#Della’s headcanons
maddipoof · 1 year
Incoming Steddie thoughts…..(brief mentions of Eddie losing weight, but it’s really just one sentence and he’s ok)
So you know how Eddie tapes his rings to make them fit? You’ve seen the pictures of his hands. Yes, you have don’t lie to me. So he wraps tape around the underside to make them fit his fingers.
Yeah, so what if they’d been together for long enough that they want to give each other things. But like subtle ones, cus like, 1980s middle america… So Eddie gives Steve his guitar pick necklace because of course he would, and he can just tuck it into his shirt. (and I really feel like Steve is a necklace type of guy, like not just a chain guy- no absolutely not he needs some kind of pendant somehow) But Steve needs to give Eddie something inconspicuous too, something people won’t notice right away and even if they did, something they wouldn’t question.
So he decides on his class ring but Whump Whump, Steve has bigger fingers than Eddie and he already knows that so before he gives it to him he gets some string and he wraps it around the back because it’s softer than tape.
“Yeah Stevie?”
“You know how you gave me your necklace?”
“Yeah and I told you I don’t want anything back so get that hand out of that pocket and it better be empty”
“I didn’t get you anything, I already had it.”
“I said you don’t have to give me anything.”
“Too late, take it” and he presses it right into his palm.
Eddie looks at it and he shakes his head and makes a face, “Stevie, what- I can’t take this from you.”
“Yes you can, I’m giving it to you. Does it fit?”
“Yeah, uh perfectly, actually”
Then nobody really notices for a while, Eddie’s hands always flying around so fast no one gets a chance to really look at the numbers engraved on the side. They all know they’re together, but no one really gets the intensity of their relationship, considering they’ve only been together for so long. But they do notice the different colored string on the other side. Then Dustin and Gareth get worried that he’s losing weight again. So they ask him about it and he cannot make eye contact and he’s just fidgeting with his rings, which only worries them more but then they see his goofy little smile under his bangs and he just spills about how he and Steve traded and it was so cute and “Steve’s just so ugh- I can’t even make it into words, but he got the size perfect and everything, and I just-“ and they haven’t said they love each other out loud yet.
Then one day he’s cleaning all his rings so he has to take the string off and he sees the engraving underneath it. On one side, in the standard times new roman every one got, a nice, even SH. Then as he’s unwrapping it, he sees something else, and he starts panicking “oh my god I scratched it, he’s gonna be so upset, I scratched it Jesus H Christ.” Then after he paces his bathroom for a solid 15 minutes, his hands dragging down his face, rubbing his nose, he finishes unwinding it and there, in the most scraggly looking etching is a little, uneven EM
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idollete · 2 months
ָ֢ ㅤ ✧ ㅤ︙ ㅤ۪ㅤ 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧 𓂂
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ೀ ׅ ۫ . ㅇ elenco lsdln x pais de recém-nascidos.
notas da autora: isso aqui não tá nada anticoncepcional da minha parte, mas é pra finalizar a semana com todo mundo de coração quentinho ♡ beeeijos e espero que ocês gostem
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agustín della corte:
gosta de pegar o nenê (e faz isso com um braço só, porque ele é gigante) e pôr no peito dele, principalmente quando tá sem camisa, diz que leu em algum blog de pais que isso é importante e ajuda na conexão entre pai e filho. 
ainda sobre essa diferença de tamanho, ele fica muito bobo com o gato do filho de vocês ser tão miudinho assim, deixa ele meio embasbacado e meio reflexivo também, é uma das coisas que despertam um instinto mais protetor da parte do agustín.
ele é pai babão E pai de pet babão! então, se preocupa muito em desenvolver esse vínculo entre as duas maiores preciosidades dele. com MUITO cuidado, põe o cachorro pra cheirar a cabeça do nenê, deixa que eles fiquem perto um do outro um tiquinho e se pega falando algo como “tá vendo, pequeno? esse aqui vai ser o seu melhor amigo quando você crescer”.
a ficha dele não cai até as duas primeiras semanas, porque em todas essas noites ele te encarou com um olhar tão cheio de afeto pra dizer que às vezes ele achava que estava vivendo um sonho. 
compra roupa combinandinho pra ele, o neném e o pet. beeeeem cafoninha e fofo.
agustín pardella:
tem todo um planejamento de passeios que vai fazer com o bebê assim que tudo estiver liberado, porque ele diz que “absolutamente de jeito nenhum o nosso filho vai ser menino otário criado em prédio”, quer levar à praia, aos parques, praças, no interior, na ilha, em todos os cantos. 
enquanto isso não é possível, ele se contenta em tentar fazer o máximo possível de tarefas ao ar livre do quintal de casa. porque, sim, vocês nem moram em perdoou, mas ele jura que o neném vai crescer assim se ele não aproveitar a natureza desde cedo. 
por mais espírito livre que o agustín seja, ele é extremamente cuidadoso, não permite de jeito nenhum que as pessoas peguem o bebê no colo se não estiverem devidamente higienizadas. a primeira coisa que ele faz é empurrar os amigos pro banheiro assim que eles chegam pra uma visita. 
