#Dog Training Decoded
thebestdogtrainers · 9 months
Dog Training Decoded: Understanding Canine Behavior for Effective Training
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Have you ever wondered why some people seem to effortlessly train their dogs while others struggle? The key lies in understanding canine behavior. Dogs are intelligent creatures with complex emotions and instincts. By decoding their behavior, we gain valuable insight into how to effectively train them. In this article, we will delve into the fascinating world of dog training, exploring the reasons behind their behavior and providing you with actionable tips for successful training.
Dogs thrive on positive reinforcement. Rather than resorting to punishment, which can instill fear and aggression, focus on rewarding good behavior. For example, when your dog follows a command, offer verbal praise and a tasty treat. By associating positive consequences with desired actions, you create a joyful, cooperative learning environment. Who wouldn't want to learn when rewarded with love and treats?
In order to effectively train your canine companion, it's crucial to understand their instincts. Dogs are pack animals, which means they look for a leader to follow. By establishing yourself as the pack leader, you earn their respect and trust. This can be achieved through consistent training, setting clear boundaries, and providing structure in their daily routines. When your dog knows their place in the pack, they feel secure and confident.
One common mistake dog owners make is misinterpreting their dog's behavior. For example, when a dog barks excessively, it's often a manifestation of fear or anxiety. Yelling or scolding will only reinforce their negative emotions. Instead, identify the underlying cause and address it directly. Calming techniques, such as providing a safe space or introducing gradual exposure to triggers, can make a world of difference. Empathy and understanding go a long way in building a strong bond with your furry friend.
Communication is key in dog training. It's crucial to establish clear signals and cues that your dog understands. You can start by using simple commands like "sit," "stay," or "come." Consistency is vital, so use the same words and gestures every time. Be patient and give your dog time to process the information. Remember, they are learning a new language. With practice and repetition, your dog will eventually respond to your cues like a pro.
Did you know that mental stimulation is just as important as physical exercise for dogs? Boredom can lead to destructive behavior and disobedience. Engage your dog's mind by incorporating interactive toys, puzzle feeders, and obedience games into their routine. Not only will this provide mental enrichment, but it will also strengthen the bond between you and your furry companion. A stimulated dog is a happy and well-behaved dog.
As responsible dog owners, it's our duty to ensure the safety and well-being of our pets. Dog training plays a vital role in this. By understanding canine behavior and training techniques, we can create a harmonious relationship with our four-legged friends. Remember to approach training with positivity, empathy, and patience. With a little bit of effort and a whole lot of love, you'll soon find yourself decoding your dog's behavior like a pro trainer.
Section 2 - Creating a Positive Environment for Training
Have you ever wondered why your dog sometimes seems unresponsive during training sessions? The answer may lie in the environment you're creating for them. Dogs are highly sensitive to their surroundings, and a negative or distracting environment can hinder their ability to focus. In this section, we will explore the importance of creating a positive and distraction-free environment for effective training.
Dogs are perceptive creatures, and they can easily pick up on our emotions. If you approach training with frustration or impatience, your dog will sense it and mirror your negative energy. Instead, create a calm and positive atmosphere. Speak in soothing tones, use encouraging words, and maintain a relaxed body language. When you exude positivity, your dog will be more inclined to engage and learn.
When it comes to learning, dogs need consistency and routine. Establish a designated area for training, free from distractions such as loud noises or other pets. Remove any temptations that could divert their attention, such as toys or food. By creating a focused environment, you set the stage for successful training sessions. Remember, you're not just training your dog; you're also training yourself to be a patient, proactive trainer.
Physical exercise is important for dogs, but mental stimulation is equally vital. Before beginning a training session, make sure your dog has had the opportunity to release excess energy through play or exercise. A tired dog is more likely to be receptive to training and less prone to distractions. So, grab a ball, go for a walk, or engage in interactive play to get them ready for a productive training session.
In order to reinforce positive behavior, timing is everything. Dogs operate on associations, so timely rewards are crucial. When your dog performs a desired behavior, such as sitting or staying, reward them immediately. This creates a clear cause-and-effect connection for your dog, making it easier for them to understand what you're asking of them. Remember, practice makes perfect, so seize every opportunity to reward good behavior.
Training sessions should be short and frequent, rather than long and sporadic. Dogs have limited attention spans, so keep their sessions concise to maintain their focus. Aim for multiple short sessions spread throughout the day, rather than one extended session. This approach prevents boredom and ensures your dog remains engaged. The more engaged they are, the faster they'll learn and progress in their training journey.
Section 3 - Addressing Common Behavioral Issues
Have you ever struggled with a misbehaving dog? From barking excessively to pulling on the leash, addressing common behavioral issues can be frustrating. Thankfully, understanding the underlying causes can help you tackle these problems effectively. In this section, we will explore some common behavioral issues and provide tips to overcome them, ensuring a harmonious relationship with your furry friend.
Barking is a natural way for dogs to communicate, but excessive barking can disrupt your peace and annoy your neighbors. Dogs bark for a variety of reasons, including fear, boredom, or wanting attention. To address excessive barking, it's important to identify the root cause. Is your dog barking out of fear or anxiety? Are they bored and seeking stimulation? Once you've determined the cause, you can implement targeted solutions. Consider socializing your dog, providing mental stimulation, or rewarding calm behavior instead of barking.
Does your dog pull on the leash, turning your pleasant walks into a tug-of-war? This behavior can be caused by excitement, lack of training, or a desire to explore. To teach your dog to walk politely on a leash, start by addressing their excitement. Keep them on a shorter leash and reward them for walking by your side. Consistency is key, so practice in low-distraction environments before progressing to more challenging ones. With patience and persistence, your dog will soon become a leash-walking pro.
Chewing is a common issue, particularly for puppies or dogs with excessive energy. It's important to provide appropriate outlets for their chewing needs, such as chew toys or bones. If your dog is chewing on inappropriate items, redirect their attention to a chew toy and praise them when they engage with it. Keep valuable or dangerous items out of their reach to prevent destructive chewing. Remember, patience and consistency are essential during this training process.
Jumping up on people may seem cute when your dog is a small puppy, but it can quickly become a problem as they grow older. Dogs jump up to greet and seek attention, but it's essential to teach them proper manners. Consistency is crucial in curbing this behavior. Redirect their attention by asking for a sit or a down command and reward them when they comply. Additionally, teach guests to only give attention when your dog is in a calm, seated position. With practice, your dog will learn that jumping up is not acceptable behavior.
Aggression is a serious issue that often stems from fear, anxiety, or a desire to protect their territory. If your dog exhibits aggressive behavior, it's important to consult with a professional dog trainer or behaviorist. They can help you identify the triggers and develop a tailored training plan to address the aggression. Never attempt to handle aggressive behavior on your own, as it can be dangerous. With the right guidance and support, you can help your dog overcome their aggression and live a happier, more balanced life.
Section 4 - Building a Strong Bond through Training
Training is not just about teaching your dog commands; it's about building a strong emotional bond. Dogs are social animals that thrive on companionship and love. By incorporating training into your daily routine, you strengthen your bond and create a deeper connection with your furry friend. In this section, we will explore how training can serve as a foundation for a strong relationship.
Training sessions provide an opportunity for quality one-on-one time with your dog. Instead of viewing it as a chore, embrace it as a bonding experience. Focus on the joy and fulfillment you both feel when you accomplish a training goal together. This positive energy becomes embedded in your bond, making it stronger with each training session. Remember, it's not just about the end result; it's about the journey you take together.
A well-trained dog is a confident dog. The more skills your dog learns, the more confident they become in various situations. This newfound confidence extends beyond training sessions and into everyday life. A confident dog is less likely to be anxious or fearful and is better equipped to navigate new environments or social encounters. By building their confidence through training, you empower them to live life to the fullest.
Training is an ongoing process that should continue throughout your dog's life. Regularly introducing new challenges and reinforcing existing commands keeps their minds sharp and their skills polished. It's a lifelong commitment that allows you and your dog to grow together. As your bond strengthens, you'll discover the joy of having a well-trained dog who understands and respects your expectations.
In addition to training, incorporating playtime and physical affection into your daily routine strengthens the bond with your dog. Engage in interactive games, go for walks together, or simply spend quality time cuddling and petting. These moments of connection reinforce trust and love between you and your furry companion. A strong bond built on trust and love is the foundation for a happy and fulfilling relationship.
Remember, effective training is rooted in understanding canine behavior. By acknowledging their emotions, instincts, and individual personalities, you can tailor your training methods to suit their needs. With patience, positivity, and a proactive approach, you'll be well on your way to unlocking your dog's true potential. Training is not just about obedience; it's about building a deep connection and creating a harmonious partnership. So, embrace the journey and embark on this fulfilling adventure with your loyal canine friend by your side.
