#Doghouse Records
revkilltaker · 1 year
Endpoint – Catharsis - LP - Doghouse Records - Dog-10
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Pressing #: First Press
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Additional Info: Other Pressings Available
Track Listing
Days After
Guilty By Association
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punkrockmixtapes · 1 year
Doghouse Rose - It Is What It Is (Official Video)
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stroebe2 · 3 months
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ofbreathandflame · 5 months
Feyre isn't referred to as the High Lady of the Night Court. She’s simply presented as Rhysand's mate in the new book. Quite a surprise.
hi anon!!
*hofas spoilers* (vague ones - no specific plot points)
you know, although im not completely surprised at this (given sjm's track record), i am surprised by how blatantly sjm has disregarded feyre. like even if it was corny - i think sjm should have implemented girl power moment for feyre bc this kind of ridiculous. like if you're gonna pull a stunt like sf - you can at least empower feyre. idk - make some lore about her. like have mor watch the baby or fucking rhys and put feyre into some leathers and let her be the 21 year old warrior. let her lead the nc - let rhys take a backseat. literally feyre could have been the one helping bryce and having those conversations. the story could even joke about feyre being charge as a way to imply that rhys is still in the doghouse from silver flames. that would be a way to address the issue without having to address it. and although i think feyre should react much more fiercely to the violation - id take anything that even hinted that feyre got her lick back. i want to see feyre be high lady divorced from rhys. i want to see feyre making calls by herself. like it couldn't have been feyre, amren, az, and nesta? fuck - id take even mor. like we don't even SEE that girl anymore.
look - id rather read corny girl-power shit about feyre than rhys. id rather the story make up a bunch of titles for feyre than see her sidelined for rhys. i think feyre is a better character and i think the book should understand that.
imo the self-insert in acotar isn't feyre, its rhys. sjm always characterizes her favorite self-inserts in much of the same way. aelin, bryce, and rhysand all have the same personality. ive always felt that feyre operates in the same category as hunt and rowan; she is favored because of proximity to rhys. like even in the interviews - she rarely talks about feyre, and she literally always gushes about rhys. even the plot points for hofas are centered around....rhysand and his lineage. idk id take archerons are descended from the gods over this bull. throw a couple of retcons in then and boom you've got a sellable sjm plot point.
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Donald Trump’s shortlist for his running mate is full of the right wing’s worst political stars—aside from himself, that is. But reported vice presidential hopeful Kristi Noem has one skeleton in her closet—er, in the woods—that will not be helpful in the polls.
The South Dakota governor admits to deliberately killing her 14-month-old pet dog Cricket in her upcoming book No Going Back: The Truth on What’s Wrong with Politics and How We Move America Forward, reported The Guardian, which obtained an advance copy of the book, on Friday. The book is due out next month.
“I hated that dog,” Noem writes, calling her “untrainable,” “dangerous to anyone she came in contact with,” and “less than worthless… as a hunting dog.”
After repeated failed attempts to train Cricket as a hunting dog, the straw that broke the camel’s back was when Cricket mauled a family’s chickens when Noem stopped at their house following a pheasant hunt.
Cricket had escaped Noem’s truck and attacked the family’s chickens, “grabb[ing] one chicken at a time, crunching it to death with one bite, then dropping it to attack another.”
Noem wrote that she repeatedly apologized, wrote the family a check “for the price they asked, and helped them dispose of the carcasses littering the scene of the crime.”
“It was not a pleasant job,” she writes, “but it had to be done. And after it was over, I realized another unpleasant job needed to be done.”
Noem recalls getting her gun and leading Cricket to a gravel pit before executing her.
Critics were quick to point out that the fault was not with Cricket, but with Noem herself. A 14-month-old dog is a “baby that doesn’t know any better,” Dan Lussen, a professional hunting dog trainer, told Rolling Stone.
“To me, it’s a lack of guidance by the owner, or training by the owner, or discipline by the owner,” he said, explaining that training a young hunting dog is a lengthy and slow process. “There’s a lot of steps that you take before you take it to a field and shoot birds over it.”
Noem’s record as governor of South Dakota isn’t clean, either. Several Native tribes in the state have banned her from their reservations over her racist assertions that Natives in the state work with drug cartels and neglect their children. Plus, Noem’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in a high number of cases in the state, and she tried to prevent Native tribes from implementing their own COVID safety measures.
Her attitude towards canines may not put her in Trump’s VP doghouse, though. He has repeatedly called his opponents dogs as an insult, mentioned on multiple occasions about how much he doesn’t like them, and famously avoided having a pet dog as president because he said it “feels a little phony to me.”
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mariacallous · 3 months
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When I was a foreign correspondent in West Berlin during the dying days of the Cold War in 1988, a British spy gave me a vivid insight into the state of Germany’s intelligence services.
‘If you want the Kremlin to take something seriously, give it to the Germans and tell them it’s a secret,’ he said. ‘It’ll be on every desk in the Politburo the next morning.’
Clearly little has changed in the intervening years.
On Friday, the Russians revealed that they had eavesdropped on a discussion between the head of the Luftwaffe and three top air force colleagues about the highly contested question of donating Germany’s long-range Taurus missiles to Ukraine.
Such weaponry would help that country strike Russia’s logistics depots and supply lines, such as the Kerch Strait Bridge that links Crimea to Russia proper.
Top brass in any self-respecting country would conduct such sensitive discussions on encrypted lines using special handsets, with the participants in secure locations — an arrangement known in this country as a ‘STRAP environment’.
But the gormless Germans used Webex, a conference-call system akin to Zoom.
One participant dialled in from Singapore — using his bog-standard phone. So, too, did the Russian intruders. Unbelievably, nobody noticed the extra, silent participant.
