#DDADDS Lucien
bread-bastard · 10 months
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Cul-de-sac chaos 🫡 featuring my dadsona who I'll eventually introduce!
Saying hi to those who are still in the fandom lmao
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ronnie2point0 · 8 months
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went on a sketch spree and this was the result | hii tumblr i missed ya in a sec!
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drnoxslog · 5 months
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More accurate me and Lucien
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alilsakurablossom · 2 years
The urge I have to write a self indulgent Lucien coming out to damien as non-binary fic and damien happily and openly supporting them because I know my IRL dad wouldnt do that but damien is my favourite dad anyway
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juuheizou · 4 days
The Stepford Lucien – Rated G – Lucien Bloodmarch & Dadsona with a side of background Damien Bloodmarch/Dadsona – slice-of-life stepdad/stepson bonding
Lucien wants to go on the haunted ride at the Carnival but isn't allowed on without a parent. Jason (Dadsona) being the horror lover and general good dad he is, agrees to take him so Damien doesn't have to. On the day of their spooky, scary bonding trip, though, it doesn't take long for something to seem… off, about Lucien.
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rq-sourcecalls · 4 months
Hey, I’m Ernest Hemingway Vega from ddadds. I’d really like to find Lucien, Robert and obviously Hugo - my Dad. Please be 15+. Find me here or on discord at STPD_Ace.
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cassius-the-kitten · 7 months
DDADDS as Content Creators (headcanons)
I don't know why I had this idea, but here you go!
have some content-creating DDADDS :3
Brian Harding
technically Brian doesn’t have a channel. Daisy just records him and posts it to TikTok.
it is all camping, fishing, and general outdoors videos. except the lawncare videos, which are actual tutorials.
Daisy actually makes these tiktoks look really nice and high-quality, even if Brian is not that good of an actor. he’s trying his best, but it actually works. surprisingly, she never really shows up on camera. it’s all Brian here
has a lot of fans of his fishing for… aesthetic reasons. yeah, aesthetic reasons. the aesthetic reason being that he is shirtless in almost all of them. and that he is obviously very confident in his body.
his lawncare videos get the same amount of views, but for vastly different reasons. all of the lawn-caring dads enter his TikTok comment section whenever he posts and they either compliment him or start discourse on which weedwhacker is the best.
surprisingly, Brian has some of the most followers out of all of the dads. he even ends up doing some lawn equipment giveaways.
Craig Cahn
it’s all fitness all day with Craig. he has a TikTok and an Instagram.
he posts a lot about his business, softball coaching, healthy recipes, and once again fitness.
he has fallen for the “can you fitness dick in your mouth” joke at least 12 times by now. he keeps falling for it. help him please
completely avoids drama not only to keep away extra stress, but also because there’s literally nothing you can really yell at him for. unless you hate his recipes
probably has a series where he tries out a bunch of popular healthy recipes and rates them on a 5-star scale.
he has a LOT of followers for a LOT of reasons. good video quality, good recipes, he’s entertaining, a good father, and all of the softball moms\dads love him.
Damien Bloodmarch
plenty of Victorian recipes, fashion, and general taxidermy. he’s got a Youtube channel and a Tiktok, but he’s more comfortable with the YouTube format.
he edits all of his videos and he’s Really, Really good at it to the point where he offers to edit videos for other dads. so he’s both a YouTuber and a freelance editor.
probably gets the most sponsorships out of all the dads
has a very welcoming and kind community that he interacts with over Tumblr and Reddit. he has a Twitter but he just doesn’t use it
his space is 100% drama-free. unless you are arguing about historical accuracy.
he has an entire series rating the historical accuracy of anything Victorian; from clothes to books to recipes and more. it doesn’t stop. he will post these forever.
he manages to make a LOT of money off of this, to the point where he gets to quit his IT job altogether and gets to have more fun.
Damien really loves getting recognized by fans and always expresses his appreciation in his videos whenever he can.
Lucien shows up in his food videos sometimes, but only to eat the food and to mildly bully him on-camera. the comments call him low-rent Gerard Way and he does Not appreciate it.
Hugo Vega
he has a small YouTube channel that consists of book reviews and nothing else. until he eventually gains more popularity, that is.
there is very, very little editing on the earlier videos and it shows. Ernest refuses to help him. all of his students refuse to help him. dadsona cannot help him. please help him. he cannot edit
he uploads very rarely (once a month, maybe twice during summer months), but his videos are actually very well-scripted and well-performed. sometimes Ernest comes in to purposefully ruin his recording session, and it works every time.
eventually he somehow manages to bag Damien as his editor, and the video quality goes up significantly from there. Damien even buys Hugo better equipment and gives him advice.
he started out covering just older lesser-known works from the 18th century. somewhere along the way, he made a single video on poorly written YouTuber books and it Exploded in popularity. that’s when he started shifting towards being a bit more of a commentary channel, with Damien’s technological help of course.
some people have called him “the old librarian version of Kurtis Conner” and he doesn’t know what it means until he looks up Kurtis Conner. then he understands.
somehow he becomes well-versed in internet discourse and makes videos about it, with full-length video essays of a pretty high quality.
he doesn’t forget his literature roots, though — he still makes plenty of content on literature and art history, even if they make less views. he enjoys doing it and that’s what matters.
he always blushes when he gets recognized in public and he is way too polite to turn down a signature or photo. one time a wrestler he likes recognized him and he almost fainted from pure joy.