Section 5 - Enriching Your Dog's Life through Training
Did you know that training can provide mental and emotional enrichment for your furry friend? Beyond obedience, it offers numerous benefits that enhance their overall well-being. In this section, we will explore how training can enrich your dog's life, encouraging them to thrive and experience a world of possibilities.
Training engages your dog's mind, providing mental stimulation that keeps them sharp and focused. By challenging them with new commands or tricks, you awaken their curiosity and desire to learn. Mental exercise is just as important as physical exercise for dogs, as it prevents boredom and related behavioral issues. Take your training sessions to the next level by introducing advanced commands or puzzle-solving activities. A mentally stimulated dog is a happy dog.
Training allows your dog to develop new skills and abilities. From basic obedience to specialized tasks, such as search and rescue or therapy work, the possibilities are endless. By identifying your dog's natural talents and interests, you can provide them with opportunities to excel and shine. Not only does this boost their confidence, but it also deepens the bond between you as you embark on shared adventures and challenges.
The training process itself fosters resilience and perseverance in your dog. Every command or task requires effort and practice. As they overcome obstacles and master new skills, they become more resilient in the face of challenges. This resilience extends beyond training and prepares them to adapt to various situations they may encounter in life. By nurturing this resilience through training, you equip your dog with the tools to navigate the world with confidence.
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triangle-dog · 1 year
Another free dog training summit:
The event starts March 20 AEST
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· Day 1: * Robin Bennett - How to Handle Off-lead Dogs: Two action steps to take, 5 ways to deter approaching dogs and examining canine body language. * Roman Gottfried - Leash Aggression: How to help a dog emotionally recover from an on-lead dog attack taking a holistic approach *Laura DeMaio Roy - Making it Click: Faster behavior through shaping and targeting * Kelly Gorman Dunbar - Puppy Training to Build Confidence & Security
· Day 2: * Kamal Fernandez - The Pros & Cons of Prey Drive * Kristin Rosenbach - Truffle Hunting Around The World * Tabitha Kucera - Happy Vet Visits: How to have a dog-friendly vet visit * Annalisa Berns - Become a Real Life Pet Detective with Search K9s
· Day 3: * Becca Sommerville - How to Settle a Rescue Dog into Their New Home: And set them up for success * Renée Erdman - Adopting Dogs From Abroad: What to expect * Sarah Keller - Targeted Canine Fitness: For Improving Posture & Movement * Laura Reeves - Structure Matters: Form Follows Function * Christina Young - The Fairytale Dog: The Dream Vs The Reality
· Day 4: REACTIVITY & AROUSAL: * Amelia Steele - How Management can Fast-track Reactivity Training * Sarah Stoycos - Practical Tips for Working with a Reactive Dog * Renee Rhoades - 5 Common Reactive Dog Myths * Piper Novick - Working With Arousal: Learn how to handle high arousal with your dog
· Day 5: * Megan Marrs - Translating Dog Body Language for Humans * Taryn Blyth - Emotional Needs First: Supporting your puppy to raise an emotionally well-adjusted adult dog * Judy Moore - Is it Resource Guarding or Rule Setting I See? * Namita DigheShetty - Loose Lead Walking * and your host, Ness Jones - Does My Dog Really Have Separation Anxiety?
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I saw this on quora and thought it was cool and wanted to share it on here.  Its a long read but crazy.  Its from Erik Painter
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They did try. And they did capture Navajo men. However, they were unsuccessful in using them to decipher the code. The reason was simple. The Navajo Code was a code that used Navajo. It was not spoken Navajo. To a Navajo speaker, who had not learned the code, a Navajo Code talker sending a message sounds like a string of unconnected Navajo words with no grammar. It was incomprehensible. So, when the Japanese captured a Navajo man named Joe Kieyoomia in the Philippines, he could not really help them even though they tortured him. It was nonsense to him.
The Navajo Code had to be learned and memorized. It was designed to transmit a word by word or letter by letter exact English message. They did not just chat in Navajo. That could have been understood by a Navajo speaker, but more importantly translation is never, ever exact. It would not transmit precise messages. There were about 400 words in the Code.
The first 31 Navajo Marines created the Code with the help of one non-Navajo speaker officer who knew cryptography. The first part of the Code was made to transmit English letters. For each English letter there were three (or sometimes just two) English words that started with that letter and then they were translated into Navajo words. In this way English words could be spelled out with a substitution code. The alternate words were randomly switched around. So, for English B there were the Navajo words for Badger, Bear and Barrel. In Navajo that is: nahashchʼidí, shash, and tóshjeeh. Or the letter A was Red Ant, Axe, or Apple. In Navajo that is: wóláchííʼ, tsénił , or bilasáana. The English letter D was: bįįh=deer, and łééchąąʼí =dog, and chʼįįdii= bad spiritual substance (devil).
For the letter substitution part of the Code the word “bad” could be spelled out a number of ways. To a regular Navajo speaker it would sound like: “Bear, Apple, Dog”. Or other times it could be “ Barrel, Red Ant, Bad Spirit (devil)”. Other times it could be “Badger, Axe, Deer”. As you can see, for just this short English word, “bad” there are many possibilities and to the combination of words used. To a Navajo speaker, all versions are nonsense. It gets worse for a Navajo speaker because normal Navajo conjugates in complex ways (ways an English or Japanese speaker would never dream of). These lists of words have no indicators of how they are connected. It is utterly non-grammatical.
Then to speed it up, and make it even harder to break, they substituted Navajo words for common military words that were often used in short military messages. None were just translations. A few you could figure out. For example, a Lieutenant was “one silver bar” in Navajo. A Major was “Gold Oak Leaf” n Navajo. Other things were less obvious like a Battleship was the word for Whale in Navajo. A Mine Sweeper was the Navajo word for Beaver.
A note here as it seems hard for some people to get this. Navajo is a modern and living language. There are, and were, perfectly useful Navajo words for submarines and battleships and tanks. They did not “make up words because they had no words for modern things”. This is an incorrect story that gets around in the media. There had been Navajo in the military before WWII. The Navajo language is different and perhaps more flexible than English. It is easy to generate new words. They borrow very few words and have words for any modern thing you can imagine. The words for telephone, or train, or nuclear power are all made from Navajo stem roots.
Because the Navajo Marines had memorized the Code there was no code book to capture. There was no machine to capture either. They could transmit it over open radio waves. They could decode it in a few minutes as opposed to the 30 minutes to two hours that other code systems at the time took. And, no Navajo speaker who had not learned the Code could make any sense out of it.
The Japanese had no published texts on Navajo. There was no internationally available description of the language. The Germans had not studied it at the time. The Japanese did suspect it was Navajo. Linguists thought it was in the Athabaskan language family. That would be pretty clear to a linguist. And Navajo had the biggest group of speakers of any Athabaskan language. That is why they tortured Joe Kieyoomia. But, he could not make sense of it. It was just a list of words with no grammar and no meaning.
For Japanese, even writing the language down from the radio broadcasts would be very hard. It has lots of sounds that are not in Japanese or in English. It is hard to tell where some words end or start because the glottal stop is a common consonant. Frequency analysis would have been hard because they did not use a single word for each letter. And some words stood for words instead of for a letter. The task of breaking it was very hard.
Here is an example of a coded message:
béésh łigai naaki joogii gini dibé tsénił áchį́į́h bee ąą ńdítį́hí joogi béésh łóó’ dóó łóóʼtsoh
When translated directly from Navajo into English it is:
You can see why a Navajo who did not know the Code would not be able to do much with that. The message above means: “CAPTAIN, THE DIVE BOMBER SANK THE SUBMARINE AND BATTLESHIP.”
“Two silver bars” =captain. Blue jay= the. Chicken hawk= dive bomber. Iron fish = sub. Whale= battleship. “Sheep, Axe Nose Key”=sank. The only normal use of a Navajo word is the word for “and” which is “dóó ”. For the same message the word “sank” would be spelled out another way on a different day. For example, it could be: “snake, apple, needle, kettle”.
Here, below on the video, is a verbal example of how the code sounded. The code sent below sounded to a Navajo speaker who did not know the Code like this: “sheep eyes nose deer destroy tea mouse turkey onion sick horse 362 bear”. To a trained Code Talker, he would write down: “Send demolition team to hill 362 B”. The Navajo Marine Coder Talker then would give it to someone to take the message to the proper person. It only takes a minute or so to code and decode.
