#Cosmic dancer from rhythm heaven
koromida · 2 months
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ermmwhattheflip · 3 months
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I had no background ideas okay
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hello here's my amazing high-quality tier list of where i think every game takes place it took like 15 minutes. <3
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i'm insane. also ummmmmmmmm to go over the varies n other tiers. i don't know why i put ds remix 1 in varies but i'm too lazy to change it now. megamix's remixes are a mix of earth world n rhythm heaven n also citrus n honeybee have the void too. gotta love those dang rhythm heaven voids (why are there so many). all the normal games except blue bear n second contact are there cuz their practices are in the void but the games themselves aren't, blue bear is cuz like. the dream part is in the void but the not dream part isn't (that's confusing wording sorry-). n second contact is cuz the main part is on earth but laso mars control is. y'know. in space. cuz. mars is in space. little known fact. uhhhhhhhh. oh yea the other tier. donk-donk n hole in one 2 are both outside rhythm heaven (i am ignoring megamix hole in one 2) and quiz show is in rhythm hell because i am incapable of having serious headcanons klfsjdklfdjskldfjfsd- anyways.
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catovyen · 2 years
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I have uploaded this on twitter, but this has more explanation of their lore!
I have an idea to include more composers in the Rhythm Heaven universe! They already included Bach, why not make the others exist there too? I named this section of Rhythm Heaven: CLASSICAL
Bach is the father figure of the stepswitchers. His main outfit color is pink, he could change it to blue and green as he desires (usually to match with the stepswitchers wen they're performing). Bach hates it when someone was being out of time (being late or too fast).
His hobby is walking around Rhythm Heaven, playing the church organ, harpsichord or performing a music duel (mostly with Maestro Dvorak).
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Maestro Dvorak is a music and train conductor, he is known as the Conductor by most Rhythm Heaven civilians. He's the father of Cosmic girl—Dvorak delivers Cosmic, her friends and crewmates (cosmic dancers) to their performance using his train.
Dvorak wishes that his music was well-known and a lot of people recognizes it—he likes fame but he rather have his life to be private. He is familiar with the legend of Q Maou—A person may ask one wish, but he will give a downside. Q Maou has granted his wish, with a downside: if he conducts his 9th Symphony the 2nd movement, he'll vanish from existence. He kept this event to himself and never has spoken about it to anyone.
He has a favorite instrument to play and listen to, which is the viola. He founds the viola to have the perfect sound of the pitch, not too high like the violin, and not too low like the cello.
He duels a lot with Bach for fun. But it would be too dangerous if they did it too often, their music is able destroy Rhythm Heaven itself.
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He's known as Beethoven, but he prefers to be called as Ludwig. He used to study Bach's pieces. He keeps moving from one apartment to another when the room is too messy to tidy up—till he moved to Rhythm Heaven to tutor students. Ludwig is able to teach how to play the organ, piano, guitar, and the violin.
He started to lose his hearing due to an unknown reasoning. Due to this, he had to stop teaching students and start his new path on becoming a music composer. He then left Rhythm Heaven to find somewhere where others aren't able to bother him
Ludwig is JJ Rocker's former mentor—ever since he left Rhythm Heaven, he keeps on update with JJ's fame through the papers.
He was often being made fun of by the other composers due to his height, such as offering him to sit on a baby chair as a joke.
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Peter lives in a village on the north part of Rhythm Heaven. He's a fond of Maestro Dvorak, both of them enjoys each other's music pieces.
Mushroom hunting was a part of his culture and he loves it. His serotonin rose through the roof whenever he sees a colony of mushroom.
He also loves gardening! His favorite flower is lilies of the valley. When he finished taking care of his plants, he would make himself a cup of chai tea to relax.
He's shy talking to new people, he also hates it when someone records his voice. He hates listening to his own voice because he thinks that his voice is bad.