um dos hobbies favoritos do agustín se torna observar você e o bebê fazendo as coisas mais simples possíveis. encosta no batente da porta quando você tá amamentando, com um sorriso que homem que sabe que ganhou o maior prêmio que a loteria da vida poderia dar e diz “precisando de algo, minha rainha?”
a parte favorita do dia dele é quando pode colocar o neném pra dormir. ele aninha no peito e começa primeiro se declarando, diz que ele nem sabe ainda, mas que é a maior motivação e razão que poderia existir em sua vida. é só então que canta alguma cantiga de ninar que, certamente, é passada de geração em geração na sua família. e vou um pouco mais longe aqui; ele já sonha em ensinar isso para que seus netos também escutem.
extra: com certeza vai fazer alguma tatuagem em homenagem à filha, talvez faça a marca do pézinho dela ou o nome.
não faz vozinha de jeito nenhum. nem na frente dos outros, nem na sua e nem quando está sozinho. ele é do tipo que não entende muito o propósito de se falar assim com crianças, mas a doçura que o enzo carrega ao falar com a filha é algo completamente de fora desse mundo. o tom nunca nem foi usado contigo e você adora isso. adora saber que ele sempre se comunica em sussurros, falando mansinho para nunca assustá-la, transmite o cuidado só com um simples ato. 
e ele, de fato, tem grandes conversas com ela. sempre sobre os mais variados assuntos, desde seus filmes favoritos a desejos que ele tem para o futuro dela. para ele, é como se estivesse em um diálogo de igual para igual. 
perde horas e horas de sono - mas considera isso um absoluto ganho - só de ficar no quartinho dela, admirando-a dormir. ele nem consegue evitar de dar um sorriso bobo nesses momentos, põe a mão no peito, cheio de emoção e transborda ali mesmo. em dias mais sensíveis, ele vai se emocionar de verdade. não esconde as lágrimas quando você o pega no flagra. muito pelo contrário, vai segurar o teu rosto e te dar um beijo apaixonado enquanto te agradece por ter dado a ele o presente mais belo e puro que ele poderia ganhar.
tem a tradição de tirar a mesma foto todos os dias, sim! vai sentar de frente à janela do quarto, pôr a filha no peito e olhar para ela com a mais genuína adoração.
tenta negar, mas é um tico ciumentinho quando alguém fica tempo demais com a filha no colo. e fica sempre de olho para ter certeza de que ninguém está fazendo nenhuma loucura ou inventando de colocar o bebê de cabeça para baixo. ele odeia essas coisas. se nem ele, que é o pai, faz, então, qual o sentido de outra pessoa fazer?!
vai fazer vozinha de nenê, sim!!! fica debruçado no berço, com o maior sorriso de pai babão no rosto enquanto diz frases como “quem é a coisa linda do papai? é, sim. é você!”.
ADORA brincar de peekabboo! passa o dia inteeeeeeeeeiro fazendo isso pro bebê, em casa, na rua, no hospital, no banho, no berço. não importa, é a marca registrada dele. 
chora junto com o bebê, ele não consegue se controlar. vai tentar acalmar? vai. mas é precisando ser acalmado junto também.
o esteban vai criar o bebê mais dado desse mundo, porque ele é simplesmente apaixonado pelo fato de que a personalidade dele agora se resume a ser pai. a tela de bloqueio é uma foto da filha, o plano de fundo do whatsapp, a tela de descanso do notebook. em todo canto ele dá um jeito de estampar a filha. e não para aí! em toda conversa que ele tem, ele menciona que é pai de primeira viagem e é cheio de orgulho no peito, viu? diz que está vivendo a sua melhor fase e que nunca imaginou que poderia sentir tanta felicidade assim.
diferente da maioria, ele não fica ensinando o bebê a falar “papai” primeiro. não, ele fica o tempo inteiro incentivando para que a primeira palavra da filha seja o seu nome ou “mamãe”. e, sim! é mamãe em português, nada de espanhol. ele também vai ficar ensinando várias palavras em português, porque o maior sonho dele é criar família, na verdade, no brasil.
fernando contigiani:
sempre põe a filha para dormir no peito dele. é tanto que, depois de um tempo, o fernando é um dos únicos que conseguem colocá-la para dormir, porque acostumou o bebê com o cheiro e a respiração dele. vai pôr ela deitadinha e bem confortável, fazer um carinho levinho nas costas e sussurrar alguma cantiga de ninar, porém em português - que ele se esforçou muito para aprender, vale ressaltar.
faz vozinha de bebê, mas não é o tempo inteiro e é sempre quando está sozinho ou somente contigo. 
adora ficar agarrado contigo quando você está amamentando, porque ele pode te colocar nos braços dele enquanto você fica com a filha no colo e ele fica, simplesmente, admirando as duas com o maior sorriso bobo pelo espelho. vai abraçar a tua cintura, apoiar o queixo no teu ombro, às vezes te faz um cafuné, um carinho na lombar, no pé da barriga. e não cansa nunca de dizer o quanto a bebê é linda e se parece contigo.