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oneatlatime · 5 months
The Earth King
As always, commentary off.
No. Sokka. No. Stop. This is your stupidest idea yet. I want to LEAVE Ba Sing Se.
Sokka. Listen to your sister. And your other sister.
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Toph embodying my will manifested on screen.
What makes you think the Earth King is going to listen to four teens and their fluffy dog? When I put it that way, this is Scooby Doo. Scooby Doo plus Momo. Does that make Momo Scrappy Doo?
We're going back to Ba Sing Se. Great. Yay. I'm so excited.
It is rapidly becoming apparent that Sokka has lost his mind.
Surface to air rocks is funny. I'll give it to them, that's good.
This fight scene music is fantastic.
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Aang took a level in badass at some point without my noticing.
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I know these hats are inspired by real historical hats, and so I really shouldn't make fun, but these look like the lovechild of a toilet brush and a feather duster.
This fight is majority Toph and Katara. RIP the egos of these several hundred Earth Kingdom soldiers.
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Please ensure your fluffy little butt is securely stored in the overhead bins before takeoff.
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There's no way these guys are still alive. This is what was done to Jet, doubled. They dead.
The girl who doesn't even want to be here is doing all the work. Typical.
My congratulations to Toph, Katara, and Aang for demolishing an army without breaking a sweat. If only season 1 Katara could see you guys now.
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I said in my previous write up that Zuko doing something good always comes back to bite him. I didn't mean it this literally. Did he have to take the jug out with him, or was that for the drama?
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Good job guys!
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Soka steals my job and points out the fulfillment of the Beat Up Sokka quota.
His earthiness has an interesting set of priorities.
So... is this episode just going to be talking?
He brainwashed your friend? Did you miss that he killed him too?
I said in my last write up that Long Feng was Avatar's first competent villain, but the tone he takes with the Earth King is so unsubtle that I'm thinking of rescinding that claim. Unless the King is so dumb that subtlety isn't required?
Toothprints. Sokka the idea guy coming in clutch. Too bad his brain wasn't engaged at the start of the episode.
Appa is a herbivore. Confirmed. Although he should have fangs for aesthetic reasons. Fanged Appa would be metal.
This king is a confusing mixture of endearing and infuriating.
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No mere fever will prevent me from doing mundane actions in the most dramatic way possible!
Way back in the 90s there was a print ad for Chevy trucks that I remember seeing in magazines. It had a shirtless guy in jeans sitting on the bed of his truck in a field, pouring a bucket of water over himself. It was kind of at sunset and had a very late summer vibe. I had completely forgotten about it until I saw Zuko's bucket shenanigans in this scene, at which point I was abruptly -ABRUPTLY- reminded of how much time little me spent staring at that ad.
OH MY GOD. The King doesn't know about trains!!! BLASPHEMY.
Huh. So the King isn't stupid, he's just horrifically naive.
Positive attitude Sokka is kind of frightening. I do not like.
If I told this King that I had a bunch of puppies in my windowless van, he would totally fall for it. So much about the Earth Kingdom suddenly makes sense.
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That one guard is having a doozy of a day.
Did the King just show a smidge of self-awareness? Wasn't expecting that.
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Who is this? I have no idea who this is. I didn't realise how integral the scar was to the character's design. Give it back.
Yikes. A bunch of shmymbolism. I suck epically at decoding shmymbolism unless it's really spoon fed to me, so I'm not even going to try to understand this dream beyond 'poor guy has a really bad fever.'
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Has anyone seen the Spencer Tracy movie Father of the Bride? There's a bit where he has a dream that the floor on the way to the altar does pretty much exactly this. Hungry floors must be a common dream experience.
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If the King is really this completely ignorant of the war, who's been directing the army?
It's pretty neat that Sokka is the spokesperson of Team Avatar, and that no one disputes that.
Aang says "there's a comet coming this summer," but I heard "comic" and I know they made tie in comics for the show, so I was like "ooh a crossover episode!"
"You're already vulnerable. The Fire Nation won't stop until the Southern Water Tribe falls. You can either sit back and wait for that to happen, or take the offensive, and give yourself a fighting chance." -Sokka's dad speaking to the men of the Southern Water Tribe, while his son listens perhaps a bit too closely.
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If the King really was completely in the dark about the war, how does he even know who the General is? Did Long Feng have the power to keep the General from mentioning the war?
"Your majesty I'm General How, head of the Council of Five." "What's that?" "It's in charge of your army." "Right. And what's the army up to these days?" ... " ...I planted a lovely tomato garden this year."
I love that earthbenders don't wear shoes, and that it's culturally normal. Makes an intriguing visual contrast to their fancy duds.
I have GOT to know what Mushi the teamaker's secret file says.
Toph can't read guys.
Sokka, Katara, I get it. You miss home too. But how would anyone at all from your tribe know to send a message for you to Ba Sing Se? Last time you all touched base, you were headed to the Northern Water Tribe. And those guys sent you off to Omashu, not Ba Sing Se.
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Nitpick time! Katara starts reading the text of this letter out loud before she unrolls it.
Katara's voice acting while she's reading the letter is sweet. She's so excited.
Iroh. Priorities. Tea can wait.
"Huh? What's happening?" "You huffed a bit too much cave slime under Lake Laogai. Just ride it out."
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This vase is lit like a main character.
"You're going through a metamorphosis my nephew." Iroh, he's a bit too old for that talk. Hang on I just realised that Zuko went through puberty on that ship. I bet that was rough.
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I don't trust this. This news is all too good.
Aang referring to them all as "the family" hurts a little bit.
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It is unbearably sweet to let Sokka go see their dad while Katara helps the Earth Kingdom plan, but Katara sucks at planning. Then again, the Earth Kingdom sucks in general, so maybe having a sucky planner will be a net improvement?
Either way it's good little sister content.
But there are six Kyoshi warriors. I counted in Appa's Lost Days.
Oh they didn't
Attack hug!
Airbender Zuko is a very effective jumpscare. Don't blame him for freaking out.
You know it's bad when finding the scar intact comes as a relief.
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Nope. Don't trust it.
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Fuck this guy.
Long Feng even eats rocks maliciously.
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Fuck these guys.
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Oh they did. Fuck these guys.
Final Thoughts
And just like that, it all went to shit. Or it will.
I was braced to be annoyed by how conveniently quickly the Earth King got with the program, but it actually fits well into the rest of the episode. Instead of a thing that goes improbably well, it's the one thing that goes right in episode filled with set up for everything falling apart. That bothers me less.
This episode was actually fun. At least until the end. It was mostly talking and Zuko on a bad trip. But it was win after win for everyone but my Ba Sing Se hating self, and it's always good to see your favourites having a good day. But! I have a glimmer of hope! So long as Sokka and Aang aren't completely written out until they return to Ba Sing Se, at some point I'll get some episodes outside of the city. And I have Appa back, so things aren't too bad in the grand scheme of things. I wonder that Appa wasn't upset at having all his people back for five minutes then having them split up again.
I do not like positive thinking Sokka, and I especially don't like that I have no idea where he came from. That point wasn't set up at all. I want my baby cynic back.
If letting Appa go was enough to trigger Zuko's morality crisis to the point of physical illness, why didn't letting Aang go in The Blue Spirit, or choosing to chase after Iroh rather than the Gaang in The Winter Solstice Part 1, cause a similar illness? What is different about this time?
Toph was once again the voice of reason in this episode, or rather my personal audience insert. Although it did surprise me how excited she was to see her mom. I thought that sending bounty hunters after their own daughter was kind of unforgivable, but either Toph doesn't know, or she's a more forgiving person than I am.
I realise now that this should have occurred to me when I watched Appa's Lost Days, but what idiot didn't take the Danger Ladies into custody when the Drill was stopped? btw I keep calling them the PowerPuff Girls in my head.
This episode was simultaneously a finale to a lot of threads and an introduction to a lot more. It was a chance to breathe between crossing the finish line of the 'find Appa' quest and starting the 'season finale' quest. It was also structured backwards. The big fight was like six minutes in. The 'what are we doing this episode?' was one of the last scenes. But it still works. I'll be interested to see what I think of this one when I rewatch it. It was such an info dump that I wonder if my opinion of it will be different once I watch it with all of the relevant facts known to me already. Either I'll appreciate the episode's other parts like the comedy, or I'll be bored. We'll see.
Two episodes left this season! I don't think I'll be getting to those before next year. See you all in 2024! (time needs to slow way down)
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shingekinomyfeelings · 11 months
Okay so this post got me thinking about how Reiner would be as a pet parent/co-parent, and now I must share my little selfship headcanons for what his dynamic with each of my pets would be. I encourage you all to do the same with your own pets if you like! Also I like showing off my babies.