Peter hated Brahms' pieces and envied him due to his success and popularity. He always receives sour criticism from Brahms, Peter even calls him a "giftless bastard". Brahms never cared for Peter's pieces, he fell asleep on one of his premieres. Occasionally, Pirate Captain Jackie borrowed Peter's cannons without his permission and uses it for fun. He is concerned about her behavior since she's just a kid, she shouldn't be using cannons and going on an adventure without a guardian.
Thank you for reading this far! Note that some of the information aren't accurate to their real profiles.
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chalkodareal · 2 years
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sometimes i remember how back in my first rhythm heaven phase i shipped the tap trial girl and cosmic dancer cuz i thought they were cute but i was really ashamed of it cuz it didnt make sense. so i barely ever posted art of it despite the fact that it was essentially my favorite ship that would never ever make sense. somehow it baffles me that this was the one i felt shame about and not. and not karate joe x play-yan. i never recovered from that i think.
anyway i had nothing else to draw so heres a shitty shitpost about everyones favorite um. i dont know what
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cosmic-showdown · 1 year
cosmic showdown round 1
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annie of the stars (skullgirls): She doesn't LOOK very cosmic, but her powers are cosmic. To the point where, according to the wiki, she and her stuffed rabbit (Sagan) she got that power from are named after astrologists. Id definitely recommend watching a movie set. Also, double entendre, she's also a star in the movie setting. I also like her because she's immortal-they made her the anti-loli (she's forever 15, but hates everyone (sassy, since she's a hero she doesn't actually) and there's only two canon relationships in the series. Annie is also incapable of swearing, drinking or anything like that because her curse is to be "young and innocent forever." Basically, think of her as the "obligated hero/magical girl"
space/cosmic dancers (rhythm heaven): they never got submitted but i did a teeny fuckup where i put one participant in twice so these guys are here now. all the love to anon
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My brain: Is note important to rhythm heaven lore? Is q maou important to the lore? Are the demons from every game important to the lore? Were there any wars in the rhythm heaven world? Why is there so many humanoids and species that don’t exist in the real world in rhythm heaven? How did they exist? Is marshal basically a humanoid meowth? Are the trio in rhythm heaven fever somehow a humanoid version to Team Rocket? What would it feel like to live in rhythm heaven? If there’s three chorus kids on glee club, more must exist, what is the species called? Why are the frogs from frog hop sentient but the frog in the fever endless game isn’t? How far up is heaven world? Does Trey and their ancestors know about the lore? Were they ever involved? Did they help in any potential wars? Why do marchers exist in rhythm heaven? Why does note make so many cameos but doesn’t play a role? Does note also take part in the war? Does the species have other, more powerful, forms rather than taking form of a small ghost? Can they be powerful? How many notes are there left? Are there any continents or seas with names in rhythm heaven? Is there a huebird island with only huebirds? Do the space/ cosmic dancers perform on earth? Is the rhythm league important other than rating your performance in remixes? How do they get together for meetings and shit? Why do I look like all the rhythm girls ,like Yuka/tap girl, that one girl in DS and the girl in fever, if they were all one person?
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Space Dancers/CosmicDancers/Paddlers plz! I'd like to see that.
Ok so the space people
Absolutely chaotic as a whole with the cosmic crew being a bit more logical
The right two space dancers cosmic and Cassiopeia are known for causing chaos throughout rhythm heaven
That thing that circles the paddlers in rhythm rally 2 to are baby space dancers and paddlers
Cosmic dancers can run at 58 mph(93 kph)
1 year in cosmic time is about 10 in human years
All the names for the space dancers are from left to right Leo, Orion,Cassiopeia, cosmic
The cosmic dancers names left to right Bellatrix,Sol, Terra,and Oberon
Sol is really really insane like mad scientist insane he will build whatever whenever and will just run with it
Leo and Bellatrix are dating
Oberon know 2 out of 4 of the tall tappers
And last but not least barista hates about half of them for causing chaos at the cafe
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sciencestyled · 12 days
Musical Mayhem Among the Milky Way: The Cosmic Jam Session You Didn't Know You Needed
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Ladies and gentlefolk, gather 'round, for today we embark on a delirious escapade through the cosmic cacophony known as the "Music of the Spheres." Imagine, if you will, an interstellar rave where Mars is headlining with a dubstep remix of "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star," and Jupiter's moons are the backup dancers in glittery space suits. Yes, folks, we’re diving into the wild and wacky world of astronomy and art, where celestial bodies (not a phrase I can use, but you get the drift) play musical chairs in the vast expanse of the universe.