também faz a linha ciumentinho se ficam tempo demais com a filha. metade é vontade de ficar com ela nos braços de novo e a outra metade é proteção, porque ele vai tratar a filha como se ela fosse a princesa mais delicada e sensível desse mundo, vai mimar mesmo e nem liga pra isso.
o sonho dele é que a primeira palavra dela seja “papa”, mas também não força, repete aqui e ali, gosta que seja algo mais natural, do dia a dia e na vontade dela. porém, não esconde o sorriso quanto outra pessoa fica incentivando a filha a falar também.
vocês mal saíram do hospital e ele já está repetindo - religiosamente - “papa” para o bebê. ele tem como missão pessoal fazer com que essa seja a primeira palavra da filha de vocês e é claro que entra em uma competiçãozinha contigo por causa disso. como segunda e terceira opções, ele espera que venha um “celeste” e “river”, mas essa parte ele só ensina quando você não está por perto.
toda vez que ele vai na rua, não importa o motivo ou o local, ele volta com um brinquedo para recém-nascidos. ele pode ter ido na padaria comprar o café da manhã, mas ele vai voltar com um mimo pra filha.
outro que também é cheio de ciúmes com a filha. diferente dos outros, o pipe corta mesmo. começa a balançar as mãos e dizer “pronto, pronto. tá bom, né? olha, ela tá com saudade do pai. daqui a pouco começa a chorar e aí você sabe como é…”. e depois ainda resmunga contigo (todo bicudo), dizendo que a filha de vocês não é carro pras pessoas ficarem querendo fazer test drive com ela o tempo inteiro.
gosta de se refugiar no quartinho da bebê e ter altas conversas com ela também, faz as declarações mais bonitas que sabe e é sempre em um fio de voz, enquanto aninha ela no peito. e SEMPRE fica com vergonha quando você o pega no flagra, vai tentar disfarçar e brincar dizendo que estava ensinando o hino nacional da argentina para tentar despistar o assunto.
sente uma necessidade muuuuuito grande de estar em contato com a filha, seja com ela segurando um dedo dele ou com uma mão na cabeça dela. acaba se tornando muito natural e uma mania mesmo.
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Just thinking about Fitz and Keefe. They're both so jealous of each other. It spiraled into more and more talking about fitz and vacker imperfections and stuff, enjoy :>
(I rambled out the draft on discord, but I did change a few things and add on a bit at the end, so if you feel like rereading it might make more sense now)
tw: breif mentions of ed, suicidal thoughts, and implied sh, but they're all like very brief and not descriptive just want to put a warning
Remember in Flashback when Sophie and Fitz were going all Fitzphie on Keefe's mind, and they found the memory of Alden telling Keefe he was proud?
Imagine it hurt so bad for Fitz when he watched that. Because Alden never says that to Fitz even when he came out on top, no matter how perfect he was, so why did Keefe get that kind of praise?
Keefe may have come out second to Fitz with Foxfire grades, but Fitz has always felt second to Keefe in everything. No matter how perfect he tries to be or how much of a people pleaser he is, it seems inevitable that everyone likes Keefe better anyway.
And how could they not? He's funny, he's messy, he's imperfect.
Fitz could never be like keefe. His family would hate him. But they still like Keefe better.
Alvar always liked Keefe better than his actual little brother. Even though Fitz looked up to Alvar more than anyone! He admitted that in Neverseen!
Alden told Keefe he was proud of him?? for coming in second? Even after all the studying and work Fitz put into being first, being top, being perfect, people always choose keefe, Which is one of the reasons Fitz was so insecure about Sophie spending a lot of time with Keefe while she and Fitz were dating, he was scared she was going to leave him for Keefe, like people always do, because he's just better. he's nicer, he doesn't lash out at people, he doesn't have as much pressure on him because he never cared about pleasing his parents.
AND SHE DID! Sophie did leave him for Keefe. Even though Fitz promised to take things at her pace. Even though he said he'd wait. But it was the match lists that ended up breaking them apart. But what was Fitz supposed to do?? Not care about the match? There had never been a Vacker bad match, and Fitz beign the first one, after everything Alvar did and how much all the Vackers already hate these five in particular, it would bring a whole new level of shame on the family. Not just him, but Biana and Alden and Della too.
Keefe is allowed to not care about this stuff, because he's not perfect. Fitz is so, so, so jealous of Keefe because he GETS TO BE IMPERFECT. HE'S ALLOWED TO MAKE MISTAKES. He's allowed to feel things.
Keefe's parents are awful, Fitz's parents are fine. Anytime Fitz dares to think "hey maybe my parents are manipulating or using me or putting unrealistic expectations on me" he also remembers that he has it GOOD. He's so lucky compared to everyone else. So he has no right to be upset about anything.
In Flashback, Fitz actually says something like this to Sophie: Sophie had to grow up with humans, Keefe has his whole thing with his parents, Dex was bullied for being the son of a bad match, Tam and Linh were banished… so he's had it easy! He has no right to feel sad when his life is just. so. perfect.
