#Day 1 of a full 30 days
sweetdreamspootypie · 2 months
"you know you're getting a bit old for meeting people if you want kids"
Who chose to raise us in the middle of the the fucking woods?!
Who actively deliberately isolated us from our ethnic community because you were embarrassed by how we were failures and your internalized self racism makes you think all brown men as skeevy and you specifically wanted to keep us away from them and put effort into achieving that and cutting us off from all community connection?
Who let me switch to correspondence school and study alone at home because I said I was bored, instead of giving a single solitary fuck about me and noticing I was obviously depressed?
Who raised us abstinence only to the point that any mixing with the 'opposite' sex was unacceptable?
Who actively shut down any attempt I made to develop or act on hobbies or personal interests, because the only think I should be doing is studying?
Do you think that somehow the negative effects of keeping kids at home only allowed to do schoolwork and chores and unable to drive unable to leave the house unable to get a job unable to engage in hobbies unable to engage in community unable to leave the house... somehow the negative effects only apply if you're deliberately doing it for patriarchal cult reasons?
Bitch managed to raise us fully traditional entirely by accident
With a good dash of learned helplessness with constant messaging that were incapable of managing to do anything or survive by ourselves
I've only been out the house for 3 years! And 2 of that was the last year of the degree and the first year of the job being a new grad Covid nurse in peak Covid!
I've only been able to breathe for one year!
I've had one year of freedom and I've been using it to learn how to be human for the first time!
And you've spent that year telling me to break up with everyone I happen to meet!
Don't fucking tell me I'm too old now
You were supposed to help me!
You knew I wanted kids! Why didn't you help me earlier!
You did everything you could to keep me isolated because you were projecting your own trust issues onto me and never stopped to think what effect that might have when you're raising someone!
Why does generational trauma have to be so mundane
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stuckinapril · 4 months
There will not be a single moment next week in which I’m not running around doing something
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jakowskis · 2 months
30 Torchwood Questions!
Can be used as an ask game, or as a 30 Days of Torchwood challenge! I’m doing the latter (more on that later) and created this for that purpose, but then I realized it would work as an ask game as well, so here you go!  Gwen bashers DNI!!! Everybody else, enjoy! 
1. How did you first get into Torchwood?
2. Who’s your favorite Torchwood member? (And if it’s not one of them, who’s your favorite character?) Why are they your favorite? Do you have any secondary favorites (maybe a one-off or minor character that really stuck with you)?
3. What’s your favorite episode(s)?
4. What’s your least favorite episode(s)?
5. What do you think, objectively, is the best episode of the show?
6. Favorite season/series? 
7. Do you have any all-time favorite scenes? You can bring up multiple - a well-written scene, a silly scene that makes you smile, a sad scene that makes you cry, maybe a scene that just sort of stuck with you… your choice!
8. Are there any scenes (or even full episodes) that you can’t stand? If yes, and you could go back in time and rewrite them, how would you fix them?
9. Are there any characters you dislike? Do you legitimately hate them, or do they just kind of irritate you? What would it take to make you like them?
10. Do you have a favorite cast member? If you’ve gotten into the behind the scenes end of the show at all, do you have a favorite cast moment or story (from bloopers, TW Declassified, convention panels, etc)?
11. Do you have a favorite track from the score? Maybe the soundtrack?
12. Favorite location in the Hub? 
13. Favorite ship(s)? Any Torchwood OTPs? Go ahead, gush about them!
14. Favorite friendship(s)?
15. Are there any ships you dislike?
16. Have you read Torchwood fic? If so, any all-time favorites?
17. Favorite kiss in the show? What was so special about it? If kisses don’t do it for you, were there any other scenes that stood out as particularly sexy and/or romantic?
18. Who would you say had the best character development? Who do you wish got more? 
19. Would you recommend the show to people? If you would, would you feel the need to include disclaimers in your pitch? Any particular scenes you’d want to warn them about first? 
20. Discuss Jack. Opinions? Favorite moment? Least favorite moment? Any unpopular opinions? Any fun headcanons?
21. Discuss Gwen. Opinions? Favorite moment? Least favorite moment? Any unpopular opinions? Any fun headcanons? 
22. Discuss Owen. Opinions? Favorite moment? Least favorite moment? Any unpopular opinions? Any fun headcanons?
23. Discuss Tosh. Opinions? Favorite moment? Least favorite moment? Any unpopular opinions? Any fun headcanons?
24. Discuss Ianto. Opinions? Favorite moment? Least favorite moment? Any unpopular opinions? Any fun headcanons?
25. Now that we know how you feel; shag, marry, cliff / fuck, marry, kill the team! (If you feel comfortable doing so, of course.)
26. Do you have a favorite antagonist? 
27. This is a sci-fi show, after all… any favorite aliens? Favorite gadgets, maybe? 
28. Do you like how tragic Torchwood is, or do you wish it was more light-hearted? Do you think the ‘dark and adult themes’ were explored sufficiently? 