Picture this: you're lounging in your backyard, stargazing, when suddenly the stars begin to hum a tune. No, you haven't accidentally consumed your roommate's "special" brownies; what you're experiencing is the theoretical and utterly bonkers idea that the universe is one big, harmonious orchestra. Think of it as the greatest collab album of all time, featuring hits from planets, stars, and even the occasional black hole dropping a sick bassline.
First, let's talk planetary orbits. Imagine each planet as a vinyl record, spinning on the cosmic turntable of DJ Gravity. These orbits create a kind of rhythm, a celestial beat that, if you squint hard enough and maybe take a few more of those "special" brownies, you can almost hear. Kepler, the OG mix master of this concept, suggested that the planets are grooving to their own beats, creating a harmony so complex it makes Beethoven's 9th sound like a nursery rhyme. Each orbit is a measure, each revolution a note in this interplanetary jam session.
Now, brace yourselves as we delve into star frequencies. Picture stars as diva pop stars, each one with its unique vibrato. These cosmic divas aren't just twinkling prettily for your Instagram-worthy night sky shots; they're belting out frequencies like Mariah Carey on a whistle-note binge. The study of these star sounds, or asteroseismology if you want to impress your friends at parties, reveals that stars pulsate and oscillate, emitting frequencies that could, theoretically, be converted into sound. It's like if you took the soundboard of the universe and cranked up the treble, you'd hear a symphony (ah, I almost used that forbidden word!) of twinkling harmonics. Imagine a cosmic karaoke night where stars compete in a galactic version of "The Voice," judged by Simon Cowell, who, in this case, is probably a supermassive black hole with a snarky attitude.
But hold onto your tinfoil hats, because it gets even weirder. There are composers right here on Earth who are tapping into this intergalactic music fest. Take Gustav Holst, for instance, who composed "The Planets" suite. Each movement is inspired by the astrological characteristics of the planets. Mars, the Bringer of War? That’s a heavy metal anthem just waiting to happen. Venus, the Bringer of Peace? Smooth jazz, baby. And let's not forget John Cage, who probably would have written a piece for the sounds of stars if he hadn't already composed 4’33” of silence. These earthly compositions, inspired by the heavens, are like the ultimate fan remixes of the universe's greatest hits.
In the realm of contemporary pop culture, the idea of cosmic music isn't just the domain of classical composers and astrophysicists. Oh no, even the likes of Kanye West and Lady Gaga have dipped their toes into the spacey soundwaves. Kanye’s "SPACE X RAP" (okay, I made that one up, but wouldn’t it be awesome?) and Gaga’s "Starman Tribute Concert" are just the beginning. Imagine a world where the Billboard Hot 100 includes tracks like "Neutron Star Blues" and "Galactic Groove." The ultimate fusion of astronomy and art, bringing the rhythms of the universe into our earbuds.
But let's not stop at music. Imagine if every time you looked at a starry night, you could hear the soundtrack of the cosmos. It's like the ultimate ASMR experience, but instead of whispering, it's the hum of distant quasars and the crooning of neutron stars. Space enthusiasts would swap their telescopes for cosmic boomboxes, tuning into the latest hits from the Andromeda Galaxy. Spotify would have a new category: "Galactic Beats," featuring tracks like "Big Bang Bangers" and "Dark Matter Dubstep."
And what about live concerts? Imagine a venue on the moon, where the backdrop is the Earthrise, and the opening act is a laser light show courtesy of pulsars. The headliner? None other than the Milky Way's own planetary DJ, spinning tunes that have been light-years in the making. Forget Coachella; this is Spacetopia.