And the thing is, everyone thinks his life is perfect. Especially Keefe! Keefe is always talking about how the Vackers are perfect and lucky and he wishes he was one, when inside, Fitz would secretly rather be Keefe. Even with the whole everything with his parents, at least he doesnt have to be perfect! At least he's allowed to disappoint his parents, because theyre bad parents! And people always like him more. Without fail, Fitz has always felt second to Keefe. Every time he thinks he did good, people go to keefe for being imperfect.
Why did keefe get Alden's praise when he came out second in the level? Fitz barely slept to make sure he came out on top! If Fitz had gotten 98/100, he wouldn't be yelled at, but he'd get a disappointed talk. Why is it different with Keefe, who isnt even Alden's son, why does Alden like him more?
So Fitz ends up spiraling and obsessing more and more.
He can't be imperfect like Keefe, he wouldnt dare. So he does what he can to be as perfect as possible. Maybe he just needs to get a hold on his temper. Wait till he's behind closed doors to do anything but smile. Maybe he needs to eat less, get a perfect number on the scale. Maybe then he'll be good enough.
But he's never good enough.
Nothing he does will ever be good enough.
Keefe is reckless, imperfect, and messy. but even though Fitz does his best to not step a toe out of line, he does everything he can to be perfect...... They keep picking Keefe. without fail, no matter what.
Fitz knows he shohld accept defeat, accept that he'll never be good enough for anyone because of everything he's done to try to be perfect, but he can't stop trying.
He'll keep pushing himself, he'll stay up for hours studying, looking for clues about the Neverseen, going through Alvar's old room, he'll do ANYTHING for someone to say theyre proud of him. For someone to tell him that he did good, for once in his life, but they never notice.
It's never "Wow, you've been working so hard, good job!" or "You look good, did you lose weight?" or "Thanks for helping out, thanks for at least trying"
Instead, people are saying things like "You look awful, you've got bags under your eyes" (maybe he should put on some makeup to hide that) or "You never join us for dinner, it's like you hate us" (he does. he secretly hates his family so much) or "You've gotten so distant that you're ruining all your relationships with your friends and family" (what else is he supposed to do? they dont like him anyway)
He's driving himself insane over being perfect, only to have people like Sophie say that he's "too perfect." HE JUST CANT WIN!
He's not allowed to make mistakes, but maybe the worst mistake he made was being too perfect!
But how does he stop?
He can't. he trapped himself here. He's convinced he brought this on himself, but he cant get out of this cycle,
And nobody else will get him out,
Because he's not perfect enough.
If they havent noticed his struggling, maybe they dont care enough. But Fitz has gotten so good at hiding it. Nobody will notice until he passes out in the hall or just fucking kills himself because it's too much.
Fitz thinks, why is it that Keefe's allowed to be open about hating himself, and yet as soon as he makes the slightest self deprecating comment, he's suddenly "being dramatic" or "looking for attention"?
And we're back to talking about Keefe again.
None of this is Keefe's fault but he will still feel so so guilty. He felt Fitz's jealousy and hurt when they watched the memory of Alden saying he's proud of him.
Keefe and Fitz are constantly comparing themselves to each other, but by the end of the story, Keefe will be getting the help and support he needs to move on from it. Fitz never showed it and wouldnt dare admit it. So he does not.
Alden and Cassius both seem to prefer the other's son.
Even with Fitz and Biana. There's still a bit of jealousy there, because Biana is starting to seperate herself from her family, and start her own "Vacker Legacy," whatever that means.
After Nightfall, biana has grown more comfortable with herself, she is challenging what it means to be a Vacker, realizing that their family isn't all it's claimed to be. She has no shame in being her fun confident self, and crying when she needs to, and showing off her scars, while if Fitz showed his scars, he'd probably end up in a psych ward or something (or at the very least getting yelled at).
Fitz is jealous of Biana almost as much as he's jealous of keefe. She's never been quite perfect either, but it's always in a good way, isn't it? she's managed to keep her friends (not including the earlier books) and she used to be a bit of a jerk to people, so people can look back and see how far she's come.
Fitz has only gotten worse over the years, and he knows it. he hears what people say in the halls. their whispers hardly hide it. He's presented himself the way he wanted to be - perfect. But it gets harder and harder to hide his imperfections, and people only notice the bad things, don't they? They don't worry, they only judge.
Biana's probably dealing with her own issues, as everyone in the Vacker family does, but she can be more honest about it. She's starting to break the habit of plastering on a smile and saying everything's fine. She's working on her relationship with people. She's like reverse Fitz.
Fitz fears he's going down a similar path of destruction to Alvar, but he counters those fears by being Alden's perfect golden boy like he was always supposed to be. Alden has such a hold on Fitz, he'd do anything for him if Alden worded it right. Ever since he was a kid he always knew he'd do anything to please his parents, even if it was potentially dangerous. But nobody has seemed to even bat an eye when they hear how young Fitz was when he went to the Forbidden Cities. So he must be overreacting, right? Because how could Fitz's childhood be anything less than perfect?
See, when Sophie started learning a little bit about Fitz's past and how things were actually not perfect in the Vacker house, she started to ignore him more and more. She had her other reasons, but to Fitz, it seemed like she was seeing how imperfect he really was, and he's not everything she hoped for. So he panics, and does his best to prove to her that he is the perfect boyfriend she wanted, but it didn't matter anyway because... she. liked. Keefe. better.
