your eyes on me baby. you can't leave me, you still have to marry me" and then I wake up covered in sweat
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wejustvibing · 2 years
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ellalalala · 1 month
in order to write a good detective fic i need to come up with smart crimes... FUCK
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spader7 · 2 years
Not to be dramatic, but your stranger things art is literally the reason I live and breath lmao <3
oh gosh thank you!! i'm happy to hear that even though i basically just draw the same thing over and over again haha! thanks<3
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Now that the squid craft participants have been revealed my new hobbie is making stupid duos that now have a chance of happening
Moist and Roier? Yeah sure they are besties
Carola and Sapnap? They'll be brothers
Mariana and Tubbo? Long lost cousins that don't understand each other
Tina and Rivers? They're sisters your honor
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cristalknife · 2 years
An incomplete list of why Vegas Theerapanyakul is actually a non writing angst writer with kinks
EXHIBIT A: he knows himself and has knowledge of his own preferences and how his own kinks work
EXHIBIT B: he’ll nonchalantly be like at first I was going to kill you... But I changed my mind because when you suffer, you seem to be more interesting 
EXHIBIT C: takes great care to know even the smallest detail about Pete his fave
EXHIBIT D: when told to clean up his mess he rightly decide to make the fun last for as long as possible 
EXHIBIT E: is not above fixing everything else to match his desires so that his chosen plot works 
EXHIBIT F: when Pete his fave starts screaming at him “are you happy now?” his only answer is No I'm just getting started 
EXHIBIT G: he'd rather keep some form of company around rather than angst all on his own lonesome 
EXHIBIT H: when Pete his fave decides to not cooperate his hands are forced into taking more decisive actions
EXHIBIT J: he doesn't really want Pete his fave to be permanently hurt
EXHIBIT K: he will work hard to patch up the worst of the hurt he caused to Pete his fave
EXHIBIT L: he will allow himself to be raw, open and honest with Pete his fave
EXHIBIT M: he will allow fragments of his back story to be known so that he himself will be known
EXHIBIT N: he will listen to what Pete his fave is telling and discover something he didn't know before
EXHIBIT O: getting exasperated when Pete his fave just can't accept small acts of kindness without suspicion look, go ahead, if you hate me you'll have the energy to kill me later.
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daemonhxckergrrl · 2 years
sometimes i wish tumblr has an @mutuals feature tbh but here we are
i made an nsfw blog so i'm not just reblogging vaguely lewd stuff here or hiding it in my likes - mutuals if you want the @ just DM me <3
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deliciousnecks · 2 years
If you're shitty to me once and you apologize, I'm still going to be so fucking wary of you.
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kirah69 · 2 years
Am I ignoring [Canon Event] for the shake of my fanfic?
Do I care?
Absolutely not.
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is there a more unsatisfying thing than w*nking on SSRIs?
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Taron could be a daddy… he has the potential. 💅🏻
Hmmmm maybe in 10-15 years
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