In this wacky world, even our daily lives would get a celestial remix. Alarm clocks would wake us up with the gentle hum of a white dwarf star. Elevators would play Muzak versions of the latest pulsar hits. Dinner parties would feature background music composed of comet swooshes and asteroid belt beats. The universe would be our personal jukebox, spinning tracks that are literally out of this world.
So next time you look up at the night sky, don't just see stars—hear them. Imagine the universe as a vast, infinite concert hall, where each celestial body is an instrument in a cosmic orchestra, each orbit a measure in a galactic tune. It’s a symphony (I know, I know, but come on!) that’s been playing for billions of years, just waiting for us to tune in.
And who knows? Maybe one day we'll figure out how to really hear this cosmic concert. Until then, we can only imagine, laugh, and perhaps dance a little to the beat of the universe. Because in the grand, kooky, and wonderfully wacky scheme of things, we’re all just part of the greatest jam session of all time.
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endmii87 · 3 years
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So here’s the gang and yes! I finally drew Carmine 😅(The camera quality didn’t go the way I want but hey I finished a drawing I had a lot of fun with!)
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reikaniichan · 3 years
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posting here, too / Cosmo & Meteor (cosmo boyfriends)
cosmo cb
meteor cb
Cosmo (he/him) notes: more red. i was planning on changing Cosmo’s name, but didn’t come up with anything... cosmic/cosmo paddler who’s just named cosmo... oh well!
Meteor (he/him) notes: more blue. partly based on some nonsense i didn’t post here, and he’s since became a different character? huh? anyway, there isn’t any explanation as to why he’s tall.
...more things eventually
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koromida · 6 months
What the fuck was I on
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ermmwhattheflip · 3 months
WARNING!!!!!! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ ⚠: pooping, weird, parasites it's kinda inappropriate?
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Comic about paddler having hard time that he had parasites and diarrhea. But his butt was squeaking. So the space dancer and cosmic dancer tried helping him. Space dancer was trying to help him get those parasites out. Until paddler has the biggest diarrhea parasites dump in the world. Space dancer was shocked. But cosmic dancer was cheering him up. Is it a good question to ask. How did all of that fit in his stomach? Maybe because his whole stomach was full of diarrhea and parasites. This is exactly paddlers first time having such a big dump.
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i got bored and so out of adhd impulsiveness i compiled a list of random rhythm heaven facts that i think are neat but don't see anyone talk about so uh. enjoy i guess. :3
there's a few differences in cosmic dance between tengoku and megamix. most noticeable is the fact that in tengoku, the pause in the middle is a random length, while in megamix, it's always the same length (and also longer than on tengoku's ost for some reason), which is due to how the music's stored (that's all the wiki says-). less noticeable and also idk why the wiki deems this noteworthy is that in tengoku, cosmic girl's sitting animation has her facing forward, but in megamix, she faces to the left. riveting, i know. even more riveting is that in tengoku, during cosmic girl's posing(/turning i guess-) animation, her socks shorten in length. these are both still on the wiki by the way-
the color of the space dancers' hands is inconsistent and yes i know how weird of a sentence that is. in tengoku, they're consistently yellow in-game, including in the epilogues, with the same going for in space dance itself as well as the icon in megamix; however, elsewhere in megamix, including the art used in-game and the epilogues, they're white, with the same going for their official art from tengoku's website. given that this doesn't apply to the paddlers at all and they're consistently white for them i feel like they are meant to be white but idk. also for some reason this is on space dance's wiki page and not the space dancers' page and idk why.