Nothing was decided on the call. The missiles’ delivery remains blocked by German chancellor Olaf Scholz. But the 38-minute recording, released by the Kremlin, did reveal that he has lied to the German public.
According to the brass hats, well-trained Ukrainians could program the missiles with targeting data — something Scholz had claimed would require German specialists on the ground in Ukraine. This would be an impossibly provocative step in his view.
But the worst damage was done not to reputations but to allied security.
‘If we’re asked about delivery methods, I know how the British do this. They always transport them in Ridgeback armoured vehicles. They have several people on the ground,’ said the head of the German air force, Lieutenant General Ingo Gerhartz, referring to the Storm Shadow missiles that we have donated to Ukraine.
Discussing military secrets on an open phone line is a sackable offence. But you cannot sack a whole country. Western allies are confronting the reality that our biggest and richest European ally is an appalling liability.
No 10 yesterday described the leak as ‘a very serious matter’ but declined to be drawn on whether there are plans to restrict our intelligence- sharing with Berlin.
But no one would blame them if they were considering just such a response. After all, Scholz is in the doghouse for other reasons, too.
Only last Monday, he let slip that British soldiers were on the ground in Ukraine assisting with the use of our Storm Shadow missile system.
This would come as no surprise to Moscow. But it is still embarrassing to have a sensitive detail blurted out by the leader of a supposedly trustworthy partner.
Chairman of the Commons’ Foreign Affairs Committee, Alicia Kearns, didn’t hold back, describing the blunder as ‘wrong, irresponsible and a slap in the face’.
The bleak truth is that, in the eyes of Western allies, Germany is now regarded as worse than useless.
And no branch of its security set-up is in a more parlous state than its clueless, leaky secret services. A senior official in the German foreign intelligence service, identified only as Carsten L, and an alleged accomplice, Arthur E, went on trial in December for spying for Russia. The pair were arrested, not thanks to German diligence, but thanks to a tip from the FBI.
Former CIA officer John Sipher describes German spies as: ‘Arrogant, incompetent, bureaucratic, useless’.
Yet it is no laughing matter for the Ukrainians that Scholz dithers on sending weapons. High hopes of the Zeitenwende — ‘change of eras’ — that he announced after Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022 have shrivelled.
Germany’s puny military remains under-equipped, ill-led and cash-strapped. Berlin’s aversion to hard thinking about security lies partly in its two catastrophic defeats last century, and its role as a potential nuclear battleground during the Cold War.
This past stokes anti-Americanism and anti-militarism. ‘Even the worst peace is better than the best war,’ said a leading German thinktanker as Ukraine began its struggle for survival.
The idea that freedom might be worth dying for counts for nothing.
Greed also plays a big role. Germany has obsessively pursued lucrative deals with Russia and China.
That contributed to Germany’s blind spot when it came to its eastern neighbours such as Poland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Yet it was these countries that the Hitler-Stalin pact fed into the meat-grinder in 1939.
Germany owes them a huge historical debt but, instead of making strenuous efforts to boost their security, Berlin blocked Nato defence plans for these states for years.
Worse, German spymasters stole their secrets. As I revealed in my book Deception, the German BND — the counterpart to our MI6 — recruited a top defence official in Estonia, Herman Simm, in order to keep an eye on American influence there.
What the Germans did not know was that Simm was also spying for the Russians. The damage was colossal.
I am no Germanophobe. I lived and worked there for many years. I tried to alert Germans to the danger presented by nascent, and now revived, Russian imperialism. The response was patronising and incredulous.
Meanwhile, Russian spies, thugs and crooks ran riot under the noses of the bureaucracy-bound German police and security services.
That reflects another legacy of the past: a resistance to state surveillance, thanks to the long shadows cast by Hitler’s Gestapo and then the Stasi, communist East Germany’s secret police.
Ultra-strict data-protection and privacy laws stop German authorities conducting the simplest security checks.
The consequences of this were recently highlighted by journalist Michael Colborne, who took only 30 minutes to track down a fugitive Left-wing terrorist, 65-year-old Daniela Klette, of the murderous Baader-Meinhof gang.
She had been living in Berlin under a false identity, despite being on Germany’s most-wanted list. A simple internet picture search led to her hasty arrest by the hitherto ignorant German police.
Germany’s policy makes it the weakest link in Europe’s defence. Suppose that Russia, boosted by success in Ukraine, tests Nato’s resolve in Poland or the Baltic states?
These states would respond with flinty and furious resistance. We and other allies will want to help them. But suppose Germany cries ‘Diplomaten statt Granaten’ — ‘Diplomats instead of grenades’ — and demands that the crisis be solved through talks not war?
Sitting, as it does, on the North European Plain, Germany and its supply lines would be vital in rushing aid and ammunition to the front. Yet Berlin might bristle at direct involvement and close its borders and airspace to allied reinforcements.
This nightmarish prospect is not fiction. Germany closed its airspace to reinforcement flights at the start of the Ukraine war. The uncomfortable truth is that Germany slumbers as Europe burns, and that means sleepless nights for the rest of us.
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catindabag · 5 months
TBOSAS on Crack short take (72)
*Planning a fake funeral is hard!* Read [this] first.
Coryo: Hey, Class Press.
Felix: Yes, Snowy?
Coryo: Poor Aeneas just called me earlier and said that his little sister is getting discharged from the hospital today.
Felix: Who’s Aeneas again?
Coryo: The Banshee’s surprisingly nicer and smarter older brother.
Felix: The same guy who was forced to sleep inside a tiny doghouse by his parents for being born good?
Coryo: Yup. That Aeneas.
Felix: Oh, I remember now. Poor guy. He deserves better.
Coryo: Yeah. Poor guy. So are we going to celebrate Arachne Crane’s recovery or what?
Hilarius: Are we?