Joseph Christiansen
by far the most controversial of all. (\j its Robert)
just kidding it’s all baking. his TikTok is just a gay tradwife’s dream.
the man is just trying to be hip with the kids. he even dresses up as Ken after the Barbie movie premiere and makes a cake about it. this is actually his most popular video and it gets millions of views & likes
his community is Christian. mainly because he’s Christian. just that sometimes he attracts the mean Christians. he gets a lot of hate comments from them but he just deletes them and moves on with minimal worry or stress
besides that, his community is pretty supportive and full of a combo Christian mothers and Christian queers. most of his audience are 25+ but there is a sizeable portion that is under the age of 25, so technically he got what he wanted
the videos are of a fine quality, even though he’s not really an editor. like everyone else who can’t edit themselves, he just asks Damien very nicely to edit for him
he shows his kids in videos semi-often, but it’s really just because they either mess with him while he’s recording and he doesn’t know how to edit it out, or he has them try the food afterwards. it’s a win-win scenario for the kids
Mary refuses to show her face in any of the videos whatsoever and steers clear of the kitchen whenever Joseph is recording in there.
the kids at church all know him from his TikTok but either say nothing about it or actively make fun of him for it.
Mat Sella
posts baking and recipes to TikTok, along with promotion stuff for The Coffee Spoon. it was Carmensita’s idea and he just ran with it because it’s fun for both of them
Carmensita is the one behind the camera (or tripod) while Mat bakes, and sometimes she appears on camera when she wants to try the food. Pablo helps him edit and do other promotional videos. sometimes Pablo is seen helping in the videos too.
he always gets really anxious after posting it but the second that the positive comments and likes roll in, he’s completely relaxed.
any food he bakes on TikTok he sells at the Coffee Spoon, so it’s actually extremely useful at getting people to come and buy stuff. eventually people are mostly coming over for the food but also order a coffee because “may as well”
has a very positive comments section that consists mostly of people really wanting to go to Massachusetts just to order the food and give him a kiss on the forehead.
he has been called a babygirl at least twice and he has no clue what it means. Pablo and Carmensita refuse to tell him.
has done multiple collabs with Joseph and Damien, along with sharing tips with them. they’re all internet besties.
is recognized pretty often, and he’s always in-between being an anxious mess and being a really cool chill guy about it.
Robert Small
by far the least consistent and most unhinged out of all of them, for obvious reasons. he’s a TikToker solely because the format is easy for him, but he also just uploads all of his content straight to YouTube
he either posts 5 times a day or twice a month. there’s no in between.
it will be of the most random shit. one day you get him rating brands of whiskey, and next week there’s a 12 part series of him going cryptid hunting. all of it is unedited and of very poor audio quality if he’s outside
he probably visited the Goatman’s Bridge after the Buzzfeed Unsolved and also bullied the Goatman and took the bridge for himself. the only difference is that he’s drunkenly yelling at the Goatman and calling him a bitch.
he’s always at least a little intoxicated in all of his videos, and some cases he is fully drunk. he doesn’t really put an act on for the camera, he’s really just himself, completely unfiltered.
90% of his YouTube videos are either age-restricted, demonetized, or both. some of his TikToks get taken down but he always reuploads them because he is a very stubborn old man and he refuses to stop.
Robert probably has a maximum of 200 followers. he does not respond to his comments unless someone insults his whiskey or pineapple on pizza. he also responds to weird internet slang.
he doesn’t get any sponsorships. and he never will. and he doesn’t want them. the sponsorships also don’t want him. he has made multiple videos where he goes on rants about ads and how much he hates capitalism.
whenever someone in his TikTok comments calls him a blorbo he responds with a video of his honest reaction. he is confused. they also call him a poor little meow meow. he is confused. they also call him babygirl. he is still confused.
when he gets recognized in public he has no clue how to act. mainly because he very, very rarely gets recognized. his own neighbors are surprised when they find out he is a content creator.
eventually he will get recognized more, because his content is a comedy goldmine, albeit very unintentional. most of his fans are actually Gen Z, because his humor fits in pretty damn well. he is always slightly unsettled when teenagers recognize him because sometimes he forgets that young people do in fact watch his content. even though most of his viewers are half his age or less.
eventually Val finds his channel and dies laughing and confronts him about it (post reconnecting), because she never knew about it and she wants to be in those videos too because it’s fun. just some father & daughter fun: getting drunk and taking a walk in the forest being silly.
I actually really love doing these headcanons and i hope you do too :3
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we-are-the-backrooms · 6 months
after seeing someone's post about this I'm suddenly really tempted to rewrite a few ddadds routes (namely Brian, Mat, and Hugo) so there's more character development because I feel like all 3 of them are lacking in that department (especially Brian).