Reiner trying to befriend my pets
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Reiner has more experience with dogs than with cats, so he's immediately excited to meet Mason. Mason's trauma from being abused by his original owner means he still gets spooked very easily by loud noises and unusual objects, so Reiner kind of tip toes around him - more than he needs to, to be honest. If he accidentally scares Mace, he's following him around practically on his hands and knees, offering treats and trying to make it up to him. Mason quickly realizes that Reiner is easily manipulated for food, and it's not long before I have to put a very strict limit on how many treats Reiner can feed him per day.
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Reiner hasn't spent much time around cats and isn't quite sure how to interact with them at first, but he soon becomes pretty much as obsessed with Mochi as I am. She's tiny! Adorable! Ridiculously sweet! But boy when he finds out that she's a teeny bit disabled and has certain physical limitations, he starts treating her like she's made of glass, making sure she doesn't over exert herself and helping her onto every surface she wants onto even though she's perfectly capable of climbing. Within a month of meeting him, Mochi realizes Reiner is basically a meow-controlled elevator/butler.
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Reiner thinks everything about Chicken Nugget is hilarious, and is inordinately amused by the simple fact that this little being actively responds to the name 'Chicken Nugget' no matter how many times he sees it happen. Whenever she gets fired up and starts upsetting the others by playfully slamming them to the floor, he picks her up and patiently explains to her that being bigger and stronger than her siblings means she has to control her strength :c He tries to decode her mysterious whims, but she seemingly develops new ones constantly just to keep him on his toes.
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Porscha is the worst cat on the entire planet, but Reiner is aghast when I say so. He refuses to believe such things and is incredibly permissive of everything she does. Slowly he grows to regret this as Porscha obsessively touches his face while he sleeps, does literally the worst thing she can at any given moment, and eats his hair. Reiner is still too stubborn, though, insisting that she's not being that annoying. All of the behavioral training I've done with Porscha is set back to square one because Reiner won't tell her 'no' for anything. Finally he breaks down one morning when Porscha freaks out because a strand of hair she pulled off his head and ate is stuck in her butt. We being training anew, but Reiner still feels guilty when he has to curb her obsessive behaviors by not rewarding them with interaction...
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He doesn't even see Ponzu for the first time until several months in, when she peers out from a closet. He thought maybe I was joking about having a fourth cat who fears all humans but me. Reiner is so excited to finally see this cryptid that Ponzu gets startled and vanishes into the cat dimension. Reiner becomes determined to befriend her, setting up stake outs where he'll set out food and hide behind a chair and wait until Ponzu approaches, and any time she glances at him he tries to do the 'slow blink' that I told him cats use to signal goodwill. He's a little pouty when after nearly a year, he can only interact with Ponzu if he's seated on the floor and not looking directly at her, but sometimes when he's sleeping I'll catch her snuggled against his feet.
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BubbleGum Buzz- Chr 1.
Heeeey I finally finished the first chapter of my superhero AU! I'm also going to be posting this on AO3 early with additional easter eggs! Mainly little messages you can decode
Hope you guys like it!
Tubbo flexed his fingers, double checking to make sure his new suit upgrades functioned and wouldn't have to worry about getting hurt. He took aim with his left arm at some old soda cans he had kept, and frowned when nothing came out of the small dispenser that was supposed to shoot out tiny darts. The brunet removed the armor piece from his arm and opened up the circuit board looking everything over and trying to figure out what was wrong this time.
Tubbo plugged the device into his computer and ran diagnostics, hoping to find out what the problem was. He had been out of action for a week now, and if he didn't get back out on the streets and start helping the heroes again he was never going to make a name for himself! Stupid weird electric villain frying his entire suit.
Suddenly, there was a very loud pigeon outside of his window cooing and ruffling their feathers trying to get his attention. Tubbo simply ignored the bird, focusing on his suit repairs. He then wheeled over to the wall next to his bed on his computer chair, knocking on it.
"Tommy! Your mail’s here!" he watched as the borrower poked his head out of one of the many secret doors in his walls and climbed out running across his bed and heading towards the window.
"It's early today! Have there been any big fights with the heroes and villains in town?" Tommy asked as he used a makeshift ladder to get up to the windowsill crawling out onto the flower bed and opening up the small container on the pigeon's back taking out his mail, he quickly came back inside climbing a short ladder up to one of the shelves that went halfway around Tubbo's room. 
Tubbo unlocked his phone screen and started checking the news. 
"Nope, there haven't been any fights between heroes and villains today. Maybe something else happened?" He reached up to the end of the shelf that hung over his desk as Tommy jumped off, into his hand.
Tommy started sorting through the mail with a small frown on his face as Tubbo carefully set him down next to the laptop. He let out a deep sigh his ears pinning against his head 
"There are more missing people's posters… even worse they're all in green zones!"
"More missing borrowers?" Tubbo used one of the tweezers on his desk to carefully pick up one of the missing flyers, he grabbed his magnifying glass and started reading the paper over. "This is the 40 person? How are that many borrowers going missing and no one's found them?"
"Yeah- five more people just went missing in the middle of the night and no one has any idea what happened, it's starting to get more concerning considering they're going missing in green zones…and two of them were really close to where we are." Tommy continued to go through the other papers looking for some sort of good news and smiled "But! King Karl has finally green lighted adopting stray dogs into the colony in training them to help keep us safe from cats, so if these borrowers just got eaten and no one saw, hopefully people will stop going missing soon!"
'That doesn't really sound any better' Tubbo thought to himself as he went back to working on his suit, he aimed the robotic arm at the soda cans, and finally, one of the small darts that was loaded into it shot out hitting the empty soda can "Yes! Now I'll just have to do a test flight to make sure my wings still work then I can go on patrol tonight-"
Tubbo jumped to his feet as he heard loud screaming outside his bedroom window and the sound of cars crashing, he quickly ran over to the window poking his head outside, and gasped- it was that weird slime villain that had shown up recently! The brunet started suiting up quickly getting into his gear. He can do his test fly right now! Those people outside needed help!
"Tommy-" "On it!" Tommy quickly ran across the desk and climbed into a small hole in the wall disappearing, Tubbo quickly put his helmet on reassured that his small friend would be safe, and climbed out of his bedroom window onto the balcony. The brunette took in a deep breath and activated his wings quickly lifting off into the air, he hovered backward and then quickly took off diving straight towards the slime villain.
Tubbo switched out his antenna for his ram horns and slammed right into the slime villain's chest knocking him to the ground and away from some civilians he had cornered, he quickly backed away having his boots switched to their roller skates as the slime creature slowly got up. Tubbo smiled getting ready to ram into the slime villain again, he had his visor start running a scan on the creature trying to find his weak point.
The brunette jumped back avoiding the creature's slimy hand as it launched it towards him and let out a gurgling noise in annoyance, the slime creature grabbed a nearby bicycle and chucked it at Tubbo almost hitting him in the head. Tubbo's visor finally finished its scan and what it found concerned him.
'Weakness discovered. The small life form in the center of the creature's chest must be removed and the slime will start to lose its consistency' "What is the small life form?" Tubbo asked quickly dodging another bicycle that was thrown at his head 'It appears to be a borrower. No hybrid traits detected.' How the fuck did a borrower do Slime-kinesis!? Fuck could the poor guy even breathe in there!?
Tubbo pointed his right arm to the ground as a Long blade emerged from it and ran forward, slicing straight down the outside of the creature's chest and removing the flimsy fabric that wrapped around its chest, the blade quickly disappeared as he pulled his arm back and quickly punched right in the middle of the giant slime creatures chest. Tubbo pressed his feet against the flying creature's chest as he got a hold of the small borrower and started desperately trying to pull them out.
"Let. Them. Go." Tubbo demanded as he activated the boosters on his boots and sent himself flying backward from the slime as it started dissolving and slowly dripping into the sewer grates nearby, he held the borrower close to his chest as he tried catching his breath and the loud cheers of the civilians around him rang. When Tubbo heard the nearby police sirens he quickly took off into the air and started making his way towards Kinoko Park.
The brunette gently rubbed the borrower’s back with his thumb as they flew through the air trying to lose the cops. Tubbo really hoped the poor guy was still alive- prime he really hoped they were alive.
Tubbo quickly walked down the street towards his aunt's bakery keeping his left hand in his pants pocket and resting his thumb on the borrower's chest so he could keep track of their breathing, he slowly opened the door making sure the bell attached to it didn't go off and started making his way upstairs. The brunette reached for the doorknob of his room as a hand reached out and grabbed his shoulder.