Festus: I’m not. She gave me a proper black eye for saving her screeching spidery ass.
Palmyra: She’s not dead?
Clemensia: Palm Palm, that’s mean. Arachne was almost choked to death by her crazy Tribute.
Coryo: To be fair, crazy Brandy was hungry. She wanted to steal and eat the spider’s ✨Heaven Bread✨.
Domitia: Hungry? But Tanner told me that Brandy stole his bread rolls, cheese tarts, and 2 cans of beer before the spider came and made her a sh*tty sandwich.
Coryo: She’s like Percy’s little gremlin. She won’t stop eating no matter what.
Persephone: True. Mizzen has a Tartarus like stomach.
Festus: And the raging appetite of a thousand grown men.
Persephone: He can even eat Domitia’s whole family farm.
Domitia: Even my sweet daddy’s baby duck sanctuary?
Persephone: Especially the baby duck sanctuary.
Palmyra: So Craney really survived Brandy Sharp Candy?
Diana: Fortunately.
Festus: Tragically.
Diana: Creed!
Festus: She punched me in the face.
Coryo: 4 times.
Festus: It still hurts.😞
Coryo: And now she’s wearing an ugly neck brace because of it.
Felix: Wow. Who would’ve thought that my weird prediction came true.
Gaius: Cool.
Diana: Does that mean that you’re now a seer, Class Pres?
Felix: I wish.
Apollo: In a scale of Dr.Gaul’s ugly mutts to Clemensia’s pretty Mr. Paris Patty, how ugly is Arachne Crane’s neck brace?
Sejanus: Pit bull rabbit mutt ugly.
Apollo: Really?
Sejanus: Truly.
Diana: I can’t wait to see it.☺️
Palmyra: But are you 100 percent sure that our local Banshee is still the same Banshee?
Sejanus: What do you mean?
Palmyra: What if she’s now a cat trap in a box and we don’t know what’s happening inside?
Coryo: She’s not Schrödinger's cat!
Palmyra: Who’s Schrödinger?
Domitia: Monty, please.
Palmyra: But she hasn’t replied to my emails for 2 straight days now.
Domitia: So?
Palmyra: That means she’s dead in my books.
Domitia: Do you want to know the real reason why the spider doesn’t reply to your weird emails?
Palmyra: Yes! I love honesty.😊
Domitia: She doesn’t like you.
Palmyra: Ok! So what’s the truth?
Domitia: She doesn’t like you!
Palmyra: That’s a lie. Everybody likes me. Even Dr. Gaul and her rainbow snakey snakeys like me.
Domitia: You need help.
Palmyra: I like kelp too!
Domitia: I hate you.
Palmyra: I date me too.😊
Domitia: You’re hopeless.
Palmyra: Thank you! You’re a nice friend, Tia.
Domitia: We’re not friends.
Palmyra: Best friends!🥰
Hilarius: Lol. I’m recording this.
Florus: But just to be sure, does anyone have legitimate proof that the spider is still the spider?
Sejanus: *raises hand*
Florus: Really? You of all people?
Sejanus: Yup! The other day, me, Coryo, Lizzie, and Creed had a secret slumber party inside her hospital room without her knowing.
Festus: We stole her ice cream.
Coryo: I ate her mother’s homemade apple pie. It was a little bit dry and flaky, but I still gave it a 7 out of 10 for trying.
Lysistrata: I stole her morphling bottles and sold them to Dennis.
Festus: I drew a mustache on her face while she was sleeping.
Sejanus: And I took some photos and short videos for Felix.
Florus: Photos? Photos of Crane sleeping?
Sejanus: No. They were photos and videos of Crane swearing and screeching at Lizzie and Festus.
Florus: Can you share them with me?
Felix: Flory, I posted them in our secret group chat, remember?
Florus: You made a secret group chat without me?!
Felix: Sh*t. I think Urban and Io forgot to add you.
Apollo: Don’t worry, Flory. I’ll add you.☺️
Florus: Thanks.😞
Pup: Actually, we’ve already added you in our group chat before.
Florus: Then why am I not in chat anymore?
Pup: I think Ban Ban and Andie accidentally kicked you out.
Florus: Why? What did I do?
Pup: They thought you were secretly Dean Highbottom in disguise.
Florus: Is it because of my profile picture?
Pup: Definitely.
Florus: My profile picture is cute and perfectly fine!
Pup: Your profile picture’s a fat goldfish drinking booze.
Florus: It’s simple and symbolic.
Pup: Change it.
Lysistrata: Yo, can we share the photos with Lucky Flickerman?
Florus: That magical clown was added in the group chat before me?!
Lysistrata: Yes, but anyway-
Florus: Anyway?! Felix, explain yourself!
Felix: Don’t look at me. I didn’t add no magical clown in chat.
Lysistrata: I did.
Clemensia: Of course you did, Lizzie. Of course you did.🙄
Lysistrata: He said that he’ll give us 20 bucks, 2 crates of candy corn, a free bird show, and a bucket of chicken wings.
Clemensia: No. Just no. We are not sharing Crane’s ugly pictures with that clown and Capitol News.
Lysistrata: He’s a magician.
Clemensia: That’s not the point!
Lysistrata: He can talk to birds!
Coryo: I’m allergic to weird birds.
Festus: Same.
Apollo: Aren’t we all here to talk about Crane’s miraculous recovery and celebration?
Dennis: Hear me out-
Clemensia: No.
Dennis: Just this once. I swear that you might even like it.
Felix: Fire away, Denny.
Dennis: How about we arrange a fake funeral as a “welcome back” party for Crane instead? What do you guys think?
Coryo: A fake what?
Dennis: A fake funeral!
Festus: That sounds fun.