i think the existence of voice tap is pretty common knowledge? but just to go over it anyways, in ds, there's unused songs called seqarc_tap1 and seqarc_tap2. idk how we got voice tap from those. but anyways, the cues from them are reused in several games' japanese audio, namely space soccer, board meeting, fever karate man 2, and pajama party. also in fever there's unused sprites for tap troupe that look like ds' art style so it's possible that this could somehow be related to tap troupe idk why they'd port the sprites to fever and then completely remake it tho tbh klsfdjsklfdsf-
most of the singers for ds' korean lyrical songs aren't known, due to rhythm sesang releasing after the cd with all the other languages' songs coming out. notice how i said "most." the korean singer for that's paradise is known. through like, THE most unconventional source: a youtube comment on a video with the korean version of airboarder. i'm not joking. this is hilarious to me-
okay rapidfire round of character names: the tap trial girl is named yuka, the pajama party girl is named mako, the vegetables in rhythm tweezers are hair vegetables and the onion specifically is harry onion, the catchy tune guys are alaline and plaline, the street (basketball court??? the rhythm item calls him a street so-) in fruit basket is named courtney, the tiny ghosts (in big rock finish) are named boo-boo (the player one), ecto (the green one) and spooky (the red one), i had to check but the sumo brothers are individually named toba kaido (the blue one) and tenno hondate (the red one), why is this the kind of knowledge ingrained in my mind-
side note but do you ever think about how the space dancers aren't ever actually referred to as that in english. like they'd definitely be called that but megamix never refers to them by name so. anyways.
though also speaking of that in the korean version of megamix, fruit basket 2's rhythm item description states that "There is a table tennis club belonging to the Space Dancers in the gym next door." i think that's neat but also fruit basket 2 is like way before space dance sfldjfdsklsfjdklfsd-
during the zoom-out in flock step, the planet from rhythm rally 2 that looks like a paddler head can be seen and megamix forgot to actually change it accordingly to cosmic rhythm rally's redesign. it's barely noticeable in gameplay though so who cares really-
in the japanese version of ds, in lockstep, during the second farthest zoom out, during the offbeats, there's a noticeable amount of missing pixels on the left side of the screen. like it's super noticeable how did they miss this- also also another lockstep fun fact: in ds, the last ten steps don't actually count, meaning you can miss them during a perfect and still get the perfect. megamix removed that though because they hate fun (/j i'm guessing it was a mistake in ds).
in the korean versions of the games, lots of things are redesigned due to association with japanese culture, such as the wandering samurai being redesigned, shrimp shuffle's prologue and epilogues being recolored, and other things. the most interesting of these is ninja bodyguard, though; in megamix, the ninjas are redesigned as you'd expect,,, but only in ninja bodyguard, and not in their cameo in freeze frame. i'm not sure if they just forgot to redesign them or if it's to keep it consistent with ds.
there's lots of neat facts relating to rhythm sesang/the korean versions of the games tbh. for example, rhythm sesang wii is inconsistent with what language it uses for audio; some games use english audio (screwbot factory, see-saw, air rally, catch of the day, launch party, bossa nova), some use japanese audio (donk-donk, cheer readers, mochi pounding), while most do have korean dubs. the songs are also all kept in english, though the lyric cards have korean translations.
in exhibition match, the city in the background during the zoom-out is a grayscale image of new york city pre-9/11. i have no idea why. rhythm heaven has new york real??? (not clickbait)
basically every rhythm heaven lyrical song has a full version, with the exceptions of karate rhythm (tengoku karate man's song), bon odori, bon dance, that's paradise, and sono hitotsubu no ōkina namida ni wa (machine remix's song), but of these, the only two to have english versions are thrilling! is this love? (in fan club 2) and i'm a lady now (since it's always being in english). wack.
also speaking of karate rhythm the literal only source for its name is, of all games, wizard's waltz's reading material, rhythm poem collection. megamix doesn't give it a name. and it also doesn't call tears of a dog ninja by name which annoys me to no end-
tengoku remix 1, 2 and 4 have unused full versions that aren't used in game. if you thought tengoku remix 1 was long, well lemme tell you, the full version is FIVE MINUTES LONG. could you imagine if it was the full length in-game- oh also i think it's fairly common knowledge but it's still neat to me: there's an unused version of tengoku remix 1 called dance lesson 1, which has tap trial instead of rhythm tweezers and is also longer than remix 1 is in-game. the name is presumably because the remixes' music was used to train the development team's sense of rhythm by having them dance to it. as you do-
yea i have brainrot-
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catovyen · 2 years
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Which side are you on?
Father of Music with his army of Stepswitchers, or the Music Train Conductor with his fellow dancers ft. Buff Paddler?