"Tubbo Underscore Fluff." Tubbo slowly turned his head, already cowering as he looked into his aunt Niki's eyes "Where the hell have you been? Hm? Did you by chance go outside to get a closer look at the villain that was out there today?"
"Whaaat? Mee? Pfff- no! No, I would never do that! That's so dangerous and I could get seriously hurt aND WHY ARE YOU PICKING ME UP!?" Tubbo started squirming as his aunt picked him up and started carrying him downstairs towards the kitchen, he spotted Fundy and Jack walking into the bakery also equally looking pissed off at him. Oh yeah, he's in trouble.
"Do you know how worried we were!? Jack and Fundy, we're running up and down the streets for an hour trying to find you!" Niki finally set Tubbo down in one of the stool chairs by one of the taller tables in the bakery "Now tell me the truth of where you were or I swear to prime above you will never leave this house again!"
Tubbo stared down at the ground trying to think of some kind of excuse but only had one idea come to mind, he took a deep breath and looked up at Niki "I did follow the heroes when they went after the slime creature…I-I just wanted to try and help…"
Niki pinches the brain over her nose looking away from Tubbo "Why do you have to be so much like her..?" She walked into the kitchen waving at Fundy and Jack "Make sure he doesn't run off while I make dinner, Tubbo you can head back to your room." Tubbo quickly stood up and hugged Fundy and Jack as an apology and then quickly ran up to his room, closing and locking the door behind him.
"Tommy, come out I need your help. I found a hurt borrower." Tubbo said out loud as he knocked on the wall behind his desk and carefully pulled the unconscious borrower out of his pocket, he grabbed a small pillow from his bed and set the unconscious borrower down on it as Tommy ran out of the walls with a Medicaid and started looking the borrower over.
"He seems ok, a few small bruises but besides that he's okay! Where did you find him?" Tommy asked as he started bandaging up one of the bigger bruises on the borrower's arm.
"You're not going to believe this big man but he was inside of that slime monster on the street earlier today, for some reason the slime was sticking together and using him as an anchor to stay solid." Tubbo explained as he turned on his laptop and activated the tracker on his gear he had ditched in the park, he reached into his drawer and opened a small bag of Cheez-Its putting them next to the small pillow Tommy and the mysterious borrower were. "Do you recognize that borrower at all? What if he's one of the borrowers that went missing recently?"
"Hmm let me go see!" Tommy climbed off of the pillow running over to the roll up drawer that had a small ladder inside of it and climbed up into his private investigating area, he went over to his small bulletin board with all the missing peoples' pictures and started trying to find a match between the mysterious borrower. Tubbo slowly lifted up the wooden frame that looked like other drawers on the dresser looking inside of Tommy's private room.
Tommy inspected each and every single missing borrower poster not finding a match for the unknown borrower, he walked over to the edge of his hidden room and shook his head looking up at Tubbo. "There aren't any posters for him missing, maybe he just fell into a bunch of weird slimy goo and gave it sentience?"
"I don't think that's how it works but it is a possibility, how long do you think he's going to be unconscious?" Tubbo asked as he looked over at the sleeping borrower, noticing as their chest started rising and falling a bit quicker than normal.
"Oh they're already awake, they're just pretending to be unconscious!" Tommy confirmed to Tubbo, noticing that he could also see the borrower's horrible attempt at hiding his panic, the two watched the borrower suddenly set up right, looking at Tommy like he was an absolute idiot.
"What the fuck are you doing kid-" the unknown blonde borrower asked squinting his eyes at Tommy.
"Have you not realized the two of us live together? Like we literally share this room together and obviously have known each other for a while?" Tubbo asked in a quiet voice, doing his best not to start all the borrowers.
"Shut it human, this is a discussion between borrowers!" The blonde yelled as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small pair of handmade glasses that had a crack on one of the lunges, he quickly put the glasses on and slowly stood up on the pillow marching his way over to the ladder and climbing up into the small room Tommy was in.
Tubbo looked over at Tommy seeing if he needed any help and gave the brunette a thumbs up letting him know it was fine and it was okay if he left the room so they had some privacy to talk, Tubbo nodded his head and closed the small room off is he stood up and walked out of his room starting to head downstairs to see if dinner was ready.
Fundy stood at the bottom of the stairs holding a large and heavy looking double bag under his arm and having his usual annoyed look on his face, Tubbo reached the bottom of the stairs and held his arms out taking the heavy double bag.
"I didn't ask you to go get my gear…" Tubbo mumbled out as he looked down at the ground trying to avoid Fundy's eyes.
"Oh I'm sorry, do you want your stuff to get stolen? You know what kind of dirt bags would love to get their hands on equipment like that." Fundy stated as he crossed his arms glaring down at Tubbo "I agreed to keep this a secret from Niki and help you run around and pretend to be a hero but that doesn't mean I'm going to let you get away with being irresponsible."
Tubbo just rolled his eyes quickly, taking the double bag up to his room and placing it on The ground inside, leaving as quickly as he had reentered, he could hear the other borrower yelling at Tommy but knew his friend could handle it. He quickly made his way back over to Fundy glaring at him a little "Look I was a bit in a rush to get back here- plus I left it in Kinoko Park, literally no scumbags hang out around there so it would have been fine for a few hours."
"Yeah yeah sure, you still shouldn't be leaving your gear out in the open and random areas where people can steal it." Fundy started making his way towards the kitchen, obviously wanting to end the argument there, Tubbo simply grumbled to himself as he grabbed two plates out of the cupboard and handed one to Fundy. Man, sometimes he really didn't like his cousin.
"Tubbo- oh you're already down here that's good, help yourself to what's on the stove and come eat in the dining room with me and Jack." Niki said as she poked her head into the kitchen and then quickly headed back out to the dining room to eat her dinner, Tubbo patiently waited for Fundy to go and waited until he was out of the kitchen to reach back into the covered area, grabbing a much smaller plate.
Tubbo put a small bit of Tommy's favorite foods from dinner onto the plate and hid it behind the large sugar jar so Tommy could safely get the food and not be in danger of being seen, hopefully his friend would still have an appetite after being lectured.
"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!?" Charlie, the mysterious borrower from earlier, yelled at Tommy as he paced back and forth, absolutely flabbergasted and basically foaming at the mouth. "Are you stupid or something!? Did you hit your head and forget the ru-"
"No, I haven't forgotten the rules." Tommy started glaring at the blonde haired borrower and watching as he walked over and started yelling again.
"THEN WHY ARE YOU LIVING WITH A HUMAN!? A HUMAN OF ALL GIANTS! COULDN'T YOU HAVE AT LEAST CHOSEN A HYBRID!?" Charlie screeched as he took a few steps away from Tommy. It took in a few deep breaths trying to come down. "How long have you lived with this human? 2 years? 3 years?"
"More like 10 years now." Tommy started watching as the borrower slowly turned around and looked over at him absolutely horrified and disgusted.
"... Say psych right now there is no way you've lived that long with a human and you're not dead yet." Charlie stated as he walked over to Tommy and grabbed him by the shoulders "Tell me the truth right now kid this isn't funny."
"I am telling you the truth! Geez what is with you older borrowers and not listening to us younger ones it's sooo annoying!" Tommy complained as he pushed Charlie away and walked over to a small door opening it up and climbing into the walls, he followed the chalk symbols on the walls slowly making his way towards the kitchen and not really waiting for the older borrower.
Charlie didn't really say anything as they walked through the tunnels flinching a few times when you heard the other humans in the house laugh or talking a bit louder then the borrower must have not been used to, once they got to the kitchen Charlie walked out first forcing Tommy to stay in the walls a bit as he checked to make sure there were no humans there. 
"...Tubbo is keeping them distracted for us we don't need to-" Tommy but suddenly stressed by the older borrower as he poked his head out from behind the sugar jar, man having this guy around was going to be a pain.
Charlie finally nodded his head deciding that it was safe and gave Tommy a thumbs up telling him that it was safe to come out now, the blonde rolled his eyes as he walked over to the small plate of food and started putting it into his bag knowing he probably wouldn't be allowed to just eat out in the open.
"I grabbed some food for you too so we can go, I'll show you where my home is in the walls." Tommy explained as he headed back into the walls and patiently waited for Charlie to join him, he watched as the borrower nervously checked to the door making sure it was properly closed and no one would notice the small cracks and lines that reveal the small piece of wood. This borrower definitely had some bad interaction with humans.
The two borrowers started walking down the tunnel traveling in silence until Charlie finally spoke up.