Dennis: An exclusive fake funeral for our local screeching Banshee and her dead sh*tty sandwich!😀
Clemensia: Dennis, that’s madness-
Sejanus: Denny, that’s brilliant! You’re a genius! A genius!
Coryo: I’m with Seji Pie.
Palmyra: Me too!
Hilarius: Let’s do it!
Felix: But just for formalities-
Clemensia: Or Panem’s sake.
Felix: Raise your good hand if you want to arrange a fake funeral for Arachne Banshee Crane tomorrow.
Everyone: *immediately raises their hand except for Clemensia*
Apollo: Yey! Fake funeral!
Clemensia: You guys disappoint me.
Diana: Are we going to sing ✨Gem of Panem✨?
Felix: Of course! It’s part of the ceremony.
Diana: Can we sing ✨Somewhere Over The Rainbow✨ after?
Felix: Sure! You and Coryo can sing the rainbow song together.
Coryo: But can Sejanus and I sing ✨My Heart Will Go On✨ after my duet with Ring?
Sejanus: Please, Class Pres! Let me sing with my Coryo! I’ll pay you 10 bucks and 4 crates of posca.
Felix: Fine. You can sing whatever love song you feel like singing.
Everyone: Yey!
Festus: But can I bring a big ass silver crane to serve as the main centerpiece for tomorrow’s funeral?
Felix: Are you talking about the weird looking long-legged bird or the one used for construction?
Festus: A big ass metal crane that my mother uses for construction.
Felix: A literal crane?! You want to bring a literal crane to poor Arachne’s funeral?!
Festus: It’s a fake funeral. Anything goes.
Felix: Why, Creed? Just why?!
Festus: Coryo and Seji Pie can even swing on the crane while performing ✨My Heart Will Go On✨.
Diana: Can I swing too?
Festus: As long as you wear my dad’s old neon pink harness.
Coryo: Wait. Are we going to jump down the crane after we sing?
Sejanus: That’s a good idea.
Festus: Don’t worry, Snowy. I’ll make sure that there’s a working ambulance nearby.
Coryo: Working? What do you mean by working?!
Festus: May the odds be ever in your favor, Bestie.☺️
Coryo: Thanks.
Sejanus: Just to be safe, I’ll bring 10 parachutes.
Festus: *turns to Felix* So Class Pres, what do you say? Metal crane or no metal crane?
Felix: Fine. You can bring your mother’s old metal crane.
Festus: Yey!
Felix: But just one.
Festus: No promises.
Apollo: Can we bring fireworks? I love fireworks.
Felix: One box each.
Apollo: You’re the best, Class Pres!
Dennis: Yo, I have another idea. What if-
Clemensia: Dennis, shut up.
Dennis: Hear me out, hear me out-
Clemensia: Suck a di-
Hilarius: Let the man cook!
Clemensia: He can’t cook.
Hilarius: Let the businessman cook!
Palmyra: I wanna cook!😀
Everyone: No.
Dennis: What if we use Creed’s crane to lift up Arachne’s empty casket while Diana, Sejanus, and Coryo are standing on it. What do you think?
Coryo: Standing where exactly?
Dennis: On the casket.
Coryo: While being lifted up?
Dennis: Yes.
Diana: Does that mean that we’re going to perform with the birds?!
Coryo: Not the birds!
Sejanus: I’m excited!
Gaius: That’s brilliant! Capitol News will love it!
Hilarius: I can’t wait to record that.
Dennis: And what if-
Clemensia: You’re an idiot.
Dennis: What if the rest of us are riding 12 pink chariots covered with white and yellow roses while Coryo and Sejanus are singing their love song above us! What do you guys think?😀
Felix: Why chariots? Why not cars?
Dennis: Because we’re Roman Empire fanatics, Class Pres.
Felix: True. We do love the Roman Empire and Greek Mythology.
Apollo: Do you know that I was named after the sun god?😊
Festus: Obviously.
Dennis: Fun fact! My first name is actually Dionysus.
Domitia: We’re still going to call you “Dennis” after this, ya know.
Dennis: I know.😔
Felix: But where exactly are we going to get 12 pink chariots before tomorrow’s event?
Dennis: Mama Cardew.
Felix: Right. I’ll call Livia’s mom later.
Apollo: How about the roses?
Felix: Coryo?
Coryo: Sure. I’ll ransack my grandmother’s garden again.
Dennis: Good! That settles it.
Felix: But where are we going to hold Crane’s fake funeral anyway?
Dennis: In front of the Presidential Palace.
Felix: We can’t! My granduncle might die from embarrassment.
Dennis: The President of Panem will love it! He might even give a funny speech tomorrow!
Felix: You’re killing me.
Dennis: Don’t be like that, Class Press. Your crazy Gran Gran loves attending weird funerals.
Felix: Dennis, please.
Dennis: I’ll give you a banned Lana Del Rey album next week.
Felix: For free?
Dennis: 2 Lana Del Rey albums.
Felix: Fine! I’ll call my crazy Gran Gran right now. *calls President Ravinstill*
Pres.Ravinstill: Hello? Is this the royal dog walker? My puppies are sleeping right now-
Felix: Gran Gran, this is Felix.
Pres.Ravinstill: Ah! My favorite son!
Felix: I’m not your son. I’m your grandnephew, remember?
Pres.Ravinstill: What do you want from your dear old Gran Gran, my sweet son and heir? Do you want another golden chair? I can give you another golden chair-
Felix: Can we arrange a fake funeral in front of the Presidential Palace tomorrow?
Pres.Ravinstill: Am I invited?
Felix: You’ll be speaking on stage.
Pres.Ravinstill: I approve!
Felix: Thank you, Gran Gran. You’re the best.
Pres.Ravinstill: I’m the best!