And Fitz hates himself so much for wishing he was keefe because Keefe has it so bad with the legacy thing, he hates how he wishes his parents were worse so he didn't feel so guilty every time he made a mistake that would disappoint them.
Not one person in Fitz's life has ever chosen him first. With everyone. There's always someone they love more.
Della loves Biana more, Biana chooses her friends, Sophie chose Keefe, Keefe chose Sophie.
Alden seemed to favor Keefe, or his work, or even just the ways he uses Fitz instead of loving him as his son or as a person. Maybe that's why Fitz is so desperate to listen to Alden, to please him, because he's the only person who seems to even care, even if he only cares when he's doing good or being perfect.
Alvar would choose Biana or Keefe over Fitz any day, even before the betrayal. Fitz still looked up to him, despite his vague dislike for Fitz. He likes Biana better because he thinks she'd understand better what the Vacker legacy is, Because FITZ IS PART OF IT. HE'S ADDING ONTO IT, WHATEVER IT IS!
Yep that's all I have, feel free to add your own ideas :3
@fitz-avery-vacker @autistic-daydreamer
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writebackatya · 4 months
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Okay so DuckTales (2017) has quite a few gods that exist in the ducks’ universe. We’ve seen gods from both Greek and Norse, but what about the other religions? Surely they must exist too
DuckTales (2017) Headcanon:
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Della, Donald, and Scrooge have been to both the Christian heaven and hell and are permanently banned from both after what they did.
Don’t ask what they did. They just pissed off everyone that day.
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shychick-52 · 4 months
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Somebody tell me HOW THE FRIG Gyro never became rich and famous for inventing OxyChew? You'd think a gum that supplies never-ending nutrition, water, and oxygen on space explorations would be the key to earning him the international respect he deserves, and a Nobel prize AT LEAST. Why didn't he do anything more with that??
And I know what you're thinking- "Nobody wants black licorice-flavored gum!" To that I say shut up (hj), because there's likely no reason he couldn't produce it in any flavor; he only originally made it that flavor because it's probably his personal favorite, and he's too arrogant to accept that not everyone else shares the same views/opinions as him, plus maybe to troll Della. But if it meant respect and fame, you can bet he'd make it in a variety of other flavors!
FR tho, there was so much potential with the OxyChew (including the horribly missed opportunity for Gyro and Della to actually interact at some point), but it just became a throwaway joke like the rest of his involvement with the Spear of Selene.
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alex31624 · 3 months
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Yesterday I was watching Top Gun Maverick, and we all know that is Della's favorite movie.
But, which is the favorite movie of the rest of the family?
Let's go for the two obvious answers first.
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Yeah, we're not getting original, is Ocean's Eleven for Louie. He looks up to Danny Ocean.
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And of course Webby loves The Little Mermaid.
Look at this stuff. Isn't it neat?
Now, we can imagine.
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For Donald, it has to be a sea movie. But which one? Donald likes calm and naps, but he fights zombies with chainsaws.
So he can take a horror movie. And it just happen that the best horror movie ever is about a sea monster. Yeah, Donald loves Jaws.
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A movie about a hero saving the town dancing? Yes, Dewey loves everything about Footloose.
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Huey believes in science, but he also believes in love. So, Wall-E for him.
You know he cries every time he sees Wall-e and Eve dancing in space.
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Lena is a horror gal. That's her thing. I think she loves the classics, but she changes her favorite when something scarier appears. So, Hereditary.
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I headcanon all Team Science being anime fans. B.O.Y.D. is definitely a Ghibli fan, and I believe My Neighbor Totoro would be his favorite.
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ghstsrock · 18 days
Dallas Winston Headcanons (HATER EDITION)
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! 🗯 ⋆ hateful Dallas Winston headcanons
( a/n : if Dallas Winston has no haters then I don’t exist | I also wrote these with book Dallas in mind )
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✶ Afraid of insects
✶ Hella uncoordinated
✶ Scorpio stare
✶ He looks like a bitter
✶ Leaves the toilet seat up after using the bathroom
✶ Doesn’t wash his hands
✶ Eats cookie dough
✶ Probably gotten mono so many times he’s developed an immunity to it
✶ Has the most disgusting, unreadable, broken, undesirably terrible handwriting ever
✶ Toxic masculinity (that bitch is insecure)
✶ Totally calls women bitches (derogatory)
✶ Did I mention he’s gay AND a homophobe
✶ Stopped showing up to school in middle school (uneducated :00000)
✶ Picks his nose and wipes it on furniture or walls
✶ Mean to children
✶ Picks at his scabs
✶ Nail bitter
✶ Lactose intolerant
✶ A hair puller
✶ Behaves like a super senior
✶ mommy issues
✶ daddy issues
✶ rude to waiters and people like that
Toothbrush? Toothpaste? SOAP??? Never heard of it
Shower? I hardly know her *gunshots*
✶ Probably hasn’t had a haircut since 8th grade
✶ Racist towards men
✶ Drinks milk out the carton then puts it back in the fridge
✶ bends down to hear people shorter than him
he also looks around like he can’t see them when they try to talk to him
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﹙📦﹚ give me more characters to hate ﹒zᶻ
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guvmy · 2 months
I think one reason Alvar joined the neverseen wasn't only the Vacker Legacy but also the fact his parents had more children (Fitz and Biana) Hes says this somewhere in Flashback BUTTTTTT
Having more then one kid in Elven Society is taboo, ESPECIALLY since the age gap proves that Alden and Della weren't initially going to have more then Alvar but for some reason that changed, immedialty all heads turned to the 11 year old since why would Alden and Della, beloved by Elven Society randomly decide to have more kids. It showed that Alvar, at least in society's eyes was, not enough and failed. Fitz and Biana's existence was a proof of Alvar's failure to be the perfect son, to the point that Alden and Della HAD to resort to more kids. And don't think Alvar didn't know this since Elves are SHADY. I know these people had Alvar crying at night from all those side eyes and whispers. In a way Alvar could never truly love his siblings. At least until he lets go of his pain ig. In conclusion Alvar hates his famiy for betraying them.