"...The human really does care about you huh? The food was hidden in a really good spot where we wouldn't be seen and there was way more than enough for at least four borrowers, do the other humans in the house know about you?"
Tommy shook his head as he rounded a corner and started climbing up an old rope ladder that led to the top floor, he went slowly making sure not to shake the ladder as Charlie started climbing up behind him. "Nope! He understands I don't really want to meet the other humans in the house, plus he understands pretty well why humans can't know about us existing so he's never really asked me to meet the other humans."
"Huh I'm surprised a human actually understands that…you got really lucky kid." The way Charlie said that made Tommy concerned, as if he knew from experience how some Humans could be.
"Yeah I did…have you ever known humans before-"
"No. I haven't." Charlie answered quickly, cutting Tommy off as they reached the top of the ladder and continued their walk towards the blonde's home, Tommy tried thinking of a new conversation knowing for a fact they weren't going anywhere with that.
"Do…do you have somewhere safe to go Charlie? A lot of the districts have changed in safety and there's been a lot of missing cases. I can help you get two Kinoko Park if you want to go there." Tommy asked as he held the curtain to his home open watching Charlie walk over to his kitchen table and headed into the kitchen grabbing two plates for their food.
Charlie didn't answer obviously deep in thought as he slowly started to eat once the plate of food was set down in front of him. Tommy sat down across from him as he also started to eat patiently waiting for an answer.
"...How many borrowers are missing now?" Charlie finally asked, looking over at Tommy.
"40 are missing now, 12 from red districts and 28 from green districts. Two recently went missing near here…" Tommy answered as he finished up his own food "There's no residue of them being eaten by cats or hawks and none of them were in areas where a frog could have gotten them, they've just completely disappeared without a trace."
Charlie took a deep breath and let out a long sigh "Ok…I'm going to help you find those borrowers."
Tommy's ears perked up at that as he slowly stood up a smile on his face and his tail flicking back and forth "You well? Oh my prime- are you one of the borrowers that went missing? You must be someone that wasn't registered-"
"There's 60 borrowers missing. I…I remember I was taken with 20 other borrowers, we were slowly collected over the course of a few days I think in a red district." Charlie explained staring down at the table and looking like he was pained to remember any of this.
Tommy gathered up the dirty dishes and started walking towards the kitchen "That sounds absolutely horrible…we should go report this to King Karl-"
"No!" Charlie yelled, quickly grabbing the blonde's arm and causing one of the plastic plates to fall to the ground "No. We can't tell anyone in the colony about this yet, if they find out someone is purposely capturing us they might send out more borrowers to investigate. I would just result in more people getting captured!"
Tommy shook his arm free from the borrower, his raccoon ears pinning against his head as he protested "But- but we can't just not do something! 5 kids were recently taken- kids Charlie!" 
"Yes but if these people get their hands on more borrowers they might eventually find the colony. I don't fully remember what they did to me but they're the reason I was in that weird slime stuff, the best we can do is just gather evidence and find out what they're doing on our own." Charlie tried reassuring Tommy as he took the dirty plates from the kid and headed towards the small kitchen. "Please think logically about this kid, we can't risk more borrowers going missing."
Tommy stood in the middle of the dining room slowly making his way over to the door that let out Tubbo's room, he called over his shoulder saying that he was going to step out for a minute and find out onto the bookshelf right above his best friend's bed.
A few minutes later Tubbo thankfully came back into the room walking into his closet and quickly changing into his pajamas heading over to his bed and flopping down onto it, Tommy quickly jumped down from the bookshelf landing on a pillow right next to Tubbo's head and climbed up onto the human's forehead sitting down on it.
"You ok Tommy?" Tubbo asked as he did his best to look up at his small friend.
"No…can I stay with you tonight? The new borrower is going to be staying here for a bit but I kind of want to stay close to you with how many borrowers have been going missing." Tommy explained as he leaned over looking into one of Tubbo's eyes.
The brunette slowly reached up wrapping his hand around Tommy's abdomen and slowly bringing him down to his chest holding his clothes to it and slowly curling around the borrower, Tommy closed his eyes slowly starting to fall asleep.
"You'll be safe Tommy, I won't let anything take you from me." Tubbo said in a sleepy voice as he patted Tommy on the head "See you in the morning big man." 
With that Tommy quickly fell asleep hugging one of Tubbo's fingers and genuinely feeling safe, well Tubbo slowly climbed out of his bed and got onto his laptop starting to do some research. He was going to keep his promise and make sure nothing could ever take Tommy from him.
Tubbo was never going to let anything else take his family from him.
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theitaliasociopath · 5 months
Clicking, rattling noise, as the scroll wheel quickly scrolls through the endless pages, a rhythm, almost melodic, of keys being tapped on lightly, while the switches switch position, and the fans produce that slight background noise that creates the perfect mood, an almost burned out candle exhales its last breath, leaving you in the dark except for that soft but sharp and cold light that comes from the screen of the computer, and you, at your desk, on your chair, in your room, relentlessly browse through those pages that you browse through everyday, so deep in boredom that becomes another level beyond boring, it becomes repetitive. You can't get in the right mindset to start working. Okay, who are you trying to fool, you can say it. You feel lazy. You don't wanna get up. You don't wanna talk to people. It feels better inside your room, doesn't it? As the warmth of the candle dissipates, you feel in peace. No one else, no one to bother you, no one to tell you what to do, it's true freedom. But then there's the noise, from the outside, the evil you're trying to run from invades your nest, deprives you of your space. A train is passing, high truck drivers honk at each others, ambulances scream with their sirens, screeching demons that announce another incident or tragedy, drunk men argue with drunker men, and dogs bark like hell is coming at their door. You've always hated everything of this. Everything. You wish you had some place to go to, somewhere to just crawl in and barely hear anything at all from the outside world. Yes, that's what you want. And in that moment, as your thoughts fly like birds heading to the sunset, a little pop-up advertisement pops up into your screen, as you stare at it for a few instants, waiting for your brain to process the high-contrast symbols written onto it, as if you were decoding encrypted symbols carved onto stone, left by an ancient civilization that only knew an ultra-flashy fonts, that advertisers seem to love. Passed the few moments your brain needed to interpret the meaning those glyphs, you were even more surprised by the text that was actually on that ad, as you thought your eyes betrayed you, you read it again, and then a third time just to be sure. No, your eyes didn't betray you, what you were reading belonged to the real world. On the ad, in plain and clear text, were carved these solemn words, important, huge, as if they were really carved into stone, on the side of a monument.
"PLANETS FOR SALE, Lonely planet at the border of the galaxy with enough stable oxygen for a human, a cat and a small hamster! Perfect for introverts and writers!"
You stare at the text for a moment, your eyes full of disbelief. You and your cat exchange the same reciprocal gaze, as the opportunity of your lives just casually crashed into you.
-> Part 2 <-
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digiisotree24 · 5 months
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And discover so many more secret strategies for training your pets in our eBook.
Want more reasons to need our eBook right now? Check the testimonials down below http://tinyurl.com/23j83733
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staydandy · 2 years
Genre : Crime
🇨🇳 China Being a Hero (2022) - Full List Be Reborn (2022) Decoded (2016) Deep in My Heart (2019) Desire Catcher (2023) - Full List Detective Samoyeds (2017) - Full List Evil Minds 2 (2016) Insect Detective (2020) Never Say Never (2019) Ordinary Greatness (2022) - Full List Pledge of Allegiance (2023) - Full List Sleuth of Ming Dynasty (2020)
🇭🇰 Hong Kong Al Cappuccino (2020) Legal Mavericks (2017) - Full List
🇰🇷 South Korea Awaken (2020) Bad Guys (2014) Bad Prosecutor (2022) - Full List Blind (2022) - Full List Bloodhounds (2023) - Full List Brain Works (2023) - Full List Café Minamdang (2022) - Full List Criminal Minds (2017) The Devil Judge (2021) - Full List Doctor Prisoner (2019) The First Responders Season 1 (2022) - Full List ... Season 2 (2023) - Full List Flower of Evil (2020) - Full List From Now On, Showtime! (2022) - Full List God’s Quiz (2010) God’s Quiz: Reboot (2018) He is Psychometric (2019) - Full List Life on Mars (2018) - Full List Missing: The Other Side (2020) - Full List Prison Playbook (2017) Rookie Cops (2022) - Full List Rugal (2020) Taxi Driver Season 1 (2021) - Full List Taxi Driver Season 2 (2023) - Full List Time Between Dog and Wolf (2007) - Full List Train (2020) - Full List Vagabond (2019) - Full List Watcher (2019) - Full List
🇹🇼 Taiwan Danger Zone Chapter 1: The Dark Night (2021) Kiseki: Dear to Me (2023) - Full List
🇺🇸 America Agent X (2015) Allegiance (2015) Arrow (2012) Banshee (2013) Barry (2018) The Boys (2019) Burn Notice (2007) Castle (2009) Constantine (2014) Criminal Minds (2005) Deception (2018) The Flash (2014) Fringe (2008) Grimm (2011) Hannibal (2013) Iron Fist (2017) Lie to Me (2009) Limitless (2015) The Mentalist (2008) Mindhunter (2017) Numb3rs (2006) Person of Interest (2011) Prison Break (2005) Psych (2006) The Recruit (2022) - Full List Rectify (2016) Scorpion (2014) Taken (2017)
🇬🇧 UK Death in Paradise (2011) Houdini and Doyle (2016)
🇨🇦 Canada Due South (1994) Republic of Doyle (2010)
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alyssa295 · 2 years
Reading Exploration #4
October 31- Hanford & Lloyd
Hard Words: Why aren’t kids taught to read?