Felix: I’ll hang up now-
Pres.Ravinstill: But can your poor old man wear an extra large burrito blanket and a pink balaclava for tomorrow’s event?
Felix: Wear whatever you want. You’re the President, remember?
Pres.Ravinstill: Yes! I’m the President!
Felix: Goodbye, Mr. President.
Pres.Ravinstill: See you late, son.
Felix: *Hangs up the phone* Gran Gran approves!
Everyone: Yey!
Palmyra: Weewoo!
Festus: I love you guys!
Sejanus: So who’s telling Crane?
Coryo: It’s a surprise.
Sejanus: Nice! I love surprises.☺️
Clemensia: I’m homeschooling my children.
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jammechanics · 5 months
Happy New Year! On our 6th episode of Jam Mechanics, we go down memory lane (way, WAY down memory lane). Get your new Calendars pinned up and mark "Jam Mechanics" for every other Monday. Jam Mechanics is a podcast hosted by Matt (The Narcissist Cookbook) and Bug (Bug Hunter) where we challenge each other to write a song demo from scratch every episode.
If you'd like downloadable files for this episode (and the demos we showed off), ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠you can go to our Bandcamp⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ or ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠website⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ to pay-what-you-want to support us!
Our Music: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠The Narcissist Cookbook⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Bug Hunter⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠and our brand-new discord is here⁠⁠
and follow us on Instagram, YouTube, etc! Please share the show (and our music) with friends! lyrics for both songs below
BUG'S SONG Matt's Challenge: Your First Memory Title: Memories Lyrics: There were roses in the garden My toys were on the lawn My brother rode a bicycle Watched closely by my mom
I toddled off the patio I often wandered off And quickly get corralled by My sweetheart of a dog
These are the details These are the memories These are the moments always cut from documentaries These are the details These are the memories That never stick
I was just a baby in the backyard Learning one thing at a time The shapes and colors turning Into object ‘fore my eyes
It was an early autumn evening The first I could recall I crunch the leaves beneath my feet My dad records it all
These are the details These are the memories These are the moments always cut from documentaries These are the details These are the memories That never stick
They called me in for dinner but Before I headed in They handed me a cup of kibble Filled up to the brim
I toddled to the doghouse Thats when God, she hit record My first memory is getting all my shit rocked by a bird
Can’t choose the details Can’t choose the memories Can’t choose the scars they leave so sudden, unexpectedly Can’t choose the details Can’t choose the memories I wish we weren’t so primed to focus on upsetting things Can’t choose the details Can’t choose the memories That seem to nest inside your head The awful details That form these memories But if I could instead I’d choose the details The little memories And make ‘em stick
MATT'S SONG Bug's Challenge: "Calendar" Title: The Year of Confusion Lyrics: Uh sorry, Matt's notepad crashed and we didn't want to type them up again.
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Barnaby B. Beagle and Eddie Dear
Playfellow Engineering would like to introduce to you everyone's favorite comedian and mailman! With added touches to their designs, these two sport more noticeable differences compared to Wally and Home.
Characters Information Below
Barnaby B. Beagle is the funniest neighbor here at Neighborhood Park! He’s got a joke for every occasion! He's a Beagle who knows how to have fun but also knows how to kick back and do some proper loafing around. Often seen wandering the park alongside his best pal, Wally, visitors are sure to never miss the boisterous Beagle! And if you’re having trouble finding Wally, just find Barnaby and the little fella is sure to be nearby. While Wally draws in his sketchbook, Barnaby could be cracking jokes or balancing on his ball! If you ask, he’ll give you a kazoo and even show you how to play.
Barnaby turned his house into a funhouse to give everyone a laugh and show some of Home’s grouchier neighbors how to have fun! Giggle at the hilarious hall of mirrors, chuckle on the twisted floorboards, and howl as fellow visitors dive into the ball pit! This doghouse is after your funny bone!
When your done having a ball, or just want to relax, trek on over to Barnaby’s Lazy Tree Ride! No rivers here folks, visitors instead recline and relax under the shade of Barnaby’s favorite tree! Do some bird watching, listen to Barnaby’s recorded story, or play a game of I Spy and see if you can spot any of Wally’s art on the tree. An audio and visual experience for all ages!
Eye Color: Brown Height: 7'2" or 86 inches Age: mid 20s Additional Details: defined snout, dog whiskers, vest pockets, yellow apple clip on hat, noticeably fluffier
Sentient. Unaware.
Eddie Dear is seen all over the neighborhood as he makes his deliveries and offers help to his neighbors. He’s as clumsy as he is kind so make sure to clear a path for him! With how bustling the neighborhood’s gotten, Eddie made the decision to bring on some trainees to help manage the workload. If asked, Eddie will give you a pamphlet for the park and will give you a sticker as well! You can also just ask for the sticker if you got you pamphlet from the post office.
Eddie’s Post Office serves as the Information Center, everything you need to know can be found there and the Post Office employees are always available if you have questions! Any lost items can be retrieved in from Eddie’s Lost and Found located in the building. Inside there’s also an arts n crafts area where visitors make their own postcards and letters to keep or send to any of the neighbors! When not delivering the mail or helping folks in the neighborhood, Eddie can be found here making or teaching visitors various paper crafts!
Eddie brings his trainee and visitors looking for a tour on The Mail Delivery Monorail to not only show them the ropes of being a postman, but also show off the delightful neighborhood he calls home! The Mail Delivery Monorail is a tour ride that travels down the center of the roundabout sidewalk. Eddie talks about the neighborhood, residents, and all the things to do! The monorail stops at each neighbor’s house where Eddie gets off to deliver their mail. During this time visitors can exit the ride or listen to his trainee give a fun fact about the park Eddie forgot to mention.