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hopemariposa · 1 month
My Random Ducktales Headcanons!!!
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this is another post where… no one asked for this. but my past Ducktales post did good so I give the people what they want
(I crave the validation of others)
I also sprinkled in goofy screenshots for a little bit of extra seasoning
Dewey like… ate rocks as a kid. just for fun
Huey told Dewey that Dodos ate rocks and Dewey internalized this, thus, Huey is responsible for Dewey eating rocks
Donald had a panic attack when he saw his nephew (that he is a legal guardian for) wolf down like… three rocks at one time for the plot
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Louie had a collection of various historical coins (they’re his special interest)
Donald regularly has nightmares about being attacked and killed by a bear (same bro)
Dewey taught Webby the words “rizz” “gyat” and “skibidi toilet” and it became everyone’s problem
this lead to Scrooge exclaiming that “he does not have any rizz” (this is a lie, he is rizz lord incarnate)
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Mrs. Beakley is a Pintrest Board Mom™️
she also can’t cook. she just has an assortment of Pinterest recipes that everyone despises but eats so she doesn’t feel bad
Storkules has beaten up Andrew Tate. Mixed martial arts? more like mixed Greek salad served by a hunky demigod.
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Storkules is also a feminist. that’s not a headcanon, tho, that’s a fact.
so is Launchpad. fight me on this.
Launchpad and Storkules are also besties. they’re both himbos with too much game.
Launchpad has illegally smuggled contraband into the country before. whether it was sniffle snacks or an exotic animal we’ll never know, but smuggling is on his transcript.
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LP unironically uses the pet name “pookie”. he don’t know what it means but he heard Dewey said and Dewey’s his best friend so that makes it cool
he also has a five step hair care routine
Scrooge regularly pays off several press stations to write wack stories about him because they make him chortle.
Scrooge also uses the term “square”… in daily conversation
one time he called Mágica a “square” and it personally offended her for life, ripped open several wounds, and destroyed her emotional well-being for the rest of her days
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Mrs. Beakley’s guilty pleasure is watching trash tv. Real Houseives? yes. Dance Moms? she quotes verbatim. The Bachelor? it’s her personality.
Mrs. Beakley watching these tv shows also got Della invested. now they throw a hissy fit if the other watches ahead of them
Webby cries over Bluey episodes on the daily.
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Webby also related immensely to Bingo Heeler— it has awoken feelings in her she preferred to keep hidden
this is less of a headcanon, more of a fact, but Huey, Dewey and Webby (and more Im not thinking about) are so Neurodivergent it’s not even debatable
Della is a gym rat. she just is.
thats all thanks
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freakzofnurture · 1 year
Stimming ducks! :3
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yeyeducks · 1 year
Height Headcanons cos yea and Human Ducks 🤭
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Donald is canonically described as short, so is Scrooge
Gyro is just a tall awkward nerd
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so fitz is hated but also headcanoned as a not-white boy.... why though?'
keefe isn't blonde- his hair is white and he dyes it out of internalized humanphobia
sophie needs glasses
mostly because biana stole sophie's glasses
dex is lonely and made himself a robot bff
tam wears green
linh wears black
wylie hosts karaoke nights outside bronte's house sometimes
bronte hasn't cried since 2005
alden is not allowed at the karaoke nights
della is though but she sucks at singing
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idollete · 19 days
juju acabei de ver um tiktok e queria saber sua opinião 💭 qual seria a reação dos meninos se a lobinha pedisse ajuda do tipo “tem como vc vir aqui em casa me ajudar a arrumar minha mala?” e eles pensando que ela tá dando O Sinal de que a noite promete mas aí quando eles chegam na casa dela a mala tá aberta em cima da cama e ela assim “uerr achou que a gente ia fazer o que?”