Big Idea:
The foundation of a students literacy is crucial and can impact them in many ways in the future, which is why we need to have a specific and research based ways of training teachers to teach students literacy.
Something that stood out to me in this article is it talks about Bethlehem schools. This is where I went to school, and I know the people and schools the article is talking about.
Smoke Signals in Reading Education
Big Idea:
Literacy is being debated on the best way of instruction, but it is beneficial for students’ development when they learn how to decode words through systematic and explicit phonics instruction and the alphabetic principle prior to using cues and context in their reading and writing.
“As learners become more competent decoders, they will naturally come to use context and other cues to resolve ambiguous writing.”
Readerly Exploration:
Take yourself on a field trip to a place off campus that connects with the big ideas of your assigned reading(s).
This reading was perfect timing for when I was going home for the weekend. I went to my home in Bethlehem, PA this weekend (mainly for the Halloween parade). I got to see lots of teachers I had while being in that district and it brought up lots of memories. It just so happened to be the week an article talked about the schools in Bethlehem. This made me think of past experiences I have had going through schools in this school district myself. I thought about how things were before 2015 when Silva decided to make a change. When my younger brother and I were in a BASD elementary school we both experienced the literacy taught there. After switching schools after two years my brother had a completely different instruction for literacy than I did. He seemed to struggle a lot more and even had to be pulled out for extra help. The two different schools had different ways of teaching foundational skills and that was clearly seen with how my brother, and I did. But now that I think about it, when I look back to when I did the BBBS program in high school I was exposed to literacy work in the elementary schools (after the change). I remember thinking this is not how they taught this when I went to school here, and it seemed like the students I worked with were excited about it compared to how my brother dreaded it. Overall, it is interesting to see the change. Especially with doing this exploration, it allowed me to think about my experiences and relate to the article on a deeper level. I just think it was cool to see an article and the data on the schools that I have had years of experience with, especially the struggling schools that I have worked with as a high schooler. But it just gets me thinking about how schools can change. I just never questioned it or how things were taught because I never thought I would come across an article about the schools I go to. So, it brings a new perspective.
Multimedia Documentation: Here is a picture of my dog at my house with the chalk art I was working on before the Halloween parade.
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agapemastiffs · 13 hours
Tail wags and Treat Tales: Decoding the World of Dog Treats
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Let's face it, our canine companions hold a special place in our hearts. Their unconditional love, goofy antics, and those puppy dog eyes have a way of charming their way into our treats cabinets faster than you can say "walkies." But with aisles overflowing with colorful bags and tempting textures, navigating the world of dog treats can feel like deciphering a secret code.  Fear not, fellow pawsome pet parents!  This comprehensive guide will equip you with the knowledge to unleash the power of treats for training, spoiling (in moderation, of course!), and keeping your furry friend happy and healthy.
Beyond the Belly Rub: The Power of Treats
Dog treats are more than just tasty morsels for bribing good behavior (although, let's be honest, they can be handy for that too!). Here are some of the key roles treats play in a dog's life:
Training Champs:  Treats are the ultimate motivators during training sessions.  The promise of a delicious reward reinforces positive behavior, making learning fun and effective.
Bonding Buddies:  Sharing treats creates positive associations between you and your pup, strengthening your connection.
Mental Stimulation:  Interactive treat puzzles and hide-and-seek games with treats engage your dog's mind, keeping them mentally sharp and preventing boredom.
Dental Care:  Dental chews can help maintain your dog's oral health by scraping away plaque and tartar buildup.
Dietary Supplements:  Certain treats are formulated with added vitamins, minerals, or joint supplements to support your dog's specific needs.
Tailored Treats: Choosing the Right Bite for Your Pup
With countless varieties available, selecting the perfect treat can feel overwhelming. But worry not!  Here's a roadmap to guide you:
Age Matters:  A puppy's delicate digestive system requires treats specifically formulated for their smaller size and softer teeth.  Senior dogs might benefit from softer textures or treats that support joint health.
Size Matters Too:  A Great Dane wouldn't be satisfied with a Chihuahua-sized treat (and vice versa!).  Choose treats appropriate for your dog's size to avoid choking hazards or overconsumption.
Dietary Needs:  Does your dog have allergies or sensitivities?  Look for treats made with limited ingredients or novel proteins to avoid flare-ups.
Training Treats vs. Everyday Treats:  Training treats should be small, low-calorie, and easy to devour to keep training sessions focused.  For spoiling your pup,  larger, long-lasting chews can provide mental stimulation and satisfaction.
Treat Talk: Demystifying Ingredients
Just like with our own food, understanding what's in your dog's treats is crucial. Here's a breakdown of common ingredients and what to look for:
Protein Powerhouses:  Protein is essential for building and maintaining muscle mass. Look for treats with real meat as the first ingredient (chicken, beef, salmon, etc.).
Healthy Fats:  Fats provide energy and support healthy skin and coat.  Healthy fats like omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are a plus.
Fiber Fantastic:  Fiber aids in digestion and keeps your pup feeling full.  Fruits and vegetables can be great sources of fiber.
Beware of Fillers:  Ingredients like corn, wheat, and soy are often used as fillers and can provide little nutritional value.
Sugar Crash Culprits:  Artificial sweeteners and excessive sugar can lead to weight gain and dental issues. Opt for treats with natural sweeteners like pumpkin or sweet potato.
The Great Treat Debate: Rawhide, Bully Sticks, and Beyond
When it comes to treats, there are endless options. Here's a closer look at some popular choices:
Rawhide Rolls:  These classic chews can be great for keeping dogs occupied, but  be mindful of choking hazards and choose thick, long-lasting rolls for larger dogs. Opt for rawhide sourced from responsible suppliers.
Bully Sticks:  These all-natural chews are packed with protein and low in fat, making them a healthy and long-lasting option. However,  be sure to choose the right size for your dog to avoid choking.
Dental Chews:  These specially designed treats help remove plaque and tartar buildup, promoting good oral health.
Frozen Treats:  Frozen fruits and vegetables like bananas or blueberries make refreshing and healthy summer treats.
Homemade Delights:  With a little creativity, you can whip up homemade treats using dog-safe ingredients like pumpkin puree, applesauce, and rolled oats.
Treat Time Triumphs: Tips and Tricks for Smart Snacking
Treats are fantastic tools, but moderation is key. Here are some tips to ensure treat time is a success for both you and your pup:
Portion Patrol:  Don't go overboard!  Follow the recommended serving size on the treat bag based on your dog's weight and activity level.
Factor in Meals:  Account for treats when calculating your dog's daily calorie intake to avoid weight gain.
Training Treats vs Meal Replacements:  Treats are for rewarding good behavior or mental stimulation, not replacing meals.
Embrace Variety:  Rotate different treat types to keep things interesting for your pup and avoid them becoming bored with any one option.
The Power of Play:  Sometimes, playtime and praise are more rewarding than treats.  Use a mix of both to keep your pup engaged.
Beware of Sneaky Sources:  Be mindful of table scraps and well-meaning family members who might overindulge your pup.
Beyond the Biscuit: Ethical and Sustainable Treats
As conscious pet parents, we consider the impact of our choices. Here's how to make ethical and sustainable decisions when it comes to dog treats:
Source Matters:  Look for treats made with human-grade ingredients sourced from sustainable and ethical suppliers.
Locally Made Marvels:  Support small businesses and reduce your carbon footprint by opting for treats made locally.
Eco-Packaging Power:  Choose treats with recyclable or compostable packaging to minimize environmental impact.