Eye Color: Purple Height: 5'8" or 68 inches Age: late 20s Additional Details: chin stubble, left breast pocket with Post Office Logo, envelope shaped belt buckle. (I think he has stains under his eyes? if you ask me they kinda look like eyebags,,)
Sentient. Aware.
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Bobby Lewis at MMFA:
Within two weeks, South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem went from a potential GOP vice presidential nominee to a pariah among right-wing media.  First, it was reported that her autobiography proudly tells of the time she shot and killed her 14-month-old dog Cricket, and then that there was no record of her alleged meeting with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, also recounted in the book -- until it was removed after several painfully awkward interviews on the topic.  The typical response for a self-immolating conservative is a tour of friendly right-wing media outlets. But for Noem, even this is going poorly, with various on-air clashes and missed off-ramps, even though the most obsequious of hosts tried to walk her through the storm. Her book tour, now canceled, devolved into a circus of disastrous appearances in both mainstream and right-wing media.
Noem’s multifront collapse has right-wing media voices speculating about whether she “might be done” not just as a vice presidential contender, but potentially as a politician.  “The whole thing reeks of desperation,” said The Five co-host Jeanine Pirro, while others complained that Noem’s “delusional” and “scary” self-sabotage not only harms her but, perhaps worst of all, embarrasses Trump by association. “I’ve always been an advocate of a woman as a VP,” claimed War Room host Steve Bannon on April 29.  Appearing on Donald Trump Jr.'s Triggered podcast, Bannon began laughing as he explained that Noem was “maybe a little too based” for the job after “shooting the puppy in the gravel.”  “That was not ideal,” Trump Jr. said between laughing fits, an understatement of the backlash to come.
By the time of the May 6 edition of The Ben Shapiro Show, “it appears that Kristi Noem might be done,” said the eponymous host, “so that’s good.”  The Facts guest rapper added that “we need fewer clowns on the right.”  “Kristi Noem, who was at one point considered a vice presidential candidate,” Shapiro said, “it turns out that she spent the last two weeks claiming that it was good to shoot a puppy, a 14-month-old dog,” incredulously repeating her argument that “it was good to shoot the dog.”  “And also claiming that she met Kim Jong Un. So she had an awkward weekend,” he said, noting Noem’s remarkable suggestion that President Joe Biden should shoot his dog Commander. “It’s a unique approach to American electoral success, shooting dogs.”
[...] Trumpworld is full of unlikely political survivals and comebacks. But the gleeful, almost Trumpian manner in which right-wing media are mocking and attacking one of their own suggests that Noem may be in the doghouse for good. 
Right-wing media to Kristi Noem's VP dreams: drop dead.
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atmilliways · 8 months
Wrong On The Money (49)
part 49 of ?? | 691 words | Teen+
Blackmail fic on Ao3 | on tumblr
“So let me get this straight,” Steve is saying, and Eddie snorts at the phrasing. You know, before he can remember that he’s supposed to be in the doghouse. And that he isn’t a fucking twelve year old.
There's an image in this one.
It’s not fair. It’s confusing. Eddie is supposed to be in trouble here. Steve had paid him (in theory, at least) not to talk about his sexuality, and Eddie has just admitted to telling two whole people anyway.
But Steve’s conversation with Wayne has hit him square in the chest. He has butterflies in his stomach for fucks sake, because he’s never had a lot of family, never had a lot of permanency—and this feels like it could be both.
“So let me get this straight,” Steve is saying, and Eddie snorts at the phrasing.
You know, before he can remember that he’s supposed to be in the doghouse. And that he isn’t a fucking twelve year old.
It takes a second, but then Steve smirks. Eddie wants to kiss him on his handsome, mole-speckled face. “Okay, smartass, let me see if I’ve got this right. You’ve told two people, and I’ve told none.”
Here it comes. Sobering, Eddie nods and mentally braces himself. He’d talked to Jeff and Wayne because he’d needed help, needed a sounding board in order to process the mess he’d gotten himself into. . . . There had been reasons, he hadn’t done it frivolously or to anyone that would spread it around. Does that matter, though? He’d still done it. At the very least, he should have admitted that to Steve before now, once they’d called a truce. Now those two times feel a lot more like breaking Steve’s confidence than anything else, and that shit breaks people up all the time.
They’ve only been boyfriends for a goddamn day—kinda lame that that’s a personal record for him, at twenty, but all highs have to end sometime.
Suddenly Steve’s arm is around his shoulders, trying to tuck some of the hair back from his face. “So . . . it sounds like I could really use your expertise, man. Can you help me figure out how to tell Robin?”
Oh. Oh.
Eddie is so gone for this guy and this one-problem-at-a-time way he thinks. The fact that this is somehow Steve’s main takeaway kind of makes him want to cry, because what did he do to deserve this?
The answer, really, is nothing, because he doesn’t—but maybe he can. What Steve seems to want in a partnership is to be steadfastly, relentlessly there for each other. Eddie can do that. He wants to do that.
“Yeah,” Eddie says, blinking hard against another explosion of his inner butterfly population. “Of course I’ll help, Stevie. What do you need?”
Ten minutes later, after sending Steve to go grab the new dice from his room, Eddie taps the last item on the list with his pen and turns to him on the couch. “Okay, so these are our options. And here—” he holds up Steve’s D20, a bright sunny yellow in the center of his palm “—is our very own and far more compact Magic 8 Ball. Very useful for making difficult decisions. You pick which choice is evens and which is odds, and then you roll. Simple as that.”
Steve takes the die from his hand. “And this one’s got more sides, so that’s good, right? Better chances for picking the best one.”
Eddie’s face scrunches as he thinks that over. “I’m not sure that’s right. . . .”
“Sure it is,” Steve replies confidently. “It makes total sense.” Which, okay, Eddie is pretty sure he’s talking out his ass. But he watches Steve’s profile, noting the way he’s biting the inside of his cheek even though he sounds relaxed and smooth.
