#Dark empire
mordicaifeed · 8 days
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Star Wars: Dark Empire Luke Skywalker 1/6th Scale Figure by Hot Toys.
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teagrl · 4 months
For anyone into Dark Empire (and Mara!), this is required reading!
Dark Empire fyi is the Legends comic series where Palpatine comes back through clones (lolz) and Luke turns in his quest for knowledge.
I know I've been thinking about DE a great deal (it's a pet timeline). I've always said LOVE the concept of DE and hate its execution. These set of fics unpack canon ("canon," lol I see you all, I see you Zahn, and your haterade, too) and make the psychological landscape of Luke way more intelligible. I love the twists, love the action, adore the character beats and the UST (omg). Please go shower the writer with comments and encourage her to gift us the finale when she can!
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retrocgads · 1 month
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UK 1987
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slyandthefamilybook · 1 month
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Emperor Palpatine possesses Anakin Solo (11 A.B.Y. colorized)
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kalak · 2 years
Ok ignore the poisonous droids for a moment, why does luke sleep like this?
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1. No blankets, nothing, just one singular big pillow
2. He's wearing?? Socks?? While sleeping
3. His pose. That's the pose of someone who got knocked out, not someone who's sleeping peacefully
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legendscon · 1 year
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May 1st is a popular day for Expanded Universe book releases including: Heir to the Empire, Dark Force Rising (book), Dark Force Rising #1 (comic), Last of the Jedi: The Desperate Mission, Jedi Quest: The Shadow Trap, Young Jedi Knights: Return to Ord Mantell, Dark Empire (TPB), Rebel Force: Renegade and several more!
Love the EU? Join us for Legends Con in Burbank, CA on September 9th-10th!
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holy-shit-comics · 1 year
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grayrazor · 9 months
While it was neat to see a New Republic E-Wing in the Ahsoka trailer, I was never the biggest fan of the design.
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I never hated it or anything, but to me it always kinda looked like a generic fighter from one of the countless 1980s Star Wars wanna-bes.
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stagbeetleboy · 2 years
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My sweet little princess!!! *squeezes him until he fucking pops and dies* :D :D
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splooosh · 1 year
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Much better!
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patelladislocation · 8 months
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Nothing impressive, but I thought it was still cool
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zutarasbuff · 1 year
Anne Boleyn’s tragedy told me that men are a vicious breed. One moment they are going to act as your besotted lovers. They’ll dedicate all their energies to woo you, win your heart and claim you. When the much-awaited moment finally arrives as you irrevocably fall in love with them, they’ll shun you, loathe you, accuse you of unfaithfulness and eventually behead you in the cruelest possible manner.
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snakeplantships · 2 years
Although I love space twink Luke, I feel like it is my bounden duty today to remind young fans that the 1990s brought us Dark Empire and SEXY BEAST ROCK STAR HAIR VAMPIRE CAPE LUKE SKYWALKER. Be still my heart back in those halcyon days. There were indeed many Star Wars joys to be found in the Before (the prequels) Times.
In the Expanded Universe canon of yore, Dark Empire took place about 10 years after the Battle of Yavin. Imagine Din Djarin meeting THIS. He into it or nah, dinlukes? 
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lizartgurl · 7 months
Namesake (Anakin Skywalker and Anakin Solo)
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"Anakin?" He murmured, "You... You named him after me?"
"She pulled the childbirth card on me," Han chuckled, holding up Jacen so that he could get a good view of the baby in the bassinet while Jaina stood on her tiptoes and held onto the edge of the cradle.
Leia smiled smugly, "Jaina is named after your mother. It's my turn."
"I think it's wonderful," Padme wrapped her arms around Anakin's and placed a kiss on his cheek. Anakin could only stare at the child in complete awe.
"Congratulations, Leia," Luke leaned over the bed to kiss his sister's forehead, slipping a box of chocolates onto the nightstand.
"Thank you," Leia grinned, helping herself to the chocolates while Jacen and Jaina were distracted with their baby brother.
"Can I hold him? Pleeeeeeease?" Jaina begged.
"You need to be sitting down, okay princess?" Han said. He motioned to plastic cushioned armchair in the corner, half-hidden behind a fake plant that was supposed to liven up the room. Jaina scrambled across the room, and once his feet found the ground, Jacen was hot on her heels, trying to share.
"Gerroff!" Jaina smacked a hand across Jacen's face.
"I wanna hold him too!" Jacen insisted.
"I wanted to first!"
"Jacen," Padme smoothly scooped Jacen up into her arms for the time being, "Jaina asked first. It wasn't nice of you to to try and keep her from doing what was asked of her."
"But I wanna hold him too!" Jacen whined.
Leia sighed, sinking back into the pillows. Han quickly fluffed up two of the spare pillows, sliding them behind her back to make her more comfortable.
"Now while I'm sure your baby brother appreciates all the attention, if you two are gonna fight over him, Nana's gonna have to put you in timeout."
"Hey, why do I have to be the one to put them in timeout?" Padme glared at her son-in-law.
"Because Dad's the fun one," Luke chuckled unhelpfully.
"Because I can't enforce anything right now. I have to take care of my wife, who has just been through a long and arduous birth. Also, you're their grandma, they'll actually listen to you."
Padme sighed, "Fine. If you two don't behave, you'll get timeout."