Treat Time Tails: Fun Facts and Furever Friends
Dog treats aren't just about practicality, they're about creating lasting memories with our furry companions. Here are some fun facts and stories to wag your tail about:
The Ancient Art of Treats:  Evidence suggests humans have been giving treats to dogs for thousands of years.
Treat Time Talents:  Some dog trainers incorporate treat-dispensing puzzles to challenge a dog's problem-solving skills and keep them mentally stimulated.
Homemade Heroism:  There are countless online recipes for homemade dog treats., allowing you to customize ingredients and celebrate special occasions with pup-cakes or doggy ice cream!
The Final Woof: Unleashing the Power of Treats
Dog treats are powerful tools for training, bonding, and keeping our furry friends happy and healthy. By understanding the different types of treats available,  choosing the right options for your pup, and practicing smart snacking habits, you can turn treat time into a positive and enriching experience for both you and your canine companion.  Remember, a little planning and knowledge go a long way in ensuring your dog enjoys the tasty rewards they deserve, while maintaining their health and happiness.
A Watchful Protector: For The Progression Of The Ages
Mastiffs, gentle giants with ancient roots, come in various breeds. Loyal guardians with calm temperaments, they require ample space, training, and experienced owners due to their size and strength. Though some breeds have wrinkles, all Mastiffs offer a lifetime of devotion.
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aaadogtraining · 5 days
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K9 Training Sparks Maryland
Our mission is to help you have a wonderful relationship with your K9 Training. Learn how to teach good manners, to decode canine behaviors, and have a really great time. AAA Dog Training has been a K9 obedience trainer here at Sparks Maryland for the past more years.
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gautam-101 · 17 days
Paws, Stars, and Personality: The Astrology of Pets
Welcome to the fascinating world of pet astrology, where the celestial bodies above influence the personalities and behaviors of our beloved furry companions. Just as astrology offers insights into human personalities and destinies, it can also shed light on the unique characteristics and quirks of our pets. From playful kittens to loyal dogs, each animal possesses its own distinct energy that can be explored through the lens of astrology. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the astrological factors that shape your pet's temperament, preferences, and interactions, empowering you to deepen your bond and better understand your animal companion.
Also read - Exploring Ancient Wisdom of Vedic Astrology and Palmistry 
The Zodiac Signs of Pets: Much like humans, pets are believed to exhibit traits associated with the twelve zodiac signs. Whether your pet is an adventurous Aries, a nurturing Cancer, or a sociable Gemini, their sun sign can provide valuable insights into their personality. We'll explore how each sign influences your pet's behavior and preferences, from their play style to their favorite treats.
The Influence of Planetary Positions: Beyond their sun sign, the positions of other planets at the time of your pet's birth can also play a significant role in shaping their character. Just as Mercury governs communication and Venus influences affection in human astrology, these celestial bodies exert their own unique effects on our pets. By understanding the planetary influences in your pet's astrological chart, you can gain deeper insights into their motivations and tendencies.
Astrological Compatibility with Humans: Just as some zodiac signs are more compatible with others in human relationships, certain signs may resonate more harmoniously with specific pet personalities. Whether you're a fiery Leo seeking a playful companion or a practical Virgo in search of a loyal sidekick, astrological compatibility can help you find the perfect match among the animal kingdom. We'll explore how to assess compatibility between you and your pet based on astrological principles.
Chat here: Chat with astrologer online
Astrological Remedies for Pet Behavioral Issues: Is your pet exhibiting problematic behaviors such as aggression, anxiety, or stubbornness? In addition to traditional training methods, astrology offers unique remedies for addressing behavioral issues in pets. From harnessing the calming energies of the moon to invoking the protective power of Mars, we'll explore astrological techniques for fostering balance and harmony in your pet's life.
Astrology and Pet Health: Just as astrology can provide insights into our emotional and psychological well-being, it can also offer guidance on maintaining your pet's physical health. By understanding the astrological correspondences related to different parts of the body and potential health issues, you can take proactive measures to safeguard your pet's vitality and well-being. We'll explore how to use astrology as a complementary tool in caring for your pet's health.
As we journey through the realm of pet astrology, we discover a rich tapestry of insights into the complex world of our animal companions. From the playful antics of kittens to the steadfast loyalty of dogs, each pet embodies a unique combination of astrological influences that shape their personalities and behaviors. By embracing the wisdom of astrology, we deepen our understanding of our furry friends and forge stronger bonds of love and companionship. So, whether you're decoding your pet's sun sign or seeking astrological remedies for behavioral challenges, may the stars illuminate the path to a deeper connection with your beloved companion.
Have any questions? Speak with an astrologer: Download the App Now
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cockapoo-puppies · 21 days
Decoding Cockapoo Genetics: Your Ultimate Guide
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Embarking on the journey of welcoming a Cockapoo into your life is an exciting adventure filled with joy and love. These delightful pups, born from the union of Cocker Spaniels and Poodles, bring a unique blend of traits and personalities shaped by their genetics. Understanding how genetics affect Cockapoo puppies is essential for both current and prospective owners. In this FAQ-style guide, we'll unravel the mysteries of Cockapoo genetics, addressing common questions and shedding light on the fascinating world of these adorable companions.
How do genetics determine the coat characteristics of Cockapoos?
Cockapoos inherit their coat characteristics, including color, texture, and shedding tendency, from their Cocker Spaniel and Poodle parents. The combination of genes from these breeds results in a wide variety of coat types, ranging from curly and hypoallergenic to straight and shedding. Understanding the genetic inheritance behind their coats can help anticipate grooming needs and compatibility with allergy sufferers.
Are Cockapoos hypoallergenic due to their genetic makeup?
The hypoallergenic nature of Cockapoos stems from their Poodle lineage, as Poodles are known for producing less dander and shedding less than other breeds. However, not all Cockapoos may be hypoallergenic, as genetics play a role in determining coat type and allergen production. While some Cockapoos may be suitable for allergy sufferers, it's essential to spend time with individual dogs to assess any allergic reactions before bringing them into your home.
How do genetics influence the temperament of Cockapoos?
Cockapoos inherit a blend of personality traits from their Cocker Spaniel and Poodle parents, resulting in affectionate, intelligent, and playful companions. Poodles contribute intelligence and trainability, while Cocker Spaniels add sociability and affection to the mix. While genetics lay the foundation for a Cockapoo's temperament, early socialization and training also play crucial roles in shaping their behavior and personality.
Can genetics impact the health of Cockapoos?
Genetics play a significant role in determining a Cockapoo's predisposition to certain health conditions inherited from their parent breeds. While hybrid vigor may help mitigate some health issues, Cockapoos can still be susceptible to conditions like hip dysplasia, progressive retinal atrophy, and ear infections. Responsible breeding practices, including health screenings of parent dogs, are essential for minimizing the risk of hereditary health problems in Cockapoo puppies.
What should I look for in a responsible Cockapoo breeder?
When selecting a Cockapoo breeder, prioritize those who prioritize the health and well-being of their dogs above all else. Reputable breeders conduct health screenings on parent dogs to identify potential genetic health concerns and provide proper socialization for their puppies. Avoid purchasing from puppy mills or backyard breeders, as they may prioritize profit over the welfare of the dogs and may not adhere to responsible breeding practices.
As you embark on the journey of bringing a Cockapoo into your life, understanding the role of genetics is key to providing the best care and companionship possible. By unraveling the mysteries of Cockapoo genetics and answering common questions, we hope to equip you with the knowledge needed to make informed decisions and foster a lifelong bond with your furry friend. Whether you're captivated by their charming personalities, hypoallergenic coats, or playful antics, Cockapoos continue to steal the hearts of dog lovers around the world, thanks in part to their fascinating genetic makeup.
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petnews2day · 1 month
Private Dog Training Seminar Las Vegas 8 Commands Off Leash, 2 Dogs, 5 Days!
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/EOgrn
Private Dog Training Seminar Las Vegas 8 Commands Off Leash, 2 Dogs, 5 Days!
Welcome To Dog Training Channel Subscribe Now: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUAIo-MDMlXTWvIAquxrGEQ My mission is to help you have a wonderful relationship with your dog. Learn how to teach good manners, to decode canine behaviors, and have a really great time https://goo.gl/FGqVnK Discover The Powerful Dog Training Secrets To Overcome 30+ Common Dog and Puppy Behavioral Issues With STEP-BY-STEP […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/EOgrn #DogCareVideos
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"Unleash Your Dog's Potential: Discover the Secrets of Canine Behavior! 🐾 Ready to decode your pup's language, strengthen your bond, and embark on an exciting journey of training and connection? Let's dive into the fascinating world of dog behavior together!"
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