Robin loves Steve. The fact that it’s one hundred percent platonic is irrelevant; she won’t hate him for keeping this from her. Pissed off is far more likely, but it won’t last. It’ll be rooted in concern for Steve’s well-being.
What’s of more concern is how she’ll react to Eddie’s poor life choices. If she doesn’t want anything to do with him once she knows, where does that leave them? Steve keeps insisting it will all be fine, but Eddie gets the feeling that he’s trying not to think about it too hard.
The D20 drops towards the coffee table for the first roll.
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[ID: A notebook page with two headers at the top, "Evens" and "Odds," both underlined multiple times. The next line reads "Before Dustin" (circled) and "After Dustin," with a note in parentheses below noting "(has to happen sometime or he'll have a TONE)". The next line reads "Together," "Just Steve" (circled), and a write-in for a non-existent third column that reads "Just Eddie." This third option is crossed out in a different color pen with "NO. :(" scribbled beneath it. The next line reads "At Family Video" and "Off the clock" (circled), with two bullet points beneath the former that read "Pros: has to keep it professional" and "Cons: ammo from candy display and Returns." The notebook is on a wooden surface, one end of a purple BIC lighter to the left and a bit of crumpled foil wrapper to the right. End ID]
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goddesspharo · 5 months
"And why the fuck do you have my shoes?"
for Hangman/Phoenix or, hmm, Gordo/Tracy
[Send me the first sentence and a pairing and I'll write the next five.]
"And why the fuck do you have my shoes?"
It's just like Tracy to assume ownership of Gordo's peace offering before he even extends the olive branch.
"Thought about using my key, but I didn't want to risk you shooting me."
"Still might," she says over her shoulder. The woman at the department store had assured him that these spectacular heels would get him out of the doghouse, but what she didn't realize was that Tracy was not easily swayed by gifts. When Gordo first met her, it took him ten minutes to understand what zero gravity felt like to a civilian. He tried to promise her moondust, but she wasn't interested in treading in someone else's footsteps. He offered to name constellations and Rovers and low-res topographical images after her, but Tracy didn't want to own the galaxy – she wanted to see it herself. He would've pulled down the stars for her, but she decided to fly just as high and far as him to touch them herself. Compared to all of that, shoes were never going to absolve him, but at least they got him through the front door.
"All packed for the Cape?" he asks cautiously once they get to the living room. Loretta Lynn is crooning on the record player. That's never a good sign. Tracy shoots him a glare that lets him know that it's not all water under the bridge so Gordo chuckles, "You'd think with how often I get left behind that it would hurt less when you finally did it."
"I'm not leaving you behind, Gordo," Tracy says with a sigh like she's extraordinarily tired. "Do you remember when they put you on Apollo 10?"
"I told you I'd give you anything that you wanted and you said—"
"All I want is you, honey." His heart had felt like a shuttle leaving orbit when he heard that. It feels like a lifetime ago. They're both astronauts now. There's nothing he could give her that she couldn't get herself. But then Tracy leans in close, her lips pressing against his ear when she whispers, "I couldn't leave you behind even if I wanted to. And trust me, I've wanted to."
Gordo risks getting his hand broken when he rests his fingertips on her hips and angles his face towards her. "So your success is my success?"
"Did the White House tell you to say that?" Tracy rolls her eyes like it's the dumbest thing she has ever heard. "My success is my success, but I'm dragging you along for the ride whether you like it or not, baby."
He presses a smile against her lips and mumbles, "Even though I'm an idiot?"
"I've accepted that's the price I have to pay," Tracy says with a grin. "If Deke Slayton couldn't break you of that character flaw, what hope do I have of reforming you?"
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ellenya · 6 months
One day, one rhyme- Day 3632
My Gran is in the doghouse,
She’s got everyone miffed-
Early on Christmas morning
She gave the kids her gift.
It’s just the adults, I’ll admit-
The kids think she’s the ritz,
But the adults gazed in horror:
Recorders and drum kits.
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highsummonertemptress · 10 months
Things I want in the Serenitea Pot (as of 4.0)
Plates of food and drink
Bigger rugs or carpets
Doghouse (or more accessories for pets in generals)
Let other animals into the house including the birds and hogs
Tapestry on walls
Big flowers in big pots (bluebells, tulips, lavender)
Vinyl record players
Bigger folding fans for decoration
Flower Walls
More big purple and blue trees
Picnic baskets and blankets
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polikszena · 1 year
Yesterday we visited the Eiffel Tower (it was absolutely amazing), and since today we had a trip to some castles in the Valley of Loire, we spent several hours in the bus, and I happened to write a fic in which A.F.C. Richmond goes to the Eiffel Tower. Here you can find a couple of snapshots about Richmond's visit. Sets somewhere after Season 3, Episode 6, but otherwise it's completely out of context. (And I haven't seen Episode 9 yet)
A lamppost with a publicist - Part 1
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"A lamppost with a publicist, huh?" Ted Lasso burst out as he looked up at the enormous iron tower in on the other side of the road. He knew that it was an iconic building, but having it in front of his very eyes he felt a little overwhelmed by it. His heart even skipped a beat as he looked up at it.
"I wasn't serious about that, Ted," Rebecca Welton said, making the rest of the group look at her.
Leslie Higgins' mouth dropped open as he glanced at his boss. "You said what?"
"Are you fucking kidding me?" Keeley Jones asked.
"This is the fucking most impressive building I've ever seen!" Roy burst out.
Coach Beard just shook his head, while Trent Crimm was curiously observing the scene, although the club owner could tell he was judging her as well.
"I can't believe you really said that," Matthijs admitted, although his lips was curling up into a smile. The bald Dutchman found the whole situation rather amusing. This football team hadn't ceased to amaze him ever since he first set foot in the Doghouse in Richmond.