I feel like part of what is a little baffling to them lacking development is the fact that, like, ... they are dads. in a cul-de-sac. it should be relatively easy to write more stuff for them considering they are surrounded by people that could be used to help further their development and show who they are as people. they have children, and their relationships with their kids can very easily be used to show their personalities and provide interesting dynamics.
like. we see very few of Hugo & Ernest's relationship, even though I feel like that could've been a big point of Hugo's character: his son hates authority figures, and Hugo is like a double authority figure. he's Ernest's dad and a teacher at Ernest's school. hell, I bet part of a reason of that resentment Ernest has could be a sense of embarrassment that he sees in having Hugo as his dad. his dad is an english teacher at his school. an english teacher that has to teach middle-schoolers like Colin and his friends, who are probably transferring part of what they do to Hugo onto Ernest. why couldn't we explore something like that? I can only remember 3 times we saw Hugo and Ernest in the same room; 1 at the cookout. 2 on Hugo's second date. 3 on one of Damien's dates. and on that same date with Damien, there was Lucien. and we got to see part of their relationship with one another. why couldn't Ernest and Hugo be afforded the same? their relationship isn't the same, but could be similar. I'm assuming Ernest isn't actively choosing to be mean to his dad just cause it's funny or it's somehow easier than being nice. I'm assuming there's probably some other social stuff going on there. -- I mean, it'd be quite interesting to have something against authority figures as a middle-schooler who has a dad who teaches at your school, to the point where there'd be both a kinship and a disconnect with other kids like that (Colin) because while Ernest is like them, he simultaneously has proximity to the authority they dislike (Hugo), and it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if Ernest was caught in the crossfire from time to time.
surprisingly, we see even less of this with Mat & Carmensita to the point where it's almost staggering. yes, it focuses mostly on Mat and how he is widowed, but why can't we see how Carmensita feels about it? that's her mom. and it's clear that Mat is working past the grief and is moving on, but what about Carmensita? maybe she is, since the game says that Mat is a supportive parent -- but we don't see it. we don't see any supportiveness, but we don't see any neglect -- we just don't see anything at all. so, we can probably assume they have a good relationship with each other, but as far as the game showing us this we don't have anything.
honestly, Brian is a whole different bag of worms on his own. not only do we not see much of his relationship with Daisy, his entire character is overshadowed by the dadsona's inner conflict. that's not necessarily a dealbreaker, it's fun to have inner conflict -- but what do we really know about Brian? we are told that he likes to fish, grill, and go camping. but we mostly see that he likes to fish and... win competitions. and that's it. we don't get to go camping with Brian, but we get to go camping with Craig. I feel like a lot of Brian's character should've gone into his relationship with his daughter -- after all, his dadbook clearly states that he spends a lot of time thinking about how much smarter she is than him. and it is extremely obvious that Daisy is autistic. and to me, I think part of what makes Brian come off as rude\egotistical is also autism, but maybe he was\is better at masking than Daisy is, or he doesn't even know he's autistic. so, there could be a disconnect of them being similar but different in ways that Brian may not be able to adapt to very well. he still wants the best for his daughter, obviously, but he doesn't know how to help.
anyway those are just my silly thoughts about hot fictional old men (again). :3
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kincalling · 5 months
Hey, I am Ernest Hemingway Vega from ddadds. I’d really love to find Lucien, Robert, and my dad, Hugo. Please be 15 +
Hit me up on TikTok at NoxLogs or Instagram at STPD_Ace
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findthebae · 5 months
Hey, I’m Ernest Vega from DDADDS. I know this damn media has had no coverage or attention in.. years, so I may not be hopeful reaching out, but I’d like to find literally anyone. Lucien and my Dad, Hugo - and Robert - being the best case scenario.
I already know the Dadsona, and please be 16+ hit me up here or on Discord at STPD_Ace
! ! !
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bon-bons-kindiner · 5 months
Hey, I’m Ernest Hemingway Vega from ddadds. I’d really like to find Lucien, Robert and obviously Hugo - my Dad. Please be 15+. Find me here or on discord at STPD_Ace.
Order up!
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introject-culture · 5 months
Hey, I’m Ernest Hemingway Vega from ddadds. I’d really like to find Lucien, Robert and obviously Hugo - my Dad. Please be 15 +. Find me here or on Instagram at STPD_Ace.
Source call! Please interact with this post if you are a sourcemate bodily 15+!
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(Driving past a cemetery)
Damien: You know, Lucien, a lot of people aren’t aware of this, but the people of Maple Bay aren’t allowed to be buried here.
Lucien: (interested for once) Really? Why is that?
Damien: Because the people of Maple Bay are alive, son.
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penopyl · 6 years
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You know youre a little emo kid when you use your own selfie as a reference for a drawing like this......
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amontilladont · 6 years
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Told y’all I’d make an icon if Lucien got any appearance in the comic!
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you ever try to seal a guy in a brick wall and then end up dating him a few years later haha classic love story ♡
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