"NO!" Jaina and Jacen both protested.
"I'll be good!" Jacen said, "I promise! I wanna hold the baby too!"
During all this commotion, Anakin had made his way over to the bassinet. Despite all the noise,his namesake wasn't fussy at all. Little Anakin looked right back at him with his big infant eyes, as blue as the skies of Tattooine, with hair as sandy brown as the Dune Sea to match.
"Do you want to hold him, Dad?" Leia asked softly.
Anakin took a step back and shook his head, "Jaina asked first."
"I asked first!" Jaina echoed in delight. She was seated on the chair, as patiently as a three-year-old could, with her little pigtails swinging back and forth as she bounced in excitement.
Leia smiled, "Han, dear, would you go get me my nerf sausage sandwich?"
"Yes sweetheart," Han's eyes twinkled at the familiar banter with his wife and kissed her forehead.
Leia nodded to her father as Han set on his errand, "Would you mind passing the baby to Jaina, dad?"
She was just as clever as her mother, with his stubbornness to match.
Anakin knew how to hold babies. He'd carried Luke and Leia throughout the Rebellion against the Empire, protecting them against the blaster bolts from determined bounty hunters and zealous inquisitors set on impressing the Emperor.
He'd held Jacen and Jaina when they'd been born too, shielding them from the monsters under the bed and teaching them about their connection to the force.
So why did this child feel so exceptional? So different?
Anakin lay his namesake along the length of his prosthetic arm, his hand under the delicate cranium, and balancing him there there with his other hand.
"Hey kid," He whispered, slowly making his way across the room to Jaina.
Little Ani stared back at him, wriggling insistently with tiny "Eh, Eh," noises of effort.
"He's so quiet," Padme murmured appreciatively.
"For the love of force, do not jinx us," Han begged.
Anakin knelt next to Jaina.
"Make a cradle with your arms," He instructed, and waited until Jaina had done so before gently placing her baby brother in her arms.
"If you keep your arm under his neck, you can support his head. Then he can look up at you."
Jaina squinted at her brother.
"He has blue eyes."
Anakin chuckled, "Yes, he does."
"But me and Jasa have brown eyes!"
"And Momma and Papa!" Jacen added.
"How does he have blue?" Jaina was utterly perplexed.
"Hey, I have blue eyes!" Luke pointed out.
"And so do I," Anakin leaned in close so that Jaina could see.
Jaina leaned in closer, and Anakin slipped his hand under Little Ani's head just in case.
Jaina shook her head, "You're eyes aren't blue. They're gray."
Padme couldn't hold back a snort at Anakin's expense.
"Okay, okay," Han said, "Why doesn't Jacen have a turn?"
After Jacen had gotten a chance to hold the baby and Han had snapped every angle the holocam would let him, the twins were utterly bored. Luke took them in search of the mess hall, leaving Anakin and Padme with Leia, Han, and the baby.
Padme was seated in the guest chair, cooing at her newest grandchild, and Han sat on the bed with Leia, watching everyone tiredly.
"Do you need us to leave you to your rest?" Anakin asked his daughter.
Leia shook her head, "Later, probably, but I'm just glad we're all here now."
"We can bring the twins back again later. If we end up having to move again, you won't do anyone any good being on bed rest," Padme reminded her.
Leia bit her lip nervously, and Anakin saw something shimmering in her eye.
"We'll have a lifetime to spend with this one. I promise I can always wait."
A tear slid down Leia's cheek, "Yeah, yeah, a lifetime..." she raised a hand to wipe it away, but Han was already there.
"Oh sweetheart," He whispered.
Tears streamed down her face as Leia reached for her baby. Her throat was too tight to speak any words. Padme placed Little Anakin in her arms and Leia held the newborn close.
Anakin breathed in deeply to control his anger. Palpatine had groomed him and stolen his entire childhood, marring it with sly suggestions and half-baked advice, excusing actions he couldn't come back from. He would not let the same thing happen to his grandson.
Anakin knelt at the side of her bed and placed a hand on her knee.
"It's going to be okay, Leia, I promise."
In the relative quiet of the room, a vision opened up to Anakin and his daughter. Three young Jedi, standing on the horizon, lightsabers blazing from their silhouetted forms as an endless stream of starships shot by overhead, representing thousands upon thousands of Jedi, rising to take the place of the old Jedi Order.
The last time Anakin had one of these visions, it prophesied the downfall of the Jedi, and his own potential to fall down the path of the darkside. He had not let himself succumb to one of these visions in many years, even after Luke insisted that he spoke with the apparition of Obi-Wan, Anakin's beloved brother. But this one was different. This one spoke peace and comfort to Anakin and his daughter.
As the vision faded, Leia drew in deep breaths to calm herself. She had seen the same thing that Anakin had.
The future of the Jedi.
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kalak · 2 years
Been rereading dark empire and I love Luke in it. He's so square. Shaped like a rectangle
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Also the way everyone's a black cloak... and palpatine's face on the first panel
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This one's my fav panel. The colors. The mood. The way Luke's leaning. The vibe is immaculate
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We'll tell you what's mysterious. Twins. What is with that connection? Is it telepathy? Do they have ESP? On Earth. Eek, identical! Mind-bending! Uncanny!
Emperor Palpatine
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