"I just said that to make you feel better," Rebecca said. "Why the fuck else I'd bash the Eiffel Tower?"
"Because it's French?" Trent wondered.
"Well, besides that."
"Thanks, Boss; the balance of the Force has been restored," Ted said with a nod.
"Amen," Higgins added.
Standing in the queue, Ted Lasso was admiring the structure of the tower, still watching the enormous building in awe. His stomach jumped a little as he noticed how tiny were the people walking up and down on the stairs.
"Coach," he heard a deep voice next to him, and looking at his left, he saw Isaac McAdoo, looking a little sick.
"Is everything okay, Isaac?" he wondered.
"Can we have a drink before we go up there?" The captain asked.
"You mean, a beer or something?"
"Something stronger than that."
"Vertigo?" the moustached man raised a brow.
"Is that a cocktail?"
"It's a song by U2," Trent said, "but I think you meant the fear of heights."
"Yeah, that," Ted nodded. "Is there such a song?"
"Hello, hello, hola, I'm at a place called Vertigo," the former journalist sang. "Or something like that."
"Is it possible?" Isaac asked, changing the topic back.
Ted looked backwards to see the end of the queue that was longer behind than in front of them.
"I think only when we're up there," Ted told him. "You can do it before you look out. It's gonna be okay, don't worry."
"Thanks, Coach," Isaac said, and before he rejoined his teammates, he turned to Tent. "Don't you write that down."
And the former reporter just shook his head.
"Is everything okay, Will?" Higgins asked, stepping to the kitman who was watching the elevator moving up and down.
"Yeah, all is well," the boy replied. "I just can't get a song out of my head."
"Which song?"
"From Mamma Mia. You know, 'something-something-something by the Eiffel Tower...' I can't remember how it goes exactly."
"I know which one you mean," the director said and then he started to sing. "'I can still recall our last summer, I still see it all...'"
"'Walks along the Seine, laughing in the rain,'" Will continued as the lines started coming to his mind.
"'Our last summer, memories that remain,'" Rebecca joined them as well, still in the queue.
Hearing the singing, some players took out their phones: either to look for the lyrics or to record the performance. By the time they got to the first chorus, the entire team were all singing together.
As the elevator's doors closed, so did Isaac's eyes and sweat appeared on his temple as he tried to focus on his breathing. His low cursing got lost in the rest of the team's excited chitchat. He swallowed thickly as the elevator began to ascend and he squeezed his eyes shut as much as he could. Then he felt a hand on his shoulder.
"You're a strong and capable man," he heard Colin Hughes' voice. "You can do it."
He took a deep breath, inhaling Richard's strong cologne mixing with Colin's deodorant - Lime? Really? - and then he exhaled slowly.
"I'm a strong and capaple man," he repeated.
And he slowly opened his eyes.
Part 2
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naturalrights-retard · 8 months
Disturbing video footage has emerged showing Joe Biden repeatedly kicking his dog in the head, adding weight to the accusations that the president in a serial animal abuser.
The footage of Biden comes from a past incident as he exited Marine One.
As he left the helicopter, you can clearly see Biden kicking Commander in the head.
Newsaddicts.com reports: According to a Judicial Watch source, President Biden beats his dogs. Judicial Watch said it has learned he has punched and kicked his dogs.
“It is beyond belief that, even after Judicial Watch exposed their attacking 10 Secret Service personnel, Joe and Jill Biden have continued to let their dog menace and attack Secret Service and White House staff. Let’s be blunt: the dangerous dog could kill someone,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “The ongoing Biden administration cover-up of the Biden dog attacks on Secret Service agents is dangerous corruption.”
Commander, the dog of Vice President Joe Biden, has relocated from the White House to the doghouse.
A spokesperson for first lady Jill Biden stated that Commander was relocated after injuring White House staff and U.S. Secret Service officers nearly a dozen times in the past year.
Commander, Biden’s 2-year-old German shepherd, recently attacked a Secret Service agent for the eleventh time since he arrived at the White House as a puppy in 2021. The dog was removed just days after this incident.
“The President and First Lady care deeply about the safety of those who work at the White House and those who protect them every day,” the first lady’s communications director, Elizabeth Alexander, said in a statement. “They remain grateful for the patience and support of the U.S. Secret Service and all involved, as they continue to work through solutions.”
The statement did not specify where the dog was sent or if he was anticipated to return; it simply stated, “Commander is not currently on the White House campus as the next steps are evaluated.”
Commander, a purebred German Shepherd, replaced another German Shepherd, Major, who was reportedly “given to family friends” after a succession of attacks on Secret Service and White House personnel. Commander was acquired in December 2021. In April 2022, Judicial Watch released documents detailing multiple assaults and damages to Secret Service agents by Major at the White House and Biden’s lake residence in Wilmington, DE.
In July, Judicial Watch unearthed records from the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in a related lawsuit disclosing ten attacks by Biden’s German Shepherd, Commander, on Secret Service officers between October 2022 and January 2023. In multiple instances, the agents required medical care, including hospitalization.
The records included a November 5, 2022, email exchange between a Uniformed Division officer and the November 3 attack victim, the first officer asked, “Doing alright [redacted]? That’s freaking crazy that stupid dog – rolling my eyes [redacted].” The victim replied, “My leg and arm still hurts. He bit me twice and ran at me twice.” The colleague replied, “What a joke [redacted] – if it wasn’t their dog he would already have been put down – freaking clown needs a muzzle – hope you get to feeling better [redacted].”
Judicial Watch announced on Thursday that it is seeking a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the U.S. Secret Service for records regarding incidents of aggression and bites involving President Joe Biden’s Dog, Commander.
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