LDJEOSJWPSJWONAAOABOSNW isso aqui é simplesmente 🤌🏻 vou te dizer que penso que o cast pode ser dividido entre os seguintes grupos:
1. os que ficariam exatamente 🧍🏻‍♂️ assim porque só não chegaram de pau pra fora porque é atentado ao pudor: matías, simón e pipe
2. os que não ligariam tanto assim mas que você acabaria dando pra eles depois de perceber o trabalho braçal pra fechar suas malas: pardella, jerónimo, della corte (rsrsrsrsrs os Homens com H maiúsculo) e o kuku (porque ele tem MUITA carinha de quem solta uns gemidos insanos quando tá fazendo muito esforço)
3. os que simplesmente não ligariam, só fariam o serviço e iriam embora: fernando e enzo (mas dps os dois usam o favorzinho que te fizeram como moeda de troca pra outras coisitas rsrsrsrsrsrs)
matías, simón e pipe com toda a certeza dão na cara que eles estavam achando que a tua mensagem pedindo ajuda era sinal pra putaria da mais sórdida possível, o simón já chega te agarrando e te beijando até o quarto, mas na hora de te jogar na cama ele vê a mala socada de roupa e fica genuinamente confuso, vai até dizer um "ué vida...cê me chamou aqui pra fechar sua mala?", como se não fosse EXATAMENTE isso que você disse na mensagem. e ele não fica alegrinho não, viu? vai ficar todo emburradinho but he does the job, mesmo fechando a mala na maior marra do mundo, pra depois te perguntar "pronto, será que eu posso te comer agora, madame?! aliás, eu nem sei pra quê você tá levando tanta roupa assim, se depender de mim vai ficar pelada o dia todo e dando pra mim". o matías fica fulo insano louco da vida, ele acha criminoso e ainda te acusa de mandar sinais mistos, sendo que ELE literalmente criou uma fic na cabeça DELE quando você só pediu um favor. o matías é pirracento e já concordamos com isso, então, no final ele também tá bem pokas ideias (fazendo charme) e diz que vai embora (quer que você peça pra ele ficar). os braços cruzados e a expressão entediada são teatro puro e mesmo ele soltando um "hmph, tanto faz..." quando você oferece uma mamada como agradecimento, ele tá radiante por dentro e a carinha de birrento muda no mesmo segundo que você engole ele por completo. o pipe talvez seja o que dá mais pena, porque ele chega todo empolgadinho, te abraçando por trás, pressionando a ereção na sua bunda, porque, sim, ele ficou duro no caminho pra sua casa só de pensar em todas as posições que poderia te colocar. e o bichinho toma um balde de água fria quando você aponta pra mala, ele fica todo 🥺 paradão no meio do quarto, sem nem saber o que fazer. "t-tá...e-eu...", vai suspirar pra tentar se recompor, visivelmente desconfortável com o aperto da cueca, passa a mão no rosto, no cabelo, o rosto já ficando vermelho, "você vai colocar mais alguma coisa na mala?", e é claro que ele faz. no final, tá meio sem graça ainda, sem jeito, não sabe se vai embora ou se fica, e aqui eu imagino muito um pipe no comecinho do namoro, em que vocês nunca nem transaram ainda, por isso que ele veio na expectativa, cheio de vontade e agora tá morto de vergonha por dentro. mas quando você pergunta se ele quer ficar, os olhinhos dele chegam brilham e ele responde na mesma hora que sente AINDA MAIS VERGONHA de ter soado desesperado demais.
entre pardella, jerónimo e della corte, eu acho que o jerónimo seria o que mais demonstra que veio na intenção de uma coisa e recebeu outra completamente diferente, mas todos eles nem piscam duas vezes antes de já irem se aprumando pra ajeitar sua malinha, até porque os três com certeza estão acostumados a serem o músculo da relação (awn own) e TODOS OS TRÊS são hopelessly devoted to you, então é um "sim, minha deusa" instantaneamente. nem era sua intenção dar pra eles, de verdade mesmo, só que quando você vê o quão fácil eles conseguem fechar a mala, o braço flexionando, ESTOURANDO na camisa, as veias pulsando no antebraço, o fato deles nem terem suado like BITCH PLEASE ???????? enquanto você só faltou derreter tentando fechar a mala. tudo isso mexe demais com a cabeça de uma pobre garota e quando você menos espera já tá praticamente se jogando nos braços deles, implorando pra ser comida. nossa, e eu penso que tanto o pardella quanto o jerónimo iriam te cozinhar um tiquinho antes, até porque ELES quem queriam te comer primeiro e você toda preocupadinha em fazer suas maquiagens e sapatos caberem na mala. penso muito neles te pegando pelos cabelos, puxando enquanto te pressionam na escrivaninha, com tanta força que você fica até na pontinha dos pés, "quer dar pra mim, eh? por isso que ficou me olhando daquele jeitinho antes? com essa carinha de quem só consegue pensar em pica?", e eles riem da tua cara, "cê nem tá merecendo, sabia? não, não tá. me negou quando eu cheguei aqui e agora vem toda metidinha, mandando em mim", você poderia até pensar que eles te deixariam na mão também, com a calcinha grudando de tão empapada, mas a ereção pressionada na sua bunda diz outra coisa, "só que eu sou bonzinho e eu gosto de fazer as vontades da minha mulher. eu só espero que você não esteja cansada, porque eu vou te comer até você me implorar pra parar". tenho pra mim que o mesmo pode valer pro kuku e eu sei que talvez seja nonsense, porque ele é o tipo que se desmonta facilmente com a sentada de uma coxuda, BUT THAT'S THE HOLE POINT!!!!!! me acompanhem nessa ☝🏻💭 justamente por não ser exatamente muscles > brains, ele vai ter um tiquinho de trabalho pra fechar sua mala, o que vai acarretar em um kuku grunhindo e gemendo, de cenho franzido, fazendo movimentos levemente sugestivos (pra uma mente delulu que pensa com a xota) e suando. a semelhança com o jeitinho que ele fica quando tá gozando é grande demais pra te impedir de voar no pescoço dele. e é claro que ele te fode sem pestanejar, ele já tava doidinho por buceta desde que chegou na tua casa e não te negaria nunca. ele te come papai e mamãe mesmo, a mão te apertando pelo pescoço enquanto ele mete alucinadinho.