29. Do you have a favorite quote? Serious or silly, or both! Maybe a favorite quip / exchange?
30. Why, overall, do you love Torchwood?
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wen-kexing-apologist · 3 months
Having stayed up past my bedtime to finish Episode 7 of Twenty Five- Twenty One I would liked to take a moment to say:
Fuck you@lurkingshan for recommending this stupid fucking fencing show that keeps making me super fucking emotional in a vicious, endless cycle! How dare you make me sob in my living room at one am over a fucking referee call! I thought we were friends, how could you do this to me?!?! Do you harbor any guilt whatsoever knowing that I cried through all three of the episodes that I watched today!!
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^Look at my beloved girl, look at her sobbing in the street. This is me, on my couch, right now. Look at what you have done to me!
Anyway, it may not be a BL but I do think everyone should watch Twenty Five Twenty One it is fantastic so far and it making my heart so full.
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sunflowersolace · 5 months
hey guys did you know that s1 e20 is the first and only time garcia ever calls hotch by his first name
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leviiackrman · 7 months
Ladies and gentlemen and everyone in between, I can wholeheartedly confirm that:
Margot Durand in fact, has a happy ending.
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crplpunkklavier · 1 year
ooh! you have a collection of musical instruments???? thats so awesome! do you wanna maybe show off because instruments are really cool-
yes!! omg thank u for asking i never get to show them off
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(1) my grandma's old mandolin (2) a djembe i honestly don't remember getting. i've had it since i was a teenager though (3) special tloz edition genuine ocarina (4) fleamarket melodica (5) liddle harmonica that was so cheap that i have two of these somehow (6) NOSE FLUTE which is the funniest instrument. you can get these for like €1 (7) my mom's old recorder
now for the string section, plus one honorary guest, because all the following instruments happen to have names
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on the top are the girlfriends :) i bought my BEAUTIFUL showstopping incredible matte black electric guitar off of a guy on ebay who had already named her mina, so when i got my bass guitar (also off ebay) to be mina's huge girlfriend i named her lucy. my acoustic western is called oscar because i literally dug him out of someone else's trash. (its a sesame street reference.) the electric violin i somehow convinced my parents to gift me as a teen was named quincy by gc, the accordion's name is van helsing. :) (the accordion is from a fleamarket and presently only half of the keys work) (im sorry about the bow dear violinists im sorry im sorry i havent touched it in ages im looking to get it replaced soon im sorry)
i don't necessarily count my piano and my e-drumset toward my collection, because i am actually proficient in them and like. need them to live lol. but here they are anyway:
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not pictured is my acoustic drumset, which is disassembled in the basement, because i currently live in an apartment and cant play it here. i probably should bring myself to just sell it, but i cant. :( my parents got it at aldi (yep) when i was like 5, and it was my brother's for the next 10 years, until i took over, and it's been with me ever since. i added a few cymbals with my own pocket money back then too because my brother and aldi are basic bitches and i wanted to rock out. so..... idk. ill lug that thing around with me until the day i die
bonus: last year i got a 3/4 guitar for free off ebay because the neck was broken, so i turned the head into a keyholder and the body into a menorah
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rutilated-quarz · 4 months
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YESSSSSS I DID SUPER RECENTLYYY I bought it on steam like a week or 2 ago I think ? So I played it mostly blind and HOOOOUPOUUUUHH it's ruined/ruining me emotionallyyyy <3 in the middle of trying to convince my friends to play it or at least watch a playthrough bc I cannot be so autistically obsessed with those fuckers alone
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everyone: barbenheimer💣💕🔪🌺🖤💞
movie theater employees, on this, the opening weekend:
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muirneach · 5 months
my semester ends at the end of this month so as soon as i go back tomorrow we start finals season. not ideal. but im actually really really sad that the semester is almost over because for the first time in so many years ive been really excited to be at school because of my woodshop class. like yes ive been more miserable than ever (arguably) yes i have zero friends and yes god i hate my english class so much and i cant wait to leave it behind. but… what am i gonna do without shop? truthfully its my only class where i feel a semblance of belonging and a inkling of friendship with most of the people in it because its a very small class. and i love my teacher. and its like directly related to everything i love because its got agriculture and forestry and aquaculture etc etc. man :( but next semester is my last semester of high school ever!! which is so excitingggg. i keep telling myself next semester will rule specifically because i get to take a sewing and pattern drafting college course which i AM pumped about 🙏
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isthisjackie · 8 months
Somehow, I am once again At My Limit
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possiblytracker · 1 year
being back on meds is the best thing to happen to me so far this year but i forgot abt the appetite suppression again and now my 2 meals a day are routinely happening at, like, 5pm and 2am
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transgaysex · 10 months
laying down feels fucking sexual after moving heavy shit around for 5 hours in a row
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in mental anguish bc i had two days off in a row and big ideas about cleaning my room or my car or accomplishing literally anything in that time but guess who has been in bed for 2 days instead of doing any of that <3
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orcelito · 2 years
I have 7 interviews set up & an 8th prospective one I'm waiting for confirmation on
This. Sure is my life.
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I crave two things and two things only and those are academic approval and boba tea
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