Recently, TwoSetViolin dropped a banger about 5 music composers and it inspired me to draw this!
The person on the left is Bach with his Stepswitchers! Bach is a bit different than the one that appears in Rhythm Heaven since I referenced him from the historical Bach.
The person on the right is The Conductor (Dvorak) with the space & cosmic dancers! He is also Cosmic girl's father!
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I can't say that he is my OC since he is heavily inspired by a character from Classicaloid named Dvorak (human form), his abilities are also similar enough. It's more of a crossover-
The style of the artwork is also inspired by Classicaloid's album covers. I also provide the colored version as well, but I prefer the monochrome version since it looks more pleasing imo.
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weirdmarioenemies · 4 years
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Name: Space Dancer/Paddler
Debut: Rhythm Tengoku
Finally, a Funky Friday starring a character who actually has some association with funk, being from a rhythm game! Rhythm Heaven is really really splendid. I think it’s one of the best series ever. But unfortunately, it’s just out of reach of our allowed range of topics. It has quite a lot of crossover with WarioWare, but that doesn’t quite cut it for a Mario blog... oh well!
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Paddler is my favorite Rhythm Heaven character. Imagine that! My favorite being a humanoid! But look how cute and silly they are! Surely you understand. The angular smile is a sort of staple of Rhythm Heaven characters, but Paddler is where it REALLY shines. They are simply happy and angular sorts of fellas.
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Before they were Paddlers, though, they were Space Dancers, in the very first Rhythm Heaven game! Yes, I know they’re naked. I’m sorry. Under the command of Space Gramps, they dance in space. That is why they are called Space Dancers. Rhythm Heaven characters have very straightforward names.
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And then, in the DS sequel, they reappear! It’s actually rather uncommon for the same characters to star in multiple unrelated rhythm games in this series, so I am very happy about this. This is Rhythm Rally, where they play ping pong, and they paddle. They are now Paddlers. You knew that already.
Some people choose to believe that the Space Dancers and Paddlers are different entities entirely... I say poppycock to that! Look at them! They are the same exact characters, just wearing slightly different amounts of clothing! There’s a dang official comic confirming that they’re the same! Harumph!
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Really, Paddler just makes me very happy. I look at this and I smile. Some people find Rhythm Rally 2/Cosmic Rhythm Rally extremely frustrating, but I’m glad that one of the hardest trials in the series is two goofy happy fellas playing ping pong in space. It’s good. Paddler inspired me to try ping pong and I hate sports! I liked it! I played it, like, four times in 2017 and haven’t yet played it again, but I still like it!
That may be all I have to say about Paddler, but anyone who’s played Rhythm Heaven knows there’s know shortage of wacky humanoids that may or may not be aliens! And I will be talking about some of the most relevant of them under the cut! Let’s we go!
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The Cosmic Dancers debut in Rhythm Tengoku alongside the Space Dancers, in Cosmic Dance, the sequel to Space Dance! They do the same exact stuff, but this time it’s more jazzy. It’s nice. I like it.
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And they play ping pong, too! Their designs are rather different from the standard Paddlers. These ones are purple, with a more abstract face, but I think they complement each other nicely. These ones were fancy tuxedo vests, but nothing else. Not even pants! What do you think you are, a talking cartoon animal?
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Then there’s Space Gramps himself! With his appearance and role, it’s easy to assume that he’s an elder of the Space Dancer species, but bonus material in Rhythm Heaven Fever reveals that this is NOT the case! He is a human (probably) who simply wears a yellow box on his head. And he is a big fan of groups of four box-headed humanoids dancing in sync! Likely inspired by the Space Dancers, he seeks a new set of stars...
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And once four certain tall young men put some boxes on their own heads, Gramps decides that they have got what it takes and more, and they become the Tall Tappers! For a collection of mostly-unrelated silly minigames, this series has a surprising amount of continuity and backstory!
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And with that, I think I have said enough for one post. I will leave you with this image of Paddler modded into Mario Kart 8. 
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