agora o fernando e o enzo, aka reizinhos da indiferença, provavelmente nem ficariam muito assombrados. eu nem acho que eles chegariam TÃO afoitos assim, porque são mais racionais e não pensariam que sua mensagem teria segundas intenções, a não ser que a conversa anterior de vocês fosse algo mais sugestivo. então, nesse sentido, talvez eles fiquem um pouco sem reação nos primeiros segundos, sim, mas logo passa e eles estão fazendo o que você pediu. o plot twist dessa história vem quando vocês já estão na viagem e é pra casa dos seus pais rsrsrsrsrsrsrsrsrsrsrsrsrsrs (amo esse cenário então vou colocar ele nas coisas sempre que possível 😽) e você tá daquele jeitinho: morrendo de vontade de dar e morrendo de medo dos seus pais descobrirem que você transa (você já é uma adulta). eu penso que esses dois são homens muito inteligentes, que sabem exatamente quando usar as informações que eles guardam no dia a dia, e eles guardam mUUUUUUita coisa!!!!!, principalmente se for algo que eles podem usar em favor deles no futuro. é quando eles estão esfregando o pau duro que só no meio das suas coxas, dizendo que só vão colocar a cabecinha (rsrsrsrsrsrsrsrsrsrsrsrsrsrs) enquanto brincam com os seus peitinhos, numa tentativa de te amolecer mesmo. e é claro que eles vão te lembrar do dia que você pediu que eles fossem fechar a sua mala, logo depois de ter mandando uma fotinho super safada na madrugada anterior, "você me deve algo, bebita, tá lembrada?", eles são persuasivos? sim. junte isso ao fato deles estarem esfregando a pontinha bem na sua entradinha, quase deslizando pelo canalzinho apertado, "então, que tal você ser boazinha e abrir essas perninhas pra mim, hm? não se preocupa, eu sei como manter a sua boca bem ocupada" e o game over é quando eles te colocam pra mamar nos dedos deles, te surpreendendo e te fazendo engasgar neles quando eles metem de uma vez em ti.
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gummygoatgalaxy · 6 months
what’s your opinion on Della Duck?
I don't have the best opinions of her. Mostly i find her dissapointing. The finale revealed that Bradford set her up to leave and break apart the family, but it was entirely Della's decision to go with it.
Not only that, but although she spent 10 years determined to get back, she proceeds to put no effort in making up for disappearing. She comes back and immediately expects to be considered the same level of parent as Donald, when she was never there and he was.
Furthermore, she puts in good effort to bond with her kids, but treats Louie kinda bad.
The thing that truly pissed me off; Louie was terrible in the Timephoon episode, and did deserve to be grounded. But what Della did next was cruel.
She grounds Louie and then goes on an adventure that Louie would dream of, with treasure and even a river of Pep!
What the hell???!!? You can ground him and go on an adventure that's fine, but don't do that!! That's unnecessarily cruel!!
Aside from that, i really love her design and personality!! As a kid, she's absolutely precious, and as an adult, she's hilarious and awesome!!
Sorry for the rant lol 😊
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writebackatya · 2 months
Team Doesn’t Take Sh*t from Gyro!
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This conversation was had in my server recently and we decided that these are the three that would sass back at Gyro without hesitation and refuse to deal with his shit!
I feel like out of all the kids, Gosalyn would cause the most chaos in Gyro’s lab. She’d touch whatever catches her eyes and cause a lot of property damage. And just wouldn’t give af
Della Duck needs no explanation
And Gandra Dee would be Gyro finally meeting his match in terms of sass. I think these two deserve to trade insults at one another
Let them fight.
Honorary Team Member:
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Violet is an honorary team member because she can also put up and talk back to Gyro, only she’s not talking back, she’s simply responding but Gyro always takes it personally. I feel like Violet would actually respect Gyro to an extent but Gyro wouldn’t know that because he has trouble reading the violet kid’s tone
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shychick-52 · 10 months
Has anyone ever wondered how Della would have reacted/felt to know that her disappearance caused Scrooge and Donald to never speak to each other for a whole decade, and her sons growing up never knowing Scrooge was their great-uncle or their family's adventuring legacy?
Angry? Sad? Would it have added to her guilt? I say yes to all of the above.
It's such a shame that never got addressed.
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